#WordPress Blogger
anielskaaniela · 1 year
maxi skirt only from 2 retangles ! beginner friendly sewing lesson | No pattern needed
Do you want to learn sewing in an easy and simple way? Then this video is for you! I will teach you how to sew a basic maxi skirt in five easy steps, using only straight lines and basic sewing tools. You don’t need a pattern or any fancy skills to make this skirt. You just need some fabric only from 2 retangles !, elastic, scissors, pins, a sewing machine, and thread. You will see how to measure…
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allithebookgiraffe · 5 months
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criminologykee · 2 years
Preparing for 2023...
2022 is coming to a close, and it’s around this time that I start thinking about my intentions for the year going forward; my goals, or things I want to see, experience, and achieve. A new year can feel like a lot of pressure - pressure to be perfect, to get everything right, to reinvent yourself, and to lead the best life you can, but I think it’s important not to hold such high expectations of the year ahead.
With that said, I want to share some ideas of things you can do before the end of 2022 to ensure you have a smooth journey into the new year, and hopefully start on a positive note. As they say, start as you mean to go on.
All of these things will hopefully be small, simple, and achievable actions to carry out over the next few days. So, let’s get into it…
Digital Cleanse Decluttering is one of my favourite things to do before the end of the year, because I love going into a New Year feeling like I have space for new things and new experiences.   For a digital declutter, you can delete unused apps, delete or reorganise your playlists, declutter your files on your laptop/computer, delete photos you don’t want anymore and organise your photos into folders, unsubscribe from mailing lists, and change any passwords you may need to change! I also like doing unfollow/unfriend sprees on my socials to make sure I’m connecting with the people I really care about, and I’m not still friends with or following people who make me feel bad!
Physical Declutter Like a digital declutter, this will just help you clear up some space for things in the New Year. Whether it’s your closet, your desk, your junk drawers, or even emptying your tote bag of receipts (just me?). Now’s the time to donate/recycle old clothes, clean out old/empty or expired makeup and cosmetic items, and get rid of the random wires you never need but have kept for years.
Clean Once you’ve decluttered, it’s time to clean! Clean your phone and laptop, change your bedsheets, dust your shelves - just get your space as clean as you can to really start fresh for the new year. This is also a great time to organise your belongings after you’ve decluttered. Make sure everything has a home and is as tidy as you can get it - you can always revisit things each month or quarter to free up some more space and keep your environment tidy. 
Get Organised Start adding important dates to your diary, calendar, google calendar, etc. so you don’t forget important dates or double book events! I personally have a physical diary and calendar, and a digital calendar which syncs to my laptop and phone so I can be sure I won’t miss anything. If you need to plan your budget, now’s the time to do that too. 
Goals and/or Intentions As 2022 comes to a close, it’s probably time to start setting some goals and intentions for the new year ahead. New Year Resolutions aren’t really for me, but instead I tend to set a few achievable goals and some good intentions. For example, in 2022, my goal was to do one fun thing a month - whether that was a concert, a comic con, a day trip, a holiday, or even small things like a cinema trip to a film I’ve been desperate to see - and I’m pretty sure I was successful, probably even more so than I had expected to be! Intentions are new to me, I’ve been setting daily intentions when I remember, but my intentions for 2023 are as simple as being kinder to myself, trying my best, and picking up some old hobbies away from my phone!   Write your intentions and goals down somewhere, or get creative and make a moodboard or vision board for the year. You could even write down the steps you need to take or changes you can make to achieve your goals and intentions to help you when you’re feeling demotivated or stuck.
Reflect on 2022 As much as we tend to look forward as one year comes to an end, I think it’s just as important to look back on the year we’ve just experienced and reflect on it. Think about the things you achieved, how you changed for better or maybe even for worse, things you needed more of, things you want less of, etc. All of these things will help you know exactly what you want to get out of 2023!
That’s pretty much everything I’m doing over the next few days! I’d love to know if there’s anything you’re doing to prepare yourself for the year ahead. 
Wishing you all the best for 2023! 
See you there Kee
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altamasansari12 · 1 year
A Sweet Remembrance: The Nostalgia of My Mother's Sakkar Roti
Daily writing promptWhich food, when you eat it, instantly transports you to childhood?View all responses In the heart of India, amidst the rich tapestry of cultural traditions, there exists a delightful culinary treasure cherished by families across the nation – the sakkar roti. For generations, this simple yet enchanting sugar-laden flatbread has served as a symbol of love and warmth, evoking…
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thehatofthehatter · 8 months
Book review: The Man Without Shelter by Indrajit Garai
The Man Without Shelter by Indrajit Garai is an emotive and powerful novel. It speaks strongly against discrimination and prejudice, and lays bare the damage that can eo easily be unintentionally wrought by a society that has grown accustomed to and comfortable with the ease of looking the other way instead of extending the hand of friendship, or offering support without the guarantee of reciprocation...
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dmmwrites · 1 year
To Plan or Not to Plan? Tell me - Are you a planner?
I talk about this a lot in my book 6 Days with Matthew 6*. In Matthew 6:34, Jesus says, “So don’t worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow can worry about itself. There’s already enough evil in every day.” FBVAnd in Proverbs 19:21 it says, “Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand.”I know that God has every moment of my life planned before time…
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brenninthetaylorverse · 11 months
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theswirlsphere · 7 months
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Been listening to a lot of CD's recently and have been thinking more about how I perceive the world so heres a new blog post about it: HERE
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sa-sa-blogger · 26 days
Lý do con người thường cảm thấy cô đơn là bởi cảm giác một-mình-mình-chịu-đựng. Đôi khi, những suy nghĩ quẩn quanh khiến cảm giác một mình ấy như một cái bóng đen ngày một lớn dần. Rồi chúng ta quên mất rằng, chuyện chúng ta gặp phải, một ai đó cũng đang gặp phải.
Có lẽ, chúng ta vẫn cô đơn thôi, chuyện đó là không thể tránh khỏi.
Nhưng ít nhất, mong bản thân ta luôn nhớ:
Chúng ta ở đây, cô đơn cùng-nhau, sợ hãi cùng-nhau.
Retouch: Sa
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szigetingy · 19 days
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a legsikeresebb könyvek és filmek egyszerű cselekmények bonyolult karakterekről, pár sorban meg kell tudnod fogalmazni a koncepciódat ~ németh györgy íróiskola (szingy archívum budapest – művészeti kallódás mentesítés)
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ayahmdeesworld · 3 months
Movie Review: Inside Out 2
“I guess that’s what happens when you grow up—you feel less joy.” Synopsis: Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear and Disgust have been running a successful operation by all accounts. However, when Anxiety shows up, they aren’t sure how to feel. When I watched the trailer online, I was excited to watch this movie. I had seen the first one; therefore, I was waiting for the showing date. This is my first…
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ai-tech9 · 4 months
Advanced Button Generation Tool
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allithebookgiraffe · 4 months
Let's Talk Bookish: Managing a Blog/Life Balance
Hello readers! It’s time for Let’s Talk Bookish. This one centers on blogging, which I’m excited for. It took me a good 3 years to find a balance in blogging and everything else in my life. I have a habit of giving 100% of myself at all times, which just isn’t healthy. Let’s Talk Bookish is a weekly meme that was originated by Eternity Books and is currently hosted by Book Nook Bits. The…
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aeolianblues · 5 months
Writing is so awesome. I had things on my mind. I sat with them and an open document for an hour. Feel like I've puked it all out. Now I can go pack and eat dinner. Free therapy
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altamasansari12 · 1 year
Back to childhood days
Daily writing promptWrite about your first crush.View all responses Once upon a time, when I was in the 6th grade, I was still figuring out who I was and trying my best to be a good student. But, you know, I was a funny kid who always made the whole class laugh with my silly jokes and actions. Looking back now, at 25, I realize that I was the class clown. Anyway, in that class, there was a girl…
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shespillsherself · 6 months
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each day trying to get out of this bubble of sadness thats around me and how hard i try to ignore the fact that everything ends someday but oh despite everything there’s still me and i fighting to survive a day.
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