#Lola kenobi
padawansuggest · 9 months
Since some of you MIGHT know the fact that I am obsessed with the eldritch possibilities of the Force in Star Wars (especially since not many people know that the Time Travel fic is about to get Super Fuckin Weird soon and that’s saying something cause I’m writing this after I’ve already revealed that most of the clones are gonna end up back in time) aaaaaaaaaand I am also the type of autist that takes things SUPER literally in a way that makes me hate poetry, take music seriously, and ‘visual poetry’ is not real wdym that’s just an alternate universe where weird shit happens-
Anyways. I have always been somewhat obsessed with Star Wars Visions since it came out, and my fave episode is S2E1: Sith. Earlier I was thinking about the speeder cycle that Lola has in it, and I wanna find out what type of cycle that is so I can put it in a fic (I think in the fic where Jaster finds Obi-Wan in the jungle and adopts him and brings him home, he would eventually get Obi-Wan one for like his 18th birthday or something, saying ‘it’s nearly crash proof’ only for him and Jango and Arla to watch in worry the entire time Obi is on it because ‘👁️👄👁️ the lot worker that sold me it said it wasn’t possible to go that fast on it’ and now Boga is trying to bite it when Obi passes her and they are SO worried)-
But the other reason I wanna rewatch it rn!!! Is because I take the visuals very literally. And I think I wasn’t the only one obviously but apparently a lot of other people completely ignored the visuals, saying it’s part of the metaphor but I’m over here like screeching at my caseboard like ‘THE VISUALS ARE LITERALLY HER HIDING HER PRESENCE IN THE FORCE SHE HAS SHADED HERSELF INTO ANOTHER BRANCH OF THE UNIVERSE TO HIDE FROM HER MASTER’ like. Honey. It’s the force. It’s not just visual metaphor bruh she’s found a way to hide in the edges of the universe and her look of colour on the galaxy is how she continues to sustain herself with minimal interaction with the universe!!!
‘Oh but why can she still fight her Sith master-‘ don’t be dense you shit, when she found a door that was already fully coated in colour despite it being non-living, she was clearly shocked and tried to get into it, without realizing that was a Sith portal BACK into the world of physical being and the only way her master could trap her into dealing with him!!!!!
Anyways. I want to make Lola a character in fics the same way I have Jaster or Fay in fics. They’re not big screen characters or even well known characters, but fans seem to love all of them.
And in the time travel fic it would actually make sense for Obi-Wan to accidentally run into her at a certain point and charm her with his big smiles and complimenting her paintings and grin really big and point to his mouth and say he lost his fang caps recently so his fangs are all tiny again, aren’t they cute??? Anyways. Yeah.
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lofi Star Wars playlist cover by me 🥰💕
happy midterm season and may the force be with you!!
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A random Citadel Arc collage
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slutty-yoda · 1 year
Star Wars Droid Sexiness/Cuteness Bracket Round 1
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fanfictasia · 2 years
Angstober Day 4
Spoiler: This is an excerpt from The Wrong Time Travelers
Lola Sayu reminds Obi-Wan to much of Mustafar for his liking. The heat everywhere is practically suffocating, and the rivers of lava are too familiar. Not that any of the past five months have been “to his liking” anyway.
It was five months ago that many of the Jedi had visions of several years into the future – it was more of getting their memories of that time, actually. Memories of a world beyond his worse imagination. He doesn’t know how the galaxy could have fallen so far, how any of it could have happened really, but... At least they had a warning, and they’ve been able to take steps to change it.
Palpatine is dead – he didn’t see the future, so they used his own plans against him, turning the Festival of Light into an excuse to kill him in a way they wouldn’t be accused of treason. (Obi-Wan did it himself, and he knows he shouldn’t have found it quite as satisfying as he did.)
But – Anakin is still gone.
He was already Fallen when the Jedi came to arrest him, and – Vader is all that’s left now.
That doesn’t mean it’s been easy. Of all the time he was in the future, what he longed for most was Anakin. What he missed most was Anakin – wondering constantly how their relationship could ever have fallen to the point it did. And the same is true now. It’s been so long since he last felt him, had him at his side, and knowing he never will again is…
It’s hard.
Maybe it hasn’t even been half a year but remembering so much of his time alone in the future and knowing it will never change make it almost intolerable sometimes, and he supposes. that’s what he’s here at the Citadel now – the place the Council imprisoned Vader.
Coming here is only going to make how he feels worse, though. Vader isn’t Anakin anymore. It will only make returning to the Temple after seeing him again even harder. It will make every day knowing he’ll never have Anakin back even harder.
Obi-Wan doesn’t even know what he thinks he’s doing here. It’s stupid. (He just misses Anakin. He – he wants to feel him again, to see him again, but… coming here is pointless if that’s what he wants.) 
But if nothing else, it won’t hurt to make sure that Vader is really secure here. The don’t need a very angry Sith breaking out and being unleashed on them and the galaxy.
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fellthemarvelous · 4 months
It pisses me off to see the way some Star Wars fans are so dismissive of Reva, Third Sister.
She's complex. She's interesting. She's clever. She's intelligent. She's strategic. She's conflicted. She's traumatized. She's scared. She's angry. She's a survivor.
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The Obi-Wan Kenobi series literally opens with her and her friends watching one of her Jedi mentors get gunned down by clone troopers during Order 66.
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She was a FUCKING CHILD!!! They were in the middle of a lesson when the clones walked in and started shooting everyone!! These were Anakin Skywalker's troopers and they were executing every single Jedi around them.
These children had NO idea what was going on. They were scared and they tried to run to safety.
We remember this scene from Revenge of the Sith and we all immediately knew what it meant.
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These are the same bodies that Obi-Wan Kenobi found when he and Yoda returned to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant after having to kill so many of Anakin's clone troopers just to survive.
These are children that the Jedi Council wasn't there to save.
Palpatine snuffed out the light of the Jedi in one swift act of terrorism and then blamed the Jedi for their own genocide after taking over the entire galaxy.
And in times of war, the weakest among everyone always suffer the most.
This is what Reva, Jedi youngling, remembers most about the end of the Clone Wars.
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Anakin Skywalker, hero of the Clone Wars and former padawan of the great Obi-Wan Kenobi, murdered all of her friends and injured her.
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She had to play dead amongst the dead bodies of her friends, and that's how she survived. She witnessed Anakin Skywalker murder all the Jedi in the temple with no one there to stop him because the other Jedi Masters were being executed in a war they had never wanted to enter into in the first place.
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She blames herself for not being able to save her friends because she wasn't strong enough to fight back. No youngling was ever going to be strong enough to stand against Anakin Skywalker. She wanted revenge against Anakin Skywalker, and she was just as desperate to get to Obi-Wan Kenobi as he was. She wanted to kill Anakin Skywalker just as badly as Darth Vader wanted to kill Obi-Wan.
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She was alone in a galaxy that tortured and executed surviving Jedi. She spent ten years plotting her revenge against Anakin. She was angry at Obi-Wan for not being there to stop Anakin, and rightfully so.
The Republic fell. Reva and her friends were left unprotected. She was the only person she relied on because everyone else failed her. She was only a child when she lost everyone.
And it's clear she was conflicted by her role as an Inquisitor. She doesn't have the training the other Inquisitors do because she volunteered to be an Inquisitor while all the others were tortured and terrorized into falling to the dark side. She only wanted access to Anakin so she could get justice for what he did to her and her family.
Unlike Anakin, Reva couldn't find it in herself to harm a child. She was seeking revenge solely against Anakin Skywalker. Luke and Leia are the same age she was when she watched her friends and family die in front of her.
Yes, she was prepared to torture Leia, but she consistently hesitated, and when Tala walked in, Reva turned away. She stopped. Yeah she was mad, but she didn't have to go through with it. She'd already planted a tracker on Lola. She was already planning on allowing them to escape so she could locate their secret base. She just needed to bait Obi-Wan. Her plan worked perfectly, and she didn't even have to hurt this child who was annoying the shit out of her (not realizing she was dealing with Anakin Skywalker's offspring).
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She went to Tatooine to kill Luke, but she couldn't. She hunted him down without bothering to kill Owen or Beru. She only cared about one thing. Getting justice for what happened to everyone she had been unable to save at the end of the war. She was only a child, and when she realized she was about to kill a defenseless child just to get revenge, she couldn't do it. She saw her face when she looked down at Luke and cried when she realized she couldn't do it.
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She was so horrified by what she had been prepared to do and returned him to Owen and Beru alive. She fell to her knees and sobbed because she thought she failed her family in the end.
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Obi-Wan was there for her this time. He reminded her that by showing mercy, she was giving her friends and family peace. She was not going to become the monster that Anakin Skywalker was.
Obi-Wan helped her and reminded her that she gets to decide who she wants to be from this point forward. She refused to become Anakin Skywalker, and a weight was finally starting to be lifted from her shoulders. A weight she had been carrying for ten long years.
She did what she thought she had to just to survive. She had only been a child with no guidance because everyone she loved died. She survived by joining the ranks of the enemy so she could plot her revenge. Obi-Wan showed her mercy at the moment she needed it most. He wasn't angry with her. He was compassionate. She survived Order 66 just like he did, but she had been defenseless when they were thrust into a galaxy that tortured and killed Force sensitive individuals and those who helped them. He had failed Reva during Order 66, and he wasn't going to fail her this time.
She is getting a second chance at finding her path in life despite the bad things she did. Everyone deserves a second chance. She was robbed of her childhood and had to grow up overnight. She had to learn how to survive. And that's exactly what she did. Just not in the way she expected.
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bikananjarrus · 4 months
lucky cassian and r2 have two options each!
(this was inspired by my rewatch of kenobi and seeing tala w ned-b. i didn’t include them bc we don’t get a lot of them, but i just love people and their droids <3)
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warsamongthestars · 25 days
TCWs had some timeline fuckery, cos well, it wasn't always linear and you couldn't always tell when or where something happened, and who saw it.
But since I've got a bit of a list of chronology, lemme give you the fun facts about the Domino Duo, Fives and Echo.
THE DOMINO DUO were... ... Adopted into the 501st during the Malevolence Crisis--thus would've definitely encountered the 104th. ... Present for Sergeant Denal, Rex's early season squadmate, and were around during the Battle of Deveron (Thus Denal's Death and the intro of Cad Bane). ... The Battle of Orto Plutonia, and the first appearance of Riyo Chuchi. ... The Zillo Beast ... The Second Campaign of Geonosis ... Saleucami (Though they weren't on the ground with Rex's Squad at the time) ... Could be argued that they were undergoing Arc Trooper training during the Battle of Sullust and missed the introduction of Savage.
Point is, the Domino Duo were in the 501st for a Good year before Lola Sayu (where Echo was presumed dead).
DOMINO SURVIVOR (Fives) was Around but Not Directly Present For... ... the Battle of Onderan (intro of Saw Guerra) ... Zygerria ... Kenobi's Fake Assassination ... Jedi Bombing Crisis
Fives did not make it a full "year" after Echo.
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tenaciousarcadeexpert · 9 months
list of young actresses of color who deserve to have more recognition and opportunities as actors like Florence Pugh, Anya Taylor-Joy, Kathryn Newton, Millie Bobby Brown etc. It would be refreshing to see more of these talented and underrated actresses of color
*Note, the list consists of actors born within the mid 90s-2000s. This might not be a complete list so whoever sees this is welcome to add more actors that I missed. I might update this post from time to time
This list has gotten so long that I have to make a separate one for male actors of color
Rachel Zegler-(she deserved way better than the hate over snow white)
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Lana Condor-(aside from x-men apocalypse and the to all the boys trilogy, she hasn't done much blockbusters compared to Noah, despite her being the lead in the latter films)
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Dominique Thorne-(She has her Ironheart and deserves more opportunities, both in the mcu and outside)
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Halle Bailey
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Maitreyi Ramakrishnan
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Lola Tung-(same example with Lana, pretty jarring how her male co-stars are getting work beyond the summer i turned pretty and yet there's nothing from Lola)
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Ashley Liao
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Megan Suri-(another cast member from Never Have I Ever who also deserves all the opportunites)
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Joy Sunday-(Bianca from Wednesday, deserves as much love as Emma Myers)
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Iman Vellani-(Ms Marvel/Kamala Khan herself, deserves to have a thriving career and be as big like Tom Holland)
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Ayo Edebiri-(2023 was a big year for her, hopefully it continues and she's not overlooked or overshadowed by her white co-stars in The Bear)
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Savannah Smith-(Carried the gossip girl reboot, she deserves to have as much recognition as Leighton and Blake did after the original Gossip Girl series)
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Madison Reyes-(Julie and the Phantoms deserved better than to be cancelled after one season and with a cliffhanger. Let her star in a musical and or disney film)
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Simone Ashley-(One of the main leads in Bridgerton yet Phoebe and Nicola have more upcoming projects than her in Hollywood)
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Charithra Chandran
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Arsema Thomas
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India Amarteifio
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Madeleine Madden-(Carried season 2 of The Wheel of Time and if you watched the whole season, you'll understand why)
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Moses Ingram-(Did not deserve the hate over the Obi Wan Kenobi series)
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Minnie Mills-(She deserved to appear in season 2 of The Summer I Turned Pretty)
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Amrit Kaur
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Alyah Chanelle Scott-(it's frustrating that both the main leading ladies of color are overshadowed by Renee Rapp and Pauline, who's related to Timothy)
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Letitia Wright-(Pretty jarring how she's been in plenty of mcu projects yet it's easy to count the number of roles she's been in outside the mcu, and has been acting since 2011, longer than Florence Pugh, Anya Taylor Joy and Millie Bobby Brown. Wright has even acted as long as Sophie Turner and Maisie Williams and they've been in more projects than her)
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Yasmin Finney-(She's done both Heartstopper and Doctor Who)
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Imani Lewis-(First Kill deserved better than being cancelled after one season. Let her do more horror and supernatural themed
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Leah Jeffries-(Deserves all the support especially once the Percy Jackson series comes out)
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Auli'i Cravahlo
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Erin Kellyman-(After the Han Solo film, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier and Willow, let her appear in more sci-fi and action blockbusters)
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Sadly, tumblr has a 30 limit on adding gifs. I definitely missed so many on the list. Anyone is welcome to add more to the list. All of these talented actresses deserve all the love, appreciation and more opportunities and roles
I might do a part 2 which will include male actors
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amerrierworld · 1 year
Ten Years
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Summary: You never thought you'd see him again. Yet there he was.
Characters: Obi-Wan x gn!reader
Word Count: 1.4k
Warnings: SPOILERS for Kenobi (2022). Reunion fluff. If folks want more of this, let me know...
You had been helping clean up the dishwasher droids when Queen Breha Organa had poked her head in the kitchens. All of you scampered to attention, and she chuckled, waving her hand and telling all the staff to relax.
“No reason to be so flustered, everyone,” she smiled kindly. “Y/N, could we see you for a moment?”
You blinked in surprise, before dropping your oil-stained cloth and apron on your chair and following the Queen from the kitchens.
She walked briskly down the hallway and you hurried to keep up, curious as to what was going on. You had been employed with the Organas for a decade now, had served and cleaned in every nook and cranny of their estate, and had become fast friends with their young daughter, whom you had tutored, cared for, and babysat multiple times.
Breha led you to her personal chambers where a clean, quite fancy-looking outfit was laid out over the bed, with added accessories and shoes even.
“Right then,” she said, clapping her hands. “This is yours. I think the sizing is fine, we based it around your uniform size so it should fit. If you could be ready and be at the doors of the landing platform in about half an hour, that would be fantastic. Just stay inside and wait until you’re told otherwise.”
“My lady?”
“And,” she brushed an oil spot off the side of your cheek. “Do tell me if the kitchen duties are boring you. You know we’d employ you to do anything you’d like around here. After everything you’ve done, it’s the least we could do.”
“Oh, thank you my lady, but there’s help needed in the kitchens, so I really don’t mind cleaning at the moment.”
“Very well,” she sighed, stepping away. “Half an hour, please. Don’t be late.”
“My lady?” you interjected again before she headed out the door. “Is there something going on?”
Breha smiled again, with a strange twinkle in her eyes. “Nothing to worry, dear. Just a surprise.”
“We can never repay you.”
“Well, she has already done that,” Obi-Wan sighed, looking over his shoulder at little Leia, giddily playing with Lola. Bail had a wry smile on his face as he followed his gaze to his adoptive daughter,
“I fear for her future, Obi-Wan,” he said. “The empire grows stronger and bolder. Not many can be trusted, and those we did trust… some are disappearing as we speak.”
“Well, if you ever need my help again, you know where to find me.” Obi-Wan clapped Bail on the shoulder. “I won’t be disappearing like that again.”
He turned to Breha, and grasped her hand. “Farewell, my lady.”
He pulled away, but Breha was still holding his hand. He looked up at her, and could sense she was holding something back.
“But before you go,” Breha interjected, shifting her eyes to glance at Bail. “Why not stay for dinner?”
Obi-Wan frowned, incredulity written all over his face. “Dinner? At a time like this?”
“Well, there’s lots to catch up on, isn’t there?”
“I don’t think being in hiding for ten years makes for a pleasant dinner conversation, Lady Breha,” Obi-Wan chuckled dryly. “Besides, it wouldn’t be safe.”
“I think you’ll want to stay for dinner, my friend,” Bail said, a mysterious lilt n his tone. “There’s something… someone for you to see.”
Obi-Wan furrowed his brow, his hand slipping from Breha’s and resting at his lightsaber hilt. “Is it dangerous?”
Bail gave a small smirk and nodded his head towards the entrance at the end of the walkway, where the metal doors slid open.
You fiddled with your sleeves, nervous at presenting yourself. You could only imagine some figurehead friend of Bail and Breha wanted to meet you out of all people. Perhaps an old politician friend they thought they could trust from the Old Republic. Maybe Leia wanted her to come for some silly party adventure. Whatever it was, you could take it.
As the doors finally opened, you squinted at the sunlight and looked out to see four figures standing by a small ship. Two were the Organas, one was little Leia, and the fourth…
Obi-Wan felt himself go numb at the sight of you. Still a distance away, but you, alive, and breathing.
He brushed past the Organas without much thought, feet feeling heavy as he thought he was seeing a ghost at first. Perhaps it wasn’t you, perhaps it was a trick of the light, or he really needed sleep. He stopped a few feet in, wind ruffling his hair as he stared.
But then you stepped out onto the walkway in the sunlight, and he saw your familiar beauty and kind eyes light up with disbelief and astoundment. You were wearing simple silver robes – an outfit he’d never seen you in before. Your face was clean, a bit wearier now, but your smile seemed the same. He inhaled sharply as the sun hit you and you suddenly stopped walking, a frown on your face as you looked at him from the distance.
First you thought, no it couldn’t be. Obi-Wan wouldn’t risk appearing like this, surely. What would he be doing here? Your heart was pounding and you felt yourself go numb when you realized, no, it really is him.
Then you broke out into a jog, and then you were sprinting towards him, and then he too began running towards you. Suddenly the only thing that mattered in the whole universe was getting to him, right now.
Your feet hit the stone beneath you as you ran, robes fluttering behind you. Wind rushed past you in a daze. Every second he came closer you couldn’t pry your eyes off him – afraid he’d disappear again.
The gasp of relief as you flung your arms around him sounded like music to his ears. It was hard to think it had been ten years when suddenly it felt like the old days again.
“Obi-Wan,” you breathed, voice breaking already. His arms wrapped around your waist and his own breath was shaky. You held the nape of his neck, caressing through his locks with a tenderness he had missed.
You wanted to breathe him in, remember the touch of his hands, the feeling of his body.
“I never thought I’d see you again,” you muttered into his cloak, eyes watering. “I didn’t know if you were alive… or far away… or…”
You pulled away from him to properly take in the sight of him. He had a rough, rugged beard that was thicker than the last time you saw him, and his hair was straggly and longer with much more greys.
“Oh,” you said softly, hand cupping his face with your eyes tracing the lines along his skin. “Time has not been kind to you, my darling.”
“What a kind way to tell me I’ve aged horribly,” he muttered with a huff of a laugh. His voice had your head swimming in wonderful, soothing molasses. You chuckled. He kept you close to his body, arms securely wrapped around your waist. “You haven’t changed, my dear.”
You threw your head back and scoffed, “it’s been ten years, Obi. Of course I have.”
“Well, to me, you haven’t,” he smiled. Your hand slipped down to rest on his chest, and you felt the throbbing of his heart, fast and nervous. He looked at you with softened, kind eyes, like the eyes that would look at you across from the booth at Dex’s Diner. Like the eyes that glistened when you had that rushed, heartfelt goodbye. Like the eyes that stared at you in the dark of the Jedi Temple when you stole a kiss from him, quickly and sweetly.
“I didn’t know you were on Alderaan,” he muttered. “How long--?”
“Since that day,” you said, looking up at him. The day when everything changed, and everything had gone wrong. “Bail told me he was taking the girl, and suggested I go with him. I had nowhere else to go, not when you…”
“When I told you that you couldn’t come with me and the boy,” his eyes were downcast, shifting away from you with a remorseful voice. “But why didn’t you tell me?”
“How could I? You insisted on the secrecy, and I wanted all of us, you, me, them to be safe. Plus, you were already gone by the time I had made my choice.”
Obi-Wan opened his mouth, desperate to find out more, but then a small girl flung herself around your form and pulled at your robes.
“You know him?!” Leia gasped. You chuckled, returning the hug.
“Yes, Leia. We happen to be very old friends.”
“Emphasis on old,” Obi-Wan added. You shot him a look as Bail and Breha both joined you again, beaming with wide smiles.
“So, old friend,” Bail chuckled. “Now will you stay for dinner?”
Obi-Wan took one glance at you and smiled. “Yes.”
A/N: Back on the star wars bandwagon folks... maybe more to come?? I need to catch up on all my shows 0.0
AND THANK U for the music suggestions so far! Am working on them :3
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maes-flowers · 1 year
For them, For us [6] (Obi-wan x Reader)
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Summary: Following the Kenobi series, two former Jedi masters Obi-wan Kenobi and Y/n Marilla are grieving the lost of Anakin, Padme, and the jedi purge. After pledging to watch over Luke Skywalker and spending ten years in exile and making a life together, what will happen when the mistakes they made in their past come back as a new threat?
Warnings: Canon typical violence but that should be it
Authors note: IM ALIVE AND BACK BITCHES ive been working on this on and off for the last few months that its gotten way longer than i was planning and I still have 14 pages that I spilt off from this for the final part and maybe a epilogue as well but I've missed this series so much and if you enjoyed this very overdue update please let me know down below!
Prologue - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5
You and Obi-wan watched Leia comfort people with Lola as the explosions grew closer together, the small droid beeping happily at a little boy and his mother. She must've sensed your presence because she turned around and smiled as you waved her over.
Obi-wan kneeled on the ground as you stood behind him, when Leia walked over clutching Lola. 
“They're scared.” she said, another explosion boomed outside. “She keeps their mind off of it.”
“Maybe I should borrow her too.” Obi-wan suggested.
Leia looked at him confused.
You sighed and placed a nervous hand on Obi-wan's shoulder.
“Leia, Ben and I…” you swallowed nervously, this was harder than you thought it would be, Leia watched you with big eyes as you sucked in a deep breath.
“We’re going to go after Vader, but you're going to stay here.”
Leia's eyes grew wide and she shook her head in protest.
“No! No way! You can’t just leave me here!” she shouted.
“We’re the ones Vader wants. If we go he will follow.” Obi-wan explained gently.
“No, I'm not letting you!”
“Leia, please.” you begged.
Everyone was looking now, worry and fear as they heard what the two of you were planning to do. The woman who Leia was talking to moments ago now stood up and looked at you and Obi-wan confused.
“Wait, what happened to all of us staying together?!”
Another explosion went off, making you run a frustrated hand over your face before you looked at her with an exasperated look.
“Roken needs more time to fix the ship, this will give him that time!” you sighed, clasping your hands together like you were begging. “You have spent ten years protecting the Jedi, this is our chance to return the favor.”
“But we're so close!” Roken argued.
“Roken, you know this plan makes sense!” you replied grimly.
“No, we need you!” Sully now chimed in.
“It’ll buy you the time you need! You must get these people out of here, you are all the future!” Obi-wan exclaimed looking down at Leia. “You are the future! You're what's needed to survive.”
Leia looked away from his piercing gaze, you could've sworn you saw her eyes watering with tears but before you could get a decent look at her she turned around and ran away.
“No!” she shouted and ran around the corner.
“Leia!” you went to go after her but Haja intercepted and placed his hands on your shoulders to stop you.
“She needs to be given space.” Haja suggested.
“You must promise us that you'll get her home, Haja.” Obi-wan begged. “As soon as we’re in the clear.”
Haja’s gaze flickered between yours and Obi-wan's faces, and it was the most serious you've ever seen the man in the short time you knew him.
“You have my word,” he promised. “Although, I know the words of a liar and a fake jedi may not mean much to you.”
“It means everything to us,” You placed a hand on his chest and you watched as Haja’s face softened at your words. 
“Go get your things, I'll go talk to Leia.”
You were putting medical supplies in your bag when Roken walked in, holding something brown in his hands as he walked up to you and Obi-wan. There were no words spoken as he handed Obi-wan the object he was holding, once you could see the line of dashes you sniffled and gently ran your hands over the holster Tala had used in her final moments. The leather wasn't too damaged, just some scuff marks and scratches that could be repaired. You glanced up at Roken and mouthed a silent thank you, not wanting to break the moment of silence for the person you all lost. Roken pursed his lips in acknowledgment before he left the two of you alone.
Looking back down at the holster you sighed, you don't have a blaster anymore and quite frankly didn't like using one but you didn't want it to go to waste if you had brought it with you and ended up dying tonight if things went the worst way possible.
“Can you teach me how to shoot?” Leia's question to Tala coming back from the depths of your memory.
“I think we should go talk to Leia now.” you whispered looking up at Obi-wan
“I agree.”
It didn't take too long to find Leia, a perk for the smaller ship you were thankful for since there weren't many places for her to hide which led you to find her in a corner with Haja kneeling in front of her, whispering in her ear while Leia looked down at her lap. You grabbed Obi-wan's hand and placed Tala’s holester in it.
“I think you should give it to her.”  Obi-wan looked slightly surprised but he clutched it tight in his hand, a silent gesture that showed you he was thankful for the opportunity. Haja heard you talking and said one more thing before he stood up and left the three of you alone.
“Thank you Haja.” you said gratefully as he walked out.
You and Obi-wan walked slowly to Leia, who stubbornly kept her gaze on the floor as she refused to even look at the both of you.
“You said you'd take me home.” she said, bitterly.
“I wish that we could, Leia.” Obi-wan said regretfully. “Really I do.”
Obi-wan thought for a moment before he spoke again.
“Please tell your father we tried.”
Obi-wan kneeled on the ground and held out Talas' holster, handing it to Leia. she ran her small hands over the material slowly.
“Roken found it before we got out, she would have wanted you to have it.”
“It's empty.” she observed and you held back the urge to laugh as Obi-wan rolled his eyes.
“Well, I wasn't gonna give you a blaster, Leia. you're ten years old.”
He sighed.
“But you won't always be.”
You kneeled down next to Obi-wan and put your hand on Leia's leg and squeezed it gently to grab her attention. When she finally looked up at you, and you ignored the slight sting behind your eyes as you stared at her. The reality of leaving her alone and this being possibly the last time you saw your niece crashing down at you at once. Your mouth opening and closing repeatedly trying to find the words to explain what you wanted to say to her but your mind came up short. You stopped trying to talk when she jumped down from where she was sitting and came to hug you, freezing for a moment before you melted into the touch and wrapping your arms around her small frame tightly, your cheek resting on the top of her head as you sighed.
You wanted to remember every feeling of this hug, just in case it was your last. After a few more moments you forced yourself to pull away from her strong grip, and kissed her forehead.
You watched bittersweetly as she jumped into Obi-wan's arms next, his arms wound tight around her just like you did moments ago and closed his eyes for a second. When she pulled away from him she looked at both of you with pleading eyes.
“Come back…Please.” she whispered.
You and Obi-wan hesitated, it was unfair of you to promise something like that when you were so unsure on how this was going to play out, you didn't want to give her false hope.
But you couldn't say no to her, no matter how hard you tried.
“I promise.” You and Obi-wan said together.
You prayed desperately you would be able to keep that promise.
You and Obi-wan split off from each other, going to one side of the medium sized hangar below the ship as Roken prepared the dropship. You wanted to meditate to clear your mind before you left while Obi-wan attempted to speak to Qui-jon. 
Obi-wan was prepared to die if it came to it, giving his life to fix a wrong he had a part in to do what he could to fix a trail of death and destruction that has been carved in the large expanse of the galaxy over the last ten years. However, you were not prepared to lose Obi-wan or die at the hands of someone you knew long ago. No, not at all.
You were terrified.
You never questioned the Jedi when you were in the temple. the training, the robes, the almost dehumanizing set of rules in place that have been embroidered so deeply into you it could've been visible on your skin. You always believed you were the one that needed to change, the Jedi had this practice in place because they were good and if you messed up then you deserved punishment from the council themselves, and you as well as Obi-wan stood by as they broke Anakin down and manipulated him as they told him the same rhetoric they told you and Obi-wan and hundreds before you. 
Flashes of memories came to mind as you stood in the hangar of the ship, chances to make a difference, to stand up for a kid who was claimed to be the chosen one but was never given any choices of his own. A basic human right stripped away in the name of protecting peace and bringing balance to the force.
Anakin, Obi-wan, as well as yourself lost a freedom you never got to experience due to the jedi order, and even when it crumbled to the ground like a pile of sand facing a gust of wind the reprecisions of the choices you've made and the jedi order played a direct hand into giving the galactic empire its power which led you hiding away for ten years as you were hunted down for something you didn't ask to be apart of. The fear of being found and the unhealed trauma you and Obi-wan experienced held you back from truly living for yourselves and for each other.
You wanted to live in peace with him. You wanted to love Obi-wan to the point he would feel suffocated in the best way possible, to kiss him, to hug him, to bicker, to give him a part of you no one else would receive and vice versa.
You wanted to heal.
And now that the chance to do any of those things were at stake and you were scared for what is going to come next, scared to face the result of many regrets.
“You okay?”
You turned around and saw Roken, his arms crossed as he leaned against the wall. Nodding as you pressed the heels of your hands into your eyes as if you could force the tears back into your tear ducts, clearing your throat you looked back at him.
“Yeah, I will be.” a lie filled with hope slipped out. “The dropship ready?”
Roken nodded.
“I'm about to let Obi-wan know, figured I'd grab you first.”
“Lead the way then.” 
You followed Roken to the otherside of the hangar where Obi-wan was in silence, hoping once you saw him his presence would calm you down enough for you to be able to support Obi-wan in any way he needed.
He was sitting on a supply crate, holding his lightsaber in his hands as he inspected it with unease, Most likely trapped in his own thoughts just as you were moments ago.
“Are you ready?” Roken asked him as you walked over to him, your body gravitating to his side like an unknown force was pulling you. “The dropships ready.” Obi-wan stood up, clipping his lightsaber to his belt.
“You don't have to do this, you know.” Roken said, giving one more shot at convincing the two of you to stay. “We can still fix the drive!”
“I have to go.” Obi-wan said.
Roken shook his head and stared at him for a moment.
“It's not about us, is it?” he asked. “You want to do it, it's about you and him.”
A larger explosion shook the ship hard, making you grab Obi-wan's shoulder to balance, you looked at Roken with pleading eyes.
“Keep them safe.” 
“Keep yourselves safe too.”
“Roken,” Obi-wan called out. “There are not many leaders left, but people follow you…don't stop.”
Roken smirked and shook his head.
“I'm just getting started.”
Obi-wan set a path to the nearest planet in the outer rim, not wanting to risk going back to Jabiim where the possibility of imperials were still there. Even now he expertly avoided the shots aimed at your ship, dogging and rolling with ease. You watched out the window as the large imperial ship stopped following Rokens transport.
“Entering the atmosphere.” Obi-wan said.
Your hands curled around the armrests of the co-pilot's chair as the ship rattled roughly as you approached the planet. The next minute of rough turbulence made you hold your breath before it smoothed out and you could make out the terrain of the planet below you. The sky held a dark bluish tint above you with murky gray clouds casted out making it darker than it already was, all around were pillars of rocks tall enough they reminded you of the tall buildings of Coruscant.
Obi-wan landed the ship in a small circle of clear land and powered down the ship, his fingers moving quickly across the control pad turning off the engine. You unbuckle your seatbelt and stand up and look over your shoulder at Obi-wan. He stood up and shrugged off his robe, a loud chirping noise came from his pocket as he pulled out the object and held it up to his face.
Lola beeped excitedly at him and you and Obi-wan looked up at each other and smiled, of course Leia would find a way to comfort you both even without her being present. Obi-wan handled the small droid with care and gently placed her on the dashboard, placed his robe on the pilot's chair, and took a calming breath and opened the door.
“Obi-wan.” you called out quickly, he turned to look at you with concern. “I love you.”
You watched his face soften and he reached his hand out and rested it on your cheek.
“I love you too, starlight.” 
Nothing else had to be said, you will be happy if your final words to him were those.
A warm breeze hit your skin as the hatch door lowered, your eyes held a hard gaze at the tall rocks surrounding you as you focused your mind on the target of the soon to be fight and not your emotions. It didn’t matter if it was Anakin or Vader, only one side will make it off this planet tonight.
And you will fight until there is nothing left to ensure it was the two of you.
But you could still feel the anger, fear, and sorrow building inside of you. The control of your darkest emotions had lessened greatly since the fight on mapuzo and the fear of slipping even deeper scared you. 
You weren't sure if you could stay in the light and fight Anakin at the same time.
Reaching for Obi-wan’s hand you gripped it tightly, the force of it making him look over at you in worry. He squeezed back with even more force than you did and for a moment everything else drained away.
Then you saw a ship enter the atmosphere and you were dragged back to reality.
Sucking in a deep breath you allowed Obi-wan to drop your hand as the two of you walked down the ramp and far away from the ship to prevent any potential damage. Your boots crunched loudly on the rocky terrain below you as a cold wind swept up your gray vest. You watched in silence as his ship grew closer and closer until it landed in front of you. 
The hatch to Anakins ship opened and your hand went to the hilt of your lightsaber as a cacophony of modulated breathing filled the air as he descended down the ramp, a silhouette of black slowly coming toward you like a reaper.
Planting your feet firmly in the ground, you rolled your shoulders, hoping your  false confident stance will turn into real confidence. Your eyes flickered to Obi-wan, his blue orbs looking like a stormy gray under the dark sky as you watched his jaw tighten under the weight of his teeth as Anakin began coming towards you. You gripped your lightsaber hard enough you felt the stinging bite of the groves in the metal go into the skin of your hand as the man in black stopped a mere couple feet in front of you. 
“Have you come to destroy me Obi-wan?
The blue light from Obi-wan's saber then quickly illuminated the air around you a rich blue as  Obi-wan raised his arm in position.
“I will do what I must.”
“Then you will die!” Anakin's modulated voice bellowed as the crimson red light from his lightsaber  tainted the air around you, as he moved quickly to jam his blade into Obi-wan's jugular. You parried the blow and swung up from under and knocked your saber against his and rolled to avoid Obi-wan's strike the kickup of dust getting in your eyes as you stood and spun your saber in your hands before changing your grip to stab him in the back, the heat of your blade burned a hole into his cape before Anakin sidestepped away from you and grabbed the back of Obi-wan's neck, lighting him off the ground before throwing him at your feet. 
Obi-wan recovered swiftly and rolled onto his feet and yanked you behind him  and blocked the attack as he went for both of your heads.
You and Obi-wan knew how Anakin fought and he knew how the both of you fought which created a repetitive game of attacks that forced the three of your further into the rocky terrain of pillars and gravel below your boots leaving you unsteady as lightsaber created a rainfall of sparks as the grinding of mineral surrounding you as Obi-wan shoved Anakin back until Obi-wan raised his hand and used the force to try to throw a rock down on Anakin's head. 
Anakin easily caught the rock's weight as the two fought for control before he forced pushed the rock over your heads making shatter on impact once it landed on the ground.
“Your strength has returned.” Anakin mocked before his helmet turned to you. “But the weakness remains!” he shouted before picking up a boulder and throwing it at you, you sliced through the rock and covered your head as the pieces landed behind you.
You watched as Anakin slammed his forearm into Obi-wan's nose and the loud crack that followed, the quick blight of pain allowed him to  sweep rocks under Obi-wan making him land on his back. You ran for but went stiff as he used one hand to keep you back as Obi-wan scrambled to get footing Anakin slammed his other hand on the ground, quickly quaking and cracking before a sinkhole formed, swallowing Obi-wan.
“That is why you'll always lose!”
“No!” you screamed.
You watched in horror as boulder after boulder was thrown in after Obi-wan until the sound of his screams were buried under the rocks.  Suddenly you felt your legs get pulled to the ground and your back hit the gravel beneath you as he began to drag you with the force. Shards of rock and dirt tore the fabric of your tunic and went into your back as you dug your nails into the solid earth below you to hold yourself back.
Once you were at Anakin's feet you felt the tip of his boot slam into your stomach, you gagged at the force of air leaving you as dark spots filled your vision. You didn't have time to think before you were dragged up  a rock and shoved against it, your skull bouncing off the hard matter as you and Anakin's helmet were just a few mere inches apart.
“Did you truly think you two could defeat me?” the modulated voice hissed with detest.
You gasped and struggled in the tight grasp of his robotic hand, the warmth of blood ran down the back of your neck. 
“You have failed.” he pointed out
Adrenaline was the only thing keeping you moving, the wheeze’s from your throat loud as the pressure around your throat grew. 
“I have seen your potential, Y/n” He said. “Join me and you will no longer be a failure to people. You can be powerful and feared.”
You let out a weak laugh and shook your head.
“I would much rather be a failure trying to do the right thing than to be feared by doing something wrong.” you choked out.
Lifting your leg as high as you could, you planted your foot on the chest plate of the suit and pushed him back causing him to stumble and lose his grip on you, you fell to your feet. 
It's been too long since you had to actually calculate and analyze someone in combat and it showed. You were reacting and not thinking through your next moves. If Master Stass had seen it you would have been ripped a new one.
“Focus Y/N, what is his weakness?” you asked yourself. Stumbling forward you truly looked at Vader for the first time, not as the man you once knew but who he was now.
And he was Large
That meant he was slow, his prosthetic limbs also didn't help with that either. All you had to do was be quicker and be relentless,  give him no room to breathe let alone react.
Grabbing your lightsaber you began to sprint, pumping your legs as fast as they could go you jumped and landed on Vader's back. You slammed the hilt of your lightsaber over and over into his helmet. Forcing your anger and sorrow into every hit and not stopping when you heard a crack. 
Vader's gloved hand reached up and yanked you over his shoulders by your wrist and threw you into the ground below. You activated your lightsaber and slashed at a boulder, and quickly used the force to slam it into his chest making him stumble back. Shooting your hand out, you force pulled him back to you and spun your saber and shoved the hilt into the underside of his jaw, Vader grunted in pain as you slammed your boot into his stomach.
You were enjoying it, your anger growing and fueling your muscles to slam hit after hit into him and you grinned when you were able to slash a cut across his armored chest. It was service level but the heat from it alone had to burn the already charred flesh underneath.
But Vader grew tired of your attacks and was able to grab ahold of the nape of your neck he pushed you face first into one of the large boulders and then hauled you backwards before he shoved you forward again. You face smacking the rocks until you hear a crack in your nose.
You let out a pained shout and when he went to smack you into the rock a third time the ground below began to rumble and shift beneath you. 
The ground crumbled as an explosion of rocks exploded from the ground revealing Obi-wan climbing out of the hole he was buried in and going straight to Anakin. Taking advantage of Obi-wan reemergence you swung up and slammed your fist into his throat.  Anakin choked for a moment before he refocused on Obi-wan, His lightsaber lighting up the determined look on his face as he slashed his weapon at his former best friend, you watched in amazement as Obi-wan maneuvered quickly around Anakin and parried every attack sent down on him. The clashes of light turned the air around them a bright purple luminating the fight better than the natural glum sky above them ever could.
Obi-wan forced pushed Anakin into a rock a few feet away and you flinched at the pained shout he let out as he fell to his knees. Obi-wan raised his arms above his head and rocks lifted in the air and began to plummet them at him. Anakin slowly worked himself up from the constant blows and threw himself at Obi-wan, tackling him to the ground. 
You ignored the rubble that was embedded into the skin of your back and  sprinted towards the two of them, the limp in your step slowing you down more than you wanted to admit as you made your way to Obi-wan who recovered quickly from his fall and was standing again. His gaze shifted to you for a moment, eyes wide in adrenaline and Anakin followed his gaze that soon landed on you. Flinching when he raised his hand to use the force you waited for the pressure around your throat, you were too tired and too injured to focus on putting up a mental block from him but the crushing pain never came.
Opening your eyes you saw Obi-wan interlinked their hands and was shoving the hilt of his lightsaber into the box that rested on Anakin's chest repeatedly.You heard Anakin's desperate wheezes as he tired to fight back but more and more sparks shot out as  he rammed it harder and harder into his chest before force pushing him backwards and using a bolder to knock him down on his knees, Obi-wan panted before he sprinted and sliced his helmet. The metal burned orange near his head as Anakin kneeled to the ground, Obi-wan stumbled back away from him. Sweat and blood dried to his skin and beard. 
Where Obi-wan saw the moment to stop you couldn't, you could end this nightmare right here and the bloodshed would be over.
You reached your hand toward Obi-wans and force pulled his lightsaber out of his hands and into yours, Obi-wan snapped his head towards you as you walked right up to Anakin's kneeling form, his head was tilted down so you couldn't see his face. 
Your chest heaved as you held both lightsabers in front of his neck, the blades crossed over each other.
One move, and he would be dead.
“Y/n!” Obi-wan warned, but despite knowing you should listen to your husband you couldn't bring yourself to care.
“Was it worth it?” you seethed. “Losing everyone you loved, everything you were, for this?”
Anakin just wheezed.
The lack of response had you kick him, the force of him bringing him closer to the ground as his wheezing grew louder. You felt like you couldn't breathe, the pain was beginning to choke you and you blinked back tears and out of the corner of your eye you could see his lightsaber a couple feet away from him and you blinked.
He was unarmed.
Suddenly it was like your consciousness had gained the reins of your mind again and you realized what you were doing. 
“There's still good in him.”
You've lost too much thanks to Anakin. Your freedom, your friends, your family, and your home.
You refused to lose yourself to him as well.
Deactivating the light sabers, you looked over at Obi-wan with tears in your eyes as he stepped forward and pulled you away from his former Padawan and took back his lightsaber from your shaking hands.
Then Anakin began to laugh, weak and almost breathless as he kept his head hung low.
Until he looked up at the both of you.
“Weak and pathetic.” he seethed. “Coward!”
You and Obi-wan watched in horror as half of his charred face came into the light, burned to the point his skin looked like leather leaving him almost unrecognizable. 
Obi-wan lowered his lightsaber in shock at the state of his former brother.
“Anakin” Obi-wan called out softly.
You watched as Anakin stood up and you froze as bright yellow eyes burned into you like the fires on Mustafar.
You couldn't believe those eyes are the same one that held childlike wonder the first time he saw rain.
“Anakin is gone.” he said, his voice distorted from the modulator being damaged. “I am what remains.”
You watched Obi-wans teared up and let out a shaky sigh, his face crumbling in guilt.
“I'm sorry, Anakin.” Obi-wan cried. “For all of it.”
“I am not your failure Obi-wan.” Anakin said. “You didn't kill Anakin Skywalker.”
A twisted grin pulled at the burnt skin of Anakin's cheeks.
“I did. The same way I will destroy you and her.” he spat.
You ignored the tears that burned at your eyes, threatening to fall as Obi-wan shook his head.
“Then our friend is truly dead.”
You watched the man in front of you sway as he held his lightsaber, ready to fight again.
Obi-wan put away his lightsaber and you quickly follow suit, this fight was over. And the truth was the man in front of them both now was someone who deserved to die but despite everything you or Obi-wan couldn't bring yourself to do it.
You bit the inside of your cheek  as you looked at the man who used to be Anakin Skywalker, the little boy you held at night, helped train, cooked for, and loved like he was your own blood. 
That little boy was gone and what remained in front of you was a stranger you resented.
 “Goodbye…Darth.” Obi-wan said before he turned and looked at you and without a single word he put your shoulder around him and supported your weight as you both walked away together.
Beaten, bloody, and exhausted.
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Past Polls
Round 1: Peter : WINNER: Peter Parker (Spider-Man)
Round 2: Elizabeth : WINNER: Elizabeth Swann (Pirates of the Caribbean)
Round 3: Jason : WINNER: Jason Mendoza (The Good Place)
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Round 96: Michelle : WINNER: Michelle Mallon (Derry Girls)
Round 97: Neil : WINNER: Neil Perry (Dead Poets Society)
Round 98: Lisa : WINNER: Lisa Cuddy (House MD)
Round 99: Tony : WINNER: Tony Soprano (The Soprano's)
Round 100: Karen : WINNER: Karen Smith (Mean Girls)
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trudemaethien · 10 months
The ship: Fives/Longshot Words: revise, lake, reference
Good luck!
hi here i am to ruin your happiness, im very sorry but guess what! these two met in canon! guess where! 😈😅😰🥺
TW: canon compliant deaths, graphic, DDDNE
“So you’re the troopers Commander Cody assigned to this mission. Five of you, huh?”
“And you’re Captain Rex’s pick for the mission? Only two of you, huh?” one of the gold-painted troopers mimicked.
Fives broke into a friendly grin and offered his hand to the brother who had the balls to challenge an ARC. Echo shook his head; he always bemoaned Fives’ methods of getting others to revise their bad opinions of Torrent’s ARCs. They had a reputation they couldn’t shake now, though.
The trooper stared unmoving at it for almost too long to be anything but insulting, then clacked their vambraces together, their gloved thumbs rasping against blacks in the gap of armor at the bend of the elbow.
“We’re going to show the Seppies there’s no prison strong enough to withstand the combined forces of Ghost and Torrent!” another trooper enthused.
“Or not show them, I think the point is,” Fives’ new friend said wryly. “It is stealth infil we’re going for here, Mayhem.”
“Of course the sniper wants to avoid direct contact, Longshot.”
Fives deftly cut off the impending spat, “You’ve all been selected for your excellence in your specialty, and we’ll have need of each of your expertise on this mission.”
“Our specialty as ARCs is to have your backs,” Echo promised. “We’re trained to be as close to Jedi as Force-Nulls can be, so think of us as roving assets like Kenobi, not that we’re as experienced as your esteemed General.”
“Just twice as devilishly handsome,” Fives joked, and then overtly checked over his shoulder as though to ensure the Jedi hadn’t overheard his boast. It made the group of clones laugh, and tensions ease completely as they introduced themselves: Longshot, Charger, Mayhem, Fletch, and Chance.
Despite the impromptu team bonding, the mission on Lola Sayu was a clusterfuck nearly from the start. Ahsoka had stowed away. Fives almost dropped Charger off the cliff, but Echo caught him—just not before he accidentally set off one of the mines and triggered the alarm.
Inside, the defenses were insane. Holocams watched them, laser turrets activated at the slightest motion, electricity crackled down the walls. There was a moving force field that raced up to catch the rear guards. Charger, winded by the previous blast, stumbled; Echo’s fingertips almost brushed him, but he had to jerk back to avoid the lightning himself. One save, only to lose the man minutes later. Echo would be chastising himself, but Fives could help his partner deal with it after the mission was over.
Fives managed to snag the other man who’d been bringing up the rear, his new sniper friend. He bodily slammed the regular trooper none too gently into an alcove as the field passed them by. He knew Echo would be jealous but also glad of his success. One less casualty.
Longshot breathed raggedly. “Thanks,” he croaked. “Running from death traps is not my specialty. Give me a sight and a site, anytime.”
“Just stay with me, and I’ll paint you some targets to take out,” Fives promised, and got them moving again, herding everyone into a bounding overwatch.
The SNAFU only got worse from there.
Mayhem got caught in a door and cut in two. The prison warden executed Chance without a second thought to try and intimidate Jedi Master Piell. Fletch got shot by a crab droid. Of the five clone POWs they rescued, Kip and Jecko were shot down from their ascension cables, and Nav Officer Tuurn threw himself in front of a blast meant for Tarkin.
And Echo. Echo went down in an explosion trying and failing to save their escape craft. All the remaining troopers could do was watch in increasing horror as their numbers and hope of rescue dwindled.
Rex and Cody were still standing, of course, and Fives. They did have two of their rescues still, Effo and Mill, but the only other man remaining from the original team was Longshot.
As promised, Fives painted targets for him in between his own shots, and Longshot never missed. Fives privately felt responsible for this trooper’s safety in a desperate, last-ditch sort of way. He’d failed all the rest of the team he was supposed to be looking out for, but if he could only make sure this one made it back…
The Warden pinned them down on an island in the midst of the lava sea, and desperately, Fives shot at his speeder; his shot didn’t hit, but the sniper’s did. They made a good team, even diminished.
Fives whipped off a congratulatory salute at his buddy even as Tarkin and the warden grappled nearby.
The cavalry arrived: Commander Wolffe and Plo Koon.
Ahsoka stabbed the warden. They were done. Nothing else was stopping them from leaving
Fives turned back to give Longshot a hand up into the larty, only to see him take a hit on the shoulder from a stray droid—survivable—but then stumble off the lip of the island, into the lava.
His plastoid warped and dripped, and grimly Fives shot him, a clean kill, before he could scream again.
just beyond my grasp 🔒 https://archiveofourown.org/works/51735298
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melymigo · 2 years
Character's descriptions of the Lego Skywalker Saga game.
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Full descriptions here:
Hunter is the leader of Clone Force 99, the squadron of clones that developed advantageous mutations during their cloning process. Despite their desirable skills, the squad are often ironically  referred to as the "Bad Batch". Hunter's unique mutation lead to the enhancement of all his senses, which make him a keen strategist and effective leader in the field.
A member of Clone Force 99, commonly known as the "Bad Batch", Tech is an elite soldier that developed beneficial mutations during the cloning process. His heightened cognitive abilities make Tech a gifted engineer and scientist.
He provides the Bad Batch with unique advantages in the field, such as translating alien languages to communicate with locals and gain vital intel. Despite his penchant for technology, Tech is known to be a rather talkative clone.
Wrecker was one of the many clones created for the Grand Army of the Republic, but due to his desirable mutations,  he was assigned to Clone Force 99. This unique squad of clones referred to themselves as "The Bad Batch" and each of the members had beneficial mutations that gave them an advantage in the battlefield. Wrecker had developed increased strength and was vastly bigger than regular clones.
The cantankerous clone known as Crosshair is a member of the Clone Force 99, or the "Bad Batch".
His unique genetic mutations have Crosshair exceptional sharpshooting abilities, making him one of the galaxy's most gifted marksmen. The sniper has a reputation of being a rather cynical figure and is often heard disdainfully referring to regular clone troopers as "regs".
Gravely injured whilst, on Lola Sayu, Echo was captured by Separatists and turned into a cyborg. The injured clone was kept in stasis on Anaxes (Skako minor) unwittingly feeding the Techno Union intel on the Republic. He was eventually rescued by Clone Force 99, who subsequently invited him to join their ranks, as his cybernetic abilities made him a perfect candidate for the squad. With Commander Rex's blessing,  Echo accepted the offer and now proudly serves in clone force 99.
Commander Cody
CC-2224, or "Cody", was a Commander in the Clone Army. A master tactician and gifted soldier,  Cody not only had the respect of his fellow clone troopers  but also the Jedi. He was especially close to Master Obi-Wan Kenobi,  whom he accompanied to the Outer Rim in search of General Grievous.
Captain Rex
CT-7567, nicknamed Rex, was a respected leader of the 501st legion of clone troopers and a hero of the Republic Army. An unusually freethinking clone, Rex was a leader who cared much about the clones under his command and became fast friends with both Anakin Skywalker and his apprentice, Ahsoka Tano -completing many successful missions together.
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caracarnn · 6 months
The rules are simple! Post characters you’d like to roleplay as, have roleplayed as, and might bring back. Then tag ten people to do the same (if you can’t think of ten, just write down however many you can and tag that number of people). Please repost, don’t reblog!
CURRENT MUSE(S): (canon muses)
Rand al'Thor (the wheel of time)
Elayne Trakand (the wheel of time)
Andraste (dragon age)
Asmodean (the wheel of time)
Ciri (the witcher)
Daenerys Targaryen (asoiaf)
Dalinar Kholin (the stormlight archive)
Deirdre Mayfair (anne rice)
Elend Venture (mistborn)
Galad Damodred (the wheel of time)
George Villiers (mary & george)
Geralt of Rivia (the witcher)
Jon Snow (asoiaf)
Julien Mayfair (anne rice)
Kaladin Stormblessed (the stormlight archive)
Kelsier (mistborn)
Mona Mayfair (anne rice)
Padme Amidala (star wars)
Perrin Aybara (the wheel of time) Renarin Kholin (the stormlight archive)
Robb Stark (asoiaf)
Rowan Mayfair (anne rice)
Shallan Davar (the stormlight archive)
Spook (mistborn)
Stella Mayfair (anne rice)
Tyrion Lannister (asoiaf)
Empress Tuon (the wheel of time)
Yennefer of Vengerberg (the witcher)
Anne of Austria (the musketeers)
Arno Dorian (assassin's creed)
Cesare Borgia (the borgias)
Daryl Dixon (the walking dead)
David 8 (alien)
Eleanor Guthrie (black sails)
Ellie (the last of us game)
Sir Gawain (the green knight)
Hannibal Lecter (hannibal)
James Flint (black sails)
Jamie Fraser (outlander)
Jesper Fahey (six of crows)
Katrina van Tassel (sleepy hollow)
Klaus Mikaelson (tvd)
Louis Pointe du Lac (anne rice)
Lucien Grimaud (the musketeers)
Magneto (xmen)
Obi Wan Kenobi (star wars)
Philippe d'Orleans (versailles)
Ragnar Lothbrok (vikings)
Rebekah Mikaelson (tvd)
Richie Gecko (from dusk till dawn)
Rick Grimes (the walking dead)
Sam Bridges (death stranding)
Ubbe Ragnarsson (vikings)
Victor Frankenstein (penny dreadful/novel)
idk? lol I mean I always happen on someone new everyday so --- there are tons. I was looking for someone from the Dune novels but idk. Lestat? DONT KNOW
HAVE WRITTEN: (these I only write for strict people still but usually nope)
Steve Rogers (mcu)
Athos (the musketeers)
Porthos (the musketeers)
Loki (mcu)
Natasha Romanoff (mcu)
Doctor Strange (mcu)
Lanfear (the wheel of time)
Dr. Thresden (ahs)
every sarah paulson ahs character ever lol
mark (orphan black)
John Constantine (dc)
Oliver Queen (arrow)
Sylar (heroes)
Claire Bennett (heroes)
Sara Howard (the alienist)
Lucius Isaacson (the alienist)
Freydis (vikings)
Katia (vikings)
Aslaug (vikings)
Thor (mcu)
Edward Kenway (assassin's creed)
a bunch of other assassin's creed characters lol
Alina Starkov (shadow and bone)
Genya Safin (shadow and bone)
Luke Crain (Haunting of Hill House)
Eva Villanueva  (high seas)
Lola ( reign)
Bash (reign)
Henry & Catherine (reign)
Michael Curry (anne rice)
Every Mayfair character ever lol (anne rice)
Santanico (from dusk till dawn)
Clarke Griffin (the 100)
Quicksilver (mcu)
Jensen (the losers)
Aragorn (lotr)
tagged by: @luckhissoul & @stcrforged tagging: @ofprevioustimes @adversitybloomed @malumxsubest @uncxntrxllable @forwardlion @depictedblue @qanedanegros @theasteria @revelour
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moonlit-imagines · 2 years
Headcanons for being Leia Organa’s nanny
Leia Organa x reader
a/n: i forgot abt lola!!! and this request!!!
prompt: anonymous: “Could I request headcanons from the Obi-Wan Kenobi series about being child!Princess Leia‘s babysitter, please? Thank you!”
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your family had been trusted members of the Alderaanian Royal Guard for generations
you’d worked around the castle for some time before there was a delightful new addition to the royal family
and they asked you to care for her personally
“y/n, i think we have the perfect job for you” -bail
you met leia soon after she was born and thought she was the most beautiful girl to exist
“oh, i think i’m going to enjoy this job” -you
(it ended up being the most daunting thing you’d ever have to face)
she was not at all fussy as a baby, but as she grew up she got VERY sassy
and adventurous
“leia! no, please get down from there! your parents cannot know you climbed that high!” -you
“i can go higher!” -leia, climbing a tree
you just about had a heart attack
it only encouraged her
leia may be an adrenaline junkie, but she’s not opposed to a nice night in
you’ve gotten her to settle in with a good book and some homemade treats
breha and bail encourage you to teach her life skills, so she’s made a few meals and such on her own (you tried to help, she insists she can do it herself)
“do you like it?” -leia
“it’s…great…” -you, chewing charred cookies
she’s getting the hang of it
taking trips with the organa family
to which you get a small “break” from leia
not really, she loves to include you in family stuff
they all do, really
and you love the new sights across the galaxy, you never would have imagined these alone
“i think y/n would adore the skyline, don’t you?” -breha
“only one way to find out” -bail
they embraced you as family
you do leia’s hair a ton
“what would you like today?” -you
“braids” -leia
“what kind?” -you
“two pinned around my head” -leia
“i’ll do my best, dear” -you
you secretly taught leia her little attitude
always stand her ground and show kindness where it’s deserved
you have to gently wake her up, she’s been known to have some “active” dreams
you’ve been kicked and/or punched many mornings
“well, it was your own fault…sorry” -leia
she asks if you know anything of her birth parents
“unfortunately, i do not. i know you’d like answers, and maybe someday you’ll get them, but i would pry too hard if i were you” -you
“well, you aren’t me” -leia
“that’s true, miss attitude” -you
supervising when her cousins are around, since there seem to be plenty of disagreements between them
you can’t help but smirk at leia’s clapbacks
“now, come on, you guys. don’t be rude” -you
“who are you to tell me what to do, servant?” -cousin
“hey! don’t talk to them like that or i’ll make sure you go to bed bald!” -leia
“settle down—” -you
“not until he apologizes!” -leia
you have to remove leia from many of these situations
but she prefers alone time (and alone time with you) rather than those pesky social events
“i’d be so bored without you i think” -leia
“you do?” -you
“very much so” -leia
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @locke-writes // @sweetheartlizzie07 // @queen-destenie // @captainshazamerica // @ravenmoore14 // @gabile18 // @sweetjedi // @retvenkos // @swanimagines // @randomfandomimagine // @dontyousassmeok // @dindjarinsspouse // @zoeyserpentluck // @summersimmerus // @scarthefangirl // @sheridans-dynamos // @lady-violet // @simsrecs // @xoxobabydolls // @ruvaakke // @simp-legend // @evilcr0ne // @thedarkqueenofavalon // @your-local-simp0 //
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