vbecker10 · 1 year
Idk... these remind me of the stages of doing a home improvement project lol
Got the paint and all the stuff you need...
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Starting off strong...
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Examining your handy work...
Realizing it looks awful and you should have hired a professional...
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Giving up and taking a nap...
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Just me? Lol
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haveyoueatenthis · 10 months
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spooky1980 · 11 months
So Monday was another very exciting mail day for me. On ebay recently I purchased a Japanese promotional pamphlet for the movie High Rise.
I was also lucky enough to add a pair of Tom's trainers that he wore during the movie from the production company who made the High Rise movie.
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optikes · 4 months
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Rosemany Laing (1959-2024) Australian
1 The Flowering of the Strange Orchid (2017)  archival pigment print 103 x 203cm
2 brumby mound #5 (2003) C type photo 109.9 x 225cm
3 Aristide (2010)  C type photo  110 x 223cm
4 weather#9 (2006)  C Type photograph  129 x 205 cm
5 welcome to Australia (2004)  C Type photograph 110 x 224cm
6 flight research #5 (1999)   C Type photograph 107 x 240cm
A     tolarnogalleries.com
Rosemary Laing is a photo-based artist. Her projects are most often created in relation to cultural and/or historically resonant locations throughout Australia. With interventions undertaken in situ or through the use of choreographed performance work, she engages with the politics of place and contemporary culture.
B     Victoria Lynn
Laing has spent time researching the history of land and the notion of landscapes at length, and through multiple angles. This has included film, literature, and painting, and the belief systems of Indigenous people. “Laing asks us to think through our own relationship to these bodies of knowledge and our sense of belonging and displacement in these landscapes.
C     Rachel Kent
Eschewing digital means, Laing worked in situ to construct her dramatic tableaux, with performers from athletes to stuntwomen, and other collaborators.
D    artgallery.nsw.gov.au
In the 'flight research' series Laing photographed a woman wearing a bridal dress suspended in the air. In some works she hovers over an extensive mountainous landscape seeming to defy the laws of gravity. In others such as this image there is a poignant sense of impending disaster as the bride tips forward hands outstretched, seeming to anticipate her eventual contact with the earth. The bright cerulean blue of the sky and the white of the bride’s dress make a dramatic contrast and seem symbolic, the blue suggesting infinite space and traditionally the heavens and the white dress carrying the weight of virginity, innocence and purity.
Laing has created several series around flight and movement including 'brownwork' photographed at Sydney airport in which figures interact with planes and tarmac in unexpected ways. However the 'flight research' and 'Bulletproofglass' series are the most enigmatic with their subject matter of hovering brides. These surreal images echo the role the bride has had in popular culture - in films such as 'Muriels wedding' (1994) - and in high culture in such paintings as Arthur Boyd’s Brides series. The symbolism of the bride remains powerful in modern and contemporary culture and Laing participates with her own images which suggest both freedom and transcendence but also impending tragedy and disaster.
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nicklloydnow · 1 year
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“The specifically human feature of human groupings can be exploited to turn them into the semblance of nonhuman systems.
We do not now suppose that chemical elements combine together because they love each other. Atoms do not explode out of hatred. It is men who act out of love and hatred, who combine for defense, attack, or pleasure in each other's company.
All those people who seek to control the behavior of large numbers of other people work on the experiences of those other people. Once people can be induced to experience a situation in a similar way, they can be expected to behave in similar ways. Induce people all to want the same thing, hate the same thing, feel the same threat, then their behavior is already captive - you have acquired your consumers or your cannon-fodder. Induce a common perception of Negroes as subhuman, or of whites as vicious and effete, and behavior can be concerted accordingly.
However much experience and action can be transformed into quantitatively interchangeable units, the schema for the intelligibility of group structures and permanence is of quite a different order from the schema we employ when we are explaining relative constancies in physical systems. In the latter case, we do not, in the same way, retrace the constancy of a pattern back to the reciprocal interiorization of the pattern by whatever one regards as the units comprising it. The inertia of human groups, however, which appears as the very negation of praxis, is in fact the product of praxis and nothing else. This group inertia can only be an instrument of mystification if it is taken to be part of the "natural order of things." The ideological abuse of such an idea is obvious. It so clearly serves the interests of those whose interest it is to have people believe that the status quo is of the "natural order," ordained divinely or by "natural" laws. What is less immediately obvious, but no less confusing, is the application of an epistemological schema, derived from natural systems, to human groups. The theoretical stance here only serves to intensify the dissociation of praxis from structure.
The group becomes a machine - and that it is a man-made machine in which the machine is the very men who make it is forgotten. It is quite unlike a machine made by men, which can have an existence of its own. The group is men themselves arranging themselves in patterns, strata, assuming and assigning different powers, functions, roles, rights, obligations and so on.
The group cannot become an entity separate from men, but men can form circles to encircle other men. The patterns in space and time, their relative permanence and rigidity, do not turn at any time into a natural system or a hyperorganism, although the fantasy can develop, and men can start to live by the fantasy that the relative permanence in space-time of patterns and patterns of patterns is what they must live and die for.
It is as though we all preferred to die to preserve our shadows.
For the group can be nothing else than the multiplicity of the points of view and actions of its members, and this remains true even where, through the interiorization of this multiplicity as synthesized by each, this synthesized multiplicity becomes ubiquitous in space and enduring in time.
It is just as well that man is a social animal, since the sheer complexity and contradiction of the social field in which he has to live is so formidable. This is so even with the fantastic simplifications that are imposed on this complexity, some of which we have examined above.
Our society is a plural one in many senses. Any one person is likely to be a participant in a number of groups, which may have not only different memberships, but quite different forms of unification.
Each group requires more or less radical internal transformation of the persons who comprise it. Consider the metamorphoses that one man may go through in one day as he moves from one mode of sociality to another family man, speck of crowd dust, functionary in the organization, friend. These are not simply different roles: each is a whole past and present and future, offering differing options and constraints, different degrees of change or inertia, different kinds of closeness and distance, different sets of rights and obligations, different pledges and promises.
I know of no theory of the individual that fully recognizes this. There is every temptation to start with a notion of some supposed basic personality, but halo effects are not reducible to one internal system. The tired family man at the office and the tired businessman at home attest to the fact that people carry over, not just one set of internal objects, but various internalized social modes of being, often grossly contradictory, from one context to another.
Nor are there such constant emotions or sentiments as love, hate, anger, trust or mistrust. Whatever generalized definitions can be made of each of these at the highest levels of abstraction, specifically and concretely, each emotion is always found in one or another inflection according to the group mode it occurs in. There are no "basic" emotions, instincts or personality, outside of the relationships a person has within one or another social context.
There is a race against time. It is just possible that a further transformation is possible if men can come to experience themselves as "One of Us." If, even on the basis of the crassest self-interest, we can realize that We and They must be transcended in the totality of the human race, if we in destroying them are not to destroy us all.
As war continues, both sides come more and more to resemble each other. The uroborus eats its own tail. The wheel turns full circle. Shall we realize that We and They are shadows of each other? We are They to Them as They are They to Us. When will the veil be lifted? When will the charade turn to carnival? Saints may still be kissing lepers. It is high time that the leper kissed the saint.” (p. 64 - 67)
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semperardens-juli · 1 year
I wanted to understand what it means to be lonely, and how it has functioned in people's lives, to attempt to chart the complex relationship between loneliness and art.
The Lonely City, Olivia Laing (x)
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orbis-tertius · 2 years
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R.D. Laing, Knots
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morethansalad · 2 years
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Vegan Filipino Laing (Taro Leaves in Coconut Milk)
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geekysteven · 23 days
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Example art from Tumblr users @poltergrease @teenageclown @randomationality
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podcastwizard · 5 months
cashier: ok that'll be $20
me (visibly sweating): ah, yes, of course! a perfectly reasonable price for a grilled cheese and a small smoothie! that was exactly the price i expected you to say when i ordered a single grilled cheese and a smoothie and my vision is NOT getting blurry as we speak! i am a perfectly normal temperature and my speech patterns are natural and even because this is the countenance of an individual who expected to pay 20 american dollars for a single grilled cheese and a smoothie!
cashier: where's all that blood coming from
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khalid-sisters · 27 days
Help Khalid Sisters in Gaza not to be Homeless
Hello Dear,
We, (Najwa, Jana, Farah, and Maryam), are the sisters of Shaheed Khalid Saed Ash-Shawwah, who was martyred on 07/31/24 along with Al Jazeera correspondent Ismail Al-Ghoul and his colleague, photographer Rami Al-Rifi . Khalid was our older and only brother and he was a great support for us and others. As you may heard Khalid’s story in the news, he was bombed while he was riding his bicycle coming back from delivering food to our old and injured neighbors.
Before the IDF forces killed our brother Khalid, they forced us to evacuate our house and left everything behind. They then destroyed our house and our father’s restaurant. We had to move at least 10 times since every new area we seek refuge to gets bombed.
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Currently, the 4 of us and our parents, are living devastating and sad life in a bombed room in Gaza. It is extremely difficult for us to get the basic needs of food, water, and shelter.
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We sincerely hope you can empathize with our dire situation and consider supporting us. We are raising funds in order to be able to pay the rising cost of basic necessities in north Gaza. Our family is large and the cost of survival in north Gaza is astronomical. If you have anything you can spare, we implore you to support us. From where you are right now, you personally can help save our lives in north Gaza.
Please donate and/or replog 🥺🙏🇵🇸
Please reblog our post, follow us @khalid-Sisters and boost our posts, and repost the link to our campaign across all your social media.
Your generosity has the power to make a significant difference, and will give us hope that there will a better future waiting for us once the war stops.
We ask God to bless you and your families and to protect you all from all calamities and to never make you feel or go through what we are going through.
Vetted By: @olagaza @tahseenkhazen, @determinate-negation @northgazaupdates
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enki2 · 4 months
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spooky1980 · 10 months
The production company that made High Rise is auctioning off one of three prosthetic heads that Tom used in the movie during the autopsy scene.
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Definitely a unique collectible for any fans collection.
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Bids start at £450
Or Buy it now pride of £1000
While I'd love to add this to my own collection sadly it's out of my price range. So sadly this one will be going to go to another fan of the movie. But I'm sure it'll be no less treasured by its new owner.
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Worst pain
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nicklloydnow · 1 year
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“There is no doubt that, on the one hand, every Authority tends to become total: the Authority of one given type tends to capture the Authorities of other types. On the other hand, the metaphysical structure of Authority is antithetical to its division: three modes of Time naturally constitute one bloc, and Eternity is real only in and through its union with Time. It therefore seems that analysis of the phenomenon of 'Authority’ prohibits any division of political Authority, and any 'separation of powers'. It is therefore useless to insist on all the arguments of a practical nature that have been set against the 'constitutional' theory and practice (see for example Rousseau). It seems that, generally speaking, the division of an entity weakens it: the sum total of the powers of separated parts is less than the power of the same undivided whole. In fact, the division is not real (it has a meaning and a raison d'être) only if the separated parts are inclined to enter into conflict with one another; or if a conflict (even a latent one) looks as if it must necessarily 'neutralise' a part of the powers that are in question, in such a way that this 'lost' part of the power constituted by the sum total of powers of the separated parts, taken in isolation, would need to be deducted. Thus it seems better to give a political Authority taken en bloc one and the same (collective or individual) 'support’.
But the arguments - of a practical nature - uttered in favour of the thesis of the separation of powers are also very strong. Besides, these arguments are also well known, and we need not elaborate on them. Let us just say that the metaphysical analysis itself can, in a certain sense, be cited in support of the thesis in question. In fact, if it is true that the three modes of Time form a unity, it is also true that there would be no Time at all if there were no separation between the three modes - that is to say, also some sort of 'tension' or 'conflict’ between them. Similarly, if Eternity, being the totality of the three modes of time, forms a unity with it, it is also opposed to it in so far as the totality (the whole) is something other than the sum total of the parts. It is simply that, in both cases, the opposition, or, if we like, the separation, does not mean isolation of the separated or the opposed. There is interaction - that is to say, separation, since there are two (or several) agents; but there is also union, since there is action of an agent on one or many others inseparable from the reaction.
It follows for the question that interests us that, even when we want to separate the Authorities that in their ensemble constitute political Authority, they must not be isolated from one another by having each one of them withdraw into itself. They have to be able to act and react on one another: their dynamic union must be preserved despite their static division. (For example, if we separate the - legislative - Authority of the Leader from the - political-judicial - Authority of the Judge, the latter must not be pinned down by a system of laws that are in principle immutable, or by a Constitution that is supposedly unchangeable. Conversely, we must not establish the Authority of an ‘irresponsible' Leader, as is the case with that of the Monarch - that is to say, diminish the action of the Authority of the Judge, and so on.)
But if the thesis of the ‘isolating' separation of Authorities is rejected, should the principle of separation itself be preserved?
In order to answer this question, let us make a remark that is generally overlooked: when one and the same (individual or collective) 'support' is used by several pure types of Authority, there is always a tendency to develop one of those types (the 'dominant' or 'primary' type) at the expense of the others: the 'derivative' types cannot manage to develop completely as such, and remain at an embryonic stage. If we wish the four 'pure' types of Authority to be perfectly and completely realised, it is therefore necessary to allocate independent 'supports' to each one of them - that is to say, to 'separate powers'.
Note: This is also true for the Authority of the Leader and the Authority of the Master, which nevertheless cannot be separated. But there is here no political hindrance, because we can show that with political progress the Authority of the Master must give way to that of the Leader - that is to say, it will 'degenerate'. It even seems that it must completely disappear in the 'ideal' State of the future. Generally speaking, the Authority of the Master presupposes the real possibility of war and bloody revolution, and it thus presupposes its own disappearance along with them.
Political evolution goes from the unity of political 'power' to the separation of 'powers'. But what we have just said 'justifies' this state of things: in order for each 'pure’ type to reach the plenitude of its development, it has to be separated from the others. But this does not mean that Authorities must remain 'divided' even after they have realised all their implicit possibilities. It seems, on the contrary, that they will have to reunite again. Political evolution would therefore start from the non-differentiated unity (the unity of the embryonic form), and go through a period of division and development of the separated elements, finally leading to totality - that is to say, to differentiated unity (the unity of the adult organism).” (pages 80 - 83)
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viviennes-tears · 2 years
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Created: 19/01/2023
Updated: 25/10/2023
Main masterlist
18+ blog: It is YOUR responsibility, as a reader, to think about the content that you consume at your own discretion. And please do NOT copy, re-write, translate or steal my work. Also, I have links to both my Wattpad and A03 accounts in my bio.
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Mini series
💙  Experiments 
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 chapter 5 (coming soon)
One shots
💙 You’re an excellent specimen  
💙 Domesticate 
Source: @viviennes-tears​
Header & divider: @viviennes-tears​
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