#Lev Tolstoi
Theory: Sigma's Identity is Lev Tolstoi
Decay of the Angels is a organization, equivalent of Russian literature in Bsd. There is something in the subtext that has been puzzling me since the first moment I saw Fyodor and Nikolai together.
Where is Lev Tolstoi in the BSD universe?
I thought for the first tims hat he would not be on the same side as Fyodor and Nikolai because of differences in philosophy and ideas, or that he would start on the same side and leave, etc. I was thinking about it, but Tolstoy did not appear in the story. So of coudse theory came to my mind.
Sigma, who is we don't know he's full identity" is actually Lev Tolstoi
I will explain everything in detail and at the end of these short paragraphs you will understand the logic of the theory. Now, I saw an idea at @bungoustraydogs-tr was written in just one sentence:
Sigma might be represent one of the building blocks of Russian literature, Gorky or Tolstoy.
is it possible ?
I think: (Drum voices)
He could be
Let's dive to the point. With his own words and writing, Lev Tolstoi is constantly searching for something that can be called internal and tries to understand his own self, why he is alive, what is being a god etc. He explains that he is trying to understand. He thinks day and night to prove to himself how the value of life is determined and the existence of the God he actually believes in. He is similar to Sigma, who does not remember his memories, does not actually have a sense of self, and therefore tries to understand the world he thinks he lives in. Tolstoy's sense of self was also undeveloped. At the same time, Sigma existed in the middle of nowhere, meaning he had no choice but to seek values, vitality, and purpose. He thought he had to follow the path given to him. To follow the path promised to him. Rules made by destiny , well, sound familiar to someone also to someone's characters . Tolstoi
At the same time;
"The view that knowledge acquired through reason leads to error helped me to save myself from the wrong path of indulging in unproductive thoughts. The certainty that knowledge of truth can only be found through life called me to doubt the correctness of my life. Despite everything, I was looking for God, I was hoping to find Him, and I was directing a prayer to the God I was looking for and couldn't find, as was the old custom. Sometimes I was weighing and measuring Kant's and Schopenhauer's facts about the unprovability of God's existence in my mind, and sometimes I was trying to refute these facts."
These are the sentences coming from Lev Tolstoi's own mouth.
Second thought for the theory;
When Sigma was born in the middle of nowhere, he had a ticket for a train that wasn't in the desert.Simple. Anna Karenina. Anna Karenina is a book that begins with children playing with trains, and the train has an importance that cannot be hidden in terms of the plot. Even though I haven't personally read it, I researched that trains were important to the book.
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Second thought for theory;
When Sigma was born in the middle of nowhere, he had a ticket to take a train that wasn't in the desert. Simple. Anna Karenina. Anna Karenina is a book that begins with children playing with trains, and the train has an importance that cannot be hidden in terms of the plot. Although I haven't personally read it, I researched that trains were important to the book.
Thirdly, while thinking about religion and morality, Tolstoy, like most people, thought that the world in which a religious person lives was not the most important fact. He had no ambition, but he took good care of himself because he valued life. Sigma voided a gamble at Sky Casino, giving its customer a second chance. Sky Casino was life for Sigma and he nullified one of the game his customer play so Sigma think games aren't important as his customers views. In fact, the search for talent emerged in parallel with acquiring knowledge.
I can believe Asagiri doesn't want t add Tolstoy but after all the authors reveal in story.... Also Sigma isn't count as a villiain after all and Lev Tolstoi really want to see himself as a better person, this is kinda a obsession to him. So, this theory might make sense
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morriganduska · 1 year
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Anna Arkadyevna Karenina 🚂 [anna karenina, lev tolstoy] sketch
Started Anna Karenina a few days ago and I'm amazed at how easy it's to read (because of the period and the fact that it's such a talked about classic book). Dostoyevsky and Tolstoy seem to never disappoint me💖
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“Creo que si hay tantas opiniones como cabezas, también se encontrarán tantas maneras de amar como corazones.”
Anna Karenina - Lev Tolstoi
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twicedailyquotes · 2 years
The hero of my tale – whom I love with all the power of my soul, whom I have tried to portray in all his beauty, who has been, is, and will be beautiful – is Truth.
Leo Tolstoy
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conatus · 9 months
Lev Tolstói é um filósofo humanitário
Lev Tolstoi, nascido em 9 de setembro de 1828, na Rússia, emergiu como um dos gigantes literários e pensadores morais do século XIX. Sua obra, profundamente influente e marcada pela busca da verdade e do significado, transcende os limites temporais, mantendo uma relevância impactante até os dias de hoje. Impacto e Reconhecimento:Tolstoi é amplamente reconhecido por sua contribuição monumental à…
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justalittleguest · 5 months
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I spent way to long on this sketch about a headcanon I’m not even going to explain. Probably. Eventually?
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aybuyucusu · 3 months
O kadar çok düşündüm ki, artık hiçbir şey düşünmüyor ve bilmiyorum.
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vardir1sebebi · 5 months
Tolstoy diyor ki:
“Belki de her şeyi kabullenip hayatı akışına bırakmak lazım. Zorlamak bazen çözüm değildir. Ve zorla olan hiçbir şey güzel değildir.”
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I found another possible proof for Sigma is actually Tolstoi theory today which probably is wrong but ı'll explain.
I suddenly realized that there were no fans who hated Sigma. Of course there are fans who don't like Sigma (i don't see anyone either), but I've never seen a fan with pure hate for Sigma. This made me think about Lev Tolstoi's influence on the public. Tolstoi was inexplicably respected by society and even by western countries, and the tsar could not put Tolsoi in a mental hospital, nor exile him, or even ban his books. These are common things in Russia Tsardom if you write true face of Tsardom and your own ideas which isoppsite to tsar.
(Nikolai Gogol and many other writers who wrote about hypocrisy, corruption and truth they excile as i read they put into mental hospitals till they give up their ideas permanently, the tsar could not touch Tolstoi. Because Tolstoi write morally focused literature that was pleasing to the society, his unhappiness with his wealth and his longing for a modest life made Tolstoy able to care for the peasant class, he pur peasant class in center, which constituted the majority of the society. Although I don't like this kind writing when i compare it with Nikolai Gogol, therefors its effect is really interesting. In other words, Tolstoi was the red line of the Russian people, he was untouchable, but he did not pose a threat on his own, he did not teach the people to rebel, he said that they should obey the law).
If we were to time travel back to that time, I'm not sure we could easily find anyone who didn't like Tolstoy or let alone hate him. Except for the Orthodox church and the tsar, of course. Back to Sigma, he is seen as innocent and extremely loved by the fans. Asagiri may have analyzed and read the fandom and knowingly created a mysterious, investigative and lovable character.
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bluebluess · 8 months
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“¿No sabe que es usted mi vida y que habiendo perdido ya la tranquilidad me sería imposible dársela? Puedo entregarme en cuerpo y alma, consagrarle mi amor, mas no está en mi mano desecharla de mi pensamiento. A mis ojos, los dos no somos sino uno, y por ello no veo medio alguno de tranquilidad para ninguno de nosotros en el futuro.”
Anna Karenina - Lev Tolstoi
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Lovee a good classic
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conatus · 1 year
"A morte de Ivan Ilitch" faz jus ao seu status de clássico
A narrativa de “A Morte de Ivan Ilitch” começa de forma direta, anunciando a morte de do personagem principal, que se torna o ponto focal da trama. Enquanto acontece o velório, acompanhamos a chegada daqueles que vieram prestar condolências e, prestando atenção nas conversas, percebemos que os colegas de trabalho de Ivan estão mais preocupados com quem ocupará seu cargo, que com sua morte ficará…
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okuryazarlar · 15 days
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İyi ki doğdun Tolstoy!
Yaşadığı dönemde dünyaya sıradışı kişiliğiyle damga vuran, Rus edebiyatının en önemli yazarlarından, edebî deha Lev Nikolayeviç Tolstoy, 196 yıl evvel bugün dünyaya gelmişti.
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If you feel the need to note that not all Russians support the war every time the topic is raised while at the same time not feeling the need to note that not all Israelis support the invasion of Gaza, then you show a clear bias and shouldn't be allowed to speak on the matter.
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