#HP/Moldy Voldy
dos-perros-locos · 1 year
K.O. came from a litter of 6. 3 boys/3 girls. Every so often i get pictures of one of his brothers who I like to refer to as his evil twin brother Cade.
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He just looks like an old wizard that is up to absolutely no good lmao
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billsbae · 11 months
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regulus with harry and luna, summer 1987
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briarpotter · 11 months
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This Running Joke between Potterheads makes this even better!
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delulu4marauders · 11 months
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shakespearean-simp · 1 month
no, we're actually immortal.
(we have nokias as horcruxes and we're really pale because it's always cloudy outside and our noses are nonexistent because we sniffed too hard to see if there was tea brewing [literally and metaphorically] that it just retreated into our faces)
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ellooo0ooo · 1 year
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bi-b1tches · 2 years
Voldy after using  poly juice to become Harry: I’m the real Harry shoot him!
Harry: the only way to keep everyone safe is to shoot both of us
Ron:  Hermione which do I shoot?!
Hermione: (grabs the gun and points it at Voldy )
Hermione: the real Harry would never pass up an opportunity to  unnecessarily sacrifice himself for his friends
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bonniesfamiliar · 7 months
Imma be honest. I'm a multi-shipper. I ship multiple people together. Especially in the HP fandom. One of these ships happens to occasionally be Tom x Harry. Re-read. TOM x Harry (not noseless voldy moldy) NO. I Love time travel fics where Harry travels back and behold it is the hottest guy around: TOM RIDDLE. It's either student Tom Riddle or Minister of Magic Tom Riddle or Shopkeeper Tom Riddle at Burkes.
I just don't get why no one talks about Hagrid.
Everyone thinks of Hagrid as someone who can't keep secrets because of the way he's portrayed babbling when someone takes the time to talk to him (ex Nicholas Flamel). Nobody every thkns about how HE went to school with Tom Riddle. He knew Tom Riddle. He was framed by Tom Riddle. He watched Tom Riddle turn evl. He was the first piece of Tom Riddle's collateral damage. Hagrid knew the entire time that "you know who" was Tom, the guy who got his wand snapped as a TEENAGER. He knew who Voldemort was. Tom obviously would remember him.
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person4924 · 5 months
will you give me every detailed explanation on regulus black or any of the marauders please?
i am CRYING. i love you so much.
so basically regulus is harry potters dead dads dead best friends dead brother!! their all dead. the marauders include james potter (harry potters dad), sirius black (harry’s godfather and james best friend), remus lupin (professor lupin from the third movie/book, also james best friend) and peter pettigrew (james best friend and also ron’s rat in hp) he’s more than that tho!! i just don’t know how to explain it. there’s also the valkyries (i think that’s their name) which is lily evans (harry’s mom), marlene mckinnon (not any connection to harry other than lily’s friend, their mentioned once) and mary mckinnon who is also mentioned never i think. and their are the slytherin skittles (idk if that’s the name but that’s what ive heard) which is regulus who i explained, dorcas meadowes who is also mentioned like never so idk how to explain them, evan rosier who is mentioned a few times? idrk, barty crouch jr who disguises himself as professor moody in the fourth movie/book i think?? (i’m guessing here, i haven’t watched hp in so long) and PANDORA ROSIER. THE LOVE OF MY LIFE. THEY ARE EVERYTHING. EVERYTHING EVERYTHING EVERYTHING. they are luna lovegoods mom, who is mentioned like twice?? all that’s said abt them is that they died trying to create a spell i think, but the hc is that they died trying to destroy a horcrux to kill voldy moldy for regulus (who is their bsf). but they are everything.
i also made a slideshow a while back that explains everything a lot better !!
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fanfic-lover-girl · 7 months
Harry Potter characters that I like
In response to a Romione fan who thought I hated every HP character and hated everything about the series because I don't stan certain characters and ships, I want to mention here the few characters I like.
For me, I like a character usually if:
they have an interesting personality and background
I feel sorry for how they are generally misunderstood or bashed by fandom (sometimes I take great pleasure in being a contrarian haha) or treated by the author.
their wins feel earned in the narrative and I feel inspired
So here is my list!
Draco Malfoy + Malfoy family
I love Draco so much. I admit that I was drawn in mostly through fanon but as I explored the books more, I really enjoyed his book character a lot. He has a vibrant and entertaining personality and I like how meta he can be sometimes. Every time he proclaims how bad Hagrid is as a teacher or how Hogwarts sucks as a school, I just want to hug him so badly. I also like his parents and their interactions as a family later in the books. Narcissa is my fav mom, no contest. I just think that JKR wasted his potential. Draco is the most developed Slytherin kid and his character should have represented hope for a better future. But of course, JKR only cares about her lions (and Snape who she tried to retcon as a lion too lol) so screw Slytherins. And the NPC houses.
Black family
Gosh, I absolutely ADORE the Black family. The Black family is the most intriguing set of characters JKR ever wrote in HP. The Black family lore, the constellation theme, the dark history, the tragedy. Chef's kiss! Screw making a marauders' prequel!!! Give me a Black Family series! You shouldn't be surprised that Sirius Black is my favourite marauder. Compared to Sirius, James Potter is an utter bore.
Neville Longbottom
I often wish Neville was the chosen one instead of Harry. I think Neville's story is more tragic than Harry's. It must be torture to have your parents alive but practically dead. And Neville just feels more heroic to me. A lot of times, I hate Harry's hero's journey because JKR keeps letting Harry win due to deu ex Machina. It was nice seeing Neville gradually grow into the man he was at the end. And Neville's rage at Bellatrix just felt more visceral compared to Harry's with Moldy Voldy. I just like Neville, he's so sweet and he deserves better friends.
Percy Weasley
On the surface, I don't care much about Percy but I do feel sorry for him. Ron and the twins treated him like trash. His family just had a hate boner for him. Poor Percy. I can vibe with a family black sheep character. I don't like how people paint him as the bad guy for walking out on his family. And I appreciate how distinguished he is as a Weasley. He is the only Weasley member not to bow down and kiss Dumbles' backside like a brainless puppet. It's a shame it backfired on him but I admire his logic.
Luna Lovegood
To be honest, Luna was a nothing character to me until I began reading Druna fanfiction and I realized how adorable her character is in the books. She makes me smile and I like how she used to talk back to the trio in the beginning. So funny when Luna told Harry that people thought Hagrid was a bad teacher lol! I think Luna is the only HP girl I like...also maybe because I really like picturing her with Draco. No shame!
Severus Snape
What a beautiful and tragic character. Like Draco, Snape is such a pleasure to read. The man is pure entertainment in written form. I don't love Snape the way I do Draco, but I like picturing him with a better life. 'Snape drops out of Hogwarts' is one of my favourite AO3 tags. I love how he dedicated his life to good even though life was cruel to him and gave him a bad hand. Everything about Snape is so intriguing and I like learning more about him. Definitely one of JKR's best characters.
Ron Weasley
I hate the golden trio but I find Ron the most tolerable and the most interesting. It's a shame I found myself disliking the guy in the epilogue. People complain about the movies ruining Ron but JKR was ruining Ron in the books too. Ron started out as so intelligent but gradually JKR made him slobbier and dumber. I like how Ron was the common sense guy. Once again, Ron had to be the one to tell Harry what a complete trash disaster Hagrid was. Lord, I hate that man! Shame Hagrid's spiders didn't kill him!!! I wish JKR expanded on Ron's chess ability. Ron showed promise as being a leader of the trio (Lord knows Harry was a disaster) and Ron being strategic would fit with his chess skills...but JKR never followed through. My fellow HP critic, chicory, mentioned this passage:
‘Hmm,’ said a small voice in his ear. ‘Difficult. Very difficult. Plenty of courage, I see. Not a bad mind, either. There’s talent, oh my goodness, yes – and a nice thirst to prove yourself, now that’s interesting … So where shall I put you?’
applies more to Ron than Harry and I have to agree with her.
There are also several instances of Ron just being a sweet friend to Harry and Hermione and I wish he had better friends. I don't care what Romione/Hermione fans say. Hermione does not deserve a guy like Ron. Never did and never will. I don't even think Harry deserves Ron either. Ron does so much more for Harry than Harry ever did for him. I would have preferred if the Luna friendship was developed more for Ron. Ron has his infuriating moments but his great moments offset them. Out of the trio, I think Ron is the best character and sometimes I wish he was the protag instead of Harry.
Well, let me end it at 7, the perfect number! I can't fully word why I like or love some of these characters but this is a gist.
Of course, there may be other characters that I enjoy for what they are in the story (the Death Eaters, Dumbledore etc) but I don't care about them enough to mention them. Blessings!
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iloveusadapekora · 2 years
I don't know how tumblr works but i'm gonna put this out there. A sudden thought. Imagine MC with memories of her time in late 18th century reincarnated to modern hogwarts reminiscing those times. Kinda sad and lonely.
I was thinking of MC reincarnated in HP era.
This weird kid who goes around hogwarts and tells students "oh, I don't advice going there if i were you" or like some hp characters gets suprised when you open salazar's hidden office. You just tell them " a friend of mine showed it to me before, but we shouldn't go inside".
Imagine mc going in the undercroft and it's really dusty from all the years no one has been there. You overhear slytherin students talking about hitting the glass coz something might happen and thinking that those things are still passed on throughout the years. The dueling club is not secret anymore.
How voldy moldy no nosy is a relative of Ominis baffles you. You looking out for the slytherin gang/ hp because they could go the same path as Sebastian. Reading the fantastic beasts and where to find them and thinking poppy would have loved it. The astronomy tables are overgrown with vines and you remember amit. The Weasley twins reminds you so much of garreth with their experiments. You're here but their not here anymore. You're simply student Y/N now.
Welp, i had read too much of this genre. I'm not talented enough to write a story. Also not sure if I should post this coz i'm new and don't know how things work but here goes.
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angry-birds-addict · 2 years
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jayfeathersstick · 8 hours
A list of things that terrified me as a child:
Darth vader, specifically episode V darth vader (he was my waking paralysis demon)
The second Harry Potter book bc little me was so upset that Mrs. Norris got turned to stone
Keeping on the Hp theme~ i coldnt watch the first hp movie by myself because i was afraid of voldy moldy
Coraline, that movie had no business being a children's movie i still have nightmares about it and i haven't seen it in like a decade
That i would forget how to breath and just die of asphyxiation
Being left behind at my house by my parents on my way to school (i rode the bus?)
Other children
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cosmic-occurrences · 2 years
randomly generated incorrect harry potter quotes
Ron: Petition to remove the 'd' from Wednesday
Harry: Wednesay?
Ron: ...Not what I had in mind, but I'm flexible
Hermione: While I’m gone, Harry, you’re in charge.
Harry: Yes!!!
Hermione, whispering: Ginny, you’re secretly in charge.
Ginny: Obviously.
Harry: If I die, my funeral is going to be the biggest party ever and you’re all invited
Hermione: If?
Neville: Great, the only party I’ve ever been invited to and he might not even die.
Harry, holding a python: Guys I impulsively bought a snake, what do I name him
Hermione: You did WHAT–
Ron: William Snakepeare
Mcgonagall: I trust Dumbledore.
Snape: You think he know what he's doing?
Mcgonagall: I wouldn't go that far.
Ron: Why are you on the floor?
Harry: I'm depressed.
Harry: Also I was stabbed, can you get Hermione, please.
Harry: Draco Malfoy, my old arch enemy.
Voldemort: ... I thought I was your arch enemy?
Harry: I have a life outside of you, Voldemort.
Hermione: Can you please be serious for five minutes?
Ron: My record is four, but I think I can do it.
*someone*: How many kids do you have?
Molly: Biologically, emotionally, or legally?
(used this generator btw - https://href.li/?https://incorrect-quotes-generator.neocities.org/)
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prettierthanurbf · 2 years
Mattheo Riddle
Mattheo and Y/n through the years
also this is a Y/n Potter x Mattheo Riddle type story
this is purely j bc i can’t think of anything else to write
also, i am so not ready for school to start so like sum1 kill me b4 august 8th
that was a lil jokey joke no one start hating on me ok i’m depressed and suicidal so don’t start w the disrespectful thing <3
anyways, i hope u enjoy
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Year One
“Your name’s Mattheo Riddle? Like, your last name is Riddle?” Y/n asked, completely shocked. “And you like going around school telling people that?”
He rolled his eyes. “You’re so funny.”
She shrugged. “I get it from my nonexistent parents.”
“Okay, orphan girl, let’s see you pass this test.”
“Okay, Riddle-Me-This, I’ll kick your ass at it.”
“Sure you will.”
Year Two
“Your last name is Riddle… isn’t it?” Y/n asked, looking around the Chamber of Secrets.
“It’s not what you think.” Mattheo said quickly.
She eyed the man behind him. “That’s Tom Marvelo Riddle… and you’re- you’re Mattheo Marvelo Riddle. So what is he?”
“I am Tom Marvelo Riddle.” Tom said irritably. “Voldemort is my past, present, and future.”
She eyed him. “You’re definitely attractive, Tom, but this weird voodoo shit is the type of witchcraft I am not studying.”
He rolled his eyes. “Son, kill her.”
“See? You heard that, Mattheo? Daddy Tom just called you son! You can’t tell me it’s not what I think now.” Y/n said angrily.
Mattheo gave her a pleasing look. “I’m telling you it’s not what it looks like.”
“But it is.” Tom said.
Y/n looked at him. “We’re having a conversation, and for some really old guy who wants, like, immortality or something, you’re not that wise. Like, clearly you’re being rude.”
“I don’t care! Son, kill her!” Tom yelled.
Mattheo turned to Tom. “I won’t. She can be resourceful to us. She’s Y/n Potter. Please, father. We’re friends. She’s a Slytherin. She speaks Parceltongue.”
Tom looked at Y/n suspiciously. “Speak then, girl.”
“What the bloody hell do I look like to you? Your servant?” Y/n asked irritably. “I did not just ruin Daphne Green Ass’s life and become queen bee of Slytherin for you to tell me what to do! I own this school now, got it? I am not gonna listen to some weird hologram type thing when you’re not even actually alive looking like that!”
Mattheo gave her a look. “Shut it.” He hissed.
She crossed her arms. “You’re such a good friend, Mattheo. Honestly. Telling me to shut it and begging your father not to have you kill me. And I thought Hogwarts was terrifying for a moment.” She said sarcastically.
Tom groaned. “You’re both fools!”
“Stop talking like that!” Y/n yelled. “You sound dumb and annoying! Talk like we do because I swear this whole Stone Age vocabulary is really starting to piss me off!”
“Hey, Tom!” Harry yelled, kneeling over Tom Riddle’s diary with a basilisk fang. “Get a load of this.”
Tom reached out. “No!”
But it was too late, Harry had already stabbed the diary and made Tom stumble.
Y/n smacked Mattheo. “You blithering idiot! How could you bring me down here?!”
“You wanted to save Harry!”
“Oh, so now saving Harry means almost dying with him?!” She snapped. “I’ll remember that one.”
“Oh, shut up!” He shot back.
Year Three
“Don’t try to kill me this year, huh, Mattheo.” Y/n joked as they sat at their usual table on the train.
He rolled his eyes. “I didn’t mean to.”
Draco sat beside them. “What’re you two going on about this time?”
“Mattheo almost killed me last year.” Y/n said brightly.
Draco looked at Mattheo. “She’s still not over it?”
“I could’ve died! Hello? Does you not see the problem with that?!” She yelled irritably.
“You weren’t going to die!” Mattheo yelled. “I wouldn’t have killed you and he couldn’t do it!”
She scowled at him. “Let me have my moment, Riddle-Me-This.”
Year Four
“Is that-“ Y/n started, grabbing onto Mattheo’s hand absentmindedly.
He squeezed hers. “Cedric Diggory.”
She covered her face in his shoulder. “That would’ve been me in the Chamber of Secrets. Why couldn’t it have been me?!”
“You’re so dramatic.” Mattheo said, rolling his eyes but still holding onto her tightly as he watched Mr. Digorry run down to where Harry was crying over Cedric’s body.
Year Five
“I swear that dwarf looking flamingo is getting on my last bloody nerves.” Y/n muttered.
Mattheo snorted, looking over at her. “I think you’re handling it all just fine.”
“Look at my hand!” She shrieked, showing Mattheo her hand that had three sentences cut into it with dried blood around it.
His eyes widened. “She did that to you?!”
“She gave me a pen to do it so I technically did it to myself.” Y/n corrected, her eyes watering. “It still burns.”
Mattheo rushed out of the common room and to Professor Umbridge’s office, barging in. “You can’t hurt her! I won’t allow it!”
“What was that, dear?” She asked innocently.
“Y/n. If she still has those cuts on her by tomorrow I’ll be letting my father know.” He said angrily.
She looked at him. “She was being disrespectful.”
“I don’t care what she was being. You better understand who’s higher authority in this, or you’ll end up dead on the street like the Mudbloods.”
She nodded slowly. “I’ll keep that in mind, dear.”
Mattheo hurried out and back to Y/n, holding onto her hand gently and looking at it. “I’ll have to find her little toy so she’ll have to find another way of punishing students, but I want you to know she’s not going to do this to you anymore. She won’t cause any harm to you as long as I’m here.”
Y/n smiled at him. “You’ve got more balls than I think you do.”
“Wanna test that theory?” He asked with a grin.
Year Six
Mattheo looked up at Lilith, who was pacing around his dorm. “You can sit down you know.”
“Shut it.” She hissed before going back to muttering to herself.
He got up from his bed and stopped her by putting both hands out onto her shoulder. “Stressing isn’t going to make this go away.”
“You’re in deep shit, Mattheo.”
“I know, love, but I’ll figure it out.”
“No. I can do it. I can kill him for you. I have reasons to and that way you can remain safe. You and Draco will be fine.”
“You’ll be killing someone, Y/n. I won’t let you do it.”
“I won’t let you follow in your fathers footsteps, Mattheo. I’m doing this and you can change my mind.”
He sighed. “Look, I know it’s scary, I know it’s risky, but I know I can do this.”
She paused then looked up at him. “And that’s exactly what I’m afraid of.”
Year Seven
Y/n hurried over to Mattheo. “He’s back.”
“What?!” He asked groggily, looking up at his fiancé through squinted eyes.
She looked at him. “Your father’s back, love. He wants you downstairs with the rest of us.”
“I’ll be down in a second.”
She pulled him off the bed. “You’ll be down there now. Let’s go.”
He stood up on wobbly legs and walked as quickly as possible behind Y/n. “Why’re we doing this so late?”
“They found my brother.” She whispered, her voice breaking. She cleared her throat and blinked back the tears she was holding before walking into the dining room where all the Death Eaters were.
“Mattheo, my son.” Voldemort said with a small smile. “And his fiancé, Y/n Potter. Lovely to see the both of you. Come sit, come sit.” They sat down on either side of him. “How’s the baby making coming along? I need a promise there will be another heir in case things go wrong.”
“Father, nothing will go wrong.” Mattheo lied.
Y/n looked at her soon to be father in law. “We have full confidence that this will be successful.”
“And you’re alright with me killing your brother?” Voldemort asked suspiciously.
Y/n sat up straighter. “He was a cruel person. I think you’d be doing everyone a favor.”
“The students at Hogwarts don’t think so.” Lucius cut in.
Y/n looked at him. “They don’t know him the way I do. Don’t forget,” she said, looking around, “i’ve spent more time with him than anyone else. Albus Dumbledore left us on the porch of our aunt and uncle for thirteen years.”
“He left you there for fourteen.” Lucius said.
She looked at him. “And that year away he sent me letters about almost everything.”
“But you didn’t find out about me until the next year?” Voldemort asked.
She nodded. “Exactly. Mattheo told me, actually- well he gave me a book about the history and all that.”
Mattheo chewed the inside of his cheek. “Why are we here, father? It’s the middle of the night.”
“We’ve heard of where Harry Potter might go. I have already sent Nagini on her way… If anyone hears anything or sees anything, let me know. The meeting is over now, everyone but the Malfoy’s, Y/n, Mattheo, and Severus can go.” Voldemort said, looking along the table with a smile showing off his ugly top teeth.
Also, if you like the way this story sounds or whatever, you can find me on Wattpad :
i am still writing the ending to this story so please be patient with me. everything will be published all together because i absolutely hate posting bit by bit so definitely stay tuned for updates on this story.
hope you enjoyed <3
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Harry: What’s up guys? I’m back.
Voldy: What the- you can’t be here. You’re dead. I literally saw you die.
Harry: Death is a social construct
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