#Kugisaki Nobara Salt
frost-felon · 8 months
...I'm gonna get my ass killed if I ever do a genuine deep dive for it, but gotta say:
No, Nobara was never a particularly well-written girl character.
She had her moments, to be sure. Like in the Origin of Obedience Arc, and part of her death (the flashback part has some serious issues, mainly in regards to its timing¹, but the 'chairs' part of the scene is The Good Shit™).
But like. She was always noticeably bereft of plot threads/things to do, particularly in comparison to Megumi and Satoru. Hell, she gets thrown out of most battles she's in, to the point that Megumi comments on it during OfO:
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Her argument with Nishimiya is a travesty, to the point that I don't even want to go over it outside of a deep dive.
Her admiration of Maki is one of the few cool things about her character, but it's not a particularly emphasized or, uhhhh, 'revolutionary' thing. Sure ain't no Utena, lmao.
I like Nobara! But she was always playing fifth-fiddle to Megumi, had few unique interactions with Gojo-sensei, and mainly acted as a support to Yuji (she literally dies in part to further traumatize Yuji in and out of universe, lmao). Hell, you can make the argument that she was having minor hints to getting romantically involved with Yuji before her death.
This isn't to pit Nobara fans against Megumi fans, Yuji fans, or even Satoru fans; but like, I was so flabbergasted when I read up to 145 initially, 'cause...well-written girls and women? Where??? Maki and Mai were the closest, and barely fleshed-out, all the same.
My hot take: Nobara was NEVER better-written or designed than Haruno Sakura (manga, Studio Pierrot fucked her over).
¹Something similar happened with Nanami almost dying to Mahito, but since he survives that and continues to have story presence, it isn't as big of an issue. It's definitely worth comparing, though.
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hinamie · 25 days
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brighter days ahead
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dailykugisaki · 8 months
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Day 112 | id in alt
Why does the cursed technique harm Inumaki but not okkotsu? Is it stupid???
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ninikrumbs · 23 days
My Sanctuary
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Synopsis : On the verge of a war, you found a moment of warmth where the sand kisses the sea.
Pairings : Satoru gojo x reader
Tags : Gojo x reader. Fluff. Nobara is up and walking. Not chronologically correct. Not canon.
Author's note: Heavily inspired by an ending scene of Kingdom Hearts. Basically Gojo was unsealed in the middle of the sky and chose to come crashing down the ocean just because. Short n sweet.
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Like a falling star from the heavens, you watch as a glint of black fell down benath the auburn sky. The faint splash could be heard from where you were standing at the shore.
You curled your toes in anticipation on the white sand underneath your shoes, lips pursed and it felt like you weren't breathing.
He's okay, he has to be.
Just when you decided to dive head first into the clear blue water, snow white hair popped aboved the sea. Its soft strands glistening under the last rays of sun and even from the distance, you could faintly see the goofy grin etched in his lips.
You let out a choked laugh, that resembled more of a sob.
And as his eyes landed in your distant form, he immediately bounced at the sight, sky eyes bright and full of unrestrained happiness. Because you were here, waiting for him. Like he hope you would- no, like he knew you would.
He quickly swam to shore, long limbs and hard muscle helping him make his way to you. He could have teleported in a split second, he thought, but no, this was unquestionably more romantic.
You stepped a bit closer to the ocean kissing the shore, a watery grin now lacing your features. The sea breeze gently gliding through your hair.
Gojo had always been otherworldly to you, but as he made it to the shore, wet clothes sticking to his body, not even out of breathe while on his hands and knees. The setting sun behind him, giving his dripping hair a golden tint, he was impossibly ethereal.
His grin never left his face as he slowly stood up to make the last few steps to you. You opened your mouth to call out his name, "Sato-"
You whipped your head back to see Yuji and Kugisaki running at full speed towards the shore.
Before Gojo could make another step, he was quickly tackled to the ground by Yuji, making him splash against the salt water once more. He chuckled, messing up Yuji's hair. Luckily, he had turned off his infinity a few seconds before with the intent of crushing you against him, but his students had other plans. Not that he minded, he was grateful to have so many people that cared enough to be happy to see him after he was unsealed.
And as Yuji playfully nuzzled on his shoulder like he used to do, and with Nobara hugging his other arm. He looks up at your smiling face from his place on the sand.
You shook your head in undeniable fondness and affection, your shoes meeting his as you crouched a bit with your hands on your knees.
For a moment, everything faded into the background, ocean noise ebbing and it was just you and Satoru on the beach.
Unfiltered softness and warmth radiated through Satoru's eyes that was a near identical to the ocean water. Except his sparkled with so much love and affection, with a tinge of relief that mirrored yours.
He was back, to his light in the dark, his sun, his sanctuary.
"Im back!" He grinned, dimples popping.
You smiled back, brightly as you ever could, heart light and full of warmth, with the disbelief of having him back still coursing through your body.
You offered a shaky hand to help him up, "You're home."
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rahuratna · 3 months
The In-between
For all of us who need the silence. Someone understands. And they'll always wait for you, in the wings.
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Silence. Was it too much to ask for?
Megumi was aware of how tense his shoulders were, how they were raised slightly like a shield against the constant scratch of others' company at his door. There was a stiffness to the muscles there that was somehow bothersome, but welcome. He hoped he could wear that prickly aura well enough to discourage conversation, to let their gazes patter over him, like soft drizzle off a raincoat. 
After training, he'd immediately headed away from the tech grounds, one hand searching through his backpack for his trusty headphones.
His quick exit was foiled by none other than Yuuji.
"Hey, Fushiguro! Aren't you hungry?"
Megumi gave a snort as an affirmative.
"Then where are you going? Kugisaki and I are going to grab something from the canteen."
"Got my own lunch."
"But then -"
Megumi hadn't turned, but he heard someone intercept his lively classmate, the mutter of hushed conversation. He continued up the stairs, slightly thankful at the interruption. Yuuji, as kind and well-meaning as he was, didn't really understand when Megumi's mood shifted like this.
It wasn't as if he had much control over it. From the time he'd been thrown to the mercy of the world, Megumi had experienced these spells; an overpowering desire to be alone, truly alone, for periods of time. He didn't know what brought it on. Possibly stress, the demands of being a trainee sorcerer, the way the past would sometimes intrude with silent ferocity into his current thoughts.
At times like this, Megumi knew he could come across as disagreeable, fractious, easily angered. At times, he'd upset people who didn't know that they weren't to blame for these mood changes he experienced. Solitude was not just a cure, it was a means for him to protect the feelings of the people around him, the ones he truly cared for.
His rapid pace had carried him towards a more deserted area of the school, and he made his way to a shaded courtyard he knew was around the corner. Finding a comfortable spot on the grass, he let out a heavy breath he had been holding, feeling some of the tension in his shoulders dissipate. Fingers stilling on the smooth plastic of the headphones, he paused and looked around him.
It was quiet.
It was the quiet you'd only experience up here, in the mountains. There was a stillness that the air wore like a thick shawl, uninterrupted by the sounds of traffic, the muted chatter of crowds or the sharp-edged squeal of electronics. Here, the rustle of the wind through the branches was a distinct voice.
Megumi sometimes wished he could make his own voice heard better. He did not have the cheery charisma of Yuuji, the headstrong confidence of Nobara, the deadly, but whimsical charm of Gojo. People did not gravitate to him, or take note of his serious, direct opinions on things.
When he was little, he'd sometimes imagine grabbing Gojo by the legs and swinging him upside down, shaking him until something fell like a shiny trinket from his pockets, some secret to bearing the brunt of the pressure that fell on his shoulders.
His thoughts were interrupted by voices, ones he recognized. Yuuji and Nobara were approaching the courtyard, but would probably not see him, sheltered as he was behind a high stone wall. He made out the distinctive, upbeat voice of his pink-haired friend almost immediately.
"Where's he hiding? He just up and left after training."
Nobara's exasperated voice sounded from over the wall.
"He's not hiding, he just wants to eat alone."
"But I found those limited edition potato chips in the vending machine. The salted egg ones." Yuuji sounded downright pouty now. "I wanted to share with him."
"You can keep them for him to eat later, dumbass. Why does everything have to be drama with you?"
"That is a false allegation, Kugisaki! I am not dramatic."
"Are too."
"Am not."
"Shut up. Also, I like those salted egg chips too, so - "
"I shared with you last time!"
"Last time was when I was in hospital and could barely taste them!"
"Well ... no! These are for Fushiguro."
Megumi rolled his eyes.
These two.
"Fine! Be like that! I'm gonna tell Nanami you're a selfish guy."
"What? No! He already lectured me about not introducing myself properly the other day."
Nobara's laugh was taunting, the one that made it sound like she had pulled away your favourite possession and was holding it just out of your reach.
"Looks like you'll be getting another talking to, young man."
"Kugisakiiiiii ... "
"Oi, let's go get lunch before all the katsudon runs out."
"But didn't Fushiguro come this way?"
Megumi's shoulders sagged. Did Yuuji have to be so persistent? As much as he appreciated the salted egg chips -
"If he is, he doesn't want to be found!"
Nobara sounded more exasperated, a sure sign that the hunger pangs were making her irritable.
Yuuji was standing his ground, however.
"How can you be so sure?"
"That's just how he is, okay? Listen. Fushiguro doesn't want us to know, but he doesn't like snapping at people when he's in a bad mood. He avoids everyone and doesn't talk as much. You've noticed that, right?"
She was met with silence. In spite of himself, Megumi felt his curiosity grow. Finally, Yuuji spoke, and when he did, his voice contained that sober, serious note that was reserved for the rare reflective occasions.
"So that's it, huh. Always wondered. Well, my grandpa was the grumpiest old man ever. I got used to him. I can get used to Fushiguro too."
There was a rustle, as if Nobara had changed position.
"That's his choice, though. If he doesn't want you to -"
"I get it, I get it!"
"Then -"
"But I'm just saying. That's what happens when you get to know someone, right? You get the good and the bad. And sometimes, you get the parts they don't show anyone else. The in-between. It can't just be good all the time, because that'd be creepy."
"Ha. Yeah. Imagine if Fushiguro smiled all the time."
"Ohhh, scary."
"Ew. So gross."
Megumi felt a vein pop on his forehead as these two clowns fell over laughing while slandering his character.
"Oh damn, imagine if he could hear us, Kugisaki?"
"He'd do that thing with his eyes."
"Ohh, yeah, that thing!"
What thing?
"He's so dumb, that dork. He thinks making his eyes narrower means we can't see his expression clearly."
That set them off again. Megumi waited with the patience of someone about to commit a well-planned double homicide. Before long, Yuuji gasped himself to coherent speech again, taking deep breaths.
"Oh man. But yeah. I mean, him worrying about being mean is kinda funny, you know."
"Funny how?"
"Well, think about how I first met him. He saved my life and fought off cursed spirits attacking my friends. And that was all before we'd even had a proper convo, ya know? Like, I knew nothing about this guy, and here he was, risking his life for me."
There was now a strange and unwelcome tightness in Megumi's throat. Yuuji had forgotten two important facts; that Megumi's life had also been saved that day. Not to mention, Yuuji had been threatened with death by none other than himself if Sukuna took over permanently.
"That's how it went. He was just there, shoving me out of the way, telling me to go someplace safe. I mean, I totally get that he needs to be alone sometimes. I guess, I just want to make sure that he's actually okay first. Whether he wants it or not, we're his friends for life, right?"
"Well, heck yeah. He's stuck with us. But ..."
Nobara paused, as if mulling something over.
"You've also gotta learn, Itadori. About him and what he needs. Friendship is a two way street. Get it?"
"Hmm. Yeah, sure I can." There was a crackling sound and the metallic schink of a zipper. "I'll keep these salted egg chips for when I see him, then."
"Now will you cut the friendship talk? I feel like I've tuned into an episode of Yugioh. My stomach's about to digest itself."
"Fiiiiine. Let's go get ... what was on the menu today?"
"Katsudon! I just said - "
"I wasn't paying attention!"
"Clearly, buttface!"
Their voices faded a little as they moved away towards the main building, footsteps shuffling across the stone walkway. Megumi looked down at the headphones that were now in his hand. The headband had three small stickers on it, grey, pink and orange, now creased and faded with the time it had spent jostling around in his backpack. He hadn't put them there, but he saw them every time he reached for his trusty shield against the noise of the day.
The in-between, huh?
He'd always loved silence. It tempered his fractured thoughts, sealing the harsh, cracked edges, replacing them with a soothing void.
Quiet, true quiet, was a gift, but one that came with a heavy price. He thought of the laughter and chatter that must have filled his own house once, long ago. He couldn't remember. It must have been warm.
He'd stay a little longer. Then, maybe he'd take his carefully prepared bento to the canteen. He really did want those salted egg chips.
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ao3feed-nanago · 21 days
salt of the earth
by kairoses There is a lot that Nanami Kento wants, and a lot of it is selfish.  He wants it to be late May forever. He wants the beginning of the cicada season. He wants the sunlight in Gojo’s kitchen to sink into his ribcage and light up the darker spaces inside there. He still wants that house by the sea, but now he doesn't want to be there alone. or, Nanami spends a decade trying not to let himself want Gojo Satoru. Gojo manages to work his way into Nanami's life anyway. Words: 7904, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Anime) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Nanami Kento, Gojo Satoru, Ieiri Shoko, Itadori Yuuji, Kugisaki Nobara, Fushiguro Megumi Relationships: Gojo Satoru/Nanami Kento, Gojo Satoru & Nanami Kento, Ieiri Shoko & Nanami Kento, Itadori Yuuji & Nanami Kento Additional Tags: Cooking, Food as a Metaphor for Love, Canon Compliant, Friends to Lovers, in a very specific nanago way, Mutual Pining, Grief/Mourning, Sexual Content, accidentally gave nanami a praise kink. just a bit, Character Study, Past Haibara Yu/Nanami Kento via https://ift.tt/Vmsa3Ww
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neonscandal · 9 months
So, if you asked to write your top 5 fav characters each from JJK & BNHA, what genre will you put them (or you agree that they should be in shounen)....
My asks are getting funnier. 🥰 As always, thanks for asking, lets dig in.
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Look at these knuckleheads.
JJK Top 5
I've seen people make really funny observations about how every character in JJK belongs in a different universe but was shoehorned into a horror battle shonen and it delights me to no end. I'm not sure if Gege Akutami actually penned characters that are typical of other anime genres, in a sense, but do believe we all collectively just want our faves to have better odds of survival. At this point, Gege looks at fan polls like a dead pool. I think a story where characters are so obviously not meant to be there would be hilarious if done intentionally, camp even.
Satoru Gojo - The duality of a man who is "The Strongest" in universe while maintaining a girly pop facade to circumvent feeling othered by his strength? Two of my favorite things about Gojo are that he is 1) traumatized 🤪✨ and 2) down astronomically for the days he spent with Suguru Geto. Put this man in a shonen ai, stat.
Nobara Kugisaki and Maki Zenin - Yuri. I feel like I don't need to explain myself here except to say that I put them as one item on the list because I didn't want a list of 6 (I have so many faves). Both iconic, both bad ass. No notes. On the other hand, I would never want to rob Maki of her revenge story so... grain of salt if she stays in universe.
Kento Nanami - I was going to say "this man wants to be in an office sitcom so bad" but, truthfully, would not find the overdone gags and antics palatable. Nanami deserves to rest at an even, dulcet tempo. Traumatized in his youth, he really only returns to jujutsu because office work is unfulfilling but imagine if he were in an office shojo with a found family that he had to provide for? I'm not saying this anime is particularly good but plop him in something cozy like "The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague" but with the home life of "Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid". He'll work for the money because it provides for someone else, you know? Let him suffer fools in peace.
Yuji Itadori - Sweet baby angel. Yuji follows the "best of both worlds" phenomenon that we see in other horror anime like Chainsaw Man, Tokyo Ghoul and Attack on Titan wherein he is both human and curse (avoiding further spoilers). But his disposition, his resilience, his pure physical prowess before he ever ate Sukuna's finger? Put this boy in a sports anime and let him thrive. While he'd absolutely body in a fighting sport, what if he was plopped into "Blue Lock"? Sports anime with a dash of horror aesthetic. He'd crush while being as upbeat and hilariously chaotic as Bachira.
Suguru Geto - Baby Girl is one of the most compelling villains we have. I'd say across multiple anime, honestly. He's what happens when a good person, someone who aims to be so morally upright, is faced with the reality that being good actually guarantees you nothing. With someone so unwavering, someone who can't live in shades of grey like Gojo, he can't bend. So he breaks. Honestly, it adds a layer of complexity to the overall story where... can we really, as the viewer, fault him? I feel like he wouldn't have this evolution anywhere else and that there's something to be said as to whether Geto was always doomed by the narrative.
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There's never not been a good time to celebrate this frame, honestly.
BNHA Top 5
What's cool about BNHA is, it is authentically a shonen manga/anime while subverting a lot of it's tropes. BUT, we see this really interesting progression in the art that drifts into horror. Not aiming to spoil anything that's to come in season 7 (body horror, it's body horror. Bones better come through) but you see the beginning of it with the change in vigilante Deku's appearance. If Horikoshi felt inclined to do a horror anime post-BNHA, I'd definitely read.
Katsuki Bakugo - Hilariously, Bakugo wants to shonen so bad but is actually so damsel in distress/love interest coded that it almost undermines his role as Midoriya's rival. Almost. Shonen, shonen ai, I don't think he's out of place in either.
Shoto Todoroki - Todoroki's entire personality and character arc being so intrinsically linked to his family is honestly so amusing given the universe. Like, people have real life superhero powers but awful parents are very much still a thing. So it's interesting to expose the complexity of their family dynamics in tandem with the overarching story because, in every way, the Todoroki family are very much members of the Have's of BNHA society but they are still hopelessly miserable. TBH he could be in a slice of life just experiencing and resolving family trauma. "Kotaro Lives Alone" comes to mind.
Shouta Aizawa - I would cast Aizawa in "Life Lessons with Uramichi Oniisan" but he wouldn't have the decency to show up to work without a sleeping bag. I'm not saying it wouldn't look out of place in universe but do better for the kids. Joking. He's honestly both the perfect teacher but also a big ole hypocrite. He condemns Midoriya for his recklessness and self-sacrificing (re: breaking bones to use his quirk) but didn't think twice about hacking off his own leg, logical though it may have been. I know All Might is cast as the quintessential mentor in the shonen dynamic but Aizawa is the real MVP when it comes to mentoring and guiding the Class 1A competently. Shonen all the way.
Izuku Midoriya - I can't say Magical Girl Anime, I can't say Magical Girl anime. I appreciate Midoriya's similarity to eponymous crybaby hero Sailor Moon, tbh. She too was OP and with the fate of the world on her shoulders, just saying. He falls in line with the shonen trope of eating something and powering up (re: JJK, One Piece, Attack on Titan) but has emotional range that is not typically seen in shonen which, honestly I love. He is masculine while still being aggressively expressive (even if he struggles to articulate his feelings). His character and subsequent development is another way that Horikoshi subverts shonen tropes and I can't wait to see how his story wraps up.
Dabi - This crispy piece of bacon is a walking, talking and dancing personification of resolute rage. He is quite literally a vendetta held together by staples. Later chapters especially, he just gets unrelentingly grosser and more unhinged and it's both disgusting and emotional. To be honest, between him and Shigaraki, they are undeniably horror fodder by design. In fact, the reveal that he was a little misogynistic extremist radical was particularly wild of Horikoshi. Like, basically if he hadn't self destructed on that mountain he'd have been some incel plotting violence on the deep dark web? I'm trying to think of what to plop him into (maybe not his charred body but just his general... maliciousness, conviction and extremism). I feel like something horror, psychological with a sprinkle of thriller? What comes to mind is a dark series on my TBR but the name escapes me about a kid getting revenge one by one against sadistic bullies though its unclear where Dabi falls on that spectrum.
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ao3feed-itafushi · 3 months
sea salt breeze
by acimsenuv tsu·na·mi noun a long high sea wave caused by an earthquake, submarine landslide, or other disturbance. • an arrival or occurrence of something in overwhelming quantities or amounts. — *Unlike normal ocean waves (generated by wind) or tides (generated by the gravitational pull of the sun & moon), a tsunami is generated by the displacement of water from a majorly disruptive event. They are often preceded by intense ground motions and severely abnormal water recession. Words: 4441, Chapters: 4/4, Language: English Fandoms: 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Manga), 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Anime) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Fushiguro Megumi, Itadori Yuuji, Kugisaki Nobara, Zenin Maki, Ieiri Shoko, Iori Utahime, Other(s) Relationships: Fushiguro Megumi/Itadori Yuuji, Fushiguro Megumi & Itadori Yuuji & Kugisaki Nobara, Minor or Background Relationship(s) Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, POV Alternating, Sad Itadori Yuuji, Sad Fushiguro Megumi, Kugisaki Nobara is a Good Friend, Minor Kugisaki Nobara/Zenin Maki, Fushiguro Megumi Loves Itadori Yuuji, Itadori Yuuji Loves Fushiguro Megumi, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Post-Shinjuku Showdown Arc (Jujutsu Kaisen), First Kiss, Confessions, (minor) Jealous Itadori Yuuji, ItaFushi Week 2024 (Jujutsu Kaisen) from AO3 works tagged 'Fushiguro Megumi/Itadori Yuuji' https://ift.tt/pQhVewZ
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🕰️About Me!!🕰️. I’m Peruvian I like reading WEBTOONS, manga, novels, Rick Riordan books, and fanfics. I like watching Disney movies, anime, animated movies/shows. I like playing Obey me, tears of Themis, twisted wonderland
    🫖 Limitations of Characters: 7
    🫖 No lemons 🍋 
    🫖 Don’t be afraid to make as many requests as you want (just don’t expect to be finished quickly)
    🫖 If anything is unclear please tell me and I’ll clear it up. Just make an ordinary request. 
    🫖 Be polite if you are rude then more likely than not your order won’t be made
A/N: I think that’s it if not then I will add it. 
We have a many Menu Sections to chose from. Each Section has a selection of beverages. 
🕰️Menu Sections 🕰️
🧋Twisted Wonderland🧋
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Riddle RoseHeart - Rose Milk Tea
Trey Clover - White Clover Iced Tea
Cater Diamond - Unsweetened Raspberry Black Iced Tea
Deuce Spade - Butterfly Pea Flower Tea
Ace Trapola - Hibiscus Tea
Leona Kingscholar- Thai Bubble Tea
Ruggie Buggie - Teavana Hot Tea
Jack Howl - Classic Milk Bubble Tea
Azul Ashengrotto - Lavender Lemonade Tea
Jade Leech - Taro Bubble Tea 
Floyd Leech - Blue Coral Bubble Tea
Kalim Al-Asim - Honeydew Milk Tea
Jamil Viper - Watermelon Bubble Tea
Vil Schoenheit - Ube Milk Tea
Rook Hunt - Iced Lemon Tea
Epel Felmier - Spiced Apple Tea
Idia Shroud - Coconut Butterfly Pea Flower Milk Tea
Ortho Shroud - Royal Milk Tea
Malleus Draconia - Green Tea
Lilia Vanrouge - Strawberry Matcha Latte 
Sliver - Passionflower Tea
Sebek Zigvolt - Matcha Milk Tea
☕️Tears of Themis☕️
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Artem Wing - Black Coffee
Vyn Richter - White Tea
Luke Pearce - Witch Hazel Tea
Marius von Hagen - Blueberry Milk Tea
🍵Obey Me🍵
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Lucifer - Lychee Black Tea
Mammon - Tiger Milk Tea
Leviathan - BlackBerry Jasmine Tea
Satan - Pineapple Iced Tea
Asmodeus - Salted Sakura Tea
Beelzebub - Pumpkin Spice Milk Tea
Belphegor - Chamomile Tea
Diavolo - Iced Passionfruit Tango
Barbatos - Oolong Tea
Mephistopheles- English Lavender Tea
Luke (Only Platonic) - Honey Milk Tea
Simeon - White Pearl Milk Tea
Raphael - Peach Bubble Tea
Solomon - Solomon's Seal Tea
Thirteen - Dragon Fruit Tea
🧋Demon Slayer🧋
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Tanjiro Kamado - Jasmine Pearl Green Tea
Nezuko Kamado - Pink Lemonade 
Zenitsu Agatsuma - Fresh Mango Bubble Tea
Inosuke Hashibira - Wild Berry Bubble Tea
Kanao Tsuyuri - White Tea
Genya Shinazugawa - Brown Sugar Iced Espresso
Aoi Kanzaki - Blue Raspberry Italian Soda
Giyu Tomioka - Classic Iced Tea
Kyojuro Rengoku - Blood Orange Tea
Tengen Uzui - Caramelized Brown Sugar Boba Fresh Milk
Shinobu Kocho - Blackberry Banana Breakfast Shake
Muichiro Tokito - Cotton Candy Milkshake
Mitsuri Kanroji - Sakura Bubble Tea
Obanai Iguro - Black Sesame Boba Tea
Sanemi Shinazugawa - Espresso
Gyomei Himejimo - Earl Grey Tea
Kanae Kocho - French Rose Tea
Murata - Coffee
Sabito - Peach Iced Tea
Makomo - Strawberry Milk Tea
Yoriichi Tsugikuni - Mint Tea
Yushiro - Peppermint Tea
Tamayo - Purple Tea
Muzan Kibutsuji - Classic Black Tea
Kokushibo - Red Velvet Milkshake 
Doma - Rainbow Refresher 
Akaza - Kashmiri Pink Tea
Nakime - Black Milk Tea
Hantengu - Saffron Tea 
Gyokko - Rainbow Smoothie 
Kaigaku - Blue Raspberry Milkshake
Daki - Thai Pink Milk
Gyutaro - Green Coffee
Enmu - Chocolate Dream Shake
☕️Jujutsu Kaisen☕️ 
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Gojo Satoru - Blue Moon Milkshake
Itadori Yuji - Hot Chocolate 
Megumi Fushiguro - Charcoal Lemonade
Nobara Kugisaki - Italian Raspberry Cream Soda 
Sukuna - Rose Tea
Maki Zenin - Jasmine Milk Tea
Mai Zenin - Jasmine Tea
Inumaki Toge - Purple Cow Milkshake
Yuta Okkotsu - Iced Coffee 
Junpei Yoshino - Lavender Mint Cream Soda
Nanami Kento - Mango Milkshake
Mahito - Boozy Blue Lagoon Milkshake
A/N: This is what is here so far I’ll add more later. Also if you like my writing but don’t like the fandom request! I even do WEBTOONS or myths (Greek, Norse, etc)
🕰️Main Dish🕰️
Headcannons - Croissants
Short Story - Bagels 
Scenarios (Croissants + Bagels) - Macarons
Oneshots - Donuts 
🕰️Side Dishes🕰️
Angst - Dark Chocolate Cookies
Fluff - Ice Cream Sandwich 
Alternate Universe - Galaxy Cakesicles
Hurt/Comfort - Chocolate Gâteau
Romance - Pie
     Poly - Apple Pie
     Character x Character - Cherry Pie
     Character x Reader - Pumpkin Pie
Platonic - Orange Crush Pound Cake
🕰️Order Types🕰️
A typical order for headcannons/croissants is 1-9 beverages, 1-2 side orders.
A typical order for short story/bagel is 1-4, 1-2 side orders.
A typical order for scenarios/macarons is 1-3, 1-4 side orders.
A typical order for oneshots/donuts  is 1, 1-5 side orders. 
Note you can only pick Romance or Platonic you can’t choose both.
Ex: Hi, I would like to order/request character/beverage and genre/side dish in format/main dish; (be specific of what you what)
A/N: Free feel to modify as needed, make sure to leave a two things specified and the rest blank.
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strrkie · 1 year
flavors of jjk characters
amateur set of aroma associations. aromatherapy is my little relaxing hobby, I am not a perfumer
Satoru Gojo woody-musky composition with light floral notes. The fragrance fits snugly to the skin
Suguru Geto oriental woody perfume. his hair and clothes smell of palo santo, he carries a trail of kitchen spices and petricore (Satoru calms down and says even "sobers up" from this fragrance, when you need to put your thoughts in order, Shoko calls him "honey wood")
Shoko Ieiri among the mixed smells of latex gloves, formalin and cigarettes, her fragrance consists of one tuberose and sounds weak, almost imperceptible
Utahime Iori nothing came to mind but the scent of white lily and lemon peel
Yuki Tsukumo I think a refreshing playful composition of neroli and pepper with notes of grapefruit would suit her, while poorly hiding the smell of rubber and metal on her hands
Choso camphor and tea rose
Mei Mei fragrance of cashmere, black currant berries, ginger
Kento Nanami  sun-warmed trees, oak and fresh aquatic notes on warm days, in cold weather he will be warmed combination of guryun balm, bergamot and pomegranate peel
Hiromi Higuruma restrained fragrance of clary sage, cardamom, lavender and cedar
Yuuji Itadori orange, sage, vetiver I think Yuu is not picky, it is normal for him to use a 3 in 1 shampoo with an indefinite smell, he has not yet decided what exactly complements it, he uses different probes that Nobara gives him as a present, but most often unconsciously chooses compositions with orange
Megumi Fushiguro  green tea and oak moss, smell of cleanliness, which happens to washed laundry with a powder without fragrance, brought from the cold into the warmth of the room
Ryomen Sukuna strong vanilla at the beginning and after it sounds deeper with bitter wild herbs and pine needles, supplemented with tobacco, orchid notes and musk, completely eclipsing the original suffocating sweetness
Uraume cotton, fresh figs and burnt laurel leaves
Tsumiki Fushiguro pink pepper and lily of the valley
Toji Fushiguro woody-resin fragrance with animalistic notes and tobacco (he smokes, his hands and clothes smell of strong cigarettes)
Junpei Yoshino ylang-ylang, cumin, cucumber
Mahito something incongruous, for example, the smell of moisture and sweet rot of autumn leaves, a diluent for oil paints in combination with patchouli or vanilla
Yuuta Okkotsu jasmine tea, soy wax, juniper
Toge Inumaki fennel, rosemary, sea buckthorn leaves
Nobara Kugisaki I don't associate with anything other than perfume Funny by Moschino
Maki Zenin watery violet fragrance
Momo Nishimiya peony, freesia, geranium, amber, frankincense, powder (oh, no, Mai, it's not grandma's perfume, it's called a mystical witch fragrance)
Mai Zenin white pineapple strawberries, tobacco dust and cloves
Kasumi Miwa  is something powdery, delicate and barely perceptible iris or verbena
Noritoshi Kamo woody earthy fragrance with a hint of salt and almonds. his hands smell of suede, ink and coffee beans
Kokichi Muta ozone, bigaradia, nutmeg, licorice and musk
Aoi Todo perfumed deodorant with lime, nutmeg, basil and chamomile tea (to calm the rage in the chest in the spa evening)
Kirara Hoshi patchouli, rose and chocolate shampoo
Kinji Hakari iron, spruce, red apple and fire smoke
Mimiko Hasaba vanilla, apricot, wormwood
Nanako Hasaba geranium, rosehip, cinnamon
Nitta Akari rice water, pomegranate, grapefruit, red currant berries
Nitta Arata lavender, cardamom, walnut, lemon
Yorozu red wine, wild honey, rice, ginger cookies
Hajime Kashimo aquatic fragrance, chrysanthemum, bamboo
Naoya Zenin sandalwood, powdered sugar, caramel, salt
Haruta Shigemo fir, tangerine, lime, bitter chocolate, salty-sweet popcorn
Dagon land, mud, sea
Jogo wet burnt wood, mango, gasoline
Hanami fresh grass, garden flowers after rain
Kiyotaka Ijichi cocoa, tobacco, cloves, amber
Ino Takuma guaiac wood, vetiver, bergamot, lemon
Atsuya Kusakabe aquatic or woody fragrance with tea tree
Hana Kurusu powdery mimosa
Ryu Nishikori copaifera balsam, pine resin, clary sage, pineapple and burnt caramel
Takako Uro gunpowder, lemongrass, blackberry, leather notes
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⚠️ please do NOT translate/repost my headcanons on any platform without my permission
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*The squad is having dinner together*
Yuuji: Fushiguro, can you pass the salt?
Megumi: *throws Nobara across the table*
Yuuji: Eh?!?
Megumi, eating peacefully: *shrugs*
Yuuji: Maybe... uhm... cuz you're salty?? *nervous*
Nobara: HA?! AM I THAT SALTY?!💢💢
Yuuji & Megumi, unison: Yes.
Nobara: HAH?!!
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zompompurin · 3 years
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Today was my bday and also the first day of FanX!
ft. my dad as Gojo
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honeymaki · 3 years
Sits next to you on the floor while you’re takin a bath, reading a book or scrolling on their phone, sometimes dipping their fingers beneath the bubbles to touch your thigh or stomach, suggesting maybe some lavender bath salts or listing what they fancied for dinner - as if ten minutes earlier they weren’t fucking you till your eyes rolled back and your tongue lolled out of your mouth.
- Ymir, Pieck Finger, Sasha Braus, Nobara Kugisaki, Maki Zenin, Mei Mei, Mina Ashido, Uraraka Ochako, Mirko, Jirou Kyouka, Alisa Haiba.
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jujutsu-headcanons · 4 years
Characters + sleeping with their s/o
(ft. Yuji, Megumi, Nobara & Gojo)
Itadori Yūji (ft. Sukuna)
This man is a human heater. He's so warm. Is it because he has Satan living in him? Probably
He's a blanket stealer, but a weird blanket stealer. He's legit trained himself to wake up every so often to see if he has the blanket; he puts it over you if he does and immediately falls back asleep
He has to be touching you in some sort of way. He also sprawls out so it's usually his leg thrown across yours
Do not be alarmed if you wake up and he isn't in bed; he's literally three feet away from you making a sandwich in the dark while trying to be as quiet as possible. He's really good at it by the way.
One night you got up to pee and saw Yuji was sitting at the table eating a sandwich. But instead of smiling and telling you, he'll be there in a second, he froze. It was Sukuna. He literally just maintained eye contact with you, mouth puffed out bc he was mid-chew until you shrugged and went on with your business. He shrugged and kept eating. By the time you got back, Yuji was back in bed. 
Fushiguro Megumi
A very light sleeper (unless he's sick/healing) and a very calm sleeper. Don't expect him to toss and turn all night.
He prefers to sleep in complete darkness and silence. On nights he's feeling spontaneous, though, he has a soft blue or purple light he turns on, and occasionally he'll turn on soft music that turns off automatically.
When you're ready to go to bed he'll hold you until you fall asleep. He's very good at telling if you're faking or actually asleep. Right as he falls asleep he usually turns away while still staying very close to you.
Sometimes he'll roll over and pull you close and nuzzle into whatever body part his face just landed in; he isn't aware of this so don't bring it up, hell be embarrassed.
Some nights he has trouble sleeping. You'll wake up and he's either reading on his phone (literally this boy has dark mode, nightlight and his screen turned all the way down just for you) or he's out taking a walk in the woods. 
Kugisaki Nobara
The big spoon. It doesn't matter if you're taller/bigger than her. She's the big spoon. Do not argue.
Blanket stealer. But that's okay because she sleeps with six pillows and six more blankets. If she steals the comforter, she has a soft fuzzy blanket balled up somewhere you can just steal that's equally as warm.
The bed is also full of controllers bc she puts on Netflix to sleep. You guys pick out a different movie at bedtime to fall asleep, and it's usually one of the same like five movies in rotation.
She's a kicker. And a puncher. She sleeps with her mouth open and her hair in a teeny bun. She sprawls out. All of this is done in the most elegant way you've ever seen.
She always ends up sleeping with some sort of light on, but not because she wants to if that makes sense. There's always light from something; the tv, a salt lamp, the defuser, and sometimes the led lights don't get turned off. HATES waking up to natural light, though, so she has heavy blackout curtains across every window.
Gojo Satoru
Most nights you're actually not getting any sleep because Gojo is a tease. He cannot keep his hands to himself and this escalates to other things.
He's clingy. Oh so clingy. He will wrap both arms and legs around you to keep you from going anywhere. He feels like an anchor. God forbid you to have to wake up before him.
His sleep schedule is wack though. There are so many different variables to this; he neglects paperwork until just before it's due, he gets sent overseas a lot and gets used to different time zones, being the strongest he gets called off on emergency missions no matter the time of day, etc. He gets angry if you try to stay up for him (in a cute way) and forces you to bed (by throwing you over his shoulder, slamming you into bed, covering you up, and threatening to handcuff you to the bed [but you would like that wouldn't you]) so some nights you fall sleep without him. You also wake up without him a lot. But neither of these happens frequently enough to be depressing.
When he's out of town on business, he facetimes you when you're ready to fall asleep. It doesn't matter what time it is or what he's doing (the only time he won't do this is mid-battle), you wanted to fall asleep to his voice so you're falling asleep to his voice. He sings songs, tells stupid stories, tells you about memes he sees, etc. Until you fall asleep. He then stays for a while and just listens to you breathe, which makes him happy.
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pillow-anime-talk · 2 years
i love girls month ; tenth day.
synopsis: It was your dream to have a valuable person with you. And after years your dream came true, and you could finally call Rumi yours. Only yours and it’s official.
# tags: scenario; current marriage relationship; honeymoon!au; fluff; kisses; suggestive
includes: gender neutral reader ft. rumi usagiyama {bnha}
author’s note: i LOVE women. especially this one.
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Your eyes sparkled as soon as you stepped out onto the huge terrace overlooking the Hawaiian beaches, a few palm trees with coconuts and the stretching Pacific Ocean. You were delighted with the smell of salt water, hot sun and the general, beautiful weather outside your window.
“... So, baby? Do you like it?” Rumi approached you slowly, then hugged you from behind, placing her chin on your shoulder. “The weather is kind to us on the very first day of our holiday. Maybe we’ll go to the beach tonight?”
“It’s wonderful, it really is.” You sighed dreamily, then turned your head slightly to kiss the tall woman on the right cheek. “Thank you. This is an amazing gift, I was not expecting it. And yes, I’d love to go for a walk with you. I would like to buy some souvenirs for my family and friends.” You giggled and the rabbit woman laughed with you.
Your wife – what a beautiful phrase, ahh – gave your kiss back after a long moment, but unlike you, she gave your lips a sweet, long caress. Rumi was really confident in her actions, so after a short while a firm grip of her fingers was on your hips, and a kiss from the mouth hit your neck and collarbone.
“... Maybe you would like to celebrate our first day of marriage?” She asked with a slight smirk, then pushed a piece of your blouse off your shoulder. One more warm peck landed on your hot skin.
“Of course, my love.” You smiled and after a second your body was lifted up; your legs quickly encircled Rumi’s hips, and she immediately moved towards the large bedroom with a huge four-poster bed and tons of soft, brown pillows.
You always felt so loved with her, so small and so indescribably beautiful; unlike your beloved woman, you weren’t a superhero and you didn’t have superhuman strength, you couldn’t jump as far as the others, you couldn’t fly or swim in the depths of lakes or seas, you couldn’t read minds or turn into different animals. You were just yourself, a normal person with no quirk. But Rumi loved it about you; she loved the fact that she could take care of you, that she could protect you, that she could be your greatest support and a safe haven.
“Lovely as always. My beautiful.” She admitted softly, even in a whisper, as soon as your body was laid on the velvet sheets. “After all, I only have you to myself. Just the two of us.” She smiled softly, and her muscles tightened as soon as she bent over your half-naked body. “I love you.”
“I love you more, my wife.”
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previous day ; nobara kugisaki and maki zenin from jujutsu kaisen ♡ next day ; machi komacine from hunter x hunter
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ao3feed-nanago · 19 days
salt of the earth
by kairoses There is a lot that Nanami Kento wants, and a lot of it is selfish.  He wants it to be late May forever. He wants the beginning of the cicada season. He wants the sunlight in Gojo’s kitchen to sink into his ribcage and light up the darker spaces inside there. He still wants that house by the sea, but now he doesn't want to be there alone. or, Nanami spends a decade trying not to let himself want Gojo Satoru. Gojo manages to work his way into Nanami's life anyway. Words: 8018, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Anime) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Nanami Kento, Gojo Satoru, Ieiri Shoko, Itadori Yuuji, Kugisaki Nobara, Fushiguro Megumi Relationships: Gojo Satoru/Nanami Kento, Gojo Satoru & Nanami Kento, Ieiri Shoko & Nanami Kento, Itadori Yuuji & Nanami Kento Additional Tags: Cooking, Food as a Metaphor for Love, Canon Compliant, Friends to Lovers, in a very specific nanago way, Mutual Pining, Grief/Mourning, Sexual Content, accidentally gave nanami a praise kink. just a bit, Past Haibara Yu/Nanami Kento, Touch-Starved Gojo Satoru, Character Study via https://ift.tt/CsUrFLZ
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