#Lets Talk Bookish
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allithebookgiraffe · 2 days
Let's Talk Bookish: Banned Books
Hello readers! This week’s LTB was a freebie, so I went back through the prompts and picked the one from December 2022 about banned books. I think I did make a post about this in the past, but I’m ready to talk about it again. This is one of my absolute favorite things to talk about. Let’s Talk Bookish is a weekly meme that was originated by Eternity Books and is currently hosted by Book Nook…
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davidarc · 1 year
#LetsDiscuss2023 #5 – Genre Shift #LetsTalkBookish #9 – #DiscussionSunday
#LetsDiscuss2023 #5 – Genre Shift #LetsTalkBookish #9 – #DiscussionSunday. Do you you think Genres shift over time, and is that a good thing or a bad thing? Thanks Aria @ Book Nook Bits for choosing my suggestion.
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aimeesramblings · 1 year
Let's Talk Bookish: Overwhelmed by TBR pile?
My newest Let's Talk Bookish post has just gone up on my blog - check it out!
Happy Friday! And happy nearly-end-of-January! Usually January is such a slow month for me and it ends up feeling likes it’s gone on foooooreeeeeveeeeeer. But this month has gone so quickly! I think it’s because I’ve had such a jam-packed month that I’ve not had a chance to feel like it’s dragging. I’m back with another Let’s Talk Bookish post! Let’s Talk Bookish is a weekly meme created…
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Let's Talk Bookish: TBR Pile!
This week on #Letstalkbookish I'm talking about my TBR pile!! I have realized that I need to clean up my personal and Goodreads #TBR! #bookblogger #bookblog #booktwt #booktwitter #bookmeme
Let’s Talk Bookish is a weekly meme created by Rukky @Eternity Books and hosted by Aria @Book Nook Bits, and it’s where we get to discuss certain topics, share our opinions, and spread the love by visiting each other’s posts! If you want to join in the bookish discussion fun, check out the September prompts! Do You Ever Get Overwhelmed by Your TBR (to-be-read) Pile? (Jillian @ Jillian the…
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aliengh0st · 7 months
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Beyond obsessed with my Dazzling Bookish Shop editions of the Locked Tomb books! 😍💀❤️ Now I just need Alecto to come out so I can get all of my various collections completed 😬
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ettietarte · 2 months
I am to be lonely lately. Let us to be friends and have a conversation.
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poetic-wilderness · 1 year
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I didn't know why I was going to cry, but I knew that if anybody spoke to me or looked at me too closely the tears would fly out of my eyes and the sobs would fly out of the throat and I'd cry for a week.
- The Bell Jar, Sylvia Plath
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travelingkai · 5 months
1/9/24 - was not feeling great but was able to finish my book ✨ review below!
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The Party Guest
by Amanda Robson
400 pages
Thriller, Mystery, Mystery Thriller
Summary: Ralph is throwing an extravagant birthday party trip for his 45th birthday. He invites/is traveling with his now girlfriend - Gemma, son - Patrick, and daughter - Janice along. Traveling separately is the woman he truly wants, his ex-wife Sarah, and she will be accompanied by her partner Jack. A jealous ex-husband, a gold digging girlfriend, and a committed ex-wife to her new beau. What could possibly go wrong?
Review: I love a thriller with multiple POV. It keeps me interested and entertained as I read and dive into every characters POV and thoughts. This book started out very strong and I was hooked for the first 150 pages. I truly NEEDED to know what was going to happen next. But as the reading experience continued after those first 150 pages, the book began to lull a little bit. The writing became choppy and every chapter had unnecessary descriptions that felt like a need to take up space or prolong the story. Throughout the beginning of the novel, I was going back and forth in my mind about which character I supported more, who I believed more, and what I felt actually happened. That’s the beauty of thrillers and mysteries. Even when you think you have it, something changes and you have to go back to drawing board. But this novel was able to keep me guessing for only the first half, after that first half, I felt like I knew what was happening. At one point in the novel, the story became incredibly intense and sad instead of tense and thrilling. To be honest, by the end, I didn’t find any redeeming qualities in anyone and the book could have been cut by 100 pages. There was also much to be desired by the end, I needed much more. I would recommend this book to someone who is just getting into thrillers and needs something that is somewhat easy to follow. The writing style can be confusing and each chapter is a different characters point of view in 2nd person. However, in the middle of a characters chapter, it will cut to a completely different characters’ description and monologue. I would say stay on your toes and read intently with this book. Overall, I gave this book a 2/5 stars but I have heard other books by this author are great such as My Darling and Obsession that I would like to read and review in the future . But for now, I would like to leave you with a quote from this novel that I really resonated to me: “Some people believe we will all be together in the afterlife. Surely, after so many centuries of death, by now, if that was true, we would have some proof of it? Or at least a very clear sign? And so I can’t buy that theory. I will never rely on hope that everything is perfect in the afterlife. Life is life. Death is death. Time is now.”
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allithebookgiraffe · 9 days
Let's Talk Bookish: Managing a Blog/Life Balance
Hello readers! It’s time for Let’s Talk Bookish. This one centers on blogging, which I’m excited for. It took me a good 3 years to find a balance in blogging and everything else in my life. I have a habit of giving 100% of myself at all times, which just isn’t healthy. Let’s Talk Bookish is a weekly meme that was originated by Eternity Books and is currently hosted by Book Nook Bits. The…
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realizing my self inserts are mostly just me taking one of my favorite character archetypes and going "like if i was THAT!" and actually that's awesome i'm so real for that.
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scentedsstuff · 1 year
Unpopular Book Opinions
Out of curiousity, send me some unpopular book opinions📚. Anonymous asks are on so feel free to be as honest as you want.
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Let's Talk Bookish: Balancing Blogging and Life!
Today on #letstalkbookish we are talking about blogging and life balance. How do you manage it? I think it's constantly changing for me. #booktwt #bookblogger #bookblog #bookmeme
Let’s Talk Bookish is a weekly meme created by Rukky @Eternity Books and hosted by Aria @Book Nook Bits, and it’s where we get to discuss certain topics, share our opinions, and spread the love by visiting each other’s posts! If you want to join in the bookish discussion fun, check out the August 2022 prompts!  Balancing blogging and life (Me-Aria) Prompts: How do you manage balancing blogging…
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the-forest-library · 2 years
Simon & Schuster is offering these books free in the US until 7/31/22, as eBooks and digital audiobooks.
High Conflict by Amanda Ripley
Let's Talk About Hard Things by Anna Sale
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rainingmbappe · 1 month
My sir, for whom my respect dissipates like water on a hot day, might be an Israel supporter cause Germany supports Isreal..? Cause he thinks germany is an amazing country cause and they have the best football and scientists and culture (he's actively stated that he's not a Hitler supporter cause we weren't the first ones to raise an eyebrow at his devotion to a country we have nothing to do with) and etc etc.
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