#Kellen Green
alicecullenxx · 1 year
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soufleur · 6 months
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22 de março de 2024
Aquele mimo do Senhor:
Hoje eu estava especialmente cansada por causa das noites mal dormidas (Diana dodói tossindo) mas prossegui o dia firme servindo aos meus e dependendo do Senhor, mesmo que cada parte de mim quisesse ser poupada.
Então, no meio da tarde minha mãe passou aqui me casa e levou a Aurora para passear. Como o Calebe e a Diana estavam dormindo, eu aproveitei para fazer uma pausa mimosa de 15 minutos para ler, comer e apreciar um cafezinho. Isso renovou minhas forças para servir o restante deste dia.
O Senhor é bom e se importa com os detalhes.
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coqxettee · 2 years
Pink IT girl essentials:
Some essentials I think every “it girl” needs to live her best, pink life 🫶🏼
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🎀 Pink nails (manicures always help you look super clean and tidy)
🎀 Pink tweed outfits. They look so put-together and just, - ahhhh I can’t explain it 😫
🎀 A skincare collection (Bonus points if they are pink)
🎀 Pink stationary. (Cute notebooks, pens, folders, books etc)
🎀 Pink gymwear
🎀 Healthy meals. (Smoothie bowls, salads, smoothies, oats, etc)
🎀 Pink lipgloss & lipbalm
🎀 A hair-care routine
🎀 Pink hair claws
🎀 Self care & manifestation books
🎀 Facemasks
🎀 Headphones (Bonus points if they are pink or decorated cutely)
🎀 Coffee & Matcha green tea 🍵
🎀 Mary jane’s, uggs & trainers
🎀 Pink handbag to keep all your cute important accessories in
🎀 A yoga, Pilates and workout routine
🎀 Pink yoga mat
🎀 Glossier products
🎀 Lululemon products
🎀 A cute workout playlist
🎀 Hand cream & sanitizer
🎀 Comfy pink clothes
🎀 A pink water bottle, gotta stay hydrated!!
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And that’s it! 🎀🫧🧼
Of course these aren’t compulsory to anything, these are just some ideas to get you started in living your best, it girl, lifestyle.
Sending you all of my love- Kellen 🎀🫧
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izunias-meme-hole · 13 days
Kellen Goff as The Joker
Was watching some youtube shorts, once again Kellen Goff is perfect casting for a green haired bastard man. In all seriousness though, the voice Goff does for Bezel from the Chikin Nugget shorts sounded almost like a mixture between Mark Hamil’s Joker, the various different voice actors the clown had in those 70’s cartoons, and his more natural voice and it just clicked for me.
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hswriting · 2 months
The Moment I Knew - Part 2
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[Image Alt ID: a four picture collage with a light brown background. The top left picture is a cup of coffee and a muffin in a brown takeout box. The top right picture is a couch with blankets on it in front of a fireplace. Around the fireplace is decorated with candles and a lamp. The bottom left picture is of Harry Styles in a headband with a green microphone. This picture shows his arm tattoos. The bottom right picture is of a leather bound notebook with a brown ribbon. On the cover of the book is a butterfly. End Alt ID]
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Masterlist Part 1 Part 3
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Millie is going over to Harry’s house to burn her ex’s stuff he left behind.
I went to bed feeling drained last night, and while I’m still upset, I feel a bit better knowing I have Harry in my corner.
We never talked much before but we aren’t strangers. I would stay at Kellen’s a lot before, but it had since fizzled down to only once a week or so. When Kellen would have friends over at his place, Harry was always one of the first ones to arrive. He always brought food or a gift. He isn’t one of the loud, rambunctious ones of the group. He would sometimes even come to hang out with Kellen alone, but wasn’t feeling up to games or anything too high energy. I remember him being upset one time and Kellen was comforting him. Harry said he didn’t want to be alone, but he didn’t feel like doing anything. So he came over to hang out and write in his leather bound journal while Kellen and him talked. I didn’t listen in after that. I figured it was private. I went to his bedroom and played on his computer.
He definitely isn’t a stranger but I wish I knew more about him since he wants to help me through this. He said he’s been through this hurt before. Someone has taken his heart and shattered it like glass. Someone has betrayed him in the worst way. If he felt anything like I do, he has felt worthless and defeated. Not ever knowing how he will recover from it. Hopeless. And for that I am so sorry.
This is the worst kind of hurt.
I pull into the driveway of the address Harry sent me and the house is huge. It’s a beautiful two story, white brick house.
I grab the gift bag I brought him, as well as the duffle of Kellen’s stuff and the bag of snacks.
I ring the doorbell and hear footsteps. The door unlocks and opens to see Harry in some black sweat pants and a football T-shirt. His hair is not neatly done like normal, but is instead a mess of curls lying on his head.
“Millie, come in, it’s freezing out there.” He said stepping aside. I walk in and take off my heavy coat to reveal my comfort clothes. I didn’t have the energy to actually get dressed today. Just grey leggings and a plain black crop top.
“I’m sorry I look like a bum. I wasn’t really feeling it today.”
“You don’t look like a bum. You look good Millie.” He says, looking at my clothes. I remove my boots and set everything down in the living room where he has a movie on the tv and a small gift on the table.
“I brought you something too.” I tell him and hand him the bag. We unpack everything before we unwrap our small housewarming gifts. He pours out the wine I brought as I unwrap the small box on the table. It’s a small bottle of pink perfume. I spritz it and it smells wonderful. “Thank you Harry. You didn’t have to get me anything.”
“I like getting my friends gifts. And besides, you brought me one too.”
“It’s nothing. You’re helping through a really hard time. You deserve it.” I say as he unwraps his. He pulls out a new leather journal with a small H stamped on it, and a package of nice ink pens.
“I love this Millie. You have no idea.”
“I remember you used to come over and journal and write while talking to Kellen. I figured you could use a new one, if the other one is getting full. I wasn’t sure.”
“It’s wonderful Millie. I really appreciate it.” He says with a smile painted across his face. He can’t stop running his hands over the cover. He eventually does put it down to take a sip of the wine. He sits down and looks at the pile of pictures and clothes by the fireplace. I take a long sip of wine. “Are you sure you want to do this?” He asks. I nod.
“He betrayed me in the worst way. I hate him for it. Let it burn.” I say, raising my glass.
“Let it burn.” He says. I slowly pad over and pick up our first picture together. With a single tear running down my face, I toss it in the flames. It crackles and pops before dissolving to ash.
“Do you want to do one?” I ask him. He shakes his head.
“This is for you.” He says. I finish off my glass of wine and throw another picture in. Another tear rolls.
Over the next few minutes, the pictures are burned. Harry does help me cut up the clothes so they burn easier. I cry a lot, but Harry doesn’t mention it. I sit in front of the fire and watch it burn.
“What about that?” Harry says pointing. I look down at my locket and place my hand around it. “Did you want to keep it?” I open it in my hand and see our pictures. “You don’t have to throw it in if you don’t want to. I just remember the night before he gave it to you. I remember how much he said you would like it.”
“It is my favorite thing. Well, was.” I say. “But he was too. So fuck him.” I say snapping the chain off. I threw it in the fire with my eyes closed. I sit there hugging my knees. I don’t know how long I’m there but I hear Harry sit down beside me. He doesn’t touch me. He doesn’t speak for a minute, but it’s nice to know he’s there.
“I had to burn my favorite journal. My ex, she hated that I had a journal that I didn’t want anyone to read. Not even her. She made me either read it or stick it in the fire. But it was so deeply personal. It had a lot of stuff in there. That’s my therapy. But I burned it. Not because it was even about her, but because I was going to share those things when I was ready. I wasn’t going to be forced. Turns out she was paranoid that I was writing about her cheating. She thought that’s what it was. Some sort of evidence collection.” He said sorrowfully.
“I’m really sorry. That’s so awful and mean. I couldn’t imagine.” I tell him.
“It’s okay. I know what was in there. I’m working on writing it out again, while still journaling about other things.”
“That doesn’t make it right.”
“I know. I’m not making excuses for her. But I really appreciate the journal you got me. It’s really good quality and has lots of pages. It was such an amazing and thoughtful gift. I didn’t even know you remembered me coming over.”
“I don’t know what you guys talked about. I tried to give you privacy by playing games in another room.” I tell him and he gives me a small smile.
“It was a really hard time of my life, and I’m glad I had Kellen to lean on. It sucks losing your best friend, but I’ll be okay. It’s not worth being friends with someone who thinks that’s okay.”
“You really didn’t have to do that for me Harry.”
“I know, but it was such a shitty thing to do. Having been in your position before I knew you probably needed someone after what feels like your whole world falling apart. I know you have Jason’s girlfriend Rachel, but we both know how she is. No offense.”
“None taken. She is great. She can be hard to talk to about stuff like this though. You should have seen us at prom. My girlfriend dumped me the night before and I was such a mess. Rachel was worried about how I was making her look instead of my feelings. She only cares at some surface level. Never deeply.”
“I didn’t know you had a girlfriend. Didn’t we go to the same school?”
“She wasn’t out yet, and I was only out as bi to Rachel. We were going to come out by dancing together at prom. But she called me the night before and said she had to break it off with me. Her parents found out. She had to take care of that, and I understand. She had a shitty home life. It is what it is. 18 seems so distant to me now.”
“That sucks. I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”
“It’s okay. She’s happy now. We ran into each other at the store the other day. She’s married to a really wonderful woman. Her parents finally came around.”
“Well, that’s good. Not everyone has that kind of luck.” He says. He takes a look at his watch. I see it’s close to 9.
“I’m sorry if I’ve stayed over too long. It’s just nice to have a friend.”
“Don’t worry about it. I don’t have to work until late tomorrow.”
“Are you sure?” I ask. He nods.
“It’s no problem. But you have had a couple of glasses of wine. I know you’re not drunk, but I don’t know how safe you feel to drive.”
“It’s probably best that I don’t. I can walk back. I don’t live super far.
“Millie you’ll freeze to death out there. Let me take you. I’ve only had one glass. I can pick you up tomorrow to come and get your car before I go to work.” He says and I take a minute to think. I nod my head. I put my things in my purse and tell Harry he can keep the wine. I have more at home. I put my coat and boots back on. He walks me to the car and opens my door for me. “Do you have anything specific you want to listen to?”
“Whatever you want to listen to is okay with me.” I say and he types something in his phone.
“This band is my favorite of all time.”
“Good to know.” I tell him with a small smile and he gives me a chuckle in return. It’s a short ride, but he opens my door for me again and helps me to the door. “I really appreciate what you’ve done for me Harry. You’re a good friend. I hope we can hang out again.”
“Me too. Thank you again for the journal Millie.”
“It’s no problem. Text me when you make it back home?”
“Of course. Have a good night.” He says. He waits for me to get inside and shut the door and then gets back in his car. He drives away. I take off my coat and boots and climb straight into bed. I put on a movie and get comfortable. I see Harry text me while choosing a movie that he made it home. And with that, I fall asleep.
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I wake up to a knock on my door. I get up out of bed and quickly try to make my hair look decent. I’m still in the same clothes as yesterday. I run to the door and open it to see Harry in a big, black, winter coat. He is holding two coffees in his hand. I invite him in.
“I didn’t know how you took your coffee, so I guessed on the sugar and cream. You’ll have to let me know how I did.” He said. “Also, good morning.”
“Good morning.” I say, still rubbing sleep from my eyes.
“How are you feeling?” He asks.
“So tired.” I tell him before I take a sip of the coffee. “Also, this is perfect.” I compliment.
“Good. I didn’t know if you were awake yet so I can come back if you want to get your car after you eat or what you want to do.”
“Have you eaten? I don’t really feel like cooking but we could go somewhere if you want?” I suggest.
“Sounds good to me.” He says. I go back to my room to get dressed, taking the precious coffee with me.
When I come out in just some jeans and a sweater I see Harry look me up and down.
“Doesn’t look okay? I just threw it together.”
“You look good Millie.” He says.
“Are you sure? This is an old sweater.”
“I’m sure.” He says with a smile. I tie my hair up with a scrunchie and put on my ear muffs and coat. Harry opens the door and helps me outside. He makes sure I don’t slip on the ice as we make our way to his car. He opens the door again for me. He climbs in and we are off.
“What time do you have to be at work?” I ask him.
“Where do you work again?”
“I work for the animal shelter in town, but on weekends when I’m off work I’m do shows at some of the local bars and stuff.”
“I write music.” He says.
“That’s so cool! I didn’t know you did that.”
“I wish I could do that full time but the money isn’t there.”
“Maybe one day it will be though.” I tell him.
“Yeah. I hope. I love writing music and getting to perform. I have a YouTube channel too. Just trying to get myself out there.”
“You got plans to travel around the world one day with your music?”
“That would be the dream.” He says as we pull into the breakfast place he chose. I beat him to opening my door and we laugh. He grabs our table for us and the waitress brings some menus. He orders some banana pancakes and I get strawberry cream filled crepes.
“Got a bit of a sweet tooth?” He asks with a smile.
“Maybe.” I joke with him.
“Now that you’re more awake, how are you?”
“I’m doing okay. I still am hurting about it, but I’m okay considering.”
“Has he tried to message you at all?”
“I blocked him that night. So I wouldn’t know.”
“Oh. Good. Probably for the best.”
“Has he been bothering you and the rest of the group?” I ask and he hesitates. “What?”
“He called me after I got home from dropping you off last night.” He finally says.
“What did he want?”
“He wanted me to get ahold of you. He wants to talk to you. Apologize. Try and fix things. He said he wasn’t the nicest person on the phone with you.” He told me and the ache in my chest that has shrunk a bit has grown back and is even bigger now.
“Yeah. He called me crazy. He blamed me for everything. I’m sorry he called you.”
“I’m sorry he said those things to you. I told him that if you wanted to speak to him to hear him out, you would, but it isn’t my job to force you to talk to him.”
“I don’t want him to apologize because even if he does, there is no fixing what he’s done. He made me feel horrible. I still feel horrible in that way. Like I wasn’t good enough for him, so I’m probably not good enough for anyone. I did my best and it wasn’t enough. I wasn’t enough.” I told Harry and he looked sad. “I’m sorry if I’m ruining your morning.”
“You could never ruin my morning. And he’s a dick for making you feel that way.” He says as he rests his hand on my hand in the table. “You are enough. You are good enough. What happened wasn’t your fault.”
“Thanks Harry.” I tell him. I glance over to our hands touching in the table. He takes it away when he notices me looking.
“I’m sorry if that was weird. I didn’t mean it to come off like that. I’m not that kind of person who-“
“It’s okay. I didn’t think it was weird. You’re just being supportive.” I tell him. It was a surprise, but it wasn’t weird. It’s was actually kind of nice. After feeling like crap the past few days any kind of touch is nice. A hug would be even better. A hug so tight that it would push the broken pieces of me back into place.
“Still, I don’t want you to think I’m trying to take advantage of your situation.”
“I didn’t think that. It was actually really nice.” I tell him and he doesn’t say anything in return. He just looks at me. He reaches down into his bag and pulls out another gift. “Harry.”
“I’m not trying to spoil you.” He says. “I like to give gifts. But I know it can make some people uncomfortable. If it does please tell me, but I thought you could use one of these too.” He says. He passes me a box. I open it to find a journal with my name printed on the front. I open it up and see a note inside.
I hope you are able to confide in this book the deepest parts of yourself that you can’t tell anyone else. Everyone deserves that outlet. But most of all I hope that when you spill those deepest parts of yourself, you have someone, someday that you can trust enough to tell, and they love you anyways.
From H.
I feel myself tear up at the sweet words on the page. It reminds me that this hurt is temporary. I will be loved again. I will love again. This one little note helps the ache that I’ve carried for days lighten so much, that’s it’s hardly even noticeable in this moment.
“Is this okay?”
“Yes. Thank you Harry. But we are gonna have to slow down on the gifts. My wallet can’t keep up.”
“I don’t expect anything in return.”
“That’s not fair.”
“Okay. I’ll slow down, but do you like the journal?”
“I love it.” I tell him.
“Do you want to stay here and write? Or are you ready to go get your car and go home?”
“I think I’ll get my car. I really do appreciate this Harry.”
“It’s no problem.” He says. He pays the bill and I tell him that wasn’t necessary. He says it’s fine and walks me back to the car. He makes sure to beat me to my door so he can open it.
We take our time to get back to his house, just listening to music on the way there and talking about little things. Little details that help us know each other better. He doesn’t like mustard or skateboarding. He wants to get more tattoos. Music is his whole life.
I feel a bit sad when we do arrive at my car and I have to go, but he says we can hangout whenever, just to text and see when he’s free. I climb in my car and drive away, looking for music to play.
I find his YouTube channel and start listening to his songs. So deeply personal and so heartfelt. I can tell he puts his soul into his music. I find myself sitting in my car even when I’ve arrived back home. I do eventually have to get out because it’s freezing outside. But he has such a beautiful voice. He sounds like a professional. I can’t seem to turn his music off.
When I get settled inside, music still playing, I sit down at my dining room table and open the journal. I find a pen and go to the second page.
I’ve never been one to write. But Harry is right. There are some things so deep and personal that you can’t tell anyone else. Not until you know it’s safe. Harry has been in my life a little over a year now, but we haven’t really talked until this week. Not only is he the only person I really can talk to, he is the safest person I’ve ever met. I don’t have to fake anything. He is so honest. And his music speaks to my heart in a language I’ve never heard before but I understand. And it’s heartbreak. I’ve been hurt before, but not in the way Kellen has hurt me. Bur thought it all, I know I’ll be okay.
I continue to write when I get a notification on my phone.
New music from Harry Styles: Always Been You Somehow
I click on it and a video starts to play. It must have been recorded a few days ago, because his outfit is different.
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Masterlist Part 1 Part 3
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authorspirit · 7 months
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Dahlia Lambert's descendants.
Oh my banana I did it. I don't have the three infants of Gen 5 (Liam Martinez, son of Ericka and Storm Martinez, and twins Cornelius and Ezequiel Akana, sons of Melody and Nasir Akana). I have trouble with infants so hm, yeah, I was annoyed and decided I would not do it. I almost missed Graham and Alexander, I'm so sorry my boys I LOVE YOU.
Who is who under the cut.
From left to right.
Standing: Kellen Lambert, Jillian Sapphire holding Mila Sapphire, Storm Martinez, Ericka Martinez, Rachel Ito, Kiyoshi Ito, Sydney Lambert, Jay Lambert, Melody Akana, Nasir Akana, Sara Sapphire held by Arthur Sapphire.
Sitting on bench: Chelsea Lambert, Aria Sapphire, James Sapphire.
Sitting on the floor: Magnus Ito, Thomas Ito, Matthew Lambert, Alexander Sapphire, Emery Ito behind Graham Lambert.
Color-coded to see to which Gen 4 branch everyone belongs to. Blue for Aria Sapphire (Dahlia's eldest), Red for her twin Kellen Lambert (second eldest), Pink for Rachel Ito (third born) and green for Jay Lambert (youngest).
I do have another version with my lookbooks Reshade preset. And another picture with just Dahlia's children and spouses.
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rowan-blood · 10 months
Book Recommendations
Kellen Graves
Prince of the Sorrows (Rowan Blood, #1) Lord of Silver Ashes (Rowan Blood, #2) Herald of the Witch’s Mark (Rowan Blood #3) The Fox and the Dryad
K.J. Charles
The Smuggler and the Warlord (A Charm of Magpies, #0.5) The Magpie Lord (A Charm of Magpies, #1) Interlude with Tattoos (A Charm of Magpies, #1.5) A Case of Possession (A Charm of Magpies, #2) A Case of Spirits (A Charm of Magpies, #2.5 Flight of Magpies (A Charm of Magpies, #3) Feast of Stephen (A Charm of Magpies, #3.5) Five For Heaven (A Charm of Magpies, #3.6) Jackdaw (A Charm of Magpies, #4) Rag and Bone (A Charm of Magpies, #5) A Queer Trade (A Charm of Magpies, #5.5) The Secret Casebook of Simon Feximal Butterflies (The Secret Casebook of Simon Feximal, #2) Remnant: A Caldwell & Feximal/Whyborne & Griffin Mystery (The Secret Casebook of Simon Feximal, #3; Whyborne & Griffin, #3.5) Proper English (England World, #1) Think of England (England World, #2) Song for a Viking (England World, #2.1) A Fashionable Indulgence (Society of Gentlemen, #1) A Seditious Affair (Society of Gentlemen, #2) A Gentleman’s Position (Society of Gentlemen, #3) Wanted, A Gentleman An Unseen Attraction (Sins of the Cities, #1) An Unnatural Vice (Sins of the Cities, #2) An Unsuitable Heir (Sins of the Cities, #3) Spectred Isle (Green Men, #1) The Henchmen of Zenda Unfit to Print Band Sinister The Rat-Catcher’s Daughter (Lilywhite Boys, #0.5) Any Old Diamonds (Lilywhite Boys, #1) Gilded Cage (Lilywhite Boys, #2) Masters in This Hall (Lilywhite Boys, #3) Slippery Creatures (The Will Darling Adventures, #1) The Sugared Game (The Will Darling Adventures, #2) Subtle Blood (The Will Darling Adventures, #3) The Gentle Art of Fortune Hunting The Secret Lives of Country Gentlemen (The Doomsday Books, #1) A Nobleman’s Guide to Seducing a Scoundrel (The Doomsday Books, #2) A Thief in the Night
A.J. Demas
One Night in Boukos Something Human Sword Dance (Sword Dance, #1) Saffron Alley (Sword Dance, #2) Strong Wine (Sword Dance, #3) Honey and Pepper (When in Pheme, #1)
C.S. Pacat
Captive Prince (Captive Prince, #1) Captive Prince: Volume Two (Captive Prince, #2) Kings Rising (Captive Prince, #3) Dark Rise (Dark Rise, #1) Dark Heir (Dark Rise, #2)
Joanna Chambers
Provoked (Enlightenment, #1) Beguiled (Enlightenment, #2) Enlightened (Enlightenment, #3) Unnatural (Enlightenment, #4) Restored (Enlightenment, #5) Gentleman Wolf (Capital Wolves Duet, #1) Master Wolf (Capital Wolves Duet, #2)
Tamara Allen
Downtime Whistling in the Dark The Only Gold If It Ain’t Love The Road to Silver Plume (Secret Service #1) Playing the Ace (Secret Service #2) Invitation to the Dance
Harper Fox
Brothers of the Wild North Sea Once Upon a Haunted Moor (Tyack & Frayne #1) Tinsel Fish (Tyack & Frayne #2) Don’t Let Go (Tyack & Frayne #3) Kitto (Tyack & Frayne #4) Guardians of the Haunted Moor (Tyack & Frayne #5) Third Solstice (Tyack & Frayne #6) Preacher, Prophet, Beast (Tyack & Frayne #7) Out
Sebastian Nothwell
Mr Warren’s Profession (Aubrey & Lindsey, #1) Throw His Heart Over (Aubrey & Lindsey, #2) Hold Fast Oak King Holly King
Lydia Gastrell
One Indulgence (Indulgence #1) One Glimpse (Indulgence, #2)
Hale Ginn
Lord of the White Hell, Book 1 (Lord of the White Hell, #1) Lord of the White Hell, Book 2 (Lord of the White Hell, #2)
Adella J. Harris
The Marquess of Gorsewall Manor (After the Swan’s Nest, #1) The Earl of Klesamor Hall (After the Swan’s Nest, #2)
Cat Sebastian
The Soldier’s Scoundrel (The Turners, #1) The Lawrence Browne Affair (The Turners, #2) The Ruin of a Rake (The Turners, #3) It Takes Two to Tumble (Seducing the Sedgwicks, #1) A Gentleman Never Keeps Score (Seducing the Sedgwicks, #2) Two Rogues Make a Right (Seducing the Sedgwicks, #3)
Lily Morton
The Mysterious and Amazing Blue Billings (Black and Blue #1) The Quiet House (Black and Blue #2) Something Wicked (Black and Blue #3) Merry Measure The Cuckoo's Call
Freya Marske
A Marvellous Light (The Last Binding #1) A Restless Truth (The Last Binding #2)
Other Authors
The Devil Lancer by Astrid Amara The Reluctant Berserker by Alex Beecroft The Scottish Boy by Alex de Campi Catalina Blues by Marlo York The Rake, the Rogue and the Roué by Eric Alan Westfall The Gladiator’s Master by Fae Sutherland The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller When Skies Have Fallen by Debbie McGowan Nova Praetorian by N.R. Walker The Reanimator's Heart (The Reanimator Mysteries #1) by Kara Jorgensen One Night in Hartswood by Emma Denny
(last update 2024/06/14)
I would appreciate your recommendations if you enjoy one or more books from this list.
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amukmuk · 10 months
Horizontal Salute
Junior Lieutenant Kellen Sypho pulls away and watches as the grassy field below morphs into an indistinguishable patch of yellow-green. No matter how many times he pilots away from the ground, watching everything grow smaller and the sky grow vaster will never get old. 
“Junior Lieutenant.” 
Kellen jumps, tightening his grip on the shuttle yoke lest he send them all careening sideways. “Captain Thrawn, sir. Do you need assistance?” 
“Not at this time, Junior Lieutenant. I ask that you remain in the cockpit as both myself and Ensign Vanto must check for ticks.” 
“Uh, you got it, sir.” 
Keep Reading
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pika-nachua · 1 year
2023 NFL Season Predictions
Full Season Schedule,Final Standings, and Playoff Bracket available at
Adjusted 2024 First Round Draft Order (Includes trades to date)
3.Bears (via Panthers from Bryce Young/ DJ Moore trade)
6.Cardinals (via Texans from Will Anderson trade)
30.Texans (via Browns from Deshaun Watson trade)
Awards Picks (also receiving votes in parentheses)
Most Valuable Player: Joe Burrow, QB, Cincinnati Bengals (Patrick Mahomes, Jalen Hurts, Deshaun Watson, Josh Allen)
Offensive Player of the Year: Nick Chubb, RB, Cleveland Browns (Ja'Marr Chase, Justin Jefferson, Brandon Aiyuk, Tony Pollard, Tyreek Hill, Christian Watson, Chris Olave)
Defensive Player of the Year: Myles Garrett, DE, Cleveland Browns (T.J. Watt, Micah Parsons, Nick Bosa, Gregory Rousseau)
Offensive Rookie of the Year: Bijan Robinson, RB, Atlanta Falcons (Jahmyr Gibbs, Will Levis, De'Von Achane, Bryce Young, Quentin Johnson, Zay Flowers, Sam LaPorta)
Defensive Rookie of the Year: Christian Gonzalez, CB, New England Patriots (Will Anderson, Jack Campbell, Brian Branch, Emmanuel Forbes)
Comeback Player of the Year: Damar Hamlin, S, Buffalo Bills
Most Improved Player: Christian Watson, WR, Green Bay Packers (Skyy Moore, David Njoku, Brandon Aiyuk)
Head Coach of The Year: Mike McDaniel, Miami Dolphins (Dan Campbell, Zac Taylor, Kevin Stefanski, Mike Vrabel)
Offensive Assistant Coach of The Year: Ben Johnson, Offensive Coordinator, Detroit Lions (Eric Bieniemy, Pete Carmichael, Tim Kelly, Ken Dorsey, Kellen Moore)
Defensive Assistant Coach of the Year: Jim Schwartz, Defensive Coordinator, Cleveland Browns (Lou Anarumo, Aaron Glenn, Patrick Graham, Brian Flores, Vic Fangio)
Additional Speculation On Season Storylines (Listed by team) List does not include all NFL teams
Las Vegas Raiders
Raiders fire Josh McDaniels after starting 2-10 and losing to the Chiefs Week 12 in Las Vegas, and promote defensive coordinator Patrick Graham to be their interim head coach.
Patrick Graham will finish the season with a record of 2-3, leaving the Raiders with a final record of 4-13.
The Raiders will fire general Manager Dave Ziegler, interim coach Patrick Graham, and a majority of the rest of McDaniels' staff after the regular season is completed.
Tennessee Titans
Starting quarterback Ryan Tannehill gets injured early in the season, and the Titans allow scond-year QB Malik Willis and rookie Will Levis to struggle for the starting spot before Levis wins it outright after during Tennessee's bye week in Week 7.
Levis then manages to lead the Titans to an 8-3 record from the bye week on, putting up Rookie of the Year-worthy numbers... if he had started the full season.
The Titans still manage to fall in the Wildcard Round to a tough Browns team, but this year still cements Levis as the starting quarterback going into 2024, with Tannehill likely to be moved by the front office in the offseason.
Washington Commanders
Ron Rivera is fired after a Week 16 loss to the Jets, finishing his season in Washington with a record of 4-11. Assistant head coach and Offensive coordinator Eric Bieniemy is promoted to be the interim head coach.
Bieniemy then coaches the Commanders to a 2-0 record in the final games, and after the season, his interim tag is dropped in order to make Eric Bieniemy the full-time head coach of the Washington Commanders in 2024.
Originally, I had afew wonkier predictions, namely the Cardinals and Colts trading their respective picks to quarterback-needy teams so those unnamed teams could select one of USC QB Caleb Williams or UNC QB Drake Maye.
My only reservation was that by the time October comes around, we're gonna have seen a much better sample size of football in 2023, so I'm certain I'll have opinions on it. I'd just like to save some for the wilder stuff for when there's a clearer picture to expand upon.
Ideally, I'd like to do one of these at the end of every month of the season, so we'll see how that goes.
End of the way, I wanted to put something out to reign in the new year, and I hope you're along for the ride.
Now who's ready for some mothafuckin football?
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graeadalicia · 1 year
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Their serious conversation continues, and another fear is quashed...
“Ada.” His voice was soft, his eyes understanding, and the expression on his face affectionate, something that was echoed as well in his voice.  “You are unlike any other female I have encountered in my long life, and I do mean that in the only the best and most enjoyable way.  I am looking forward to knowing you more, better and deeper.” Grae brushed his lips gently over hers, enjoying the little hum she made in response.  “Maybe I have decided that the ways that you are different and unique are what I have been searching for and I do not plan to allow you to escape and another male to steal you away.” Not a lie, just leaving out some information.  He would not deny that any male trying to take her from him would face his anger.
Adalicia’s heart felt as if it were trying to explode from her chest, each beat fast and strong, almost seeming to force the air from her very lungs.  As she stared up into his dark eyes, so serious and resolute with the declaration he'd just made, her brain did not seem to be able to form words.  The Chancellor to the King of the whole realm of Uffern had somehow decided in less than a day that she was to be his wife.  She, who until that morning had been nothing more than a chambermaid to the King's own sister.  Her head spun with it all.  
Grae watched as it all sunk in.  She was truly beautiful and innocent.  No doubt she was overwhelmed, but from here forward he would help her every step of the way.   While Kellen had decreed that they had to marry, it would be he and Ada who set the pace.  In every instance since that morning, allowing her to decide things had benefited him.  To change that now would be foolish and potentially backfire.  He had far too much at stake.  
"Rhys?" There was a new question that was occurring to her.  One that came from working as a slave within the castle and was burdening her heart.  "What about when…" her breath and courage began to falter.  After such a declaration as he'd just made, did she even have a right to ask more?
"What, love?" Patience, Grae, calm and patience.  He was used to women more akin to Persephone and found them obnoxious, so the timidness of Adalicia was both new and slightly puzzling to him.  
Taking a deep breath in, Ada closed her eyes and held it for a few seconds to steel her nerves.  When they opened again she asked her question in one quick sentence before she could once more lose her courage. "When I am with your child will you take a concubine as other men of nobility do and send me to  country manor?"
It took Grae several beats to fully process what he'd been asked. Then he was left blinking down at her as he tried to determine what she wanted the answer to be.  Some women preferred that arrangement as they were allowed leisure and left alone.  However he saw how his mother had felt cast aside and replaced, nothing more than an incubator for his father's progeny while he enjoyed the company of the concubine far more.
"No. If you wish to retire to a country manor, I have two and a mountain villa.  However, there will be no other but you that shall share my bed. I believe that we established that earlier.  Or was I unclear?" It had been the memory of his mother that had been the deciding factor.  He would not be his father.  While his father was a great statesman and counselor to Kellen’s father, he treated his family poorly.
Ada's head lightly shook, her teeth catching her bottom lip between them.   "No, sir."  Those big green eyes of hers seemed to stare into his soul.
"Good. I am very glad I don't have to repeat myself." Grae teased her and watched as pink tinged at her cheeks.  How much more shocked would she be if he told her everything?  What their words earlier truly meant. How fast Kellen wanted a ceremony.  Her true lineage was what bothered him the most to keep from her and he wasn't sure why.
Logically that they had exchanged Ufferbian nobility marriage vows seemed like the more pertinent piece of information.   But what would it change?  Other than getting Kellen off his back,nothing.
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kaileeplayspokemon · 3 months
Midori: The Camellia Girl (2016) Dub Cast (fanon)
Cause there's no fucking way the anime will ever be licensed. So,this is my fanon idea of a dub cast for the 2016 live action film. First options:
Midori: Xanthe Huynh Midori's mother: Veronica Taylor Mr. Arashi: Dan Green Muchisute Tokkuriji: Roger Craig Smith Akaza: Patrick Seitz Kanabun: Casey Mongillo Benitsu: Cathy Weseluck Wonder Masamitsu: Greg Ayres
Second options: Midori: Brittney Karbowski Midori's mother: Cathy Weseluck Mr. Arashi: Kellen Goff Muchisute Tokkuriji: Ryan Colt Levy Akaza: Chris Rager Kanabun: Kayleigh McKee Benitsu: Mary Elizabeth McGlynn Wonder Masamitsu: Chuck Huber
Third options: Midori: Laura Bailey (a 4th option being Anairis Quinones) Midori's mother: Laura Post Mr. Arashi: Sean Rohani Muchisute Tokkuriji: Jonah Scott (a 4th option being Griffin Burns) Akaza: Jalen K. Cassell Kanabun: Meli Grant Benitsu: Kari Wahlgren Wonder Masamitsu: J. Michael Tatum
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alicecullenxx · 1 year
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uquiztournament · 11 months
uquiz Tournament Match 2-8
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fatalfangirl · 1 year
Almost Six Books Sunday
Hi, i’m around, just perpetually exhausted and still dealing with everything I previously shared. Which means I have not had the mental capacity to write! At all! Not even a little! But I have been reading because *escapism*
So I’m here to share five books I have recently enjoyed. They’re all m/m, most are a mind-the-trigger-warnings situation, and they have all kept me sane during times of e x t r e m e stress.
A Strange and Stubborn Endurance by Foz Meadows.
Byzantine politics, lush sexual energy, and a queer love story that is by turns sweet and sultry, Foz Meadows' A Strange and Stubborn Endurance is an exploration of gender, identity, and self-worth. It is a book that will live in your heart long after you turn the last page.
And boy if that ain’t the truth. I LOVED Vel and Cae so much and world felt full and rich (even if the main political mystery element was kind of unnecessarily convoluted). Definitely mind the TW, but I enjoyed this book greatly and thought Vel’s growth in particular was well done.
To say I look forward to the second book is an understatement.
A Taste of Gold and Iron by Alexandra Rowland
To prove his loyalty to the queen, his sister, Kadou takes responsibility for the investigation of a break-in at one of their guilds, with the help of his newly appointed bodyguard, the coldly handsome Evemer, who seems to tolerate him at best. In Arasht, where princes can touch-taste precious metals with their fingers and myth runs side by side with history, counterfeiting is heresy, and the conspiracy they discover could cripple the kingdom’s financial standing and bring about its ruin.
This book is delish. Yum yum yummy slow burn. Very character driven where (once again) the political mystery plot sort of takes a back seat to the more interesting relation developing. Kadou and Evemer have that sort of interdependency that I am weak for. WEAK I tell you.
Also the author wrote a fic for her own book and I love that for all of us.
Lord of Silver Ashes (Rowan Blood Book 2) by Kellen Graves
After two weeks in the attic of Danann House, Saffron anticipates the moment he can finally be reunited with Prince Cylvan--but that day is unexpectedly marred by a visit from Headmistress Elluin, who doesn't believe Saffron was the one to perform magic in Beantighe Village in the attempt to save Berry. Saffron will be expected to prove it; if he can't, every other human he loves will be arrested and executed for arid practice and conspiracy.
This book series is the type of thing that I could binge read forever. Is it ultra original? No. Are there TW galore? Definitely. Does our plucky mc have plot armor? The thickest. He should be dead like 10 times over, but is instead in a constant state of what must be agonizing pain from gruesome injuries he somehow just grits his teeth through.
And I love every fucking moment of this series. Saffron is BABY and his dumb high elf lover is ALSO BABY. I cannot wait for book 3.
Prince and Pawn (Perilous Courts Book 3) by Tavia Lark
Prince and Pawn is a high fantasy gay romance with hurt/comfort, forbidden pining, inappropriate use of vines, and more magic tigers. The Perilous Courts series is best read in order, but each book follows a different prince and his Happily Ever After.
I have read 4.5 of the planned 6 books in this series and I keep thinking “surely there’s no possible way I’ll enjoy this couple as much as the last.” And then I DO. EVERY. TIME. But Audric and Corin get special mention because their particular trope is one I’m extra weak to.
This series is really about the characters with the barest thread of a plot, but oh how yummy those characters are. I freaking churned through a book a day and then ended up on the author’s Patreon because I couldn’t get enough. BOOK 5 SOON!!!!!
Wolfsong (Green Creek Book 1) by TJ Klune
Wolfsong is the beginning of the Green Creek Series, the beloved fantasy romance sensation by New York Times bestselling author TJ Klune, about love, loyalty, betrayal, and family.
I will murder for this pack!!! Ox and Joe are just so very!!!!!!!! WEEPS!
Now does it take some wrapping your head around the whole “they were 10 and 16 and destined to be together”? Yes, yes it does, but I think this series does a good job of showing that love is not necessarily sexual—as good a job as it does showing family is not necessarily blood.
(I’m almost done with book 2, and Mark might be the ultimate babe.)
If you managed to make it this far, thanks for that. I’ll come up for air again soon.
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readinthedarkpod · 11 months
This is it, our longest episode title ever. But it’s relevant to the conversation, we promise.
Join us as we discuss a horror novel from the most unlikely source, the newest upcoming novel from a beloved favorite author, our favorite horror tropes, and so much more! Happy Halloween!!
Follow the hosts at @figonas @adxmparriish @laequiem @hazelsheartsworn
Books Discussed: Camp Damascus by Chuck Tingle A Fragile Enchantment by Allison Saft
Books Mentioned: Bury Your Gays (and other works) by Chuck Tingle The Faceless Old Woman Who Secretly Lives in Your Home by Jeffrey Cranor and Joseph Fink The Anthropocene Reviewed by John Green The Captive Prince by C. S. Pacat Prince of the Sorrows by Kellen Graves Stalking Jack the Ripper by Kerri Maniscalco House of Earth and Blood by Sarah J. Maas Uprooted by Naomi Novik The Supernatural Enhancements by Edgar Cantero Uzumaki by Junji Ito
Join our book club, @wornpagelibrary!
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5conspiracy-rule · 1 year
● Hillary Clinton
● Bill Clinton
● George Nader (Geschäftsmann)
● Huma Aberdin
● Laura Silsby
● Rachel Chandler
● Jeffrey Epstein
● Ghislaine Maxwell
● John Podesta
● Michael Podesta
● James Alefantis
● Anthony Wiener
● Leslie Wexner (limited Inc-Vorsitzender)
● Herbert Strauss
● Isidor Strauss
● Martin A. Nowak
● Steven Spielberg
● Edgar Bronfman Sr. (Seagram-Vorsitzender)
● Charles Bronfman (Seagram Co)
● Michael Steinhardt (ehemaliger Hedgefonds-Manager)
● Sara Bronfman
● Clare Bronfman
● Niles Lehman (Professor an der Portland State University)
● Seth Roger
● Ruth Ginsberg
● Alison Mack
● Robert Maxwell
● Wendi Murdoch
● Jonathan Tscheban
● Naomi Campbell
● Maxime Chow
● Val Kilmer
● Marina Abramovic
● Steven Spielberg
● Kevin Spacey
● Alison Mac
● Marc Collins-Rector (Gründer von Den)
● Chad Shackley
● Brock Pierce
● David Geffen
● Tom Hanks
● Dustin Hoffman
● Andrew Kreisberg (US-amerikanischer Fernsehschreiber, Produzent)
● Bryan Singer
● Harvey Weinstein
● Bob Weinstein
● Roman Polanski
● Ruma Hazard
● Charlie Sheen
● Madonna
● Kate Perry
● Miley Cyrus
● Errol Flynn
● Billy Graham
● Walt Disney
● Michael Laney (ehemaliger Walt Disney Vizepräsident)
● James Gunn (Disney)
● Heidi Fleiss
● Jeffrey Epstein
● Alison Mack
● Stormy Daniels
● Rachel Chandler
● Ghislaine Maxwell
● Ghislaine Maxwell
● Chris Tucker
● Larry Summer
● Lisa Summer
● Bill Murray
● Bill Hammond
● Ehud Barak
● Andrés Pastrana (ehemaliger Präsident Kolumbien 1998-2002)
● Jean Luc Brunel
● Doug Band
● Ron Burkle
● Woody Allen
● Sarah Kellen
● Ray Barzanna
● Sandy Burger
● Andrea Mitrovitch
● Peter Marino
● Shelley Lewis
● Paul Hala (t) (d) a
● Richardo Legoretta
● Tom Pritzker
● Kelly Spamm
● Tiffany Gramza
● Claire Hazel
● Paula Epstein
● Mark Epstein
● Ralph Elison
● Sophie Biddle
● Audrey Raimbault
● Shelley Harrison
● Melinda Luntz
● Gwendolyn Beck
● Albert Pinto
● Richard "Handsome Dick" Manitoba
● Gary Roxburgh
● Mandy Elison
● Jean Michelle Gathy
● Virginia Roberts
● Kristy Rodgers (Kristina Real Rodgers)
● Greg Holbert
● Alyssa Rodgers
● Juliette Bryant
● Heather Mann
● Ed Tuttle
● Glen Dubin
● Ellen Spencer
● Chris Wagner
● Casey Wasserman
● Laura Wasserman
● Paul Mellon
● Oliver Sachs
● Henry Rosovsky
● Lynn Forster (de Rothschild)
● Joe Pagano
● Naomi Campbell
● Nicole Junkermann
● Rodney Slater
● Magali Blachon (Deperrier)
● Svetlana Griaznova
● Emmy Tayler
● Larry Visoski
● Carrie Davies
● Johannes (Paul) Molyneux
● Freya Willemoes Wissing
● Adam Perry Lang
● Fleur Perry Lang
● Caren Casey
● Hank Coller
● Cindy Lopez
● Mark Lloyd
● Alan Dershowitz
● Seth Green
● James Gunn
● Steven Spielberg
● Tom Hanks
● Steven Colbert
● Jimmy Kimmel
● Barack Obama
● Kevin Spacey
● Kathy Griffin
● Oprah Winfrey
● Shawn Carter
● Beyoncé Knowles
● Anthony Kiedis
● John Legend
● Chrissy Tiegen
● Jim Carrey
● Steven Tyler
● Ben Affleck
● Stephen Collins
● Will Ferrell
● Marshall Counts
● Jeffrey Jones
● Victor Safe
● Mark Collins Rector
● Charlie Sheen
● Tyler Grasham
● Madonna Ciccone
● Katheryn Hudson
● Gwen Stefani
● Stefani Germanotta
● James Franco
● Will Smith
● Justin Roland
● John Cusack
● Anderson Cooper
● Demi Moore
● Brian Affleck
● Meryl Streep
● Wanda Sykes
● Chelsea-Handler
● Michelle Wolf
● David Jarovesky
● Pharrell Williams
● Quentin Tarantino
● Courtney Love
● Alec Baldwin
● Robert Downey Jr.
● Disney Corporation (Biete Kinder "Tauchen" Reisen, auf die Insel Epstein)
● Andre Balazs (Besitzer der Standard Hotels und mit den Rockefellers verbunden)
● Jay Z
● Beyoncé Knowles
● John Belushi
● Britney Spears
● Errol Flynn
● Dennis Hopper
● Helmut Newton
● Jim Morrison
● James Dean
● Billy Idol
● Victoria Beckham
● Heath Ledger
● Sienna Miller
● Balthazar Getty
● Scarlet Johansen
● Elon Musk
● Mark Zuckrberg
● Lawrence M. Krauss
● Steven Pinker
● Mick Jagger
● Courtney Love
● Joan Rivers (verstorben)
● Kevin Spacey
● Chris Rock
● Eli Weisel (Nobelpreis gewinnt Holocaust-Profiteur)
● Lauren Hutton (Top-Mode-Modell)
● Herzog & Herzogin von York
● Earl Spencer (der Bruder von verstorbenen Diana)
● Richard Bronson (englischer Geschäftsmann)
● Tony Blair (ehemaliger britischer Premierminister)
● David Koch (1/2 eines Bruders-Teams)
● David Rockefeller
● Evelyn de Rothschild
● Eduouard de Rothschild
● Jake Tapper (CNN)
● Jennifer Tapper (Frau von Jake Tapper)
● Ahorn Inc
● Barbara Walters
● Mort Zuckerman
● Eric Margolis
● Rupert Murdock
● Conrad & Barbara Black; Baron Black von Cross Harbour
● Bill Clinton (ehemaliger Präsident von Amerika)
● Jon & Mary Kaye Huntsman
● Gouverneur Charles Turnbull (US-Jungferninseln)
● Henry Kissinger
● Ethel Kennedy
● Bobby & Mary Kennedy
● Senator Edward Kennedy (verstorben)
● Ted Kennedy Jr.
● Andrew & Kerry Kennedy Cuomo
● Maria Shriver (Kennedy-Verwandte / Schwarznegger Ex)
(Freie 1992-2002)
● Keck Family (Standard-Öl / Gründer des Standard Hotels)
● Perry Mason
● Bank of California
● JP Morgan - Standard Oil
● Jeffrey Epstein
● Bear Stearns Group
● Standard companies
● Colombia Developement
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