bugss-reid · 6 months
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salty-fang · 4 years
Twisted Fate Sugar Edition
Part three (sorry for the long wait) thanks for being patient @loveswifi
Marinette had had a weird day. She had kept being pulled in the direction of people who could’ve been mistaken for male versions of herself. Jason, Tim and Dick.
She had met Jason first. She had taken a quick detour from her hour-long trip to the fabric store. It had been a week after her outing with Gina, Alfred and Bruce Wayne but a week before the whole Lila debacle. She hadn’t expected Lila to even be in Gotham so Marinette didn’t feel the need to worry. She should have.
Jason had loads of knowledge on malicious stalking. Growing up as a vigilante taught him some things. So, he was truly stunned when he saw two shady people watched that pregnant woman with wolfish glares that he actually felt the need to follow them. He dragged her out of there line of sight, which without an explanation was pretty stupid. She’d kicked him in the balls causing him to hiss.
“Let go of me.”
“I’m trying to help you. A woman and a man have been watching you for a fucking long time. I just wanted to make sure you knew them. By the way, I’m Jason Todd.”
“One of them literally has sausages for hair. I think I’m going to have nightmares for a while.”
“Ugh, you should meet Lila Rossi.”
“Agreste's new wife?”
“Yup. Her eyes are so cold and dead. And she wears so much orange. It’s so painful when you actually look at her that I’d rather stick pins in my eyes.”
“Yo, this chick is the same. You sure we aren’t talking about the same person?” she snuck a quick look around the corner, laughing at the confusion on both Lila and Kim’s faces. She’d laughed too loud as Lila’s head whipped in her direction.
“That’s definitely her. Still as annoying as ever.” Kim had whispered something in Lila's ear just as she rounded the corner. They had started sprinting towards her and were going to catch her if she didn’t move her ass.
‘I can’t run far in heels. I’m going to have to catch a bus. The doctor did tell me to take it easy. Can’t affect those triplets with too much movement.’
She had only made it outside the door when she felt herself be hoisted onto sturdy shoulders.
“Let go of me! Oh it’s you Jay. Give a girl some warning will ya!” she said sighing in exasperation.
“Sorry but you really thought I was going to watch them hurt my little sis.”
“Hey! I’m not little. And put me down. “
“That’s what your focused on? And I won’t put you down. You may think you don’t need help but you’re wrong. So let your good big bro do his job.
“Good my ass,” she muttered, ducking under a signpost. “More like arrogant goofball.” Kim and Lila had either disappeared or they just blended in with the crowd very well. They’d probably lost them. Thank God for that.
“Jay, you can put me down now.”
“Huh, are they gone?”
“Yup.” She said popping the ‘p'. “Thank you Jay. For everything.”
“No worries, pixie pop. You’re my sis. I’d kill a bitch for you.” Marinette had fallen in line with Jason. But with his long strides and her pregnancy she was always steps behind him. Sure he’d fall back to match her pace but Lila had waited until the perfect moment to capitalise. She’d tried to scream for help but she had lost the ability to. They dragged her round the corner to one of her favourite cafés. Her head ached where Lila had pulled tightly on her braid (think Lady Noire) as she felt several strands of her hair fall out. Had no one found her being dragged around slightly disturbing?
She supposed no one cared about business that didn’t affect them in Gotham. Wow. Great, just great. She’d submitted herself fully when another blue-eyed black-haired man had come to her rescue. Seriously, was everyone in Gotham like Jay Jay or had he just been a manifestation of her sleep deprivation. He’d seemed so real, so human but it wouldn’t be the first time her mind would make something so absurd up. It was probably her loneliness acting up again. There was no way any sane person would stay around her for so long.
Surprisingly it had been Tim who saved her, though she hadn’t known that. Unsurprisingly, Jay and him had two distinctly different personalities. He lived off coffee, looked twice his age with those bags but had such wit about him that he could manipulate the situation without the other party realising. He had been surrounded by so many coffee cups that she had thought he had been in his final year preparing for exams or perhaps working night shifts every day of the week. But nooooo, he was the co-CEO of a business. Starting at the age of 17. Marinette had felt some of the burden dropped on her and she wasn’t even in his position. No wonder he looked like he needed a pick me up. It was just as well that she’d come equipped with her special coffee. She’d make more for Gina later, he needed it more. Plus, Gigi wouldn’t be back in hours.
“I know you said it was alright to sit with you uhh...”
“Right, Tim. I don’t want to bother you anymore but that coffee looks like it doesn’t do shit for you. I made some for my grandma but she won’t be back for ages so maybe... you would like it?” Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Of course he won’t want some he probably thinks you’re a weirdo who poisoned his drink. Maybe you can take it back from him? “ on second thought-"
“Sure. Why not?” Ok Tim needs sleep. My God, I could have spiked his drink and he accepted it. He’s so vulnerable like this.
“If I give you my drink it will probably take a minute to kick in but... but you have to promise me that you’ll drink my power down later. If you don’t I’ll find you and I’ll get you to sleep one way or another. Don’t test me.” He gulped, eyes wide as he frantically nodded. “Good. Now would you like some pastries to go with your Marinette’s Super Special?” Her shift in character made him freeze. He couldn’t find his voice quick enough and instead opted for a simple thumbs up. She dug two flasks out of her bag, placing one in front of him and sniffed her own. Then, she brought two plates out, setting out croissants so buttery they made him drool, raspberry macaroons and a dozen mini chocolate chip muffins.
“You look like you needed a sugar rush so I guessed what you might like. Sorry if they’re not your favourites. Now chop chop eat up child!” Tim took a tentative sip of his drink feeling it slip down his throat. It had been just how he liked it yet slightly stronger. And then he felt the kick. It had been so small that his brain glossed over it but it’d been there. He was starting to feel more human again. And it had shown. His face had become less pallid and gaunt, his eyes held a fire that had been previously extinguished and his movements became less robotic, almost lighter. Before Marinette could utter ‘I told you so' everything had vanished. Tim was never usually a messy eater but he definitely was right now. Chocolate was smeared all over his chin , flakes from the croissant had littered around his suit and coffee had spilt on his white polo shirt.
“Beanie,” he muttered, a wild look in his egyptian blue eyes. “Please tell me you’re real. Or I at least died and went to heaven. You’re too sweet not to be in my life. I don’t know how I lived without you before. Please, I need you as my dealer. Your coffee is the only one I’ll ever drink again. Please.”
It wasn’t every day you saw Tim Drake beg on his knees and whine. But when you did, you would probably laugh your ass off. Whoever that poor girl was had just attracted the attention of invasive photographers. Unlucky, but at least they would get a show out of it.
“If I give you my coffee you’re not going to sleep. You’re going to be a living zombie and I can’t live with that. I’d rather not have anyone connecting me with your death from excessive tiredness.” Tim knew he had to play dirty if he was going to win. Thankfully, Steph had taught him how to master the art of puppy dog eyes which he aimed at Marinette. He then wrapped his arms around her leg, consequently being dragged along the unsanitary sidewalk to where both their belongings were.
“Please please please please PLEASE.” He noticed Marinette’s will become fragile. He wobbled his bottom lip, sniffling softly. “I’ll stop begging if you say yes. Please beanie.”
“Fine.” She huffed whilst he fist pumped the air. “But we do things on my terms alright?”
“Yes ma’am!”
“Jeez. You’ve given me a headache.” She stated aiming a half-hearted glare at a sheepish Tim. “That’s an achievement, dude, not even Chloé could do that and her tantrums were super bratty.”
He had gone to apologise when shrill ringing rang in the air.
“Sorry,” he mouthed. “ I have to take this.”
“Jason what do you want? You just interrupted my deal with my dealer.”
“ I didn’t know you had it in you. But now isn’t the time. I need you to check security where you are. Pixie pop's gone missing.”
“Pixie pop?”
“I’ll explain later but right now she’s in danger. See you in 5 replacement.” With nothing left to say the line went dead and he decided to run some checks on Jason’s location whilst idly chatting with Marinette. She had asked for his unique insight on her latest design.
“What shade would you use on this? I’m only asking because of your peculiar style.”
“Definitely lavender but towards the bottom fade into a dark purple. And peculiar?”
“Who wears a suit on a hot summers day?” she asked eyebrow raised.
“Me. Batman. Business owners. Cosplayers. Bruce Wayne. The list could go on but I don’t have all day.” He said throwing an exaggerated wink at her.
“None of those people you mentioned are normal except maybe cosplayers so it doesn’t count. Better luck next time. I’m going to go pee.” Tim had opened his mouth to respond when he spotted Jason. He looked terrible. His hair was matted against his forehead with sweat, his eyes were bloodshot.
“I came as soon as I could. What did you find replacement? Spit it out. I don’t have all fucking day.”
“First, I want you to meet me dealer and then we can talk about what happened to ‘pixie' and who they even are.”
“Tim, as much as I’d love to meet your drug buddy, it’ll have to wait. She’s more important. I’m worried that the people who took her are going to seriously harm her.”
“Fine but you’re missing out on meeting the sweetest girl ever.”
“I’ll pass.” Jason snarled before turning back to the pixelated security feed. “That was where I last saw her. That’s weird. It’s like she disappeared from all footage. Do you have any other leads?”
“Jay-Jay?” Marinette barrelled into him locking him in a hug. “How do you know tater-tot?”
“Sorry little lady but I’m looking for someone. Holy shit, is that you pixie pop?”
“Yup and who you calling little lady? I’m fun sized and could totally whoop your ass if I wasn’t pregnant. Just remember that Jason.” The way she had said his name sent shivers up his spine. She had delivered her sentence as a fact, not a threat.
“That’s why you’re my favourite, pixie pop.” Jason said, tearing up.
“Replacement, how did you even save Marinette?”
“They probably took a look at his half dead state and got scared off.” After an hour of re-introduction, they finally left. Jason drove her back on his motorcycle and dumped Tim’s limp body (from drinking Marinette’s calming chai tea) on his back.
With many hours to kill before Gina would be back from her night shift, she got changed into her gym clothes- a pink shirt with short sleeves and grey shorts- and headed to her local sports centre. Surprisingly, it was Dick who saved her this time
Marinette had been doing light exercise to keep in shape every day since she arrived in Gotham. She had a daily routine of squats, sit ups and weights, moving at her own pace. She had only attended the gym once before this and everyone had been friendly or had just gone about their days. Today was the first day anyone had actually approached her
“Hey sunshine, is it alright if I call you sunshine?” She nodded. “There’s a creepy guy watching you. He hasn’t actually done any workouts but he’s pointing his phone at you for a hell of a long time.”
“Thank you for telling me...”
“Richard but you can call me Dick.” She snickered. “If you want to that is.” Dick walked away to take a quick call from his brother when...
WARNING: YOU MIGHT NOT BE COMFORTABLE READING THIS PART. TW: sexual harassment. I'll put a brief summary at the bottom if you would rather skip
When she felt a firm hand squeeze her ass. She felt it trail down her shorts before she could even look at their face. She leapt away from his grasp, her breathing heavy as she looked around for any support. Unfortunately, the gym was empty, giving the predator an easy advantage.
“Hey baby did anyone tell you you’re damn sexy when you smile? Cuz you definitely are.” he aimed a snide smile at her. His yellow teeth glinted and his heady scent made her sick. “Princess, come back to mine tonight. We could have so much fun together and I’ll make you scream until you forget your own name. So, how about it?” He had approached he, pushing her boundaries, forcing her to back up against the wall.
‘No. Not ever. But especially not today.’
Marinette paled quickly. Gina wouldn’t be home for hours and he would most likely follow her home anyways. With no one to bear witness to this, he could do as he pleased. He wouldn’t take no for an answer. He could seriously hurt her or worse... and there would be nothing she could do about it. She’d just fade into the background, just another statistic. No one would believe her because ‘she shouldn’t have dressed like that’ and ‘she definitely wanted it’. So, she would fight and if he won well so be it. At least she had done all she could.
“Has anyone told you it’s rude to hit on people’s girlfriends?” Dick said forcing himself between them. He knew she could handle it but something about that guy made him uneasy. Marinette had exuded confidence but she still trembled and he could see how tense her muscles had been.
“He’s your boyfriend? You could do so much better than him. Just tell him your coming home with me. Or better yet, I’ll pay you to do it in front of me.” Marinette could see the repulsion on Dick’s face, as she gagged. “Yes, that would be way better. I’ll seriously pay you. Got a couple hundred bucks if you want it.” He stated palming himself through his jeans.
“No thanks. Maybe after she’s given birth?”
“She’s pregnant? What a slut. I bet she poked holes in your condom so you wouldn’t be able to leave her. Anyways, got to get back home to the wife and kids. Hit me up when she’s good again.” Marinette flung her arms around Dick as soon as she was sure he was gone.
Tw over
“Thank you so much. He wouldn't have stopped if you hadn’t come Dick.”
“No problem, sunshine.”
“It’s Marinette.” She mumbled, scuffing her shoes against the gym floor.
“The name's Marinette. I would have loved to meet you under different circumstances. Oh well. Nice to meet you anyways.”
“You too Mari. Are you driving back home?”
“I actually walked her. I’ll probably just call a taxi or walk back.”
“No way sunshine. That guy is a huge sleaze ball. I don’t doubt that he’ll try something funny. If no one’s coming to pick you up I’ll walk you back home. Ok?”
Dick had been completely right. The dude had been waiting outside, most likely waiting for Mari to leave but when he saw them leave together, he raced to his car. Dick had memorized his license plate and got a brief description of the car but he would probably dump it somewhere. Still, no harm in trying. He watched constantly to see if he was following them and took some turns to shake him off. In the end, they had arrived and Dick hadn’t left until he saw her actually enter her apartment. He had to tell everyone about Marinette.
Marinette’s battery had been drained, both physically and socially after that week. Lila had pissed her off and she felt really bad for that guy she spewed on. Not like she would see him again. She’d spent all week working on the dress Tim helped her with to wear to her visit to the Wayne’s tomorrow. It had been her fastest completed project ever, though she had neglected eating and sleeping. Marinette had to agree with Tim. The fade into dark purple had been a nice addition and made it really stand out. Even Penny had thought so when she saw it on their chat about commissions. A hungover Jagged threw a ‘rock’n’roll’ over her shoulder and Marinette had felt a pang in her heart at the tenderness they treated each other with. Maybe, one day she could have that special bond with someone too. But she needed to focus on helping herself heal first. She could see the apologetic look written over Penny’s face to which she giggled at before declaring that she needed some rest.
Gina had forced her to rest before they visited the Wayne’s. Apparently today had been Thursday not Wednesday? The days had just blended into one. She had been intrigued to meet the rest of the family but she felt so weak.
‘Oh well,’ she thought. ‘Nothing a little tea can’t fix.’
Since she had found out she was pregnant, all her normal guilty pleasures had been off limits. No double espresso as bitter as her soul and no alcohol. She had to adapt to the restrictions because of her doctor. So, she whipped up a tea as strong as her go to coffee with way less caffeine. It had still her the kick she needed but it wasn’t as good as she would have liked. Still, she’d take what she could get. It still aggravated her when she would reach for a glass of white wine or coffee beans forgetting about the warnings. It aggravated her when she would call out to Tikki to transform forgetting she was no longer by her side. She would toy with her empty earlobes before letting her tears fall freely. Tikki had been the most loyal-kwami or human- and she still got taken. She wouldn’t pretend it hadn’t hurt but she had moved on. Some days she would remember she wasn’t with her and cry but on some she’d pretend everything was normal. Today was one of those days where she wore herself out from crying. Gina had caught her but even she knew Marinette needed space, assuming she was still upset about Adrien.
After a good half an hour of crying, she went to freshen up refusing to look like a puffer fish when she met everyone. Dabbling at her eyes, she applied light mascara and used concealer under her bags so she wouldn’t look as dead as Tim. She slipped into the dress, wearing it with pride. It had fit like a glove exemplifying her curves and showing her protruding baby bump. That had been the only downside as she wanted it to be a surprise. Though, nothing slipped past Alfred’s keen eyes. She’d been puzzled as to how she could style her hair before she settled on voluminous curls. It had required Gina’s help and a hell of a lot of hairspray but it had been worth it. She set her flower crown upon her head (delivered to her by Adrien) and placed one on Gina's. She’d been quite surprised when Gina told her she would have to go by herself but it wouldn’t be too bad. Alfred and Bruce were kind so she could just chat with them if the others were rude.
Damian was annoyed. Gina was late. Very late. And he’d been waiting for hours for her to arrive. A soft rap on the door sent him flying out of his seat as he scrambled to unlock the door. He’d expected Gina but on their doorstep was that angel from before.
“You,” he whispered. “Why are you here?” He didn’t like feeling confused so he schooled his features to be cold and cynical. Footsteps behind him caused him to instinctively slam the door shut.
“Sorry angel.” Not that she could hear him. Jason had stood behind him, watching him with curiosity.
“Demon spawn. Who was at the door?” Shit. He couldn’t exactly say how he knew her or his reputation would be tarnished. Everyone in his family knew Todd was the biggest gossiper and he would definitely spread the news. Like hell would he tell Todd. He’d take that secret to his grave.
"It was bArBarA. I mean Gordon. Yeah it was Gordon.” His voice may have cracked several times but it was a convincing lie, right?
“One, you almost never call people by their first names.” Jason said, eyes narrowing slightly. “Two your voice sounded awful. And you don’t stray from perfection. So, what’s your deal?
“Puberty?” He shrugged trying to conceal his panic.
“I’ll take your bullshit for now but you forgot Barbara’s already here. Let’s try this again. Who was at the door?”
“It was that harlot that Grayson suggested I try to court.
“Oh, that bitch. She’s all yours. Just keep her away from me. And Damian when dinner is over, I’ll find you and I’ll kill you. Make no mistake.” And with that, he threw a quick salute over his shoulder and strolled away. Damian had let out a sigh of relief, turning to walk away before he remembered who was still outside.
“Todd tell everyone I went to the bathroom.” He yelled shutting the front door before he could hear his reply. He descended down the stairs only to find her missing. He had begun mapping out all the locations of the manor when his eyes fell upon her. He felt the air forcibly be removed from his lungs and he remained unmoving. Awestruck. His heart squeezed as he watched her sniff his magnolias that he tended to. The way her dress pooled around her and the small but present baby bump had made him flush.
‘She truly was an angel.’ His eyes glanced at the flower crown entangled in her inky locks as the moonlit sky enhanced her celestial look. ‘She’s also much more than that though.’
“Take a picture. It’ll last longer.” She saw his mortified face. “You know getting a door slammed in your face isn’t the greatest first impression a family could give.”
“I’m sorry. But what are you doing here?”
“Expecting a warm welcome, not being left out in the cold, really anything but this. And I don’t even know you so...”
"You do."
"Excuse me?"
"You puked on me. I didn’t think you were going to ever see me again so you surprised me. I didn’t want to explain to anyone how we were acquainted.”
"I’m so sorry. It’s these stupid hormones. And that stupid Lila. Everything is just stupid."
"Lila Rossi? She is pretty stupid.” And then something changed. His face was softer and he hadn’t looked like he would bite her head off. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“I’m waiting for my grandma but maybe tomorrow. I’m meeting a stuck-up client so I’m gonna need to vent. I’ll tell you the details later?”
“Fine with me.” She hobbled away. She had been patiently waiting by the doorstep, her soft rap probably inaudible due to all the chaos. He whipped out his spare key, unlocking the door. He hadn’t expected that soft click to prompt the attention of his whole family.
“Pixie pop?”
“WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH DAMIAN?” they screamed, rushing forwards to envelop her in hugs.
“I let her in. You guys didn’t even hear her knocking. Wait, how do you all know Angel?”
His eyes nervously flitted to hers at the slip of his private nickname. He saw the flush on her cheeks as her mouth formed a small ‘o'. She couldn’t even look him in the eyes as the others taunted him for his cute pet name. He felt Dick ruffle his hair, which took a while to style, and Jason poke his sides. He felt Tim snicker and Barbara pinch his cheek. And he felt Marinette link their hands together in solidarity, enduring the teasing with him. They had been so embarrassed that they completely missed the arrival of Gina and the scheming look on Alfred’s face who dished her the gossip. They missed the dark but silent chuckle that left both Gina and Alfred as they decided to meddle in their kids failing love lives.
“What’d I miss, my little chicks? Because Mama’s home.”
NOTES (optional)
In the part labelled with tw here is what happens:
Creepy old 50 year old man hits on Marinette and feels her up. He asks her to come home with him but Dick helps her out and stops him. He tells them he would pay to watch them go at it and calls Marinette names. He eventually 'leaves' to his wife and kids.
@sassakitty @lunathealphafemale @krispydefendorpolice @blackmagicforever @nach0ava @wannajointhecrabcult @thornalchemist23 @moonlightstar64 @iloveitwhen @little-angel1031 @screwthisshit111 @rebecarojas07 @animegirlweeb @mystery-5-5 @moonystars14 @gingerdaile @spyofthenightcourt @mialuvscats @notmycupoftea26 @thequeenofpotatoeunicornss @kuroko26 @miracleofadisaster @novicevoice @iloontjeboontje @abrx2002
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All My Fault 9
By: SassyShoulderAngel319
Fandom/Character(s): DC, BatFam - Damian Wayne/Batman
Rating: PG-11 (minor sparring---nothing too violent)
Notes: (Masterlist) Tim’s the genius of the family for a reason...
Tag List (Open): @batboys-and-other-messes @nanna-the-batmum @probsjosh @welovegroot
Ch 1, Ch 2, Ch 3, Ch 4, Ch 5, Ch 6, Ch 7, Ch 8
The rest of the family—except Cass who was still out of town—found me and Damian in the parlor hours later, still going over dresses with Damian’s arm still around my shoulders. We’d narrowed down the designs to my top five and were going through color options, Damian coloring in the line-art of his designs with his tablet.
“—can’t wear a white dress!” I was saying when Bruce and Tim stuck their heads in. “It’s a gala, not my wedding! What happens if someone spills red wine on me? Plus white’s just… no. I can do cream or gray or silver but not white. Not for something like this.”
“Hey guys,” Tim greeted.
“Oh hey! How was the meeting?” I asked.
“Boring. So… Is something… going on?”
“Hmm? No. We’re just going over design and color options for my outfit for the charity ball.”
“Oh. Huh. That’s not what I meant. What’s with the arm?”
“She couldn’t see as well with my arm in the way, so I got it out of the way,” Damian said distractedly, not looking up from where he was coloring in a ballgown with a gray shade that he added some sparkle brush to, scribbling, “silver” off to the side in the same color.
“Oh. Okay. Right,” Tim said, ducking out of the room.
“Afternoon,” Bruce said before also ducking out and shutting the door behind him. Damian and I glanced at each other with lowered eyebrows. I shrugged and went back to looking at his tablet.
“Okay, I like this one, but I don’t really think a ballgown should be silver, you know? Like, wearing silver would make me look like… Cinderella or something,” I said as though Tim and Bruce hadn’t interrupted.
Tim pointed through the door where Damian and Cloudy were still talking. “We gonna talk about something going on between them?” he asked quietly.
Bruce turned his head to look at the door, listened to his ward say something about Cinderella to his son, and then turned to look back at his third-eldest son. He paused for a moment, putting his thoughts into words. “Nothing to talk about,” he said. “Nora wasn’t blushing at any point. She can’t lie very well. If there was something about their relationship that they were hiding from us, she’d blush when she tried to hide it.”
Tim glanced between his adoptive dad and the doorway where his little brother and now-younger sister-figure were talking about colors on evening gowns the same way most people talked about the weather.
He shrugged. “Okay. I just didn’t know if the arm-around-the-shoulder thing had any extra implications,” he remarked before strolling off for his room to change out of his suit.
Bruce went down to the Batcave.
“—absolutely certain? We can have all five of them made and then you can wear them to other events,” Damian said.
“And overwork some poor seamstresses before a rather short deadline? I don’t think so,” I said. “I'm fine just having one made. And I think I want them to make this one.” I tapped the one I liked the best on his screen—making the cursor flare and then vanish. “Although…” I pinched the corner of Damian’s tablet and tugged it. “May I?” I asked.
“What are you doing?”
“Color change,” I said. Damian passed me the tablet without resistance. “Thanks,” I added. I dug through the tablet, dropped something into his Photoshop, used the eye-dropper to select a color, deleted the thing I’d added, and colored in the dress. I passed the tablet back to Damian and leaned against his side again so I could still see. “Better?”
He scrunched his eyebrows. “Wwwhy did you choose that color?” he wondered.
I shrugged. “I have my reasons,” I said. “Okay. I’ve been sitting down way too long.” I patted his chest and pushed myself to my feet. “I'm gonna go box or bench or something. Wanna join?”
Damian shrugged. “Sure. Let me go change. Now that Drake’s back maybe he’ll let us spar against him and get used to the new inverted height difference.”
I smirked. “That’d be fun.” I swung around the doorframe to the parlor on one arm and went jogging for my room to put on my workout clothes.
The reason I colored the dress the one I chose? The reason I didn’t tell him?
It was the same color as his eyes.
Figured if I didn’t want to match his black tie, I might as well match his eyes.
Plus, even though my eyes were brown, when a bright light shone into them, a greenish ring around the outside edge could be seen. Wearing green sometimes made that ring easier to see.
I changed fast, pulled my hair back into a tight ponytail, and went off for the Batcave, stopping on the way at Tim’s room. “Hey Timbo,” I greeted, poking my head in.
“Hi Cloudy. What’s up?” he replied distractedly.
“Wanna come spar with me and Damian? Work off some of that meeting-boredom energy?”
“That sounds suspiciously like you have an ulterior motive,” Tim joked, spinning around in his desk chair to look at me, arms folding over his chest and raising one of his eyebrows. I sighed dramatically and leaned against his doorframe.
“Okay, you caught me,” I relented sarcastically. Tim smirked at my theatrics. “Damian and I want to get used to fighting with the inverted height difference. Last time we were really in the field together, not counting this past patrol, he was more than half-a-foot shorter than me. Now he’s just over a foot taller than me. Wanna be our opponent?”
Tim thought for a moment. “There was a time I would immediately jump at any chance I could get to beat up that brat,” he remarked. “But now… sure why not? I could blow off some steam.”
I smiled. “Thanks bro,” I said. “Meet you downstairs.”
“See you in a minute.” Tim got off his desk chair as I pulled his door shut so he could change.
I headed downstairs to the cave.
“Ready for this?” Damian asked as he picked up a wooden sword. He had on a thin black tank top and athletic shorts. It looked very attractive on him. Really accented his powerful build. I blinked and shook the thoughts out of my head. Not the time. I cracked my knuckles and stretched.
“Ready as I’ll ever be. It’s been a while since I sparred against Tim,” I said.
“What’s going on?” Bruce asked, looming out of the shadows.
“Oh we’re going to spar against Tim,” I answered.
“Two against one? That doesn’t seem fair,” Bruce said.
“We’ll go a little easy, B,” I said. “We’re mostly just doing it to get used to fighting with our new height difference. I'm used to Damian being shorter than me.”
“I see. Perhaps I should join,” he said.
Damian and I exchanged a glance. “Well we were going to ask Jay when he got back…” I began.
“Father,” Damian also began.
“Don’t you two start telling me I'm too old, now,” Bruce warned, almost jokingly. It was weirder when he used lighter tones than when Damian did. “I already get it enough from Jason and Dick.”
I scoffed. “Pfft! C’mon, B. You know Jason does it in jest,” I said. Bruce cocked an eyebrow. “Okay, okay. You can be on Tim’s team. But if you need to tap out…” I just shrugged. “We won’t blame you.”
“I'm not that old, Nora,” Bruce admonished.
“Well if you think you can handle it I'm not going to tell you otherwise,” I replied, clapping his shoulder and crossing over to the training mat where Damian was swinging his fake sword around, preparing to fight against Tim’s staff.
Tim came running down the stairs moments later. “I'm here!” he exclaimed breathlessly. He wore a T-shirt and athletic shorts, spinning his staff around in a quick warmup. He and I stretched so we wouldn’t tear anything—Damian had already stretched while I’d been changing and doing my hair, apparently. Bruce started to stretch too. “No way! Are you gonna be on my team?” Tim asked him.
“I always am,” Bruce said.
Damian liked his sword, even if Bruce rarely let him use it, Dick had his escrima sticks, Jason his guns and knives, and Tim his staff. I didn’t usually use many weapons. Not even batarangs. Tim had taught me a little staff and Dick a little bit with escrima sticks, but I still usually just used my own two hands as much as I could.
This was going to be interesting.
Damian and I faced off against Tim and Bruce on the training mat. Tim spun his staff around his hands and twirled it around his back. Damian spun his sword to loosen his wrist. “Ready kids?” Bruce asked.
“If you think you can handle it,” I replied, trash-talking with a smile.
“Oh it’s on,” Tim replied playfully. I laughed and cracked my neck.
Tim attacked first.
Damian caught Tim’s staff on his wooden sword while I ducked under a haymaker of Bruce’s, spinning around on the ground to knock one foot out from under him.
Unfortunately, Damian was standing too close with a stance too wide that I wasn’t used to and I caught his ankle too.
He fell on top of me—knocking the wind out of me. He leapt off of me almost immediately and shot to his feet, launching himself at Tim. They fought staff-on-sword, leaving me to deal with the original Batman on my own. Which, even with him being nearly a decade older than the last time I sparred against him, was really hard. I got a few good licks in but mostly took more hits than I dealt.
Until I cried out as a bruise from patrol the night before got hit.
Damian’s hand wrapped around my shoulder and forced me behind him with enough force that he nearly shoved me to the ground had I not been light on my feet and used to the motion—from Jason and Dick. It was a move we used to practice when we wanted to trade opponents.
I caught Tim’s staff in my hands as he swung it toward Damian and yanked, throwing him off balance. He recovered fast, though, and jabbed me in the gut with the end of his staff. “Oof!” I grunted, wheezing and retaliating by getting in close enough to jab him in the solar plexus with my elbow—and leaving myself vulnerable to another attack.
Which swiftly came in the form of a staff across the back. I stumbled away from Tim, coughing and trying to get my breath back.
Damian managed to fend off both Tim and Bruce at the same time for a good fifteen seconds before I reentered the sparring match.
It was easier than I thought, adjusting to his height. I hadn’t fought side-by-side with Bruce much when he was Batman and he was the closest to Damian’s height, but I had fought near Dick and Jason a lot. What was an extra three inches when you’re ducking under an attack from an opponent for your partner behind you to parry it? Adjusting to his weapon use was harder. Jason would sometimes just shoot someone when I ducked out of the way—nonlethal shots, usually, but a bullet was smaller and faster than a wooden sword.
Bruce tapped out first. “Not because he was tired,” though. He said he had “important business” to attend to. Damian, Tim, and I all exchanged a glance as Bruce left the training mat. Tim swung his staff.
Damian caught the end of the staff with one hand before it could strike my shoulder.
Damian and I went a little easy on Tim when he was alone. Not too easy though. Tim was vicious when he needed to be. If we went too easy he’d beat the snot out of both of us. But Damian and I were both also good fighters. If we both gave 100% we could seriously injure him. So we didn’t.
Technically we weren’t training. Just adjusting what we already knew. So we went only a little easy. Easy enough that we wouldn’t hurt Tim much while it was 2-on-1, but giving it enough effort that we didn’t get the snot beat out of us.
That didn’t mean I didn’t get several good whacks from his staff through. Because I did. I’d definitely end up with bruises.
I was the next to tap out. “Okay boys,” I said, panting, sweating, sore, and really tired. “I'm done. I'm gonna go shower.” I gave them a weak thumbs-up and stumbled up the stairs and out of the cave.
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There’s Snow Business Like Sew Business
Project Runway Season 16, Episode 12
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The Challenge: The designers must create a winter-themed look that will decide who goes to New York Fashion Week and who gets left out in the cold
{ Prelude }
Bolo: Since Tondy and I have been on vacation this week, I’m excited to introduce our guest judges, our dear friends and Project Runway fans, Daisy and Sam! Take it away, ladies!
Daisy: Thanks Tondy and Bolo for inviting us to be guest judges for this challenge.  This is the last chance for the designers to show that they deserve to go to New York Fashion Week, and the challenge is to create high fashion winter looks.  Growing up in the Midwest, winter has always had a special place in my heart, and I’m excited to see the spin each designer will put on winter wear. It seems like Brandon - who has always been the judges’ favorite - has an advantage in this round, having come from Utah, and Margarita - who benefitted from the Tim Gunn Save in the last episode - is at a disadvantage.   Sam: I’m also thrilled to be guest judging! Thanks Tondy and Bolo! When I heard that this challenge was for winter wear, I was excited. We’ve already seen some great outerwear from a few of these designers. Brandon does seem to have the advantage, not only because he’s from Utah, but because he’s this seasons teacher’s pet. Margarita being from warmer climes, is most likely going to struggle.
{ The Workroom }
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Daisy: The designers seem eager to get started and I’m already in love with Kenya’s coat fabric.  The brothers start working on their jackets as well, and I’m interested in seeing how Brandon uses that fabric that creases easily.  Margarita still seems to be struggling and it’s hard to tell if that’s from being saved last week, or the problems at Mood with her initial selection of real fur instead of fake fur, but she’s clearly having a hard time with this challenge.  Kentaro seems to be back in his element and with Meisha as his model, I think that gives him the confidence he needs to succeed in this challenge.  I like Ayana’s choice of colors for her coat, but the painting of the coat may be a problem.  
Sam: I wasn’t impressed with Margarita's choice of faux fur for the dress. To be honest, I would have had the same reaction to real fur, it’s just not flattering. I think the debacle at Mood coupled with being saved last week has her frazzled.  I think Kenya’s coat fabric is gorgeous! I’m hoping the brothers can make distinctive looks. They were way too similar last week. Since they have started their bro-fest, Kentaro has been struggling. That makes me sad because he has a very distinctive point of view, and his friendship with Brandon seems to be affecting his aesthetic.
{ The Runway }
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Daisy: The coat turned out better than I thought it would.  I really love the fabric and how it compliments the white trim.  I could do without the headband and the handwarmer. Score: 3.5 Sam: I love the color palette, the winter white and green. The coat is lovely, but the outfit has me a little perplexed. Only a true fashionista would wear a crop top in the middle of winter. The headband is ok, but I hated the hand warmer. I’m also tired of the ribbons. They’ve become a cliché instead of a signature for me. Score: 3.25
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Daisy: I swear Liris could make a paper bag look good.  I love the faux fur around her face peeking out of that gorgeous jacket, but the dress itself is just not flattering to me. Score: 3.0 Sam: Poor Liris! She is a fierce goddess who can work an outfit and a runway like no other. Kentaro made her into Pocahontas, and now Margarita has turned her into Wilma Flintstone! No one wants to wear a fur dress! I do love the coat, and the beautiful blue lining, but that dress is just awful! Score: 2.0
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Daisy: The trench coat style is nice, but I’m not crazy about the patterned jumpsuit underneath.  I think a different pattern would have paired better with the coat. Score: 3.5 Sam: I love the jumpsuit, and the trench coat, just not together. I’ve been very impressed with Ayana the past few weeks. She is really coming into her own as a designer. She is living proof that modest can be fashionable. Score: 3.5
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Daisy: If I lived up north still, I’d buy that plaid jacket tomorrow.  I really love how it looks on Jazzmine, but the pants and top just don’t suit her figure at all. I really wish she would have chosen a different outfit to go under the coat. Score: 3.5 Sam: That plaid coat is everything! I would buy it today. I was disappointed that Kenya’s outfit didn’t match the aesthetic of the coat. It was nice, but it didn’t blow me away. Score: 3.0 
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Daisy: I actually really like the way that Meisha looks in this outfit.  From the leg warmers, to the shorts, to the jacket, everything is very classy and it seems that Kentaro finally got his mojo back. Score: 4.5
Sam: Meisha and Kentaro are adorable together. The jacket is gorgeous and innovative, but seemed a little complicated. Once again, wearing shorts in winter is odd to me, but the overall look of the jacket paired with shorts and leg warmers made me forget that little detail. Score: 4.0
{ The Results }
Judges’ Top Three: Kentaro, Brandon, Ayana Our Top Three: Kentaro, Ayana, Brandon
Judges’ Bottom Two: Margarita, Kenya  Our Bottom Two: Kenya, Margarita
Judges’ Winning Pick: Kentaro  Our Winning Pick: Kentaro
Judges’ Losing Pick: No one!   Our Losing Pick: Margarita
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Total agreement with the judges, with the exception of no one being out, which was a big surprise!
{ Afterthoughts }
Daisy: I’m so excited that all five designers are getting to create a collection for Fashion Week.  While I have to agree with Bolo and Tondy that the judges are head over heels in love with Brandon and his ribbons, I’m hoping that all the designers come up with a collection that just wows the judges and makes the final decision all that much harder for them.  I’ve really become attached to these designers and it will be hard to see any of them lose.   Sam: I can’t wait to see what these five designers put together for their Fashion Week collections. I hope that being back in their home environment brings out the best in each of them. I can’t imagine how stressful it must be to be creative and innovative under that pressure. I can’t wait to see Tim do home visits! Will Kentaro stick to his clean, minimalistic vibe? Will Ayana continue to show amazing growth? Will Margarita be able to shake off her disappointments and show that she has a point of view? Will the warm and genuine Kenya be able to infuse her clothes with her amazing personality? Will Brandon run out of ribbon? Next week Tondy and Bolo will return to answer those questions and more! Thanks again for letting us have a little fun this week!
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