#Leave or become fucking antis if you want but don't act as if people can't come to a different conclusion than you on something like this
rosepetalsthings · 2 years
Me, fighting the urge to argue with people on Tumblr
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t4tpumpkinduo · 6 months
um. cschlatt finds out shes transfem post revival. is this anything.
AUGH IT'S EVERYTHING it'suwgwudgdhgh. hold on let me explain.
i think the cschlatt transfem throughline is, again, soso easy to read theres sm to dig into and chew on. i'm genuinely bewildered it's not smthng ppl hve picked up on more because it seems so v clear to me.
guy refuses to accept help bcs he sees it as weakness makes it v clear his narrative lesson is -> he should allow himself support and compassion w/o recoiling, because he's allowed to want it and need it, w/o masking it in disgust or irony.
on that point, guy refuses to see himself as disabled despite having very very blatent disabilities that leave him in horror of himself -> a panicked assertion of power to take back "control". ok ,what is he in "control" of, what can he wield, what can he have a narrative over.
guy likes being called a pretty princess and wears dresses "as a joke", using that same irony coated sheen he uses w a Lot of the things he's afraid of being more earnest in, like his care for other people or his wants. he likes being wined and dined and cooed at, and then reacts to "feminine" things, the possibility of being "not a man", in the same wild rejection as the other two, the rejection of the body. a real man doesn't care if he's betrayed, that's why he takes it so personally. a real man doesn't care abt sm partner, who needs 'em, and thats why the bow shot becomes a canon death that he feels personally heartbroken abt. a real man isn't scared and panicked and a real man isn't disabled and isn't needy. and he definitely isn't afraid. and he doesn't like the dresses. -> well. yknow how it is.
even the gym...we don't know his limbo specifically but i think it's pretty easy to infer that the gym is at least partially a manifestation of it? ghosts are confirmed to be able to be tied to locations, like mexican dream w el rapids. and in his, he has that "control", surrounded by that ideal figure, here he's powerful and on top and sooooo intouchable. the mask worked. and it doesn't actually because it still doesn't match up w how he acts. a "real man" doesn't need anything, doesn't care about anything, and glatt is still still still so deeply needy and clingy and longing for connection, and still tries to mask it w things like "spanish lessons" and "horror mansions" tht end up just being an excuse to throw little parties in. uuwgh. who even ca(blows up 320 walls with my mind)
additionally ppl forget that limbo is supposed t like..not actually be hell lmao? it's torturous for sure but it isn't like. supposed to represent their worse nightmare? it's supposed to, i think, represent a state of being unable to move on. the train that won't ever pick you up. a existence of blankness where you can't feel a thing except waiting for the other shoe to drop. a gym full of idols that you will never be able to "live up to".
bcs of that schlatt is bigender (✌️) to me specifically...cuz he clearly likes Parts of masculinity. the little conman shtick, the big guy-isms. it's smthing he enjoys, but he's v clearly fearful and panicked abt the "Ideal Masculine Figure™️", the mythologized toxic version in his quest for control. the conman thing is fun and easy, and the freaked out assertion of "i'm a man, i'm not weak or scared, i'm not like them." is smthng else entirely.
(and again the symbolism WHATT the fuck was going on in the writer's room. the gym is handled like a trap that he can't get out of by himself, and being in the sun, being visible is tangibly equivalent to being burned. Fucking Excuse Me? Answer My Emails.)
anyways this is very brief and i could talk abt this for 53 years and counting but the thesis statement is estrogen and anti psychotics could've saved her 👍and she does eventually get revived and accepts it abt herself and he's so happy and loved. forever and ever. happy tgirl cschlatt tuesday‼️
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cassandraevans · 5 months
I'm too much of a coward to reblog your long Anti-Eddie/Pro-Shannon post, but I just wanted to say thank you 😭🙏 I feel like it's so hard to find anyone who's willing to be Eddie-critical in this fandom, so it was a breath of fresh air to see you ranting about it.
I honestly didn't care much for the Eddie/Shannon relationship (I have a hard time caring about most Eddie plots TBH), but the way that Shannon was treated never sat right with me. And it got SO much worse after watching Eddie Begins, too!
Eddie willingly chose to keep leaving his wife and child. He was an absent husband/father by choice, but he always tried to act like he was forced into making that decision (which is SO manipulative & such a victim-mindset). Also, the way that he talked to Shannon in those flashbacks was such a red flag. I get that overcoming toxic masculinity is part of Eddie's character development throughout the show, but he was really scummy in the past, and it sucks how people try to brush it under the rug and excuse his behavior.
But he wasn't any better to her in S2 either, like you said. He kept her and Christopher apart (for completely selfish reasons), he used her for his own pleasure (which is the yuckiest part of it all I think), and there was just the biggest, most hypocritical double standard known to man.
Anything that Shannon did wrong, Eddie did worse tenfold!! And she had valid reasons for what she did. He was just a self-centered prick.
Shannon and Christopher deserved so much better-- from Eddie, the narrative, and the fans.
Hey thank you. I think you put it more precisely into words then I did. I'm on season 6 right now and in ep 16 he says he only proposed Shannon because she was pregnant, this man was never in love with her, but at least he married her when she was pregnant but I can't help but think she may have been better off never marrying him. I had a crush on Eddie when he was first introduced and wanted and was rooting for him but after learning about his deliberate choices as the episodes went by, man I don't even know when it turned to pure rage against this man. Now I've seen some spoilers that I don't want any elaboration on but if he's going to be paired with Buck than he better fucking earn it, I will not tolerate any bullshit he pulled with Shannon with Buck. If it is/does become canon, Eddie better treat my Buck like a fucking prince. 😤 (no spoilers please)
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pumpumdemsugah · 1 year
And divestors will whine about how white women always got to be pink princesses or some shit. How the box of acceptable women hood has narrowed so much. I swear if a young black woman wore Halle berry’s old cut they would whine about how evil and masculine it is. How I wish all those women a white boyfriend, with the full blessing of the monkey’s paw.
Since covid in particular, divestors have become a cult of the worst self help advice masquerading as Black women empowerment just because now and again they're right about big issues. It's not all of them, but the ones that are hostile to feminism are usually just not smart at all. They don't read and I remember watching one and her saying she avoids anything feminist so she doesn't change her mind lol. Many of them have jumped out of the role of Black women being a sacrificial lamb for the Black community and think because they're right about that, they shouldn't be reflective of any other beliefs they have. If the Stepford wife thing isn't and hasn't worked for other women, why would it for us ? So many are so fixated on ' Black women didn't get to do X ' they're not even thinking ' is this even a good idea?' , ' am I going about this in a sensible reality based way ?' And they will hear this and think they're being asked to lower their standards and date a drug dealer and not, think about your pension if you're going to be a stay at home wife because men die before women; make sure you have work experience because "good men" leave women all the time
Literally all they do is make the box for acceptable femininity for Black women smaller and harsher and then pretend it's doing us a favour. They're pretending their doltishness is refinement because they don't act like cardi b. They're never avid readers or interested in art. They think because 19yros are taken in by their act because they wear midi-skirts that's going to be impressive by itself
They just like the aesthetics of social media ' old money ' style and that's not a problem by itself but the way they build all their ideas from that is stupid. They encourage the most irredeemable form of vacuousness for us like Black women benefit from people thinking we're dumb. They will call behaviour that's obviously a trauma response " masculine" and pretend they're worldly without any of the " work" of knowing anything about the world.
Black women and girls should be reading, going to galleries, building relationships based on compassion, travelling but these goats will have you believe it's masculine to be career focused as if inflation doesn't exist and we need more money for the same shit . A man that comes from ' old money ' typically marries within their social circle like all wealthy people do and if you want a wealthy man, you better get a good education and a good career so you're at the same conferences and office buildings as them
There are so many forms of anti- intellectualism on social media masquerading as self help. If you're fucked up in the head, seek help and if you want to transform your life it's not happening because you made a blog and use cursive font
It's good for Black women to focus on ourselves but Black Femininity types and divestors are getting crazier and crazier as a group ( individually some divestors are fine ). Many YouTube Black Femininity types hate ForHarriet but she is literally the one with an educated, probably high earning, I go to charity ball man because even though she's on social media, she's not acting loud and stupid and being a Harvard dropout still means you went to Harvard and they didn't.
I don't believe in lying to women about shit. Give them the facts and stop selling a fantasy and then an e-book. There are lots of ways to have a beautiful life full of love and safety as a Black woman but that takes effort and planning not content consumption
Black girls gain nothing by being isolated ( in an effort to stay pure ) and not learning about the world. If you can't figure anything else you can do but go to the club like those other ' hoodrats' congrats you don't have any hobbies or interests or friends. Work on that
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the home secretary out here claiming that leaving the Euro Court of Human Rights and having our own British treaty of rights would still involve free speech is making me lose my mind on every conceivable level like we've literally lost the right to protest and given more power to police who have disrupted a vigil, taken down environmental and anti monarchy protestors and stood back as the public beat the former. like that is not free speech. but the ones against ultra low emissions are fine with motorists acting super oppressed and anti lock down protestors, and Christmas parties at No 10 during lockdown were fine. and we haven't even left the fucking ECHR for that to happen. this is just like Brexit all over again. they wanted to leave the EU but still have the benefits and went nuts when leaving the EU meant not having those benefits. like what are they expecting. you convince millions of people it's a great idea to leave the ECHR because racism against migrants. this government is openly transphobic, racist, misogynistic, and homophobic.
it's become normal, mundane, a reality. I don't know how to show it on my face in my parents' house anymore because we're all sick of it after trying to help people understand, and we'd just be repeating ourselves. I'm too weighed down by everything now. There's too many problems because of this country, but I can't constantly keep saying that as a reason!! How do we turn back from all of this???
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lemonhemlock · 1 year
Sooooo tired of the Team Black allegations. For the 1256th time, they either do NOT like Helaemond and dislike it as well OR don't care about it at all. Sure, there are some self declared Helaemonds out there who say they are Team Black but they're like…five people??? Why is it so difficult to admit Helaemonds are 99% Greens? Otherwise yes, there are trolls who will love the drama of the kids being bastards or simply the idea of the Green side having its own incestuos affair because it will paint the fans who hate incest as hypocrites (and many are for sure since they ship Helaegon, sorry, but it is the truth) as they will have to defend Aemond from it but do we have to care about them and their opinions? They're going to find stupid and baseless reasons to hate the Greens regardless of Helaemond becoming canon. F**k them. Also, this whole Team Black thing is very transparent and reminds me of the times when Al*smonds and antis were accusing Helaemond shippers of being secretly Team Black because they want to justify Blood & Cheese and paint the Greens as hypocrites. Yes, this happened.
Thank you for pointing out Aemond's duty to his Baratheon betrothed. You're actually one of the very few Green bloggers who do so. For some reasons most forget, or pretend to, about this which is…very telling! I also hate the theory that Aemond will stop caring about duty after Storm's End and B&C. Although not impossible like you've mentioned, for Aemond to act as if he can go and do anything is very child like behavior and feels like it would be really bad characterization and, at least in my opinion, will make him really, really unlikable as a person. No matter how awful he will be feeling about himself, his remaining family still depends on him honoring his promise to the Baratheons. It's literally a matter of life and death, he can't just say "Fuck duty, fuck everyone, I will be marrying Alys because I can and want to" and expect no consequences, especially militarily. Why should the Baratheons accept such an insult? Having bastards is one thing, he would very easily get away with it being a man, but marrying a bastard servant twice his age? Do these people think he can marry Alys and, if he wins his battle against Daemon, return with her as his wife to King's Landing afterwards? Do they think the remaining lords should simply accept it?
I'm not kidding, if they go with this interpretation, with Aemond not giving a fuck anymore, I will only 100% ship him with Dark Sister. I'm not sure I can bear how insufferable antis will become if Aemond will be leaving his remaining family's fates to the Blacks for a woman, because this is what the whole affair would essentially be even if they will claim it to be a tragic love story and go after anyone else who disagree as they're doing right now. And I hate even more how the same people who use the duty BS argument against Helaemond claim that he married Alys BECAUSE he is DUTIFUL and didn't want their kid to be a bastard. It's just baffling. The hypocrisy is amazing. Yeah, I get it, we should like it because love >>> duty and Aemond still became a kinslayer despite following his duty so why he should care about it anymore? but regardless, these people we are talking about are royals whose actions have deep repercussions across the entire realm. They can't do whatever they want even if it's in the name of love.
Also the idea that we should protect Helaegon from the infidelity allegations when show!Aegon is out there cheating (and raping women) on Helaena is just sick, and dare I say misogynistic. It's simply insane to expect her to stay faithful to him no matter what, especially if there is someone out there who genuinely loves her and vice-versa. Why is it that every time a situation like this comes up (the man cheating with other women) it is ALWAYS on the wife to remain faithful?
I have to say that this post had me in stitches, so thank you for that. I basically agree with everything you've said, love the passion & also, you're going to love this, because I was on Four Storms alert ever since my first Aemond/Alys post. [For any new visitors, there's more in my tag + this particular post that delves some of the points anon is talking about, with contributions from many other friendly voices. Also, ofc, my Maris/Aemond cinematic universe. Alrite, enough shameless self-promotion].
Yeah, the idea that we should protect the sanctity of the helaegon marriage never really sat right with me when Aegon is out there cheating left and right and Aemond is making the beast with two backs with a random woman he's known for 5 minutes. Meanwhile Helaena is subjected to indescribable trauma and gets a horrific ending, but she's not even allowed some measure of reprieve after the showrunners made sure to depict even her book!decent!marriage as sketchy. Personally, this concept of unconsummated courtly love rings rather too flavourless to my ears, as well - what can I say. To each their own, but it's kind of unfair to Helaena.
A further observation I would like to make is that I, too, often find this discourse on Aemond's sense of duty lacking, because many fans seem to treat duty like a switch. "Aemond is dutiful up to X point in this linear timeline I've decided upon (and any alternative interpretation is blasphemy and should be vigorously suppressed), after which his sense of duty completely dissipates because I need to make his relationship with Alys ~romantic~ and he basically doesn't give a shit about his family or political responsibilities anymore." I actually think helaemonds have the right of this, because they're always more likely to paint Aemond as a conflicted figure, consumed by a very byronic inner turmoil, who's always teetering on the edge of doing what's right by his family vs experiencing the freedom of giving into his own desires for once. It is within that precarious balancing act that you can build the most compelling dark princely figure that makes the girlies' hearts a-flutter! Whereas the first interpretation feels very robotic and soulless to me, yes, perhaps even shippable with Dark Sister.
To close off, nothing would ever justify Blood & Cheese, even IF Helaena's kids would be Aemond's. The retributive "payment" for Luke's life would be Aemond's life aka his actual killer END OF. "A son for a son" does not make sense and is not justified - that was always the point of it. Needless brutality, the horrific inhumanity of it. Killing off innocents who had absolutely nothing to do with the act is not how people enacted retributive justice. I'm pretty sure Hammurabi would agree with me on this.
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yesyourstalker · 10 months
Neta: mahi help me with the frosty fest decorations. Hand me a ladder.
Mahi: so...... Uh.... How was your holiday? Was it.... Was it uhh nice?
Neta: yeah it was just cirrina and I this year. I made lobster dinner with herb butter.
Mahi: That sounds good
Neta: it was kind of rubbery. I'm not that much of a cook. Ikkan went to Krillarney and with his brother. He said it was nice but didn't go into full detail. How about you?
Mahi: ehhhhh I went to Warabi's house for dinner he also took Baja with him. Usually it's just something that we do, just the two of us but you know it's fine........I don't care if he wants to add someone else to our tradition. It's whatever. I used to have dinner with my grandpa..... Before...... Before he passed away.
Neta: oh yeah... I remember, I'm so sorry. Can you hold the ladder? Got a thing this stupid thing up..
Mahi: Yeah my grandfather was pretty great. He was really cool he used to be an admiral in the military.
Neta: That's interesting I'm actually a captain now. I've been a captain for years. I'm just getting my uniform in badges. I don't understand what took him so long to contact-
Neta: wah!- Ah! ...FUCK!... ahhhh my back!! Cod damn it!! Why is it always me?!!
Doctor: You have a herniated disc. The good news is you don't need surgery. All you need is at least 6 days of bed rest and maybe a heating pad and you should be fine. Here's your prescription for anti-inflammatories.
Neta: great. That's fantastic.
Cirrina: we should sue them! They almost killed you
Mahi: If I wanted to kill him I would have done it already. A little twerp.
Cirrina: shut up!!! My dad's in the hospital because of you!!
Neta: ok ok Iets not fight. Cirrina don't be so aggressive to Mahi and Mahi calm down alright Don't yell at my daughter. Also you can't kill me.
Neta: second off cirrina crab cakes. Take my wallet, go to the vending machine and get whatever you want okay and to talk to my employee for a second.
Cirrina: ok daddy
Neta:................... So... Mahi..... Let's talk about your grandfather.
Mahi: can I just say that I'm sorry. I wasn't holding the ladder correctly and I didn't catch you when you fell. But I'm being honest........ If I did catch you I would be the one in the hospital bed because you're two times bigger than me and you're getting kind of fat. Which is good!!! because you used to look scrawny as fuck! Any way you would of crushed me.
Neta: ...........................you didn't need to add the fat part but ok . Cod you're blunt.....*sigh*....... So the old man is your grandpa. Hehehe small world.
Mahi: yeah. So....... How do you know him?
Neta: He used to visit me all the time in the E ward... Used to talk to me, bring me gifts..........just visit me and was there when I needed him. More than any adult in my life at the time.
Behi: morning Cora I'm just here to visit Neta
Nurse: just in time too. Damn kid been acting out all week, throwing his meal replacement, fighting nurse when he gets cleaned, we can't take him to group therapy anymore. For a kid who can barely speak full sentences he's becoming a problem.
Behi: let me see what I can do. He's in his room?
Nurse: yeah he knocked out right now. Since his father visited he's become a pain
Behi: let me see what I can do *knock knock* Neta. You up? hey son what's- woah hey what's with the hostile welcome! I thought you liked the cushion.
Neta:............*huff*..... Leave
Behi: no. I don't think I'm going to do that, sit down. Can you tell me what happened? What's got you acting like this?
Behi: not talking I see. Well Neta you should know this by now that these people are here to help you. And they can't help you if you push them away and lash out. You know that.
Behi: If you can't tell me what's wrong, can you at least tell me how I can fix what's wrong?
Behi: ok. Ok, come here kid.....
Neta: *sobbing*....... I don't want to be here!! He was supposed to take me home but he left me!! *Sobbing* I hate him! I hate him! I FUCKING HATE HIM!
Neta: *sobbing*
Behi: *sigh*..............
Mahi: are you sure you want to drive?
Neta: Mahi I've seen you drive before I already have one hospital bill, I don't need another one.
Cirrina: I can drive?
Mahi: in total my car? no!
Cirrina: Your car is already totaled It looks like you got it out of the junkyard!
Neta: can you please stop fighting. I'm trying to drive uhhh oh back.
Neta: sorry Neta
Neta: home sweet home. Ok....... Mahi can you unlock my door? Thank you. Cupcakes go to my room in the closet. They're the purple blanket. It's a heated one. Take it out, put it on the couch and turn it on. Put it on setting 4
Cirrina: ok
Neta: ok...... Now Mahi set me down slowly.
Mahi:like this?
Neta: yes.......*sigh*....... Thank you, crab cakes.......... Mahi sit down, make yourself at home...... I would say but you probably already did considering you have broken into my apartment...........multiple times.......... I'm not going to pretend that I don't notice missing mugs and my vinyl collection is out of alphabetical order
Mahi: ok Baja did that. I just wanted to see my grandpa's medals.
Neta: Oh you want to see your grandfather's stuff?.... It's upstairs. I'm not going up. I think I'm just going to be sleeping on the couch....
Mahi: Yeah I already saw them. It's pretty cool that he was kind of like your grandpa too right.
Neta: mmmmm Yeah he was........ Can you do me a favor?
Mahi: Yeah
Neta: I need you to go to my fridge on the top shelf there's brownies wrapped in plastic wrap. Give me one brownie. just one.
Mahi: All right. Can I have one?
Neta: you broke into my apartment. You almost break my back and then you want one of my weed brownies. no!
Neta: you can get half
Mhai: yes........ Hey boss?
Neta: yeah
Mahi: you have another picture of..... My grandpa
Neta: hmmm there's a photo book in the TV stand..... might be one in that book.
Mahi:..................... A lot of baby pictures..............
Neta: That's my little Cici. Isn't she cute?
Mahi: no................. I found him........ He looks so young, Looks like me. Hehehe...
Neta: take it. It's yours.
Mahi: I'm home! Warabi I'm-.......... What are you doing?
Baja: oh hey Mahi
Mahi: what are you doing in my bed?
Baja: well you see since you weren't here I didn't have to sleep on the floor and Warabi offered me a space-
Mahi: get out of the bed
Baja: ok
Warabi: mahi where the fuck were you?
Mahi: in the hospital
Warabi: what happened? Why were you in the hospital?
Mahi: Neta fell off a ladder and hurt his back and then we got high anyway.... Can you get a picture frame?
Warabi:...........Ok.... The shit you get yourself into mahi
Mahi yay Mahi's there @fish-at-fish-fish-resort
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countlessrealities · 1 year
🔥 { thoughts on anything shipping related ! }
Unpopular opinions || No longer Accepting !
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I'm gonna use this ask to delve into a specific aspect of what I mentioned in the previous ask, because I think that this is something you need to know when interacting with me. Bullies or bullying supporters are NOT welcome in my space.
CRITICALLY exploring & enjoying "problematic" SHIPS doesn't make you a bad person / psycho / pervert / whatev they wanna call it.
Almost anyone who's had a fandom experience, no matter how brief, has run into this topic. The whole big war "antis vs pro-shippers"...even if personally I'd call it the endless "in this episode of how antis start another witch hunt against people who just want to stay in their corner and do their thing..." series.
Btw, to be precise, "pro-shipper" doesn't mean only what everyone seems to think. At the very start, the term was used for people who apply the very healthy, very mature philosophy of the "Ship and let ship", variation of that "live and let live" so many people (even antis, and damn, hello, hypocrisy) loves to throw out to justify their not so popular behaviour.
So, "pro-shipper" isn't a bad word. Actually, it means that you're acting like the adult you're supposed to be. And this means that if you follow what I wrote up there, then technically, you are a pro-shipper.
Gonna leave that there, for pondering purposes. For the rest of the ask, I'm gonna use the term with the most common meaning that's used online nowadays. Back on track.
Are these ships "problematic"? According to our social standards, yes. That's undeniable and no one denies it, not even the shippers (mind, I'm talking about people who critically consume this kind of content, the actual pervs are NOT considered here). They know and have the common sense to explore their ship never losing sight of the fact that 1. it's fiction and 2. this doesn't equal supporting those things IRL. Because yeah, I'll say it (unpopular opinion inside the unpopular opinion):
Fiction does NOT equal reality.
Being intellectually curious about something doesn't equal doing it or even just wanting to do it. Most people fantasise about killing one or more people during their life (and this is a scientifical fact, there are studies on this shit), and this fantasies are pretty enjoyable too for most of them. Would you call them murders? Just because they have explored a scenario without having intention of reproducing it in reality?
I don't think so.
And the same goes for anyone who is interested in the theory and the psychology of "problematic" ships (and content in general). Toxic relationships, abusive relationships, underage, big age differences, incest, power imbalance...and there's more than I can't recall right now, but you got the gist. All this stuff is bad IRL, no one can argue with that (and if they do, then they need to get professional help or go to jail). But on a fantastical level, with fictional characters? It's not different from enjoying a horror movie or being fascinated by a fictional serial killer. Which doesn't mean wanting to become the next John Kramer (Saw) or Michael Myers (Halloween) or being an actual groupie.
So let's put things into the right context before starting to throw around real heavy words, shall we?
Then, on the other hand, as I've already said, we have the ones who bully real people, who accuse real people of being really disgusting thing, who tell real people to kill themselves. People who write on their fucking blog descriptions, for everyone to see, stuff like "pro-shippers killed on sight / if you ship X go hang yourself / if you like Y I hope you OD", etc. I'm not making these up, btw, I've actually seen this shit.
I won't add anything else about this last point because I have already stated what I think and, especially, it should be really fucking obvious. And if it's not to you...whelp, maybe you need to go out and touch some grass. Just saying.
You're allowed not to like this stuff. You're allowed to be uncomfortable about. You have all the rights not to want to see it. You're allowed to avoid / block the people who engage in it. This is all valid.
You're not allowed to be a fucking cowardly bully who uses the anonymity of the internet offers to be an asshole and a criminal. Because that's what you are when you tell someone to take his life, even more when it's about fiction and stuff that doesn't affect anyone's fucking existence. You're a bad person.
So, once again. If you're one of aforementioned people who think that acting this way is all right and cool and just, well...Kindly get the fuck off my blog. I don't want actual toxic people in my life. I hope karma gets to you -fingerguns-
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epickiya722 · 2 years
No, 'cause I will never understand people who want Uraraka Ochaco aka Uravity to be nothing more than Midoriya's wife at the end of the series so they can have babies.
One, they obviously were not paying attention to the fact that this story is how Izuku became the greatest hero. Not him being a husband or a dad.
A hero.
As much as it's joked about, at the end of the day... MY HERO ACADEMIA ISN'T A LOVE STORY.
It's a Shonen about a society where people have powers. An action story! It DOES NOT NEED ANY ROMANCE TO BE A FINISHED STORY!
On that note, if you seriously want Ochaco and Izuku to be together at the end of the story just so they can have babies, go ahead and unfollow me. Block me. Whatever, just don't come to my blog anymore.
Believe it or not, Ochaco did not pursue her education to be a hero because of Izuku. She did it because she wanted to take care of her parents. Which as IIDA stated is rather selfless of her. (Agreed.)
That is an example of her making her own choices without the need of being the "love interest".
You know what, a pattern I notice with anti BKDKs with Ochaco is that she can't seem to exist unless she's Izuku's girlfriend. Look, you can dislike BKDK, personally I don't give a damn. But why at the expense of Ochaco?
What? She can just be friends with Izuku at the end? What if she turns out to be lesbian? Or ace?
"But what about the scenes where she blushes and --"
Obviously, you're living under a rock. Some people do have that period of time where they think they're attracted to the opposite sex or even have attraction at all before they realize "Hey, maybe I'm lesbian. Maybe I'm ace. Maybe..." and so on.
When Mina shouted "it's love", that was just planting an idea of what Ochaco was feeling. Did it mean it's romantic love? No!
Also, Iida was also mentioned and I'm sick of ya'll turning a blind eye to that.
SHE HANGS OUT WITH IIDA, TOO. As big as Iida is, some of you be acting like he's invisible.
She has a meaningful relationship with him, too. Oh, but I guess he's not the main character and a "stick in the mud" (WHICH IS FALSE!!) then he's not important.
Alright, okay.
Oh! I have something else! And it pertains to Katsuki!
It is very clear that him and Izuku are connected, their relationship is the most developed in the series. However!
Just like with Ochaco, Katsuki is still his own character. He has his own moments that do not involve Izuku.
He is his own character.
I do not need to see a repeat of SK8.
Again, this is a story about a kid becoming a hero. NOT SOME ROMANCE!!
At the end of the day, within the story, romance does not fucking matter when SOCIETY IS IN SHAMBLES BECAUSE SOME GUY IS CLAIMING HIMSELF TO BE ALL POWERFUL, THE DEMON KING, WHATEVER IT IS!!
These characters are trying to SURVIVE. THERE ARE KIDS FIGHTING IN A WAR!!
And some of you are worried about them not kissing?!
In my opinion, the best thing Horikoshi could do is leave ambiguous endings to ships. Like no ship becomes canon.
I have my ships, too, but damn. I rather see the big bad get defeated and the kids get the break they need and graduate!!!
Also, just because two characters don't kiss, doesn't mean the ship isn't canon. A romantic relationship doesn't have have be about kissing and sex, jeez.
Really, actions can be platonic or romantic. It just depends on how those who initiate those actions feel.
Calling Horikoshi or any other mangaka and creator "messy" for not giving you ship content when it's not even the initial intention especially if their story isn't even a romance is some entitled ass bullshit.
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swimmingenthusiasty · 6 months
Or I just don't make mistakes ever. I do everything right and perfect.
I hate this place.
I should have never come here.
I should have never stayed here as a kid.
God how I wish I could have lived my own life.
Not near
Not related
Not reminded
I know I can do better
Sports and going out
No reminders of where I'm from
What is it now?
Fucking therapy lol
Bots land
Anything but a job
Middle aged women know me
Nothing is where it should be and set in place
I had a life
Apartment in a land of apartments
Someone in a land of someones
Nightmare, then:
These people live in relative huts on the side of the road, and they split them for all they're worth.
If I get one these, if I get someone here, how can I describe it? It's like why? Haha why did you get one? Why do you need one? You have nothing to do with them. It's so stupid. The fuck are you doing with them?
Nothing more lonely than people who think they know you.
I don't like being the pinball. I want to be the only one to choose what happens next. At least to me personally. That's how little I want to do with most people.
Because they're not my own. Energy on them is wasted. My own is definitely a race thing. English but mixed. Spanish but mixed. Russian but mixed.
I just want to leave.
It might be a down, from a manic moment.
It might be the equivalent of a sugar crash from finally having some fun. Living a life very devoid of fun otherwise. Like I might be trying to make things familiar after feeling better for a bit.
It might be projected onto me. This energy, after I chose to stay in yesterday. I did notice there was a lot more attention and energy directed my way.. expectation, gossip, speculation about what's going on with daddy dada gaga. Nothing is going on, I was just thinking about my schedule and what I'm doing next. People want something to be going on. They made community off that and felt belonging at some point, over my reactions. That's addictive. Well, guess what, I'm not reactive. Maybe about as much as a rock now. And this fool would still mess up and drag us down. And mistakes will still get a lot of people off. And create a dangerous domino effect if it's allowed.
I'm very familiar with these pathways now. I wish I didn't have to be.
Living large and happy instead.
I could make it my job. It sucks how people who have a hard time with something become all about it, eventually.
Living large and happy instead.
Can you imagine.
That was what I was doing.
Getting away. Reset.
I didn't want my hardship to define me. I wanted to say look I can live happy anyways. I don't have to get to know who did it. I don't have to get to know the way they think. I could just get away and live anyway.
Your hardship defines you anyway. You either act it out or you know about it, and that's what you know. That's what you are. Just anti. If you do the work.
So. That's shut you up. That's the discomfort that you like. That's your zero state thingy. Your hardship defines you. Seems foolish. But it just makes plenty of sense. Because it's so certain. So unchangeable. You can find reasons in it. Like broken things can't function. They function like broken things. See, sense. You can hypothesize and experiment. Like go ahead, try and believe in yourself, I dare you. According to my calculations, you couldn't. Go ahead, try, and love yourself like you're somebody you could meet and fall in love with. You might suddenly experience symptoms of adhd out of nowhere. I have studies if you're interested. Because your hardships do what? They? Go ahead and try and release your clutch on what you think you know about this place. Studies show you'll try to use that moment to rationalise staying here instead of grasping what the exercise was intended to give you. We got names for stuffs like that. We made stickers, do you want some. I got trauma in blue, get it like a bruise? We got classical conditioning. We got fear response. We got attention disorders. If you're up for a holiday we got Stockholm syndrome. You can have a complex or you can just grab a learning disability to go. Welcome to hell. But go ahead. Try. I'll be here. I got your mammy and puppy's assholes like rings on my fingers. But why should that bother you? Intention shmenshion. You do you. You believe. Just one more time? Please?
Did you see that elephant that was tied as a baby and still thought it couldn't leave when it was big. That's you. You can just walk off, and that chain won't do much more than a bracelet... right?
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sheepinthebigcity · 7 months
bored. here are some opinions ppl on tumblr give a shit about
shipping: i'm not a cop but i will give you shit and not want to hang around you if you ship incest or adults with children. same with certain other ships like shipping a bigot with someone they're bigoted towards. ships where one of the characters turns 18 during the course of the story (i.e. light x l, narumayo) or the characters being related is a spoiler (i.e. cassandra x rapunzel, reylo) is fine but you're on thin ice.
literally any lgbt identity shit: i do wonder if we're falling back into microidentity shit from 2014 but just a bit more edgy about it especially considering society's gotten more anti-lgbt lately. it's a little individualist but western society is also individualist so i can't fully complain. i think solidarity is really important though so take some time to REALLY reflect upon that. not just "we're all lgbt we're a family" "let's stop fighting and start making out" like actually think about what you share with like. gay men, trans women, etc. <- examples for me
cringe culture: still alive to me if they're normie cringe. i watch baby shows i can call you cringe if you're obsessed with sonic. get into a more esoteric furry game like detective gallo (not the right genre i dont play video games).
sex/kink positivity: sex and kink are kind of inherently neutral. don't act like they're a unstoppable force of universal good don't act like they're pure evil. something to be said about getting off to something and being normal vs googling the bomb that kills all women.
mental health: psychiatry is fucking barbaric we're still in the dark ages. we have a very limited array of ways to actually deal with it and everything else is either a scam or too experimental and clinicians are unwilling to look further into it. mental health systems do serve those and power and can help you if you're a normie, but it's sort of becoming worshipped as the new family. you can't really question your therapist, which makes it easier to hurt you. that's also why i don't like seeing anything as a universal good.
misusing mental illness terminology: people act like this is an act of ableism instead of it being people not knowing shit fuck about psychology. XD idc if you do it.
punitive justice: world's most useless thing. you need to admit that you're a vengeful soul who simply doesn't want to see the people who hurt you again. idk how a restorative system would work in full, but starting from there i think is a good idea.
punitive justice but strictly stupid revenge schemes: funny. i'll allow them
callout posts: straight up ocd triggering and i could never make one. a lot of them are shit that shouldn't be public internet drama (stupid) or shit that shouldn't be public internet drama (actual fucking crimes). callouts are def a weird line when it comes to punitive justice because is it a punishment to tell everyone what you've done? it's like are rumors a punishment for being too close to someone in middle school? but at the same time it's undeniable there's a certain morality culture that causes people to leave you for dead about it.
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mydetroitshit · 1 year
06 16 2023
i want to bring back the blog
i have been on my cabinet painting journey lol so that's what i did all day in the morning
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but then after drove to ann arbor for the ann arbor summer fest to see the girlies!
we drove thru an insane rainstorm to get there.
they were just drying off the chairs when we arrived and we saw a group named sabetye perform. great vibes!!!
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there were some drag performers in the back and a band marching band as well
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little did we know THIS person would become such an important character of the night
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the energy was already becoming a lot it was building.
we are seated chilling getting ready to see scw and this white guy w headphones is like powerwalking by and he has a vinyl in his arm but one of the records falls out of the case.
i was like HEYY!
but didn't get up to get it lol but a good samaritan fit going crazy did!
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they picked it up the record but then had to CHASE the guy down bc he was walking so fast and then the record hero offered the white guy his record back that he dropped and the dude like made the gesture of NO THANKS DON'T TALK TO ME?? and kept walking lmfao
idk what he was thinking??? but then the record hero had to offer the record again and apparently have a long convo w the guy. we talked to the record hero after and they said the yt guy gave them $5 for that
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so we are waiting for the show to start and this person stands up and makes an announcement like just want to say welcome to the festival. i guess they are from one of the orgs sponsoring....
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but they keep going like "thank u i just want to say we need to use our privilege to make a difference!! run for office u guys!! we are on stolen land! all the buildings around us were built by slaves!!!" ..........it was a lot.
so the show happens it was amazing they sounded and looked ethereal and scw's set gets cut short bc of the time constraint/noise ordinance etc
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this same person who made the privilege announcement kanye wests the stage and grabs the mic from the host like 'NO WE WILL NOT ALLOW THIS TO HAPPEN!! this is a democracy!! who wants her to finish her set!! that girl wasn't allowed to finish!!! ann arbor i can't believe you are doing this!!! let's take a vote!! who wants her to finish!!"
i guess next in the festival lineup they were going to show the black panther movie using the same stage (LMFAO)
the audience is lost and confused lmfao
then this person like runs off the stage?? and starts (by the way they are barefoot) knocking over all the plastic chairs that are set up in the audience?? like galloping down the row flicking them down one by one.
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this was insane. to witness
the gemini energy was strong it had to crackle!
if this person reads this tho, whoever u are, as a white person i will tell u wtf are u doing. u thought it was ur prerogative to take the attention of the crowd throughout the night to force us to listen to u speaking.
and then acted erratic and unhinged. however u identify as far as gender/sexuality u will always be white. so PLEASE learn to shut the fuck up. u took over that space. we watched a beautiful show and u threw a tantrum afterward and made ppl nervous instead of leaving the show inspired and joyful. if u thought that was how u advocate for an artist u are very wrong. if u want her to have more time, speak to the person in charge and advocate at the top. rushing the stage and screaming and throwing chairs is NUTS.
and the anti-racist rhetoric is so performative. pls sit with yourself and reflect on what ur role should be AS A WHITE PERSON in a safe space that is being created for/by Black people. fuck!!!!
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sincerelyangelina12 · 7 months
Letter # (1/10/24)
Dear Eliza,
The other day I saw that you had liked this post about people who'd essentially been ghosted by their friends, they'd tried to reach out and got crickets for months, or something like that. And I couldn't help but feel this pit in my stomach that you thought of me when you liked it.
There's also this part of my brain, the evil vile part that stole what was supposed to be the golden years of my youth, tells me that you A) hate me because of this in a way that's like you wanna curse my bloodlines for generations and you wish that I was dead and B) simultaneously couldn't give a fuck about me and you were thinking about someone else.
I'm sorry. I know it's not what you want to hear or that it will make up for anything if you even care anymore. I never meant to be silence for this long. To become scared to leave the house. To be filled with this anxiety everywhere and anywhere I turn. For the first time in my life, I have to sleep with a fucking night light because I've gained a paralyzing fear of the dark. It happened sometime around August. I don't remember why, I just remember feeling this shift and being scarily aware that I shouldn't be feeling this way.
I know you don't want to hear that I was depressed. That I wanted to just not exist anymore. That I got so physically ill from my anxiety that I started losing my hair.
It's not an excuse. I shouldn't have hid away in isolation when you cared about me.
But I also feel that if you cared about me, why didn't you ever call me? Why didn't you make plans with me? You only did it when there was no one else around to be with you. Sometimes I feel like I was a void for a spot in your heart that is now filled.
You once told me your kinda-ex called you out on how you treated him like he was your boyfriend without any of the privileges of label of an actual relationship. I understand it. I remember exactly where I was when I understood. Sitting in English class, sharing a look across the table with my friend that you find annoyoing.
The petty part of me feels like it was justified. Yes, you reached out, but only a few times. You spent all summer hanging out with the rest of the friend group like you always did. You guys always hung out without me. I just tagged along because it would've been awkward if you made plans in front of me and didn't invite me, right?
You stopped giving me as much time once you got a boyfriend. Okay, fine, I understand you're gonna spend time with him. But to constantly cancel plans just to hang out with him or to lie about where you are, and don't act like you never did, so we wouldn't find out what you were doing?
He took my spot in all of your guys' cars, so I was never a thought to invite anymore when he was there. I didn't like him. Everyone else did. I never said a word about because I wasn't about to be the oddball out even more and lose the few friends I had. I was never jealous of him as a person. Just that he could have been anyone and everyone would forget about me in the blink of an eye.
You all probably hate me, don't you? A part of me feels like you always did.
It's justified. I still hate me too.
I spent so long rotting away this summer, you don't even know the half of it. My mental health has never been worse. Not to mention my rollercoaster of physical health. It's been a really rough year. There are millions of little things and big things I never opened to anyone about. I don't want to burden you with anything real. Because my reality is scary. I don't want to keep losing friendships and bringing down the ones I love. I'm feeling very TS Anti-Hero because looking back, I'm the main factor. Did I not try hard enough? Was I too harsh? Have my standards always been held too high?
I feel like my standards have to be when you spend your entire life getting bullied. I feel like I can't trust anyone. And once they prove to me that I can't or they let me down, I run.
SO I have commitment issues, FUCKING SUE ME THEN. You always talked about how you hate how people can't communicate but you didn't communicate to others how you wanted to be communicated to either.
I've never been my best friend's best friend. So I feel like it's justified when I leave. I'm sorry for ranting while I procrastinate my English paper.
Don't you dare think I just didn't care about you. I wish you knew the truth. I can hope and wish on every star all I want. I don't think you're coming back into my life. Not in the same way, not any day soon.
I still love you. And I miss you dearly, my once in a lifetime.
Sincerely your-probably-definitely-no-longer-best-and-maybe-not-even- a- kinda-friend,
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anendoandfriendo · 2 years
We don't quite talk like our old man yet, but it seems like we're getting there!! And we're still under 30!!: A vent about identities, DNIs, and the attitudes these pairings indicate.
How many times are we gonna have to tell folks that identities do not have a DNI? If you can't screenshot them and can't reblog them, where does that fucking leave you?
"Oh well, ACTUALLY I said that they can identify with the term I just want them not in my notifications and stuff" that's just gonna leave people blocking your ass and THEN reblogging anyways, because you lack the critical thinking skills to understand that community resources should not be gatekept. Flags, especially when accompanied with actual terms to go with them, are community resources.
"People can make their own —" not always. Not in a way that's distinguishable. It takes up hours and hours and hours of time to make a good flag, from start to finish, time that lots of folks spend at work and then most of the time, they'll be too exhausted to do anything else once they get home. Some folks are also neurodivergent in a way that literally doesn't let them. It shouldn't take either of these statements for you to not be a jackass.
This is usually what we mean when we say to curate your own experiences.
Example: if we block someone but we have a term/flag they like, we fully expect, at some point, that the flag we made will go beyond our own circles. It's out of our own fucking hands once we do, because even if we do block a shitton of folks we don't like, now people can reblog that reblog. Etc.
A giant DNI banner will literally make folks who use that identity feel unsafe. If we may take a second to say it how one of our better folks likely would have said it:
News flash for you, if you say "well, GOOD" then it's not the endogenics and such who have to go and relearn what abuse is. You're literally taking an abuser/punishment mindset at that point, and if existence is a crime to you, maybe you should apply your standards to yourself and go force yourselves into fusion (even if you don't want it — because clearly functional multiplicity is impossible, because only trauma-origin systems exist because and they are ALWAYS mired in misery and despair when they first form and trauma is the exact same thing for everyone and everyone interprets events that happen to themselves in the exact same way).
News flash for you, if you say "well, GOOD" then it's not the anti-antis and such who have to go and relearn what abuse is. You're literally taking an abuser/punishment mindset at that point, and if a thought crime is a crime to you, maybe apply that same standard to your violent thoughts too (even if that means you would end up harming yourself — because clearly every thought that has ever crossed a person's mind has lead to them acting on it, clearly every time someone plays HALO they become a mass shooter and clearly, clearly Homura in Madoka Magica is an evil vile abuserperson because of how she became the devil and was very very obsessive over Kaname Madoka and so you too will become an evil vile abuser who obsessed over people, and every time someone punches someone in the Dragon Ball franchise that means the watcher walks out of the house and hits someone because Vegeta told them to do it).
Hopefully the absurdity of the above "because" statements show just how few skills you have when or actually comes to thinking for yourselves, because this is exactly what you all sound like, and paired with the DNIs, it's just ridiculous.
Stop making excuses and start tailoring your experiences better.
We aren't trying to sound like your awful abusive socially backwards grandmother or whoever the equivalent is when we say that, either. Part of growing up and maturing to the point you can use a website like this is, literally, learning the skills to curate your spaces. We keep saying it over and over because it's just that important.
That also goes for university, the workplace, hobby clubs, an email address, and even your own neighborhood. Sometimes, there are folks who literally will not leave you alone unless you lock the door. Sometimes you'll run into a really bad trigger at the grocery store, and you either have to leave or find a way to cope with it, even if it makes you stand out.
Consider something like:
Your room(s) = your blog(s)
Locking the door = blocking someone
Headphones on = muting someone or someone's post
Leaving the grocery store = taking a hiatus for yourself
Standing out to cope = making your own vent/priv. side blog (gotta make sure to import any locked doors, bringing in any headphones and hardware to your room you might need too)
We don't know what else to tell you: we know we've complained before about it, but we don't think we've complained about it in-depth. Hopefully this post fixes that, but we can't do anything else for you if you're unwilling to look at yourselves and try to understand how this kind of mindset is bad.
Oh, and, folks: feel free to reblog this one. We have anons off on this account and always have. We'll literally just block any assholes we see and move on.
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ravenadottir · 3 years
How would the LI's be with a "I hate everyone but you" MC? My wife is like this and I literally have never had a moment of insecurity in our relationship when she'll point a deadly glare at anyone that'll even look at her flirtatiously like an insect she wishes was smaller so she could squash em.
Doesn't like anyone near her breathing bubble, stiffens up at hugs. She isn't malicious but wouldn’t necessarily go out of her way to smile and be friendly with others. But her entire face lights up and she's the first to greet me when I show my face anywhere.
Is literally the sweetest partner I ever had, she'll squeeze the air out of my lungs with a giddy hug at all my accomplishments. Even tiny things like showering since my depression has been really severe lately. Listens to me rant about Litg bullshit even though she cannot understand who Jo is and why she's a bitch because I talk too damn fast.
Adopted a turtle after I said I had always wanted one as a child but couldn't have any pets due to helicopter parents. Had an entire bubble bath ready and massaged my feet after we returned home from the hospital because ✨SEIZURE DISORDER✨ we love that...
I was legit so confused when everyone thought I was bonkers for being with her when we first started dating. Like "how could you say that? She's paradise🥺"
I've been ranting for centuries here, but like, I love my woman. Bye~
this ask is so fucking wholesome and i love that you have someone like that with you. it's really endearing how much you love her and WE-FUCKING-STAN. i reckon someone like that doesn't need anyone's approval so it's easier to just not care.
"How would the LI's be with a "I hate everyone but you" MC?"
li's that would start dating her but it wouldn't last:
bobby. it becomes aggravating to him after a while. he doesn't get along with people that can't socialize.
gary. he likes the mean stuff she might says but mostly worries about her relationship with nan, given his family is so warm. he's not anti-social so it might be hard to be with someone who is.
hannah. also can't deal with someone that might come across as rude. they're not, but that's how they're perceived. she would be embarrassed that the girl isn't warm.
ibrahim. nope! he broke up with someone very similar to that, shannon, and went for a goofy girl, jo. (we also don't stan jo in this house!).
lottie. she likes someone that eventually warms up to people and that's not the case here. she likes coming across as tough but she's really a nice person when she meets people. unless they're priya.
priya. she might get with mc but realize she needs someone to rely on during fun times, that includes socializing. she's always the heart of the place but that only happens when she has some sort of support.
people that would thrive in this relationship:
carl. perfect combo. he has his boundaries and it's nice to have someone that understands them and acts similarly. leaving parties earlier might become a sport.
elisa. very that type. even though she gets humorous, it's mostly to make fun of other people so they would get along great!
henrik. it's canon (alongside a couple of them) that he likes "cold-blooded" comebacks. he's the golden retriever to her bat.
kassam. THRIVING. ABSOLUTELY THRIVING. mc would be kassam with a bra, he would love to meet and date someone like that. the banter would be heavenly and parties they go to brief.
lucas. ALSO THRIVING. the teasing between them would be out of this world. neither of them are really into fake-liking people so they can be both honest about it. plus, he's that type of person.
marisol. that's basically how i see her, so i think she would also be ok with someone like that. "i'm hard on anyone except you" is her life motto.
noah. the difference between him and bobby is that he doesn't need other people's approval on his relationship, and noah doesn't care. he cares more that they get along than how she gets along with others.
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syscoursehell · 2 years
my biggest bone to pick with pro-endos is that the majority of what i’ve seen them say when it comes to issues that they face pretty much all revolve around (mostly internet) invalidation and exclusion, to the point where i’ve seen some endos say that at least we (DIDOSDD anti-endos) are recognized as “the real ones” or like “well fakedisordercringe is laughing at all of us anyways you don’t look any better in their eyes” (the latter was a post semi recently in the syscourse tag and the former was an ask on the syscourse confessions blog). not trying to call out any particular person with this, just that it very clearly shows how unaligned the goals of pro-endos vs anti-endos are. and it blows my mind that they seem to think that not only being recognized as a DIDOSDD system is a GOOD thing, both online and offline, but that it means you’re immune from getting fakeclaimed harassed etc, or that it’s a good thing that FDC laughs at us too in the end. like, i don’t want to be “validated,” and being fakeclaimed over the internet is an annoyance to me at worst, and i don’t want to be unconditionally and radically accepted and included for everything because that leaves no room for me to potentially be wrong or grow as a person. and tbh this is why i think there’s no broader “plural” community because there’s a complete misalignment between the endo community vs the DIDOSDD community, and we as anti-endos know this by now because so many DIDOSDD systems have come out about how endo bullshit harmed them. sorry to dump a novel in your inbox lol it’s just been on my mind
Yep. they're also ignoring the fact that a lot of people who wind up on FDC are minors, who probably aren't safe being recognized as having DID/OSDD/UDD in their household, even if they have a therapist or have been professionally recognized. It doesn't make us feel valid, it just sucks. I've also had friends/mutuals from other platforms wind up on there, and the harassment they face is fucking horrific on a level you wouldn't believe, not to mention winding up on cringe comps just for being mentally ill on the internet. They don't see that people don't believe us. They don't believe that we exist, or they believe that we're too rare to be real. It's an uphill battle to get people to even listen to us, and it's exhausting.
Adding onto that, though, you're absolutely right. They want internet validation and inclusion, even if it excludes others. They can't seem to wrap their minds around the fact that being a system is so much more than just alters, so they build a community around one facet of the experience and push themselves into this anti-recovery mindset of "I don't need therapy, because my system isn't traumatic" even though having a system in of itself is only born out of trauma. Hell, a lot of them act like every psychiatrist/psychologist/therapist in the world is evil, so they surround themselves with the anti-psych community and ignore actual scientific facts about things that do, in fact, matter and need scientific backing.
I'm not saying the psych system is good. It's not. It sucks and needs major reform, and my personal experiences with it have been less than stellar. But that's no excuse to act like every professional who knows their shit is out to get you. There are good doctors out there. There are good, helpful people in this field who want nothing more than to see people thrive.
I also absolutely get your point. Blind inclusion and acceptance leaves no room to grow. It's not a foundation for lasting changes, and it actually behaves in quite the opposite manner. It makes it difficult for people to change when they realize what they're doing is wrong, because they've become comfortable just being accepted without any sort of questioning, or being asked to think about their stances. Not to mention, when all your friends are part of that situation, it makes it so much harder to leave.
Also, being diagnosed can lead you to getting more medical stigma in the future. I have BPD. I was not diagnosed by a former therapists choice, because if it was on my chart, that would make so many medical professionals treat me differently. It would make my life harder in the long run. But that doesn't mean that I think people shouldn't get diagnosed, quite the opposite. I just think that people need to be able to get the help that they need.
This is a tangent turning completely incomprehensible, but that's my thoughts. Thanks for the ask!!
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