#Lily Evans blurb
moonstruckme · 1 month
Hi!!! I really really love how you write Lily! Could you please write something where Lily is comforting the reader who’s going through a friendship breakup and is taking it really hard?
Thanks lovely! <3
Lily Evans x fem!reader ♡ 864 words
You can tell your moping is starting to make your girlfriend nervous. She keeps bringing you things as she bakes, first the beaters to lick clean, then a spoonful of dough, and now cookies in droves, two or three at a time as different rounds come out of the oven and delivered with brief, cajoling kisses. She’s trying to infuse you with a better mood by all manner of sweet things. 
“I’m okay,” you promise as she comes back in, your plate reloaded. “I really am full this time, baby.” 
Lily hums discontentedly but sets the cookies down. “And when you say you’re okay,” she says, perching on the armrest beside where you’re sitting on the couch, “do you mean you’re okay without more food, or…” 
“In general,” you reassure her. “I’m alright, really. I can feel you worrying.” 
Her fingers skim down your hair, slotting a piece behind your ear. “Well, I don’t mean to make you feel my worry,” she says, “but I don’t mind worrying. And this would be a…a very understandable thing to be not okay about.” 
You can’t quite look at her. “Yeah.” You shrug, trying to sound lighter than you feel. “I just figure there’s not much point in being all sad about something I can’t fix. Best to move on, you know?” 
“I do know a thing or two about losing someone you’re close to,” Lily agrees. 
And she does, you remember. Her sister. You look up, shameful, but she only smiles gently. 
“Moving on does help, definitely, but you can’t really just skip over the feelings, either. It’s…” Her expression goes sheepish. “Well, it sounds sort of awful to say, but it’s almost like they’ve died, isn’t it? At least, the relationship you had did.” 
“Yeah,” you sigh, relieved. You’d felt wrong for thinking it, but you’ve been feeling the same. The awkward, unidentifiable tension you’ve been carrying around starts to uncoil. “It’s really weird, not talking to them.” 
“I know, sweetheart.” She takes your hand, rubbing her thumb over yours softly. Her eyes are heavy with understanding. “It’ll probably always be weird, if I’m honest. But it won’t always hurt so terribly. You know this is the right thing for both of you.” 
“I know,” you say, shallowing your breaths in an attempt to suppress the tears stinging in your eyes. Lily strokes a short line into the back of your hand. You can feel the weight of her gaze on you, but you keep your stare determinedly downward, blinking forcefully. “Sorry,” you choke out. “I don’t mean to be such a drag.” 
“Baby,” Lily laughs, wrapping one arm around your shoulders and the other around your head as she pulls you into her chest. And she’s all softness; soft flesh giving way to your shoulder, and a soft hand cradling your face, the soft silk of her hair tickling your nose as it falls around your face like a curtain. 
“You’re not a drag,” she promises, “you’re just sad. It’s okay to be sad, my love. Don’t stopper yourself up on my account, okay? Please.” 
You don’t cry for long, possibly because there’s not much left to cry for. You’re both right; what’s done is done, and it’ll hurt even if that hurt is pointless. You’ve lost someone who other people still get to have, or maybe you’ve lost the love more than the person, and maybe that’s worse. You can’t fix it, don’t want to, so this is all that’s left to do. Miss it. 
“My sweet girl,” Lily murmurs into your hair, “I’m sorry. You’ll be alright, I promise.” 
“I know,” you say croakily. You reach up to wipe your eyes, but she beats you to it, thumb stroking underneath your lashes with enough care to nearly have you bursting into tears all over again. “Sorry.” 
“Don’t be, you haven’t done anything wrong.” She sounds almost pleading. “You’re allowed to be upset, okay? Really, I’ve been counting on it all day. I’m just glad you didn’t go to bed without letting yourself have a cry. I was starting to really worry.” 
“Is that what the cookies have been about?” you tease, feeling lighter as tears cool on your cheeks. Your voice comes out easier. 
Lily hums. “Perhaps.” 
“Wait, really?” You pull away from her chest so you can see her. “You were trying to feed me until I felt better?” 
“Well, would there be anything wrong with that?” 
“No,” you laugh, “but I feel like it’d have been a lot less effort just to cuddle.” 
Lily beams, then looks guilty for it, tapering her smile down into something more sheepish. “I could still do that,” she says, slipping off the armrest and into your lap. You bite down on your own smile as she smears a kiss over your cheek. “I’ve got more cookies coming out in a few minutes, but aside from that brief interruption I’m all yours.” 
“More cookies?” you ask, leaning back to peer into the kitchen at the overflowing cooling racks. “How many are there going to be?” 
“You seemed very sad,” she reasons, stroking a piece of hair near your face. “It’s possible I may have overcompensated.”
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sailorwritesstuff · 1 year
Wake up call (blurb)
Implied poly marauders if you squint but Jily centric
"Good morning my love." a dainty hand caresses your sleepy face as you wake.
"Mornin'." you mutter pressing yourself further into her touch. Lily always was the least hectic to wake up next to.
"How'd you sleep?" She presses softly if she asked you questions it made you think and therefore you couldn't go back to sleep.
"S'ok..." you try to keep things short as you close your eyes again
"Just ok?" Lily asks
"Mm." You grumble and she presses a chast kiss to your lips. Even half sleep you can taste the morning coffee on her breath. She'd let you sleep in which means someone else would be in to bother you shortly. You arm folded clumsily around her waist and you press another tired kiss to her coffee flavored lips.
"are you going to get up love?" She asks as you pull away.
"I don't feel like it."
"ok." She says and she seems to be leaving it at that. She never leaves it like that.
"are you o-" a cold hand grabs hold of your ankle and you are dragged from your warm bed into the hands of James Potter. He looks satisfied that his scheme worked and he's holding you vaguely reminiscent of how one would hold a 12 pound fish.
"Nonononooooo put me down!" you whine, as Lily laughs. You were suffering and she was giggling. How rude.
"Good morning!" James beamed. "Breakfast is ready."
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ddejavvu · 1 year
Stoner rem or Lilly mixing your roll with lavender and other herbs to help with your insomnia <33
today is multiverse monday! send me any au you can think of :)
You feel sleepy all of a sudden. Not bad sleepy, not scary, chest-tightening, breath-taking sleepy, but calm, sweet, drowsy sleepy. Your head lands on Lily's shoulder as you exhale a puff of smoke, involuntarily so as it slips out in a yawn.
"Tired, dove?" Remus chuckles warmly, his own blunt perched between his lips.
"M-hm," You nod, your cheek rubbing against the corduroy strap of Lily's overalls, "What are you putting in this weed?"
"Lavender." Lily informs you, and your brows furrow at her serious answer to your joke, "And other herbs. All safe, sweetheart." Her hand comes up to caress your cheek, skin smooth and soft, "I heard you tossing and turning last night."
"And your eyes are baggy," Remus nods, "Lily said that would work."
"It did," You groan, passing your joint off to Lily to snuff out, favoring instead to rub your face against her shoulder, pressing at your aching eyes as you get comfortable, "I hope you're strong, because you're going to have to carry me to bed."
"I can do it," Remus smiles, and it's the last thing you see before you let your eyes drift shut, "Sweet dreams, dovey."
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flxwerydreams · 3 months
I think I like you (I hope you do too)
Lily Evans x Fem!Reader
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a/n: first fic!!! pls be kind :) the title is from your text by sundial.
c/w: die joke, swearing. (lmk if i missed something)
You stared at the man with undisguised incredulity. “800 pounds? Are you kidding me? I thought we agreed on 500?” Trevor - or perhaps Troy rolled his eyes at you derisively. He probably thought he was being subtle - that stupid prick.
“It's just how it is, Miss. Moving stuff inside the 'ouse? Well, that's gonna cost you a bit extra, innit? Wouldn't want you gettin' in over your 'ead now, would we?" he jeered at you. His twin, Trevor, you identified from his tag, snickered stupidly at that. The universe was really testing your patience today. 
"Seriously? It would've been decent to tell me upfront that moving stuff indoors meant extra charges. This is ridiculous." Trevor turned to you then, all six feet of him tensed and towering over you. "Miss, it ain't on us. You got a problem with it, you take it up with the higher ups. Give us our dosh, we've got other bits to be getting on with." With a sigh you handed over the cash, regretting the choice of passing on your friends’ offers to help you with the move. 
With another sigh, you turned back to the big mess in front of you, your hands resting on your hips, visibly expressing the exhaustion you were already feeling. This had seemed like such an exciting idea at first, having your own space all to yourself. The independence and freedom that you had anticipated was certainly there and you were definitely feeling it now. Having to arrange all this furniture by yourself …… very exciting. 
You let out a third sigh and felt the weariness seep into your bones. This was going to be a very long day. You took a step toward the covered couch - ready to begin settling into this new place, which would hopefully become your home. 
Suddenly, you were ambushed by a lasso which was thrown at your legs with murderous intent. The lasso then purred and you died ….. due to the lasso’s cuteness. “Hello, kitty! Oh, you’re so precious”, you cooed. The cat (not lasso) meowed up at you, rubbing against your shins. “What’s your name, buddy?” you murmured softly, picking it up and settling it in your arms. The only response you received was another meow, and a curious paw on your face. Noticing your open door, you walked towards it, all the while, gently scratching the cat behind its ears. “You seem like such a distinguished member of the society. Oh, is that where you came from?” you wondered to yourself, noticing another open door down the hallway. “And you’re my new neighbour too, it’s so sweet of you to welcome me like that, kitty.” you giggled, shutting your door carefully.  “Let's get you back to your owner, shall we?” You walked up to the threshold of your neighbour’s house and knocked on the open door. 
Just then, ‘Kitty’, as you had begun to call the cat in your head, jumped down from your arms and ran inside — towards the kitchen, you assumed. Standing on your neighbour’s doorstep awkwardly with no apparent reason was definitely not on your agenda for the day but before you could say or do anything, a figure emerged from said kitchen, you assumed again. Following that, your heart skipped around five or at least two beats. 
Standing in front of you was probably the most gorgeous woman you had ever seen. Her red curls were tied up in a top bun and there was a smudge of flour across her left cheek. And she was saying something — to you. “— hall?” She asked, with a curious gaze fixed on you. 
“Huh? Sorry — I didn’t hear that, I was - I was thinking something else, sorry” you felt heat rise to your cheeks.
 At this, a teasing smile spread on her lips. She replied with a playful lilt to her tone "I said, I hope Crookshanks didn't give you any grief, darlin', and I was wonderin' if you're the new neighbour down the hall." 
“Oh yes, I am.’’ you replied hurriedly. “I’m in 403. Which you probably already know, cus' of all the noise.” Then you registered her previous statement. “Oh, wait — his name is Crookshanks? That’s such a cute name! How old is he?” 
“He’s four!” she replied eagerly. “He’s Himalayan. And I’m Lily Evans. What’s your name, love?” she asked, walking up to you. 
It was so hard not to stare at her — she was radiant, and you realised with a start that your palms were sweaty as hell. Quickly wiping them on the back of your thighs, you extended your right hand forward as you told her your name — mostly so that you would have something to do with them, but also because she was just so pretty. Although you didn’t want to be a creep, her hands looked so soft. You realised too late that they also looked dusty. The apologetic smile on her face just made you want to cringe even more. 
"I'm terribly sorry. I was actually just whipping up some cookie dough for your welcome biscuits. Seems I've spoiled the surprise, haven't I? But I do hope you're rather fond of chocolate chip! It's one of my specialties, you know." she winked. 
In your opinion, if you fainted, at that moment, it would be completely valid. The little nicknames, the supposed flirting (you hoped), and that wink? It was a surprise you were still standing straight. It took you a few seconds to find your voice again. “Oh, you didn’t have to, you know? But also thanks a lot. Crookshanks and his owner both definitely know how to give a warm welcome.” That was brave. And also slightly lame, in your opinion. But it seemed to have its desired effect or so you thought, judging by the slight twinkle in Lily’s eyes. Her body language shifted. She leaned in a bit closer and hummed playfully. "Looks like I owe thanks to my mate for leaving the door ajar as he left. Annoying as bloody hell, but it seems to have finally come in handy." 
You quirked a smile at that, hoping her close proximity didn’t mean she could feel the heat emanating off of your face. “Looks like you do, I guess. Anyway, I should get going. I’ve still got a shit ton of stuff to do and not enough time. I’ll see you — and Crookshanks, later though?” Judging by the way her smile seemed to soften around the edges, she definitely caught the hopeful tone at the end of your sentence. “Yes, you will. Fancy joining me for dinner tonight? I'm not exactly a master chef, but I reckon the gas ain't sorted yet at your place, love.” this time, her tone was quieter and she was looking directly into your eyes with a small smile. You shifted your weight to the other leg and looked to the floor, considering it. Was this a date? You desperately wanted it to be, but what if something went wrong? Then you would have to live next to her with that and it would be awkward as hell. Looking back up at her, you saw that she was waiting patiently for you to respond, and you decided to give it a shot. What will happen, will happen, right? 
“Sure.” you replied, hoping your voice didn’t betray the conflict you had felt. “I’d love that.” She smiled brightly and clapped her hands together, leading to a small cloud of flour enveloping the both of you. At that she grinned sheepishly and whispered “Sorry.” Guess you weren’t the only nervous one, after all."I'll see you after you're done with work, love. Just give me a shout, yeah? I’ll be waitin’." 
And with that, you left for your own flat, and the big mess that awaited you. You knew the nerves of the date — was it? — would power you to get through a majority of the work. A giddy smile on your face, you began with the Herculean tasks.
And if the exhaustion of the day seemed like a good excuse to sit a bit too close to each other on Lily’s couch while watching Brooklyn Nine-Nine after eating slightly overcooked pasta, who were you to object to that?
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i hope you enjoyed it! leave a comment :) special thanks to @mxssingmemories for being an absolute angel 💖
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astraeaalstroemeria · 11 months
Lily Evans Masterlist by Astraea
Rules & Navigation | Wizarding World Masterlist
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Lily Evans
Loving someone the same gender as you? Why that's wrong. Is what they said. When you hear the name "Lily Evans" they would've told you that she was the brightest witch of her age, and the kindest too. Who wouldn't fall for her? And that's the problem. Many would fall for her. Both men and women.
looking at the stars, admiring from afar (part one) (soon...)
↳ i could be a better boyfriend than him (part two) (final) (soon...)
because love can burn like a cigarette (one-shot) (soon...)
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henqtic · 1 year
itsy bitsy spider . lily evans x reader . wc: 465.
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summary: after an encounter with a spider, lily is there to help you fall asleep. ( requested )
note: i’ve never written or even read for lily before so this is probably a bit out of character  . partially edited .
·:*₊‧ masterlist . taglist form . request works . ·:*₊‧✩
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You expected all of your childish fear to eventually go away. Just evaporate into thin air, never to be seen again— like the boogeyman or leprechauns.
To be fair, both the boogeyman and leprechauns could be real in her world.
Her, who had been your lifeline since you rekindled your friendship before she went off to Hogwarts. Especially when that turned into more, and you moved in together.
Her, who had to rush in from your bedroom to the bathroom after hearing your scream. And it was all for a little spider passing its time in the corner of your ceiling.
Lilly let you go without any chastising, promising that she’d take care of the eight legged bug and you could go get ready for bed. So you did, getting dressed in a long sleeve top, pants, and socks that could go over the fabrics.
By the time she got back, you’d changed the sheets and left only one big blanket on the bed to minimally places any other spiders could burrow their way into.
Minutes had passed since then, half an hour actually, you’d been watching the alarm clock on your nightstand, unable to go to sleep not knowing if there were a bunch of baby spiders just waiting to pop up in the night.
“Are you okay honey?” She asked softly from behind you, her body spooning yours.
Her senses were high around you, not feeling your breaths getting any softer or the muscles of your body relax. She could almost feel the fear radiating off of you and it crumbled her inside.
“Yeah I’m fine Lils,” you lied, shaking your head gently as you continued, “And I’m really sorry about being dramatic earlier, I probably scared you with how loud I screamed.”
She kissed your forehead, her long auburn hair brushing up against your face, “Don’t apologize, okay? Everyone’s afraid of something, I’m happy your fear is spiders and not something worse.”
“When are you gonna tell me what the ‘something worse’ is?” You wondered out loud, asking the question as to why she had distanced herself from magic and all of her friends always lingering in the back of your head.
“Soon,” she said slowly, “Really, really soon.”
“Can you sing me to sleep?”
She hummed, allowing you to close your eyes so that you couldn’t see her little smirk.
“The itsy bitsy spider crawled up the water spout. Down came the rain and washed the spider out. Out came the sun and dried up all the rain. And itsy bitsy spider couldn’t bother you again.”
“As long as you’re here to kill them for me I’ll be fine, goodnight Lily.”
As you drifted off to sleep, you swore you could hear her whisper, “Why would I kill an innocent creature?”
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thank you for reading, every single like and reblog is appreciated  🌷 !
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yrluvjane · 5 days
𝐋𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝐄𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐬
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Nothing Yet...
~ Misunderstandings
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sp1rit-realm · 1 year
⋆°✩ build a bear ✩°⋆
༻¨*:· request ·:*¨༺ Build A Bear date with Lily!
༻¨*:· notes ·:*¨༺ 𖦹 fluff 𖦹 omg i wrote something that wasn't sad 𖦹 froge! 𖦹 say it with me, shitty writing 𖦹 consider this an apology for all the angst 𖦹 i did not proofread this bc i'm lazy ⎝(ˊᗜˋ)⎠
༻¨*:· word count ·:*¨༺ 𖦹 155
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"Oh! Look how cute that one is!" You gushed as you intently stared through the window of the shop.
"My love," Lily let out a breathy laugh, "I'm not quite sure which one 'that one' is."
She swore your eyes were wide as saucers, "That one!"
She laughed again, "I still have no idea what you're talking about."
You sighed, "The frog, Lily!" You practically squeal.
She smiles, "Okay, let's go."
Your heart swelled, pushing against the restraints of your ribcage.
Grabbing your hand, she led you into the shop. The yellow walls reflect upon your girlfriend; she looks like a diety. 
You pick up the green frog; Lily grabs the pink one.
"G'morning, Lily. I love you!" You speak into the recorder with a grin.
"Goodnight, y/n. I love you!" She says, and you melt.
You name your frog Timmy and dress him up in rainboots and a raincoat.
Today was a good day. 
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༻¨*:· thank you for reading, my lovelies ·:*¨༺
Mutuals ଘ(੭ ˊᵕˋ)੭*༺ ♡‧₊˚ @innerloverpainter @sw34terw34ther @evergreenlover @youre-so-lovely @onmyknees4lily
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pretty-little-mind33 · 2 months
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James Potter x fem!reader
Summary: You love James but he loves Lily. It's simple, until it isn't so simple anymore.
Genre: Angst (happy ending)
Warnings: James x Lily mentioned, "unrequited" love, idiots in love, swearing, violence, harassment, crying, arguments, protective!james, jealous!james, stupid!james, Lily isn't a villain—pls i love her!
You know two things for certain—
You're head over heels in love with James. 
He's head over heels in love with Lily.  
In the beginning, you saw the entire situation as some messy game of cat & mouse, and you'd been determined to win. You had foolishly been convinced Lily didn't like James in any way. It never seemed like she had any interest in him. 
And James? Well, James adored your attention. It very clearly sparked his already enormous ego, and you couldn't deny you liked the thrill of him liking your shameless flirting. 
It was fun and harmless while it lasted and it seemed like there was a mutual understanding to both pretend you didn't notice the stolen looks, or shy smiles, the feel of his hand brushing yours in the hallway, the small written notes in class, or the letters he'd sent over the summer…and of course the present he'd left you for your 17th birthday; a small, necklace with expensive tiny rubies. 
It felt surreal. 
It was surreal because the moment you find out James has been dating Lily since Christmas break you feel sick. "Lily? Lily Evans?" You ask your friends, almost choking on your scrambled eggs. 
"Yeah. Apparently, Marls said that Lily kissed James in the Common Room after his practice yesterday," Mary says, immersed in the gossip, "Either way, I heard from Sirius Black that they've been inseparable ever since New Year. He says it's rather annoying."
You hear her muffle a yelp as Pandora kicks her shin from underneath the table. "Oh, I forgot you like James, Y/n," Mary says and sends you a sympathetic smile. 
You feel crushed inside but you force a smile, "Me? Oh, please. I can find so much better than Potter. He was just a silly crush," you swat your hand in the air, "I'm already over him," you say.
Pandora doesn't look like she believes you but she doesn't say anything. Instead, she and Mary let you sit in silence and pretend not to know you're unintentionally staring at James and his friends from across the dining hall. 
James is laughing and your chest tightens. He seems over the moon as he has his arm around Lily's shoulder and she looks at him with a look you've never seen her wear. She actually looks like she's enjoying his jokes now. 
You can't help yourself as you start to compare yourself to Lily. You chew on your nails as you start to remember every insecurity you've ever had and you feel miserable.
You aren't really supposed to feel miserable, you reason, deep down you knew James wasn't yours. He was always hers. He was just waiting for her to claim him and you were a silly distraction.
You pry your eyes away from James and Lily when he stands up. You think he sees you for a moment because you can feel his stare. However, when you lift your head and make eye contact for a moment. James's expression is unreadable and he's the first to turn his head. He grins and continues his conversation with Lily as you're frozen in time.
"Y/n?" Mary calls your name and time resumes.
"Yeah?" you whisper, composing yourself and crossing your arms on the table. 
"Here," she hands you a crumpled-up note and points behind her, "It's from Danny."
You take the note from Mary and tilt your head to see Danny Dulac staring at you from the Slytherin table. Danny Dulac is the Captain of the Slytherin Quidditch team. He's tall, extremely smart, and has the silkiest blond hair. 
Danny sends you a smile and motions toward the paper in your hand which reads:
~I heard Potter is out of the picture now. Does this mean you're free for a Butterbeer on Saturday?~
You think it's a joke but when you look up, Danny looks dead serious. Mary leans over and when she sees the note over your shoulder, she exclaims, "Oh my Merlin, Danny just asked you out!" she pushes on your shoulder excitedly and you shush her. 
You stare at the cursive and your mind races. You spent so many years liking James that it had never even crossed your mind that you could like other boys, or that they could like you. 
"Well? Answer him," Pandora insists and makes a little circle motion with her hand. 
Once you find a quill from inside your book-bag, you reply with a small, enthusiastic, 
* * *
Over the week leading up to Saturday, you try to pretend James and Lily don't exist. 
It's much easier than you imagined because you have Danny's to pay attention to now. Turns out Danny Dulac is a gentleman who carries your books in the hallway and compliments you whenever he has the chance. 
You don't feel the loss you felt when you found out James and Lily kissed—at least not when James isn't staring at you from afar. You knew James wasn't that fond of Danny—being the Gryffindor Quidditch Captain and all—but ever since Danny has been hanging around you it seems like James can't stand the guy. 
It's confusing, especially because James hasn't made any attempts to talk to you since his relationship with Lily became public. 
You sit in Potions next to Marlene when Remus Lupin comes up to you. "Y/n?" he asks in a quiet voice and you look up at him, "It's from James," he shows you the note in his hand and you stare at it like it's one of James's stupid pranks. 
You thank Remus and open it anyway, 
~Meet me at Hogsmeade on Saturday?~
Without a word to Remus, you scribble an answer, 
~I have a date~
You fold the torn parchment and hand it to Remus. You watch him walk back to James and Sirius. When James sees you've actually written him a response, his eyes sparkle and he hides a smile. However, his smile disappears once he reads the contents and you’ve never seen him so perturbed. 
He starts to scribble on the paper and, with his eyes focused on you, hands it to Remus. 
Remus shakes his head adamantly so James then tries to hand it to Sirius, who also shakes his head. James's last option is Peter but the poor boy has fallen asleep on his Potions book. 
You smile. Your attention is pulled from them when you see Danny next to you.
"Hi," he smiles.
"Hi," you answer and the last thing that could possibly be on your mind is James Potter. 
* * *
You pull at the hem of your dress and adjust your jumper nervously. Danny has just made the same joke he made a few hours earlier and you really try and force out another chuckle. 
"You ok? You look a little warm," Danny says foam from the beer lays across his upper lip.
You blink. You like him, you try to convince yourself, he's smart and super handsome and he carries your books for Merlin's sake— 
"I'm completely fine, continue?" you smile sweetly and lean in towards him from across the table. You want to look interested.
Danny smirks and looks around. "Wanna go somewhere quieter?" 
No, you want to say. You won't want to go anywhere with him because that means you have to listen to him some more and he's oh so boring.
Only you don't say no, you say, "Sure," and allow him to take your hand.
Once you've found a small, empty corner of The Three Broomsticks, Danny pushes you to the wall. His hand is resting near your forehead and he leans in as if he wants to kiss you. You panic and push him away, "Oh I'm super warm actually. One second," You turn and your hands tremble as you pull your jumper over your head and let it slide down your arms. 
Danny looks a little annoyed when you turn back around. His eyes lower and he frowns, "Pretty' necklace. Who's it from?" he points out and you look down. 
James's necklace.
"Oh. A friend," you say dismissively and rush to unclip it as it falls into your hands.
"A friend huh?" Danny crosses his arms, "Is it from Potter?"
You feel your cheeks become warm. Why would he ask that? You aren't sure what expression you're making but it cannot be a normal one.
"No!" you say and Danny yanks the necklace from your hands. Your heart sinks as you try to take it back instantly.
Danny holds it away from you, making you feel small, "You can't keep this." 
"Why not? It's mine," your lip wobbles.
"Because it's from him and he has a girl. It's completely inappropriate." 
You lower your arm and your heart hurts. Is Danny right? Maybe you have thrown away the necklace as soon as you found out about James and Lily? Why are you still wearing it? 
"Plus, if you want to be my girl you'll throw away this dirty necklace," Danny snarls as he runs his fingers along the silver chain. You freeze. 
"What?" you can't believe he just said that. 
"What?" Danny counters. He seems confused at your sudden shift in tone. 
"I am not your girl. I don't want to be your girl."
"Bullshit, Y/n," Danny rolls his eyes and stuffs your necklace into his robe. He walks closer, this time menacingly, and you feel stuck. Your hands press against the wall and you look at him. Your eyes brim with tears, mostly in hopes he'll leave you alone when he sees them. Danny just raises his hand and harshly brushes them away with his thumb, "You should feel lucky someone like me even likes you," he smirks. 
You feel like someone just punched you in the gut and you stutter, "Get away from me."
"No," Danny says and leans in. Only, he's suddenly ripped from in front of you and you inhale, surprised. You blink as Danny stumbles when someone seizes his collar. You feel someone else's hand on your shoulder and you turn to look at them. 
"Are you okay?" Kind, considerate, Lily Evans whispers, concerned at your tears.
"What the fuck?!" You hear a loud crack as Danny groans in pain. You look towards the sound and see James Potter take Danny's collar again, his knuckles already stained a little crimson. James looks furious. 
"Did you hurt her?" he hisses and shakes Danny like it's nothing.
Lily soothes you by rubbing your shoulders and she calls James's name as a warning.
"Hurt her? We're on a date, Potter. She wanted it," Danny snarls and you wince. You didn't want it. James looks at you and Lily from the corner of his eye and his heart breaks when he sees your expression.
"Fucking nutter!" James exclaims and punches Danny in the stomach. This time, Danny doesn't just take the hit. Instead, he tackles James and they trip onto the ground. Lily screams at her boyfriend and you scream Danny's name. 
You try to pull Danny away from James but it's only when you hear a loud crack as Danny lands on his left thigh that he pauses. You gasp, covering your mouth with your hands, which makes James pause and he looks confused as Danny pulls out your necklace from inside his robe. The small rubies have shattered and when Danny opens his hand, the chain and the shards drop onto the ground. 
He stands and taunts, "Some gift, huh Potter?" James's expression falls. 
 You crouch down, scooping the, now completely ruined, necklace into your palms. You try to hold in your tears and the world around you turns silent as you look at your present. "Shut it," You hear Lily snap at Danny and she doesn't hesitate to help you stand. Her arm holds yours and she looks almost as furious as James. 
"She's crying because of you, you prat! Does that make you feel good about yourself, huh?" James points out with frustration.
You know he means well, but it doesn't help that he basically announced to the entirety of The Three Broomsticks that you're in tears. You sniffle and look at Danny. His blue eyes shine with a mixture of embarrassment, pity, shame, and resentment.
"Whatever," he just snarls, "She's not worth it. She never was," he says as if you aren't standing directly in front of him. 
"You piece of shit," James hisses but Lily interrupts him.
"James. No," she scolds like a mother and James whips his head around to glare at her.
Instead, he makes eye contact with you and his face falls once more. His posture softens and, to your surprise, he doesn't move when Danny bumps his shoulder to leave. 
"I'm sorry, James," you say sadly, still holding his present. 
He looks confused and tilts his head as walks closer to you. Murmurs drift around the room as students continue to watch the scene. Lily looks around, seemingly just as uncomfortable as you, and James does the same. 
He gestures to the door and raises one of his eyebrows in a question. Lily nods. Quietly, you follow them outside and as you walk.
James and Lily somehow find their way next to each other. It's almost automatic for them and your heart breaks. Lily whispers into James's ear and his eyes glance at you. You look away, insecurities burning your chest. 
"You okay?" Lily asks, turning around when you start to fall back behind them.
You hum and pick at your nails, "I- I'm gonna go," you mutter. Lily wants to protest but, without a word, you stand before James and let the broken necklace fall into his open hands.
He looks at you with wide eyes and then clutches his hand around the necklace so fiercely. He shakes his head and your name leaves his lip but you don't wait for him to continue. You turn to leave—what can he possibly say now that will make you feel better?
"I like you!" His voice resonates in your ears as your breath leaves you. You turn around, almost hurting your neck. You couldn't have heard him correctly. Your eyes bounce to Lily but she doesn't look hurt. She doesn't even look surprised. Instead, she sends you a small smile.
You blink, "Pardon me?" You walk a little closer to James, "You like me? As in romantically or as a person?"
James starts to stutter, "R-romantically."
You look towards Lily, bewildered. "But, you're dating her!" 
  James turns to look at Lily just as she speaks up, "No, we broke up. We didn't even last more than maybe two weeks, Y/n." She laughs, "You two should really talk—" 
James nods at her and then turns to you once more. His arms stretch out as if he wants to make sure you won't run away from him. "Please, Y/n. Hear me out." He sounds so small and for someone with such a big personality, you're suddenly afraid.
You find yourself nodding slowly and let him lead you behind The Three Broomsticks. James lets you lean against the wall and then he nervously runs a hand in his hair.
"James, I don't understand," you say quietly, "You like Lily. You have always liked Lily—I was always just some girl you entertained because you liked the attention. I've always known that."
James's face falls as he listens to you and you see his hands hesitate towards you. "You were never just some girl," he says adamantly.
You frown, "Yes, I was."
"No, you weren't," His voice rises and you press your back against the wall, staring at him as he explains, "Listen, I ended things with Lily. It was my decision. I realized I couldn't stay with her and do you want to know why?" 
You shake your head instantly but he tells you anyway. 
"Because she wasn't you. She didn't make me feel as full as you always do. When she laughed, I never had the same butterflies in my stomach," James pressed his hand to his chest, "My heart didn't feel compressed in my chest whenever I looked at her. I didn't blush at her compliments like I would yours, or want her to smile only because of me. Just like you used to. Bloody hell, I thought of you when I kissed her."
Your entire body feels warm as embarrassment washes over you. "Why did you then?" your voice breaks, "Why did you put me through that? You knew what I felt for you and you chose Lily anyway. How can I trust you now, James?"
You watch his lip tremble as he looks at you with his doleful brown eyes and your heart shatters for the fourth time this hour alone. 
"I don't know," he buries his face in his hands, making an exasperated sound, " I know that answer isn't good enough for you, and I know I can't take back the pain you felt when you saw me with her. I do know that." 
You don't know what to answer. 
James runs a hand over his jaw and looks at you, "I suppose I couldn't let the fantasy go," he admits in a whisper. 
You turn your head away, "Y-yeah—Lily Evans, the fantasy. I understand." 
"W-what? No, that isn't what I meant!" James assures you, "I've been stuck on Lily for years. I know I didn't see you, but—but I see you now."
You stare at him. He looks so upset that your anger turns into pity, "James—"
"Y/n, please don't reject me. I can't bear it," his voice breaks as his eyes water. He walks closer and drops the broken necklace he'd given you in your palm. Your hand closes around it without thinking. "I've been such an idiot but I can't imagine losing you like this."
"You lost me the moment I saw you with Lily. You don't deserve to have me—not like this, and definitely not anymore," you say sternly and watch as you break the heart of the boy you're madly in love with. 
"James, you strung me along for months and months, and then threw me away without hesitation for her. If you liked me, you would have never let me cry over you for weeks," your voice becomes louder. 
James's hurt expression twists and his eyes darken, "You spent your days with Danny Dulac for fucks sake! What the hell was I supposed to do?" he also raises his voice.
"You aren't allowed to be jealous!" you say and push your index into his chest, tears streaming down your cheeks, "You ruined this," your voice dies as your hand flattens on his chest and he grasps it in his. James pulls you closer and leans his head onto yours. 
For a moment, you let it rest there, but then you pull away. "I can't do this," you mutter, "you only want what you can't have, James," you whisper and you know your words would hurt him but you don't care. You hear him call your name as you walk away from him.
* * *
Over the next few months, it's as if you and James never existed. 
You don't speak in class and when James wants to talk outside of classes, you ignore him. Eventually, he stops trying. He doesn't go back to Lily like you'd expected him to. Instead, time goes by, you both graduate, and it isn't until Marlene's 21st birthday that you see James Potter again.
He's in the middle of a small crowd: his smile as bright and wide as you remember. He's laughing like he would in school and you stand to the side of the room, suddenly unsure what to do with yourself.  
When James sees you, his smile falters for a moment. He looks you up and down and when his eyes land on the necklace you're wearing, his heart thumps in his chest and he can't help but wander over to you. You almost run from him, but enough time has passed for you to stay still.
"Hi," James says, looking into your eyes. 
You look up, your voice merely a whisper, "Hi." 
Weirdly, conversation flows easily. You talk about work, hobbies, and eventually you land on relationships. Somehow you've found each other in a secluded side of the room, you're leaning against the wall as James's arm rests near your head. It isn't confrontational—no, instead you feel safe caged in his strong arms. Your eyes train on the muscles of his arm—of course he plays Professional Quidditch now. You need to remind yourself to pay more attention to Quidditch from now on. 
"You seeing anyone?" James hums, his eyes flickering to your necklace again. You fiddle with it subconsciously and shake your head. 
James shakes his head too and he finally asks the question that's been burning his lips, "You fixed it," he raises his arm and his thumb skims the rubies. 
You hum and nod. "I did."
You laugh and look at James. "Because I love this necklace," you pause a moment and you whisper, "And it reminds me of someone."
   James seems surprised and he runs a hand in his curls. He looks at you and leans in a little. "C-can I?" he asks and a part of you wants to shake your head…tell him to fuck off. But, this is James Potter. He's the only boy you've ever loved—no matter who came after him. You nod and James's hand cups your cheeks as his lips press against yours. 
"I've been thinking of doing this for years," he says breathlessly through his kisses. 
I have too, you want to say but instead you just pull him closer. 
"I love you," James says suddenly and pulls away. He looks flustered as he tries to explain himself. "I- I never stopped."
You look at him and utter three words James didn't think he'd ever hear, "Neither did I." 
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ellecdc · 4 months
A Man With a Plan.1
prologue // p1 // p2 // p3 // p4 // p5 // p6 // p7
Remus Lupin x whimsical!reader - Hogwarts Era (no Voldemort) - Soulmate AU
CW: mentions of bullying - only one description of it, but it's chill cuz James tells them to fuck off like the king he is? Descriptions of werewolf behaviour idk. Use of Y/N
Synopsis: Remus planned to never fall in love. Moony had other plans.
“Don’t you think she’s just the loveliest thing, Moons?” James spoke in reverence.
Remus needn’t move his gaze from his book to know that Lily Evans just walked into the library – so he didn’t. 
“Sure is, James.”
“Don’t be getting any ideas though.” James said as he nudged his friend. He was clearly trying to go for light and breezy, but Remus caught the nervous twinge in his voice.
“You truly have nothing to worry about, Prongs.” He muttered.
“What? Don’t like birds?” James asked, though he was still watching Lily make her way over to her friends.
“Who doesn’t like birds?” Sirius questioned as he appeared out of nowhere, swatting Remus’ feet off a neighbouring chair and taking the seat for himself.
“Remus, apparently.” Peter answered from behind his book.
Remus finally lowered his book to regard his friends. “That is not what I said.”
“He said he doesn’t like Lily.” James told Sirius, finally turning his attention away from this girl to look at his mate like can you believe this guy?
“I literally just said I agreed that she was lovely.” Remus guffawed.
“If you think she’s so lovely, why don’t you go ask her out then?” Sirius asked with a smirk, causing James to let out a strangled groan. 
“What! No, common that’s like, against the bro code. Oh! Hi Y/N!” James cut himself off as he spotted you entering the library.
“Hello, James.” You greeted serenely as you started towards him. “What has your aura so pink today?”
This caused both Sirius and Remus’ eyebrows to cock, though neither of them interrupted yours and James’ interaction. 
“We were just talking about how lovely Lily is.” James answered solemnly.
“Yes, I suppose that would do it.” You answered as you turned to follow James’ gaze. 
“It’s funny, her aura turns the same colour when she looks at you. I wonder what that could mean.” You said softly, completely missing the way James’ head reared back.
“Well, I must be off. I’ve been trying to check out a book all week, but each time I’ve come to the library I’ve ended up distracted trying to clear the nargles from the shelves. The library is just full of them!” 
Your voice was feather light as you bid a simple goodbye to James who returned it with an easy smile before you floated away.
James turned from your retreating form to see the bemused faces of his friends, sans Peter who still hadn’t raised his head from his book.
“What was that?” Sirius finally asked.
“What was what?” James asked as he furrowed his brows. “Y/N?”
“Since when are you friends with her?” Sirius continued.
“We have care of magical creatures together. She’s tutoring me, actually. She’s really quite nice.” James said as he picked up his own forgotten textbook.
Sirius, still not able to let it go, added, “She’s an odd little bird, isn’t she?” 
James only shook his head. “She’s harmless. People give her a harder time than she deserves.” 
“Perhaps...” Remus acquiesced. “But what the hell is a nargle?” 
“Oh, not a clue.” James answered simply before beginning to work on his Ancient Runes translation.
Remus and Sirius exchanged one more look before moving to their own homework.
It’s not that Remus didn’t know who you were – Hogwarts wasn’t a big enough school to not know the other students in your own year – but there had never been any interactions between your circles of friends. Namely, Remus’ friends and whoever you happened to hang out with never seemed to intertwine. Remus had to assume you had friends – even he had friends, and he was a monster – but he had no idea who they could be. 
Remus had to admit you were a cute little thing, if a little odd as Sirius said. James could be a lot of things, but he always saw the best in people; so, it really shouldn’t have surprised Remus that James had made a friend of you. 
What Remus didn’t yet know was what your newfound friendship with James would mean for him.
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“So, what do we think? Does Lily here have some competition?” Marlene joked with a wicked grin as she threw her arm across Lily’s shoulders at the Gryffindor table.
“Competition for what?” Sirius asked around a mouthful of eggs from his spot across from Peter and Remus.
“James, of course.” Dorcas clarified.
Lily groaned. “I was never competing.”
“I mean, who needs tutoring in care of magical creatures? Don’t you just like, show up and feed them? Seems like a ruse to me.” Mary chuckled from her place.
Peter leaned into Remus before adding. “Does seem a little weird that James needs help in care of magical creatures, seeing as that’s exactly what he does once a month.”
Remus nearly choked on his tea before regaining his composure. Apparently, he hadn't regained it quickly enough. 
“What’s so funny over there?” Lily asked as she narrowed her teasing-filled eyes at the two offending boys.
“Nothing at all, Evans. But trust me when I say you have absolutely nothing to worry about when it comes to the future Mr. Evans-Potter.” He responded easily. All the mirth left Lily’s face as she turned her gaze towards her breakfast, but both Peter and Remus noticed the faint blush dusting her cheeks. 
It was surprising to all, although not surprising at all (I mean, come on, James has been at this for seven years – it was bound to come about eventually), that Lily was slowly beginning to warm up to James’ advances. It probably helped that they were head girl and boy this year, it also probably helped that James was less annoying about it and far more polite with his advances, and it also probably helped that the rest of Lily’s friends really quite liked James. 
As if summoned, James accompanied by Lily’s competition, entered the Great Hall together. 
“I’d really like that, Y/N. Thank you!” James could be heard saying as the two of you approached his friends.
“It’s really no problem, James. I’m sure they’d love to have more visitors.” You responded softly. Remus noticed your smile was just as soft as your voice; he thought it was lovely. 
What the fuck? Stop thinking people are lovely, you git. He scolded himself immediately. 
“Who’s this little birdie introducing you to, Prongsie?” Sirius asked as he shot a salacious wink your way.
You furrowed your brows at him in confusion.
“Birdie?” You asked James softly. He smiled kindly as he turned to you. “A nickname, Y/N. The way Sirius just said it could be taken as a compliment.” 
“Or an insult if you don’t appreciate such brazen flirting.” Dorcas added which earned her an elbow to the ribs from said flirt. 
“Anyway,” James interjected, looking towards you somewhat awkwardly. “Y/N here was helping me study facts about thestrals when she told me she has befriended a wild herd not far from Hogwarts. She said she’d take me to meet them.”
“Meet thestrals? Can you even see thestrals, Prongsie?” Sirius asked inquisitively. 
“There are other ways to enjoy the presence of beings without being able to see them.” You offered simply, your tone remaining nothing but kind even as you corrected him. Remus couldn’t help but smile at you.
Stop smiling, dumbass. He mentally berated himself.
“Quite right. I’d like to try feeding them and petting them.” James said with a level of finality. “If you think they’ll let me.” He added hastily as he turned to you.
You offered the git a soft smile and patted his arm placatingly. “I’m sure they will, James. In fact, I think your voice might be the perfect hertz; the thestrals will love your lower tones.”   
The majority of the group just furrowed their brows at you, but Marlene began to cackle. 
“Oh, sweetheart. It’s a good thing you’re pretty.” She said as she wiped a non-existent tear from below her eyes.
James’ eyes turned stormy as he locked his gaze on Marlene, but his voice remained somewhat relaxed as he addressed you. “Thanks again, Y/N. I’ll see you in class.” 
You smiled politely at him before making your way over to your house table.
“How ironic is it that such a ditz was sorted into the house that values learning, wisdom, wit, and intellect.” She snorted, either missing James’ glare or ignoring it entirely. 
“Marlene, I love you, you’re one of my best friends, we grew up together, you’re my sister from another mister, I would die for you.” he started, making sure she was looking at him before proceeding. “Do not make fun of my friends.”
Remus was certain his eyebrows had flown right off his forehead as he exchanged a look with his friends. Sirius and Peter seemed to be in agreement that they’d never seen James so stern as he sat down beside Sirius and started filling his plate. Unbeknownst to the boys, Lily was looking at James with a small smirk a look of respect from her end of the bench. 
“So, boys,” James began, “I was thinking, for our next brilliant prank...”
And just like that, James was back to planning pranks with the Marauders as if he hadn’t just blown the entire Gryffindor table’s minds. 
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The rest of the month went about the same; you and James could be found around the castle together, which Sirius was more than happy to take the piss about, and none of James’ friends made fun of you anymore - genuinely fearing James’ wrath ever since he hexed some Hufflepuffs who made a passing comment about you one day. 
Remus didn’t think you noticed any of it, however; at least it didn’t appear that way. He found that quite remarkable. He found you quite remarkable.
He hated that. 
It’s not that Remus was a prude, but he didn’t like liking you. It made him feel icky – out of control, like he didn’t have a say in any of it. Casual hookups were much more easy and comfortable for him, it was easy to roll over the next morning, say thanks, and carry on like nothing.
But just sharing a small nod of acknowledgment with you made him giddy. 
He hated that.
He certainly hadn’t agreed to liking you – he had rules. Rules like – having sex with someone was fine, having feelings for someone was not. And he didn’t want to have sex with you!
Okay, that’s not necessarily true.
He didn’t not want to have sex with you, but that’s not what drew him to you. You seemed ethereal; otherworldly; perhaps a touch too pure.
Certainly, too pure for a werewolf.
Which is why he had rules in the first place; he would not allow someone to get tangled up in his curse of a life, to suffer through loving someone as awful as him. It was painful enough being Remus, he wasn’t going to curse someone to loving him. 
So, Remus made a plan: he would ignore this friendship between you and James and pretend like you didn’t exist, only being as polite as humanly possible to stay within James’ good graces. 
That plan was fucked to shit in potions. 
The Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff 7th year class was finishing up as the Slytherin’s and Gryffindor’s entered for their own class. Remus inwardly sighed as he spotted you across the room heading for the ingredient supply cupboard. Remus sighed again when some of your fellow housemates chuckled watching you struggle to carry the many ingredients on your own, none of which offered to help. 
“Oh! Are you headed to the supply closet? Mind taking these too?” A snarky little witch (Remus replaced that W with a B in his mind) said as she placed another vial on top of your load without waiting for your response. 
Remus had to give you credit, however, as all you did was smile kindly as you reconfigured the many vials and jars in your arms. 
Remus sighed outwardly, and loudly, as he made his way to follow you into the supply closet.
“Here, let me help you with that.” He muttered somewhat petulantly like he hadn't just volunteered his help unprompted as he relieved you of some vials and jars.
You looked at him with a face of surprise which quickly morphed into one of gratitude. Remus loved hated it.
“Thank you, Remus. That’s very kind of you.” You all but sung to him. Your voice sounded like angels. Fuck. 
Remus scoffed. “Not quite as nice as you, cleaning up for everyone else.” He muttered somewhat darkly.
You bobbed your head back-and-forth noncommittally. “Oh, I don’t mind so much. They do plenty for me in return.”
He turned to you, genuinely interested to hear what exactly those knob heads ever did for you. “Like what?”
You smiled to yourself as you continued placing ingredients in their rightful homes. “Well, they’re always keeping me on my toes by hiding my things around the castle. They must know how much I enjoy a good treasure hunt.”
Remus’ hand stopped in midair as he watched you continue to work. Did he hear you right? Did you actually believe these people were being kind? Did you think of those people as your friends?
“Or perhaps they don’t know that. Then in that case, I suppose the joke would be on them.” You said plainly as you turned your attention back to Remus, offering him a slightly pursed smile – like you were trying to hide the full extent of your joy at the thought, though the dimple that appeared on your left cheek gave you away.
It actually surprised a bark of laughter from him as he forced his hand to resume its task. “I suppose so.” He concurred. 
Remus heard a small tinkling sound and a gentle ‘oh’ escape your lips as a vial rolled into his foot. You both bent down to pick it up, but Remus was faster. As he went to hand you the offending vial, your fingers brushed gently.
For Remus, you may as well have set off a bomb.
Remus swore he felt every neuron in his body firing at the same time, his blood cells turned to lava and his veins turned to ice, his feet felt like they were fully rooted to the dungeon floor below him while his heart thrummed and took off in flight from his body. 
And through all of this, Moony was going feral. 
“Pack. Pack. Pack. Pack. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. MINE.”
Remus ripped his hand away from you like it burned – and in some ways it did – but the newfound space between your beings seemed to hurt even more. 
Remus’ chest was heaving, and his heart was going a mile a minute while Moony continued howling inside of his head. He could barely hear the classroom behind him through the blood rushing in his ears.
Remus could count many worst parts about this whole experience, but at this very moment, the worst part was your face.
Your head was cocked to the side like a confused cocker spaniel as your brows furrowed ever so slightly. You peered at Remus with a concerned gaze and your entire being just oozed kindness and understanding.
As if you could understand the clamoring of the 13-year-old werewolf living inside his brain screaming at him to lunge at you, bow down to you, fold you up and put you in his pocket, to crack open his ribcage and place you inside of him for eternity. What the fuck was wrong with him!?
“Are you alright, Remus?” You asked, so, so, so softly. In fact, you said it so softly that Remus was sure if Moony hadn’t just decided to dial into the exact channel of your frequency, he would have missed it completely. 
“Yes.” He breathed as he shook his head no. “No. I don’t know. I-”
You nodded sympathetically, as if Remus had said anything coherent at all. “That’s alright.”
Remus willed his lungs to take a deep breath. Because, was it really? Was it really alright? Because it sort of felt like Remus was dying; like his life was over as he knew it. 
“Ah, Miss. L/N, you should be off to your next class now, quickly. Mr. Lupin, please take your seat.” Mr. Slughorn said, poking his head briefly into the supply cupboard before retreating in much the same way.
You nodded politely at the teacher before offering Remus a smile.
“Thank you again for your help, Remus.” You said gently as you moved past him to retrieve your bag before exiting the classroom. Remus Moony wanted to follow you, begged to follow you. He could still smell you – you were everywhere. Fuck, Remus needs to shower.
Remus leaned his head against the cool stone of the dungeon walls. “What’s happening to me?” He moaned miserably to himself.
If only he knew. 
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Continue to chapter two here.
Taglist: @hanniejji
856 notes · View notes
moonstruckme · 2 months
Hihi!! I’m brand new here but I love your writing already!! I was wondering if you could write something for James, Remus, or Lily (you can pick!) with a reader who’s absolutely terrified of throwing up and they help her through it when it actually happens? Sorry if it’s worded weirdly or doesn’t make sense 😭😭
Thank you for requesting lovely!
cw: nausea, mention of vomit, reader has hair long enough for a ponytail
Lily Evans x fem!reader ♡ 616 words
“Sweetheart,” Lily’s perfume fills your lungs with every deep breath you take, sweet and vaguely floral. Grounding. Her hand coasts gently up and down your spine, “you’re only drawing it out.” 
Tears bite at the backs of your eyes, because you know. It’s inevitable, when the first wave has already passed but the nausea hasn’t, that there’s going to be more. And your girlfriend, despite her best intentions, is being so supremely unhelpful by telling you so. 
Which isn’t her fault, you know. You certainly don’t want her to go away, you’re just frustrated and panicky and a bit despairing in your hopelessness. It’s easy to be angry with her, when the true villain is formless.
“I can’t make myself do it,” you choke out, and you have to press your lips together hard right after, swallowing. 
“You don’t have to do anything,” Lily promises. She keeps her voice soft and soothing, a caress to your sensitive nerves. A piece of hair falls into your face, and she tucks it back in with the rest, confined to a ponytail at the back of your head. You focus on the gentle scrape of her nails over your scalp. “Just relax, yeah? Let your body do what it needs to.” 
You scrunch your face as another wave of nausea roils through you, squeezing a tear out of one eye. Lily coos and ducks down to kiss it away. Her lips are soft against your cheek, unconcerned with your clammy skin or how awful you know your breath must be, and you’re treated to a sight of her pretty green eyes as she stays crouched beside you. They’re kind, worried. 
“I know you’re nervous,” she says, “but that wasn’t so bad a few minutes ago, was it?” 
“I didn’t love it,” you admit, and she smiles. It’s distractingly lovely. You forget your breathing for a moment, reminded when bile pushes cruelly at the base of your throat. Lily’s expression creases like she can tell. 
“You’ll be so happy once it’s done, pretty girl. So long as you sit here thinking about it it’s still happening, but when it’s over, it’s over.” 
You think to make a reply, something along the lines of I know but that doesn’t make it easier, when your body overrules you. Lily starts rubbing your back again as you cough and gasp, tears slipping off your nose and into the toilet bowl. 
“You’re alright, baby,” she says, sweet-toned and sure. “I’ve got you.” 
You pant like a child as you spit the last of it out, and Lily reaches for the cup of water you’d set aside earlier, passing it to you. You swish and spit into the toilet. You lean back into her, and she receives you happily, adjusting so that you’re partially in her lap and brushing your ponytail to the side. She blows cool air on your nape, making you sigh. 
“You’re so weird,” she says at your reaction, the smile euphonious in her voice. “Do you feel better this time?” 
“I think so,” you answer fretfully. 
Lily combats your anxiety with sureness. “I had a feeling you would.” She brushes a kiss against the shell of your ear. “I know that wasn’t easy, sweetheart. Do you want some of your ice cream as a reward?” 
You groan. “I don’t want to eat anything ever again.” 
“Fair enough,” she laughs. “How about a shower then?” 
You tilt your head back, batting your eyelashes at her. “Will you come with me?” 
Lily clearly makes an effort to keep her smile at bay, but it shows itself in the happy squint of her eyes. “If you ask me nicely, I’ll do anything you like.” 
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ddejavvu · 1 year
Okay I know it’s not Monday- but I’ve had a hard time taking my meds for depresso recently can you do lily or Remus helping reader take there meds Ty x
"It's time," Remus glances at his watch, "Ready, dove?"
A wave of resentment washes over you as Lily digs in her handbag for your medicine bottle, the orange plastic foreboding and somehow taunting.
"Whatever," You grumble, "I don't have water, I can't."
"I have water," Remus reaches into his own bag, a tote slung over his shoulder, "It might be a bit warm, but it's still water."
"Warm water makes me sick," You bluff, "I'll take them later."
"No you won't," Lily carefully insists, smile sympathetic, but not pitying, "I know you won't. I'm no stranger to your evasion tactics, sweetheart."
"Drink while you walk," Remus urges you, pointing at a window display of a novelty pillow, something you'd love to have on your bed, "I was gonna suggest we head in there, I know you'll like their display."
Lily hands you your pills quickly, keeping them hidden in her hand so that you don't see them. And she makes a point of casually walking away before you take them, even though Remus takes your free hand, watching out of the side of his eye while you swallow. They want to make sure you take them, but they don't want to hover, or stare at you.
Their understanding and accommodation of your routines is something you appreciate even if you don't say it, even if you can't say it. You wish you didn't have to take the meds at all, but if you have to, you suppose you want them in Lily's green purse, and you're not sure anything will wash them down better than Remus's water, because even if it is warm, you know he carries it for you.
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loves4ge · 1 year
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and then they were roommates james potter x fem!reader idiots to lovers college au
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"you're getting kicked out?" lily whispered, shock enveloping her words. you were just as shocked as she was, your grip on on your phone tightening.
"yeah. apparently her boyfriend's moving in or something, i don't know." you rolled your eyes; you had never liked your previous roommate but she did offer the best rent and did her share of chores. though her boyfriend was a douche and you hated having to see him pretty much everyday.
you groaned, slipping farther down in your seat. lily sympathetically patted your back when her phone started buzzing.
"oh it's marlene," lily mentioned, picking up her phone to reply. the two were the grossest couple to be around; you still put up with it though.
"what's she saying?" you laid your head on your arms on the table in front of you, tilted in a way that you could see lily rapidly type something.
"oh lord, you're probably gonna love marlene more than i do at this point - she knows someone who needs a roommate!"
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"so you're james potter?" you ask, flashing a smile at the bespectacled boy, his messy brown hair seemed messy in the way that he spent two hours minimum every morning on it.
"yep, pleasure to meet you." he reached out his hand, mirroring your grin. charming.
"the pleasure's all mine." you shook his hand, his grip was warm and firm. and he was handsome. and lean. and tall.
"let me show you around." he guided you inside, showing you the kitchen which was open and connected to the lounge. the two bedrooms were on opposite ends of the house and each had their own bathroom which you were extremely thankful for.
after the (short) tour, you both ended up sitting on the stools around the kitchen island drinking soft drinks from the fridge.
"so, what is it that you do?" you asked, wiping the condensation from the can on your dark jeans. the white tee you wore was sticking to your skin from the heat. you'd have to ask about the air con later.
"i'm doing photography at uni. what about you?" he said, taking another a sip of his cherry-flavored drink. you don't get how he could like something so sweet.
"literature. i met lily in my first class actually." you remember the sparkling redhead who somehow wiggled into your life and never left.
"ah, mckinnon's girl, right?" he asked, as if he vaguely remembered lily from a group hangout.
"yeah." with that you fell into a slightly awkward silence although you both didn't mind the quiet. you could hear the fizz of your drinks, as you both drank. you looked straight ahead, only looking at him through your peripheral vision. he, apparently, didn't know of such etiquette because he rested his head on his arm on the kitchen island, staring at you openly.
you tried to ignore it but now the heat was getting to you and your jeans started to feel uncomfortable. your can of coldness was empty. james was still staring. you zeroed in on one of the fridge magnets even though you couldn't really make out what was it trying to show because of the distance.
"does the air con not work?" you turned your head to look at him. at the sound of your voice, he lifted his head and grinned.
"no, it works." his answer made you feel a little ridiculous. and here you thought you were being considerate, assuming his air con broke or something.
"then why don't you have it on?"
"i don't get hot that easily." this man was getting even more ridiculous. you couldn't help but laugh.
"oh my god. go," you shove him off his stool, "turn it on for me?" you tilt your head, looking at him through your eyelashes in a last-ditch effort to persuade him.
"'m going." you blow a kiss noisily, getting up and grabbing both empty cans and throwing them in the dustbin.
later, you settled into bed. half your things were still packed into flimsy cardboard boxes that lily helped tape to perfection. you were grinning as you pulled out your phone to message lily.
u were right i probably love marlene more than you do rn
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masivechaos · 17 days
snakes, ladders & pouts!
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── ☆ james potter x fem! reader
── ☆ Request: yes / no
── ☆ Synopsis: you're a sore loser but it's hard to stay mad when James is your boyfriend.
── ☆ Warning/content: my English
── ☆ a.n.: 0.7k words
masterlist/ marauders masterlist / navigation / taglist 
── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.───・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.──
You looked up at James, chin resting on your knee and eyebrows furrowing. What an idea to play ‘Snakes and Ladders’ because you were bored and it was the only game at your disposal in the dorm. “Sweetheart,” he smiled, too sweet and way too infuriating for the angry state you were in “It’s just a game”
James hated to see you like this. He wished he could just take the anger away from you. Because unless what he heard from some people, you weren’t overreacting. You described to him how you felt about losing before. It was a feeling that he couldn’t understand because one, he rarely lost at any games and two, when it happened he didn’t feel angry at all and was even laughing.
But you? Losing a game drove you mad. It wasn’t the ‘flipping off the board and refusing to admit you had lost’ type of mad, it was the ‘not talking and boiling inside out of frustration and disappointment’ type of mad. It was something you couldn’t control at all.
“I know,” you mumbled groggily. You rolled the dice, three. You took a deep breath and moved your piece, snake straight up to square one. You glanced up at James, it was obvious he was trying not to laugh. “Your turn,” you said, forcing yourself not to stop playing.
You carefully watched the dice fall from his hand. five. He moved his piece, ladder. You saw his mouth twitch into a small smile as he reached the top of the ladder, he was on the last line. His eyes found yours and his expression turned into a more sorry one “You can still win, sweetheart.”
“Shut up,” you mumbled bitterly before rolling your dice, staring at the board. You looked at the number and guilt started to creep into your mind. You glanced up at James “Sorry,” you whispered “Didn’t mean to snap.”
James let out a small chuckle “It’s alright.” He grabbed the dice. Four. He won. 
You forced your lips to tug into a smile “Good job,” you said unenthusiastically.
James laughed and moved to sit on your side of the bed “C’mon sweetheart… don’t pout,” he said as he nudged your shoulder playfully.
“I’m not pouting,” you said, definitely pouting.
James snaked an arm around your waist “You are, sweetheart,” he chuckled. He pressed his lips to your temple, his hand smoothing your back. “It’s a silly game, nothing more.”
“It’s a stupid game,” you answered, earning a laugh from your boyfriend.
“It’s a stupid game,” he agreed. His arms tightened around you when you stayed silent, he wanted to talk but knew you needed silence to calm down. He couldn’t help but feel a sort of worry, you were so sensitive he was scared of this hurting you.
“Hey…” he whispered after a while, “Sweetheart.” He grabbed your chin and tilted your head to be certain you looked at him “Wanna do something else?”
“Mmh,” you grumbled uncooperatively. You wanted to cheer up to make him happy but the frustration in the pit of your stomach was way too strong.
James’ laugh reached your ears “Oh come on now, there’s no ‘mmh’ with me.” He stood up before wrapping his arms around you again to pick you up “Let’s grab something to eat,” he said as he opened the dorm’s room.
“I can walk,” you sighed but he cut you off
“I don’t care, I’m carrying you.” He grinned, both of you making your way to the kitchens “My lovely pouty girl,” he teased. The frustration in your gut eased down. You didn’t want to be mad at him but you wanted to keep sulking. And you were miserably failing as his words made you smile “Ah,” his grin widened “there’s the smile I love so much.” He kissed the crown of your head “But I love your pout too. I love everything about you.”
You couldn’t even pretend to be mad anymore. “I love you,” you whispered.
James laughed and settled you on a kitchen table “So do I, sweetheart.”
“Even if I’m a sore loser?” 
“Even if you are a sore loser,” he reassured you, his lips never leaving your forehead “You need to do so much worse to make me love you less, sweetheart.”
── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.───・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.──
⋆ ★ james potter taglist: @ell0ra-br3kk3r @sw34terw34ther @cauliflowertree @madison-rebel @moonlitmeeks @rhydianissuperior @loveeharrington @elenatries2write @juneberrie @f4iry-blush  @gilmore-angel @heartfucks  @sparklenarniawizard @moondemon123 @mystic-writings @siriusblackstwin @natashxromanovf @goodoldfashionedluvergirl @garfieldsladybird @kidcuisinesvcks @percy-the-hufflepuff @fairydxlll @innerloverpainter @vancitycharlie @nyxxxxxxxx @venussflytraps @pinkdeerd @oncasette @widowbf @starlit-epiphany @rosalyn-s @sageskisses444 @kieracassette @luvmarsbars @jsjcue @mellozhi @lovings4turn
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henqtic · 1 year
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lily evans masterlist.
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— none yet. 
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headcanons / thoughts.
— none yet. 
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— itsy bitsy spider; after an encounter with a spider, lily is there to help you fall asleep. 01.06.23
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none yet. 
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last updated: 01.06.23
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starstruckmoony · 1 year
pairing - sirius black x fem!reader
summary - you and sirius start dating after accidentally running into each other at a concert but confirm nothing, just to watch everyone lose their shit online.
trope/tags - band/celeb!au, instagram/social media!au, modern!au, fluff, terrible humour
word count - 1k
warnings - language
part 1 / part 2 / part 3
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❤ liked by starmanblack, cissy_blck, r.a.black and 804,337 others
yourusername mirror's dirty but i felt pretty
starmanblack damn smash
yourusername thirsty mf
starmanblack you're not wrong
cissy_blck i promise i'm cooler than your boyfriend
luciusssy i love you too bae
cissy_blck 🥰
bartyyy can you sign my house?
yourusername i'll see what i can do
lily_evans UMMMMMM MOTHER?
mmmckinnon mommy.
prongsyboy mama?
starmanblack PRONGS
user128836 i don't know the colour of anything
user702655 YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND????
user358991 sirius said smash and i agree
user073823 the only man we trust
user662627 i'm gonna clown so hard but why did half of sirius family like this post?
user491175 i almost sent a thirst tweet
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❤ liked by yourusername, ev.rosier, marymacdonald and 799,853 others
starmanblack boyfriend vibes 😩
yourusername very real
starmanblack i'm flattered
yourusername you better be
yourusername you still smell like horse tho
starmanblack go away
prongsyboy did you tell him i said hi?
starmanblack i got you his autograph
mmmckinnon you didn't even tag the photographer smh
starmanblack why are you offended in the name of the photographer?
mmmckinnon i'm just defending my wifey
casmeadowes i wasn't there???
user075764 DATE ME
user246766 you single?
user113388 he's dating y/n l/n
user300722 i volunteer to take your bf photos 🤚
user855465 y/n has a boyfriend and you just put boyfriend in the caption so i'll live in delusion from now on
user464646 i wanna be a horse
prongsyboy added to their story
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❤ liked by starmanblack, pandorasbox, rjlupin and 844,008 others
yourusername london, i'm speechless. i had the most amazing time with all of you last night and i can't wait to perform for you again 💞 hearing you guys sing your hearts out with me was truly magical, thank you sooo much and i love love love every single one of you 💕 also! a special thanks that friend group from the first row who gave me a bunch of plushies, my heart is extra happy 😚
tagged ev.rosier
starmanblack i was there, i can confirm
starmanblack lol i love you sm
starmanblack my guitar fits your aesthetic nicely
yourusername i know right?!? me and her were meant to be
marymacdonald when i say best concert of my life i mean it
yourusername i don't deserve you
bartyyy first row seats hmghnhm 😩
yourusername perks of dating the photographer
ev.rosier you're welcome bartemius
user201010 i cried ugly tears
user927161 i formally apologise to the people who were near me 💀
user446286 one of those plushies was from meeeee
user018381 lost my voice but it feels so right
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❤ liked by yourusername, marymacdonald, lily_evans and 810,777 others
starmanblack ok.
yourusername he loves you
starmanblack he bit my converse
yourusername it was an act of love
yourusername IT. WAS. AN. ACT. OF. LOVE.
yourusername bet you deserved that
starmanblack you were just saying he loves me?
yourusername was i though?
vance_emm what in the gaslighting hell is going on above me?
r.a.black wdym? i'm loving it
user242539 i've yet to see a normal picture of this little guy
user857433 he's in his reputation era
user302770 THIS DOG PLS
yourusername added to their story
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celeb_gossip a scandal is on its way! 👀 there's been word on the street that sirius black and y/n l/n have had a little something going on since the beginning of the year, and we are almost certain that this isn't just another case of senseless rumours. 🙈 other than constantly interacting with one another on social media, the two have been pictured entering l/n's apartment after what seemed like a romantic night out. 😌 several sources can prove that the couple has been caught in ways that scream everything BUT platonic, and we deem them quite credible. 😉 but in the light of all of this, the two singers haven't said anything. what do you think? 🤔 are they secretly together? 🤭 or are they secretly laughing at all of us? 😶 leave your opinion in the comments! 😘
user438185 oH
user837999 i hope they sue you lol
user262626 they're defo laughing at us
user137753 get a life wtf
user020191 pretty sure they're together
user647275 this is out of line
user244411 nah cause paps should be illegal
user522727 dunno but i want whatever they have going on
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❤ liked by bellatrixieb, cissy_blck, r.a.black and 855,006 others
yourusername tea pages are saying that i'm dating this weirdo 🤪
tagged starmanblack
starmanblack people just love being funny
yourusername making me shed tears
starmanblack you could have found a better picture at least 🙄
yourusername fym? this is top tier stuff
starmanblack you're not getting your shades back
yourusername funny 🤣 i'll steal them back today 😐
vance_emm yeah and i'm a hamster
marymacdonald you kind of look like one though 🥺
mmmckinnon LMAOOOOO
starmanblack not you talking
mmmckinnon lmaoing ≠ talking
user283800 guess this confirms it ☹
user758234 does this mean you're free to date me?
user021725 double meaning? (pls say sike i'm desperate)
user024477 calling sirius up rn
user828295 okay but does it actually matter 💀
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❤ liked by lily_evans, pandorasbox, casmeadowes and 873,253 others
starmanblack feeding the paps
yourusername bet they're still starving
starmanblack we should make out and post it
yourusername twitter will go CRAZYYY
yourusername we look dead tho
starmanblack i reckon it's the cheap wine
yourusername you calling me poor?
starmanblack 😇
prongsyboy i still don't get how or why you had my glasses
starmanblack aesthetic purposes
xeno_lovegood that's cute 🤩
starmanblack facts ong fr fr
cissy_blck reggie's sil
bellatrixieb i'm so jealous
user472721 I WANT
user482972 OH MY GOD?????????
user362613 narcissa's comments making me all hopeful
user924474 I'M SO STRESSED
starmanblack added to their story
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