medtech-mara · 1 year
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Music- Enjoy one of my picks for Michiko Arasaka's radio station. / Character Key - ya know i had to do it to ya. enjoy the low tier VP. I just was starting out.
What is a a fic that I won't ever actually write..?
This one is a lesser talked about fics, because it was removed from being canon from the AU, for me at least, I won't talk you ear off surprisingly this time... So in this AU, Mara and Jago have an Affair ( I always love to start it off that way lmao). a lot of the begining part will be covered in the short story I'm writing... but its turning into more than short. Mara, whose mostly distanced herself from NIGHT RAID as a distant memory, she's gotten the killswitch removed from her and Jago, and the two have been working together on exclusive contracts for gigs. Reputation is the most valuable thing to these two currently, as they are working to over throw the top two mercs of the city for their shot at the Crystal Palace. No easy feat for the two. especially considering it would mean Mara would have to kill her brother and her sister-in-law, as they were secretly working as mercs unbeknownst to the rest of the family. Sick of her life being a toy to her brother (theres things that happen where jayce repeatedly oversteps Mara's boundries for the sake of trying to get her to leave him and shes sick of it). However, that would never happen, as Mara had a job land on her lap. She and Jago both had extended their SOLO and Medtech service to ODESSA, who at the time wasn't in need of such services, he did know of Azimuth Pharmaceuticals needing just the pair. He'd referred the two, to meet with a recruiter looking for Professional Solo's for their program, this job would mean Mara and Jago have made it as Corpo Solo's, but they had an unexpected turn of events during the interviewing processes during the Medical and Psych Eval, Jago failed due to their records not showing him in the red for possible Cyberpsycho, meaning he's already at max limit, adding anymore cyberware to get him to speed as a corpo solo would prove to be nothing, but Mara assured that they could push him to the max. Which was done... When finally cleared, the two had been hired by Azimuth Pharmaceuticals, but not just any Corpo Solo, no this was the personal body guard and Medical attendant for this Super Mega corp heir, who was no older than 11.
I consider this a fluff ending.... It's nice and everything but you can see why it will remain where it is, it doesn't have that tragedy that we all come to expect from me by this point. I have been rushing to try and do this for days now, my toddler is giving me NO personal space lately... Anyway... Hope you enjoyed.
OH ALSO Azimuth is a made up megacorp by me, they are a big name in pharmaceuticals, sure but what they are best known for is their cloning and space military that rival another made up space corp.
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runomye · 3 months
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Finally drew the rest of my wizard101 ocs after , what? a year and a half.
Meet the Solar Surges! A group primarily focused on activities like Beastmoon and tournaments. That's why their 'team name' is based on a pvp spell(that no longer exists) This is also Nora's friend group from before the events of the game.
From right to left:
Ryan Lorelock (Myth He/Him)
Sabrina Skyblade (Fire She/Her)
Sloan Emeraldeyes (Life He/Her)
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dndtreasury · 2 years
Serendipitous Satchel
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pixxyofice · 11 months
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Lorelocke got me attached to a timburr. She has a rule that cancels out some of the nastier rules on my team at this moment she's awesome
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starwood-stranded · 1 year
The anniversary really has me clicking around FR, wishing I enjoyed playing more than I do.
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dndcreaturesinfo · 2 years
Undead Crocodile
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itotardoka-blog · 1 year
How would Asha know that?
This is an genuine question, to any big bad lorelocks, plz feel free to answer it.
Isn't she a proto-worm that traveled to titan by ascendant plane? How the fuck would long girl know who's even witch queen is?! She left before hive was a thing, right?
Look, lets assume she knows about hive n who hive gods r cuz why not. She does have an access to ascendant plane, so she might heard of them. How could she even know savathun's current status? "...must rise again"?! How do she know wq is dead? How does she know wq can be revived? Does she know that savathun has become lightbearer? It all happened while she was stuck with witness. Even if we assume long girl n wq had a long chat during that time, she can't know if what happened to wq after savathun get the light. Savathun wouldn't remember who she is anyways. All this is about how she somehow know whats savathun up to. Real question is, how does Asha know savathun know whats going on with traveler?
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maxivermillion · 1 year
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Warlock time! This one I did for the lorelock himself, My name is By.
Note, this was not a commission done for him. He was just the victim in this case, I do know that he did see this on twitter.
I feel like it would of been better if I clipped it down at the side to make it narrower. The leather texture is homemade but I was a fool and did not make it its own file.
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bumblebeescribbles · 6 months
Writing Patterns Tag Game
I was tagged by @thewritingautisticat!
Rules: list the first line(s) of your last 10 fics and see if there's a pattern
This will be a disorganized collection of both short stories, fan fic, and my current WIP. I don't have over 10 things, because I unfortunately lost most of them (': BUT I'll throw in everything that I have still!
Coaxing out those Painful Truths (family drama short story)
The blinking cursor taunts me. 
2. Unnamed gijinka Lorelocke for Pokemon Y
“I refuse to work with them, this has to be a mistake!”  The Surskit - what was his name again?  Dol?  Marrol?  It definitely had an “oul” sound in it - frowned, the black sclera of his eyes swallowing up the meager torch light.
3. Just You, Me, and this Heracross Between Us (a PMD fanfic)
For all their glamor and confidence, Olive finds working with rescue teams an annoyance. Especially when she’s waiting for them to get to the job briefing.  The mission she posted ages ago on the notice board.
4. stories upon stories upon stories upon memories (short story of an adventurer trying to retire)
There was only so much time I could spend solving an intricate and old puzzle to get into a dusty and cobweb covered library, to then be swarmed by a bunch of flesh eating spiders and be a meat shield once again, before realizing after that whole ordeal that in our battle the books destroyed in the battle were our only lead.
5. Strength and Other Disillusions (nuzlocke of Pokemon Black)
The sliver of moon claws against the dark black night sky.  Pinpricks of stars twinkle down on her.  Off in the distance, Venomoth wings slice through the thick summer air.  For the first time, Tess drowns in the silence.
6. Grave in the Woods (short story focusing on family dynamics)
Although this far into the woods, I was still reticent to consider forgiving Grandpa, even as we headed to visit his grave.
7. Juniper Wall (playthrough of Iron Valley)
After her attempts to be an adventurer, you would think her skills in preparing for weird weather would be better; especially after that one time Doppio malfunctioned and caused an ice storm to whirl out of their gears and cogs.
I seem to consistently start with either a character reflecting on their emotional state, but I'm definitely trying to lean more towards starting out with dialogue. Clearly 1/7 isn't the best rates but y'know
Gentle tagging @twilabellas @rhyaxxyn @friendlyshaped @marigold-clouds @bard-coded <3 if I didn't tag you and you want play, go right ahead! :3c and absolutely no pressure to
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follyfaun · 3 years
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Nthilus, the Triton LoreLock~
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elfboyeros · 3 years
The Moss Revision
Chapter One {Not edited}
I thought I would give you all a chance to read the first chapter of The Moss since it's being revised although I don't wanna edit it at the moment so we are doing it this way. So you can read the realized chapter and still have the first one to look back on! Enjoy! (Don't own the gif found it on google.)
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What is a childhood memory?
What is the concept of memories?
What is past if you don’t remember it?
Besides faint flashes throughout the everyday life Blair King experienced, they didn’t have really have much of past. They only assumed that these extremely blurred memories where their past, and hoped that one day they would know, a childhood memory.
Now this nonbinary adult walked down the empty, dark, sidewalk of Runestone Station “Little Venice,” a small division of the tremendously large city that sat on the coast of a semi-large island in the middle of the Atlantic of remarked as being below Greenland, named Seito Kingdom.
Blair stood at 5’5, milk white skin, with short white and pink Ombre hair, almost glowing grass green eyes, that hide themselves behind circular glass and wearing pretty normal street clothes. They walked home, after finishing a night class, taking the same route as always. One that was assumed to be the safest to do the streetlight, and short route to their apartment complex. Although as Blair walked along the sidewalk and observed the streams, they felt as if they were being watched and followed.
They made home as fast as they could trying not to check the attention of those were following her watching. They locked their door beginning to sit there things down and turn in for the night before there was a loud knock on their front door.
“Ex-Excuse me,” the voice on the over side was masculine but almost unhuman sounding, “we are looking for a pink and white hair yo-young adult, would you assist us?”
Blair stared wide-eyed at the door as the loud knocks continued. Why would someone be looking for them?! They are just simply a nobody? What would someone want with them?
“Am I safe,” they asked themself as the knocking stopped.
They didn’t want to stick around and find out, grabbing phone, a changer, money, and house keys, before opening the front door and looking down the hallway seeing if anyone was there. Seeing no one the raced across the hall, knocking on the door softly but faster than they normally would.
A dark skin, tall, androgynous man opened the door, soft light blue eyes, short brown hair with a faded, a navy jacker, black shirt, jeans, and sneakers, staring down at Blair, a smile painting his lips, “hey Blair, I wasn’t supposed to see you until tomorrow, but if you wanna stud-”
“Marlow, I need your help,” they remarked, in a quiet yell.
Marlow looked at them with immediate concern, “come in,” he replied in a hushed tone, “what’s happening.”
Blair explained their feeling while walking home, and the person at their door, their words coming out like a large run on sentence. Although Marlow patiently listened, he was a classmate turn friend as they shared a math class together. Despite, Blair’s reluctance for a friendship, Marlow and they became friend. Which lead to they too often study together notwithstanding their differing majors.
Blair jumped when that same loud knocking that was at their apartment door was now at Marlow’s, “Excuse me,” that same voice asked.
Blair shook their head as Marlow looked at the door and then his friend. Blair also jumped when a door behind them opened, “dude, answer the damn door,” the blonde mixed man, remarked stepping out of his room, “it’s like your frozen,” he sported green eye and the delta sign burned into his left cheek. Blair was familiar with him, only as Marlow roommate who was often in his room smoking.
The man walked towards the door, before being stopped by his best friend and roommate’s arm around his waist, “Royal don’t,” Marlow stated lowly.
“Dude, what the hell,” Royal replied.
“We are looking for a person with white and pink hair, will you please let us in a search you home… we are with the go-government.”
Royal looked to Blair who was trembling and frozen in place, “what would the government want with Blair,” he asked Marlow.
“It’s not the government, you idiot,” he replied, “and do you really wanna stick around and fine out?!”
“Hell no.”
The doorknob started to move, “Quick, head to the window,” Marlow stated.
The three young adults began to climb out the window and onto the fire escape. They could hear the door to the now empty apartment, as the made there way down to the alleyway, “Where do we go,” Blair and Royal asked quietly.
“I… I don’t know,” Marlow sighed, “just away from here!”
Blair and Royal nodded as the three of them speedily walked down the sidewalk. A short time of walking lead them to a four way stop, that they could cross get on account of the light on the path they were going to cross being red. While they waited an expensive car pulled up beside them, the window rolled down revealing a pale freckled skinned person was the driver’s seat he had intimidating green and blue heterochromatic eyes, long pink and purple ombre, wearing a every androgynous gothic clothing, along with an even paler woman with a scarred face, long turquoise, and lavender hair, along with abnormal, glowing, dark blue eyes in the passenger’s seat.
“Holy shit,” the driver gasped, “Blair!”
“As I said,” the passenger replied.
“Excuse me,” Blair asked, “who are you?”
“I am Indigo Alicia Corals; I knew you when you were younger,” the pale woman answered.
“I don’t reme-”
“You’re the daughter of the famous that interior designer, that makes downtown look pretty, but the rent says cheap,” Royal expelled, cutting Blair off, “you’re the head of the Special Operatives!”
“I am,” Indigo nodded.
“Okay, but that still doesn’t answer my question,” Blair sighed, “I don’t remember you; I don’t even remember my childhood!”
“Oh really,” the driver remarked, side-eyeing Indigo in the passenger seat.
“Blair,” Marlow sighed, “how do we if they are with the people that are looking for you or not?!”
“There are people looking for you,” Indigo asked.
“How do I know you’re not working with them?”
“We would be sitting at a green light if we were,” the driver remarked.
“Uhm, guys what the fuck is that!”
Blair and Marlow turned their attention to Royal who was pointing down the streets, they saw humanoid creatures that resembled something you would see in a horror film, barreling down the street towards them.
“JUST GET IN THE DAMN CAR,” the driver yelled.
The three young adults didn’t argue, basically jumping into the back seat of the car, before it sped off, “Jesus Christ,” the driver gasped, “those bastards have wings!”
The creatures, following Blair, now sprouted wings following the expensive vehicle and it traveled, “I got it,” Indigo sighed, rolling down the window and unbuckling her seatbelt.
“Indigo, get back in the car… Calvin’s going to fucking kill me if you get hurt.”
“Loyal,” Indigo sighed, before hanging herself outside of the window, “focus on drive my car, before you crash it!”
Blair, Marlow, and Royal watched from the back window as Indigo created a black and pastel colored mist whip out of thin air. She got her whip to wrap around both creatures before shocking them with lightening magic. Send them to the ground not moving.
“My house, go,” Indigo demanded.
They traveled outside of Runestone Station large city and travel to one of the richer parts of the cities, Southeastern Province where there are large pieces of land with even larger houses. They stopped at a very huge contemporary-modern style home, with a white and gray exterior design as the home in an L shape.
“Pull the car in,” Indigo ordered as everyone but Loyal got out of the car.
“Yeah, yeah,” Loyal muttered.
“You really live here,” Marlow gasped.
“My name is on the house payments.”
The group of four walked into the home, the lights were on but dim, the style of the entry way of the home had a contemporary elegance to it. Blair, Marlow, and Royal were mesmerized and didn’t notice Indigo disappearing. Soft chatter could be heard from what the three assumed was the kitchen, before a very large, tan skinned man walked towards the three. His black hair was down in long dreadlocks that were pulled up and out of his face, he looked around with kind pink eyes, and a soft smile. The man looked so intimating in build but kind in his facial features.
“Hello,” he spoke, his voice soft and warm making him seem extremely inviting, “I’m Calvin Bookstone-Corals, I’m assuming you’re Blair.”
Calvin held out his hand for Blair to shake although they refused, “I understand,” he remarked.
“Do you two have names,” Indigo asked, from beside Calvin referring to Marlow and Royal.
The two men looked at each other looking for a since of normality in this confusing situation, “Royal,” the blonde replied.
“I’m Marlow,” the brunette added.
Indigo nodded, she looked so odd, standing beside Calvin. He was so large, and she was just so small, he’s in an old wore band t-shirt and black jeans, she was in grunge style blouse and ripped checker patterned jeans, which was partly hidden by a large oversized dark cloak that seemed to fit her despite it being 2 to 3 sizes too big for her.
“Can someone please tell me what going on,” Blair remarked, their voice laced with annoyance and fright.
“Yes, I’m sorry,” Indigo sighed, “uhm… I need to explain myself.”
“I’ll take these guys upstairs, let you and Blair talk in the living room,” Calvin stated.
“If you have anything to tell Blair,” Marlow remarked, “you can tell the two of us as well!”
“Yeah, we just watched you take down whatever the hell was chasing us with weird magic,” Royal added, “I would really love to know what this going on!”
“You two aren’t going to understand what’s going on even if Indigo explained it,” Loyal commented joining the group, “let her have only one person to explain it to.”
“I don’t fully understand it all either,” Calvin remarked, “come on, boys.”
“Thank you, grenade,” Indigo muttered, softly, as Marlow and Royal hesitantly walked upstairs, Calvin kissed Indigo’s forehead before following them upstairs.
“Follow me,” Indigo said, softly, turning to Blair before heading to the living room.
The house still held its contemporary elegance as Blair followed Indigo to the living room. A large great Pyrenees slept on one end of the large light sage color sectional, an ash color square coffee table in front of the couch. Large windows should Indigo’s back patio and yard, looking beyond the sectional there was a large television set, on top of an ash colored tv stand and matching wall organizing units on each side.
“Please come sit,” Indigo said softly.
Blair nodded, taking a seat beside the foreign woman, “where would you like me to start,” she asked.
“How do you know who I am,” they asked, “I don’t remember ever meeting you, and I don’t have any memories of my childhood until I was 10, and I would have remembered someone like you.”
“I knew you in your childhood, I was friends with your mother,” Indigo answered, “you and I used to get along every well.”
“My mother- wait, but why don’t I remember you or her?! Why don’t I remember my early childhood?!”
“You were experimented on as a child,” Loyal remarked with a huff as he leaned against the archway to the kitchen.
“Loyal,” Indigo stated.
“Excuse me?!”
“Before you were 10 the most prolific human experimenter’s, Lorelock,” Indigo began to explain, “he was experimenting on you to make something, that something… I have no idea, but I knew that your mother wanted me to keep you safe.”
“So, where I have been this whole time,” Blair asked.
“I had no idea where exactly you were, I haven’t seen you in a decade until tonight.”
Blair looked over at Loyal who let out a long and heavy sigh as he looked away from them, “is my mother dead?”
“Sadly, yes.”
Blair hung their head leaving the three in awkward silence, “I think it would be best for you and your friends to stay here for a while,” Indigo added, “you’ll be safer here.”
Blair nodded, slightly, despite not liking their current situation, they are smart enough to know that going home was a horrible idea, “I also think it is best if you say in the basement,” Indigo added.
The young adult nodded following Indigo to the basement, her house much bigger than Blair would have imagined, and although the basement was mostly like the small part of the home it seemed large enough to have at least one bedroom, a bathroom, and a home gym from what they seen.
“I know it’s not much,” Indigo said, opening the bedroom door, “the bathroom is across the hall.”
Blair looked around the room, seeing a dresser, small vanity, and twin-size bed, “thank you,” they muttered.
“I’m sorry,” Indigo remarked, "if you need anything, Calvin and I's bedroom is on the 3rd floor with the double doors."
Blair didn’t reply as Indigo shut the door, leaving them alone, they flopped back on the bed and only stared at the ceiling, not realizing that tears were rolling down their cheeks. They broke down in a silent sob, tonight was too much. Their silence crying was soon interrupted when they felt the bed’s weight shift. Blair opened their eyes to see a black cat sitting next to them, with pricing blue eyes and a cotton candy blue bow tied around it next with a tag that read Hecate.
“Where did you come from?”
Hecate meowed, making Blair raise an eyebrow as the cat continued to stare before, softly ramming her head into theirs, “what the hell was that for?!”
All the cat did was bloop itself down beside them, Blair was at ease once the cat was beside them, leading them to quickly fall asleep. In the time from leaving Blair downstairs Indigo made to the third floor seeing the door to Calvin’s office open and irate voices coming from the room.
“Dude, are you serious!”
“Guys, I’m sorry, but Indigo knows what she’s doing.”
“With all due respect, Dr. Bookstone, I don’t believe you.”
“What makes you say that?”
“DUDE, she’s freakin’ nuts!”
Indigo leaned herself on the doorway, Calvin flashed a glace her way before keeping his attention on the two young men in front of him, “she leaned out the car window like a manic and-and used magic to take down those things chasing us,” Royal explained, frantic.
“Really, angel eyes,” Calvin sighed, watching avoid eye contact, “hanging yourself outside of your car.”
“Would you rather me bring those monsters here?”
Calvin chuckled, “I’m sorry to describe you’re loving making sessions with your eyes,” the blonde sighed, “but what the fuck is going on.”
“Please Mrs. Bookstone, we would like an explanation,” Marlow sighed, biting the nail of his thumb to curve his anxiety.
“Short version: Blair is being chased by the most horrible being alive,” Indigo replied.
“Do you what’s going on,” Marlow asked, extremely concerned.
“No,” Indigo replied, quickly.
“You’re lying,” Royal huffed.
“I’m not,” she scoffed.
“I don’t believe you,” Royal mocked, approaching her.
Royal toward over Indigo’s 5’2 frame, he was angry with his fits bawled up at his sides and staring at her with enraged eyes, “Blair is my friend and all you have to say after the night we have had is just “a bad man is chasing them,” I don’t fucking believe you!”
“Are you done spiting in my face,” Indigo asked.
“You really shouldn’t be remarks like that,” Royal scoffed, “because they’re going to get you punched in that pretty little face of yours!”
The 20-year-old felt a hand on his chest as he held his livid stare, “I’ve had enough,” Calvin remarked in a low tone, “I’ve let you get away with a lot tonight, but threatening my wife is where I draw the line.”
Royal stepped back folding his arm cross his chest, “fine.”
“We’re sorry,” Marlow sighed, “we’ll be civil.”
“That’s all I really ask,” Indigo replied, “there is a bedroom passed the stairs, the door on the left. If you two don’t mind sharing a room.”
“Yeah, that’s fine,” Marlow said, watching the married couple turning to leave, “Mr. and Mrs. Bookstone…”
“If I find out that isn’t to keep Blair safe or in their best interest,” he began, “I will not be so absent-mindedly complacent.”
“Is this a threat,” Indigo asked.
“Possibly,” the brunette replied.
“I’ll keep that in mind,” the mage retorted.
Marlow avoided eye-contact, staring at Calvin’s coffee-colored bookshelves, Royal doing the same, “don’t stay in here too long,” Calvin remarked, hitting the wood of the doorway, lightly.
“Yes, sir,” both males replied.
Calvin nodded, leaving the room, “Marlow, whatcha you think of them,” Royal asked.
“Both of them are odd, even the guy downstairs,” he sighed, “I don’t know what’s going to happen, but I think this is our safest opinion.”
“Tch-I don’t agree,” his friend replied, “They are insane, do you see how that do looks at her, it’s so weird, like he is codependent on her! That Loyal dude seems sane enough, although if we spent time with the guy he would be just as insane as his boss. Everything is so crazy!”
“Yeah,” Marlow sighed, “come on, Ros, let go get some sleep.”
Back downstairs Indigo and Calvin reached the bottom of the stairs, “so, you wanna explain to me why you didn’t tell Blair the truth,” Loyal scoffed.
“Are you kidding me,” Indigo exhaled, “are we really doing this?!”
“Indigo, you are a federal agent, you just told a kid that you need to trust you lies about a past that they can’t remember! A past that you took away,” Loyal yelled.
“Keep your voice down!”
“You are acting on impulse! You want to make up for the past and you think this is going to fix everything don’t you?!”
Indigo didn’t respond, she was avoiding eye contact with one of her dearest friends, “You going to fuck more if you don’t tell them the truth! So, please go down there and tell them everything so we don’t have watch them suf-”
“Loyal,” Calvin bellowed, “that’s enough!”
“Come on, you have to agree with me,” Loyal replied, “at least a little.”
“Dude, this seems like a god damn movie,” Calvin responded, “we just need to take this one step at a time.”
“Fine,” he sighed, “but I’m not going to like it.”
“I don’t expect you too,” Calvin replied, “you staying?”
“It’s the safest opinion,” Loyal replied.
“Room on the right past the stairs.”
“I know behemoth!”
Calvin looked at Indigo who stood a few inches in front of him, “You alright, angel eyes?”
“I will be,” she sighed, “I’m… I’m gonna take a shower.”
Indigo head for the stairs again, “Indigo,” Calvin said, softly, making her turn her attention to him as she stood on the first two stairs, “you are not a horrible person.”
“Thank you, mon cœur,” she replied, “but I know in this case that is a lie.”
“No, Calvin, you have tried to justify this to my actions to me for the better half of five years,” she explained, “I screwed up, everyone involved knows that!”
“Indigo, you were sixteen, we all make mistakes especially when we are young!”
“But I’m always the smartest person in the room, ours en peluche,” she replied, “this isn’t just a mistake. I took Blair’s cherished memory from their most formative years, and then sent them off to an orphanage back I was simply too scared. The promise I made to Esma was broken when I went in Blair’s hospital room with that spell book.”
Calvin looked at her with soft and sad eyes, “all I can do now is try to make things right and beg for Esma’s forgiveness when I get to the afterlife.”
“Indigo,” he yearned standing at the bottom of the stairs, “come here, please.”
She reached the bottom of the stairs, Calvin involved her in his large arms, “you are not a horrible person, at least to me! I understand this is horrible, everything from your actions, Lorelock’s experiments, Blair being the Valkyrie, and the lying,” he rambled, “but you are not “bad guy,” you have never been one.”
“But I still feel like one.”
“Then let work on making you the good guy,” Calvin muttered, “and catching the guy that is truly the most horrible creature on this plant.”
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the-city-sidere · 3 years
5. The Wheel of Fortune, upright
“How are we all feeling?”
Ayers and Rahman blinked at Gwendolyne, the Jackals’ handler, as she swept into their room. It had been ten days since Chalce died. Ayers couldn’t speak for the others, but she didn’t care for the question, or the cheery tone in which Gwendolyne offered it. She couldn’t complain, though; Chalce had already demonstrated the consequences of contradicting one’s superiors in the Web.
Anaster reacted with more aplomb, fortunately, so Ayers didn’t have to force out a response. “We’re still reeling a bit, but we’re ready to serve.”
Gwendolyne nodded, assuming an attitude of sympathy. “We’ve been trying to give you three a bit of a break after that unpleasant business, but it’s time to move on now. Fortunately, I’ve brought someone with me to help you do that. Come on in, Swift.”
Keep reading on toyhouse >>
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littletoes101-fr · 4 years
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Kaiden had no plans of being a mother this early, much less to more than 30 hatchlings, but it seems this is what fate has in store for her.
She once belonged to the decently-powerful Blackthorne Clan, which resided within the Tangled Wood. They normally kept to themselves and tried to keep out of trouble, so it was a shock when they were attacked suddenly by invading Beastclans and the aggressive packs of wolves who lived with them. And as if that weren't enough, almost immediately after, they were stricken with a mysterious sickness, leaving the majority of them dead.
Kaiden is the last living dragon with ties to the creators of the original Clan through blood; the creators were her parents, and they were lost one to the attacks, and one to the sickness. That being said, thanks to Clan tradition, she must now take up the mantle of being the leader of the Clan, which is not something she ever actually expected to do. And, she must care for the 30 plus hatchlings left behind, living while their families have died.
(Kaiden is a part of my lorelocke and this is my introductory series to the characters! Check out /tagged/lorelocke-intros/ on my blog if you want to see the rest of them.)
1/3 Adults
0/34 Hatchlings
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dndtreasury · 2 years
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pixxyofice · 11 months
what's a lorelocke?
someone on the nuzlocke forums decided one day to make a variant on the nuzlocke, hence the -locke part of the name. as a part of those rules, they wanted to sort of pay homage, a bit, to every pokemon's origin, or possible origin, or something similar.
These rules would then shape how you could use the mon, or how you used your items. And there are different rules for every mon, and some even have effects when encountering/catching them, which makes the act of pokemon training a bit more involved... like creatures like that should be, probably.
Love making my mons have to follow rules for silly reasons or serious reasons in order to spice up gameplay a bit. There are many variations of lockes for a reason, but I haven't finished a lorelocke run before... and I'm doing it hardcore because I would find it easy otherwise HAHA
Here's a link to the lorelocke thread, which has a thing attached which has a whole document with EVERY MON UP TO GEN 6 WITH RULES.
Now to explain why I'm attached to the timburr. You see, she has the Chosen of Hephaestus rule, which cancels out the 'lore rules' of every rock, steel, and fire type in the party, while also being immune to lore rules of those types while catching them. There's another part of the rule, but that's the real sticking point-
I have a roggenrola, who was seeming to have an annoying rule- Whenever it reaches a level divisible by 7 (7,14,21) you must put aside a Nugget, a Precious Stone, or items worth 6,000 pokeyen, which it steals away from. That's expensive! BUT with the rule, that rule is just. nothing. I don't have to deal with it.
I also caught a darumaka, which had a rule that said it might demand a sacrifice after winning a gym battle (50/50), and it could be another pokemon, very expensive (20,000), or bringing a fighting type in to subdue it which had a chance to kill.
But I have my Timburr. and she cancels that too, since the darumaka is a Fire Type. No need to worry about sacrificing or anything just Timburr dealing with them.
Timburr also, as a part of the rule, has a thing that if you throw away items worth 15,000 and you get a pretty neat not-ingame item that lets it ignore lorerule effects for learning/using moves or switching in and out. I have a blitzle that has a rule that doesn't let it switch out if she gets confused- if I get this thing, I could put it on the little zebra and wouldn't have to worry about it!
... all in all, I got VERY lucky that she works so well, hehe. Never really used a timburr before either, and now i know how to edit sav files for ds games on my emulator, I can make her a conkeldurr, which will be NICE.
... yea
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starwood-stranded · 1 year
Well, my lorelocke is over again ... The rolls I got today leave only 1 dragon alive.
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