#Learn Italian Cooking online
yournowheregirl · 2 years
thinking about italian steve today
thinking about steve, who loves to cook and wants to get better at it, so he starts digging through the many, many cabinets in the harrington home until he finds an old recipe book written by his great-grandma. it’s filled with recipes he remembers his mom and nonna making when he was little, only problem is that it’s all written in italian
thinking about robin offering to translate it for him but instead, steve asks her to help him learn the language instead. it’s hard at first - the language is so different from what he’s used to - but robin is patient (surprisingly so) and helps him with the pronunciation and sentence structures until it gets easier and easier.
thinking about steve finally getting the hang of the language and inviting everyone over for a big italian dinner once he translates his great-grandma’s recipe book and basking in everyone’s praise and incessant begging to bring his tiramisu to every hellfire meeting and movie night from now on.
thinking about steve and robin taking advantage of speaking a language no one else knows to talk shit about everyone behind their backs. they bitch all about that one guy who takes forever choosing between two very similar movies at family video. they whisper about robin’s love life, for once not being scared of someone overhearing them. they joke about the party being little shits whenever steve so graciously drives them around town. this, of course, drives dustin nuts - he can’t handle not being in the know about everything that happens around him - which only makes steve and robin cackle even louder.
thinking about eddie somehow never catching steve speaking italian until he shows up unannounced at the harrington home one day (steve had given all of them spare keys to use whenever they needed). eddie’s daydreaming as he walks into the foyer but he stops dead in his tracks when he hears steve talking on the phone. in rapid italian. he stays there, flushed and frozen in the middle of the foyer, until he hears steve laughing and saying a quick “ciao nonna, ti voglio bene” and he has to scramble himself together to look somewhat presentable. steve goes to greet eddie but all eddie can blurt out is “what the fuck was that” as he tries to get his brain back online. steve just shrugs and replies “italian. you want a beer?”
thinking about steve noticing how flustered eddie seems to get whenever he speaks italian and using this to his advantage since eddie’s been having the upper hand in this whole will-they-won’t-they-situation they’ve got going on for the past few months.
thinking about eddie just melting into a puddle of goo whenever steve casually speaks italian and not knowing that steve’s just talking about the weather today or that he’s actually joking about loving eddie’s twenty-minute monologue about the history of metal.
thinking of steve becoming a little more brave every time and starting to slip little compliments in here and there because he’s still too chicken to confess his feelings in english. one time it’s a casual “tesoro mio” when eddie brings him lunch and another time it’s a “sono pazzo di te” when eddie makes him laugh so hard his stomach hurts. one day, when he’s feeling particularly confident and eddie’s looking particularly gorgeous, he leans over the counter at family video and plays with one of eddie’s stray curls as he tells him “mi sono perso nei tuoi occhi”. the rush of seeing eddie’s face turn bright pink stays with steve for the rest of that day.
thinking about eddie falling asleep against steve’s side on the couch one night and steve feel so warm and happy inside, that he whispers a soft “mi sono innamorato di te" against eddie’s hair. that particular phrase - i’m in love with you - had been buzzing inside his brain for weeks now but he couldn’t get himself to say it out loud. it’s too obvious, too revealing. but he figures it’s safe now that eddie’s softly snoring beside him.
thinking about eddie suddenly jumping up, wide-eyed and frantic, his voice a few octaves higher than usual as he says “wait, you’re in love with me?”
special thanks to @legitcookie @sidekick-hero & @cheatghost for cheering me on about this silly little idea. the things steve says in italian are as follows (my apologies to the actual italians, i tried my best!): - ciao nonna, ti voglio bene - bye grandma, i love you (familial) - tesoro mio - my darling - sono pazzo di te - i’m crazy about you - mi sono perso nei tuoi occhi - i’m lost in your eyes
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fitgirlfemdom · 8 months
✧∘* ✧・゚soft/sfw feeding tips✧∘* ✧・゚
i'm gonna be honest, i haven't been feeling the best mentally. i also feel that a lot of my posts, although rooted in fantasy, are not exactly realistic or doable for a lot of feedee/feeders. that's why i wanted to explore the softer, fluffier sides of this kink, since these are a lot better to do publicly and help the efficiency/longevity of a feederist relationship.
-going out to dinner and ordering for your feedee. asking what they want generally, and deciding what they want based off their tastes. you can decide the amount, based on your budget. make sure the restaurant or eatery is one your feedee prefers (i.e. don't force them to eat Mexican food if they like Italian). by doing this, it 1) sets up a clear power dynamic between both parties that is healthy and mutually beneficial, and 2) helps both parties learn more about each others preferences. note: i would not recommend ordering alcoholic drinks for feedees, as they should choose themselves based on their own limits. overeating is a lot less dangerous than alcohol poisoning, and everyone's tolerance is obviously different.
-if you're planning on going out for drinks, plan to make them a meal beforehand. this shows that you not only care for their wellbeing, but also brings you closer emotionally before a night of debauchery. drinking alcohol on an empty stomach can cause a number of health issues, as well as exacerbating the negative effects of alcohol use. cooking together is also proven to strengthen relationships by enhancing communication skills and providing quality time alone.
-plan a charcuterie board together! take note of what snacks your feedee prefers, such as nuts, cheeses, dried fruit, crackers, dips, etc. you can also order one online if it's too much of a hassle. by planning a charcuterie board specifically, you can learn what type of snacks your feedee truly enjoys, as well as trying new foods alongside them (or just watching their reactions).
-pack lunches for work. if your feedee works in an office space or a job where there is a clear lunch time, prepare their foods for them based on their known preferences. this builds your relationship on trust, communication, and establishes a clear power dynamic. if packing lunches isn't your thing, or you don't have enough time or energy, set your DoorDash to their place of work and send them surprise orders (this is, of course, much more expensive, but can be a nice treat every once in a while).
-listening to your feedee's views on their journey throughout your relationship. sometimes, a feedee may discover that they aren't comfortable with this lifestyle, and that's okay! other times, a feedee may be comfortable with certain aspects, such as food play, but not others, such as force feeding. sit down and have a conversation with your feedee about their feelings regarding your partnership regularly. they trust you and place a large amount of power in your hands--the best way to reciprocate is to make them feel safe in your control. feederism may also just be a small part of your feedee's life, and they may only want to participate in it a few times a month. this should also be taken into account.
-encouraging confidence in their new body outside of kink. sometimes feedees have a humiliation or degradation fetish regarding their weight, but this should not continue in everyday situations, unless agreed upon. ask your feedee their favorite parts about themselves physically, but also mentally and emotionally. tell them your favorite parts about them, and vice versa. conversate about how this kink lifestyle makes them feel about their image of themselves, and orientate your approaches to feederism based on this.
i hope you enjoyed reading! have a good day! <3
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thatgirlie-diaries · 11 months
Week 5 - #100DayReinvention Progress log ୨୧
Original challenge by @dreamdolldiary
Hello girlies! Welcome to the fifth log of this challenge. I am actually so excited for the start of a new month and grateful for all the progress and moments I lived in October. Last month I was focused on achieving, having the base for my habits and goals. Now that I now what I need to do and what I love, in this month alongside progressing with my goals I will focus on being healthier, softer and prettier as so buying new items and going on girly dates.
𝐈. My weekly progress
Health: Did pilates once, slept at 10pm some days and ate healthier in general (my sleeping schedule and diet are things that are costing me to have in a good state, but I'm making progress), my skin is clearer and hair is healthier.
Academic: finished my Italian online and physical exercises, got an 100 on my 3rd Italian test, got all my academic tasks done in time
Adulting: no new progress
Hobby: began reading a book (It didn't start with you), feel more confident with my cheer skills, wrote 3 blogs this week
Social: played with my dog, spent more time with my friends and being social. celebrated halloween at uni and at cheer
Healing: meditated and practiced yoga in the morning and at night, currently using frequencies, indulged in manifestation and soft living
Style: makeup looked more flawless, learned new hairstyles
𝐈𝐈. I need to work on
Sleep earlier to wake up earlier - To achieve this I will reduce my electronic consumption and be commited to sleep and wake up at the time I stablished
Eat healthier - I already eat healthy, but sometimes I'm lazy to cook and fall into the junk food trap. I will meal prep each week and chose interesting meals and new recipes for me to be motivated. Also drink more water, I will add fruits to make it appealing
Sensorial rest - Use screen timers, listen to music on scecific times and not as a distraction, less sound and earphone usage, lean on more to stillness and be alone with myself
Work on my mental diet - Be aware of my thoughts and what I'm focusing on. I will choose positive feelings, positive affirmations and discard any negativity towards myself, situations or other people
Be brave and open minded to fail to achieve the goals that I fear - I heard someone said once "If it scares you, it's because it's meant for you"
𝐈𝐈𝐈. Next week I will focus on
Based on my experiene from October and last week, I will focus all around the month to balance my consistent progress and focusing on leveling up my healthy and feminine lifestyle (diet, pampering, hobbies, productivity, energy, mindset, social skills, buying new itenms, etc) so this week I will mainly focus on this.
See you next week, girlies! Wish me luck and love 𑄽𑄺ྀ
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nicomoon69 · 7 months
so in my spider! Bernard AU I’m slightly changing up his character so here’s basics on Bernard:
- Bernard is still into cooking and it started years back purely because he didn’t trust the food industry. that meant he spent ages learning how to cook and figuring out how to make a lot of popular food items. he has a little list of companies he trusts and doesn’t. he doesn’t want to open a restaurant anymore/become a chef, more so being interested in keeping himself and others healthy
- Bernard knows a freaky amount of things he probably shouldn’t but masks knowing said knowledge with his conspiracy theories (he only believes in like half of them) so to most people he’s just a crazy guy saying crazy things. he still ends up being on a few watchlists so he tries to throw those off by also being a conspiracist online (he also truly enjoys it, but that’s an added bonus)
- Bernard’s actually really smart but due to above as well as a lack of giving a shit about school material (he prefers scientific what ifs and weapon/super hero/vigilante stuff) so he ended up not being able to get into the courses he would’ve preferred due to his mostly average grades. it’s why he’s now double majoring in physics and biology in hopes of getting to do a masters in something closer to that (also a bit of pressure from his parents)
- Bernard has had suit designs for himself and other vigilantes just lying around (which is also how he got a pretty functional suit in a pretty short amount of time). it was mostly a hobby where he’d think about what if scenarios
- Bernard when possible does everything on paper, since he doesn’t trust the government and other big corporations. it’s why his empty apartment has stacks of paper laying around (all neatly categorized and sealed, but it looks like a mess to anyone else)
- kinda in the same vein as the last one but Bernard has most of his money in cash, only having what is absolutely necessary on his bank account. he also claims it saves him money since he can’t just freely spend money with a tap of his card (it’s kind of true since when he had to spend money for his suit he actually had most of it lying around)
- Bernard had a short phase in high school that had him convinced he needed to learn russian so he can now speak a bit of russian, but most importantly he can do the accent really well. it’s what he used as spiderman to throw people off of his identity (it gives Tim a genuine headache)
- Bernard works a part time job at a restaurant as an assistant chef (he needs to buy groceries and pay rent after all). it’s a little italian diner a few blocks from his apartment. he always get leftovers and food that’s about to spoil to reduce their waste
I don’t know if I missed anything important, but this is basically going to be my characterization on him! if you have any suggestions or can point to canon that directly conflicts with these ideas pls lmk! I’m always up to revise my stuff :)
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mangora · 4 months
I’m so tired here are some assorted Disventure Camp headcanons:
•Jake is really into poetry. Some of his poems are bangers, some of them are absolute dogshit. He posts some of them online, mostly the bad ones because he’s not self-aware of how bad they are. He will spend hours on end writing in his notes app. Guy is a big fan of sonnets and free verse but his strong suits are odes and villanelles
•Rosa María, James, Yul, Lake, Riya, Fiore, and Alec are all multilingual. Rosa speaks English and Spanish, James speaks Portuguese and English, Yul speaks Korean and English, Lake speaks German and English as well as some French, Riya speaks Hindi and English, Fiore speaks English and some Italian, and Alec speaks English as well as a variety of other languages (he did a minor in linguistics for his university degree so he knows the basics of multiple major languages).
•Hunter’s a competitive chess player. Ally’s the only person who’s ever beat him fair and square, but even then, that rarely happens
•Lake is great at baking. She’s incredibly exact when it comes to measurements, timing, and technique. Rosa, meanwhile, is a great cook and she doesn’t measure anything
•Aiden can play bass guitar. He started learning as a teenager because he wanted to join an emo band one day. Chase your dreams boy
•Yul used to have braces and he’s really embarrassed about it
•Gabby’s a forager, she loves to forage for wild fruit and mushrooms and greens
•Ellie’s kinda a ghoul in the kitchen. Like she can make good food and drinks but most of the time she’s so tired that she makes evil energy drink-instant coffee potions or like that pistachio & condensed milk concoction from Arthur
•In a better universe I think Ellie and Jake are frenemies instead of fully hating each other and they play Minecraft together and Ellie is constantly stealing Jake’s shit and trying to defeat the Ender Dragon meanwhile he screams every time he sees a Creeper and begs her to turn Keep Inventory on because he keeps dying
•Miriam gets a cat after the show. She’s an older white cat named Snowball and she has the same personality as her. They are best friends and Miriam is so annoyed by her. She made them matching sweaters. Snowball is only fully nice to Jake
•Fiore listens to Thrash Metal. It’s partially just to throw people off when they find out, she thinks it’s funny
•Fiore also enjoys those YouTube prank videos, she knows they’re fake they’re just so stupid that she finds them hilarious. Kristal gives her an iPad for a day one time for entertainment and it pisses the rest of the Magenta team off so bad because she keeps playing these prank videos and watching epic fail compilations at full volume
•Grett loves crocheting. She slowly turns into one of those people who crochets during lectures and while watching movies and shit
•James is really good at Tetris
•Ally is obsessed with Sci-Fi. She, Tess, and Hunter watch Star Trek, Doctor Who, and Star Wars together because they all love the worldbuilding so much. Tess writes fanfiction about almost everything they watch. Hunter has terrible media literacy and misses the themes every time but he has fun watching
•After All Stars, Riya gets really into tattoos. She gets matching ones with Connor
•People antagonize Tom with the cop slide video and every time he clenches his fist and goes, “Stop laughing at him.”
•Kai has a bunch of pet bugs. Maggy’s secretly afraid of them still but she’s getting there. She likes rollie pollies
•Karol used to do roller derby and Lill used to ice skate. Ggirlf,riends,,, I miss them chat. Where is my old woman yuri
•Aiden eats plain yogurt nothing on it and it’s the one thing James doesn’t like about him. Like it’s so upsetting to him. Why does he eat plain yogurt
•Ashley likes hyperpop, don’t tell anyone
•Tom likes crockpot food. He is not invited to potlucks for this reason. He will always bring the crockpot
•Alec doesn’t like splatter films but he really enjoys psychological horror, especially mockumentaries and mondo films
•Lake read creepypasta a lot as a kid and she wouldn’t go into the kitchen after dark because she was afraid of Jeff the Killer appearing at her fridge
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h0neytalk · 3 months
Italian Audio/Books/Videos Masterlist
Now that I’m at the upper A2/lower B1 level for Italian, I figured I’d compile a quick list of where I’ve found the best stuff to read and listen to.
E-Books and Audiobooks
Kobo Rakuten Italia — where I buy my ebooks. You can read them online, in the app, or download them and [redacted] to export them elsewhere. Has a monthly unlimited subscription that functions like a combo Kindle/Audible subscription.
Storytel — monthly subscription for unlimited access to audiobooks.
Learn Italian With Lucrezia — truly the savior of anyone learning Italian. My favorite videos are her Q&As, vlogs, and “n basic phrases you need to know.” I don’t get much out of her grammar explainer videos but that’s because of who I am as a person.
NovaLectio — commentary style mini documentaries. I export them to LingQ to read before watching and it helps me parse what’s going on. Also, they upload some videos dubbed in English so you can watch both.
Vogue Italia — celebrity interviews and fashion content. About 50/50 Italian and English but obviously high production value.
ArtandtheCities — criminally underrated channel imo. 10-15 minute art history/industry videos by an art historian. Super interesting, she’s easy to understand, and has captions.
Chef Max Mariola — utter chaos but fun. A Roman chef cooking various dishes, sometimes with a guest. Gives very “your uncle is hosting Thanksgiving and forgot until yesterday” vibes but in the best way.
RaiPlay (free!) — Italian version of PBS. Lots of documentaries and some kind of goofy soap operas/narrative shows. You can also watch live TV.
Podcasts and Radio
RaiPlay Sound — basically NPR. Also free! You can find podcasts, live radio stations, audiobooks, and even audio descriptions of movies and TV shows.
Formula 1 Italia — Formula 1 news. I’m a big Ferrari fan but they cover a lot of news/current events (as long as they can connect it to a driver). The writing is short and to the point so it’s easy to parse for beginners. And honestly the drama is better than a lot of TV shows.
Stile Arte — long, more complex articles about art and archaeology. Cannot recommend it enough if you have an interest in any of those things. There are some straightforward history articles at the B1/B2 level, and also some more creative essays that push C1.
Corriere della Sera — daily news site. I started reading the news only in Italian to keep me from doom scrolling because America is terrifying. This is just the site I have ended up using a lot. Mostly because it’s easy to navigate and they have a ton of content.
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island-in-the-shadows · 8 months
My Hannibal and Will Adopted Oliver AU HCs
Because the Thomas Harris books have a different timeline than NBC Hannibal I'm gonna make the executive decision to split the baby. TWOTL happens +- in 1990.
Because it happens in 1990 it allows Hannibal and Will more anonymity because it precedes the online boom and fucking no one had a smart phone. And since they have more anonymity they are more fluid in where they go.
They're in Northern England in 1992 when they see these awful people who are also shit to their kids. One of those kids is a young, quiet boy who (like Matilda) gets books out of the library that are more advance than his age level. Hannibal in particular is parentally enamoured with the little boy and, in a way, reminds him of both Will and Mischa (though in different ways).
As happens to people who are unspeakably rude, the horrible parents...go missing. And Hannibal and Will adopt the little 5yo boy named Oliver. They do not involve him in their diet at this time. They also move to a different country.
Because god help us the shit environment for LGBTQIA+ people in the 90s was worse, only Will is listed as Oliver's parent when they enroll him in a school in New Zealand. They both think it's more believable because Will and Oliver both have pretty blue eyes and brown hair and have a similar demeanour.
Hannibal absolutely dotes on Oliver. Because he wants to give him a choice when he's older, he doesn't feed Oliver long pig in his childhood. He does, however, still cook the most insane Michelin star versions of childhood classics (because at first its all Oliver will eat) and eventually gets him to eat better.
Will teaches Oliver to fish. Like Will, Oliver is particularly good at knowing how to lure. He does tend to be impatient however.
Hannibal teaches Oliver how to play the piano, appreciate classical music & opera, and how to speak Italian (I think Hannibal can still be scarred about things re: his homeland so Oliver would know some phrases. However, Hannibal is half Italian and def has better memories of Italy, so...).
They keep him in school (in various countries) until he's 14 because by that time they know other kids find him off putting and that Oliver doesn't really like being there. It makes more sense for Hannibal to homeschool him.
Especially because around his teens, Oliver learns what his adopted fathers are doing. He doesn't actively participate but he knows. At around 16/17 he does help them lure sometimes and they teach him how to deal with the meat.
It's also clear to them from when Oliver is a child but more so as a teen that he's kind of like Will. Will can assume other POVs and Oliver always knows what other people want. It can make him a bit of a terror sometimes.
Oliver decides he wants to go to Oxford to get a degree. He has a bit of a guise so that his background is not questioned. They have false papers for him, dress him differently, have him on scholarship--the whole thing. The only thing that doesn't change is his name.
Oliver actually is socially awkward and immediately into Felix at first sight.
He lies about his parents because 1- he knows what Felix wants, and 2- what is he supposed to say? My parents are two queer cannibalistic serial killers? Lol, no.
He does love both his fathers as much as they love him. They keep in contact but, for obvious reasons, the names that pop up in his phone are decoys and never say anything like dad.
Oliver is impressed with Saltburn when he sees it even though, given Hannibal is a wealthy blue blood himself, he has seen his fair share of beautiful and truly expensive homes.
Oliver doesn't say anything but thinks the cooks at Saltburn are shit. He sends Hannibal a message about it though admits the food at Oxford was far worse. He is absolutely spoiled with this.
More on this AU as it develops...
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crush-like-that · 5 months
yo same person as the last ask!!! im feeding off your responses actually.
1. solangelo inside jokes?!?!? what abt 👀
2. what do you think their dates consist of mostly lmao
3. dude imagine will going to nico’s cabin after a long and just. flopping down on the bed and screaming into the sheets while nico watches blankly. i think this is common occurrence.
Carebear. If you've read TSATS, you know. If not, Will freaks out and shoots a sunbeam at a monsters. A sunbeam. From his chest. Nico calls Will carebear all the time and Will HATES it (hates it about as much as nico hates 'death breath') Nico gets back into mythomagic and Will will tease him about that, drop hints about it in front of other campers (Nico smacks his arm every time and sends him a death glare) uhmmmmmmmm i dunno... what do you think?
Nico loves to go for walks and picnics. However, he HATES doing it anywhere public, so they have an ongoing thing where they find the most secluded, unheard of picnic spots and hike their. Will loves movie dates. You go to the movies, you "pay attention" (wink wink) (wink wink as will has actually said "wink wink" to nico and nico, still not caught up with many modern trends, does not understand), you go out to eat after. They also like Stay At Home dates! Will never learned to cook because it was never something he needed to do. Nico never learned to cook because he never had the time. They find recipes from sweet old Italian ladies online and try their best to replicate them. They do the same with Will's grandmother's recipe book. As it turns out, Will burns everything he touches and Nico makes an excellent chef.
he SO does this. The first time it happens is actually not on purpose. Will had been overworking himself in the infirmary (as always) and Nico sees this, so he calls Will out and Will denies and says that he's perfectly fine! Nico calls bull and forces Will to lay down in his cabin (Because you know. If Will would try to sleep in his cabin, people would find him and ask more of him. So it's purely out of convenience and the good of Nico's heart.) Will finds out he can take a pretty amazing nap in Nico's cabin, so he runs off to hide in there every time things get to be too much elsewhere.
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changingplumbob · 3 months
Villareal: Chapter 6, Part 11
The library of Windenburg won't know what hit it!
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For ease of reading if the toddlers are trying to say real words I'll put the English in brackets. Luna (mummy) and Devin (mama) use some German and Italian. Amore (Italian) Love Bambino/s (Italian) Male child/children Ciao (Italian) Hello/Bye Grazie (Italian) Thank you Schatz (German) Treasure Tante/Onkel (German) Aunt/Uncle
In the library in Windenburg Max and Hugo Villareal are keeping toddlers Alfred and Rilian busy. Max is working on needs flashcards with Rilian while Hugo has decided to play with Alfred for a bit.
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In a side room Luna has found the archive machine and begins to pull together some research for her next paper. She hasn’t used one in a while so she has to ask the librarian about the more fiddly tasks that she has forgotten how to do. Lucky for us the librarian is friendly and happy to help.
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Max: And what is this one
Rilian: For hungry!
Max: Good job! We can cook lots of nice things in pans to fill up our hunger
Alfred: I birdie, flap flap
Hugo: Uh oh, storm is coming
Alfred laughs and giggles as Hugo spins him around. When he gets back on solid ground though he wants some flashcard time to! If his brother can learn then so will he.
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Following streaming her jog around the rainy heart of Windenburg Devin returns to the library to find some fans have gathered.
Fan: OMG it’s you! In person!
Devin: Ciao! Nice to see you despite this rain
Fan: I couldn’t miss this chance. Can I… please may I have your autograph
Devin: Of course. I keep some headshots on me in case of autograph emergencies. Now who shall I make it out to?
After signing some autographs, taking some selfies and posing for the paparazzi Devin breaks out her guitar to give an impromptu performance for those that braved the weather.
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Inside Rilian has finished with flashcards and has gotten Onkel Max to play with him. Unfortunately as great as Max and Hugo are they do manage to get confused about which twin they’re responsible for. Seizing his chance Alfred heads to the dollhouse.
Alfred: Birdie SMASH
He lets loose on the dollhouse, trashing what he can. A nearby child is horrified at the display and bursts into tears. Luna comes in just as he’s finished and grinning to himself.
Luna: ALFRED! I thought you two were going to watch him
Luna’s brothers mutter their apologies while Luna scoops up Alfred and apologises to the librarian. Devin comes in and although she doesn’t have her tools is happy to pay for the cost of repair. The Del Sol Villareal’s head home.
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When they get back the toddlers need naps and Luna heads to host her last online office hours for the day.
Luna: Class, I am here to help. But some of these submitted questions are answered in the final chapters of the books. I’m not here to read the books for you. Reframe your question after you’ve finished the text and we can discuss
Next student group
Luna: You want me to define that word during office hours? Let me help you. Open a tab and go to dictionary.com, everyone make note of that
Next student group
Luna: You all sound on track for your essays, I’m looking forward to reading them. Remember, include all references! We quote or we paraphrase, we do not plagiarise
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Norah: I know it’s a bit more wordy than normal
Devin: I can do science jargon, can’t be more tongue twisty than The Jabberwocky
Norah: You’ve recited that?
Devin: It was a test in my first university course, showing pronunciation and ability to memorise. I passed with flying colours
Norah: Nice. See you on set, oh we’re giving your character a new look as well
Devin waves her friend goodbye and heads to the kitchen where Joey is baking something else.
Devin: Still fighting the burnout?
Joey: Trying. Work was intense today but I scored a promotion!
Devin: Look at you go! I’m so proud of you bro
Joey: The feeling is mutual, I hope you know that
Devin: Grazie
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Joey pulls the fish pie from the oven and Devin can’t stop herself laughing.
Devin: *through laughter* Oh if you ever wanted proof for your “we’re in a simulation” argument that’s got to be it! Like why would you choose to make pie like that? Look at the tails!
Joey: I take it you won’t be eating any
Devin: Me and my bambinos will be eating excellent meatballs, my palate is refined after all, but... grazie for trying?
When the toddlers are up they also laugh at the fish tails sticking out of the pastry. Joey responds by pulling some of his best faces making the boys laugh even harder. When they’re finished Joey helps Devin get them to bed as Luna’s online office hours seem to have run overtime.
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Devin goes to tidy up dinner while Joey starts on some knitting.
Devin: Grazie for the help, Luna does get so generous with her students
Joey: You don’t mind?
Devin: She has work that makes her feel fulfilled. I get the same feeling from my filming, and watcher knows that can take just as long. End of the day I know regardless she and I will always put our family first. A night a week of missed bedtimes at this age won’t harm the twins relationship with either of us. Now scooch over, let the knitting pro show you how it’s done
Devin continues her own project, giving Joey advice as he navigates his latest plant holder. He finishes and declares he’s inviting Alexander over for a bake off catch up. Devin laughs and finishes her own work. Spotting Luna in the garden spraying some errant bugs she steps outside.
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Devin: Ciao amore mio
Luna: Oh schatz, I’m sorry I missed dinner. One of my bilingual kids was having a crisis about syntax and I-
Devin silences her with a kiss and lifts her up gently spinning her around.
Devin: Have I told you I love how you call your students your kids
Luna: *laughs* You know what I mean
Devin: I do. You care about them and their futures, knowing they have someone like that in their corner is worth a few missed dinners
She sets Luna back on the ground gently.
Luna: Can we go kiss our bambinos goodnight? I know they'll be asleep and won't know but still
Devin: Of course we can. Then you and I have a date between our sheets. Workaholics deserve treats
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Luna: They look so sweet like this. Our babies
Devin: Yep. You’d never know they are the same ones that busted public property and made grown kids cry
Luna: *laughs* Thank goodness you had some simoleons on hand, and the paparazzi had already left. Now I believe you promised me a bedroom treat
Devin: *coyly* Did I? Would I do that?
Luna: Do you want me to launch a tickle attack because I will
Devin: Come on then amore, to bed we go
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mbirnsings-71 · 6 months
i am but a little guy on ur door step
pls spare some bernard hcs??? any
stares @ u,,,,,,,,,,
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OKAY OKAY OKAY- So these are just very Generic Bernard headcannons I have in my notes okay okay-
(Headcannons under the cut)
- Is a mix of Irish, Greek, and Italian (Mother is probably Italian, His dad is Greek and Irish in my head)
- Despite that he doesn't speak any of the languages but has been wanting to try learning some of them, just college is a very busy time for him and he is tired man. Such a tired double major college student
- this being said He does love looking up pet names in those languages and Calling Tim them to which Tim calls him Cheesy as if Tim isn't also a cheesy guy as well
- Can ice skate actually really well due to going on yearly ice skating trips with his parents since he was young, like at least since he was eight.
- Due to the fact that he's estranged from his parents despite still wanting a relationship with them but they don't reach out and basically ignore him due to his sexuality and not living up to their expectations, he has tried getting Tim to go on ice skating dates with him and Tim is more than happy to go Even though Tim is more a skateboarder than an Ice skater.
- His love of cooking came from his mom when he was younger because he loved helping her out in ways that he could in the kitchen as a kid. He loves making recipes he learned from his mom for Tim but it's also very bittersweet cause of that factor but at least Tim loves his cooking so it's a win. That being said he also loves learning new recipes online and has a folder of bookmarks saved of one's he wants to attempt to make.
- Biggest Physical affection lover and gives it so freely, Has turned Tim to the side of Cuddles being a must for sleeping
- Audhd haver because If I like a Neurotypical character assume that means they either have a really compelling story or I've just been replaced by a clone!!
- Favorite colors are Yellow and Green but Green it specifically has to be more on the yellow side. He just likes it okay okay-
- My headcannon for him realizing he like guys was He started feeling romantic feelings for Tim while he was in Louis E. Grieves but didn't have a name for the feelings til Losing connection with Tim and so he had to struggle with that for a bit-
- Loves being a provider, it's part of the reason he likes cooking because he can make food for his friends and make sure they eat- even if he can't make food for them he will always make sure to be able to get food for his friends (Read that Tim Drake Robin panel where Bernard brings Tim burgers while Tim is trying to crack the case like my god that man loves Tim-)
- my personal favorite headcannon is that Bernard realized either as Tim saved him from the cult that Tim was Robin like Bernard's not dumb!! He has eyes and has been crushing on both Timothy Drake and your alter ego for a Hot minute he can puts the dots together man!
- As much as he is a Mothman lover, Batman and The Jersey Devil is what sparked his interest in Cryptids. Batman is explainable but also so mysterious and no one knows what his deal is besides saving Gotham from crime, The Jersey Devil however Bernard wants to know about because IT'S THE JERSEY DEVIL HELLO???
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spacefrog1984 · 2 months
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Lily, I'm away on a long weekend visiting family, the least you could do for me is not get biology wrong that I'll have to correct. (And just to spell it out for you since you have no ability to read between the lines, I'm using "have to" in the same way that you have to keep making absurdly bad reviews of shows for kids as your "job".)
This is another example of how Lily stretches the truth to suit her needs, making her more of a victim, more sympathetic, and justifying her actions. As Lily described the event, the pasta sauce was not hot enough to cause second-degree burns.
When on the stove cooking, slowly simmering marinara sauce with an open lid won't reach temperatures far exceeding 190°F/88°C - the entire pot is not boiling, the bubbling you see comes from small pockets of liquid that boil and turn to steam at the very bottom of the pot where it's hottest, but the rest of the sauce is cooler mainly due to the energy lost by the phase change from liquid to steam. How do I know this? I measured this myself on multiple occasions when learning to avoid burning my sauce. So unless you are non-stop stirring your sauce while you're cooking it, it's not getting much beyond 190°F/88°C without it becoming a burnt mess no one will want to eat. The "bowl of hot pasta [and] sauce...on the coffee table" was presumably served to be eaten, so it had cooled significantly since cooking. Be mindful that temperatures above 165°F/74°C will be hot enough to (first-degree) burn your mouth. This temperature is consistent with multiple cookbooks and recipes online (e.g., gourmetboutique.com). I'll concede that this pasta may have been too hot to eat at the moment and you and your ex were letting it cool - so let's say it was somewhere between the temperatures mentioned above: 180°F/82°C, earring on the hotter side to be as fair as possible.
In case you Google temperatures and exposure times (e.g., accuratebuilding.com see graph below) and find that this temperature can cause second-degree burns, this would pertain only to sustained temperatures (i.e., submersion in a pot or bathtub of hot water).
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The sauce will have cooled very quickly when it came into contact with Lily's much cooler skin and clothes; only a fraction of a second would the sauce have been near 180°F/82°C. (Here's a good video discussing the speed of heat transfer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ly4S0oi3Yz8). This is why you can eat sauce at temperatures approaching 165°F/74°C without getting even first-degree burns in your mouth.
In conclusion, unless this "bowl of hot pasta sauce" was actually the pot that the sauce was cooked in and it had just come from the stovetop, Lily is lying about getting second-degree burns from this incident - these were first-degree burns if anything. Here's some more info about burns for anyone interested: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK539773
Oh, and Lily, by your logic you can't criticize anything I say about pasta sauce and its preparation since I have Italian heritage and this is part of my culture; otherwise, you'd just be an oppressive racist colonizing fascist bigot.
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mittch22 · 9 months
Ask for @penname-artist that disappeared from my inbox because it spent so long in it.
WGP Racers Headcanons:
I’m not excessively well versed on them, but I shall give this a damn good go for you, my fine friend!
Lightning Mcqueen - Lightning spends a portion of his free time watching Doc’s old racing videos. He wants to try and pick up on anything that the older race car didn’t get the chance to teach him before he died. That and he misses him and just wants some semblance of his company again. 
Shovels food like whatever he is eating is his last meal. Sally has had to slow him down more than once to prevent indigestion. 
He snores. Really loud. It's utterly obnoxious and it can be heard down the street. If she didn't love him, Sally would have suffocated him in his sleep by now. 
Francesco Bernoulli - Francesco has travelled thousands of miles just to make it home in time for dinner. His mothers' home cooking is utter perfection and so worth every penny he spends on travelling. 
Had a small dinner party, inviting each of the WGP racers to attend. Initially, McQueen wasn’t invited.
He actually became amazing “Frienemies” with McQueen, their competitive natures slowly melting into jovial banter between them. Although their relationship is nowhere close to the friendship that Lightning has with Bobby and Cal, they still get on quite well. They often have arguments online, simply for shits and giggles. 
Jeff Gorvette - Gets along sportingly with Lewis and takes any opportunity to hang out with him. Although their hobbies and interests vary greatly from one another, they often have weekends together to just take it easy.
After his retirement, Jeff took to painting and is now a very accomplished artist. He takes commissions from his friends. Free of charge. 
Terrified of spiders. Lewis takes the piss.
Lewis Hamilton - Is a trained martial artist. He practises Shotokan karate when he's not racing and often goes to watch competitions. It's his favourite Olympic sport to watch. He has tried to teach Jeff some movies but Jeff just gets a bit scared at his intensity and runs away. 
Loves to go out partying and pretty much always invites Jeff along for the ride. They try their best to stay out of trouble, but it's hard to do as Jeff is a mental drunk. 
Max Schnell - Max adores outdoor adventuring and losing himself in woodlands and forests. He spent all his time as a child in the natural environment so it feels more like home to him than any other environment on earth. This is the first place he will go to when stressed. 
Has a real sweet tooth. Will kill for a profiterole and adores a well constructed crumble.
Max is well-versed in multiple languages as he loves to travel and wants to ensure that he is understood wherever he goes. He deems it impolite to go to a foreign land and not at least try to converse in the native tongue. He became interested in languages and is fluent in German (obviously), English, French and Italian. He is trying to learn Japanese and Shu is helping. 
Went to an engineering school and studied to become an engineer. When he became a racer, he utilised his knowledge to benefit his career. He’s incredibly intelligent and uses this to help his fellow racers and friends.
Raoul CaRoule - Raoul is pretty much the calmest vehicle in the world when it comes to problems. He doesn’t fret, doesn’t stress and takes everything as it comes. He’s great to be around in tricky situations as he's usually the first with a solution to a problem. 
He adores getting his tyres dirty. No matter where he goes in the world, he has to make sure he gets covered in dust and mud. It makes him feel alive, free, happy and it takes him right back to his roots. 
Raoul is very active and enjoys challenges. Learning new physical skills helps his restless mind. Lewis is teaching him Karate and Raoul loves it. He's going for his black belt very soon. 
He wants to learn how to dance. 
Carla Veloso - Carla loves to party. She’ll dance away for hours and not give a damn about who’s watching. She is spritely and loves to socialise at any given opportunity. 
She can drink and has drunk all of her fellow WGP racers under the table. 
Carla got into racing when she was very young, coming from a family of incredibly fast vehicles who would watch the races with her. It was all she ever wanted to do and her dreams were well supported. 
She loves tractors and finds them hilarious. 
Shu Todoroki - Although his last name means ‘thunderous sound’, Shu himself is anything but loud. He is quietly spoken and keeps to himself most of the time. Although he does end up being quite close with Raoul during the WGP and keeps in regular contact with him. 
Shu appreciates his alone time and will often go off to simply be by himself for a little while. He needs to recharge after a large gathering, though he is by no means anxious or afraid of them. 
His paint job is of the Ka-Riu dragon. He chose it to represent his incredible abilities to simply plough through any tough situation, and to symbolise his high levels of grit and determination. He never shies away from anything, no matter how difficult it may seem.
Nigel Gearsley - A very well spoken gentleman; courteous in every way. Nigel comes from a well off family and was brought up in the world of racing. He has an incredible level of stamina from training on Aston Hill Mountain that's near impossible to beat. 
He got Ramone to change his paint colour after the race at Radiator Springs. He told him to “go wild”. Fillmore ended up getting involved and Nigel ended up with Tie-Dye patterns. He certainly didn’t complain. 
Nigel is a bit of a history buff. He loved history in high school and ended up going into higher education and studying British history. He is particularly interested in subjects surrounding the royal family. 
Miguel Camino - Miguel is a thrill seeker and loves sports that involve danger and intense competition. He adores high intensity activities and has gone skydiving on many occasions. As long as he is free, he will always participate in the running of the bulldozers. 
He is a total show off. He will display himself at any given opportunity for any crowd that's willing to watch him. He exudes confidence with everything he does and is the envy of a lot of his acquaintances. 
He gets on really well with Raoul. They have a bouncy energy together and it's infectious. 
He loves gelato. He will get himself to a gelato bar as often as he possibly can. There aren't many flavours that he hasn’t tried and he plans to try each flavour from each place he goes to. His favourite is lemon. 
Rip Clutchgoneski - Rip is an incredibly humble vehicle, attributing his successes to luck of the draw, when in reality, he is very skilled. He just doesn’t notice it. He lacks confidence in himself quite often and occasionally needs a little boost from his friends and colleagues, especially when he begins to question his abilities. 
He is naturally funny and often pulls amazing jokes that put those who hear them into fits of laughter. He always seems happy. Even in bad situations, he holds a strong position and keeps himself and others laughing. 
Rip is a fan of Dusty Crophopper since he feels a kinship with him. Dusty built himself from the ground up just as Rip did for himself in the racing world. 
He is an avid gamer and loves to spend hours of his spare time online with friends and strangers alike. He favours racing games but has a soft spot for Minecraft. 
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lablim64 · 4 months
Let's gooo
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Yippee ✨
Fact 1: monster's name is actually Jan' eny, the name monster is a nickname that she uses the most than her name
Fact 2: the nickname monster is actually from an rumor that monster's old band made and an incident monster did (she's not so innocent lol)
Fact 3: monster has a pet lizard (it lives on her room lol)
Fact 4: the reason why monster is looking like her current self is that because she were kidnapped by tab and be his next failed experiment (also she didn't know jett is working for tab since she never seen tab around him at all lol)
Fact 5: she actually didn't trust anyone she meets, she mostly trusts them if they also respect her and her brother (lim), it's a habit
Fact 6: she's a lunatic.
Fact 7: she's the fastest one compared to other (also the elasticest due to her arms lol)
Fact 8: monster is Italian🇮🇹, she even has an soft Italian accent on a deep woman voice lol
Fact 9: monster is a character base and inspired by my online older sister :3
Fact 10: she's scared of bats (from a trauma)
Fact 11: she's didn't met the whole gang ex but she had a small chat with June once when she were came there to pick up lim (a good chat lol)
Fact 12: monster is a guitarist on a new bang now, due to her leaving the first and killing the second band she were at due to the band's unfair payment
Fact 13: even tho she's anxious and scary looking due to her actions, she's actually just the sweetest and the most helpful person
Fact 14: the reason why kanya were followed lim around (before she died) is to check if monster is near him, because monster nearly killed kanya before when she tried to hurt lim in front on her
Fact 15: she's can't cook, like she can't cook SHIT, she never able to learn it when she were young, she can make simple ones with no need for heating it but on the other hand she might accidentally burn down the house if she trys lol
Fact 16: she didn't care much about people who's not her friend, sibling or lover, she mostly care about them if they are respectful or keep her love ones happy
Fact 17: she can be like a karen sometimes if someone annoys her XD
Fact 18: even tho monster didn't died like lim, she's also quite "hard to kill" due to tab infect her with ferofluid when he were kidnapped her
Fact 19: she'll either kill you or brake one or two of your limbs or organ if you try to cross her
Fact 20: she's now canonically works as a cop and also a rock/metal music band member (cause yes, she's challengy lol)
And that's all^^
Hope y'all like it✨
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6rookie-writer0110 · 2 years
Slow night & Love Feel
Caitlin Snow X Male Reader
Request- Can you make Caitlin Snow X male reader dating.
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You are sick and you are in the apartment feeling like crap. You have been watching tv all day and eating soup and drinking orange juice. You got the flu and you hate being sick. You texted your girlfriend and you wait for her text...
You- babe, bring pizza, please 🥺
Caitlin - you are still sick. You need more soup
You - I'm tired of soup. Ugh.
You turned on the ps5 and you start to play online with your friends. You and your friends have a competition and you try to beat them.
Caitlin went to the store to buy more medicine and tea. She bought dinner now she is happy to go home and rest. She opened the door, you smiled at her. You helped her with the bags and you felt very happy.
“You got pizza!!” You smiled.
“Yeah, I know you have been craving pizza. So, tonight's dinner is pizza and before bed, you will drink tea” Caitlin said.
You would kiss her but you are sick. Now you and Caitlin start to eat pizza together but far from each other. She starts to talk about her day and what the team has been up to.
You and Caitlin have been dating for three years now. You moved in with her because she had more space for your stuff. Caitlin, is happy because she doesn't have to hide that she works with the flash. You and Caitlin support each other in everything. You are happy with her and she means a lot to you.
You didn't finish your sentence because you sneezed. When you are sick, your power can be out of control. You can mimic any kind of power of your choice when you touch someone. Now you turned into full ice
“Wow, Y/n you turned into ice now. Last time you turned into fire than the other time you used teleport” Caitlin said.
“Ugh, I hate being sick because my ability goes all crazy. Hours ago, I had heat vision and I destroyed your laptop by mistake” You said.
You grabbed the laptop and it's cut in half. You promised you will get her a new laptop and she isn't mad at you.
“Wow, I don't know what to say,” Caitlin said.
“I’m sorry, babe,” You said.
The ice power starts to disappear from your body.
Usually, you would sleep with Caitlin but you can't tonight. You don't want to get her sick, so you sleep in the living room on the sofa bed and she sleeps in the bedroom. Sometimes she wears your shirt or hoodie to bed.
You are at star labs and you are alone with your girlfriend.
“Babe, I thought maybe we can take cooking lessons together. I thought it would be fun for us” Caitlin said.
“What kind of cooking lessons?” You asked.
“Not sure, maybe Italian food?” Caitlin said.
“That will be interesting. I always wanted to cook pasta food differently besides just adding tomato sauce” You said.
“Good to know that you will take the lessons with me” Caitlin smiled
She wrapped her arms around you and she starts to kiss you passionately. Her lipstick gets on your lips then Barry walked into the lab with Joe. Joe cleared his throat then you moved away from Caitlin. You start to wipe your lips and you give them a nervous smile.
“Hey, guys,” You said.
“Y/n, you got something on your lips,” Joe said.
You wipe your mouth again.
“Sorry. Umm, I found the files that you needed” Caitlin said.
“Umm, thanks,” Barry said.
You and Caitlin are starting to feel awkward and silence is making it worse.
✫ ✯ ✬ ✫
You and Caitlin went to the cooking class, you and Caitlin will try to learn how to cook pasta food and pastry. The first lesson was to try to make gnocchi.
“This taste bad,” You said.
“Yeah, you put too much salt. I need water” Caitlin said.
You and Caitlin tried again to make it but this time, she makes sure you don't add too much salt. You and Caitlin are having fun together learning something new. Next, you and Caitlin are learning how to bake Cannoli.
Caitlin is working late at the lab and she hasn't eaten anything. You figured she skipped lunch and just buried herself with work. You went to pick up dinner and went to the lab.
“Y/n, you came,” Caitlin said.
You bend down to kiss her and she smiled.
“I know you must be hungry and probably skipped lunch. So, I got us dinner to eat right now because you need a break” You said.
“Yes, I am hungry. I lost time while working on something to help the team” Caitlin said.
You and Caitlin sit in the break room and you start to take out the food. You and Caitlin start to eat together and she starts to ask about your day.
After dinner, you take Caitlin home. She is wearing your hoodie and she cuddles with you in bed. You and Caitlin couldn't agree on a movie so you two end up watching a rerun episode of a show.
You and Caitlin have been arguing for almost two weeks. The argument got so bad that you went to stay with Joe and Cecile for a while. They gave you advice on how to work it out with your girlfriend, you still love her and you don't want to lose her.
You went to buy flowers and it's late, you know she will be at the lab. She is working on the computer and you take a deep breath.
“Hey, Caitlin,” You said.
She turned around and you smile at her.
“What are you doing here, Y/n?” Caitlin asked.
“I came to apologize and I got flowers for you. I want us to stop arguing” You said.
You give her the flowers and she smelled the flowers.
“I want don't want to argue either. I'm sorry I kicked you out. Y/n, I want us to be good again” Caitlin said.
“Me too, babe” You said.
You wrapped your arms around her body and she starts to kiss you passionately. You and Caitlin smiled at each other, you kiss her again.
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Sergeant Christine ‘Riot’ Vega, Task Force 141
Nationality: Spanish/British
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Sexuality: Bi (prefers men)
Birth date: 5th September, 1994
Height: 170 cm / 5ft 7in
Weight: 70 kg / 154 pounds
Hair: Natural blonde in several tones ranging from honey to almost platinum
Eyes: Light blue
Build: Curvy/Hourglass, well toned by training
Blood type: O- (universal donor, is fucked if needs blood though, Price is always requesting supplies when they’re on an op just in case)
Favourite colour: Red
Preferred civilian clothing: When off duty she usually wears blue jeans, usually skinny, red or black t-shirts, and black hoodies or sweatshirts, with trainers or boots and a leather biker jacket.
Hobbies: Cooking, learning languages, videogames, music (rock and metal specially, has a soft spot for pop and electronic sometimes), History and Archaeology
Studies: College graduated in History and Archaeology by Cambridge (online degree)
Parents: Medics for Doctors without borders, killed in a terrorist attack in Benin when she was eighteen and in college in UK. She enlisted right away and finished her degree online.
Languages: Spanish (mother tongue), English (C2), French (C1), German (C1), Russian (B2) / Can survive in Italian and Portuguese, and is trying to learn Japanese and Chinese
Tattoos: A rampant phoenix in an aggressive attacking position on her upper back and a triquetra on her right ankle (Soap has the same design on his left ankle)
Scars: Plenty on her body, from bullets to knife cuts. The more recent one is the large half assed Glasgow smile on the left side of her face, from the corner of her lips to almost her cheekbone, the reason why she wears the mask.
- Plays both guitar and bass guitar, and Soap tried to teach her to play the drums
- They used to have a music group with other rookies
- Cold, silent and collected when in the frontline, Soap got a liking to Ghost at first because he reminded him of her. Down to the stupid deadpan jokes.
- Met Soap in boot camp, they were fast friends/brother-sister because both their brains work alike (lightning speed). She admires Soap’s proficiency with things that go BOOM, and considers him to be wicked smart, she can’t calculate that fast to save her life
- She adores Ghost’s jokes, and enjoys greatly to hear Soap squirm with them
- Despises tea, calling it ‘pissy water’ (her mother loved it though), prefers water, juice or coffee
- Rarely drinks alcohol
- Sings in the shower and used to like going to karaoke bars
- She is always cold
- Gets mouthy the more physically hurt she is. If she’s getting mouthy, flirty and cheeky, she’s bleeding heavily. Soap is thankful Ghost is not like that
- Her brain works at 200% speed, storing info (hopefully useful, most of the time it’s not). Example: she learns languages fast because she memorizes vocabulary and phrases at lightning speed, but she also knows by heart tons of dog breeds.
- Hyperfocuses on shit to the point of obsession and sleepless nights
- Her call sign Riot is NOT because she’s a riot (well she is), the story is even better. It involves a SAS rookie op in Turkey, staging a riot in a prison, breaking Soap out of the prison’s infirmary and a stunt leaping from a roof Soap still has nightmares about.
- She has a fucked up knee since then (and will keep fucking it up more, you’ll see)
- Likes very spicy food but can’t have cilantro: tastes and smells like trash to her (she has that gene, yeah)
- Has PTSD from the op in Transnistria, has flashbacks and breakdowns sometimes, but is determined to keep going. Price is surprised/pleased to learn that she goes to therapy weekly, instead of the mandatory once a month (he had to drag Soap and Ghost to go even once a month, specially after Las Almas which is why Price has deemed it necessary; Gaz goes bi-weekly)
- Got licensed as a drone pilot after a bad op with her previous unit, HeadHunters, where she was on medical leave for three months. She was bored out of her mind not doing anything, so she signed up for a course.
- Hates her last Captain with the passion of a burning sun, dreaming of putting a bullet to his skull. Price understands and approves (he despises him too), just warned her to not be caught if they happen to cross him (he has an alibi prepared).
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sayitalianolearns · 2 months
Hey, I'd like to know how you teach yourself korean?🙃
안녕! :)
Well ofc it depends on the way you generally like to study (you can try different methods and see which one works better for you if you're still unsure). What I did generally works for learning languages in general (at least for me), but yeah.... (there are some different approaches in this masterpost)
First of all I learnt hangul, then moved onto basic grammar sentences/structure and vocabs... daily stuff mostly, like a kid. And tried to practice writing (both on computer and handwriting) while exercising (relying on Papago too). My resources were/are langblrs on here like @bieups @a-pop-of-korean (TY! Their resources are organized also by levels which is so useful -despite I tend to wander at times lol but WHATEVER) and some others I cannot remember but will try to add (or you can check my reblogs anyway under the tag #ref) and grammar videos on youtube in ENG-KOR or (more recently tho) KOR with ENG/KOR subs. TBH I started with a very basic yt course in Italian for free which offered also explanations by natives/people living in Korea for years + exercises. Anyway when studying grammar, I also take notes actively on paper (I have a bunch of notebooks for grammar and vocabs or other stuff that may be useful -I'm personally badly organized but you can divide notebooks according on your needs like one for exercises, another for grammar, one for vocabs, one for music and so on).
I used to follow a Memrise course (which I totally should start doing again): I found this website/app to be very good for me personally when it comes to learn languages (I studied Russian as well on there). I'm not a Duo fan: their course (especially the Korean one) is not well organized imo... Memrise has good vocabulary but also natives short videos useful for pronunciation/listening (there are many courses there, you can choose any you rather... I think there's a Topik -Korean language exam- one too). I add to this (when I can, that's why I'm lacking a bit in this skill) watching Korean videos on YT (information/news, interviews, lives, tv shows, cooking/recipes videos, or shows like Going Seventeen and Run BTS...) and listening to podcasts (both on yt and spotify) and Kpop (translating songs -some can be found online already translated, also on here ofc which you can use both to learn directly and to check if you did your translation well).
I read Korean texts, even more if from natives (I joined Weverse for example for listening too, but also on here I try to read as much as I can). The only books I bought myself are these two in the pic below (and I bought them on Amazon for like around... 30 euros both? Idr sorry). The visual dictionary has a bit of grammar and general infos here and there too but I admit I am not using it as much as I tought: I learn vocabs more often through sentences/music or texts. The Folktales book instead is like my fav thing rn as it has KOR&ENG texts + vocabulary lists and also exercises/comprehension tests at the end of each story + Korean culture notes that are so very cool. I can read Korean (and also listen: there are audios online for each story) and practice all at once (I also write summaries of those folktales and it's good for fixing certain idiomatic expressions/words too). Disclaimer: it doesn't have much for beginners TBH so wait a little before buying it (if you are thinking about this chance ofc). I think that to learn a language, one needs to understand the culture and traditions (history/development, celebrations, dishes and how they originated too, hot takes/povs on stuff) of the country speaking it as well so I've been trying to learn about this too. And on this matter I find very useful to watch also videos of Italian youtubers living in Korea (a better pov for me since it's by people who were basically raised with my same habits and traditions, at least for most part).
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What else...? Well, I've been writing daily a diary on here for more than a year now (mostly to practice and collect resources) and whenever I get the chance, I try to put myself out there and send asks or reply to people's posts or anything in Korean (ofc to langblr/studyblr/people that know the language LOL -and yeah I'm ANNOYING but... yeah). The only way to learn is to try and make mistakes, hopefully someone will answer me and/or correct me :P
OFC if you can join a proper course or find an online teacher/study buddy on some good app or on here too (@booksbluegurl was up to something, not sure how it ended TBH), probably that would help you better. Interactions are so fundamental, as they help us think in another language more easily and more often imo (and Korean grammar works totally differently from English or Italian, we need to think in a different way when expressing ourselves: "I do this" VS "I this do", eg.). But if you are uncomfortable, take your time by focusing on your learning process... the rest will come with time :) And when you feel okay to, talk out loud in Korean or read out loud: it makes a huge difference as it helps you fix words in your mind and realize where you lack so to work better on that (it's not that easy to pronounce every word/combination correctly at first, I often find myself having to repeat some sentences more than once to be able to say them "decently").
Best of luck on your journey~
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