#Lol I've noticed I do this though like every time one of my managers is a guy I do everything extra well so he'll be proud of me
danieyells · 4 months
hi there,
thank you so much for all the voicelines you post !! if it’s okay, can i request subaru’s ?
thank you again !
You're welcome! At some point I might go back and put in the ones I leave out because they don't appeal to me as much lol but since i always end up posting 99% of them anyway I think it's enough for most people hahaha. It's all of them now! Sorry for the delay.
I WAS GONNA OMIT ONE OR TWO BECAUSE OF SPOILERS but eh i'll just warm for like. extra spoilers. since after doing more code peeking it wasn't the spoiler i thought it was. SUBARU IS A SWEETIE THOUGH. I also read Subaru's chats which were put in the code recently and. Man this guy needs anxiety meds. I have a small guess as to what his stigma is, but we'll learn in a few days anyway.
Hello: (the first time the game is opened after that character is set as home screen NPC. Only happens once per day, unless the character is switched out and back.)
"I'm very sorry to have kept you waiting. It's wonderful to see you again."
You've Got Mail: (whenever there's something in the inbox, usually Arena rewards)
"It looks like there's a notice for you. I'd be happy to go pick it up for you if you've got your hands full. Oh, forgive me if I'm overstepping."
oh no he's anxious about helping--
Default: (requires no affinity, has no time constraints)
"I really am so lucky to be surrounded by so many kind people like you."
"I never thought I'd get the chance to enjoy the lifestyle of a student until I came to Darkwick. Every day truly is fulfilling here."
it feels like subaru is like. . .the only one who actually enjoys school life here. . .or who really enjoys being here period lmao. . . .
"You think I'm always smiling? Ha ha, I hear that a lot. It just happens when I'm around all of you."
"I may be the captain, but it's just in name. I think Haku is much better suited for the job than me."
"I've been working since I was four, so people often said I was mature for my age. But the truth is, I've still got a lot to learn."
that makes two characters whose parents have essentially been keeping them from normal life and normal childhood for work reasons since they were four year olds. . . .
Affinity 1: (between 5am and 11am)
"I tend to just have hot water for breakfast. I know it would be better for me to eat a proper meal, but it's just so much effort."
Affinity 2: (between 11am and 4pm)
"I'm sorry I'm so late. The campus is so crowded I can never manage to walk in a straight line, so it always takes me longer than I think. Silly, isn't it?"
baby you're hardly the first person i've met with anxiety about crowds. you're fine.
Affinity 3: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"What would I do without Haku's help? Hotarubi would be a mess without him."
Affinity 4: (between 8pm and 5am)
"I wonder if I should apply early to take out any common artifacts I might need for this mission. I'll ask Haku what he thinks..."
Affinity 5: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Ah!  You surprised me there... I just got back from a small errand. Do you need something?"
Affinity 6: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"Ever since I was a child, the performing arts were my only focus. Maybe that's why people always say my mannerisms are so peculiar. It bothers you too, doesn't it?"
poor boy doesn't know how to act if he isn't acting. . .he doesn't know how to exist off-script. . .no wonder he made a deal with a demon. it's probably the first thing he's ever done for himself.
Affinity 7: (between 11am and 4pm)
"I'd like to go to the cafeteria, but the line is always so long. I feel bad taking time to choose while people are waiting behind me. The bar of entry feels a little high."
i am once again suggesting subaru get anxiety meds. hell go to sinnostra and get some weed, i bet they sell that. i hear it can help.
Affinity 8: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"I'm just about to go and meet a friend. I hate to inconvenience you like this, but if it's something urgent, could you speak to Haku about it instead?"
Affinity 9: (between 8pm and 5am)
"What am I going to do? We're supposed to be meeting up in an hour... If I cancel now, they'll hate me..."
Affinity 10: (between 10pm and midnight)
"Whew... I'll walk you back to your house, {PC}. Oh, it's no problem at all, I assure you! I wanted some fresh air anyway."
Affinity 11: (between 5am and 11am)
"I have an Anomalous Ecology test coming up. It's such a fascinating subject, I couldn't help but stay up all night studying. Now I'm a little sleep-deprived."
Affinity 12: (between 11am and 4pm)
"I'm going to stretch my legs a little. I might not have a show to practice for right now, but I need to keep putting myself through my paces. I'll get rusty otherwise."
Affinity 13: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"I'm sorry my phone's been making so much noise. I recently downloaded an app by mistake, and it won't stop sending me notifications..."
awww he's also technologically incompetent. . .poor guy was probably raised with such a heavy focus on his career he just. never needed a smartphone. anyone he needed to contact or who needed to contact him was probably always very close by. it sounds like he didn't even properly go to school before going to Darkwick. Somebody please take this boy on a walk. like anywhere. take him to a library. buy him a churro. can sho make churros? this is somebody who's never had any sort of normal social experience and sees how different he is and wishes it weren't the case, unlike Ritsu who assumes everyone else is like him, i think he'd like to have some more Experiences.
Affinity 14: (between 5am and 11am)
"... ...Oh! Hello, {PC}—I didn't even notice you there. My mind was somewhere else."
Affinity 15: (between 5am and 11am)
"Good morning! Sorry? My hair's messy? You're right, it's sticking right up at the front... That's embarrassing. I'll fix it right away."
Affinity 16: (between 11am and 4pm)
"I usually have lunch in the dormitory. I do eat on the terrace with Lyca every now and then, but he seems so busy these days..."
Lyca is one of the members of Obscuary, btw! Seems like he and Subaru are friends.
Affinity 17: (between 10pm and midnight)
"I didn't take you for a night owl, {PC}. Since you're here, I suppose I'll stay up a little longer. You're sure you're okay? You're not sleepy?"
Affinity 18: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Do you visit Sinostra very often, {PC}? I see... Oh, no reason. I was just making conversation. Ha ha."
why do you ask that. . .a certain mafioso captain wouldn't happen to be suspicious of you would he. . .or maybe you owe them money. . .or maybe you used to be part of Sinostra and moved to Hotarubi. . . .
Affinity 19: (between 10pm and midnight)
"It's getting late, {PC}. How about we finish this tomorrow? Thank you for keeping me company all this time."
Affinity 20: (between 5am and 11am)
"Oh, I couldn't ask you to come all the way to my room to wake me up—I'd feel terrible. I do very much appreciate the thought, though."
it's okay buddy jin already makes them do it, one more pit stop won't hurt.
Affinity 21: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Oh, hello, {PC}. Sorry, I was actually just on my way out. I should be back by evening—do you mind if we speak then?"
Affinity 22: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"Lyca has seen my message, so why hasn't he responded to it? I hope nothing bad has happened to him..."
Affinity 23: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Lyca will adapt well to human society, I'm sure of it. I'm so relieved that Darkwick chose to trust him. I can't thank you enough for your help."
he really likes Lyca huh? that is his dog.
Affinity 24: (between 10pm and midnight)
"You can't sleep? Then let me tell you some stories. Legend has it that evil spirits appear once you've told a hundred. Now, what number was I up to..."
Affinity 25(max): (no time constraints)
"I don't want to seem like I'm testing you, I just... I get really anxious sometimes... I'm sorry. I'm being weird, aren't I?"
he's the type to ask 'are you sure you love me? are you sure you wanna be with me?' after you get married and move in together and own a house and have two kids with another on the way. he's the hyper anxious 'i'm sorry we disagreed about our favorite colors do you hate me?' friend(affectionate) I wonder though, is he apologizing for seeming like he's testing you because he's using his stigma to see what you've been up to or something. . .? Probably not lol it's more likely he just keeps asking if you like him
Spring: (March-May) (between 5am and 11am)
"There is no time like spring. Everyone seems more relaxed this time of year. It's reassuring to see."
(between 11am and 4pm)
"I have some sakura mochi. I was just about to prepare some tea to go with it—would you like to join me?"
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"They have no control over whether they bloom, and yet they get made a spectacle of nonetheless... Oh, sorry—I was talking about the cherry blossoms."
(between 8pm and 5am)
"There are many different flowers growing in Hotarubi, but I think the wisteria are my favorites. This is the best time to see them, so you should take a walk around."
Summer: (June-August) (between 5am and 11am)
"Hot today, isn't it? It's always raining in Hotarubi, so it does provide a little escape from the blazing summer sun, but... Ha ha. It is very humid, isn't it?"
(between 11am and 4pm)
"Summer makes me think of the ghost story Yotsuya Kaidan. The scene where Oiwa becomes hysterical, having realized her her face has been disfigured— incredible."
Yotsuya Kaidan is one of the best known japanese ghost stories! It's extremely violent, so read the summary at your discretion. The scene in question has Oiwa shown her reflection by her sister's boss to see that the cream she was given by a woman who was in love with her husband was actually some sort of poison that instantly scarred her face. She grabs a sword and goes to kill her, only for her to accidentally slit her own throat.
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"Hotarubi House holds regular festivals during the summer months. If you need a yukata to wear, I'd be happy to pick one out for you."
(between 8pm and 5am)
"I don't mind scary stories, but when that biwa in the tea room started playing by itself, it did make me jump a little..."
slight spoiler, although you can probably figure it out from this but. . .Zenji is a ghost. Subaru currently can't actually see him or hear his voice. . .only Haku, the pc, and, perhaps not so oddly, Towa can afair. All of his youtube content doesn't have him or his voice in it because he can't be recorded by cameras. So Subaru doesn't realize that the biwa playing on its own is actually Zenji playing the biwa.
Autumn: (September-November) (between 5am and 11am)
"The air has gotten crisper, and the leaves are changing color. I know it's only natural for the seasons to shift, so why does it make my heart ache so much?"
(between 11am and 4pm)
"Oh, these? They're some chestnuts I found. I know—I should give them to Sho. I'm sure he'll be able to make something delicious with them."
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"That's another kuchikiri tea ceremony under my belt. It's an annual tradition where one cuts open a tea jar to reveal the tea that was preserved from the first harvest."
(between 8pm and 5am)
"On long autumn nights when the moon is shining beautifully in the sky, it's hard to resist taking a walk outside. Don't stay out until too late though, {PC}."
Winter: (December-February) (between 5am and 11am)
"...Oh, {PC}. Good morning... I had a hard time getting up today. It must be the cold... Ha ha. Not very captain-like, is it?"
Jin, Taiga, and Ed are all prone to not getting out of bed. and Yuri falls asleep on operating tables when he has down time. Trust me Subaru you are perfectly captain-like.
(between 11am and 4pm)
"Today, I'm going to order ingredients from one of my favorite stores so we can all make negima—tuna and scallion—hot pot together. Please, do join us."
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"It's cold out today. I was just thinking about lighting the fire. Would you like to come and warm up with me?"
oh subaru you don't even know how that sounds
(between 8pm and 5am)
"People say winter makes you want to snuggle up with someone, but I find that a good blanket does a much better job."
i agree that blankets are much easier to manage than people lol. probably warmer too.
His birthday: (February 20th)
"A present? For me? Thank you... I didn't expect you to do anything for my birthday, so I'm a little caught off guard. I really appreciate it."
Your birthday:
"Um... Happy birthday.  I really hope this year will be a wonderful one for you."
New Years: (January 1st)
"Happy New Year. I hope I can depend on your guidance and support again this year."
Valentine's Day: (February 14th)
"Chocolate? Oh, It's Valentine's Day, isn't it? Does that mean these are for me...?"
nah i just wanted you to look at them. YES THEY ARE FOR YOU BBY. why would you be showing him chocolate if it wasn't for him! On any day, not just valentine's day!!
White Day: (March 13th)
"These are for you, {PC}. I put in a special order for monaka from my favorite confectioner in Ginza. They're wafers filled with bean jam—I hope you like them."
April Fool's Day: (April 1st)
"Earlier, Haku told me he was switching houses. It gave me a real shock— I'm very relieved that it wasn't true..."
i bet subaru made the most scared kicked puppy face and started apologizing for being such an awful captain and blamed himself for that haku would go to a different house and haku had to quickly explain it was just a prank for fear that subaru might burst into tears.
Halloween: (October 31st)
"Happy Halloween. I know it's nothing special, but I've prepared some treats for the occasion. Oh... But you're more than welcome to play a trick instead."
please don't trick him. april fool's day was hard enough for him.
Christmas: (December 25th)
"Merry Christmas. We already have our New Year decorations up in Hotarubi, so it has a real east-meets-west atmosphere now. I hope everyone is okay with it..."
Idle: (about 20 seconds without interacting with the game) (below 13 affinity)
"Everyone seems busy at the moment. Maybe I should use this opportunity to tidy the garden..."
(13 affinity and above)
"{PC}? Oh... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you. I was just worried because you were so quiet..."
Absent: (logging in for the first time in 2 or more days?)
"You're back... I'm so relieved. I was worried I'd done something to make you feel uncomfortable..."
this man shakes like a chihuahua 24/7. like you can taste the anxiety coming off of him. i love him. he's so pathetic(affectionate). i wanna squeeze his hand reassuringly and tell him everything's gonna be okay. i wanna hug him and pat his head. i wanna take him places so he learns more about the world outside of working. i wanna watch him do schoolwork excitedly because he's never really gone to school before and it's a new and exciting experience. i want him to experience the most mundane aspects of life with wonder.
good boy. yeah. get him anxiety meds /nodnod
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candychasse · 3 months
Hey, please, could you do male osoro x male reader? Whatever scenario you want, I just need some male osoro in my life! 😭😭
A Date With Osaro.
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Contents: Male reader, delinquent shenanigans, Y/n is smitten with Osoro lol, as per usual not proofread so sorry if any spelling errors.
Side note: sorry I've been super delayed in requests, time management is not my strong suit.
How He Asks You Out..
Your soul nearly left your body when your crush pulled you aside in the hallway. And then you came to your senses and remembered he was regarded as one of the 'leader' of your school's delinquents. So to say you were conflicted was an understatement.
While you were deciding whether to fear for your well-being or be grateful your crush even paid attention to you. You failed to notice the ever growing blush on the face of the boy who is cornering you against a wall in the now emptied hallway. His clementine orange eyes glared over your head at the wall behind you, he knew if he looked at you he'd be rendered speechless.
Mentally cussing himself out for how lame he must look right now. He finally speaks.
"Meet me after school tomorrow outside the gates."
How you both prepare for the date.
To say what Osoro said didn't help would be an understatement. He was perfectly unclear. As you ironed your uniform, something you never usually do, you didn't know whether this will be what you wear to your funeral or to the first date with your future husband. As you brushed your teeth you didn't know whether you were about to have one or five of them knocked out after school, or was about to kiss your crush today under the setting sky.
~Meanwhile with Osoro~
Luckily for Osoro he did know what he was preparing for. But unluckily for the young delinquent, he had zero experience in dating before this. His friends were no help either, giving advice along the lines of 'if you smoke while on the date, offer him one too!' Or 'Never ask two different people out on a date on the same day." So now he stood in his bathroom, debating whether or not to even go to school today. But the thought of you standing alone waiting by the gates for him motivated him to at least give it a try.
And the date begins.
It seemed the whole school was whispering today, you tried to shrug it off but the amount of ominous 'good luck's you've heard today is enough to make you a nervous wreck. It honestly made you feel ridiculous for even thinking he'd genuinely ask you out. So now here you stand, nervously waiting for your inevitable fate.
While you were praying to every god you know of, Osoro was slowly walking over to you, equally as nervous though he'd never admit it. "Hey." He said all awkward and nervous. "Uh, Hi." You replied, trying to decide whether you wanted to look at him or avoid eye contact. Then he did something unexpected, he laughed. And smiled. You feel your face heat up immediately. "What?" You asked, now looking directly at him in confusion, people don't usually laugh at the people their about to beat up right? Right?!? To your dismay He only laughed more in your face at your reaction. "You looked exactly like a fucking frog when you were doing that!" He responded, causing you to be caught off guard. "What on earth is that supposed to mean?!?" You replied, now suddenly far more willing to square up. "Chill out, you looked cute staring off into two different directions." He said casually still smiling. 'Cute?!?' You thought momentarily before it clicked. "Wait so this IS a date?" You spoke, shock fiddling your face and voice. "What else would it be?" He asked before taking your hand and leading you to who knows where.
Osoro's hands were rough and his grip was unshakable, much like a stone in the middle of a rapid river standing strong. Osoro could hardly keep track of the direction he was going with the thought of the boy with fancy hair and shiny eyes walking hand in hand with him. Feeling butterflies grow in his stomach he picks up the pace. Rushing into various alleyways as you could barely keep up.
Osoro finally slows down when you both reach a small and honestly kinda dinky, ramen shop which looks as though it could fall apart at the touch of a hand. "You like ramen right?" He asked, letting go of your hand and turning to face you. "Uh, yeah. Who doesn't?" You say as plainly as you can, still internally freaking out over the fact this is in fact a date.
Entertaining the restaurant, you're met with a delightfully warm restaurant. With warm lighting, vintage decor from the seventies, and the smell of fresh ramen broth. You both sat at the counter, the worker greeted Osoro with a warm smile. "Osoro! Is this the boy you've been talking about?" The worker teases but quickly shuts up after a clear 'shut your trap before I shut it for you.' Glare from Osoro. You would've noticed the worker didn't even take your order before going to get the food, had you not been mesmerized by Osoro putting his golden hair up into a ponytail. If he was in ancient greece he'd be turned into a flower, he was just that handsome.
"So, how did you find out about this place?" You asked. "I hung out in the area last summer and would grab lunch here." He answered plainly, which took you aback. "Really? From what I saw there wasn't much to do in the alleyways. What did you do anyways?" You questioned as the food was placed on the counter in front of you. "Gang wars." He said casually before taking a bite of his ramen, causing you to choke on yours. "Oh, don't worry my gang won." He said with a small smile. Clearly amused by the way concern and curiosity glimmered in your eyes.
The rest of dinner was equally delightfully awkward. With you asking a generic ice breaker and Osoro replying the most casually unhinged answer. But soon enough the end of the night came, and so did your curfew.
"Thanks, this date was actually rather nice. I can't believe I actually thought you were gonna beat me up tonight." You said scratching your cheek slightly from embarrassment. "And what? Steal your lunch money?" He asked teasingly, causing you to flush and laugh at the comment. "Yeah I guess so." You replied. "Have a nice night Osoro." You said happily ending the conversation and turning to leave.
But Osoro grabbed your arm before you could turn. And before you knew it, his lips were pressed against your own. It took you by surprise, but was a nice surprise, much like this date and night.
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Jealous smut with chishiya please?? love than man 🛐🛐 tyy
Jealousy, Jealousy
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requested?: yes pairing(s): shuntarō chishiya x afab!reader genre: smut warning(s): smut, jealous sex, doggy, mentions of a man grabbing reader, angst (chishiya and reader have a fight kinda), the man walks in on you and chishiya, kuina also walks in (she doesn't see much), reader calls kuina her wife (my bbg fr), hair pulling, multiple orgasms, not proof read:) summary: 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘺𝘢 𝘤𝘢𝘵𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘴 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘮𝘢𝘯, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘴 𝘵𝘰𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘱𝘩𝘺𝘴𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘭, 𝘢 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘱 𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘯𝘴 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘰 𝘮𝘶𝘤𝘩 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘶𝘱 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 word count: 2.3k a/n: here is the chishiya one, anon! so sorry it took so long, i've just been quite bust recently lol. remember to eat and drink something, love yas, mwah!
you and chishiya had been friends since one of the first games you participated in. the tag game. you found arisu, karube and chota when they entered the borderlands, and you stayed together for a little while. when you met chishiya, it was almost like your whole world had been flipped around. he was calm and nonchalant as people were dying around him.
you had both stood together on the balcony, and said nothing. that was a few days ago, and who knew in such little time that two people could get so close. you had found something so enticing about chishiya.
maybe it was the way his voice managed to tickle your brain every time he spoke, or maybe it was the way his blonde hair would shift slightly in the wind. or maybe it was how his hands flexed whenever he was doing something, or maybe it was the way that he looked so damn hot when he was doing something.
whatever it was, it made you so very wet. but at the same time it pissed you off. every girl at the beach was in love with him, and he knew it, and he liked to piss you off by talking to other girls. he also knew that he got you so worked up over the smallest of things, and that you felt… things towards the man, but he never acknowledged them in front of you.
kuina was about the only girl at the beach that wasn’t completely swooned by chishiya’s somewhat of a charm. today, kuina and chishiya were sat on some sunbeds as you went to go get some more drinks for all of you.
at the bar, a man walked up to you and was very obviously trying to flirt with you. chishiya noticed, but brushed it off as he knew you would decline going on a date with him, or trying to go on a date with him. it was still the borderlands after all. but he was shocked when you started flirting back. he silently sat there and watched the two of you, death staring the man when he touched your shoulder.
the fact that you were wearing a poor excuse for a bikini was not helping the fact that the man then moved his hand to touch your collarbone area. you started to look uncomfortable as he moved his hand down you your chest area and to your waist. he briefly heard the man ask to go back to his room so you two could have some “fun.” but that’s when chishiya had had enough.
he walked over there, cutting kuina off mid-sentence. he said nothing as he walked over there. all he did was grab your wrist and pull you away. the man tried to grab you, but kuina was quick to get him off of you. she understood what was about to go down with the man, so she was quick to block you from his sight.
chishiya hid you in his chest as he walked away with you. he grumbled about the fact you were flirting with another man. you both got back to his room, and he locked the door, pinning you against it.
“fucking flirting with another man. why? he was touching you and you did nothing to stop him even though you looked uncomfortable. why? answer me!” he almost yelled. you stood there, silenced by his words.
“you flirt with other girls all the time, why am i not allowed to flirt?” you didn’t understand why, but you wanted to fight back, and that’s what you did.
“because that’s different. there’s no feelings behind my flirting, but the way he was touching you, there was definitely a feeling. he wanted to fuck you, and you knew it but you did nothing. tell me why you did nothing when you know damn well you didn’t want him to come onto you like that!” you still didn’t respond, but you flinched at chishiya’s tone.
you had never seen him so angry before, usually he just never shows emotion, but this time he was. you knew at least half of his anger wasn’t caused by you, but he was just taking it out on you because he couldn’t go back out there or he might as well murder the man that dared to touch you.
“i don’t know, maybe i wanted to make you jealous” you whisper, his face fell.
“why the fuck would you want to make me jealous” he said, his tone had softened slightly.
you looked away from him. you both said nothing until a small “oh” fell from chishiya’s lips, you nodded, still avoiding his eyes. he gripped your chin and lifted it up gently to look at him. you didn’t look directly at him, and instead the window behind him.
“look at me honey” he tries to move into your eyeline, but you just move your gaze again, he sighs “no honey, not outside, look at me”
you slowly moved your gaze away from the window and looked at him, he looked at you.
chishiya didn’t know what had come over him, but he smashed his lips to yours in a passionate kiss. it started off soft and sensual, but as time went on, it started to get more needy and frantic.
chishiya grasped at your waist, pulling you flush against him so you could feel his hardened erection against your stomach. as the kiss quickened, chishiya snuck his hands up your waist and to your bikini top. he reached behind you and untied the strings keeping the poor excuse for a bikini top together. he let it fall to your feet, bringing his hands back to your front and playing with your tits.
your nipples hardened when they became exposed to the coldness of the hotel room. shiya pressed you further into the door as he massaged the both of them, flicking his fingers over your hardened nipples. you let out a moan when he did so, causing him to pull away and smirk, seeing your pink swollen lips swelled up from your steamy kiss.
he instantly tackled your neck, harshly biting down and sucking, leaving a mark that would be sure to darken by morning. when he reached your right tit, he swirled his tongue around your nipple, causing your hands to fly to his hair and let out a lewd moan.
“fuck, these perfect tits, no wonder he wanted to touch em so badly, i see why he wanted to” chishiya said against your tit. he was teasing in how he took your hardened peak in his mouth, and even more teasing when he sucked on it as slowly as he could.
you felt his right hand travel down your waist, and the other massage your other breast. slowly, he began rubbing soft circles on your clothed clit, you couldn’t help but let out a lewd moan. chishiya did nothing but chuckle, letting your tit go with a small pop.
“holy shit, you’re so fucking wet and i’ve barely even touched you yet. i can feel your juices all over those stupid bikini bottoms. they barely cover anything” he left another kiss, just below your right earlobe, before getting back to your tits, this time moving onto your left and giving it just as much attention as he did the right.
after a while, he let your other tit go. he grabs your flimsy bikini bottoms and pulls them down your legs, letting them pool at your feet
“all fours, on the bed, now” he demands, you do as he says, getting on your hands and knees on the bed.
chishiya made quick work of his clothes, throwing them somewhere in your room. he was also quick to pump his hardened cock in his hands, his tip red with precum spilling out of it. he got on his knees behind you, and lined himself up with your entrance.
he pushed into you agonisingly slowly, before staying there for a few seconds, allowing you to adjust to his length. then, he pulled out, just about leaving his tip in before slamming back inside of you forcefully. you jerked forwards at the harsh thrust, chishiya grabbing onto your hips to keep you still on his cock.
you let out a lewd moan before trying to bite your lip to stop them from spilling from you as chishiya moved at a slow pace in and out of you.
“no, none of that, i want him to hear your pretty moans, let him know who you belong to honey” he said, slamming into you with a particularly hard thrust. your hips jerked into his as he did so, earning a loud groan from him.
“please, want it faster ‘shiya” you moan out sweetly, your hands grabbing fistfuls of the quilt on your bed. you just knew it would be messy to clean up, so you would probably have to ask chishiya to ask hatter for more sheets with his beach executive privilege.
“gonna be a good little slut for me and take what i give you first, you’re lucky i’m giving you all this in the first place, you lucky little whore” he groans, thrusting into you harder.
his tip hit the gummy spot inside of you, earning an even louder moan from you. he smirked, pistoling his hips to hit the same spot over and over. whatever he was doing, it was working as a long string of moans were being ripped from your vocal chords.
“shiya, don’t stop, gonna cum” you babble out helplessly as you felt the knot tighten in your abdomen, signalling your oncoming orgasm.
“oh, i wont stop honey, plan to make you cum as many times as i can if it means that that man can finally learn that you’re mine and nobody else’s” he groans, his thrusts getting faster, but sloppier as he also neared his orgasm.
you let out a lewd moan as you were thrown over the edge, your pussy squelching and clenching around chishiya’s cock as you painted it white, his own hot cum spurting inside of you and painting your walls white. even then he didn’t stop, but you could barely hold yourself up anymore at the intensity of your orgasm.
you dropped down onto your stomach, and chishiya went down with you, still gripping onto your hips and pounding into you relentlessly, not minding your babbles to say it was too much.
“sh, sh, sh” he shushes you “you can take one more for me hm, i know you can” he coos in your ear. you didn’t trust yourself much to form an actual sentence, so you just nodded instead. chishiya, however didn’t like this, and grabbed a fistful of your hair before pulling it backwards so your head was resting on his shoulder “words, use your fucking words”
“fuck” you moan out “i can take another one, i’ll be good, i swear” you babble out.
your words became incoherent as chishiya rubbed harsh circles on your clit to get your to your release sooner, and partly to shut you up so he could fuck you and make you moan as loud as you possibly could to let everyone in this goddamned place that you belonged to him and no one but.
you moaned out as you reached your peak for the second time, your pussy was still taking his cock, welcoming him in with your spasming walls. he still didn’t stop. he had fucked you dumb, but he still didn’t stop, and he knew it wouldn’t take long to make you cum for the third time.
“fuck, just one more, gonna cum” he groaned out as he came inside of you again, not long after you had.
he then flipped you over, shoving his thick cock back into you as he pounded into you with no remorse
you said nothing, but just kept moaning as he rubbed your clit in such a harsh way it had your legs shaking. he knew it would take no time at all to make you cum again.
“fuck don’t stop shiya, gonna cum” you scream out, you heard the door click open. chishiya didn’t look over, but you did.
you grabbed the sheets by your side as your eyes rolled back, allowing your body to go limp again as you came harder than the last two times you had come. the man just stood there, practically mesmerized by your orgasm.
“fuck, can you not see we’re in the middle of something here?” you heard chishiya say, he still didn’t stop pounding into you. the man left the room in a hurry, slamming the door behind him, it was almost on cue that chishiya came again.
you were both a panting mess as you came down from your highs, chishiya left a small kiss at the nape of your neck before pulling out of you, making you whine at the loss.
you both heard the door open again, but this time it was kuina.
“i’m sorry, he just ran, i couldn’t get him and- oh…” she cut herself off by slowly backing out of the room and shutting the door. “you both better have used protection” she yells through the door.
“we didn’t” you say weakly from your spot on the bed.
“at least if you get pregnant then everyone will know you belong to me” chishiya mused, putting his clothes back on. you pout.
“what did you say chishiya” kuina says with a harsh tone, opening the door again, you sat up as chishiya passed you your bikini.
“but kuina is my wife” you say. you finished getting dressed.
“you weren’t saying that when i was fucking you”
“maybe next time she can join then” you joke
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sergle · 11 months
People are failing to realize that clothing, and cameras for that matter, can be fairly deceptive. I don't wanna say deceptive because it carries a certain connotation, but I hope you'll know what I mean. I look fairly "thin/avg" with a shirt on, but without it it's rolls and folds lol
Furthermore, it's wild to assume someone who's pretty passionate about accurate plus-size rep would be stick thin. Maybe their metric of "average" is skewed or something, but it's still weird to just show up in a strangers Asks and assume things about them and their bodies.
sorry for answering an ask about this like 4 days later but I'M STILL THINKING ABOUT THIS... this person is talking about these asks btw.
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FIRST OF ALL, thank you so much for the ask, it really is good to know that other ppl are aware of the Covering Of Fat With Clothing. Like. hi. my body is obscured. people are just noticing my torso for the first time bc there isn't 5lbs of breast tissue hanging off of it. SECOND OF ALL. This is still making me insane. I am still thinking about it so I'm gonna completely just do a brick of text to talk about it. Like, there's the first part of this, right? The fact that, all of these people who were sending asks like these, are the same people who came to my account because they liked the body positivity stuff or they related to the proportions of the girls I draw, right? And yet somehow managed to miss that ALL OF MY ART IS ME. So you're relating to MY body, AGREEING that this is plus sized art, then turning towards moi and saying, okay but you're skinny though. HUH? HMM??? I literally made a 12-part series of self portraits that have been like, my most seen, most stolen, reposted, enjoyed, stolen again, pieces. And I've been so crystal clear that these are literally me. Once again, I'm pointing at the aforementioned MATERIAL.
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Pictured above: a thin, skinny woman who just happens to have large breasts, ig! And outside of those, which are *literal* self portraits, I've spoken lots of times before about how I make girls of a certain size and shape because I'm modeling them off myself. Or as close as I can get, depending on how good/bad I feel and if I took a photo to ref or not. It really couldn't be clearer that this is obviously me being self-serving, I do it when I feel like I need to see it. So the thing being implied here, or flat out accused in a handful of messages, is that I'm drawing fat girls forrr clout? AWESOME. I didn't want to dignify every message but that did seem to be the rough consensus. BUT I WANT TO TALK ABOUT THAT ONE TOO. WHEN would it become a bad thing for a skinny person to draw body positive art? In a positive light? Even if it was for clout? Am I going insane? That would be Good. It honestly might be even more meaningful than what I'm doing now. If I was actually 115 pounds soaking wet, if I looked like that one girl from ANTM with the like 14 inch waist, and I was out here making the exact same art, would that make the art LESS meaningful to other fat girls? That someone who doesn't have this body type or relate to it at all found it beautiful enough to draw it so many times, treating the subject with respect? Fat people being the subject of art again? The cycling of a trend that's been gone too long? That is, I thought, what we've literally been begging to see. I have been thinking about this. And finally, the last part of it that's been vexing and haunting me:
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Is it supposed to be my responsibility that someone gets dysmorphic LOOKING AT ME. HUHHHH. On the art account where I draw a lot of Me. HUH. I was meant to anticipate this? Looking at pictures of me. And that makes you feel dysmorphic. and that is my fault. I'm just double checking. On the account where I draw bodies that I relate to, that you followed because you relate to. And then seeing me. Makes you dysmorphic. Whew. Got it.
I'm putting a bow on my insane winding ramble about this. Or at least trying to, now. It is wild to have my body commented on so much. This year, bc of the breast reduction, comments on my body have increased a hundredfold. Positive, negative, passive aggressive, predatory, all of the ways it can go. There was a really obvious way to rebuff these particular comments, which would be to post a picture of myself where my body ISN'T mostly obscured. But hey, those aren't free. The art will have to do for now. I wouldn't be that surprised if half the messages were jokes meant to see if I'd post pics "proving" that I look how I look. I also thought briefly about like, what if my body did change that drastically? Would some ppl's immediate reaction be betrayal, disgust, anger? I've been sick in my life before and lost weight at alarming speeds. But I've still been fat all my life. I've gotten sick and gained weight at alarming speeds. Does my presence as a "body positive artist" mean that my body gets to be put on trial anytime it changes? Does the switch flip from "your fat art means so much to me" to "you're not in the club anymore, since you got rid of your breasts, you look different"
Anyway I thought it would be funny to draw a thin girl "drawing" a scrap sketch I already have on hand. And imagining someone's response being fully negative, bc a thin person drawing fat ppl would be somehow dishonest lmao. Look how evil this bitch is. Her body doesn't match her art.
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totheblood · 2 years
hi!! would you consider writing reader x ellie one shot where ellie is oblivious while reader keeps flirting with her lol. thank you so much and i hope u have nice rest of the day/night <3
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thick skull
pairing: ellie williams x afab!reader
warnings: bad writing?? maybe.. idk how to flirt soooo
summary: you are really bad at flirting and ellie thinks it very cute.
a/n: i am getting to the requests, slowly but surely. i hope u all like it and leave me some feedback! i truly am really bad at flirting though so this was a challenge soooooo yeah, thank u anon for the request.
you didn't think ellie was dumb.
but a part of you was now starting to think that she had missed every hint that you were throwing her way. forget batting your eyelashes or purposefully pushing your shirt down when talking to her, she just did not seem to get it.
a sick part of you started to worry that maybe you were the idiot and she had known the entire time but that was her subtle way to reject you. you had also known that wasn't true.
you had saw ellie walking down the road from your window and rushed out to join you.
"ellie! wait up!" you called out for her, tripping over your boots as you tried to put them on as you caught up to her. upon seeing you she gave you a warm smile, sizing you up.
"did you just wake up?" she asked as she slowed her step to walk in line with you.
"no, i saw you through the window and i missed you so i thought we could catch up." you offered her a smile back as you kicked some snow beneath your feet.
"you missed me?" she chuckled, smirking to her self. "you just saw me yesterday."
"' 's still way too long," you blinked up at her "needed my ellie fix immediately after you left."
"you're too nice to me." she brushed her shoulders against yours, before holding open the door to the diner.
"you say that too much." and she did, it was almost always what she said whenever you said something remotely flirty to her.
"your hands are cold, let me warm them up for you."
"you're too nice to me."
"that shirt looks really good on you, ellie"
"you're way too nice to me. wanna borrow it?"
"you're cute when your angry."
"yeah, cause i'm never angry at you."
one time she had made you a bracelet out of scrap material she had found, when she found out you were still wearing it months after she gave it to you she brought it up again.
"you're still wearing the bracelet i made you?" she asked, making you glance down at your wrist.
"oh yeah, it's like my good luck charm." you could practically feel the heat in your cheeks.
''haha... sick." was all ellie said before returning to wiping down the counter not knowing that was your last straw.
"sick? are you serious?" you practically spat making ellies head shoot upwards, confusion evident on her face.
"i mean..." ellies eyes darted around looking for anything that could possibly help her. "it's cool that you are still wearing it. i really appreciate it."
"it's not just cool? it's cute, i'm trying to be cute." if ellie looked confused before, she couldn't possibly fathomed what she looked like right now.
"you don't really have to tr-" ellie started.
"do you not like me back or something because this is becoming exhausting? i flirt with you and then you tell me that i'm too nice to you or some shit like that like i'm not practically throwing myself at you every second of every day. it's embarassing." you managed to get all of it out but were quickly disappointed when you saw ellie laughing.
"you were flirting?"
"don't laugh at me."
"baby, i'm not laughing at you, i'm laughing at how stupid i've been." you would be lying if you didn't say the sudden use of the nickname didn't make your stomach flutter.
"you seriously didn't notice?" you asked, your confidence now completely gone.
"nope." she replied, popping the 'p'. "you're lucky you're so cute because you really suck at flirting."
"no i do not."
"you totally do."
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delilahcalicocat · 5 months
Would you write a Cody Rhodes x reader where they dated up untill Cody left WWE. Years later reader attends an AEW show and while she's sitting in the audience, she sees Cody in the ring but does he see her? (You decide)
Can you somehow include smut lol
A/N: Ahhh! I love this idea! And I picked he notices her.
★~All those years~★
{Rating: Fluff, Smut}
{Warnings: Unprotected Sex, Semi-Public/ Locker Room Sex, Swearing, Crying, Pet Names}
{Pairing: AEW!Cody Rhodes x Ex!Fem!Reader}
You and Cody had a... Difficult Relationship, you and him had dated for a long time. You dated him right as The Dashing Cody Rhodes Phase Started.
But he decided to leave the WWE, you and him had a heated breakup over the fact that he wanted to leave.
Years later, You were Scrolling through your YouTube, when you saw a post that read 'Don't Miss TNT Champion Cody Rhodes Face Darby Allin On Wednesday, Buy Tickets Now!! 8/7c on TBS'
You saw the name 'Cody Rhodes' and your eyes bulged out of your skull, but still you were intrigued. So you bought a ticket for yourself.
it was only Sunday, so you still had some time to pick out an outfit
On Wednesday you got ready to go, and got in your cutesy little blue Subaru.
Your outfit was a light blue shirt, and pink skirt with white knee high socks, and your black Mary Janes
You were almost late because your mom called you, but you got to your seat by the skin of your teeth, you then realized.. you bought a ticket to the front row-
Cody vs Darby was the First Match up. For the Title.
You watched as Cody got his ass beat.. it looked painful, but the one thing you could've sworn you'd seen was Cody winking at you during his entrance.
You had butterflies from that alone, even though you two broke up years ago.
God you had the hots for your ex, was it wrong? Probably..
After the match ended, and Cody retained. You got asked by a security guard if you'd report to the backstage. A wrestler wanted to see you.. Fuck. It was Cody wasn't it.
"Hello there Princess~" Cody Smirked as you walked towards him
"Listen.. I came here to watch the wrestling, the fuck you want?" You lied, with your fake defensive personality
"I want you." He spoke
"What?" Your face turned red as you realized what Cody had just said
"I. Want. You." He said slower
Your face was completely red, you were in shock
Before you could speak he dragged you into his locker room.
"What do you say, Bunny?" He spoke
You could only nod, the arousal taking over your system completely.
You Physically lost your voice.. you forgot about everything you did with him in the past
"All those years and no one can fuck you better huh, Bunny?" He questioned
"Y-Yes.. Sir..." You managed to say through a hoarse gasp
He fucked up into you at a pace like no other-..
"I wish we never would've broken up, it's a shame that ever happened Bunny.." Cody sighed
"That's A-Actually kind of why I came here.." You admitted
"What do you mean Bunny?" He questioned you, momentarily stopping the bruising pace he set
"God, after all these years.. I've still had the hots for you Cody! I'm just a fucking slut to every other man I talked to except you!" You sobbed
"Wow- I thought I only felt that way-" He said
You both thought about it for a moment, did you both.. wanna get back together?
Fuck, as much as you guys remembered the past.. right now you both had burning passion for each other.
As You both came, you thought it over
You weakly chuckled as you both got dressed again.
"Round 2 at my house?" You joked
"Oh, fuck yeah. I've missed you too long Bunny." Cody said
You giggled "I've missed this too"
After hours of sweat and love. You both decided in the morning to you wanted to be together again.
It was okay to forget the past right now, atleast you were both happy again..
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puffskeeter · 13 days
Hey I’m such a big fan of your art and I very much enjoy watching your YouTube channel 🤍🤍
And I want to ask you why you don’t ship the ppgxrrb and I want to hear your opinion about it which I can very much respect.
Plus another question that what type of fashion you think your au of the Powerpuff, Rowdyruff, and your Original Characters fall into between I really love how you draw them?
OMG TYSM!! I think i've seen your comments on my videos and TYSM for those too!! :D
I'll make a seperate post for my fashions/aesthetics for RRBORN characters! this one is pretty long even though i wanted it to be short lolz
Why i dont actively ship PPGxRRB:
I'm scrapping my drafted essay post about this for now because its really uncalled for and unnecessary. IDK sorry to anyone who looked forwards 2 it, but i just dont think i illustrate my point very well and more than half of it is lowkey a biased vent post and pure rambling. Either way this is the TLDR for the post you'll never see LOL.
But actually, I do ship PPGxRRB, i've just drifted away from it over the years. I think one of the biggest 'problems' i have with PPG x RRB is mainly with the portrayal of it. My main issue is with how a lot of people mischaracterize the RRB/PPG and completely deconstruct them as characters so that they can be love interests for the eachother and nothing more. One of my points in my scrapped post was that; I have no idea how an entire fandom managed to gender-bend the Bechdel test, but it is rare that i find PPGxRRB media where the RRB have actual lives, interests, hobbies, and friends that have nothing to do with the PPG. Half the time they can barely have a thought if it isn't about the PPG. As i said, Gender-bent Bechdel test.
Another point was that: ppgxrrb has gained a horrible reputation for itself over the years. Back in its "Glory" days, Toxic fans of the ships had bulldozed anything that differs from their favorite empty dynamics. Those usually being The Reds, Blues, and Greens. Nowadays i still see almost nothing in the realms of variety between creators interpretations of the ships. Almost every time i see a PPGxRRB post, it can fit into a set dynamic that the ship is already infamous for.
I want to be able to see the creators love and passion for their ships. I want to know how and why these characters ended up together. If a story is to be told, i want to hear it. I know that the majority of PPGxRRB creators are, by default, amateurs (they dont get paid and its not on a professional scale), but after seeing the exact same badly written love story hundreds , maybe even thousands of times with little-to-no variety, I've gotten bored and tired of people devaluing my favorite characters to be nothing more than overplayed dynamics and shipping fuel.
A lot of people like shipping because of the dynamics, but ship dynamics don't hook me in, and ive noticed that most PPGxRRB stuff is purely ship dynamics and nothing more. Theres nothing wrong with loving ship dynamics or being drawn to ships for their specific dynamics! I just dont care about dynamics, i care about chemistry and story. But most amateurs cant effectively show the chemistry or write the story, a lot of them can barely characterize the 2 characters in their ships.
FYI this isnt about anyone specific or even many recent fans of PPGxRRB. I've been in/around the online PPG fandom since before 2016, and a lot of my thoughts/feelings on the matter have a lot to do with stuff that happened over the years i've loved this series, and more specifically, The RowdyRuff Boys.
To be clear: When i say that they are mischaracterized, i'm not talking about HC's. I'm just tired of seeing the PPG and RRB dulled down into one-note personalities with stereotypical characterization and almost always no tangible character development. A love story is still a story, and a lot of shippers seem to half ass the "story" for favor of the "love".
I dont hate or even dislike PPG x RRB. I'm just really tired of rarely seeing people do the RRB justice, and i want these characters to be treated with the full respect that i think they deserve.
WOW this post is way to long already... still a lot shorter than my OG post. Sorry for being insane about the RRB. it will happen again.
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anamoon63 · 17 days
RL and Sims update post + a thank you note
(Warning: long post ahead, read at your own risk).
I wrote this post to thank you guys for all the likes and comments you keep leaving on my posts, even though, as you may have noticed, I can't be here as often as I used to. Real life has taken over almost completely, as I think it should. There are too many things going on, with me, my family, my country, even my sims and other games, lol.
I'm not going to bore you with daily life problems, much less with sad and depressive stuff, or with previews of a story I don't know when/if I'll ever finish, the only thing I can tell you is that I'm still busy with a lot of work, (fortunately) and family stuff; plus, I (finally) started going to therapy (yes, at my age). So right now, I'm juggling even more things than I already was.
And so I wanted to thank you for sticking with me, for continuing to read the chaotic stories of my wacky characters without judging them; thank you as well for each and every message you have sent to my inbox, be it questions, or flowers and love; and to all of you who continue to tag me both on sims stuff and cute games, knowing that I most likely won't be able to answer you, really, thank you for continuing to think of me. Your messages soothe my heart in difficult moments, and I wish to answer them all, I just don't know when I will be able to do that, hopefully someday.
Now, my sims story. For those of you who might remotely still be interested, I'm currently revising the next few episodes of Time Traveler which I wrote earlier this year. To be honest, I don't know when they will be ready, I just know the story goes on and as soon as I have reviewed these episodes, I'll start taking the pictures. When will they be published? Frankly, I don't know. It could be early 2025, but no promises, as I don't have much free time on my hands now. I manage to write in the evenings, but in-game photo shoots are quite time consuming and have to be done in peace and privacy, of which I don't have much at the moment. So, if I do decide to publish these episodes, it will likely be early next year, and at a rather slow pace.
About my gameplay, in Sims 4 we will continue with the Wilsons until the end of the season (coming soon), and then we will take a small break. As for The Sims 3, we just finished Patrick's story in Bridgeport, so now we'll go back with The Cho Brothers. First, we'll take a brief trip to Lucky Palms with Terence and Cynthia Cho; then we'll spend a rather long time in Hidden Springs and Starlight Shores, to see what has happened with Tyron, the eldest of the Cho brothers. And last but not least, we'll go back to Uni with Dale and Kelly, who I hope will FINALLY graduate this year, hahaha.
Anyway, I just wanted you to know that I am not gone (yet), that if one day I decide to retire I will make a special post about it, I won't leave without saying goodbye, but that day seems far away at least for the moment. 
Now, regarding Inzoi…
I admit Inzoi has captured my interest. As usual, I'm late to the comment party, but I still want to put my two cents about this amazing game. Seeing the trailers and all those beautiful Inzois created by other simmers got me so excited, and at the same time, terribly frustrated to see that the demo didn't contain any gameplay. I need to actually play the game to give an opinion on it! So far it looks beautiful, though I must say that the character creator disappointed me because the sliders are Sims 4 style, which I've always found a bit complicated, I'll forever prefer the Sims 3 sliders, but hey, I had a lot of fun creating my own Inzois.
Hopefully the graphics and gameplay are as good as seen in the previews and its developers won't “break” it into multiple or turn the into a malfunctioning cash cow like EA did with The Sims 4, and to a certain extent, also with the Sims 3 in its time. I hope with Inzoi they'll go for a complete game, no matter if it's expensive, if I consider it is worth it, I'll give them my money as soon as it comes out.
That being said, it is important for me to clarify that I will not abandon The Sims 3 (or even Sims 4 though I don't play it much) for Inzoi. Ever. Neither do I plan to recreate my sims OCs/games in it, because my sims are exactly that, sims. If I ever get to play Inzoi it will be with entirely new characters, although I confess, I did try to reproduce two of my most beloved sims (a boy from the future and a college girl who is a model *wink*) and they turned out pretty well, but nowhere near as adorable as they look in The Sims 3. Plus, the environments in which those two OCs currently move could not be reproduced in Inzoi, at least as far as I know.
Okay, enough of Inzoi. In short: I'm not gone, I'm still here, I'm still reading all your stories, only at a much slower pace, two or 3 simblrs per day at the most. I'm going to read them all, just bear with me, and forgive me again if I don't always comment. Sometimes I don't even have the time or the energy for that. Believe me, 2024 has been an intense year in every possible way, sometimes I really need a break, but I try to be around and will always find a way to keep in touch, even if at times it seems like I'm nowhere to be found, I'll get back to you at some point.
That's all, thanks for reading this far! Have a nice and beautiful start of the week. 💗
P.S. I wrote this post three days ago, wish I had published it earlier, that way I probably wouldn't have gotten a notification that some Simblrs Community 'removed my membership'. When I clicked in said Simblrs Community icon, it said the community was 'private'. I don't know if that's some kind of automatic Tumblr thing, if there's a committee that decides about this, or if it was just a glitch in the matrix; whatever it was, I'm so sorry I wasn't able to be here to keep said membership. I didn't even know Simblr was a private membership. For what it's worth, it wasn't neglect or lack of interest for my part, just lack of time. I hope one day to be able to qualify again and be worthy of this membership. At any rate, I thank you for thinking of me and admitting me in your community in the first place.
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belokhvostikova · 5 months
I've been going through your whole masterlist since yesterday and it's safe to say I'm obsessed! You're a fantastic writer <33
I have to say “Interrogations with the unconscious” is my favorite. It was a big ouchie, though... Do you think they did wind up back together (after some grovelling from Eddie 😉), or do they go back to no contact?
Ah, THANK YOU SO MUCH! <3 I love that my page is being ransacked!
And “Interrogations with the Unconscious,” are you kidding?! I feel like out of all my oneshots, that one is not my most popular, but it’s a dear little treasure of mine, I loved writing it! It was my birthday treat! :)
(Please know, if I ever write a story wear Eddie and Reader don’t get back together, I’ve been kidnapped and someone’s taken over my page!) Rockstar!Eddie, of course, grovels to the depths of hell to get back with Reader- well, at least in my head, lol. It’s safe to say Eddie does, in fact, have a face that’s hard to say no to, as—much to their dismay—management would allow him to stay in Indianapolis longer than what was intended.
It was a win-win, those who previously bought tickets to the Indy show were able to attend a show, where Eddie actually stayed to perform, and Eddie got the gift of spending Christmas with you. Of course, it came with much reluctance on your part, but when Eddie promised to bring “the old man” with him, you couldn’t pass up a chance to spend Christmas with Wayne Munson!
He played quite the mediator, enjoying the snippy banter that played out between you and Eddie over the roast. And when needed, Wayne jumped in to take your side, and ensured Eddie was receiving all the playful insults. And maybe, just maybe, when Eddie needed help with kneading the cookie dough, a little spark buzzed within you two, as your fingers brushed to smooth out the mush of flour and eggs.
But, of course, the road called, and Eddie couldn’t spend time in Indy forever. Which is why he exuded the most effort to fly across the country to spend his off days in Indiana. For you? No. Totally not. It just so happened to be a coincidence that during this period one of the biggest playboys in Hollywood wasn’t photographed with any models/actresses, like he usually would be. Total coincidence, ha ha…
And maybe you notice how attentive he’s become, washing off that rockstar facade to showcase the old Eddie you once fell in love with. Something about being back in his home state that really brings him back down to Earth. So, perhaps, one day, Eddie suggests moving back to Indiana. And his team hates it. But what’s his team without Eddie Munson?!
So, yeah, a plot of land is purchased in Indiana- hey, funny enough, only a twenty minute drive from your townhouse, huh? And maybe it’s the close proximity that allows a friendship to bud between you and Eddie. I mean, it’s not like you can avoid him, he’s still in your friend group.
And let’s just say, one, I don’t know, drunken night, you’re feeling just a teensy bit horny. C’mon, you’re a grown woman with needs, happens to the best of us. And Eddie, well, Eddie can recognize that needy face from a mile away, so when he catches those round eyes across the room at the mixer Harrington was hosting, he jumped hurdles to ask if you were okay.
Of course, you weren’t okay! You knew that! He knew that!
And Eddie complied with every stern request from you that this was only a ONE. TIME. THING.
But is it ever really? No.
Nine months later, gossip articles are in a frenzy over the iceberg that’s been spotted on your ring finger.
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heavyhitterheaux · 2 years
Three More Heartbeats
First Babies of Private Garden Instagram AU/Fic
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Liked by danivalentine, saweetie, softtcurse, fashionbylunaaa, neelamthadhani, 2forwoyne, shloob_, claybornharlow, dualipa, and 15,930,771 others
y/ninsta and jackharlow: blessed with not only one more heartbeat to love, but three.
mommy and daddy can't wait to meet you 🥺💕
jackharlow: normani and she won't let me forget she's carrying three either 😭
saweetie: we can finally say something! AUNTIE SAWEETIE REPORTING FOR DUTY
jackharlow: saweetie and no you CANNOT get them grills for their first birthday
saweetie: jackharlow WHY NOT?!
jackharlow: saweetie 😐
dualipa: can't wait for them to meet their stepmommy! but all jokes aside, so incredibly happy for the two of you. you're going to be amazing parents. love you both so so much!
jackharlow: dualipa I'm ignoring the first part of your comment but don't think for a second that I won't use my blow torch, but we love you too. I guess.
danivalentine: can we talk about how I was the first one to notice she was pregnant and made her take a test? lol definitely wasn't expecting three though!
jackharlow: danivalentine older siblings know best!
claybornharlow: jackharlow not mine
jackharlow: claybornharlow don't come over for dinner later
druski2funny: Uncle Druski is ready to babysit!
lilnasx: druski2funny you need one yourself, they ain't trusting you with three newborns!
druski2funny: lilnasx and what makes you so qualified?!
lilnasx: druski2funny I have my childcare license
privategarden: our favorite couple is finally becoming parents!
jackharlow: privategarden and many more to follow!
y/ninsta: jackharlow watch yourself you little overachiever! next thing I know we'll literally be having eight children running around here
jackharlow: y/ninsta would that really be a bad thing?
y/ninsta: jackharlow for my vagina, yes 🙄
allthingy/n: how much you wanna bet urbanwyatt cried when he found out? 😭😭😭😭😭
urbanwyatt: alltthingy/n I did, but not in front of them lol
softtcurse: Aunty Curse 4 lifeeeeeeee
theestallion: don't be surprised if you start to get packages from me on the daily for my three little angels!
claybornharlow: thank you for carrying our child. I'm excited to be a dad
jackharlow: claybornharlow square the fuck up NEOW
claybornharlow: jackharlow one day you'll let me live in my truth in peace
jackharlow: claybornharlow I'm kicking your ass
2forwoyne: not me up here with my damn eyes watering. they grow up so fast.
quiiso: still remember when jackharlow first laid eyes on y/ninsta and we all CALLED IT!
neelamthadhani: okay so even though I've known for some time, I'm still about to cry. the two of you are going to be amazing parents.
yungskylark: and she's already making us go on late night food runs for her. she has literally put us in rotation. jack has to go every time, but has to take one of us along so he doesn't forget anything lol
urbanwyatt: yungskylark because one time he forgot her ice cream and all hell broke loose in the Harlow household so of course her ass literally has us on a buddy system smh
y/ninsta: and it's obviously working too
shloob_: can we talk about how she was full blown crying yesterday because chipotle was closed and jackharlow was doing his best to console her? I thought we were all going to die 😭
jackharlow: shloob_ I thought she was going to make me sleep outside. not the couch, but outside because I'm the manager of chipotle and decided it was best to close early smh
y/ninsta: jackharlow you can still sleep outside
jackharlow: y/ninsta baby, you weren't supposed to see that
y/ninsta: jackharlow too late
sza: wait a minute, can we talk about urbanwyatt's photography skills because we already know that it was him who did the photoshoot
urbanwyatt: sza I would have hid her prenatal vitamins and her current obsession of hot pickles if she had asked someone else. got me fucked up 😤
urbanwyatt: I took pictures with her by herself and with her and jackharlow but they wanted to keep those for themselves 🥰
urbanwyatt: oh and I'm in some photos too. jackharlow was NOT happy about that, but y/ninsta insisted lmaooooo
yungskylark: urbanwyatt at this point, they're yours too lmaooo
urbanwyattsource: I thought it was really sweet to find out urbanwyatt wouldn't accept money from jackharlow and y/ninsta for doing this photoshoot for them, but they did anyway and gave him triple the amount (for each kid?) bestie goals 😭
y/ninsta: I don't think yall understand when I say that urbanwyatt is literally our best friend and he would do anything for us. we always want to return the favor. love you urby 🥰
urbanwyatt: y/ninsta 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 urbanwyatt: y/ninsta jackharlow thank you two for trusting me to bring your ideas to life
maggieharlow: so excited to be a grandmother to not only one baby, but three! jackharlow if you stress my daughter out and she tells me, expect me on your doorstep, no matter what time of the day or night it is
y/ninsta: maggieharlow thank you mom! jackharlow: maggieharlow just throw your biological child to the woods I see smh
jackharlowsource: girls? boys? both? do we know yet?!?!
y/ninsta: jackharlowsource danivalentine is the only one that knows
urbanwyattsource: Jack is going to lose his shit if it's three girls, that's almost halfway to eight
jackharlowsource: urbanwyattsource they are going to be so spoiled and especially if they look like y/ninsta, he can never tell her no lmaoooo they are going to run that household and jack is just going to be living in it
"Boo bear?" You called out to Jack who was laying next to you and trying to stay awake for the movie that you two were watching.
"Yes, baby girl? You okay?"
"I want to leave the house, I'm tired of being stuck in here."
"You do leave the house, baby. You go to your doctor's appointments."
"Not the same, and you know it. I'm tired of hiding this pregnancy." You said while pouting and crossing your arms.
"Now are you absolutely sure? Because obviously once it's out, we can't take it back."
"No shit." You muttered as you rolled your eyes.
"Baby, quit it."
"But I AM SO BORED! All you do is feed me healthy shit and watch movies with me and make me exercise which is getting harder for me to do because I can't even see if my feet are attached to my body anymore. I need to leaveeeeee."
"They're attached, I promise. But if this is what you want to do, then okay." Jack said while shrugging but you could tell that he wasn't on board with the idea at all. 
"Really?!" You asked while turning to your right side to look at him.
"Yes, if this is what my wifey wants. I just have to be ten times more protective of you." You simply eyed him because you could tell deep down that he didn't want you to do it. 
"You do that now. You barely let me out of your sight. I'm lucky if you let me pee by myself."
"Do you blame me? We went from having a miscarriage to having not one, but three babies so excuse me if I'm a little protective, but one thing I'm not going to do for damn sure is apologize for it. You're my priority and you know that."
"I know, I understand why. I'm just miserable sometimes. I can't sleep properly and when I actually do, it's never for long periods of time. Might as well go outside."
All Jack did was sigh and look at you.
"You don't want me to post it do you?" You asked and you just looked down at your hands. You couldn't help it, but you started to cry.
"Oh fuck, baby don't cry! Okay, okay we'll post it! You don't have to cry, I didn't mean to upset you!"
Just then you heard Urban's footsteps and assumed he had heard you crying and knew that Jack was about to get yelled at.
"HE WON'T LET ME POST MY PREGNANCY PICTURES ON INSTAGRAM!" You replied as you continued to wail.
"Um, well......" Urban started to say and then scratched the back of his neck.
"Well, what?! You agree with him?!" You asked as you found a tissue to wipe your face.
"We're just protective of you. All of us are, but you knew that already. If you do this, you know if you leave the house, you can't go anywhere by yourself. Even if it's to the damn mailbox."
"Nope. I'm siding with your husband on this one."
“But….” You continued to cry and eventually they both agreed to let you do it.
“Look, if we do this, after we post it you still can’t go anywhere for a few days.” Jack said while sighing even though he was still uneasy about the whole thing. 
“Okay, fine. Oooohhh I want to go to wing stop first!”
“Out of all of the places that we can possibly go, that’s your choice?” Jack asked as Urban smacked him in the back of the head and you started to pout. 
“Let the pregnant lady decide what she wants to do with her new found freedom. I’ll take you since your husband is being an ass.”
“HEY! No I’m not! I just want to make sure that’s what she really wants.”
“OOOHHHH BABE! THEY JUST RELEASED A NEW BIRKIN!” You said while shoving your phone into Jack’s face to show him.
“That’s it, I’m calling Maggie.” You responded while opening your contacts on your phone and Jack just about damn near tackled you to get the phone away from you.
“Light blue please.” You said while smiling up at him and all he did was roll his eyes.
“Spoiled as shit, I swear.”
“No I’m not, I’m just well taken care of. There’s a difference.”
“There is? Enlighten me please.” Jack said while handing you his credit card so that you could order what you wanted. Since he handed it to you, that was an invitation for you to get anything that you wanted so you added three more Birkins to the cart.
“You take really good care of me and get me what I want.”
“That’s… that’s the definition of spoil…… BABY WHY IS MY TOTAL $10,000 DOLLARS?!”
“Huh?” You asked while looking to Urban for help who acted as if he didn’t know what was going on. 
“If you can huh, you can hear Mrs. Harlow!”
“I just wanted the girls to have matching ones! You know if they are girls that is!”
“Well, we already know how the four of you will gang up on me in order to get what you want.”
“We will do no such thing!”
All Jack did was eye you as Urban laughed. 
“Oh! What pictures should I post?”
“It would be none if it was left up to me, but you can post one and one only. That way the other ones are something special just for us.”
“The Harlows are about to break the internet, just watch.”
“And Normani can finally say that she was right the entire time.”
“Right about what?”
“She was the one who said that we would have triplets.”
After you and Jack agreed on which picture to post as your announcement to the world about your pregnancy, you logged out of instagram after finishing the movie and went downstairs in order to make some chicken alfredo pasta since you had been craving it.
The pasta was on the top shelf of the cabinet and you didn’t know where Jack or Urban was so you moved the chair so you could step up and reach it when you heard Jack yell from behind you.
“If you put one damn toe on that chair! Baby, you better not!”
“Caught red handed! Why didn’t you call me to come help you?!”
“I can still do some things on my own without your help! I’m just pregnant!”
All Jack did was cross his arms and stare at you.
“Can you get me the pasta noodles, please?” You said in a small voice and Jack reached up to get them with no problem.
“You know all my therapy sessions are now centered around you and how you have me fearing for your life on a daily basis because you don’t ask for help. Baby, you have got to stop doing that. I know that’s what you're used to, but you can’t do that right now. Now what if you would have fallen and then what? You could have hit your head or anything could have happened.”
“I… just.. I feel like a burden sometimes.” You confessed while starting to boil the water for the noodles. You had your back turned to Jack so he couldn’t see how your eyes started to water. 
“What?! Why would you EVER think that? Baby, look at me. You are literally carrying three of my big headed children. You know I would do anything for you no matter how big or small and even if you weren’t pregnant, that’s not going to change. You know you’re my priority and you come first.”
“I know… I just feel helpless sometimes. I hate asking you for things that I used to be able to do on my own.”
“And you will soon get back to being able to do it on your own. Just not right now, okay?”
“Okay.” You quietly said as Jack leaned down to give you several kisses which you eagerly accepted and pulled him into a hug. 
“I love you and I only want to keep you safe.”
“I love you too and I know.” You said while hugging him tighter.
Just then Jack’s phone went off indicating a text from the group chat that you were both in from 2fo.
2fo- I think the two of you just broke the internet. Instagram is down AND twitter crashed ever since you two announced it two hours ago, I think TikTok might be next lmaoooo
“Baby, Urban called it.”
“What happened?”
“2fo said he thinks we broke the internet. Instagram and Twitter aren’t working and haven’t been for the last two hours.”
“Well, did you expect anything less? I make pregnancy look good.”
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my-plastic-life · 1 year
I did a thing... actually, I did several things. :D My ani-ME (anime doll version) needed manga in her house, so of course I had to make mini Inuyasha manga! I've done this before, but this time it's different... I didn't do miniature versions of the Viz BIG volumes. Nope, I did all 56 original Japanese volumes. Because ani-ME is in Japan, so she must have the original volumes!!! :D What a task this was - because the volumes are so old, it's hard to find high resolution pictures of them online. And even if you do, many times it's just the front, not the back and definitely not the spine. I found some, but then the front and back cover colors were completely different, some had text and graphics cut off from what was most likely a scanned image, the colors were inconsistent between various websites, some colors were clashing badly due to low quality resolution, etc.
So I literally made a template in Photoshop of the real size of the original manga (obtained via Amazon) and rebuilt EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. from scratch. I was able to find a site with all the original cover photos, and then I found the most high resolution cover I could find to duplicate the pattern that's on all books (colors vary), recreated the logo for each book (the character symbols and the gradients are all different for each volume), redrew the SS Comics logo that's on all books, and I even replicated each individual barcode. Because I'm nothing if not a consistent perfectionist. :D
For the backs, I used the images I found and just copied and pasted the characters and Japanese text, and for the teeny tiny characters I used the brush tool to trace over them. Even though I knew you probably wouldn't be able to see them in such a small scale, no way was I leaving them out! Consistency, darn it! :D
For the spines, I found complete sets on eBay and used a photo of the spines from those auctions as a template. I redid everything on the spine except the character head at the top of each, which is copied and pasted from the eBay files. They're definitely pretty low resolution, but hopefully it's not noticeable at such a small scale.
And the volume numbers? Try as I might, I could NOT find a font that matched them. So I got the most high resolution volumes I could find and made number templates... so each time I needed one of the volume numbers, I'd just use a color overlay on it and plop it where it needed to go on the front and spine.
Then the fun part - resizing them all to 1/6 scale. They're a little over an inch tall right now. And because they're not very thick in the spine, wrapping the covers around foam board to mimic pages wasn't working. So I had to make pages... for 56 volumes LOL. I just took my cover template, sized it down, and made it a blank white with a black stroke so I could see where to cut. I could fit 11 mini pages in one row across a regular sized sheet of printer paper (I used cardstock for extra thickness and stability), and I could fit like six rows on a sheet. I was able to fit 11 pages in one volume to allow the spine room, so 56 volumes x 11 mini pages each = 616 total pages I wound up cutting, then stacking and gluing together. But, of course, that wasn't a perfect fit, as the pages, despite being sanded down to be completely straight and smooth, poked out of the covers. So I had to wrap the covers around the pages, mark where they hit, and use an X-acto knife to trim the pages down before gluing them inside the covers.
But finally, I was done! It was time-consuming, but I love how these little books turned out. They don't open, but that's totally okay. That would be way too much work, and every time I make a book that opens, it never closes again. I did, however, manage to find some pages from the original first volume (in Japanese), so I printed a second volume 1 cover and glued those pages inside. So now ani-ME has an open book she can read too!
So there you have it! My mini, 1/6 scale Japanese volumes of Inuyasha - all 56 of them! I made that bookshelf just for them, but I intentionally left more room in case I want to add more manga later. But of course we had to have Inuyasha manga on the shelf - it's the most important! :D And the poster on the wall is totally a tag from one of my shirts LOL.
Showing off her new bookshelf stocked full of all 56 volumes of the Inuyasha manga:
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Relaxing in bed, reading from the beginning:
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Why yes, she is reading the Inuyasha manga on an Inuyasha pillow :D
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All 56 volumes on the bookshelf:
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What do you do with an Inuyasha shirt tag? Make an instant doll poster, of course!
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Front covers:
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Back covers:
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Volume 1 pages (glued in order, right to left):
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Size reference (shown with American penny):
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campbyler · 7 months
they r so boyfriends! 😭😭😭😭😭😭 it should be illegal to read acswy while being single CAUSE I WANT TO BITE SOMEBODY SO BAD. so im gonna bite u guys. as a revenge for my poor heart. sorry.
first of all will with tote bag!!! mike with long sleeves and shorts!!! yes!! their fits r literally so perfect. i just have to say it.
the fact that will didn’t even bring his car key with him. he doesn’t hate mustang as much as he pretends 😭 and he definitely changed his mind after mikes explanation. can’t wait till will break his stupid rule and they’ll make out senselessly in it.
i got mikes reasoning for buying that car (and ted is an asshole in every universe. sorry that it happened to u thea) but he could choose less pretentious one 🙄 sorry i have a with aversion towards expensive cars. their drivers always think that they better than traffic regulations. anyway.
manual transmission is a crime against humanity and im glad that i never have to use it again. it wasn’t that bad on the road and changing gears doesn’t take much time but traffic lights became my arch enemies cause i always managed to stall on them 😭 i hope ur lessons were better btw. i feel that will will shake like chihuahua😭 plus it like one extra leg on the clutch and i have no idea how to not forget about it if u only drive automatic.
their not-date date cause they definitely aren’t dating they’re barely friends who love kiss each other on the mouth and hold hands and spend time together and tell each other their deepest secrets.
the things i felt when mike dropped wills hand in the car. i Know it was was a reason. and he totally recovered himself by holding wills pinky the entire way to the mall. i know their pinkies Hurt cause where’s no other way.
when they’ll find out that smooches at the center of the cafe is not really platonic. isn’t really platonic with kissing if we’re judging be their standards. The Kiss in the changing room though…. they literally obsessed with each other i can believe guys used to pretend they enemies 😭
someone brought up dwoht on relation to the thrift store and i can’t stop thinking about it
“u (authors) said there was nothing in the world that could stop it
i (i) had a bad feeling”
i loveeee noticing how their humor changed. will doesn’t want to hurt mike anymore he wants to laugh with him instead 💔 and he thinks mikes password is cute and loserish (it is) but he charmed by it omgggg!!!
im so glad that i spent this year with u guys (im finishing my comment in 2024!!!! happy new year!!!) and im excited to follow the story next year too. days if the updates became my favorite and brought me so much joy!!
thea, suni and andi thank u so much for ur talent and passion!! ily!! happy new year 🎉🎄🥳🎊🤶❄️
ALYAAAA i am SO sorry that i am the worst and it takes me forever to answer things but just know i have been holding this ask so close to my chest for the past million weeks bc it is so special to meeee 💗💗💗💗💗
i will accept the biting bc i am also biting someone. it is hard to WRITE it while being single wtf. every time i write a kiss scene i'm like gd who wants to kiss me..............i am here and kissless...........
that and also i think he was so eepy he didn't even Think abt bringing his keys but also lbr he knew mike was going to insist on driving lol. mike fr could have chosen a less pretentious car But i think mustangs are universally cool cars for sure and i think it's very important to mike to have a cool car so even tho it's not necessarily something he would have picked out himself i do also think that he loves it. a little bit. (<- a lot bit)
i've ended up not actually learning how to drive a manual bc me and my sister have both been busy so all of my knowledge for the next chapter is going to be thru research and osmosis so pls call me out if anything is incorrect 😭
sometimes you have to kiss your friends on the mouth!!!!! and go on a not-date date w them!!!!!!!!!! that is so totally normal!!!!!!!!!!!!! their pinkies definitely hurt so bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they are obsessed w each other fr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dwoht is not on the ch9.2 playlist but it is for suuuuure very will-coded for this stretch of the story if you even care.
we are so glad WEEE spent this year w YOUUU alya ty for supporting us and always leaving the sweetest most thoughtful comments 💗 i hope tht ch9.2 is everything you've ever dreamed of!!!!
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always-andromeda · 2 years
Hey there sweets congratulations on 500 I’m so happy for u bbs!!! You 👏deserve 👏more👏 this is literally what I think about ur writing ✨
Also if u don’t mind me requesting “La Belle Fluer Sauvage” for Edward I was hoping if Eddie could be a sub ( I’m in need of more subby bottom Eddie) make him ✨extra pathetic✨ pls
( this request might of been influenced from that scene of sweat saying mommy)
Author’s Note | thank you thank you thank you oh my gosh, I will have you know, anon, that almost every time I have been feeling off about my writing these past few months, I have thought about this message and it makes me feel so much more confident. I hope that this is just the kind of pitiful behavior that you were looking for from our boy. <3
Warnings | smut (MDNI), gratuitous handjob lmao, uses of "good boy", "sweet boy", and "baby boy", lol, this man is so pathetic here, that's all I can think of!!
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Edward trembles. But it's not quite fear that meets with the deep green of his eyes. It's more of a hesitance that leaves his mouth ajar. A soft breath marks the careful contemplation that runs through his brain.
You straddle his thighs, waiting for his response. And he's still surprised that you even asked the question in the first place.
Do you want me to touch you?
If he were to answer on his impulse, he would say no. He would probably collapse. The anxiety would bubble and brew until he wouldn't be able to give you any of what you want from him. But he bides his time while the nerves simmer down and hopes that you don't change your mind. In the time that it takes for him to talk himself down, he feels the blood rush straight to his cock.
It's so quick that he's sure he'll pass out. Edward nods languidly.
Upon noticing the burgeoning bulge in his pants, you laugh breathily and tease, "I need to hear you say it. C'mon, Eddie, I know you can do it, baby boy."
And that has him on the ropes. Has him catching his breath and sputtering, "Please, just touch me, please–"
"There you go!" you praise brightly. "What a good boy."
Though he hasn't uttered a single word in response, you whisper deviously, "I bet you have the prettiest cock in the whole world." And the certainty of the statement makes him melt once he realizes that you've probably thought about him like this before.
Edward wants to be ashamed at how his hips begin to squirm. The weight of his layers of clothing are too much. And before he knows it, you cut the cord, freeing him with a simple unbuttoning and unzipping of his pants. He's so hot that he half expects to hear a sizzle when you spit and let the saliva drip down on the length of him. Eddie is transfixed entirely on the delicate tendril as it drips down his taut flesh and disappears somewhere between his thick thighs. He sighs with relief when you finally get your hand on him. Your thumb brushes over the slit of his head and thus begins his slow ascent.
"I think I was right," you say.
Eddie manages to choke out, "Huh?"
"Your dick. It's one of the prettiest things I've ever seen."
Edward had never considered himself the most advantaged person. Not physically, at least. His pride and joy, first and foremost, was his mind. It's not like he was completely ignorant of what he held between his legs. He'd just never been the type to brag about it...or even know how to deal with it. That was proving to be a bit of it's own advantage, he thinks.
Because every bit of pressure that you apply hits him way more than it realistically should. Your hand is different; different than how his own would be. You're slow with your strokes, intentional with how you feed him bits and pieces of pleasure at a time. But he gets impatient, bucking his hips into your fist.
You swat his thigh and click your tongue. "Ah, ah, Eddie. I need you to behave, sweet boy."
"But I want–"
"I know what you want," you interrupt him. "But I'm going to give you what you need, okay? And if I'm going to do that, you need to sit still."
He nods then, a small, "Mhmm..." reverberating off the back of his throat.
Edward never would've shown himself this kind of mercy. He could never manage to be so slow and so intentional with his strokes; lest he think too deeply about the action he was performing and shy away from it.
The thought of a gentle touch and a loving gaze would soon be replaced by one of shameful stares and shared rooms with no privacy. He'd give himself quick, searing tugs that made tears sting at the corners of his eyes. He'd clench them closed tightly and rush through the affair before spilling unceremoniously into his hand. It would all be over before the jolt of pleasure had a chance to sink into his bones.
This is nothing like that sad ritual. The gratuitous attention and care you put into winding the arousal up deep into his belly encourages him to let out low, almost guttural groans that make you smile.
"There you go, Eddie." your voice is like honey mucking up all of his senses, grinding the gears in his brain to a screeching halt and making him dumb. Who'd ever heard of Edward Nashton being dumb? No one. The man who prides himself most on his intellect can't even find a shred of it to bring him back to some semblance of sanity. Maybe he's destined to always savor this; doomed to fail every time he may try to replicate this delicious drag of skin on skin.
He lurches and his belly trembles with ragged breaths as he feels the impending wave getting ready to crash over him.
"Please–" he sputters.
"What are you trying to ask for, hm? Be specific."
"I want–" God, he hates the way his voice sounds. He hates the whiny and distant haze that clings to his vocal chords. And more than that, he hates the tears that begin to fall from the corners of his eyes. But his opinion on them quickly changes when you press your lips against his soft cheek and kiss away the salty stream.
"I know what you need now. Come on, Eddie, be a good boy and ask me, will you? I just need you to use some manners."
Manners. Easy.
His tone is less polite and more pitiful as he manages to get out his request, "Please, will you let me cum?" For good measure, he adds a string of weak pleases to the end.
Eddie catches you smile adoringly, feels your wet lips against his cheek again as you praise, "Good boy, go ahead. I want it all over my hand."
Before you can fully finish the sentence, you feel the warmth dripping down your hand as his seed spontaneously spurts from him. He spasms through the release, letting every little wave of pleasure hit him so hard that he's not sure if he'll ever fully recover.
But you coax him through the aftershocks, you lay his head on your chest and hold him there. He hears your heartbeat pounding rapidly and smiles, taking it as a compliment that he made your heart race even a fraction of the way you made his go completely wild. As the sound slowly fades, he hears another one: the faint sound of sucking as you stick each of your fingers in your mouth and taste him. Then a low, delighted hum of approval. Your other hand goes towards his head, he feels your fingers weave through his hair and caress his scalp.
You finish sucking on your last finger and you pull it from your mouth with a light smack.
"Was that alright, Eds?" you ask, a hint of uncertainty tainting your tone.
Edward nods lazily, too exhausted to form a cohesive thought that could even begin to describe the cloud he's sunken into. 
There's a trace of your saliva that transfers to his exposed skin as you run your hand along his side. Though the man normally towers over you, a part of him feels truly held like this with your fingernails just barely ghosting over his skin. Combined with the mind-numbing climax from a few minutes prior, his eyelids start to droop.The sound of your voice, whispering his name and the words my good boy over and over again serve as his lullaby, sending him off to dreamland as his eyes close.
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aprillikesthings · 5 months
So I am fascinated by how some fandoms just...spontaneously end up with some tropes repeating over and over in fic (especially explicit fics)
Like, I've never been in a fandom that had many coffee shop au's, but I know there are fandoms where they're super popular. There are fandoms with absolutely massive amounts of omegaverse and fandoms with like, none.
And sometimes it's obvious why a particular fandom ends up with a popular fic tropes: Steven Universe fandom has a lot of high-school au's. She-Ra has a lot of university au's. (These are probably the same authors at least some of the time!)
But sometimes it's a complete fucking mystery to me???
And a thought/question about explicit catradora fics under the readmore:
With the obvious disclaimer that I have not read a double-digit percentage of the explicit catradora fics on ao3 (seriously there's 1,668 of them as of right now), I have read uhhh maybe a dozen or two dozen of them?
And I'm dying to know: why is tribbing (i.e. rubbing your vulva on someone's body; sometimes the other person's vulva but in this fandom usually their thigh) so INSANELY COMMON in catradora fics?
I say this knowing that before I even read fics in this fandom, I'd already written my own tribbing scene into my current WIP! So like, I'm including myself here. I didn't even know it was such a huge thing when I wrote it. Like, I think it was the first sex scene I wrote for that fic. So it wasn't just from seeing it in other fics, which would be the obvious reason.
So imagine my surprise and amusement when I started inhaling fics and "rubbing off on each other's thighs" is INCREDIBLY common in catradora fics, whether they're pre-canon or mid-canon or post-canon or non-fantasy au or those au's where they're on modern Earth but all the partially-animal characters are still partially-animal, so like, Catra works an office job but still has cat ears and a tail (I admit I love these)
So now I'm sitting here going: why is that the sex act so many of us write???? Like we might also write oral and fingering and whatever else, don't get me wrong.
If it was just canon-ish fics I could sort of see it: I could imagine a situation where all of us are looking at Catra's claws and possibly-rough tongue and going uhhhhhhh...hm. But...everyone manages to get around that! We decide that Catra can retract her claws. Either her tongue is closer to a human's or Adora's into it lol.
I've had some theories.
My first thought was that rather than "take turns" they can kiss and face each other the whole time? And we really want that for them? (But...there are other sex acts where you can do that.)
But maybe also it's the kind of thing that is the obvious next step when frantically making out (as one might when you finally get to kiss/fuck the person you've loved and wanted most while also actively tried to hurt for the last multiple years...don't mind me just having. feelings. again. ;_;) and not wanting to separate for even a second???
I mean I say this knowing a couple of weeks ago I posted about how the first time I made out with another girl, when I was 17, she shoved her knee into my crotch and I nearly came even though we were both fully dressed lol
So are we all basing it on our own first times with another girl? Because I know that's why I wrote it.
Anyway, likely nobody will see this post lol, BUT, if you read or write she-ra/spop fics lemme know if you've noticed this (like seriously is it just the fics I personally happen to have read?) and if you have theories
Because this is not my first f/f pairing or fandom for which I have read and/or written a ton of fics (lol), but this is the first one where like, nearly every explicit fic has had "rub it out on each other's thighs while making out, either dressed or naked" in it lol
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bobburgerenthusiast · 3 months
Season 1 Episode 1: Human Flesh
I've seen this episode so many times and it never gets old. I don't remember how I felt watching it the first time, but I always enjoy it as if I am looking back at old home movies. The nostalgia I get from the opening credits music to the animation is so amazing. Every time I see a clip of this ep I have to rewatch it it's just so funny. This pilot episode has got to be one of my top 5 as far as pilots go.
Rat's All Folks! Exterminators
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Not even a minute in and we have the infamous "my crotch is itchy :-/" scene from BB. Already in under five minutes the show manages to capture how goofy and close this family is. I also really miss the face zoom ins with the background music to go with it lmao.
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First and only time I can recall Bob calling Linda baby and its so cute.
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Burger of the day: "New bacon-ings" comes with bacon?
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The Ch*ld Mol*ster comes with candy?
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ah yes the autism toothpick scene. Took over tiktok for a bit and people complained saying "tHe OtHeR sEaSoNs ArEn'T aS gOoD" just cause they're different doesn't mean it isn't good OKAY!
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Gene looks so cute in his little burger fit. 🫶🏼 I love the way Mort yanks Gene into the building after delivering his food. Then he deliver's that dead body with a bow to the restaurant's front door.
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When Bob goes out to confront Hugo and Ron in their van then grabs Hugo is so funny. That's one thing I wish was a bit more consistent, I love when Bob has his deranged moments lol. But I get it he's a tired old man! Helping Hugo get out of the spot is too real. I don't know how to parallel park. I barely know how to drive. Took me three tries to pass my driver's test. I fell victim to the California roll 😔🤚. Every time I'm driving someone around I always make them park for me so I get it.
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Bob talking to himself into the reflection of the window is so fucking funny. My favorite scene in the episode.
Overall I give this episode a 8.5/10. I do wanna establish now that my favorite types of episodes are the emotional ones that make me feel like I swallowed the sun. These funny ones are a close second though. This episode perfectly sets up the wholesome but crackhead family dynamic shown throughout the rest of the show and really gets your attention. One of the reasons I find it so hard to start new shows is because it starts out so SLOW but this is a cute lil episode that has too many iconic moments to just have it as background noise. Seeing Bob and Linda on the ferris wheel makes me so excited to start a family and grow old w my man 🥹 they are such couple goals AND parent goals.
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bigoltrashpile · 2 years
(If you are still doing this) Q1 or Q2 (which ever gets the brain brrring) with butch
I'll go with Q2, since I got another request for Q1 and both of them make the brain brrrrr pretty equally lol
Why the fuck was this skeleton staring at you?
He had been sitting at the table across from yours for the entire time you had been eating at your favorite little diner, and you were sure his eyes hadn't left you the entire time. It might be a coincidence, though. You were on a blind date after all, and you didn't want to insult them by looking at someone else the whole time. Maybe he just happened to look at you every time you glanced over?
Fat chance.
Finally, you couldn't take it anymore. "This has been really nice," you said to your date. It was a big lie, they had been talking about themself the entire time. "But I really need to get going."
Thankfully, they nodded. "Alright. Call me back sometime? We can do this again next week, maybe go bowling?"
"Sure, sure." You would say anything you needed to get away from that skeleton at this point. "I'll see you soon."
You walked through the darkened parking lot as fast as you could, desperate to get home to the perceived safety of your home. As you did, you didn't notice the bright red eyelights watching you from the shadows.
When you got home, you shut and locked all the doors and windows, unable to shake the feeling of being watched. At least you were safe now....right?
You woke up the next morning feeling a lot calmer. Of course you had been overreacting, it was probably just a monster thing, or a weird miscommunication. After all, the skeleton had been dressed in a three piece suit at a small family diner, so he was probably just weird.
As you went about your morning routine, you were surprised to find a package outside your front door. Weird. You weren't expecting anything. Maybe it was for one of your neighbors?
Curious, you checked the name on the package. Oh, it was for you! You took it inside, practically sprinting to the kitchen to find a knife or a pair of scissors to open it.
As you fumbled with the scissors, you vaguely noted in the back of your mind that there was no postage or address, just your name written in...was that comic sans? Weird. That just made you even more curious!
You finally managed to get the box open and-
Oh my god.
It was a head.
The severed head of your date.
You stumbled backwards, unable to breathe, to think, to scream, anything. There was. A head. On your kitchen table.
You were only able to react when you ran right into someone's chest. A loud scream tore from your throat, only to be cut short by a large hand covering your mouth.
A skeletal hand.
"shhhh, no need for that, doll," a rough voice purred. "s'just a lil gift~"
You managed to look up, your heart sinking when you saw who it was. It was the same skeleton from last night, the one who had been watching you. The red lights in his eyesockets bored into you, strangely heart shaped now.
"don't scream now doll, or i'll have to take...drastic measures." The skeleton's eyes darted to the box on the table. "i just wanna chat."
He finally let go, and you immediately scrambled to get away. "W-who are you? What do you want from me?"
"like i said," he shrugged, way too casual for someone who had just delivered a severed head and broken into your house. "just givin' ya a lil gift. ya deserve to be treated better than that piece of shit could treat ya."
"I'm going to tell the police," you threatened, scrambling for your phone. "I've seen your face, you won't get away with this!"
The skeleton didn't even seem bothered. "well, i guess it pays to have friends in high places. really helps ya get a-head in life. they can't do shit to me."
As he spoke, you started to shake. This guy could do anything he wanted to you, and nobody would care, or even punish him for it! "Please...don't hurt me."
"heh, looks like you'll have to come with me then, y/n." How did he know your name? "you're mine now."
"But...you don't even know me!" you argued. "What do you want from me?"
"heheheh," he laughed even harder. "i know ya, kitten. ya just don't know me." In a blink, he was on you, pinning you to the wall. "the name's butch, but from now on, just call me your husband~"
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