calmlypanicking · 1 year
Gigglefish - a Castle Swimmer tickle fic!!
I loooove castle swimmer so much!! so i finally finished this fic i started a whillle ago lol.
750ish words, switches Kappa and Siren, fluffy, very short mention of injury in the beggining but its just like he bumped his hand into something. Enjoy!!
“Ow, crap,” Siren mumbled, trying to pull his hand free and accidentally hitting a rock with his knuckles.
“I’m back. Siren?” Kappa asked when he saw the odd position his boyfriend was in. Siren was in the cave they had been using to hide out in for a while, right up against the wall. And his arm was, gone? No, it was stuck. In the wall.
Siren took a panicked yank at his arm in a last ditch attempt to get out of the situation with some of his dignity left, but it didn’t budge.
“Siren, are you, *cough*, are you ok?” Kappa asked, couching to cover a laugh.
“I’m fine, I just, I was playing with this shell, tossing it, and it went into this crack, and now i’m stuck, and I look really stupid,” He said, blushing slightly,
“Aww, no Siren. You look handsome as ever. You're just, uhuh, stuck,” Kappa responded, giggling to himself at the predicament, but swimming closer and starting to grab his arm to help him.
“It’s not that funnyhy” Siren giggled, shifting as Kappa reached up to grab his underarm to pull.
“Yes it is, you're literally laughing too.”
“Not beca- because of thahat.” Siren laughed again, twisting as Kappa continued trying to pull his arm free.
“Oh yeah sure, then what are you laughing at, your highness?” Kappa asked sarcastically.
“Yourhe tickling mehe!” Siren squealed in response when Kappa's fingers drifted lower towards his ribs.
Kappa paused, looking contemplative. “Tickling?”
“Yehah, you were tickling me.”
“What’s tickling?” Kappa asked.
“What? You don’t know what tickling is? Its when like, your friends or whatever like, i dont know. It’s hard to explain. But someone touches you and it makes you laugh.”
“Touching makes me laugh?”
“Yeah, if you’re ticklish. Most mer are, some aren't, though.”
“So you’re, ‘ticklish’?” He asked, a small mischievous glint in his eyes.
“W-well yeah, but you probably are too, see?” Siren reached his free hand out and gently grabbed Kappa's side, smiling when he immediately folded over himself in giggles. “Now would you help me out of here, gigglefish. I’d like to have my arm back before it goes numb.”
“Gigglefish?!” Kappa gasped, “You’re the gigglefish, mister!” He said, reaching out and scribbling at Siren’s ribs again.
Cackling, Siren squirmed and pulled, trying desperately to avoid the quick hands that were steadily moving closer to his stomach. Once Kappa reached his stomach, he squealed and promptly pulled his arm free, landing on the sandy ground.
“Ohoho my God! That was so cute!” Kappa squealed, coming closer to watch his boyfriend continue riding out his giggle fit as he desperately tried to rub the tingles off his stomach.
“Noho, it was not!” Siren protested through his giggles.
Kappa swam closer, smiling at his boyfriend laying on the sand. “Sorry to say this Siren, but that was, in fact, very cute,” he said with a faux serious expression, but Siren could still see the glint in his eyes and the way he couldn't quite stop smiling.
“I’ll show you cute,” Siren replied, quickly getting up and tackling a very surprised Kappa to the seafloor.
“Sihirenn!” Kappa laughed as Siren once again targeted his sides.
Lightening his touch worked wonders, he realized, as he started gently scribbling against the spot. The lighter touch resulted in Kappa falling into tittering giggles and desperately grabbing onto Siren’s hand.
“You’re not pushing me away?” Siren asked as he continued his gentle torment.
“Aham I suhuposed to?” Kappa asked, his voice pitching up at the end because of Siren moving to his stomach for just a moment.
“Uh,” Siren started, slowing his tickling but not stopping completely. “I guess not? I mean, lots of mer do, but it’s okay if you don’t. It’s actually pretty cute,” he smirked, moving closer to the blushing boy’s face.
“Why do they push it away? I think it’s fun!” Kappa smiled, still holding Siren’s wrist even though he wasn’t tickling. “Am i- am I not supposed to like it?” he asked, expression faltering.
“I mean, there’s nothing wrong with liking it, its just not as common I guess. But I like it, to a point. It's nice to be close and have a reason to laugh. And I definitely like that you like it. That gives me an excuse to tickle you more.”
“So… you can keep going then?” Kappa asked hopefully, squeezing Siren’s wrist, and his heart at the same time.
“Of course,” he paused, then smirked as he leaned closer to Kappa. “Anything for you, gigglefish.”
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hearted-anon · 1 month
Ler hyunjin thoughts because it needs recognition
Ler siren hyunjin who spends his time underwater, finding it very boring without prey.
Ler siren hyunjin who settles his eyes upon a singing figure up by the shore, finding their voice more alluring than his, quickly swimming over.
Ler siren hyunjin finding out it’s a man, going by the name of Jeongin, and immediately feels a spark of admiration for his voice.
Ler siren hyunjin who gets frustrated when Jeongin stops singing out of embarrassment, wanting the show to continue.
Ler siren hyunjin who doesn’t want to use his voice to make Jeongin do his bidding, it was repetitive.
Ler siren hyunjin who crawls up to the shore, binding Jeongin’s legs together before bringing them closer to his claws for fingers.
Ler siren hyunjin who mercilessly rakes his claws up and down Jeongin’s feet after taking off his boots and socks, feeding on the loud cackling it produced under the moonlight.
Ler siren hyunjin who takes the tip of his mermaid tail and wag it all over Jeongin’s waist, earning panicked squeals through his boisterous laughter.
Ler siren hyunjin who begins to find out he could also feed on laughter instead of souls, and by the time Jeongin could realise there were tears of mirth running down his face, pulling at his soles helplessly as they were under Hyunjin’s claws.
Ler siren hyunjin who releases Jeongin after he’s on the verge of passing out, leaving him to sleep on the deck as he watches from under the sea.
Ler siren hyunjin who silently waits at the lake for his next victim, excited to feed himself yet again.
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dude. DUDE.
(I'm listing off characters from the wiki itself, as well as prior knowledge to listening to the songs! @marshiestars and I were talking about this for a good bit and it was amazing!!)
Bill - Odysseus
Once-ler - Penelope
Alastor - Eurylochus
??? - Polyphemus
Hatsune Miku - Athena
???/Sexyverse!Samantha (sona, might be changed) - Aeolus
Sans - Poseidon
Ghirahim - Hermes
Double Trouble - Circe
Mordecai Heller - Tiresias
Belos, Kylo Ren, etc - The Sirens
Dream - Scylla
??? - Zeus
Cipherler fankid - Telemachus
??? - Antinous
??? - The Suitors
??? - Calypso
??? - Anticlea
??? - Apollo
??? - Hephaestus
??? - Aphrodite
??? - Ares
??? - Hera
THIS WILL BE UPDATED WHEN THE OTHER ALBUMS COME OUT!! Anyways drop your suggestions for the question marked roles :)
Cecil Palmer as Zeus is funny to me tho, just a side thought sdfghgfdsfgfd.
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jornalmagico · 5 months
Depois de uma noite complicada no baile durante o Festival de Boas Vindas, você acorda na sua cama com... O seu iMirror apitando? Parece uma sirene. É alto e você não consegue desligá-lo nem atirando o objeto contra a parede. Você não tem opção senão atender quem quer que esteja ligando para você. Respirando fundo, você pega o espelho e se depara com um lagarto vermelho com bigodes estranhos do outro lado da tela. Ou para os familiarizados, Mushu. Ele usa óculos e segura um pergaminho nas mãos? Patas? Quando ele te vê, ele levanta uma sobrancelha.
"DEMOROU, HEIN?! Tá achando que o meu tempo é a casa da tua mãe pra tu abusar dele? Ó, fica bem sentadinho porque aí VEM BOMBA. Isso, sentadinho e quietinho, SHHHH!
Vou me apresentar, já que são ordens reais. Eu sou o GRANDE, o MAGNÍFICO, o ESPLENDOROSO, o ANCESTRAL... MUSHU! Isso mesmo, a MAIOR honra que você vai ter nessa tua vidinha patética é me conhecer. E adivinha só? Agora você vai ter o privilégio de me ter falando contigo toda vez que a galera no comando decidir que tem notícias super importantes para serem dadas porque, aparentemente, vocês PERDIDOS INÚTEIS não sabem ler e têm que ficar ASSISTINDO outra pessoa dando informações para vocês em uma tela.
Eu vou começar pela única notícia boa que os perdidos vão receber. Vocês choraram TANTO pelo tal de... (ele lê algo no pergaminho e parece confuso) Spots. Spotsfan. Sportsfly. PELO TAL DE SPORTSFLY que o grandioso Merlin decidiu presenteá-los com essa coisa aí. Então ao saírem dos quartos hoje, olhem nos bolsos de vocês que vocês vão encontrar um fone de ouvido mágico que vai acessar o Sportsfly para vocês. É só pensar na música, gênero ou artista do Outro Mundo que vocês querem ouvir e tá na mão. Também dá pra pensar em "aleatório" ou em "playlists" tipo... Playlist para chorar? Porra, vocês escutam essas coisas?! Eu hein. Enfim, é isso aí. Sportsfly, bacana.
AGORA É HORA DO PAPO SÉRIO (ele grita e então arruma o óculos de leitura e volta a ler o pergaminho). A Academia da Magia informa que vários perdidos e habitantes clássicos do Outro Mundo tiveram sonhos esquisitos durante essa noite envolvendo as novas histórias das quais fazem parte. Alguns perdidos que procuraram por Merlin essa manhã relataram que os sonhos foram tão reais que eles sentiram os seus corpos mudando; enquanto outros acordaram com falta de ar e até machucados. Ao acordarem, tudo permanecia igual, mas a sensação de que foram transformados durante a noite permaneceu. A Academia da Magia ainda não sabe a causa, mas investiga.
Para perdidos também, a partir de hoje começam as AULAS do Centro de Contenção de Crise. ISSO AÍ, AULA! A primeira etapa do curso ensinará vocês, bando de leigos, o básico sobre o funcionamento do Mundo das Histórias e sobre a magia. Vocês terão aulas TODOS OS DIAS DE SEGUNDA À SEXTA FEIRA. As aulas começam quando as luas sobem no céu e terminam quando elas se encontram uma com a outra. Traduzindo para vocês: é das vinte horas até a meia noite. NÃO FALTEM!!!! É PROIBIDO FALTAR!!!! As aulas serão realizadas no GRANDE SALÃO EDUCACIONAL no CCC, que vocês não precisam saber onde está localizado porque ele vai aparecer magicamente no horário certo e desaparecer depois. NOS HORÁRIOS LIVRES, vocês ESTÃO LIVRES para visitarem o Reino dos Perdidos.
(Ele limpa a garganta) Notícias sobre Pride Lands deverão ser dadas assim que as investigações terminarem, por enquanto, tudo o que a Academia da Magia e a Defesa Mágica podem dizer é que alguns sobreviventes que tiveram tempo de fugir quando a destruição começou foram encontrados em outros reinos, mas eles não sabem dar detalhes sobre o ocorrido. A Academia da Magia trabalha para reforçar a proteção de todos os reinos que restaram e procura uma forma de restaurar Pride Lands.
A Academia da Magia agradece a atenção de todos. FUI!"
O evento está oficialmente encerrado! A partir de agora vocês podem fazer interações fora do evento ou continuarem as suas interações em flashback.
Conforme dito nesse post pelo Mushu, perdidos e canons tiveram sonhos com os seus respectivos contos futuros. Quem vira animal ou criatura em seus contos futuros, sentiu o corpo mudar e talvez tenha se machucado durante o sono por isso, se arranhando ou se sentindo perder o controle. Mas quando acordaram, tudo estava de volta ao normal. O que aconteceu nos sonhos é up to player mas DEVE afetar o comportamento dos personagens por ter parecido real demais, como se fossem memórias. Ou seja, se o seu personagem tem índole vilanistica, ele provavelmente começou a sentir isso (ex: irmã da Branca de Neve sentiu raiva dela pelo sonho).
Dúvidas serão respondidas na central!
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straycalamities · 5 months
how did you come up with making Entre? What inspired you?
the onceler LOL and homestuck
okay story time w chase ahem
so actually how i got into tumblr at all is very relevant to the chain of events that led to entre existing. so before here, i was mainly on a...particular art webbed site that was basically a sinking ship circa: 2010 so i forgot how i heard about tumblr? but i joined here at first just to do naruto comm rp. like my only account was a naruto rp account for the first... i dont remember how long
eventually i got curious enough to make a personal account and started being active on that. a bunch of my friendgroup from the other site moved with me and we were just hanging out being naruto nerds. at some point i got into homestuck/learned about the askblog format. i don't remember which came first, but i DID run kibanaru and flutterdash askblogs before the lorax was a blip on my radar
i remember when i was in the homestuck fandom, i was so used to the naruto fandom where like..sure it's huge but i had established myself in a corner of it and it felt very like... it was a community! and in the homestuck fandom i didn't feel like that at all. i felt swept out to sea and it was very lonely tbh aside from the friends id manage to drag with me into it, but i always felt a certain dissatisfaction from my time in it
a friend of mine was the one to show me the lorax and the once-ler. i don't...remember how THEY found him, but they were already very into him before they even came to me about him. and they basically nagged me into watching the movie LMFAO (this was when the movie was still freshly in theaters so all we had was shitty camrips and LiveStream was a thing) so i started to draw smexy onceler and oncest fanart to mess with them and...well y'know ye olde saying about doing things as a joke.
so yeah i kinda got...genuinely interested in him. especially after i watched the 72' short and reread the book and was like wait. this movie is mid as hell actually. (the siren song of mid media) and i was like "well if /i/ wrote the movie id do this n this n this n this" and then all that added up in my head and i was like wait.
what if i did a once-ler askblog where i just change certain things to what i like? it wasnt gonna be a complete revamp/remastering because i wanted to do a proper askblog so i wanted to have his character be recognizable to any fans of the onceler. and this was wayyyyy before anyone was getting the idea to do the very creative and expansive onceler takes we have these days as a norm. so it was kinda like? being shoehorned into being Canon!Once-ler because?? that's just how you did askblogs back then
BUT!! there were a few other askblogs already around back then (end of April 2012 for ref) so i didn't wanna do what everyone else was doing (very much Established Business Once-ler/Greed-ler, Vest-ler/Oncie, or Aftermath Once-ler) so i got the idea to do the onceler but! he's still very fresh and new to his business. still basically vest-ler/oncie in personality but with big things on the horizon.
i started creating his blog the weekend before may. that's why his birthday is May 1 because that's when i officially started his blog and posted his first post and all that. literally when he was born.
so yeah this was all to try and find my niche in a community again as well as do what i'd already been doing for years now: waving my headcanons in ppls faces via my art LMFAO
it was honestly pretty new for me in a bunch of ways so it was very scary. i even tried to keep it a total secret at first. i thought people wouldn't recognize me for my art style.... (yeah idk how i thought that'd work either) and i mean??? for the most part that was true because it's not like anyone in the once-ler fandom would've known me beforehand anyways
so for the first uhhh...idk it didn't last long tho..i was a secret mod, but i got too itchy about sharing art that i didn't wanna put on his blog so i broke that pretty quick. i had a lot of personal rules i put on myself on what to do/not to do on and with his blog. and i still, to this day, follow a handful of them. so when i drew other stuff that i didn't think fit on his blog, i was like well damn i wish i could show this somehow...
tho sometimes i wish i'd tried to keep up the secret mod shtick a little longer
anywho. from there it's kinda like..he really just grew on his own. new ideas, new inspiration, new experiences shaping this or that. now i can write him without touching him for years like i just picked him up yesterday. he's that wormed in my damn brain at this point. he's basically his own person sitting in my head telling me what to do with him/what he'd say
so yeah at first? it was just me trying to write a very accurate 2012 movie onceler with a few tweaks. and then he just grew organically into what he is now. that's still his root and so that's still the default direction i try to take, but he definitely has a lot of things that make him his own person at this point too. even on his main blog.
as for why he's so stupid goofy. well. that's because i like drawing dumb expressions. the end. and in the end i'm glad his main blog remained super unserious and lighthearted because it really helped me mentally a bunch (those random spikes in activity? yeah it was for my own mental health LMFAO he helps me...a lot...because of the escapism and comedy)
bonus: as for truffula flu entre. i don't remember if something in particular inspired me to make him the ender of the world. i just felt like it'd be a fitting story for the once-ler for him to be in that spot. and from there i just approached him how i thought someone like him would react were he to find himself in that position.
my goal was always to make him as human as possible. like he's technically the villain of this story, but he's also the protagonist. yaknow. so i wanted to really interweave those two ideas interestingly into his character (and now im obsessed w it)
originally i thought of truffula flu as everyone doing their own storylines. i didn't expect at all that everyone would adopt MINE as all of THEIR canons. that was LKFJSLDKF a big surprise for me i was like wait what. i guess it seems silly now in retrospect that i didn't expect that, but i was just like "well this is entre's story. ppl can do whatever else they want tho" but suddenly entre's story was everyone's story. and it's pretty cool i can't lie
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gabykatttt · 3 months
Hey guys I just want to let you know that I’m creating a new trolls story starting with a siren casting spells and mind controls them and a werewolf seeking revenge.
It’s going to be called Monstrosity
I’ll be posting some art as seek peaks of how the story will go doing the process.
The characters will be listed for further notice.
Anyways feel free to ask me questions about the new story I’m writing and I’ll answer as soon as I can.
And the story won’t be posted till July 20TH cuz I can feel spooky season coming towards us.
So have good summerween everyone.
I’ll keep you guys updated about the new story.
@once-ler-ask-blog153 @simplydannie @skydiverdrawings @horrorartist23 @sweetgirl15161819-deactivated20 @brozonelovergirl
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trrickytickle · 9 months
Clima-Tactics 🍊⛈️
Tumblr media
A/N: i am a 🧪💥 SCIENTIFIC 💥🧪 gal. me and my brother went to the science museum of Hong Kong (where we are vacationing + childhood home!) and we watched a demonstration of static electricity and how it works through cool experiments. And I felt like I wanted to share science to you guys because I thought it was cool. I think everything is cool. And I like tickle fanfic so it's the best way to be sciencing. Also scienTIFFICALLY🤓 i don't think electricity can work as a tk tool. But One Piece operates by One Piece rules.
(post Alabasta. lee!Usopp, ler!Nami)
Nami uses her wiles to get even with Usopp after another loss thanks to the Clima-Tact's many built in party tricks.
tagging @duckymcdoorknob bc lee usopp
Nami had lost yet another fight. The cat burglar was particularly flimsy when it came to using brute force to get herself out of tough situations– now, however, she knew why she had walked away from a group of muscular small-time bandits broken and bruised, and it certainly wasn't because of her own incapabilities.
It was all thanks to the Clima-Tact.
Usopp's invention was intended to be a weapon tailored specifically to Nami's strengths. But unlike the maps she made, the directions were unclear and resulted in flashy theatrics and bitty little bubbles rather than the flashes of blinding sunlight and flashing, crackling thunder that the liar promised. Sure, she earned a victory with it during a small skirmish in Alabasta (somehow, Nami still didn't believe that she managed to take down such a powerful Baroque Works agent), but she was still a novice, mostly due in part to her tendency to back out.
Huffing and grumbling, she decided to alleviate this affliction in the only way she thought she could- which was taking it up with the inventor himself. Getting even, she called it.
With Nami's scowl of a siren scorned, the door to the male sleeping quarters of the Going Merry creaked open, startling said long-nosed man with a jolt and causing him to jump up quickly from where he was working on a new trinket alone.
"Wh-wh-wh-what is it!?" Usopp's eyes just about popped out of his skull as he was met with the glare of a battered and enraged Nami, expecting a brutal knuckle sandwich.
"How come your huge blue party-popper keeps making sparkles and fireworks whenever I want to beat the tar out of someone!? I thought this was supposed to be a weapon!" Nami ranted, shaking Usopp by the straps of his brown overalls.
"Hey! Like I said, t-the Clima-Tact is a different kind of weapon... it plays to your strengths!" Usopp continued backing away from the quite-literally-fiery redhead, fearing the worst as usual.
"Last time I checked, the new instructions you gave me the other day did not create an "army of fierce lightning clouds that would leave people stunned with bright thunder". You know what they did, though? You know what they did!?"
"Glitter! Why, you- The "Firebolt Tempo".... made glitter!" Nami yelled, brandishing the very weapon she was tearing to shreds. Usopp whimpered in fear, stammering and attempting to come up with an amicable way of wording his intentions.
"Those were instructions for a new party trick!" he squeaked out.
"You're damn right they were..." Nami brandished the Clima-Tact in a way Usopp didn't like. Rearranging the pieces and clicking them in place, she began to strike with a sly grimace.
"Thunderbolt Tempo!"
Cool Balls and Heat Balls floated around in the quarters, accumulating into a cloud from their combined chain reaction of condensation. However, as soon as a singular Thunder Ball barely kissed the small cloud, not a single lick of roaring thunder was produced from it.
The liar sighed in relief. Due to a misplacement of one of the three weather batons, there was a meager amount of Cool Balls produced compared to the concentration of Heat Balls which were just hot enough to cause them to evaporate into clouds. Less precipitation lingered than usual, and as a result there was but a tiny zap of lightning coming out of the cute little cloud.
Usopp blinked in confusion, giving Nami a nervous smirk in both his relief and fear. Dusting himself off, he rubbed his hands on the dusty brown fabric of his clothing, and as he was attempting to walk out of the room, the kzzzt of an electric shock caused him to double over.
There was a charge– almost like a force field surrounding him, worsening as he tried to swat it off his overalls. They didn't hurt- but they certainly felt agonizing. Not quite as painful as a bug's bite, though– they almost tickled.
They really tickled.
"Ggk! Ng-hh-HA!" Usopp mustered out through every lick of electricity, now laying flat on the floor and trying to avoid the inevitable small shocks by kicking his legs and flailing around. What was this irritating technique!?
Pull yourself together! You're the great Captain Usopp!! he thought to himself, as if he was physically fighting bolts of lightning.
Nami could only smile coyly at the sight.
Static electricity. That was what it was. The small amount of lightning caused by the failed Thunderbolt Tempo resulted in a static charge being imparted onto Usopp, who had spread it further through the friction between his hand and his overalls. The zaps of static now blitzed across his body, causing him to coil, flinch and titter around pathetically as he spreads the charge further.
Oh, this was going to be sweet.
"Hghk! kkKEEE-yihahahahaha! Ahaha-hahaha! Ny-yeee! EEEahaha! Wha-ha-nNy-NAMI!! Whahat is this!? GEHE-hettitoff! PLEASE!! I'll make better instructions, I'd do anything!!"
"Alright then. 500 Berries. Hand 'em over." Nami deadpanned.
"KHAHAHA! Zoro was right, you're a wi-hitch! I said I'm sohOhORRY!!!" Usopp flailed, jolts of lightning crawling across every tickly crevice. The more he moved, the more the sparks would spread, causing his laughter to become more and more erratic.
"Well, if you're not gonna give me any money, then I guess I won't do a thing about it." There was a smug and haughty grin square on Nami's face as she looked down at him. "I think I'll lay back on the deck and watch."
As the pathetic noodling continued, some of the other Straw Hats were drawn to the scene, to Nami's delight. Luffy scampered over, Robin was politely laughing in the comfort of her deck chair with a book by her side, and Zoro only turned in annoyance, the situation interrupting his training.
"You look stupid!" Luffy snickered at his sniper, commenting on him in a matter-of-fact way.
"LUFFY! LU-HUHU-FFY! HELP ME!" Usopp pleaded, curling himself up in a ball as the begging and crying for help didn't help matters– not that it did, but the contortion had only made matters worse as it packed the charges further together, causing them to tickle a hell of a lot more. He of course did not realize, continuing to squeal, thrash and cry out.
"Don't help him, Luffy. He deserves this." Nami stated.
"Okay." Simple-minded as he was, he followed his navigator's order.
Amidst the sparks of static, Nami couldn't help but notice a couple of things. One- Usopp looked like a total idiot. Two- The electricity spread to almost every crevice of his body. It was obviously mildly irritating in some areas, varying in frequency and strength, but when it sparked across ticklish flesh, the feathery pins-and-needles feeling was too much for him to bear. And three- The two spots that were safe from the shocking assault were only protected by his shoes.
And so, Nami bent down to the sniper's level just to tease him some more.
"Oh, boy. You do realize this wouldn't have happened if your stupid weapon didn't make me lose all the time!" she ranted. "Hm, I wonder..."
She looked down at Usopp's footwear, as the sniper gulped in fear, just knowing what deed was about to be done. Enough mischievous glares and wiggling fingers from Kaya since after a risky fib about how "Captain Usopp was not, in any capacity, ticklish" and tag-team attacks from the Usopp Pirates were all that he needed to know to decipher Nami's intention as she held his calf in one hand, feeling the tingle of the tact's discharge of electricity on her fingertips– and yanked his shoe off with a clatter onto the deck.
"N-NO!!!" he squeaked out. Nami's touch was deft– not even the slight shock she received upon her left hand's contact with his skin could stop her. At the mercy of her diligent thieving fingers, Usopp attempted to feign strength– that, he did often, but rarely succeeded at, and at this rate this would be an example of his many failures. He gritted his teeth. He thrashed his head around hiding involuntary laughter with a grimace. He moved about as much as he could, then resorted to not showing any movement at all. But even with the effort to show all that bravado, the sniper soon sang like a bird.
"Please! PLEE-HEEASE!"
"What." Nami said snidely.
"Please... pay me first." She gave a small wink, smirking as she skittered fingers across tan flesh. Luffy, who was stretching his neck out to observe the situation, careened from down the crow's nest as he inched too close to the two weaklings, did what he felt like doing– as he did, and grabbed Usopp's other foot for Nami's convenience, whistling innocently.
"NYA-haha! LUFFY! SHE DIDN'T SAY TO HEE-HEHELP!" On the liar's part, this was the truth. Luffy tended to ignore the truth and live his own– so Usopp was completely ignored, and as a result, Nami continued to exploit the amount of freedom she had over his karmic retribution, smiling the whole way through tickling him to pieces. Both of her hands tickled away on his now-flushed soles, one foot kicking in hysterics. The captain also helped from time to time, randomly stretching out a rubber arm to poke and prod, finding fun in the situation. Even while the electricity subsided, she still kept at it sadistically.
"Heehee! You're so funny!" Luffy giggled, poking Usopp's nose while he caught his breath through silent laughter, then continuing to coil around him and make conversation as if he wasn't basically choking on his own laughter.
However what the two other crew members failed to realize in the moment was that Usopp was quite the jack of all trades– artistic talent, marksmanship and a surprising tolerance for insects were some he sported. While cackling from the touch of wayward sparks and graceful mapmaking fingers, the clattering of silver coins came from the two jean pockets at the sides of his overalls. Nami felt merciful for only a moment, eyes shining bright as Berries when she saw the currency on the floor, hoarding each coin with a girlish glee.
Usopp heaved, falling flat in a position akin to a starfish as he hyperventilated from silent laughter and wheezes, feeling the numbness of his limbs and ghostly swipes of electricity across his skin.
"You're forgiven."
There was a pause in Nami's short sentence.
"But counting the loss at the island yesterday, and the Mirage Tempo failure... and the 10 other prior losses... you actually owe me 6000 Berries."
She finished her explanation with a snide wink. A comical drop of sweat fell down Luffy's forehead, and Usopp's jaw dropped in shock.
"Pay up."
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blushyeleven · 11 months
Tickletober - DAY 18
Characters: lee!wednesday, ler!y/n
warnings: tickles
a/n: yes I know this is the 3rd day I’ve written for Wednesday and I apolagise.. and also I apolagise for how similar this is to a fic I wrote a while ago called ‘floating from affection’
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𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓬 𝓸𝓯 𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓬𝓸𝓷𝓷𝓮𝓬𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷
After you joined nevermore or honestly felt like your home; you were finally surrounded by people who you felt didn’t judge your every move. Seeming as it was a school for outcasts, you finally fitted in somewhere. You quickly grew to make new friends and seeming as the whole school was full of the wide variations of outcasts you finally felt accepted. You were witch, but you couldn’t fully controll your powers yet.. and obviously for safety, you were unable to use any of your dangerous powers or try any out on other students. So in a similar style to the sirens, you were made to wear this amulet that captured your abilities, making you unable to use them while you were wearing it. Which has to be all of the time.
You were also roomed with Wednesday Addams, who you had done a little.. researching on before you met and after a little digging you knew she was going to be your type of person. And you weren’t surprised that your first encounter with her she gave off the whole snarky goth girl vibe. But it didn’t phase you.
Fast forward 6 months and you had practically fallen for the pigtailed girl. Past all of the unfeeling and intimidating persona was a girl who really understood you. She even took an interest to your powers and what you were capable of. Which was something you never spoke about a lot, mostly because of the embarrassment from the fact you couldn’t really controls your abilities yet.
One chilly night you bursted through the door of your dorm after previously coming from the woods.. which is we’re you practiced your powers and weems agreed to turn a blind eye as long as somebody, or yourself didnt get injured.
After your abrupt entrance your roommate, Wednesday turned her head to see the biggest grin plastered across your face.
Usually you would practice your power to transform things or even your ability to shape shift, seeming as that didn’t involve a person to test it on. But today was different. As you were reading through your spell book you decided to try out a new spell.. the ability of floatation. Since it was new territory for you, you tried it out on a rock at first. Just to practice and master it.. but after an hour of trying you figured you nailed it and you came back to ramble about it to your former roommate.
“Wednesday! I think I mastered a new spell!” The goth girl raised her eyebrows in satisfaction, waiting for your excited tangent. “Well.. I can now make things float! And I can even do cool things like throw them or just keep them trapped in the air.. but I haven’t tried those yet!” Your eyes were widened with joy and exhilaration as wednesday was occasionally nodding at you. Clearly intrigued by your new self discovery.
“i want to see this” Wednesday said a little lighter, a change from her usual cold and un-expressionless demeanour. Your smile stretched further at your roommates interest and you said “come, I’ll show you!” As you turned to leave you were stopped with wednesday speaking up again “no, I want to see it here.. I want you to try it on me” she spoke, with a small smirk on her face, eager to be a victim of one of your spells. You sighed “Wednesday, you know we’re not aloud” you we’re never much of a rule breaker; on the other hand, Wednesday was.
“What’s the worst that could happen? It’s not like your going to set me on fire” the pigtailed girl mused, her persuasive tone was working.. as much as you didn’t want to risk it you also wanted to prove how cool it was. “Okay.. fine” you said reluctantly as you took of your amulet and gently placed it on the side. Wednesday, who was already arisen from her chair was now walking towards you. “Stand there” you pointed to a space that was a few inches, directly in-front of you. without a doubt, wednesday obliged. You really wanted to impress her, the fact that she was so onboard and that it was her idea made your heart all fuzzy and warm.
As the pigtailed girl stood their patiently you reached for your spell book, opening to the right page. “Although, I don’t know how this works on people.. I’ve only tried it on a rock so far” you warned, a little embarrassed but Wednesday remained unbothered “y/n, it’s fine, nothing bads gonna happen” She was trying to be reassuring, but it really didn’t suit her.
You let out a other sigh, if this went well.. it could really impress Wednesday.. but If it didn’t go well.. you’d risk being kicked of nevermore. You shook your head, trying to think of the positive possibilities and trying to gain some focus. As you stood across from wednesday you asked “ready?” In a slightly shaken voice as the goth gave you a nod.
You began chanting the words from your spell book, your hand slightly arisen and out in-front of you. As you continued to chant, not even looking up at your roommate yet.
On the other hand, Wednesday felt an.. unusual sensation course through her body. At this stage any normal person would began to feel a slight panicked, but Wednesday stayed calm. The only thing that was bothering her was the feeling of little shocks of electric all over her body.. which actually felt.. tickly. Although she’d rather gauge her own eyes out with a spoon before she’d ever admit that.
It wasn’t long after Wednesdays feet began to lift off the ground as she began floating a few feet above the air, the sensation only growing worse as the goth had to shut her eyes and bite down on her lip. The tickling feeling shooting through her body. Meanwhile your eyes were still focused on the words of your spell book. As Wednesday was brought up a few more inches of the ground.. and the higher she went up.. the more ticklish the feeling grew.
After you finished the rest of your lines you looked up in shock, she was actually floating. It worked. You quickly became overjoyed and was observing your creation. “You alright up there?” You giggled out of excitement seeing that you actually got it right. “yeah.” Wednesday responded quickly, a slightly break in her voice from were she was forcefully holding back her out of character snickers.
You quirked a brow at how tense she was “are you sure? I can put you down?” You offered, seeing she looked.. embarrassed?. “No.. no it’s okay” she was trying to voice as little as she could seeming as the intensity of the feeling never decreased. You trusted that wednesday was okay.. and that she’d say otherwise but it didn’t stop you from being skeptical of her peculiar behaviour.
Wednesday was practically fighting to save her dignity, desperately trying to swallow any potential noise trying to escape. “So, how are you feeling?” You asked with pure elation. Your mind was crowding with echoed thoughts as you were extremely overjoyed with the outcome. “g-gohood” she stumbled over her own speech, letting out a small snicker.. who’d was barely noticeable. Although, unfortunately for Wednesday.. you noticed.
“You sure?” You giggled, looking at Wednesday and noticing that it looked like she was trying to fight her own.. laughter. You didn’t know wether to be concerned or not because Wednesday was acting really strange to say the least. The goth couldn’t even repond, she just nodded quickly; her face all in a glow of a rather rosy red.
It only took a few more minutes until she shamefully, broke out in a minuscule squeal, clasping her hands to her mouth. This is when you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. You wondered if she was hurting, but it wouldn’t explain the barely noticeable snickers lingering in her voice?… oh.. ohhh… you then came to the thought as your facial expression gave away the fact that you figured it out. And this only made the floating pigtailed girl more embarrassed.
your eyes then widened, after realising what just happened. “Does it tickle?” You asked casually, seeing your roommate clench her eyes shut and just not saying anything, a few more snickers escaping. “I’ll take that as a yes” you giggled as the roommate didn’t know how much longer she could keep control of herself so she decided she needed it to stop.
“Cahan.. can you puhut me down.. plehease?” She asked, desperately needing for the ticklish feeling to end.. even though all of her dignity was thrown out of the window. “Ofcourse!” You stated before carefully floating Wednesday over to her bed, giving her a soft landing as the goth girl felt herself sink into her mattress and she layed there, lightly hyperventilating.
“I didn’t know you were ticklish..” you mused, smirking at the state of your roommate. “Don’t ever mention it again” she tried to sound threatening as she finally regained her breath and you giggled, reaching to put on your amulet again. “Well that was fun!” You exclaimed, walking over to sit beside the girl. “Yes.. that was entertaining..” she admitted seeing how pleased with yourself you looked. Wednesday sat up slightly and observed how overjoyed you were
Then Out of nowhere, Wednesday then found herself admiring you.. staring at you affectionately. You weren’t even realising as your eyes were busy somewhere else. The raven then found her eyes slowly drifting to your lips.. she didn’t even know where all of this was coming from. She just had this massive build up of what felt like.. love?. It was all so new to her and she’s never felt like this before. You then turned back to look at your roommate as your mouth moved to speak but you didn’t voice any words as you noticed what Wednesday was staring at. Your eyes widened in a mix of shock and disbelief and before you could even respond, wednesday did something that she never.. ever thought she’d do. She cupped your face and brought you in for a kiss.
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atnightiscream · 2 years
What about mermaid tickle
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You're so right Anons O_O oh my gods how could I be so blind
And I am so sorry I took this long
Ler Mermaids? Um. Yes please??
For starters, we all know the idea of "curious mermaid figures out tickling through messing with their new human friends' feet" but, what if the Mermaid is just a little sh*t who already knows about all that and actively seeks out spots they know are sensitive on humans because they've encountered humans before.
-Bonus if they decide to play innocent: "Ticklish? What's that? A sensation that makes humans laugh? So...if I do this it tickles? Aw! You sound so cute! And what abouuut....here!"
Cue the the tickle attack with a progressively faker innocent act "and here? Oh! What about here? How'd I know? Oh- you knoooow~ I've got my instincts. Pretending?? Me!?...Yeah ok you caught me. How can you blame me though? You humans are just so cute when you're giggly and squirmy!"
Also a bonus if the mermaid is just a fan of humans in general and likes to study them, using tickling as a way to "study" human sounds. So they go into the details of how human noises differ from mermaid noises.
"See, Merfolk have a different set of vocal cords than humans, so while we can talk like you all do, we can't quite mimic the sounds that you make when I move my fingers riiight- ah yes! That's the noise I'm referring to!"
We've also got the siren end of the mermaid world, you know, the mermaid adjacent that lures sailors to their death by singing about their greatest desires? Well....what if they were that, but lers?
A siren that can call you to them by using their hypnotic voice to lure you closer, and closer, to them, until you're in arm's reach of them. The siren grabs your arm, pulling you close to them. "Fallen for my trap have we human? If I didn't know better I'd say you're letting me catch you~" and then proceed to decimate the poor lee with teases before even starting to tickle.
Orr it could be a scenario where they put you under their spell again, using their siren voice to tell you alllll the ways they're going to make you squirm. Getting you all flustered and filling you with anticipation before they strike! Pulling you out of the trance with a tickle attack to your sides.
Honestly I gotta say, my favorite use of mermaid lers would be when it's a game of cat and mouse. The lee, at first being lured in with the Siren's sweet voice, breaks the trance, and makes a run for it. Only to stop in their tracks when the sound of the Siren's song returns, hypnotic tones gently pulling them back into the Siren's waiting arms. If they feel like it, they might let you run again, but we both know you won't get far.~
Lee Mermaids - Thank you so much @infrequent-creator for your help here!! You're seriously the best! <33
Mermaids live in big open ocean, and most likely lead a pretty solitary life right? Well, unless they live with a pod, either way, they're absolute strangers to tickling. So when they encounter humans, obviously they'll be curious as to why these humans keep laughing so hysterically whenever another human touches or grabs them in certain places. SO naturally they'll ask their human friend group right? But...why are they smirking...and why is the other blushing? What- OH! -@infrequent-creator
Cue the poor half-fish wriggling around and squealing like a dolphin, uncontrollably flopping their tail around while they laugh themselves to pieces.
On the flipside...bratty mermaids. Mermaids that will tease you until you snap; Ex:
You're just trying to hang out with your mer-friend, you sit on the edge of the dock and try to relax by reading. All of a sudden, you feel something brush against the bottom of your foot, you flinch of course, and shoot a warning "glare" at the rippling water below you...it bubbles in response. Signaling the presence of your aquatic friend below, you roll your eyes and smirk. Returning to your material. It isn't long before you feel the soft scribbling of fingers across the bottoms of your feet, you bark out a laugh, quickly drawing your feet away from the water. More laughter. "ok, so that's how you want to play it then"
So you wait, patiently swinging your feet and listening for the tell-tale sound of moving water. When it inevitably comes, you yank your feet away, swiftly maneuvering to snatch your assailant's hand and blowing a raspberry onto the webbed hand's palm.
Perhaps not your best idea, you realize as the hand pulls away, consequently pulling you into the water with it..."then again, it has its perks" you think as you dig your fingers gently into the tummy of the the giggling merfolk who's been messing with you.
These Ideas That I Wasn't Sure How to Write In: Credit to @infrequent-creator because they're the best and super heckin creative!!
So, imagine a mermaid being all excited to get their hair styled, but the human starts using a weird spiky thing to comb through their hair. When it touches the back of their neck & tips of ears it causes them to twitch and squirm around “You ok?” “Y-Yehes it just feels w-weheird” “awww does it tickle when the brush touches your neck?” the human coos as they proceed to gently tickle the back of their mermaid friend's neck by gently tapping on the back of their neck. “Awww you are!” meanwhile the mermaid is dying by giggles, completely unsure of why
“Whahahat is thihihis??” “Well you’re just ticklish is all!” “W-What’s ticklish?” So the human gently pokes and prods all the most common ticklish places softly, all while explaining what tickling is.
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feathergail · 1 year
[crashes through your front door] im back here again to tell you that your miguel ai absolutely KILLS me omg.. ESPECIALLY THE PET NAMES..
now I can't get out of my head ler!miguel and his teasing like "mi amor, I never knew you were so ticklish-" and my personal favorite in response to someone hiding their face while being absolutely destroyed by him, "oh, are you trying to hide cariño? How adorable." [car crashes] [glass shatters] [police sirens] [explosions in the distance]
-🍮 anon
i'm so glad i successfully tickleified him HELPPP i might tweak his definitons more tho and add teases that he can make shit off of. as a treat
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mysteriouslee · 2 years
Part two of finished Wednesday with lee Wednesday thank you have a good day bye ☺️
Thank you! you have a good day aswell!
lee!Wednesday ler!Monster (not hyde dw)
There were many types of outcasts and creatures at nevermore. Vampires,Werewolves,Sirens and many more. Wednesday wasn't too curious until she heard someone telling people about a monster that appeared last night. Wednesday interrogated and what came out of their mouth was just ridiculous.
"A tickle monster"
Tickle monsters aren't real, they're just little teases people use when tickling people, it isn't real. Wednesday went on to the library to research a bit and surprisingly a book said that they used to come to nevermore but disappeared after a kid was supposed tickled to death.
"You don't actually believe that crap do you?" Bianca said walking up to Wednesday.
Wednesday was a bit embarrassed but stared back like usual.
"That book is obviously fake" stated Bianca as she left.
Wednesday stayed slightly cautious the rest of the day but nothing turned up for a couple weeks so eventually it left her mind.
Wednesday was currently typewriting in her room when she heard something being knocked over. She turned around and saw nothing.
"Enid quite you're foolish game, your scare game is pathetic" said Wednesday as she was tackled to the ground by some beast. It has mutiple tentacled and was purple and blue, it's skin looked like a night sky.
"Unhand me" Wedesday protested, trying to squirm out.
Suddenly Wednesday felt a sensation on her sides. Wednesday was really good at keeping her composure but this time she couldn't, it tickled more than usual. She remembered what she read and it said the monster had a coating of a liquid making tickles worse than they normally are.
Wednesday felt her lips turning upright and she could pull away from her captor, they were too strong.
Then the worse thing happened, the tentacles went to her worst spot aka her ribs and it felt a hundred times worse than usual. Wednesday burst into uncontrollably screamy giggles. Wednesday spotted Enid and yelled foe help.
"WHAT IS THAT THING!" yelled Enid in shock.
"GEHEHET IT OFF MEHEHE" shrieked Wednesday.
Enid cooed a bit at Wednesday's ticklish situation.
"ENIHID" shrieked Wednesday.
"Aww but you in this state is adorable, all red and giggly." said Enid.
Suddently the creature noticed Enid, Enid transforformed and took it down, it eventually scampered through the window.
"Not a single word or I'll kill you" threatened Wednesday.
She heard two "got its", one from Enid and the other from Eugene who apparently was at the the door.
Great now he knows too
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((Sooo I tryed to make it seem like Greed-ler has a hypnotic like merman siren singing voice!))
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hearted-anon · 30 days
Hadal blacksite: An AU.
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Note: @minnielvrr @itzsana-kiddingmenow
T/w: mentions of violence, gore, blood, death.
Lee: .--. .-. . ... ... ..- .-. .
Ler: -... -.-- / .-. --- -... .-.. --- -..-
Subject 251: Success. The green letters were painted onto the enclosure, as the sounds of banging glass ensued. Dark brown hair that nearly covered his eyes with a pure pale white skin covering his body, wrapped up in a thick fabric that prevented his power from taking place. Cries and wails echoed throughout the facility, you could faintly hear the sounds of concrete melting in the background. Leave it alone.
Subject 811: A somewhat success. The creature doesn’t like exiting his enclosure, preferring to keep to himself as a black ink spreads throughout, enshrouding him and the area into darkness. Guards who enter are to wear night vision goggles at all times, those who do not heed will pay the price of their life. An ear piercing scream sounds as light peeked through the exit of his enclosure, before two large tentacles slammed any guards in a nearby radius, velvet blood dripping onto the walls. Proceed with caution.
Subject 159: Success. The creature appears to be more soft hearted, and doesn’t cause any harm less provoked by guards. Its blonde hair and pure blue eyes give it an innocent appearance, but do not be fooled. Proceed into enclosure with a gas mask and company, never enter said area alone and without any protection. The heavy green gas it produces is highly poisonous and can induce multiple side effects such as loss of consciousness, anxiety or drowsiness. Do not provoke.
Subject 149: Huge success. It obeys orders without a fight, but guards are to always wear a blindfold or night vision goggles when entering. The creature tends to become ‘bored’ of its enclosure quickly, and soon you will be its next toy. It enjoys playing with its prey, paralysing them in place with its hypnotic gaze; ripping them apart limb by limb ever so carefully with almost sadistic intentions. The creature is to be immobilised whenever a guard enters, and never alone. Stock up on entertainment.
Subject 28: A near fail. Do not ever enter the enclosure, even with protection and guards. The purple-black liquid it produces is highly dangerous, and a slight change in the creature’s mood could take out at least a quarter of our stock; even if it is locked away. It gets along with subject 811 very well, they tend to mingle together in the darkness; you can hear the sounds of static and unintelligible language as they communicate with each other. Do not try to disrupt them, lest you feel the need to lose your life today. The creature doesn’t like to be alone, and tends to get into a very…sour mood when he is. To proceed with much caution when this happens, as it can and will eliminate you in seconds, suffocating you in the sticky void-like goo. Schedule daily meetups with subject 811.
Subject 203: Fail. Originally, It was meant to have the DNA of an angler fish, but the creature had ended up denying said DNA and instead refused to transform. We had afterwards injected the DNA of , ███████, a blue whale, a great white shark, a silver spiny fin, a mantis shrimp and a sea snake. It had turned out subject 203 had only taken a delayed amount of time to absorb in the samples of the sea creatures. It caused the creature to undergo a painful transformation, giving him three enlarged arms, the extra on its bottom right, along with a long shark tail. Its skin had turned a pale blue, and when nearby humans, its gills and angler lure would twitch in agitation; its hatred for humans runs deep into its veins. It's sleek, long and luscious black hair and baby blue siren-like eyes are just a ploy to lure you in, never fall for it. Stay clear unless with protection.
Subject 310: Somewhat successful. It tends to follow guards around, and is quite the passive creature. In the late hours of the night, you can hear its obnoxiously loud, yet contagious giggles roaming through the halls, stalking your every move. Should you be up too late, whispers fill your ears, coaxing you to head to bed soon; almost as if it was acting like a concerned care taker for you. Still, if you refuse to listen, the ghost comes to life, dragging you away and up into your room whether you like it or not. It stays outside quietly, shoving you back into bed when you try to get up even by an inch; sticking around till you fall asleep. However, as passive as it is, when other subjects are provoked, it tends to come into an overprotective, enraged state, killing anyone who dares to hurt the other enclosures, like a caring father. Assign a certain subject to it.
Subject 229: Successful, but at a cost. Subject 229 is made of multiple fishes combined together, allowing his arms to be larger than an average human by at least two times. The creature takes home in the vents, and claws or chokes anyone against the metal surface should they try to get it down from the system. Contrary to popular belief of workers here, it actually doesn’t disrupt the flow of ventilation in the systems, thus it has been allowed to stay in its newfound ‘enclosure’. However, should you find one of the doors that you had walked into suddenly blank out or its number makes a disappearance, CALL THE OTHER GUARDS IMMEDIATELY. But if you find yourself without reception, or without a nearby communication device, you have resigned your fate. It has found you, and you will be its prey. Keep a close watch over at all times over the cameras.
The lights flickered harshly, doors slamming shut as alarms wailed throughout the entire facility. It had gone into code red lockdown. Subject 28 had managed to sneak itself into the electrical room, deactivating everything in the facility with its goo. The sounds of metal doors opening sounded, fresh air cooling its surroundings as the subjects were let loose. The ‘hour of joy’, a reference to a game as someone would call it, occurred at that very moment. Guards were disappearing left and right, paralysing in a dark hallway before melting into the walls, sunken into the dark before being consumed by the void; no one could hear their screams.
Only one subject tried their best to calm the killer rampage, subject 310. It floated around the halls, desperately trying to cool the rest of them off, to no avail. The hour passed by as quick as it arrived, the entire facility coated in red, thick blood; no one had survived at all, torn to shreds or their body mysteriously disappearing. The subjects grouped together, huddled in a bundle, almost scared. They shivered, they wailed, wailed for their family back, they knew they weren’t going back. After a long comforting and empathising session by subject 310, the group settled on finding their documents, how long had they been cooped up here?
Opening the files they had earned, their eyes widened. 20 years. They had lost 20 years of their lives being here, being some kind of plaything and having to succumb to their fate. Despite this, they had no energy to even be angry, passing out on the cold metal ground. Subject 310 sighed, reading through their files to get to know them better, even going so far as to memorise all their names. Maybe it could lead these poor kids, running a hand through subject 811’s hair, smiling fondly at how its tentacles twitched in happiness.
It would have to reprimand the rest later for their reckless actions, but who was he to blame? They, it- no, he, had finally earned their righteous freedom, and formed the start of a lifelong bond.
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ilypowder · 2 years
❛  everything would be easier if we’d still hate each other.  ❜ ( dima+hugo )
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                        ❛      all   𝐢 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭   is   nothing   more   to   hear   𝐲𝐨𝐮   knocking         at   my   door.   'cause   if   i   could   see   𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓   𝒇𝒂𝒄𝒆   once   more   𝐢                                       𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝   𝐝𝐢𝐞   𝐚   𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲   𝐦𝐚𝐧,   i'm   sure      ❜
         depois   de   tudo   que   havia   passado   durante   a   vida   ,   achou   que   nada   mais   o   machucaria   ou   o   abalaria.   nada   mais   o   faria   sentir   as   pernas   fracas   ,   os   olhos   piscarem   repetidas   vezes   em   nervosismo   ou   sua   boca   ressecar.   a   cabeça   latejou   e   por   isso   desviou   a   atenção   para   outro   canto   —   ou   talvez   estivesse   usando-a   como   desculpa   para   não   encarar   os   olhos   claros   do   russo.   o   que   poderia   fazer   ?   porra   ,   estava   machucado   !   como   havia   se   esquecido   de   que   ainda   havia   uma   maneira   de   causar   dor   em   seu   peito   ?   dimitri   carregava   seu   coração   e   este   fato   por   si   só   causa   a   necessidade   de   haver   uma   sirene   em   sua   cabeça   dizendo   para   tomar   cuidado.   a   relação   deles   nunca   foi   simples   ,   mas   depois   de   tantas   conversas   ,   confissões   ,   segredos   .   .   .   hugo   chegou   a   acreditar   no   felizes   para   sempre.   tolo   ,   pois   um   amante   de   poesias   está   acostumado   a   ler   sobre   a   dor   que   o   amor   causa.   bom   ,   ao   menos   não   era   culpa   de   dimitri.   nem   dele.   eles   nunca   tiveram   controle   sobre   suas   vidas   e   ali   teve   a   certeza   de   que   ainda   não   tinham.   não   quando   seria   mais   fácil   se   os   dois   ainda   se   odiassem.   doía   ouvir   aquilo   dele   porque   ,   bem   .   .   .   precisava   concordar.   teria   sido   mais   fácil   continuar   odiando   dimitri.   teriam   paz   ,   não   estariam   passando   por   nada   daquilo   ,   não   estaria   arrastando   alguém   ‘pra   sua   vida   conturbada.   mas   não   conseguia   odiá-lo.          arfou   com   uma   pontada   no   peito.   deus   !   ele   estava   cansado.   cansado   de   não   ter   o   controle   ,   de   sempre   precisar   fugir   —   estava   fugindo   como   um   ratinho   naquele   exato   momento,   porra.      “   por   que   veio   então   ?   ”   a   dúvida   pulou   de   seus   lábios   antes   que   pudesse   perceber.   se   aproximou   ,   não   como   nos   últimos   meses   onde   havia   carinho   e   anseio   pelo   calor   do   outro.   se   aproximou   como   no   início   ,   em   desafio   ,   quase   hostil.   iria   fugir   de   novo   e   isso   o   destruiria   ,   mas   sentia   que   era   o   mais   seguro   a   se   fazer.   “   me   odeie   então   ,   beaumont.   se   é   mais   fácil   pra   você   ,   que   seja.   não   faz   diferença   nenhuma.   ”   porque   eu   vou   continuar   te   amando   ,   sua   mente   completou.   “   você   consegue.   já   fez   isso   antes   ,   hm   ?   ”   sorriu   ácido.   sua   vida   era   uma   piada.   “   faça.   eu   vou   entender.   mas   eu   não   vou   prometer   o   mesmo.   ”   negou   três   vezes   e   mordeu   a   língua.   sua   cabeça   explodiria   ?   levantou   do   sofá   e   caminhou   em   direção   à   porta.   antes   de   passar   pelo   arco   ,   se   virou   e   encarou   o   russo   nos   olhos.   se   perguntou   se   em   algum   universo   paralelo   havia   tantas   despedidas   quanto   naquele.   as   odiava.   “   vou   indo.   não   quero   ficar   pra   ver   .   .   .   adieu   ,   beaumont.   ”
                        ❛      when   you   said   your   𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭   𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐛𝐲𝐞   i   died   a         little   bit   inside.   i   lay   in   𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬   in   bed   all   night   alone   without                                                    you   by   my   side      ❜
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the-starryone · 2 years
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🔊 Recomendo fortemente que esse texto seja lido em acompanhamento da música pra uma melhor experiência e imersão. ATENÇÃO 🚨 aos gatilhos mentais de saudade e separação. Espero que desfrutem, boa leitura! 😉
Acho que eu me entendi, venci meus inimigos da minha cabeça e transcendi. Sobre ela só minha coroa (e dentro dela só você) agora.
Eu mudei muito e mudar tão rápido é uma viagem em águas muito confusas mas eu já imaginava que seria assim. Nesse nosso amor secreto não havia segredos, então te mostrei antes e depois… pra acreditar em seus próprios olhos. Queria que visse como eu faço sentido e como tudo que eu era foi alinhado, organizado e entrou na frequência certa, como ondas… e como acima de tudo é lindo, como o seu canto.
Mas c sabe o que tbm é louco? É como eu ainda insisto em insistir te ter comigo, parece que nunca acaba, não tem fim. O amor é fascinante, né?!
Sinto que meu amor por você é como uma força da natureza... lenta, mas irrefreável, esplendorosa ou desastrosa.
- um amor puro ainda que marginal.
Sabe… por falar em marginal, c lembra daquele ursinho que te dei de presente de dia dos namorados? O Marginal, haha. Poisé, queria representar o quanto c foi importante na minha vida, por estar comigo nos momentos mais difíceis… vou te amar pra sempre, que nem o Sol e a Lua! Então resolvi te tatuar em mim, eu ando meio caladão agora então como símbolo que une as coisas escolhi o Polar, um ursino calado e marginal, que nem a gente, né? haha
Enfim, espero que c ache daora vai!
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No pescoço, onde c costumava beijar, o lugar que como vampira c me matava sempre, e como sereia provava o sal da minha pele. As ondas nos trouxeram ao encontro um do outro, a gente soube desde a primeira vez que nos vimos. O primeiro contato de duas realidades maravilhosas que só são possíveis de serem compreendidas uma pela outra. Essa falta da minha metade me mata.
E por falar nisso, c ainda me mata várias vezes… Ainda olho pro lugar onde vc estaria sentada me olhando e choro, a saudade que vc deixou foi grande, branca-de-neve, tão grande que algumas vezes eu acordo cedo e fico imaginando futuros impossíveis com vc no café da manhã, mas acordo e percebo que passaram 15 minutos e que vc não está, e não vai mais estar… queria que pudesse ter te escolhido mas tudo bem, “a vida é isso”, eles dizem… eu que lide com aprender a resignificar Pearl Jam! Haha 2 anos intensos não se esquecem assim, né? Ainda lembro da sua voz, nossa música juntos ainda ecoa pela casa, rodando que nem quando dançávamos agarrados por aqui.
Espero que vc esteja nadando em águas tranquilas, c é forte mas ainda é de carne e eu não consigo segurar as ondas, e ainda que pudesse, algumas ondas são pra serem entendidas, outras decididas. Sabemos qual foi a nossa. Nada dura pra sempre, só as ondas.
P.S.: esse texto foi uma compilação de textos previamente escritos, sendo assim, podem ou não expressar correlação a data da sua publicação.
Já que sou seu “garoto digital”, o registro deste texto está eternamente guardado em Web Archive, resistindo as ondas do tempo, e a inteligência artificial disponível no link a seguir:
14/01/2023 - Feliz aniversário pra sua filhota! ❤️
❤️ Ler o texto acompanhado dessa outra música é uma experiência que conta um outro lado da mesma história, experimenta, mas só se vc quiser! 🧜‍♀️
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straycalamities · 4 months
Chase, does Entre have a name? Not Entre, but supposedly real human??😊😊🥺🥺
he's The Once-ler, Oncie, or Entre and that's all
from my experience, giving onceler's a real, actual name was a later fandom thing and not part of my era [old man voice]
idk it's just weird to me to give him an actual name because it then takes away the point of his character to me in AUs (that aren't connected to mainverse) it's fine and i have actually done it for a (very removed) AU before but in general?? i just like him being the onceler
like in the siren au he ends up being known as Miles
or in kyle's band au he's Fender
and both of them are technically names
i'm very particular about how i handle my canon or canon-adjacent oncelers erm... like i could give eboy a real name if i bothered, but entre? or mr onceler? naur...no thenk u
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