#Life plan
spiritualseeker777 · 8 months
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Femme Fatale Guide: How To Set Long-Term Goals
Consider this mind reframe when setting a long-term goal: Long-term goals are a string of short-term goals that work together to culminate in a more nuanced or lofty outcome.
In my opinion, I believe that long-term goals should be determined based on how they positively support a certain aspect of your lifestyle, rather than designed with a strict plan in mind (at least for 5-10 year goals). As we know from the past few years, our long-term plans can easily fall through due to factors out of our control.
So, with these variables in mind, I would say you need to split your long-term goals into 2 main categories:
Evergreen Goals: These goals are fairly straightforward and rely more on an input-output method to achieve them vs. many external variables or contextual success attached to them. Examples of evergreen goals would be saving for retirement or maintaining a healthy body/weight loss/getting a certain certificate training or degree (not in a specific program, but in a general field), and acquiring items like a designer bag. You're in control of whether you put a certain amount of money into an investment portfolio, how much energy you consume in a day, and how much time you spend filling out applications/studying material. While external factors play a role, the success of these goals heavily depends on your determination, consistency, and focus. You just have to play the long game vs. the short-term game to see the results you desire.
Dynamic Goals: These goals take a lot of external factors into account and can heavily rely on many different parties to ensure you succeed. These long-term goals can be to work in a certain type of position or company, graduate with a specific degree or from a specific university/program, live in your dream home, become a successful business owner/author, etc, find a specific type of partner, etc. While self-betterment paired with consistent, strategic, and focused effort play a significant (majority) factor in these goals, you still need the stars to align for these goals to actualize in the way you currently envision them in your mind.
So, when creating long-term goals (especially dynamic goals), set these 5-10-year goals with the intention to be unrelenting about the outcome and flexible about the path to achieving them. Envision the result you desire and why that would improve your life/happiness. Then, work your way backward to the smaller milestone goals you would need to achieve. Once you get to the first major "milestone" that needs to be completed, devise creative and strategic solutions to begin working on this shorter-term goal. Make your 5-year goal into a series of 5 1-year plans. Reverse engineer to embrace the endless possibilities and potential for your success.
Hope this helps xx
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seagull9111 · 1 month
though i should share this for future reference
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wayti-blog · 6 months
"Our soul stores all our feelings. Everything that we experience and feel is absorbed by our soul. Our whole life and all our memories are part of our soul, as a result of which our life of feeling becomes more spacious and more conscious.
From our soul comes the impetus [the force or energy with which a body moves/lives] as a result of which we make the main decisions in our life. Our soul leads us, gives us strength to persevere. She is the driving force to make the most of our life. Our soul recognizes the people who are part of our life, as a result of which we feel attracted to those people."
"We are more soul than body. Our soul is eternal, our body temporary. Our physical body only serves our soul for this one earthly life. As soul, we connect ourselves with the fertilized egg cell in the mother who can receive us. We ourselves are the life that inspires and steers this cell to growth. For our whole life, our soul feeds our body with life force, until her life task has been completed."
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You will heal, but first you will hurt. That's the irony of life. As you grow, you will also outgrow. You will begin to accept the past and present as you begin to understand that there is mourning that comes with that type of moving on. There is grief in letting go of who you once were and your life plan. There is also grief in letting go of people, influences, and environments you always believed you'd have with you forever.
Morgan Richard Olivier - One Still Whisper
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howifeltabouthim · 8 days
'You'll find a lovely girl somewhere, have children and be happy,' neatly mapping out the trajectory of his future as if all his problems were over rather than just beginning.
Kate Atkinson, from Death at the Sign of the Rook
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peterarklenews · 4 months
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© Peter Arkle 2024 AVENUE B AT 2ND STREET, NYC
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pinaple · 8 months
Might start addy unnecessary, chaotic, cryptic nonsense in the middle of sentences.
Like “hey can you help me with something later?” would be
“hey, provided you haven’t yet been sucked into the eternal penguin void, could I get your help with something later?”
If they ask you just deflect. Or add. But never explain.
“What’s a penguin void?”
“The fact you don’t know is a good sign you won’t be there any time soon, so can you help me with the thing?”
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thephatlife · 5 months
•┈••✦ ❤ ✦••┈• My Current Bucket List
𝘎𝘭𝘰𝘣𝘢𝘭 𝘤𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘻𝘦𝘯
𝘝𝘪𝘴𝘪𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘧𝘪𝘧𝘵𝘺 𝘥𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘴
𝘏𝘪𝘳𝘴𝘶𝘵𝘪𝘴𝘮 𝘨𝘰𝘯𝘦
𝘋𝘦𝘣𝘵 𝘧𝘳𝘦𝘦
𝘉𝘦𝘢𝘶𝘵𝘪𝘧𝘶𝘭 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘢𝘭 𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘥𝘳𝘰𝘣𝘦
𝘌𝘯𝘦𝘳𝘨𝘪𝘻𝘦𝘥 & 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘵𝘩𝘺
𝘚𝘵𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘴-𝘧𝘳𝘦𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘧𝘦
𝘗𝘶𝘣𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘦𝘥 𝘢𝘶𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘳
•┈••✦ ❤ ✦••┈•
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learningsanctum · 5 months
April 27th, 2024
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Do you remember when OG "it girl" François de La Rochefoucauld went "perfect valor is to do, without a witness, all that we could do before the whole world" and it changed planet Earth's very core for generations to come? Me too.
Lately I have been trying to up my game on the company I work. Currently I have temporary contract but it does have a promise of promotion depending on my performance and, as most people would, I thrive on this promise. Which is why I'm so far away from my comfort zone - that would be law books, hiiiii law! - researching for books such as "How to Become a Successful and Valuable Executive for Companies" in the administration hub.
Although I think I look a little ridiculous reading those books - because they honestly look fake or one of those authors who just throws shitty advices on a book to earn an extra with the publication - I'm honestly giving those a chance. Maybe they can teach me something! I'm all for learning more so if it's learning something you shouldn't be doing! What if the book is just shitty in essence? Then I will have backhand experience to identify a shitty book when I first star reading it and see it's essence is similar to the last "bad" book I read.
I like to think that everything we do is constructive. "For better or for worse" is something I apply but with motivational undertones so i can channel it into something positive!
I'll soon complete three months working at this company and it's a "big girl job" per say. It's an international company that has a gamma of possibilities for growth and literally can take me to unexpected places if I manage a promotion, which, for someone like me who dreams of seeing the world would be a nice bonus not to mention a dream come true.
However, my dreams aren't merely limited to company growth but if I manage it will be something that will make me feel good and what are we on this Earth for if not to appreciate little pleasures in life?
Since I can remember I have this will to work on an office and be part of something bigger than me. This company aligning with my principles, such as it being environmental conscious and caring for it's workers - I work at HR so I have first hand experience - is the most awesome part of going to work everyday.
In my life plan - which I believe haven't changed much since I was a teen - all of it's goals are constructive, long term and take time to complement each other. When I say I intend to do five years of law only to enroll on temporary (eight years) navy service people tend to say I want very different extremes and I simply can't see it this way.
Corporative life is part of my life but I don't necessarily want it to be all my life! I believe new experiences and a change of scenario can always do good. Also that people make decisions based on the options they have at hand at the time they are picking. Sometimes what you want is not on the table thus why you have to come up with a plan to make it an option. That can take years. That's when we start outlining long and short term goals for ourselves.
I, for an example, had a dream of coming out of high school and doing medicine, with a specialization in psychiatrics later on in mind. The human mind always fascinated me! But as all of us know it isn't that easy to get into law and because of a ton of life-changing problems I had in high school I couldn't really focus on passing the exams to get into public universities. So I applied for law which was my second option and am rolling with it since then. It doesn't mean I gave up medicine. Of course it doesn't!
Carefully I analyzed my options and build a plan from there, always taking into consideration the areas which I have more affinity and seeing how and why they could complement each other. That's the conclusion of months of research and pondering: I would finish law so I could apply to the temporary navy service (TNS) as an Official rather than the lower rank, which will give me a bigger monetary return, allowing me to live with easy and simultaneously saving a good amount so when I finish the TNS I can enroll on an international medicine university and sustain myself while living there.
Of course those are the main goals connecting with each other and people often fail to see the process. What I mean is that in the five years it takes me to graduate I will be studying and training to pass on the military exam and while I'm at navy I will be studying Spanish so I can enroll on my dream med university.
Once, upon telling a colleague about my plans, she said, and I quote, "it is okay for you to want to be the Barbie: a thousand and one jobs" but she also added "you just gotta make sure to have your goals set on stone so when difficult comes you can keep yourself on your toes and focused on the goal" and that's the best advice I have gotten so far.
When people tell for you to work in silence they mean it most sincerely because most of those around you won't understand your plans and, even unknowingly, will demotivate you. Sometimes it seems crazy and most of times it really is but its not impossible and it's exclusively on you how far you will go to achieve your dreams by transforming them in plans and following through and through.
"Work in silence" isn't supposed to be bitter or trendy but is simply stating people don't have the same world view as you, so you won't make sense to them most of times and - good news - you don't need to! They aren't bad for not understanding though. They just have a different color pallet of lens to see the world and it's fine.
Don't give up on something because it doesn't makes sense. Make sense out of your nonsense if it's the true call of your heart.
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winterwaker · 11 months
I’ve just decided that I’m going to work at a university and fall in love with one of the music teachers who’s also in an established orchestra, and we will travel the world together.
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spiritualseeker777 · 11 months
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
I would appreciate some advice, I haven’t been putting myself out (academically) because of a fear of rejection for a while, this year I decided to change that. I applied to a club related to my major I was interested in, and courses in my university. They don’t filter out participants in these courses, so I got an acceptance email with the details and attended the courses, I learned, benefited, and was excited to attend more courses, so I signed up for multiple courses outside of my university. It’s been a couple weeks and the club has sent acceptance letters, I kept checking my email and my spam folder, but I got nothing. The courses I signed up for sent acceptance letters, nothing. I didn’t expect it to hurt but it does. I know they can’t possibly accept everyone but I want to improve myself and learn more, but it’s hard when I keep getting rejected, and the door gets shut in my face. I don’t want to limit myself to my university’s courses (but I won’t not apply if it interests me). Any advice on dealing with this feeling of rejection (and a bit of inferiority to those who got accepted)? And how would you recommend I develop myself.
Thanks for your advice xx
Hi love. I'm sorry you're dealing with this. Rejection sucks, especially when you're really excited and passionate about an opportunity.
It's completely normal (and healthy) to feel upset. Here are a few tips on how to deal with rejection:
Acknowledge the decision was outside of your control. Therefore, you never know what external factors played a significant role in the outcome. Detaching your contribution is the simplest way to not take the rejection personally and start moving past it
Choose to believe that all the opportunities meant for you will work out with a fair amount of effort/consideration on your part
Remember, before being in the trenches, you're perceiving the opportunity with rose-colored glasses – you don't even know if the reality of the opportunity equates with the vision in your head, so except that you're mourning a fantasy above all else
Consider why a specific rejection was triggering and find ways to work through/change the behaviors or patterns that lead to this insecurity
Figure out what you want, especially given this setback, and take daily action to actively pursue these goals (in this case, applying for courses and speaking with professors/fellow members on campus about more personal/professional development opportunities
Hope this helps xx
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wayti-blog · 4 months
I am soul
In every life on earth we inspire a new physical body in order to be able to execute our life plan for that life. Are we white or coloured? No, only our body has that particular skin colour during this one life. Yet the human being on earth speaks of white people and coloured people, as if this typifies the fellow human being as a being. They are characterizations which only touch the material body, but say nothing about the essential life in that body, about the soul which, thanks to this body, can gain new experiences for her eternal evolution.
A birthplace also belongs to that body. As a result, have we become a Chinese, or a Russian, an American, a European, an African, an Asian? Does this describe the deepest of our being? Why were we called a Dutch person, or Eskimo, or Indian? In our next life, people will call us Australian, or Peruvian or Congolese. As if we are essentially something different each time. The human being on earth still does not see that this is only a temporary appearance of our soul.
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beautyupdate · 1 year
成為閃閃發亮的自己 必做的3件事
你總覺得你的人生沒有目標感嗎?生活很無趣嗎?每天總是兩點一線,規律的上下班,每天總是走一樣的路線,做一樣的事情、說一樣的話,總是羨慕舞台上、講話很有影響力的人嗎?你想突破自己嗎?想讓自己變得很不一樣嗎?接下來將分享3件事,只要你能夠做到,你就會成為那個閃閃發亮的自己!! #認識自己 #自信 #閃閃發亮的自己 #自我管理 #肯定自己
你總覺得你的人生沒有目標感嗎?生活很無趣嗎?每天總是兩點一線,規律的上下班,每天總是走一樣的路線,做一樣的事情、說一樣的話,總是羨慕舞台上、講話很有影響力的人嗎?你想突破自己嗎?想讓自己變得很不一樣嗎?接下來將分享3件事,只要你能夠做到,你就會成為那個閃閃發亮的自己!! shine me 在分享之前,請先問自己,你喜歡什麼?在你的人生中,還有什麼想體驗的?你希望成為什麼樣的人?最近有碰到什麼困難是你想要克服的?假如上述這些問題,你都找不到或是不曉得從何找起,沒關係,就去多多去嘗試吧,只有嘗試了,才會知道自己喜不喜歡,才會更清楚、更了解自己。 think me Learn it…
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chacharcherry · 1 year
New Life plan #3
I'm going to become an Author or something and then do a bunch of random things so after I die people get to speculate on whether or not I did the things I did
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