#Know thyself
be-a-muslim-1st · 4 months
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latinthusiast · 1 year
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γνῶθι σαὐτὸν (know thyself)
(credit to my friend michelle for this banger of a meme)
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know-the-self · 2 months
"To go beyond the mind, you must be silent and quiet. Peace and silence, silence and peace – this is the way beyond. "
-Nisargadatta Maharaj
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diana-andraste · 3 months
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(Self Portrait) Know Thyself, Rita Kernn-Larsen, 1937
"A self-portrait, tellingly titled Know Thyself, it features an automatic line developed from the artist’s own features, and merges images arising from the unconscious, combining both memory and dream.
It references the myth of the femme-arbre (woman-tree) by depicting metamorphic leaves of a tree branch transforming into female lips."
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seraphic555 · 5 months
Follow your Self
Don’t rely on the teachings of others to change your life. Only you exist and only you can change your life by whatever means you see fit. All these different teachings are just pointing you back to yourself, that’s why I don’t care if I use dualistic language because I don’t follow Non Duality like the Bible I refuse to adhere to any concept 100%. I just take what I resonate with from different concepts (we live in a conceptual world it’s impossible to avoid) and leave the rest. If you don’t resonate with a teacher that doesn’t mean you’re doing something “wrong” just follow what feels right to you. In the beginning it’s easy to see seemingly enlightened people as your savior and if you just follow in their footsteps you will become enlightened too, but your idols are actually just a creation of your mind. Notice how people only put the people they don’t know on a pedestal 🤔. Okay bye 🤪✌️
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alchemisoul · 1 year
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* You're not responsible for every thought that comes in and out of your head. They're not necessarily within your control, not initially anyways.
It is within your power, however, to decide which ones you want to hold on to and those you wish to discard.
You're responsible for observing thoughts that flow inward and choosing whether or not you act on them, buy into them, or take ownership of them.
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apomaro-mellow · 11 months
Hey Apo! How would you do a mermaid/pirate steddie fic?
The shoreline was in sight and everyone on board was excited to get back on solid land. Some more excited than others. Instead of flying the Jolly Roger, they raised the Hellfire emblem when the sirens were in sight. Some of the merfolk looked visibly disappointed, diving back to the water. No one on the ship was prey after all.
They made it to shore, anchoring down and disembarking. Captain Eddie left his crew to it while looking around for his sweetheart. Not too far away, perched on one of those rocks with the other mers was his love, shimmering tail and all.
"Light of my life! Song in my heart!" Eddie sloshed through the water and held his arms out, expecting Steve to jump right into them.
Steve shook his head with a smile. "You know what'll happen."
"Come here~", Eddie made grabby motions towards him.
With a dreamy sigh, Steve launched off the rock, falling into Eddie's arms. Eddie made a valiant effort, but he still fell back into the ocean. Steve helped bring them back up to the surface to give him a salty kiss.
"Aah, the taste of home."
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wayti-blog · 10 months
“A wonderful fact to reflect upon, that every human creature is constituted to be that profound secret and mystery to every other.. Until their secret is given to another to look after, then perhaps two human creatures may know each other..”
― Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities
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thethirdman8 · 9 months
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@thethirdman8 Happy New Year to all of my beautiful mutuals. Here's looking at you, kid.. and here's to 2024 - let's hope it's a good one!
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burnandblind · 2 months
When will this civilization end?
I wish I didn't need money.
I'm so tired of working and being around people.
Even more tired of being ignored for who and what I am. And not like. For being a bad person or anything
Just being trans and male. That's all it takes for people to ignore or ridicule you
But the joke is on them. Right?
Because this boat called humanity is sinking under the collective hate, ignorance, and vice it's harbored for centuries.
Pun intended
It's like setting a broken bone wrong. Or letting a wound fester.
I'm just a reflection.
Of course.. hm. More like the ideal people are grasping for without any of the material/normie shit?
I guess yall know that already though.
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be-a-muslim-1st · 5 days
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vintage-tigre · 16 days
"The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far. The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have hitherto harmed us little; but some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new dark age."
• HP Lovecraft, "The Call of Cthulhu"
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you-are-another-me · 1 year
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tryingtobegoodwitch · 2 months
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Oh Wise Mountain
I cherish the sacred land I was born on
I feel your ancient roots weaving through my spirit
Thank you for all that is and all that will be
Know Thy Self
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theshadowworker · 10 months
Who looks outside, dreams;
Who looks inside, awakes
- Carl Jung
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prototypesteve · 3 months
Representation starts between you and yourself.
Don’t worry that the world doesn’t understand you or represent you or say the right things about you, because they won’t.
Focus on understanding yourself. This will be hard. Get out into the world, and figure out how you want to be in it, as an aspec person.
Don’t ask “What do people like me enjoy? How do people like me move? What do people like me wear? What do people like me listen to?” Those questions erase you. There is no template.
Our under-representation has been a gift, because it hasn’t saddled us with a library of stereotypes and archetypes to conform to. (It will, one day, but for now we get to enjoy making ourselves up as we go along.)
Georgia Warr isn’t charismatic like Alastor who isn’t nerdy like Lilith Clawthorne who isn’t quiet like Isaac Henderson, who isn’t audacious like Gwenpool, who isn’t an overthinker like Georgia Warr. None of those things make them aspec, they are simply aspec with those things.
Go find out if you like to travel, or if you like to make sushi, or if you like to restore vintage bikes, or if you like to run in charity 5k races every weekend, or if you’re a gifted bassist with a love of 70s funk music. Go find out if you’ve been “wearing” a personality that isn’t yours, but met people’s expectations for you. Go find out.
In 2023, I realized I wasn’t a “malfunctioning” heterosexual guy. I had always been a perfectly asexual and aromantic Steve. That began a long but fun process of “unmasking”. I started looking for all the things I did in order to pass as a normal and viable heterosexual guy.
What specifically changed doesn’t matter, because it was my “fake” stuff. Your fake stuff will be different. My fake stuff was the product of decades of not knowing about asexuality or aromanticism, and trying to fake the things I didn’t have. Your fake stuff might be the product of living with one or two ill-fitting role models for how to “be” your flavour of aspec.
How I changed my fake stuff is what matters. I just did everything differently, so I could disrupt all my old routine, patterned thinking—blow the whole goddamned mess up—and leave room to trust that my intuition would start stacking the debris up in new shapes, and painting on the empty walls.
I tried new music, new shows, new books, new vacation plans, even used different apps and biked different paths. I unplugged from old podcasts and and and.
I’ll write about specific experiences later. What matters is that they worked.
Over and over again I’ve heard, “You seem more yourself, now,” or “you’re becoming yourself.”
And the funny thing is, that authenticity—that transformation—inspired questions and corrections and awareness and all the stuff we want allows to change about themselves. I have a group of close friends and a constellation of casual friends and coworkers who’ve seen that aspec identities are real, and that they’re not always what they expected or assumed. That’s let to lots of conversations, workshops, year-long chat threads, and a slow but irreversible trend towards understanding.
First, understand yourself, and then the world will have no choice but to eventually understand you.
Or, to put it another way, the world will drop their bullshit about you once you drop your bullshit about yourself.
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