dos-perros-locos · 1 year
K.O. came from a litter of 6. 3 boys/3 girls. Every so often i get pictures of one of his brothers who I like to refer to as his evil twin brother Cade.
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He just looks like an old wizard that is up to absolutely no good lmao
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gorinichserpant · 11 months
I've noticed some parralels between Lord of the Rings and ending third of Dracula.
One character who is linked by sympethetic magic to the bad guy. The purpose of the link is for bad guy to control the character, but the good guys are exploiting the connection to thwart the bad guy. This leaves the character having to endure psychic battles against bad guy. (Frodo/Mina)
A character who cares very very deeply about the character above, being the first to support and care for them while they suffer under the bad guy's malign influence. (Sam/Jonathan)
Supporting character whose not central to the plot, but is instead a good friend and represents a culture. (Legolas and Gimli/Quincy)
A wizard who at first ran off to consult the books then came back to say that there is an evil thing. (Gandolf/Van Hellsing)
The bad guy's lair is nested in mountains that form something like a horseshoe. (Mordor/Carpathians)
Can't form the simularity between Arthur and Aragon in words but I feel there is one.
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thedo0zyslider · 1 year
Explosions Across Lifetimes - Chapter Thirteen: Beginning Of The End - 5k Words Fwhip has to wonder if Xornorth knows what the phrase taking a break means, because there's more trouble not even two weeks after Scott and Gem came home.
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Fwhip spends the next week with Gem at the Crystal Cliffs. He's being overprotective, he knows that, but can anyone really blame him? Clara has the Grimlands covered anyways, he's sure of it. She's his favorite employee for a reason.
The Count thinks this is the slowest week of his life, and one of the hardest. Gem's not doing great mentally, but it's the best she can do. In some moments he would think about Scott, and would worry over how well the elf was fairing all by himself. He hopes Katherine or Jimmy dropped by at least once, and kept him company for just a few hours.
At the moment Gem’s off somewhere in her academy, trying to get back to her normal routine. Fwhip, having absolutely no interest in most magic, was hanging around. If Gem asked him to do something, fix some broken tech in the empire he would do it, but other than that he mostly felt like dead weight. But it was worth it, to make sure his sister was okay. And he wouldn't leave till he was one hundred percent sure of that and the paranoia finally left him. Another break never hurt either.
Gem’s familiar, Gandalf, didn’t seem to mind him hanging around though. He knows the cat usually follows Gem around throughout the day, and that it’s never been the most fond of him. It’s certainly never hung around the Count like this before. Your sister’s cat randomly following you around is unexpected alright, but this is a magic cat. So the little guy’s making Fwhip kinda suspicious that something’s wrong, and probably making his paranoia worse. At least he’s cute and likes to be cooed over, and makes Fwhip wonder if his other friends' pets are this irresistibly cute.
In hindsight, Fwhip feels more convinced that the cat was trying to warn him, because there ends up being a big break in this whole demon issue right around the corner. The start of it happens in the form of a message from Pearl, one he gets when Gandolf is sleeping in his lap; purring up a storm.
Pearlescentmoon: sausage just came by all distressed
GeminiTay: what did he say???
SolidarityGaming: possessed ooor???
fWhip: ??
Pearlescentmoon: he was unpossessed. Said he doesn't like being Xornorth's puppet anymore but he can't deflect because of the mind control stuff
Pearlescentmoon: we were gonna use this fighting arena before he went missing and now Xornorth's ordering a fight there
Pearlescentmoon: sausage thinks we can do something at this fight or we can save him
Smajor1995: that's….a lot
GeminiTay: I'm in.
Shubble: what about Joey?
Pearlescentmoon: he didn't say anything about him sorry
Katherineelizz: this sounds risky :/
Katherineelizz: you sure it's not a trick?
Pearlescentmoon: no, that was him for sure
fWhip: last time you said that I'm pretty sure that wasn’t him
Pearlescentmoon: well this time I'm certain
Smajor1995: why is it only this time?
Pearlescentmoon: because he looked scared . And sausage doesn't get scared like that.
GeminiTay: doesn't matter, tell him we'll do it
fWhip: !!!!????
SolidarityGaming: why are you so insistent on this Gem?
GeminiTay: because Xornorth might show up
GeminiTay: and i wanna kick that demons ass
Fwhip watched more messages be sent with a sigh. It was just stuff about the date of the fight, who could come, what they would do once Xornorth showed up. No,not once, if they showed up at all. Maybe if even it didn’t they’d get Sausage back, and Fwhip feels like trading the whole world to get his brother back most days. He scanned over the agreed upon arrangements in his communicator, only sending back a simple thumbs up when asked his opinion.
This all felt way too important to be discussing over text, but they were busy people. And no one could eavesdrop this way, could they? So maybe this method had its benefits. Fwhip was getting a little sick of House Blossom meetings anyways, the half dragon was pretty sure he’d been in Katherins empire more than his own recently. Which reminded him that he probably needed to go home the next day. Paranoia was still wearing away at the edges of his mind, but Fwhip couldn’t bask in his sister's hospitality forever. He was pretty sure he’d already gotten on her last nerve too, but that was normal.
The Count ran a hand through his hair, doing nothing helpful and making it look like a mess. He was pretty sure it looked like a mess regardless. Gandalf just looked up at him, blinking slowly. He met the cat’s yellow gaze, and the creature just let out a mrrp .
He huffed, going to scratch behind the cat’s ears. Gandalf purred at that, and rubbed his head into Fwhip’s hand. The little thing was surprisingly affectionate, which just endeared Fwhip to him a little more. He still thought this cat was some magic being with more sentiance than it let on, and would not be fooled by the cuteness.
Fwhip wasn’t sure if this cat was trying to warn him or comfort him, but he appreciated it nonetheless.
Arena day comes, and Fwhip doesn’t think he’s ever hated a string of numbers more in his life. He really isn’t excited for this, and has been glaring holes into his calendar for the past two days or so.
He landed in Pearl’s empire an hour early. The only other people there were Gem and Scott, who were preparing some magic thing. Pearl told him not to bother them, and Fwhip just decided to wait around until the grand event started.
Most people showed up, minus Shrub, Joey, Joel, Lizzie and Pix. Not exactly most actually, but about half of the emperors. He’d told Gem her and Scott shouldn’t come, that it probably wasn’t good for them to be close to Sausage again, but she’d argued back stubbornly. Both of them wanted to come, in case Xornorth showed his face. They were trying to perfect a spell against him, and this was too good on an opportunity to pass up. Fwhip hadn’t said anything after that, knowing he couldn’t change her mind; no matter how much he said it’d make him feel better if she just didn’t go .
The Count wished more people had shown up, because he didn’t feel very confident without all of them there. They were missing some valuable fighters too. Lizzie and Pix were both skilled with a trident, Shrub had a lot of wolves, and Joel was surprisingly good at combat, even if he didn’t partake in it much. According to Pearl, Xornroth liked to summon mobs. And six people against mobs, a demon, and maybe said demons pawns did not sound very welcoming. Even with the spell Scott was working on.
Seeing the arena doesn’t help his nerves. It’s more of a colosseum, and one of the smaller ones Fwhip had seen; granted he hadn’t seen too many of these types of builds. He wished Pearl and Sausage had picked a bigger spot for it, because it was sandwiched right between their two empires, on a plot of land that felt far too small for what was about to happen. It felt even smaller with all six of them standing in it, and was sure to feel even more tiny when their two opponents arrived. Well, one opponent and one maybe ally. The thing is also full of cactus, and he’s pretty sure they’re all going to fall on one at some point.
“He’s here.” Pearl said softly, and five heads turned at the sound, all of them having been waiting in the actual arena part.
Sausage stood there at the opposite end, Mythland’s side, and looked a little awkward. Fwhip, who’d been keeping a close eye on his sister, noticed how she went a little rigid. She hid that better than Scott though, who froze like a deer in headlights. Sausage noticed as well, and winced, especially when Katherine moved closer to the elf.
“Uh, hi guys?” Sausage called out a little hesitantly, and took a small step forward. Fwhip noticed Jimmy’s hand slowly shift closer towards his trident, the action not seemingly a conscious decision. A few other people did as well, but Fwhip found he couldn’t copy his fellow emperors. Sausage himself has weapons, including the staff, but his hands were nowhere near them.
Fwhip decided that Pearl was wrong last time, that whatever had attacked Jimmy hadn’t seen his brother, because the man standing in front of him was . He’d been so certain that that person had been Sausage, and was glad to admit he was wrong. The Count was also horrified how easily he believed it, even after seeing it with his own eyes. It was a little hard to wrap his head around honestly, that after all these months of worrying and trying to accept what was really happening, Sausage was standing right in front of him again. Not exactly the same as he had been before, but close enough, and that was better than just a week ago. A million times better than before.
“When’s you know who showing up?” Scott asked, seeming to break through his deer in the headlights stare. The way Sausage looks at the elf has a lot of emotions packed in, some Fwhip can recognize, some he looks at Gem with too. There’s other things he can’t decipher in there, but that’s not for him to investigate, not his story to tell. Especially not right now.
“It’ll probably take a minute. They do what they please.” Mythland’s king responds, and falls silent after that. He’s clearly unsure what to do, and it’s understandable. Besides Pearl, this is one of the first times most of his friends have seen him unpossessed in months, probably getting close to a year now.
“This isn’t a trick is it?” Katherine asks, deciding that they do have time to talk. She’d mentioned wanting too before, and was taking her shot it seemed.
“Not a trick. The staffs just here for appearances.” Sausage seems to spit out the name of his weapon, and his eyes flick to Jimmy as the cod asks the next question. Pearl, having done enough talking to the man, is letting the rest of them speak uninterrupted. Gem is oddly silent, Scott looks like he’s going through the five stages of grief again, and Fwhip wants to speak; he does so badly , but his tongue feels locked in place.
“Why….why do you think you can deflect this way?” Jimmy’s hand has moved away from his spear, and rests at his side. All his petty arguments with Sausage means he knows the man reasonably well, well enough to tell when he’s being truly sincere. Fwhip never thought he’d be glad for all those fights, but now he is, now that the tension in the air starts to lessen just a little.
“I think Xornorths gonna try and kill me here.” Sausage says it so casually it’s almost horrifying, and on the list of fucked up things no one should ever have to say. Fwhip’s been making a list of that, by the way, because his dumb friends keep saying the most terrible phrases about themselves. “It’s been getting annoyed with how I’m not, uh, compiling recently. Joey mentioned something about it a few days ago, something Xornorth had apparently said.”
“What if Joey’s lying?” Jimmy asks, and there genuine concern in his tone. He’s aware of how horribly that could go for both of the demon’s pawns if Joey had been lying.
“Nah. He’s never lied about what Xornorth’s said. Joey’s too smitten to even think of that.” Sausage’s answer was the most confident he would sound all day. They all fell into a stilted silence after that, not quite sure what to do.
Pearl cleared her throat, seeming to break the spell that fell over the seven of them. “We should probably start sparring now, just in case they show up soon.” She mumbled, glancing between all of them. She was asking if certain people were ready, if they were okay with this.
“Yeah.” Gem agreed, and no one else gave further comment. So the spar started, with Pearl flinging herself straight for Sausage. The Mythlander countered quickly, and it very quickly looked like one of their usual matches. True to his word, the staff was mostly just for display, and Sausage didn’t touch it one bit.
All seven of them started facing off against each other, not just against Sausage. Though they all got a turn against him, and Fwhip found that the other wasn’t truly attacking. The rest of them were confident in their movements, apologizing if they accidentally scrapped their opponent, never aiming for serious injury of course. Sausage looked confident from a distance, but when Fwhip actually fought him he could tell that his brother wasn’t really trying, and all the attacks were just for show.
It became a little fun, the whole thing, so much so Fwhip almost forgot what they were here for. The tension had left his shoulders, and he had long since joined in on some playfully banter. But nothing good lasts forever, not even the smallest moments like this. The Count’s closest to Scott when it happens, and catches how the elf suddenly goes rigid.
Sausage senses it too, but doesn’t show it, minus the fear now very evident in his gaze. Scott freezes again, almost losing his balance as he does. “ They’re here .” Is all Fwhip hears the elf whisper, before the sky seems to turn gray above them.
In the stands there's Xornoth, a look that one could call amused plastered across his face. They’re standing above their banner, one hung on the arena’s walls, and Fwhip doesn;t know how he ignored such an ominous object before.
There’s no warning, only the sound of rattling skeleton bones and the tell-tale sounds of Evokers and Pilligars now coming from the colosseum's inner wall. None of them speak, and they all lose sight of Sausage for one vital second, all six pairs of eyes focused on their now compromised exits. Gem and Pearl move to start attempting the spell, not caring if Xornoth sees it. Pearl, far too used to how the demon fights, is charging at the mobs as soon as she catches a glimpse of them.
She’s stopped when Katherine yelps, arm being sliced open. It’s Sausage, and he’s clearly a little different than he was a moment ago. Fwhip watches in shock as the fight, a real, actual fight, starts to break out, and calls to his twin. “Did he just get possessed?” He asks, moving away from a skeleton. It's a common, easy to kill mob, and the Count is pretty sure Xornoth chose them because of how annoying they are to handle.
“Not possession!” Gem called, her staff starting to glow a little. “He’s got a different aura to Joey!”
“Was he like this when he kidnapped you?” Katherine called, clearly a little puzzled. Fwhip was as well, not knowing how what Sausage was experiencing wasn’t demon possession. Blood red eyes looked pretty demon-like to him.
“Yeah!” His sister called. “I can explain more later!”
There’s not much conversation after that, and Fwhip hates how they’re basically being used as amusement for the demon. There’s vindicators now, swinging axes left and right, and every ruler has a swarm of vexes of them. It’s a little much for them to handle, as fwhip predicted, but they’ll manage. They have to manage.
Gem and Scott gave up on the spell, but not after struggling to fight it. Sausage, in whatever state he was in, had focused his attention on making sure they didn’t get room to breathe in between a barrage of attacks. And Fwhip knows that’s not his brother, because he;s using the staff, and he has to wonder what kind of mental hell the elf and the wizard are currently going through. The two stop even trying to attempt the spell once the Illuiosner’s and zombies show up, now having too many dangerous mobs around to do anything but fight for their lives.
There’s an Illusioner next to him suddenly, and Fwhip manages to knock his enemy away before they can activate a spell. The small space is starting to get overrun with mobs and people alike, and the Illuioner is quickly whisked off into another area, and replaced by even more vexes. Fwhip didn’t think his hatred for Evokers could increase so drastically in mere seconds, but here they are.
Ravagers were the next mob to be summoned. Which was great . Three ravagers in a small arena was a horrible combination, nevermind the vexes already floating around. He’s being swarmed by the little things currently, and they stop him from swooping in to save Katherine. About three Vindicators were on her, and she was backed into a corner. The half dragon sees her make it out, but not without some pretty nasty wounds to show for it.
It’s one of the last parts of the battle he sees though, because suddenly a Ravager next to him, charging. Already injured, the Count isn’t fast enough to dodge.
Fwhip let out a yelp of pain, horns slamming into his backside. He felt himself be flung into the air, wings thrashing out of instinct, before landing in a heap on the ground. He’d never really seen a ravager throw someone before, but knew they could. Because of course they could. What else were those weirdly placed horns for?
He was pretty sure something, or several things, made the cracking noise when he landed. It sure felt like he had several broken bones, pain shooting through him from multiple points. He heard the ravagers breath behind him, before the beast let out a roar of pain. Fwhip didn’t know who was currently saving his life, but he’s grateful.
There’s a flash of green and yellow, accompanied by a shout nearby. Someone’s crouching over him, making sure he’s safe until they can get a healing potion in him. He’s pretty sure it’s Pearl, being able to recognize the colors of her dress anywhere. His vision is a bit unfocused right now, an unfortunate side effect of being thrown like a ragdoll, and when Pearl leaves to rejoin the fight it takes Fwhip a good minute to see who replaces her. When he does there's a very familiar blonde fish guy in front of him, and it sends a whole wave of emotions through him.
Jimmy’s crouched over him, and all Fwhip can focus on his worried face, and how he hates that he’s worrying Jimmy. The half dragon has to turn his head a little awkwardly to even see the Codfather, but it's better than looking at the arena’s floor. He senses Gem nearby, and figures he’s soon to be dragged back into the colosseum walls. Not that that will do much about the vexes, but it is better than the open arena. His back is throbbing with pain, and he can only hope his wings go undamaged. He can't (and doesn't like to) use them very much, but he'd still prefer to keep them unharmed.
Until now he’s been laying on a useless heap on the floor, curled into himself best he can manage. Normally, he would’ve gotten up and kept fighting, even with a broken arm or leg, but this time it’s his back that's broken. He had landed right on it, before somehow managing to scramble into whatever position he’s in. Fwhip’s pretty sure he has several fractures, and really hopes they’re all fixable. His breathing’s been pretty labored and panicked as well, which wasn’t helping at all, considering he probably hurt some of his organs as well.
The Count has other injuries, but the most pressing one is apparently to his back. That’s what he hears Gem say, as she and Jimmy somehow maneuver him inside the colosseum walls. Fwhip’s aware that he’s basically being carried around, but focuses only on the ground. He does this even when inside, eyes now tracing the cracks in the concrete instead of the grains of sand.
Healing potions could be used in several different ways, but the most common way was to drink them. They could also be directly applied to a wound, for an ever faster result. That’s what Gem and Jimmy were arguing about when he finally tuned in, the two not even trying to be discreet about it.
“I don’t know which one is best!” He heard Gem hissed. “I’ve never dealt with this kind of injury before!” “If it’s external we should apply it directly!” Jimmy spat, and Fwhip knew exactly what glare he received.
“I don’t wanna risk moving his coat off!” Gem argued back again, and the Count had already had it with this conversation. He could sympathize with not knowing what to do in this situation, really he could. It was just a little irritating when people were arguing over how to heal you, as you were in pain is all.
“Just give me the damn potion!” Fwhip managed through gritted teeth. Both of them shut up and that, and he managed to down a healing potion in record time. They had decided to do both ways, apparently, as he felt the familiar sting of the potion on his backside; Fwhip hadn’t even realized it was littered with cuts as well as the bone being fractured, and it made him wonder what exactly he;d hit on his way down. The half dragon really wished these things worked just a minute faster, or at least that he’d been knocked unconscious about ten minutes ago.
Fwhip isn’t exactly sure what happens after that, just feels the potion start to work its magic. The pain lessens, but doesn’t go away completely. He’s moved out of the arena once the coast is clear enough, and doesn’t know where anyone else is. Besides Gem, who hadn’t left his side since she'd gotten to it. Jimmy, still relatively without major injury, had disappeared back into the thick of the fight at some point.
Eventually he passes out, frustrated and still throbbing from pain. He’s frustrated he couldn’t do more in the chaos of that battle, frustrated he couldn’t help his friends, and that they couldn’t even get Sausage back. He wonders if they even know what became of him.
After waking up late, Fwhip spent most of the next morning at Pearl’s dining table, being extra careful with all his previously broken bones. He’d been given two potions, maybe more, but was still a little concerned about just how much they’d managed to cover.
He’d been sitting there for a good two or so hours, doing nothing but thinking and processing, when he felt another person’s gaze on him. The Count turned, only to see Jimmy standing there, unable to tell if he was leaning against the wall casually or for support. Usually he;d have beamed a little at the sight of the cod, but all the ginger could manage for the moment was a nod of acknowledgement.
“You look horrible.” Fwhip observed, gaze traveling over the cod. The blonde looked like a mess, his hair sticking out in multiple places and his clothes still torn from yesterday’s battle. Jimmy just mutters in response. “I was on watch duty all night, making sure all the stray mobs died.” Well, that explained it.
“Where’s everyone else?” Fwhip muttered, worry itching at the back of his mind. He didn’t like being in the dark on everyone’s statuses, and was honestly a bit annoyed at passing out in the first place. Not being able to help for half of the fight didn’t sit right with him, and he wondered what the six of them would have accomplished without having to take care of his stupid back. He wondered if they could’ve gotten his brother back.
“Resting.” The blonde informed him, taking a second to stretch probably aching limbs. “Gem and Pearl are still working on healing stuff, and told me to check on you. I messaged everyone who didn’t show up, and all of ‘em responded but Shrub.” The ginger raised an eyebrow at that. Shrub was usually pretty decent about answering her messages, so the fact that she hadn;t was a little suspicious; especially after the day before. But maybe she’d been busy, or maybe she’d been sleeping. He didn’t know, and what their little gnome friend was up to was a problem for later.
Jimmy doesn’t mention Sausage, and Fwhip assumes no one else knows where he disappeared too. They’d tell him if he knew, he’s sure of it.
“Who’s hurt?” Fwhip failed to keep the concern out of his tone as he spoke, and hoped it wasn’t obvious how worried he was. He’d been worried since he woke up, enough to feel sick to his stomach and skip breakfast. Gem was gonna be so mad at him for that later, but he’d eat eventually.
“Katherine got pretty wrecked trying to protect us.” Jimmy responded, pulling out the chair next to him. “Scott needs bed rest again, more than last time.” The blonde looked tired as he spoke, and Fwhip is all the more aware of the dark circles lining his eyes. “He had a panic attack, I think. And Gem’s obviously been fighting off some sort of breakdown.” He doesn’t need to say why that happened, they both know. Fwhip was right, those two shouldn’t have come.
Instead of mentioning that Fwhip just sighs, and carefully moves to rest his head on Jimmy’s shoulder. “Hey.” The cod mumbled.
“Hi.” Fwhip’s response is a little deadpan, but Jimmy chuckled at the exchange anyways.
“Pearl said to give you another healing potion, just in case.” He mumbled, removing the half dragon’s head from his shoulder. Fwhip grumbles at that, feeling like a sick and whiny child. He does not want to take another healing potion. After this whole demon ordeal is over he hopes he never has to see one again in his life. The Count’s getting too used to all the injuries, and that is not a good thing to get used too.
He watched as Jimmy stood from the table, and moved further into Pearl’s kitchen. The cod returned a few seconds later with a potion carefully clutched in his grasp, and Fwhip held in another sigh. He’d suck it up and take the potion, not putting it past Jimmy to force it down his throat. And if he couldn’t do it then the cd would get Pearl, who definitely could make him take his medicine.
When Jimmy handed him the potion, Fwhip took it without complaint. Unless you counted a grumpy glare as a complaint, but Jimmy either didn’t or was too tired to care, so it wasn’t one this time. The Count wrinkled his nose at the taste of it, resisting the urge to spit out the magical elixir. Some people said these things tasted good, or even bland, and Fwhip had never gotten that. Every potion he’d ever taken had tasted disgusting on his tongue. He placed the now empty bottle down a little roughly, watching as the glass kinlinked against the table.
“How’s your back now?” The cod waited a few minutes or so to ask the question, until the healing potion had properly started to kick in. Fwhip just huffed, feeling like the thing was more numbing his pain than causing it. “Still sore, my wings don’t feel great either.”
“Maybe some more sleep with help that?” Jimmy suggested, trying to crack a weak smile at him. Sleep sounded wonderful, actually, and Fwhip let himself be helped into one of Pearl’s guest rooms. Her humble home looked small on the outsider, and always felt twenty times bigger whenever the Count actually entered it. He wasn’t even sure how many rooms she had, even after all these years of friendship. Too many, probably.
He ended up laying on his stomach, Jimmy shoving a pillow under him. It was one of the sleeping positions for a broken back Gem had told the cod about, apparently. She’d ordered Fwhip to sleep on his stomach, because of the whole injured wings thing; Gem didn’t want to risk putting too much pressure on him. His wings had always been a bit of a pain when it came to health stuff and sleeping, so he wasn’t very surprised anymore. He usually slept on his side, but would rarely switch it up, his wings usually being too uncomfortable to fold under him and not large enough to crush him with their weight.
Jimmy was sitting on the bed next to him, saying he wouldn;t leave until he was sure Fwhip was asleep. The Count appreciated it, knowing his thoughts would overwhelm him if he was alone. However he did not appreciate the topic of their conversation at all. Too personal, way too feely feely right now. “I get what you said,” The cod muttered. “About thinking you’re gonna lose me.” He muttered it into ginger hair, nuzzling his head into it.
“Not a fun thought, is it?” He mumbled, the other shifting closer, sadly not really being able to cuddle him like this. “I think we both have horrible luck.” He huffed, clicking noise emitting from his throat.
“And terrible anxiety.” Fwhip offered, and the other made another clicking sound in agreement.
“Why’re you so scared of that in the first place? I mean, I kinda get it, but I think we have different reasons?” That just made Fwhip want to know what those reasons were, which was another thing added to his list of things to think about.
He was hesitant in his answer, not really being the talking about his feelings kinda guy. He preferred bottling it up instead. Also this was a… hard subject, to say the least. “Because I’ve….never had anything like this before, so it’s special.” That explanation wasn’t everything, not by a long shot, but he thought it made sense.
“Yeah, yeah..” Was all Jimmy responded with, slipping a hand into his hair, running his fingers through it. Fwhip didn’t say anything else, and just leaned into the touch. Healing potions had some side effects, such as the occasional tiredness, and that one always got the Count every time he took one. He felt his eyes begin to droop, and was very content to fall asleep right here right now.
He fell asleep, purring quietly as Jimmy played with his hair. It was the worst sleep he’d ever had probably, and nothing got better when he woke up. Everything probably got a hundred times worse, actually.
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jeff-kamikow · 1 year
Jeff Kamikow - 10 Places To Look When Your Website Traffic Is Dropping
For companies that generate most of their leads and sales online, bringing in steady website traffic is critical. That's why a sharp decline in traffic sends the average business into full-on panic mode.
While you should be concerned about a sudden dip in site visits, there's often a logical explanation for it, if you know where to look. Sometimes it's a simple and fast fix – a coding error, for instance – while in other cases, such as an algorithm change, it might take a bit longer to bounce back. Either way, it's important to look for the root of the problem so you can fix it.
Ten Forbes Agency Council members explain some potential reasons your site's traffic may have tanked, and what you can do about it.
1. Tracking Tags
The simplest explanation for a sudden and unexpected drop in website performance is often analytics tags failing to fire. Always check tracking first to make sure website visitors are being accounted for before making drastic changes. Reconciling tracking issues will help mitigate the long-term impact. Additionally, making friends with your IT department will help avoid issues before they arise. - Nina Hale, Nina Hale / Performance Digital
2. The Front End Of Your Website 
The first thing to investigate after a major dip in traffic is your website itself. Is it actually working? Is there a problem with the domain? Mechanically, is everything functioning as it should? If all that checks out, make sure the critical inbound links are still intact. If the majority of your traffic comes from inbound campaigns, ensure your inbound marketing platform is working properly. - Jeffrey Kamikow, Cross Audience
3. Google Analytics 
When the world is crashing around you, trust the data. Dive into Google Analytics and try to pinpoint where things went south. Think back on marketing tactics you recently pushed live and find the correlation. This should lead you to an internal audit, where you may discover an internal tool is broken or an external force is impacting your site. - Kirk Deis, Treehouse 51
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4. Google Search Console 
If you don't stay up to date on major Google algorithm changes, you're falling behind. If your site is not mobile-friendly, improperly secured or using outdated practices for SEO, your rankings may be dropping. Check your Search Console, work with your team to fix the problem, and start subscribing to the right resources to avoid this in the future. - Stewart Gandolf, Healthcare Success
5. Traffic Sources 
After confirming that there’s no recent update to search algorithms throwing things out of whack, identify which traffic source has seen the greatest decline – direct, referral, organic, paid, social. After pinpointing the source, work backward to determine what actions (or inactions) could be at fault. Check your content consumption and be sure it is on point with your target audience. - Keri Witman, Cleriti
6. Your Site's Code 
When we see a sharp decline in traffic, we first check the site’s code. During site changes and redesigns, SSL and 301 redirects are often overlooked, causing Google to de-index the site's pages and search rankings to drop. The drop in rankings can dramatically decrease visitors. So when building a new site or making changes to your current one, double-check your redirects before pushing live. - Michael Weinhouse, Logical Position
7. The Bigger Customer Engagement Picture 
Don’t panic, and take a step back to see the bigger picture. Perhaps customers are engaging with your website primarily on mobile rather than desktop. If your mobile site isn’t optimized or they are instead using your app, then this could be why. This gives you insight into how consumer behaviors change over time and where they are most likely to engage with your brand. - Preethy Vaidyanathan, Tapad
8. External Backlinks 
A client once had a downward trend in organic traffic. We audited all the checklist items to figure out what the issue was and we were stumped. We then evaluated the search trends of their top backlinks and found that their highest authority backlink had the same drop. To fix our client site, we had to fix the referring site. External forces are sometimes just as important as internal factors. - Brett Farmiloe, Markitors
9. The Last Item That Changed On Your Site 
When diagnosing an issue, you need to think back to what was the last item that changed. It could be a code push that somehow removed analytics from your site, it could have been a change to content that has caused a decline in search traffic. Did you make a change to your advertising? Sudden declines (or increases) are often traceable back to the last modification (big or small) that was made. - Greg Kihlstrom, Yes& Agency
10. Adblockers 
Check whether you are getting "adblocked" by any browsers, which may be redirecting traffic from your site. Also check on whether you might have had "false" traffic coming to your site from foreign websites, which was then rectified and now has new accurate website traffic numbers. - Jessica Hawthorne-Castro, hawthornedirect.com 
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proprhettcies · 3 years
S6 Ep 13 (494)- 7 Steps to Stop Mumbling
Link’s favorite steps
Step 1: Own it
Step 2: Articulate
Step 3: Open Your Mouth
Step 4: Slow Down
Step 5: Raise your voice
Step 6: Sing
Step 7: Practice trouble words
Gandolf ref: “You shall not pass!”
Give specific cards of trouble words to Rhett
-Wolves, Donut, Vulnerable, Channing Tatum, Rural
Comparing their mouth sizes
Rhett’s mumbling problem
S6 Ep 14 (495)- 5 Brand New Games to Play in the Pool
Marco Yolo
Shark- fake fin and bite people
HBomb- Everyone cannonballs
Crossing the Delaware- Reenact George Washington crossing the Delaware river
Stop the leaking oil/Clean up the oil slick-fill up the raft with oil and then pierce a hole
Vacay Gone Cray Cray- “Mountain Rescue”
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Christy as a lifeguard at the pool
L about Christy as a lifeguard-” Lesson in anatomy.”
Link not having fun at the pool liked the river better
Both went to different pools as kids
Rhett went to the pool to play and win pool games
S6 Ep 15 (496)- Rules of Food Sharing
R- “Nachos are for sharing.”
L- “Put that on a tshirt.”
Link’s rules for fries
Never take someone’s fry unless they offer
Must never ask to take someone’s fry unless you’ve been in a relationship that’s been established for at least six months
You have to be okay with a no
Pizza (last slice)
-You have to bring it up no sneak away
- Rhett plays the counting game ie. “How many did you have? 3. I had 4.” Wait 10 mins
R-” I’ve studied humans long enough, wait 10 minutes, they’d forgotten and moved on.”
Divided Candies- Kit Kats, Reese’s, Twix- Same rule as fries
Serpent King
How Link says Reese’s
Ice cream-family and BFFs
R-” I’m not gonna kiss you but I’ll share ice cream with you.”
Kissing through glass
Advice on mumbling
Link’s general food sharing tips
Your child- yes
S/O- you should ask
Friend- when not looking
Spouse- just take it
Stranger- wait for them to leave- egg roll story
Alka-Seltzer Road Trip- Trying other people’s food
Rhett and his mom both eat alike
“Are you gonna eat that?”
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richfieldbranch · 4 years
Mike’s Picks - Week of April 6th
Hello again to all our Richfield Library Patrons. We’re back this week with more suggestions to keep you busy while you're stuck at home. All library programs, outreach, and meeting rooms have been canceled until at least May, so hang in there! The books are all available through Hoopla or Overdrive, you can click the title to access it’s listing, or find all our materials at https://akronlibrary.org/browse/digital.  As always, I miss you, and please send me an email to let me know how you're doing, or if there's anything I can do for you.
Mike Daly, Adult Services Librarian 
For all you Richfield Crafters out there missing your monthly crafting fix, I have attached a couple of timely links to help you pass the time during the great quarantine.
Do-it-yourself Covid Masks
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The first link was posted by the U. S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams. It's very simple and doesn't require sewing. You can find the video at: 
NPR also explains how they should be worn, and offers some different options for making them (including one where you just cut up an old t-shirt, no sewing or stapling or anything):
This one is what my wife used to make our family's masks. It does require a sewing machine, but the results were quite professional and easy to wear. There are hundreds of online tutorials if you do an internet search for “making Covid masks”. This one is from USA Today:
And finally, Joann Fabric has provided this pattern that does not require elastic or string, but instead has fabric straps:
Easter Pom-Pom Craft
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Here's a couple of simple craft for all ages. They're really easy and the end products are very cute. All you need are scissors, rubber bands, old fabric, and some yarn. For bunnies:
and for chicks:
There are many more available on You Tube.
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The Pioneers: The Heroic Story of the Settlers Who Brought the American Ideal West by David McCullough
McCullough tells the story of the settling of the Northwest Territory, at the time a wilderness northwest of the Ohio River containing the future states of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin. His main focus is on the founding and growth of Marietta, Ohio. Included in the Northwest Ordinance were three remarkable conditions: freedom of religion, free universal education, and most importantly, the
prohibition of slavery. McCullough tells the story through five major characters: Manasseh Cutler, Revolutionary War veteran General Rufus Putnam, Cutler’s son Ephraim; and two other men, one a carpenter turned architect, and the other a physician who became a prominent pioneer in American science. A must read for anyone interested in Ohio history.
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Code Name: Lise, the True Story of the Woman Who Became WWII's Most Decorated Spy by Larry Loftis
This book was an exciting read. I had never heard of Odette Sansom or the women of the SOE. In 1942 Odette Sansom, a French woman married to and English man, decides to follow in her war hero father’s footsteps by becoming an SOE agent to aid Britain and her beloved homeland, France. Five failed attempts and one plane crash later, she finally lands in occupied France to begin her mission. It is here that she meets her commanding officer Captain Peter Churchill. Loftis paints a portrait of true courage, patriotism, and love—of two incredibly heroic people who endured unimaginable horrors. He weaves together the touching romance between Odette and Peter and the thrilling cat and mouse game between them and a wily Gestapo agent.
This week I've been rereading some of my favorite books. The titles listed below are an eclectic mix, so everyone should find something to like. They are also long which will help you kill some time while stuck at home.
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The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien
This was my favorite book in high school. Lose yourself in the adventures of Frodo and Gandolf in their epic battle of good versus evil. All three titles, The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, and The Return of the King are available for down as Ebook or audio on the library website.
The Life And Adventures Of Nicholas Nickleby by Charles Dickens 
Although not as well known as Great Expectations or Oliver Twist, this Dickens classic is my favorite. A serial romp through Victorian England, this book is in turns funny, sad, and touching. Don't give up because the 19th Century language is unfamiliar. You will be rewarded if you persevere. 
The Ebook is available through Project Gutenberg: 
and the audio book is available at LibriVox:
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Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett
The first and best of Follett's historical novels about the fictional English city of Kingsbridge, it's an Oprah Book Club choice as well. The Pillars of the Earth tells the story of Philip, prior of Kingsbridge, a devout and resourceful monk driven to build the greatest Gothic cathedral the world has known, of Tom, the mason who becomes his architect, and of the beautiful, elusive Lady Aliena. The book tells of the struggle that will turn church against state and brother against brother. The book, as well as the two sequels, A World Without End and A Column of Fire, are available for download as Ebook or Eaudio on the library website.
And finally.................
Monday April 9th is
Fresh Tomato Day
“A tomato may be a fruit, but it is a singular fruit. A savory fruit. A fruit that has ambitions far beyond the ambitions of other fruits.” E. Lockhart
“Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit; wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.” Miles Kington
“It's difficult to think anything but pleasant thoughts while eating a homegrown tomato.” Lewis Grizzard
Tuesday April 7h is
National Beer Day
“Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.” Benjamin Franklin
“I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts, and beer.” Abraham Lincoln
“Beer's intellectual. What a shame so many idiots drink it.” Ray Bradbury
Wednesday April 8th is
International Feng Shui Day
“You don't have to believe in Feng Shui for it to work. I just know it brings me money.” Donald Trump
“I once drew a picture of Jack Nicholson in The Shining. But I put it away after a Feng Shui expert told me about the bad vibes” David James
“My view on Feng Shui: don’t put your bed in front of the door because you won’t get in.” Jonas Eriksson
Thursday April 9th is
National Gin and Tonic Day
“The gin and tonic has saved more Englishmen’s lives, and minds, than all the doctors in the Empire.” Winston Churchill
“Of all the gin joints, in all the world she walks into mine.” Humphrey Bogart as Rick Blaine in Casablanca
“I don't know what reception I'm at, but for God's sake give me a gin and tonic.” Dennis Thatcher, husband of Margaret Thatcher
Friday April 10th is
Global Work from Home Day (Very Appropriate!)
“All happiness depends on courage and work.” Honore de Balzac
“Without ambition one starts nothing. Without work one finishes nothing. The prize will not be sent to you. You have to win it.” Ralph Waldo Emerson
“In the name of God, stop a moment, cease your work, look around you.” Leo Tolstoy
Saturday April 11th is
National Pet Day
“Sometimes losing a pet is more painful than losing a human because in the case of the pet, you were not pretending to love it.” Amy Sedaris
“Pets are humanizing. They remind us we have an obligation and responsibility to preserve and nurture and care for all life.” James Cromwell
“Such short little lives our pets have to spend with us, and they spend most of it waiting for us to come home each day. It is amazing how much love and laughter they bring into our lives and even how much closer we become with each other because of them.” John Grogan
More to come next week!
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dereklaufman · 6 years
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Inktober Day 16 - The Balrog Another excuse to use red ink. Not sure I quite pulled this off but Inktober is about challenging yourself right? Learn and move on. Every Sunday at 9pmEST I post my Inktober work from the week in my shop. Link in my profile. #inktober #inktober2018 #balrog #gandolf #lordoftherings #lotr #inkwash #markers https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo_lwiiAXKv/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=3jfv8xeruzfg
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calenith-official · 6 years
Two Towers, Part 2: Edoras
Welcome back. Part 1 is out there somewhere. I’ll link it when I’m not on mobile.
Our heroes hail an Uber-fast horse and book it to the capital of Rohan, Modos. (NOT to be confused with Modo, because that’s a different plot line altogether.)
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While there, Gandolf manages to free King Filden from Soloman’s sorcery,
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and for good measure, they boot out his creepy advisor, Smick. This version isn’t very subtle about it.
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(I’ll pause for laughter.)
It is at this juncture that the subtitle guys are completely overwhelmed by Theoden’s dialect and give up.
Subtitleist 1: Hey, what are they saying here?
Subtitleist 2: Uhhhhh... It’s a fantasy movie, right? They use made up languages all the time. Just write down what it sounds like. They’ll never know the difference.
Guy 1: Like this?
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(That’s Bad Subtitle for “Hail Theoden King”. Indeed.)
Meanwhile, the king’s niece, Heroine, trusts that her name will be indicative of her role in the plot. #girlpower
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And I’ll let you guess about the context for this one:
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Me too, Heroine, me too.
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melvinomusic · 4 years
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Number of LPs: 1
Label: Warner Brothers
Release Year on Jacket: 1978
Songs I Liked:
All of it!!
Overall Rating: A+
Would You Recommend:
If there ever was an award for album cover that misrepresents the music on the album this would be a top contender. The wizard is based on Tolkien's Gandolf, which they do a jazz impersonation of him on Side B. This was at my flea market guy's spot the last three times and I kept passing it up, but I kept telling my wife I liked the Wizard record's cover. This last time he said take it for $1. Sold! I assumed it was 80s metal, or a prog rock type band. I was completely wrong. It is a jazz record. Very horn heavy, very fast moving, and technically it is on point. It reminds me of a jazzier Brand X. Fully instrumental, with plenty of solos. Each musician plays several instruments, except for the bass player (silly bass players). He was happy just playing the one. This was a great listen.
Don't take my word for it listen for yourself and tell me what you think.
Spotify Link to Album:
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sincerelyensouled · 7 years
Vines of the Starblaster crew
This list became trash very fast. I can justify none of this. ...Just take it
(edit: I’m working on adding links to each vine)
-The one of a guy crying after a bear falls in a river
-”I’m just looking because I can control my emotions” comes back with dog “damnit”
-The one where a dog keeps trying to stick his head through the door and the person filming has to keep pushing him back inside because he can’t come
-”well when life gives you lemons”
-”It is wednesday my dudes”
-Catapiller rave
-Sand Guardian
-Welcome to Bible study we’re all children of Jesus
-”It’s summer! I’ve got my hat on backwards and I’m ready to fucking party”
-I got new shoes
-Fr e sh a voca d o 
-”dinner’s ready!” *a group of people come out of their rooms and the one in front is strutting, he pulls up his shirt and slaps his stomach*
-”...Then you’re gone. Now go chop his dick off!”
-”Because according to the encyclopedia of [mouth sounds]”
-The one where the girl is making an omelette and successfully flips it
-*gets a little bit of each drink from the soda fountain and drunks from the cup* “fuck you”
-”I could’ve dropped my croissant” 
-”this is a fucking crime [...] y’all gonna see me today! Y’all gonna se me--”
-”Happy birthday Raven!” “I can’t swim”
-”Why the fuck would I say printer?”
-”is anyone kinda hot?” ”This might be a good time to open up some windows” *windows shutdown noise as it zooms in on the person’s face*
-*running through graveyard and pans up to a grave that reads “Yungman” while the intro to YMCA plays in the background*
-*using the security cameras to zoom in on himself while humming the mission impossible theme*
-The bottle rocket vine where the guy doesn’t even move he just says “oh damn” and it hits the camera
-The one where it looks like the guy is going to jump on the skateboard but he just keeps running
-Backstreet’s back alright being sung by someone who’s very drunk and needs to be carried (maybe a Taako vine)
-”I don’t even know which way the Quiznos is”
-”Hi this is my impression of Shikera when she goes to wash her hands and the water’s too hot”
-The one where the girl is “singing?” doing random mouth sounds and is scared by the christmas tree behind her
-the turn and look while the intro to take on me plays (although I’m more thinking about the re-make of this vine in honour of vine ending)
-zoom in on the microwave while it’s at 1:01 and plays the Zoey 101 theme
-The one where the woman throws the milk because of the car horn
-”yup.. this is a bucket”
-”Yeah I can’t I’m too busy tonight” *cuts to him drinking a beer and playing the piano*
-America Explain
-Baby you got a body like a croissant
-A couple gets scared and after screaming the lady goes completely straight-faced and says “fuck you”
-[Director era Lucretia but it’s too good not to add] “What do you have” Angus: “A knife!” “NO!”
Life on the starbalster:
-The bop it vine
-The series of vines that use those figures of muscular men posing while YMCA plays in the background  (But mostly this one)
-Annie are you ok
-The one where they’re all wrapped up in blankets and have sunglaggesand are bopping back and forth to the beat of a song
-A big fight is happening and “we’re all in this together” from high school musical is playing in the background
-[while still on the two sunned planet, part of the IPRE] The one vine where Gandolf is on all the computuer monotors 
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catsofcalifornia · 7 years
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Gandolf from Fluff Buddies in Fair Oaks, California
Click here for more information about adoption and other ways to help!
Click here for a link to Fluff Buddies’ main website.
Gandolf, born approximately 7/28/07, is a very handsome gray and tan tabby boy. He is gentle and totally a lap cat,  rarely passing a lap without choosing to climb on to it. He is very content to sit on your lap for as long as you are willing to sit. He likes people and gets along with (some) cats. He enjoys sharing meals with his people; his favorites are chicken, turkey, salmon and hamburgers. He doesn't need a separate plate, as he will gladly share yours. Usually, however, foster mom lets him enjoy quiet time in the cat room at human meal time. Popcorn and cheese are favorite snacks. At Petco, Gandolf enjoys walking around the store. He is comfortable in his harness and enjoys checking out the dog food areas. He has been seen trying to break into a bag of salmon kibble. Gandolf's back story: Gandolf came to Fluff Buddies as a kitten in 2007. He was adopted, but then returned more than a year later for reasons unrelated to him. He was then readopted in 2009.  In February 2017, we received a call from Sacramento County Animal Care that Gandolf had been picked up and was at the Bradshaw Shelter. His new foster mom picked him up, along with medical records of treatment he had received during his one-week holding period. Efforts to reach the adopters through his microchip information were unsuccessful, so Fluff Buddies was able to take him home. Even after a week of care at Bradshaw, he was still malnourished, anemic, had chronic diarrhea, was missing some fur and was loaded with fleas, although treated for all the above by the County. He saw our vet, Dr. Rene Case, had lots of tests, and started on a recovery program. The first month showed some weight gain, but most food was still going right through him. Back to the vet and more aggressive treatment. His digestive system started to settle down, his weight has gone up, his blood work is better, his fur is softer and all around he is noticeably healthier. We are looking for a person or family to take in Gandolf as a long term foster. It would be similar to adoption, but there would be no fee and Fluff Buddies would take care of his veterinary needs. At this time, Gandolf takes steroid drops in his food, once a day. He also gets periodic B12 shots. We don't know how long he will need to be medicated, but the hope is that he will heal enough that at some point medication won't be necessary. At his foster home he has full run of the house along with 4 other adult cats. He has perfect litter box habits and has not sprayed nor scratched any furniture. He is a good cat with lots of personality and a love for his people.
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ranebowstitches · 7 years
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All Your Favs Are Ace: Playlist Masterpost
Look under the cut for links to finished playlists (on 8tracks and Playmoss), playlists in progress, and playlists that have been requested. Have a suggestion for a character? Shoot me a message!
Hux [done]
Kylo [done] 
Miguel [done] 
Furiosa [done] 
Captain Jack Sparrow [done]
Poe Dameron [done]
Wednesday Addams [done]
Elvira [done]
Jessica Rabbit [done] 
Captain Kirk [done]
Newt Scamander [done]
Luna Lovegood [done]
Negan [done]
James Wesley [WIP]
Sherlock Holmes  [WIP]
Milo & Kida
Bill Cipher
Hannibal Lector  [WIP]
Nicholas Angel
Alexander Hamilton
Luke Skywalker
Obi-wan Kenobi
Littlefinger (Petyr Baelish)
All of my playlists [tumblr] [8tracks] [Playmoss]
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proprhettcies · 5 years
Season 2 Episodes 71-S2 Finale
S2 71 (200)- 200th Episode
Link’s Dream- Getting naked and being in a Julian Smith video
S2 72 (201)- Link’s optimal house temp for heat
Link putting up the tree before Thanksgiving
Rhett scheduling the thermostat
Creating heat in the Apocalypse
S2 73 (202)- Power Napping
Dog Collar and Chain for Link
S2 Ep 74 (203)- Thomas Kinkade
Cutting each other’s hair
Time Capsule item- locks of hair “Future R & L-bald and greying”
S2 Ep 76 (205)- Japan Hotels
9hr Hotel
Public Restroom Hotel
Morgues and toe tags
Squatty Potty
WoM-Rhett loses his mind
S2 Ep 77 (206)- Twinkies
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Link likes the Hostess Cupcake
S2 Ep 78 (207)- Rhett takes the stance of knowing stuff
Thanksgiving facts
Turkey TV Dinners- Swanson
Link the ham man
S2 Ep 79 (208)- Tokyo
Japanese Candy
S2 Ep 80 (209)- Black Friday origin
S2 Ep 81 (210)- Furbies
Christy’s college Furby- her friends hid it
Link- “Bring it back!”
Teddy Ruxpin
My Buddy
S2 Ep 83 (212)- The Hobbit
Rhett’s character voices for reading to kids
Rhett’s Gandolf voice
Rhett’s “wolves” pronunciation
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fanfictionlive · 5 years
Help! Lost Fanfic Aragorn x FemBilbo
You would think with a pairing like that it would be easy to find. :)
Ok here's what I remember Aragorn (who may or may not have been going by Strider) meets FemBilbo outside the Shire after taking down some guys who were hunting Hobbits (in this world Hobbits have wings and the feathers are very valuable) I am pretty sure Aragorn gets hurt but I am rather sketchy on that subject.
As the story progresses Aragorn and FemBilbo begins to like each other and possibly get's it on, but if they did it must not have been memorable.
Aragorn now better(?) needs to leave the Shire do to ahhh...duties of some sort. He leaves behind, unknowingly, a pregnant Bilbo who gives birth to Frodo.
Now Hobbits in this world aren't born with wings they come in later, so somewhere near the end of the story Frodo's wings come in after a difficult time of it, Gandolf makes some sort of comment about them being the wings of a king or something like that.
And that's it, I want to say the story was completed but I don't remember.
submitted by /u/Rose-Lillian-Black [link] [comments] from FanFiction: Where Magical Ponies battle Imperial Titans https://ift.tt/32MxWW5
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Here's a collaboration of wacky incidents that'll make your day in "The Ultimate Showdown" Click the link below and head to Newgrounds: https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/285267 #animation #cartoon #igdaily #knoxville #newgrounds #batman #godzilla #shaq #aaroncarter #abraham #optimusprime #ultimateshowdown #jackiechan #indianajones #carebear #chucknorris #gandolf #montypython #benitomussolini #robocop #captainkirk #darthvader #superman #powerrangers #billandted #spock #hulkhogan #terminator #mrrogers #altf4 (at Knoxville, Tennessee) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1hNtGjgZ7Y/?igshid=efjf48hdsy4i
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allitalksfandom · 7 years
Thanks for that link on how conquerors handle the defeated royalty. Gandolf really was being comparitively "generous" to Edain/Adean, as you said all three scenarios for the conquered women like Edain are awful.
 Given the subject of that link, this post contains discussion of rape. Read at your own discretion. 
You’re welcome, anon! As I thought about it, Aideen’s situation was more horrible on second glance than I thought… One, being forced into marriage is a longer-term trauma. Two, Sigurd’s apparently attempting negotiations to get her out? Who would’ve done it without Sigurd being there? Third, she’d likely end up queen of the country that conquered her homeland. Fourth, she’d be having the kids of the guy who conquered her homeland. Fifth, and this is partially based on a headcanon of mine jumpstarted from this book, but Aideen’s single when FE4 begins, right? Despite this, we can infer that she’s pretty popular with guys. I think that Aideen might have held off marriage and kids for a bit in order to seek out Briggid, and then this happens. It’s a good thing Deirdre and Jamke were there (even if Deirdre’s involvement in Aideen’s escape is mostly headcanon on my part). Sadly, this is all too common in our world, even today, and not just against women.  
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