#Kevin price x reader
ivrxquack · 1 year
Cod x reader fishing head cannons
(Also some frog molments)
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Super excited
when he gets a catch please take a picture and praise him he’ll be giddy all week
would probably cry if y’all release the fish
likes to watch the frog eggs…exist
complains about water getting in his boots
is pretty proud of his catch tho
gets fed up when a frog jumps on him
Is a pro
Catches the biggest fishes
“playfully”throws the fish in your face while it’s flapping everywhere
wants to cook some frog legs
Also kind of a pro
ready to cook the fish as soon as he pulls it up
gets a little quirky when you praise him
catches a huge screaming bull frog
throws the fish on you when he brings it out the water
will fling the frog across the forest if you give it to him
Will eventually chill once you two exit the boat and go home
*insert Kevin gates roar*the wild side comes out
swims in the lake grabbing fish with his mouth
Chases around frogs
Eats the worms and frog eggs (he lacks social skills cause he’s been in my basement for so long)
he’s all over the place like please sit down and stop rocking the boat
shakes in happiness when he pulls up a fish
Picks up frog eggs and just pokes them gently
Gets a little creeped out by the frogs but it’s all good
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nwheregirl · 1 year
A little bit of fun for your soul. (Kevin Lomax x reader)
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Request: “So, can you do an headcanon Yandere Dark Kevin Lomax being obsessed with his innocent secretary female reader, please?” By @gea-chan96
New York is so fun, right? You just moved there, probably enchanted by all the wonderful scenery your parents' friends often told you about. Besides, you needed to feel independent, to leave mum and dad's house in order to finally be a woman free to do what she wanted.
Rent is expensive, the apartment is perhaps too small for such a high price: you immediately had to find a job.
You noticed on the newspaper that a famous New York attorney was urgently looking for a secretary: the salary was quite high for such a...simple job?
"Who cares? You literally just have to sit behind a desk and smile to his clients, and learn how to use the printer!" Your friend with whom you were talking on the phone told you, while you were sitting on the sofa of your small apartment in shorts and a tank top. "Or I'll end up spending my mornings and nights printing papers, having to remember how he takes his coffee, and having his wife storm into the office to punch me in the face out of unreasonable jealousy!" You answered, in a tone that was not too ironic.
Your friend had pointed out how you were perfect for such a job: you had always been a kind and honest, quiet girl…sometimes too naive for your own good. You were a person incapable of hurting anyone, it was hard for you to lie, you were smiley and polite. Basically, an emotional and sweet soul.
You both imagined that this big-shot lawyer was probably old and wrinkly, someone who needed help with the little tasks of his job because of his age.
Wrong, you were fucking wrong.
Kevin Lomax was a promising young lawyer from Florida. He had been making a name for himself for some years now, as a professional who had never lost a case since his career began. Over the years the commitments had increased, along with his money. He had just gotten out of a stormy divorce with his ex-wife (this is something you would find out later).
The reason for the divorce was that Kevin was an absolutely unfaithful, self centered and possessive man. His poor wife had come to have a nervous breakdown due to the immeasurable sadness he had caused her.
But this, you would never know.
You applied for the job, and on the day of your interview you were struck by the beauty of the man: his pitch black hair and his brown eyes that seemed to penetrate into your soul for how deep they were, his broad and muscular body and his expensive suit that hugged his shoulders perfectly... you were convinced at first that he was just a trainee, but no. He was the man you were going to work for.
In the first months of your job Kevin had been professional and quiet, at times even cold and rude. He just nodded to you, ordering you left and right to do something for him without so much as a 'thank you' or 'please'. He was a man of few words and busy. You thought it was definitely not the friendliest environment to work in.
No one from the office ever spoke to you: you were simply the secretary and nothing more. They wished you good morning and smiled at you, that's it.
What you didn't know was that, in the first few months there, Kevin had done meticulous research on you to understand what kind of woman you were: he had contacted some criminals he had managed not to send to jail (they owed him a favor) to stalk you and make a complete profile of the person you were.
He was a lustful man, but at the same time (given what he had gone through with his ex-wife) he wanted to aim for a woman who was simple, submissive and therefore easy to manipulate. Not a gold digger, possibly. He wanted to indulge in his needs without any stress.
Kevin liked your aura of kindness and naivety, so he wanted confirmation that it wasn't just a mask: he discovered that you were actually a good girl, with a simple life and many female friends. You were shy around men, sometimes maybe even scared that someone might be interested in you. In short, you were perfect. Kevin wondered how it was possible that you didn't realize how beautiful you were, your sinuous body could have set a fire in the soul of any man that looked at you. He liked it even better that way though, it would have been easier to corrupt you and make you his good little fuck doll.
It happened out of nowhere: your boss had started being nicer, almost too much. You didn't know what to say or what to do, you were too embarrassed...and he had too much power over you to complain. You couldn't risk getting fired.
“Grab me a coffee. Will you, sweetheart?”.
“What a nice skirt you are wearing this morning, doll”.
“It’s late, I’ll call you a cab”.
“Y/N, print me this.” He would say, moving exaggeratedly close to your ear and tapping his fingers on your hips for a few seconds.
“You can go now. Do you have any plans for the weekend? I hope you don’t have a date, sweetie”. He said to you one day, winking at you with his pearly white smile: you laughed at those words but there was a touch of jealousy in his eyes, it seemed that through that small gesture he was hiding something more sinister.
During the few months in which those subtle behaviors had gone on you hadn't reciprocated his flirting ways: you wanted to keep it professional, you were shy and perhaps it made you a little uncomfortable. You couldn't deny that you weren't flattered to get the attentions of such a handsome and powerful man, though. Kevin knew that behind that fear, that innocence…you craved him just as much as he did. He was starting to lose his patience, no longer wanted to play nice with you.
It happened one evening, in one of the most expensive bars in New York: Kevin had just won yet another lawsuit. You often accompanied him to court to keep his papers organised, always finishing work after dinner time and coming back home exhausted. This time, however, you had decided to pass by that bar just for a few minutes to say hello and congratulate him.
"Congratulations, Mr. Lomax!" you exclaimed happily as you entered the bar. You knew perfectly well that you didn’t belong there: you were surrounded by very rich attorneys, with their beautiful trophy wives and their shiny sports cars.
You were wearing a navy blue knee-length skirt, a white button-up blouse, a tailored blazer and stud earrings. A pair of low heel classic pumps at your feet. You wore your hair down, alway looking professional and polished.
Kevin turned to look at you as he was talking to his colleagues, his face changing completely into a seductive grin. He stared at you, licking his lips. He was wearing a sophisticated three piece grey suit.
His voice almost seemed to take a different tone; much deeper and seductive.
“Thank you, sweetheart”
He said with a charming wink, taking a sip of his drink as he offered to buy you one.
"Oh no thanks, I don't drink. I just came by to say hello, I don't want to disturb you"
"Who ever told you that you disturb me, honey?" Lomax said, his smile widening more as he leaned forward. He brought his drink to his lips slowly, eyes locked on yours as he did so. You didn't know exactly what to answer to those words, it was simply you being shy. Lomax reached out a hand, placing it gently on your arm.
He looks strong and confident, you had always admired him for his confidence…
“Don’t be so self conscious, you are a beautiful girl” He said with a warm smile, bringing his hand up to gently stroke your hair.
Wait…what the fuck had just happened? Was Kevin Lomax really stroking your hair?
You blushed, you lowered your gaze and murmured thanks to that compliment: man, now you understood why all the girls in the office spoke of him as if he were the most fascinating man on the planet. It took very little for him to make someone's legs shake.
"Mmh..thank you, but I really have to go..." You whispered at that moment as you sank into your shyness: but he wouldn't have given you a chance to escape. In fact, being late, he offered to drive you home in a tone that made you understand that "no" was not a plausible answer.
So, you found yourself sitting in the passenger seat of his very expensive car, your hands resting shyly on your knees while you avoided making eye contact with Kevin and admired the sight of the city’s lights from the car’s window. The famous attorney had turned to look at you, a sly smile on his face: you were so cute, he could feel his pants getting tight at the thought of corrupting such a simple girl. It would have been so easy to make you fall at his feet…
"You know I don't bite, right? You can talk to me." There was an awkward silence in the car due to your discomfort. You turned your head toward the man, a shy smile on your face. Fortunately, you were not very far from your apartment: you could hold out a little longer. You smiled shyly, apologizing to him.
“…unless you want me to bite”.
What? What did he just said?
You turned towards him, shocked: you felt your throat grow dry as your cheeks turned bright red. You stood still for a few seconds.
"Mr. Lomax?" You called his name, thinking you were losing your mind. But no, it was real and it was really happening: you became aware of the fact that he had parked in front of your apartment but was showing no signs of wanting to unlock the door.
"You know..." The handsome attorney whispered, bringing his face closer to yours.
"I know you've noticed how I've treated you over the past few months, but you've shown no signs of wanting to give in. I am a not very patient man, if I want something I always get it." You noticed that you felt a huge emptiness in your stomach as you continued to stand still and look into his eyes with your lips half-open in shock.
"I always win." The man had whispered then, brushing his fingers over your cheekbones.
"I don't think any of this is appropriate…you are indeed a handsome man...but what will be said about me if people find out about this?" You whispered, as your insecurity blocked your throat from making a confident, clear sound.
"There are many beautiful women just waiting for attention from the famous Kevin Lomax, I am simply your secretary. I know what lawyers do with their secretaries, they use them like dolls and then throw them away. I don't want to be that, for any man in the world -- not even the richest one..." You kept going, feeling your eyes getting wet: damn insecurity, but at least you were managing to speak. That innocence and tenderness of yours generated in Kevin an even stronger lust for you: it was true, a good part of his colleagues did that. The world of New York lawyering was a world full of sins and scandals. But he was a gentleman, or for that matter he was distinctly better than some people: it almost seemed as if he could smell your fear and embarrassment.
"Sugar..." this time Kevin caught your face in his hands, bringing it brutally close to his: you could feel his breath smelling of alcohol and cigars on your skin. Not commenting on anything you had said, he ended the conversation this way:
"Good night, try to get some rest because tomorrow you will be forced to stay with me until late."
And once again, his tone scared you.
Back home, you looked at yourself in the mirror as you silently rinsed your face: you thought first about calling and quitting the very next morning, and then in the silence of your room -as you tried to fall asleep- you sensed your most unconscious emotions taking over your brain.
Kevin was handsome: you had stated that several times. You admired his confidence; you were frightened by his authoritative energy. You were a woman like any other, you had needs and when a person was attractive to you, you couldn't help but fantasize at least a little bit. Your brain had done that with your boss too, but you had always tried to scuttle your thoughts-you felt guilty, damn guilty. It wasn't right, what would your parents think of you?
You fell asleep overwhelmed by this train of thoughts, ignoring the fact that you had woken up after dreaming of your body bent against a desk, powerful hands pulling at your hair.
The next day you felt like you were in a different place, not the one you had now come to know for more than eight months.
You constantly felt Kevin's intense, dark gaze on your body; he hadn't spoken to you all day: he seemed to be back to his old way of doing things.
How wrong you were.
He simply wanted to make you feel uncomfortable, and he had succeeded. You felt that you had done something wrong, that you had offended him: perhaps you had gone too far? Was he about to fire you?
You were doing an impeccable job: his schedule was always perfect, his papers always in order, and much more. Would he really have been able to send you away or treat you badly because of a simple conversation?
You were forced to stay late into the evening in the office, when everyone had already left. Kevin had been in court for many hours that day because of a very difficult mob case. Now, after having dinner with several colleagues, he was forced to stay until late sitting at his desk to analyze documents that contained important evidence that would enable him to win the case. It was you who had alphabetically sorted through that large amount of documentation; that was why he needed you.
You breathed a sigh of relief when he had coldly called your name to ask you to find him the file of a specific person.
Slowly, you opened the small metal drawer to look for that specific file. There was total silence inside that room, it was now almost 11 o'clock at night, and you couldn't feel the fatigue because of the adrenaline rush that the discomfort was causing you.
You could once again feel the attorney's eyes slowly exploring your body-he was waiting, but panic made it seem like your eyes could not focus on the right letter. You coughed several times, starting to sweat.
"So?" He had said aloud, passing his tongue over his lips: his blazer was resting on the chair, his sleeves were rolled up, and his tie was now forgotten somewhere. The first buttons of his shirt were open. His hair, that were always tied elegantly combed back, now fell over his forehead.
At that moment, to get even more comfortable, he had taken off his suspenders and the very expensive Rolex he was wearing on his wrist until a few minutes before.
"I'm sorry, I'm looking for it: it must be fatigue slowing me down." You had your head lowered in shame: you were generally quick, it never happened to make him wait more than a minute.
“Come here”.
You slowly turned toward him, your eyes still fixed on the floor.
"Look at me."
You didn't want to, you were ashamed, you couldn't really lift your head. At that point, Kevin violently slammed his hand against the desk.
"I said fucking look at me! Don't you ever listen?"
Terrified, you raised your head toward him: your legs were shaking, you felt you were about to cry--you don't like it when people yell at you. Kevin realized that maybe he had gone too far in having that reaction with you (or maybe he had accidentally shown you his true nature?), so he signed and massaged his temples:
"I'm sorry, come here..." He turned in your direction, opened his legs slightly and settled more comfortably in the black leather chair.
Figuring it would be worse if you didn't listen, you slowly approached the desk and looked at him with a confused and disappointed expression. You were facing him now, but were still too far away for his own taste.
"I didn't mean to respond that way, sugar..." He repeated, displaying a mask of guilt as his hand repeatedly tapped his thigh.
"Come closer” He said in a firmer tone, this time understanding what he was getting at.
"Kneel" He ordered you, and so you positioned yourself between his legs like a lapdog: in the silence of that moment you felt humiliated…humiliated and that you were succumbing to his power and feeling even more ashamed of the fact you were liking it. His hand began to caress your cheek as his thumb did the same with your lips.
"Open" The lawyer ordered , and you welcome his finger in your mouth, licking and sucking it slowly. You had heard of things like this: you understood then what he wanted, and you were at least trying. He'd probably been with more experienced women than you, and that shamed you even more. You felt like a stupid teen.
You were so lost in your thoughts that you didn't notice the fact that Kevin had slowly started to undo his belt, opening your eyes when you heard the noise of the zip being lowered.
"Don't worry, I’ll teach you everything" He explained, having noticed how awkward you were: even better he thought, it would have been even easier for him to make you what he wanted you to be.
"You're mine now, not that you'd ever get a chance to run away from me..." The way you were looking at him, with his finger still between your lips, made his eyes darken: you reminded him of a sweet deer, small and innocent. He smiled, taking your face in his hands and leaning towards you.
"If you're good, in a couple of years I might even put a ring around your pretty little finger…you would like that wouldn’t you, little doll?”.
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itjazzbicch · 2 years
My Sweet Angel
Pairing:  Sami Zayn x Fem Reader 
Summary: Based off my previous fic Heaven:
Keeping their relationship a secret considering the reader is the younger sister of Jimmy, Jey, and Solo, things get tough for Sami and the reader's relationship, having to make a big choice when things implode...
Warnings: Swearing (Sorry if there's any typos I literally just whipped this up quick asf because I saw the opportunity lmao)
Word Count: 1.9k 
Tag List: @demonqueen29 @peachy-satan00 @new-zealand-chic  @crowleysqueenofhell @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin @thatpanpal @melissahausen @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @linzi-land @xxx-jazz-xxx @writtingrose @legit9thlunaticwarrior @seeingstarks @rubyred1980 @alexisquinnlee-bc 
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Ever since that night in my hotel room, Sami and I kept it behind my family's back, but we were as close as close could get. Not leaving each other's sides, always laughing and putting smiles on each other's faces, he even started calling me his little angel, which always made my heart flutter.
My heart was filled with such strong emotions and overflowed just by looking at him. With all that emotion came a great price though.
Anxiety nor paranoia could even describe how I felt when Roman was around. Thankfully, I didn't have to worry as much considering my older brother Jey finally loosened up and became friends with Sami. But Roman was always questioning him, testing him, and when Tribal Court came?
Jey was my savior that day, protecting Sami from Solo's attack and Roman's accusations. I knew there was nothing I could do. Like any of them would listen, but I was so grateful Jey knew that things weren't right.
Deep down inside, I knew this wasn't over. After having my own title match, I was informed only Sami and Paul would be going out with Roman during the main event. My heart instantly dropped. I tried to shower and watch the women's rumble match, considering the winner could very well be my next opponent.
But I couldn't stop worrying. Jumping at the knock on my door:
"Hey, my angel. You in there?"
"Coming!" I rushed to the door, Sami trying to smile for me, but I could tell that he was worried sick just like me. We both knew tonight was going to be rough.
"I just wanted to give you a hug before I go out there with Roman," He whispered softly, knowing that he really needed some kind of comfort, that I gladly gave him with a tight hug:
"You listen to me. Don't do a thing out there. Don't talk to either of them, just let them wrestle. Okay? This is Roman's fight. Not yours."
"I will, angel," I could even hear his hurt through his voice, wanting to take it away, squeezing him tight before I picked up my head to kiss:
"And just be careful. Please."
He only nodded, pressing his lips a little harder and it nearly put me in tears. He kissed me as if it were the last chance he'd get to. Watching him walk away, I let those few tears fall, but having to clean myself up as I heard my phone, seeing Jimmy's contact pop up.
Jimmy, Solo, and Jey had me come to their locker room to watch the match and it had me on the edge of my seat. Kevin Owens was no push over and how he kept kicking out was mind blowing. All till Roman speared him through the barricade.
That was the beginning of the end. Roman beating the back of his head against the steel steps, getting him in the ring and I couldn't even watch Roman get the pin as Solo was at the door walking out, "Let's go."
I never felt my heart race so quickly, making our way out to the ring with Roman in the center, titles held high, Sami just staring at us like a plea for help.
Just the look Roman gave to Jimmy, Jey, and Solo had me swallowing a breath. Jumping into the ring just to start beating the shit out of Kevin. He wasn't exactly a friend of mine or anything, but superkick after superkick, just a straight up beat down, it was hard for even me to watch.
If things couldn't get any worse, Roman's laughs caught my attention, handcuffs jingling in each of his hands. I never felt so scared and useless, just standing in the corner, watching Kevin get handcuffed to the ropes, completely defenseless and taking even more superkicks from Jimmy and Jey.
I couldn't watch anymore, but looking and seeing Roman putting the chair in Sami's hands, screaming at him:
We all knew that deep down inside, Sami cared for Kevin, and I wanted to grab them both and just book it out of there, but Sami tried to deescalate the situations, telling Roman this wasn't worth his time, just for Roman to yell even louder:
There was no way out of this, Roman standing before Kevin Owens as Sami stood behind him with the chair and for a moment, Sami stared at me in the corner, as if he was telling me that he was sorry, filling the entire arena with gasps when the chair smacked Roman's back.
I started shaking so hard, seeing the looks on Jimmy and Solo's faces, just to watch Sami eat one of the nastiest superkicks Jimmy's ever delivered. Covering my mouth, I could only watch in the corner, Jimmy and Solo taking turns beating up Sami.
Roman made it to his feet and I thought I had some hope when he pointed at Sami, commanding Jey to join in on the beating, but Jey didn't move.
"Jey, please-" I whispered, but the crowd's roar blocked out my words, everyone in even more shock as Jey shook his head and left the ring, clearly fighting some hard feelings.
All that did was piss Roman off even more, taking the chair again, and that's when I couldn't just stand there anymore. I refused to stand here and watch Roman do this.
The crowd was almost deafening when I ran over to Sami, hugging his body and bracing myself for an impact, Roman going to swing, but leaving the chair in the air. Staring at me confused.
"Y/N, what the hell are you doing?!"
"Just stop this! Please!" I pleaded, shaking my head and trying to fight the tears, but I failed miserably, crying horribly, "Roman, please!"
"And why should I?!" Things just went from horrible to worse, Roman trying to yank me away from Sami's limp body, but I was hugging him so tight that I wouldn't budge, "He claims he's, our family?!" He just hit me with this damn chair! He ain't our family!"
"Yeah! BUT HE'S MY BABY!" I screamed so loud that it strained my voice, silence falling with all eyes on me. Now I was the one who was pissed, eyes staring a hole through Roman, "I love him, and I won't let you do this to him!"
Jimmy and Solo only exchanged looks, not sure what to do, and Roman was having none of it, laughing at me:
"You? You were the 'angel' I heard him talk about before?"
"I am," I huffed, sending the crowd crazy as I stood up tall, measuring up Roman, glaring, "And if you try to hurt him again. You're going to deal with me."
"Jimmy! Solo!"
"Angel, please," I turned my head for only a second when I felt Sami's hand around my ankle, desperately trying to pick himself up, but I kept protecting him, not sure if Jimmy and Solo were going to listen to Roman:
"Jimmy! Solo! Get your sister, NOW!"
"Sis-" Jimmy at least didn't want to do this, taking my hand softly, but when I tried to snatch it away, Solo was at my other, both pulling me into a hug that I couldn't break.
Damn them for having such a tight grip, no matter how hard I trashed and kicked, I couldn't escape Jimmy and Solo, crying and screaming while Roman smacked Sami with the chair. Over and over till his body was motionless. Looking dead against the mat.
I literally couldn't breathe, and Jimmy let his guard down because of that, trying to calm me down:
"Y/N, it's-"
"Fuck you!" I cried angrily, elbowing him hard so that I was free and running back to Sami's body, a death stare locking into Roman's eyes while he stood over us, having the damn nerve to smile.
The crowd was chanting exactly what I was thinking, "Fuck you, Roman!" Never heard such loud boos and screaming in an arena before. I had never been so hurt and Roman deserved to get hit with that chair after everything he'd done.
"And don't worry, I'm not finished with you, either," Roman's authority meant nothing to me now, his words meaningless and I made sure he knew as I growled back:
"Go to hell."
I refused to let Sami go till they were out of the ring and out of my sight, a bit relieved when he finally started to move, medical personnel tending to him and Kevin. Just to prove my loyalty to them as well, I already had Sami's arm wrapped around me once he was out of the ring, but I look Kevin's too, strong enough to be a base for both of them.
"You know," Kevin huffed, even while beat up, smiling at him, "You got yourself one hell of a girl, Sami."
Sami didn't say a word, but I could see the small smile through his hair, parting ways once we were in the back and I made sure that the medical personnel checked him thoroughly, needing to make sure that he wasn't hurt.
He did need his midsection wrapped up and with the time given, I moved like the wind to get all our stuff out of my locker room and made sure Roman nor my brothers were there, Jey nowhere to be found either.
I was out of breath and panting when I got back to Sami in the ME office, looking and listening to his soft voice:
"Come here, angel."
Great, here came the tears again as I came and hugged him softly, the scene of Roman beating him with that chair burned into my mind, all I could do was cry.
Sami hugged me back as tightly as he could, head against mine as he whispered, "I'm gonna be alright, okay? I'm sorry that I started all these problems with your family-"
"No, Sami," Picking my head up and wiping away my tears so he could see the seriousness in my eyes, "Roman damn well knows that what he did was unfair to you. Roman and my brothers have used you, worked you like a dog, and I understand how you feel about Kevin. Roman deserved to get hit with that chair, but you did not deserve what he just did to you."
I had to step away again and breathe, wiping away more tears. All I could think about was beating Roman's ass myself, but Sami pulled me back into another hug, fighting his own tears:
"Kevin's right. I sure have one hell of a girl."
"I'd fight my brothers, I'd fight Roman," I sniffled, holding his forehead to mine and crying, "I'd fight the whole damn world for you, Sami. I wish I could've done more. It makes me feel like shit."
"I got myself into this mess with Roman, okay?" Picking his head up and being strong for me, he made sure to look into my eyes while assuring, "And we will get out of it. I promise. Don't beat yourself up over this."
Nodding softly, I just hugged him again, needing the comfort, and as always, he knew how to make me smile some, praising me:
"Also, I've never seen someone so badass stand up to Roman like that."
"I should've kicked him in the dick now that I think about it," I tried making myself laugh and it helped somewhat, not as much as what I heard next:
"You did all you could with the odds stacked against you, and I love you even more for that, my sweet angel."
"I love you too, Sami," Voice breaking down on me while my hands cradled his face, kissing softly, "I love you so much." 
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mulderscreek · 4 months
Tiny Tuesday Question
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t3kandson · 8 days
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Player in Danger
Word count; 11,663
Fandom; The Boyz, Straykids and a little Itzy.
Pairing; Reader X Bang Christopher, Reader X Seo Changbin, Seo Changbin X Bang Christopher & Reader X Lee Juyeon.
Characters; Bang Christopher, Seo Changbin, Lee Juyeon, Sohn Eric, Kim Sunwoo, Ji Changmin, Kim Younghoon, Choi Chanhee, Hur Hyunjun, Lee Hyunjae, Lee Minho & Shin Ryujin. Mentions of Lee Sangyeon, Moon Kevin, Ju Haknyeon, Han Jisung, Kim Seungmin & Yang Jeongin.
Warnings, Angst, Jealousy, Bitterness, Deceiving, Trapping, insecurity, Denial, Betrayal, Miscarriage talk, Cheating, Wanking, Pegging, Sub Christopher, Dom Reader.
Taglist; @nyu-topia
Notes; part 6/7 of Player.
Previous parts found here.
Including the previous part Player in Denial.
Juyeon’s POV
"You ok Juyeon?" Lulu’s voice came to your attention. "Let's sit down," she said as she tried to place her hand warmly on your shoulder. Gently persuading you to move towards the side room. But you stopped briefly a few steps later. "Who's the baby's dad?" You questioned praying for another reason for the swelling in her stomach. "Who do you think?" She snorts almost amused as your eyes widen.
"It's Changmin," she said confidently as you feel like everything is lifted from you. "Wait you thought," she started giggling excited. "Wait if I knew that's where your mind went I would have played along," she smirked walking in front of you as your feet moved to follow her. "And your sure, your sure it's Changmin’s," you asked remembering you had lost Jubin from a misunderstanding. "They are Changmin’s," she said stroking her bump excitedly as she walked to the relative room with you. "They're?" You questioned as she chuckled once more. "I'm having twins that's why I'm so huge for a five-month pregnant woman," she chuckles as her hands massaged her belly. "It's ok were both saved, you're not the father if that's what your asking," she said as she sits. "You happy?" You ask as she nods almost looking besotted. "Can't believe Changmin didn't tell me, the dark horse," you said as she smiled his way. "He wanted to, he wanted to show them off. But I stopped him," she said as you tilted your head confused. "Why?" You asked as she smiled softly. "Because it's weird you know letting your partner tell your ex that he's right," she paused as you pointed at yourself further puzzled. "You told me I would find a better life and I did. But their was a part of me that was hoping you was miserable and missed me," she said honestly as she clenched her hands on her knees. "Especially when I heard you was being the most doting uncle to the child that's biologically yours with her," she said looking pained. You knew she would have found out about Jubin as you knew Elle would have rushed to tell her. But you didn't think for a second the pain that she must have suffered. Though she had been the person you had cheated on Y/N with. You knew she was madly in love with you and had paid the price already. "It's ok I got over it the second these little bundles came," she said brushing her hand around her bump once more. "I don't need to be jealous of her anymore because I have my own happy story," she said pushing her loose hair behind her ear. "I'm really happy for you," you said holding your hand out to her. "I really hope that their healthy and you finally get your happy ever after," you said standing up.
"You off already?" She said looking a little disappointed not to talk more with you. "Eric just informed me Sunwoo told Jubin I'm her father, so I have my own happy ever after to catch," you said as she looked saddened for you. "I hope you can catch it and be a father to your little girl. Sangyeon says your so good with her that he's seeing you grow into a good man," she said standing up. "Wow a compliment from Sangyeon," you said almost dazed from that confession. "I know but he seems to have eased up on both of us since my baby news and you stepping up for your daughter. I think he finally forgives us or more importantly me," she says looking at peace with that. "Hard not to when he's the one married and with kids too," you chuckled as she deadpanned your way. "Think you two should put this all behind you now and stop living in the past. If he's willing to do that you should too," she said starting to walk out the room. Suddenly she moaned out her lips pursing as your heart started to panic again. "Lulu what's up? Are the babies ok?” you asked panicky as your hands went to her shoulders. "It's ok just one of the little mischief makers has just woken up and yeah I'm starting to feel the kicks," she chuckled blowing her hair strand out her eyesight. "Their kicking already?" You asked in awe as she smiled even more at you. "Yes, feel," she said pressing your hand to her stomach. Small little bumps into your palm even over her clothing was felt. It felt so emotional and your heart was blossoming as the thought of her own happiness their growing in her. Though you were sad you never experienced this with Jubin their was a part of you that wanted this so badly with Y/N. The desire to have her in your arms and make her the mother of a sibling for your daughter. You wanting to enjoy all these moments with her. "Don't you go getting attached Lee Juyeon," she smirks. "I'm not I promise, I just hope one day I get this experience myself," you said still enjoying the feeling of the babies beneath your palm. "With Y/N?” she asks into the silence. "It's ok I know you want it and you can be honest and say it," she says looking at you without any pain. "Is it bad that I want to say yes, I want to snatch her and our daughter and run away from the life she has," you admitted feeling all kinds of guilt hit. "Even if it means taking them away from Changbin and Christopher," she asks as you nod closing your eyes with the bad thoughts. "Sometimes dreams come from breaking someone else's, it's sad, it's bad. But if she's meant to be with them she won't leave them. If she does then she never wanted them," she said smiling. "Just don't force it taking them by force. A booby prize isn't worth the fake relationship you get," she said looking in a little in pain. "Sorry," you said letting your hands fall from her. "It's ok like I said without that I wouldn't have had these. You were the brambles I had to trench through to find Nevada," she chuckled as you mirrored shaking your head at her. "Go fight for your baby mama babe," she said pressing a kiss to your cheek before walking towards Elle’s Labour room. She turns to you once more to find you stood there. "Go, shoo, go find your happy ever after," she said looking complete. Your heart feels at peace knowing that everything between you has settled. It isn't just you that's grown and changed but her too, but maybe it's what parenthood does to you.
Ringing Y/N hadn't been fruitful. Her phone was turned off as it had been for a while. It either was off or your calls avoided all together these days. You knew Changbin wouldn't be answering but you felt frustrated with Christopher. He had supported you since saving Jubin. You couldn't help but fear that the truth being revealed would push you away from your daughter. You had regular nightmares of finding them moved away. It took two weeks for Christopher to respond finally. He had told you Y/N wasn't feeling very well and that he would take over arrangements with Jubin and would bring her to you. His usual happy self was faded when his eyes took yours. "Samchon Juju," Jubin cried as she ran to you excited. You could have heard your heart collapse hearing her remain at calling you uncle. You don't know what you expected, but it felt like the relations with them three had been thrown to dust. Added with the extra pain that your own daughter had still decided to call you uncle instead of daddy. If it wasn't for the fact you knew Y/N confirmed her paternity you would have expected them to be angry with you for your friend revealing the truth.
"I don't know why your complaining, you get alone time with out them now," Minho said as you watched from the garden as Ryujin and Jubin was baking. "I know that that's great progress. But it's not fair on our daughter this icy atmosphere. We all need to talk it through as it's not solving anything right now," you complain drinking the lime water Jubin made you minutes before her cooking class with Minho’s wife. "Have you asked Christopher this?" He asks relaxing on the garden chairs. "Yes I'm always texting all three of them. It's like I'm being punished," you said whining. "Maybe by heavily acknowledging your Jubin's father they want to keep a good distance between you and her. Maybe this is a sign to move on," he said lifting his sunglasses so that his eyes could stay in contact with yours. "What I'm over here, not their pining over her," you said hands in the air as he deadpanned you. "Coming from the bloke who can't cope now he can't see her," he scoffs as you felt exposed. "Well yes ok I miss her, as a friend," you said as he shook his head. "Fine I will speak to them for you, but this is the one and only time I will interfere. You got it," he growls your way. "Your do it," you asked with excitement as he rolled his eyes. "Thanks hopefully we can go back to being all civil, friendly and happy," you said relaxing as Jubin appeared with a cake bowl and a spoon in hand licking it as the mixture falls upon her messy face. "Had fun princess?" You ask as you sit her on your lap and snuggle into her. Holding your bundle brings you so much joy even if it's bitter sweet on all the years missed. "Yes i did, can we come here and make cakes with Auntie Ryujin again daddy," she said as you almost choked on your own spit. Eyes blinking as you could see your heart pumping through them. Your daughter called you daddy for the first time. It was so surreal to hear her call you that that you forgot to even breathe let alone reply. "Your always welcome here sweetie," Ryujin said saving you from your moment of not even being able to function. "Really that would be so good, Mummy doesn't know how to cook that well," she said as you couldn't help but chuckle. "She called me daddy," you mouthed to Minho as he nodded happy for you. "Hey princess, we should start organising that horse riding i promised you. What do you think of that?" You asked as your hands played with her hair. She turned to you in pure excitement. "Really, Oh Daddy I so can't wait," she said throwing her arms around you. Holding her tight to you you felt the most contented you had ever felt. Jubin was your life and you weren't ever letting go of this feeling of pure contentment of family life with your little girl.
Minho had offered to drive Jubin home so he could speak with them both. But he had come back saying it wasn't successful, Changbin had refused to even discuss Jubin with him telling him politely to mind his business.
However, the following day you were summoned by Changbin himself, so maybe their was a change at heart. Going to the cafe to meet them had you feeling content that you were finally able to get your life back. Instead of all three of them, you found Changbin's arms folded and looking annoyed. Reminding you when he first realised who you were at Minho's wedding. Feeling self conscious all of a sudden you sat down. "Just you?" You asked as he chuckled with annoyance. "Why expecting Y/N?" He scoffs as your brows furrowed. "No was expecting you and Christopher," you half lied. "Well Y/N is taking it easy she's hopefully pregnant with our baby," he said defining the word Our. "Y/N's pregnant?" You scoff having his words hit you like a truck. "I thought you two was close, didn't she tell you," he said almost smirking. "Maybe we wasn't as close as you feared Changbin," you said with slight avoidance of a connection with Y/N. "We've been trying for a child for a while, be nice to give Jubin another sibling," he said sitting up straight as your head tilts at his words. "Another why you hiding a kid I didn't already know?" You said intrigued. "No that's you," he said accusingly. "Huh?" You said almost dumbfounded. "I'm sure unless theirs other children I didn't know about, which ok I will admit a chance of that, that their is just Jubin," you said almost bewildered with where this conversation was going. "And this is why Y/N doesn't want to see you, because you haven't changed. You're still lying even about your own child yet you want us all to sit around the table and discuss Jubin," he said picking up his cup of coffee to take a sip of it. "Wait I'm totally confused what you are accusing me of doing?" You said getting slightly annoyed. "That was all I needed to hear to prove your still the game player Y/N feared you was. In future if you want to play Daddy At least talk to us first before making her call you that," he said standing up. Now anger was rising through you, who did he think he was trying to take the one joy you had as a father away from you. "Excuse me, I know you like playing at being a daddy to my daughter but you don't get to tell My daughter what she chooses to call me. For the record she was the one who called me Daddy off her own back," you growled wanting to punch his smirking grin off his face. "Well if your friend didn't spill that on her she wouldn't feel forced to call a man she barely knows Dad," Changbin said scrunching his nose in bitterness.
"Barely knows I've almost known her for half a year, for the record if your girlfriend didn't want our daughter to know me as her daddy. Then why did she confirm what my stupid friend said. I heard she didn't put up that much of a fight. Ask yourself why that is Seo Changbin," you spat at him watching his smirk fade slightly. "Just admit your scared, your terrified that Y/N still has feelings. Ask yourself this why was she making sure to come on trips with me and Jubin. I didn't need her there, she went because she wanted to," you said into his face before he grabbed you by your collar. "Go on punch me you know you want to, because you know I'm right. All this this is because your scared now Jubin knows the truth that I'm going to take her away from you," you hit out as his face went red. "Please can you take this outside," the owner of the cafe said approaching as Changbin released his grip on you. "It's ok I'm taking my leave anyway, tell my daughter I love her and will see her for our weekend Friday," you said smirking at him as you went to walk off. "Why don't you focus on your kid with Lulu and leave Jubin to us?" He said in a almost pleaded demand as you spun on your heel towards him. Everything suddenly made sense, had they seen Lulu at the hospital looking pregnant and presumed the same then him. "Changbin you need to get some facts straight. Lulu is pregnant, but not with my kid, it's Changmin. Ask Sangyeon to confirm it as you guys are all up his ass these days," you said watching his face relax slightly. "But nice to know you played on Y/N’s emotions with her to get her away from me because of your pointless fear," you said walking towards him. "If you're interfering still continues to affect my relationship with my daughter I will come take Y/N from you that's a promise," you threatened watching anger fill through him again. With that you walked out the cafe annoyed and irritated. Had he seen Lulu and convinced Y/N that you were hiding a child. No wonder she was ignoring you. Though you took joy from making Changbin jealous his previous words stung. She was pregnant with their baby. Did this mean it was all over, their was no chance of winning her back? No way of having her in any way in your life. Their was no way he would let his pregnant partner near an ex. You were caught between anger but also regret, she should be carrying your child, you should be married and excited for the birth of your second child with her. Though you wanted to blame everyone that had made this path uneven you couldn't help but know deep down that this was on you.
You had been woken up by a bouncing Jubin on your bed. Having been asleep when she got back from Juyeon's the previous night. And all she wanted to talk about was her time with her daddy. It had taken a while for you guys to suddenly figure her talking about Juyeon. Changbin's hurt in his eyes at hearing her address Juyeon as her Dad. You wanted to console him but knew no words could, you had made this mess. Hopefully you would be pregnant soon enough and be able to truly show them how sorry you were. "Are you ok?" You said hands brushing up his muscular arms that would normally turn you into a mushy mess. "I'm fine," he said opening his arms for you to sink into. Something else being new as he had suddenly started being more needy. "I know your upset with the whole Jubin calling Juyeon Daddy. I'm sorry I had hoped this would all go away," you said as he leaned his head onto your shoulder. "I'm sure once his baby’s born he will soon forget her and move on," you tried to paint. Deep down you knew Juyeon would never run from Jubin. He hadn't yet, even knowing he was having a child with Lulu. But their was a part of you that knew that him abandoning Jubin would solve all this mess. "You don't mean that Y/N that's not fair on Jubin," Christopher said coming from behind you. "It's a bit selfish on our behalf to wish that. At the end of the day that man is her father," he said hands held high as you rolled your eyes in defeat. He was right, he was always was, in your jealousy you were wishing something that would hurt your daughter. Guilt hit through your body as such bad thoughts. "How come Minho brought her home yesterday anyway," he asked as your head zapped to Changbin, not even aware. "Nothing much, just thought it would be easier for us if he brought her. Think he just wanted to chat about random stuff, you know man time," he said tensing slightly. "That was good of him," Christopher said as he made his way to the garden when Jubin came through the back door. "Daddy Chris,” She said making you blink as she rarely called him that. He was Daddy and Changbin was Daddy Binnie. "When can I see Daddy next?" She asked as you felt the air be sucked from Changbin. "I'm sure at the weekend you can see Daddy Juju," Changbin said with a little dominance in his tone. It was clear he was attempting to bring some form of lack of importance to Juyeon. "Why can't he come for tea, I like it when your all here," she said looking hopeful as Christopher picked her into his arms. "We're really busy at the moment Princess, it's hard when all of us Daddy's are working hard for lots of things to pay for your treats," he said as Changbin picked his phone up in pure anger and annoyance and started typing. "Binnie," you said with a confused glance his way but his phone was tilted out of your view. "You mean like my horse riding lessons, Daddy said he would take me this weekend," she said as Christopher looked to you both. Changbin had his back to you all, both you and Christopher knew that he wasn't in a pleasing mood. "Baby," you whispered as your hand fell to his shoulder before he turned to look your way like nothing had happened. "I'm ok I promise," he said as if he has snapped himself out his moment of inside rage. "How about we fix these dance lessons we promised you, come show me what lessons you would like," he said walking to Christopher to take her from his arms. As he walked to the table to the laptop resting their you walked towards Christopher. "What are we going to do," you said almost hopeful he had a plan to fix this. "We can't do much, we can only try to navigate through this. But Y/N it's going to be hard. We need to keep a strong stable civil stance for Jubin's sake," he whispered before leaving you standing their watching Changbin with Jubin all excited at the prospect of her lessons.
"You not eating," Christopher said as Changbin walked passed the dinner table towards the door. "I got some errands to do," he growled without giving you a glance. "Where are you going?” you said rushing to join him before he could leave. "I just said some errands," he said a lot more softer with a smile. "I will be back soon I promise, got to pick up a few bits that's all. That and get some fresh air. Today’s been hard, so going to pop into Jisungs. He said holding your hand as you pecked him on the cheek. He had been through the mill recently due to your actions the least he could do was have some him time with his friend.
When he returned drunk he crawled into the bed that you were snuggling up tight to Christopher in. His arms reaching around you cramming you between himself and Christopher. Lips falling along your neck as you smell his night on him, abrupting you from your sleep. Eyes too tired and slammed shut refusing to open he pouted against your skin. "Please don't leave us for him," he pleaded pulling his arms around your stomach. "Your really break my heart if you leave," he chokes almost tearful. "I've never wanted anything so much as I've wanted Chris, you, Jubin and our baby. Please don't let him take you from us," he whimpers that you feel splashes of what your sure are his tears against your skin. "Baby I'm not leaving," you whisper barely audible.
Several weeks had past and you continued to avoid Juyeon. Everything was almost perfect at home even though Changbin was clingy. Especially after dropping Jubin to Minho, who was taking charge of the drop off. Changbin would often afterwards go out drinking with Jisung, Seongmin and Jeongin often coming home a whimpering mess.
"I'm really worried about Binnie," you said plopping on to Christopher’s lap while he was having his time playing the computer. Something he had started doing when Jubin was with Juyeon. "He's ok," he said almost distracted. "He's not and you know it please don't lie to try and reassure me," you said turning to sit facing him. "Look he will be ok, let him adjust to this new pattern of events," he said trying to look around you. "Well he better sort his shit out we can't continue like this when the baby arrives," you said as he chuckled as his hands clicked around on the controls. "Especially as I'm seven days late," you whispered as he blinked froze to the spot, before turning to look at you like he had seen a ghost. "What?" He choked, "your pregnant?" He whispered as you chuckled his way. "I think so," you said as he picked you up in his arms squeezing you hard to his chest. "Oh my god we need to ring him, this will get his ass home, this is what he needs, we need this. Wow, I'm going to be a dad again," he said throwing you into the air in pure excitement. "I’m not confirmed so don't get too excited," you said as he deadpanned your way. "Don't burst this, don't take this from me Y/N let me have my moment before I have to be sensible," he pleads as you chuckle. "Ok Daddy I will behave," you smirk as he looks at you with a wicked expression. "I need to fuck you, we need to celebrate this," he said horny and gone in the news. "You find out you're going to be a dad and you got turned on," you said hitting his chest lightly. "You pregnant is such a turn on, when you were carrying Jubin, well the things it did to me," he said biting his bottom lip. "Well actually I got you a gift I was going to use it next time we had a big special night," you said blushing slightly. "What's that?" He said looking intrigued. "Come with me," you said making him let you drop to your feet, walking to the room him dragging behind connected by your hand.
Reaching your destination you reached under your personal bed. His hands falling to the cheeks of your ass pressed in the air. "Oie cheeky," you said coming back to stand by him, box in hand. "Our bed," you said winking as he put his hand directing you to the door. Pulling him once more you took him to your joint bedroom before placing the box in his hand. Leaning towards the cupboard you smirked at him as he eagly opened his gift. His eyes lighting up in shock your way. "Y/N why have you got this?” he asked still in disbelief. "Well I thought I should attend to your needs, especially now your cum isn't needed to be deposited in me," you smirk completely enthralled with his reaction. "You going to fuck me," he said with his eyes full of sudden desire in them. "Yes, I’ll have you beg for my cock," you said as deep as your voice could go without sounding stupid.
"You always find a way to shock me," he said pulling you into him. His tongue makes it’s way into your mouth. Deep passionate kisses befall as your body's clashes against each other. Hands falling up his hair finding some to grasp in your hands, you pull throwing his head back. Lips fall upon his neck as he hums totally weak within your grasps. You had seen Changbin being very dominating with him so you knew it was what made him weak. But the thought your own actions was doing it also was making your blood pump in a feverish excitement. Pulling on his T-shirt you pulled it off him. Hands softly stroking his chest they found his nipple as they skirted around. Deep hums fill the air before your lips suckle along his flesh, making them vibrate longer. "Fuck Y/N," he cries as your teeth slightly dig into his skin around his sensitive buds. Hands colliding with his slacks that fall deep within to his harden member. Pumping him has him close his eyes to full blown whimpers. "Look at you a whimpering mess at my hands. You wait till I'm fucking this plump ass," you whisper as your other hand falls to his cheeks as you grope him. "Please," he begs lost already in his needy state. "Look at you, you’re a mess and I’ve hardly touched you," you gloat enjoying the power and understanding how Changbin enjoys it. "I need your cock fucking me," he begs as you speed your pace on his member. "Please Y/N," he cries out as your own nub Throbs. "Ok baby on all fours, ass in the air," you demand as he lets his sweats fall to the floor obeying. Finding the lube in Changbin's draw you lube your finger before bringing it to his rim. Pressing it in he hisses as you let it slowly bring a rhythm. "You're being so good baby," you praise before a second finger joins. You let the tip of your digits explore the unfelt before feeling. The sounds Christopher makes has your own slick drip down your thighs. "I think your ready baby, wouldn't you say?” you ask him more for confirmation as he nods. "Words baby I need words," you demand. "Y/N please I'm ready," he confirms as you grin feeling a little sadden that Changbin is not their to witness you fucking both your lover.
Stepping into the strap on you check the fastening before lubing your plastic cock up. Pressing kisses to Christopher’s lower back you place the makeshift cock to his entrance. "You sure you want my cock in you," you say as he growls in impatience. "Y/N I need you to fuck me, stop stalling," he growls as you feel elated at how needy he is. Pressing in you hear him hiss as you slowly rock the tip in. Fucking him inch by inch you bottom out before you press kisses on his back as you still. Hands find the bottom of his spine for leverage as you start your pace. At first it's exciting new and different and the sound of his whimpering needy mess has your body on fire. But it soon lights something in you too, your own needs. Nub throbbing as the friction of the material drives you crazy. You soon realise that if you slam with a harsh thrust the plastic attached to the pants hits your own core. It spurs you into your own desperate need as your pace becomes fast hard and desperate. Noises from your own mouth mix with his and you feel the vibration from him shaking as he closes in on his orgasm. Your hand falls to his cock to help pump him as you fuck into him. "Shit Y/N," he cries as you feel wetness hit your fingers. Your pace still unmerciful on his ass as you chase your own. The feeling hitting right where you need it against your throbbing nub. "Let go," he whimpers underneath you with encouragement. His words spurring you over the edge as you cum into the underwear holding the cock still embedded in his ass. Collapsing over him he stifled his laughter as your cheek rests against his muscular shoulder. "You planning on staying embedded in me?” he says playfully as he twists so you fall to the bed beside him. "You look such a sexy hot wet mess their baby," he says with a orgasm overglow. "My sexy baby mama," he says pressing his lips to yours.
Sitting on the kitchen counter as Christopher cooks the Doenjang Jjigae he smiles when he hears Changbin and Jubin come in. "Hi baby," you smirk excitedly as he looks between you and Christopher wary. "What are you two up to?” he asks as he rests his keys on the side. "Princess why don't you go and wash up for dinner," Christopher said as she quietly nodded before leaving to go to her room. "What?” Changbin says filled with anxiety. "Ok don't get too excited but we think Y/N may be pregnant," Christopher said as Changbin froze to the spot. "What your," he gasped looking at your belly. "Well I'm a week late, and I'm feeling rather nauseas," you said stroking your stomach. "Well why haven't you tested yet?" He said shakey as he tried to hold on to his excitement. "We were waiting for you so we could do it together," you said stepping from the counter to make your way to him. "So let's eat, put Jubin to bed and let's test," he said pressing his lips roughly to yours in an impatient need to hold you. "One problem, we haven’t got a test," Christopher said breaking your moment. "Then let's eat and while you settle our oldest daughter I will get a test for our baby," Changbin said applying the same affection to his Lover. "I love you both so much," he said as he laced his hands with you both. "Our family will be so complete," he added with an extra squeeze of your hands. "This time no burger dates," Christopher said pointing at you both. "We're not feeding her healthy poison all the time," Changbin said pouting as your sure your own mirrored. "I expect to be included too," he said smirking as you leaned onto his shoulders. "Our date night," you said feeling secure, happy and hopeful the test would confirm your complete family. "You have to be less rough with her," Christopher said pointing at his younger as he shrugged his shoulder. "We all know Jubin arrived because you broke the walls holding her in," he added as you cringed slightly at Christopher’s comment. "I promise to be switch with her till she's due. I’ll use you as my dick puncher instead," Changbin winked as you held your arms tight around Christopher in pure contentment.
Walking around the baby clothes section looking for a cute baby grow had made you so very broody. Changbin had returned home the night before, depressed that he couldn't find a pregnancy test. You spent the evening consoling him and trying hard but failing to contain your new excitement. He had messaged earlier in the day with excited emoji saying the test was brought. You felt passing a cute baby grow would make it all feel real once it was confirmed. The fact you had been sick this morning practically confirming to you that you had successfully conceived their child. Though Juyeon was fleetingly in your thoughts. Their was a part of you trying to throw down the pain that you had experienced carrying Jubin. Instead you was imagining him doing all that with Lulu. The happiness of his face bringing another child into the world but this time he hadn't been cut out. Jealousy was raging through at the thought, that you swore you was imagining Lulu herself. It took seconds for you to realise Lulu was indeed standing not far from you, Elle in her company as she pushed the pram of her infant. It took seconds for Lulu's eyes to find yours. In the sudden desperate need to get away you started dashing from the door.
"Y/N please don't go," you heard her call from behind you. "Please don't make me chase you not in my condition," she added as you stood frozen to her words. You were scared to turn to look at her seeing her showing her beautiful condition carrying his child. "Y/N, are you really pregnant?" She asked softly as you turned to face her. Instead of the cockiness you were use to seeing, she was softer and more looked like she wanted to be in your company. The silence from you reached her as she smiled warmly. All while Elle’s reaction was her usual frustration. “Look I just wanted to say I think as now we're all having children of our own, I should start the process of us leaving the past behind us," she said looking hopeful. "Because we share Jubin now?" You said looking at her realising the daunting realisation that she was your daughters step mum. "No that's not it, Y/N this bitterness, this jealousy isn't healthy for any of us. Not for you with your baby coming, or mine," she said stroking her stomach with proudness. "We were kids when we acted shamelessly and hurt your feelings," Lulu said hopeful for some sort of response. "Are you asking for forgiveness for yourself or me?" You asked still struggling to hold a little venom in your tone. "Lulu leave it babe, she's not interested. Like Juyeon said she closed herself off and only see’s them," Elle snorts rolling her eyes. "Them?" You said abruptly annoyed with her words. "She didn't mean it like that, we shouldn't be getting involved in Juyeon's war with you," she said shooting daggers at Elle. "Look I don't think we're be friends, Elle clearly agrees with me the past can't be changed. I wish you and Juyeon all the best with the baby, but minus Jubin we don't have anything left to discuss. To be fair you might be my daughter's step mum but me and Juyeon are still her parents," you said with a harsh tone before spinning around to walk off. "What are you on about, theirs no me and Juyeon," she said with confusion in her tone. "Wait you think Juyeon's my babies dad?" She questioned as you turned to her with slight hope for her next words. "I think we should have a nice coffee, cake and a real chat, sounds like theirs a few things that you've become confused about," she said as Elle clicked the roof of her mouth with annoyance. "So Juyeon isn't with you, he isn't the baby's father?" You asked with desperate need for a response. "No Y/N, Changmin is my fiancée he's the father of my babies," she said softly then you had ever noticed. "Juyeon is madly in love with you, you're the only person in his heart, his life, you have always been his true love. Just he made a mistake, a really big one but that don't stop him loving you," she said stepping closer to you as the words fell around you. Heart beating fast at your confusion. Juyeon wasn't all the things you feared this time, he wasn't being dishonouring. "Let's go for that coffee ok?" She said as you nodded silently chewing over the words. All while trying to understand why you was so happy to hear that news.
Having chatted for almost an hour, you had warmed against Lulu. Even Elle had softened and you had a cuddle with her and Eric's daughter Lily. She was such a tiny little bundle. All Eric's features yet Elle’s pale complexion, she really was the sweetest pure and innocent as her little fingers gripped yours. It wasn't long before Changmin and Eric appeared. "She’s the most beautiful thing ever right?" Eric said with proudness. "She really is, congratulations again," you said as you passed the bundle to her father. Changmin sneaked to the seat next to Lulu as he wrapped his arm around her all doted and in love. You watched feeling content as Eric swaddled his daughter and held her like she was the most precious thing in the world. "You could get love sick from this all, right," a voice said taking you by surprise, it was Lee Juyeon
Jolting in your seat you took Juyeon in, his face looking pleased to see you. Your heart racing like it was deliberately setting your emotions up to fail.
"I think it's cute if I'm honest," said smiling his way which made him even more content. "We need to go, I'm sure Juyeon will keep you company," Lulu said standing up. "Wait you rang him didn't you?" You said noticing their desperate need to dash. "You both need to talk, especially now you know that me and him aren't having babies," Elle teased as Juyeon looked between you both confused. "She thought," , "I know what she thought but I thought Changbin had put this misunderstanding to bed," Juyeon said sounding annoyed. "Changbin? Misunderstanding?" You spluttered tilting your head to his words. "He knew, I told him already that Changmin was Elle's baby daddy," Juyeon said bitterly. "When, When did you tell him?" You questioned desperate to know. "A month ago maybe even five weeks now," Juyeon said crossing his arm as everyone departed. "Wait so your telling me Changbin knew you wasn't Elles babies dad?" You questioned as you felt like the world was spinning. "Yes, we even met up for a coffee while he was butt hurt that Jubin had started calling me Daddy," he said sitting down in Elle’s seat. "No that's not right he would have told me," you said in denial as he rolled his eyes. "Y/N he did, from the sound of it he was only their to basically tell me to back off. He even told me about the baby. Which by the way you're looking so good, bet you can't wait to be showing soon," he added looking up and down your body.
"Wait he told you I was pregnant?” you questioned being confused with each word spilled. "Yes he told me you was pregnant and to practically stay away," he said with his eyes piercing yours. Elle’s words earlier she had known about the baby, Changbin hadn't even known for 24 hours, how did she know so fast? "Elle knew too?" You questioned as he nodded. "Yeah Changbin told Jeongin so basically everyone knew," he said looking worried as your brain unlocked these new words. "Changbin’s been telling everyone I'm pregnant what like yesterday or something?" You said as he looked puzzled your way. "He's been telling everyone for ages, why are you not pregnant?" He said almost hopeful. "I wasn't a month ago, we were only trying for a baby back then," you said as Juyeon looked hurt. "So he didn't tell you you were misunderstanding about Elle so he could get you pregnant and trap you. Classical Changbin, he fears me so much he traps you with a kid of his own," Juyeon snaps annoyed as your hand falls to your stomach.
"Please don't talk about my partner like that," you snap feeling the need to defend him in that moment. "Sorry I apologise, I'm just angry that he didn't put you clear on the situation. Our daughter has missed out because you've been avoiding me," he said taken aback at your tone. "That wasn't Changbin that was me, I regret telling our daughter the truth," you said as Juyeon looked like your words punched holes in him. "You would have lied to her?" He questions as his hand grips the table. "Yes, because this is all messy, we're messy. Changbin was right, we can't see each other. I’m carrying their child," you said standing up watching his eyes water. This couldn't end any other way now. "Y/N, Jubin is our daughter don't do this to me, don't do this to our little girl," he said holding on to you. "Juyeon, I won't take Jubin away from you I promise, but we can't see each other anymore. I’m sorry," you said as your voice cracked. "Why I don't understand?" Juyeon said standing up. "Because it's not safe, I can't be around you," you admitted as his eyes widened. "Wait your avoiding me because you don't trust yourself around me?" He asked as you went silent not sure how to answer that. "Y/N please be honest with me," he said cupping your face as your heart refused to calm. "Y/N, if you wasn't pregnant and you didn't have this Elle misunderstanding, would you have been mine by now?" He asked as you closed your eyes to his words. "I remember the way it felt when you kissed me before Elle had Lily," he said placing his fingers on your lips. "The feeling of your lips set mine almost on fire," he added stepping close to you. Closing your eyes, you felt close to passing out you had to get out there before you did something stupid. "Y/N say something," he said as his Le Labo Another 13, Intoxicated you. "Juyeon I can't do this," you said snapping your eyes open and stepping backwards. "I’m pregnant, this isn't fair," you whispered. "And I'm your eldest daughter’s father, ignoring me isn't fair to me neither," he said stepping closer to you once more. "Their my partners Juyeon, you're just the guy I fucked at College,” You said watching his body slump to your words. "The guy you fucked at college? Is that all I was to you?" He said almost tumbling backwards as he took a step back. "Yes one that i happened to get pregnant from," you added as he almost collapsed into his chair. "I’m sorry Juyeon that how it was, that's how it is. Let's leave this all here, I'm sorry," you said pressing your hand to his shoulder as words failed him. Your heart burned alongside him, hurting him was like shards of glass stabbing you. But you could never risk crossing the blurred line that was tempting you to cross. With that you stood backwards and dashed from the mall cafe leaving Juyeon broken behind.
Juyeon's words was still ringing through your ear when Changbin and Christopher returned from work. Looking at Changbin colouring with Jubin hurt you. Had he used the misunderstanding to get you pregnant. Juyeon's words of him trapping you weighed heavy. Was he right? Had he really wanted a baby to keep you and Jubin from running to Juyeon. Or had he really wanted a family of his own, a family where it was you three and two children. "You ok?'" Christopher said as Changbin took Jubin to bed after dinner. "Yeah I'm just tired," you said as you continued to dry up the plates. "You just seem really defeated tonight," he said as he locked his arms around your waist and rested his head on your shoulder. "I think it's the hormones," you tried to excuse for your mood. "Well once we do this test you need to sleep," he said kissing your neck. Instead of melting your body tensed. Was he aware too of Changbin’s deceit? Had he kept the secret of Elle’s baby's paternity secret from you too? "What did you do today anyway?" He questioned as you turned to look at him ready to test him. "I went baby shopping, Juyeon and Elle was there," you said as his face softened. "Are you ok? They didn't say anything to upset you did they?" He said stroking your arm. "Not really," you said looking at him trying to work out if he was acting or really had no knowledge. "They were practically talking about hanging with Jeongin so much recently," you said as he looked puzzled your way. "Our Jeongin?" He asked as you nodded. "He’s been telling stuff about us to them," you threw out. "I've not even spoke to Jeongin for a while now, I've been busy working or with you and Jubin. Wait are you accusing me of something?" He said stepping back from you. "No just I don't like them knowing our business," you said as Christopher cupped your face. "Baby, I can promise you I have more important things to do in my life then send a report to your ex partner via my work colleague. But I will speak to him and find his sources so we can nip this in the bud," he said as you smiled his way almost crushing him in the hug. Of course Christopher knew nothing of this, he was the peacemaker, it wasn't his style.
"Are we ready?” Changbin said coming down the stairs waving the stick your way as you forced a slight smile his way. "Really you can put a better smile there hormonal hetty," he teased as you took the test from him. Sitting in the rest room finding the courage to start the test. Your mind was trying to claw what response you wanted. What if it was negative? Now Juyeon wasn't having a baby himself. Their would be nothing holding you back because he was the father of your child. Changbin and Christopher’s loyalty was that enough to hold you back? Walking back into the room with the stick you passed it to Changbin, you felt too sick and conflicted to look at the test. "What does it say?" Christopher said with impatience. Changbin’s silence hit the room, deep down the hope it was negative ran through you. "Binnie?" You whispered as you saw a drop fall from his eyes. It’s ok baby, we can try again," Christopher said before taking the test in his hand. Christopher closed his eyes in pain and opened to find yours, shaking his head you realised you wasn't pregnant. It was like it ignited something in you, all options were back on the table. But beneath that you saw the pain they both was going through. Resting your hand on Changbin shoulder you felt guilty. "I’m sorry I should have done the test before telling you guys I thought I was. I was just so convinced I was pregnant," you said into the silence. "Do you want me to leave you guys for a minute," you said feeling the atmosphere suffocating. "No, we're in this together," Christopher said coming round to hug you. "I’m ok he needs the comfort more," you said as he pulled you towards him. "You wanted this just as much," he said stroking your hair. How had things changed, their was a time when you fought hard to persuade Christopher to have a baby. Guilt was engulfing you having the comfort when you wasn't as heart broken as you thought you would be. "I need fresh air," you said pushing your self out of Christopher’s hold. "He's right we need to stick together as a family," Changbin said snapping his head to look your way with the pain breaking him on his face. "Binnie I'm so sorry," you said as he closed his eyes. "Don't say sorry like you did something wrong," he said in despair. "Look it's not like we lost a baby, their was just no baby their to start with, we should look at that fact," you said as Changbin scrunched his face in your direction. "It was a real baby to me, I made plans for that baby," he snapped making you step back. "Binnie," Christopher said tapping him on his shoulder. "I’m sorry Y/N, just I don't know, I'm just sorry," he said not even looking at you. "We had even told friends, and now," he said slamming his hands on the unit. "Like Jeongin," you whispered as Christopher snapped his attention towards you.
"You told him I was already pregnant didn't you?" You said feeling guilty at broading the subject so soon. "When did you see Jeongin?" Changbin said as his eyes widened your way. "She saw him earlier," Christopher lied for you as he looked almost angry his way. "You saw Jeongin today?" He said looking at you with something beneath his eyes that was more then sadness. "I already told you that but it's ok we're just have to tell him false alarm," Christopher said rubbing his hand along his collar bone. "Funny that, he's on holiday with Seongmin in Jeju island," he said looking at you. "Look does it matter who does and doesn't not know, look I got it wrong myself she didn't tell me he told her today," Christopher said panicking.
"Juyeon told me," you blurted out as his eyes widened. "You were with Juyeon?" He accused as you jumped from his tone. "Binnie calm down," Christopher said almost shaking him a little. "He was with Elle, baby clothes shopping that's all," you said as he pursed his lips. You could see his anger was conflicted. "What else are you keeping from me Y/N," he barked as Christopher slammed his own fist to the counter. "Look don't take your anger out on Y/N, their is no baby we need to come to terms with that. Y/N had to encounter her ex which was obviously going to happen we live in the same city. So I think we need to stop the wrong emotions escaping," He lectured. "It's not like we can't try again," he added more softer. "Right your right, I’ll get one of those ovulation tests, we can work it out right. Because if it's tonight we can try tonight," Changbin said with desperation. Juyeon was right he wanted to trap you to keep you. "Slow down, this is whiplash," you admitted as Changbin shook his head almost enraged with your words. "We said we wanted a baby have you changed your mind now you've seen Juyeon?" He accused as he groaned into the air. "Ask me this one question Changbin," you said feeling slightly brave to tackle him. "Go ahead," he replied almost softer. "Do you want a baby with me, or a baby to trap me because your scared of Juyeon," you asked. It wasn't the first time this questioned had been raised but never the term trapped. "Having our baby is trapping you?" He quizzed. "It is if you're doing this for the wrong reason," you added as he mockely chuckled. "One meeting with Juyeon and your throwing Christopher’s words. Funny that as your words convinced him this wasn't trapping. So why that word now? What else did he say?" Changbin accused you.
"I think we both know what he said," you admitted as Christopher’s head snapped to yours as Changbin went silent. "What did he say?" Christopher asked. "That he isn't Lulu's babies dad, Ji Changmin is, and it gets worse, he said you knew that five weeks ago. When you met him to tell him to back away from me because I was already pregnant," you accused as Changbin looked like he was silently holding his rage in.
“Binnie is she telling the truth?" "I didn't tell him she was pregnant I said she was hopefully pregnant I just never recorrected him when he misheard. But suppose the word Y/N pregnant in the same sentence would have got him all confused with feral bitterness. And for the record I never told him to stay away, again his mistruth words. But seems like he has you hanging on to his every word of his story," Changbin said with bitterness in his tone. "I didn't believe him, I actually told him to stay away from us," you said folding your arms his way. "You could have fool me," he spat out sarcastically as Christopher looked equally mad with him. "So you knew he wasn't the father yet you failed to tell us?" Christopher said arms folded his way. "What’s it to do with us?" Changbin shouted out. "He's Jubin's dad," you said in annoyance. "We're all Jubin’s dad if it's not his business about our life then his business isn't ours," he said looking angry that Christopher was attacking him. "Jubin is all of our business, you knew that news was up settling for Y/N so why didn't you put her straight," he said as Changbin laughed looking anywhere but him. "And why was she upset?" He accused looking your way. "What are you trying to say?" You said almost taking back with this direction of this conversation. "Do you think she would have agreed to having a baby with us if Juyeon hadn't got Elle pregnant," he spat out.
"So you admit it you trapped her?" Christopher accused as you almost felt ready to faint from his words. "It's only trapped if she truly didn't want us,” He stated as his eyes took yours. "This is too much for me I can't do this I'm out," you spat out not wanting to continue the inquisition Changbin was suddenly spilling. "Run off to him, tell him the good news that theirs no baby," Changbin mocked as you turned to him. "I don't want to be around any of you," you shouted out as you stormed from the house.
Kevin's phone was turned off and Hakyeons left ringing. You really needed them right now as you couldn't go back to the house. Ringing Hyunjae he sounded drunk and wasn't making much sense. Ringing a number you hadn't in ages you rang Younghoon. He was just on his way out with Hwall and Chanhee to the club. When he offered you to join them, you jumped at that invitation. It had been years since you had been out with them. All night they had tried to quiz you but you gave them nothing but sinking shots after shots. Taking them on the dance floor and letting the night take your worries away. But when you almost fell into someone’s arms you never imagined the disgust on their face seeing you would be Sunwoo.
"Oh for fuck Sake it's you," he said rolling his eyes as Hwall threw his arms around you. "Mate eyes off she's ours," he said warning Sunwoo off. "I don't know why I'm not surprised three men after you and theirs still more," he said looking around to see Chanhee and Younghoon who had joined you. "Sunwoo, Juyeon's scummy mate who fucked me over at every opportunity. These are mine and Kevin's mates," you added knowing your words was slurring slightly. "Well Juyeon's scummy mate do one," Chanhee said with his eyes fierce at Sunwoo who almost died of laughter. "Does Changbin and Christopher know your out her plastered?" He quizzed with a raised eye. "No, and I don't care," you said falling into his hold again as he went to catch you. "Ahh you hate me but you caught me," you giggled as Sunwoo rolled his eyes as he stood you on your feet. "I don't hate you, I can't stand you," he said widening his eyes. "Your drunk you should go home or get one of these to take you," he said as Hwall came to hold you away from him. "Take her home mate," he added as Hwall laughed. "Go get fucked we're getting wasted tonight," he spat out as Sunwoo rolled his eyes. Hwall dragged you back to your table as they continued to help you get drunk and forget all your problems.
Juyeon’s POV
You were wrapped in a blanket letting tears still fall from Y/N’s words earlier. Lulu had tried to convince you that her words was lies to stop herself doing something stupid. But the way the words felt when she stung them your way, crippled you that you feared any hope of them being wrong. Maybe she was right, even though you wanted to hurt Changbin in every way. You loved Y/N enough to let her have her dreams and right now having a baby with them was her life. Minus the father of Jubin you had no place in her life. You wondered in time would you ever be comfortable to be around each other even if it was just for your daughter's sake. You was just about to settle to sleep when the phone rang. "What's up I'm just off to bed?” you asked hearing the loud noise of music in the background. You could barely hear his words but Y/N’s name mentioned had you intrigued. "Sunwoo mate text me I can hardly hear you," you said as the phone hanged off.
Y/N's here and she's very drunk. Her mates are not discouraging her.
You sure she's pregnant?
She had told you herself she was pregnant why was she drinking herself into the oblivion. Their was no way she would risk harming her baby, something had obviously happened.
"I’m on my way ping me the club you're at," you replied.
The journey there felt like it was taking forever. What had happened for Y/N to become such a state. Had she lost her baby since you met this afternoon? You hoped your words was the reason for her pain. Maybe you should have kept that Changbin knew from her to save her anguish. Your fear was founded finding her top half sloped over the table. "Another one baby," the guy next to her said placing her another shot. Before she could take it you took it as she groaned. "Sunwoo for fuck sake do one," she groaned as Sunwoo made his way to you. "I will make sure to pass the message on to him," you said as her head shot up to look at you. "Juyeon," she whispered in pain. "The one and only," you added as Sunwoo’s hand fell to your shoulder. "Get her home mate," he said as she chuckled. "I have no home," she chuckled throwing her head to the table winching when it impacts. "Y/N for fuck sake come on come back to mine," you said trying to lift her head back up. "Mate leave her alone we know who you are," her friend spat out as you rolled your eyes. "Yeah sure you do, but I couldn't care less. She's pregnant and drunk and you're enabling her," you spat out. "Wait she's what," the other one choked out. "Y/N what the fuck, what are you doing?" They spat out with equal concern. "It's ok their is no baby now," she said before looking up to you as your heart hurt. "Aren't you happy now?" She slurred broken as you looked at Sunwoo before her again. "Baby I'm not happy when your hurting," you said throwing the loose hairs behind her ears. "Let's get you somewhere safer then here, this isn't where you should be," you said as the taller of the three stood by your side. "It's ok we're take her back home," he said as you almost passed out on his volume of alcohol off his breath. "Mate you can't even walk let alone drive her," you said before going on your knee to Y/N’s level. "Do you want me to ring Changbin and Christopher. Im sure they will want to be with you to support you right now," you said brushing your hands through her hair as she closed her eyes. "You were right Juyeon," she said barely audible. Just that one sentence made you aware she wasn't here because she lost her child, she was here because she had lost herself too. "Come on come home to mine, I promise you I won't do anything but make sure you sleep," you said as she nodded on the table. "I will look after her I promise," you said to her friends as they nodded silently as you dragged her out. Her body so fragile under your hold.
Driving her and Sunwoo back to yours to help her get up the stairs you both placed her into your bed. You stood there silently watching her sleep. "So she lost the baby then?" Sunwoo asked as you nodded. "Yeah it seems so, but I think something else happened," you said as she fidgeted. "Like what?" He asked as you went over the words from earlier. "I think she found out Changbin had played her as a surrogate," you said feeling the pain she must feel now she knew he had trapped her. "What does this mean for you?" Sunwoo asked as you smiled her way. "It would be good to think maybe I could get a step closer to the family I lost. But I don't want them at this cost, not at the cost of her child," you said feeling sadness on her behalf. "So when she's sobered up I will take her to theirs and try fix this up," you said as Sunwoo placed his hand on your shoulder. "Stop holding on to the fear that you be accused of being a player. You don't have to be so serious now you just need a healthy balance," Sunwoo said as you chuckled. "Using a miscarriage to snare my ex girlfriend isn't the answer Sunwoo," you said as he rolled his eyes. "Not now later on, Because it looks like the beginning of her downfall with them," Sunwoo said turning his back to Y/N to face you. "How long will she crash and burns from that relationship till you admit your worthy of her," he said before walking out the room to go home.
You barely slept on the sofa worrying about her and how to support her with her loss. Noticing it was 8am you made your way to make her a coffee and some egg rolls. Walking into the room you placed it next to her. Like the smell woke her eyes strained as it took you in. "Why am I here?" She said sitting up looking confused. "We didn't?" She asked as you laughed her way. "Having sex with women who’s too drunk to consent isn't my thing," you said sitting on the bed. "You were drunk Sunwoo found you called me. You refused to go home so I brought you here," you said passing her some paracetamol. "I'm sorry about the baby," you added as she threw her head back to swallow her medicine. "I wasn't even pregnant," she admitted as you tilted your head baffled with her words.
"We were trying, i mistakingly thought I was, turns out I wasn't," she admitted as your heart lifted slightly from the prospect of the pain she didn't have had to endure. "I'm still sorry it didn't work out this time," you said passing her the coffee. "Their won't be another time," she admitted before taking a sip and tsssking from the temperture. "Because he admitted he wanted you pregnant to trap you?" You asked. "That's what you said last night," you added before she could try and deny as she breathed in deeply showing the pain. "I shouldn't have said that it's unfair of him," she said passing you the coffee back clearly too hot for her. "But you did so you can't take it back," you said as you passed her the egg roll. "If I go home he will expect us to try again," she admitted as your heart felt a little hopeful. "You don't want that?" You asked as she shook her head. "Can I ask why? You clearly wanted to try in the first place," you asked as she closed her eyes contemplating whenever to continue. "Let's say things have slightly changed," she winced as you felt a little brave to keep pushing. "Because then your ex boyfriend was having a baby with his mistress, and now you know their not," you said watching her face get torn with how to respond. "I don't know?" She replied like she didn't want to say those words. "Y/N if their was no Changbin and Christopher would you want me?" You asked as her eyes closed. "But they do exist," she groaned passing her plate to you with the food untouched. "Humour me Y/N," you pleaded wanting to know how she truly felt.
"Yes, but they do exist so nothing changes. I have to go back to them," she added as you inwardly felt like shaking her. It was clear she was with them due to loyalty because they had been their for Jubin. Though you was happy she had their support. It was only needed because she feared you wouldn't want this life with her. "Your going to go back to people your not in love with," you quieted as she looked slightly annoyed. "I do love them though," she proclaimed as you deadpanned her. "I know you know the different with love and in love. Y/N I know your in love with me," you said hopeful. "Juyeon, we can't ever be together, it's not fair on them," she said as her hands reached to yours. "What's not fair to them is lying to them making them believe your crazy about them when you're not," you said as she chewed on her bottom lip. "Me and you both know deep down it's Jubin they want not you. Do you think I would be cruel to take Jubin away from them. What if their was a way they could have her too and allow you to catch your dreams," you said lacing your fingers with hers. "And you're my dream are you?" She said cockily. "I know I am, I know you dream of the family life we can have together," you said with confidence brimming through you. You knew you should feel guilt towards the guys who had been your daughter saviour. But Changbin’s actions and Sunwoo’s words was heavily on your mind. "Our daughter wants everyone to be happy and right now two people aren't and two people are living a lie," you said cupping her face. "I don't know if I can destroy the family for it to be fixed," she whispers almost conflicted. You feel the electricity between you turn up a notch. She's not convincing herself, she's trying to convince she can be loyal. "Sometimes we have to do scary things, but we both know it will be worth it when things are how it should be," you said brushing your thumb along her bottom lip. "I know your scared of the past, but surely I've shown you that things are different now. We're not kids no more," you added as you felt herself digest your words. "I've only ever loved you, since you fell into my arms. The world was black when you ran away," you whispered as she looked lost in your eyes.
You knew you shouldn't but taking sunwoo's words you pressed your lips to hers. You had expected her to stop or freeze against you. But instead she welcomed you as her mouth didn't waste a second working alongside your own. Tongues sliding against each other, you felt her desperation when her hands fell to the hem of your vest. Things was moving very fast, your dreams of reunited with her was at the clasp. You moved carefully scared to slip up this special moment. Not wanting her to realise her relationship with them was in danger of falling apart.
Full Masterlist
Player in Denial
Next part due to be published next month
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ingeniousmindoftune · 2 years
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Description: in which you were a sex trafficked victim. Jay is undercover as Dorian when he meets you. Feeling unloved and distance between him and Upton, he forms a romantic and secret relationship with you. But, your romantic relationship could come at a deadly price.
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Request: Can you do a Jay Halstead one?
Pairing(s): Jay Halstead as himself/Dorian Grey x African!American Reader.
This is part one of many. Think of this as the prologue.
Warning(s): unconsensual sex, abuse, mentions of gore, triggering actions, trauma, adultery, double life, some Smut, some fluff, and more. If you aren’t the age of 18 do not interact. Negativity will get you blocked. Read at your OWN risk! 2K words
“Hi.” You grinned rolling over to his side of the bed, lying on top of him.
Your leg wrapped around his leg as he laid under the Snow White comforter and sheets in the fancy hotel room he’d gotten for the two of you. He planted a kiss on your lips. “Hey, Goodmorning beautiful.” You smiled, rubbing your hand back and forth on his chest. For months, you and Dorian (Jay) had been in an intimate relationship behind closed doors, and behind his boss. (Undercover)’s back. You were a runaway at the age of fourteen, you lived on the streets until you met a man you knew as Kevin Rayez, you thought he was kind and sweet and he was at first. He was kind, sweet and generous. He had taken you in, fed you, clothed you. He was grooming you, over time you and him forged a relationship. Sexual relationship. The creep didn’t even wait until you were old enough. He pursued you at just the age of sixteen.
Then once you were in your thirties, things went to bad.. to worse.
He would force you to sleep with his friends, and other men while he got paid for it. From there, he trafficked you around the world. Forcing men on you until you were in your twenties. When you were twenty-two, he forced you to start running the house with the girls he’d trafficked over the years. You were still his top girl so occasionally you’d still have to mess around with the men he told you to or he’d beat you. You’d tried to run, but that didn’t end too well.
Then, along came Dorian Grey. (Dt. Jay Halstead.)
[Flashback: The Introduction]
You sighed deeply looking at the red and blue bruises that covered your body, along with the bite marks from the man in the other room. “Get showered and dressed, I have someone coming and I would like you to be dressed and looking good, and cover those up.” He plants a kiss on your cheek. “Alright?”
“Ok.” You simply responded, he slapped and grabbed your bottom, giving it a nice squeeze. “Okay what?”
You looked up at him and forced a smile. “Ok, daddy.” He smiled. “Good, good. Be down in five minutes, be longer and things won’t be good for you. Okay?” He planted a kiss on your forehead then your head. You nod your head going to turn on the shower, you step inside delicately using your body scrub over your body, your soap and body wash. Once your routine was finished, you cleaned your coochie with water and the outside with your feminine wash. Having all of these men running through you, it made you feel dirty. You wanted out but it had become too hard to walk away from this life.
“You made it, and just in time too.” Kevin smiled up at you. “Come, come..”
You smiled a tight-lipped, forced smile, walking around the couch and sat next to him. You held your head low, and over to him. “Babe, this is someone I want you to meet..” he pulls you in closer, your eyes went from Kevin’s that was holding your wrist and pulling you closer to the man standing in front of you. Tall, beautiful man. His blue eyes pierced straight through her soul, the corner of his lip rounded as if he was about to form a smile. You nervously reached out your hand. “Hi.” Dorian shook your hand. “Hi. I’m Dorian.” He smiled.
“Y/n.” You introduced yourself back.
Kevin removed the two of your hands. “Dorian, this is my wife. As long as you’re staying in my home and, handling my business.. I would appreciate that you keep your eyes and hands to yourself,” he kissed your lips, then your neck. “This one’s all mine.” You forced a smile looking at Dorian in the corner of your eyes, he was observing the body language between you two. It spoke volumes.
“All right. I can assure you, I’m not here for that. I’m just here to help out here as much as I can.”
Kevin nods. “Good, you came highly recommended by Daniel, so don’t disappoint. I usually don’t let outsiders in on my operations, but, if Daniel says you’re cool.. you’re cool with me. Baby, why don’t you go and grab me and the man some drinks. And get dinner started? Yeah?”
“Okay, daddy.”
You stood up and walked out the room. You went to Kevin’s office grabbing his scotch and two glasses. Filling both with ice, walking out you handed Kevin’s to him, and went to hand over Dorian’s. His hand touched yours and it caused your hands to shake and a feeling you’d never felt down your spine. “Thank–” He started until you accidentally bumped your toe on the edge of the coffee table spilling the scotch all on Dorian. “Ouch!”
“What the hell woman?” Kevin stood up looking down at you, slapping you hard across the face sending you to the floor.
The glass broke and a piece went into your arm. Dorian’s jawline clenched. “It was an accident, Kevin.” He got down beside you, helping you clean up the mess. “She can take care of that on her own. She’s so incompetent.” You wiped your tears with your bloody arm. “I-I’m sorry. I'm so sorry.” You apologized. Kevin scoffed. “Leave her, Dorian.”
“Boss, she’s hurt.. just let me wipe her wound.”
Kevin smacked his lip. “When you’re done, meet me in my office. Down the hall, first door on the right. We will get you another drink.” He looked down at you. “And when you’re done, you think you can manage to whip up dinner without injury?” You nod. “Words. Speak.” He pressed his fingers together moving his hand up and down. “Yes. I-I can manage.”
“Are you ok?” Dorian asks helping you to your feet
You just looked him in the eyes. He held your waist. “Y-yes. You should go.” He shook his head. “I'm good. Where’s the first aid kit?” You pointed towards the bathroom. “In the cupboard.” He nods, going to get that, you sighed and hissed as you looked at the blood running down your arm. Shaking your head, you just wanted this all to be over. And wanted to just.. go away. Dorian entered the room with the supplies, once he cleaned up your wound, he helped you clean up the glass.
“Thank you.” You said to him standing to your feet. Your eyes locked with his. His with yours.
He smiled lightly. “No problem, Y/n. How’s your toe?” He chuckled, you blushed shaking your head. You were about to answer when you heard someone clearing their throat. “Tonya.” You stepped back from Dorian, turning your attention to her. “What’s going on here?” Tonya was Kevin’s sister, and business partner. She also was the only one who truly seemed to care about you and your well being, and always protected you when she could from her brother. “Nothing.” She nods her head, “Run along.” She told you. You sprinted away.
[end of flashback]
“You know it’s only a matter of time before he finds out about us, Dorian.” You sighed, placing your chin on his chest
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He leans down kissing your lips. “He won’t find out, and just trust me.. soon, I’ll get you away from him.” He ran his hand up and down your back as he held you in his arms. “I want you right now, climb on.” You giggle, getting on his stomach, pushing yourself down to his hard-on, you moaning as you slowly road his dick pressing against his stomach. “Mmm,” you moved your hair to the side as you rode him up and down, he held your hips, guiding you up and down. “Mm, shit. Give me a kiss.” You leaned down, careful not to break your rhythm, his lips pressed against yours. You both moan in sync. You giggle as he flipped you both over, thrusting in and out of you
“Mm, yes!” You moan.
You both stared into each other’s eyes intensely. You broke eye contact, you couldn’t no longer look him in the eyes as you moaned louder, creaming all over his dick as his thrust became harder and deeper. “Ohhh! Dorian!! Fuckkkk!” You screamed out in pure pleasure.
-Hours Later-
You sat up on your knees. “Mm, you leaving?” You pout.
“Yeah, I have some work I have to do. I’ll come check on you later. You sure you gonna be okay here until I’m able to make it back?” He holds your naked body to his clothed, his hands running down your soft brown skin, over the scars, the bruises. “I can’t wait to get you away from him, this life.. you don’t deserve this.”
“Dorian, let’s be real. You can’t take me away from him. He will kill me.”
He shook his head kissing your shoulder. “I’ll never let that happen, you hear me? I love you.” You looked him in the eyes. “W-what?” He smiled, kissing your lips. “You heard me. I love you. Imma protect you.”
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-As Halstead
Jay walked into the locker room, sighing deeply. He looked at the photo of him and Hailey that was taped to the locker. Jay was always an honest, caring, loving and noble man. And he loved Hailey. But he loved Y/N.. more if that made sense. Hailey and Jay had been having marital problems for a long time. She’s always been distant with him.. off putting. A little like Y/n in a way but, things with Hailey were just.. sideways. They were separated right now, and he’s been working undercover for the last couple months, but today was the day he’d officially came back to the unit.
His double life was starting to take a toll. He never intended to fall in love with you, but he had. He felt ashamed , unlike himself. And he didn’t know where to begin or.. how he would even tell Hailey that he’s stepped outside of their marriage— even if they were separated– and now you were carrying his child. And he needed to get you out of the situation you were in while Kevin was out of the country on business. “Halstead?”
Jay was knocked out of his trance. He grabbed his badge wrapping it around his neck, grabbing his jacket and closing the locker behind him. “Ruzek.”
The boys shared a brotherly hug. “So glad to have you back.” Jay nods and smiles. “Thank you.” Upton entered the room, she rubbed the skin between her thumb and index finger, Ruzek smiled. “I’ll leave you two to it.” He patted his back, before leaving. Jay rubbed his neck slightly. “Hey.”
“Hey.” She smiled a toothless smile, looking at the man she did love but found herself becoming distant.
He didn’t know and she didn’t know the man he was becoming. “I been calling..” she trailed off. “Yeah, I know I’ve been meaning to get back to you, but you know how it is being under, I can barely get away. You know.” She nodded. “Yeah, but how’s things going?”
“Uh.. it’s gotten complicated but, I’ve gotten closer to–”
He was cut off. “Hey, upton- Halstead!” Kevin smiled walking over and embracing Jay with brotherly love. “Glad you here but hey, we just caught a case.” Jay nods. “We can talk about this later.” He looked at her, walking past and going to the briefing room. It all felt so weird, being back here, being around his friends. If all just felt weird and out of place. He looked down at his phone seeing a message from Tonya.
Tonya: 911. Out back.
He frowned. “Hey uh.. I gotta,” he didn’t speak another word, he grabbed his jacket and wrapped it around him rushing out, he closed the gate doors behind him and walked out the back of CPD. He furrowed his brows.
“So it’s true..” Tonya chuckled shaking her head. “You’re a fucking cop!?”
Jay held his hand up. “Tonya..” she scoffed shaking her head. “None of that matters right now, I went back t the hotel to pick up Y/n..” he furrowed his brows. “Okay and? What happened? Where is she? Please tell me you didn’t bring her here.”
“She’s missing.” Tonya told him. “When I got there..”
She was cut off by Upton running out back. “Jay, we leaving? You coming? Is everything ok?” He rubbed the back of his neck. Tonya laughs. “Wow. Jay? What’s your real name.” He sighs. “Jay.. Jay Halstead.” She sucked her teeth. “You go. Do your job. I’ll find her..”
“Wait,” Jay moved closer to her. “Don’t tell her about this. I want to be the one to tell her and don’t tell your brother.”
She laughs. “I won’t. Long as you keep me out of your little Investigation.. but there’s something you should know.. when I got back to the hotel, there was blood everywhere. You might want to come clean about being in that room or.. stall your people.. I’m sure they investigating it. I can have-”
“Wait hold up, go back, there was what? WHAT ARENT YOU TELLING ME, TONYA!?”
Upton just stood there. Confused, trying to make out what was being said until she heard him shout. Tonya pointed her finger in his face. “It’s gonna be handled. I’m sure she’s all right. I will find her.”
“No.. no.. imma find her.” He brushed past her. “Halstead!” Voight shouted.
Jay turned and looked at him and upton, “Get in.” He told Tonya, she ran around getting in the passenger. He got in his truck and started up the vehicle, speeding out the precinct. “Why you didn’t lead with that Tonya? I need details.. everything you saw or can remember..”
“I’m sure she’s fine.. Dorian, Jay whatever the hell your name is. My brother wouldn’t kill her. If anything he’d rough her up.”
Jay shook his head. “And you think that’s okay?” She shook her head. “No. But I did warn the two of you to stop what you’re doing. If she’s killed, it’s on you.” She spoke with venom looking away from the road over at him. “On you.”
“If anything happens to her, I’ll never forgive myself.”
She shook her head. “Well something did. I don’t know what happened in that room but I’m actually scared.” Jay’s phone rung with Voight’s number. He let out a sharp exhale, answering. “Halstead. Where are you?”
“Something came up. I have to handle it.”
He shook his head. “You want to explain to me why the hotel we’re investigating has your undercover alias name on file? And why I have a room a mess, ransacked and blood everywhere. Jay, what’s going on? Come talk to me before you do anything stupid.. we can do this.. together.”
“This is my mess. I’m going to fix it. Just tell me, is there a body?”
Voight went silent. Jay pulled over and slammed on his break. “Voight, is there a body?”
“Yes.” Jay and Tonya both looked at eachother.
Tags: @xsweetdellzx @laylasbunbunny @hinatasfleshlight @skyesthebomb @bbygirlchristina @lovesanimals0000 @briana-mishell24 @piccasoe @wandasbitxh @90sisthenew80s @tribalqueen20 @panicsinvirgo @star017 @zenxn20 @pearlkitten33 @rosegoldcoco
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Mistletoe Kiss | Reggie Mantle
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[gif is not mine; all credit goes to the creator]
Pairing: Reggie Mantle x Fem!Reader
Description: It’s Christmas time in Riverdale, which means it’s the Lodge’s annual Christmas party, and a kiss under the mistletoe with Reggie yields surprising results.
Warnings: underage drinking, mentions of sex at a party
Word Count: 2K
A/N: Takes place mid-season 4, as that’s all I’ve seen of the show at the moment
- - -
The Vince Guaraldi Trio’s version of O Tannenbaum played softly throughout Apartment 330 at The Pembrooke, adding the finishing touch to the Christmas atmosphere both inside and outside.
You shrugged out of your warm faux-fur winter coat, taking care to brush the snowflakes out of your hair - beauty had its price, and that meant no hat or Snuggs to keep your feet warm. Beside you, Reggie handed his own jacket to Smithers who then retreated to hang them up. 
“Champagne?” A cocktail waitress asked, seemingly appearing out of nowhere.
“Thank you.” You smiled, grabbing a flute off the tray and taking a demure sip. Reggie followed suit and the two of you started making the rounds at the party.
“I’m so glad you two could make it!” Veronica gushed, bringing both you and Reggie in for a hug, her own glass of champagne in her hand that you knew was far from her first.
“I made Reggie pick me up ‘cause there was no way in hell I was driving in all that snow.”
You could practically feel Reggie’s chest puff up at your compliment. “Bella and I are always down to save a damsel in distress.”
Both you and Veronica laughed, but you knew there was more history behind hers. While you and Reggie had always just been friends, you were well aware of the feelings between Reggie and Veronica. It was no secret that Reggie was still hung up on her even though Veronica and Archie were trying to make their relationship work for the umpteenth time. You had managed to convince Reggie to come to this party tonight, if only to try to help him move on, but even now you weren’t sure that was going to happen.
“Where’s everyone else?” You asked, hoping to break the awkward silence.
“Check over by the tree.” Veronica pointed with her champagne flute. 
Reggie placed his hand on your lower back as the two of you made your way over to the elaborately-decorated Christmas tree, and you couldn’t help enjoying the contact. His touch was warm and solid, and it reminded you of just how single you were. You took a big gulp of your champagne, trying to relay to your brain that the hand on your back was that of your friend and nothing more. 
“You’re here!” Betty hugged you tightly in greeting while Reggie dapped up Archie and Jughead. You gave Cheryl a small smile, both of you nodding at the other as your own form of hello. 
“You’re all welcome - I had to promise to pick her up to even get her to consider coming to this,” Reggie joked, making you playfully swat at his arm when everyone laughed. “Am I wrong, though?”
“Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Jug just put snow tires on his motorcycle today.” Betty rested her head on her boyfriend’s shoulder. “Up ‘til this morning, I’d forgotten those even existed.”
You were about to open your mouth to say something when Moose and Kevin came out of the bathroom looking disheveled. Moose fixed the collar of his shirt while Kevin was busy rearranging his far-from-ugly Christmas sweater. 
“Make sure to, uh, mind the mistletoe,” Kevin murmured, a blush tinging his cheeks as he and Moose shared a look but staunchly refused eye contact with anyone else.
“Where is it?” Jughead gave a look of his own to Betty and you didn’t even want to think about what the two of them were planning for later.
“Above the fireplace. Odd choice if you ask me, but I’m sure the Lodges don’t want people making out all over their property.”
“As someone who just got done doing a little more than making out on the Lodge’s property with you, I can’t say I blame them - even if it was fun as hell,” Moose teased, making Kevin blush an even darker shade of red.
Everyone laughed at that, and you could finally feel the champagne starting to kick in. You placed your empty glass onto a tray when the next waiter came by and picked up another along the way. Appetizers were all around but nothing was appealing to you yet, and you were happy to sip champagne with your friends.
- - -
“I have an idea,” you whispered to Reggie after you’d caught him staring at Archie and Veronica for the tenth time in five minutes. “It’s crazy, but just hear me out.”
“Oh, boy, I’m gonna regret this, aren’t I?” Reggie rolled his eyes, grabbing some pigs in a blanket for each of you.
“Probably.” You took a bite of the food, happy to finally have something in your stomach after two and a half glasses of champagne. “I think…you should kiss me under the mistletoe.”
Reggie’s eyes were wide when he turned to face you. “I’m already regretting this, but go on.”
“You want Veronica, but she’s with Archie, right? So, let’s make her jealous. If it doesn’t work, we can blame it on the alcohol or pretend it never happened. But if it does, we can show her that you’ve moved on and it could force her to face her feelings for you if she thinks she can’t string you along anymore.”
“Hmm.” Reggie thought about it as he chewed his food, looking over at Veronica and Archie again. Archie had just said something to make Veronica laugh, and you could see Reggie’s jaw clench as he watched her lean into her current boyfriend. “Meet me under the mistletoe in five minutes?”
Your stomach dipped at the question as you nodded. “Five minutes.”
It turned out to be reasonably easy to get yourself over to the fireplace. Your holly green sweater dress was warm but the v neck and three-quarter length sleeves coupled with strappy heels and without tights was enough to leave you shivering and with an excuse to warm up. 
Some trays of cookies had been set out and you took it upon yourself to grab one of the red and green sprinkled sugar cookies, happy with the texture when you bit into it. 
Just as you were about to pick up another cookie after polishing the first one off, you felt a hand on your shoulder spinning you around. You sucked in a breath as your palms landed on Reggie’s chest. “Is Veronica looking?”
“Guess we’ll find out.”
You didn’t have time to think after that, Reggie’s lips colliding with yours in a kiss that took your breath away. His hand splayed out across your lower back, making sure you were flush against him; his other hand cupped your face gently before possessively gripping the back of your neck. You clutched at his bicep, unsure where to put your hands without causing even more of a scene than you were sure you and Reggie were causing with such a public kiss. 
The kiss ended much sooner than you wanted it to - a realization that surprised you. Reggie stared back at you in shock and you were sure the same expression had to be mirrored on your face. 
“Hold on,” you murmured, reaching for his lips to wipe away your lipstick that had transferred. “There.” You cleared your throat, looking away and staunchly refusing to make eye contact.
“Thanks.” Reggie looked over in Veronica’s general direction and you did the same, noting how upset she looked before excusing herself to her bedroom. 
“What are you waiting for?” You asked when Reggie seemed to hesitate. “Go talk to her.”
“Are you gonna be okay?”
Your stomach dipped at the caring tone in his voice and it took everything in you to nod your head. “Uh, yeah, of course.” You couldn’t help but stare longingly at Reggie’s retreating form as he chased after Veronica.
“Oh my god. What was that kiss?!” Betty whispered, sidling up to you and handing you a mug of boozy hot chocolate. “I didn’t know you and Reggie were together!”
“Thanks.” You took a sip, hoping the warmth would soothe your racing heartbeat. “We’re not. Uh, together, I mean.”
Betty gave you a look. “You don’t have to lie to me - I can keep a secret. You don’t kiss a friend like that. And besides, I’ve always suspected you and Reggie had feelings for each other; this just confirms it.” You must have given her a skeptic look because she continued, “You look at him the way I used to look at Archie before I figured out we weren’t compatible like that, but something tells me you and Reggie are the opposite of me and Archie.”
“Well, that kiss was just to see if Veronica still wanted him, so I don’t think your theory is correct.”
“Guess we’ll see about that.” Betty smirked as both of you watched Reggie stormed out of Veronica’s bedroom with her in tow. 
A wave of guilt hit you as you realize that you probably just broke up Archie and Veronica while also letting Reggie get rejected by his ex. 
“We’re leaving,” Reggie growled, taking you by the elbow and practically dragging you to the front door where Smithers magically had your coats ready to go. The valet had Bella waiting, too, and you started to get suspicious at the timing of all of it but the serious look on Reggie’s face silenced you. 
The drive back to your house was quiet, not even Christmas music coming from the radio to drown out your racing thoughts. Reggie stared straight ahead, white-knuckling the steering wheel on the freshly snow-plowed roads. 
Reggie shut off the engine in front of your house but neither of you made a move to get out. 
“So,” you said into the silence, “how did your talk with Veronica go?”
The muscle in Reggie’s jaw clenched again and desire shot through you as you remembered what it felt like to kiss him under the mistletoe. “It was…eye-opening.”
“What does that mean?” 
“It means she and I talked and she told me some things that I needed to hear.”
“Things like…?” You were even more confused, and now you were starting to shiver as the warm air began to dissipate with the engine off. 
Reggie let out a sigh, leaning his head back on the headrest and closing his eyes for a moment. “Things like how she and Archie are focusing on their relationship and how she and I are over for good…and how apparently it’s obvious to everyone but you and me that we have feelings for each other.”
Now it was your turn to be too stunned to speak. Part of you wanted to laugh at the absurdity of the statement, but another part of you knew that laughing wasn’t the right call here. “And she was serious?!”
Reggie looked over at you and your eyes met his for the first time since you two had left the party. “It’s Veronica - of course she was serious.”
The look on his face was too intense for you but you didn’t look away this time, your fingers playing with the skirt of your dress as a distraction. “Reggie…”
“I know, I know. Veronica is wrong, the kiss was a mistake. I know.”
“I wasn’t going to say that.” You wanted to reach for him so badly, but stopped yourself. “I…felt something when we kissed. I didn’t think I was going to when I suggested it but I haven’t stopped thinking about it.”
Silence engulfed the car once again, and this time you couldn’t stand it. You reached for your bag and opened the door, shutting it behind you as you got out and made your way to the front door. You could hear Reggie shout your name, the sound of his own car door shutting as he chased after you in the snow.
You paused at the door to rummage through your bag for your keys and it was at that point that Reggie caught up to you. He was out of breath, his cheeks pink from the cold. “I can’t stop thinking about that kiss, either. Can we try again, just us?”
All you could do was nod as you stepped closer to him. “Kiss me again, Reggie,” you whispered, winding your arms around his neck as he leaned down to kiss you.
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kaxzuha · 1 year
Sour candies 🍬
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FOR KEVIN it was usually boring for him everyday, nothing special happens he wakes up go to work serve customers go home then sleep... it was the same as always.
The cashier was resting his head on his palm while being tired, he was waiting till the day would finally finish so he could go home and rest when suddenly the candy store door wings open revealing a boy with (h/c) hair , he looked very energetic despise being late at night.
"Welcome to the candy-club ... what would you like?" The employee asks tiredly as he keeps an eye out for the stranger in case he stole something.
"Hello there tired employee !!" the energetic guy says and happily takes a step forward and looks around at the different candies.
"Its really late and we where about to close , so please hurry" Kevin groans in annoyance as he taps his fingers on the table.
"Right right, so uh what kind of candy do you people serve in here?" He asks and walks towards the cashier counter
"Was looking for something um sweet and sour at the same time"
"Sour candies?" Kevin asks and raises an eyebrow at him , was that guy acting dumb or something ?
"Aa sour candies , how thoughtful" he smiles and puts his hands together "I'll have a one bag of Sour candy, do they also come in cute shapes?"
Kevin rolls his eyes and gets out different types of sour candies they had, there where heart shaped ones , stars , clouds , and teddy bear.
y/n looks excited as he sees the different shapes they had
"Ooo the heart ones are really cute , but so are the teddy bears, that's a hard choice if I had to choose one... I'll go with"
"JUST.CHOSE!!" Kevin's eye twitches as he was starting to lose his temper from how slow the boy was at choosing.
"Then .. I'll have all of them !!" He smiles and takes out his wallet. Kevin sighs in relief and scans the candies before showing him the price , y/n gives the money to the cashier and takes the bag of candies.
"My name is y/n by the way" the (h/c) boy said as he gives a small smile to the cashier.
"It's Kevin..." he replies back in a low voice almost sounding as a whisper
"It was nice meeting you , I'll come by tomorrow again BYEE!!" Y/n says and gives a small goodbye wave to Kevin before walking away.
"Please don't.." Kevin says before taking off his work hat and putting on the table in front of him.
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othystt · 1 year
would u ever do kevin price x female reader? if not that’s perfectly fine! i’ve just been looking everywhere and can’t find one 😭
uhhh i would have to say no on that one. i don't do "x readers." i guess if you were looking for one i would check wattpad???? maybe??? i haven't looked but if it exists it'll be there. anyway, thanks for the ask!
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anantradingpvtltd · 2 years
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] Popular media can spark the national consciousness in a way that captures people’s attention, interests them in history, and inspires them to visit battlefields, museums, and historic sites. This lively collection of essays and feature stories celebrates the novels, popular histories, magazines, movies, television shows, photography, and songs that have enticed Americans to learn more about our most dramatic historical era. From Ulysses S. Grant’s Memoirs to Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, from Roots to Ken Burns’s The Civil War, from “Dixie” to “Ashokan Farewell,” and from Civil War photography to the Gettysburg Cyclorama, trendy and well-loved depictions of the Civil War are the subjects of twenty contributors who tell how they and the general public have been influenced by them. Sarah Kay Bierle examines the eternal appeal of Gone with the Wind and asks how it is that a protagonist who so opposed the war has become such a figurehead for it. H. R. Gordon talks with New York Times–bestselling novelist Jeff Shaara to discuss the power of storytelling. Paul Ashdown explores ColdMountain’s value as a portrait of the war as national upheaval, and Kevin Pawlak traces a shift in cinema’s depiction of slavery epitomized by 12 Years a Slave. Tony Horwitz revisits his iconic Confederates in the Attic twenty years later. The contributors’ fresh analysis articulates a shared passion for history’s representation in the popular media. The variety of voices and topics in this collection coalesces into a fascinating discussion of some of the most popular texts in the genres. In keeping with the innovative nature of this series, web-exclusive material extends the conversation beyond the book.   ASIN ‏ : ‎ B085KXVZ82 Publisher ‏ : ‎ Southern Illinois University Press; 1st edition (10 February 2020) Language ‏ : ‎ English File size ‏ : ‎ 4946 KB Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Enabled Print length ‏ : ‎ 272 pages [ad_2]
0 notes
notquitedickens · 6 years
Matchmaker’s Birthday (Kevin Price x Reader College!AU)
“Connor, I don’t see why the party has to be here.” Kevin sighed. “It’s Arnold’s birthday, why can’t it be at his place?”
“So you can’t back out early and lose quality time with your friends.” Connor said shortly, unpacking a ridiculous supply of birthday decorations.
“Why are there so many decorations when it’s just a few of us?” Kevin was suddenly hesitant about the entire party thing. He wasn’t a big fan of having big parties in his own home, it opened up space for a mess to be made which would destroy his chances of doing something productive the next day. “It’s going to be all of them isn’t it.”
“And their plus ones if they have them.”
“Connor! That would make 20 people!”
“I know.” Connor laughed. “I’m the math major, not you.”
“Yeah, I know, I’m the history major.” Kevin sighed, making his way back to his room to enjoy the last few hours of peace that he could collect.
He came out of the room when he heard the doorbell ring. It was like nails on a chalkboard, the sound bringing up a feeling of dread up through his body that made him turn on his heel to go back into his room. He couldn’t though, the redhead he lived with grasping his wrist and dragging him towards the door. No matter how much he tried fighting back he couldn’t get out of the tight grasp he had. Wondering when his roommate became so strong because he had never even seen him run, he followed him to the door. He was beginning to pry to other’s hand off of his wrist when the door opened. He froze in his tracks when Connor enthusiastically pulled the guest into a hug. Your signature bracelet caught his eye as you returned the hug with a wide smile. He had no idea that you were coming, you having gone back to your family for the weekend instead of going to class on Friday.
Kevin was still in shock when you wrapped your arms around his neck, head proceeding to bury itself between one of them and his neck. His body responded before his brain caught up, arms wrapping around your waist and lifting you up off of the floor. You let out a faint chuckle at the man’s actions, hitting his back lightly until he put you back onto the safety of the floor. He kissed your cheek as he let you go, watching Arnold grin smugly from the doorway where Connor now stood beside him.
“I thought we were supposed to be giving you presents today, it is your birthday.” Kevin asked, arm hanging limply over your shoulders now.
“I couldn’t ask the two of you to give up your anniversary for my birthday, after all, it was me who got you two together in the first place.” Arnold giggled. “You still have to be at the party though.”
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world.” You rolled your eyes. “You literally forced us together on our anniversary.”
“What they mean is that you gave us no warning so we don’t have a date planned.” Kevin translated jokingly, hoping that Arnold would understand that he was in fact joking and wouldn’t actually leave him on his birthday. “Why not spend it with our best friends?”
The rest of the night was as you’d expect, the group drinking and laughing together around a table of snacks. You were tucked under your boyfriend’s arm as you sipped the same can of beer the whole night. The others weren’t so controlled. Arnold soon got drunk and was passed out on the kitchen counter before the clock had struck midnight. Poptarts was fluttering between the knocked out body and his own drink that he kept leaving with the rest of the group in the living room. At one point, Naba hid it in an attempt to get him to stay with the group a little longer. The second attempt, which was ultimately successful, was to say that she would look after her boyfriend instead, leaving him to sit down in her spot on the couch with a peaceful mind.
Your boyfriend, on the other hand, had spent the night sharing your beer and whispering in your ear. Sometimes, it was snarky comments about what your increasingly drunk friends were saying, other times it was ‘I love you’s. You couldn’t have asked for a better anniversary. Well, you could have, but this one was the least stressful one you could have had.
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grace-is-forever · 6 years
Movie Night Cuddles
"Come on guys, it's only Silent Hill." My older brother Arnold called out. He insisted that we have a movie night. He invited over Kevin as well. He knew about my crush on him for some time now. Ever since Arnold introduced me to Kevin, I haven't been able to keep him off of my mind. His perfect smile. His amazing personality. His deep blue eyes that I could get lost in. Everything about him was perfect. We all went out to buy some snacks and drinks from the nearest store. Walking back home at night was never good for me. I've always had a fear of the dark. Kinda embarrassing being 18. Basically the entire walk back to the house I was holding on to either Arnold or Kevin. When we got back to the house, Kevin and I sat on the couch while Arnold put the movie in the DVD player. As my brother was setting everything up, I felt grab my hand lightly making me jump slightly. "Hey." Kevin said with a grin. "Are you going to be okay?" He asked with a worried expression on his face. I nodded back in response. "Just don't be surprised if I jump at times or cling on to you." I told him blushing. He pulled me in his arms and just let me stay there. Arnold finally got the movie set up and got comfortable on the couch. Hitting play, he turned off the lights. The darkness completely surrounded us. Without even thinking about it, I grabbed onto Kevins wrist. The movie went on and I did well for the first 30 minutes. The moment the nurses showed up on the screen I lost it. I curled up into Kevins lap and buried my head in his chest. "Arnold, I think that's enough for tonight." Kevin told my brother while comforting me. "I don't think Y/N can take anymore right now." "Yeah, this wasn't a good idea. I'll turn it off. Arnold replied. Turning off the movie completely. It was pitch black. A small whimper escaped my lips. Kevin held me closer, if that was even possible." "Kevin, feel free to stay the night. I'm going to bed though." My brother said before hugging me goodnight. He ran upstairs to go to bed. Just Kevin and I alone in the dark. A year long crush. "Hey, are you feeling any bett-. His sentence was cut short by my lips connecting to his. When I realized that he wasn't kissing back I pulled away. Covering my face, I repeated apologized to him for what just happened." Kevin I'm so sorry! I couldn't help it. I've had a crush on you for a year and I thought it would be smart to do that!" Mentally crusifing myself for everything. I didn't feel when his hands reached out to bring mine down. Instead of telling me off. He smiled his signiture grin and put his lips back on mine. Where they belong. When we pulled apart, the emotions came out." Y/N, ever since I met you. I fell in love with you. I knew you were special and I was so lucky to be able to meet your brother. If I hadn't have met him, I would never have met you." He kissed me again and all the fear I had melted away with every kiss. The kiss was cut off by the sound of Arnold yelling from the doorway. "I knew it! I called it! Elder Smith owes me 20 bucks!" Kevin and I looked at each other and laughed. He pulled me into his arms again and slowly we both fell asleep.
I hope you enjoy this! It was really fun to write.
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Pining (Kevin Price x Reader)
Requested by @whathappenedthistime:
TW: None
Words: 470
Y/N … Your Name
Connor is watching you and Kevin standing in the kitchen making your infamous banana pancakes. He notices both of you stealing glances from each other. You made the mistake telling your brother that you have a rather big crush on your fellow Mormon missionary. What you didn´t know is that Kevin told your brother the same thing.
Now, Connor made it his mission to bring you both together. He´s sick and tired of both of you pining over the other and always coming to him to whine about how the other could never love them. He has a plan.
After the breakfast Connor asks Y/N to come with him to help him find his favorite tie.
“It has to be here somewhere…”, he tells her, scratching his head.
“In the closet?”
Y/N points into the closet, frowning. Connor nods. She rolls her eyes, but smiles.
“How did you even lose it in the- You know what, forget it! I´ll help you.”
Y/N rubs her hands together and walks inside.
“Oh, thank you Y/N! I´ll be right back, I´ll just get a flash light.”
Her brows furrow in confusion. There is a light switch in the closet; Connor knew that, after all, it´s his closet. Y/N shrugs, turns it on and starts looking when she hears a familiar voice coming up behind her.
“…and you´re really sure you lost it in there Connor?”, Kevin asks Connor, a hint of impatience in his voice.
“Yes, just get in here and help me look for it!”
Suddenly, there´s someone being pushed into the closet. Y/N stumbles, but is able to catch herself on… Kevin´s arm!
Kevin and Y/N stare at each other before realizing their practically holding each other. They jump apart as far as they can, which is not very far. Y/N massages her temples before banging on the door.
“Connor! I swear if you don´t unlock this door I´ll-“
“You´ll do what, dear sister? I´ll let both of you out when you do what you have to do.”
Y/N can hear Connor´s smug grin, which makes her even more frustrated. She turns around to Kevin, who´s blushing.
“Is everything alright Kevin? You´re a bit red.”
Kevin looks down and stammers:
“I might know what he´s talking about…”
He takes a small step closer. His hand cradles your cheek, his eyes flicker down to your lips.
“Please tell me if you don´t want this.”, he whispers.
Y/N grabs him by his shirt and kisses him. She plays with his hair, smiling into the kiss.
When they part, there´s a soft click. The door opens, but there´s no Connor.
“Oh, I´ll kill him!”
Kevin laughs loudly, taking her hand.
“I´ll help you.”
Y/N smiles, tightening her grip on his hand.
“Hey, Kevin?”
Kevin hums.
“I think I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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Kiss the Girl
Pairing: Kevin Price x reader
Prompt: “can you do a Kevin Price x reader where everyone teases Kevin that he loves the reader but he denies it (but he does) and eventually the reader asks him to watch a movie with her and he randomly kisses her which ends up being a makeout session”
Word Count: 1,848
Warnings: Make out scene, slight suggestive themes
Author’s Note: 1. I love Kevin Price 2. I love Disney 3. I loved writing this fic
Kevin watched as you let the door shut behind you, walking back to your own house. He was unaware of the small smile that had found its way onto his face, still looking at the door long after you had left.
“Oh boy, Elder.” A laugh sounded from behind Kevin, Connor pausing before continuing on, “You really have it bad for her, don’t you?”
“W-what?” Kevin shook his head as if to rid himself of thoughts of you, turning to face Connor. “No, no - I only have, uh, platonic, feelings for Y/N. Nothing more, nothing less. You could even call us acquaintances.” He stammered and stumbled over his words; perhaps talking fast would convince everyone around him of his lack of feelings.
“Uh huh.” Connor raised an eyebrow in response, evidently not believing a word that came out of Kevin’s mouth. “I bet if we asked anyone - and I mean anyone, Kevin - about the way you react around Y/N they’d tell you it was love.”
“They would not!” The indignant defense all but confirmed it for Connor; the boy was head over heels for her.
“Whatever you say, Kevin. Whatever you say.” A look of pity had found its way onto Connor’s face and he shook his head as he walked away, leaving Kevin alone to deal with his conflicting thoughts.
Kevin had never really understood his own feelings, especially his feelings in regard to you - first he thought they were purely platonic, a thought he insistently defended. But as you spent more time together, and even through the briefest of interactions, he grew more and more fond of you. Whether it was your laugh, the sparkle in your eyes or the ease with which you held a conversation, there was absolutely no denying it: he was in love with you.
Love. It was a scary thing. Kevin hadn’t been in love before, or at least he couldn’t remember ever being in love before. But the unknown feeling he had in the pit of his stomach every time he looked at you must’ve been love. There was no other explanation for it - for the butterflies in his stomach, for the thoughts of you that kept him up at night, for the way his attention was immediately drawn to you every time the two of you were in the same room.
“Something wrong, buddy?” Arnold’s soft voice sounded from behind Kevin and a hand found its way to rest on his shoulder.
“Maybe.” Kevin gave a defeated sigh, slightly folding in on himself as he turned his face towards Arnold. “It’s just-”
“Matters of the heart, huh?” Arnold nodded understandingly, as if he had abundant experience in such matters. “Is it... You know... Y/N again?”
“Y/N! Again?” Kevin laughed nervously, running a hand through his hair. Glancing around to ensure Arnold was the only one within earshot, Kevin dropped his voice to a whisper, asking, “Is it really that obvious?”
“‘Fraid so.” As soon as the words came out of Arnold’s mouth the handle of the door turned and you walked back into the room, evidently having left something behind. “Good luck, bud.” Arnold whispered into Kevin’s ears before attempting hasty exit, leaving the two of you alone.
“Um, hi, Y/N.” With a weak wave Kevin greeted you, internally cursing himself for his awkwardness - it seemed as though you acted as a repellent for any logical thought he attempted.
“Kevin! Just the man I wanted to see,” You smiled wide and Kevin’s eyes flickered down to your lips, tentatively licking his own. Picking up the jacket you had left draped over the back of the couch you took two steps closer to Kevin. “Do you wanna maybe come over to my place tonight? Like, to watch a movie or something? I’ve got some Disney movies I want to re-watch but not alone, so I thought to myself, ‘who’d want to watch these with me’ and you came to mind -”
“Yes.” Kevin thankfully cut off your rambling with a shy smile. “I’d love - uh, like, that a lot.”
“Great!” You felt your face flush as you watched Kevin’s eyes roam around your face, more often than not landing on your lips. “Well, I’ll see you soon?” Phrasing it as a question you crossed your arms and looked up at Kevin, awaiting an answer.
“How about I grab my stuff now and come with you?” It took everything in Kevin’s power to prevent himself from hitting his own face - your eyebrows had shot up at his statement, evidently because he came on too strong and probably scared you off. “I mean, if that’s alright and all...” Nice. Very obvious back peddling. Kevin cringed slightly, the skin of his forehead crinkling in embarrassment.
“Of course it is, Kevin!” Getting over your initial shock on how forward Kevin was you relaxed your face into a smile, a light blush dusting your cheeks. With a slight nod in your direction Kevin all but ran off in the direction of his room, rushing to collect the things he deemed necessary - his wallet, keys, phone - and shoved them into a backpack.
He reappeared in your line of vision, droplets of sweat beading along his hairline and a rosy glow to his cheeks. “Let’s get going then,” You smiled, continuing to do so as the two of you made your way out of the Elder’s accommodation and towards your own.
Kevin blushed just thinking about being alone with you, something he had never experienced before; at least three others were always in the same room as you both. Perhaps this was the chance he had to finally make a move, or at least tell you how he felt - how he had felt for the longest time. He followed you into your lounge room, placing his bag gingerly against the couch that stood facing the television.
“Is The Little Mermaid okay? It’s one of my favourites,” Your statement hung in the air between you and Kevin; somehow despite being able to talk for hours whilst surrounded by others, alone it seemed you were complete strangers.
“S-sure.” With an awkward, jerky movement Kevin nodded and you began to play the movie, sitting a respectable distance away from where Kevin was seated. But that didn’t last very long, as within about ten minutes both of you had readjusted your sitting positions, shifting closer to the middle until you were separated only by a distance wide enough for Kevin’s hand to rest.
The first part of the movie passed without incident, Kevin apparently awaiting the perfect moment to turn to you and -
And you don’t know why but you’re dying to try, you wanna kiss the girl.
Kevin gulped as he snuck a glance your way; you were completely engrossed in the movie, despite having seen it numerous times before. His cheeks turned red as the song played on, strangely mirroring the voice of his own internal monologue.
Looks like the boy too shy, ain’t gonna kiss the girl. Ain’t that sad? Ain’t it a shame? Too bad, he gonna miss the girl.
The singing, animated crab was right: if Kevin didn’t grab your attention in someway he would lose his chance - it was now or never.
Boy, you better do it soon, no time will be better.
“Hey, Y/N?” You turned your head to face Kevin, who had managed to grab your attention. Opening your mouth to reply you froze in shock as you felt Kevin press his lips hard against yours, having misjudged the force needed to carry him to you. You didn’t respond, initially unable to even comprehend the quick succession of events.
Sensing your hesitation, Kevin pulled back, a look of confusion on his face as he began to mutter out an apology. “Y/N, I’m sorry, I - I don’t know what came over me-”
To prevent his rambling from continuing, you mustered up the courage to press your own lips to his, shifting closer to him on the couch. He gasped and his eyes fluttered shut as he felt your lips press once more against his. Your hands had travelled up his body with a feather-light touch, resting in his hair and tugging slightly.
Kevin was nervous - you could tell from the way his hands shook against you, as if touching you in any way would make you stop; or worse, could hurt you. But his hands came to lay on your waist, the both of you turning to face one another whilst still sitting on the couch.
Tracing the curve of your body one of Kevin’s hands moved up to tip your jaw slightly further up, giving him more access to your lips as they parted. It seemed as though your lips were made for one another, moving together in harmony as your tongues explored each other’s mouths. You let out an involuntary moan as Kevin pressed himself flush against you, his kiss evidently becoming both more needy and passionate.
A knock sounded throughout your small house, the only noise able to draw you away from Kevin. “Excuse me a second,” You laugh, panting slightly as you stood up and walked to the door, a giddy smile remaining in place on your face.
“Hello?” You opened the door to a smiling face - Connor’s smiling face. Without realising, your face was still flushed, lips swollen slightly and hair mussed; all tell-tale signs of the deed you had just partaken in.
“Oh, Y/N, um, I needed to ask Kevin a question, but, uh, I see the two of you are... busy... So I’ll just leave you to it.” After raking his eyes over your appearance Connor’s cheeks were coloured with red, having understood the reason behind them. He promptly turned on his heel without waiting for you to respond, leaving you befuddled in the doorway.
“So I guess Connor knows now,” You stated simply, sitting back down on the couch, this time with your thigh pressed against Kevin’s.
“I’m sorry,” He replied, gently placing his hand on the top of your knee. You rested your head against his chest, falling into a calming rhythm together.
Breaking the comfortable silence, Kevin said, “I - I’ve always wanted to find and tell someone, ‘You deserve to be in an art museum because of how beautiful you are.’ And I think I found that person in you, Y/N.” Taking in a deep breath he continued, “I think I might actually love you.”
You gasped at his words and turned your head up, watching a blush spread across his face. Studying the way his eyes lit up by simply seeing your face and being in your presence you couldn’t help but smile. “And I think I love you too, Kevin.”
He laughed as he pressed a chaste kiss to your temple, wrapping an arm protectively around you. You moved in closer and placed a flat palm to brace yourself on his chest; the rhythm of his breathing and the feeling of happiness filling you quickly putting you to sleep.
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mormonemoji-blog · 7 years
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dating kevin price moodboard
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Headcanons for Price with a non religious s/o?
- Kevin meets you when he gets back from Uganda, and immediately respects the fact that you’re not religious.
- If he’d met you pre Uganda, he’d be offended that you don’t have a religion, but now he’s definitely more chill and accepting.
- He still believes in God and the whole Mormonism shebang, but he’s not as devout as he used to be. In a way, this helps your relationship a little.
- You go to church with him once every month, because even though you’re not religious, you still love him and want to support him.
- The two of you celebrate Easter and Christmas, but the religious aspects are kinda dulled down for the two of you.
- He still acknowledges what the religious sides of the holidays is all about.
- You still acknowledge that even though the holidays were most likely invented by Hallmark to sell cards, it’s fun to celebrate them.
- For Kevin’s birthday one year, you bought him a cross with Jesus on it ‘so a dead demi-god can watch your every move.’
- He was slightly offended at first, but then came to see the humour in the gesture.
- You often have discussions with each other about religion. You ask Kevin a bunch of questions you’d like answers to, and he does the same with you.
- Neither of you have all the answers, but it’s still a start.
- You’ll send him verses from the Book of Mormon every now and then that are hilarious and make no sense. Kevin has a good laugh when he reads them.
- When you get married, you don’t have your wedding in a church, much to Kevin’s parents annoyance. You have your wedding in a little park near your house, surrounded by a few of your close friends.
- Arnold officiates the wedding, and he gets a little teary when you’re exchanging your vows. (McKinley is sobbing, but you let him cry it out without interruption).
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