#Linda Chaney
filosofablogger · 10 months
Who Needs School? Just Put 'Em To Work!
Much has been written about the history of children working and child labour laws in the United States.  Federal child labor laws are broad in scope, and many states have state laws that are more restrictive, as is only right and fair.  Children are children for the first 18 years of their lives, and then they are adults for the entire rest of their lives.  The focus during their childhood should…
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egberts · 8 months
A Florida bill that was passed by a state senate committee Wednesday could allow 16- and 17-year-olds to work on construction projects in residential areas, as long as the projects are lower than six feet, a revision from the original text that sought to allow the teens to work on roofs.
A separate bill called Employment and Curfew of Minors is moving through the state house legislature committee, and intends to allow 16- and 17-year-olds to work up to 40 hours a week (30 is the current law), even when school is in session.
The latter bill, introduced by Republican state Rep. Linda Chaney, would force 16- and 17-year-olds to be given the same amount of breaks as adults — and employers are not required under Florida law to give employees 18 and older paid or unpaid breaks — a change to the current law which requires 30 minute breaks every four hours.
Minors who are 16- and 17-years-old who aren’t enrolled in school or are enrolled in homeschool or virtual programs would be allowed to work during school hours if Chaney’s bill becomes a law.
so first they prime gen alpha to be unable to read via taking books out of schools and shoving ipads at them, then they make it so those same kids can be wage slaves in a few years when their soft mushy uneducated brains can finally be put to real work
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rjzimmerman · 5 months
When I was an active docent and volunteer in the desert, and hiked all over the place, whenever I spotted the remains of a mylar balloon, I went for it, shoved it in my backpack and brought it back to properly dispose of it. Those things are vicious killers of wildlife.
Excerpt from this story from the New York Times:
Balloons released in the sky don’t go to heaven. They often end up in oceans and waterways, where they’re 32 times more likely to kill seabirds than other types of plastic debris. Despite this, humans like to release them en masse, be it to celebrate a loved one’s life or a wedding, or to reveal the gender of a baby.
The practice is on the verge of becoming illegal in Florida, where the legislature has joined a growing number of states to ban the intentional release of balloons outdoors. The Florida ban is expected to be signed by Gov. Ron DeSantis and would take effect July 1.
Florida is at the forefront of a dizzying and contentious array of statewide bans, outlawing lab grown meat, certain books from school libraries and classrooms, and most abortions after six weeks. But the balloon ban is rare for garnering widespread bipartisan support. It was championed by environmentalists and sponsored by two Republican lawmakers from the Tampa Bay area, Linda Chaney, a state representative and Nick DiCeglie, a state senator.
“Balloons contribute to the increase in microplastic pollution which is harmful to every living thing including humans, polluting our air and drinking water,” Ms. Chaney wrote in an email.
“My hope is that this bill changes the culture, making people more aware of litter in general, including balloons,” she said.
Ms. Chaney said she first heard about the perils of balloon debris in 2020. Aquatic animals often mistake balloons for jellyfish and feel full after eating them, essentially starving from the inside out. Ribbons affixed to balloons entangle turtles and manatees. Balloons also pose a threat to land animals. In her research, Ms. Chaney learned about a pregnant cow that died after ingesting a balloon while grazing. The unborn calf died too.
The bill closes a loophole in an existing Florida law that allowed for the outdoor release of up to nine balloons per person in any 24-hour period, a provision that critics say didn’t achieve the goal of reducing marine trash.
The new legislation makes it clear that balloons can pose an environmental hazard, supporters say. It equates intentionally releasing a balloon filled with a gas lighter than air with littering, a noncriminal offense that carries a fine of $150. The ban also applies to outdoor releases of any balloons described by manufacturers as biodegradable.
The ban does not restrict the sale of balloons by party suppliers or manufacturers; they could still be used indoors or as decorations outdoors if properly secured.
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brokehorrorfan · 3 months
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Hillbillys in a Haunted House will be released on Blu-ray + DVD on August 13 via VCI. The 1967 horror-comedy musical is a sequel to 1966's Las Vegas Hillbillys.
Jean Yarbrough (The Devil Bat, She-Wolf of London) directs from a script by Duke Yelton. Ferlin Husky and Joi Lansing star with John Carradine, Lon Chaney Jr., Linda Ho, and Basil Rathbone.
No special features are listed.
Two Country & Western singers and their manager are en route to the Nashville Jamboree but become tired and stop to rest in an abandoned mansion. Little do they know, but the basement of the old house is headquarters for the evil Madame Wong and her entourage of foreign spies. Strange things begin to happen almost immediately and they suspect the place is haunted. However, our three heroes decide to spend the night anyway to escape an upcoming storm. Soon, they settle down to get some shut-eye. But during the night the spies kidnap our female singer. Now things really get exciting as the hillbillies help capture the bad guys and foil a diabolical plan to steal a secret formula for rocket propellant. Now they're off to Nashville, not very rested, but happy and content to participate in the more normal pleasures of entertaining the audience of the giant Nashville Jamboree.
Pre-order Hillbillys in a Haunted House.
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iww-gnv · 9 months
A new measure in Florida aims to allow 16-year-old kids to drop out of school and work full time.  An amendment to HB 49 — offered by the bill’s author, state Rep. Linda Chaney (R) — would eliminate laws that prevent 16 and 17-year-olds from working more than 30 hours a week, impose 8-hour workday restrictions, and guarantee mandated breaks every four hours.  The bill, introduced in September and now under review by the Florida House Regulatory Reform and Economic Development Subcommittee, would relegate 16 and 17-year-olds to virtually the same status as an employee who is over 18 years of age — provided that the teens have either formally dropped out of school or are taking classes online or at home. Furthermore, the bill would also severely curtail local municipalities’ ability to implement their own provisions to combat the workplace exploitation of minors. 
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Books, So Many Books
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The Bedside Pile
~ Les Miserables by Victor Hugo
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Physical TBR
~ The Mammoth Hunters by Jean Auel
~ Plains Of Passage by Jean Auel
~ Shelters Of Stone by Jean Auel
~ Land Of The Painted Caves by Jean Auel
~ As Long As We Both Shall Live by Joann Chaney
~ Incendiary by Chris Cleave
~ Great Expectations by Charles Dickens
~ Silas Marner by George Elliot
~ Charlotte Gray by Sebastian Faulks
~ On Green Dolphin Street by Sebastian Faulks
~ Here I Am by Jonathan Foer
~ A Killer Choice by Tom Hunt
~ Cold Heart by Linda LaPlante
~ Labyrinth by Kate Mosse
~ Brothers by Bernice Rubens
~ The Hickory Staff by Robert Scott
~ The Farm by Tom Smith
~ The Master Of Ballantre by Robert L. Stevenson
~ Gulliver's Travels by Johnathan Swift
~ Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy
~ The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
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Storygraph TBR
~ The Lord Of The Flies by William Golding
~ Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
~ Animal Farm by George Orwell
~ Bad Gays: A Homosexual History by Huw Lemmey
~ Sea Of Tranquility by Emily St. John Mandel
~ Blood In My Eye by George Jackson
~ Escape Routes by Naomi Ishiguro
~ The Gospel Of The Eels by Patrik Svensson
~ The End Of Loneliness by Benedict Wells
~ Orlando by Virginia Woolf
~ Purple Hibiscus by Chimamanda Adichie
~ Half Of A Yellow Sun by Chimamanda Adichie
~ Unexpected Vanilla by Lee Hyemi
~ The Ritual by Adam Nevill
~ Your Driver Is Waiting by Priya Guns
~ Same Bed Different Dreams by Ed Park
~ The Last Tale Of The Flower Bride by Roshani Chokshi
~ Hijab Butch Blues by Lamya H.
~ Battle Royale by Koushin Takami
~ What Moves The Dead by T. Kingfisher
~ The Ferryman by Justin Cronin
~ American Prometheus by Kai Bird
~ Lie With Me by Philippe Besson
~ The Whalebone Theatre by Joanna Quinn
~ Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn Waugh
~ Of Mice And Men by John Steinbeck
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darkangel1791 · 4 months
Tampa Bay Times
May 30 2024
No Pinellas bus will be decorated for Pride this year. Why?
For the first time since 2015, a bus won’t sport rainbow colors to celebrate LGBTQ pride. Rep. Linda Chaney claimed credit — but did she have anything to do with the change?
In 2023, St. Petersburg kicked off Pride celebrations with an event outside City Hall that included a Pinellas Suncoast Transit Authority bus with a "Ride with Pride" wrap. After wrapping a bus for Pride each year since 2015, the tradition will be nixed for 2024 because of what the agency said were legal concerns around new yet-to-be-announced Department of Transportation guidelines — but not because of the urging of a state legislator, Rep. Linda Chaney, who has taken credit for the change. 
By Jack Evans
Times staff
For the first time in nearly a decade, Pinellas County will be missing a bus wrapped in bright colors in celebration of Pride month this summer — but not, officials said, because of the demands of a local legislator who has taken credit for the change.
The decision to pull the plan, which would have had one Pinellas Suncoast Transit Authority bus bedecked in tie-dye swirls and rainbow hearts on the streets throughout June and July, came as the agency awaits new advertising guidelines from the Florida Department of Transportation, officials said Wednesday.
The transit authority’s board of directors had been set to vote Wednesday on whether to approve a slate of advertising wraps for buses including the Pride wrap. Such displays are typically timed to an event, such as St. Pete Pride or other parades, and involve a single bus that displays the wrap for some time afterward.
The item was removed from the board’s agenda last week. St. Pete Beach Republican Rep. Linda Chaney intimated in a Facebook post Saturday night that she had put a stop to the Pride plan.
“When I learned that this is how PSTA buses, a 93% tax payer-funded service, planned to wrap buses for TWO months in celebration of Pride month I immediately began discussions that ended with PSTA withdrawing the plan,” Chaney wrote. “There will be No Pride wraps on tax payer-funded PSTA buses.”
But transit authority spokesperson Stephanie Weaver said the decision had nothing to do with Chaney. Nor was it related to recent local moves against other LGBTQ pride visuals, such as the cancelation of rainbow lighting for the Sunshine Skyway Bridge and vandalism to the Progressive Pride street mural on Central Avenue in St. Petersburg.
Brad Miller, the transit authority’s CEO, has met with Chaney and several other lawmakers about new advertising regulations going into effect later this year, Weaver said. They include a measure passed earlier this year that requires the Department of Transportation to establish marketing and advertising guidelines for local transit authorities.
But the move to halt approval of the Pride bus wrap this week was based solely on word that the Department of Transportation will announce those rules this summer, Weaver said. The transit authority wanted to avoid a scenario in which the Pride bus is already on the street but turns out not to comply with the new regulations when they’re announced.
“This is not about a representative calling us and saying, ‘We don’t want this wrap,’” Weaver said. “It’s about trying to follow the law.”
A slide from a presentation originally set for Wednesday's Pinellas Suncoast Transit Authority board meeting shows the planned — now scrapped — designs for bus wraps celebrating Pride month. [ Pinellas Suncoast Transit Authority ]
The transit authority has wrapped buses for Pride since 2016, Weaver said. But it wasn’t the only advertising plan affected by the decision to postpone the board’s approval. Had the item not been pulled from Wednesday’s agenda, the board would have voted on the Pride wrap alongside three others: recurring two-month wraps celebrating Veterans Day and Martin Luther King Jr. Day and a wrap celebrating the agency’s 40th anniversary, which would have been put on buses later this year and stayed on for a year.l
Chaney said Wednesday she was traveling and unavailable for an interview and offered to answer questions for this story via text message. She then declined to answer several specific questions. Instead she referenced legislation she filed earlier this year in an unsuccessful effort to overhaul the transit authority, most notably by downsizing its board of directors.
“I remain focused on that and the key elements in that bill,” she said. “I will continue to work towards that end.”
Some measures of that bill made it into the same statewide transportation bill that includes the Department of Transportation’s guideline-creation orders, but that idea did not originate with her legislation.
Chaney’s Facebook post noted the taxpayer funding the transit authority relies on, and some — but not all — commenters thanked her for keeping taxpayer money away from Pride advertising.
“The gay community does not agree with the LGBTQ aggressive agenda,” Chaney told the news site Florida’s Voice on Tuesday, citing an unnamed gay Facebook friend as evidence. “This is not about anti-gay, this is about responsibility to the taxpayer.”
But taxes don’t go toward any of the transit authority’s celebratory wraps, according to the agency. Instead, revenue from paid advertising — such as the ads for law firms that often appear on buses — covers the expenses. Chaney’s post showed renderings of the bus wrap design from either side but omitted a rendering showing the rear of the bus, which includes a disclaimer that taxpayer money wasn’t used.
The legislation passed earlier this year also prohibits transit authorities from using state money to pay for bus wraps.
And though Chaney emphasized the planned duration of the Pride wraps, the two-month span wasn’t unique to this summer’s promotion — the wraps for Veterans Day and Martin Luther King Jr. Day would also last two months under the proposed schedule. All of that is part of planned changes in the duration of promotional bus wraps: The two-month span is a decrease from the transit authority’s practice of leaving them on buses for six months, and the agency has proposed having wraps timed with three holidays going forward, down from six occasions per year in the past.
Regardless of whether Chaney was responsible for the change in plans, she has become the focal point of criticism over the decision. On Facebook, Equality Florida CEO Nadine Smith decried what she called Republican politicians’ “obsession with LGBTQ people.”
“And like the Grinch Who Stole Christmas, Linda will learn it isn’t the wraps and the bridge lights, any more than it was the presents and the roast beast feast — it’s the joy and community,” Smith wrote.
Miller said Wednesday that transit authority staff will bring a new wrap proposal before the board when the Department of Transportation releases its guidelines. Though that won’t happen in time for this year’s Pride celebrations, the transit authority will still participate. As in years past, it’ll be the official transportation partner for St. Pete Pride — the largest Pride celebration in Florida — and will offer free park-and-ride service from Tropicana Field and St. Petersburg High School for the June 22 parade.
And though it will lack the bright colors it’s often sported for the occasion, a transit authority bus will still be part of the parade.
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byneddiedingo · 1 year
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Cesar Romero and Nancy Kelly in Frontier Marshal (Allan Dwan, 1939)
Cast: Randolph Scott, Nancy Kelly, Cesar Romero, Binnie Barnes, John Carradine, Edward Norris, Eddie Foy Jr., Ward Bond, Lon Chaney Jr., Chris-Pin Martin, Joe Sawyer. Screenplay: Sam Hellman, based on a book by Stuart N. Lake. Cinematography: Charles G. Clarke. Art direction: Lewis H. Creber, Richard Day. Film editing: Fred Allen. Music: Samuel Kaylin, Charles Maxwell, David Raksin, Walter Scharf.
The title Frontier Marshal sounds like a generic Western, and it doesn't lie. It's about a stranger who comes to a lawless mining town and cleans it up with his fists and his guns. The stranger, played by Randolph Scott, is Wyatt Earp, and the movie is based on Stuart N. Lake's heavily fictionalized 1931 biography of Earp that established his legend as the man who cleaned up Tombstone by fighting it out with the bad guys at the OK Corral. So yes, you've seen it all before, in later and more celebrated films like John Ford's My Darling Clementine (1946) and John Sturges's Gunfight at the OK Corral (1957). Allan Dwan's film (from which Ford borrowed liberally) is a more modest affair. The famous gunfight in the movie  is almost over before it starts. Nor is Scott's Earp a particularly mythic figure; he even gets seriously beat up before he's able to seize authority in the town. If there's a mythic figure in Frontier Marshal it's Doc Halliday*, played with surprising charm and finesse by Cesar Romero. The character of Earp is also overshadowed by two women: Jerry (Binnie Barnes), a tough-as-nails dance hall hostess, and Sarah (Nancy Kelly), a nurse who has followed her former lover, Doc, to Tombstone, trying to save him from himself. Refreshingly, the two women are given significant agency in the movie, beyond just battling for Doc's affections. What distinguishes Dwan as a director is that he never seems to take for granted the material he's given to work with. Yes, Frontier Marshal is generic and predictable, but Dwan doesn't condescend to it: He gives the scenes snap and vigor, and he gets performances that are in some ways better than they're written. Barnes, for example, turns Jerry into a force to be reckoned with. It took me a moment to recognize her as the same actress who played the snooty Linda Cram in Holiday (George Cukor, 1938). Kelly's Sarah isn't the pallid schoolmarm played by Cathy Downs in My Darling Clementine, but a woman out to get her man. And if Romero, usually a lounge lizard type, ever gave a better performance I haven't seen it. I could have done with less of Eddie Foy Jr., clownishly playing his own father, and Chris-Pin Martin's milking of the stereotypical Chicano bartender role, but they keep the film lively. Scott is less memorable than the other players, but he provides a quiet stability to the film. 
Usually spelled "Holliday," but the alternate spelling was used, reportedly because of concern about litigation from the Holliday family. 
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parkerbombshell · 7 months
Rules Free Radio Feb 27
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Tuesdays 2pm - 5pm  EST Rules Free Radio With Steve  Caplan bombshellradio.com On the next Rules Free Radio with Steve Caplan, we’ve got some new releases with a retro sound. One is a new band called The Electromagnates, one is a new release from an obscure 60s Garage Rock Psychedelic band called The Mystic Tide, and one is by The Weeklings. Other new music by J. Robbins, Lime Garden, El Perro Del Mar, whistler Molly Lewis, Crawlers, William Doyle, Levitation Room, Les Amazones D'Afrique, and one or two more. The Searchers, Dave Edmunds, The Lemon Twigs, Dot Allison, Jimmy Page, Carla Olson, The Troggs, The Motels, Beck, Fountains of Wayne, and others. In the third hour, we’ll hear some new Jazz releases by Joel Ross and John Surman mixed in with Nina Simone, Horace Silver, Charles Mingus, and Bill Frisell. The Weeklings - All The Cash In The World The Searchers - Hearts In Her Eyes The Wonders - That Thing You Do! Dave Edmunds - Girls Talk The Lemon Twigs - Ghost Run Free The Sensitive Drunks - There She Goes The Electromagnates - Airwave Hello Dolph Chaney - Cool In The Sunshine Spygenius - Metamorphosis Foo Fighters - Learn to Fly J. Robbins - Old Soul Fountains of Wayne - Bought for a Song The Mystic Tide - Frustration Carla Olson - I Can See For Miles The Mystic Tide - Why Jimmy Page - She Just Satisfies Lime Garden - Love Song El Perro Del Mar - Between You And Me Nothing Camera Obscura - Tears For Affairs Dot Allison - Shyness of Crowns Molly Lewis - The Crying Game The Troggs - Love Is All Around Crawlers - Call It Love The Motels - He Hit Me (And It Felt Like a Kiss) Bill Baird - Night of the Living Dad The Asteroid No.4 - I Want to Touch You William Doyle - Now in Motion Beck - Mixed Bizness Les Amazones D'Afrique - Mother Murakoze Levitation Room - Cool It, Baby Ghost Note - Dry Rub Nina Simone - African Mailman Steve Herberman Trio - Delilah Vijay Iyer, Linda May Han Oh, Tyshawn Sorey - Free Spirits/Drummers Song Horace Silver - Lonely Woman Joel Ross - Mellowdee Charles Mingus - Goodbye Porkpie Hat John Surman - Flower in Aspic Bill Frisell - Invisible Read the full article
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lakelandg · 8 months
Florida Republicans approve bill forcing 16 and 17-year-olds to work full-time and overnight
The bill could force high schoolers to work night shifts, even on school nights, and more than 30 hours a week, overturning century-old state labor laws. Florida House Republicans have moved a bill that could make high school students work overnight and more than 30 hours a week through committee, even on a school night. HB 49 was filed by Rep. Linda Chaney in September 2023. The bill would not…
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paulisded · 1 year
The Ledge #579: New Releases
I bet all of you Ledge listeners know the drill. The first show of the month is always new releases, and that's the case here. But there is a little difference in this week's show. Normally, I don't touch on reissued records. That's for another theme. But obviously I can't ignore the news that in September The Replacements are putting out a box set version of the classic album, Tim. Besides the usual outtakes and live material, there is a special remix of the entire album by the legendary Ed Stasium! If you're not familiar with Stasium, he has produced dozens and dozens of classic albums over the years, including records by The Ramones, Talking Heads, Soul Asylum, Long Ryders, Hoodoo Gurus, Reverend Horton Heat, Motorhead, and so many more! Given that the only negative feature of Tim was the mix, letting Stasium do a fix is going to blow people's minds!
Yet that's not my only reissue this week, as fellow Real Punk Radio host Greg Lonesome has just put out a newly remastered version of Shotgun Full of Blues, a record he released 20 years ago as the leader of the Lonesome Kings. There's a ton of bonus tracks included with this amazing record, including demos and special mixes. But it, my friends!
As for this week's edition of "52 Weeks of Teenage Kicks", I actually have a new version. Veteran pyschobilly band Griswalds just released a half studio/half live record, Are Growing Old Disgracefully, and one of the live tracks is indeed a cover of the Undertones classic. And like always, I must again plead with y'all for more versions of "Teenage Kicks". If you are a musician, or have any contact with artists that could record their own take on the classic, please contact me!
1. Griswalds - Teenage Kicks
2. The Replacements - Left Of The Dial
3. Chris Mars - Recreating Chaos
4. Wilco - Evicted
5. Graham Parker & The Goldtops - Sun Valley
6. Lydia Loveless - Runaway
7. The Whiffs - Satellite
8. The Whiffs - As I Am
9. The Pretty Flowers - Another Way To Lose
10. The Summertimes - Password
11. Th Da Freak - Young Bro
12. The Make Three - Local Scene
13. The Far Outs - Keep Away
14. The Vanrays - Shake My Hand
15. Kid Gulliver - Nothing But Trouble
16. Private Lives - Hit Record
17. Bush Tetras - 2020 Vision
18. Floodlights - On The Television
19. The Midnight Callers - Come Dancing
20. Classic Pat - Crying, Waiting, Hoping
21. Dolph Chaney - Mr. Eli
22. Guided By Voices - Romeo Surgeon
23. The Lemon Drop Gang - I'm Done!
24. The Lemon Drop Gang - Johnny Is A Jerk
25. Stop Calling Me Frank - Ollie Oxen
26. Cruzados - Johnny Pay To Play
27. JJ & The Real Jerks - Ten Cent Beer Night
28. Lonesome Kings  - Jailhouse Tattoo (Tombstone Mix)
29. Not - If Only
30. Norcos Y Horchata - I Gave Up Drinking for Good (Now I'm Drinking for Evil)
31. Smitt E. Smitty & The Feztones - The Growler
32. The Courettes - Bikini Girls With Machine Guns
33. The Hillbilly Moon Explosion - Primitive
34. Linda Gail Lewis / Danny B. Harvey / Clem Burke - The Way I Walk
35. The Fuzztones - Can Your Pussy Do The Dog?
36. The Ape-Ettes - Trampoline
37. Taxi Girls - Stay With Me
38. Vicious Blonde - BIG C
39. The Tripwires - Kicking Around in New Shoes
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jwong2000 · 3 years
Ride Report - Resolution Ride
Ride Report – Resolution Ride
37.54 miles, 3:13 moving time, 3,307 ft elevation On a cold winter’s morning, the Club rode all the hills around Pasadena.  Vicky, Mike W., Mike O., Ryan, Lynda, Dave, Philip, Mike M., Greg, Bert, Elsa, Eric, Gary, Paul, Julian, Raul, Sven, Mark, Joe. Short and Sweet. It was cold but we warmed up a lot. Sunny and crisp.  Top of Lake, Chaney Trail, around JPL, Descanso Gardens, Top of Foothill…
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gatutor · 5 years
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Linda Darnell-Rory Calhoun-Lon Chaney Jr. “Espuelas negras” (Black spurs) 1965, de R. G. Springsteen.
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unexplained-events · 5 years
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Horror Icons In and Out of Makeup
1. Pumpkinhead - Tom Woodruff, Jr. 2. Satanico Pandemonium - Salma Hayek 3. Nosferatu - Max Schreck 4. Grand High Witch - Anjelica Huston 5. Samara Morgan - Daveigh Chase 6. Pinhead - Doug Bradley 7. Frankenstein - Boris Karloff 8. Phantom Of The Opera - Lon Chaney, Sr. 9. Regan MacNeil - Linda Blair 10. Freddy Krueger - Robert Englund
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scp2316 · 2 years
mw characters?
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we would love to see gene belcher, linda belcher, all three pesto kids, rudy stieblitz, and tammy larsen from bob's burgers alex browning, clear rivers, ian mckinley, wendy christiansen, terry chaney, ashley freund, and ashlyn halperin from final destination stu macher, billy loomis, wes hicks, tara carpenter, and amber freeman from scream huey duck, webby vanderquack, and lena sabrewing from ducktales will byers, jonathan byers, steve harrington, and eddie munson from stranger things also more horror muses in general, especially adam from the saw movies, nancy thompson from nightmare on elm strees, and tree gelbman!! also the the rest of the groups we have would be cool, like from paper girls, the quarry, and the loser's club from stephen king's it in honor of never have i ever we would love to see devi vishwakumar, ben gross, fabiola torres, eleanor wong, and paxton hall-yoshida marissa cooper, ryan atwood, seth cohen, summer roberts, sandy cohen, taylor townsend, lindsay gardner, alex kelly, and zach stevens from the oc luke cage, danny rand, frank castle, moon knight, thor odinson, dazzler, bucky barnes, darcy lewis, peter parker, riri williams, and america chavez from marvel dick grayson, damian wayne, stephanie brown, roy harper, oliver queen, dinah lance, cassandra cain, rachel roth, and garfield logan from dc nanno and tk from girl from nowhere the gallaghers from shameless the bridgertons, kate and edwina sharma, sophie beckett, lucy abernathy, and penelope featherington from julia quinn's horny novels rick grimes, michonne, daryl dixon, carl grimes, carol peletier, maggie greene, beth greene, rosita espinosa, tara chambler, enid, and cyndie from the walking dead
i also know our members would love anyone from any prior most wanted ask!
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daggerzine · 3 years
Ducks Ltd- Modern Fiction (Carpark)
Chime School- S/T (Slumberland)
Monnone Alone- Stay Foggy (Emotional Response)
The Chills- Scatterbrain (Fire)
Lucy Dacus- Home Video (Matador)
The Reds, Pinks & Purples- Uncommon Weather (Slumberland)
Civic- Future Forecast  (Flightless)
Florry- Big Fall (12XU)
Rachel Love- Picture in Mind (self released)
The Umbrellas- S/T (Slumberland)
Swansea Sound- Live from the Rum Puncheon (HHBTM)
Shoestrings- Expectations (Shelflife)
Dummy- Mandatory Enjoyment (Trouble in Mind)
The Catenary Wires- Birling Gap (Shelflife)
The Exbats- Now Where Were We (Goner)
Lou Barlow- Reason To Live (Joyful Noise)
Smoke Bellow- Open for Business (Trouble in Mind)
Massage- Still Life (Mt St. Mtn)
Divine Horsemen- Hot Rise of an Ice Cream Phoenix (In the Red)
Quivers- Golden Doubt (Ba Da Bing)
WAIT HERE’S 20 MORE (21-40)
Flowertown- Time Trials (Paisley Shirt)
Chris Brokaw- Puritan (12XU)
The Armoires- Incognito (Big Stir)
The Legal Matters- Chapter Three (Futureman)
Soursob- S/T (Hozac)
The Suncharms- Distant Lights (Sunday Records)
The Boys with the Perpetual Nervousness- Songs From Another Life (Bobo Integral)
John Sharkey III- Shoot Out The Camera (12XU)
Karen Peris- A Song Is Way Above the Lawn  (Bella Union)
Grand Drifter- Only Child (Subjangle)
Wavves- Hideaway (Fat Possum)
Boyracer- Assauged (Emotional Response)
The Black Watch- Here & There (Atom Records)
The Scientists- Negativity (In the Red)
Astral Brain- The Bewildered Mind (Shelflife)
Torres- Thirstier (Merge)
Painted Shrines- Heaven and Holy (Woodsist)
Sorrows- Love Too Late…the real album (Big Stir)
Beach Youth- Postcard (Shelflife)
Chubby & the Gang- The Mutt’s Nuts (PTFK)
  WAIT….HERE’S 25 MORE (41-65)
The Telephone Numbers- The Ballad of Doug (Meritorio)
Naked Raygun- Over the Overlords (Wax Trax)
Kevin Robertson- Sundown’s End (Futureman)
Goon Sax- Mirror II (Matador)
Dolph Chaney- This is Dolph Chaney (Big Stir)
The Brothers Steve- - Dose (Big Stir)
Guardian Singles- S/T (Trouble in Mind)
Matthew Sweet- Catspaw (Omnivore)
The Orange Peels- Celebrate the Moments Of Your Life (Minty Fresh) 
Mythical Motors- A Rare Look Ahead (self released)
The Swindon Lot- The Scariana Trench (Braxeling)
Corvair- S/T (Paper Walls/ WIAIWYA)
Kiwi Jr- Cooler Returns (Sub Pop)
Dinosaur Jr- Sweep it into Space (Jagjaguwar)
The Reflectors- Faster Action (Time for Action Records)
Eleventh Dream Day- Since Grazed (Thrill Jockey)
Damon & Naomi with Kurihara – A Sky Record (self released)
Scott Gagner- Bloodmoon (1977)
The Spires- Era Was (Artificial Light)
Ward White- The Tender Age (VF 14 Records)
The Gerunds- Hitsville, PA  (Uranium Rush)
David Christian & the Pinecone Orchestra- For Those We Met On the Way (Tapete)
Motorists- Surrounded (Bobo Integral) 
The Bevis Frond- Little Eden (Fire)
Teenage Fanclub- Endless Arcade (Merge)
The Jazz Butcher- Dr Cholmondley Repents…  (Fire Records)
Tar- Tar Box (Chunklet)
The Dents- 1979-’80 Cincinnati (Hozac)
Monkey 101- Rust, Smuts and Heart Rot (Sister Raygun)
True West- Kaleidoscope of Shadows: The Story So Far  (Bring Out the Dead)
Trini Lopez- The Rare Reprise Singles (Omnivore)
The Palace Guard- All Night Long: An Anthology 1965-1967 (Omnivore)
Tangled Shoelaces Turn My Dial - The M Squared Recordings and more, 1981​-​84 (Chapter Music)
Linda Smith- Till Another Time: 1988-1996  (Captured Tracks)
Well Wishers- Spare Parts (self released)
Versus- Let’s Electrify! (Teenbeat)
Come- Don’t Ask Don’t Tell (Fire)
The Saints- The Most Primitive Band in the World (Radiation)
The Clean- Boodle, Boodle Boodle  and Tally Ho 7’ (both on Merge)
Lilys-  A Brief History of Amazing Letdowns (Frontier Records)
The Gun Club- Fire of Love and Miami (Blixa Sounds)
Adam Roth and his and of Men- Down the Shore, Original Motion Picture Soundtrack (Hozac)
Oh OK- The Complete Reissue (HHBTM)
Richard Hell & the Voidoids- Destiny Street (Omnivore)
Colin Blunstone- One Year (Sundazed)
 MY 10 FAVORITE EPs/singles
Ducks Ltd- Get Bleak (Carpark)
Tapes Waves- Bright (Emotional Response)
Jetstream Pony- Misplaced Words (Shelflife)
Massage- Lane Lines (Mt St Mtn)
Papercuts-Baxter’s Bliss (self released)
The Persian Leaps- Drone Etiquette (Land Ski records)
The Black Watch- The White EP (Atom)
The Resonars- “Gold to Blue” (Hypnotic Bridge)
Savak-  “Dealers” (digital single)
I Was a King- Twilight Anniversaries (self released)
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