#Lambda's Diary
mechahero · 11 days
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@outofthiisworld asked- Dear Diary!!! Send “Dear Diary” for a random excerpt from my muses diary (accepting!)
(September 6th, 2024)
Dear Diary,
Today I updated my Monsternet page! Mostly because I really wanted to and honestly the status I had on there was on there for WAAAYYYY too long. It was kind of embarrassing aha. But yeah, I got a cute new background for it and everything so I'm all good to go for the fall!
Skip's also getting a little bigger! I was kind of worried she wouldn't grow. I mean, I know she's a kitten and all so yeah no duh she's going to get bigger but still I worry about her sometimes. She still fits in bowls for now though. Anyways, I should probably do some laundry. My clothes are suuuuper jacked up and they kind of need it.
Maybe I'll watch more of that one vampire hunter show or whatever. I'm SKIPPING the hyena episode though. No way I'm watching THAT again.
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lemurzsquad · 2 months
If you could build a Volleyball Team using Characters from other Fandoms, who would you choose?
#ask.revival 2024
Oo Oo okay, I have to think about this one a lot, but it's gonna be a lot of shenanigans
Setters: Frieren (very Kenma-like) (Frieren: Beyond Journey's End), Mortefi (Wuthering Waves)
Liberos: The knight/Ghost (Hollow Knight, assuming they're all human sized), Rover (WuWa)
Middle Blockers: Hollow Knight (HK), Jiyan (WuWa)
Opposite Hitters: Omega (The Eminence in Shadow), Genos (One Punch Man), Aalto (WuWa)
Outside Hitters/Spikers: Hornet (HK), Saitama (as the team's Ace) (OPM)
Honorary mentions for the managers and coaches:
Managers: Fern (Frieren), Quirrel (HK)
Coaches: Lambda (ES), Bang (OPM), Yuanwu (WuWa)
It's a really big team, I know, but I wanted to have extras to swap out. I wanted to include some Apothecary Diaries characters, but I couldn't really think of any :(
I honestly kinda wanna draw this team lol
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troofless · 1 year
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yo i finished umineko and here is my tierlist on how much i enjoyed the characters. thoughts further below.
overall i would not recommend to anyone else because the plot thread is so hard to follow for a minimal payoff 6 chapters later (everything is revealed in chapter 7 and chapter 8 is a fucking nightmare of a tying up loose ends that was fucking painful to go through), EVEN CONSIDERING that it is a ‘murder mystery’ meant to be reread several times. would rate it i don’t understand why people call it iconic/10.
my main thoughts/grudges with the story:
let me preface by saying that battler is amazing. meta battler, piece battler, whatever, he stayed a consistent sunny force throughout the entire novel and is always a delight to watch his journey and thoughts throughout the game. he stays consistently empathetic, forgiving, despite his growth into a hardened warrior of a intelligent mystery solver on the ruthless gameboard of the likes of bern, beatrice, and lambda. this is why i thoroughly dislike when the game diverts away from his POV to someone else’s, mainly ange’s and later on, will’s.
about ange: i hate ange. her whole arc was about her struggling with being forgiving and not forgiving everything, shown with the scenes of imaginary maria and her journey to rokkenjima. i really liked the scene when she commanded the seven stakes to kill her classmates but they couldn’t, causing her to shun then, which has a huge payoff later on when she is told later how that keys into the basis of magic, where as long as no one else knows how things happen, magic can hide human crimes as magic. but then ange takes up so much time away from battler and the mystery just for her own angst filled journey that eventually ends in an anticlimatic end - battler in chapter 8 coaxes her to believe that magic and love can be an encouraging force, and she shuns that completely, opening the diary - up until here, that’s ok because i too wanted to know the truth, but then when she opens the diary she shuns the truth??? and suddenly she runs back to battler like a wounded animal saying that she should have trusted battler all along like a proverbial son. and it’s done so abruptly that i hate it. at the end of it all i just wanted her journey to be over and go back to battler, the obviously better protagonist of the two. i get that ange is supposed to be a flawed human being in contrast with bitterness and hatred and jadedness, but it is also because of those same flaws that make her so boring because she’s just so predictable.
also let me say here, that i fucking hate sakutaro. sakutaro was okay as a lion, but the moment they made him a human avatar with that annoying ass uryu tick i fucking hated it. maria was already ticking me off by taking so much screen time with her scene with her and rosa, MARIA convincing ange ‘magic is real!!’ and the whole sequence where ange imagines her being friends with the seven stakes. it was pulling time away from the mystery with beatrice and battler to set up something that could be explained in fewer scenes - that you need love to believe and twist the truth or some other theme relating to that - and it was utter torture going through all of ange’s moments because of this.
about beatrice: so sayo/yasu was basically three-timing battler (by holding onto feelings for him), jessica, and george. which is just. why. the twist is classic for a murder mystery - i particularly like the clue that kanon’s body is never found after he’s murdered, shannon and kanon are never seen together by other people, shannon is the only one who knows natsuhi’s favourite season is autumn, when beatrice marks them with a butterfly burn so they know them meeting her is real the marks are identical on their hands to show they share the same body - so it’s fine. but the whole business with her manipulating other people’s feelings is just so weird and fucked up that i (battler) can’t condone. plus, who is she really? at the end she meets up with battler as beatrice and jumps into the ocean, which means that she has settled on beatrice being the dominant personality but that’s just cruel to the other two personalities that suddenly feel a lot ‘lesser’ because of this. also, the possibilities for incest with the reveal (triple incest with battler jessica and george, lmao) makes it so funny. 
my dislike for the narrative: throughout the entire game, it’s basically a given that narrative lies to you; about shannon/kanon, about the fantasy stuff that happens in the mystery sections not being real but a lie told by someone’s POV, the sprites of beatrice, shannon and kanon, being wholly different even though there’s no way they don’t look similar in reality, even the meta sections or the sequences where ange is in the real world don’t actually occur. it confused the hell out of me and made me so frustrated because they never explain the lies either; the solution to the mysteries for all the games are never explained but vaguely alluded to, meaning i have to pick up a wiki or reddit section to get explanations for those. heck, i didn’t even know or theorise that kanon was one of yasu’s personas until i pulled up a reddit section after the end of the game! i hate that the game doesn’t give you the answers, i get that they’re supposed to make you think, but that’s just bad mystery writing. explain all the tricks fairly by the end of the book.
the epitaph: the fact that someone solved it as soon as chapter 5 was amazing, but i hate that they didn’t give the taiwan hint until chapter 7. insert something about a detective rule that all hints should be given at the start of the game bla bla. i do like the quadrillion hints from as far as chapter 2 (battler offhandedly mentioning it when he visits the chapel?) and chapter 4 (photo from kumasawa’s family visit?) though.
THE FUCKING JEBAIT IN THE NAMES OF THE GAME. ANSWER ARC IS NOT ANSWER ARC. YOU ONLY GET ANSWERS IN CHAPTER 7. chapter 5 and 6 are a fucking pain in the ass to get through because of this, ESPECIALLY WHEN they tease battler understanding beatrice but never explaining what it is at all. (and yes i didn’t know how to solve chapter 6 logic error at all after chapter 6 ended.) and the fact that chapter 7 has the nerve to start with WILL as the protagonist and battler never appears... is so infuriating. tldr i spent 4 chapters of the question arcs having so many questions, making theories, enduring all the shitty fantasy sequence bullshit because i thought everything would be answered in the ANSWER ARC and have a huge payoff only to be sorely disappointed by the shitty answers that were chapter 5 and 6. i truly believe that if chapter 2, 4 and 5 didn’t exist, the game would have been better. 
i might as well put it in now that i remember that i spent the first half of chapter 2 groaning at how shitty it was that they had to divert from the interesting mystery - especially after the wonderful hook of chapter 1 tea party - to tell about the love story of george/shannon and jessica/kanon that i was wholly uninterested in, and it only got interesting once the mystery section came into play. and yes, all things considered, i still think that whole section should be cut out, or at least in later sections, slashed in size because yes we need to hear that shannon destroyed the mirror like five different times in five different points of the story, stop recapping pointless things!!!! (yes i know it’s supposed to key into the mystery that shannon is sus and later in the reveal that beatrice blew it up with dynamite cements that she is shannon)
also i hate the fight scenes like bern having to go the extra length to hold a single truth book party which has to lead to a fight scene with lambda that ends with the storyteller god killing lambda because 1. they are so obviously fantasy and the narrative blatantly tells you that they are using this to misguide you and 2. exactly as above. they are all skippable because of that in my mind.
oh yeah. and kyrie shooting eva but not checking to see that eva is dead is so completely bullshit, especially since it happens TWICE with beatrice, and then A THIRD TIME with eva again. like i hate the author for making her look incompetent as hell without giving a satisfactory explanation like she was rushing for time or rudolf chased her out of the room or smth.
welp, i’m just glad that now i can look for cool fanart know what they mean and browse through the wiki and ao3 to soothe my enraged heart from the shitty storytelling of umineko.
anyway, here are some fun screenshots i got from reddit while i was post-reading the wiki and reddit for answers even as basic as HOW TO SOLVE BATTLER’S LOGIC ERROR IN CHAPTER 6:
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honestlyvan · 1 year
Isurd 3 and 10
What was their most expensive purchase/where does their disposable income go?
I think for canon it makes a little more sense to talk about time budget than monetary budget, accessories seem to be mostly practical, and as commander he'd probably just get what he needs through procurement, y'know, perks of absolute authority. I'm not sure if he is entitled to leave as commander, but everyone at Lambda very much would prefer he actually stick to being off-duty the few times their operations allow for it -- but unfortunately the workaholicism is entirely sincere and he just doesn't know what to do with himself if he isn't working on something. Getting him to sleep in (ie. not be up at the crack of dawn to hear morning patrol reports) is, itself, a community achievement.
As for, like... mundane settings -- be honest with me, does he seem like he knows how to use his free anything? The urge to optimise even his leisure time and purchases is simply too strong. I do think he probably buys a lot of very nice clothes, but even that is partially strategic -- professionalism coming at a premium and all -- and it's rarely stuff he wears out of the office. I could see him owning one extremely nice kimono set that he never gets to fucking wear because he doesn't go out for pleasure like ever. It's an endless cycle of "oh I could get that for myself :)" and then forgetting about it as he gets distracted by work again.
What objects do they always carry around with them?
I feel like Isurd is the type who had one experience of his phone battery dying at a bad time/Black Fog fucking with his Iris, and immediately switched to a physical notebook and never looked back. In practice a digital planner is more convenient, so he just ends up keeping both but he'd still have a notebook and kinda just. Not ever mention it to people if he can avoid it because it feels redundant and inefficient and he really only keeps it for sentimentality's sake. Too formal to be a diary, too informal to really be a planner. It's all a part of the process of clawing himself into a system against the forces of entropy and it never fully fucking works but he just keeps trying! Maybe once the world is quantified on paper he can finally understand what's going on in it.
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sinterhinde · 1 year
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Glory on the artist: Bernadette Mayer
Some writings on/of Mayer: PF details her work and influences; AF gives a little insight into her personal life; Diana Hamilton writes on Memory; in the P45 article Tausif Noor discusses Utopia; and her Poetry Project diary (both attached).
An avant-garde writer associated with the New York School of poets, Bernadette Mayer was born in Brooklyn, New York, and has spent most of her life in New York City. Her collections of poetry include Midwinter Day (1982, 1999), A Bernadette Mayer Reader (1992), The Desire of Mothers to Please Others in Letters (1994), Another Smashed Pinecone (1998), Poetry State Forest (2008), and Works and Days (2016), which was a National Book Critics Circle Award finalist.
Known for her innovative use of language, Mayer first won critical acclaim for the exhibit Memory, which combined photography and narration. Mayer took one roll of film shot each day during July 1971, arranging the photographs and text in what Village Voice critic A.D. Coleman described as “a unique and deeply exciting document.”
Mayer’s poetry often challenges poetic conventions by experimenting with form and stream-of-consciousness; readers have compared her to Gertrude Stein, Dadaist writers, and James Joyce. Poet Fanny Howe commented in the American Poetry Review on Midwinter Day, a book-length poem written during a single day in Lenox, Massachusetts: “In a language made up of idiom and lyricism, Mayer cancels the boundaries between prose and poetry, ... Her search for patterns woven out of small actions confirms the notion that seeing what is is a radical human gesture.”
The Desire of Mothers to Please Others in Letters consists of prose poems Mayer wrote during her third pregnancy. She also combined poetry and prose in Proper Name and Other Stories (1996). Reviewing that collection in the Lambda Book Report, Susan Landers noted Mayer’s “Steinesque syntactical play, her meta-narrative maneuvers à la Barth or Borges, and a language poet’s interest in language.”
Ange Mlinko’s review of Two Haloed Mourners (1998) in the Poetry Project Newsletter describes its structure: “The book starts out dense, vagrant, proceeding on a combination of automatic writing and methodical structural repetitions. It picks up speed, changes gears from poetry to prose and back again, tries out a sestina where both beginning and ending words recur. ... Then something explodes midway through the book, as though all this formal experimentation was the rumbling and smoldering of Mt. Saint Helens erupting over the circumstances of Bernadette Mayer’s move back to the Lower East Side from New Hampshire, where what was menace in the air of rural America is met head-on in the New York of Reagan and Wall Street.”
Bernadette Mayer has worked as an editor and teacher. She edited the journal 0 TO 9 with artist Vito Acconci and established United Artists press with the poet Lewis Warsh. United Artists Press, under Mayer and Warsh, published a number of influential writers, including Robert Creeley, Anne Waldman, James Schuyler, and Alice Notley. Mayer has taught at the New School for Social Research and The Poetry Project at St. Mark’s Church in New York City. In 2015 she was the recipient of a Guggenheim Fellowship.
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Poet, artist, publisher, and scholar Bernadette Mayer died November 22 at the age of seventy-seven at her home in East Nassau, New York. A giant of American poetry who blurred the distinction between ordinary and extraordinary in expansive streams of consciousness, she was most frequently associated with the New York School and with the Language poets. Mayer was widely recognized for her pathbreaking poetry featuring blunt and open musings on the experience of motherhood. She was a central figure of the community surrounding the Poetry Project at St. Mark’s Church in New York in the 1970s, eventually going on to serve as that organization’s director.
Bernadette Mayer was born in Brooklyn in 1945 to a secretary mother and an electrician father whom she described as a World War II draft dodger. “Everybody in my family died by the time I was sixteen,” she told Artforum in 2020. “My relatives were afraid that if they adopted me, they would die too. My father died of a hereditary condition at age forty-nine, so I thought I had to hurry up and do everything I wanted to do before age forty-nine. My older sister, Rosemary, got married after my mother died. I felt abandoned.” Forced by the uncle who had been appointed her guardian to attend the College of New Rochelle, a Catholic university, she dropped out after his death and enrolled in New York’s New School of Research (now the New School), where she studied under Bill Berkson. While attending the college, she began dating Peter Schjeldahl, whom she later noted “encouraged me to take amphetamines, and I started writing these really complex poems that you would get lost inside.”
Mayer quickly abandoned amphetamines but dove deeper into poetry, writing, and editing. In 1967, the year she graduated from the New School—where she would later go on to teach—she cofounded the magazine 0 to 9 with Vito Acconci, who for a time in the ’60s was married to Mayer’s sister, sculptor and A.I.R. Gallery cofounder Rosemary Mayer. The pair published six issues before the magazine folded in 1969, featuring contributions from artists including Dan Graham, Michael Heizer, Adrian Piper, Yvonne Rainer, and Robert Smithson. Mayer shortly thereafter became involved with the Poetry Project at St. Mark’s Church, where she taught workshops throughout the 1970s. She was named director of the organization in 1980 and occupied the role through 1984. During her tenure, she secured a $10,000 donation—a tremendous sum at the time—from the Grateful Dead and helped to establish a lecture series and a Monday night reading series, both of which the Poetry Project continues to host today. Mayer in 1978 with her then-partner Lewis Warsh launched United Artists Press, which published both her own work and that of her peers. She ceased her involvement with United Artists in 1984, but the publisher survived her split with Warsh around the same time.
As a poet and an artist, Mayer first gained real prominence with her diaristic 1971 work Memory. To make the work, she shot a roll of film every day for a month. In 1972, at New York’s 98 Greene Street, she presented the resulting 1,200 photographs in chronological order accompanied by a thirty-one-part voice-over narration lasting seven hours, in which she offered her thoughts or memories about the various images. The work has since been presented in various forms, including a text edition released in 1975 by New Atlantic books and an edition including the photographs published by Siglio Press in 2020.
In the course of her career, Mayer penned some thirty books of poetry and prose, including Eating the Colors of a Lineup of Words: The Early Books of Bernadette Mayer (Station Hill Press, 2015); Poetry State Forest (New Directions, 2008);  The Desires of Mothers to Please Others in Letters (Hard Press Editions, 1994); The Bernadette Mayer Reader (New Directions, 1992); Sonnets (Tender Buttons Press, 1989); Midwinter Day (New Directions, 1982); and The Golden Book of Words (Angel Hair Books, 1978). She was the recipient of a 1995 Foundation for Contemporary Arts Grants to Artists award, a 2009 Creative Capital award, and a 2015 Guggenheim Fellowship. Her 2016 book Works and Day earned her a National Book Critics Circle nomination.
Mayer’s last volume, Milkweed Smithereens, was released this month by New Directions. In a poem from it, “Unconditional Death Is a Good Title,” published online by the Paris Review in October, she wrote:
> maybe it’s just fear of the winter, this is a day supposed to be sunny but what is this white sky? seen some yellow & orange trees, the sky is white: western wildfires, we’re having a drought.
> so many leaves are falling, it’s exhausting
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Here's the Post 45 article, from Tausif Noor:
Diana Hamilton on Memory:
And Utopia:
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timelordpropaganda · 4 years
Good Morning valued citizens, friends of Earth, and fluffy weasels,
This afternoon I will be in a four hour meeting with the High Council as we review how the GIRS (Gallifreyan Internal Revenue Service) is doing as it is tax season for Gallifrey. While it is natural to not want to give up your hard earned money, it’s important to be reminded of the good that comes from taxes. 
Some of these include: Healthcare for all citizens, providing excellent education for citizens, keeping buildings running and safe, the amazing research provided done by our wonderful scientists, and of course my absolute favorite, funding for the practical and cultural arts. 
Lastly, there is a very small portion of the Grand Budget that goes to paying people like myself and the legions of men and women that give their time to help research and provide people like myself the best tools to run our planet and keep it safe. As always, I want to extend my gratitude and thanks for your support and generosity. I do love my job and I genuinely enjoy talking to our citizens. 
As I am a humble (well, sometimes humble ;b) civil servant, please feel free to send an ask or message if you need anything. If you are a said weasel and just want to annoy me, I suppose that is fine too, even if you leave, you will always have citizenship and kinship to Gallifrey. It is transcripted in your DNA and translated through you even just maintaining homeostasis. 
Anyways, I will be in touch and let you know if anything exciting happens. The Prydonian Chapter does like to up the theatrics for these sort of meetings (its a full ceremonial robe event for sure). If you have never seen two cardinals shouting over a single sentences it’s something you have to see to believe. 
Good day, Good bye, and Good Health! 
~Lord Cardinal Lambda
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hilarychuff · 2 years
🛒 💖 🤡? :)
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
YEARNING. there's so much yearning. and also lots of self-sacrifice and possibly self-loathing. even lighthearted aus often become SAD and DRAMATIC. i am drawn to slightly pathetic blorbos, i find. especially when those pathetic blorbos have extremely internal experiences. lots of overthinking!!!!!
💖 What made you start writing?
lmao in the fourth grade a fortune teller of some sort (tarot reader??? don't recall) told me i was a writer and i was like "lol ya right i am just a reader" but then in fifth grade one of my besties introduced me to the neopets roleplay boards and that was that!!! i think i fell into the hp fandom fairly quickly but i did also at one point join a wolf rp guild for her. but when i started branching off neopets it was all hp. this was actually what i wrote my college application personal essay about lmfao.
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
hmmm ok something that made me laugh. let me think. i feel like while i am a very funny person i am rarely writing funny things. `
lots of details about my jonsa princess diaries au make me laugh. the concept of joffrey getting coned. arya having a tv show called "shut up and listen." also the lies i came up with for theon to tell about jon in the press. 
Each time Theon convinces a journalist or reporter that Jon won the seventh grade spelling bee contest with the word brassiere or that Jon volunteers at a soup kitchen each weekend to serve exclusively shrimp cocktail, he comes up with an even more far-fetched lie to try on the next one.
i gave myself some giggles in my jonsa scream au with the easter eggs. named myranda and mya's sorority gamma omega mu like gates of the moon. named harry's fraternity kappa omicron lambda (lambda looks like an upside down v) like knights of the vale. i always have fun coming up with the fraternity/sorority names for stuff.
did the same thing with my hp mediator series au back in the day. omega rho. rho looks like a p. sort of order of the phoenix-y. actually there might be some excerpts in here i think are funny. like i'm very much planning to rewrite this before i ever continue it so all of these excerpts at this point are old but
“Aw, come on, Red, you know all about my high school graduation speech–” (and how does he know she knows that, by the way, if she’s the one that’s the “stalker”? He better not be in her room on her computer when she’s in Sculpture I or eating breakfast in the dining hall or something) “–and my freshman year student government campaign promises. I can’t even know what you’re up to?”
“My name’s not Red,” she barks out before she can bite her tongue, looking up to glare at him.
“Yeah, I know. Lily, right? I heard Remus say it. Anyway, I think Red suits you better,” he continues, shrugging, seemingly unaffected by what she has heard described as her withering stare.
“Yeah, super observant, red hair and all that–” she starts, meaning to call him out on his complete lack of originality, but he stops her in his track with, “Actually, it’s more for the color your face gets when you’re annoyed.”
And that has her face darkening as hot as ever, traitorously proving his point. He grins, looking over to catch her flush in the act, and winks. If he weren’t already dead, she’d be tempted to murder him herself.
also lily agreeing to go to a geek chic party and then discovering she’s actually at an office hoes and ceos party?????
If Lily weren’t so affronted, she’d burst out laughing. “Wait, that’s the theme? You’re telling me I’m an office hoe right now?”
He glances over, takes in her outfit again, and then shakes his head, grinning. “Your skirt’s practically to your knees; you’re definitely the CEO.”
also i mentioned a previous literary-themed drinking party and i had a lot of fun coming up with everyone’s costumes 
She doesn’t remember seeing James there, only Sirius (dressed, of course, as Dorian Grey-Goose), but he must’ve been considering it was his party.
“Oh, I went all out,” she teases.
“Oh yeah? And what were you?”
“Sophie, naturally, and I brought my BFG.”
“Big friendly giant?”
“Big flask of gin.”
That gets a laugh out of him, and she beams at the sound of it.
“And what were you, Catcher in the Rye Whiskey or something?”
“Please, my costume was way better than that,” he brags. “We did Goodnight Moonshine.”
“You were the moon?”
“Remus was the moon,” he corrects, smirking. “We doused him in body glitter and everything. I was the little bunny in PJs.”
“Oh, of course,” she laughs. “I don’t know how I didn’t guess that. And Peter?”
“Hops on Pop,” he explains, then grimaces. “He kept mixing beer with mountain dew all night.” He takes another long drink, then looks down at his empty cup and holds it out to her. “Speaking of—want one?”
“A beer and mountain dew?”
“Why, you like the sound of that?” he asks, one eyebrow up, then disappears.
anyway!!!!! maybe one day i will be funny and write funny things again. can’t wait!!!!
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transsexualhamlet · 3 years
the more i rewatch tpn season two the less sense it makes
why did norman go to lambda instead of immediately getting killed without the reason of the queen wanting personally to eat him
why did yuugo say in the note he left for anyone who read it to have hope, that’s out of character lol
the amount of plot convenience they had to throw in that still didn’t even cover everything that happened
what was emma’s necklace even good for tbh????
how were the kids just safe in the human world without the promise yet wouldn’t they be hunted down outside there’s other ratris than peter i promise and cause no yuugo they didnt die
when did the fucking timeskip happen???? because by the dates on Anna’s diary it should be in the bunker. but they talk about it like they were only in the bunker for like. a week
how did norman not grow like two feet in a year but he still is dying from experiments like. what is he dying from then, chronic gifted kid syndrome?
also how did they manage this without norman being william minerva like statistically how tf did they do that they don’t even have any other kids they say they liberated farms but how do you do that with Five Children are you trying to tell me he just like ammassed this power and thinks hes gonna be able to take out the major fucking cities with 5 kids and a drug they made in their basement
literally anything that happened in the goddamn slideshow ending. what even. chronologically that doesn’t even make sense how did they even do the capital battle
in other words i have questions :)
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randomavatarfan · 3 years
Since there's only one hour left of October 5th, I'd like to state my predictions for Umineko Gou (tm)
Legendamashi-hen will introduce the characters coming to the island for Kinzo's wake. Shannon will reveal to Battler that she dresses up as different characters and have him use the name Kanon-kun when wearing Kanon's uniform. The first twilight will go as usual but the second twilight will have Eva and Hideyoshi find a boat and make an escape for it.
Turndamashi of the Golden Witch will see Shannon putting on a yellow wig and calling herself Beatrice. She tells Battler that bad things are coming. First twilight goes as normal. Second twilight has Kanon and Jessica escaping the island by boat in the middle of the storm. Lambdadelta says this episode was too hard and she hates having to read the red text. We do see Jessica sing Touhou cover songs.
Banquetdamashi of the Golden Witch is all about how Eva found Shannon's diary and she reads about Sayo's struggles with the orphans and Krauss and Natsuhi's supervision. She then finds the gold but Rosa and Maria escape by the second twilight after stealing a boat. Battler cries a lot because his piece on the gameboard is the same as himself in the meta as he ascended to become one who lives in loops.
Alliancedashi has Bernkastel complaining that Lambda made that one too easy and Lambda complains that she hates studying. Battler on the gameboard is trying to prevent the tragedy. But he can't, because the culprit was really Jessica this whole time. Jessica was so upset when her parents gave her a curfew on when she can and can't play her instruments but since Kanon will be leaving the island with either George/Shannon or Battler/Beatrice, she lashes out kills everyone.
The end.
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mechahero · 2 years
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He’s grumbling, nose deep in his diary when he isn’t angrily scrawling away in it with the fluffy feather pen he’d grabbed beforehand. “Dear diary, you are never gonna believe this shit-”
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damianimated · 7 years
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Hey, I have a short story in this! It’s a collection of short stories, poems, non-fiction and the like written by LGBTQ writers at the Lambda Lit Retreat I attended last summer.
Emerge: 2016 Lambda Literary Fellows Anthology
Purchase on Amazon
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cake-of-awesome · 3 years
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the poetry between featherine explaining how her powers work to us the reader and her intentions of how lambda will die vs the reality lambda experiences of not knowing what will kill her
chefs kiss
that really does sum up the relationship between the magic vs logic arguments of the game huh
i mean this whole climax of ange accepting her family is dead was the direct result of her reading a diary we never got to read, even now i still have no idea HOW everyone died other than it wasnt all that fantastic in the grand scheme of things
and now we have featherine in this battle! its the same thing! and her argument is it doesnt matter! sure the details in the devils but whats important are these grand strokes that lead us to the emotional beats
which sums up the fantasy argument, it doesnt matter HOW it was done, its all about the drama and how it affects others
meanwhile the logic side had battler coming up with the craziest ways these murders could have happened, and to be fair couldnt work in real life, i guess the parallels to that would be writers spending so much time on the little details to make things accurate they forget that no one wants to read 5 pages of how granite is installed in a mansion if it has no real bearing to the story
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viterbofangirl · 3 years
first line meme!
@fallynleaf​ said in her post to consider myself tagged, so I’m happily indulging in this lil’ ego boost! Thanks for the opportunity, m’dear! ^_~
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line. Then tag 10 authors!
NB- These are all unfinished and unposted WIPs. It behooves me to note that some of these are not at all recent. However, they ARE fics that have “first lines” at all, which is not necessarily a given as my Creative Muse is obnoxiously nonlinear in her inspirations.
1- The Gray Ghost had suffered some engine trouble somewhere on Interstate 65, so Mom and Dad hadn’t managed to make it to Chuck’s wedding. (Early Edition: ”Belly Up to the Bar”, a canon-compliant continuation of the episode “Occasionally Amber”, Gary/Toni except kinda not really because she’s totally pissed)
2- Oracle, Texas. 1878. A gnarled husk of a town still trying to deny that its glory days are past. (”Gunslinger”, my serious treatment/retelling of the Roger Corman western)
3- The gate clanged shut behind him, and Meng Yao took a deep, steadying breath. (MDZS: ”Leverage”, an Untamed AU based on inspired by pretty much continuing @littlesmartart​‘s brilliant setup and concept)
4- Many, many nights would Jiang Cheng lie awake at night, staring at the ceiling and pondering the razor’s edge of chance he’d toed. (MDZS: an Untamed chengqing fic set post-canon, current working title is “Second Chances” but I don’t like it)
5- Napoleon Solo flipped though an outdated magazine with little real interest as he lounged in one of the chairs lining the lobby of the car rental establishment. (TMFU (2015): ”Girls Just Want to Have Fun”, a fic set in my “Eight Strapping Daughters” universe where it is currently 1987 and Gaby and Illya have had eight daughters, any of whom are capable of taking over the world... and all of whom are about to spend the day at a shopping mall)
6- He felt the phone vibrating in his pocket. (Sailor Moon: ”Moon Revenge”, a Minako/Kunzite bodyguard AU)
7- The Moon was visiting Earth. (Sailor Moon: ”No Miracle for the Likes of Us”- another working title- which is Venus/Kunzite-centric exploration of the end of the Silver Millenium)
8- Chibi-Usa hasn’t stayed very long after Helios departed. (Sailor Moon: ”Rebirth AU”- you guessed it... working title- a Minako/Kunzite-heavy-but-not-exclusive AU that deviates from the manga/SM Crystal canon after the end of the Dead Moon Circus arc where the Shitennou are revived and the events of Star never occur)
9- Monday, 7:00 AM: Alarm goes off.
Monday, 7:00:08 AM: Alarm thrown across room. (Sailor Moon: “Codename: Teen Idol ‘Dite”, a side arc set in the above AU where, lacking any catastrophic galactic conflicts to fight against, Minako is going out of her mind with boredom and takes an undercover job as an idol as part of a police/Interpol sting operation)
10- Normally, Salazar Slytherin took great pride in his self-control. (Harry Potter: ”Release”, a short Hogwarts founders one-shot involving a maddening magical construction project and a sudden bout of swearing)
11- It was the first truly warm day since winter had broken, and Salazar Slytherin wandered the grounds with no purpose or destination in mind, simply basking in the sunlight until he began to feel the chill of the dungeons recede from his bones. (Harry Potter: ”And Treat Them All the Same”, a Hogwarts founders story about Helga Hufflepuff’s background and why she feels very strongly about equal treatment)
12- Salazar Slytherin stared at the wardrobe for another minute before finally deciding to throw another fur over his fur-lined cloak, leather jerkin, and wool tunic.  (Harry Potter: another one-shot Hogwarts founders fic with a teeny bit of Helgazar where the very cold-blooded Slytherin has to deal with a snowball fight, currently but not definitively titled “Snow Day”)
13- As the sun disappeared beneath the horizon, Brooklyn burst through the thin stone crust encasing him, his awakening roar shifting into a yawn as he stared blearily at the skyline and tried to remember what century he was in. (Gargoyles: ”Return of the Time Dancer”, Brooklyn’s return to New York- family in tow- after his Phoenix Gate adventures)
14- The couple breaking their fast that morning were strikingly handsome, if perhaps past the most fashionable age. (The Scarlet Pimpernel, Pride and Prejudice: “Scarlet Impressions”, a crossover fic that pretty much unfolded itself when I a) crunched numbers regarding the dates and years of respective storylines and b) realized that while Lizzy and Marguerite would get on like a house on fire, Darcy’s only possible reaction to Sir Percy would be unmitigated horror poorly repressed due to the latter’s much higher social standing)
15- Paris really was lovely this time of year. (MCU: “Threads and Patches: Part One”, first part of a three-part Clintasha AU set after the events of Civil War and most emphatically *not* farm-family friendly)
16- The briny air filled her lungs to bursting, but she continued to draw in breath until it hurt. (Highlander the Series: “The Mad Viking Saga”... because, frankly, EVERYONE should have an Immortal™ self-insert character and I refuse to apologize or feel ashamed of mine)
17- “Your Highness?  The oracle is here.” (Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas: “Sinbad and the Garden of the Hesperides” a sequel to the animated movie that actually should be titled “Proteus and the etc., etc.” bc it’s mostly about him and giving him the ending I think he deserves, a.k.a. an OC love interest and a chance for adventure while on a quest to save his city from a plague)
18- Bare feet pounded on the hot, rough pavement as Sinbad dashed around another tight corner. (Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas: “Fast Friends”, an eight-chapter prequel telling the story of how Sinbad and Proteus met and grew up together, wherein each chapter progresses with each year they know each other from when they meet to when Sinbad leaves)
19- Reed was well-known as your stereotypical absent-minded professor. (Fantastic Four: “Shut Up and Dance With Me”, a Reed/Sue fluffy one shot where Reed is adorable because fight me)
20- The spaceport on Aruus Minor reeked of fuel, welding torches, and sweaty coveralls, but it was a welcome change from the recycled air of the Lambda shuttle. (Star Wars Legends Expanded Universe (BITE ME DISNEY): “Everything Unsaid”, a Luke/Mara chance encounter set during the we-share-an-unbearable-degree-of-compatibility-to-say-nothing-of-the-overwhelming-sexual-tension-but-both-of-our-lives-are-kind-of-a-mess-and-neither-of-us-feels-ready-to-deal-with-our-feelings-for-each-other-so-we’ve-individually-decided-to-just-ignore-said-feelings-while-simultaneously-being-drawn-to-each-other-whenever-we’re-so-much-as-in-the-same-fucking-hemisphere years)
WHEW! Well, it sure was fun to tease all my followers with a taste of fics that will neverrr be finished! As far as patterns go, seems I tend to prefer either set-up paragraphs or punchy one-to-three-liners intended to trick intrigue people into reading further. My favorite is definitely #9. It’s a diary/log of Minako’s day, and her POV is hilarious and sooooo much fun to write like that!
Anyone who wishes to participate should consider themselves tagged, and PLEASE TAG ME IF YOU DECIDE TO PARTICIPATE!
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hardtoreadings · 4 years
Hard to Read is honored to co-present Tᗴ᙭Tᑌᖇᗴ
A reading with Cyrée Jarelle Johnson, Joon Oluchi Lee, Xandria Phillips, and Ellis Martin and Zach Ozma showcasing their recently published (and LAMBDA Literary Award winning) books with a favorite press, Nightboat. This event will be introduced with a thematic reading from our own Chase Bell. MONDAY, AUGUST 31, 20207PM EASTERN TIME on Zoom (sorry I know) RSVP with [email protected] for the LINK This is the last live event Hard to Read has planned for a minute so please tune in, say hey, and support these important authors, poets, and editors. ABOUT THE BOOKS: SLINGSHOT Cyrée Jarelle Johnson SLINGSHOT begins with the author ensconced in the menacing isolation of the pastoral, but once the work migrates to the City, monstrum grows form and fangs. In these messy, horny, desperate poems spun from dream logic, Cyrée Jarelle Johnson considers the consequences of black sexual and gender deviance, as well as the emotional burden of being forced to the rim of society, then punished for what keeps you alive. Buy it here Neotenica Joon Oluchi Lee Neotenica is a novel of encounters: casual sex, arranged-marriage dates, cops, rowdy teenagers, lawyers, a Sapphic flirtation, a rival, a child, and two important dogs. At the center of it are Young Ae, a Korean-born ballet dancer turned PhD student, and her husband, a Korean-American male who inhabits an interior femininity, neither transgender nor homosexual, but a strong, visceral femininity nonetheless. This novel is an adrenaline-filled ride sliding across the surface of desire and chance through the quotidian turned playful. Buy it here HULL In this debut collection by African American poet Xandria Phillips, HULL explores emotional impacts of colonialism and racism on the Black queer body and the present-day emotional impacts of enslavement in urban, rural, and international settings. HULL is lyrical, layered, history-ridden, experimental, textured, adorned, ecstatic, and emotionally investigative. Buy it here We Both Laughed in Pleasure: The Selected Diaries of Lou Sullivan Lou Sullivan Ellis Martin Zach Ozma Drawn from Lou Sullivan’s meticulously kept journals, this landmark book records the life of arguably the first publicly gay trans man to medically transition. Buy it here
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Lesbrary Link Round Up
[image description: a collage of 16 covers of the books mentioned in the links below, with the text “Lesbrary Links: Bi & Lesbian Lit News & Reviews]
This is the Lesbrary bi-weekly feature where we take a look at all the lesbian and bi women book news and reviews happening on the rest of the internet!
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[image description: the covers of the books The Lady and Her Secret Lover by Jenn LeBlanc, Her Royal Highness by Rachel Hawkins, Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up With Me by Mariko Tamaki, Carmilla by Kim Turrisi, and Waves by Ingrid Chabbert]  
Autostraddle posted 8 Crime Books Featuring Women Loving Women & Other Queer People.
LGBTQ Reads posted New Releases: May 1-7, 2019.
Xtra posted How social media–savvy youth became the unofficial keepers of queer history.
Ylva Publishing posted Wild Lesbians and Their Animal Companions.
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[image description: the covers of the books The Prom by Saundra Mitchell, Redwood and Ponytail by K.A. Holt, Gentleman Jack by Anne Choma, The Secret Diaries of Miss Anne Lister edited by Helen Whitbread, and Gentleman Jack by Angela Steidele]
“Breakout queer Broadway musical The Prom to get YA novel adaptation” was posted at EW.com.
An article on soft censorship of LGBTQ+ middle grade authors was posted at Publisher’s Weekly.
“Wild Nights With Emily,” a queer Emily Dickinson movie, was reviewed at The Austin Chronicle.
“Gentleman Jack,” the Anne Lister HBO series, was written about at Dorothy Surrenders, Bella Books, The New Republic, Marie Claire, Autostraddle (twice), Mental Floss, and Oprah Magazine.
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[image description: 5 of the covers of the books listed below]
The Stonewall Reader edited by Jason Baumann was reviewed at Lambda Literary.
Once and Future by Amy Rose Capetta and Cori McCarthy was reviewed Lambda Literary.
Frog Music by Emma Donoghue was reviewed by Casey the Canadian Lesbrarian.
The Archive of Alternate Endings by Lindsey Drager was reviewed at Lambda Literary.
Sugar Run by Mesha Maren was reviewed at ALA GLBT Reviews.
Native Country of the Heart by Cherríe Moraga was reviewed at Autostraddle.
Greetings from Janeland: Women Write More About Leaving Men for Women edited by Candace Walsh and Barbara Straus Lodge was reviewed at ALA GLBT Reviews.
If you like what we do at the Lesbrary and Bi & Les Lit, support us on Patreon at $2 or more a month and be entered to win a queer women book every month!
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timelordpropaganda · 4 years
An Earthly Update
Its best to remember that when people don’t appreciate or care about you to remember to take the higher road and remember that someday everyone will care and need to know your name. You have good things ahead of yourself Lambda. Keep remembering that. There are people who love and appreciate me and still care. And I guarantee reader, that there are people who care about you too.
As for how I am doing, I am physically healthy but my so called soul is not. I can not stop thinking of Vulca for a second. One forgets how empty life once was without feeling your partners presence.  I am trying to distract myself by trying to find my CIA team and drawing. 
Watching the humans has been enjoyable too. They are such an animated and cute species to watch. I think I am starting to pick up how their computers work so, I may see if I can get the matrix connected with my handheld device and send an SOS signal. The humans tire easily and need to sleep a lot in maintaining such a high base temperature so I can perform my work then. 
I also got to try these sweets the humans like. One of the gentlemen said that a fictional character named “E.T.” ate them in a movie they all enjoy about an alien who gets stuck on earth. I feel sorry for this E.T. for I feel just as confused. They were pretty good though, made mostly of a sort of legume with a sweet simple carbohydrate syrup. They were orange, yellow, and brown. Very good. Lenora and the secretary, Pam, with the magazines of nearly naked women devised a plan to get me more treats to try while I am stuck her. Something about “Pop-Rocks”. I hope this does not entail a sort of mineral found on the planets surface...
I will keep you all updated.
Peace and good tidings to you and to our Lords The Great Almighty Founders
~Lord Cardinal Lambda
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