#Leo's probably outside walking the grounds
tmnt-tychou · 2 years
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Some Bodyguard AU thirst for your Sunday:
She watched him, sitting on the couch, unaware of her eyes on him from behind the cracked doorway. He was so handsome in his sleek, black suit. Long legs, one crossed over the other. Long, powerful arms stretched out over the back of the couch. She shouldn't have bothered him. Technically, he was still working. He was still on the clock, fully awake even after the party, making sure she was safe for the night.
But he was also patient and kind, and beautiful. And she wanted him. Maybe she could even have him if she was only brave enough.
Taking a breath, Mona Lisa stepped into the room, trying to make it as casual as possible. Trying to act like her heart wasn't pounding in his chest. His eyes were on her instantly. Always vigilant to any motion in the room. It was almost unnerving how nothing escaped the notice of either of her two bodyguards at any time. Still, she continued to approach.
“Donatello, would you mind?” She walked up to him and turned around, presenting the back of her dress. “I think the zipper's stuck.”
It was such an old line. Someone like Donatello would have seen right through it. But if he wanted the invitation...
Like in the movies, she imagined him standing up, getting in close. Nose in her hair, one hand smoothing down her arm and side as the other slowly revealed her bare back to him. It would be slow and sexy, feeling his hot breath on her skin. Feeling his want for her as he helped her out of her dress.
But the reality was Donatello didn't even have to stand up. He merely reached up for the zipper and, with a few tugs, pulled it all the way down. And then left it at that.
Mona stood there stupidly, unsure of what to do. This hadn't gone according to plan. Her first response was panic. She hadn't even considered this outcome. What the hell was she supposed to do now? The rational part of her brain spoke above her embarrassment. She hadn't lost anything yet. She could still play it off like this was what was supposed to happen the whole time.
Say thank you and go back to your room. He will never even realize if you leave now and act normal.
All the men she knew were humans, until her two latest bodyguards. How cliché of her to crush on the first mutants she had ever interacted with. So trite, so predictable. But Mona tried to remember to be kind to herself. She never put herself out there for a man. There was no need to. She already knew the answer would be no. She was brave to try for the first time ever and she was lucky to come out of it so unscathed.
She forgot to thank him for his assistance and turned to go, now eager to go back to her room and lick her wounds in peace. But as she moved to leave, Donatello's hand caught her wrist. His face was one of surprise and realization, as if he only now understood the intention of her actions.
“Do you...” he started, then cut himself off. “Can you help me with something?”
She blinked at him. “Yes. Anything.” It fell out of her mouth before she could really think about it. It was embarrassing. It sounded desperate, though she meant every word.
He too seemed a little flustered at her response. His golden eyes darted away as he said, “Could you help me with...my tie?”
It was on straight, completely in order as he always was.
“To...take it off?”
He nodded and she saw his throat swallow as she stared at it. She didn't really touch them, though she often wanted to. They were the ones who initiated touch—though always in a professional capacity. A soft touch to her arm or the small of her back to guide her or get her attention when they needed it. She had no need to touch them. And now she had been given a direct invitation. She mentally told herself to be cool about it.
She bent over, fully aware that her loose dress would give him a generous view of her cleavage, as she worked the knot of the tie until it was loose enough to pull one end through. The silky fabric gave a small hush of sound as she pulled it through the collar and away from him. The closest she had ever come to undressing a man. She wanted to keep going. It seemed he did, too.
“And the buttons?” he ventured.
Her heart skipped. There was no mistaking when he was asking of her. She was eager, but tried not to seem too desperate as she took her time, undoing one button, then another, then another. Enjoying his eyes at her as she worked.
Unbidden, her hands went to the collar and pulled it open. Jacket and shirt together were slipped off the wide frame of his shoulders. Her eyes drank him up. The textured, green skin. The delicate clavicle. The exposed part of his plastron. A peek of the turtle body beneath the human clothes that attempted to hide his form. She drank him up like he was a glass of cool water.
Her darting eyes were caught by his and he held them there as he gathered his feet under him and stood. Slowly, foot by foot he rose up; to her height, and then over her. She still had a grip on his clothes, which only pulled them further down his arms, revealing more of his body to her.
Her face warmed as he took up the space around her. His fingers slipped through the open back of her dress and found the dip of her spine. So subtly, he used that touch to pull her in a little bit closer.
His voice came out as a rasp. A tone she had never heard from him before. “Is there anything else I can do for you?”
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11hedonistic · 1 year
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every single time i come across a man that gives me creep vibes, i check their chart and they unsurprisingly always have a scorpio stellium
sag 2nd house people are lucky w their finances !
whenever i come across people who have had extremely rough lives, they always have their saturn in scorpio or capricorn (mainly cap)
scorpio rising people are way more intimidating than scorpio sun people.
mercury and the third house represents the way you communicate. if you have a cancer mercury/cancer in the 3rd house or your mercury at a cancer degree, you’re probably constantly told you have a very nurturing/sweet voice. or the way you talk is very nurturing. (i have a taurus mercury at a cancer degree and people tell me the way i talk is very sensual (taurus mercury) and sweet (cancer degree) see how it’s put together ?
wanna recharge your energy based off of the dominant element of your chart ? i got you bestie !
fire doms can recharge by exercising/simply moving their body or going outside and getting more sun ☀️
earth doms can recharge by grounding themselves/ walking barefoot outside. & if you realllyy want that extra boost, try hugging trees ;) 🌳
air doms can recharge by doing breath work (breathe in for 4 seconds, hold for 7 and blow out for 8) , meditating or writing down things on their mind. ☁️
water doms can recharge by sitting in bodies of water or channeling their water then drinking it. (saying positive affirmations to your water and then drinking it) 🌊
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leo moons never fail to bring themselves up in a damn conversation 😭 and i don’t even find it offensive i find it hilarious lmao (for example jk from bts has a leo moon and someone made a compilation of one of his members complimenting another member and jk will say something like “we ALL did a good job” or “i did a good job too” and it takes me out lmao
anyone who says cancers are the cry babies of the zodiac signs has obviously never met a pisces. pisces are constantly crying over things they have zero control over lol i still love them tho
im in lovee with the way that libra mercuries talk. i just find it so captivating
taurus moon people have that “down to earth” vibe
leo north node is a pretty common fame indicator
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mediumgayitalian · 7 months
“Hm,” Piper says, fingers steepled. She looks very intently at the air in front of her. “Hm.”
Nico scowls impatiently. “Feel free to be helpful at any given time. Now, even, if you’re so inclined.”
“Have you considered that the reason you’re so infatuated with Will is because you may be blessed by Apollo?”
“I’m infatuated with Will because he is the physical manifestation of everything I value in a person,” Nico says automatically. Then he frowns, processing the rest of Piper’s sentence. “Wait, what?”
Nico understands his error as the grin on her face stretches into something truly grotesque. “I was going to make a joke about your drama levels, but thank you for that. I’m really looking forward to telling several dozen people and delighting in the knowledge that you’re going to curl up into a bundle of humiliation under your bunk tonight as you think about it.”
Instead of answering, Nico decides to walk away. Since there is so much blood concentrated in his skull, resting mostly around his face region, he takes two steps and begins to pass out, but luckily Piper has followed him and impedes a head injury by gripping his arm and merrily forcing him forward.
“So,” she says, steering them towards the amphitheatre, “what’s Plan B?”
“Bold of you to assume there was a Plan A.”
“You like Sunny Boy way too much to walk in there blind.”
She’s smug enough to be silent, slinging an arm over Nico’s shoulders as they walk. The closer they get, the harder Nico is forced to grapple with just how godsdamn much he’s softened. I want you to be happy, Father had said. Camp will be good for you, Chiron had agreed. You’re a little twit and need socializing, Mr. D had snipped.
Nico needs a better father figure. He wonders if Paul Blofis’ offer is still open.
The amphitheater is not, of course, empty when they arrive, because Nico knows the Fates personally and each of them despises him. The actual training part is empty — unsurprising — but the stands are moderately filled, with people gossiping, braiding hair, and if Nico is not mistaken, a small, pop-up nail painting salon. Mitchel lifts a purple-smeared hand in an absentminded wave as they step onto the packed dirt.
Nico ducks under Piper’s arm, turning to face her. “I need to fight you,” he informs her. “For my own personal pride.”
She nods thoughtfully. “It does indeed need restoring.” He curved, icy blade gleams in the early afternoon sun, mirroring her dangerous smile. “Square up.”
Since honour is for nerds, Nico doesn’t bother waiting. He simply attacks, lunging for the left side Piper always leaves open. Unfortunately for him, her recent meddling in his love life means her mother has blessed her with a little sprinkling of extra verve, and she dodges easily and cheerfully.
He sends a glum mental prayer down to his father.
Anytime you’re feeling generous, Pop, he grumbles, I would love a boost.
There’s an actual rumble to the ground, as his father laughs at him.
“Real kind,” he says out loud. “Dick.”
“I wonder if you would have more success in the wooing department if you had conversations outside of your own head,” Piper says sweetly. She spins her sword in a neat little circle by his face. “All bay brooding makes you look so…broody.”
Nico scoffs at her. “Will seems to like my broodiness. For some reason. So there.”
“And yet…” She trails off, shooting him a teasing look. Nico is unfortunately very easy to tease (thanks, Bianca) (and for that measure thanks, Hazel) (Reyna too, probably) (and honestly Annabeth) (gods, and Percy) (don’t even get him started on Leo) (really, it would be more prudent to name the people who do not take sick pleasure in driving him up the wall) and as such succumbs easily to her tormenting, taking a hard hit to the side when he’s too keyed up to avoid her spinning slash.
“Note to self, don’t let the monsters know about big embarrassing crushes,” she muses. “They make Nico sloppy and will get him killed in battle.”
She mimes writing something down. This, thankfully, leaves her distracted enough that Nico gets his sword levered against hers, twisting until she’s disarmed. She lifts both hands up in surrender when he points a sword at her throat, but remains entirely unaffected by his glare.
“Pride re-instated?” she asks.
Nico huffs. “No.”
“You’re such a grouch,” she says fondly. She tries to ruffle his hair and is forcibly stopped by his jab to her ribs. Unfortunately, Piper McLean takes no shit sitting down, and in a minute they’re on the floor, getting caked in dust, trying to see who can leave the most bruises on the other. Nico would wager that they’re just about tied.
“You have a list,” Piper grunts, muffled as she bites his bicep. He shouts, wrenching his arm away — she is pointy. “I have no idea what you’re all mopey about.”
He digs his knee into the small of her back. “I gave him flowers! He made a poultice out of them!”
“Technically, you made the poultice.”
He elbows her in the stomach. She shrieks and jabs her knuckles right under his eye.
“You’re so annoying!”
“You’re so annoying!”
Every part of Nico’s body aches. So badly. He’s not sure which one of them won their brawl, if either, but he knows for sure that he is actively turning purple. He feels like the first time his nonna gave him a hammer and a piece of cutlet — he was maybe five years old — and told him to flatten it. (He remembers, now, the look on her face as she wiped pulverized chicken flesh from her eye. Oops.)
“Go to Will and get healed up?”
Nico huffs a laugh, immediately wincing at the strain on his tender ribs.
“Yep. Let’s go.”
The walk is miserable and bruised. And slow, since both of them are limping. Several campers walk by snickering, since apparently Saving The Entire Damn World, For Real And Actually, You Ungrateful Brat, Should I Just Destroy It Again Then earns you no permanent respect.
It’s not too bad, though. Nico would rather chomp on concrete than admit it out loud, but Piper isn’t horrible company, and she hums when she walks. Bianca did the same thing. For once, it’s a pleasant reminder, although he does wonder if Nico will ever be able to look at the women in his life and not think of her.
(In all honesty, probably not. He sees her in the clouds, in the gnarled bark of the trees; feels her in the warmth of the sun; hears her in every snorting laugh. He likes to imagine how much she would love these women, though. If she were alive they would be her friends first. He knows she was happy with the Hunters, however briefly. He thinks he can maybe forgive himself if he thinks of her without weeping.)
“Least it doesn’t look too busy today,” Piper comments. She purses her lips at the Big House, which for once seems quiet. Perhaps Will made good on his threats and finally dosed the Hermes’ table breakfast spread with Benadryl. Nico would be proud. He deserves a day of peace.
“Great. That means we get the full force of Will’s bitching on us alone.”
Piper scoffs. “Please. You like it when he yells at you.”
Nico almost kills her for real. By the time she manages to kick him off of her, still snickering to herself, they both have a new layer of bruises on top of the old ones.
“Gods, di Angelo, you make it so easy —”
“Shut up,” he says hotly. “You are literally the most annoying person in this stupid camp.”
She sticks her tongue out at him. He scowls, kicking a rock to avoid kicking her and setting both of them off again. It rolls over the grass, pinging off the side of one of the many braziers and rolling finally to a stop back at his feet. In its new position, it perfectly catches the brightly shining sun, refracting the light in a dandelion-esque burst.
“Huh,” he murmurs.
Wincing at his stiff joints, he crouches, vaguely registering Piper pausing somewhere to the left of him. He scoops the little thing up, bringing it close to his face to inspect.
It’s roughly cut, so it’s not anyone’s jewel or anything. Some of the pieces are textured with tiny little divots, like a regular stone, but some are straight and flat and catch the light. Some kind of crystal, then. It’s dense, about the size of a walnut, and shaped kind of like a brain. It is a very familiar shade of blue.
“Holt Hades, you are sappy.”
Nico flushes, shoving the rock into his pocket. “Nobody asked you, Piper.”
“I asked me! I am always asking me.” She jogs to keep up with his suddenly speedy strides, gripping onto the elbow of his shirt when he tries to move faster. “Is this Plan B? Little gifts.”
“It’s a rock,” he says shortly.
“Diamonds are rocks.”
“I didn’t get him a diamond.” He pauses. “Should I get him a diamond?”
She shrugs. “I dunno. I’m not the one in love with him.”
“Who said anything about —”
“Nico! Piper! Hey!”
“Notice who he called first,” she whispers, right in his ear. She grins over at Will before he can say anything. Or curse her. “Hey, Will! How are you?”
It is unfair for a person to look good in mint scrubs. They don’t even suit him, not really, but he still looks — well, he’s beautiful. His hair is poofier than usual and sticks out like he stuck his finger in a socket, and his beam is so bright Nico has to genuinely squint to look at him, and how is it, honestly, that his freckles look like dappled sunlight? That’s not normal.
“I’m okay.” He waves them inside, not bother to close the door behind them — it’s nice out, and Nico knows he prefers the breeze and sun. “Bored.”
“Not enough ocular surgery to perform?”
Will’s grin turns wry. “Nope.” He reaches out to brush his thumb across Nico’s eye scar. He freezes, holding his breath, hyperaware of those callused fingers as they approach the ever-warming skin of his face, heart galloping in his chest. As soon as Will makes contact — because of course the touch was to get his vitals, c’mon, Nico, head in the game — he frowns.
“Why are so many of your capillaries burst?”
Piper smiles guiltily, holding up a hand.
“I beat him up.”
“Wha — you did not!” He turns to Will, indignant. “We beat each other up! She’s lying!”
Will sighs. He glares at them both for a full forty seconds, then turns his face up to the heavens, muttering something that sounds suspiciously like I do not deserve to be surrounded by this kind of dumbassery. Send lightning through the sky if I should let them suffer.
Nico waits. No lightning comes forth.
Will sighs. “Cot, let’s go, y’all know the drill.”
Piper mouths y’all as she sits down. Nico mouths eat dirt back at her.
“Now, I could hum sum’n and —”
“Sum’n,” Piper whispers delightedly. Nico ignores her.
“— get y’all fixed up good, but y’all’ve pissed me off good —”
Nico takes the initiative to pillow-smack Piper in the face while Will’s back is turned. Luckily, it muffles her shriek.
“— so I’m not gonna do all that.” He closes the cupboard with his hip, hands full of vials. “Ain’t even gonna waste ambrosia on y’all, honestly. Y’get some bruise ointment and a Tylenol ‘cause I know y’all were up to shenanigans.”
He puts a lot of emphasis on ‘nan’. Nico knows he is trying very hard to be stern, but he is in fact very cute, and Nico is putting a lot of his brainpower towards memorizing the specific wrinkle pattern that Will’s nose gets when he’s annoyed. If he says that Will looks like a bunny he might actually get shot, no matter how much Will allegedly seems to like him, so he manages to choke down the sentiment. But it is indeed there.
“— and take it easy, y’hear? Bruises don’t heal in a day.”
Gods, his eyes are really, really pretty. He’s almost tired of thinking it, but they match the sky exactly, all the time. Poets write about sparkling eyes and pretty faces all the time, but all of them can choke because all of them are liars. Will Solace has the prettiest eyes of anyone who has ever lived. They are indeed the windows to the soul, and his soul is just —
“This is for you,” Nico blurts. Essentially acting on its own, his hand slips in his pocket and draws out the blue stone, holding it out. “Um. I saw it and —” He glances at Piper, panicked, and she kicks him in encouragement. “Thought of you. So.”
Will stares at the stone for a moment. Nico sweats.
“Nico di Angelo,” he chides, hands on his hips. The panicked look he flits in Piper’s direction grows tenfold. He is not at all comforted by the grimace she sends back. “Do you think I’m so corrupt as to accept a bribe?”
“Um.” Nico hesitates. Piper smacks her face onto her hands, groaning. “That’s not what I —”
“Well, you would be correct.” Quick as a bird, Will darts out and snatches the stone, sliding it into one of his many (many) shorts pockets, nodding in approval. “I don’t have any aventurine. I’ve been looking for it. Good bribe.”
He sets down the ointment and Tylenol, gesturing for Nico to hold out his hands. Nico sighs, then complies.
“I mean, he didn’t destroy it, this time,” Piper whispers as he begins to sing, enveloping Nico’s body in a warm, golden glow. “So…progress?”
“Progress,” Nico agrees. He glances over at Will, eyes squeezed shut in focus, and rolls his eyes fondly. “Who knew it would be so hard to convince someone who already likes me to go out with me.”
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sh0tanzz · 6 months
Who in riize do u think would like a partner who’s slightly older/younger than them, like a year or two age difference? N then who do you think would prefer someone who’s older and has more life experience? (Basically kinda in a who would want to be taken care of by their partner vs them being the one to take care of their partner type of way)
hmmmmm this may be a bit controversial I fear
RIIZE OLDER VS YOUNGER based on astrology~
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reminder this is based off of MY opinions of their birth chart placements + aspects and is not exact fact unless I knew them myself and I am not a professional astrologer 🤍
a lot of people think Seunghan would have a younger s.o but ngl..he'd probably like someone more older or at least a person that has more experience/more mature. I say this because the things he'd want the most I feel like he'd expect or more easily get from someone older. He wants someone that would be independent + confident in their place in the relationship, has experience in life in general (including partying/vices), and ngl he might want more tasteful luxury gifts so lowkey sugarmama/older gf vibes 😭.
I don't think he cares about age at all bc his chart doesn't indicate physical attributes minus the stereotypical feminine things (bouncy healthy hair, sweet perfumes, pretty nails) but I feel like he'd be best suited with someone older yk..like that would be best for him. Reason being, personality wise he wants someone mature, ambitious, independent, doesn't need to be babied/taken care of 24/7, can guide him, financial stable which is something you expect from a more mature/older person right ?
Middle Ground
alright ikik all my babygirls are wondering wtf Sungchan and Eunseok are doing here instead of the younger category but..walk with me....🤫
50/50 bc I feel like he can get what he wants from either age group. He has a cancer moon + leo venus so he may like reciprocity and for him and his s.o nurture or be attentive with each other OR he's ok with taking care of a younger/immature s.o & would be fine with being taken care of by a older/mature s.o. He likes someone to be educated, lowkey a little wiser and put together BUT he likes to wear the pants and be the lead/doting counterpart of the relationship. I just think he can get what he likes from either group and he probs is into cap risings.
Eunseok..probably just doesn't care LMFAO. As long as you're tall, hot, confident and charming he's all in. IM KIDDING OFC . but he can adapt to either relationship trope. He likes someone with a mature seductiveness thats independent and gives good concrete wise advice..BUT he also likes someone thats goofy and surprises him and has a teasing "hard to get" aura to them. So imo he'd go after either one as long as they were compatible with him.
(crazy I know)
Sohee is typically the one being doted on and seen as the "cute" one and I just think he'd want to explore outside of that trope through his partner (sag venus tings). Plus I'm ngl Sohee's big 6 placements and his sun/uranus + mercury/mars aspects makes me feel like he'd feel kinda slowed down or restricted with an older/overly mature/serious partner. This is about to be contradictory ik but I feel like it’d be easier if said older partner had a more immature “cute” image
Wonbin probably likes...cliche dynamincs ngl..his taurus mars makes him feel more driven to the traditional/stereotypical dynamics yk so he's the masc and provides like the typical "oppa" type shit ykwim. Plus his Pisces Venus probably makes him idealize that type of stereotypical trope more. I also feel like an older partner would make him feel a more serious sense of responsibility and scare the shit out of him 😭😭.
Shotaro has a capricorn venus and I said in one post his ideal type could go either way and transition between being more playful+immature or sophisticated+mature I feel like he currently likes immature/younger partners (see how he dotes on Sohee/Anton the youngest members) but in the future would prefer someone more mature because that's just what I typically see in cap venus men,,they start with one ideal type and the older they get they switch to the other.
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oleander-nin · 11 months
Horrortober Day 31- Trapped(Yandere Rise Leo x Reader)
A/N, not important: LETS GO! I DID IT! 31 DAYS OF POSTING! I'm probably going to revisit a lot of the ideas I had because the time constraint made it so I couldn't do as much as I wanted, but I'm still very happy with this. Sorry this fic's kinda all over the place, I started having trouble finishing it so I just went for it and now it's really... Off. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.
CW: Alcohol, being trapped in a vehicle, party, underage drinking, kidnapping, unedited.
Words: 2005
Summary: Leo was the wrong person to call.
The phone in your hand rings a couple more times, your eyes darting back and forth between the lit up house and the dark street. The music was still blaring from inside, speakers pretty much pressed against the windows for mass volume. You could feel the ground vibrate beneath you, the trash and people littered on the lawn making the whole house look like a disaster waiting to happen. You can barely hear your phone’s ringing that signified your call was going through over the loud sound, the lights leaking out the window making you even more nauseous. You could feel the mistakes of the night take a toll on your body, the accidentally consumed alcohol making your mind fuzzy. The bitter taste should have tipped you off, but you wrongly assumed it was just from the carbonation. You hadn’t even fully realized what was in your drink until the third sip, your mind fogging over and making you panic.
The phone buzzes as Leo’s muffled voice finally comes through, breaking you from your stupor. You lift the phone fully to your ear, trying to think of what to say. You blink as you stare forwards, unsure what to do. You had forgotten why you called him, unable to think as you stare out onto the dim street.
“I think I want to go home.” You mumble, picking at the sleeves of your costume. The white button up of your vampire suit was starchy, and you swore you could feel it burning your skin. You wanted it off. You nod, agreeing with your own words as your voice starts to perk up. “Yeah, yeah. I do. Can you come pick me up? Please? My uh… My ride is gone.”
Leo’s quiet for a moment, and your stomach drops as you worry he’s going to leave you here. You look back at the house, not wanting to go talk to anyone there and beg for a ride. The one person you knew here had already left, leaving you behind with a cup of spiked punch while swearing it was clean.
“I’ll be there in a bit. Hang tight.” Leo responds, his voice softer than you usually know it to be. You open your mouth to respond, but your phone turns off, Leo’s contact shining brightly. You stare at the screen, feeling miffed. He hung up so quickly, you hadn’t even told him where you were. You sit down on the grass, the long cape acting as a small buffer between your pants and the ground. You watch the air around you while you goof off on your phone, waiting for a familiar blue portal to open up next to you. You open up his contacts, deciding he just didn’t know where you were, but the loud hum of an engine makes you stop.
Coming down the road was the turtle tank, it’s fortified outside looking daunting as it comes towards you. One of the people on the lawn starts to shout happily at the sight of the tank, a plastic cup full of foul smelling liquid hitting the side. You grimace, knowing Donnie was going to make you scrub it from top to bottom once he notices.
You walk up to the door and let yourself in, Leo’s impatient form sitting at the front of the tank. He pats the seat next to him as the door locks behind you, his eyes glued to the windshield and the road it showed.
“Thank you,” You mumble as you sit down, frowning at his silence. Leo was never this quiet. He always had something to say, especially to you, and his new attitude worried you. You shift awkwardly while he just nods and starts to roll the tank down the road, his free leg bouncing erratically.
“Was it worth it?” He finally asks, after you had driven at least a mile down in silence. You look up at Leo, surprised that was his first question. He doesn’t look at you, his jaw ticked to the side while he concentrates on the road. His body was slumped in the seat, his posture screaming relaxed if not for the erratic bouncing of his leg. 
You chew on your cheek, unsure how to respond. His eyes dart to you, waiting for your answer, but you stay quiet. You know he was asking about the party, but his question was too broad to make it into your buzzed brain. Leo waits a minute more for you to answer before letting out a dramatic sigh, his eyes rolling in their sockets.
“Was going to this stupid party worth blowing us off? Did you have more fun here?”
You stare at Leo, shrinking down. His words made you feel guilty, your hands fiddling with the cuffs of your sleeves once more. 
“I didn’t blow you off. I just made other plans.” You explain, trying to defend your decision to attend the party instead of the gathering the Hamato’s had every year. Leo breathes harshly through his nose, clearly not pleased. He plasters a smile on his face, looking at you cheekily.
“Oh I’m sorry. I must’ve forgotten you didn’t inform us of your plan change until three hours ago.”
You wilt in your seat, smiling weakly at the mutant. Leo turns back to the road, his hands gripping the tank’s steering wheel tighter than needed. Silence settles over you both once more, the tense and awkward atmosphere making you uncomfortable. You didn’t know what to say, trying to think of how to mend it. You felt bad, but in that moment, you really wanted to go to this party.
“You smell awful, by the way.” Leo remarks, glancing over at you. Your face heats as you scowl, no longer feeling guilty. He opens his mouth again, whether to insult you or to apologize, you didn’t care.
“When you go to a party with alcohol, you’re going to end up smelling like it.” You say coldly, no longer caring to try and mend the rift. Leo sighs, tapping his hands on the wheel while he tilts his head to the side.
“Did you drink?”
“Not on purpose.”
Leo looks at you, his brow-line furrowed and concern in his eyes. “Explain.”
“My friend gave me a spiked punch cup. Not sure if it was on purpose or not, but I ended up drinking a couple sips before realizing.” You bring your knees into the seat, curling up. Your eyes were heavy, and your body was starting to protest the late time you were up.
“I don’t like that.” Leo says slowly, his usually jovial attitude gone. You didn’t like how cold he was tonight, even if he seemed to be trying. His annoyance with you was making you more and more upset, your muddled brain taking everything much too dramatically.
“I never asked.” You retort. “And I wanted a ride home, not a lecture. It’s my Halloween, and this is what I wanted to do.”
“So you wanted to drink underage, got it.” Leo says sarcastically, his eyes darkening. You groan, rubbing your face as you try not to snap at him. 
“20 is barely underage, and I wouldn’t have called you if I knew you were going to be such a jerk tonight.”
Leo’s eye twitches as he slams on the brakes to pull into a parking lot, shaking you in your seat and making you grab onto the control panel for support. Leo puts the tank in park before unbuckling his seat belt and turning his chair to look at you, an irritated look on his usually relaxed face. 
You look at him, stunned. Leo wasn’t usually someone to act so huffy, so this whole night was a surprise. You wait for him to speak, to explain, but he doesn’t. Leo just continues to stare at you, his chin in his hands while his eyes look you up and down. You unbuckle your own seatbelt, standing up. You were tired of whatever fit Leo was throwing, and if he wasn’t going to take you home, you’d figure out how to go yourself.
You reach out for the handle that would open the door, grumbling all the way from the annoyance at Leo’s weird attitude. You snatch your hand back as alarms begin to blare and every outside entrance and view is shuttered, Donnie’s recorded voice coming over the speakers to announce the tank’s lockdown. You look over at Leo with wide eyes, his hand still on the button. He slowly slides it back, putting his chin in his hand once more.
“Oops.” He teases, grinning slyly. You stare at Leo, enraged at his actions. The childish behavior made you want to scream, to pull your hair out or to smash everything in vicinity.
“What was that?!” You demand, gesturing wildly to the now shuttered and locked door. Leo shrugs, still grinning like he didn’t care you were both now trapped for 24 hours or until Donnie came and figured out how to undo the lockdown.
“You tried to leave. I still want to talk with you.” He says simply. You stare at him, bewildered. Every word that was coming out of his mouth was making you more and more furious, the anger building threatening to burst.
“I have to get home!” You protest, throwing your hands into the air with frustration.
Leo leans back in his chair, crossing one leg over the other and his arms over his chest. “You weren’t going home, you were going back to that dingy apartment.”
“That is home.” You seethe, trying to not panic.
Leo stares at you, his eyes boring into your own while you slowly back down. His gaze was unnerving, like he was possessed and wasn’t himself. The last time you saw him like this, Raph had to hold him back from what he tried to do. You shudder, stepping back. You didn’t want to poke at his nerves when you were stuck with him for this long.
“I think it’s time I really brought you home.” Leo muses, seemingly thinking aloud rather than trying to tell you something. You look over at him, blinking slowly as you process what he said.
“You locked the tank. You can’t bring me home.”
“I’m not talking about that stupid apartment you insist on staying at.” Leo refutes, grimacing at the thought of your residence. You glare at him, not appreciating his words towards the place you worked so hard to get and maintain. “I’m talking about where you belong.”
“Yeah, in my bed, and not Donnie’s tank.” You grumble, making Leo snort. He stands up, coming up to you and taking your hand. You look at him questioningly, hesitantly turning to meet him. Leo squeezes your hand, smiling softly.
“I’m serious. I’m going to take you home once the lockdown’s over. You’ll be happy, and I’ll keep you safe. No more parties, no more stupid spiked drinks. You’ll be with me, like how it’s supposed to be.”
You furrow your brow, trying to take your hands from Leo, but he holds firm. You nervously laugh while trying to break free from his grip, unease starting to build up. “Ha ha, very funny Leo. Now let go, you’re starting to freak me out.”
Leo shakes his head, straightening up as he looks brightly at you. “I’m serious. I’ve been trying to think of a good time to bring it up, but after your little party stunt, I figured now was better than never. You’re coming home, whether you like it or not.”
You stare at the mutant, fully starting to panic now. Seeing the timer slowly ticking down helped hammer it in, your stomach lurching as your mind starts to shut down. Leo smiles, pulling you into his arms and rubbing your back soothingly, pretending like he wasn’t trying to uproot you from everything you knew. You had 24 hours stuck with him, and 24 hours of him to break you down. You really hoped you could last.
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snackugaki · 1 year
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more AU visdev shenanigans because I have both a problem and am trying to trick myself into doing visdev for my actual  projects
my tmnt au (where everyone made it past their 20s, splinter’s alive just old, venus is here, and they deserve some goddamn respite and shenanigans)
tmnt au part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5
tmnt au omake 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
lny visit 1 | 2
AU musings under the cut cuz truly, i have a goddamn problem and most of it is from my brain always go brr
uhhh... hm... Mirage spoilers pmuch right out the gate... probably IDW, and prrrrobably Next Mutation spoilers for the kids who haven’t started/caught up because surprise that’s where I pull from (aside from the 87 cartoon and 90s movies because who doesn’t pull mainly from their childhood turtles)
April being into punk, goth, alt, what have you just makes sense to me
...because she gravitated to the outsider nature of those subcultures since she, herself, didn’t feel like she quite belonged anywhere
which is natural when you’re a drawing made real
(it’s fine, she’s flesh and blood now)
shout out to poly styrene, april loved her
keeping them short kings just like my childhood turtles
Jennika absolutely comments to Donnie if he’s found any good cheese in any walls lately
god i hate plowing through the first couple of passes of a design
alas, the process
Venus ended up being dressed in hanfu since other clothes didn’t fit her quite right; a specific group of old women were ecstatic at breaking out hanfu patterns to use.
Chung I doted on Venus so much, the only thing that kept her from becoming spoiled was when she started taking up cultivation alongside Chung I and his sect
nothing more humbling that carrying 3 buckets of water up a steep mountain side while your sifu hurls mystic blasts at your feet
Venus progressed pretty quickly though; enough to be trusted with plans to circumvent Vam Mi’s return and reconnoiter with the sect’s allies in NYC
(it didn’t work but it’s okay they defeated Vam Mi anyway)
shit now I have to come up with a name for the sect hhhhh
Chung I’s sect is one of ?? who, like the ninja, have a responsibility (among others) to regulate the mortal plane with the less mundane ones
Venus IS training to serve in his role (give or take one of her brothers or sisters being bestowed the responsibility)
hmm... Venus likes keemun tea best if she has the choice, and for soup... oxtail soup and black sesame soup
and because it was fkkn metal in Next Mutation, Venus is primarily a pugilist who occasionally uses her cultivation techniques ; she trains a little with a fan when she gets to weapons training but she prefers the spear (link has blood and some real violent fighting but fuck Fog Hill is fucking siiiiick)
...a nickname Venus gains is ‘the spear fairy’ ‘cuz i’m indulgent :)
the supernatural side of NY was already getting antsy and unruly when Venus arrived so of course she and the boys ended up fighting upon first encounter
The fight happens after hours at a local walk-around market; Raph barges in and Venus fishes around for something that isn’t the requisite staff she was saddled with before setting out (because she knows how to deal some damage with it and she wasn’t about to do that to complete strangers she didn’t know the alignment of)
she ends up using a mannequin; one arm came off so Venus attacked with that and defended with the upper part of the mannequin; Raph was getting outmatched while Mikey and Donnie were laughing in increasing volume
at a certain point Leo tried to intervene but Venus assumed it was a double team, ripped the other arm off the mannequin and defended with both against Raph and Leo; eventually her hood was flipped and they saw she was a turtle so cue Venus using the opportunity to get them both on the ground and about to smash the now armless mannequin torso onto Leo and Raph before Donnie called for a truce
at which point, as is established, Mikey quipped up at the scene, “I call this... ‘Venus de Milo, triumph over dorkus maximuses’”
Leo DID try to address her by her actual name but his not-quite-right tone made her pity him and insisted he just use Mikey’s new nickname
Venus absolutely asked why the boys were running around half naked when she came across them; they didn’t have an answer they just shrugged and let Mikey change the subject with asking if she’s tried NY pizza yet
Venus is ambivalent in the end, she knew humans wore clothes since their bits are just ...like, out there dangling around; the yaoguai around her also dressed and thought they were just adhering to the custom out of simple consideration
Venus eventually gears up like the boys to help hide her mission from the sect trying to resurrect Vam Mi
Leo gives Venus a spare mask of his; it came from a bin of incorrectly dyed masks when he was attempting shibori dye experiments
Mikey was so enthusiastic about it, having only known April at the time he asked if he could try out braiding her mask tails since Leo didn’t bother tailoring it after he botched the dye job
Splinter helps Venus make contact with her sect’s allies ala Rescuers Down Under
NM!Venus canonically knows how to pick locks why not in this AU too
The boys take Venus to the library one night, Donnie pleads for Venus to break into the reference shelves, stoops to fibbing a little that information she might find handy could be in those shelves (they weren’t)
A hilarious exchange happens between April and Venus when Venus cycles through like 3 dialects and 2 languages before finding out April speaks Canto; Venus starts calling April Ah ze, in kind April calls Venus Ah mui
hmm hmmm... still torn between April meeting the boys once as little kids then running into them again when she’s an adult or having her meet them as little kids but connecting a little earlier, 1-2 years from graduating HS
mostly just cuz I wanna have this AU April taking them to GWAR concerts so they can enjoy being out without getting clocked 
Casey and Raph absolutely dressed as the Bash Brothers for a couple of halloweens
I like the idea of Casey thinking of himself as the fifth turtle brother because it’s sweet, thassit AU canon it is done
I feel like Jennika probably ran into April and Casey at separate music venues; befriended Casey first tho
Jennika spent two years in China with Venus, getting her handle on her new turtle body; when she came back she nearly cleaned out 3 thrift stores and basically commandeered a portion of Donnie’s lab for almost a year to tailor clothes for herself
Donnie basically made himself a mini-clothing manufacturing  factory by salvaging and rebuilding embroidery, pattern cutting, and industrial sewing machines
Jennika and Mondo have jam sessions
The brockhampton parody in this AU is northbrockton, Jennika and Mondo are rotational members
Mondo can speak hawaiian pidgin, he speak liddat when he go an talk story with Mikey ova some grinds, Mikey also starts picking it up
 Mondo sometimes refers to Mikey as Braddah Honu
One of the stolen waste/mutagen barrels from That Night rolled and got shunted conveniently to a desolate lot where it leaked for years
Mondo came across it looking for a place for his band to jam without getting interrupted, pop goes the lizard mutation
tl;dr a video of urban explorers stumbling on it got onto Mona’s feed (and I’m smudging her original start as a physicist to a biophysicist) and since she’s a can do sort of girl she goes to check it out herself before reporting it to the proper organizations-- bam, mutant lizard Mona Lisa rip
that same video came across on one of Donnie’s feeds, Raph’n Mikey go to investigate and come upon a distraught lizard Mona Lisa; Mikey uses her assumption they were also originally human to bring her back to the lair and get her calmed down
god it’s so messy, thankfully Splinter, Leo and April are far better at helping Mona come to grips with her mutation, Donnie helps out in setting her up to survive the first couple months of transitioning between her old human life to navigating her mutant one
For me, she’s now Mona Lisa Saperfeld purely for this exact reference link
Raph and Casey also get the occasional treats from the local bodegas, but for running off extortionists and other assorted dipshits with too much time an not enough supervision
Jennika, Mondo, and Mikey are constantly replacing each others’ high scores in Guitar Hero and DDR in Donnie’s arcade
When Donnie, Casey, and Raph are left in the garage for too long... they end up making the weirdest shit (link to a Handy Geng playlist, a dude who makes funky inventions)
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riordanness · 1 year
delicate - [l.valdez]
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1.6K wordcount
warnings: mentions of nightmares,, super old writing so proceed with cringe warning
requested: no
a/n: i wrote this in quarantine, early 2021. i lowkey predicted the future w this fic bc i was obsessed w the colour maroon at the time and made y/n wear a maroon coloured taylor swift shirt… never guessing that she would release a song called maroon?? so yeah, fun fact <3
I sat bolt upright in bed, my head pounding. It took me what seemed like forever to calm down, even thought it was likely to have only been a handful of moments. I forced myself to steady my breath, and realise I was safe. My hands were tightly clutched around my sheets, and that helped to ground my thoughts a little.
I looked around my familiar cabin and took a deep breath. My fairy lights shined softly on the walls, making me feel cozy and warm. I had specifically requested fairy lights. They'd always been so reassuring and calming to me, what for I had no clue. But Leo had been all to ready to equip me with fairy lights in my cabin, so I was glad I had asked him for them. They always helped with the nightmares.
I carefully slipped out from under the covers and put on my sneakers. I fumbled through my chest drawer and pulled out a black zip-up jacket I had stolen from Leo, and yanked that on too. I had black leggings and a maroon Taylor Swift T-shirt on, so I felt warm enough to go outside, where the freezing Greek air would surely be uncomfortable.
I needed to clear my head, and get some fresh air, and talk to someone. All that would happen on deck, where there was bound to be at least one crew member on duty. Besides, Leo never went to bed, it seemed. He would most certainly be up there, and I needed to see my best friend right now.
I tiptoed past the other demigods' cabin doors, trying not to wake anyone up. I had no wish to anger anybody who slept with a sword constantly by their side.
I crept upstairs and came out onto the deck, the moon covering the world with a ghostly layer of magical light. I loved the moon. If Artemis, the moon goddess, wasn't a maiden goddess and actually had demigod kids, I'd've given anything to be her daughter. She was definitely one of the best Greek goddesses.
As I'd suspected, Leo was still awake, even though it was probably at least three in the morning by now. He stood with his back to me, tinkering with something on the ships' control board. I stood there for a few seconds, biting my lip and staring at his figure in the dim light, debating whether to bother him or not. In the end, I decided to walk over.
"Hey," I said quietly over Leo's shoulder.
He flinched, looking up at me with startled dark eyes. "Jeez, carinó, don't scare a man like that!”
My eyes widened in sudden alarm. "I'm sorry!"
Leo managed to crack a smile for me. "No, it's fine. Hey."
He turned back to the controls. "I'm just turning off the sonar and switching to radar. We're going airborne soon. Percy's gone downstairs, and it's Jason's turn to watch."
I nodded. "Okay." I knew what he was doing. I didn't dare one but for that kind of information, it was useless to me and I usually forgot it in about four seconds. Leo did it because he knew I adored listening to his voice. His accent was so calming to me, just like fairy lights and Taylor Swift songs were.
I loved him so much for doing that for me. I was so lucky to have this boy in my life.
There was silence for a few minutes. That was the way it usually was with Leo and I. We were comfortable with whatever. If we wanted to talk, we did talk, about everything and anything. But if one of us felt like being quiet, that worked too. It was just nice to be with each other, together.
We didn't have to be talking to enjoy each other's company, and I loved that about him too.
"I had a nightmare..." I said at last, drawing out the words, as if me saying them slower would make it harder for Leo to understand them.
Leo's eyes immediately snapped to meet mine. "You did?" His voice flooded with concern. "Are you okay? Was it that same one, or different? Was it a vision, or —?"
I laughed lightly. "Calm down... I..." My smile dropped as I reflected on my nightmare. "It was..."
I shuddered. "Um, it was bad. I just... I just wanted to be around someone. I didn't want to be alone in my cabin."
Leo nodded. He reached for my hand and squeezed it gently. His touch sent a tingle up my spine. Leo didn't really do touching; I think he was wary around it with his fire powers, so it was nice, but a little strange, to hold his hand.
"Come on," Leo said. "I'm done here. Festus will guard until Jason gets his lazy butt out of bed. I want to show you something."
I managed a smile. "Okay, Repair Boy."
"Hey, don't call me that!"
"Why not?" I reasoned. "You call me carinó, and I don't even know what that means."
Leo's eyes glittered with mirth, as if he was sharing an inside joke with himself. "Well... fine then."
He led me by the hand downstairs. We passed a bleary-eyed Jason on the steps, who nodded mutely at us and kept going. Hopefully he wakes up enough to fight off any monsters who decides our ship looked tasty.
Leo led me past the cabin doors, careful to walk quietly. When he started down the second level of steps, I raised my eyebrows.
"I've never been down here," I whispered.
"I know," he whispered back. A nervous, but excited shiver ran down my back.
Leo pushed open the first door on the left. Inside, an intricate engine (at least I think it was an engine) took up most of the room. Pipes and cords ran absolutely everywhere, winding around and around each other.
Random work tools rolled along the floor every time the ship listed sideways, spanners and hammers and screws going everywhere. The engine hummed softly, filling the air with a pleasant kind of feeling. I instantly understood why Leo liked this place. I know he often spent a lot of time in here, and I could now see why. It was exactly his sort of room.
"Wow, Leo," I said. "You built all this? You're amazing."
Leo blushed. "Thanks, carinó."
I glanced at him with a smile, and he looked confused. "What?"
"Nothing," I said slowly. "I'm just really glad you're my best friend." I gave his hand a squeeze.
Leo looked away. "Uh, great, well..."
"You wanted to show me something?" I prompted.
"Oh yeah!" He pulled me along as he walked to a cabinet against one wall. He opened one of the drawers, dug through it, closes it, opened another one, and smiled triumphantly.
"Close your eyes, carinó," he told me.
I did so immediately. After all, I trusted Leo completely. Okay, maybe not with shaving foam or my wallet, but for anything else? Of course.
Leo suddenly laced his fingers through mine. "Open them," he said, his voice low and kinda gravelly.
I slowly opened my eyes. Leo held out his palm.
On it, a beautiful necklace lay. A beautiful, incredibly intricate flower was made out of see-through gold, hung on a thin gold chain.
I gasped softly. "Oh, Leo..." I didn't know what to say. "It's... it's beautiful. Oh, it's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen."
"It's not the most beautiful thing I've ever seen," Leo muttered. "I mean, uh, thanks. I made it for you."
I threw my arms around his neck and hugged him. "It's amazing. You're amazing. Thank you."
Leo pulled away, laughing a little. "Okay, okay. Here. Want me to put it on for you?"
I nodded. He carefully stepped behind me and fastened the clasp around my neck. The necklace laid on my chest, and I gazed at it for a moment, before smiling up at Leo.
"Thank you so much, Leo," I said. "It's the best thing I've ever received in my life."
"Really?" Leo seemed surprised. "Well, let's see how many times I can break that record."
Before I knew what was happening, Leo stepped forward, cupped his hand around my cheek and gently pressed his mouth to mine. He only kissed me for a second, moved backwards, red as a beet, and opened his mouth, stammering, "Oh, I just... did that. I— I'm sorry —"
I smiled dryly. "Don't you dare be sorry." I stood on tiptoe and kissed him again, longer this time.
I felt like I was on fire. I wasn't, and neither was Leo (thankfully), but my entire body was hot all over. I don't know how long we would've stayed there, but someone decided enough was enough.
"Hey, Leo, are you — holy Hera!" Jason stumbled into the doorframe. "Uh..."
Leo and I broke apart. His face was a red as mine felt. "Oh! Hi Jason." Leo grinned. "What's up?"
Jason pursed his lips. "I... uh, I forgot. What the Hades are you two doing?"
"Making out," Leo replied.
"Leo!" I exclaimed. "I wouldn’t put it that way! That’s so… crude sounding.”
"Oh. Okay. We weren’t doing that then," Leo agreed. "What's wrong, J-man?"
Jason looked confused. "Um, well... we're nearly to Athens. None of us can work out your controls, Leo, so you need to come and uh, work your magic."
Leo nodded. "We'll be right there."
Jason disappeared up the hall. Leo and I glanced at each other.
"So?" Leo asked, shoving his hands into his pockets.
"So... what?" I asked back.
"Did I break my record?" He grinned cheekily. "Of the best things you've ever received?"
I blushed. "I guess so. Yeah. Yeah you did, Repair Boy."
"Good," Leo said, grabbing my hand again and pulling me towards the deck. "Now, let's go save the world, together."
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kingofthecapybaras · 1 year
brief lil fic i wrote bc i was having too many thoughts about landduo hurt/comfort
obvious warnings for mentions of missing eggs and general angst
foolish walks out of his tower, having just finished organizing his loot from the dungeons he did today, and pointedly not dwelling for too long on anything other than the chests in that room. he still has a bit of time left today, and he's certainly not looking forward to trying to go to sleep and being left alone with his thoughts, so maybe he can finally squeeze some work in on the titan, or he'll go to spawn and run into someone else to goof around with and distract himself.
foolish gets halfway across the path to his warpstone when he finally notices bad on the shore. he's sitting on the ground outside his and dapper's first house, with his arms wrapped around his legs, knees tucked up to his chin, staring off blankly into the water as it waves and ripples against the land.
foolish pauses for a brief moment, and then turns to walk along the shore over to him.
"hey," foolish greets softly. bad turns his head to look up at foolish, but doesn't say a word. foolish notices the bags under his eyes. bad turns back to staring out at the water.
it's not an outright 'go away,' so foolish takes that as invitation enough to sit down next to him on the ground, curled up similarly to bad with his hands resting on his knees. for what feels like the first time all day, foolish lets out a deep breath, the full weight of his thoughts washing over him like the sound of the waves.
he thinks of leo. he thinks about how in the days leading up to the eggs' disappearance he didn't even get to see her, missing her by mere minutes. he thinks of the note she left in the chest in her room, he thinks about the totems left there and how wherever she is now, she doesn't have them. he thinks of vegetta, how he's probably going to come back and find out their daughter is missing. he thinks of all the other eggs. surely they'll all come back, right? the last time they went missing they came back. they have to come back, it's not fair for them to just be taken without any warning, without any explanation, without any closure.
foolish feels tears start to prick at the corners of his eyes, and tries to push the feeling away. bad is still sitting next to him, after all, and foolish can only think however he's feeling, bad must be feeling it worse, he practically took care of all the eggs. he doesn't need to add foolish having a breakdown in front of him on top of all of that.
foolish takes another few deep breaths, listening to the sound of the waves, letting his thoughts wash away with them, and he thinks he might be somewhere close to feeling normal again. and then he feels bad lean his head against his shoulder.
he looks down to find bad already looking up at him, and they share a brief glance before foolish wraps an arm around bad's back, pulling him in closer, and bad moves to fully wrap his arms around foolish's chest, and then foolish moves his other arm and they're hugging each other so tight foolish worries he might crush him.
and then foolish notices bad is crying- shaking, silent sobs with cold tears landing where bad has tucked his head near foolish's shoulder- and then foolish's carefully put up wall cracks, every last thought and emotion foolish had been bottling in rushing out in the form of tears that trail down his cheeks and fall against bad's back.
they stay hugging even after they've both stopped crying, until finally foolish feels bad push back against his hold and he releases him. bad pulls away, wiping at his face with one hand, still saying nothing. foolish has the impulse to poke fun at him just to regain a sense of normalcy, but quickly pushes it down. he has the feeling bad needed that just as much as he did.
they sit in silence again for a little while longer, staring out at the water and the now mostly set sun just barely dipping below the horizon, before bad stands up.
"uh, i should go… i have stuff i need to work on."
foolish stands up with him, feeling that whatever moment they were having before has now passed.
"yeah, yeah. me too," foolish says. bad turns to leave, and foolish puts out a hand to stop him. "uh. thanks, though."
it's doesn't feel exactly like what foolish really means, but it's close enough.
"oh. thank you too," bad says.
they go their separate ways, and they don't mention it again, aside from the knowing glance they share when they see each other the next morning.
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ninjaneonleon · 7 months
The Side bar
Bringing Raph down to the Speakeasy had been the right call. Between the work of Leo, Cheech and Leonardo, Raph was back on his feet and talking in no time.
“And what have we learned?” Leo asked, making sure Raph’s pupil response was back to normal. It was, thankfully, and Leo was hopeful for his recovery.
“To not just eat everything offered to me without checking first,” Raph replied sulkily. Leo knew he had been excited for the cookies and he was upset that it had made him drop.
“Exactly.” Leo nodded and looked up at Cheech. “Can you keep an eye on him for a bit? Plenty of fluids, preferably tea, and make sure he stays here for at least ten minutes.”
“Sure thing, Leon. Worst comes to worst, I’ll make Leonardo sit on him.”
“Hey! I’m not that big!”
“Sure you are, Dove, but I love that about you.”
“Thanks guys.” Leo gave a cheery salute and wandered backwards. “The Caseys have gone to look for Mona, I think she was still with that adorable little turtle with the flowers and strawberries? Anyway, don’t let him leave until Mona comes to get him.”
‘Raph is more than capable of–”
“Sure thing, Leon. See you in a bit.” Cheech grinned and looked down at Raph. “You can stay here and enjoy some tea. I wanna hear all about your lovely girlfriend from you instead of him.” He nodded towards Leo. That was the right move because Raph lit up and started chattering away. Leo knew he left his big brother in good hands.
Leo turned and decided to go find Yuichi. Last he saw him, he had been chasing Donnie who had gotten hold of some Uranium. Leo knew that even with Juan present to keep them somewhat grounded, Leo would need to keep an eye on his two favourite dumbasses. Donnie and Yuichi were a surprisingly chaotic duo.
He was so lost in thought that he almost ran into someone.
“Hey, watch where you’re– oh, it’s you.” Leo looked up and saw Cleo, the grumpy, drunk Leo that Yuichi had managed to befriend earlier..
“Hey Cleo. How are you doing?” He looked less drunk now, but much grumpier. Maybe his Leo was causing him problems, apparently they didn’t get along.
“Worse. My Leo is trying to get himself adopted by another counterpart,” Cleo griped. “I swear, he’s so irritating.”
“Hey, cut him some slack, dude, he’s probably just still trying to process everything,” Leo said with what he hoped was a reassuring grin. “Just give him some space, maybe try for a smile, it’ll work wonders.” He clapped Cleo on his shoulder and stiffened the moment he made contact. What the–
Cleo recoiled, his eyes going wide and wait, did they just flash purple? “You’re–”
“It’s under control,” Leo cut him off sharply. “Yes, I am aware of the parasite sharing my body, no I am not concerned because he can’t take control from me.” He knew that somehow Cleo had sensed Prime, who was watching with wide eyed awe at the proceedings. “I’m not a threat to anyone here. Don’t mistake me for one.”
Cleo stared at Leo for a moment, his eyes searching Leo’s face with a mixture of revulsion, anger and self loathing. Then he turned with a huff. “Whatever. I need a drink.” He stalked off without another word.
Weird. Leo did not like that interaction and he was glad it was over. Now, he just had to figure out where his twin and boyfriend were…
Something drew Leo’s attention. He wasn’t sure what, but it reminded him somehow of the imprint. It was something soul deep, something instinctual. What was…?
There was a door to the side. Everyone seemed to be walking right past it, as if they didn’t see the swirls of mystic energy pouring off of it. What was it about that door that drew Leo’s attention so strongly? Why was he so compelled to enter it?
Slowly, he walked over to the door, weaving though the crowd as he followed this gut feeling and entered the room.
The room was dark, much darker and moodier than the cheerful, welcoming lighting of the Speakeasy outside. Scattered around were a number of tables, each housing a different person who Leo recognised. There were Draxums, some with minions and some without, Bishops, both male and female but all wearing the distinctive EPF logos, and even some Big Mamas. There was even a table full of villains that Leo knew well, like Meatsweats, Repo and Hypno (Who wasn’t really a villain anymore but he was previously).
“Welcome to the side bar,” There was a man behind a counter. Well, it was sort of shaped like a man, except it seemed to be made entirely of black goop. There was a square of whiteness around it, containing it to the bar area, but Leo got bad feelings from it. He didn’t want to be anywhere near that goop man. “If you’re here, you’ve probably been labelled as a villain in your universe, so make yourself at home. Just watch out for the Bishops, they’re not against grabbing newbies. And if you want to know anything, just ask. I can tell you anything you want, for a price.” Leo shuddered. He would not be asking anything.
Instead, he looked around in shock. The Villains bar? Why was he here?
Wait, he knew why he was here. He was part Kraang and even before that, he had been Blue Oni. He had attacked his brothers, almost killed his dads. Yeah, he was entitled to be here, and that was without Prime’s help.
“It seems to take in former villains too,” Prime pointed out helpfully as Leo spotted a Draxu, who looked to be in his lunch lady uniform. Okay then, that was something to celebrate then. He didn’t need to be actively evil to spot this place.
Before he could explore further, a dark shape suddenly loomed behind him. A wicked red glow lit up the world around him and for a split second, Leo froze. He knew that presence, he knew that glow.
Subprime was here.
Then Leo took a breath and he turned.
“Well if it isn’t the wad of chewing gum I just hate to see.” He drawled. “How have you been, buddy? Prison dimension treating you well?” Leo knew he was playing with fire here. All the others in the bar had frozen, staring at him in shock. Clearly no one had been brave enough to confront this Kraang up until now. Leo, however, was unfazed. He had confronted this monster more times than he could count in his dreamscape. He wasn’t scared anymore.
“I wasn’t aware they let… pests into this place,” The Kraang growled. “Still, you’ll be entertaining to play–”
Leo cut him off simply by waving his hand. “Before you finish that thought, I have a question for you.” The Kraang spluttered in annoyance. “Are you your universe’s Kraang Prime?”
“Yes.” The weaker Kraang Prime said slowly, as if contemplating Leo’s audacity and how best to destroy him.
“Oh, that’s good then.” Leo allowed his mycelia out from his shell, letting them wrap along his arms, legs and carapace. He instinctively knew that his brown eye had turned pink. When he next spoke, his voice echoed with power. “So am I. And guess what, buddy? I outrank you.” With a wave of his hand, Leo grabbed the Kraang matter in this pathetic version of Prime’s body and sent him flying into an unoccupied booth. Heh. That was way more satisfying in real life.
“Don’t get carried away, Leo,” Prime reminded him. “Remember that you brothers have organised it so you don’t indulge in that side of your mindset.”
Right. The shared dreamscapes that his brothers had set up. Leo hadn’t visited the prison dimension in months because of that. He needed to control himself better.
“Y’know, that was pretty impressive.” The voice behind Leo made him jump. That sounded like– “We’ve all had to hide in the corner because he wouldn’t stop looming. Thanks for dealing with him.” There was another Leo, slightly older than him and dressed in a very stylish coat. Woah, he was cool. There were a few other Leos there, as well as a few other turtles too. Huh. Maybe it wasn’t so weird for some of their counterparts to be ‘evil’ after all.
“No problem. He’s just a big bully. You kick his ass, he knows when to stay down.” Leo said with a shrug, allowing his mycelia to retract. “Uh, for reference, I am still Leo. Don’t be calling me Prime or anything, he’s just a ride along who’s powers I can borrow.”
“Good to know. Or else I’d have to kill you.” The fashionable Leo said with a grin. Leo had a feeling that he was being serious but he couldn’t be sure. He was hard to read. “Did you wanna come sit with us?”
“Nah, I’m good, but thanks for the invite. I’m just looking around before I head back out.” Leo didn’t really want to linger here. It was doing things to his head if he thought any of this was okay.
He glanced around again as the turtles left and headed to an empty booth. Well, all but one.
“You’ve met my brother.” The Donatello was familiar somehow but Leo couldn’t place why. Then he realised.
“You’re Cleo’s Donnie.” There was something about this Donnie that just reminded him of Cleo. The thing that threw Leo off, though, was the fact that this Donnie was so much older than Cleo. He was clearly in his thirties, maybe older, but Cleo was mid twenties. “Why are you here?”
“I wish I could tell you, kid. I just know that I can see this place and the others can’t.” Leo was gonna call this Donnie ‘Tello’ for now. Just so he didn’t get confused. “Also, watch your back. Those two drinking wine have their eye on you.” Leo looked over and saw two Bishops both sipping wine. They looked away when Leo met their gaze with a threatening look of his own.
“Thanks for the heads up.” He paused before glancing back up at Tello. “Uh, you might want to check on Cleo, by the way. He caught a sense of Prime and, uh, it freaked him out?” Hopefully Tello would be able to help.
“He doesn’t want to see me.” Was the only answer Leo got. Well there went that idea.
“Oh-kay then. Well, I need to get going. It was nice meeting you.” Leo didn’t like the vibes Tello was giving off. There was something broken and unhinged about this version of Donnie, more so than any of the other Donnies Leo had met. He could understand why Cleo was so grumpy if his Tello was like that.
Leo turned and started walking away, only to run straight into a solid chest. He looked up and flinched back when he saw a Draxum in his full armour from back when he was a bad guy, not the Rara that Leo knew and loved now. The helmet alone was enough to make Leo uncomfortable.
“Turtle,” the Draxum greeted with a nod. “That was an impressive display. I don’t know if you’d be willing to help train my current project?” He tugged on a chain and Leo saw a small form stumble forwards. They seemed to have their wrists chained together. His eyes widened when he realised that it was a mutated, turtle version of April.
It took everything Leo had to not draw his swords right then and cut this Draxum down, regardless of his own Rara. “I suggest you get out of my sight before I slice off the hand that is holding her hostage,” he growled. “I will only give you this warning once because part of the rules of being here means that we’re not allowed to cause grievous bodily harm. If you do not leave now, I will be violating that rule. Are we clear?”
To his credit, the Draxum looked disturbed. He ran off with the mutant turtle April following after him. Leo caught the thankful, apologetic look she shot him as she went. At least she still had her fighting spirit, from what Leo could tell. She’d escape soon enough, even if Leo wanted to help her out now. Unfortunately, that was against the rules.
He took a breath.
What was Leo doing again?
Was he… going to get a drink? With the other villains. Yeah, that seemed right.
“Uh, Cos?” Wait, that was Donnie’s voice in his head. The imprint! “We have a problem. I need you asap!”
Like a rubber band that was finally released, Leo felt his mind snap back into place. He wasn’t a villain, he was a hero like his brothers. He was a good guy who just happened to do some bad stuff unwillingly.
“Where are you and what do you need?” Leo asked, turning and marching out of the side bar.
“The uranium may or may not be affecting the plants I’ve got. I need to get it out of here and my portals aren’t strong enough to get out of the arena. Yuichi tried zapping it all away with his katana but it just made the plants start sending out sparks!” Eugh boy, this wasn’t going to be good. Leo needed to track them down and clean up Donnie’s mess, as usual. Not that he was complaining, he’d take this over having no twin any day. But why did his twin and his boyfriend have to be such a chaotic duo? Why couldn’t they just have one safe experiment where Leo didn’t need to save their butts?
“How does that even work? Never mind. I’ll be right over.”
He decided to keep the existence of the side bar to himself for now. It would only upset his brothers, and he’d do anything to keep them happy.
Leo and all the others he’a with belong to me and @geniusbuilttm
Cheech and Leonardo belong to @kinky-asexual
The adorable turtle with flowers and strawberries is @littlemissartemisia
Cleo and Tello belong to @reagi-df
The goop man belongs to @intotheelliwoods
The Kraang is just the regular kraang, you can decide where he’s from
The fashionable Leo belongs to @starrcrossrose
The two Bishops belong to @devotedtosadpoetry
The Draxum with the mutated April belongs to @riseleon
The villains need a place to hang away from all those heroes, right?
This is propaganda @tmntaucompetition
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riveramorylunar · 2 years
To Love & To Kill
Pairings: Mafia Boss Leonora Lesso x Reader
Warnings ⚠️: DARK THEMES! Gun Violence, Motorcycle Crash, Severe Wounds, Blood, Age Difference, Height Difference, Shooting, Cussing, Angry/Pissed Leonora, Killing, Flirting & Alcohol Consumption
Pet Names/Nicknames: Dear, Darling, Leo & Nora
Word Count: 4,057
A/N: it's not as dark as the Serial Killer Leonora Lesso fic I wrote but it will still be somewhat dark. And I decided to have Leonora wear her signature outfit in this fic!
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Being the wife of a Dangerous Mafia Boss has its pros and cons. The Pros consist of never having to buy stuff for yourself, learning how to use weapons and fight, being able to go into bars without showing your ID, having a second family and more. The cons well you'd be a target of the rival Mafia groups, you'd probably get kidnapped as a bribe to get what the other Mafia groups want & lots of training. There are lots of pros and cons for being part of the Mafia.
Y/N was an ordinary girl all her life until two years ago at the age of 18. She lived in the city of London, England. A beautiful place with amazing food and gorgeous views. She had gone to live with her father who lived in the United States. She had finished her last year of high school there before saying goodbye to her father. Y/N was finally home in her home city where she grew up. She was standing in front of her home slightly nervous since she hadn't seen her little sister and mother in a year. She took a deep breath before walking up to steps. She walked over to the door and knocked on it before tapping her foot on the ground. After waiting a couple seconds the door was thrown open and someone jumped onto Y/N causing her to stumble back a bit. She dropped her bags before wrapping her arms around the person. "Y/N you're finally home I missed you so much" her little sister said as she clung to Y/N like a koala. "I missed you too Riley" Y/N said as she looked up to see her mother standing in the doorway smiling. "Riley dear get off of your sister" their mother said and Riley just clung tighter causing Y/N to chuckle. "It's alright mom" Y/N said as she bent down and grabbed her bags before walking into the house. Y/N's mother shut the door behind Y/N after she saw a car pull into the mansion across from their house. "Someone lives in that mansion now" Y/N said and Diana turned around before nodding her head. "Yeah 9 months ago" she said as she looked the door. "Mother doesn't like them even though she's never met them" Riley said and Y/N raised an eyebrow. "Really mother" Y/N said and Diana rolled her eyes before walking away from the door. Y/N looked at Riley who just shrugged before hugging Y/N again. Y/N watched as her little sister rushed after her mother.
Y/N made her way over to the window before pulling the curtain back slightly. When she looked over at the mansion she saw someone tall get out of their car and watched as they moved around. "Are you watching the neighbor" Riley said causing Y/N to jump before closing the curtain. Y/N laughed nervously before looking away. "Haha no I was just uh watching a uh squirrel run around the yard" Y/N stuttered out and her sister narrowed her eyes before shaking her head. "Sure but whatever" Riley said before walking out of the living room.
It was the next morning and Y/N was meeting up with her friends. Riley was going with her because she said it was fine. They got in the car before Y/N drove off towards the cafe. The two got out and made their way into the cafe. When they got in someone shouted Y/N's name loudly causing everyone to stop talking and look over. Y/N looked up to see one of her friends run over. Y/N opened her arms and the two hugged tightly rocking side to side. The others walked over and hugged Y/N as well. They all pulled away before Fiona dragged Y/N over to the table they were sitting at. Y/N sat down on the outside of the booth. "Y/N kiddo welcome back" the waiter said when he arrived. Y/N looked up and smiled "it's good to be back I missed all of you guys" she said causing the man to chuckle. As he was getting everyone's orders the bell above the door rang. Y/N looked over and her eyes widened in shock. A woman with copper red hair and piercing emerald green eyes walked in. The woman wore black slacks, a white buttoned up shirt with a black tie and black heels that had silver carvings on the back. She was wearing a trench coat that dragged along the ground whenever she walked. She had dark burgundy lipstick on and smokey black eyeshadow with some sparkles. Her nails were silver and she had two tattoos one on each wrist up to the hand. The tattoo on the right was two black roses with thorns and leaves while the tattoo on the left was a two headed black snake.
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"Who the hell is that" Y/N muttered out and her friends and sister looked over before their eyes widened in shock. The waiter turned his head before turning back. The waiter was about to speak up when they all heard a shout. "Watch where you're going bitch" a man shouted and they all looked over to see a man standing in front of the woman who was clearly taller than him. The woman just looked down at the man who had clearly bumped into her instead of the other way around. The man was clearly drunk when he staggered a bit after bumping into the woman. The woman just stood there was a neutral expression as coffee and food ran down her trenchcoat. Y/N got up and was about to walk over when Riley grabbed her wrist. "What are you doing" Riley whispered out and Y/N pulled her wrist free before walking over. Y/N tapped on the man's shoulder causing him to turn around. "What do you wan- wait Y/N" The man said as his eyes widened in shock. "Alexander" Y/N said as she smiled sweetly. "What are you doing back here I thought you left" Alexander said and Y/N nodded. "I did leave but I'm back" Y/N said before she looked over at the woman who was already looking at her. She looked back at Alexander and shooed him off. He left the cafe with a huff while slamming the door shut. Y/N turned to the woman who was still looking at her. "Are you alright" Y/N said and the woman nodded. "I'm fine" the woman said with a cold tone. Y/N looked down at the woman's trenchcoat and saw a piece of cake on it.
Y/N grabbed a napkin and was about to wipe it off when a hand wrapped around her wrist. She looked up to see the woman looking down at her with a clenched jaw. "What do you think you're doing" the woman growled out and Y/N just rolled her eyes. "Just trying to help" Y/N said and the woman released the grip on Y/N's wrist. Y/N took that as a sign and started wiping off the food and drink that was on the woman's trenchcoat. Y/N's friends and sister watched in shock as they saw Y/N clean off the woman's coat. "Looks like Y/N got to the stone cold hottie" Richard said as he chuckled quietly. The others rolled their eyes at what he said. "Would you shut up Richard she could be in danger in the next month or sooner" Fiona muttered out as she glared at the blonde haired boy. When Y/N was finished the woman grabbed Y/N by the wrist before yanking her into her. "What's your name dear" the woman whispered out and Y/N blushed at the close proximity. "It's uh Y/N ma'am" Y/N muttered out and the woman smiled before loosening her grip on Y/N's wrist. She plucked out a pen from the countertop jar. She took the cap off with her teeth before writing down her phone number on Y/N's arm. Y/N just watched as the woman focused. The woman dropped Y/N's wrist before putting the pen away. Y/N looked down to see a phone number on her arm before seeing two initials. "What does LL stand for" Y/N said as she looked up at the woman. The woman chuckled before leaning down and whispered her name into Y/N's ear. Leonora Lesso, what a beautiful name for a handsome woman.
After the group left the cafe they headed to the park. None of them spoke until Y/N groaned before stopping in her tracks. "Why are you guys so quiet you're all usually chatting away" Y/N said and she watched her friends and sister look at each other before looking back at her. Riley grabbed her sister's wrist. "You need to stay away from that woman she's dangerous and she's extremely cold" Riley said and Y/N raised an eyebrow before she started laughing. "Y/N she's being serious she's bad news" Dustin said and Y/N rolled her eyes before turning around. She walked off and the others rushed after her a couple seconds later.
Y/N and Riley went home after a while. Y/N walked straight up to her room before shutting the door shut. "What's up with her" Diana said and Riley just rolled her eyes. "She's mad at me and her friends for saying someone was dangerous" Riley huffed out before folding her arms. "And who would that be" Diana questioned with a raised eyebrow. "The woman from across the street she met her in the cafe and we went to the park after and told her that she was bad news and dangerous" Riley said and Diana's eyes widened in shock. She stood up and made her way to the stairs when Riley stopped her. "She's in a bad mood" Riley stated and Diana sighed before walking backwards over and sitting down on the couch.
Y/N snuck out of her window and up onto the roof of the house. She took her phone out before typing in the phone number. She pressed the dial and waited as it rang a couple times. "Hello" Someone said on the other line and Y/N smiled as she pulled at the dry skin on her lip. "Hi" Y/N said and she heard a gun shot causing her to widen her eyes in shock. "Oh hello Y/N didn't expect you to call so soon" Leonora said and Y/N blushed slightly. "Sorry I can uh hang up if you're busy playing videogames" Y/N said and she heard Leonora chuckle. "No it's fine dear I could use a distraction" Leonora said with a hint of darkness behind it. "So what videogame are you playing" Y/N asked as she looked at the mansion across from her to see all the lights turned off which made her frown. "Oh uh it's Destiny" Leonora said after a couple seconds of silence. "Oh that game is good" Y/N said and Leonora agreed even if she wasn't playing it.
They stayed on the phone all night long until Y/N yawned and said goodnight. She hung up before going back into her room and collapsing onto her bed. It had been weeks and they talked every night. Y/N woke up one day when she heard something moving in her room. She grabbed her pillow and threw it causing someone to grunt. Her eyes flew open and she sat up to see Leonora standing near the window while holding her pillow. "What the hell are you doing here get out" Y/N whisper shouted causing Leonora to smirk. "Feisty I see" Leonora said as she tossed the pillow back onto the bed before walking over and sitting down on the edge. "How the hell did you get in" Y/N questioned and Leonora raised an eyebrow. "Your window of course" she said and Y/N looked over to see the window was open causing her to frown. "I locked it though" Y/N said and Leonora's lips twitched before she looked away. "Well guess you didn't since I'm here" she said and Y/N fell back on her bed and looked up at the ceiling.
"Come with me I wanna show you something" Leonora said as she stood up before holding her hand out. Y/N grabbed her hand before getting out of bed and standing up. Leonora looked Y/N up and down before smirking. Y/N looked down to realize she was only in a oversized shirt and underwear. "Let me uh get dressed first" Y/N stuttered out as she blushed. "Alright dear" Leonora said teasingly before making her way over to the window and climbing out of it. After Y/N got dressed and fixed her hair up she climbed out of her window. She shut it behind her and walked along the roof. Leonora helped her down and held onto her waist. Y/N stepped back as she looked away causing Leonora to chuckle before grabbing Y/N's hand. They made their way across the street and towards the mansion. Leonora stopped at a matte black Lamborghini. She opened the passenger door and Y/N got in. Leonora shut the door before walking around the car while smiling. She got into the passenger side before locking the doors while wrapping one of her hands around the steering wheel in a tight grip. She drove off and Y/N looked out the window watching the scenery pass by in a flash.
Leonora drove for a while until she stopped outside of big Ben. She got out and walked over to the passenger side before helping Y/N out. "What are we doing here" Y/N asked confused and Leonora stayed quiet causing the mood to change immediately. Y/N gulped as she looked around to see no one was around. They walked into the building and Leonora stayed quiet as they walked throughout the building. "Leo your scaring me what's going on" Y/N said as she pulled on her wrist to try and get free. Leonora stopped in front of a wall before looking around. "I told you I had to show you something" she said as she pushed on a brick making it move back. Y/N watched as the wall slid open. Leonora pulled Y/N with her and the wall closed behind them. They walked down the dark stairs before walking down a dark hallway and more stairs. Leonora stopped and Y/N bumped into her from behind. Y/N rubbed her face before stepping back a little. Leonora opened a door and Y/N immediately heard chattering and gun shots going off making her eyes widen.
The place was huge. It was basically the size of 6 or more football fields. Men and Women were all around the place wearing dark outfits. Some had scars while others had missing body parts like their ear, eye, legs, arms or half of their face. Leonora felt Y/N start backing away. She looked at Y/N and pulled her close before wrapping her arms around Y/N's shoulder. "Come on don't be scared dear" Leonora whispered into Y/N's ear with a hint of amusement. There were two floors, one for the bedrooms and one for the rest of the stuff. There was a huge living that had a huge flat screen tv plastered onto the stone wall. Under the TV was a long shelf with tons of DVDS, Blu-ray and CDs. In the middle of the shelf a fireplace was lit up. Couches and chairs were scattered in front of the TV along with a coffee table that had drinks scattered on top of it. Let's just say there were a lot of rooms. "HEY BOSS YOUR BACK" someone shouted over the gun shooting. Y/N looked up to see a ruff looking man walk over. He walked with a slight limp as he had a prosthetic leg. He had a mask covering the left side of his face. He had short black curly hair with the bangs blonde and the bottom half blonde as well. The eye that you could see was blue with a hint of green in it. "Atticus my man" Leonora said as she let go of Y/N to hug the slightly older man. Y/N took that as her chance to back up but she bumped into someone.
"Hey who the fuck are you how'd you get in here" a woman growled out and Y/N turned around to see a woman with grey blue eyes and ash brown hair. She had a scar across her right eye that made the eye slightly lighter than the other. She had a scar across her neck that was slightly red which meant it was fairly new. She was wearing a dark red sports bra and black sweatpants. She had scars littered all over her body and full sleeve tattoos as well as hand tattoos. "Uh I-" Y/N was cut off when Leonora turned around and grabbed her by the waist. "Reese stop scaring her" Leonora said and Reese looked Y/N up and down before walking away. Y/N watched as the woman whose name was Reese walk away. She saw that Reese had a full back tattoo of a Chinese dragon. When Y/N felt Leonora's grip loosen around her she pulled away from her. Y/N turned around and looked up at the taller woman and the man. "Who are you really" Y/N muttered out and Leonora smirked. "Well I'm a Mafia Boss darling and this is my crew" Leonora said as she motioned all around her. Y/N looked around before she backed up. "I uh" before she could finish her sentence she ran out of the door and up the many stairs. The man was about to get his gun out but Leonora put a hand on his chest. "Don't she'll realize soon enough that she will need us" Leonora said before she told some of her crew to follow her and keep in the shadows.
It had been 2 months since Y/N saw Leonora. Weeks since she found out that Leonora was a Mafia Boss. She wanted to tell people so badly but she knew she couldn't. One reason is that she felt like she was being followed. And other times she would always see people with grey hoodies hanging around wherever she went. She had taken a job at the cafe where her and her friends always ate at. The bell above the door the door ran and Y/N looked up to see a person in a grey hoodie walk in. The person took their hood down and looked up at Y/N before smiling. Y/N darted out of the back door and she heard footsteps behind her. She was slammed against the brick wall causing her to grunt. "So you're the girl that Nora is obsessed with I must admit you are a cutie" the man said before he chuckled. "Who the fuck are you" Y/N spat out and the man chuckled. "Let's just say I'm an old friend of hers" he said before two other people in grey hoodies showed up. One was holding a knife while the other was holding a gun. The four heard a motorcycle and looked over at the entrance of the alleyway to see a person on a motorcycle. The person drove towards the four before getting off and letting the motorcycle crash into the man that was holding the gun. The person took their helmet off and threw it aside before pulling their gun out.
Y/N's eyes widened in shock when she saw it was Leonora. "What a nice surprise to see you Nora" the man said as he shoved Y/N towards the person with the knife. Y/N looked up to see the person had a mask covering half their face. She realized it was the man she saw when she was at the hideout. The man put a finger up to his mouth and Y/N stayed quiet. "Gabriel" Leonora said as she pointed the gun at him. "It's been awhile" Gabriel said as he smirked. "Yeah it has wished it was longer though I hate seeing your ugly ass face" Leonora said in an annoyed tone. The man chuckled before reaching behind him. He reached into his back pocket slowly and Y/N got out of the man's hold. She rushed over and grabbed Gabriel's arm causing him to jump. He yanked out his hand and sliced across Y/N's chest causing her to cry out. Leonora rushed over and caught Y/N before she collapsed to the ground. "Ashton" Leonora growled out and the man with the mask knocked out Gabriel. Ashton ran off to grab the van.
Ashton had sped through the streets of London swerving through traffic and getting honked at. When they arrived at big ben Leonora lifted Y/N out of the van before they rushed into the building. They made it into the hideout and everyone stopped what they were doing when they heard the door slam against the stone wall. "Someone find Alison" Leonora shouted and some of the crew rushed off to find the doctor.
Y/N woke up and looked around. She winced when she tried to sit up. I wouldn't do that if I were you" someone said. Y/N looked over to see a young woman sitting down at a desk next to the bed she was laying on. The woman had similar hair to Ashton but instead of black it was chocolate brown. The woman had grey eyes and freckles scattered along her nose and cheeks. "What happened" Y/N said and the woman looked over. "You got sliced across the chest you're lucky it didn't go too deep but you'll still have a huge scar" the woman said as she stood up. Everything came rushing back to Y/N and she looked up at the woman. "Where's Leonora" Y/N asked in a rush. "I'll go get her she's been waiting for you to wake up for weeks now" the woman said before she walked away.
Y/N waited awhile until she saw Leonora rush over. Leonora almost fell which caused Y/N to laugh which made her wince. "Are you okay" Leonora asked as she saw Y/N wince. "Yeah I'm fine how long have I been out" Y/N said and she saw Leonora hesitate. "2 weeks" Leonora said which made Y/N stiffen. "W-what" Y/N stuttered out as she tried to sit up again. Leonora helped Y/N sit up against the headboard of the small bed. "Be easy you're still healing" Leonora said and Y/N glared at her. "If I hadn't met you none of this would have happened" Y/N blurted out and Leonora frowned before looking down. Y/N looked down at the bandages that were wrapped around her bare chest. "Well we can't turn back time now our rivals will be coming after you now" someone said. Y/N looked up to see Reese standing there with her arms folded. She was wearing a sports bra and sweatpants again. The scar around her neck was barely visible now. "Great" Y/N muttered out as she looked away. "You could always join us I'll personally train you" Leonora spoke up and Y/N looked at the green eyed woman. "I don't think I have much of a choice so" Y/N said causing Leonora and Reese to smirk.
Fast forward to 2 years later Y/N had become the wife of Leonora and the second Boss of the crew. Everyone absolutely loved her and treated her as part of their family. Let's just say she got a couple more scars and a few tattoos. Leonora Lesso couldn't be more proud to call Y/N her wife and partner in crime.
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jjsmaybank20 · 2 years
Heyy I am so happy that your requests are open! Your work is genuinely amazing. I wanted to request an elizabeth olsen x reader where the reader is super famous and gets attacked by the paparazzi. Lizzie hears about it and is pissed off and super protective. Thank you!
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Elizabeth Olsen x GN!Reader
Summary: The paparazzi attack you, and your girlfriend gets protective.
Warnings: Reader has a panic attack (not in specific detail but still there), otherwise fluff
Word Count: 1k
A/N: I am so happy that you like my writing! Please guys, keep the requests coming. Love to receive them, love you guys.
navigation  celebrities (romantic) masterlist
You didn’t mind being famous. Honestly, you were happy that your films were well known, because you probably wouldn’t have met your wonderful girlfriend if they hadn’t blown up. For a lot of celebrities, relationships are fast and plentiful. That’s how it was for you until you met the amazing Elizabeth Olsen. Now, the two of you had been in a relationship for the past two years, and you couldn’t be happier.
Your most recent movie, ‘Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery’, Took you all over the world on press tours, which meant you were away from home for quite some time. Finally, as the promos came to an end, you were ready to head home and see your girlfriend for the first time in months.
You had flown home, trying to be as incognito as possible on the plane so that no one would be aware of where you were landing. Your bodyguard, Leo, escorted you the whole way. Both of you were dressed in sunglasses and baseball caps, and he was wearing a tight muscle shirt and cargo shorts. The two of you make small talk as you wait for your luggage, and you continue to chat as you walk towards the airport exit.
Leo pauses for a second in front of the restrooms before saying, “Hey, I gotta go to the bathroom. Will you be okay out here for a second?” You nod and he gives you a grateful smile before speed-walking through the entryway. You lean against the wall, watching people go past.
One man catches your eye from where he is sitting. To any other person, he would look like a normal man sitting and reading the newspaper. To you and your celebrity trained eye, you can clearly see that he is a paparazzo. 
You pull the hat on your head lower, hoping to hide your face, even if it is in vain. He gets up and comes closer to you before pausing, looking around, and then sprinting. Before you can even move, you are surrounded by paparazzi yelling at you and shoving cameras in your face.
“Y/N! Look over here!”
“Y/N! What was it like working with greats such as Daniel Craig and Kathryn Haghn?”
“Y/N! How is Elizabeth?” 
You try to stammer out a response but the surprise of the sudden attack makes your anxiety run wild. Your throat feels like it’s closing up, and you can barely breath, let alone complete a sentence. Everything goes blurry and the yelling voices seem to get further and further away. Suddenly, a big shape that you slightly recognize as Leo comes into view and begins to yell at the paparazzi. 
He shoos them off with the help of approaching airport security, and as they deal with the situation, he comes over to help you. You realize that you have slid to the ground, and tears are leaking out of your eyes. 
Leo wraps one of your arms around his broad shoulders, and he hoists you off of the floor. You try to control your breathing as he helps you hobble to the waiting car outside. He helps you into the back seat and tells the driver where to go before turning to you and putting his large hands on your shoulders.
“Y/N. Look at me, breathe. Come on. Follow my lead. In, out. In, out. In, out.” You do as he says, and soon your vision begins to clear up and you feel as if you can breathe again. You wipe away the tears on your cheeks before pulling Leo into a hug. For once you were happy that you had insisted that your bodyguards had to be trained in dealing with various mental illnesses, as they affected both you and your girlfriend.
As soon as you walk in the door, a figure slams into your body. You let out a shocked laugh, wrapping your arms around your girlfriend. She pulls back and looks into your eyes, smiling, but her smile quickly melts off of her face as soon as she sees the tear tracks on your cheeks.
She cups your face tenderly, inquiring, “What happened, baby?” You shake your head and try to turn away, but she forces you to make eye contact. You shrug it off as if it was nothing, mumbling, “It was nothing, babe. Just a run in with the paparazzi. Had a tiny panic attack. Leo helped me out.” You try to say the last part quietly so that she doesn’t hear you, but she catches it.
She immediately gets a stormy look on her face, and she brings her arms down so that her hands are clenched by her sides. “Call Leo up here. I want names. The fucking paparazzi has gone to fucking far.” You quickly put your hands on her arms and rub up and down so that she might calm down. 
“Baby, please. It’s all done now. I just want to relax with my girlfriend who I haven’t seen in months. Please just come sit down and cuddle with me,” you say to her in a pleading voice. She holds her angry facade for a second before sighing and giving in. 
The two of you walk into the living room and sit down on the couch, Elizabeth curling up in your arms as you turn on Ted Lasso. After a couple of episodes, you hear a light snoring. You look down at the beautiful woman in your arms and realize that she has fallen asleep. You turn off the TV as quietly as you can and carefully lift her up so that you can carry her to your guys’ bed.
After she is tucked in, you climb in right next to her and snuggle up as close as you can. You love your girlfriend so much, and you are always glad when you are reminded of how much she loves you. Even if it’s under unfortunate circumstances. You feel her tuck her head underneath your chin, and you close your eyes with a smile on your face.
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ashtheketchum · 3 months
Hello, could you write a Rottmnt headcanon in which the leo turns into a human for a day?
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A/N: To be honest, I really like this request and I keep thinking about how Leo would look like. Maybe I'll write this with the other three! Look forward to it!
Warnings: Mention of alcohol, mention of drugs, Leo being a silly
Donnie as a human! [Coming soon...] Raphael as a human! [Coming soon...] Mikey as a human! [Coming soon...]
If Leo would to turn into a human, he would probably spend an hour looking at himself in the mirror-
He would flirt with himself and style his hair
He would then take on some baggy clothes, that he had taken back then
He would now find himself more attractive than he did before
His doubts about his appearance were now completely gone
He would brag to his brothers that he could now walk around outside without fear of being caught
He would also take endless photos of himself-
In the city, he would first go into every single shop that he thought was cool
After he did that, he would then go to the nearest skate park and watch some people skating there
After asking someone if he could try it out too, he showed the skaters what he had learned at home
Leo became popular around the skaters, at least he thought so...
They just thought he was cool
Maybe he felt a little too popular, because he suddenly started giving people autographs or taking photos with them
Cough cough, he enjoyed it way too much, cough cough
But when he fell while doing a trick, he blamed it on the board and said that he wasn't used to a skateboard like that
A few girls tried to flirt with him, but he didn't really understand them- (poor silly boy)
Most of the time he would actually spend time at the skate park, but when it got darker and darker, Leo felt more and more uncomfortable
A few skaters had brought alcohol and drugs with them and were drinking and smoking in front of him
A few drunken men also came to the park and tried to talk with Leo, but he couldn´t answer them
The smell made Leo feel sick and he apologized to the skaters and then walked away from them
On the streets he tried to climb onto a roof, but he kept falling to the ground
A few people laughed at him and he felt more and more uncomfortable
After several hours he finally found his way back to his home and he begged Donnie on his knees to turn him back into a mutant
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maevesheart · 1 year
♫•*¨*•.¸¸♪ masochistic desires
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series masterlist
note: quick intro before we dive in :) this y/n is my favorite i’ve written i think ;)
summary: your and harry’s meeting is anything short of romantic.
WC: 1.2k
TW: harry’s kind of a perv lol
the brown trousers you were wearing became increasingly uncomfortable as you perched on the bar stool, waiting for the guy from your journalistic research class.
you couldn’t believe his guts. you had been waiting almost 15 minutes now.
the bartender gave you a sad smile as he passed, offering you a drink.
“want anything?” he asks. you don’t fail to notice his eyes flick down to your cleavage peaking out of your white cropped tank top.
“uh, a gin and tonic is fine, thanks,” you gave him a tight lipped smile, rolling your eyes as he walked away.
men. their audacity was astounding.
your gin and tonic was soon in your hand, you taking small sips scanning the bar, trying to find the familiar face.
he was no where found, and you were done waiting.
placing a ten on the bar counter, you threw back on your worn black leather jacket, and threw the strap of your brown mini gucci blondie over your shoulder.
unbeknownst to you, the green eyes of the royal pain in the ass, prince harry, watched as you left the bar, a light smirk playing at his lips.
his table was filled with his band members and closest friends - well, only friends - zev, nash, leo, and lennon. they were hidden in the dark of the back corner of the bar.
harry stood up abruptly, nash’s eyes following as he strutted through the bar to follow you.
“where’s he going this time?” nash wondered aloud, eyes training back down to the coke lennon was lining up on the table.
“don’t worry your pretty little head about it,” zev teased, earning a chuckle from leo and a shove from nash.
“chill it! i’m tryna line these perfectly!” lennon barked, the three others rolling their eyes at his usual uptight-ness.
you were leaned against the cold outside wall of the bar, waiting for your uber.
you were tapping the toe of your black saint laurent boots on the ground, coming to a stop as a dark brooding shadow appeared before you.
“too late now, charlie,” you quipped, pissed that he was only now showing up.
“don’t know a charlie. but you can call me that if you’d like,” a smug voice sounds out, and you watch with narrowed eyes as an attractive man with green eyes and dark hair steps out into the dim light.
a smirk is playing on his lips, a cigarette hanging between them.
“can i help you?” you ask, just wanting to get home. plus, you don’t really appreciate being approached by strangers in the dark.
not used to sass, harry stands stunned, before quickly replying, smug as ever. “you can actually, i’ve got a particular problem down here…”
he grabs your hand, leading it down to his pants. you snatch it away, leaving a nice red mark on his cheek and a loud smack! sound in the quiet street.
his eyes darken.
“you pervert! get away from me!” you shove his chest, but no avail. instead, you squirm out to get closer to the street.
his arms lock in on either side of you, pining you in. you suddenly regret your decision, frozen in between him and the wall.
no one is on the street either.
“don’t ever think about doing that again,” he whispers through gritted teeth.
the only solution to get out of his arms is probably the most violent thing you’ve ever done. you shake your head, you’re not a violent person, but you definitely don’t feel safe right now.
before you can respond, your knee is quick to land in his groin, and he doubles over in pain.
“you… bitch!” he groans out in pain, and you take it as your moment to get a good word in.
“don’t ever speak to me again,” you spit out, spinning on your heel and sprinting as fast as you can in the opposite direction.
you finally reached your apartment, slamming the door closed behind you.
you kicked off your boots and threw your leather jacket onto the back of your white sectional couch, and making your way into your kitchen.
you sit down at the island, pulling your macbook to the edge and opening it up, scrolling through your email.
considering it was only 8 pm, you figured you may as well get some stuff done before the first day of your internship with condé nast tomorrow.
quickly scanning daily news, you click on an article titled “royal wild child harry in raft with elder brother roscoe!”
you had never cared much for the british royal family. neither of your parents families were british, and you never bothered to learn the history apart from us history class and government in high school.
you knew a few names, king damien and queen annabella for starters, and then princess gabrielle, who was soon to be queen. you knew there were two other children, but didn’t know their genders or names.
prince harry and his older brother prince roscoe must be the other two, you assumed, scrolling down the article.
the photo at the top of the passage showed a man, he couldn’t have been much older than you, wearing a long black coat with his dark tousled curls over his face, his arms out, shoving a man who look just like him, just a bit taller and thinner.
the photo was taken from afar and blurry, but you could tell both men were dressed in expensive clothing and most likely in some sort of argument.
continuing to scroll, a portrait of the royal family sat in the middle of your screen.
you read the caption as you examined the photo, queen annabella delicately perched on the throne in the middle, king damien and his elaborate crown on her right, crown princess gabrielle sits at her feet, her hands laying in her mother’s lap.
behind, prince roscoe wears a smug smirk on his lips, a crown sitting atop his buzzed hair.
you freeze as your eyes land on prince harry, the familiar green eyes you had encountered that exact night.
refusing to believe it, you pulled up a new tab and searched his name.
after pressing enter, images of the same man you kneed in the groin popped up all over your screen.
he was undeniably attractive, but much too pompous and perverted for your taste.
your hand flew to your mouth and you internally cursed yourself.
you had assaulted a prince! not just any prince, the fucking prince of the uk!
hopefully he didn’t remember what you looked like. hopefully he was too drunk or high (based off some of the articles u scrolled through — the prince had a rather excessive drug problem) to remember you the next morning.
but with your luck, that was near unlikely.
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melancholysway · 2 years
Hello! Uhm, I so wanted to request a 2012 Leo x GN!reader long shot, where the reader has dissociation and anxiety often causing them to go to Leo for grounding and comfort.
Dissociation symptoms:
- Sometimes feeling disconnected from yourself and the world around you.
- Feeling detached from your body or feel as though the world around you is unreal/artificial.
- Disconnection and lack of continuity between thoughts, memories, surroundings, actions, and identity.
I wanted to request this because I often feel alone and overwhelmed when I go through my own dissociative episodes, sometimes even wishing someone could be there for me, to hug me, rub my back, and tell me everything is going to be okay.
If you could do this, I would be extremely grateful. If you can’t, that’s okay, either way, I hope you’re having a nice day/night/afternoon/whatever lmao.
Thank you!
TMNT 2012!Leonardo x GN!Reader: Dissociation
 Hi! I’ve actually experienced dissociation while I was high. I had to stop taking edibles because of a bad high, where it turned into an anxiety attack and felt completely not myself and had an out-of-body experience. I can only smoke it now. So I completely understand this! I had to deal with it on my own since I took them while I was home alone and couldn’t tell my parents about it. It was seriously scary, so writing this would be helpful for me as well :), thank you for your request! I hope you enjoy, seriously!
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It’s a scary feeling. Feeling like everything around you is some sort of stimulation. That we’re just players in this game called life, being controlled by someone like a video game character. 
The idea that everything can go wrong is terrifying, when you’re alone, it’s even worse. 
You’ve had those feelings of dissociation before, the episodes were pretty bad. They weren’t as bad as now, especially because you were dating a mutant turtle. 
Now, it may seem odd, but, dating someone that everyone thinks can’t exist only makes those episodes worse. Leonardo and his whole family didn’t seem real to people. Because they don’t know of their existence. 
When you first met them, you had to keep telling yourself they were very much real. It’s probably weird to say, but, you had to physically touch each turtle. Even Raph. Yes, Raph. 
He was uncomfortable at first, but as long as you don’t do that again, you’ll be on good terms. And you were, or, are. You’re on good terms with Leo’s brothers. 
The hole in your stomach when it came to anxiety, and that looming cloud over your head whilst experiencing it seemed to die whenever you were around the turtles. They were your safety, and as long as they were around, nothing could happen to you. No outside force would even touch you, Y/n L/n. Especially if Leonardo was still breathing and walking this Earth, nobody would take you like some have tried to take April. Leo was devoted to you, and he made sure you were safe.
A lot of the time, dissociation happens when you’re alone. It barely happens around the turtles. They keep your mind off of any negative thoughts. Splinter as well; he understands the dangers of anxiety and lifts your spirits every time you’re around. Leonardo, the boyfriend, puts forth a lot of effort to do so. Meditation is his main suggestion to be of help. It allows for a clear mind to where you’re fully aware of yourself and everything around you. A lot of the time, it helps, but it’s almost impossible to do it alone. Believe me, you’ve tried. Meditation seems to only work fully when Leo does it with you.
He doesn’t mind at all.
Because for you, he’d do anything to help you through an anxiety-induced event. 
“I’m…not really sure.” You sit on your bed, shifting uncomfortably as Leonardo makes his way through your window. The turtle stands in front of you, placing his hands on top of yours. 
“Do you feel that?” He asks, hopeful to get you through this wave successfully. You seemingly stare into nothingness, the room around you becoming panoramic in nature through your lens.
When you don’t feel his hands, you begin to breathe sporadically. Is Leo even with you right now? Is he even real? You feel something atop your hands, but it doesn’t feel authentic. It’s almost as if your room is a holograph, with Leonardo being an A.I of some sort. It’s not real. But, if he’s not real, were you even real? Was this room you were in even yours?
Leonardo knew it would be bad when you texted him a rather odd message. When you were typing it appeared to be jumbled up nonsense, but it made sense to you. So, without a second thought, he ditched the Space Heroes re-run and came over to you. You see, Leonardo was the perfect turtle to receive help and comfort from. He’s caring, he’s patient, and with you, wow, he puts an effort to be the person you can run to for soothing. 
Because, that’s just how Leo is wired. His entire aura seems to burst with yellow. A bright color, one that indicates a pleasant sense of self. One with confidence, and one that can inspire others to be the same. As soon as Leonardo steps into a room with his brothers in it, they can’t help but feel at ease. Since, well, the blue-eyed leader tends to solve everyone’s problems. So, when he bursts through your window like the ball of sun he is, glowing with concern, he knows that he has to really find a way to help. 
Leonardo often wonders if he is enough for you, because he’s in a constant battle with himself to be the best he can be. He wonders how you see him, or what you think of him. It’s not like you don’t tell him all the time how great he is to you, it’s just, well, he can’t believe it sometimes. That he actually found someone who loves him in a way that his brothers assumed they would never experience. Sure, Raph had Mona Lisa, and Mikey had Renet, and Donnie…well, Donnie is going through his own thing, but you get the idea. Leonardo wondered if he would find that love. He can admit that before he knew Karai was Miwa, that he had some sort of crush on her, but…you know- she’s family. He doesn’t think of her like that at all now; that’s his sister. And, he loves Karai like family. The right way.
So when you told Leo that you loved him for the very first time- a sudden outburst- he was over the moon. That’s what he had been wanting this whole time. For someone to reciprocate the love he gave them. You just so happened to be that person he loved as well. 
So, as he looks at you, shaking from the sudden lack of thoughts you’re having and disconnection from everything around you, he absolutely has to hug you. To let you know that this thing called life is real. To let you know that he’s very much real, your life is real, everything you’re second-guessing being real is…well…real.  That the Earth spinning on an axis is so fucking real, and that he could get Donnie to tell you about it for hours and hours just so you know you’re not crazy. 
Because, you’re not crazy. 
Leonardo knows that, and he makes sure that you know it, too.
So as he slowly pulls his hands away, and lifting you up from the bed, letting you use him as leverage, he plants your bare feet on the carpet, so you can feel it. You’re standing on carpet, there’s nothing artificial about that. The feeling of the tiny microfibers tickling your feet, and the dust that gets stuck in between the nylon fiber. Those are all real. That the feet you’re using to stand on are yours. Everyone has them, but these are exclusive to you.
“Here, take a step forward after me,” He holds your hands, looking at you as he takes one step back, patiently waiting for you to do the same. You squeeze your eyes shut, using your other senses to help you. The eyes may play tricks on you. As you take that first step, you can feel your leg move- on your command, not anyone else’s. You feel your feet plant on the carpet, and nobody had moved you but yourself. Because, you got this. You’re in control. 
“Now, you step where you want to go.” After Leo had gotten you comfortable enough to open your eyes, he smiles gently,  “Just focus on me, okay? I’ll be right here to follow.” You search around, wondering where you should go, realizing that it’s sort of hard to see in your now dimly lit room. To avoid any type of overstimulation, Leonardo took it upon himself to lower the brightness in your room. 
You step to your left, watching as Leo does the same, following suite like he promised. His hands are still in yours, not thinking to let go. 
“Keep going,” Another step, and another. 
That out-of-body experience seems to calm, as you can feel yourself becoming one with your mind and body. That your brain and soul are very present, inside of your body.
Leo begins his affirmations, something he’s learned that always works, no matter what problem may arise. He’s one with himself, and can pass that positivity to you. 
“I’m not a figment of your episode. I’m real, very, very much real,” 
You repeat his words, seeing the image of Leo in front of you to appear authentic after every positive affirmation. 
He exists. 
His brothers exist. 
May be out of science fiction, but it’s very real. It’s so real, that you can remember what the sewer smells like in the summer when Leonardo mentions it. You couldn’t forget that smell, especially with the humidity. 
He’s helping you through this, he tells you. Because he loves you, and that after this is all said and done, you’ll be okay. 
It’s the truth, you’re going to be okay. 
So as time goes on with Leonardo following your every move, watching you patiently and hopeful that you’ll recover, you come down from that out-of-body feeling. You’re 100% you, 100% in control, and this world around you was 100% real. 
If this wasn’t enough, he sits with you on your bed, only to lay down and face one another. He mouths a slow ‘I love you,’ before bringing you close to him, entertwining his arms with yous as your face is buried in his plastron. His scent, always smelling like white tea with a hint of sage, goes into your nostrils and sends a message to your brain that, this is in fact your boyfriend of so many months. That he’s hugging you, making sure you’re okay- rubbing your back with his free hand and quietly speaking more positive affirmations into the atmosphere. That you’re going to be okay, and that he’s always going to be here for you. 
Because he is. He cares about you too much to see you like this. He does everything in his power to help, and it works. 
Oh God, it works. 
As you utilize your 5 senses again, you can feel everything around you. You’re not just looking through a glass or a floating body. You’re grounded, and you’re safe. 
You can feel Leo’s strong arms around you and the circles being rubbed into your back, how gentle his hands were on your body; how they always were. He was always so gentle with you. Treating you as softly as he knew how, because you did the same. 
You can see his plastron, although hard to see, you can faintly make out the marks that he’s gotten from each and every battle he’s been in. You place your hand on his plastron, using your fingers to feel every ridge or scratch on it. 
You can hear his heartbeat, as you place your ear on his chest, feeling his body heave everytime he took a breath. He did this slowly, as he had told you to breathe in and out slowly with him while you lay together, intertwined with one another. 
You fall in love with his scent all the time, he starts to smell like the tea he always drinks, and the sage his Sensei always burns in the dojo. You absolutely cannot complain, Leonardo, in your opinion, has the best scent. Albeit that statement is heavily biased. 
And finally, as Leonardo places a kiss on your forehead, you lift your head from being buried in his clutches and look up at him. He places a soft, gentle kiss on your lips, and you can taste him. He always tasted like spearmint, since, well, he was always chewing gum. You never knew why, but he mentioned once that it had something to do with stress. Since he can’t exactly smoke, he takes his stress out on a piece of Orbit Spearmint gum.
As you come back full circle to reality, you can’t help but hug your boyfriend. Leonardo is truly a gem, and an amazing boyfriend. He’s always there to help you out during times like these, but this one felt different. He tried new methods, like making you walk barefoot on the carpet, something he hasn’t done before. It seemed as though he knew exactly what he was doing, knowing it’ll be of help somewhat.
 Leo had done extensive research. 
To be able to help you fully. That he had a bunch of methods up his sleeve to pick out to better help you based on the situation. 
And for that, you can’t help but thank him. With a soft smile, and another kiss, but this one, is long and more passionate. 
Leonardo always gets that pink blush on his cheeks after kisses like that, and he smiles brightly when he comes to the realization that he’s successfully got you back. He has you back, his Y/n back.  
As he pulls you in for another hug, he whispers quietly, but loud enough for you to hear,
“I love you, Hana.”
And he does, he truly does. 
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mrsbsmooth · 6 months
What zodiac Signs do you think the S8 OG islanders are? Im curious for your input.. 😊
OOOOOH I'm gonna need @queen-of-boops to weigh in on this because she's my go-to for astrology related questions.
I'm like a Level 1 astrologer fr I only have such a basic understanding but here goes:
December 14th, 1996 at 1pm
Sagittarius Sun, Aquarius Moon, Aries Rising
This makes him 27 at the time of the villa (summer), turning 28 at the end of the year. You have a strong sense of adventure and always seeking new experiences like a Sagittarius, but with the independent and free spirit of an Aquarius. You are not afraid to take risks and put yourself out there like an Aries, but with a sense of humor and optimism that keeps you grounded. This combination can make you an inspiring leader and a great adventurer. You can easily adapt to new situations and think outside the box. You have a natural charisma that attracts people to you, and you likely have a broad range of friends and acquaintances from different walks of life. You may struggle with feeling constrained or limited in your pursuits, so it's vital that you maintain your independence and freedom.
June 14th, 2002 at 9am
Gemini Sun, Leo Moon, Leo rising
This makes him 22 at the time of the villa assuming it's late July so his birthday's already passed.
Your quick intelligence and curiosity make you an engaging and lively conversationalist, and your natural charm and warmth draw people to you. You are passionate about your interests and enjoy expressing yourself creatively, whether through writing, art, or performance. However, you can also struggle with indecision and restlessness when it comes to committing to long-term goals or relationships. Your desire for attention and admiration may make it difficult for you to share the spotlight or accept criticism, and you may sometimes come across as arrogant or entitled. Nonetheless, your innate leadership abilities and creative flair make you a natural influencer and an inspiring presence to those around you.
Jesus Christ that took so much longer than I expected.
I'm leaving the rest up to the professionals (Mo)
I see her as a Gemini. Mostly because she's just got Gemini ✨ vibes ✨ Probably got some Pisces or Aquarius in there.
Pisces. Don't ask why. He's got Earth and Fire signs scattered throughout his chart but this is a Pisces man.
I don’t know about sun sign, perhaps Leo? But she’s got a Virgo placement somewhere
I barely remember who this man is so that makes him a Taurus.
Aries woman and I do not apologise for it.
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bellysoupset · 1 year
PETITION FOR LEO TO CATCH THE BUG! Jonah can try and be as comforting as possible but we all know he is gonna tap out, so maybe Lucas can be the primary caretaker since he’s already had the bug and he can handle puke?
Petition accepted with flying colors!
And some angst for sprinkles, this time not mental health related for once! (this might be a part 1)
Normally, Leo loved his job. He was one of five paralegals in a big law firm and the fact that his future was painted very clearly before him was one of the things that grounded him the most. Besides, he liked the challenges it offered and the benefits too.
Today wasn't one of those days.
His head felt stuffy ever since morning and he hadn't been able to focus on his classes, much less in his job now. Everything just felt kinda... Off.
He wanted Jonah, but the fact that his stomach was such a mess made him wonder if it was even a good idea to go back to his boyfriend's place. It just sounded like it'd be more convenient for everyone if he went back to his shitty dorms and holed up until the queasiness passed.
Yeah, he was going to do that, he decided while rubbing his temples, just as soon as he got energy to get up from this chair.
"Hey, Wagner," his colleague poked his arm, "help with these files? Where the hell do I store them?"
By the time his shift was ending, Leo's queasiness had evolved into full blown nausea and he had just spent the past fifteen minutes swallowing the extra saliva while listening to his boss, Mrs. Mitchell, rant on and on.
He really just wanted to be lying down, but luck simply wasn't on his side. In order to get back to the dorms he'd have to take the bus. If he went to Jonah's apartment he could probably catch a taxi, since it was close enough (or walk if he had been feeling better, like any other day), but to the dorms? A taxi there would cost... A lot.
Leo found himself right outside of the building, leaning against a street lamp while he attempted to get his scrambled thoughts in order. It was a difficult task, he knew how awful he was feeling was clouding his judgement.
Finally, when another wave of nausea threatened to send up his lunch, he fished out his phone and hit 1 on the speed dial, holding it to his ear, eyes shut and gulping down as he waited for the nausea to back down.
"Can you come pick me up? I don't feel well," Leo blurted out and he expected Jonah's usual quick and dry response, but it wasn't what he got.
"Leo?" Lucas' voice rung through the line, "what do you mean you're not feeling well? Where are you?"
"Uh, sorry Luke, I meant to call Jon-"
"Where are you?" Luke completely ignored him and Leo could tell from the rustling around in the background that he was already moving. He sighed, at least it was better than nothing.
"Court or-"
"No, actual-" another wave of sticky nausea washed over him and he couldn't help but gag. He spat on the curb, breathing deeply through his nose, "the actual firm's building."
"You're throwing up?" Luke sounded extremely concerned, "look, just- Just hang in there, my place isn't far. Stay put."
"No, Luke, you don't-"
Lucas hung up on him and Leo didn't have it in him to call back and try and convince him not to come. Lucas was as good a caretaker now as any and he'd get him to the dorms no issue, lying down with a bowl preferably. Quickly.
True to his words it didn't take Luke a long time to pull up. Even so, Leo was drenched in sweat by the time he did. He had long removed his tie and moved as far away from the entrance of the building as he could. Last thing he wanted was to get fired because of decorum.
"Geez, Leo, you look awful..." Lucas said worriedly, as soon as he jumped out of the car. Leo, still bracing against the street lamp, opened a sarcastic smile.
"Thank you."
"C'mon, let's get you out of here, we can talk in the car-"
"I'm gonna be sick," Leo shook his head, eyeing the car suspiciously. He knew carsickness would kick in the minute they drove off.
"Right now?"
"No," he pressed a hand to his mouth, gagging unproductively again, "but soon."
"It's fine, I brought you a bag," Lucas beamed, then didn't wait for Leo's answer and wrapped an arm around his waist, all but dragging the blonde to the car.
Leo felt drunk. He collapsed on the passenger seat, panting, "I don't- I don't feel well, Luke."
"I'm sorry," Lucas sighed, reaching in and stripping him of the tux jacket, "you'll be in bed in a second, promise- Do you want- Do you want to go to the hospital...?"
"Over a stomach bug?" Leo glared at him, tiredly, and Lucas let out a sigh of relief, back on his caretaker mode.
"Okay, uhm- Here," he opened the big, thick plastic bag and Leo couldn't help but let out a snort.
"Is this a trash bag?" He mumbled tiredly, causing Lucas to shrug as he started to drive out.
"It was the quickest thing at hand, I brought the entire roll," he squeezed Leo's shoulder as he glanced over his own to reverse the car, "try to aim."
"Ok," Leo sighed, too tired to come up with a better response. It felt like his arms were made of concrete, so instead he just opened the bag as wide as he could and let it plop back on his lap, hanging awkwardly over it. He really couldn't stop drooling, it was beyond embarrassing.
His stomach gurgled unhappily, pressing against the social pants and Leo pressed his hand to it, bringing up a soft, airy belch that brought no relief.
"Have you been sick already?" Lucas' free hand came to rest on his shoulder, keeping him steady. Leo shook his head no.
"Don't wanna-"
"Shhh, just let it up. You'll feel better, trust me," he squeezed his shoulder in a reassuring manner and Leo groaned loudly, pressing his forehead to the dashboard as a cramp hit him.
"Fuck, it hurts-" he groaned, then gagged immediately as Lucas took a turn and the inertia sent his head swimming. He grabbed the bag hurriedly, barely having time before lunch was spilling forth, not in a powerful gush, but slowly and painfully.
Vaguely he was aware that Lucas was trying to comfort him, but his stomach was truly churning and it didn't matter how hard Leo tried to breathe, all he could do was continue to cough up the half digested mess.
The car came to a stop and then Lucas' hand was rubbing his back up and down, applying enough pressure to dislodge a burp and with it another watery stream of vomit. Leo panted, still hunched forward, the smell making him even sicker, "fuck... I still- I don't feel better."
"Yeah," Lucas winced sympathetically, "that the flu. C'mon, let's get you inside."
"Inside?" Leo finally raised his head and realized Lucas hadn't driven him to the dorms - it had been too quick a drive for that - but instead to his own building, "Luke, what the fuck, I can't-"
The driver's door slammed on his face, Lucas not paying him any mind.
He opened the passenger side, reaching for the bag first, "let me take care of that-"
"I'm not done," Leo groaned, still holding it tightly, "and I don't- Luke, I can't stay in your place-"
"There's zero fucking chance I'm letting you go back to those horrible dorms, so don't even try arguing," Lucas glared at him steadily and it reminded Leo of Jonah. Same self righteous anger, all arrogant, "besides, I already had the bug and I don't get sympathy sick. Win win situation."
"Doesn't sound like a win on your part," Leo groaned, allowing Luke to help him out of the car, "fine, I'm-" he wrapped an arm around his stomach as it gurgled fiercely, "I'm too sick to pretend to care."
"That's the spirit," Lucas said cheekily, reaching in the backseat of the car to grab the roll of trash bags, which he had actually brought. Leo let out a huff, smiling at his friends antics.
"You're very weird, Luke," he sighed, getting in the elevator and pressing his forehead to the other man's shoulder, "comfy though."
"You're burning up."
"Uhm..." Leo dug his fingers into his belly, cradling it not so tenderly as much as trying to stop the offending organ from crawling up his throat. He felt far from empty, as if he was filled with hot swirly soup, "fuck..."
"Almost there," Lucas mumbled, hitting the button to his floor once more, as if that would, somehow, make the elevator go faster.
"What about- What about," Leo winced against the bright lights, hiding his face further against Lucas' green sweater, "what about Bella?"
"What about Bella?" Lucas shrugged and Leo whined when the movement jostled him too.
"Won't she get the bug?" Leo vaguely noticed he had started to shake. He was freezing.
"She's not here anymore," Lucas answered, planting a hand on his back to guide him inside the apartment as the elevator came to a stop with a soft Ding!
"Uhm-" Leo immediately went for the couch and collapsed down, undoing his pants, "whatever do you mean Bella isn't here anymore? You sound like she died," he tried to joke, but felt too shitty to properly deliver the line. Jonah would've chuckled, Leo thought sourly as Lucas simply stared at him.
"We broke up," he cleared up, "two weeks ago."
Leo was so shocked that for a second even his belly was stunned into shutting up. He stared at Lucas, "you- Two weeks ago!? Does- Did- Are you okay? Why didn't you tell us? What- Does Vin know?"
"Vince and I are not dating, you know?" Lucas rolled his eyes, "he doesn't have to know about me breaking up."
Leo frowned, then the shock wore off enough to give space for nausea and he pressed his fist to his mouth, "Ugh- fuck-" he grabbed on the couch to force himself up, hoping he could stumble to the bathroom on time.
He barely made it, his knees aching as he collapsed before the guest toilet, just in time to cough up another chunky stream of vomit, this one burning his throat and nose, causing him to start crying.
"Hey..." Lucas' cooed, crouching down behind him, "dude, take a deep breath, you're choking-"
"I-" he coughed again, squeezing the toilet and hissing as another cramp hit him, "fuck it hurts, Luke..."
"I know, I'm sorry..." Luke rubbed his back, "just get it up and I'll get you a hot water bottle."
His stomach turned at the mere idea of having something pressing on it and Leo let out a moan, reaching blindly to flush, mouth hanging open as he couldn't seem to close it.
He heaved again, but nothing came up. Still Leo felt far from empty, even if he didn't recall eating all that much during lunch. He had already been queasy, he had only nibbled on some of his order... The thought of food made his belly squeeze again and Leo groaned as even more hot liquid rushed up his throat.
"Shit-" he heard as Lucas moved his hand to cup Leo's forehead, keeping his head steady, "you're good, get it up."
He really didn't need the added incentive. Leo leaned his weight heavily against the hand pressed to his forehead, retching again and then once more, so forceful he felt the pressure change in his inner ear.
By the time he was done the whole world felt fuzzy, his ears were ringing and Leo was thankful Luke was still holding him, because otherwise he'd have collapsed.
He panted and let out a groan as a wad of wet toilet paper came toward his face, Lucas wiping it all clean without looking even the least bit bothered.
"Yeah..." he breathed out, closing his eyes and leaning against the cold wall behind him, "still- not empty."
"I frankly doubt that," Lucas scoffed, then finally let go of him, settling Leo against the wall, "hang in there, I'll just get the room settled."
"The room...?" Leo blinked, confused and more than a little spent. Lucas didn't answer him, so he let his head hit the wall behind him softly once more, trying to muster up the strength to move.
He heard, faintly, as Lucas moved around, and then he was back, now no longer wearing shoes and changed into a pair of sweats. Leo looked up at him expectantly.
"I need to call Jon..." he mumbled, as Lucas helped him up from the ground easily, "let him know I wasn't kidnapped."
"You kinda were," Lucas grinned, helping him stumble towards the guest room. Leo eyed the fresh pair of sweats sitting on top of the bed, the blankets already pulled back, bucket on the floor and he felt tears brim up.
What the fuck? He sometimes couldn't believe these were his friends, his life. It was lightyears away from the kid who thought everything had been over when he was 17.
"Sorry..." he mumbled, sniffling, "I just-"
"Is it hurting that bad?" Lucas said, helping him sit down, "I'm sorry, I know it hurts, I got you the water bottle-"
"It's not that," Leo blinked quickly, getting his emotions in check, swallowing the tears before they fell, "I'm fine."
"If its not the pain-"
"Luke," he glared at the man before him, "I'm fine. Help me out of these clothes, they're disgusting."
"Honestly," Lucas agreed with a whistle, helping him peel off the shirt. Leo glared as his normally flat belly immediately poked out over his pants, bloated and gurgly, clearly stretched.
"Oh that's gross," he groaned, wrapping an arm around it and pushing the pants down, while Lucas unfolded the hoodie.
"Just a little," he smiled, helping him inside the new clothes. By the time Leo was allowed to fall back against the pillows, he had started to sweat all over again, stomach sloshing uncomfortably.
Lucas sat on the edge of his bed, grabbing the silicon hot water bottle and placing it on the front large pocket of his hoodie, right over his stomach. Leo let out a sigh of relief, then curled up around it.
"So..." he hiccuped, actually looking at Lucas in quite a while if he was honest. His friend looked different. A little paler, more withdrawn, "you and Bella broke up? What the hell, Luke?"
"It was a while ago," Lucas said strongly, pulling the blankets around him and going through the first aid until he found the thermometer, "I'm fine."
"Two weeks ago is not a while ago," Leo scoffed, allowing him to place the thermometer in his mouth, even if the intrusion caused him to gag, "what-'ppend?"
"We had a fight, she left," He shrugged, jaw tense. Leo frowned.
"Luke... You don't have to pretend to be fine, it's just me-"
"I am fine," Lucas scoffed, retrieving the thermometer, "The fever is not good, but not that bad. Get some rest, I'll try giving you meds in a little."
"Not gonna stay down," Leo sighed, realizing it was a lost fight to try and get Lucas to talk about his feelings. He let his eyes slip closed, exhaustion overtaking the concern he felt.
Next he opened them, Lucas wasn't in the room anymore and it was dark outside. The door was only half open and Leo could hear perfectly as his friend paced around, talking.
His stomach gurgled viciously and Leo groaned, rolling onto his side, trying to get some of the warmth from his hot water bottle, but it had long gone cold.
"-an idiot, you can't see vomit. He's fine, I know how to take care of people, I'm not ten," Lucas argued outside the door and Leo would've smiled as he understood Jonah was the one on the phone, but instead he had more pressing matters at hand.
Such as his stomach's contents sliding up his throat, burning hot. He reached in blindly, grabbing the bucket with one trembling hand and then heaved.
The half lying down position, bent over the side of the bed, was enough added pressure that he didn't even have to put any effort at bringing up the rest of whatever was inside of him. Burning water it felt like.
There was movement and then the hallway light half lit up the room, Lucas holding him by the shoulders to stop Leo from falling down the bed and straight into the sick bucket.
His belly wasn't happy, he knew he was empty, but it didn't stop contracting and causing him to burp sickly, "fuuck- It's in my nose-"
"Here," Lucas handed him a wad of tissue, from the roll sitting on top of the bedside table that Leo hadn't even registered was there all along, with water and meds too.
He blew his nose, throwing the tissue inside the bucket and then curled up more, hugging his knees to his chest and muffling a burp against the pillow, "why does it feel like my stomach is on fire?" Leo groaned, swallowing convulsively as the movement seemed to send even more hot liquid to his throat.
"It's the acid," Lucas sighed, taking the hot water bottle from him, despite Leo trying to cling to it, "Jonah wants to come here."
"So we can harmonize when puking? How romantic," Leo scoffed, "tell him I'm fine..." he closed his eyes, taking deep measured breaths, "this nausea won't stop."
"It kicked my ass too," Lucas said sympathetically, resting a hand over Leo's stomach, over the hoodie. Not quite rubbing, just a reassuring presence. Leo nodded, burping against his hand again.
"How long until it stops?"
"It took me three days," his friend squeezed his arm in a calm manner, "but Jonah's was way shorter, right?"
"Right," Leo agreed, feeling faint. He couldn't do three days of this, he already felt like death, "...Can we cuddle?" his cheeks burned just as he said it and he expected at least some teasing, but it seemed Luke was feeling just as wretched as Leo, only in a different way.
Without a word he climbed on the queen bed, curling up behind him and scoffing, "I think your fever is higher."
"Feels like it," Leo agreed, unhelpfully, "I might puke on you, I really don't feel well."
Luke shrugged, squeezing him just a little tighter, probably craving the comfort more than Leo, "whatever."
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