ninjasmudge · 7 months
why does gardenscapes want to hurt that old man so badly what did he do. what kind of hellish purgatory is he in
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bubblebear5000 · 1 year
Oh to be sitting atop a city with the love of my life. The Sun casting long shadows on the horizon and painting the warmest sky to ever bless our eyes. The cool breeze carrying clouds across the ever dimming twilight and the keeper of my heart just an an arms reach away.
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moonknowshome · 1 year
Podrías compartirme el vídeo por favor??
Hi! checa tus mensajes ♡ ahí ya te los mandé y esta es la supuesta info de Louis en Los Cabos
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gaypirate420 · 9 months
Stars // Jasper W. Hale.
Jasper Whitlock-Hale x gn!reader.
Summary: You're bored in class and doodle on Jasper's arm.
Fluff. Jasper's Battle Scars.
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A yawn scaped your lips as you stared down at your teacher as she gives a lecture that is not registering on your mind at all. She's talking something about the history of Forks, you don't care, she's boring and it's making you sleepy.
You stared down at your notes, empty except for today's date, your eyes travel to your right to find Jasper actually paying attention and writing down what he finds useful.
"Isn't that a bit useless?" You whisper to him, Jasper's eyes meet yours and he smirks, he raised an eyebrow.
"Writing down notes for history, I mean, I don't think you need notes, you where there." You explained, whispering very low the last part, Jasper lean over closer to you.
"I don't, but you need them, darlin'." He whispered back with a small smile. You smiled and felt your cheeks warming up after hearing the nickname. Your hand went up to his messy hair and brush it down with your fingers, he smiled at your action and let you be.
He quickly stealed a kiss off your cheek and kept paying attention to the class as if nothing happened while you felt your cheeks burning.
Jasper saw how your attention went to anything but the class, you took your pencil case that's full of scrunched up post its and colorful pens and started doodling on your notebook.
Jasper doesn't mind helping you, he gets to spend more time with you and you get a handsome vampire tutor to explain you what you missed over and over if necessary and never gets angry.
The vampire looks back at the teacher, as he hears your pen moving all around the page.
He feels you lifting the sleeves of his sweater and cursing under your breath when you found his dress shirt.
"So many layers, can't even get cold." You murmur teasinly, if it wasn't from his increased hearing he would miss little things like this. Jasper smirks and continues to write before he feels the pen against his marble skin.
He stayed still for a second, his eyes moved to look at you.
You can't see them, his scars, not all of them. But the ones you do seem to be treated with extreme care as you started doodling on his pale arm.
They don't itch, they don't hurt, but, for him, it felt so nice, so important.
Jasper felt flustered, almost like his dead hearth skipped a beat at the sight of the tender scene.
You drew stars, it felt right. You smiled widely as you keep adding more and more, along with little hearts and even a flower on his forearm.
"Do you like your tattoos?" You whispered with the cutest smile he's ever seen. Jasper nodded.
"You're very talented, pumpkin." He could feel your heart skipping and of course your emotions going wild. He smiles as your happiness rub off on him.
"Now you do mine." You offered your pen to him, Jasper looked back at the teacher who spoke nonsense by now, he could make the teacher look like fool on another day for now he smiles and picks up the pen.
His icy cold fingers gently grabbed your arm, bringing it closer to him, you felt a shiver down your body at the sensation.
Your felt the tingly sensation of the pen against your arms, making you giggle silently.
Jasper drew flowers, some skulls that matched your wristband and of course, stars. Your eyes admired him, his blonde hair falling on his face and his furrowed eyebrows showing the absolute dedication to this task.
"There, sugar." He spoke gently, you looked at your arm and grabbed his hand. You saw his wrist and with your free hand you passed two of your bracelets from your wrist to his.
Jasper smiled again, it's odd for him to doing that so many times on so little time, he's getting giddy in the best way possible.
"Now we match." You spoke with an excited whisper. Jasper nodded, your eyes went wide with an idea.
"We should wear matching outfits one day." You smiled wider at the thought. The vampire nodded in agreement.
"That's a great idea, dear." His golden eyes looked at you before he leaned and kissed your lips.
"Mister Hale." The teacher called his name and he pulled away from you, your cheeks were burning again and you looked at the floor in embarrassment.
"I'm sorry, Miss." Jasper spoke with a victorious smirk as the teacher's frown disappears and turns into a smile, and of course the rest of the class magically turning their heads from you and Jasper.
"Don't worry about it." The teacher spoke with a following chuckle before returning to give her lecture. You giggle softly and shaked your head in mocking disapproval.
Jasper steals another quick peek on your lips before focusing back to writing notes for you.
A/N: Little fluffy one shot for y'all, I'm working on the requests do not worry. Hope you like it!
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yourpsicodelicbitch · 6 months
Mars/mars pc astro observations bc yes
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*birth chart + tropical
I’ve noticed you can spend more time with people who have the same sign mars as you or you can feel more comfortable, daah.
mars trine saturn are so fucking loyal to what they’re archiving, they take their time, they could be fucked up on following other things but when they have something in mind, they’ll do it.
scorpio mars could be synonym of transformation, sadly this people could have had a special person in their life who was going through a rough time and they were by their side, scorpio mars not knowing what to do with all that amount of energy, feeling guilty and desperate. they could have been used to an anxious environment.
aquarius mars stop being so concerned and furious when you don’t understand others behavior, not everything is logic. I get it, you’re aware of how people act and how things work but that doesn’t mean you have to act like that to feel accepted -don’t take this seriously-. also, you look cute when you’re feeling yourself💋🎀
6H mars ik it’s daily for you, being mad and everyone noticing but you, or you’re not mad and everyone thinks you are? don’t get mad if I don’t left something you let me in the same way you gave it to me!! -exaggeratedly-. Don’t get mad if we’re not as organized as you!! don’t put your energy on those things, being mad on little details
mars at 5°, 17° or 29° (leo degree) STOP WITH THE PRIDEFUL ATTITUDE, you can’t even apologize wisely
mars at 9° or 21° (sagittarius degree) YOU CAN’T TAKE THINGS SERIOUSLY when they’re confronting your unserious attitude or EVER. you look like a little kid trying to scape, STOP. “You thought..”, then look at the consequences. too chill for my patience. -thinking of someone while typing-
3H mars why do they have to have the same taste in music as you so you’ll immediately find them attractive? or them having the same interests as you -same favorite movie, series, etc-. also they could be dorks 🤓☝️
mars opposition jupiter makes people who have this aspect feeling they’re stuck on their process of their goal/dream, they could feel they’re constantly in the process and not identifying their progress or the positive aspects. they could feel really insecure/have a low self stem, comparing themselves with others. they could be seem as too idealistic.
when you’re mad with libra mars they can have a “I did nothing incorrect/wrong” attitude, they could even ask “when did I did that? Prove it”, like you remember every detail like them 😒
8H mars are MOODY, they have to do what they want and often base their decisions on how they feel. they don’t force things, they do how they feel. when they were children, they could have been seen as aggressive or unstoppable? unpredictable
sun square mars screams issues with your dad or the opinion of your dad and how he does things has/have had a lot of impact on your life and identity, way of proceeding. impulsive and gets excited like a kid when you give them a candy, oh but when you take it away…RUN.
as a mars at 10° or 22° (capricorn degree), yes I feel the need to be in charge -boss around-, I’m learning to not want/understand I don’t have to be in control every fucking time 😏 In every aspect. 
I’m still thinking virgo mars is the most resentful of all of them. they’ll do ANYTHING to protect their loved ones, they do everything they can to try to understand them, they’re so DEDICATED. it’s an honor to be one of their few special persons.
mars at 3°, 15° or 27° (gemini degree) LOVES, NEEDS to receive affirmations about how good they’re, in bed. a “I love your ass” will be a motivation to do more things…again, if it’s not in bed, they need to know how they’re doing things, they need communication to feel secure or that they’re doing it good.
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mars persona chart*
gemini 5H in mars persona chart indicates is fucking hilarious/fun for you to tease people. how, when and what you talk, you do it on purpose, to see how far someone patience can last or to analyze their reactions. in every aspect. you can have a way with words that helps you to initiate things easily in bed.
cancer 6H in mars pc can mean you have to feel you like the sport you’re about to do to actually have motivation and be constant with it. for example, I started going to gym bc a friend was practically asking every day if I could be her gym partner, I didn’t want to and when I finally went was bc principally she was gonna be there, I emphasize with her and had to do something for my mental health -everyone was mentioning I had to-, not bc I like to do sport? Or going to the gym? I like how I’m feeling?😭 idk how to explain it.
aries venus in mars pc yes we know people who are horny makes you horny. you love how focused are on their life and how much they think on what they can do next, that they’re not wasting their time. it makes you wet 😝 that they get mad over little things and that they’re direct and a little idiots to process things.
taurus mercury in mars pc are so possessive, they want to know if you’re about to come and to affirm it, to tell them they made you feel so good to then choke you. they want proves on how good they’re doing it and how they can be better.
cancer mars in mars pc can be turned on whatever has to do with a mother figure 😭 or what’s seen as feminine? But more on a mother way. for example, if someone is taking care of them unconditionally and has this cancer aspect -big boobs, round face, innocent eyes- they’ll imagine being taken care in another way later
mars-uranus aspects in mars pc is attracted/turned on to people who are rejected by society, someone who is seemed as rebel or does change. not necessarily they have to be part of a social movement but since little details. for example, what’s rejected by conservative people, piercings 😝 an unique way of standing for themselves, etc.
neptune 1H in mars pc: you feel yourself with the unexpected. you even get horny?😭 your personality could be even unexpected.
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♡ Based on personal experience and what I’ve analyzed in my surroundings.
♡ English is not my first language.
♡ I’m not a profesional astrologer.
Thank youu. baibaiii🫣🫶🏼💋
Do not copy. Please give me credits
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delumimi · 10 months
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Summary: Romantic night with your husband Leon. That’s it.
Gender: Smut with a touch of angst but very soft.
Pairing: ID!Leon Kennedy x Reader
Warnings: Just soft sex.
A/n: This is my first smut so don’t make fun of me 😭, i’ve been wanting to write a story like- just vanilla sex because y’all are so kinky it’s scary LMAO. Anyways enjoy your reading and as always let me know your thoughts on the comments, I’ll be answering.
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You and Leon were currently arriving from dinner at an Italian’s place, complaining that he could’ve made the exact same pasta at home but after the recent incident when he almost burned the entire house down, you weren’t trusting him again on the kitchen.
Teasing him about his luck on cooking being the same as driving, he gave you a roll of his eyes before getting in the car to start the way home.
The car ride was filled with music on the background and occasionally some small talk between Leon and you as his hand caressed yours kissing it on every stop.
“Tired?” He asked breaking the comfortable silence.
Turning to look at him, you answered.
“A little… Yeah.” You shrink from cold and you rub your arms up and down.
“Want me to turn the heater on?” He turned his head to look at you.
“It’s fine, we are about to arrive anyway.” You gave him a reassuring smile leaning a little him to kiss his cheek.
Smiling back, his eyes returned to the road again.
These types of rides were definitely your favorite, just you and Leon and nothing else to disturb you two after so many days of stress, you finally get to relax a little and pass time with eachother.
It surely has been a long time since you two got to relax and it saddened you.
After a few minutes you arrived home and of course Leon as the gentleman he is, opened the door for you.
“What a gentleman.” You tease him and you stepped out of the car.
“Only for you ma’am.” He helped you get on your feet before walking towards the house door.
Entering the key, Leon opened the door gesturing you to walk in first.
Letting a sigh of relief leave your lips at the feeling of being home, you took off your coat and place it on the sofa before turning to Leon.
You approach him slowly from behind, placing your hands on his chest and resting your head in his shoulder.
“Thank you for the dinner, love.” You said with an evident smile in your face.
You heard Leon chuckle a little before slightly turning his head to the side.
“Anything for you, don’t thank me.” He took one of your hands and kissed your knuckles, you felt your chest grow warm at the gesture.
Suddenly, you felt yourself drown in a feeling of nostalgia. Leon and you finally being able to relax brought you almost tears to your eyes and you think back at the times when Leon used to be trained, returning home at horrific hours of the night and with a lot of injuries that you would treat crying.
Marrying him was easy but waiting for him wasn’t. And the fact that he would be back on a mission tomorrow just made it worst for you.
You knew Leon wasn’t of your property but still… You want to be selfish.
You need it. You need him to stay.
You want to make him forget, get rid of his stress that tormented him every night. Not that you would ever told him, Leon already had enough with his own world and having to deal with your worries will make it worse.
But still, words like “stay” and “don’t leave” will always threat to scape out of your mouth.
Words like “I need you”.
Suddenly, you turned Leon’s body roughly before pushing him into a sweet but desperate kiss. Your hands roaming towards his chest and he gasped in your mouth clearly taken aback but not complaining. You don’t care of the lack of oxygen in your system at this moment, you need him closer.
Need him to stay.
After a while, Leon pulls away to stare deeply into your eyes and god… You will never get tired of the way those beautiful blue eyes looked at you with such an adoration that made your heart ache and skip a beat at the same time.
You caressed his face, lips touching and nose brushing, hands on his chest threatening to get lower.
“I’m glad to finally have you for me tonight.” You whisper in his lips.
“You can always have me to yourself, don’t you know that?” He responds softly.
“Except when you leave.” You closed your eyes, it’s time to tell him. “I know that you have your job and everything but my worry never ceases, you always leave with the promise of coming back to me and I believe you but Leon…” Your lips tremble. “I always need you by my side, I need you when you leave and I need you now and I always will.” You hear your heart on your ears. “Stay with me longer?” You finally open you eyes.
Leon’s bag drops to the floor.
He kisses you.
He kisses you as an apologetic way of saying sorry for everything, for the worries, for the nights you couldn’t sleep, for the tears that fell from your eyes at some point of having an anxiety attack waiting for his arrival.
You feel his tongue entering your mouth making a choked whimper escape your mouth, the familiar ache between your legs forming.
You try to cross your thighs to get some friction but Leon stops you, groaning you look at him with a frown on your face.
“I’ll make it up to you sweetness, patience is key.” A teasing smile forming on his lips.
“You’re no fun.”
“It’ll be worth it I promise.” His hands come down to grip your ass under the fabric of your blue dress. “I will have you naked in any time.” He whispers seductively in your ear, the words alone made a moan escape your lips before you feel him tapping the backside of your knees. Confused, you looked up.
“Let me carry you to heaven.” He says, and who are you to deny him?
You jump and instinctively your legs wrap around his waist, his muscles tense up as he lifts your body up, placing you in his arms gently. He looks at you with a hint of lust in his eyes, his body craving you. Leon’s hands come to rest around your ass again before you feel him rushing to the bedroom.
Leon places you carefully on the bed before leaning down to capture your lips in a passionate but sweet kiss. You spread your legs to make more space for him and your arms wrap around his neck. He only pulls away to take his shirt off, revealing his tone body to you and no matter how many times you see him naked, this man never fails to take away your breath.
You take a moment to look at him as your hands roam against his body, the details and scars painted on his chest… The thought of kissing every one of them crosses your mind, might leave it for another occasion though.
However, there’s one detail about him that makes your eyebrows furrow, the eye bags under his eyes. You knew about Leon’s constant nightmares, making him have trouble sleeping.
He refused to let you know so you wouldn’t worry but after one night of you waking up to see Leon sitting up with heavy breaths and a pale face, he commented on it. You two have made a deal to tell each other when something was wrong so you wouldn’t have to deal with the pain alone.
You thought you were past that.
Your hand comes to gently touch his face, especially his eye bags. He immediately melts under your touch.
“You look tired.” You speak quietly.
“I’ve been not sleeping properly…” He breaks eye contact with you obviously feeling a little guilty.
“You are never sleeping properly Leon…”
“You know me so well don’t you?” He chuckles gently before looking at you through his hair, making him look a little embarrassed and maybe even shy.
“I am your wife, Leon.”
His eyes soften a little before turning again into a lustful look, his hands roaming into your back making you arch against his chest.
“Of course you are,” He leans down, sucking at the sensitive spots on your neck making you whimper. “You’re always here to remind me.”
His hands find the zipper of your dress, not pulling so you could give him the look of confirmation and when you do, his fingers tug your dress off and he stares at you, his eyes filled with desire.
“My beautiful wife.” he whispers and his lips touch yours once more. You feel the possessiveness of his touch, your head spins a little. This man is driving you crazy.
The grip he used to have on your back comes to your breasts, his left hand squeezing one while the other plays with your right nipple, your back once again arching into his hands.
“Please Leon…” You begged, a squeal leaving your lips as he sucks your nipple.
And of course as the asshole he is, he slightly pulls away to look at you.
His fingers run along your chest as he shifts himself to get more comfortable. “Please.. What..?” He asks with a smirk.
Oh fuck this guy.
Wasn’t the begging enough for him?
You whine out of frustration and close your eyes, not getting along with the idea of you begging.
A few seconds of silence pass before Leon breaks the silence.
“Common love we don’t have all night, remember?”
You groan in annoyance before opening your eyes resigning yourself to humiliation.
“Please ugh- need you Leon, I need you to touch me- fuck me please I’m begging.” You look at him through your lashes.
And he was never strong enough to deny you.
He practically rips away you underwear, his fingers running down to your slit capturing the wetness, a raspy moan escaping his lips at the feeling.
And you weren’t doing any better than him, you were a moaning mess once you feel his fingers rubbing your clit and after what seemed like years, one finger enters you immediately curling.
“Fuuuck,” You arched into Leon, missing the feeling of him being close you wrap your arms and legs around him, you pulled his head down kissing him roughly but so desperately. “Please Leon don’t make me wait up anymore.” You were begging again.
That was all the confirmation he needed.
He begins to pull down his pants and his boxers following.
His hardening and aching cock was released out of his pants, you observe in awe as he strokes himself, looking at you with pink cheeks getting a little shy about the situation.
“Like what you see?” He asks.
“Yes but I don’t think I can wait up any longer.”
You sounded desperate but you didn’t even care at this point, you needed him inside you.
He chuckles at your response before lining up to your entrance.
“Well in that case, you will be taking a lot from me.”
With that final sentence, he pushes himself into you groaning at the sudden contact. His tip going in first slowly and your nails scratch his back, Leon hisses at the painful contact before groaning as he bottoms out inside of you. A mixture of pleasure and pain appears and you take a moment to collect yourself. Leon leans down to pepper kisses in your face making you smile at the warm gesture. The pain soon fades and now you are left with the feeling of pure euphoria. Feeling a little devil you purposely clench around him making him let out a whimper.
He laughs breathlessly before putting a hand on your neck and leaning down to capture your lips in a rough kiss.
“I’m gonna make you regret that.”
And with that, Leon’s pace increments roughly taking you aback, moaning like a mantra with every thrust of his hips brushing your g-spot, one of his hands squeezing at your neck while the other grips strongly on your hip, it will surely leave a mark by the time morning comes.
Moaning even louder when you felt him lean down to suck at your right breast. You truly didn’t mean to hurt Leon this time but when you felt his finger rub at your clit, you pulled at his hair- fucking hard.
“You…Should’ve…Told me…” He says between heavy breaths. “That you felt this way.” He takes the hand that was at your neck giving it a final squeeze before his lips connect at your neck, leaving purple marks and hickeys as he continues fucking you.
“And you should’ve told me you were- Ah!- having nightmares again…” You moan between thrusts as you feel him getting deeper.
Leon seems to read your mind and grabs both of your legs pushing them towards your chest, this new angle made him hit spots that had you seeing white lights.
How can this man be so good in bed?
You close your eyes at the stimulation, tears about to fall from your eyes as you feel Leon’s thrust grow faster and harder. You knew he was close by this.
“L-Leon…” You say his name between breaths and you feel him grab your face.
“Look at me.” He says with a demanding tone on his voice. “I want you to see me while you finish.” And god those words alone would make you cum right here in his arms. Obediently you open your eyes to make eye contact with him and you truly didn’t expect what you found in them.
A look of pure love and adoration.
Even when you two were this intimate, Leon never failed to remind you that he loved you, even like this: wrapped in each-others embrace in a lustful but still romantic way as you whisper “i love you’s” between moans and kisses.
“If I could have you like this everyday and never left to work,” Leon cups you face gently. “I would’ve never leave you, gorgeous.”
And of course you finish, and I mean who wouldn’t after those words? You finish and fucking hard to the point you see starts after your orgasm, clenching around him. Leon knows exactly how to get you to your breaking point more than yourself do, you loved that about him. After so many years of being in love with him and 5 years marrying him, you two have your difficulties but always know how to deal with them… Together, you will deal with everything together.
Leon’s expression twitch at the feeling and with some final thrusts and cursing words, he finishes inside of you.
And you embrace him because another thing you know about him is that he likes being hold, not that he would ever admit it out loud, he isn’t a man who likes sharing his emotions but you… You were special, you were the only one who got to see that side of him.
You hear his heavy breathes on you ear before he pulls out of you laying by your side so he won’t crush you.
Smiling a little and you turn so you could rest your head on his shoulder. He smiles down at you and kisses your head, his lips staying there for a moment.
“I’ll call Hunnigan and tell her I won’t be showing up tomorrow.” Leon breaks the silence, his fingers playing with your head.
“Really? You sure?” You hesitate.
“Yeah, would love to spent more time with you tomorrow.” Leon declares, a soft tone was heard on his voice.
And you believe him, you’ll believe all the promises he gave you because he was Leon Scott Kennedy.
A man of words and your husband.
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charles-leclerizz · 1 month
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recording : date_number #1
word count : 788 words
reading time : 3 minutes 19 seconds
Masterlist · 🪷 Aisha · 🪷 Porsche F1 Team · 🪷
their playlist · 🪷 the relationships · 🪷 their relationship · 🪷 their pinterest board
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" You think they saw us ? " aisha whispered, grasping her clutch to her waist as lando winded a hand around her waist and guided her up the steps of the ritz-carlton.
He snorted against her and placed a kiss on her exposed neck whilst plucking the keys of her Porsche from her hand to drop them into the obedient valet who stood patiently for them.
" I would be worried if they didn't "
His words seemed to work as a prayer, impromptu flashes and unintelligible shouts surrounded the couple who merely squeezed closer together whilst aisha glanced apologetically at the worker who was navigating the crowd with her car.
" You summoned them, " she hissed into his ear, smiling at the odd, matte black barrells that were aimed at her.
Lando chuckled, raising a hand up to take her chin into his grasp and pressed his lips against her cheek, his mouth raising into a cheeky smirk, " yea well, they're rabid dogs. "
She hummed in answer, laying her forehead against his shoulder tiredly, " can we go in now ? " aisha whined, her vision blurring at the startling beams of light increased tenfold.
Lando nodded, glancing down at her, " lets go. " he tutted his head in acknowledgement at the paparazzi before taking her hand and guiding them through the threshold of the resort.
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" Date number 3 and they've just begun to post about us " aisha giggled down at her phone and twisted her wrist to show the man who sat in front of her the app.
" Is that what these are ? " lando grins back, " I just thought I was getting to look at a pretty woman for a large fee. " he shrugs as he leans back and takes in the late evening city scape.
The sprawling metropolis sat alight beyond them from the perch of the dinner table, the glistening lights from the various buildings illuminated the private meal from the rooftop restaurant they shared.
" A large fee ? honey, it's payment for being able to look at a pretty woman "
He laughed at that and reached over the table to take her hand in his whilst running his thumb over the gentle idents of her knuckles, " hmmm " he kissed each finger purposefully, " I guess you're right. "
" You've changed norris. " aisha cocked her head affectionately as she slipped her fingers out of his hold and ran them through his curls.
" I would hope so. last time we were together, we were just 15 years old. "
" You know what I mean." she sighs, " drivers are meant to be man whores, sleeping around and arrogant while they do it. you're nothing like what I heard. "
" And here I thought you were focusing on your career. "
" I am- but it's hard to ignore the journalists. "
Lando leaned back in his chair before jutting his foot out to nudge her heeled one, " well then lucky me, " he leaned his head onto his palm whilst the other came to wrap around his empty wrist, " because I'm perfectly happy with you. "
" You're too much of a flirt for your own good, " she arched a brow at him from over the rim of her wine glass, the sweet and perky alcohol slipped down her throat slowly as his eyes watched the nape of her neck like a python and its prey.
" You fell for it. " he argued, hazel eyes glinting.
" Fell for it ? jury's still out on that one. " she slid out of her chair, pushing away from their empty plates as she sauntered out towards the lip of the roof, pristine glass protected her from the far drop as a cool breeze swept by.
The gold silk of her dress rippled, and the swooping cut of her back tickled the dimples of her hips whilst the thin chain skimmed her spine. Leaning forward, aisha braced her elbows on the glass before she glanced behind her and bit her lip at lando who was approaching her from his place.
His shadow overtook her space as he leaned down to her ear and whispered, " never got the opportunity to appreciate your outfit tonight, " his fingers trailed down to the seam of where the fabric embraced the arch of her back, " it's perfect. " he purred.
" I never fuck up an ensemble norris, you better learn that quick. " she twisted in his hold and tucked her nose into his neck, " it's best for you. "
" yes ma'am " he mumbled against her.
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MUTUALS GET INSTANT TAGS [@vroomvroomcircuit, @disneyprincemuke, @verstappen-cult, @starkwlkr, @sailing-with-100-ships, @foreveralbon, @lorarri], OTHERS [@weekendlusting, @woozarts, @mellowarcadefun, @paintedbypoetry, @33-81, @kazuha-pista-badam, @inejghafawifesblog,d3kstar, @itsjustkhaos, @tremendousstarlighttragedy, @xoscar03,@nichmeddar, @sisinever], IF YOU WANT TO BE TAGGED, PLEASE SEND IN AN ASK !
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directors note's : oh oh oh, here we are people, welcome to the first of 5 cute-sy dates from the paddocks it couple ! i just thought these would be nice to fill the silence between episodes [ which btw, i have not started writing ep 2. life really fucking sucks ] please let me know if you love this couple as much as i do. or if you havve some theories about their future. it's yap-central in my inbox so come one, come all
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thedivineart · 1 year
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⠀⠀⠀꒰⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⌷ .⠀⠀d i s c l a i m e r⠀⠀✿𝆬
[ 𝒜𝓇𝓉 ✧ ] any events and other things in your life are cannot be accurately predict by me and the tarot cards, do take a note that we are 'still' the creator of our 'future'- what you 'do' now will be the outcome of your future life and this could be either a good or bad, if your doing good and you are good to others expect the bright future ahead but in reverse you might expect the worst.
[ ℰ𝓂𝒾𝓈 ✧ ] to pick a pile, firstly take a good deep breath, second focus on every pile in the photo provided below { pile one, pile two, pile three }, and lastly scroll more down to reveal your reading. if you cannot still pick up any of the pile, do remember the sequence of what is written in the first sentence.
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ꕀ ׅ࣪ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ 𝓅𝒾𝒸𝓀 𝒶 𝒸𝒶𝓇𝒹 ; facts and secrets of your ᵍʳᵉᵃᵗᵉˢᵗ ˡᵒᵛᵉ
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[ 𝒜𝓇𝓉ℯ𝓂𝒾𝓈 ✧ ] grammatical errors ahead, if you're a perfectionist then leave this pac. I do write with so many flaws and I know it's not perfect since my first language isn't english.
-` 𝑇𝐻𝐸𝐷𝐼𝑉𝐼𝑁𝐸𝐴𝑅𝑇 ´- ✰︵ — m a s t e r l i s t ´-
: ・. ゚ ✧. : ・. ☽˚。 ・゚ ✧: ・. :.
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seems that they likes socialising, sort of life of the party individual and may possibly that they got alot of friends since they value friendships however there's something happened between them and a friend ( probably group of friends ) which lead your person to feel victimize and got anxiety. either this called friend is hating/sabotaging them or bullying them, idk but this one 'friend' and your person isn't in good terms, definitely fear this 'friend' too. hmm, I feel that there's something fishing involve here, I think your person and this 'friend' have something before, like they tried to be in relationship before but actually failed to become stable. this person of yours may/already feel heartbreak and betrayal in their timeframe, even though they got friends they still feel need someone to fill their loneliness. on the other side, they literally got it all and might come from wealthy or wealthy by themselves (if they are a 'man'), high status in life and often in leadership position like in company being it's c.e.o or the boss where they work, actually they got multiple options and choices about their life, like they can get what they like unlike the others. however they tends to daydream and imagine often. also likes luxurious things or materialistic individual they are, they care about the money alot and good at handling it, they literally hate it when someone is late when there's a sched and call time when it be happen, but they are slow to be anger. when you see this person physically and in reality, you'll be having the thought of "they looks tough and cold individual" when it quite faraway from it, they know how to hide their innocence and vulnerability inside by hiding it on their appearance. one thing that keeps me interested with this individual, they willing to give it all if they love someone that's why often they end up feels of being disappointed and just hurting themselves but they know how to heal themselves too. knife and skull symbol might be prominent for this person maybe a tattoo or they like those symbols.
- dm me for personal readings
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tw: die, kill
soulmates connection here.there's two scenario here, first -they know within themselves that they are defensive being but of course they don't wouldn't tell it, if they found themselves in that situation they tends to walk away and leave that situation or where they are now, they want to leave and scape to that place but they don't know how, all they can do now is to be patient most of the time. and might be conservative in everything. they also know how to manifest specially to their desires, they believe that action and willingness with manifestation will lead you to a prosperous and secure life, at some point they prefer to work alone like being self employed. might be ailurophiles, they love cats. seems that they are more confident, if they achieve something or if someone is supporting them. they like to offer for people alot whether it's time, money or support from them. negative sides might be forgetful and hot tempered, idk if they are famous since they have alot of supporters maybe quite well known where field or place they are. they do believe success comes from hard work and overcoming obstacles, love how optimistic they are. finally a secret was channeled here, they may don't seem one as physically but they are very sensual individual who knows how to hide it. they do care about the animals specially if this is a cat and the humanity. you can easily may know their true identity by how they act in front of you. for some point, some people here may already know this person or will gonna know this individual this year. dang bruh, I'm shock to this message but this person having thoughts of wanting to die, they want to commit this sin or their anxiety is getting worst day after day, they want to tell it to someone but this person thinks that ' will they understand them even though they will tell it to someone'. s/he got the reason for it, the story behind of why they want to do it but might be afraid that no one will understand them. just a reminder that be observant to people who surround you, look how they behave and think before you outburst words coming from your mouth cause we don't know who suffer, this type of mental illness can kill, no kidding around.
- dm me for personal readings
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this person got powerful aura than the rest of the piles and somewhat seems that this pile is the combination of 1 and 2. they come from a wealthy/stable family/high status or inheritance from old people around their family, that's the reason why they don't suffer much when in comes to finances, this money may came from a masculine energy more likely the father or their grandpa. mostly who pick this pile, your person is more mature in appearance or by mentally or by age. might be working on authority level like the boss or in government and law or higher positions like manager, being team leader etc. for some people who pick this pile, I see that they still studying like maybe in higher grade than yours or simply this person loves to learn and very determine as well dedicated to what they are studying. however they may have fear that someone is more better than them, or they experience anxiety or deep unhappiness which causes to got some sleep paralysis/negativity. on the other hand, I'm seeing that they will overcome this one his/her obstacles. they tends to act hasty or bad mouthing and expressing how bitter they are in life maybe because of what they just experience, or they been/will face betrayal in life. they got big social cycle, alot of people know them and they know alot of people too, possibly that they are famous in their surrounding, however your person really knows who are the true and enemy to them or your person may feels that every people around them are not true and just want them for the money and fame specially if those individuals are his/her friends. they been wishing for healing from what people did to them for a very long period of time, they got solution and want to fly away to rest and ease this pain within themselves. they want some joy in their life and was eager for seeking it. as a addition, I see here that this person got some eagle eye or great observation, like they see it but other people wouldn't. everyone seems to respect this person and they know it, they know they are someone who should be respected too ( seems overbearing for me ). when they talk they are too honest to their words and doesn't care if the someone may feel hurt from it or spilling tea is one of their habit/mannerism. one more thing, they think people around them are ugly ( lol, that's bad ) like they based on physical appearance but of course they will keep it by themselves however if you focus on their eyes you can see the judging looking.
- dm me for personal readings
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© thedivineart — do not plagiarize any of my work, translate or repost it on other social media platform , do remember that this is only my official account where all my pac are posted, if you ever see something like mine from word by word kindly report it to me, thank you<3. theme is included
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frostbite-merun · 1 year
Aquarium tips!
So if you're new to aquascaping, here's a very simple thing you can do to make your scape look better.
The S l o p e
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Angling your substrate towards the back, be it steep or shallow, gives the whole thing depth, and it means that you'll see more of your scape from the front. Obviously don't do this if you want it to look good from all angles, but if it's meant to be seen from one angle, that's a non-issue.
Below the cut are some entries to AGA's 2022 aquascaping competition that demonstrate the S l o p e better than I can.
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This is a very dramatic S l o p e for a more dramatic scape. Showing off all of those lovely rocks.
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Here's a more subtle S l o p e. It gives the illusion that the path in the middle extends further back than it actually does.
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Another path illusion here!
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Here's one of the 1st place winners. You can learn a lot about aquascaping just looking at this bad boy, but as far as the S l o p e is concerned, it gives the illusion of extra depth, and it raises bits of hardscape higher up so that you can see them from a level, front angle.
In fact, just go look at AGAs aquascaping contest backlog if you want to improve. A lot of them also have judge's critiques which are very useful.
Also also! Keep in mind that these scapes have their picture taken when they look their best! For the rest of the year they ABSOLUTELY look more wild and frazzled. Plus hundreds of dollars go into them because the cash prizes for these kinds of contest are very, very high. So it's 100% okay if you aren't able to make a big, sexy tank that wins contests and looks good 24/7 365 days a year.
As long as you end up with something that you love, or learn a lot of new things making something that you hate, you're on the right path!
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withlove-angel · 8 months
This is the first thing i ever write in my life and i still don't know how this work...sorry in advance...
⚠️warnings: slightly degradion, teasing, dry hump, kind a smut?
Her place
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"Law!" Y/n squirms as she feels her boyfriend pulls her to sit on his lap when she was only handing him a cup of coffee as he was working until late on his office.
"Y/n, I'm trying to work here.. How can I possibly get anything done with you on my lap?" Law have that teasing smile on his face, almost a punchble face if he wasn't so charming
She stare at him on desbelive. He just chuckles at how cute she is annoyed.
"Wait.... was I the one who pulled you onto my lap?! I am truly sorry, Angel. Perhaps I was distracted by how much fun you seem to be enjoying being around me. You better get off or I'll have to return the affection you are giving me right now."
His eyes scaning her body. God, how he liked when her body was pressed against his.
She thinks about it and smirk placing her hands on his shoulders "maybe i will like that... daddy..."
This nickname... the nickname that make him go crazy for her, he feels his heart beating faster as his mouth goes dry. Suddenly his pants are too tight for him.
"Y/n... y/n... are you trying to seduce me in my own office? While I am attempting to work? While all my subordinates are at the next room? Don't you think this is somewhat inappropriate?
His big hands glab her ass, pulling her closer. Their breathing got heavy as she rocks against him slightly.
"Or you just a horny little bitch that can't control herself? You will like them watching hm? Watching while i fuck your little cunt"
Y/n place a soft kiss on his neck "captain". She whine, feeling his big cook pressing her cunt. Her underwear all wet from her arousal.
"Your lips are making it difficult for me to refuse you" Law put two of his fingers on her mouth, y/n gladly suck it "If someone were to see us doing this, it would damage my reputation as a captain, but i think you don't care, right?" Law can't help but give her a little bite on her neck, wich made a sweet little moan scapes her lips, muffed against his fingers that are deep on her mouth "Oh come on now." He bites harder "I have deadlines to meet. I can't be distracted now. But if you insist on this. Then I shall not refuse."
He places both of his hands on her hips making her rock harder against him
"L-law" she moan his name as a mantra when he keeps moving her roughly. The friction making both of them going wild.
"Is this what you wanted? Being so wet only griding on me...I'm having a hard time controlling myself. I should just break you, you would learn your place, don't you doll?"
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citizensun · 8 months
Queerness and the House of Usher (spoilers!)
See I just added these Thoughts to the tags in @quecksilvereyes 's post but now I have Feelings too
TFotHoU (or HoU, as I will refer to it here), as expected from a Mike Flannagan show, has a bunch of Queer Rep™ to talk about. HoU is, also, about remarkably evil people - amoral capitalists who'll step over anyone if it means they'll get something from it. And look! Some of them are queer! Kinky too!
That's bad queer representation... right?
The show isn't that clear when stablishing sexualities, but we see that at least three of the Usher kids - Napoleon, Camille and Victorine - have same sex SOs/assistants with curious job descriptions. Prospero's taste for orgies probably implies queerness too, but honestly I don't remember if he gets it going with any guys in the story. I honestly have no idea about Tamerlane's voyerism thingie and Frederick is the only one with a "traditional family" going on.
Unrelated, but: Leo is definitely cheating on his bf Julius. Completely dismissing about his worries for him too. And for his cat. That's objectively evil, clearly. Vic literally killed her fiancée Alessandra, though she didn't stuff her under the floorboard, which is an L when compared to Poe's original. Cam doesn't believe in true love. Perry blackmailed his sister in law. Mean. He's also got a surprisingly high kill count for the family's disappointment, but since unlike Roderick he only killed rich people, we stan. I don't belong in Kinky spaces so I haven't got a big take on Tammie, only that - well, she's completely dismissing of her husband and sees him as a prop, just like the sex worker she hires.
See, the nature of a story called "the fall of X family" is that X family is going to be the main character. The title kinda implies that they're falling for a reason, ergo, they're despicable fucking people. And they're queer! They're very queer. Many flavors of gay. They're the main characters, and they're monsters, and they're gay.
No, that's not bad rep.
Queerness as a movement, a community and a theory is very focused on scaping a cisheteronormative society's binaries (ie man/woman, husband/wife, public/private) and creating living conditions to those who fall outside of these categories - mlms and wlws, the trans, the nbs, the aros and aces... we are all queer, strange and estranged from this weird and limited worldview. And so we create a community for ourselves. It's very focused on care and anti-stablishment. Since a cisheteronormative society tends to be very white, rich and western, it's also focuses on anti-racism, anti-capitalism, anti-imperialism. Y'all know that, this is Tumblr and we love leftist Discourse.
I also know many, many gay people irl who are not like that at all. Libertarians, anarcho-capitalists, terfs, completely apolitical people and the like. Sexuality at it's core is personal, not political, so there are gay people out there who are perfectly comfortable with their sexuality on an individual level but do not see the point of getting involved in the broader context. They're queer, but are they...?
Not to mention there's lots of asshole gays out there! Don't you have a shitty ex? Have you never been almost run over by a drunken butch who blew cigar smoke into your face? I have! Life experiences are just like that. Maybe you should touch more grass. You'll probably find a lucky gift from your neighbour's dog, who is an astrology-obsessed bisexual and also really hot but stopped making out with you at a party once she found out you're a pisces (the neighbour, not the dog).
(Granted, none of this is as bad as implanting an experimental heart contraption into the fiancée you just killed because she dared to have ethical principles and then being so consumed with grief you stab yourself in front you'd your dad but you know how it goes. We're not the 1%.)
My point is, queer people are people. We are complex. We fuck up, and sometimes there's still times to fix things and sometimes... there isn't. We're consumed by jealousy and regret and sometimes we're so locked into our own head we stop believing the rest of the world is real too. Just like any other people, because unfortunately, queerness isn't a sign of morality.
And even if queerness does mean community, kindness and acceptance, tell me... Where the hell would the Usher kids get those from? The people around them are not really peers – they're ass-istants, blowjob-giving apartments, orgy mates, heart surgery providers, hired fitness moneybags, perfect housewives. Even if the partners are all shown to care for the Ushers, there's still a distance, a power gap, that makes the relationships fundamentally wrong.
And the partners? Arguably they're the good queer rep in the show, but look – even when Julius and Alessandra are shown to be good people (or at least people with an ethical boundary), they're not the good gays, they're simply the good SO's to a family of psychos. Exactly like Bill and Morrie, who afawk are straight people.
Which leads us to HoU's parameter of morality - Auguste Dupin. He refuses to drink the Amontillado, symbol of all the Usher opulence over the years. He got screwed over by the Usher twins and by the Raven herself, but he refused to cave in (except for the informant part, admittedly). He's not a good gay guy; he is gay and he is a good man.
The fundamental difference between our show's main tragic yaoi couple isn't that Auggie is a happily out gay man (and therefore is good) while Roderick is a sad divorced hetero (and therefore is bad). Auggie is the richer man because he is a good man; he has a spouse and children and grandchildren he loves with all his heart. He has a family and a community and he has found a sort of happiness no money can buy. Roderick owns the world – but what does he really have? What do his children even have? How could they ever build communities for themselves if they were never in one? Their father made them compete for his love. He never nurtured their bonds, he just showered them with money and excess until it was too much for them to handle. Juno herself pointed out - they were never a family. The House of Usher was only that. A house. It is empty and soulless.
What is queerness without a community? How could the people who represent the relentless corporate normativity and cutthroat capitalism ever be good queer rep? How can they even be queer?
Hear me out: on the most individual, simple level, being queer is still about not fitting in. These kids are bastards. They are are PoC and women in a predominantly male and white dominated space. They're on top of the world, but they're still outsiders to their own House. How could they not be queer?
And yes, I know this discussion takes a different turn when it comes to representation in media, but it's not like Flannagan fell into a Hays Code-era flamboyant villain trope. Queerness is just there. Just like Victorine and August are both black people in (arguably) the opposite ends of the morality spectrum, there are queer characters of many kinds here. The story just happens to be about the fucked up ones.
HoU is a poignant critique of capitalism and a surprisingly funny adaptation of Poe. We'll judge it by that. It happens to be queer – more things should be.
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definegodliness · 2 months
You, soft tunes
Less noise, more music
Times of yore remind us
S l  o   w    e     r
Savor the day, and each other
Sway, if you can't dance, hold
Each other... closer
Rays of golden
Highlight your smile and the kindness in your
Pride, an apple pie
Cools on the windowsill
Or is it rather happiness?
A garden, scaped together, in full bloom
Maybe that could be the metaphor of us
A porch swing, creaking; hands and heart
Warmed, appreciating a brought
Hot beverage
Small gestures, small moments; all things
Considered normal
Become so achingly wonderful
Your smile (again) and the excitement in your
Smug, a succulent
Has sprouted a new leaf
When, by all means, it should have been
Dead, already
Could this be happiness, really?
Maybe that could be our metaphor
A home
Library, packed with
Old books, dusted off attentively
So, our histories, those we would like to keep
Shared, fifty-fifty
A home
And hearth where the dog sleeps
After the long walk in a world that has turned
Wonderful, so achingly
You, soft tunes
That remind to go slow
Slow as can be; slow as homely
That is the metaphor
'Home', is everything
You evoke
In me
17-4-2024, M.A. Tempels ©
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whatsupsonnyboy · 2 years
fire and water || Joseph Quinn
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SUMMARY: you and Joseph get to spend quality time together during your holiday and everything’s working quite well until you panic. 
warnings:  smut (poorly written sorry!), mdni!!!, p in v sex, a little angst, mentions of dysfunctional families, swearing, overthinking, fluff, friends to lovers
wc: 5.8k
a/n: So, here it’s part two to burning love. It’d be lovely if you check it out if you hadn’t but you don't have to enjoy this one 😌 Sorry I take too long but I wasn’t at home so it was way more difficult to get to this. I took the name from 1d’s through the dark, if you hadn’t listened you should 😜
           request are open | masterlist
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fire and water
His apartment was not far, a nice ten minutes walk you two used for exchanging opinions about the latest music releases, you had always shared music taste. In the way for his place, you noticed how a few people stared at him, none of them approached him though. It was really weird for you, because it wasn’t like having the feeling of being observed, you were pretty sure those young teen girls were staring. For a second you had even thought they were taking pictures or something of the two of you, but Joseph couldn’t care less, so you didn’t want to bring attention to it.  
The second you stepped in his apartment the both of you dropped the small pep talk. Joe took your coat and his and hanged them on a coat stand next to the door. You followed him into the living room, which was actually an open concept that shared space with the kitchen and the dining room. The apartment was nice and fancy. You could tell the furniture and the decoration had been carefully selected. Everything in the space fit harmonically.
“Want something to drink?” he asked gently and you could swear you hear a little nervousness in his voice. You shook your head in a no and smiled at him, the fact that he was maybe, somehow nervous about everything, was really sweet to you. “I hope this is not weird ok? Like-” you couldn’t help but laugh.
“What?” you asked with a grin in your lips” “You liking me?”.
“I don’t know” he answered shily and he let himself fall into the big grey chaise longue.
“Is it weird for you that I like you too?” you said looking directly to him. You were sure now he was, in fact, nervous. You could see it in the way his feet tapped rapidly the floor under it. A hand rubbing his tight, making impossible for you to not looking.
“No- I guess it’s not”. It was almost a hiss. His hand passed through his hair, messing up with his brown curls and god, how sexy it was… and he wasn’t even trying. “Look, y/n I just… my life is a mess and I just don’t want to mess with your life too” he confessed as he sat up into the edge of the sofa.
You could see how millions of thoughts were floating through his mind, excitement mixed with worries that were making him anxious, and you knew because you had some of those too, but you had the feeling that maybe, you didn’t need try to solve anything yet, the urge to kiss him and feel him close was so intense it almost hurt.
“Joe, I don’t want be rude but-” you spoke as you got closer. “I don’t really feel like talking…” you confessed quietly.
Joseph seemed confused and he was about to ask when you decided to sit on his lap, you didn’t think it twice. You fitted yourself above him and brought your hands to the back of his neck. Joe was looking at you with widened eyes, but he didn’t look mad or uncomfortable. You joined your lips with his in a tiny and tender peck that made the both of you sigh. When you pull away a little to check on him, he was the one to pull you closer again, sealing your lips in a more heated kiss this time. Joseph’s right hand was on your waist, and the other cupping your face, you held back the moan that almost scaped from you when you could taste his tongue against your own. The amazing feeling that went down your body was simply too much.
The atmosphere started to get thicker, hotter. You got your hands to his hair, messing around with his curls as his lips devoured yours in wet and passionate kisses. You felt desperate to feel him closer to you, you needed his body to merge with yours so you couldn’t help to grind against his crotch. The moan that scaped his lips was all that you needed to do it again.
“Y/n,” Joe sighed against your lips, pausing your kiss to trace a thumb along the curve of your lips. “I- I don’t want to sound like an idiot, but I want to be sure you’re 100% fine with this”.
You looked at him in disbelief, it just amazed you how sweet and gentle he could be. You could only nod your head as you leaned again to catch his lips. His breath was heavy and you could feel his heart bumping fast in his chest. He pressed your hips towards his crotch and you could feel the hard-on on his trousers. This time you couldn’t hold back the moan and he laughed against your lips. Your hands get closer to the hem of his black t-shirt, carefully sneaking a hand behind it and caressing his back, getting to feel his hot skin made you more eager, but you definitely thought you could explode right there when his mouth reached your neck and he started to leave warm and soft kisses all along. Your back arching to the feeling of his teeth on your flesh. He was the one pulling his shirt off reveling his naked torso. The sight of the little body hair in his chest and his silver chain hanging there along with his big sparkling eyes filled with desire and his parted plumped lips sent shivers to your whole body. You took then you own top off, leaving you in bra in front of him.
“God, you’re perfect” he murmured just before kissing your lips again. He drew a trail of wet kisses until he reached to your breasts. He kissed them over the thin fabric of your underwear but managed to quiver your center. The whiny sounds you were making encouraged him to unhook the clasp of your bra, he tossed it to the side and continued to kiss the sensitive skin of your tits. When he got to your nipple you moaned loudly and pulled his hair, every second it passed the more needy you felt. The feeling of his hard cock against your core not helping. You grinded your clothed pussy against his erections as he took care of your tits.
“Fuck it y/n” he sighed to the sensation and you could listen in his voice he was as desperate as you were. He suddenly made you to get on your feet so he could stand up too, but he didn’t say a thing. He took your hand and rushed through the corridor into the last room. He pushed you carefully against the big king-sized bed and you laughed when you bounced a little as your body made contact with the mattress. Joseph took his trousers off before approaching you, a pair of Tommy Hilfiger the only thing covering his hardened dick, it made your mouth dry. He kneeled in the bed just to reach your jeans and took them off too, leaving you only in a white thong that made him sigh. He caressed your legs before pulling them apart so he could fit in between. His hands held your hips as he went to kiss your lips again. He rocked his hips against you core and a filthy sound left both of your mouths.
“Joe, please” you almost whined and if it wasn’t because how horny you were, you would have blushed from how desperate you had sounded. But Joseph grinned against your lips and kneeled between your legs again.
“Gosh, you’re already soaked” he said delightfully as he rubbed his hand against the silky fabric covering your cunt. He teased a bit with the hem of your underwear until he finally got his hand inside, getting to feel your wet center. “Fuck” he grunted and your moan was louder this time. You felt his fingers teasingly going around your clit, making you more desperate. When he finally caressed your extremely sensitive spot you felt relieved and really good, he knew well what to do, how to move his fingers to drive a woman crazy. But you wanted to touch him too, so you reached for his crotch, rubbing him over the fabric of his boxers, the guttural sound that left his lips showed again he was just as needy as you. You pull them down to free his hard shaft and the sight of it made lust grow inside you, you really needed him to be inside you and as if he had seen it on your eyes, he fully took off his underwear, reached for his side table looking for a condom and passed it to you.
You carefully opened the metallic package and roll it down his big and veiny dick, he sighed to your touch, even it was the slightest. You get rid of your thong too and he fitted again between your legs, ready to go inside you. Joseph leaned to be closer and you felt the tip of his dick already pressing your entrance. “Go, do it… please”. You didn’t have to ask twice. He slid his cock into you, slowly, stretching your walls and giving you time to adjust to him. Both of your moans melting into vicious sounds that filled the room and made the both of you hornier if that was even possible.
“You’re big… fuck” you let it out in a whine without even thinking. He laughed against your lips, the air leaving his lungs tickling them and making you laugh too. But you weren’t overpraising him, he was indeed, big. He pecked your lips and started moving, his peace was slow and calm, allowing you to feel each inch of him inside you, making your arousal to increase.
You tangled your legs around his but and pushed him against you, he got the message perfectly and started to pump harder into you. The feeling taking over you was simply jaw dropping. “Fuck, Joe…” you whined and he couldn’t help it but fasten up, the way he rocked his hips against yours making your eyes go blurry. You loved how he felt.
He went more and more breathless, the wet sounds of your pussy getting fucked mixing with both of your whiny and filthy sounds. You thought he was getting close to the edge, but you knew you were not going to cum like that, and as if he had read your mind he slowed down and asked you to arch your bag. He put down your lower back a pillow and this time when he started to pump into you, he didn’t hover over you. You missed having his breathy sighs near your face as long as his lips but god, that felt incredibly good. Joe looked straight into your eyes as he went in and out of you relentlessly holding you still with both hands. But you couldn’t hold his gaze anymore when he placed one of his hand in your mound and his thumb started to rub gentle circles on your clit. “Fuck… y/n, fuck”. He groaned as your cunt got wetter and tighter from the way he was touching you. You threw you head back, your hands gripping the sheets of Joe’s bed and you were sure then you could cum from that.
“I… I don’t think I could go much longer” he stated with a shaky voice that made you shiver. You realized then how hard he was holding himself back. “Oh, god y/n”.
“Joe, fuck… keep going, I’m close too” you said as an encouragement and that was the only thing he needed. He speeded up not just his thrust into you but the finger on your clit, instantly making you feel the familiar feeling to grow in your lower belly. “Y/n…” he hissed and it sounded more as warning than as a plea. But he didn’t stop and for you that was it. You felt your orgasm explode deep inside you, shaking your legs heavily and getting your walls to clench uncontrollably round Joe’s dick, sending him to the edge too. He swore and let out deep moans as he discharged all his seed into the condom, still you could feel his dick throbbing as he cum.
You both sighed in relieve and you couldn’t hold the laugh that provoked the sight of him all covered in sweat and a stupid smile printed in his plumped lips. He looked at you with complicity but didn’t say a thing. Joe got out of you before he went completely soft and before laying on your side, he took off the used condom and threw it on the floor.
He pulled you closer to his body, making you rest your head on his chest. You could still listen to his rapid heartbeat and he could feel your messy pulse in the crook of your neck. None of you said a word, it wasn’t necessary. You just laid there, enjoying the peaceful silence, like the one that remains after a big storm.
The following days you two did pretty much the same thing. You tried to spend as much time together as you could and making the most of it, sometimes it’d mean grabbing a coffee at a nice Italian cafe and having a walk through Hyde Park. And others he’d pick you up from your place and take you to a fancy and horrendously expensive restaurant to have steak tartar and a fine wine. But your favorite was for sure spending the whole evening at his place, watching a classic movie such as Donny Darko, having delivery food and sharing cigarettes after really good sex. You two even managed to meet on Christmas Eve just to have brunch at Soho and on Christmas day he showed up at your parents’ house with a present. You were sure that the look in his eyes when he gave you the ridiculously big stuffed animal that pretended to be an oyster would be in your mind forever.
“You’re crazy” you said trying to hold back your laugh.
“Oh I am, indeed crazy-”. He said with the biggest of the smiles. “I am crazy about you” he said in a whisper, as he was confessing a secret.
“God, shut up” you answered back shyly, your cheeks burning red.
“That way you’ll always remember me” he stated and you hit his arm playfully.
“I don’t need this to remember you silly”.
“Oh, no?” he brought you closer to his side “You don’t?” he asked really near to your lips.
“You’re such a dork” he pecked your lips and you laughed against each other mouth.
“Aha, but you love it” he said before plastering small kisses on your mouth repeatedly. “I gotta run, the train leaves in less than an hour”.
“Okay…” you said in a sigh. You completely understood he had to go but that didn’t mean you were happy about the fact that you couldn’t spend more time together.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?” you kissed again before letting him go.
You waved goodbye as he got on his car. You didn’t want to admit it, but you were absolutely head over heels about this man.
Joe was supposed to spend Christmas day at his mom’s in Liverpool and get back the next day around dinner time, but your texts had been left unread even before he had supposedly caught the train back to London. Saying you were panicking would have been an understatement. He never took too long to answer, even less these past days. You’d tried calling twice, the first time the phone getting unanswered, the next time you had been sent directly into the voicemail. If you were realistic, the most likeable scenario was that he had run out of battery and that he would get to you once he had arrived at his apartment and charged his phone. So, you tried to be patient and wait for him to call you or text you back, he always did and there was not a single reason for him to not do it.
But as hours passed by, and without any news, your anxiety only got bigger. By half past eight you were absolutely desperate and done with waiting, so you decided to go to his place and check if he was there. A part of you had started playing worst case scenario… so you just need to check on him to stop your mind. You quickly got ready and left your house without even saying a word, ordered an uber and commanded the driver to Joe’s.
You called a couple of times into the entryphone, not getting lucky. You called again to his phone, getting to the voicemail again. Fuck it, what the hell was going on. You were dead worried, and maybe even a little angry. Not being able to understand what was happening made you frustrated and frustration got you moody. You picked up an uber again back home and when you entered the house it was like your family sensed you bad humor and decided to make it worse.
“Weren’t you with that kid?” your dad was the first to talk. You just look at him but didn’t say a word. “Look like fun’s over uh, you gotta spend the rest of your vacay here with your family” he said in a hurtful way.
“Oh god, don’t do this…” you said as you rolled your eyes.
“Don’t talk like that to father” your brother snapped.
“You shut up, okay? At least I’m not over 30 and still trapped in here”.
“Oh, sorry if Ms. Manhattan don’t find this house to be the royal palace she thinks he deserves” your dad grunted.
“My goodness… just drop it!” you couldn’t keep your voice quiet anymore.
Thankfully, your dad and your brother didn’t say anything less, but the look in their eyes was enough to make you feel shitty plus the feeling on the back of your neck from the glacial look of your mother, who was silently judging you as she always used to do.
You stormed out of the living room and went upstairs determined to pack your stuff and leave the place, it was not worthy to stay there even if you had to sell a kidney to pay for a room in the city or sleep in a fleabag hotel.
When you had picked up almost everything, you sat down for a second to check your phone in case you had news from Joe… but there was still nothing. And that’s when it occurred to you that maybe, you could check online. You knew he had told you not to look up his name on any social media, that it could only bring headaches and an annoyance, but you were feeling so helpless that you couldn’t resist it.
You typed his name on twitter and regrated it the second later. All kind of content would come up, news, photos, rumors, really weird stuff… it was a deep hole in where you weren’t feeling comfortable. Yet you couldn’t stop scrolling down the pages, it was uncanny and at the same time curiosity kept you going even you were not liking a single bit of what you were seeing. And then you found them. Pictures of him and some blonde girl around Paris from like a month ago, you two were already talking on a daily basis. You of course knew he had been there for work, what you didn’t know was that he had been in such good company. You feel sick in your stomach, guilty mixed with disappointment hitting you hard. You knew it wasn’t okay to look at those picture, those had been taken without his consent, invading his privacy and being posted into the internet was horrible but…. who the fuck was her and why hadn’t he told you about her? Fuck it. Despite your conscious telling you to log off, you clicked on the post, unfolding a whole thread of photos from his week on Paris, there were a big amount of pictures and of many kinds, but in too many of them if they asked you, he was with this blonde girl. The stupid jealousy was killing you, you were getting a headache and you could almost feel your stomach tighten. But you had already been stupid, you were not going to stop there already. You were going all the way down, reading the terrible things that people would say about that girl just because he happened to be with Joe. Your hands were trembling when you clicked to see the whole account. Your phone suddenly drowning in Joseph’s photos, mostly of them taken without his awareness. It was disgusting but you couldn’t stop. And then it popped up. You knew you were being observed, now you had the proof. It was a short video showing the two of you sharing a cigarette while walking towards his apartment. But by far the worst part was the replies to the post. The comments were a massacre. Or maybe it wasn’t, maybe there were just a few bad comments about you, but god… how it hurt. These people behind a screen talking about you in such a horrible way because of…  nothing. Your heart was racing faster than ever and the weirdest of the feelings was making your whole body feel heavy. You couldn’t take it anymore.
You tossed your phone away trying to hold your tears and your need of screaming. You needed to focus, the first thing you had to do was getting out of there and finding somewhere to sleep. Next, you could deal with all that. Maybe.
“I’m so fucking sorry!!! Run out of battery before I even got in the train back home and I absolutely forgot I got this stupid promo thing at Harrods… don’t hate me please 😔 I’ll make it up to you!”
You read the text a hundred times but you didn’t feel like talking, you didn’t even feel like being in London at all, all you wanted to do was run away and hide from everything and everyone, you knew that wasn’t the most intelligent thing to do, but facing your family, or Joe, wasn’t on the table in that moment. So, your dad’s calls got unanswered as well as Joe’s. You only texted your mom the hotel you were staying so they wouldn’t report you missing to the police and you were completely certain that none of them were going to look for you, they were too arrogant to do that.
Next morning, you texted Joe back but you didn’t call, you really wanted to talk to him but you were feeling so overwhelmed about the whole thing that you didn’t even know where to start, so you just hide in the hotel room as if that way things would get better. But he wasn’t stupid, he knew something was going on, the simplicity of your answer made it pretty obvious and especially, you not answering his calls. So he just decided to go to your parents where your mum, without any detail, just told him that you had left the night before, but Joe was charming enough to convince your mum to tell him where you were staying so that he could bring you back to them, of course that was the last of his intentions, he just needed to see you and check that you were okay. Maybe he was kind of pissed off, because why all of a sudden were you acting like that, it didn’t make any sense, you were mad okay, but what was the point of not being honest… what did you win by avoiding him like that?
It caught you by surprise when you heard the knocking on the door of your room. You hadn’t ordered anything from the room service so they might got it wrong, but when they insisted you didn’t have another option than to stand from the bed and go and tell them.
“What are you doing here?” was the first thing that came out of your mouth at the sight of him on the frame door.
“I’m glad to see you too…” he said and you could tell he wasn’t really happy, he look in fact kind of angry, what the fuck was he angry about.
“Listen, I don’t want to” he didn’t let you finish.
“What? You don’t want to this… that might work you with your family, but not with me y/n” he stated dead serious.
You knew he didn’t mean to hurt you but damn, that wasn’t something fair to say, or at least you felt that way because you were already hurt and angry so that wasn’t helpful at all.
“Oh, and what works with you? Going mia for hours? Laying maybe? Tell me Joe, what does work for you?” his eyes widened and he for sure couldn’t believe what you were saying, but he was way more sensible than you, managing to stay calm and not making a scene in the middle of the corridor.
“Why don’t you let me in and we could talk about… whatever you feel like talking about”.
You took slow breathes because you wanted to scream, you wanted to cry, you wanted to kick him out and hide between the sheets until you could wake up in New York. But you not only knew that wasn’t possible, you knew that wasn’t the solution and if you care about him, he deserved that you were honest and maybe he had something to say that was worthy of listening. When you moved from the door to let him in, he muttered a soft “thanks” and your heart skipped. If you were so mad it was only because you were so crazy about him.
Joe walked around not knowing where exactly to sit or even to stood up, you went directly to the bed and sat on the edge of the mattress, you think that being sat down maybe would make you less anxious. He turned over his heels and looked at you, for a moment his heart melt to the sight of you, sat down with your legs crossed, a pout in your lips and your finger nervously tangling a lock of your hair once and once again. He was nuts about you and the way you were behaving was breaking his heart.
“Talk to me y/n… please, be honest and tell me what’s the matter” his tone was soft, almost paternalist, not that you father talked like that ever.
You went from anger to shame in a second, because he was simply too much. He was kind, and sensitive and thoughtful and funny and everything a women could’ve ever asked. And you… you had only acted childish as a 28 year old woman that isn’t able to confront his problems and would rather runaway… just the same as you did back when you were 18. But the truth was you were having a hard time about the whole situation, and you didn’t even know how to start. Maybe the beginning was a nice starting point.
“I- I was really worried about you yesterday” Joe didn’t say a word, he was listening carefully to you. “If I’m honest I’d say I was panicking and started overthinking and you wouldn’t pick up your damn phone and you weren’t at home either and then I saw those pictures and read the horrible stuff people say on the internet and…” you didn’t even realize how frenetically the words were slipping from your mouth, your eyes watering,
“Woah, woah, woah… slow down, would you?” Joe was still calm and he came close to you, getting down so he could make eye contact but you wouldn’t look at him. “I know you were worried; I’d have been too… I’m so fucking sorry about yesterday, I really am y/n” you looked over until your eyes meet and all you could see among the tears was pureness and honesty in his big chocolate eyes. “I lost track of time and when I realized that I had to take that train my phone was dead and as unbelievable as it sounds, not a soul in that damn train had a charger I could borrow, and I forgot mine at my mom’s. Then I got to London and there’s my agent to get me into a car and drive me to Harrods, throw me into a stinky bathroom to get changed and styled only to lock me into that dead boring event for hours where, again, not a fucking charger” you couldn’t help but laugh and he smiled at the sound of it. “It was like this children's novels… A Series of Unfortunate Events”. You laughed together this time and he sat down next to you.
“You’re being kind of dramatic…”
“Am I?!” he pretended to be offended.  “Part of the job”
“Yeah…” your eyes still a little watered, because that was not the worst part, that was next.
“Now, tell me about the pictures and comments and all you’d just mentioned, and if you are kind enough, be really clear about the part where I lied to you if you don’t mind”.
“I’m sorry okay?” he frowned to your apology. “As I said I was panicking so I did the last thing I should’ve done and went into social media to see-”
“What? I told you-” he tried to interrupt you but you didn’t let him.
“I know, I know you told me… please, don’t make me feel worse than I already do”. He sighed and nodded his head in a sign for you to keep going. “Last night it didn’t seem that terrible so I just did it and gosh, If only I could unsee what I saw”.
“Who’s being dramatic now” he tried to make you laugh but you weren’t pretending to be funny you actually feel like that.
“I know you were not alone in Paris last month, when you told me you where there for work” he frowned* again and stayed silence for a second, you could see he was thinking, trying to figure out what you were talking about. “I saw you two Joe”.
“Oh god, you talking about Amanda?” you shrugged your shoulders, you didn’t know what her name was and you didn’t want to either. “She’s a friend, fuck… not even a friend I’d say… she’s a model I worked with during the shoot for the brand and she was nice so we hanged out, not a big deal”.
“Not a big deal?” you said in disbelief. “Maybe we should ask your minions on the internet… they wouldn’t agree”.
“Are you kidding me?”  Joe’s tone showing how uncomfortable the whole situation was making him. “You telling me now you care about these… about what some random people say on the internet?”
“Oh I shouldn’t give a fuck about you not telling me about Amanda? And of course it doesn’t matter shit people calling me a slut and a gold-digger and not to mentions being recorded without consent!” your tone increased until you were almost shouting in his face.
“Well, you shouldn’t” he stated and stood up. “Those people are no one to us y/n and of course I know it’s not nice being followed or recorded without permissions but there’s nothing I can do about it”
“Oh so I got called those horrible things and I’m supposed to be all chill about it?”
“For fuck sakes, why do you even care?!” his tone raised a little this time. “Y/n… I didn’t lie about anything okay? And I don’t give a fuck what some mean people post in the internet and you shouldn’t either”.
You somehow knew he was right, you had never been the type to care a lot of what other people had to say about you but it was a hard pill to swallow to be exposed in such way, you felt unexplainably vulnerable and small. And about that Amanda girl… he sounded honest, why would he lie? It didn’t seem necessary… but you had to ask again anyway.
“Why didn’t you tell me about her?”
“Because I didn’t see the point on spending time talking with you about this random girl who I don’t give a single a fuck about, specially not during those days in which the only thing that made me sane in between the fucking chaos where those ten minutes we get to talk to each other”.
Your heart skipped a bit to his words and not because he was being flattering but because you felt exactly the same. It didn’t really matter how crazy the world had been for any of you, sharing time together made it safer, cozier.
“I’m sorry Joe” you said and your voice was shaking. “I’m sorry I acted like this I just… panicked”.
“It’s okay… I think I panicked a little too” he smiled and came closer to you again. “I’m okay with panicking as long as we do it together” he confessed and you bursted out in a laugh, maybe it was the nerves or the odd way of him confessing.
“You trying to say something?” you picked on him a little and a grin appeared on his lips.
“Oh, yes I am indeed” he sat down next to you and placed his hands in both side your hips to bring you closer. “Listen carefully, would you… maybe you have a hard time swallowing it” he teased you this time. “As I told you I know my life is a mess but, as long as you agree, I’d love to mess with your life a little too because I wouldn’t forgive myself if I let this chance pass, I lost you once and I’m not willing to lose you twice”.
You were completely out of words, your heart racing in your chest and your mind working 100 miles per hour.  Millions of things in the tip of your tongue but none of it coming out when you opened it.
“Yes” it was the only thing that you could say. Joe’s confused expression forced you to continue. “Yes, you can mess with my life as much as you want, you can tear it down into pieces actually” he laughed out loud to your words and then he leaned to join your lips.
It wasn’t a heated and crazy kiss but a soft and sweet kiss. A kiss that tasted like promises and future. Of course, it wasn’t going to be easy, both of you knew well, but you were also certain that it was worth it. Yes, his life was indeed a mess, and it was way far from what yours was and what you were expecting but you didn’t care because the universe bringing him again into your life could only mean that maybe you needed a little messiness on it and you couldn’t imagine anyone better to shake your world in such a beautiful and breathtaking way.
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lilisouless · 2 months
I try to respect people that don’t like the ending of ruin and rising, but it’s hard cause most of them tend to ignore factual things and fill in the information with their bias.
Cause other than Alina losing and missing her powers, also I don’t really like Leigh’s reasoning for it, but people say that it undoes her character development and, first: powers are a physical thing , they are not related to character.
The the other is “she is sick and lonely just like she was at the start of the book” at the start of the book she was not respected nor believed she was worthy of that, at the end she is loved by the people that know she is alive and respected by everyone else (the ones not on the anti grisha crowd). Also she felt unloved by people that weren’t Mal, at the end of the book the fact that the grisha still wanted her around after losing her powers pretty much made her realize she was loved for herself, not just as a weapon or a symbol.
I’ll let aside the sick part because i don’t recall her being told to be sickly, i assumed she was healthy since the reason of her being sickly not using her powers and she was told to work plenty.
The lonely makes me laugh because, first: in real life actually that’s pretty much how it works after you get married l you get your own place where most of the time you are around only with your partner, kids if you have, and coworkers, while your friends you see them not daily on a non regular schedule unless you live near them. Like, most people live with their partner, not their friends, that’s how marriage works.
But even then, she is far from lonely, not only Mal is there , Misha is too young to be leaving soon, she also spends time with the kids , in RoW they are not around because she didn’t want to endanger them. Also it is told that Nikolai and the grisha actually do visit her often and writes to Genya on a regular basis. She is hardly lonely.
Also people say the lonely argument on the same breath they complain about Mal being revived, when we’ll, he was revived so she wouldn’t end up lonely cause,unless Leigh says otherwise one day, i think she’d go back to fix the orphanage, regardless if Mal was brought back or not. Let me tell you that other author would have just killed Alina off, here she was given a chance to keep living away from the pain of the war. Cause the theme was never “powes rule!” it was how war destroys people, to the point even the people that scape it, like Alina and Mal, don’t get out unharmed, they lost something very dear to them and do their best to live with the aftermath. Also, by this point the darkling has been revived three freaking years after his killing on a ritual i still don’t understand, so you will have to get over Mal being revived by now.
Also, she doesn’t spend all her alone time being nostalgic about her powers, other than working she finds joy in painting. People only focus on the ending about Alina’s powers but not that she started doing maps for the army and ended up doing paintings for herself and the kids that once were like her.
Like, you can dislike it, but i haven’t seen arguments against it that don’t contradict the canon , if get if you don’t like it you won’t read it often or try to remember it. But you can double check if you are going to say why it’s a bad ending and then give reasons that contradict what’s actually told.
I have said many times that i wished she kept her powers, my problems with that are Leigh’s external reasoning (which I am very skeptical on ) but it’s far from bad writing or undoing her whole journey: she is one of the few characters allowed to somehow have the chance of getting back the childhood she lost (compared to Genya,Inej or Kaz). The good things she did are still there, the things she learned are still there, going back to where she started would be her on a place she holds no power and feels marginalized, where she ended up on a place she is in charge and loved.
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mooniwrites · 1 year
I only fear God and... (teaser)
Pairing: Max Verstappen x blackfem!Reader
Summary: Max girlfriend is everything people never thought he would end up with.
WC: 786
Warnings: curse words, mentions of an accident, violent impulses, Christian Horner (yes, he is a warning himself), lmk if I’m forgetting something!
Author’s note: I haven’t write anything in a very long time, so please be kind! Also, English is not my first language, and I’m not a 100% fluent in it, so I’ll probably have spilling/writing errors. Constructive (and kind) criticism is received and appreciated. Also, this might become a series(?) but I haven’t decided anything yet!
Christian: “I only fear god.”
Toto: “and Max’s girlfriend.”
Christian: (laughing) “yes, and Max’s girlfriend.”
If anyone would have told Max a year ago that he not only would be dating, but seriously thinking in marrying a 5.2” brown skinned girl with curly hair, too much attitude and no fear, full with god’s rage, he would have laughed at their face, because for that Max Verstappen, that wouldn’t even be possible. Max preferred (or so he thought) dolls-like girls, and his exes where the proof of that. Always presentable, very fashionable in a classy and girly way, polite, good mannered, calm. And then a braided tornado came into his life and put everything upside-down, stealing his heart in the process.
Y/N L/N was everything people thought he wouldn’t like. She didn’t hesitate to speak her mind and was willing to throw hands at anyone who dared to speak ill of him (his dad and his team principal have been victims of her rage once and that was enough for them to be afraid of her). Used bold colors with prints, wasn’t afraid to show her melanin and be proud of it, was capable of pulling off the weirdest, craziest and sometimes ugliest clothes that this earth has seen.
That’s why it was such a surprise when they announced their relationship, seeing them arrive at the paddock holding hands, Max wearing his typical Red Bull merch, and her with high boots, a short dress and a denim jacket personalized by herself with Max’s numbers and a red bull (in a deeper shade of red, since Y/N has beef with the original red of the brand logo). Brows were raised, mouths were wide open and words scaped everyone who was witnessing the moment. And then it came the questioning, when, how, why? She wasn’t a match for him, he wasn’t enough for her, she was better with someone like Lewis. Those types of comments became so frequent that the driver started to believe them, which affected their relationship, and Y/N could see it. Never one to run from problems, especially when something as precious as their relationship was being affected, the girl decided to take matters into her own hands, which threw Max off because he thought he wasn’t being obvious neither he was prepared for that type of talk, which lead to an argument between them.
“Because sometimes I think they are right! That you would be better with someone that can give you a more normal life, unlike me that I’m travelling the world day in and day out!”
“And don’t think that if I would want a partner like that, I would have look for one? But no, Max Emilian Verstappen, I want you and your crazy schedules and different time zones and rants about aerodynamics and corners and cursing the FIA. I want you and I don’t see that changing any soon.”
“But why would want me? When you could be with someone like, I don’t know, Lewis, he at least it’s a fashion icon and have an amazing personality and a life beyond formula 1, unlike me.”
“Because you are enough!”
At that moment there was a pause, a moment of silence where you could hear a pin drop, and, if you payed enough attention, Max’s walls began to crumble.
“Wha-what did you just say?”
“That you are enough, Max. That I prefer our little dates in my kitchen than going out, that I love hearing you talk about races and strategies and spending time at the sim because that’s what you love, and I love you, all of you, even the parts that the world told you where unlovable.”
“No one has ever told me that.”
“What of all that I just say?”
“That I… that I am enough. I have never felt enough for anyone, nor anyone has told me that I am enough for them.”
“Well, I am glad that I am someone very important. And you better get used to it because I plan to tell you that every day for as long as you need it to get through that thick, prideful and stubborn head of yours.”
“You’re welcome baby.”
“Oh! By the way, you too.”
“Ah? Me too what?”
“You are enough for me. More than enough. I am not good with words, but you are enough, and I do love you like that. All of you, even the parts that you dislike.”
“I am going to remember that the next time that you deny me of adopting a pet!”
“Y/N I love you more than racing, but we still can’t have a moose as a pet! I don’t even think they are legal in Monaco!”
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tvgerl · 1 year
like want me lo’ak sully x fem!reader
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WARNINGS: aged up lo’ak, explicit, d in v, clit stimulation, sucking v, wet lo’ak.
NOTES: like or reblog is appreciated
“Im talking to you” Says Lo’ak “About who r you thinking about huh? You only can think about me” You came back to your reality, the truth was seeing Lo’ak wet after swimming was too hard to process, he looked gorgeous “Who says im not thinking ‘bout u? You came to me and start talking like nothing while you look like this, u can’t do this to me” He laughed because of your tone “What? Do you like want me?” He started to began to shorten the distance between the two of you and you started getting nervous, is well known that you like him, but he rejected you when you confessed your feelings.
“Yes i want you, so what?” Instantly you regretted what you said but it was too late to say something, because Lo’ak started to kiss you and brought his body closer to yours “What r y’doing?” You stopped him and look at his eyes “Im doing what i should have done a long time ago” He started to kissing you harder and massaging your hips slowly with his finger tips, you feel a little tickling and let scape a little growl.
He started to kiss your neck till he reach your tits, he bite them, and then follow his way to your loincloth “May I?” he asks, you nodded your head and he take off the piece of cloth.
You felt his fingers touching your crotch and you instantly knew how good he was with his fingers, “So wet, just f’me babe” he change his fingers for his face and suddenly he started to suck your pussy, kissing it and giving you the best pussy eating of your life, “i—i want you” he stopped “i dunno if u can handle this” he pointed to his dick “i can”.
That was enough for Lo’ak to take of his loincloth and introduce himself in you, both moan, because your walls were so tight for his big cock, he started slow to gain some confidence, “im going faster babe” he said, and for Eywa’s sake, he went faster, very faster, but you wsnted more. “L-lo’ak more faster please—“ you moaned and he went aggressively faster, while you touch your clit and he bites you.
“im coming lo’ak, i can’t contain myself anymore” your walls were so tight that he really felt your inside “come then, i want you to come on me” that was enough to full him with your orgasm, lo’ak felt it and the pleasure was so much to make him also come on you.
After some minutes of breathing, he came out from you, and kiss your cheek “woah, that was amazing, i’ll ve waiting for the next time” he hug your body “i’ll be waiting too”
- The end.
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