#Keeping her like this. Ignore the fact you can see the buttons of her overalls those are her implants or something like that
its-a-me-mango · 5 months
Damn, I have her for 3 days and she transitions, that's just what happens when you come into my house, good for her I guess.
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chudleycanonficfest · 3 years
Five Lies
Day 6, Story #2 is by @be11atrixthestrange
Author/Artist: be11atrixthestrange Pairing: Ron/Hermione Prompt: 5+1 Rating: M Trigger Warning(s) (if any): mentions of character death
Five Lies Five times Ron lied to Hermione, and one time he told the truth
-Year Four - The Common Room
Ron was thankful the common room was empty, because he needed a moment alone. He plopped down into an armchair by the fire, and breathed a heavy sigh. His throat felt tight, and his eyes stung with unshed tears. He didn't need a mirror to tell him that his face was as red as a beet; he could feel it.
Earlier in the Great Hall, Fleur had asked him to pass the bread, and he just stared at her. Like an idiot.
George's voice still echoed in his ear. "Ronniekins, aren't you going to say something?"
And then Fred had to make it worse. "He can't! He's too busy drooling."
It seemed that everyone followed suit and laughed at him, even Fleur, whose cheeks glowed pink, her expression full of amusement and pity.
Why did Fred and George always embarrass him? They also lost their cool around Fleur — it wasn't just Ron. None of the Weasley boys knew how to act around a Veela. Ron just wished he could control it better.
"Ron? Are you okay?"
Ron froze at the sound of Hermione's voice. He hadn't heard her come in. She took a seat in the armchair across from him, but he avoided her gaze, choosing to shake his head instead.
"They were just joking around, you know," she said. Her tone was sympathetic, and he realized that he didn't care that she almost caught him crying. She would never tell anyone.
"I wish they wouldn't," he said, the words escaping through gritted teeth.
"I know. It's not fair."
Ron could feel her intent gaze, and looked up to meet her eyes. He always liked her eyes. They were big and brown, but the specific shade changed all the time. In the firelight, they almost looked hazel. "Why do they always make fun of me?
Hermione shrugged. "They probably just think you fancy her."
Ron raised his eyebrows at her. "Who, Fleur?"
"Yes, Fleur. Who else?"
He did not fancy Fleur. He didn't even know her.
It was just her stupid Veela power that made him act like an idiot.
"Well, I don't fancy her. I don't fancy anyone." The phrase took a defensive tone, slipping from his lips without a second thought. As soon as he said it, he realized that it didn't even sound true.
"You really don't fancy anyone?" Something unrecognizable crossed her face. Surprise, maybe. Maybe Hermione really did think he fancied Fleur.
He looked her in the eye and wanted more than anything to tell her the truth, but it didn't feel like an option. The thought of telling Hermione that he did, in fact, fancy someone made him a thousand times more nervous than Fleur asking him to pass the bread.
"Really. I don't fancy anyone."
Hermione's eyes narrowed, almost as if she didn't believe him. "I'm going to go to bed," she said, before turning away and shuffling off toward the girls' dormitory.
Ron watched her walk away, confusion etched across his face. It felt like a premature end to their conversation. Maybe she knew he was lying?
He shook his head. It probably wasn't about him. It was possible she wasn't feeling well — she had been looking a little pale, anyway. With a shrug, Ron rose to his feet and started toward his own dormitory, hoping Hermione would feel better in the morning.
-Year Five- The Corridor
Ron never thought he'd look forward to Prefect rounds. He had assumed they'd be nothing but a chore, cutting into his valued free time, preventing him from getting down to the Quidditch pitch to practice. He thought he'd fall behind on homework by dedicating a certain number of hours each week to his duties, but it wasn't an issue at all.
As it turned out, he didn't mind the extra work. Patrolling the corridors at night was a nice reprieve from the stress of schoolwork, and it gave him a much-needed break from dealing with Harry's constant brooding.
It didn't hurt that he got to do it with Hermione. In fact, that's probably what made it most enjoyable. They hadn't spent much time together, just the two of them, in a long while. Not since Hogsmeade visits during their third year, and it was nice.
Ron noticed things about Hermione when they were alone, things he'd never have paid attention to otherwise. Like the way she ran her fingers along the wall when they turned a corner, like she was drawing a line in sand, or how she constantly tucked her hair behind her ears only for it to pop back out again.
He learned that she licked her lips right before she spoke, and that's how Ron knew she was about to interrupt him mid-conversation. It was infuriating when she did that, but he never wanted it to stop.
"What's left to check?" she asked, startling him.
"Oh, erm, just the seventh floor, I think," he said.
"Okay, let's go. Maybe we can finish rounds early."
She turned the corner, and Ron followed behind, watching her skip down the hall. Hermione seemed to like Prefect rounds too; he could tell by the bounce in her step. Everything about her seemed to be relaxed; her stride, her smile, and her overall demeanor. Her shirt hung loosely on her frame, as she'd released its top button, and her socks were pushed down to her ankles, as if even her clothes knew it was the end of the day.
He shouldn't be thinking about her clothes. That was dangerous territory.
Ron cleared his throat. "Yeah, that would be fun. Could always use more free time."
"Or, you could use the extra time to get ahead on McGonagall's essay," she teased, smiling back at him. His neck felt hot.
"Only if you help me."
"Of course," she said. "Homework is more fun when we do it together."
"I agree."
Ron was beside her now, and he stole another glance in her direction. Her face was flushed; it was warm on the higher floors, and her skin glowed from a light sheen of sweat. How had he never noticed that she had a few scattered freckles on her nose?
"Why do you keep doing that?" she asked. Her eyes were on him now, and he felt the warmth in his neck spreading.
"Doing what?" he asked, his tone defensive.
"You're staring at me!"
"I"m no—"
"Yes, you keep doing it," she argued. Although her cheeks were rosy and her eyes narrowed, she wore a faint smirk and didn't seem to be angry. She was just teasing him.
He kind of liked it.
"Well, if you must know, you have something on your cheek," he lied.
"I do?" asked Hermione as she wiped her face with her sleeve. "Did I get it?"
"No, let me try."
Hermione paused and took a step closer to him. He reached a hand up to her face to cup it and brushed a thumb across her cheek, trying to ignore the tidal wave that crashed in his stomach at the contact. Her skin was so soft.
He couldn't let his hand linger on her face without attracting suspicion, so with great effort, he let it drop to his side.
"Is it gone?"
"Um. Yeah."
She pressed a hand to her cheek. "What was it?"
Nothing. "Not sure," he said.
"Hmm," shrugged Hermione. "Well, thank you!" She turned to skip back down the hallway, a few strides in front of Ron.
"No problem," muttered Ron.
He could still feel a tingle on his thumb, the memory of her soft skin still fresh on his mind. He watched her run ahead of him, trying not to think too hard about the way her hair bounced or her skirt fluttered with each stride, because it was maddening.
He groaned. As maddening as it was, he hoped that would never stop. That way, he could keep it on the list of reasons to look forward to Prefect rounds.
-Year Six- The Courtyard
Finally, Ron was alone on a bench in the courtyard, having just convinced Lavender to let him be so he could "study". In reality, he just needed some space.
He liked her enough, but being with Lavender wasn't what he had imagined having a girlfriend to be like. It was nothing like being friends with a girl, at least from his limited experience. All Lavender wanted to do was snog, and Ron missed having someone to talk to, tease, and argue with.
Truth was, he missed Hermione. But unfortunately, she wanted nothing to do with him. She made that perfectly clear in the form of a flock of canaries, and he still had the scabs to remind him.
Ron closed his eyes and was enjoying the silence when the most unexpected voice pulled him back to the present.
His eyes snapped open to see Hermione standing there, right in front of him. Think of the devil. 
"Hey." His response just spilled out of his mouth, and it didn't take on the angry tone he had intended. He sounded almost excited to see her.
Thankfully, she didn't seem to notice, shifting nervously from one foot to the other. "Ron, can I talk to you?"
Ron cleared his throat and asked in his most stoic tone, "Promise not to attack me again?"
"I promise."
"Then go on," he said, crossing his arms across his chest so Hermione could get a full view of his scars.
"I'm— I'm sorry about that." She motioned to his arms, and her eyes watered with tears.
"I know you are."
She averted her eyes and licked her lips before continuing. "I was jealous, and it wasn't fair. I hope you can forgive me someday."
She continued to stare intently toward the ground as her cheeks brightened, and Ron resisted a smile.
"You were jealous?" He asked, raising an eyebrow at her. He kept his face neutral, but he couldn't lie — it was a nice thing to hear. He just wished he heard it sooner.
Hermione nodded and finally met his gaze. "I was."
Her eyes were strikingly dark and deep, a fact he'd always appreciated, but had forgotten over the last few weeks. He could stare at them for hours, but he willed himself not to fall under their spell. "Why didn't you talk to me instead of turning birds on me?"
Everything would have been so much easier.
"That's why I'm talking to you now."
"Well, it's too bloody late. I'm with Lavender," he said, unsure who he was trying to convince.
"I know it's too late. I just wanted you to know."
It seemed like an eternity that they stood there in silence, neither wanting to continue the conversation nor feeling like it was over.
Hermione was the first to break the silence. "Are you happy with her?"
And how the hell was he supposed to answer that?
Ron was thrilled Lavender wanted to be with him. She wanted to kiss him, hold his hand in public, and call him her boyfriend. What wasn't to love? He should be happy with her, she was almost everything he had ever wanted.
That, and he'd be an ungrateful arse if he said no. "Yeah. I am."
She nodded solemnly, and Ron swore he could see her eyes glisten with tears. "Then I'll try to be happy for you too," she said, her voice cracking.
He opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. It wouldn't have mattered anyway because Hermione had already turned her back to him and was walking away. He watched until she turned the corner, trying to convince himself that he had told her the truth.
-Year Seven- The Tent
Rain pounded against the canvas tent, and the way the sound echoed through the air made the space feel hollow and empty. Ron could feel the weight of the locket around his neck, its chain digging into his skin. It felt almost like icy fingers clutching his throat, threatening to squeeze should he try to ignore it. He didn't think he could ignore it, even if he tried. The cold metal against his skin paired with its threatening voice inside his head almost commanded more attention than the slowly healing wound on his shoulder.
Ron was lying on his cot, covered in blankets that seemed to do nothing to keep him warm. He could hear Hermione flipping through a book across the room in her own bed, probably just as cold as he was.
"How's your shoulder?" she asked. To Ron, her voice sounded full of both pity and impatience, as if her real question was why he hadn't healed yet. What was taking him so long?
She doesn't actually care about your shoulder.
"It's fine," he snapped back.
He could feel the tension in the pause that followed, and even though he wasn't looking at her, he could imagine her jaw clenching, her cheeks reddening, and her eyes rolling.
"You don't need anything?" she eventually asked, her tone stiff and controlled.
Listen to her. She thinks you're pathetic. Needy. It disgusts her.
Instead of answering, Ron just shook his head. He knew she was watching him because he could feel her big brown eyes boring into him.
"Okay then."
He heard her book close, then the sound of her sliding out of bed. Ron turned to look just as she bent down to rummage through her bag. She faced her back to him, and Ron could make out the shape of her bum through her sweatpants. It sent a pang of longing through his entire body, and the locket wasted no time latching on to the opportunity to harass him further.
Go ahead and look, but don't kid yourself; you'll never touch.
He averted his eyes when she stood up.
"What are you doing, then?" she asked, now clutching a different stack of books under her arm.
"Nothing?" she chirped. Her voice wavered as she lost control of keeping it neutral. "You know we have horcruxes to find."
She narrowed her eyes, and her cheeks ignited with red. Her hair seemed to expand and swarm her head. It wasn't just anger that did that to her. She looked electric whenever her passion was kindled, whether due to anger, schoolwork, elf-rights, or him.
He could rile her up, and Merlin, did he enjoy doing it. He was always up for helping her unleash that stored up tension through an argument. Often he wondered how else he could help her find that release. A few ideas came to mind.
Never going to happen.
"Are you seriously angry at me?" he asked, his tone sharp and scathing.
"You know what? Yeah, I am," she launched back.
"Well, sorry I'm injured, Hermione," he laughed, now sitting up in bed. "Let's not forget that you're the one who got me splinched."
"And let's not forget that I'm doing everything I can to help you heal."
She thinks you're a burden. A waste of her time.
"Okay, then stop complaining about me not doing anything when you know I can't."
Hermione crossed her arms and took a step closer. Ron willed himself to keep his eyes on her face, even though her shirt was too big, so the sleeves fell off her shoulder, and there was a patch of exposed skin above her waistband, reminding Ron of how soft her skin was. It had been so long since he touched her.
"Then stop staring at me like that," she said. "I can't tell if you're mad at me or if you want me to do something for you, and honestly, I'm kind of sick of cooking you dinner and not even hearing a thank you."
Don't you dare give her the satisfaction of apologizing.
"Seriously, what do you want from me?" she continued.
What a loaded question. Ron wanted everything from her — her time, her attention, and her body. When she removed his shirt to check his wound, he wanted her to remove his trousers too. He wanted her to crawl in bed with him and let him take her clothes off, piece by piece. He wanted to be strong enough to hold himself up so she could slide underneath him and wrap her legs around his hips. He wanted to touch her, kiss her, shag her, and then hold her afterward, fall asleep together, and wake up entangled with her.
Too bad she doesn't want you back.
"I don't want anything from you."
She softened her stare and took a step back. Maybe he was reading too much into her expression, but Ron could have sworn he saw a flash of disappointment on her face, as if she hoped there would be something he wanted from her.
You're imagining that. 
"Good," she said, unknowingly confirming the locket's taunt, before turning away and leaving him there, in his bed, cold and alone.
-Year Seven- Shell Cottage
Although Ron might have looked peaceful and serene sitting so still, his mind was anything but calm. He closed his eyes and leaned against the back of the armchair, trying his best to fall asleep, but he was far from tired. His back ached, and he longed to get up and move, but it wasn't worth leaving Hermione's side.
It felt like he had been waiting days for her to wake up, and in that time, he had imagined the worst.
For one, he feared that she might not wake up at all, ever, and the empty hole that her screams had carved within him would be there for the rest of his life, like a scar across his heart.
Two, that she might wake up but never be the same, just like Neville's parents. Maybe she wouldn't remember him. Maybe she would, but she wouldn't understand when he told her he loved her.
And three, that she'd awake with clarity, forever haunted by the memory of what happened to her. Maybe she'd associate her trauma with the magical world, or with Ron himself, and she'd leave it all behind. He'd support her, of course, and he'd be thrilled she was okay, but he wouldn't be okay. He wasn't okay.
So he sat there, looking peaceful but panicking internally. He had no idea what to expect when and if Hermione woke up.
He was utterly shocked when she spoke to him.
"Hi, Ron," her voice snapped his eyes open. She was watching him, even smiling at him. For a moment, he thought he was dreaming.
She chuckled when he pinched himself.
"Oh, thank Merlin you're awake," he said when his pinch did nothing.
"Did you sleep here?"
"Yeah. I hope that's okay," he said, shifting uncomfortably in his chair.
"Have you left my side?" she asked, her eyes wide, questioning yet knowing.
He shook his head no, and his cheeks grew hot.
"Thank you," she whispered.
He smiled at her, and she smiled back. There was something so innocent about the interaction; it felt like they were just kids nervously admitting a crush. Her hand was lying on the edge of the bed, inches from his, and he didn't hesitate to reach for it and intertwine their fingers. She squeezed his hand back, although weakly, and he ran his thumb across her skin. Even bloodied and scarred, her skin was as soft as he remembered.
"I'm so glad you're okay," he said.
"Me too."
"Are you in pain?"
She nodded. "A little."
"I can have Fleur bring up some pain potion."
"Yeah, but not yet."
"In a bit, then."
They shared a look, an acknowledgement that they were alone, and pain potion could wait. Neither felt the need to give it words, they were awful with words, the king and queen of miscommunication, but there was nothing to misinterpret in a simple look.
"Can I hug you? Gently, of course."
Hermione nodded, and Ron inched forward on his chair to wrap his arms around her. Her head nestled into his shoulder, and he buried his face in her hair.
"How's Harry?" she asked, her voice muffled by his shoulder.
"He's fine," Ron answered. "Worried about you, of course."
She nodded. "And you?"
"What about me?"
"Are you okay?"
Ron sighed and pulled her closer. Was he okay? He had a few cuts and bruises, but that was nothing compared to his emotional toll. He helplessly listened to Bellatrix torture the woman he loved, hadn't slept since they arrived at Shell Cottage, and had spent days fearing she'd be gone. In those days, he learned exactly how much was at stake. He could still lose her.
He wasn't okay.
"Yes, I'm okay," he muttered, hoping that it would be true soon enough.
-After The Battle-
The Treehouse
Ron didn't mind the quiet of the treehouse; it was much better than the silence of the Burrow. At least the treehouse was supposed to be that way. He was leaning over the edge, forearms on a wooden beam, and through the leaves, he could make out the tall, lopsided house he called home. Before now, the Burrow always looked like it was bursting at the seams, about to collapse from the energy inside. His mum would say it was magic that held it together, not carpentry, but now it didn't matter. It seemed empty, and the magic was gone.
The treehouse was where Ron would always come when he needed to be alone. With six siblings, there was always someone yelling, laughing or crying. But not with five. Even though there were so many people back in the house, it was still too quiet. No one knew what to say, so they said nothing. Fred wouldn't have wanted that.
Ron startled at the voice. He had been too lost in his thoughts to hear anyone approaching but instantly relaxed when Hermione stepped up beside him, shoulder to shoulder. He smiled; in the days following Fred's death, Hermione was the only one who could elicit that reaction from him.
"I brought you something," she said.
He looked down at her hand to see that she was holding a plate of food — Mum's shepherd's pie, treacle tart, and pumpkin juice.
"Thank you, Hermione," he said as she handed him the plate. "I didn't want to go inside and talk to people."
"I know."
Ron turned away from the edge and slid to a seat, resting the plate on his lap. Hermione settled in beside him. "How'd you know where I was?"
She leaned her head against his shoulder. "I had a hunch."
Ron thought back to the last time they had been in the treehouse together — the previous summer before Harry arrived. He didn't even remember the first time he brought her here, but through all those summers, the treehouse became a place where they could just be. They could do whatever they wanted here, yet not once had she rested her head on his shoulder.
He looped his free arm around her, encouraging her to lean in, and pressed a kiss to her hair. He had always wanted to do that, and it was so strange to be able to now. If the circumstances were better, he'd like to do so much more.
"Will you stay?" he asked.
"As long as you need me to."
The longer they sat there in comfortable silence, leaning against one another and eating from the same plate, the more he wished they could just stay there forever. It was the perfect place to hide from his grief.
Maybe he shouldn't be hiding from grief, but the pain of Fred's loss only accentuated what he felt for Hermione. It was about time he had something to be happy about, even if that happiness was confined within the walls of the treehouse. After all, he had a feeling that the reality of Fred's death would hit him like a ton of bricks as soon as he left.
So maybe he'd just stay.
"What's on your mind?" asked Hermione.
She was on his mind but based on her smirk, she knew that. He must have been staring at her. That had been happening a lot lately.
"Do you really want to know?"
"Of course."
He'd never told her how he felt, but he was in the treehouse, where everything was perfect, and nothing could go wrong. Now was as good a time as any.
"I'm thinking about how much I love you."
She met his gaze and he watched those warm brown eyes grow wide. "Really?"
"Yes," he said, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "You don't have to say it back, I know it's soon—"
"I love you too," she interrupted, leaning her head against his hand. "Always have."
Even though a world of mourning awaited Ron outside of the treehouse, he couldn't help but smile. Hermione could do that for him; she was just like the magic that once held his house together.
"Brilliant," he said as he leaned in for a kiss, one that she happily returned.
He loved that they could do this now.
It was an odd feeling, being so genuinely elated and grief-stricken at the same time, but he simply couldn't feel any other way; it was the truth. And at this point, if anyone deserved the truth, it was Hermione.
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jenn-i-guess · 3 years
Pictured Confessions//Kiribaku
Imagine Class 1-A bringing in old childhood photo albums and middle school yearbooks, all except for Kiri who was too embarrassed to bring anything like that.
That doesn’t stop Mina from bringing her own middle school yearbook, and guess what?
Besides finding a-kind of the same looking-picture of younger Mina, they find an INTERESTING picture of middle school Kirishima...
Black straightened hair, dark grey eyeshadow, and tons of (seemingly fake) piercings, jutting out of his lip and nose, even one on his eyebrow, with one shaved line at the crease.
But the cherry on top was the very obvious Hot Topic shirt with what seemed to be a cover of some heavy metal band.
Silence fills the room, heat radiating off of the very embarrassed Kirishima, pressing his face into his palms.
If he was a cartoon, steam would definitely be shooting from his ears.
“Dude...” Sero began.
“You were such an emo!” Kaminari finished with a snort, eyes watering.
Groaning into his hands once more, he began to wonder how he could possibly die at this moment.
Maybe if the floor could just swallow him whole, it would be doing him a big favor right about now.
“W-Well!” He started, reaching out and grabbing Mina’s yearbook.
“Two can play at that game! Did you know-“ Kiri paused, for dramatic affect, flipping many of the laminated pages before he found what he was looking for, “That Mina used to be in the drama club?!”
Mina shrieked as their friends began crowding around the book again, looking at a very embarrassing picture.
Hopefully much more embarrassing than his that it would be long forgotten.
It was a large picture, in which Mina was wearing a huge white wig and a judge’s dress while holding her arms up in the air.
The picture captured her face when she was pursing her lips, her eyes widening comically.
“No! Don’t look!” Mina screamed, jutting her arms out before grabbing the book, slamming it shut and holding it against her chest, a wild look on her face.
“Nice wig, Mina.” Kaminari wheezed, his face scrunching up like he just tasted a lemon, trying to hold back more laughter.
“Oh you’re one to talk. Where’s your yearbook?” She smirked, pleased with herself when Kaminari blanched and shut up quite completely.
Everyone began to gather around Kaminari, poking him to show his memorabilia.
Kirishima sighed, choosing this moment to step out.
Looking around the room, he noticed there was one less person than before.
A certain blonde, whom he had really hoped had not seen the embarrassing photo of him but it would’ve been hard not to, what with Mina holding it up for all the class to see.
He scanned the room and saw Bakugou walking back towards the elevator, jamming his finger on the button with so much more anger than necessary.
Curious, Kirishima walked fast over to him, ignoring the quick chattering of his friends.
Just as the elevator was about to close, Kirishima jutted his foot between the two sliding doors, stopping them momentarily.
“Hey! Wait up Bakubro!” He slid in, feeling the blonde’s crimson eyes boring holes into the back of his head.
“The hell are you doing, shitty-hair?” Bakugou sneered, watching as the redhead pressed the button to their floor, smiling when it made a soft chiming noise.
“Eh, I’m bored. I’m just gonna work out in my room and then probably hit the hay.” Kirishima shrugged.
Bakugou nodded, shoving his fists into his grey sweatpants pockets, leaning against the elevator wall.
The redhead stared a little more at his friend, lingering on his face.
He had never seen the blonde so...emotionless.
His pale face smooth and relaxed, no wrinkles or furrowed eyebrows from his usual spouts of anger.
In fact he looked...pretty. Not just his face, but the light blonde tufts of hair styled in spikes surrounding it.
Well...Kiri also thought he looked hot as well.
What?! You can’t really blame him!
Not when Bakugou wore those black tank tops, showing off hints of his pectorals, doing nothing to stop him from looking at the muscles bulging on his arms.
It was especially excruciatingly painful to watch whenever they trained together.
Watching beads of sweat fall down beyond the collar of his top, making Kirishima wonder what was beyond that line of clothing.
Wondering how it would feel if he touched that expanse of skin.
A loud chime spooked him out of his very homoerotic thoughts, a faint dust of red filling the apples of his cheeks as he realized he had still been staring at Bakugou’s meaty biceps.
He grimaced, hoping Bakugou didn’t see him staring, but he didn’t get a chance to, as Bakugou was already walking out of the elevator.
Kirishima inhaled deeply, shaking his head as he followed Bakugou to their neighboring dorms.
The blonde stopped in front of his door, turning to stare at Kirishima.
The redhead gulped, nervously watching as Bakugou looked him up and down, seeming like he was expecting Kiri to say something.
“Well, goodnight Bakugou!” He smiled at him, going to open his door when suddenly a much lighter hand slammed it shut once more.
“Hold on.” Bakugou demanded, his gruff voice bouncing against the empty hallway.
Kirishima paused, his lips shut tight as he waited for Bakugou to say more.
“Um...yes?” He smiled meekly, his lips not exactly curving upwards.
Bakugou furrowed his eyebrows, his cheeks flushing red as he stammered, “Y-You! You still need help with tutoring tonight, right?!” He yelled out the last bit.
Ah! Tonight is Friday! Their tutoring night!
With all of the excitement of yearbooks and family pictures he must’ve forgotten completely!
Ugh, so unmanly to keep Bakugou waiting, to make him ask like this.
“Oh! Yes yes, right! Of course, my bad Bakugou.” Kiri nodded his head, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck, beginning to turn red with embarrassment.
Bakugou relaxed his shoulders, the smallest of grins beginning to show on his face.
“Whatever, ‘s not like I expected you to remember anything with that pea-sized brain of yours.” He mocked, turning around to open his door.
“Hey! My brain is normal sized, just like yours!” Kirishima retaliated, stomping after Bakugou.
The door clicked shut behind them, entrapping Kirishima inside of the cool shadowy room that was Bakugou’s.
Besides being cooler temperature wise, the room was also very...boring.
It surprised him every time Kirishima walked into Bakugou’s room, just the overall average ness.
Bland grey walls with nothing decorating them, not even so much as a poster of his favorite hero.
And to go along with the insane asylum decor, black bedsheets and a white pillowcase, neatly put together as if he never touched the bed at all.
Kirishima smiled to himself, feeling comfortable in the others room, a sense of familiarity.
The blonde groaned before flipping down on his bed, back-first.
“So, what is it that you need help with?” He spoke, his usually rough voice toning down a bit.
Kiri started to speak, but paused as he took a breath.
Actually, he didn’t really have anything to work on.
Final exams were over, there were no surprise tests sprung out by Aizawa.
Truly, there was no reason he should even be in this room at all.
So why did he want to stay?
Stuttering out his last breath, he crouched onto the floor, shuffling into a criss-crossed position.
“Well, actually-“ He chuckled nervously, watching as Bakugou leaned upwards, resting on his elbows while staring at him incredulously.
“Ha, I guess I don’t really have anything to do. I don’t really need to study for anything.”
“So then, why’d you come in here?” Bakugou grunted, sitting up all the way and leaning forwards with his elbows resting on his knees.
“Honestly?” Kiri shrugged, “I don’t know, I’m so exhausted from today. Just having to deal with everyone yelling and having to show people photos, especially mine!” He groaned.
But some part of him did wonder if Bakugou knew what he was talking about.
But oh bOy was he not at all prepared for the answer to that question!
“Oh, you mean that hot picture of you?”
Kirishima wheezed, his lungs squeezing together as all the air escaped his body.
He coughed-super attractively-while trying to think of anything to say.
It didn’t help that Bakugou just kept staring at him, his eyebrows raised and a subtle smirk keeping his lips quirked up.
“Ahem, what?” Kiri’s heart hammered against his chest, his fingers feeling oddly clammy clasped together.
“I said-“ Bakugou shuffled himself onto the floor, leaning closer into Kirishima’s space.
So close that Kiri could smell the spicy scent of the blonde’s body wash, almost intoxicating to him.
“I thought that picture of you was hot.” He rumbled, one of his eyebrows quirking upwards in such a way that Kiri could actually feel his heart stopping and starting at the same time.
“Ah, um cool.” He sputtered before his brain caught up to his idiotic mouth.
Kill him. Right here right now. He is a waste of a human body.
But a light airy sound broke him out of his embarrassing trance, a laugh.
Bakugou was chuckling at him. And in a really cute way!
Kirishima could rarely ever get Bakugou to laugh, most of the time he was the one being laughed at.
Just like now but...it was different. The way he was laughing, the smile stretching his lips.
There were indents marking at the corner of his eyes as he laughed, small divots of skin.
“Dumbass.” Bakugou chortled, biting his lips to reel in another fit of laughter.
Oh. Wow.
Kiri was definetly sure he was blushing now, half of it being because of embarrassment but the other half...
Damn, Eijirou was really swimming in the deep end wasn’t he?
“Sh-Shut up! You can’t just-just say something like that and expect a good answer out of me!” Kirishima whined, balling up his hands in frustrations.
“What is your answer?” Bakugou asked, nonchalantly.
Kiri paused once more, “My what?”
“You said,” Bakugou smirked, “That I cant expect a good answer. How about just a regular one?”
“A...regular one?”
Oh boy. Was this really happening? Oh god oh fuck-
Bakugou hummed, his face going slack as he waited for an answer.
“Well, I guess it’s okay that you found me hot, then.”
But the real question still lingered on his lips, like a bad aftertaste.
“And it’s fine if you...don’t find me attractive now.” He murmured the last part, a part of him hoping Bakugou didn’t catch what he said.
Kiri glanced back up when he heard a harsh scoff come from Bakugou’s mouth.
“Tch, never said that.” He muttered, his face growing steadily pink.
Kiri blanked.
His outer body seemed to get clammy and sweaty but his insides, it felt as if he was being burned.
His heart hammered painfully, and he found it even harder to breathe.
“What...Bakugou what do you mean by that?” Kirishima asked, his voice quivering on the last word, staring straight at Bakugou’s crimson eyes.
The blonde shifted, growing more embarrassed by the second. He wiped his calloused hands against his mouth and bit his lip.
Kirishima reached out and grabbed Bakugou’s hand, feeling the sweat mixing in with his own.
He wanted to feel it.
If this moment really was happening he wanted to feel how it felt.
Eijirou swallowed down his building saliva, using his thumb to rub gentle circles onto the blonde’s soft skin.
“I-I like you too. If this means what I think it means, I like you too.” He couldn’t help but let the nervous smile contort his lips, the tips of his sharp teeth sticking out, like white gleams in the darkness of Bakugou’s room.
The blonde’s head snapped back to stare at Kirishima, his eyes widening in what seemed to be disbelief, then softening.
Bakugou snorted, twisting his hand away, almost causing Kirishima’s heart to break into pieces.
That is until those lovely hands came up to rest lightly on his face, palms squishing his cheeks lightly.
And god the sudden warmness of those palms made his heart stutter.
And it gave him a thrill as well.
Knowing that in a matter of seconds these hands could explode and destroy everything that they touched.
Yet, they touched him so softly, his thumbs barely grazing any skin.
“Then, I hope you don’t mind if I do this.” Bakugou breathed out, his face inching closer and closer, his breath mingling with Kirishima’s.
Getting ever so close until eventually...
Kirishima closed his eyes in bliss, his own soft lips sliding against Bakugou’s rougher chapped ones.
He sighed through his nose, his own hands coming up to rest on Bakugou’s shoulders.
Wow, it felt so nice.
So right.
Like this was exactly the place his lips belonged.
Right on top of Bakugou’s.
He gasped for air as the blonde’s tongue warily poked between his lips, sliding in when Kirishima allowed.
“Woah okay!” Kirishima pulled away, chuckling as his face burned with excitement.
Bakugou smirked, poking his tongue out to swipe across his bottom lip. “Too much?” He teased.
Kirishima groaned loudly, falling on top of Bakugou’s knees to hide his enflamed face.
“Dude, you suck so much right now.” His voice was muffled against the blonde’s knees.
“Mm, too bad. You’re gonna have to live with it.”
Bakugou’s voice rumbled, the vibrations tickling Kiri’s cheeks.
Kirishima jolted up, a large toothy smile on his face.
“You mean...is this you trying to ask me out?” Kirishima whispered, leaning closer his cheeks starting to hurt from how wide his smile was.
Bakugou narrowed his eyes, holding his hands up.
Kirishima yelled as Bakugou used one of his fingers to flick him painfully at the tip of his nose.
“Ow!” He looked to the blonde for answers, rubbing his abused nose.
“The fuck do you mean? Was me kissing you not enough dipshit?!” Bakugou sneered, his furrowed eyebrows making him look like a grumpy cat.
Kirishima chuckled, smiling as he leaned forward.
“No no, it was.” He used his hand to squish Bakugou’s cheeks together, placing a gentle kiss on his puckered lips.
Bakugou relaxed, humming against his lips. “Good.” He murmured.
“Good.” Kirishima leaned back, his eyes widening when he saw the smile on Bakugou’s face.
A smile, though not large, but wide enough to show his gleaming teeth.
He leaned in again to see if that smile tasted just as good as it looked.
It did.
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spencersawkward · 4 years
omg i’m so glad u have a tumblr!! ur literally my fav mgg fic author ❤️ i’m a hoe for that man can u do sleeping together for the first time with like an age gap or something spicy lmao
hi omg thank you 😊 that literally means the world to me! also thank you for requesting one of my fave things to write haha i love first-time-having-sex-together tropes. happy reading! 
summary: reader is an artist who needs some inspiration, preferably from her new boyfriend.
content warnings: unprotected penetrative sex, age gap, creampie, a little breeding kink, oral (male receiving), kind of Dom!Matthew vibes, dirty talk, praise kink with a hint of degradation as well (not super prominent). 
word count: 4.4k
relationship: Fem!Reader/Matthew
I straighten up and bend backward a bit to relieve the pressure on my spine. my hair is falling out of the knot on my head and I push a stray piece behind my ear, placing the wooden paintbrush between my teeth. aside from the warm, mellifluous tones pouring from the speakers, the apartment is silent.
I've hit a creative wall, it seems. every time I've tried to paint this week, I find myself standing above a stretched canvas with nothing but a frown and crossed arms. even little details feel wrong to add; the empty space is taunting me. it doesn't help that my thoughts have been flooded with memories and fantasies of Matthew. we've been on a couple dates now, sweet outings that leave me fluttery inside. I remember the words he says, the shape of his smile and the curve of his jaw, like they've been been in my mind forever. he's elusive, however, and hasn't initiated anything sexual with me. I think he's afraid of coming on too strong. there's a considerable age gap between us, but I don't care. I want him all the time-- whenever I'm at work, or trying to paint, all I can think of is how good it would feel to have those strong, veined hands on me.
before I can lose my courage, I text him. if anything can inspire me, it's his presence. likely, he's at work and won't be able to respond or come over, but it's worth a shot.
I'm just sliding my phone into my back pocket when the response comes in. a smile spreads over my face; he'll be over in half an hour. in the meantime, I'll sweep the background with shades that remind me of him: rich, emerald greens, honeyed tones that reminisce of his eyes. he'll pop against any backdrop.
I'm bent furiously over my work when he tells me he's arrived, and my heart thuds in my chest. even after hanging out several times, the butterflies are as alive as ever. they flood my stomach while I buzz him into the building.
"hi." he greets me when I open the door, curls messy. he must have just come from work.
"hi, Matthew." I smile up at him. his gaze travels over my face, my body, taking in my appearance for a moment.
"you look lovely." he says it genuinely, despite the fact that I'm literally wearing a paint t-shirt under a pair of rummaged overalls. I forgot to fix my hair, too.
"thanks." I blush, about to turn away when he bends down and presses a gentle kiss to my lips. it's the first time he's said hello that way, and part of me flushes with the knowledge that he's attracted to me right now.
"now," he looks around my apartment as I step back to let him in. "what can I help you with?"
"I have a small favor to ask." I spin the paintbrush between my index and third fingers, reaching out to take his wrist and pull him towards the couch.
"anything," he replies, then sees my setup. "is this your studio?"
"slash living room." I chuckle. Matthew sits on the soft cushions before staring up at me. I don't miss his pupils dilating as they travel over the shape of my body. instead of allowing myself get distracted, I gesture to the wet paint on my canvas. "I need you to model for me."
"like, be your muse?" he beams at the notion, incredibly pleased with himself. I like this about Matthew; although he can be self-deprecating and doesn't take himself too seriously, he appreciates my admiration.
"oh, hush." I giggle. he laughs, reclining on the couch now that he knows why I invited him over.
"how do you want me to pose, Picasso?"
"well, let me re-orient myself." I hold up a hand, grab the abandoned easel, and try to get everything set up. he never takes his eyes off me.
"why were you painting on the floor?" he asks, slightly amused. I jerk my head toward him, narrow my eyes.
"it's my process."
"no judgement." he holds up his hands in surrender. I place the canvas carefully on the easel so that he can't see my work, then gather up my paints, palette, and brushes. there's a moment of pure silence when I frown as I glance between his face and the chasm of space awaiting its representation.
"you look tired." I observe. he lets out a sound that resembles a laugh.
"I am."
"how long did you sleep last night?" I ask as I start painting, focusing on the shape and planes of his face. if I don't get the composition exactly correct, I'll have to throw the whole thing out.
"three hours." he says this like it's normal. my eyebrows shoot up.
"three hours? why?"
"I had to work on lines." he shrugs.
"don't move." I order. he suppresses a grin.
"my sincerest apologies."
"uh huh," I dip my brush into a pale skin shade that I've mixed to match his pigment. "you need to get more sleep."
we continue on like this for a while, making light conversation while I get down the basics of my portrait. I can't handle anything that requires more than a fraction of my attention while doing this, and he seems to appreciate my concentration.
that said, it's beyond difficult to focus when he stares at me like every movement is magical, something he wants to memorize. I feel pliable under his watch, a little bit like a doll. he could bend me every which way, ask me to do anything, and I would give in. and who could blame me?
my thoughts slip into darkened territories, and the hue of my cheeks must do the same, because he gets this mischievous smile on his face that I can't ignore.
"what are you thinking about?" he asks softly.
"hm?" I turn to him. "oh, nothing."
"really?" his brows lift in that intimidating, delightfully entertained way that sets my skin on fire.
"I..." I trail off, wondering if I should give into the chaos in my mind. the thoughts that slash through my psyche whenever I see the width of his shoulders, the fit of his shirt. "I should have asked you to pose nude."
Matthew blushes-- actually blushes-- when I say this, his head dropping momentarily as a grin takes over his features. when he lifts his gaze to mine again, there's a different look in his eyes.
"mhmm." no taking it back now. "I think that would be too distracting, though."
"how so?" the corner of his mouth tugs up.
"you know why." I avert my attention, only once flitting back to him. his tongue darts out over his lips and he holds contact.
"say it." he dares me. the tone of it, slightly dominant, makes my stomach flip. quietly, I swallow the lump in my throat.
"I have trouble keeping my hands to myself."
we stare at each other, words finding and dying on tongues in the silence.
at this point, my painting has been somewhat abandoned. brushstrokes sit unaccompanied by actual structure, except for the general godly shape of his face, and I'm clenching the utensil between my fingers as if to channel the sexual tension elsewhere.
"is that right?" he notes my absolute stillness and stands up, walking toward me in a relaxed, confident gait. all I can do is look up at him when he stands before me. the top button of his shirt is undone, and I can see the smooth skin beneath, each of the other buttons awaiting my fingertips.
"yes." the word is messy. he runs his index finger over the shell of my ear, bends down, whispers so low that the phrase almost gets lost in the air.
"me too."
he plants a gentle kiss on my jaw, hand reaching tentatively to rest on my waist. I can feel the caution in his actions, the worry he has about pressuring me. I'm cognizant of every breath he takes, especially the hitch when I give into myself and kiss him.
his mouth is warm and soft. the tension twists and knots between our bodies, roiling in the empty space as we resist the energy still. but I don't want to resist. I know that I want this, and he seems to want it just as much.
"Matthew." I pull away, his teeth tugging gently on my bottom lip.
"what is it?" his eyes, dark, search mine. my pulse quickens beneath my skin.
"I want to be with you."
"you are with me." he chuckles lightly, glancing at my features. the full circles of my eyes, the bloom of pink spreading over my cheekbones.
"no," I shake my head. "I mean... I want to be with you."
"you want to have sex?" he asks, clarifying. I nod eagerly, though he frowns a bit. "are you sure?"
"do you not want to?" I try to keep the disappointment out of my face. maybe I misread the situation. the most we've done is make out on his couch and once in an Uber on the way back from our first date. but there's a sweet, burning sensation whenever I see him, something I want to dive into. I want him; I've wanted him since the moment we met.
"of course I want to," he says it like it's the most obvious thing in the world. relief loosens my chest. "I just don't want you to regret anything."
"I couldn't ever regret this." my eyes travel over his frame, over the little scar beneath his chin. he angles my face up to examine my features. there's a smirk on his face.
"then what are we waiting for?" his hands move to encircle my waist, tugging me to him like I'm something long-awaited, like he needs my weight against his. our lips meet again, my head tilting as we kiss deeply, my fingers twining in his soft hair. I'm standing on my tiptoes as I do it, and one of his hands reaches down to squeeze my ass. he grunts as my pelvis moves against the quickly-forming hard-on in his pants. I can feel it against my stomach as he ruts against me just slightly. I smirk.
"sit on the couch again." I whisper when I pull away. he's holding my face with one hand, staring into my eyes with the kind of dominance that tells me he knows exactly what to do. but I appreciate that he follows my request, pulling my hips toward him as he backs up and sinks onto the cushions. he sits, awaiting my next move. when I sink onto my knees and settle between his legs, he bites hard on his lip. I don't move at first, willing to draw out this beautiful moment when he's watching with undivided attention.
"what are you doing down there, sweetheart?" he feigns innocence when I give him my doe eyes. I run slender fingers over the erection in his pants, his quickened breath an indicator of just how needy he secretly is. I revel in it.
my free hand wraps around his upper thigh, digging my nails in slightly. he's so gorgeous, and the tension of his muscles beneath me is enough to break my resistance. I start to palm him through the fabric, torturing slowly while he runs fingers through my hair and tries not to buck up against my touch. I finally get around to undoing the button on his pants. he waits impatiently. I tug them down his legs, lingering on the waistband of his boxers. when they come down as well, another kind of knot forms in my tummy. he's perfect.
"oh my god." he throws his head back when his dick hits his stomach, the pleasure of releasing it its own sensation.
"hm?" I wonder aloud, wrapping my hand around the base and starting to slowly pump him. he raises his head to look at me.
"you're just... doing so well." he breathes. I grin at how easily I've got him; I was worried about being too shy or him being more experienced, but he's greedy for me. I love the power I have right now.
I surprise him by flattening my tongue against the underside of his cock, dragging it up over the throbbing vein and pausing at the top. I let him stare at me with my mouth hovering over him, the head resting on the tip of my tongue. he moans when I begin to kitten lick the precum that leaks out, grip tightening in my hair as it comes out of the ponytail I made earlier. the veins in his arm clench as I sink slowly onto him. my cheeks hollow. his jaw drops open, dewy skin catching the light, as I start to suck on him.
"fuck..." he trails off. I begin to bob up and down, doing tricks with my tongue and swirling around the head, savoring every single second. his desperate touch, the way he bucks his hips up involuntarily when I try to take him to the hilt, all of it causes me to moan. vibrations draw out sinful noises from him as well, those heavenly sounds that he litters with my name. my hands rest on his thighs at first, then move up to rest on the warm, taut skin of his abdomen. I crave every centimeter of his skin, his contact, especially when I can feel the rushed rise and fall of his panting. I give him full use of my throat, sliding over him and moaning with every tug of my hair. he mutters profanities, praises me, struggles to keep his eyes open just to see me peek up at him from beneath my lashes. his expression tells me he's got plans for me.
"if you don't stop, I'm gonna cum, baby." he groans, smoothly tugging me off of him. there's a slight popping sound and I settle onto my knees, staring up at him. the smile on my face is unmistakable. I love that I can do this to him. I grip his legs and pull myself up into his lap, drawing myself across him just before his erection, glancing down at it. his hands rub over the tops of my thighs, tracing over the curve of my hips and resting on my ass. I start to roll my body down, my lips finding his throat as I suck and bite. my tongue licks over his Adam's apple and he shudders, drawing me closer so that my stomach brushes his cock.
"stop teasing." he starts to undo the straps of my overalls, chuckling a bit to himself as they fall easily. I blush.
"pretty sexy." I joke. Matthew suddenly grabs my chin, holds me in place so that I look him dead in the eyes.
"you're perfect." he smiles admiringly, then toys with the hem of my t-shirt. I reach down, pull it off and toss it somewhere in the room. I'm not wearing a bra, and Matthew slides his hands up my waist, ribcage, pausing just below my tits. when I grab his fingers and place them over me, his dick twitches.
"excited?" I smirk. his fingertips seem to have a mind of their own as they begin to toy with my nipples, the pad of his thumbs teasing me. I sigh, chest pushing out towards him desperately. he holds my body like he's worried I'll crumble, but also in a way that connotes a deep longing. something spilling over.
"can I take you to the bedroom?" he asks me breathlessly, one of his hands leaving my chest to stroke his own cock. the sight makes me groan helplessly while I grip his shoulders and grind against his lap. he picks up the pace for himself. "I can't wait any longer."
I nod eagerly, gasping when he stops touching himself to pull up his pants, hoist me up into his arms, and stand, carrying me with surprising ease down the hallway of my apartment. I point him to the correct room and he laughs when we get inside.
"you're messy." he laughs, although I'm not sure if he means the scattered papers around my bedroom or the whine that issues from my throat as I reach for his clothed dick while I'm pressed to him. it's sitting against my navel and I want to see his undone expressions.
I ignore the playful comment; he lays me down gingerly on the bed, straightening up to gaze at my figure before I push the rest of the overalls down my legs and cast them off. he lets out a giggle as I pout at the work I have to put into getting naked.
"stop laughing..." I blush, smiling. but I'm giggling too. he grazes the inside of my thigh, unable to keep from touching me while I discard my panties.
"I'm sorry." he laughs in a way that shows he isn't sorry at all, but the soft kiss he plants on my lips tells me it's all endearing to him. I wrinkle my nose slightly. for the first time being naked around him, I feel surprisingly comfortable. he watches me with a quiet adoration, like I've spun sugar and gold between my fingers. unable to contain myself anymore, I grab fistfuls of his shirt and undo the rest of the buttons. every second that his skin isn't against mine is a new kind of torture. it comes off easily and then the pants come off, too, until we're just staring at each other.
"do you still wanna do this?" he speaks carefully with me. I don't know where to look-- at his perfect chest, stomach, the purplish bruises already forming across his throat, or his enraptured face. it's almost overwhelming, and the waves of desire crash over me, hindering my words.
"yes," I nod. "yes, yes, yes." the word keeps falling from my lips even as he crawls on top of me, burying his nose into my collarbone and kissing feverishly. one hand supports his arm beside my head while the other reaches down to part my legs. I sigh at the cool air that's interrupted by his dick rubbing over my folds. he starts to grind down, drawing out every second of foreplay while I try to catch my breath. my eyes tilt to the ceiling, fluttering shut. I bask in every sensation. his warmth, his weight, all of it presses down.
"do we need a condom?" he asks softly, his cock throbbing against my center.
"birth control." I shake my head. he nods against my skin, allows me to tangle my fingers in his curls. "I'm clean."
"me too." I reply. he grabs my hip and yanks it towards him, pulling his chest away to straighten while he lines himself up at my entrance. he's concentrating on the place where our bodies meet, eyes full of lust when they peek up at mine.
"tell me if you need me to stop." he says softly.
"okay." I can't think of anything else. every cell of my existence is consumed with thoughts of impatience, and when he slides into me, my thighs tense and my mouth drops open.
"Matthew... oh my god." my voice is more like a mewl, in shock as my walls squeeze around him like they're trying to reject the sudden pressure between my legs. his jaw clenches, sinking into me until he reaches about halfway.
he lets out a surprising groan, leans down to kiss my shoulder as he finds a sweet spot. our chests are pressed together and, judging by the way he wraps an arm around my waist and lifts my torso to his, he likes the feeling.
we stay there a moment, him trying not to hurt me. but then I lift my pelvis up, trying to take more, and he inhales sharply.
"do something," I beg him quietly. "please."
I feel his lips curl into a smile and he pulls his face up to see my expressions. his hips push forward, my body sliding up the bed with the force. he watches my eyes roll back, my ribcage expand, my face overcome by pleasure. his gaze is unrelenting with lips slightly parted as he begins to thrust in and out of me.
I'm already a panting, moaning mess beneath him. he touches his nose to mine, swallowing each other's breaths while he moves.
"is this how you want it, baby?" he smirks, getting lost in his own lust. I nod and he gently turns my face to his. "tell me what you want."
"more." I sigh, hips again raising to meet the thrusts that are growing more forceful each time. my nails drag up his back, the nape of his neck, tangling in his hair and tugging at the ends. he sinks his teeth into my neck lightly and moans. I wrap my legs around his torso.
"such a pretty girl..." he growls in my ear. his grip on the sheets tightens when I clench myself around him, drawing him impossibly closer to my core. I can't help the helpless moans spilling out of me. I'm insatiable right now, scratching at his shoulders until I'm sure I'll leave red marks. he groans lasciviously at the clawing, ramming into me with an unrelenting voracity.
"oh my god," I yelp, back arching as he hits my g-spot. "right there, Matthew." my pleas fall on receptive ears: he holds me tighter to his chest and pounds into me.
"you like getting fucked by older men?" he whispers dirty things in my ear and I nod quickly, hardly able to speak through the ungodly sounds escaping my mouth. I cling to him and he lets me, treating every limb like it belongs to him.
"yes-- fuck, yes." I moan, almost sliding out of his grip from how hard he goes.
"you can take it," he breathes out, fingertips digging into my ribs while he holds me up. he's leaving marks that won't go away for a while, remnants of the full power of his desire. I want more, writhing and using my limited mobility to grind against him. he chuckles darkly over my skin. "look at you."
"Matthew, I'm gonna--" I gasp when he slams into me particularly hard. "I'm gonna cum."
"good." he shudders slightly, that attitude showing again. he reaches his hand up a moment to run through my hair. "cum on me, princess."
my lips part and I try to gulp down air, but it's impossible with the way he's holding my attention. the thing about Matthew is that he's so sweet and gentle that whenever he looks at me like I'm a plaything, it shocks my insides. they turn to jelly, eager to please and quick to satisfy. he switches so easily with me, and he doesn't even need to request my submission. I give it more than willingly.
"fuck me..." I pant out, feeling my pussy start to clench over and over around him. my orgasm fuzzies the edges of my vision, creeping up my spine until it's arched. "oh fuck-- Matthew!" I practically scream while my frame gives out. I'm shuddering, crying out at the absolute euphoria wracking my body.
"scream my name, baby." he groans, his own orgasms approaching quickly. the fluttering of my cunt around him is causing the vein in his forehead to throb. he rocks into me, the headboard knocking into the wall while he nears the edge. "such a good girl for me."
I nod and meet his thrusts with my hips while I ride out my orgasm, inadvertently finding myself wound up again. the pleasure of his fingers when they reach between our bodies to rub my clit causes me to buck into him, whining mercifully while he gets me off again.
"oh--" he sucks in a breath when I squeeze, keeping him here with me. "you feel so good."
he starts to lose control, hips juddering to get as deep as he can get.
"can I fill you up, baby?"
"yes." I reply immediately. he smiles a little, lifting me up more so that he can hold me under my ass while he pounds into me so deeply, I can feel his dick brushing my cervix.
"oh my god," he moans, the sound desperate as I feel him twitch and spill inside of me. he keeps pushing as though to keep his cum within me, panting over my skin. "such a tight little cunt."  
the circles on my clit, combined with the sinful things he continues to say, cause me to whimper and climax all over again. I moan his name, absorbed in the warmth of his seed in my stomach.
"you want more?" he slows his thrusts but pleasures me through my orgasm while I nod helplessly.
"I'll cum in you again tonight." he promises, taking my shaking, weak form as a sign to withdraw. both of us wince at the sensitivity until he lays me back down on the bed so gently, it makes me question if what we just did was real.
neither of us speaks for a moment, trying to regain our composure as he rolls down onto the mattress beside me. I stare up at the ceiling, feeling him drip between my thighs.
"that was..." he turns his head to gauge my reaction. I don't even bother to hide the satisfied grin on my face.
"yeah?" he rolls over onto his side and places one large hand on my stomach. his touch makes me bloom.
"mhmm." I hum. his face is covered in a thin sheen of sweat, a beautiful sight that makes me want to kiss him all over again. I didn't know it was possible to feel this way for someone so quickly.
"can I get you anything?" he smiles. I don't say anything at first, only reach out to cup his face in my hands and pull him to me for a chaste peck.
"no, thank you." I rub my nose with his. "I'm gonna take a shower and make something to eat if you want to join me."
"definitely." he examines my features once more as if to assess damage. but there's only pure joy painted across my face. "are you sure I didn't go too hard on you?"
"you can go harder tonight." I tease.
"what about your painting?" he suddenly recalls the project lying in the living room.
"rain check." I shrug. he laughs, wraps an arm around my waist.
"alright, then."
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qslovebot · 3 years
Nobody: Spencer Reid
Summary: After an accident on a case, the reader is left with trauma and anxiety. A miscommunication between her and the person she needs most (Spencer Reid) begins to eat her alive and he just so happens to be the only one there when she breaks again.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Warnings/Includes: mentions of kissing, mentions of traumatizing events (not specified), depictions of anxiety, fluff, miscommunication, angst to fluff
A/N: The song is Nobody by Mitski. Read with this for the ultimate experience.
Sometimes things felt too literal. Words start to sound weird and feel weird when you say them, clothes feel too much like clothes against your skin, the texture of any food in your mouth becomes too prevalent while eating.
These things started happening after you witnessed and endured something awful on a case. You wouldn't dare bring up the full memory in case it took over and killed you all over again. It wasn't PTSD, but it was the cause of your anxiety attacks most of the time when they occurred.
After that case, you spent a week in the hospital where they happened nearly every day and the doctors weren't much help, to be frank. The only people who really ever helped were your friends and the person you were so close to dating, Spencer Reid.
It was a long story. To dumb it down, the case event happened and you and Spencer thought you were about to die so he confessed his feelings for you and of course they were reciprocated. He asked, then and there through stuttering words, 'If we make it out of here please go out with me?" As his last bit of hope, and he kissed you before you were taken away by the unsub. He didn't endure nearly as much as you did which was why he wasn't as affected. But you had said 'yes' to that question and three weeks later, you still hadn't talked about it.
When the anxiety attacks happened, you often felt like you couldn't breathe, like the walls were pressing in on you. Sometimes you'd be with JJ when it happened. She would immediately ask you what you needed and often that would just be a hug.
Emily witnessed one at your house when she came over to check on you. She rushed over, caring voice and soft hands and told you to put your head between your knees, stroking your hair until you felt better.
Penelope made the 30-minute drive from her house every Friday night she wasn't working on a case to bring you dinner she had made and chat with you about anything you wanted.
Your friends cared for you, it was so prevalent. It was almost always that fact that was getting you through this as you continued to get better. You would return to work in two weeks because now the anxiety attacks were only once in a while and better controlled by you and Spencer still hadn't spoken to you since.
It was now nearly two weeks later. You would go back to work on Monday.
"He did come to visit you in the hospital before you woke up," Penelope said, stirring her cup of ramen. It was just another Friday and she sat across from you in your chair, cross-legged. "I don't know what's up with him if he isn't speaking to you, he seems fine at work."
You sighed, swallowing your bite. "I'm just scared that he regrets what he said and did before I was dragged away. It was those words and that kiss that got me through what the unsub did and I keep thinking about it and him..."
"It was romantic," she noted, waving her chopstick in the air. "I think you should call him, rather than just text him. It'll catch him off-guard and in-the-moment."
"Yes, so I can listen!"
You smiled a little, pulling out your phone as your heart began to race. What if he did pick up? What if it was awkward? What if he somehow didn't remember?
You pressed on his name, then pressed call. It began to hum quietly with pending rings. One ring, two, then five, then seven, then there was a small beep.
'You've reached Dr. Spencer Reid, uh, leave a message,' his voice said through the machine, still as sweet and youthfully scratchy. You bit your lip and nodded.
"I should have known that he didn't want to talk. Penelope, I can't stop thinking about him and he keeps ignoring my calls and I'm... frankly I'm afraid that nothing will ever happen and he'll ignore me forever."
Penelope cringed, "(Y/N), uh... there's... it's gone to voicemail and you're recording."
"Shit!" You panicked, looking at your phone. "How do I stop it?!"
"The red button!"
"That's the end call button I-" you pressed it by accident. Oh my god, the message went through. You just sat there with Penelope, both of you frozen in shock. That did not just happen... did it really just happen? Your one moment of self-pity and worry was one moment that Spencer would hear if he touched his phone on a Friday night.
The rest of the night was spent with you fighting off panic, pacing your room. Penelope agreed to stay overnight, but you could not handle the fact Spencer would hear what you said. It was humiliating to think about him hearing you stress over something like that.
This is what nagged at you all weekend, threatening the impending anxiety that was building up. Every second was agony, spent pacing and overthinking. Sleep was hard to get, so you took melatonin and your dreams taunted you with it all over again.
Monday morning you rushed to get dressed. You needed to see Spencer, no matter how hard it was to face him. You pulled on dress pants and a navy blue cotton v-neck shirt with bell sleeves. Laundry was forgotten through two days of panic, so this was pretty much the only shirt you had.
You brushed through your hair and applied your regular makeup and there, you were presentable and didn't look like you'd lost your mind over the weekend. You were going back, finally. It was somewhat refreshing if you dismissed the Spencer ordeal.
The drive there was fine. Music helped to calm you down and you listened as long as you could. Stepping into the BAU was different, it felt like you were being crushed the moment you stepped in.
"There's my girl!" Derek Morgan was the first to notice you walk in and he greeted you with open arms and a crushing hug. You smiled, letting him. It had been a while since you last saw him. He let you go after a few seconds, but his hands stayed on your shoulders. "We missed you here, things weren't as fun without you."
"I bet," you grinned, heading to your desk. You could hide your freakout well. "I missed the smell of coffee and paper in the morning."
"(Y/N), glad to have you back," Hotch said, walking down the steps. He did seem honestly glad to see you as there was a small twitch of his mouth when he approached you and Derek. "You're sure you're alright to work again? I assume today is a file day, but we'll be back out there soon."
You nodded, smiling back. "Getting there, but it's controllable now," He narrowed his eyebrows. "I'll be fine for the field and if I'm not, I can always stay at the precinct to work things out there."
Hotch looked to Derek, then back at you. "Sounds good. Again, glad to have you back, agent." Hotch shook your hand and passed you, heading into JJ's office.
"Morgan..." You started, fiddling with your fingers. "Have you seen Spencer?"
"Yeah, he just went to the washroom, why?"
"I need to talk to him..."
The day went on and of course, you saw Spencer, but he paid you no mind. Not even a 'welcome back' or anything. You were just there and it was like you never left, except Spencer didn't even look at you. He was busy with his work and you constantly found yourself watching him. Maybe he'd heard your voice mail, maybe not, but either way, he didn't seem to care anymore.
That month and a half you spent recovering- was it possible that he used that time away from you to get over you? The idea was haunting and tugged at your heart. To be the only one all-in was such an incredibly painful idea. What he said before you were dragged away into the depths of hell meant something to you and it kept you alive... and to think he probably didn't mean it...
You needed to stop thinking about it before it made you burst into a million pieces. To be surrounded by everyone who you loved and loved you back wasn't enough if you couldn't have Spencer, too. Selfish, it sounded so selfish, but it shook you to the core that he wasn't amongst them.
The day continued and more pain was endured. More overthinking, more fear, more insecurity. The day was nearing its end.
Everybody seemed like nobody when Spencer was out of the picture. You had spent so much time thinking about him in the hospital and at home in recovery, who were you without wondering you could make it work? Nobody. Without the fantasy you could be his, you stranded on some sort of island. You were nobody if not Spencer's.
So you were nobody.
It was that thought that keeled you over the edge in the parking lot of the BAU. So much fear, so much pent-up emotion, it was too much to contain and just... spilled over onto everything as your hands began to shake, followed by that godawful feeling in the pit of your stomach. Your knees gave out and you fell conveniently onto the curb next to your car.
There was nobody there, either. You were alone on the concrete curb, face in your shaking hand and the other shaking hand gripping the curb so hard your knuckles turned white. Too much, too little, everything was wrong and you couldn't face Spencer.
You looked up for a brief moment and there was a brief look at someone in a beige cardigan and khaki pants and your heart fell to the pit of your stomach- as if you were humiliated enough. Footsteps, closer.
"A-are you okay?" His voice was a little panicked, definitely not as bad as yours, though. Overall, you were just glad he was within six feet of you.
Of course, you were pretty much unable to reply. Your face stayed in your hands and you felt light fingers on your shoulder, his, and they were somewhat grounding. God, he was here and you couldn't even talk to him, you couldn't even raise your head.
"What do you need, I- what happened?" He cared. But to what extent? His hands felt frantic- they shook a little (again, not nearly as bad as yours) and they moved from your shoulder, to upper arm, to near your neck, to the side of your head. "If this is my fault, I-"
He stopped himself. How could he possibly know that it was the thought of him that sent this into motion? The voicemail didn't entail much other than he was on your mind. You hardly even noticed that you were crying from the anxiety attack until you felt how wet your hands were. Your words kept piling on your tongue and the panic rose again in an entirely new wave.
"Do you- do you need help? I can get Hotch or... Derek, Derek knows, I know, but I don't- I don't think you like me very much and I won't be of help-I-I-I-" His voice continued to ramble and you were flooded with new thoughts. How could he possibly think that you didn't like him? In those moments before you were taken, you had said yes to going out with him if you both made it out. You kissed him back then before the arms grabbed you and dragged you off. Where did the idea of you not liking him come from? It was you who was afraid he didn't like you back.
You wanted to speak, you wanted to say something but you were stuck in your own mind, desperately trying to fight this off, trying hard to calm your breathing. The most you could do was take your hand off of the curb and frantically grab his. You took his hand and you held it tight, trying to slow the sharp intakes of breath. That's when Spencer squeezed your hand and you began to feel better.
And when you did start to feel better and your breathing was still harsh, but better and you could finally move a little more, you did what you had wanted to do every day in the hospital. You leaned forward and wrapped your arms around Spencer, your arms resting around his shoulders. You needed it and apparently so did he, because he squeezed you back the same. Either it was that or he knew pressure helped. All you could do was hope it wasn't the latter.
Spencer of course buried his face in the crook of your neck like he had before and you knew now that this feeling was coming to an end. The tide was washing out and there was calm after the storm. No words, just your breathing becoming more natural and the wind over your ears. This was all that you needed.
He stayed like this with you for a good five more minutes before you could finally release him, pulling apart and your hand coming up to wipe under your eyes. He didn't speak then, either- he just watched, his face furrowed in concern.
So you spoke, "Spencer wh-" your voice cut out from still being in that state of anxiety. You coughed into your arm, tried again. "Why would you think I don't like you?"
"I-I- don't think that's the question, I- are you okay?" His hands went back to your shoulders bracingly.
You smiled a small smile, "I'm better, it's passed, but Spencer...' You slid into a whisper with the crying coming back. Had it really passed?
"Yes?" His reply was wary. As if afraid to break you, he tiptoed.
"Answer me, please."
He bit his lower lip into his mouth, sighing. "I don't know if I should, you're- you're upset."
You looked at him, dead-on, determined. "Please."
"You didn't call. Not once and I-I-I was worried and then I started to think about it and everything t-that happened before you were taken and that you probably only said and did that because you were about to-to-uh, die." He rambled, words spilling out. "So I thought maybe you didn't really like me and-"
"I was waiting for you to call, too," you actually let out a laugh. He smiled in realization. "Because I was afraid of the exact same thing. I was afraid you didn't mean it and I worked myself up- I called Friday night, though-"
"I didn't- I didn't know that-" he fumbled to bring his phone out of his pocket and he must have seen that he had a voicemail from you and nodded, a little smile appearing on his worried face. "So you did mean to say yes?"
"And you did mean to ask?" You inquired, head tilted.
"Y-yes, of course."
"Then yes," you replied, smile widening to a grin. "How is Saturday night? I think I'll be better by then."
He was positively beaming as he helped you back to your feet. "Saturday is... great. Are you sure you're alright?"
"Much better.... truthfully." You nodded excessively and Spencer began walking back to his car, but then came back quickly to kiss your cheek.
He was like a child excited to go run and tell friends, "Goodnight!"
"Night, Spence." You stood there, basking in the glory that was solved miscommunication. You weren't nobody, you were in fact, somebody. And you were soon to be Spencer's.
Tags: @ellyhotchner, @softhairedhotch, @laurakirsten0502
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fanmoose12 · 3 years
Levihan week 2021
Day one: school
Summary: If there is something worse than getting caught by your student while you're making out with your colleague, it's getting caught while making out by your student who is also your cousin. Especially, if the cousin is as bratty and annoying as Mikasa.
The kiss is perfect - slow but passionate, their lips fitting just right like two pieces of a puzzle.
Besides, despite his neck muscles protesting, Levi rather likes their position, with Hange sitting in the chair and, and him - looming over her, gripping the back of the chair tightly. Smirking into the kiss, he takes her chin in his hand, tilting her head to the side to further deepen the kiss.
The door opens just as Hange lets out the first moan.
"I think my eyes are bleeding."
Levi's stomach drops as he recognizes that voice.
If there is something worse than getting caught by your student while you're making out with your colleague, it's getting caught while making out by your student who is also your cousin. Especially, if the cousin is as bratty and annoying as Mikasa.
"Mikasa!" Hange shrieks, hastily buttoning up the shirt that Levi spent so much time stealthily unbuttoning. He curses the sudden intrusion and the waste of a perfect moment. Mikasa and her fucking timing. "I'm so sorry!"
"I'm sorry too," Mikasa says, and the tone of her voice makes Levi grit teeth in irritation. "For you, Hange-san. I'm sure you can do better."
Oh what a fucking jerk.
Levi strides up to her, pushing her out of the door. "I'll deal with it!" he shouts to Hange and shuts the door closed.
He turns to Mikasa, his eyes flashing warningly. "You saw nothing," he hisses. "And you won't say a word about it to anyone, or I'll tell Yeager about your crush on him."
Mikasa huffs. "I don't have crush on him anymore. Your crush on Hange-san however..."
"It's not a crush. It's..." he pauses, thinking how the fuck can he explain his relationship with Hange. He never had to explain it to anyone, Hange seems perfectly fine with... whatever is it that they have. Even if what they have are quick fucks after long workdays and passionate makeout sessions in between classes. They're both adults, they don't need some fucking labels if all they want is just a little bit of fun. "It's nothing," he tells Mikasa at last.
She looks unconvinced as ever. Levi wonders what exactly makes her seem so skeptical - the look in his eyes or his swollen red lips. Whatever. Even if Mikasa is unconvinced, it means nothing. Because there is nothing between him and Hange.
"You'll be late to your class if you continue staring at me, brat," he snaps, when Mikasa continues to give him the same raised eyebrow look. "Forget you saw anything."
"Sure, mister midget," Mikasa flips him off as she starts to walk away. "I'll do my best to forget."
Levi watches her go, hoping this would the end of it. But, of course, it fucking isn't.
It's Saturday evening, and, as always, Levi is having dinner with his family - his mom, uncle and Mikasa. Everything is blessedly pleasant at first - the food prepared by Kenny and his mom is delicious, the conversation around the table is enjoyable and overall the atmosphere is nice and relaxing.
That is until Mikasa decides to open her mouth.
"Aunt Kuchel?" she asks, looking so innocent and unassuming.
Kuchel smiles as she turns to look at her niece and Mikasa smiles back. Kuchel's smile is gentle and soft, like that of an angel. Mikasa's smile looks more like a smirk from the devil himself.
"Aunt Kuchel, do you know who Hange is? She is Levi's—"
"Colleague," he blurts out before Mikasa can say the wrong thing. "Hange is my colleague and Mikasa's science teacher."
Mikasa's smile grows, turns wicked. "Hange is much more than that to Levi."
"Oh?" Kenny decides to join the conversation. His excited face doesn't promise anything good. Between him and Mikasa, Levi can't decide which one of his relatives he hates more. "Is that Hange Levi's babe? Are they—"
God, Levi feels his face burn. Everyone is staring at him now and it makes his embarrassment that much worse.
"Hange is a friend," he forces out, aiming his glare first at Kenny, then at Mikasa. "Just a friend."
A friend Levi frequently sleeps with, but that's— that's not something his family should know about.
"Ah," Kenny mournfully shakes his head, "so Levi is still a virgin, how tragic."
"Kenny, you can't—"
"I'm not a fucking virgin, you old—"
"Levi, don't curse in front of—"
And just like that, a quiet pleasant evening turns into utter chaos.
Stealing a moment, while his mother is distracted with scolding his uncle, Levi leans over the table to get closer to Mikasa. "I will fucking kill you," he whispers into her face.
"Good luck with that," Mikasa retorts, expression gleeful. "You can't even reach my neck, midget."
What a fucking asshole. Levi can't fathom how his nuisance is related to him.
Things take turn to the worst when Monday rolls around and Levi comes to work.
It is lunch time and he's in the process of munching on a sandwich with chicken when the door to his classroom swings open and Hange waltzes in.
Instantly, the sandwich is forgotten. Levi puts it aside as he shifts in his seat to look at Hange, thinking - hoping - that she's here for a quickie. The lunch break has just started, and if they'll be smart about it—
Hange plops down on his desk and Levi's hope grows and grows until— until he notices the expression on her face.
It's not "hey, let's fuck in principal's office" kind of face. It's not "hey, you look incredibly sexy in this shirt" kind of face. It's not even "hey, do you want to hear about the latest experiment I did with the kids" kind of face. If he didn't know Hange as much as he did, Levi'd say that the smile on her face is awkward of all things, which— is fucking weird. He didn't know that Hange is even capable of feeling embarrassed. Just a week ago she asked if he wanted to tie her up while they fuck and she didn’t even blush during this particular conversation.
"Listen, maybe, it's not my business," when Hange has ever cared if something is her business or not? Usually she just puts her long nose into everything she deems interesting enough. Levi gulps at another sign that he really won't like this exchange. "But Mikasa approached me after today's class? Asked if I knew that Pieck is single? And then she showed me a picture of Eren's brother and told me that she can give me his number if I'm interested in him?"
Levi's fists clench as he listens to Hange. That fucker had the audacity to go behind his back and talk with Hange about this. What's even worse, Levi doesn't know what makes him angrier - Mikasa discussing things like that with Hange when he has explicitly told her not to, or the fact that he's actually worried about Hange's answer. Did she agree to take that number?
This thing between them, Levi knows it's not exclusive. And while he doesn't want to have sex with anyone else but Hange, he also knows he is free to do so. As is Hange.
And the last thought makes him more uncomfortable than he is willing to admit.
Sullenly, he returns his attention to the sandwich. "Just ignore my stupid cousin."
"Mikasa isn't stupid!" Hange protests. "I think she's very nice, she just hides it under, you know, the Ackerman gloomy facade."
"There is no such thing as Ackerman gloomy facade. She's just a brat."
"She's kind," she says, leaning just a little bit closer to him. "Just like you, short stuff."
Sitting back in his chair, Levi considers Hange. He takes note of her grin that now looks much cheekier, her chest that moves a little quicker than before, her eyes that seem to be glued to his lips.
"Four-eyes," he husks, putting his hand on her thigh. "Did you really come here just to talk about my cousin?"
"Well, since I'm already here," Hange pulls him in by his tie. "We can do both?"
"I prefer if we only do this," Levi murmurs, before closing distance between their lips.
Just like that, all his worries (and his sandwich) are forgotten.
But Mikasa, being the insufferable nuisance that she is, just doesn't let him be.
Levi is having a wondrous time with Hange in her laboratory. She has him splayed out on her desk, and she kisses him just right, just as he likes, while her fingers are carding through his hair, pulling at it from time to time.
Nothing can destroy this moment for him. Or— so he thinks.
As soon as Hange starts toying with the buttons of his shirt and Levi gets even more excited, his phone starts to buzz.
He means to ignore it, but the buzz keeps repeating, again and again. He groans and pushes Hange away.
“Sorry, some bastard keeps texting me,” he explains, as he unlocks the phone.
There, he finds a dozen texts from Mikasa. Most of them include a vomiting emoji, and the last one says,
you forgot to close the windows, idiot
Levi whips his head around, and, to his horror, realizes that Mikasa is right. The blinds aren’t closed, and Hange’s laboratory is on the first floor, and that means… fuck, that means that anyone could see Hange going on him.
He frantically grabs her hand and pulls her along with him. “Let’s do this in my classroom.”
At least, no one would see him from the third floor window. To make sure that no one interrupts them this time, he sends a quick message to Mikasa,
keep your shitty friends away from my classroom
and don’t you dare open that door until the class starts
Still, to be completely safe, Levi locks the door to his classroom too.
There is no saving from Mikasa, and several days later, she strikes again.
Levi is walking Hange to her car after the workday is over, thinking if he should offer her to go to his place and get drunk while grading assignments. Maybe, they can have a little bit a fun afterwards.
The offer is at the tip of his tongue when Levi hears it, as clear as day, - his cousin's irritating voice.
"I'll come back in a moment," he tells Hange and heads in the direction the voice was coming from.
Turning the corner, he sees Mikasa in all of her glory - short skirt, fishnet stockings, leather jacket and combat boots, all black, of course. She's with Sasha, another student of his - a nice, polite girl, Levi doesn't understand why she's hanging out with his asshole of a cousin.
But Sasha's presence is not the thing that he focuses on. Levi is much more interested in the cigarette that Mikasa holds in her hand.
"Oi, brat," he glowers, fists clenching at his sides. "You can't smoke on the school's grounds."
"We're sorry, Mister Ackerman!" Sasha exclaims, her eyes wide. "We were just leaving, I swear!" she not so subtly tugs at Mikasa's arm, begging her to start moving. Mikasa stays perfectly still, though.
"The lessons are over," she takes a drag of the cigarette and lazily lets the smoke out. It only furthers Levi’s anger. "You can't tell me what to do."
"I can still call your mom and tell her what you're doing."
"And I can tell everyone that I saw you making out with Hange-san the other day. Or I can tell how just now you were obviously thinking about groping her ass."
"Mikasa!" Sasha looks terrified, her ponytail bobbing up and down as she frantically shakes her head. "She didn't mean that!" she hurriedly assures Levi.
"I meant exactly that," Mikasa counters, in an annoyingly bored voice. Levi hates when she acts like that. He feels like he is staring in the mirror.
"Leave me and Hange alone," he says, deadly quiet. "It's not any of your business."
"I just gave her a couple of advices. What, it got you mad?" Mikasa taunts. "Maybe, you're jealous? Then why the fuck—"
"It's none of your—"
"It is if you're acting like an idiot! You clearly like her, so why are you so stuck on that friends with benefits bullshit? What are you scared of? Commitment? Or that your feelings are not actually requited?"
“Shut up and don’t put your nose into my shit. What, you think you’ve gotten over one boy in your life and now you’re an expert in relationship? Stay in your fucking lane.”
His tirade doesn’t seem to have much of effect on Mikasa, but, at least, she doesn’t try to open her mouth once more, just stares at him with judgement in her gaze. Whatever, Levi doesn’t care what she thinks.
And, maybe, she is right, maybe, he is afraid that Hange won’t want to be in a serious relationship with him, maybe, he is afraid that he will bore her out and she will leave him.
But, whether she is right or not, it’s still none of Mikasa’s business.
After that particularly unpleasant conversation, Mikasa doesn’t try to bring this up the subject of him and Hange again. Furthermore, she doesn’t talk to him either, just glares fiercely whenever their eyes meet in the classroom or across the hallway.
Levi tries to persuade himself that the silent treatment doesn’t affect him in anyway. After all, Mikasa is just a teenager, a difficult one at that, it’s not unusual for her to throw tantrums. He tells himself that it doesn’t bother him.
But what does bother him is her words and how they affect his relationship with Hange. The relationship that is perfect, that works for both of them, and that ultimately… makes him yearn for more.
He wants more than to simply be Hange’s fuck buddy. He’s tired of coming up with the reason just to be with her. And while the sex is great, better than Levi ever had, he doesn’t want their relationships to revolve solely around it. He wants to stay in bed with her after the deed is done, wants to fall asleep together and wake up in one bed. Wants to cook breakfast for her and watch her walk around in his clothes. He wants to tell their friends that they are together, wants to hold her hand as they walk home together and wants to spend lunches with her, listening to her talk about her work.
He wants more— more of Hange. He wants to be more for her – more than a colleague, more than a friend, more than a fuck buddy.
But he doesn’t know how to tell this to her, how to open up and show his true feelings. What if Hange doesn’t reciprocate them? What if by asking for more, he will lose the thing they already have?
Levi doesn’t want that. Even if he’ll remain nothing more than a fuck buddy, even if he’ll become just a friend, he wants to keep Hange close, no matter how their relationship will look like.
Perhaps, wanting more is stupid. Perhaps, it is simply futile.
Perhaps, perhaps… But what Levi is sure of that it is all Mikasa’s fault.
She is the one who planted these idiotic ideas in his head. She is the one who couldn’t stop bugging him about his relationship with Hange. She is the one who made him so confused and miserable.
She is the one who made him crave for Hange, even when Hange is right beside him, warm and soft in his arms.
“Short stuff?” her long finger travels up his bicep, tracing invisible shapes. “Are you still with me? Have I fucked you that good?”
“Shut up,” he mumbles without any real bite to his words. Of course, the sex was good, it always is, but the problem is sex is the only thing they do. Sure, they bicker between classes and sometimes they have dinner together or they hang out and watch dumb movies, but it always— always, leads to the same outcome. Them, falling into bed, or them doing it against the counter, or in the shower, or against the wall, or on the floor of Hange’s living room. “I’m just… thinking.”
“Thinking?” Hange rises up, her hair tickling his neck. “Penny for your thoughts then?”
It’d be so easy to say this. To take her hand, kiss her knuckles and whisper, “hey, I like you. A lot. Maybe, we should start dating?”
It’d be so easy. For anyone, who isn’t him.
“It’s nothing,” he pulls away from Hange, leaving the comfort of her bed and the warmth of her body. “I guess I’m just a little tired. It’s late already, and we have classes first thing in the morning, so I’ll be going.”
“Levi?” Hange reaches out for him, and something in her gaze, in the way she says his name makes him pause, makes him think that maybe his feelings aren’t actually one-sided. But the moment is gone, and the impression is gone along with it. “You know you can talk to me, right? About anything. We’re friends, aren’t we?”
“Yeah,” he answers, swallowing the bitter lump in his throat. They’re friend, just friends. And that’s the main problem. “I’ll see you around, Hange.”
He pulls on his clothes and hurries to get out, before Hange can say anything else.
It goes on like that for another two weeks. He tries to avoid Hange, Hange inevitably finds him, tries to get him to talk, but Levi refuses and distracts her with sex. Hange stops pestering him for a day or two, while Levi can’t stop thinking about her.
And it is ridiculous, absolutely laughable, but his heart aches for her even while she’s moaning his name underneath him, while he holds her close, as both of the climax at the same time, as she whispers just how good he makes her feel.
Ultimately, Levi blames it all on Mikasa.
Strangely, she’s also the one, who helps him get his shit together.
He finds her after school, smoking near the main gates. Mikasa looks even more sullen than usual, her face as sour as ever. Curious (and a little bit worried), he approaches her, leaning against the brick wall by her side.
“What, did Yeager break up with you?”
Mikasa gifts him with a glare, and scoffs before turning her eyes back to the sky. “I told you, I don’t have a crush on him anymore.”
“Then who is it?” mentally, he goes through a list of all the assholes his cousin likes to hang out with. Whichever of them made her feel like shit will certainly receive an earful from him. “Is it that horse-faced Kirshtein?”
She puffs out a cloud of smoke. “It’s not him either.”
“Then… is it Armin?”
“It’s Sasha.”
“Sasha?” it takes him a moment to catch up with her words. He feels like the ground has been kicked from out his feet as soon as he does. “Sasha?! You mean, the Blouse girl?”
“Of course, who else?” Mikasa asks, like it’s the most obvious thing in the world. Perhaps, for her it actually is.
Levi has some troubles imagining Sasha – cheerful, energetic Sasha, who has a weird obsession with food, and quiet, moody Mikasa.
Then again, perhaps, both of them have this thing in common. They both fall for the people who are so different from them.
“So what’s up with you and Sasha? Did she dump you in favor of some kebab?”
“Very funny,” Mikasa glowers, elbowing him in the stomach. “We’re not actually together. Yet. I don’t know if I should confess to her. What if she doesn’t feel the same?”
Levi almost starts laughing. And here Mikasa was, lecturing him about relationships.
“I’m sure she’s as crazy for you as you are for her.”
“How do you know it? You don’t seem too knowledgeable about this kind of stuff.”
Levi rolls his eyes. Mikasa could at least try to act like she respects him. He's her elder and teacher, after all. “You don’t have to be knowledgeable to notice. You just got to have eyes.”
“And?” Mikasa stares at him, seemingly unimpressed and disinterested. But the cigarette in her hand is completely forgotten, uselessly dangling from between her fingers. Levi uses the moment to steal it from her.
Before Mikasa can complain or hit him on the head, Levi puts it to his lips and takes a long, satisfying drag. “Remember the time I caught the two of you after school hours? If Blouse doesn’t have a crush on you, then why she decided to hang out with your delinquent ass, knowing full well that it can get her into trouble? She could go to Burger King with Springer instead. But she chose you, brat.”
A moment passes in silence, as Mikasa stares at the ground, her expression thoughtful.
“That… was almost nice, midget,” she tentatively smiles. “Are you alright?”
Is he alright? Of course, he fucking isn’t.
“It’s your fault,” he sighs, putting the cigarette out and flicking its butt to the trashcan. “I can’t stop thinking about Hange and how… you know, how much she means to me.”
“Oh? So you’ve decided to stop being a shithead and confess?”
Levi crosses hands on his chest, trying to appear less pathetic than he feels right now. “I’m not sure if she wants the same thing as I do.”
“Jesus, I told her to find someone better. But,” Mikasa raises a hand, silencing him before Levi can start cursing at her. “Hange-san thinks you’re fine just the way you are. Do you know what she told me after I offered to introduce her to Eren’s brother? She said, and it’s a direct quote, - right now, I don’t need a date, I’m happy with what we have with Levi.”
Mikasa can be cruel sometimes, sometimes she seems almost heartless. But Levi knows she wouldn’t lie to him, not about this.
Even so… he is hesitant, he can’t quite believe that she means what he thinks she means.
“But if Hange is happy with what we have now…”
“For fuck’s sake,” Mikasa rolls her eyes. “If she didn’t want more, she’d go on a date with someone else, you idiot. But she’s happy with you, because she’s crazy about you, as weird as it sounds. So… go and get her. Before she decides you’re uninterested.”
He’s… he’s not uninterested. Levi is anything but uninterested.
“I’m going to go now,” he says, before he dashes back inside the school. If he’s lucky, Hange is still there.
As he's running towards school, Mikasa's quiet chuckling follows him.
Hange is still there, but she isn’t alone. Her assistant Moblit and Armin, one of her favorite students, are with her, working on some experiment.
They jump, as Levi rushes inside, opening the door so forcefully, the hinges almost fly out.
“Out,” he tells them in his most scary voice. Moblit and Armin share a look with each other, then – with Hange. She smiles and gives them a nod, and they hurriedly leave the laboratory.
“Levi, listen, I appreciate—”
He doesn’t give her a chance to finish that sentence. As swiftly as he arrived, Levi appears next to her, cradling her face in his palms.
“Four-eyes,” he cringes at the nickname. He’s asking her out, he should, at least, try to be a little nicer. “Hange," he corrects himself, "are you free tonight?”
More than a little confused by his behavior, Hange snickers. “Are you that horny today, Levi?”
“Tch,” he rolls his eyes. “That’s not it. Are you free tonight to…” he pauses, watching her face closely. If Hange shows even the smallest sign of discomfort or disinterest, he’ll back off. He’ll forget this conversation ever took place. “To go to the dinner with me? Without sex.”
“You don’t want to have sex?”
How can she even ask something like that? Of course, Levi wants to have sex with her. But he also wants to do other things with her, the things that normal couples do.
And, maybe, he doesn’t want to have sex either. Maybe, he wants to make love to her fron now on.
But… he is getting ahead of himself. Right now, the dinner is more important.
“We can have sex later, or not at all. What I want is to spend time with you, outside of the bed.”
So Mikasa was wrong. Hange doesn’t reciprocate his feelings. She doesn’t want to have something more with him.
Crushed and crestfallen, Levi intends to take a step back. He intends to apologize, leave Hange alone and then get blackout drunk at his apartment while listening to Taylor Swift.
But as he tries to pull away, Hange doesn’t let him. She puts her hands over his palms, staring down at him with an expression so loving it takes his breath away.
“Of course, I want to go to the dinner with you, Levi. We can dress up, go to the fancy restaurant, or… we can order takeout and eat awful, greasy food on your couch, while I listen to you bitch about your students and you listen to me rambling about science. We can cuddle, while we grade assignments… I’ll be happy with any scenario. Even if it won’t end in sex.”
“You mean it?” he asks, still unconvinced. “You want… the same things as I do?”
“For quite some time, short stuff,” Hange chuckles. “I just didn’t know you wanted it too. You seemed quite satisfied with our arrangement, and you were so ashamed when your cousin caught us in the act…”
“I wasn’t ashamed,” he scoffs, refusing to even entertain the idea. “I just… didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable, and… I was worried that she would set you up on some date.”
“Nah,” Hange takes one of his hands in hers, kissing the inside of his palm. The simple, but tender gesture leaves him weak in knees. “I only want you.”
“Good,” he puts his hand on her waist, pulling her just a little bit closer. When their lips are just a breath apart, he whispers, “Because I only want you, as well, four-eyes.”
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the-witty-pen-name · 4 years
Can’t Help Falling in Love
Loki x Reader (f) 
Valentine’s Day with the God of Mischief 
Based on suggestion by: @squadleaderchase​
A/N: Thank you so much for the suggestion! I loved writing this, it was so much fun! 
Happy Valentine’s Day y’all!
There is also a gender neutral version of this fic, and will be posted shortly after this one! Read it here! 
I recommend to putting on Can’t Help Falling in Love by Elvis towards the end just for that finishing touch! 
Summary: When Loki learns about the traditions of Valentine’s Day, he asks you to be his Valentine- and reluctantly takes advice from Steve Rogers. 
Word Count: 2.9k
Warnings: none; just fluff 
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“Can’t Midgardians have a holiday that doesn’t involve such a grotesque display of… red?” Loki asks walking into the living room of the Avengers compound. Loki arrived at the compound a few weeks before Christmas and so far, he’s experienced two Earth holidays: Christmas and New Year’s. Of course, Tony had picked the theme for both parties to be elaborately red and gold- he claimed the fact that it matched his suit was merely a coincidence.
“Just wait until next month,” you reply casually, your eyes not leaving the brief you were reading while you sat cozied up in one of the large armchairs. “I think you’ll like St. Patrick’s Day much more… color scheme wise at least.”
Loki looked up curiously at the hearts of all shades of red and pink Natasha had hung up to decorate the Avengers’ living quarters. She had gone to visit Clint’s family and his kids spent hours making Valentines and decorations out of construction paper and glitter. Loki looked almost puzzled at the lopsided hearts that hung from the ceiling on transparent line so they looked like they floated mid-air.
“Perhaps I might,” he mumbled to himself, the lovesick aura of his surroundings making him slightly disgusted. “Though I suppose I find your rituals as bizarre as you’d find on Asgard.”
“Mhmm,” you mumbled in response to his thinking out loud. It was rare that the compound would be this quiet. It was a Friday evening and in the middle of a team meeting earlier today, Tony declared exhaustedly that everyone needs to start the weekend early and dismissed everyone despite Steve’s protests. You weren’t sure where everyone else went and you didn’t particularly care- enjoying the rare peace and quiet.
You didn’t mind Loki’s company. He was a little aloof but overall, you found him more to be misunderstood than anything else. He wasn’t like Thor and sure, he had a very trouble ridden past to downplay it- but he’s confided in you all it wasn’t entirely his doing. Out of everyone living at the compound, he probably had grown the closest to you, or as close as Loki would allow himself to be to someone.
“What even is this holiday?” Loki asked, pulling his attention from the decorations to where you sat, binder in your lap. You looked up and closed the brief, tossing it onto the coffee table in front of where you sat.
“Sunday is Valentine’s Day,” you say looking back over to him, meeting his eyes. “I mean overtime the traditions and how we celebrate have changed but it’s originally the day meant to honor St. Valentine and commemorate his death. There’s a lot more to it than that and there’s all different of different origins, but now it’s more like a day where you celebrate love, because he was the patron Saint of Love.”
Loki nods, liking the idea of this holiday much more than New Years already. He didn’t mind Christmas, but the elaborate parties made everything not very appealing to him. You can’t blame the god for not having a good time at parties where every guest fears him or hates him. He walks over and takes a seat on the couch and crosses his legs. He was intrigued enough to continue the conversation and ask you more questions. “What are the traditions?” He asks curiously.
“Traditionally, you would ask someone to be your Valentine, and that’s the person you want to spend the day with,” you answer with a small shrug, trying to explain a holiday you’ve never had to explain before. “Some people have it easy and they ask their significant other, and if you don’t have one, you ask someone you’re romantically interested in to be your Valentine. Then you give each other gifts, like chocolates or flowers, anything really that’s romantic and you go out on a date, like a nice dinner but it doesn’t have to be. That’s the basic gist.”
“Thank you, (y/n),” Loki said, mulling over your explanation. “You’ve been helpful, as always. Tell me, who’s your Valentine?”
“I don’t have one,” you answered honestly. The only time you really celebrated was when you had been with someone. You’d never really participated otherwise. You planned to just spend the night alone or with Nat if she also didn’t have plans and probably watch a movie- most definitely Pride and Prejudice.
“Shame,” Loki said with a tsk. “Perhaps, if you would be interested, you could be my Valentine?”
“Really?” you ask, honestly surprised.
“I actually like the idea of the day,” Loki shrugged. “And I don’t know many people, people seem to hate me on this planet- no idea as to why. You’ve always been kind to me, and you are the most tolerable person I’ve encountered on this planet.”
“That’s oddly very kind of you,” you say with a chuckle. “I appreciate the sentiments. Um, yes. I’d be happy to be your Valentine.”
“Excellent,” he grinned. He clapped his hands together and stood up. “Splendid. I’ll ask Thor to help me plan something.”
“I’m looking forward to it,” you smile, picking up your paperwork again as Loki heads off to find his brother.
“Brother,” Thor’s voice echoed in the training room. “Spar with me?”
“As much as I would love to,” Loki said sarcastically, “I need your help with something I need to plan.” Loki walked over to the side of the mat where Thor had been training with Captain Rogers.
“Plan what?” Captain Rogers asked curiously. It was an innocent enough question but Loki took it as Rogers insinuating his distrust in him. Of course, Loki can’t blame the man but it did rub him the wrong way.
“If you must know Captain Rogers, I’m making plans for this upcoming Valentine’s Day,” Loki said matter-of-factly. “I’m sure since you have quite the active love life recently, your words of wisdom are probably of infinite value.”
“You can learn a thing or two from me,” Steve retorted as he put the punching bag beck into place. “But I don’t like your attitude.”
“I don’t know how I’ll ever manage without you,” Loki scoffed. He turned his attention back to his brother. “I need help to determine where I should take (y/n) and what I should get her.”
“(y/n) agreed to this?” Thor asks, his eyebrows raised in confusion. Rogers kept his mouth shut, deciding to see where this conversation will go before
“Yes, brother. I asked her to be my Valentine as stated by tradition and she said yes.”
“Ah! Good for you, brother!” Thor exclaimed, happily. “I’m glad you’re immersing yourself in the Midgard culture.”
“Yes, yes,” Loki waved him off, “Now, please, tell me what I should do.”
“I’ve never celebrated Valentine’s Day,” Thor says with a shrug and a sympathetic look. “I haven’t had much opportunity to explore the culture. Every time I’m on this planet I’m a little busy preventing its destruction. Perhaps Rogers can help you?”
Loki let out an exasperated sigh. He avoided Rogers as he knew the man had such a smug look on his face. Loki refused to give him the satisfaction. However, he realized that wouldn’t be fair to you. Rogers not only knew what to do, but he was also close friends with you. He quickly realized if he wanted to celebrate with you properly, he’d need to rely on the infamous super soldier.
“Captain Rogers,” Loki said with a charismatic smile, turning back to the man. “I wholeheartedly apologize for my lack of… social niceties. If you’d be willing to help me, to ensure your dear friend enjoys her holiday, I would be sincerely grateful.”
“Only because of (y/n),” Rogers says skeptically, waving a finger at Loki. “She deserves to enjoy her time and I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I let you screw up her evening.”
“What a loyal friend.”
Years later, the Avengers would still talk about the fact Loki cared about you so much, he sought out advice from Captain America and Thor. And as Captain America said, he helped Loki with every last detail and Steve never let Loki forget it.
Loki had told you that he’d come to your room to get you at 6 o’clock Sunday evening. He wore clothes he had picked out, black dress pants, a white button-down shirt and shiny, black dress shoes. He had kept the last button of the shirt unbuttoned and he had rolled the sleeves up, a styling tip he had gotten from Thor. He had his long hair gelled back and tamed, ignoring Captain Roger’s horrible suggestion for a haircut. He felt very weird not wearing any green, but he took the advice he was given on his ensemble.
You were just putting on your heels when he knocked at your door Sunday promptly at 6pm. Of course, Loki would be very punctual. You gave yourself one more quick once more in the mirror in your room before heading to answer the door.
You had on a pair of dark green heels that perfectly matched your dress. You also layered over the outfit a suede brown jacket, that complimented the jewel tone of the dress and shoes nicely. You kept your appearance simple, sticking to how you usually styled your hair. Not wanting to keep him waiting, you quickly opened the door, your jacket and bag both in hand.
“Wow,” you say with a grin, when you take in Loki’s appearance. “You look very nice.”
“You look stunning,” Loki said, his eyes widening, taking in your appearance. The compliment made you have butterflies.
“Thank you,” you said with false confidence. Underneath, you were a nervous wreck as you took the arm that he extended to you.
“So,” Loki began to walk down the hallway with you. “Apparently, this planet has something called reservations, and anyone who tries to get one a few days before Valentine’s Day is a “moron,” according to a very rude young man I had the pleasure of speaking with- the first time using a phone too on top of that. So, I hope you don’t mind if the evening is a little… makeshift.”
“I’m sure it’ll be great,” you reassure him. You feel him relax slightly. You found how hard he was trying so endearing.
Where else did he bring you but just down the hall to the living room. At night with the lights dimmed, combined with Natasha’s homemade decorations, it actually looked quite beautiful. He had decorated with an eclectic array of candles as well that covered most surfaces of the room. It also looked like he had swiped every throw pillow in the whole compound and had them arranged the coffee table in the center of the room.
“Did you do all of this?” You ask in awe.
“Yes,” he replied, just watching you. “Do you like it?”
“It’s perfect.”
“I had to make my own version of advice I received,” he disclosed to you. You sat opposite each other on either side of the coffee table, you kicked off your heels and he did the same with his shoes. “Captain Rogers said- and I’m trying my best to quote verbatim, ‘You need to show a girl a good time. You gotta take her to dinner and dancing.’” He even mimicked Steve’s voice perfectly. It made you laugh.
“I can’t believe you subjected yourself to Steve for me, I’m touched,” you smiled. “I mean I love Steve,” you continue, “But I can’t imagine you too being best friends anytime soon.”
“No, I suppose we probably won’t be,” Loki chuckles.
“I hate to point it out,” you continue, “but I think you missed both the dinner part and the dancing part of that plan.” Loki smirked and when you blinked, he transformed the whole room.
“Did I?” he asks, with an eyebrow raised. You gasp, looking around the room you were now in. You knew it was an illusion, but it felt very real. The atmosphere, the breeze coming in from the large bay windows that weren’t there before. The coffee table now a table now one of many dining tables in an incredibly high-end restaurant. The table had food, and a bottle of wine. You were stunned. There was a live band and other couples in other tables and out on the dancefloor.
“Loki?” You exclaimed, looking around at your new surroundings. It was amazing. You couldn’t believe the magic right before your eyes. Of course, you knew it was just one of his tricks, but it felt so incredibly real. You picked up your fork and took a bite of the food in front of you. It was incredible, you questioned if you were even eating.
“It’s real,” Loki said, like he could read your mind. Honestly, he had only just anticipated your next question. “I made it. Well, I made it with Friday’s supervision.”
“It’s fantastic! I can’t believe you went through all this trouble just for me.”
“Sweetheart, you are very much worth it- worth much more than this,” he responded casually, throwing in the term of endearment to see how you’d react. He caught the way it made you smile.
You continued to talk for a little while, and shared stories. You were worried that compared to his life on Asgard, he’d find your stories incredibly boring and mundane. It seemed to be the opposite. His attention was only on you and he held on to every word you said. He created this elaborate setting just to keep you the center of his attention.
“Should we dance?” He asks suddenly, a glimmer in his eye. You looked down apprehensively.
“I’m not really a dancer,” you tried to insist.
“Do you actually not want to dance, darling? Because if so, I will not bring it up again,” he says earnestly, “But, if you’re saying no because you’re afraid I’m going to judge you, I honestly can promise you I would never dream of doing so.”
You give it another moment to ponder over his words. You were taken aback at how well he seemed to know how you were thinking. You let out a sigh of defeat, and smile. “I’d love to,” you reply.
He stands up and offers you his hand. His smile is enough to make you weak at the knees. You take his hand and he leads you over to the dancefloor as the band starts playing its next song. “Does that singer sound like Elvis?” You ask, the small glitch in the illusion throwing you off for only a moment.
“I don’t know who that is,” Loki says with a laugh. He pulls you in close and rests one hand on the small of your back and the other grasps your hand close. You wrap your other arm around his shoulder. You are both pressed up incredibly close to one another. You rest your head on his chest comfortably, and you can’t see how much the action makes his whole face go red. Guiding your movements together, it mostly just swaying in place. The steps were small, and with the music playing for the two of you.
“This place is incredible,” you sigh happily looking up at him. “But I think I liked the first place a little better.”
He nodded in agreement and you got to watch a green hue encompass the walls of the restaurant as they almost melted away, and everything around the two of you just fade away. The sconces on the walls, revealed themselves to be the candles that cluttered the living room and the couples evaporated with the green mist. The table you had both sat at, turned back to the coffee table but the empty plates remained. The elaborate statues that surrounded the room turned into the furniture you knew well, and then the live band faded away to reveal Steve’s record player indeed playing a 45 of Can’t Help Falling in Love by Elvis Presley.
When the room finished revealing its true appearance to you, you laid your head back on Loki’s chest and mumbled that now it was perfect. He smiled to himself, thinking about how without a doubt in his mind, Valentine’s Day is his absolute favorite holiday on Midgard. He now couldn’t believe this reality was real. If he wasn’t holding you, he’d pinch himself. You were here, with him, in his arms, dancing in the middle of the living room on this godforsaken planet.
“(y/n)?” he whispered softly as the song was coming to an end.
“Mhmm?” You responded, your eyes closed, really just basking in the feeling of being so close to him and the smell of his cologne.
“Will be mine?” He asks carefully, remembering the phrase from Captain Roger’s advice. That phrase apparently being very important if today went well and he wanted to ask you to “go steady.” You chuckled softly, hearing Steve’s influence in the phrase.
“I would love to,” you say with a shy smile looking back up to him. He beams, incredibly happy you said yes. Swept up in his emotions, he swiftly leans down and presses his lips to yours capturing them in a passionate first kiss.
“Oh gross!” You hear someone exclaim, making you both pull away. It’s Tony- who was currently holding his side in pain as Pepper elbowed him in the side.
“You really had to do that?” she chastised him, rolling her eyes and giving an apologetic look to you and Loki before pushing Tony down the hallway to give you both your moment back, as sullied as it had become thanks to Tony.
“I’m so sorry,” she said embarrassed by his outburst, ushering him out as quickly as possible.
Loki turns his head back to you, immediately after they are out of view. “Where were we, darling?” He smirks, pulling you in for another kiss.
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negasonicimagines · 3 years
Revelation; Part One
warnings/kinks: a/b/o (if you’re penis-repulsed this isn’t for you), smut (duh), brief daddy kink, even briefer mommy kink, cum-eating, cum-marking, cockwarming? (does it count if it’s a/b/o?), light bloodplay, borderline somniphilia (consensual), poisoning, suicidal ideation, allusions to cheating, mentions of conversion therapy, vague mentions of s*xual ass*ult (it doesn’t actually happen in the story, it’s just referred to a lot due to the nature of this universe)
uh… this is another one of those stories that’s just kinda Heavy, please be careful & don’t continue reading if doing so is unsafe for you. I have a variety of other works that don’t have such intense themes, which you can find on my masterlist!
request (+details): Omegaverse: Alphas Yukio and Ellie with a beta reader, but it turns out that reader is a late-bloomer omega who goes into her first heat unexpectedly. / Omegaverse: The setting could be anywhere. The three of them waking up with reader burning hot, believing to be sick but is actually going into heat. The reader could be by themselves when it happens and her alphas come home to a omega in heat / I can’t get this omegaverse idea out of my head, and I hope you don’t mind me telling you this. Reader being alone and confused when her heat came, her alphas gone on a mission. During the time they were gone, Reader made a nest of her alphas’s clothes out of instinct on their bed. By the time Yukio and Ellie returned, Reader is a hot mess from trying to get off, moaning their names and begging for her alphas to help her for she don’t know why she feels like this and is scared.)
synopsis: After Wade discovers you're dealing with suicidal thoughts, he takes it upon himself to help you out, leading to one disaster after another.
author’s note: thank you so much to the lovely anon who requested this for spending so much time with me & making sure everything was juuuust right! Fun fact: we pined, started dating, and broke up, started dating again, and broke up again all before this was published 🙃 sorry everybody, it’s been a rocky road for the past… forever.
Standing guard after school for a few extra bucks is a pretty sweet deal, you have to admit. You mostly just sit around with a pair of binoculars munching on your snack of choice, using a gun loaded with tranquilizer darts to drop anyone who threatens the safety of the school and its residents. If given permission, or an order to do so, you can use your bow and arrow to really take down your enemies.
You’re pretty lucky in life overall, you also have to admit, with two alpha girlfriends and a variety of friends and acquaintances, not to mention the advantages your mutation gives you.
It makes you feel even more guilty for what you’re really thinking about right now. Not Ellie, not Yukio, not keeping an eye out for threats, nothing but a simple question:
Would it be more efficient to slit your wrists with the point of one of your arrows, or to fling yourself from the top of this turret? Which would hurt worse? You look from the sharp arrow you hold in your hand to the plush grass below, managed by some of the other students.
It’s far cheaper to pay students to maintain the yard and house, not to mention it gives students like you a way of earning the kind of spending money that other students receive from their parents or from jobs in town. Your post would be snatched up in no time if you were to pass.
Speaking of parents.
Your father’s exact words to your mother were “I hate that you use a highschool mistake to keep me trapped with you forever!” the last time you happened to hear them argue. They were no longer invited to parent-teacher conferences after that.
It’s a fine reason for him to be angry, but, unfortunately, you’re the highschool mistake he was talking about. The one he’s always talking about whenever they fight. Maybe if you were gone, he’d finally be free. Maybe you’d finally be free from his resentment. He, fortunately enough, rarely lashes out at you directly; however… There’s always been a distance.
Would he love you more if you were gone? If you saved him from… Well, you? You’ve always wanted him to love you, to look at you with something other than anger or resentment. Would he finally be proud of you, for owning up to every horrible thing you are and have done by paying the ultimate price? Would everyone?
You’re holding the bladed tip of the arrow right against your wrist, almost like a normal person might hold a bracelet to their wrist -- trying it on for size, without really thinking about it.
Suddenly, though, Wade’s here. And he’s definitely thinking about it. He yanks the arrow out of your hand, accidentally snapping the wood that makes up its length.
“What the fuck are you doing?”
“I- Uh, I don’t know,” you mumble, embarrassed, because you honestly don’t. Being alone with your thoughts gives them the space to grow from their poisoned roots into something dark you don’t really recognize as yours.
“You- You don’t know?!” Wade questions, and the unusual severity of his tone stuns you to the point of laughter. “This isn’t fucking funny, what the hell is wrong with you? Why were you-?! What were you-?! What the fuck are you doing?!”
“I’m standing guard. What the fuck are you doing?” you echo dryly, resorting to quips to avoid telling him any more than he already knows.
“I’m freaking out! I can’t kill you for apparently wanting to kill you, so that’s all I can do! I thought you were on antidepressants!”
“I am. Have been for years. They don’t cure depression, they make it easier to manage.”
“Apparently fucking not! Come on, let’s go talk to somebody and get you an appointment with a psychiatrist. You’ve been on the same prescription all these years, right? Maybe you just need your dosage upped.” Wade’s not asking, he’s telling, his hand wrapped around your bicep to pull you along, although his grip isn’t as tight as you’d expect for a man of his stature, let alone an alpha.
Why does he care so much? He’s always so gentle, even when you piss him off like this. Tears well up in your eyes but you blink hard. You know he’s been through worse. That most people here have. You have no right to cry.
Wade yells at a surprised Charles Xavier until an appointment is set up, which goes pretty well. Four days after that incident, you meet with the psychiatrist who agrees that upping your dosage is the smartest decision, frankly, she’s surprised it wasn’t done sooner. And, after about a week of your new dosage level, you’re feeling better than ever.
Way better.
“You… You’d really wanna do that? For everyone to know I’m yours?”
Ellie nods, cheeks darkened. You’re straddling her, and the two of you have been trading heated kisses with Yukio. Who would’ve thought more of the medication you were sure killed your libido before you could even develop one would be what rescued it?
“Of course we would. I know you don’t like to stereotype, but some of the stereotypes have truth to them. We’re… Territorial,” Yukio reminds you.
“I’m… A beta,” you remind her in a teasing echo of her tone.
“Our beta,” Ellie cuts back in. “Absolutely perfect.”
“Even if I’d rather not let you guys, y’know…” Your hand rubs at the space between your neck and your shoulder - where they’d likely mark you with their teeth - nervously. “...today? Or go farther than what we’re doing right now?”
“Of course, baby! The fact that you’ve even done this much…” Yukio trails off, looking over you. Your lips are swollen and still slightly parted as you continue to pant a little. The top few buttons of your (well, borrowed from Ellie) flannel are undone.
“We’re so grateful, and so proud of you,” Ellie continues, drawing your attention back to her. “We’re willing to wait as long as you need, even if that waiting only ends because you’ve decided that being with us like that isn’t something you want.”
“I do. I always have, I just… I don’t know.”
“The feeling’s still there, in your stomach, right?” Yukio wonders.
“Yeah, a little. It’s like… I know it’s not wrong, but something doesn’t feel quite right. Maybe I should just try to ignore it, I mean, you two have needs-”
“Hey. You know better than that, Y/N. We don’t, okay, babe? Not like that. We wanna have sex with you, not- Not hurt you. You understand that, right?” Ellie reassures you.
“I do, I just feel bad for being such a- I don’t know, a tease?”
“We love you. As in, you. If you forced yourself to do something you didn’t want to, just for us, how would we forgive ourselves?” Yukio says what she’s said a million times, but every time it surprises you. You tend to see yourself as only being valuable in what you can offer others— protection, a laugh, some good advice every now and then —you never expect anyone to care for you outside of that. But here they are. Absolutely perfect.
And you were thinking of flinging yourself off a tower a couple weeks ago. Should you tell them? They just think you went for an overdue checkup, which is technically the case. You don’t know what’s worse, hiding it or telling them. You’ll have to talk to Wade, he’s good at giving advice. Might not be good advice, but he’s definitely good at giving it.
“Everything okay, sharpshooter?” Ellie hands gently squeeze your hips to get your attention.
You blink back out of your thoughts, smiling a little and blushing at the nickname.
“Yeah, yeah, of course. Sorry, I just zoned out. I’ve had a lot on my mind lately.”
“Everything okay?” your alphas ask, again, in unison. Your alphas. They probably couldn’t handle it if you had a problem they couldn’t solve, the guilt of not being able to provide for you would overwhelm them.
“Yeah, totally,” you reply, because it is, now, especially here with them. Ellie starts to button up your flannel.
“Oh, we don’t have to-”
Ellie gives you a pointed look, then looks down at her crotch, then back up at you. Your blush deepens.
“Yeah, I’m guessing a cold shower’s in order,” Yukio agrees. “El, you can go first.”
“We can’t go together?” Ellie asks.
“Well, I don’t wanna leave Y/N alone. Our brave little beta did a lot more than usual. Don’t want you to feel used, baby,” Yukio explains to you both.
“Oh, duh,” Ellie agrees. You give her a quick smooch on the forehead before dismounting her and allowing yourself to be pulled into Yukio’s arms. Ellie grabs some clean clothes and heads off. As soon as the door shuts, Yukio giggles, and you look to her with a curious, confused expression.
“Now you’re all mine to cuddle.” Yukio gloats, kissing the top of your head. “Mm… You smell really good, babe. New shampoo?”
“Ish, yeah,” you agree, despite the fact that you started using it nearly a month ago at this point. Maybe the body heat you built up from the makeout session made it smell stronger, though.
Yukio keeps sniffing you, but you don’t call her out on it. She’s a little bit quirky, sure, but there’s no need to make her feel self-conscious about it when the tickling sensation feels kinda nice. She tosses in a few soft presses of her lips against your skin, too, so it’s not like she’s the only one who benefits.
Yukio eventually stops this, though, instead requesting to scent you. You’ve told the girls before that they don’t have to ask, but they— especially Yukio —seem to prefer to. You figure it’s likely to reassure them that you not only tolerate but appreciate their alphahood.
“I love you, you know that? Not just ‘cause you make me smell like petrichor. I’m surprised Ellie doesn’t spend all day huffing your scent, I… I know I would, if I could smell it.” You didn’t mean for the sad envy to ring so clearly in your words, but it’s as sharp as a knife, cutting deep enough to make Yukio gasp softly with sympathy as she rubs your wrist against her scent gland, eyes snapping open.
“Well, next time it’s about to rain, we’ll go outside, then. Every time it’s about to rain,” Yukio insists. “Who- Who told you?”
“Wade. I was just curious. He said Ellie smells like a campfire, the scent even clings like it. He even said I smell a little weird. Most betas smell like something, but I’m just… A blank canvas.”
You feel her rumble a bit with a growl, and her arms wrap tightly around you… Protectively? You blush.
“Y-Yukio?” you nervously ask, caught off guard. Ellie’s usually more of the growling type. Yukio’s pretty good about keeping her possessiveness and any other “negative” alpha traits in check. This side of her doesn’t come out often.
“What was he doing that close to you?” she snarls protectively, and if the growl wasn’t enough to get your heart racing, that was. “Sm- Smelling you?”
“Yukes, Wade’s the same age as my parents. Honestly, he’s- He’s kinda- He’s nice to me. We’re friends. I think if he was going to hurt me, he would’ve done it by now. You two keep forgetting I’m just a beta. No one wants a piece of this pie except for you and Ellie.”
“You’d be surprised at the way some alphas… It’s sick, but they- Because betas, you know, they don’t really produce slick like omegas do, and they don’t have quite as much give, uh… So, some alphas, um, they… Just let me hold you, okay?” Yukio requests. “I can’t talk about it, it’ll make me too mad.”
“I respect that. Thank you. I, uh, I didn’t realize that at all, so thank you for helping me be even safer,” you reassure her. She’s trembling. “Do you want me to hold you, instead?”
“No, no, this will make me feel better. I just… I love you. Can you just…? Just- Just say you’re mine.” This is a request Yukio has semi-often. When she feels weak in comparison to other alphas, when she feels overshadowed by Ellie, any time she needs reassurance or is just feeling bad, she’ll probably ask. You get it, being hers (and Ellie’s, of course) makes you feel better, too.
“I’m yours, Yukio. Always yours. You make me so happy, both of you. Happier than- You make me feel so-“ You get a bit choked up. These girls, these alphas… They’re so important to you.
“Oh, no, baby, please don’t cry,” Yukio implores, watching your eyes water. You turn so that your face doesn’t just rest on her chest but is buried in it.
“It’s just that no one ever loved me before you two. No one, ever. Not my parents, not my ’friends,’ no one. I don’t know why I’ve been so emotional lately, I’m sorry.”
“No one at all?” Yukio questions, but that’s the missing puzzle piece, she realizes. You’re always treating hers and Ellie’s love for you like it’s something you have to earn, no matter how much they insist being yourself is enough. She fully grasps now that it’s never been enough before.
She holds you even tighter.
“Mm-mm,” you confirm, shaking your head a little. “You and Ellie just mean the whole world to me. And- And… Wade’s my friend, too. Can I still, y’know, spend time with him?”
“Yeah, yeah, of course. I just- He’s a nice guy, but… I don’t want him to put you in danger. You can handle yourself, though. Can’t you, sharpshooter?” Her fingers trickle up your ribs as she says the nickname, making you giggle and squirm.
“Absolutely, but it is nice to have two strong, sexy alphas take care of me instead every now and then,” you admit, albeit a bit teasingly, blushing softly. You turn back so that you can see her adorable face.
“Really?” Yukio asks, but she knows.
“Really,” you agree with a smile.
“I’m yours, too. You know that, right?” Yukio checks, fiddling with your hair a bit.
“Mhm. It’s nice to hear you say it like that, though.”
“I can think of other ways you might like to hear it,” Yukio flirts.
“Yeah, you think so? Show me,” you tease back.
“I will…” Yukio trails off as she trails her finger along your jaw, tipping your head up to the perfect kissing angle and- “Eventually, little beta.”
“I- I’m taller than you,” you weakly protest.
“Your breath still hitched,” Yukio reminds you with a giggle and a gentle tap on the tip of your nose.
You stutter a little more before giving up, burying your face again and whining.
“I’m sorry, Y/N, I just can’t help myself. You’re too cute,” Yukio half-heartedly apologizes, still chuckling to herself as she strokes your back.
Ellie returns from her shower, inky tendrils of hair ruffled around but with no product in.
“She’s asleep?” Ellie asks, sounding a bit disappointed, but there’s still a significant amount of fondness in her tone.
“She’s not,” you mumble back, and both girls chuckle, Yukio untangling herself from you. You can’t help but pout a little, already missing the bubblegum-haired alpha.
“I know Yukio’s your favorite, but you could at least act a little bit happy to see me,” Ellie half-jokes, and you smile, pulling (though she doesn’t give any resistance) the girl back into your bed. She holds you the same way Yukio did, but you don’t really mind the lack of variety.
“You’re both my favorite,” you argue. Ellie takes a deep breath, likely taking in the way you’re completely embraced by Yukio’s scent.
“I don’t think that’s how favorites work,” she chuckles.
“Out of all the people in the world, you two are both my favorite,” you insist. She takes the hand you have resting on her ribcage and holds it inches from her scent gland. “Please,” you say, before she can even ask. Ellie takes a whiff again.
“Did she leave anywhere untouched?” She wonders.
“N-not really,” you stutter, because now you’re thinking of where she didn’t touch you.
“Well, she’ll have to share a little, then,” Ellie says.
You hum with delight as she scents you.
“You make a new friend?” Ellie questions.
“You smell… Different,” she responds, looking at you… Well, differently. “Like roses.”
“I have a new-ish shampoo?” You offer, but that just seems to intensify the look.
Your phone rings. It’s Wade. You wriggle out of Ellie’s loose hold on you, answering.
“Hey, you know how I’m your academic advisor?”
“Uh, yeah?”
“Well, apparently, thwarting your suicide attempts isn’t my only job. I also have to tell you when they need you in the office, which is now.”
“Seriously?! I didn’t even throw that pencil at Richard, and even if I did, he deserved it for being such a-“
“Oh, right! Should’ve opened with the good news. Your parents are here to visit.”
“What?! That’s-“ You sigh, not wanting to alarm Ellie any more than you already have. “Okay. I’ll be there. Just give me a second to get dressed.”
“Wow, no shame at all. I salute you. Toodles!” Wade hangs up before you realize he misunderstood you.
“What’s wrong?” Ellie asks.
“Nothing, just… My parents are here.”
“Your… Parents?”
“Kind of have to have those to exist, usually,” you remark, and she snorts.
“I know- I- Well, we’ve known each other for a while, and you don’t really talk about them, so I sort of assumed…” Ellie trails off.
“Oh, um, yeah, no, they’re very alive,” you confirm with an awkward chuckle.
“Right. I’ll go get ‘Kio, and we’ll all go, okay?”
“Uh- Um- Yeah.”
“What is it?”
“My parents, they kind of… They- I love you. And I’m not ashamed of you.”
“But they’ll be ashamed of you,” Ellie understands.
“I haven’t seen them in so long, they don’t even know that I like girls, let alone that I’m dating two, or that they’re both alphas… I want you and Yukio to come with me, but, if they start to- If they’re how they are, I-“
“Give my energy to helping you instead of hurting them,” Ellie uses Piotr’s words.
“Perfect,” you agree, and Ellie smiles back, but it falters. You didn’t mean to worry her so much.
“I’ll go get Yukio. You get changed, okay?”
“Mhm,” you agree, and she heads off to the bathroom. You steal one of Ellie’s band tees and an oversized cardigan of Yukio’s for comfort, finding a pair of high-waisted bottoms to tuck the tee shirt in. You throw on a pair of sneakers, and when the girls emerge from the bathroom, you pop in to freshen up.
Once you’re done, Yukio’s caught up on the situation and the three of you make your way to the front offices.
Wade meets you outside.
“Oh em gee, Y/N, you’ll never believe it, I actually went to high school with both of your parents.”
“Uh… Cool?” You respond, because you’re not entirely sure how to.
“Yeah, uh, I get now that it’s probably not really good news that they’re here, huh? No wonder I found you doing that the other day.”
“Doing what?” Yukio and Ellie ask, though for some reason, Ellie’s is tinged with suspicion, maybe even anger.
“I- Listen, it’s not a big deal, I got my prescription updated and all that good stuff, okay?” You prime them. “I was thinking about killing myself the other day and Wade caught me.”
“Thinking?! You’re gonna call holding the fucking tip of an arrow to your wrist thinking?!”
“Why didn’t you tell us?” Ellie sounds as angry as Wade does, but she looks pained. This is why you didn’t tell them.
“Hey, she doesn’t need this right now,” Yukio argues, but she looks hurt, too.
“I mean, I was just considering if it would be more painful than jumping off of the turret,” you mumble, your defense embarrassingly weak.
“We’ll talk about this later,” Ellie decides, and Yukio nods. You three follow Wade to Xavier’s office. Wade breezes in, but you’re practically stuck in the doorway, nervous to look at even the backs of their heads, before they turn around.
“Y/N,” your mom says with a grin, but you know all too well how fake that is. She approaches you, pulls you into a hug, and you want nothing more than to push her away and scrub yourself clean. She doesn’t really love you. The second you speak out of turn, or make a mistake, or give her any excuse, she’ll remind you of your worth. (Or, rather, the lack thereof.)
She slips back into her seat next to your father, in front of the desk where Xavier sits, simply observing.
“It’s been so long,” your father says, but his smile is almost blatantly fake. “Your hair, it’s different.”
“Like you said, it’s been a while,” you say, giving a grimace and an awkward chuckle.
“I don’t think I like it,” he says, like he’s giving his opinion on a sculpture in an art exhibit by some long-dead artist who doesn’t care what he thinks. Like it’s something just… Objective.
“Not sure what to do about that,” you reply sheepishly.
You don’t fully realize that you’re holding Ellie’s hand until she squeezes it reassuringly, three times. A secret code. You step further in to make room for the girls.
“So, uh, I have to ask… Why the sudden visit?”
“Well, we got an e-mail about your medicine, and we wanted to come check on you. Make sure this is the right environment for you,” your mother explains.
“You weren’t sure before you stopped talking to me for two years?” You half-joke, playing dumb.
“Has it really been two years?” A normal person would be asking this rhetorically, and they’d be embarrassed. Your mother, though, is simply trying to gaslight you.
“Longer,” you assure her.
“I thought this place was supposed to provide conversion therapy,” your father says, eyeing your hand, then Ellie’s other hand. “You’re such a fucking liar,” he hisses to your mother.
“Wow, maybe my mom dying when I was young was for the best. Better than this for sure,” Wade jokes, gently elbowing your side. You chuckle, grateful for even the slightest ounce of comic relief.
“You’re even more of a freak than you were in high school.” You squeeze Ellie’s hand tight as your father’s expression darkens even further.
“Funny you should say that, considering-“
“Wade,” your mother cuts him off.
That’s weird, to say the least. You just file that away for later. You have bigger fish to fry, like surviving this visit.
“Y/N, why’d you go for a check-up at all? You barely needed the anti-depressants in the first place,” your mother wonders.
“Because it wasn’t barely. Why else would they raise the dosage?” You ask, and the expression on her face is as stupid as the question she asked.
“Don’t speak to her that way,” your father scolds, like he didn’t just call your mother a fucking liar himself. “You are so ungrateful for everything we’ve done for you, do you realize that?”
“I’m sorry, what have you done for her, exactly? Answer quickly, please,” Ellie retorts.
“El-“ you start, but realize this isn’t anger, but advocacy.
“Well, we sheltered and fed her for over a decade,” your father remarks, smirking like he’s won.
“That’s your job!” Wade argues.
“Mr. and Mrs. L/N… I politely asked that you refrain from visiting the campus, and while I appreciate your concern for Y/N’s well-being, I must ask that you remain respectful of her, her fellow students, and my staff. Causing unnecessary conflict is exactly the reason you were almost banned when you last visited,” Professor Xavier finally speaks.
“Almost banned?!” Wade wheezes.
“Yeah,” you sigh, and Wade’s laughter immediately ceases. “I was cheating in school, according to- To Dad.” The word is poison in your mouth.
“Come on, we all know you’re not smart enough to get those grades on your own. Probably screwing some teacher, just like Mom.”
“That’s enough,” Ellie snarls, eyes glowing orange.
“I never screwed a teacher!” Your mother protests at the same time.
“Oh, that’s right, you just blew Mr. Morin. My bad. Wow, Y/N, you really must be something special for all these alphas to be fawning over you. Maybe I did fuck up once or twice, after all, I’ve heard daddy issues-“
“Well, you visited! Now get the fuck out,” Wade chirps.
“Mr. L/N, must I repeat myself? I know you and Mrs. L/N were interested in a tour. Perhaps a less crowded area would help ease your minds,” Xavier reminds you all of his presence once more.
“That sounds like a great idea,” your father agrees.
“I’m starting to get a bit of a headache, maybe you could show us your room first and I could lie down for a bit in there?”
“I-“ You look to the girls, not wanting them to have to deal with her alone.
“Actually, Miss Phimister and Miss Kitsuna would be perfect additions to a rescue team. The orphanage your friend Russell came from was actually part of a network for mutant trafficking, and we found another hub in Maine. The jet takes off in fifteen minutes, and you two will be back in time for dinner. Better get ready and briefed.”
“But-“ Yukio starts, looking to you.
“Go, be superheroes,” you tell them, and they head out. “Uh, how about we swing by the library first, to give them time to change, and then to our room?”
“You share a room with them? Somehow, I’m not surprised.”
“We were roommates before we started dating,” you correct him.
“Dating… Aw, I bet you really think that’s what it is, too. Having parents in a sham of a marriage really did a number on you, huh?” Your father condescends.
“You know, it’s pretty fucked up how fixated you are on her sexuality. Do you like to picture it, you goddamn creep?” Wade defends you, and your skin crawls. You’d never thought of it that way before.
“Let’s just get that tour started, ‘kay?” You squeak. The sooner you get this over with, the sooner they’ll be on their way, hopefully.
“Good idea, Y/N,” Wade says. “Come on, Textbook, let’s go.”
“You didn’t just call me-“
“Oh, but I did, Textbook. Hey, Y/N, did you know that was your dad’s nickname in highschool? ‘Cause he was so fuckin’ easy to shove in a locker.”
You cover your mouth with your hand, trying not to laugh and failing.
“Just show us the library already, Y/N,” your mother says, pinching the bridge of her nose.
You take your parents to the library, as requested. Wade keeps pace with you while your parents fall back. You can’t hear their exact words, but you know your parents are bickering.
“You never said it was this bad.”
“It’s not that bad. It’s definitely been worse,” you admit, busying your eyes with the paintings that line the walls so that you don’t have to meet Wade’s gaze. You might just cry if you do; you can feel the sympathy radiating off of him.
In these past few months, Wade’s been more of a father than your dad, even more of a mother than your mom, but for some reason that doesn’t make you feel more justified in how you feel about your parents. In fact, it just makes you feel worse, and even if you’ve never actually expressed it, you’re still ashamed of the fact that you wish Wade was your father instead. He actually cares, while your parents are simply legally obligated.
From the day you met, Wade’s always been there for you. If you were to tell your parents what you almost did the other day, they’d just call you attention-seeking and insult you in other ways. All they’d do is make you want to try again.
You and Wade stop at the entrance to the library and wait for your parents to catch up. They do, and you open the double doors to reveal the room.
“It’s like Beauty and the Beast,” your mother gapes.
“I thought so, too,” you agree, attempting a smile, but your parents just ignore you, wandering around the large room. Your mother excuses herself after a few minutes of spinning, saying that the dizziness is making her headache worse.
“All these books and you’re still… The way you are,” your father comments, looking at you with such disdain.
“Winner of the science fair with her loving partners, three years in a row?” Wade questions. “Oh, or maybe you’re talking about the fact that she’s a published poet. How embarrassing for you, I’m sure.”
“Wade,” you protest under your breath, embarrassed. They don’t even know that stuff. After middle school, you stopped telling them about your accomplishments. You figured out that all they’d do is ruin them for you.
“No, no, trust me. It’s more about the fact that she’s slutting around with alphas and won’t even save us the embarrassment of them being girls,” you father spats.
“That’s enough,” Wade snarls.
“Oh, that’s right, we can’t forget that she’s yours, too. I guess anything with a dick is daddy considering I was too busy putting food on the table to play dollies,” he remarks, and you suddenly feel light-headed.
“Seriously, Textbook, I really don’t want to hurt you, especially not in front of Y/N, but I fucking will if you make me.”
“Just go,” you urge Wade, starting to feel a bit dizzy, surely from the stress. You brace yourself on him, disguising it as a touch meant to comfort him. He looks concerned as the edges of your vision start to darken a little.“I- What you’re doing, I appreciate it, but-“
“You appreciate it? You appreciate him disrespecting me, disrespecting our family?!”
“Our family?!” You finally snap. “All I ever wanted was for you to love me, and you couldn’t do that. You just couldn’t. And now we’re a family?! No. No, you…” You start to pant, your face feeling even hotter than before. “You… I hate you,” you manage to get out before your world goes completely dark.
“Fuck yeah, Y/N! I’m so prou-“
But when Wade turns to you, you’re halfway to the ground. He catches you, though, and he catches a whiff of something… Familiar.
Lavender. It’s not just the Wilson scent, sure, but it’d be too much of a coincidence. You smell just like him. You are him, or, rather, made of him.
He’s torn between ecstatic and furious.
“Hey, can we get some help over here?” your father calls out to no one. It’s not a school day, and lots of students are out on missions. He reaches out to you for once in your life, but Wade’s now sitting on the floor, cradling you in his arms.
“No,” Wade argues. “Not yours. Mine.”
“What?” You father asks incredulously. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”
“She’s. Not. Yours,” Wade repeats, and the more he inhales your scent, the more out of control yet calm he feels. Like he’s in the eye of a hurricane. “My baby. Mine.”
“You’re not saying…” your father trails off as Wade gets up, still cradling you. Wade has to take you to your room; help make you a nest, now. He can smell it on you.
You’re in heat.
He gets to your room quickly, practically tossing you onto your bed. Wait… Isn’t your mom supposed to be here?
And that’s when he hears the sound of pills spilling onto the floor.
He nearly rips the bathroom door off of its hinges. Luckily, your mother spilled what Wade quickly realizes is suppressants, and not your prescription.
“You. You could’ve killed her. You are very, very lucky that my baby-“
“Our baby,” your mother corrects.
“No, you take pills, you can’t even smell her, let alone feel her like I can. It- It’s so much it fucking hurts. I’ll say it again, you’re very lucky my baby is in heat, or your arteries would be emptying in that shower. Now, go. Don’t come back.”
You groan in pain, stirring, and your mother takes Wade’s advice. Wade calls Yukio. Then Ellie. Then Yukio. Then Ellie.
“What the fuck, dude?!”
“You need to turn around. Now. I don’t have the time to explain. It’s Y/N.”
“Is she okay?” Ellie, always skeptical, asks.
“Obviously fucking not, or I wouldn’t be calling. She’s in heat.”
“I said that I don’t have time to explain, fucking turn around! I’m on the verge of going fucking feral, Ellie. You both need to get here, now.”
“Wade, get out,” Ellie immediately demands.
“I can’t,” he admits.
“Get out! Shit, Wolverine! We need to turn around!”
“I can’t. It’s not like that I swear, it’s… I’m going fucking crazy, just one of you will do, but someone needs to get here.”
“Wade, go.”
“I would never hurt her! Come home!” Wade barks before hanging up. He returns to your room to find you’ve made a nest instinctively - thank goodness for Yukio’s affinity for pillows and blankets - and now you’re curled up in pain in the center of it.
“Wade,” you whimper. He’s scared to step closer, not sure if he’s what you want, even if you despise who you thought was your father. “What’s happening to me? Everything hurts.”
“I really don’t know how to say this, but… You’re in heat.”
“But I’m a beta,” you argue, wrapping your arms around yourself.
“That’s what we all thought. But… Remember how you didn’t smell like anything before? Uh, let me start over. When did you start on your anti-depressants?”
“I was about twelve,” you confirm, not sure what that means.
“Yeah, I think those were suppressants. That it’s always been suppressants, no matter what the bottles said. Until you got a prescription without your mother knowing. Do you understand why your mother would do that?”
You shake your head, and he approaches the bed, sitting down carefully as not to disturb your work.
“Her boyfriend around the time she got pregnant with you was a beta. We know him as Textbook,” Wade teases, before continuing: “But, what no one realizes is that he was at Niagara Falls on spring break around the time when you were conceived, and she was hanging out with her next-door neighbor the whole time. Her next-door neighbor was me.”
“Oh, so I’m your highschool mistake,” you say, connecting the dots.
“Ha, well, whenever my parents- Well, I guess not my parents, but that’s beside the point, uh, whenever they argue and it gets really bad, my father- Well, not my father, but, uh-“
“Continue,” Wade urges.
“Basically, sometimes he uses ‘a mistake I made in highschool’ as code for ‘Y/N,’” you explain. “But the truth is, I’m the mistake you made in highschool.”
“You’re not a mistake,” he disagrees. “You’re- You’re one of the best things that’s ever happened to me. Lots of things are made by accident, but that doesn’t make them mistakes! Penicillin, potato chips, Post-It notes, popsicles! They were never supposed to exist but they do and the world is much better off with them in it.”
“You really do have a lot of useless knowledge,” you realize.
“So do you, that’s why our team always wins trivia night.” Wade slips off his boots, joining you in your rearranged bed. “C’mere,” he suggests, guiding your head to his neck.
“S’really you,” you mumble, already weary, and Wade worries for what’s to come. He almost doesn’t even want to let the girls in. He could get you pain medicine, he could probably even find sedatives. Then no one would ever be able to even touch you, let alone hurt you. “Lavender. You never mentioned the lavender, just the sandalwood.”
“I didn't think you’d be impressed,” Wade admits.
“It’s relaxing,” you tell him. “It’s nice to have things in common with someone.”
“You smell like roses, too, not just lavender,” he makes sure you know.
“Yeah, but I think that’s mostly concentrated in an area I’d rather not discuss with you.”
“Well, just make sure that if you do decide to do anything more with them than cuddle, which I can gladly go through the rest of my life without knowing, bee-tee-dubs, that the girls are wearing alpha condoms, especially if one of them knots you. Standard condoms work in a pinch if it’s just for one, y’know, go, but for heats they’re basically useless because of everything I just said. If they hurt you, I will make their deaths look like accidents.”
“S’not like I can get pregnant anyway…” You mumble, embarrassed. “I’m- I’m really glad it’s you. I- I wished so many times that it was you instead of him. Ow, ugh, that one was bad,” you groan, massaging your stomach.
Meanwhile, on the jet, Ellie is furious with herself.
“Yukio, you don’t get it, I smelled her. She smelled like an omega, but I thought- I assumed she was cheating on us. That maybe she didn’t want to be with us like that was because she wanted to- I don’t know, to be on top? It seems so stupid now.”
“Hey, I noticed she smelled different, too. There were other signs we both missed, anyways. Think about how emotional she’s been lately, or how much farther we’ve been going in other ways. How clingy she’s been, too.”
“I guess I didn’t really notice it because I liked her being more open and needing us more,” Ellie admits. “She- She almost fucking killed herself. And I thought cheating was what she was hiding. I- I just-“
“You can’t beat yourself up over it,” Yukio insists. “We’re on our way back, and Wade’s there to protect her.”
Speaking of Wade being there to protect you, he continues to comfort you as the pain gets worse.
“S’too hot,” you complain, and he releases you from his hold, rising from the bed. He knows he’ll have to leave you soon, because you’re likely going to need privacy before the girls get home, but it’s hard to part from you knowing you’re in pain.
“I’m gonna get you some water, okay? And after that, I’m just gonna stand guard outside the door until your girls get here. I know there’s some stuff you need to do, and that’s only gonna get worse.”
“It’s already awful,” you admit, and he chuckles.
“Good luck, kid. I love you.”
Wade gets a case of bottled water from the school’s industrial-sized pantry, bringing it to your room and tearing it open for you before leaving once more. You take one, immediately guzzling it down.
In privacy, you take off Yukio’s cardigan and your bottoms, leaving you in Ellie’s tee shirt and your underwear. You decide to go ahead and free yourself from the constriction that is your bra, feeling a bit embarrassed that you’re not leaving much to the girls’ imagination for your first time together. You eventually decide to undress completely, wondering when the hell your girls are gonna get here.
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hargrove-mayfields · 3 years
more religious Billy pls
trigger warnings for homophobia, child abuse and religious trauma.
From family, to friends, to neighbors, everyone around Billy always said, people like Billy were never supposed to get their happy endings. You sin, you repent, you get to live it up in paradise. But if you don’t repent, you go to hell. It was simple the way they taught it.
And that’s exactly the problem. Billy never knew exactly how he was supposed to earn forgiveness when his sin was just being himself, simply existing, but he tried, for years he did.
He went to every Sunday service and prayed each night like a good Christian boy was supposed to. He did everything he could to make up for being the way he was, from asking out all the pretty good girls at school to participating in the anti-homosexual pushback at the town hall even if he did go home and cry so hard he threw up after that, but those things were all just a performance, cowardly, futile attempts at pleasing the big man in the sky (and at home) that were getting him nowhere near any closer to the pearly gates.
Eventually he breaks. He starts drinking and smoking and screwing around with as many men as will take him out for the night. He grows his hair out long and pierces his ear, gets a tattoo and wears makeup he stole from the church store to sneak it to a gay bar. But still in the end, he just feels worse.
In the moment it’s like a high, like he’s finally getting to see even just a glimpse of who he, who Billy Hargrove really is and not just he was told he had to be, but Neil makes sure to remind him how wrong he is. He cuts his hair with a knife and beats him bruised and bloody, he makes the family go to church on Wednesdays instead of just Sunday, he puts the Bible on his night stand every night and he prays and prays and prays the gay out of that boy, most nights making Billy do it too through his tears.
And Billy tried, desperately he did to believe that all they said and did to him was wrong, that he could be who he wanted without all these rules just to please some unseen dictator that may or may not even be real, but the things he had been taught were so deeply ingrained into his mind. He knew he wasn’t bound for anything better, and he blamed himself for that.
On the floor of the mall, he doesn’t mean to think about it, what will happen after the fact.
He knows he should be thinking about how Max’s life is going to be once he’s not there to protect her, how everyone’s lives will be plagued with all of the destruction he caused, the grief that would come from the deaths of the people he killed. The irony of the Saint-Christopher pendant around his neck when he’d attempted to carry a child to her death instead of to safety.
As much as he’d like to see a familiar face, between everything he’d done, what he put Max and her friends through, all that had happened this past week, he knows he doesn’t have a place in paradise. Not that any of that even matters. He’d had a special spot in hell reserved just for him since he told his momma he had a crush on a curly headed boy named PJ in the second grade and the poor woman almost fainted.
Billy is terrified to be facing it now, but all his life he’d known this was coming, and he thinks he deserves it all the same.
Except, the next time he opens his eyes, he doesn’t see that he’s surrounded by hellfire and tortured souls, instead he’s staring up at a white tiled ceiling, the sound of the steady-unsteady beeping and whirring of machinery filling his head.
He tries to speak, but he doesn’t think anything comes out. A panicky little redhead leans over him in the bed to press one of the buttons. He looks at her face and he concentrates hard, and thinks he knows her, but he doesn’t know her.
A nurse comes at his sister's signal, and they first make sure he’s fully responsive, which is somewhat hard when he can’t speak, and then they inform him he’s been in an induced coma for months. They tell him that anything he saw on the other side wasn’t real, and he was alive that whole time. It doesn’t do much at all to comfort him though. How can it, when he doesn’t even know who he is?
He learns that his name is William, Billy according to the snappy girl who he knows is his little sister now, but whose name he can never seem to remember. His name feels strange in his throat when he repeats it back like a question, “Billy..?” That doesn’t feel like who he is, not anymore at least.
They have to teach him literally everything all over again. All he knew how to do when he woke up was facial expressions and vague, but very painful as he learned, gestures with his hands. Anything else was fair game.
It takes a whole year in the hospital, things going so slowly because of the pain, but even more so because of the setbacks he faces.
Two days after he woke up, when he still couldn’t speak, Neil had showed up. It wasn’t for a visit or even to see his son was going now that he’s finally awake. Neil is there to first ask him what he saw when he died, and when Billy just stares blankly, his vocabulary still too small to articulate anything, to accuse him of being the devil and deliberately mocking Him by coming back.
Needless to say, Neil isn’t allowed in for many more visits.
But it still resets those two days of progress they’d made, and it was like he’d just woken up that same day. This would keep happening every time anything distressing happened around Billy, and they had to find the perfect balance between having too many nurses and visitors in the room at once that he’d get overwhelmed and distracted, or not enough and get lonely and regress.
But once they’re out of the woods with that, things go mostly smoothly. Eating and drinking and walking, he’s gets that all down pat pretty easily, but his memories just aren’t coming back to him. He remembers a few insignificant childhood memories, but it’s mostly the bad things, things like his mother leaving or his father kicking him out for a week when he was fifteen, and so on. He still has no idea what happened to him though, and Max and her mom and the nurses are all telling him these stories, trying to persuade him into remembering, but something is just not clicking.
That is, at least, until he’s allowed to visit with Steve again.
Doctors worried showing him someone who had so many bad memories associated with him might be confusing to Billy, so they held off on allowing visitation from Steve, or anyone else who wasn’t immediate family, but he was at the hospital a few times dropping Max off when Susan was working, and he wasn’t allowed to see Billy then either.
They planned on keeping it that way until they could either be sure Billy’s identity was more secure, or if they were really desperate to get Billy's gears turning, and unfortunately the latter came first, so seven whole months after Billy woke up, Steve is allowed in his room.
The thought process was that the boys were on the basketball team together, at least until Neil pulled Billy as a punishment just before the season ended, and even if all he remembers is beating Steve up, he’s still a familiar face, and it might help, so once when Steve’s about to turn around and walk out like he always does, Max comes back out, wide eyed and flustered looking, and tells him he’s allowed to come visit with her brother.
Nobody can understand why Steve is so teary eyed, or why he says Billy's name with so much desperation, but his reaction quickly gets ignored when Billy responds with a simple, “Stevie.”
It shocks everyone, Steve was the first person who Billy remembered without months of work, sometimes he still called Max by her mother’s name if he was having a hard day, but with Steve it was like there was nothing even wrong. Like it had only been a couple of days since he’d seen him.
Before, if they asked Billy anything about high school, he couldn’t tell them much other than the bad things. But with Steve, those memories that had once been impossible to touch, the blurry images of a past he wasn’t even sure belonged to him, were unlocked, and with time Billy returns to himself. Remembers everything.
His overall progress goes much quicker after that, to the point where they’re planning on letting him out as soon as his medications are all in order, and still nobody can figure out what is so special about this boy.
That is, until a nurse walks in on them, holding hands and sitting on the bed, foreheads pressed together like they’d just been kissing. She goes a little pale in the face, but she says she’s not going to tell. That doesn’t stop half the ward from knowing in less than a week.
Nurses refuse to care for him. Susan starts standing by the door in case anyone comes in. They are told their love was sinful, but it was exactly that that had saved Billy.
Without Steve and what they had, Billy still would have no idea who he was. This wasn’t something the hospital would ever actually admit to Max or his parents, but after so long, they were sure he was never going to have his sense of self back. Because while physically he was recovering, until he had that extra push, he just wasn’t himself.
That was more of a blessing than any holy figurehead could offer. When he finally, after a year and a half in the hospital, got to come home, into Steve’s care because Susan refused to take her stepson back to Neil, his space with Steve offers Billy more comfort and safety than any isolated house of God or reformation camp ever could.
And most of all, Billy isn’t afraid to be himself anymore.
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fandomdancer · 3 years
The Dance
In the year 2169, you are a senior in high school. You've been best friends with the same two young men since grade school. One of them is your date to the senior dance. The other is the class loner: Eobard Thawne. When your date make a suddenly unexpected move, you find yourself feeling like the perfect night is ruined. But then Eobard shows up...
Word Count: 3,754 words
Rating: T, but may be M
Pairings: OC/Reader, Eobard/Reader
A/N: First attempt at a reader-insert fic. Special thanks to @darlingpetao3 @yetanotherwells @wellsaddict and @hawk-lee for listening to me freak out about this, inspiring me, and giving me the courage to actually post it. I hope it's interesting and fun for you to read.
This is Mattobard's version of Thawne, since it takes place during his teenage years.
This fic was inspired by this song (which is the featured waltz in the story). 'Pride and Penance', from World of Warcraft: Shadowlands.
The moment you step into the darkened dance hall, you feel as though you have been transported back in time. In fact, you can’t help but wonder if the organizers of this year’s spring formal are utilizing some of Rip Hunter’s famous Time Couriers to literally open a door to the past. Everything around is, at minimum, dated back a hundred years ago, from the DJ setting up digital playlists to the black-light-illuminated chairs seated around tables littered with drinks, plates of food, and what looks like games. The music right now is from the early 2000s, but you expect the songs to range through decades, possibly even centuries over the course of the night. Multicolored lights hang from the ceiling, giving the place an overall ‘club’ look, accentuated by the powerful underlighting at the bar.
The temperature increases as you enter on your date’s arm, the exertion from the dancing and milling bodies heating up the air in the room. The dance started only thirty minutes ago, but the excitement in the room is palpable, and kids are wasting no time yelling ‘hellos’ and ‘how are yous’ as they toss back nonalcoholic drinks. One table is already full of kids engaged in what looks like an intense card game with multicolored discs sprayed across the table in front of them.
Catching the fever of the room, you cast a huge grin up at your date, a handsome young man you’ve known since grade school. The two of you are dressed perhaps a little fancy for the event, with him in a fine, high-collared suit befitting a 20th century aristocrat and you in a deep red 1940s princess ballgown. Overdressing is okay: the two of you were expecting a slightly more ‘ballroom’ shindig, not this ‘21st century club’ event, and upon looking around you can see that other members of your class had similar ideas, wearing everything from 1800s Victorian gowns to military uniforms.
“They did a good job,” your date says. “Though one would think they could have come up with a more original theme name than ‘Blast to the Past’.”
“Don’t cheesy titles comprise part of the charm of last century?” you ask as the two of you move towards the obligatory picture arena. “Wasn’t stating the obvious considered not only funny, but…what was the word…a meemee?”
“Meme. One word, one syllable. And yes. Memes were a rather popular form of communication in the early 21st century, though I guess they started well before that.” Your date eyes the line and the picture-taking arena before them. “Is that….a phone booth?”
You are both intrigued as you watch a couple go into the booth, pulling a curtain shut and separating them from the outside world. Their feet are obvious as they scrabble into various positions, each one punctuated by a bright flash ands lots of giggling. The couple emerges, looking flushed and full of smiles, and watch as two thin strips of plastic emerged from the wall of the booth. The two grab the plastic strips and look at them, giggling as they walk away.
“It’s a photo booth.”
The voice right beside you and your date startles you, and you quickly look over to see one of the chaperones for the event, Ms. Steinway, a few feet away. The young teacher looks stunning in a green floor-length gown, her blonde hair floating ethereally around her shoulders. She gestures. “You go in, and you have five pictures taken of you in quick succession. There’s usually only three to four seconds between each photo so people often planned ahead what they would do ahead of time. You can make faces, or be serious…whatever you would like!”
“Thank you, Ms. Steinway,” you say before looking back to your date. “Well. I guess we have about a minute to come up with five different poses.”
“Why don’t we improvise? We’re both good thinkers on our feet.”
The tension and pressure of racing to beat a timed photo session is appealing to you, probably a side effect of all the time you've been spending lately with your other friend, Eobard Thawne. He has a strong taste for competition and it’s been rubbing off on you in the years you’ve known him.
The sudden thought of Thawne makes you skim the room, wondering if the class loner has actually shown up to tonight’s dance. You’re pretty sure he’s not here; this isn’t his type of thing at all. It’s certainly why you didn’t ask him to be your date. It’s also the only reason why you didn’t ask him to be your date. Eobard Thawne’s proud, handsome figure and strikingly keen intellect has drawn many a girl’s attention over the years, including yours, and you’ve made a concentrated effort to ignore it. But lately, you’ve noticed that he seems to be hovering near you much more often. And he got into a fistfight with your date a few weeks ago…you never did quite figure out what had caused that argument…
Seeing him here tonight would definitely open a lot of doors, however. Perhaps you would be brave enough to ask him for a single dance. He can be a truly arrogant ass but he has always been at least civil to you…probably because the two of you have also known each other since grade school.
Your date pushes you forward and you realize that, as usual, thoughts of Eobard have distracted you for several seconds. It is your turn in the photo booth.
The booth is small and simple, with a little touch screen that simply says ‘go’. A quick glance over the screen shows that presets are in place, with no way to change them. It is a little aggravating to not be able to customize the photos but you suppose that’s to get the line of kids moving quickly. With a quick glance at your date, the two of you reach out and tap the ‘go’ button together.
The very first thing he does is kiss you. It’s so fast and so intense that you don’t even have time to react. Suddenly his mouth is open and wet and moving on yours and his hand is in your carefully-crafted hairstyle and you are shocked beyond words because of all the poses you had considered in this run of pictures, your longtime friend kissing you was not one of them. You’ve suspected he felt this way about you and there was no doubt in your mind that he would be an excellent romantic partner, but you hadn’t really…thought about him like that. In fact, the only person you really thought about like that was…Eobard.
He finally pulls back and looks quickly at the camera, grinning widely. Your brain is fuzzed and rolling with several unfinished sentences and questions, but some little part of you keeps control and turns to smile bright and beautiful at the screen. The two of you make silly faces next, and as you are setting up for what you think is the next picture, the screen goes dark. You realize in shock that he used three of the five pictures to kiss you. Feeling frustrated and cheated, you get out of the booth, pasting a smile on your face so as not to appear angry to the line of kids waiting outside. You’ll have plenty of time to discuss his choices later.
The pictures print out and they’re definitely difficult to look at. The first one shows your obvious surprise, but the second two are worse, showcasing your desperate attempt to keep control of what is happening by grabbing at his face and responding to his kiss. It was not your best decision, but you feel like it was your only choice at the moment – and that realization makes you furious.
The two of you head to an unoccupied table, and the moment you set down the photos you whirl on your date, your insides twisted in knots and your throat almost sealed shut from the force of your anger. “What the hell?”
It’s even hotter in this room with your anger charging you up. You are pretty sure your face is the color of your dress. “You kissed me.”
He smiles. “Of course I did. What did you think we were going to do in there?”
Your mouth drops open. “Make faces and smile! When did kissing appear on the list of things to do tonight?”
His brow furrows. “When you agreed to be my date. Come now, you can’t possibly miss all the signs I’ve given you. You know me better than that.”
His self-entitled arrogance sets your teeth on edge and you clutch the table so hard you’re amazed it doesn’t bend. “I’ve known you for almost all of my life and you have never been so rude as to just kiss someone without making sure it’s all right with them! You wait for that kind of invitation! You don’t blindside her during a timed picture taking session!”
“Spontaneity has never been your thing, and I respect that,” he begins to say.
You cut him off. “Clearly not or these wouldn’t exist!” You wave the pictures at him before slamming them down onto the table. You don’t know what you’re angrier about now; being forced into this situation before you felt ready, his seeming blindness to how the whole situation played out, or the fact that you feel like what should have been a beautiful moment is ruined and you are never going to get it back.
A waltz begins to play, the very song the two of you were hoping would be the focus of the evening, and he reaches a hand out to you. “You’re right. I made a terrible mistake. I thought it would be fun and I assumed you would be all right with it. I am sorry. I truly am. We will go have the pictures retaken. But will you dance with me? This sounds like a beautiful waltz and I don’t want to have ruined the night by making a terrible decision right at the beginning.”
He sounds sincere but you don’t answer him at first. Your mind is still awash with anger and betrayal and a sudden desire to be anywhere but in this room right now. You don’t want to just forgive him for doing this to you. But you also don’t want the night to be ruined, and right now the song playing sounds like it could be a wonderful dance and you aren’t sure how many more will be played with the selection of music likely being offered. Reluctantly, you slip your hand into his.
“We aren’t done with this conversation,” you state firmly.
“Of course not.” He twirls you gently. “But this song fits you and I want to see you dancing to it.”
You don’t know the name of the song, but it has a haunting melody to it, almost ghostlike with sliding violins. Waltzes always have a kind of built-in grace to them, a slippery seduction meant to make it easy to move to. But this piece has an additionally dramatic vocalist that elevates the rhythm to something royal and aristocratic. You can almost imagine the two of you (and the couples that are joining you on the floor) dancing in the hall of an ancient, grand mansion while a dark storm swirls outside the floor-to-ceiling windows and the dry fingers of tree branches curl menacingly in shadows on the floor, trapping the dancers’ feet in their grip.
“Pardon me.”
The familiar voice snaps you out of the daydream you are drifting into, and you rock slowly back and forth in your date’s arms as you realize Eobard is standing in front of you two. Your breath catches and your heart rate picks up instantly as you look at him. He looks as though he has stepped straight out of your daydream: a young lord trapped in a dying manor, cloaked in high-collared black and red with the light shimmering blindingly on his short blond hair. Even more shocking is the dramatic flair he has added to the outfit: a full-length black cape fastened at his neck with a ruby. He is too beautiful to touch and yet your hands…and other, sweeter, deeper parts of you…ache as you stare at him.
His eyes sweep over you and you think you see his jaw clench slightly before he speaks again. “May I cut in?”
“You’re in our way, Bardo,” your date growls, all softness and politeness gone from his voice.
“I wasn’t addressing you,” Eobard responds to him but doesn’t take his eyes off of you. Your throat is growing dry from the simple intensity of his gaze. “I was addressing your partner." He nods to you. "May I cut in?”
You finally register what he is asking, and the thrill that races through you makes you shiver. You had thought you might have the courage to ask him to dance if you had seen him here, but him asking you is completely unexpected. Saying no to him might prevent him from asking again, but saying yes would probably send the wrong message to your date.
Then again, your date certainly sent you the wrong message when he forced you to kiss him in the photo booth.
It’s a very simple question with a very simple answer.
“I would be honored,” you reply, trying to sound as cool and proper as possible. As you pull away from your date, you feel his hands clench briefly on you. You quickly look up at him, seeing the betrayal in his eyes. At first you feel smug, but then you remind yourself that he did apologize. You give him your best comforting smile. “We’ll continue this later,” you say to him, making his expression soften just a little. But the look he gives Eobard is poisonous.
Eobard’s expression doesn’t change. Instead, he unfastens the cape from around his neck and whips it dramatically off, draping it unceremoniously on your date’s still-outstretched arms. “Would you be so kind as to place this on a nearby chair?”
Redness floods your date’s face, and you start to open your mouth to scold Eobard for his rudeness, but his hands grip you firmly and he spins you away into the dancing crowd before you can say a word. Your feet scrabble as you try to keep up, and you have a feeling he’s trying to get you as far away from your date as fast as possible. Focusing on your movements, you catch his rhythm and begin to move in time with him, gaining control over yourself while still permitting him to lead. You’re angry enough now that you’re tempted to just walk out the door after this dance. When did your two best friends turn into such boys? They’re acting like you’re a prize in a competition and while that might be flattering, it’s making you feel a bit like an object and not like the lady you want to be tonight.
“You dance well,” Eobard compliments.
You roll your eyes. “You dragged me out here and I just got my balance back. Don’t patronize me.”
“I wouldn’t dare,” he answers. “I mean what I say. I saw you trying to dance with your date over there. He was trying. You were succeeding.”
You snort and sigh. “I wish the two of you would tell me why you both seem to have lost your minds lately.”
Eobard tilts his head. “Isn’t it obvious?”
Your heart pounds and you know what you hope the answer is, but coming right out and saying it feels like a such a terrible risk. Eobard’s emotional difficulties make him dangerous sometimes, the wrong word or look pushing him away for days at a time. You are not going to ruin this night, this dance, this moment that has been playing in your dreams.
“Obviously not, or I wouldn’t have brought it up,” you say, trying to put an innocent look on your face. You aren’t sure if it works or not, but the hard look in Eobard’s eyes softens somewhat, and he guides you around the floor. Looking up at him, you surrender your mind to the daydream, milking this moment for all it is worth. The seductive waltz paints the image of a great hall, decadent in its decay, the memory of opulence just as romantic as the opulence itself. And Eobard, cold and proud and throat-achingly beautiful, spins you around it, commanding your body with his touch, and commanding your mind with his eyes.
“Your friend and I,” he says in a low voice, “are both seeking your approval.”
Dear God, he actually said it. You’re almost dizzy with excitement as you frantically think of how to navigate the next few sentences. Honesty is going to be key. “You have a funny way of showing it. First that fistfight a few weeks ago and now tonight he just kisses me out of the blue and then you drag me off like I belong to you or something…”
“He did what?” Eobard stops the two of you cold, and you blink, looking up at his grey eyes, watching in surprise as they turn stormy and dark. His pale face begins to flush as he gazes down at you. You can’t tell if what you’re seeing is anger or not, but as his eyebrows draw together you feel your insides flutter. It’s more than just anger. It’s jealousy.
Eobard is jealous.
The realization makes your throat close and you swallow several times as adrenaline floods your veins. The possibilities open up in your mind, and you suddenly realize that while both men are, in fact, treating you like a prize, you are still the one in control.
“He kissed me for our photo,” you say carefully, letting the frustration and hurt show on your face. “I didn’t know he was going to.”
Eobard looks at you, his jaw clenching and unclenching, and his face continuing to grow red. His hands tighten on your waist and hand, and a strange excitement blooms in your chest. Eobard Thawne, so aloof and elitist, suffering from the simple emotion of jealousy. And jealousy related to you, because he’s seeking your approval. Despite the heat of the moment, you find yourself fighting a smile.
“Did you enjoy it?” he asks tightly.
You know the truth and you know what saying it will mean. But right now, you are unable to lie to him, captivated by the thrill of his reaction and the intoxicating crescendo building around you.
Eobard’s chin lifts and a smug satisfaction fills his eyes as the music crescendos loudly. With a climactic crash of drums, he decisively pushes you out into a firm spin, and then brings you back in, his hand slipping to the small of your back and holding you flush against his body. And for one fiery, fierce moment, you realize that you can feel him, dear God, all of him, pressed possessively against you, and a weakness makes your knees wobble and your mouth go dry as you stare into his eyes, only inches away, and realize what he is silently saying to you.
Then the two of you are moving again as he takes everything up another notch, whirling you both within the crowd as though you have all the space in the world. The music pounds with your steps, pulsing inside of you, the melody a full-throated cry from the whole orchestra, igniting adrenaline and fire within you. Your mouth falls open to gasp for air as your eyes drift closed. You don’t need to see, only to feel the clutch of his hands and the heat of his body and the light pressure on your waist as he leads you.
And then, in one powerful beat, the music stops. Eobard pushes you backwards into a dramatic dip, holding you up while your hands claw at him. You can’t see the ecstasy on your face but a few gasps from the people around you suggest that the two of you may be in a very compromising position. You don’t care. Your body is shaking and tingling. You feel sweat dampening your skin, and the heat…you’re drowning in it. But you don’t want to move. You don’t want it to be over. Most of all, you don’t want his hands leaving you. Ever.
Your breath comes in heavy gasps as he draws you up to your feet. He steadies you, and your eyes finally drift open. The sight before you makes you shiver again. Eobard is breathing just as hard as you are, and has the same slightly dazed expression on his face that you are feeling. You vaguely realize that while you were trying to keep your balance you gripped his hair and shirt because both of them are bunched and mussed. But neither of you can look away from the other for several seconds.
Finally, he is the first one to move. He gently straightens his shirt and runs a hand through his hair. He brings his heels together and reaches for your hand. He bows, lifting your hand to his lips and placing a chaste kiss on the back of it.
“Thank you,” he says, “for the lovely dance. If you’ll excuse me, I believe I need some air.”
You nod slowly. “I…think I do too.”
Something sparks in his eyes, and he offers you his arm. You consider taking it, but the sensation that sweeps through you as you realize what the implications are stop you. You are awash in powerful emotions now, enough to know that if you go with him, you’re going to do something you want…
….oh do you want….
….but on impulse, caught up in the moment.
You know you need to gather yourself. The night has only just begun.
“I will see you back in here,” you reply, offering a polite curtsey. It isn’t a blatant rejection, just more of a ‘not now’. Eobard seems to understand and his withdraws his hand before turning and striding for the door.
You head for a different exit, catching a glimpse of your date just as you leave the room. His face is a thunderstorm, and you feel a slight chill that cuts through the hazy fog of your mind.
The night has only just begun, and you have a feeling it’s going to be a long one.
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canyouhearthelight · 3 years
The Miys, Ch. 144
After much demand, Kink Night at the Undine has arrived. This chapter is really fun, was informative to write, but if you need to skip it, you won’t miss out on the overall story. So, trigger warnings on this chapter for:
- Bondage (mentions of)
- Pegging (possible mention of?)
- Impact play (discussed, both done wrongly and demonstrated correctly)
- Topping and bottoming
To be clear: These are all mentioned from the perspective of a non-participant, non-voyeur. I would probably overall rate this chapter appropriate for 14 years and older, but your mileage may vary. However, kink in general can be very healthy if done correctly, and this chapter was double beta-read, not only by @baelpenrose but also by @charlylimph-blog for accuracy of the scene.  This actually prevented a PROFOUND mistake from making it to queueing, so I am super grateful for their help.
Once I was released from medical after an unnecessarily long lecture from Noah, I found I had a message waiting from Charly with a date and time to meet at the Undine.  Right below that was a message from Sebastian with a uniform-slash-dresscode of sorts.
Aw nuggets. I had forgotten what night it was. 
There wasn’t time to grab clothes from my quarters, but my office was on the way to the bar, so I stopped by to change.  Socks and shoes were a bit of a challenge, since I generally didn’t wear either, so I had to find a vendor to help me fill in the gaps.  Granted, shoes weren’t specified in Sebastian’s list.  However, there was exactly a zero percent chance that I was going to lend a hand at a kink party while barefoot. Just… no. Nope. Not happening.
I wiped my palms nervously against my slacks when I arrived, not sure exactly what to expect.  Charly and I had talked about it, but none of that knowledge wanted to make its presence known at the moment, apparently.  Instead, my mind kept drifting to what in the actual hell she had roped Arthur into doing.  The door opened entirely too soon to reveal a smiling Charly, who grabbed my arm and dragged me behind her to the small group already gathered.
All of my nerves were forced from my body by the sputtering laughter I fell victim to when I saw Arthur - I still had no idea what he would be doing, but he looked like someone took a post-apocalyptic movie hero and hit a button labelled ‘make him a villain’ a few too many times.  The leather jacket and motorcycle pants were fairly innocuous, since I knew he actually owned both and neither were terribly uncommon on the Ark.  Same thing held for the boots - they were just practical in the After and several people held on to that preference with a death grip.
“Cloak’s a nice touch,” I snorted, trying desperately to ignore the campier bits of his outfit.
I was dangerously close to losing it when he scowled and adjusted the laurel crown - I mean, really? - resting on his head. “I knew I shouldn’t have cut my hair this morning,” he muttered. “Damned thing won’t sit right anymore.”
Charly clapped her hands to get everyone’s attention. “Okay, one more run through of what everyone will be doing!”
Sebastian nodded seriously and flicked a towel over his shoulder before handing me an apron. “Sophia has kindly agreed to prep the snacks, while I serve and clean behind people. She’ll clear any dishes in between batches, and one or the other of us will do a lap of the floor every fifteen minutes to ensure everyone is hydrated and there’s no need for medical attention.” He winked at the relief on my face.
Cooking, clearing plates, and momming people into staying hydrated. I could do that.
Arthur brushed off his pauldrons, only forcing me to confront the fact that they were shaped like skulls again, before straightening with aplomb. “I will be Dungeon Master, keeping an eye on everything from there,” he pointed to a scaffold that had been put into place over the bartop, “And intervening as needed if things get out of hand.” Without so much as a twitch of question from me, he explained. “Charly and Coffey can’t be everywhere at once, so I get to perch on high, look ridiculous, and play bouncer if Coffey can’t get there first.”
“Yep,” Charly nodded seriously. For all that she normally seemed built out of chaos and energy, this was Boss Lady Charly. “Let’s keep it safe, sane, and consensual across the board. Speaking of!” She pulled two badges from seemingly nowhere. “Soph, Bash, these are for you.” I took one and immediately grinned when I read it. Staff Only - I Do Not Consent. “If either of you want to play, go for it, but otherwise, probably wear those.  Sexy librarian and millionaire CEO are tropes that exist, so ya know - no confusion for anyone.  Any questions, concerns, cries for help?” When we all shook our heads, she clapped again. “Okay, off you go! Thanks everyone.”
Sebastian tilted his head toward the kitchen and I followed, wiping my hands on my legs again. “Thank you for agreeing to help with snacks.  I know Charly already told you, but I am not the greatest at finger foods that don’t make a mess or won’t be too heavy.”
I hummed for a second before making a few suggestions. “Macaroni and cheese bites, they’re about this big.” I made a circle about an inch and a half across with my fingers. “Just pop and go. Pigs in blankets, the kind with cocktail sausages… meatballs, but probably with lamb instead of beef.  Dumplings.” I shrugged. “Charly swears people actually bring food to these, so once that stuff starts coming in, it would just be portioning it and sending it back out.  We shouldn’t have too much actual cooking to do.”
He nodded and started grabbing ingredients. “So that leaves drinks, plates, and utensils.” When I reached for a rack of glasses, he stopped me. “No.  If one of us drops anything that can break, people can get injured.  I’ve been stocking up on fiber-based plates, forks, and spoons.  Drinks are going to be in those corn-starch gel pouches.”
“Dude,” I groaned. “Those things get so gummy.”
“Straws are real and do exist.”
“Besides, I can already tell someone is going to find alternative uses for those,” Arthur called from behind us. I swear, I could hear him smirking. “You can’t put humans, sex, and flavored liquid in the same room and not expect that.”
I shook my head with a smile, but he had a point. Once we shooed him away, work on the snacks went pretty quick.  Judging by the sounds coming from the main room, it was a good thing, too - furniture being dragged, then Arthur’s voice ringing out to welcome everyone.  Soon, Sebastian was swinging out of the kitchen door with the first trays, and true to Charly’s word, he came back carrying a plate of neatly stacked fudge, followed by Arthur carrying a covered container.
“Scratch the meatballs, someone brought an actual mountain of sausage balls,” Arthur grunted as he slammed the container on a flat surface before retreating.
“Not even a joke?” I mused.
“Must be slipping,” Sebastian grinned. “I mean, he said ‘balls’ twice…”
“Low hanging fruit!” a voice called from the main room.  It must have seemed entirely out of context to the crowd, but Sebastian and I were laughing as we started plating so he could carry more food out to the spots Charly had designated.
A timer went off, so I took the mac and cheese bites out of the oven, snagged a tray of drink-blobs, shoved a fistful of straws into my apron and took off to do my lap of the event.  There were already people taking a break, reaching gratefully for hydration.  Several times, someone would reach for one and pour it in a partner’s  mouth, and on one occasion, a woman offered it up like a gift to a bound man, both biting into it and drinking greedily.
I almost stepped on someone before I realized there was an actual pile of people on the floor. I diverted my eyes quickly from what I thought was an all-out orgy before my brain registered that I wasn’t hearing sex noises - just whispers.  Snapping my eyes back up, it took a moment to figure out that I had nearly stepped on the largest cuddle pile I had seen since my apartment on Insert Winter Holiday.  Crouching, I balanced what was left of the drink blobs on one hand while holding out the straws with another.  In no time at all, the tray was empty and I was heading back for more.
This time, food on one hand, drinks on the other, I exited the kitchen to see Charly wrapping up her rope-bondage safety lecture before starting to demonstrate different knots on a volunteer, with Charly in the role of the top for this scenario. Watching her calmly contort and restrain another human being while calmly explaining the psychology behind it was… kind of terrifying.  I had to constantly remind myself that this person volunteered and that Charly was experienced on both ends of the rope.  
One more sweep of the room landed me with only a dozen or so drinks left on top of a pile of empty trays.  I backed into the kitchen to sanitize and re-load the trays, only to hear Sebastian swearing. “Who the hell brought chili!?”
“Apparently someone thought it was a good idea,” I shrugged, baffled. I mean, it didn’t seem like a good idea to me, but this wasn’t exactly my area of expertise.  “Maybe we put it in bowls, set up a little station in one of the break areas, with toppings? Let people help themselves?”
“Bondage potlucks and chili…” He shook his head. “Trying to remind myself that I’ve seen weirder things, but…”
“I can promise you, they are having fun. And they’re hydrated!” I shook my mostly empty platter of blobs at him.
Sebastian went out to retrieve more food from the people who brought it, and I kept rolling sausages in dough.  “More fudge!” he crowed. “I snagged a piece of the first batch, and it was amazing.”
“You clearly do not see the irony,” I muttered where he couldn’t hear me. “Oh, heavens, no chili! But fudge… fudge is fine…”
The next time I was able to break free and take my designated lap, a slight bit more chaos had descended as everyone had gotten more comfortable.  Several of the more experienced were examining and complimenting each other on their knots and arrangements of their subs. Ivan and Jokul were doing…. Something… that involved Ivan in a gorgeous evening gown and Jokul with a gag in his mouth.  I was almost done with my circuit when a thud reverberated behind me and a black cloak whipped by.
“For the love of…” Arthur growled. I thought he was going to dribble the cowering man he was glaring at like a basketball, but instead he brandished a marker and made two quick X’s on a bare pair of buttocks. “Here and here. Only here and here.” With an irritated flourish, he wrote NOT HERE across the small of the attached back. “This will give someone kidney damage.  Specifically you if I catch you doing it again.” Ducking around to the face of the person he had just used as a whiteboard, he shook his finger. “And I’m not even going to apologize, because you have a safeword and you need to use it. First, last, and only warning, you two. If that hit had been any more than a nervous first tap, you wouldn’t even be getting that.”  Without a word, he snagged the cane sitting on the table nearby and took it with him. “They aren’t getting anywhere near the cane, fucking idiots. Gotta talk to Charly about those two…” he muttered as he blew back past me, so angry he didn’t even acknowledge that I was standing there.
I almost dropped the stack of empty platters when the Imperial March started playing while Arthur stomped back into his position over the bar. “Attention, Deviants!  Courtesy of some poor practices I’ve seen, I would like to invite Sir Coffey and his pet fae Charly to give us a tutorial on safe and proper impact play!”  Applause started as he beckoned them forward, Sebastian theatrically adjusting the lights to center in front of the stage.
I ducked back into the kitchen as Coffey’s voice rang out over the crowd, explaining yet again safewords and consent before launching into what toys were used how and where.  A little public humiliation never hurt anyone, I joked with myself. At least not for some of the people out there.
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wienerbarnes · 4 years
Secret’s Out
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Pairing: Bucky x Reader (Cheek to Cheek)
Word Count: 1,796
Warnings: not much, brief slight angst i guess
A/N: back on my cheek to cheek bullshit 😌 after this one, im going to be posting some oneshots that date back to some of reader’s background and times before bucky! which im excited for :D enjoy!
Another mission, another briefing. You get the alert the morning of, the last minute meeting blaring in your room as you make yourself breakfast. You sigh and turn the stove off, accepting that you won’t have time to finish cooking and make it to the conference room in the next five minutes. You take the time instead to get dressed in what you normally wear to briefings and take your coffee to go.
When you arrive, there’s no one in the room, no one besides Sam and Bucky. Was the meeting for nine and not eight? Are you freakishly early? Could you have actually stayed and eaten your eggs and toast?
“Do you know what this is about? Because he won’t tell me.” Bucky huffs at you playfully, not actually angry, but still annoyed at the fact that Sam refused to tell him anything that’s going on until you got here.
You shake your head to tell him you don’t and slowly make your way over to the seat next to Bucky as Sam’s voice booms in the room.
“F.R.I.D.A.Y., lock the door.” A distant click is heard as your bottom meets the chair and Bucky’s face becomes more and more confused.
Sam is silent for a moment, seemingly trying to figure out what words to say and how to start.
“I found a video of you.” He says.
“... What?” You whisper in disbelief.
“I was looking into your background. Specifically your HYDRA background. And I found a video that needs explanation.” As if on cue, a video is displayed behind Sam.
You are seen sitting at a small table, a small blender to the right of you. You look dangerously thin, hair greasy and matted, dark circles under your eyes. You have a crazy look in them, a look Bucky hasn’t seen since the first time he saw you in prison. This isn’t prison though, he very quickly realizes. Besides your body growing rigid next to him, he just knows that this is a HYDRA facility.
You’re humming obnoxiously loud in the video as a large man - presumably a Hydra scientist -  steps into frame. He wears a light blue button down shirt tucked into slacks underneath a lab coat. The tune of Singin’ in the Rain is all that’s heard for the first few seconds of the video as you stare up at the man, watching him as he checks the blender.
“Shut up.” He finally snaps at you, growing annoyed with your loud humming.
“I’m singing in the rain! Just singing in the rain! What a glorious feeling, I’m happy again!” You yell out, screaming out the lyrics in tune before a loud crack sounds, as the man in the lab coat slaps you hard across the face.
Bucky flinches next to you and you barely remember what this video was. You’re more consumed by the fact that Sam was doing some kind of background check on you for some reason and the fact that there’s a video at all. I didn’t know they recorded me.
You seem to hold back a smile at the man, as though he told some amazing joke and you’re trying not to laugh, despite having been backhanded across the cheek.
“Turn on the blender.” The man commands.
“That’s a very nice shirt you’re wearing.” You compliment.
He ignores you as he waits for you to turn on the blender. Bucky looks closely at it, but the button is on the side closest to the handler. He takes a wild guess that they don’t expect you to just reach around and switch it on with your finger.
You suddenly remember what this video is. And you realize why Sam is so angry. This isn’t good at all.
“It’s a nice shade of blue. A calming shade of blue. Like a sky blue.”
“Shut up. Turn on the blender.”
“No, no, not a sky blue. More like a… cerulean.”
“So what, you like my shirt. Turn. The. Blender. On. Now!” He commands, voice raising as his patience wears thin.
“Cerulean… blue. A nice shade… of cerulean… blue…” You drift off.
That’s when Bucky sees it. A small label on the blender, Cerulean. Before his thoughts can spiral too deeply into the name of the blender, it's a loud whirring sound in the video, making him flinch once more.
Nobody touched the blender, it seemed to have powered on by itself and a wide smile grows on your face, the same one he saw in the other video he’s seen of you, when you escaped the Hydra facility. You giggle girlishly as the man leans forward and shoves his hand into the powered blender, blood splattering out of it immediately, spraying across your face and your smiling teeth and tainting the blue of his shirt and lab coat.
Four men crowd you, holding you by the head, by the neck, by the shoulders, gripping your chin even though you barely moved through the duration video and the shot switches to black before powering off completely.
Bucky finally peels his eyes away from where the video was playing to look at you, and you look terrified.
“Sam,” You try to start.
“Mind. Control.” He says.
“Sam -” You try again.
“You hid mind control from us!” He yells.
“I can explain! “You better, and I’m only giving you thirty seconds to do so.” He snaps.
“It - It was fight or flight! I don’t even know how I did that! I barely remember that video at all! I’ve only ever been able to do that one other time! Sam - Sam -” You stutter, “They injected me with all kinds of shit, kept me awake for days on end, fed me, starved me; they did anything to manipulate my body in order to manifest powers. You have to - to - to believe me, I don't know how I did that -”
You’re getting hysterical. You can not fuck this up. You can’t be on your own again. You can’t be living in fear all the time anymore, you can’t go back to that. You can’t be away from Bucky, you can’t lose Bucky, can’t lose Bucky.
“Sam, that’s enough.” Bucky finally speaks up.
“Buck, I know she’s your little girlfriend, but -”
“Sam, do you hear yourself right now?! Look at her!” You’re on the verge of hyperventilating and overall losing it.
Bucky doesn’t pay Sam attention long enough to hear anything he’s going to say before ducking down to where you hold your head in your hands.
“Can’t… can’t be alone again… no, no, no,… can’t” You mumble to yourself.
Sam takes a deep breath, calming himself in order to assess the situation before him, “Hey. Hey!” He snaps, catching your attention and making you look up, tears in your eyes.
“I may be angry at you for keeping this from me… but you’re not going anywhere. Do I wish you would’ve told me so I wouldn’t be surprised by some ominous video this morning? Yes. But we’ll figure it out. We’re a team and I’m not abandoning you. So stop the crying so we can deal with this. Because you need to tell me everything.” Sam tells you with seriousness in his voice, the Captain coming out.
You take a deep breath and wipe your tears, preparing to tell them everything you can remember.
You’re exhausted. You cried. A lot. Trying to sift through thousands of memories you spent so long trying to repress because you never wanted to remember them; you never thought you’d need to.
You tell Bucky that don’t feel like being around anyone the rest of the day, and you’re glad he accepts that, letting you have your alone time and leaving you with a promise for breakfast the following morning.
Meanwhile, Bucky calls up an old friend, someone he hasn’t talked to in years. But it’s the only person he can think of that might be able to help you get a hold of your powers.
He sits on his couch in his apartment, phone against his ear as the line rings, before an accented voice finally answers.
“... Hey.”
“... Bucky? Is that you?”
“Yeah. It’s me. How soon can you be in New York? From wherever you are? I need some help.”
Morning comes too soon for you, though.
“Agent 51?”
“Oh… my god. What do you want?” You groan, loving F.R.I.D.A.Y., but hating her voice so early in the morning, with only seven minutes to spare before your alarm was supposed to go off anyway.
“Your training has been canceled this morning by Captain Wilson. Instead, he has requested that you meet him in Conference Room B.”
“Ugh, at what time?”
“As soon as possible, Agent.”
“Holy shit,” You sigh, accepting that you won’t be able to sleep anymore, “Fine, I’ll be there in ten minutes.” You hope that Bucky somehow knows your training is canceled and brings you breakfast in the conference room anyway as promised yesterday.
Making your way to the conference room with your coffee in hand for the second time in the span of two days - which you hope doesn’t become a routine - you might add, you make sure to rub a hand across your head, smoothing down any hairs sticking straight up at weird angles now that the hair is growing back. It’s only maybe an inch or two long, but not long enough to do anything to it and not short enough to ignore.
Entering the conference room, you see Sam, Bucky and some… woman, her back turned towards you. You close the door timidly behind you and Bucky turns around to greet you, styrofoam box in hand and the smell of bacon and toast hits your nostrils. Knew it.
“Brought you breakfast, baby.” He tells you with a smile, walking up to you to plant a soft kiss on your lips in Good morning.
“Ugh, ew.” Sam spews. The woman giggles at his reaction and you’re brought back to the stranger in the room.
“Who are you?” You ask, not really wanting to beat around the bush considering that Bucky just kissed you in front of somebody you don’t know, something he’s never done before.
The woman turns around and you take in her features. High cheekbones and big green eyes, she’s very beautiful but very… young. Like, really young. Younger than you, for sure, but not a teenager either. She wears what seems to be casual clothes, her nails painted dark with rings crowding her fingers. Her most striking physical detail, though, are the long waves of bright orangey-red hair, flowing across her shoulders.
She smiles at you sweetly, and you feel calm as she introduces herself, “Hi, I’m Wanda.”
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berjhawn · 4 years
Day & Night - Intro
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Bruce Wayne / Batman X Reader (Lady Light) x DC 
Warnings: Pushy guys, attempted abduction, men not taking no for an answer, past trauma, lies, ETC
Summary: (name) or Lady Light as she used to be called ran away from her duties (amongst other things) and disappeared to Gotham where she unknowingly meets Batman’s normal counterpart Bruce Wayne. Things happen and Chaos ensues, when it comes down to it will Bruce be able to break down these walls (Name) has built for herself and will he be able to deal with the truth of things. 
(A/N) so this is a little Batman and reader i’ve been working on, it started out as one thing and ended up as something else. it’s already finished so when i’ll have a schedule for the updates. i really hope you guys like it. i’m trying some new things to try to get my mojo back. um... yeah bruce might be a little out of character but i wanted to try sonething out and well we’ll see how it goes. please do not hesitate to tell me what you think. for this story reader will have the ability to chage things about herself so there is no set hair color or eye color. Also yes Lady Light is my OC she is one of a kind so please don’t use her in any other stories. 
Why had this day turned into shit? I woke up this morning in a good mood. My hair and makeup looked amazing. I made it to work early. I had a decent night of tips. I even met a couple of hot guys who were not total douchebags. Overall, it had been a pretty good day. So why then, on my way home did I have to run into these assholes?
“Hey there baby, looking good.” I hear a male voice say from behind me and I roll my eyes.
Just ignore them.
“What’s the matter sweetheart, you think you’re too good for us?” Another male voice asks, and I clench my fist so tightly that my fingers were turning white.
Keep walking. Do not hurt them.
I keep my thoughts on repeat as I continue down the street until a man twice my size and built like a brick house steps into my path. His brown eyes looking me up and down hungrily. My stomach churned.
“Wanna join us for a little party?” He asks and I narrow my eyes at him.
“No.” I answer my words filled with finality.
“Come on, you don’t mean that.” He adds as he reaches out to touch me.
I instantly step back out of his reach causing his hand to miss my shoulder and fall to his side.
“I do mean it. Now, move while I’m still asking nicely.” I demand making him chuckle at me.
“Or what sweet cheeks? What are you going to do?” He questions moving towards me again and I suddenly realize the guys from before are still there as they stop me from moving back any further.
I feel a hand touch my waist and I instantly slap it away.
“Do not touch me.” I state anger filling my words.
“Come on, just play around with us. You’ll enjoy it.” The man from behind me says and I roll my eyes.
“I seriously doubt that.” I retort making his friends laugh at him.
“Let’s go baby,” The big man says reaching out and grabbing my arms holding it dangerously tight.
“You have three seconds to get your hand off of me.” I warn my jaw clenching.
“Or what? What are you gonna do?” He challenges as he jerks me into his chest.
Fuck this shit.
Using just a hint of my super strength I grab the wrist of the hand that was holding my arm and giving it a quick squeeze make him fall to his knees. A cry of pain leaves his lips making his friends come to his rescue. I feel them move behind me and I smirk as I twist just right to send the big dude flying into them. Wiping my hands against each other, I place them on my hips and cock an eyebrow at my attackers.
“I’m going to give you one more chance. Apologize, and then be on your way.”
“Why would I apologize to some freak?!” The big guy yells and I narrow my eyes.
“Cause if you don’t,” I walk closer to them my eyes slowly starting to glow as brightly as the sun. Fear fills their eyes and I do not even need to finish my sentence. My eyes speak for themselves.
“I’m sorry,” Big guy instantly yells out as he tries to scramble to his feet. His buddies following suit.
“I’m sorry, what?” I add folding my arms over my chest.
“I’m sorry, ma’am.” They all yell out and I smile.
“Good, now remember, treat ladies with the respect they deserve, or I’ll find you.” I warn and their faces pale. “Bye-bye.” With a quick wave of my hand, they jump to their feet and race away.
Taking a deep breath, I look to the sky and seeing the moon glowing brightly let out a heavy sigh. I knew Gotham was a dangerous city, but after everything that had happened in Metropolis, I had needed a break. A break from being a hero and fighting crime. Plus, a break from him. My heart winces at the memory and I shake my head.
I force the memory from my head and continue back on my way home. Maybe a tub of ice cream and some take-out would raise my spirits.
Bruce stood on the roof of a building catty-corner to the alley where the event had taken place. He had watched the altercation with curious eyes. He had met her earlier that day when a Dick had wanted to meet with him at a little restaurant nearby. At first Bruce had been surprised about the location of their meeting but seeing his oldest smile brightly at the beautiful waitress cleared up any questions he had previously had.
Bruce walked through the restaurant door and gave the room a once over before his eyes landed on his oldest son’s figure. The boy was smiling brightly as he talked with a (H/C) waitress who had her back towards Bruce. Dick’s eyes glance past her and landing on Bruce give him a quick wave. Bruce unbuttons the buttons on his suit as he closes the distance between them. Reaching the seat, he swiftly slides into the booth seat across from Dick.
“Hey Bruce, glad you could make it.” Dick starts making Bruce nod. “Bruce, this is (Name).”
“Hello.” Bruce says his eyes glancing up to look at her politely but as they move back to look at Dick, he had to do a double take his eyes landing on the beautiful waitress in front of him.
“Hi.” (Name) replies softly a smile filling her lips.
Their eyes meet and Bruce swears that she was like the sun. Her bright smile and shining (E/C) eyes made his heart race in his chest.
“Nice to meet you.” Bruce adds a smirk on his lips.
“Nice to meet you too.” She replies shyly. “What can I get you to eat?”
“I’ll just take a coffee.” Bruce replies quickly and she nods.
“And you’ll have the deluxe?” She adds as she turns back to Dick.
“Yes ma’am.” He replies a smirk filling his lips as he tries to flirt with her.
“Coming right up. I’ll be right back.” She replies smiling at them both before she turns and walks away.
Bruce can’t help but stare after her as she walks away. His eyes unconsciously look her up and down examining every inch of her. From her hair down to her feet which were uncharacteristically in a pair of dark blue high heels. Normal waitresses would not be caught dead in high heels and he would know. He had dated enough of them. The sound of Dick clearing his throat brought Bruce back from his staring.
“I know she’s pretty Bruce, but we have to talk.” Dick jokes making Bruce glare at him.
“What did you need?” Bruce asks as he leans back in his seat.
“Nothing, just wanted to have lunch.” Dick replies making Bruce cock an eyebrow at him.
“Right.” Bruce says leaning forward to rest his arms on the table.
“And I might have wanted to talk to you about Damian.”
“What did he do this time?”
“Knocked over a meth lab over in Bludhaven. Almost got some innocent people killed.”
“I’ll talk with him.” Bruce concludes his eyes catching sight of (Name) as she makes her way back over with his coffee and Dick’s drink.
As she sets the mug of coffee down in front of him, she gives him a sweet smile. Bruce offers a polite smile in return as he reaches out to pull the coffee closer to him.
“Thank you (Name).” Bruce says and her smile brightens.
“You’re very welcome.” She replies a tinge of rouge filling her cheeks.
Bruce had to admit he was having some unsavory thoughts about her at this moment and it was driving him crazy. He usually didn’t feel this way about a woman this fast. He wanted to touch her, but he held back.
“(Name) how long have to you worked here?” Dick asks pulling her attention.
“Only a month or so. I just moved here from Metropolis.” She says and he looks through his eyelashes at her to see that she was surprised at what she had said.
“Metropolis, huh, why would you want to move here?” Dick asks and Bruce must fight the urge to kick his son under the table.
“Well,” She pauses for a moment her eyes turning sad and it made Bruce furious. “I wanted a fresh start, I figured why not Gotham.” She answers honestly making Dick and Bruce eye each other in surprise. People didn’t usually move to Gotham for a fresh start. In fact, they ran from Gotham. “Sorry, but I have to go, if you need anything please don’t hesitate to ask.” She says as she quickly moves away from the table.
“Isn’t she pretty?” Dick asks as they both stare off after her.
Pretty doesn’t cover it.
“I need to go.” Bruce says as he finishes his coffee off. “I’ll talk to Damien.”
“Thanks Bruce, tell Alfred I’ll be late tonight. I have a mission with Babs.” Dick adds and Bruce nods.
Standing up he makes his way toward the door when he almost runs into her. She hadn’t been paying attention to where she was walking and almost ran smack dab into him.
“Shit, I’m sorry. I should have been paying attention.” She says quickly as she chastises herself.
“It’s fine (name).” He says and she relaxes. “Thank you for the coffee.”
“You’re welcome.” She replies offering him a soft smile. She goes to walk past him when he stops her.
“This might seem forward of me, if it is, I apologize; but if you’d like I can show you around Gotham sometime.” Bruce hears himself ask and even he is surprised. Had he really asked her that?
“Um,” She starts her body radiating how uncomfortable she was.
“I’m sorry, forget I asked.” He quickly adds as he goes to walk past her.
“I’m sorry, wait.” She calls as she gently reaches out to grab his arm. “I’m a little uncomfortable, I won’t lie.” She pauses giving him a chance to turn back to face her. “But I didn’t say no.” She adds and he lets out a breath he didn’t know he had been holding.
“Oh?” He says and instantly wishes he could smack himself.
“Yeah, um, I’m off tomorrow if that works for you.”
Fuck, he had an important Justice League meeting tomorrow.
“Tomorrow works.” He answers making a mental note to push the meeting to later.
“Cool, um I’ll meet you in Robinson Park about noonish then?” She asks and he nods.
“Works for me.”
“Okay, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow then Bruce.” She says a bright smile on her lips.
God she was gorgeous.
“I’ll see you tomorrow.” He says flashing her a smile before she rushes off back to work.
End of Flashback
Bruce did not know what to think about what he had just witnessed. Who was she really? The fact that his interest in her wasn’t swayed by the sudden discovery surprised him. Against his better judgement he follows her and when it’s quiet enough he makes his presence known to her.
“Pretty interesting display, you showed back there.” He says making her stop in her footsteps. He watches as she turns towards him with a worried look on her face.
“Are you here to lecture me?” She asks worry turning into anger.
“No, I thought you standing up for yourself was admirable.” He answers honestly and she softens. “What are you doing here in Gotham?”
“Look Bats, I came here to get away from Metropolis, funny I know, considering its right across the bay, but this was the only place I could think of.”
“Who are you really? I’ve seen your eyes before.” Bruce says as he remembers the bright glow of them.
“Can we talk about this inside?” She asks pointing to her apartment building. “Rather not air my dirty laundry out here if you don’t mind. I won’t run, I have no reason too.”
Against Bruce’s better judgement he nods.
“Cool, I’ll open the window when I get there.” She replies as she turns from him and heads into her building.
Bruce moves to the roof as he waits patiently for her to open her window. His mind starts to run wild with thoughts about who she could be. She wasn’t a villain, that was certain. She just did not have that air about her. He had been wrong before though. A few of his exes could attest to that. The window opens and he stealthily makes his way into it.
Will Continue on the 22nd of January.
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dex-xe · 4 years
Ghost doggo 😌 I want pat to be able to pet a lil dog friend ok?!
O.O YES PLEASE!! Anon you hero!!
I’m obsessed with this idea so, you didn’t ask for this in the slightest, but I would like to posit my own ghost dog headcanons (like how all the ghosts would react to a dog), so enjoy!!
I’m imagining a huge golden retriever or labrador or something, a sweet boy who wanders onto the property with no collar on (and thus no identifiable name)
The Button House residents spend ages guessing various names to try and get the dog to respond but They never end up figuring it out so it’s up to them to come up with a name: 
Robin plumps for the name Luna, and both Kitty and Thomas agree on the name Alison (after their fave) but it’s quickly agreed that Alison would be too confusing and the dog is definitely a boy so neither name would work, Mary suggests multiple Biblical names before settling on Joseph (Humphrey concurs this would be a nice name), Pat suggests Scout as an obvious name (which is generally popular), and Julian is insistent on Thatcher but eventually compromises to Major - which the Captain is also thrilled about.
But, to everyone’s surprise, it’s actually Fanny who comes up with the perfect name: Buttons!!
He seems to love his new name and actually takes a shining to Fanny because of it, she will occasionally lean down to pet him but primarily leaves him alone to sleep by the fire: he gets enough attention from the others.
Robin delights in chasing Buttons around the garden for hours on end (and is often joined by Kitty and Mary) until both Robin and Buttons collapse in front of the fire exhausted.
Kitty instantly adores Buttons and, once she eventually convinces Mary that he is, in fact, not a demon sent by Satan himself, Mary loves the dog as well (we obvs know Mary has an affinity with children so that would probably translate to her having motherly instincts over Buttons as well)
The Captain originally greets Buttons with disdain, treating him like any of the other troops and demanding his respect. But whenever he tries to scold Buttons for nuzzling against his leg, Buttons simply licks his waggling finger and Captain can’t stay mad for long.
Eventually the Captain allows Buttons to join him on his morning run which Buttons is thrilled by and keeps up with the Captain easily. Meanwhile Cap is convinced that running with a mate will improve his time - it does not.
Buttons interrupts Thomas’ sighing on multiple occasions so he has little time for the dog, neither does Julian who practically ignores him - Buttons seems to ignore Julian in return much to Alison’s amusment.
Alison discovers Buttons running around with Humphrey’s hair gripped in his mouth but both of them seem to be having fun so she doesn’t interrupt.
But Buttons’ true affections lie with Pat - of course!! Pat takes an instant shining to him and Buttons responds with instant joy and affection.
Whenever Pat seems to disappear from Button House shenanigans, he can often be found hiding away in the library with Buttons strewn across his lap (far too large to curl up comfortably on Pat but that doesn’t stop either of them trying).
Buttons quickly becomes “Pat’s dog” and it’s rare to see Pat without Buttons close at his heels. Even at night, Buttons takes up residence as the foot of Pat’s tiny single bed, taking up far too much room to be comfortable for either the scoutmaster or dog but neither seem to mind - Buttons seems to quite like waking up to head scritches every morning.
Eventually most of the ghosts come around to Buttons’ presence in the house and welcome him as one of their own - Fanny often sits beside him next to the fire stroking his soft fur, Robin starts teaching him tricks he found on YouTube, even the Captain eventually begins throwing his swagger stick for Buttons to fetch while out on his nighttime patrols
Overall Buttons is just the perfect addition to the House, and is kind of an extension of Pat’s enthusiastic optimism (which he has often had compared to that of a retriever anyway)
So there you go!! This was so fun to think about, and I’m sorry Anon for derailing your ask but I love this concept so much. So thank you!! Also I’m definitely writing this into a fic at some point, maybe it’ll be up in about a week or so?? Yeh!! Look out for that and if you have any ghost dog ideas let me know so I can respond and maybe write them into the fic???
If you could add a new ghost to Button House, what would they be like?? Send it HERE
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Excerpt#1 of my Gerry Keay/OC Magical/Mythical CollegeAU
CN/TW: Social Anxiety, discussion of mental illness, discussion of past trauma, awkward coming-out, miscommunication, misunderstanding, it/its pronouns for Michael Shelley, he/they pronouns for Gerry, they/them pronouns for OC, narrative mention of Mary Keay, mention of alcohol, mythical people living in a parallel society and amongst humans, original character talking German (two sentences; extrapolable from context)
“But sure, you're seeming nice so no problem.” Heaving a relieved sigh, Gerry followed them into the room. The two taking seats in the lower rows of the auditorium, seeing as Gerry’s companion wore glasses. Unpacking their notepads, pencil cases, and Gerry setting up his laptop. There was still time until the lecture was set to begin, so Gerry turned to his table neighbour,
“Your look sends very mixed signals, if I’m being honest.” They grinned, propping their chin up on the back of their hand,
“All the right ones, apparently”, demonstratively looking Gerry up and down. Making them look away, clearing his throat. They laughed,
“Not flirting, don’t worry. I’m Yanis.” He tried masking his relieved sigh best they could,
They did pay attention to the lecture, still, Gerry found out a bit more about his dyed ginger saviour. Yanis was in the same semester and some of the same courses has he was. Though they didn’t study for the same engineering degree, there was a decent overlap. Some courses Gerry needed for his software engineering degree much the same as Yanis needed for mechanical engineering. They easily offered they could study together. Yanis having been at the campus since they started their degree and knowing the ins and outs of it.
Having easily found common ground in their discipline of study, as well as their taste in music, Gerry had no qualms following Yanis to the canteen for a late breakfast. They kept chatting, switching back and forth between languages.
“So what if you’re 31?”, Yanis shrugged,
“I also had to take care of my health first. Plus we’re both neurodivergent so starting a college degree at all is more stressful to us. It’s not like anyone is rushing you.” Gerry rolled their eyes,
“Still. Being autist and depressed doesn’t exactly help my case here. That’s ignoring the ADHD and trauma.” A painted-black nail flicked his nose,
“Nope. None of that, you’re not demanded to keep pace with anyone and if your personal reasons bared you from even looking into college education until you were 25, then that’s how it is. Besides, it’s eight years between us. Don’t be dramatic.” Gerry tried to glare but they simply raised a brow in challenge, shutting him right up. While they weren’t in the same major, they compared their course schedules some more and found they were in the same philosophy and ethics courses for their minor. Gerry having decided to not put that on hold and taking the according courses in his semester in Germany as well.
By the end of the day, Gerry felt they had a better handle on his new college-everyday and possibly even made a friend. Which raised a few problems all of its own.
While Gerry had no problem with Yanis finding out what concretely had delayed his life so much, they had another problem. Gerry wasn’t human. And neither was their best friend Michael, for the matter, it being a changeling and his nature chaotic to a fault. Gerry themself was, depending on what one believed, involuntarily threatening to humans.
His mother having been a hulder, a mythical being almost looking like a human. The feature most telling of their mythical nature, though, the fact that they look hollow if seen in the right light, from the right angle. Akin to forest spirits, hulders were drawn by their nature to lure townspeople into forests. Not inherently malicious, of course, their blonde hair and fair skin drawing mostly men in.
With an established mythical society existing in parallel to the non-magical human society, there were laws and proper paperwork surrounding magical and mythical people’s “otherness” and characteristics.
Characteristics which were the life-long obsession of his mother. Her trying to create offspring of her own that would be inherently dangerous to humans and as malicious as she had been. Gerry hated thinking about his father almost more than he hated his mother. But matter of fact was, being half-hulder, and his father having been a river-nix, Gerry was… alluring. Drawing people in without them realising as much if he acted the wrong kind of way towards them. Gerry forced to be constantly mindful of their nature, as to not accidentally harm someone.
Which was why they usually didn’t make friends. Having to make sure the person wasn’t human as to not endanger them.
And yet, they got stuck with Yanis. Gerry was glad it was autumn, the chance of light hitting him in just the wrong way dwindling. But he couldn’t help their worried unease, recognising Yanis and them grew closer.
It wasn’t that Gerry was set out to avoid Yanis, having taken them up on an invitation to lunch and even to revise notes and study together. But Gerry had a bad feeling about it, especially when he grew to see them as a friend. They did try bringing some more distance between them, an attempt so he didn’t need to outright evade Yanis. Declining their invitations more often than not, excusing themself and finding reasons to convince himself it was the right thing to do.
Having forced himself to take a step back, Gerry caught themself looking for them. It had started so he could more easily get around them, trying to deter Yanis from inviting him in the first place so they didn’t have to turn them down as often.
Gerry wasn’t oblivious to their whole demeanour getting muted once it had clicked that he was trying to push distance between them. But seeing Yanis less cheery and energetic made Gerry realise some things about them.
Yanis wasn’t much smaller than him, a few inches at most. But they carried themself in a way that made them stand out. Gerry had learned Yanis had chronic pain, making it hard on them to be on their feet the entire day. Rarely, they wore leg braces, limiting their range of motion further than their chronic pain already did. Still, Yanis was confident and most days glossing over their frequent aches with relative ease. It had been more apparent when they hadn’t been upset but the way Yanis walked was… with purpose. Every step seeming deliberate and not to be questioned. While that cocksure confident way to carry oneself wasn’t all that remarkable, it stood out in Yanis.
And Gerry needed a good long while to figure out why.
Michael had badgered them to get out and socialise. It was the last week before winter break and there was a social happening of the engineering faculty. Gerry had put on a nice button shirt and proper slacks before touching up their black nail polish and putting on a hint of eyeliner.
Yes, he was cautious not to accidentally draw humans in but that didn’t mean he wasn’t allowed to tart themself up. Gerry hadn’t even really planned to talk to anyone, if they were being honest. Just mingling among people and feeling alone in the crowd instead of feeling alone by himself.
That was, until aquamarine and black varnished fingers held a bottle in his field of vision. Gerry couldn’t fight down his smile before closing their eyes. Shaking his head, they just let it happen. Let that gentle affection wash over him for just a moment.
“Thought you might be here tonight”, Yanis held out the drink,
“The crown cap is still sealed.” Gerry pulled a face as to not smile despite themself. He sighed,
“You’re quite persistent.” Yanis raised a rather expressive brow at him,
“If you honestly wanted me gone, you would have told me. So I dare say you don’t want me completely gone. It’s nice having someone who can keep up with my ADHD jumping through topics, plus being able to overlook what allistics call me weird for.” When he finally took the bottle, their smile turned from friendly to bright. He bit his lip, trying to hide it behind the bottle. Yanis offered them their bottle opener.
“Got me there. And yes, having a neurodivergent friend is quite unwinding”, he admitted. Opening the drink, Gerry took them in. A proper once-over. They weren’t primped either but certainly had put thought into their casual suit not clashing with their once-again stark-red hair. Gerry having seen Yanis cycling through vibrant red washing out to ginger, before they went back to dyed poppy-red.
Gerry felt admittedly awkward standing together with them. Very much aware of how they had avoided them after all. Nursing their drinks, they kept quiet. Even though Gerry noticed Yanis also taking in his appearance. After some time he sighed,
“I’m sorry. It’s…”, they broke off, shaking his head.
“Complicated?”, Yanis offered with a huff,
“That’s one way to put it, I suppose.” Gerry raised a brow at them. Before he could ask what they were referring to, though, Yanis turned to him properly.
“Did you notice there’s a dance floor?” They blinked in surprise,
“Uh… yea, I did.” Yanis snorted, taking his empty bottle from them and depositing the glass on a nearby tray for used tableware.
“So, can you dance?”, Yanis’ smile inviting and warm,
“And would you dance with me?” Gerry froze, biting his lip and looking away. He knew they shouldn’t. They were very much aware that Yanis needed to keep their distance from him. He swallowed thickly,
“I can dance but…” Yanis hummed expectantly.
“We shouldn’t, okay? I don’t want to elaborate on that.” Yanis’ face cleared as they gave a soft ‘oh’ of understanding.
When Gerry looked back at them, Yanis was looking at them. The expression in their eyes making him pause. A glint of intent, resolve. But their overall demeanour had changed as well. That deliberate way they carried themself was back, not in a way that intimidated. But even standing next to Gerry, he could see they were moving with an intent, with a conscious focus on the way they moved to get there.
Yanis licked their lip,
“I will respect your turndown. But I would like you to know that I know.” Gerry froze. Raising a brow, Yanis’ tone turned gentler still,
“And I really don’t want to push you towards anything. Or put you up to anything.” Gerry felt his amusement bubbling up when Yanis said as much. The idea of someone human inciting a mythical or magical person to anything at all seemed a bit laughable.
“I’m aromantic myself”, they shrugged,
“And asexual.” Their smile turning into a bit of a smirk, cheeky just around the edges. Gerry’s face cleared in surprise, his jaw dropping a bit. His amusement freezing over with a faint ‘oh’ of their own. Before he grimaced,
“I am aromantic, yes, but that’s not it. I’m sorry, you’re a really nice person. You have been nothing but friendly and a reliable friend at that. It’s…”
Yanis closed their eyes, brows raised, before they snorted.
“Let me stop you right there. I know you have been avoiding me, I have respected that you were avoiding me”, they looked him in the eye,
“If you want me gone, I won’t bother you again. I’ll be out of your hair and we don’t have to even talk again.” Gerry felt his face fall, nervously biting his lip once more. Yanis wasn’t done just yet,
“But if you would like to, I want to get to know you”, a short jerk of their head,
“Properly get to know you. I think both our first gut feeling about the other was that we could become pretty great friends. And that’s all I’m suggesting.” Gerry needed a moment to process that. To let sink in that Yanis was really just curious about his friendship. Something they had so far always had to be wary around. At least until Gerry knew whether the person in question was human. Yanis huffed,
“While you process whether to give us a try, I’ll get us new drinks.” Gerry blinked, then nodded when they realised Yanis was waiting on his okay. Another one of those bright friendly smiles before they turned away. Gerry didn’t know what it was but they followed Yanis with his eyes. Their red hair easy to make out even in the crowd.
Just as he was about to turn away, he noticed something. Yanis was a very body-aware person, conscious and deliberate to a point it might seem standoffish. They had explained how it related to their chronic back and joint pain. But as Gerry watched them move through the crowd, he realised just how easily they moved around people. Almost light-footed, turning out of others’ ways with ease.
Despite them being almost as tall as him, and dressed in dark clothes, something about Yanis’ way through the crowd seemed almost airy.
It didn’t fit. It should have clashed immensely.
As they moved back towards him, Gerry realised what had been so weird about Yanis’ bodily confidence. They didn’t seem to make way for themself. Not at all. While that sureness was clear as day, written all over their most minute movements.
The way Yanis moved was the harsh opposite. Gerry was tempted to call it floaty. He knew they could make a way for themself through people, had witnessed as much a few times in the bustle of the campus. But how Yanis moved around people seemed just as natural.
Not even the slightest touch between them and the people around, as if some shimmer was keeping Yanis from being touchable. Kept up their airy strut, as if they weren’t turning and stepping around people.
The contrast did not make sense. And seeing as Gerry’s best friend was a changeling, well, if things didn’t make sense, it was likely some faerie or other was involved.
Which, on the one hand, would mean Yanis was safe from his own magic. But on the other hand it would raise so many more questions around them. About them.
Gerry couldn’t help his sceptical look when Yanis returned. Frowning at them, unsure whether to trust what they had seen.
“You're looking at me like that again”, Yanis raised a brow at him. Gerry gnawed his bottom lip,
“You’re a bit of a mystery, if I’m being honest.” But took the offered bottle none the less. Yanis’ warm smile returned,
“Well, I suppose it’s on you whether you care to figure me out, then.” An easy shrug as they raised a brow at him.
Gerry didn’t reply. They had not clue what to reply to that. And what they wanted to reply in the first place. Yanis didn’t push him. Much to Gerry’s relief. They fell back into companionable silence, emptying their drinks. When the bottles were empty, Yanis looked at him for a long moment. Searching their face. Yanis’ expression fell a bit, their smile not reaching their eyes anymore. Still, they only grimaced a little before sighing,
“So… have a good night, then.” Taking his empty bottle to take it away with their own, Yanis turned to go. Looking back over their shoulder,
“I guess I’ll see you around.” And with a final shrug and smile, they were gone in the crowd. Gerry stared after them before he closed their eyes and sighed. Silently cursing themself, he turned away from the crowd as well. One hand coming up to cover his mouth. Yanis had been right, if Gerry really had wanted them gone, he could have told them as much anytime. If they had wanted Yanis gone, he could have told them as much when they literally offered to leave him alone.
But Gerry didn’t. Because Gerry hadn’t and still didn’t want them gone.
They spent another few minutes turning things over in his head. What he had to consider if they really tried building a genuine friendship with Yanis.
Once he started looking around for them, Gerry regretted their delay. Not able to make out the red shock of hair, Gerry pulled out his phone. If he couldn’t find Yanis, he might at least tell Michael about his hunch. They had been friends for forever but Gerry still wasn’t all that confident to make out people that were connected to faerie. It was his best idea at the moment but he might just as well be off. Asking Michael for his opinion was a solid thing, also maybe it could distract Gerry if they really didn’t find Yanis again. Which meant Gerry would have to approach them around their next shared lecture.
Pocketing their phone, he looked up and around once more.
And huffed in amusement, Yanis standing almost directly in his line of vision. Albeit turned from them and leaning with their chin propped up over a bar table. Despite having avoided them, Gerry knew their usual posture well enough to see Yanis had to adjust to their pain at the moment. Holding their weight cautiously and reducing tension in their back and legs. Coincidentally, Yanis was looking at their own phone when Gerry came closer. And if he wasn’t mistaken, they were looking at the recent chat chronic between the two of them. The small frown pulling down the corner of Yanis’ lips gave Gerry a weird boost of confidence.
As he stepped up to the table, Yanis looked up.
“Du schon wieder”, they raised a brow but their frown had vanished. The quip good natured and accompanied by a small smile. Gerry couldn’t help smiling themself. With a slight head-tilt, he shrugged,
“Well, I can admit that I went looking for you.” Feeling a blush creep up on him, they tried fighting down his smile. Yanis turned to them fully, still with one elbow leaning on the table, they raised a brow. Giving Gerry a once-over. A short jerk of their head,
“Okay, und?” Gerry took a deep breath,
“You wanted to dance with me”, he shrugged,
“How about that invitation?” Yanis’ smile brightened a bit, stepping away from the table and coming closer. They offered him a hand,
“Your lead or mine?”
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et-lesailes · 4 years
the bodyguard | pt. 4
series masterlist
pairing: dark!curtis everett x reader
word count: 1906
chapter summary: you’re reaching the end of your pregnancy any day now, but you and curtis get into a fight after a steamy night.
themes: smut, breeding kink, angst
taglist: @tanyam93, @bval-1, @wonderwinchester, @patzammit, @rohaintahquil, @deidrashouseofpain, @sammyslonglostshoe, @jadedhillon, @bohemian-barbie, @whysparker,  @sebabestianstan101, @lille-kattunge, @teller258316, @peach-acid, @allsortsofinterests, @xoxabs88xox, @heyiamthatbitch, @cptn-sgrogers, @heyyouwiththeassbutt, @bangtan-serendipity, @troublermalik, @beardburnsupersoldiers, @bookish-shristi, @kind-sober-fullydressed,  @gingerninjaprincess16, @straightforwardly,  @denisemarieangelina,  @frencchfries, @xlanawriter, @littlemoistcarrot, @pottxrwolff, @arianatheangelworld​, @southerngracela​, @nsfwsebbie​, @rororo06​, @savemesteeb, @raveviolet​, @hurricanerinwrites​, @captainamerica-is-bae​, @shaddixlife​, @tessa-bl​, @marvelouspottering​, @pppsssyyyccchhhiiiccc​, @thegetawaywriter​, @dwights-new-plague​, @rynabarnesrogers​, @fckdeusername​,  @doloreschanal​, @ssworldofsw​, @la-cey​, @buckybarnesplumwhore​, @hevans-angel​, @chuckbass-love​, @stardust-galaxies​, @smyfmj​, @chris-evans-indian-fanfic​
notes: would love to hear your feedback! graphic creds to @allthefandomstogether​ ~
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You practically collapse onto your bed in exhaustion, one hand cradling your large bump while the other reaches back onto the mattress to support yourself. Your hair falls upon your back as you tilt your head, briefly shutting your eyes and enjoying the silence of your cart. 
The past nine months have been different than anything you’ve ever experienced before. About three months into you and Curtis’ “relationship”, your grandfather passed away. Curtis claims he was simply old, but you’re almost positive he was behind Wilford’s death, considering his loyal men mysteriously died within a few days after. Not that anyone questioned it. Everyone is terrified of Curtis now. He had Wilford’s approval before his death, thanks to the baby you’re carrying, and so they have no choice but to respect him. It’s almost pathetic how quickly Mason bows down to him, practically falling to her dry, wrinkly knees every time he passes.
His own men from the tail section practically dominate the front now. Edgar and Grey are his right-hand men, now cleaned up rather nicely in comparison to the grubby clothes and overall lack of hygiene from their tail section days. Tanya is still a close friend of his, someone you’ve even had jealousy with in the past. Curtis is slightly more soft with Tanya than he is with you. You often wonder if it’s because she’s a mother, and find yourself hoping he’ll be the same way with you once you give birth to his child.
There were other times you witnessed a softer side to Curtis. Gilliam, Curtis’ dear advisor, friend, and mentor, passed before your grandfather did. You still remember how shocked you were upon seeing the tears spilled from those bright blue eyes, watching the man practically crumple to the floor before you. You remember getting right down with him and hugging him tight, holding his head close to your chest and telling him that everything was going to be alright. He melted into your embrace, letting himself collapse against your body. It was the weakest you had ever seen him.
You remember thinking about the fact that you could have killed him right then and there, if you really wanted to. His gun was in the drawer right next to you, he had a knife right in his pocket.
And then you felt an overwhelming sense of disgust and shame, immediately shaking the thought out of your mind. 
You were and still are forever obedient to Curtis. You love him, even if your brain screams at you for it from time to time.
The door to the cart slides open and he walks in. You look up noticing his blood stained, button down shirt that he’s already swiftly removing. You don’t have to ask where he’s been. Ever since he took command, he forced the “useless” front sectioners to the back- the ones who did not have any jobs or services they could contribute to the train and its passengers. Now he tortures them just like they tortured him. He at least showed mercy to your friends, but you still do not like to think of the torment he puts those people through on a daily basis. He often invites you to accompany him to the tail section, a wicked smirk on his face as he asks, and you always refuse. 
He’s still angry. He wants vengeance. Quite honestly, you can’t fully blame him.
“You’re going to pop any day now, hm?” the man murmurs thoughtfully, eyes locking onto yours as he looks over at you. “How are you feeling tonight?”
“Like a balloon.” You mumble, though can’t help but barely crack a smile as you peer down at your swollen belly. You can’t deny that you’re excited to be carrying Curtis Everett’s child. You’d do anything for him, and you have no idea why.
He comes over to you shirtless, leaning down to press a naturally rough kiss against your lips. “Mm. I like seeing you like this. You look so perfect, pregnant with my baby.” He mutters gruffly, his husky tone making you shiver slightly. You love that he makes you feel so wanted. You love being his, and you love that no one else on the train will ever experience him the same way that you do. He truly is entirely committed to you- he can’t even look the other front section women in the face due to complete repulsion. 
He starts to pull back but you grab his wrist, looking up at him hopefully. “The doctor said that sex can help induce labor.”
He blinks but barely smirks, slowly tilting your head up. “Is that what you want, little kitten? You don’t have to pretend it’s just for the purpose of having this baby, you know.” 
You barely giggle, insistently tugging him closer again and kissing him. “You know it’s not that. I always want you.”
He smirks against your lips, slowly pushing you down on your back as he deepens the kiss, tongue pushing into your mouth to explore roughly. You can’t help but moan softly when his lips move to your neck, his teeth grazing your skin with teasing nips- when you feel his hand slide up your leg underneath your dress and to your panties, fingers rubbing you firmly, you’re practically whining out in desperation.
And then the doors slide open, a loud Irish accent interrupting, “O-oh, ho oh! Sorry, Curtis, didn’t realize I was interrupting. Man, you’re still fucking? Is that even safe-”
“Edgar.” Curtis turns his head, still on top of you as he practically bores holes through the younger male with his piercing eyes. “Get the fuck out.”
“Yes, sir!” Edgar simply hoots in laughter, saluting before giving you a wink. “Have fun, m’lady!” He turns around and walks out, most likely ready to go find Grey to have a laugh together about it. 
You can’t help but blush, though Curtis simply starts rubbing you again with those talented fingers, sucking on your neck even harder than before. “We should really change the code to that lock,” he mumbles deeply, leaving love bites all over your sensitive flesh- you half giggle, half moan, reaching up to grip the back of his neck. “I agree…”
He pushes up your dress and moves his head down, kissing all over your belly. “Come on, little one, we’re waiting on ya.” He glances up at you with a smirk, tugging down your panties and finding your clit with his thumb, teasing it roughly. “Fuck, I can’t wait to see you be a mother, Y/N. Already thinking of knocking you up again once this one comes out.” He reaches down to hastily remove his pants and underwear, revealing his thick erection, the mere sight in itself arousing you even more; though you can’t help but look at him with wide, innocent eyes upon his statement.
“You want more?” you whisper, and he scoffs lowly, pressing his shaft against your core.
“Of course I do. I can’t run this train forever, can I? And I don’t know about you, but I prefer we keep this a family business. We’ll need more than just one.”
You don’t even have time to respond as he thrusts into you roughly, making you gasp out loud as you move your hands to grip onto his muscular back. “Curtis!” 
He groans as he bucks his hips forward, leveling himself on his arms as he stares down at you with grit teeth, eyes completely focused on your pleasured expressions. “Fuck, I love seeing you under me like this. You like that, kitten? You like my big dick deep inside you?”
“Yes!” you cry out, arching your back as best as you can, though it isn’t too much. Not that you need to help him out, anyways, he’s perfectly capable on his own. His strong thrusts, rough kisses, and dirty words muttered deeply into your ear send you over the edge with ease; your moans become louder and louder as you start to come undone. He keeps his eyes glued on you, almost addicted to the way you react to his touch. He hates that in a way, you have him wrapped around your finger. He’ll do anything to hear those moans from your lips, to see the way your body writhes and wiggles underneath him, to feel every single inch of your skin. 
When the two of you finally meet your release, both breathless and panting, he pulls out and lays beside you, lazily kicking off his pants he didn’t even fully remove to begin with. You stare up at the ceiling as your chest heaves up and down, your dress still rumpled above your bump. He looks down at you, arching a brow slightly.
“Do you feel anything?”
You can’t help but think of the conversation you had earlier. You look back up at him, biting on your lip and ignoring his question for now. “Do you really only want me for kids, Curtis? Is that why you continued to be with me after my grandfather died?”
He blinks, slightly thrown off before sighing, reaching up to rub his temples. “Is this talk really necessary? Why do you think of such petty things all the time? This train was so goddamn corrupt, I’m trying to save it here. And this is what you spend your time thinking about?”
You look at him in shock, frowning as you sit up- a little clumsily, nonetheless, due to your belly in the way, but your expression getting angry. “You’re the one who made me want you, Curtis, you practically tortured me! Even after that night you told me how we would be together. I-- you knew I was always interested in you, and I knew you were using that to your advantage but-- is that really all this is? Are you still only just using me?”
He growls in annoyance, sitting up as well. “Is that what you think? If that were the case, why would I keep you around after Wilford and his men died?”
“I don’t know, for image? And I’m the only one on this train with Wilford’s blood, it makes more sense for you to have kids with me if you eventually want them to be leaders.”
He exhales in frustration, running his hand through his buzzed hair. “This is ridiculous. I-- I can’t have this talk with you right now, you’re clearly going insane from these pregnancy hormones or something.” 
He stands up and starts dressing himself again, and you look at him in complete shock. “Wh-what-- where are you going?! I could literally give birth tonight, are you seriously leaving me right now?”
“God, no! Would you just fucking relax? I need to take a walk, I just-- I need to be out of this damn cart for a bit. I’ll be back soon.”
You watch as he walks out of the cart, your heart pounding from anxiety and sadness. You hate this feeling. Sometimes he makes you feel like the only girl in the world, and other times it seems like he sees you as some sick fantasy that plays into an outrageous breeding kink.
Curtis, meanwhile, lets out a yell of frustration once the doors to your cart close behind him, kicking at the soundproof wall. All because he doesn’t want to admit that he’s fallen just as dangerously in love as you have. 
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