#Lawlicht headcanon
neverlandlavander · 1 year
Headcanon that sometimes is very difficult for Licht to eat because he's sick of room service and restaurant food plus he is focused on making music, so Kranz asks Hyde for help because Licht always eats when Hyde does the cooking
It tastes like home for him and saying that "at least the demon can do something good" is his way to thanks for the meal, which is very funny but none of them will ever mention it because Licht is finally feeding and Hyde is also satisfied
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blvcklizard · 2 months
Hyde never bothered to tell his Eves a lot about the details of how a contract worked, let alone things about himself. It wasn't like he was keeping secrets, but what did it matter? They'd be dead soon anyway, they didn’t need all that info. It was no different with Licht, in the beginning anyway, and some things just never came up later, you know?
Now, Hyde knows some German, naturally; not that it mattered, he'd understand Licht anyway, and Licht usually doesn't talk to him in German either. He only seems to when he's stressed and not paying attention; the first time was when they were running late to a concert, a half-hearted insult about hurrying up, and Hyde didn't bother to respond. Licht, however, seemed to have expected a reaction, or at least drew the conclusion that Hyde doesn't understand German, because he started voicing minor frustrations in German more frequently, obviously not expecting Hyde to react. And Hyde being Hyde thought it'd be hilarious to see how long he can fool Licht.
Except that over time... things change a bit. What Licht says gets softer, contains less and less insults, all while the way Licht acts towards him or the things he tells him in English or Japanese don't change in the slightest. Hyde was able to brush it off long enough (acknowledging your emotions and dealing with them in a healthy way? never heard of her), but the stuff Licht mutters under his breath is getting... more intense, and it may only be a matter of time until he confesses his love to him or something. And Hyde is once again stuck in a situation where he absolutely missed the point to tell Licht the truth, and gets to use his full acting skills to keep up this charade.
Guil decided it was better not to tell Crantz about the translator. It's enough that one of them has to watch this disaster.
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laderniereluciole · 7 months
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— headcanons lawlicht ♡
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katzkinder · 2 years
Greed pair hc? :3
This is so late I’m so sorry lmao
Anyway uhhh
Contrary to popular belief, Licht doesn’t mind getting his hands dirty so long as it’s for a worthy cause. He enjoys volunteering at animal shelters and doesn’t complain even when he gets assigned the unfun tasks, like pooper scooping or cleaning the kennels and cages. He does, however, wear gloves for these tasks, as per Lawless’s insistence. The chemicals for cleaning aren’t harsh, but the amount of times you have to wash your hands after handling various things makes your skin dry and crack like crazy and it becomes painful. Licht was stubborn about it at first but relented the first time he realized he had microcuts via hand sanitizer dispenser lololol. He completely froze up and his movements became wooden as he sloooowly turned to his Servamp, held out his hand, and commanded “Give”
Lawless winced sympathetically but did NOT pass on the opportunity to tease his Eve, because when does he? No sense of preservation, that one
Licht is autistic and Lawless has ADHD. I do not accept criticism on this headcanon. I do, however, think it’s hilarious to consider that Lawless considers his most productive period to be the one when speed was legal and he never made any kind of connection with that. Neither did he ever with why coffee, particularly espresso, is so appealing to him. Self medicating with caffeine goes brrr
Licht has a weird thing about Eyes. Like, eyes in places they shouldn't be, creatures or monsters with too many eyes... That kind of thing. It's not necessarily scopophobia or trypophobia, it's just... Something the unsettles him to a crazy degree. Animals with strange eye configurations don't bother him, either, it's just... Youkai with eyes in places they don't belong or mutations that result in extra eyes? Yeah, no. Go away, he Does Not Want. No idea where this headcanon came from? It just feels right.
Lawless actually has a semi-popular influencer account on insta. Mostly foodie and book reviews or a combination of the two. He doesn't like overly sweet things but he does enjoy taking his Eve to dessert places. Seeing Licht happy makes him happy, and also he can earn brownie points by bringing something nice back for Krantz lol
Both of them hold a grudge against the Envy pair for the hotel incident. Licht because of their rough treatment of Krantz, Lawless because Jeje shot Licht in the arm. We all know Lawless can hold grudges for forever, and this is one he probably won't let go until long after their Eves are all dead and gone. It helps (hurts?) that he's accepted that it's okay for him to care for his Eves again.
Speaking of that incident, Licht genuinely doesn't care that Jeje shot him lol. Like, why would he? He's an angel, it's only natural that such a thing wouldn't have long term repercussions for him. Krantz and Lawless almost certainly cried blood trying to make him rest his arm while it healed.
Because of the contract link, Lawless ends up very attuned to Licht's sensory needs and can often feel an overload coming on before Licht does himself. It's useful, since Licht is stubborn and the type who tries to power through everything, regardless of how he actually feels. Lawless complains and complains and Licht is somewhat grateful for the excuse it gives him. He knows what his devil servamp is doing, but he can't find it in him to be mad about it. Besides. It's painful for Hyde, too.
Lawless doesn't like for people who aren't Licht to call him Hyde. It's his special name, given to him by his special person. It's one thing if he uses it himself for filling out paperwork, another entirely if it's someone he's introduced himself to as Lawless and they insist on using his Eve given name. Feels disrespectful to him. He didn't give you permission to use that!
Licht is kind of smug about it lol
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ofsavior · 1 year
👀 + Lawlicht
ship headcanons. || @kyukicho
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Lawless is more inclined to try new foods or drinks than Licht. This is mostly because Licht likes what he likes and wants what he wants, so Lawless is always willing to share a bite or sip to see if Licht would be inclined to like it. He finds it both amusing and cute to see Licht's reaction.
It's actually really rare for Lawless to ever bite Licht. He doesn't like to do it compared to most vampires. Lawless struggles with his state of being to some extent. Time made him jaded and in some respect empty. However, Licht is a contributor to sparking life into him. Still, there's a reverence in the gesture whenever it happens. Especially whenever he drinks from Licht's hands. To Lawless, Licht's hands are to be treated like gold. He's more inclined to bestow them kisses or touch them for that reason. Usually any interaction with Licht's hands is purposeful and deliberate. Those are Licht's gift to the world after all. However, Lawless considers Licht a gift in his entirety.
Lawless wants to show Licht the world and show Licht to the world. He's very proud of Licht as his Eve, and he really thinks Licht has talent that shouldn't be reserved (contrary to his nature as Greed). However, Lawless has every intention of joining Licht on this grand tour. He wants to give Licht every experience the world has to offer, and he wants to be the one there with Licht through all of it.
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revoleotion · 3 years
headcanon that Licht goes nonverbal in English/Japanese sometimes but manages some German, which isn't a problem in-universe but wouldn't it be funny if Hyde had to guess what he's saying? They work with gestures and emojis/texting of course but it's funnier to guess words that might be similar?
So at some point Hyde just learns German for him and Licht hates it because Hyde had a non-Austrian teacher, so he has like... Idk a Cologne dialect or something sjsjshs
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animes-trash · 4 years
Servamp quarantine AU / headcanons
Y’all I assume most of you are stuck like me in quarantine so why not bring our servamp babies with us in our world
Mahiru knew it would happen, he calmy prepared himself and his house
Kuro is living his best life
Honestly it’s just his normal life but without all the shit 
Licht and Lawless live with mahiru and Kuro, the hotel they were staying in closed and they didn’t want to go back to Austria, so Mahiru agreed to take them
Team Melancholy bought EVERYTHING THEY COULD in ALL the stores
Tsubaki legit bought all the toilet paper
Shamrock is trying to reason them
But hey have you seen them ?? 
Sakuya just doesn’t care
But he’s deeply bothered to have to stay in with the noisy team
Tries to murder Tsubaki everyday
Tsubaki is so bored he just lays on the couch and makes unincoherent noises
Or just walks randomly in the flat screaming that he’s bored
Belkia screams with him
Sakuya secretly called Mahiru to check that he’s okay
Lawless believes it’s the end of the world
He has his apocalyps bag with ready
Became the scientist, screams at every (fake) news
Licht is kinda rational, but he often calls Kranz and his parents to make sure they’re okay
Lawless makes fun of him bc who thought the angel could be worried ???
Licht hits him
Though Mahiru is very tired of taking care of those three children boys at home, but he’s very happy to have company
Mahiru is a social person and likes being outside, so it’s a bit hard for him
The others understand and they often play society games at night !!
Monopoly always end up in someone licht or lawless flipping the table over
Licht deeply miss playing piano too, often feels down about it
When they go to the store, Lawless buys ALL the melons for him, and Mahiru leanrs new ways to cook them
They can’t all go to the store together, so they play Mario Kart and the winner has the privilege to go out
Kuro doesn’t even play in that
Licht plays music with everything he can, Mahiru tries to get him to cook to entertain him
Lawless screams on the balcony to talk to people
He becomes a meme lord on the internet if he isn’t already
Mahiru tries to keep everyone in health and with a normal sleep schedule
Now, the chaos has taken over the C-3, almost all the team is confined in it
Jun is at home with his son and his mom
Tsurugi and Yumi are in the C-3 spend time by pranking everyone, especially Shuuhei
Jun is scared of how he will find his workplace after the quarantine
Those three drunkasses probably just sit in one room and drink and have a lot of fun, like when they were younger
Except that Jun is in videocall with them
Shuuhei curses at tsurugi and yumi and then get back to work, I mean does he ever stop ??
Izuna has to yeet him away from his lab and know him off to sleep
Yumi is like lawless, he believes every fake news and is a self taught new scientist
Shuuhei is the only one with common sense about it
Tsurugi’s room is a cemetery of instant noodles soop
Touma just stays quietly in his room
Though he insists on Tsurugi taking the test to see if he’s not infected
Pretends it’s because he doesn’t want everyone sick, but in reality he just cares 
Johaness is stuck in his lab doing god knows what kind of way off the chart of the Geneva convention kind of experiment
Misono has to stay at home, and everyone in the household took a test
Mitsuki and Dodo are the only one who go outside to buy groceries, and they wear masks and gloves and everything they can
Mikado is just a paranoid father
Misono, Mahiru and Tetsu are often in videocall to check on each other
Mahiru just need a break sometimes, I mean have you seen who he’s stuck with
Mikuni stays in his shop with Jeje and he’s extremely bored
Goes out at night walking
He sneaks to the Alicein mansion to chech that his brother is alright, but makes sure no one notices him
That’s all I have in my mind for now but I will often edit the post under that sentence, also feel free to add !! Let’s have a long chain of headcanons under that post
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rubyleaf · 6 years
One of the things I flat-out don’t understand in Greed Pair depictions is when they depict Hyde as the clingy, flirty one and Licht as the tsundere. Like, you guys are really trying to tell me that Hyde “Too chicken to confess to his crush before she died” Lawless would be the forward one over Licht “I don’t care what people think, work hard and seize your dreams” Todoroki?
Counter-suggestion: Hyde only has the guts to jokingly flirt with Licht while he thinks Licht will never like him back or take it seriously anyway. Licht is the one who straight-up tells him he likes him and shamelessly kisses him in public while flipping off his caretakers who try to tell him to mind his manners.
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lia-snow · 7 years
Pls tell us you're headcanons about bilingual licht! There are people who know German who can help you with that if you want to!
Well… when I said “Licht bilingual headcanons” I actually meant “LawLicht headcanons with German included” (?). Ahahahahajhasd is that still ok for you Anon-chan? xD Welp, here they go anyway lol:
1. Licht starting to trash-talk in German to Hyde, thiking he wouldn’t understand, but then Hyde responds in German and Licht is shocked xD And… maybe a little turned on(?)
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2. Licht being used to English so much (or Japanese) that he only talks in German when feeling homesick/sentimental. 3. That said, if Hyde sees him somewhat down, he goes and talks to him in German so he can relax.
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4. Sometimes when Licht is practicing piano, Hyde starts singing in German to accompany Licht’s music. Licht secretly enjoys it.
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5. I mentioned in a post some time ago that I like the idea of Hyde’s humming or singing calms Licht down. Well, Licht feels specially comfy when Hyde sings in German.6. When abroad, Licht and Hyde like taking walks while talking in German, even if they know the local language of the place they’re in. Surpisingly, Licht feels more comfortable and expresses himself more openly when he’s talking in his mother tongue. 7. Licht’s speech becomes slightly different and becomes more talktative with Hyde in German. Not because of the language itself, but because of the type of message he’s saying. Some things he find it less embarrassing to say in German -wink wink-8. Licht gives Hyde German nicknames. Sometimes, sweet nicknames that the rest can’t understand (“the rest,” referring to Mahiru and the other Eves www)9. Hyde dirty talks to Licht in German 8) Successfully(?)10. ^He actually says kinky stuff in German to Licht in front of everyone cause he has no shame knows no one will understand. Except they actually do, since his Servamp siblings probably know a bunch of languages too ww.
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Pretty sure I’m missing one or two headcanons, but there you go xD
Btw, that was sweet to say that people might want to help me out with the German, Anon-chan( ´ ▽ ` )I haven’t actually written any story yet regarding this, but I’d like to ask, how abouy you, people? I’d love to hear more headcanons about this :pp Specially from the German fandom, who can actually think of some better ideas, I’m sure xd It’s your time to shine ☆ (?)
-Thanks a lot to my friend Dave who helped me with the German!! And to Faun for singing in German(?) hahaha
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notdewtree · 2 years
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i just read last month’s chapter and it injured my feelings on top of getting the urge to draw
lawlicht block of text under the cut
So for context, this is a scene from Angel’s Glasses Hunt (2018 ver) Lawless’ birthday event for the game the Land of Nod (now called TANAKA BOX lmao). 
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It was this point in the event that made me go “oh my god, that means Licht thinks Lawless looks better without glasses” and I forgot that became an hc of mine for a while.
No screenshots from this point on ‘cause I’m lazy, but in the ending of the event, Licht mentioned that on the day of their contract, “you took off your glasses that day didn’t you?” (damn I forgot which .5 chapter this is, but when Lawless introduced himself as Hydey the Hedgehog for the first time, he took off his glasses when introducing himself) and then Licht said something along the lines of “I thought you took off your glasses because you wanted me to let my guard down, but the truth is that’s not the case is it? You wanted to show me your true form, and you wanted to see with your own eyes.”
Listen, Licht says a bunch of confusing tenshi shit, but at least that’s how I interpreted his words. (Lawless doesn’t get the point either, or at least pretended he doesn’t get it). I wonder if this event’s been translated now, it’s been so long since it’s been rerun lol (I say 2018 ver. because after 2020? I think? It just became a glasses mini-game not a quiz answering game where you buy glasses and triggers small talks).
So yeah, on top of Licht thinking he doesn’t “like” Lawless wearing glasses, I think he sees a deeper meaning to it too, which to be fair isn’t completely wrong, he’d only gotten full fake and Shakepeare after he’d worn glasses.
bro what the fuck look at all this shit i just wrote
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overthinking glasses-less lawless
So yeah I’m not gonna say anything about last month’s chapter, but the amount of... Not-wearing-glasses Lawless scenes in it re-ignited my forgotten “oh yeah doesn’t Licht fancy Lawless more without it?” personal headcanon from 4 years ago.
and one more thing. If anyone’s interested on playing the 2018 ver of Angel’s Glasses Hunt, it’s still accessible in the old domain (link here). If you want to play fair and actually have fun with the quiz, I wrote a general guide here. Again, don’t know if anyone’s translated it, but the full complete dialogue is archived here.
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neverlandlavander · 2 months
When he gets nervous/anxious Hyde makes peculiar quotes that doesn't have a lot to do with the context and desperately tries to make it fits in the situation, like that sls he quoted a cruel angel thesis out of nowhere
At the time, Licht's parents believed that his white hair was an act of rebellion, they respect their child so they took it as "a phase" and didn't bother him, he didn't have a better explanation anyways so he decided to let it go
When Licht sings karaoke he's serious about it almost as about his concerts, it's his moment, his stage, he doesn't like to share, he's not very likely to duet, however he will, once he feels challenged, sometimes when Hyde gets in his song without permission, or pulls him to sing along some stupid embarrassing lyrics, so he takes it as a competition and the stage becomes a battlefield. They have already been expelled of one of them.
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blvcklizard · 11 months
Licht would be the type of aroace that's absolutely down to play the pocky game, partly because hey, free chocolate, and partly because he always wins. He thinks it's thanks to his angelic powers and not because his Servamp is a mess that's totally weak to this sort of stuff. Hyde is okay with that misunderstanding. It's a win win.
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memesandpoems · 7 years
guys,,,,imagine licht getting confused with Japanese words and lawless tRANSLATING IT TO GERMAN FOR HIM IDK WHY THIS MAKES ME FEEL SO HAPPY
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katzkinder · 3 years
You know, the more I think about it the more I realize that Greed pair is a case where the person who made the first move wasn’t actually the one who made the First Move
Like. Lawless is a bonafide romantic, grand gestures and grander proclamations, and he’d want the moment he asks Licht out to be perfect. He’d spend weeks brainstorming, prepping, and agonizing as his attempts are consistently thwarted by his own chickening out, but there’s still drive and conviction and intent to carry through every time.
Licht realizes his feelings much later than Lawless, but literally as soon as he does, he gets up, seeks out his Servamp, literally corners him via a foot beside his head and firmly commands, “Hey. Go out with me.”
And that’s how they’d start dating!!
See also: Licht not realizing a single one of the dates Lawless took him on were dates
Lawless has his head in heads, complaining about what kind of moron doesn’t pick up in the fact a date is a date (yes hi hello me, I have done that) and Kuro just sort of... Gestures. To Licht.
Which sets Lawless off because he’s not in the mood for the eldest Servamp being a smartass. (smol blurb under the cut!)
“SO?! HE’S NOT THE NORMAL ONE HERE! And I’m even dumber for thinking he understood what I was doing!”
“Hah? Why would I think those were dates? Obviously they were signs of my angelic influence taking root in that black heart of yours.”
“Oh they were alright! Because you think I’d do those things for no reason?? Hell no! I did them because I’m in love with you!”
"It only makes sense for a demon to have an ulterior motive!"
“Excuse me? Licht. I want you to think long and hard about why anyone does anything. Here’s a hint: There is no such thing as altruism!”
"It's the sign of heavenly beings."
“Uh-huh... Isn’t doing something because it’s the right thing to do an ulterior motive in and of itself? Wanting something at all automatically makes any action you take void of altruism. And if wanting to do things that make you happy because I care about your stupid violent angel wannabe self is ‘demonic’ then I’m more than happy to stay down here in hell!”
[End Scene]
... Jeez Lawless. But, well, it’s an interesting perspective he has, and one befitting of Greed. Cynical as it sounds to others, he doesn’t believe true altruism exists. There’s always a self-serving motive. ...He doesn’t necessarily think that’s a bad thing, either. A selfish motive doesn’t erase the good done by a kind act, even if the act itself was only done out of a sense of superiority or self satisfaction. At least, that’s his opinion.
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pocket-luv101 · 3 years
Spoilers for the new chapter and Hyde...
It was revealed that Hyde was a prince. I think it illuminates more about Hyde's flashback and his time with Ophelia. He loved Ophelia but he didn't try to stop her from accepting a political marriage or save her from sacrificing herself. He probably related to her wish to protect/save her kingdom by becoming a symbol of peace.
This is outside of spoilers and just speculation but I was talking to my friend more about my headcanon of Lawless being the first to have a successful contract (compared to JeJe's Eves who went crazy or Kuro who simply didn't try to make a contract). She pointed out that Lawless would've easily found an Eve because he's a prince. When she mentioned that, my mind just flew to the story of Alcestis and Ademetus.
The Greek myth goes, Admestus was a prince and Apollo gave him the gift of immortality in a roundabout way. As long as someone trades their life for his, he would be revived. Admestus thought one of his parents or the people of his kingdom would be willing to do so. When the time came, no one was willing to. His wife stood up and volunteered herself to be taken to the underworld in his place. Then, Persephone listened to Alcestis's story of self sacrifice and allowed her to return to the world of the living (though other versions have Hercules be the one to save her).
Where was that long ramble of Greek mythology going? It would be tragic if Hyde was a prince loved by his people but no one wanted to make a contract with him after he became a Servamp. It was someone close to him who decided to take the risk to make a contract with him. He then had to watch them grow old and die. Hyde might be my favourite but I still make a lot of sad headcanons for him xD However, the Greed pair aren't connected to greek myths so this is unlikely.
I will try to balance that out by writing a fluffy LawLicht fanfic where Licht suggest they visit a castle during a vacation. Hyde doesn't realize it's his own castle until they arrive. He starts to act awkward and Licht immediately notices.
We do get to see a short woman who could be Lily's Eve and I wonder if it'll be the design of the original Eve for World End. I would like more history on the Alicein family and what references there are.
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dsa-lj · 3 years
Everything you need to be happy today
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Lawless kept checking her phone, to which her brother had sent the cookie recipe, but it seemed to her that she was failing. This is not enough for a present to a loved one. — Big sister Law is trying so hard, — Tsubaki says with a fox squint and grin, deliberately drawing out the vowels on the last word. - And all so that her present was in the trash. — The Cruel Angel will clearly not be cajoled by even such an offering, she’s not a Cupid, — Kuro agrees with Tsubaki, without taking her eyes off the game
This work was written on Valentine's day, but I was able to publish it on AO3 only now (although it has been on ficbook since February).
There is no special plot here, just a little cute with the fem!Lawlicht and the program "Survive with mischievous sisters" starring Law. And yes, Hyde, who loves to make sweets and pastries, especially for Angel the best cute headcanon✨
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