#Lots of silly princess impressions here!
thewatercolours · 9 months
Podfic: "A Bitter Cup of Tea" by GerbilofTriumph
With permission of the author, a shabby but hopefully cheering narration of one of her ficlets! First time using Audacity, one take, no edits - being carried along by nothing but good will. Complete with terrible faux English accents (on purpose! that's the way the girls talk in the game!)
Her amazing blog full of King's Quest creativity can be found over here: @gerbiloftriumph
Original text here:
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the20thangel · 2 months
Playing with Fire
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Summary: This is a Tumblr request: a Targaryen reader who resembles a lot of Daemon. Like she's not afraid to fight. And there are stories of her, and when Benjicot meets her, he's in love. Like down bad. And when they fight together, it is whispered that they are alike and fit so well. And it gets back to Rhaenyra, who betrothes them. Even if they have already done that nasty thing together. (🫣) I hope that makes sense, and using a name is okay.
Tags: NSFW, MDNI, 18+
Word count: 3519
(this is an x reader fanfic but just with a name)
Princess Alyssa yawned; her flight to the Riverlands from Dragonstone was long. All she wanted was to get to her destination and take a long nap. She regretted not taking her mother’s advice to land at Harrenhal for a moment and rest, especially since her father, Prince Daemon, was there. She just did not want to see her father right now. Alyssa was her father’s daughter, just like her father was grandmother Alyssa's son. They all burn hot, especially their temperament, and sometimes they would slightly singe each other in arguments. She loved her father with all her heart, but sometimes, being alone with him without her mother to calm them both would do more damage than good.  That is why Alyssa chose to fly past Harrenhal and continue to Raventree Hall. 
Raventree Hall recently got a new Lord to rule the land. Lord Benjicot Blackwood proudly took his place as lord after the tragic death of his father, Lord Samwell. Her mother, Queen Rhaenyra, tasked her with welcoming the lord in his position and asking him to swear allegiance again to her. Alyssa was chosen as the representative of her mother’s council. Princess Alyssa was proud to be her mother’s representative; people often called her mother’s sword. She would gladly give up her life fighting for her family and their rightful places in the realm. 
As she flew closer to her destination, she remembered the conversation she overheard her mother’s council had before she left. They wanted to find a betrothal for her, preferably one that would benefit her mother’s cause. Alyssa scoffed; all the men, heirs, and lords she had met so far were too weak. Some feared having a wife who would rather fight battles than sit all day and embroider pretty patterns on their clothes. At the same time, others were too busy flaunting their skills, like peacocks trying to one-up each other, thinking that they would impress the dragon princess. She knew it was her duty to marry one day, but none seemed good enough for her. Her thoughts were cut off as she arrived at Raventree Hall, seeing the famous weirwood tree filled with ravens and crows rather than red leaves. Commanding her dragon to land in the closest clearing, thinking the people will probably not enjoy having a dragon land on a tower and causing damage to the castle. 
Once landed, Alyssa jumped down from her dragon, Gaelithox, a beautiful black dragon with a few red scales, looking like lava flowing across his body. Many people were afraid to be close to him, so it seemed fitting that they were made to bond. As she scratched under his chin, showing her gratitude through their bond for reaching their destination safely, Alyssa heard a group of men walking towards her. Turning around, Alyssa noticed a beautiful woman in the middle of the group, Alysanne Blackwood, a woman whom Alyssa greatly respected—a fierce warrior who did not care for silly men and their silly games. 
Alyssane Blackwood was surprised to hear dragon wings fly over her family’s castle and more shocked to see Princess Alyssa. 
“Princess Alyssa, welcome to Raventree Hall. We were not expecting your presence here, my princess,” greeted Alyssane. 
“Forgive the sudden appearance, but my mother wanted to send congratulations to the new Lord of House Blackwood… and where may this lord be?” asked Alyssa cocking her head to the side. 
“He will be back soon. He needed to check on a few things on our outer border of the lands. Come, let me take you to your chamber and let you refresh up before meeting with my nephew,” led Alyssane as she and her party turned back into the castle. 
Alyssa stared momentarily before turning to her dragon, “Jikagon arghugon.” Asking her dragon to find food. As Gaelithox launched himself into the air, Alyssa finally moved to follow the Blackwood party. 
Alyssa sighed in tranquility; she needed a steaming bath to ease her sore muscles from being on the dragon's back for too long. As she prepared to lower herself, a knock broke her out of her tranquil state. Huffing in annoyance, she quickly stood with only a bathrobe covering her body. As she creaked open the door, she was greeted by a servant girl. The girl told her that her lord had finally returned and invited the princess to a small feast. Alyssa thanked the girl and told her she would be there soon. 
She did not need servants' assistance because she did not bring any gowns. Alyssa was her mother’s representative of the crown, so she needed to be ready for anything coming her way. A gown would only hinder her ability to defend herself. She dresses herself in a black and red riding coat and trousers. The shoulders of her coat were made to look like dragon scales. Her riding coat looked alot like the one her mother used to wear when she was younger. After she tied her hair into braids, she fastened her sword to her belt and walked out of her guest chambers. There, a guard bowed and led the way to the feast hall. 
At the top of the hall stood a grand table with what Alyssa could assume was Benjicot Blackwood, the new lord of House Blackwood. Young men wearing House Tully colors were to his left, and to his right was Alyssane Blackwood. Alyssane noticed the princess first, turning to whisper to her nephew as he quickly scanned for the princess, his eyes widening when they found her. 
As Alyssa looked at the young lord, she couldn’t help but be impressed with his appearance. He was pretty handsome, with a certain charm of a warrior, from the scar on his lips and his storming hazel eyes. He had a smirk on his lips as he gazed upon the princess. Alyssa noted how his house colors were so close to her own. She hadn’t worn red in a while, but still, both houses’ colors were indeed complementary of each other. 
Benjicot was surprised by Alyssa Targaryen’s appearance, as he had heard the rumors that the Princess was just like her grandmother. Who preferred to wear riding trousers rather than dress in pretty gowns and loved to sword fight. He just was not expecting to have such a gorgeous woman stand in front of him. The princess dressed in not the highest quality gowns found in court to diminish her beauty, but Benjicot only seemed to think that it highlighted her beauty more. She looked ever the part of Valyrian women from Old Valyria, just like his maester used to teach him.  Alyssane, noticing her nephew ogling the princess, cleared her throat. 
“Princess, it is my honor to introduce you to my nephew, Lord Benjicot Blackwood, lord of Raventree Hall of House Blackwood.” she introduced as she nudged her nephew to stand and bow. 
“My Princess, House Blackwood welcomes you, and it is an Honor to have you here.” bowed Benjicot, giving her a smirking grin. 
Alyssa nodded with a grin, “You honor me, Lord Benjicot.” 
“Please call me Ben or Benji. My name is too much of a mouthful to say,” stated Benji, flushing when the princess smirked at him. 
“My, such liberties, I guess I should provide the lord the very same for being such a gentleman. Very well, you may call me Alyssa.” Graced Alyssa, laughing at Ben’s ever-growing redder face with a wild grin showing up on his face. 
“Please let us continue the feast in honor of your new lord,” Alyssa exclaimed, and the crowd cheered. 
Benji sat down with a grin, turning to the Tully brothers, who smirked and made smooching faces at him. Alyssa walked to sit next to Alyssane, but the lady stood there and allowed the princess to take her seat next to Benji. As they continued with the feast, Alyssa spoke with those around, finding their presence welcoming; after some light teasing, the Tully brothers followed in, being more familiar with the princess and not so courtly. This is where Alyssa thrived, creating genuine connections with people, not court pleasantries and kissing ass to try and get favors. 
Once they were well into their wine, Oscar turned to the princess, “So, Alyssa, are the rumors true that you can beat ten men at once in a duel?” 
Alyssa raised an eyebrow, chuckling, “I don’t know when the rumors become so dramatic; it wasn’t ten men.” 
Which intrigued the rest of the group, “But you did beat a group of men in a duel?” asked Kermit. 
Alyssa hmmed, turning to stare at the men, noticing Benji’s curious face with a hint of something that she couldn’t pinpoint yet. 
“Would you all like to find out? Tomorrow, you, Oscar, and Ben can all fight me at a duel.” Alyssa asked as Oscar and Kermit's faces paled. While Ben nodded, he wanted to see more of her. 
“Ah, on second thought, how about just Ben? Fighting him is like fighting twenty men,” countered Kermit nervously. 
Alyssa laughed at the sudden excuse, agreeing to the term she and Benji would fight a duel, one that everyone started betting on who would win. Alysanne smiled and noted how comfortable the princess and her nephew were with each other. 
The next day, a huge group formed on the training grounds, all wanting to see the princess and their lord duel. As the princess walked to the ground, she extended her arm to Benji, who took it and shook her hand. 
“First to yield wins the match!” exclaimed Oscar, and the rest of the group buzzed excitedly. 
“Best of luck to you, Ben. Don’t hold out on me.” wished Alyssa. 
“And to you, my princess.” agreed Benji as he took his stance. 
With that, Alyssa raised her sword and swung it while Benjicot dodged it quickly and moved to the side to swing his own. Alyssa smiled, thinking how much fun this match will be as she pivoted away from the lord. She tried to kick his legs, but Benji saw through her moves and jumped. In return, he tried to grab her leg, but the princess did a back handspring. She had the advantage she did not fight like men; she used her grace to make moves such as cartwheels and handsprings to evade her opponents.  Benji grinned at the princess’s ingenuity. He kept being surprised more and more by her. As the two continued the dance of striking and dodging, Alyssa decided to act on a move she had only tried on her brothers before. She ran to Benji, and as she was about to reach him, she slid, knocking him down on the floor on top of her. Then, as he struggled to catch his breath, she flipped him, enclosing her legs on his waist as she raised both her and his sword to his neck.  
Everyone gasped, seeing the lord finally react to his position, grinning at the princess who could beat him; she, in turn, was smiling at him. 
“I believe I won, Ben,” she taunted as the crowd cheered the princess. She had beaten Bloody Ben in a duel. 
Alysanne laughed, seeing her nephew's love-stricken eyes. Of course, her nephew would fall for someone who could beat him in a duel. She was planning to write to the queen about how the princess was doing, but she also decided to write about how close and comfortable the princess and nephew were becoming with each other. 
Alyssa was breathing heavily, still basking in her glory, when she felt something poking underneath her. She gasped once she recognized what it was. Ben was still huffing underneath her, and he could not help but groan in embarrassment, having the princess feel his growing bulge poke her. Alyssa quickly stood up, suddenly feeling warm in her stomach. She tried to act like feeling him did not affect her, so she extended her arm to help him. Ben took her hand before kneeling and kissing it. 
“I, Benjicot Blackwood, Lord of Raventree Hall, swore my fealty to Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen, the rightful queen to the iron throne, and her daughter, Princess Alyssa.” pledge the young lord as the rest of the crowd quickly bowed. 
Feeling uncharacteristically overly warm, Alyssa nodded, “As… as representative of my mother, the queen, I, Princess Alyssa Targaryen, thank you, my lord. House Blackwood will be a great ally for House Targaryen.” As she turned around, her cheeks heated up, still riling from feeling him underneath her. 
Alyssa was frustrated; she was still warm after bathing and changing clothes to a simple silk dress. She never felt like this before, so hot and bothered. Instead of feeling disgusted by the apparent lust from Benji, she felt excited. This infuriated her; what was she supposed to do? She didn’t know how to act, but her body was pleading, pleading for her to find answers with Benjicot. After letting out a frustrated growl, she decided to see the young lord. Stepping out in a thicker coat, she asked the guard to take her to Benjioct’s chambers, urging her to speak to him urgently. 
Once she reached the lord's chambers, she knocked, waiting for him to answer, dismissing the guard and thanking him. Benji opened his door to see the princess standing there; he invited her in when he noticed she was only wearing a thin silk dress underneath her coat, feeling his trousers tighten again. 
As he opened to ask the princess about her troubles,  Alyssa growled in frustration. 
“You, Ben, are my troubles; you have cast a spell on me,” Alyssa explained as she approached him. “You are not like any of the men I have met before; you do not see me as a royal womb; you see me as a person. You make my body call out for you and-” 
Benjicot cut her off by kissing her passionately, bringing her body to his, pushing away the heavy coat, and snaking his arms around her waist. 
“You, my princess, accused me of casting a spell on you when, in reality, you did on me, I just responded. You don’t know how gorgeous you are, how your body encaptures mine. How I yearn for you.” whispered Benji as he kissed her with each word, going down and down to her neck. 
Alyssa gasped, “Show me, show me how much you yearn.” as she kissed Benjicot. 
The young lord growled into the kiss as he raised her and dropped her onto his bed, setting himself on her. As they continued to kiss, Alyssa snaked her hand down his body until she reached his stiff burgled, messaging it, growing in delight hearing Benji’s groan into her mouth. 
“You are playing close with fire, my princess..” whispered Benji, staring into her purple eyes. 
Alyssa smirked, “I am not afraid of fire, my lord.” 
Benji leaned down to capture her lips, raising a leg around his waist as he slowly started to grind himself on her, causing the princess to moan in his mouth, grabbing his hand and placing it on her breast. Benjicot moved down her neck and began kissing and biting her neck, leaving noticeable love bites. 
“Ben… so good... Please,” whispered Alyssa as she moved her hips, grinding her soaking clothed cunt to his stiff bludge. 
Benji grunted his hands on her hips, stopping their movements and making the princess whine. 
“Shhh… I don’t want to finish so fast; I’m not done with you yet, princess,” whispered Benji as he raised the princess’s dress from about her head. 
“You have too many clothes on, Ben,” whispered Alyssa as she sat up and helped Benji remove his shirt as the young man threw off his trousers. 
“You’re gorgeous, Alyssa,” breathed Benji, tracing his fingers down her body and reaching for her soaking entrance. 
“Please don’t tease me; I ache too much to be teased.” pleaded Alyssa, gasping in delight and feeling a finger slip in her entrance.  
“That’s my good girl, taking my finger so well,” growled Benji as he continued to pump his finger in and out of her entrance, slowly adding a second and a third finger. 
Alyssa writhed in delight, moving her hand to her sensitive bud, messaging it to match the rhythm Ben was moving his fingers in, feeling a growing sensation in her stomach. 
“That’s it, sweet girl, find your release, show me how much you love my fingers inside of you, wishing it was my cock.” grunted Benicot with hooded eyes, watching her becoming undone. 
“Ben, please, I want…no, I need your cock. I want to finish on your cock.” stated Alyssa with small tears in her eyes as she stared into those hazel eyes. 
Growling in delight, Benjicot out his fingers and aligned his cock to the princess’s soaking entrance. Looking for her approval, Alyssa nodded and moaned loudly, feeling Benji enter her; it was a pleasurable pain. Before Ben could start moving, Alyssa stopped him. Benjicot looked at her with questioning eyes. Alyssa deviously grinned as she flipped them, with Benjicot at the bottom and Alyssa on top. 
“Let me show you a skill of a dragon rider,” whispered Alyssa as she started bouncing on his cock. 
Benjicot moaned, closing his eyes; he was so deep in her, her walls sucking him in deeper and deeper. 
“Ugh… open you eyes… I want to see your beautiful eyes.” commanded Alyssa, raising his head more. 
Benjicot opened his eyes, thinking he had gone to paradise, for an angel was riding him, moving those beautiful pale hips up and down, side to side. His cock went in and out of her entrance. The sounds of soaking and sweating skin slapping each other. Not wanting just to sit by, he grabbed her hips and helped Alyssa move up and down with a harder and more precise force. He was causing the princess to moan more. 
“You are mine; nobody will ever come close to you, just like I will be yours,” promised Benjicot, feeling his release coming closer and closer.
Alyssa felt her release also close and decided to lock her legs around him; she needed him to release in her; she would take it nowhere else. 
Benjicot saw what she was doing and asked if she was sure. The princess, still bouncing on his lap, expressed how much she needed him to fill her. With that, Benji kissed his princess, filling her womb to the brim. Alyssa moaned into his mouth, letting her release milk him in deeper, feeling content in feeling him fill her up. 
As the princess and lord finished, they lay on his bed, with her on top of him. Benji petted her hair, catching his breath as he felt her breath on his neck. Alyssa looked up, caressing his cheek. 
“I hope this is not a one-time thing; I really like you, Ben,” confessed Alyssa. 
Benjicot looked down at the princess, gracing her with a dazzling smile, “I adore you. I could not just let you go. I want you as my wife.” 
Alyssa smiled, kissing him again before the two let slumber take to the land of dreams. 
The following week, Alyssa felt like she was in a pleasant dream, hunting with Ben and the boys, training with them, and flying her dragon freely without worrying about a war brewing. Also, there were times when  Benjicot and she had much time to themselves, using it to take her in the woods, her chambers, and even once in the library. She was content. 
She was currently on his lap in his chambers, kissing him as the lord moved his hands to her waist, moving her body to start grinding on him. When a loud knock shocked them out of the mood. Growling, the Princess removed herself from his lap, sitting on the chair, crossing her legs as she pretended to be reading. Benjicot sighed, annoyed at being interrupted, opening the door to show his aunt, whose grin only grew when she saw the princess in his room. Benjicot knew technically the princess should not be in his chambers as he invited his aunt in, asking her if something had happened.   
“A letter arrived from Dragonstone..” started Alysanne, noticing Princess Alyssa narrow her eyebrows in confusion. 
“Is everything alright? Did something happen?” asked Alyssa, worried that she had neglected her mother’s protection. 
Alysanne shook her head, “The queen is asking for your return and House Blackwood to present ourselves to Dragonstone.” 
“Did she give a reason, Aly,” asked Benjicot, seeing Alyssa worry even more. 
“I wrote to the queen how much you two seem to like each other, and the queen and I decided it would be best to unify our house. We will be going to Dragonstone to discuss a potential marriage between you both,” explained Alysaane, watching in delight as Benjicot smiled widely, turning to face the princess, who stood in shock. 
“I guess I will be fulfilling my dream of making you my wife,” said Benji as he took the princess into his arms and kissed her.
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mgc02 · 3 months
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Fix it
Platonic Alastor x tech savy/graphic designer reader
He didn't quite understand you
In fact people never expected you to be friends, and it certainly didn't start put that way
You started out working at Voxtech, you spent hours designing advertisements and editing commercials but when Vox told you to start working for Valentino and editing his porn videos you refused. Vox gave you an ultimatum: work for Valentino or be fired. So with no job you decided to try your hand at redemption
You didn't count on Vox's greatest enemy being the facility manager
At first Alastor threatened you. Suspecting you might be a spy since you were associated with Vox but Charlie convinced him to give you a chance
So he mostly ignored you. Keeping conversations short. Especially since it seemed you guys had absolutely nothing in common
Charlie wanted to find away to put your skills to use for the good of the hotel. You suggested creating a website
Charlie loved that idea so you got to it. You designed and developed it. You made it simple but eye catchy. And you decided to regularly upload edited videos of the shenanigans going on the hotel to attract new patrons (and to give yourself some fun).
Charlie being the person that she is wanted Alastor and you to get along better so she came up with the brilliant idea for you to interview him and create a page on the website for first hand accounts
Alastor agreed and as long as it was not a filmed interview
You had prepared a list of questions
Q. Why did you decide to join the hotel?
A. I decided to help the pathetic princess in her silly little dream to watch others fail miserably in attempt to change their already determined fates as entertainment for myself
Q. What has been your favorite moment here at the hotel?
A. Possibly when Niffty released an entire colony of roaches into Angel's bed. That was quite hilarious!
Q. What progress do you think you or someone else has made thus far that's worth mentioning?
A. I finally managed to get my new radio tower to look exactly like the old one. It was nice gesture really. But I do have preferred place for everything
After that you didn't know if Charlie was still going to be for this idea
You really didn't think you and Alastor would ever see eye to eye until one night you woke up to a knock on your door
You jumped out of bed still in your pajamas and opened the door to see Alastor standing there
You were... quite surprised. He told you he needed your help and it couldn't wait till morning
You followed him to his radio tower to see his system short circuiting. He warned you not to get to close or you'd get a nasty shock
"You're the one who deals with this technology stuff, fix it!" You thought to point out the two issues here
1. You don't fix technology, you utilize it to make things
2. This radio recording system is really old and you only knew what you were doing with MODERN technology
But you could tell he was very agitated. You wondered how it even got broke in the first place
You decided to do the only thing you could think and you Voxtubed it
You found some weird guy with obsession for fixing ham radios and old vintage tvs and watched a few of his videos. After assessing the broken system there were a lot of similarities. And after one boring audio book and online purchase of some parts you fixed it
Alastor was impressed. He tried very hard not show it but he couldn’t help it.
Before he could get back to it. You decided to listen to last chapter of the audio book one last time to make sure it was up to code. Unfortunately you forgot to connect your Bluetooth
Alastor standing in the tower with impatiently tapping his foot waiting for you to give the ok so he can give his listeners a much delayed broadcast stiffened at the sound coming from your phone and static buzzed loudly in the air
"Lovely I imagine the imagery to this is just flashy and distracting as it always is" he says rather annoyed
"Actually" you replied "it's an audio book. There is no visuals. It's just sound. Someone reads aloud a book and records it for people to listen to" you pointed out
It was not that much different from radio
You apologized and told him you would connect back to your headphones so he didn't have to hear it
"You may leave it on" he said surprisingly. So you did
Finally when you were done you went about your business. Everything went back to normal. Except... Alastor kept calling upon you before every broadcast demanding you play your audio book again to look over his system to make sure it won't crash on him mid broadcast
And each time he told you there was no need for your headphones
You finally decided to grow a pair and challenge him
"Once again I'd like you to check it over and make sure it's up to code. Play your dumb sound book again and get to it" he spoke as if the audio book did not matter at all but you knew better
"Oh I have it memerized by now. No need to play it again" you responded mischievously
His eyes narrowed and you could hear the sound of a record scratch. "Now, now. I won't allow for any mistakes that would not end well for you. Now play it again" he demanded
"You know if you liked the audio book you could just say so. Also you don't have to listen to the same end chapter over and over again. I have other probably more exciting books" you proposed
He acted offended. "How dare you insinuate that I would enjoy something as pointless and boring as that." Of course he didn't want to admit that anything that came from technology could possibly be good in any way and he could never ACTUALLY like it. No way
"You know its not a lot different from radio. Telling stories with just your voice. Like any kind of art this is just another medium. Another way of expressing oneself. You don't have to suddenly be Mr. Technology guy to like audio books" you said
Alastor seemed to pause in thought. "Hmmm... fine. I guess... it wasn't too horrible to listen to literature being read aloud in a soothing voice. Maybe I'll give some other pieces a try"
And after that you were at the radio tower all the time. Playing audio books for him. You eventually showed him your art skills and showed off the new website. He taught you a lot about his Era and about radio. You guys even redid the interview live on his radio show. Though the results were still quite similar
Though Alastor still hated technology he respected that it was something you enjoyed. And he did listen to the occasional audio book, although it was more like he made you play it for him
An unlikely friendship had formed. And nobody saw it coming. But you wouldn't trade it for the world
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needtotouchsomegrass · 3 months
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𝐒𝐲𝐥𝐮𝐬 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 / 𝐑𝐞𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐧
All through high school you became friends with that shy guy who never seemed to be speaking to anyone. He wasn’t the sunshine kinda guy but had never bullied anyone or gotten into a fight. You spent time talking about books and music until he stopped showing up to school, disappeared without a trace. You didn’t think you’d see him again……..
„Let go of me“, you yell, squirming in attempt of freeing your hands. „Stop being such a brat and behave.“ „our boss might get mad if you don’t, silly girl“, they say tightening their grip on your arms.
Two men had captured you while out on a mission to fight wanderers. They wore nothing more than black suits and sunglasses. They didn’t smile nor did they talk a lot.
You try to remember each turn you take through the long halls in case of an escape.
We walk through a door, entering a room that looks impressive, made to be someone’s office. Someone really important.
You swallow as your eyes take in each detail of that fine designed piece. Wooden floor, staircase bookshelves filled with literature and one expensive looking table placed in front of that floor to ceiling window in the back. The sunlight illuminates it perfectly.
„Boss will be with you in short time“, one of the men says, both of them letting go of me, turning to leave.
„You better behave princess otherwise good luck“. They laugh, voices disappearing in the distance as they walk away.
You sigh. What the hell is this day? Did you piss someone off ?
You walk around the room, taking in its beauty once again.
„It seems you’re feeling quite comfortable“, a deep male voice snaps from behind you, making you freeze on the spot.
You know this voice.
You turn meeting a pair of dark eyes looking back at you. A smug expression on his face.
He’s grown taller and stronger yet you can still make out the little scar above his eyebrow, he said he had gotten from a dog bite. It’s him. No doubt.
You swallow as he approaches you, his entire appearance making him look so incredibly intimidating. His white, silver hair with his suit and dark eyes.
He stops only a mere inches away from you, eyes hovering over you.
„My precious little aether core….. seems like we finally caught you“, a smirk dances across his face.
You avoid his eyes, not sure wether you should laugh or cry about this messed up situation.
Both of you had been planing on becoming hunters together until he disappeared from the surface.
He lifts your chin up, forcing you to look at him.
“What’s wrong little - “, he trails off eyes widening for a second as if his brain is trying to process certain information.
“It - it can’t be you, can it?” His voice is soft, his hand caressing your cheek.
He seems to remember you, even though you must admit that you’ve changed a lot. You’re not that silly little teenage girl anymore, who’s embarrassed about her braces and glasses.
“Sylus….”, you whisper not sure whether you should say something or not.
His brows furrow a sad expression growing on his well-sculpted face.
“God damnit y/n….how the hell did we fuck up this bad”, he seems sincerely frustrated.
He pulls away getting some distance between the two of you, whispering to himself, looking like a total maniac, while trying to calm his mind.
Your heart hammers in your chest.
How did it get to this point? When did he - how did he - what is he up to?
A dark chuckle pulls you back to reality.
“How unfortunate for you to be standing here in front of me. That wonderful core being part of your heart……”, a strange smile appears on his before they turn into a straight line, “…ugh fuck man…”, he falls back into his chair face buried in his now scarred hands.
You step forward, wanting to close the distance - after all these years - between you.
He looks up the second you approach him.
“What… what happened to you”, you say trying to stay as calm as you possibly can. A bunch of emotions flooding your mind.
“You disappeared from one day to another without a single trace, ” “Y/n I -,” “No, Sylus! Let me tell you, I was worried sick and thought you got killed or god knows what ?!! We were friends and you know I did care about you compared to all the others in class. And yet you chose to leave. Leaving me with nothing”, you yell, heart pumping in your chest.
You can’t keep your calm anymore. This was too much. Who the hell does he think he is?? I put effort into our friendship and he repaid me like this?
He’s been your friend. Friends don’t just vanish.
Tears form in your eyes.
“Y/n I -“, he sighs “I had no choice.”
You grunt shaking your head.
“Theres always a choice”, you say through gritted teeth.
Men. Make you feel special, then leave without giving you a damn warning.
“I knew you were special the second I met you. I’ve been hoping and praying to god that I was wrong. That you weren’t gonna end up here”, he gets up from his chair, his voice soft and calm “even today, when they told me they had found the core, I was begging for you to be someone else.”
His eyes meet yours.
“You gotta believe me y/n. If I hadn’t disappeared back then, they would’ve caught you a long time ago.”
He takes your hand in his, giving it a light squeeze.
“You gotta believe me……I’m sorry.”
You make an attempt at pulling your hand away, only for his grip to tighten on you, pulling you close to his chest.
„Y/n you just have to believe me. I - I didn’t mean to hurt you and all I did was to keep you safe.“
He wipes a tear from your cheek.
„But you’re going to do it now, right?“
You look away not able to stand his gaze on you.
He swallows.
„I fear I’ll have to do so“, his voice is quiet and monotone.
The two of you stay like this for a little, until he breaks the silence:
„Im the boss here though , I might be able to make an exception for now“, a smirk grows on his face.
His hand slides around your waist, pulling you even closer.
„Only if you’ll cooperate of course“, he whispers into your ear, having you feel his hot breath on your skin.
You shiver not sure whether this is good or just really bad.
~ the end ~
𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐚 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐟𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐣𝐨𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐧 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 ♡
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justmystyles · 1 year
Now You're In My Life - Part 9
catch up here
pairing: Harry Styles x plus size reader
word count: 3.8k
summary: you and Harry have dinner with your family.
warnings: a couple of curse words, but other than that, it's tame.
a/n: this is a very silly fluffy chapter, not going to lie. hope you enjoy it!
*i say it's a plus size reader, while i don't focus a lot on that aspect (because your size should not define you), it will come up, so i just wanted to be upfront about it.
tags: @allthelovehes @ameerakane20 @ash-craze @bethanysnow @blue-ballad @brightlightsinlife @creativelyeva @cute-as-ducks420 @fanficismydrug @gem1712 @golden-hoax @gothmingguk @groovychaosavenue @hillzrry @iceebabies @indierockgirrl @jerseygirlinca @jng4kook @jooniesbabie @kaverichauhan @lexiecamposv @mrs-anna-styles211994 @n0vaj3an @ravenclawdirectioner @stylesfeverr @superchrystaldrug @tenaciousperfectionunknown @tiaamberxx @thechaoticjoy @theekyliepage @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @youknowwhaaat
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“Are you sure we’re not underdressed?” Harry asked, as you drove through the streets of your hometown. 
You smiled over at him, squeezing his hand, which had been linked to yours for the entire ride. “Promise. My sister and I always coordinate for family dinners. We decided to use tonight as the inaugural run for our new track suits.” Your eyes travel over him, appraising his outfit. “Yours isn’t an exact match, but at least you had something on theme.” 
“Yes, well I didn’t have much warning.” He joked before turning his attention back to the road.
After sitting in a comfortable silence for a few minutes, Harry brought your joined hands to his lips, kissing them softly. “I love you, girlfriend.” 
Your heart fluttered as your gaze traveled to Harry. Even though you could only see his profile, the content look on his face was possibly the best sight you had ever seen. “I love you too, boyfriend.” You weren’t sure you’d ever get used to hearing him say it, but you were certain you’d never grow tired of it. 
“So what exactly am I in for here?” Harry asked. “Will your dad be giving me a proper interrogation?” 
“Oh,” you paused thinking it over for a minute. “I actually have no idea. I’ve, well I never…”
“Am I the first guy you’ve brought home?” He asked incredulously. 
You simply shrugged in reply. “Right there, take a right,” you change the subject, pointing out your parent’s driveway. 
Harry pulled in, putting the car in park, you tried to remove your hand from his, but he only squeezed tighter. “Hey,” he tugged your arm gently, you looked up at him in response. “This is kind of a big deal, being the first guy you bring home to your parents. I want you to know that I don’t take that lightly.” 
“Yeah, well you didn’t give me much of a choice. You kind of invited yourself.” You say, trying to lighten the moment. 
Harry smirked and shook his head. “Fine, get out of the car. I’ll come back for you in a couple of hours.” 
“No way, Jose. You RSVP’d, no turning back now.” 
Harry’s expression sombered as he leaned in, resting his hand on the side of your neck, stroking his thumb over your cheek. “Don’t wanna turn back. Only forward, only with you.” He loved the back and forth the two of you shared, but he was also desperate for you to be more open and vulnerable with him. He had gotten a taste of it earlier in the day, and he wanted more.
Overwhelmed by his sincerity, you surged forward, pressing your lips against his, deepening the kiss immediately. You lingered like that before Harry pulled back with a chuckle. “Let’s put a pin in that for later, princess. Don’t know that meeting your parents half hard would make the best first impression.” 
“Valid.” You giggled, kissing him on the nose before reaching to unbuckle your seatbelt. 
“And don’t you dare touch that door young lady,” he chastised. 
“I know, I know. Always a gentleman.” You sighed sarcastically. 
Harry comes around, opening your door and helping you out of the car. Your eyes immediately travel to the front window, you see your parent’s faces quickly disappear behind the curtain. You laugh to yourself, you know your family too well. 
You turn the doorknob, stepping into the split level ranch home you grew up in, an instant wave of nostalgia and comfort washing over you. You can see your dad straight ahead in the kitchen, putting together a cheese plate, you glance to the right, your mother sitting on the couch. You couldn’t see her fully with the Christmas tree in the way, but you were sure she was trying to act nonchalant as if you didn’t just catch her gawking at you through the window. 
At the top of the stairs, your family dog is waiting for you, tail wagging uncontrollably. “My sweet little Dubby, my favorite family member.” 
“Heard that,” your mother shouted. 
“You were supposed to.” You snap back. 
Harry chuckles at the exchange. You stop halfway up the stairs so that you are eye to eye with the dog, you cradle her face in your hands, speaking in baby talk to her. 
“Um… love, are you sure she’s not going to bite you in the face?” Harry asks, a little unnerved at the Dalmatian’s teeth on full display. 
You look at him with a furrowed brow before turning your attention back to Dubby. “Oh no no no, she’s smiling! She smiles at me every time I come home!” 
Harry nods and approaches the dog cautiously, still not fully convinced. He holds his hand out, she gives it a quick sniff before licking it and placing her head underneath, encouraging him to give her pets which he eagerly takes her up on. 
“See, you’re in.” You pat him on the back before continuing up the stairs, entering the main living space, Harry following behind. 
“I’m here,” you announce. “I see Mel’s late as usual.” 
“Hey, kiddo.” Your dad comes out from the kitchen, wrapping you in a hug. “Not yet, we told her to be here later.”
“We wanted to meet your guest first.” Your mother continues as she steps up to you.
“Oh, that was actually kind of a genius move.” You nod your head in approval before hugging your mother. When you step out of the embrace, you take a deep breath before linking hands with Harry. “So, mom, dad, this is my boyfriend, Harry.” You feel yourself blush slightly. It was the first time you got to introduce him as your boyfriend, and it just felt right. 
Harry squeezed your hand gently, also loving the feeling of hearing you claim him like that, before letting go to greet your parents. “Mister and misses Y/L/N, it’s a pleasure.” He reaches out, shaking each of their hands. 
“Please,” your mother waves off his formalities. “David and Tina.” 
Harry nods in understanding as your parents lead you both to the couch. You take a seat and Harry sits down beside you, taking your hand instantly. 
“Drinks?” Your father offers.
“Water, please.” You say with a smile. 
“I’ll take the same.” Harry says. Your father nods and retreats to the kitchen. As your mother takes a seat in an adjacent armchair. 
“So, I must admit,” she begins. “You’re definitely much more normal looking than we expected.” 
Your free hand immediately flies to your face. “Starting out strong.” You mumble. Harry chuckles and leans into you, pressing a kiss to your temple. 
“I’m just saying,” your mother holds her hands up defensively. “We’ve never seen any of the guys you’ve dated. We just assumed they were those dirty boys with long hair and tattoos all over the place. Boys who call themselves musicians.” She uses air quotes around the word musicians. 
You and Harry exchange a look, trying not to laugh. She was practically describing him now, and definitely describing him a couple of years ago. 
“So Harry, what do you do for a living?” Your dad asks as he returns with a tray of drinks, placing them down on the coffee table in front of you. 
A single bark of laughter escapes you. You turn to face Harry with an arched brow, waiting with baited breath for his answer. 
“Well, I have my hand in quite a few things actually, I own a couple of busin–”
“No no no,” you interrupt him. “Not all the side hustles, your actual job. And maybe you should take your jacket off while you tell them.” 
He narrows his eyes playfully at you. He knew once they understood what he did and who he was, it would be different. But he didn’t want to just come out and say he was a multi platinum recording artist. 
The conversation was mercifully interrupted by the opening of the front door. “You guys always complain that I’m late, so look at me showing up early.” Your sister announces as she comes up the stairs, greeting the dog on her way by. She freezes in her tracks when she sees you and Harry sitting on the couch. “Why the fuck is Harry Styles in our house?” 
“Wait, why does that name sound familiar?” Your mother asks. 
“Because he’s like one of the most famous singers in the world,” your sister replies. “He was in that band, One Direction. You know? The poster on my wall?” 
You smirk, reminding yourself to thank your sister for the perfect setup. “Yeah, you know he’s the musician on the poster with long hair and tattoos?”
Your parents’ faces turn beet red at the revelation. “I’m very sorry, Harry. We didn’t mean…”
“No, it’s fine. Really.” He assures your parents. “You just want the best for your daughter. I want the best for her too.” He turns to you and smiles. “Though, perhaps I went for the wrong sister if she’s the one with the poster of me.” He chuckled, standing to shake your sister’s hand.
“Nope, you got the right one.” Your sister assured him. “You’d be barking up the wrong tree here.” You and your parents laugh, your sister has always been particularly blunt. 
Harry nods in understanding as you stand, greeting your sister with a hug. 
“This explains why you were so distracted when I called the other night.” Your sister observed.”Watermelon sugar, am I right?.” She winked and nudged you with an elbow making you and Harry giggle. 
“What does that mean?” Your parents ask simultaneously. The three of you freeze, your eyes went wide, head snapping over to see Harry blushing. Your sister slaps her hand over her mouth. 
“Nothing, don’t worry about it.” You say quickly. 
Your mother sighs. “You never want to explain anything to us. We’re not young and cool, we don’t just know things.” 
“I am not explaining what it means.” You shoot daggers at your sister, silently cursing her for bringing it up. 
“Oh,” a moment of realization washes over your mother. “It’s a sex thing, isn’t it?” 
“JESUS!” You shout, covering your face in your hands. You spread your index and middle fingers slightly so that you can see Harry, whose face is a deep crimson from embarrassment. 
“Nevermind, I don’t want to know anymore!” Your father throws his hand up in defeat and walks back into the kitchen. 
You take a deep breath, sinking back into the couch. “This is going great.” 
Harry plops down beside you, wrapping an arm around your shoulder and pulling you into him. “It’s alright princess, I think things are going just fine.” He kisses the top of your head. 
Your dad returns from the kitchen, handing your sister a drink. “Let’s all just start over,” he suggests. “Harry, how did you end up in the music biz?” 
You drop your gaze, shaking your head in embarrassment at your dad trying to sound cool. Harry laughs again, patting your thigh softly. “Well, I auditioned for this show X Factor when I was sixteen.” 
“Oh, Y/N and I used to watch that all the time!”
“You did?!” Harry says surprised, looking over at you in shock.
“Absolutely, it was appointment television for us. I loved listening to Y/N’s thoughts on the singers, she always knew what she was talking about. She has a good ear for music.” She smiled proudly at you. “Can’t sing for the life of her, but she has a good ear.” 
“And that’s why you’ll never hear me sing.” You say to Harry, before turning your attention to your mother. “He wasn’t on the one we watched though, he was on the UK one.” 
“No, we performed on the American one. A couple of times, actually.” He looks at you with a cocky grin. “Little miss ‘I never paid attention to One Direction’.”
“I obviously wasn’t paying attention if I don’t remember it happening.” You wink at him before turning back to your father. “What’s for dinner anyway? I didn’t smell anything when I came in.” 
As your father begins to explain that he called for pizza, listing off the different things he ordered, Harry leans in closely, speaking low enough for only you to hear. “You’ll be paying for that comment later, missy.” He warned as he playfully pinched your side. 
Despite the awkward start to the evening, things started to simmer down. Harry was getting along great with your family. You didn’t doubt he would for a second. Your dad and Harry seemed to be in a spirited competition to see who could tell the worst joke. You, your mother and your sister were the true losers of that battle. 
After dinner, everyone retired back to the living room except for your dad who made a stop off in the kitchen to light the candles and bring out your birthday cake. He lowered the lights and entered the room as your family and Harry sang happy birthday to you. You looked around the room, unable to contain your smile. You were glad you had never brought a guy home before. None of them would have fit in even half as well as Harry had. 
You looked over to him, he was singing with that wide, dimpled grin that you loved so much. You were so overwhelmed in that moment that you felt tears start to prick your eyes. Harry’s brow rounded in concern, you gave him a reassuring smile and thumbs up as the song ended. You turned back to the cake, blowing out the candles as the people closest to you in the world cheered for you. 
Once the flames were out, Harry pulled you close, placing a kiss on the top of your head and murmuring I love yous into your hair. Your family watched on fondly. They had never seen you so happy, and they were grateful for the boy that had permanently engraved the smile on your face. 
As you were sitting around enjoying your cake, your sister excused herself to the basement. She returned soon after with a familiar box. Your eyes went wide.
“Nope, no way, not happening.” You protested. Your parents laughed as Harry looked on trying to understand what was going on. 
“Absolutely! We always watch home movies and go through old pictures on birthdays.” 
“But this is different, I have a guest with me.” Your tone was pleading. You weren’t ready to be embarrassed on that level in front of Harry. Not yet. 
“Why don’t we leave it up to our guest?” Your mother suggested. 
Everyone looked at Harry expectantly, while his eyes locked on you. He grins, eyes never leaving yours as he answers. “I would love to see all of it.”
You cover your face with your hands and groan with defeat. He chuckles, grabbing your wrists and pulling them down as your sister sets up the videos. He leans in and places a kiss on your cheek. “Don’t worry, you’ll get your revenge when I bring you home to meet Mum and Gemma. I promise.” 
Your exasperated frown quickly became a smile. Everything had happened so quickly with Harry, that you hadn’t thought about going home with him to meet his family. But he clearly had. You got butterflies in your stomach knowing that he was excited for that to happen. 
You were pulled out of the moment by the sound of the television, you looked up to see your three year old self toddling through a petting zoo. “Oh man, you’re really going to start with this one?” You bury your face into Harry’s shoulder, and he wraps his arms around you, his eyes locked on the screen.
As the video continues you work your way around, pointing out animals to your mother who is holding the camera. For some reason, you considered every sheep and goat to be a cow, and informed your parents of that. As you approached one particular ‘cow’ it had its head down, eating some pellets. You bent over, likely to place a kiss on the top of its head, as you often did with your dog and cats at home, when it abruptly lifted its head, a horn butting you right in the nose. 
The room bursts into laughter, Harry included. He turns to face you, seeing that you’re trying to suppress your own laughter while giving him a faux stern look. He leaned in, brushing a soft kiss to your pouted lips. 
The videos continued, and you knew what was happening. Because it was your birthday, and you had brought a guest, you were the main focus of the selections. There were more embarrassing moments, like the time you rocked too hard on a rocking horse and ended up falling off backwards, but there were also nice memories as well. Dance recitals, school plays, birthday parties and more. 
A video played from Christmas day when you were roughly eleven years old, the whole family was gathered at your grandparents house, and the camera panned around, getting shots of everyone. When they panned into the den, they found you teaching your grandmother the Macerena. You had recently learned it at your friend’s birthday, and you always loved showing your grandmother the cool new things. And she loved learning them from you. 
You watched on, subconsciously shifting, rubbing the tattoo on your left wrist. The tattoo you got for her. You feel Harry nudge you, and you look over to him, tears pooling in your eyes. It had been nine years since you lost her, but there wasn’t a day that went by where you didn’t think of her. There were so many moments in your life you wished you could have told her about, had her there for. So many things you felt like you still needed to learn from her. Harry cupped your cheek, brushing away a stray tear. He looked at you with a question in his eyes, mouthing the words ‘you okay?’ You nodded in response and sniffled, composing yourself before turning back to the screen. 
“Are you going to the cemetery tomorrow?” Your mother asks. 
You freeze, you had been so caught up in the bubble you had created with Harry over the last few days that you didn’t realize that the anniversary of her passing was the following day. “Oh, I didn’t think about it. I mean Harry’s only in town for a few days. Maybe I could go aft–”
“I don’t mind,” he interrupts. “I’ll go with you if you’d like.” 
“Yeah?” You look at him in question, he nods. “I would probably want to pick up my grandfather first, he’ll want to go.”
“Excellent, I can’t wait to meet him.” Harry assures you. 
“Okay then,” you say, turning back to your mother. “I guess I am.” You pause, looking back over to Harry and taking his hand. “I mean, we are.” 
Your parents watched the two of you fondly. They had always been concerned about the kinds of guys you were seeing, especially since you barely talked about them and never brought them around. But seeing you and Harry, how affectionate he was with you, how tender and kind, they knew that he was exactly what they had always wanted for you. 
The night went on a bit longer, you watched a few more movies and went through some pictures. As you were talking and reminiscing with your family, Harry listened with the utmost attention. He meant it when he said he wanted to know everything about you, and this whole night had been an amazing step in the right direction. 
At one point, when it came up that your parents had left your bedroom exactly as it was when you left for college, Harry insisted on seeing it. You took his hand, leading him down the hall to the last door on the right. 
“That door stays open, young lady!” Your mother shouted from down the hall. “No watermelon sugar!” 
“Moooommmmmm gross!” You hear your sister groan
You froze in your tracks, pinching the bridge of your nose. Harry chuckles, leaning down to kiss you on the cheek. You open the door and step through. “Here it is.” 
Harry’s eyes sweep the area, taking in every detail. The walls are a pastel green, yellow and white gingham curtains match the sheets on the double bed. He runs his hand along the ornate carvings of the cream and gold headboard, and notices the matching desk and dresser. It’s definitely not the room he pictured for you, until he focuses on the wall decor. 
The first thing that catches his eye are the black angel wings hanging over the window, he then notices the posters, loaded with images of the kinds of guys your parents expected you to bring home. “It is definitely you. Perfectly punk rock princess.” 
“Yeah, well we did the full ‘big girl’ redesign when I was 12, and then my tastes changed, but my family’s budget didn’t, so we just added on.” You shrug. 
“I love it, really.” He assures you. “It’s like your beautiful brain exploded in here, it’s a little bit of everything I love about you.” He places his hands on your hips, you instinctively wrap your arms around his neck. 
“You know,” you say coyly. “You’re the first boy I’ve ever had in my room.” 
He arched a brow, and smirked. “Really?” You hummed in reply, and he pulled you closer, dropping his lips to yours, deepening the kiss instantly. 
You pull back, slapping his chest playfully. “Harry, my parents are right out there.” 
“Mmm,” he begins trailing kisses down your neck. “Now tell me we should be studying for the big test on Friday.” 
You burst out laughing, pushing out of his embrace. “You’re so fucking weird.” 
“You love it.” 
“Very much,” you look up at him, your expression softening. 
He links your fingers with his, bringing the back of your hand to his lips. “C’mon, let’s go home.” 
You nod in agreement, leading him out of your room. You both say your goodbyes to your family, Harry thanking your parents for their hospitality and promising to come back to see them next time he’s in town. You and your sister agree to get together soon.
“I think they really liked you,” you tell Harry in the car on the way home. 
“I really liked them,” he smiles. “Definitely felt like a part of the family.”
“Good,” you squeeze his hand. 
The two of you sit in comfortable silence for the rest of the ride home. You can’t help but let your mind drift off, thinking about how someday he may actually be your family. You know it’s way too early to be thinking like that, but you can’t and won’t stop yourself. You’re in love, and you don’t expect that to change any time soon.   
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brucebocchi · 3 months
Spring 2024 anime, Pt. 1: Ongoing/returning shows and the bench
yo! i also post this on my ko-fi! this is very much a labor of love, so if you liked what i wrote consider throwing a few bucks my way! thanks!
And we are back! This one came a little later because I'm much busier now than I was three months ago, but that's a good thing. It'll be a bit longer before I cover last season's new anime, so bear with me. I'm happy to say, though, that I didn't hate anything I watched this season! So there's that.
As always, the OP is linked in the title of each show. Check them out, there were some good ones this season!
Here we go:
Continuing & returning shows:
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Delicious in Dungeon, second cour
Ahh, Dungeon Meshi. At the start of my review of its debut cour, I said that Dungeon Meshi is a difficult anime for me to talk about unprompted because it’s such a complete, self-assured work that saying anything about it besides “PLEASE WATCH THIS ANIME IT’S SO FUCKING GOOD” feels like a fait accompli. After twelve more episodes and spending the better part of a weekend binging the entire manga, I’m left with little else to say besides please watch this anime (and read the manga), it’s so fucking good.
Our adventuring party has managed to slay (and cook) the red dragon and resurrect Falin from its belly, but the victory came at a cost: They have managed to not only invoke the ire of the dungeon’s ruler, the “lunatic magician” Thistle, but Marcille’s use of forbidden resurrection magic has also raised another number of hackles. Reunions aren’t all happy ones and the dungeon is getting weirder.
This line break represents where I wanted to add so much more and just kept falling short. This continues to be an exceptional adaptation of an exceptional manga. For all the silly gags, for all the goofy potshots everyone takes at each other, Dungeon Meshi is a series with a beating heart worn permanently on its sleeve. The group dynamic remains superb, and no less so for the standoffish half-girl-half-cat Izutsumi joining the gang (my joy at seeing her added to the OP was indescribable). The ways in which everything interconnects make up only a fraction of this series’ unmatched worldbuilding; much hay has been made about how Ryoko Kui designed the dungeon as a living, breathing ecosystem, but there’s so much more of that within the human element as well, and the latter aspect looks to only improve when the show returns for the next season.
Dungeon Meshi is, without question, the best anime of 2024 so far, and I will be impressed if anything manages to overtake it in this year’s latter half. The manga became one of my favorites in record time, and I have little doubt that by the end of the second (and almost certainly final) season, one of my favorite anime of all time will indeed be Dungeon Meshi. Ahh, Dungeon Meshi.
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KonoSuba: God’s Blessing on This Wonderful World!, season 3
When I reviewed last year’s Megumin-centric spinoff, I mentioned that I’m not quite as high on KonoSuba as other anime fans. I always thought it was a perfectly serviceable comedy isekai, nothing too special, but mostly worth the watch. Even after the letdown that was An Explosion on this Wonderful World! last year, I was still looking forward to the long-overdue third season. And pretty much as expected, what we got was fine. Just fine.
That said, I was instantly delighted to see Megumin once again surrounded by Kazuma, Aqua, and Darkness. And as is frequently the case when those four are together, shit goes south fast. Kazuma, hoping to heal the mental wounds he incurred in the Legend of Crimson film, gets his groove back when he’s invited to regale the adorable Princess Iris with tales of his exploits. As a noble herself, Darkness is mortified throughout this ordeal, scrambling to ensure that Kazuma doesn’t get beheaded for being a loudmouthed freak, and also that Aqua and Megumin don’t accidentally burn the palace down in their revelry. 
KonoSuba gets a lot of comparisons to It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, in that both are ensemble comedies in which the entire main group consists of awful people who don’t entirely like or trust one another. It’s a fair enough comparison, but what makes the group dynamic work for both shows is that the moral center is never a fixed point; the “voice of reason” among either group changes along with the situation to ensure the comedy stays fresh. And the fact that Lalatina Dustiness goddamn Ford has to be the voice of reason for the majority of this season should mortify you.
Darkness losing her mind aside, I didn’t really care for this arc. There was some interesting worldbuilding happening toward the middle of the season, but Kazuma acting way too eager about having a tiny, prepubescent girl calling him “onii-chan” just made my skin crawl, and I’m otherwise pretty much immune to the bog-standard “hey, laugh at this man because he’s a pervert” anime trope at this point. Fortunately, it only lasted for half the season, but unfortunately, it still felt an episode or two too long. The second half of the season followed Darkness’ forced betrothal to a gross noble from an earlier episode, and that arc also felt an episode or two too long.
Season 3 felt like KonoSuba both at its best and worst. The character dynamics are as rich as ever, even as Aqua and Megumin largely fell to the margins in favor of the larger stories. The smaller moments with the main four just bumming around their mansion are always just as entertaining as their larger exploits. The narrative seems to want to continue pushing Kazuma and Megumin together, nurturing the seeds planted in the movie, but later episodes also make a pretty good case for Kazuma and Darkness getting together; for better and for worse, those two absolutely match one another’s freak. Some of the gags this season were pretty darn good as well: This anime’s facials are already the stuff of legend, and we got some bangers here too (see above). For as loud as it often got, there were a few gags that centered on prolonged, uncomfortable silences like a late episode of Evangelion. And for as bored as I started to grow with the last arc, the punchline at the very end of the season almost made the whole thing worth it.
On the other hand, this show somehow got noisier. Some of Explosion’s funnier moments last year came from Megumin’s shrieking outbursts, so Studio Drive (taking over the main series from Deen) seemed to think that everyone needed to yell all the time now. It felt jarring; like watching season 4 of SpongeBob for the first time. I’m also not impressed by the fact that this series still seems to think sexual assault is just the funniest when it happens to men. It was a serious lowlight of the Legend of Crimson movie, and it just seemed to double down this time for a completely unnecessary segment in which Kazuma helps Dust get back at a creep, only for it to backfire on Dust and only on Dust. That shit sucks!
At the same time, it’s still KonoSuba, so ESH. If you made it this far, you’re pretty much along for the ride until it breaks down, so you take the good with the bad. Neither particularly outweighs the other, nor are they enough to push me towards declaring this show as either essential or unwatchable. It’s KonoSuba, and KonoSuba is fine.
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Laid-Back Camp, season 3
The reigning champion of Cute Girls Doing Cute Things anime returns to the present day after the 10-years-later film, and it’s in fighting shape. Though the third season of Yuru Camp (another anime I refuse to call by its official English title) is in the hands of a new studio, it’s still full to bursting with all the gorgeous countryside scenery, tantalizing food porn, and whimsical music you’ve come to expect by now.
This is one that was on my backlog for the better part of a couple years, so I figured there was no better time to catch up than to time it with a new season hitting the air. Through two seasons and an original movie, Yuru Camp was peak slice-of-life: Low on conflict, heavy on cuteness, and brimming with personality. It does what it says on the tin; it’s a show about high school girls going camping, and by God are you getting high school girls going camping. And in the meantime, you, the viewer, get to learn the ins and outs of camping while discovering all these real-life, lovely spots along the Japanese countryside with Mt. Fuji always in view, and maybe help boost the local tourism economies once you go outside and touch grass.
The previous two seasons largely followed the girls’ exploits at school and out in the open as individuals and smaller groups before building to a big destination trip with all five of them, but season 3 takes a more, uh, laid-back approach. The first half follows Rin’s bike trip along with Nadeshiko’s hometown bestie, Ayano, until they meet up with Nadeshiko after her own solo excursion. We also get a quick peek at a heavily-fictionalized retelling of Chiaki, Aoi, and Ena’s outing with Toba-sensei, as well as a cherry blossom viewing trip with Nadeshiko and her sister, before the girls all come together once more for a nighttime hanami outing. It’s more of the same, and that’s exactly what you’re here for.
That said, the character work is the glue that holds Yuru Camp together, and it’s as wonderful as ever. Rin and Nadeshiko’s friendship remains a delight, and Hazel covered it better and more succinctly than I ever could in the Yuru Camp segment in her phenomenal video on countryside scenery in anime. Watching Rin bond with Ayano one-on-one on their own trip was a real highlight; they’d hit it off quickly in the first season, and it was lovely seeing Ayano working at Rin’s go-to bike shop in the movie, so I was overjoyed to see more of these two. More than anything, though, seeing a habitual loner like Rin connect so naturally with another person (and one who isn’t Nadeshiko, no less) just warms my cold, dead heart. The looser plotting also gives us the time and space to take in how the girls individually spend their downtime. Nadeshiko’s quickly becoming as much of an expert solo traveler as Rin, and her youthful enthusiasm about everything remains as endearing as ever. We even get to watch her becoming a train nerd in real time! 
At the same time, the communal aspect of camping is a huge part of what makes this show click. Part of that, of course, has been watching Rin’s social circle expanding, but also in seeing how readily campers observe and aid one another. Nobody is “the best” at camping (except maybe Rin’s granddad), so none of the campers in this show have any reservations about going out of their way to help one another. Even an expert solo camper like Rin was a greenhorn at one point, so she’s always happy to give and receive help. The various campers the girls run into along their journeys are always ready with local information about good spots to eat, relax, and take in a good view as well. Even camping on your own, you’re never truly alone.
In that same vein, Yuru Camp is as educational as ever. Along the girls’ travels, we learn plenty about the myriad suspension bridges over the Oi River drainage basin, the various types of passenger trains connecting the countryside, torii gates along the mountains, and clever ways to build a camping menu around local crops. Yes, Yuru Camp is as much food porn as it is nature porn, and the dishes are sumptuous. On that note, my favorite thing I learned this season came from Nadeshiko’s drooling outbursts during the other OutClub girls’ camp retelling: It turns out that there’s an equivalent Japanese colloquialism to what we call food porn, specifically in the act of taunting people about delicious food they can’t have right now, and that is “meshitero,” or “food terrorism.” That is just terrific.
Yuru Camp is in the hands of a new studio for its third season, and the difference is mostly negligible. This is a show that trades largely in vibes, and the vibes remain impeccable. Almost everything still looks and sounds great, but season 3 leans a little more heavily on CG for moving bikes and cars, and they do look markedly worse. Not immersion-shattering, but definitely distracting. The scenery largely looks less hand-painted in favor of a more photorealistic style, which does make me wonder about the actual level of artistry put into it, but that could just be me splitting hairs. Otherwise, it still looks like Yuru Camp, which is all you can ask for.
This show still rules though. I don’t often get intense in my praise of slice-of-life anime, and the ones that get me acting like that are the ones that go to wild lengths for the sake of a joke, like Nichijou and Kaguya-sama. I don’t know what it is about a show as lowkey as Yuru Camp that has me wanting to scream from the rooftops that “THIS FUCKING SHOW WHIPS ASS,” but I’m not questioning it. Maybe it’s cuteness aggression.
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Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation, season 2, part 2
And we’re back with more of the best-made anime that I can’t recommend in good faith to just about anyone.
The latter half of season 2 surrounds Rudeus’ aims for a quiet domestic life, settling down with Sylphiette and at the request of his father, Paul, taking his little sisters Aisha and Norn into their home (along with a very welcome reunion with their escort). Aisha takes after her mother, Lilia, and is eager to please and help around the house, but Norn’s last memory of Rudeus is of his violent reunion with their father. Norn idolizes Paul, so she doesn’t trust Rudeus and refuses to open up to him. While Aisha is content with working around the house, Norn wants to keep her distance, so she decides to enroll and board at the magic academy.
Norn’s apprehension towards Rudy and the mental anguish it causes her becomes an isolating factor in her daily life, leading Rudeus to believe that she’s being bullied, much as he was in his previous life. Rudy’s attempts at sticking up for his sister fall flat and lead him to realize he’s been projecting on her this entire time rather than actually reaching out to her. It’s these moments of learning and unlearning that nearly make all of this worth it; this was easily one of the best episodes of Mushoku Tensei’s second season, and frankly one of the best episodes of anime I watched all season. Another episode near the end also earned that distinction, but it got weird afterwards. Even in its lower moments, this season traded very well in the themes of family, growth, and loss, and those aren’t always tidy subjects to handle.
Because this is Mushoku Tensei, the cozy home life can’t last forever. Paul’s attempts at saving his wife have continued to fall short, so he calls on Rudeus and Elinalise to come and help rescue Zenith. Rudeus is conflicted; though he finally has the opportunity to save his mother and face his father as a man, Sylphie is now pregnant and he doesn’t want to abandon his wife and future child. As often happens at times like this, Rudy gets some face time with the Man-God who has been seemingly invested in his journey, and for once Rudy flouts his advice to venture out. Many reunions are had, including one that had been teased all season, and a lot of things go south from there. I was spoiled on some of what would happen in later parts of the series, so it didn’t come as a massive shock to me, but it still got weird, it wasn’t really addressed all that well, and people were rightfully put off by it.
On that note, I’ve given up on the idea of this series being about Rudeus improving as a person, because he’s done just about as much “improving” as he’s going to by now. As I’ve said before, he’s not quite the drooling pervert he used to be (he was actually doing great for more than half of this cour before a succubus attack briefly got the better of him), but his moral compass, even in his best moments, still seems to be poorly calibrated. I do see a side of him now that genuinely cares for others and actively wants to help, but it doesn’t erase his questionable acts, nor do I get any sense that he deserves to get the things he wants. I particularly don’t care for what’s already looking like a formula wherein sex seems to be his cosmic reward whenever he hits a low point or achieves something great. For a series that genuinely has such excellent worldbuilding and storytelling, that part feels cheap enough to undermine everything else.
But hey, a rapist died, so it’s not all bad.
I’m not sure I’d necessarily put Mushoki Tensei on the level of Frieren or Dungeon Meshi, certainly not thematically, but with all three off the air this upcoming Summer season, it’s been a minute since we’ve had a season of anime without one of those three lovingly-made fantasy series on the air. It feels like anime has a massive fantasy void now, and I desperately hope I’m proven wrong soon.
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Urusei Yatsura (2022), season 2, second cour
The final run of the remade Urusei Yatsura ended on a strong note with an honest-to-God story arc! Lum and Ataru’s tempestuous situationship is put into stark relief with the fate of the world in the balance, except not really; Lum just wants him to think that because she’s fed up with his shit and that’s just how she operates.
Even as disjointed as this run has been prior to the final arc, there were still some gems this season. The time-travel segment where the gang tries to undo Mendo’s fear of the dark was a certified banger, Asuka’s violent androphobia is as funny as ever, and the introduction of Nagisa as a means of further muddying Ryunosuke’s whole gender situation was the most quintessentially Rumiko Takahashi shit I’ve ever seen. It’s the character comedy that makes Urusei Yatsura what it is just as much as the central will-they-won’t-they, and it was just as potent as always before the series hurtled towards its finale.
The four-episode arc to close out the all-stars run, similarly to the final arc of the manga and the final movie of the original anime run, centers on a blowup between our romantic leads over a colossal misunderstanding (sasuga Takahashi-sensei) involving a unilaterally-fated marriage between Lum and the prince of a dark planet, Rupa. Though Ataru and fellow dark-planeter Karula (basically Rupa’s own equivalent Lum) foil the wedding, a carbon copy of Lum created to ensure a proper exchange of vows tells Ataru that she’s over him. Ataru’s feelings are genuinely hurt, and he tells the real Lum that they’re through, and he returns to Earth with Karula, accidentally spreading spores of the dark planet’s enormous mushrooms.
Said mushrooms rapidly grow enormous when exposed to sunlight, so Earth is already in certain danger. Lum sees an opportunity to manipulate convince Ataru to finally get serious, so she sets familiar stakes: She’ll enlist Rupa’s help in destroying the mushrooms, but only if Ataru can beat her in a ten-day game of tag by grabbing her horns, just like when they first met. More importantly, though, she’ll let it all go if he can just say out loud that he loves her. And you know damn well by now that these two are both as stubborn as they come.
As I’ve said before, this is a shorter run, so we may not have the benefit of the entirety of Urusei Yatsura up to this point to be properly salivating for the finale, but I’ll be damned if it didn’t still hit like a freight train. The emotional climax was still meaty and satisfying in ways that made all of this worth it. Half of the joke of this series is that Ataru’s never going to get serious about Lum in a way that matters, but every time the mask slips is a well-earned shot to the heart. The ending is no different, and it made the shorter run still feel worthwhile.
And with that, that’s a wrap on a modern (if truncated) retelling of a legendary comedy manga. I’ll be forever grateful to this iteration of Urusei Yatsura for finally pushing me into getting into Rumiko Takahashi’s classic works, and I’m beyond excited that there’s also a Ranma ½ remake on the way. If David Production takes that one on as well, it’ll be in great hands.
Anime I Watched Two Episodes of and Will Probably Get Back to Later
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I Was Reincarnated as the 7th Prince So I Can Take My Time Perfecting My Magical Ability
I mean, you read the title.
This is less an isekai and more of a lateral reincarnation story; magic already very much exists in this fantasy kingdom, but this is about a guy who is very obsessed with magic but sucked at it suddenly gaining a wealth of talent and the opportunity to go absolutely sicko mode.
Lloyd’s existing knowledge of magic serves him well, and he becomes a virtuoso at a young age. He manages to subjugate a demon lurking in the palace’s library and turn him into an adorable familiar (and having the demon go from being voiced by Akio Otsuka to Fairouz Ai was a brilliant move) and just terrorize the poor little shit with his experiments and travails. The kid could basically do a Hollow Purple by the second episode. He’s kind of psychotic, and I love that for him.
This is definitely a comedy, but the comedy is kind of all over the place early on. Prince Lloyd is surrounded by beautiful young ladies-in-waiting who, uh, seem way too into him, and that kinda sucks. Lloyd himself is drawn and animated a little too lovingly for a child as well. It’s definitely uncomfortable in parts early on, but I’ve heard it lightens up on that and gets crazier in the parts that matter, so I’ll be coming back.
And it started with a menacing monologue from Takehito Koyasu himself, so of course my interest was piqued from the jump.
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Oblivion Battery
It’s weird, I love both anime and sports, but sports anime was just something I never sought out too much until I picked up Blue Box recently (also please read Blue Box, it whips ass and the anime is gonna be incredible). Oblivion Battery’s debut coincided with the start of the American baseball season, so it seemed like a great time to hop in.
I can’t say I was too intrigued by the premise, though. The intentionally generically-named Taro Yamada quit baseball after middle school after getting utterly rinsed by the high-powered battery of pitcher Haruka Kiyomine and catcher Kei Kaname, so he enrolls in a high school without a baseball club, only to find that his classmates are… Haruka and Kei. Kei, as it turns out, took a bad hit to the head and has completely forgotten all about baseball, and now spends all of his time trying to be a comedy boke for unwilling participants. Taro and Haruka would like Kei to learn about baseball again, so they start up a new club, alongside other classmates who also quit baseball because of the titular battery.
Fine premise, but eh. The hook wasn’t enough of a hook for me, and even MAPPA handling the animation didn’t keep my attention for long. I’ll probably get back to it eventually, but I ended up watching plenty of other anime this season that felt like higher priorities.
Also, I’m pretty sure Oblivion Battery’s manga introduced a character named Aoi Todo before Jujutsu Kaisen did. I still prefer the latter.
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YATAGARASU: The Raven Does Not Choose its Master
See, this one I probably should’ve picked up sooner, because it seems like it’s very much my jam, and I’ve seen plenty of praise for it. It’s a dense one, though, and I’d rather not cram it just to turn around and review it a few days later.
I won’t even go into the details because even two episodes in, there are darn near too many of them. This is a massive ensemble cast in and around a succession battle in a fictionalized, imperial Japan-esque kingdom created and ruled by yokai. We’ve got a battle of brides-to-be vying for the hand of an embattled prince, a cunning but resentful empress overseeing the proceedings, a possible spy or two, and a rambunctious little shit who looks like he got plucked out of Avatar: The Last Airbender getting roped into working in the palace. It’s a lot of moving parts, but I’m curious to see how they tie together.
Two episodes in and this show looks good, but probably not as great as it could. I know I’m spoiled on The Apothecary Diaries, but something like this already feels like it deserves better than some of the stiff character animation I saw early on. I’ll reserve my judgments for now.
YATAGARASU is continuing into the summer season, so I’ll take my time catching up on it. This one feels like it deserves to be sipped slowly, not chugged, and I’ll have my tasting notes in due time.
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xcerizex · 10 months
"How obvious it is when they like you."
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When the boys like someone who has a tendency to overthink. Imagine if you meet the boys in real life, you're not going to be certain that they actually like you unlike in the game and when they start flirting with you, you won't be able to take their flirting at face value at all. Horrible overthinking, which we all suffer from.
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Your first impression of him is that he's generally nice to everyone, you see. After several rounds of flustered panic attacks, you gave him a nickname.
"Central air conditioner"
(This basically refers to a person who's nice to everyone)
This is when you first meet of course, so it left you flustered whenever he'd say or do anything sweet.
Sometimes you'd spend one hour during class just... overthinking about it. Trying to crush those rose-colored glasses.
You tell yourself that he's just being really friendly, like the same way he's always helping someone out.
It's evident seeing how many teddy bears he's gifted on a daily basis lmao
It's only after seeing the obvious difference between how he treats you and others when he comes in strong, do you consider his actions as him being romantically interested in you.
That's when it starts being really obvious. Like, really, really obvious.
(Psst, Halloween event.)
Anyways, the one suffering the most here is him.
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It's pretty obvious.
Man won't take one foot out his house no matter how much anyone begs him to but the moment you invite him out for something silly he's at the door calling you slow.
Not exactly but you get my point.
A good thing about his blunt attitude is that it leaves little room for doubt. You don't have to think so much when interpreting his actions and words.
And you know you mean something special to him when he makes both small and big exceptions for you the way he wouldn't do for anyone else.
(Princess Day event)
In short, there's a lot less confusion because he's more forward in expressing his interest in you.
Like, whenever he'd tease you in a flirting manner on rare occasions, your brain starts to shortcircuit and it takes a few minutes for you to understand that he's doing it because he sees you in a romantic way before your face turns red.
He teases you for that too.
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I'd say it's more obvious than not, especially after you spend more time with him. Doesn't mean you don't get confused.
He was playful when you first met him so you never really took him seriously. Especially when you see the way other girls react when they're around him.
Not that you thought of him as a player of course, not at all. You always thought it was just his character. In fact, you found it sweet how he's always trying to support your dreams.
His support makes you wonder however. Sure he could just be interested in supporting a future artist, but sometimes you find his actions and words going beyond a simple sponsor.
It makes your head go around in circles. And it gets a whole lot worse whenever he does something so endearingly sweet, you know it's got nothing to do with business anymore.
It leaves you flushed red when you finally arrive to a proper conclusion after an hour of thinking.
He's going to be the death of you.
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Unlike the others, he is less obvious with his affection. He's much more subtle in regards to showing it.
He's extremely attentive when it comes to you and it shows. He'll frequently remind you to take care of your health, offer to grab a small bite for you when you mentioned you've skipped breakfast, and gently reprimands you when you don't take care of yourself enough at times, saying how important your wellbeing is to yourself, and to him.
These small acts of concern are so sweet it leaves your brain in an overdrive. You chalk it up to him being a responsible, duty-bound Student Council President and stay in denial for a good long while.
Many times you'd just start banging your head against the wall in order to not get your hopes up cuz' he's just so damn caring.
It's only when you realize that his care for you is particularly more affectionate and intimate, do you actually start believing that he likes you in a romantic way.
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Where do I start with this man?
His entire existence is a cryptic puzzle, his feelings are not gonna be any easier to pinpoint lmfao.
He's your guardian so naturally it's going to be harder for you to see him in a romantic light.
He could literally say "I love you" and you'd think internally;
'As a dad?'
No wonder this man's not a LI until like, the third world lol.
While I wouldn't say it isn't obvious, his character makes it hard to discern his true feelings.
As time passes and if he's willing to accept his own feelings, his romantic affection for you becomes more apparent. It doesn't show, you just feel it.
It makes you wonder if you're being delusional. Sometimes you'd throw your pillow across the room whenever you started thinking about it. You'd call it absurd the moment you start believing that, maybe, just maybe, Cael sees you in a romantic way.
You're screaming into the sheets again. This is not going to be resolved anytime soon.
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(Bonus!) William:
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Oh, you get very confused.
William's the friendliest person on the block so it takes awhile for you to realize you mean something special to him.
Another "central air conditioner" ig?
Whenever he would go out of his way to help you, you tell yourself it's nothing special. That he would do the same for anyone because that's just how he is.
But one time you told him you'd fallen sick over text, literally ten minutes later he shows up at your door all sweaty with bags of medicine lined up on his arms because he forgot to ask what sort of sickness you had.
You spend the rest of your sick day mulling over if that meant anything because you literally cannot fathom if this was something he'd do for anyone else.
He does a lot of big things for the people he likes, but if it's for someone where it's beyond a simple friendship, you start to notice the smaller details in his actions.
It leaves your heart in a flurry and your mind in tangled threads. His actions however, are not bold enough to stop your thoughts from running the mile.
But trust me when I say that his feelings are more obvious to you than they are to himself.
So until he realizes his own feelings, you're both stuck. But once he does, he'll go all out to show you just how special you are to him.
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180 notes · View notes
clubdionysus · 4 months
[BAD DECISION #31] The Photo Booth
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warnings: THE photoboth chapter!!!! a legend amongst bd readers!!!! we meet jaykays mum (shes the best) and his dad (legend), byeol gets her own back for the 'daddy' debacle, teasing, shameless flirting, a lil dirty talk, jaykay is desperate and whiney (just how we like him!!), precum...swapping?? as much as it can be swapped lmao, jaykay does her glitter ::(((((, a date! between friends!! some would argue!!, photobooths, kissing !!!!, oh god I love them so much, very cute, mmmmmm the way he says goodnight!! or alternatively, the way he doesn't say goodnight!!, our babies are v confused <3 cos they are stewpid <33
wc: 9k
bd total wc: 540k (ongoing)
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"Mum? Dad?" Jeongguk calls into the entryway of his family home, pushing the door further open with his shoulder.
Your bag is hooked over his broad back, along with his own, Jeongguk not even considering it a favour. Just helps you out in little ways whenever he can, just because he can. You do what you can to make his life easier, and so it's reciprocated without a second thought.
Carrying a bunch of fresh flowers that had hastily been picked up from the shop across the street, you're a little nervous. There was no way you could show up empty-handed, but had been so scatterbrained when you left your place, it had completely slipped your mind. They're pretty pink posies and are something - which is always better than nothing, even if they aren't all that impressive.
"Oh, you're here!" A sweet voice calls from the back of the house. The sound of indoor slippers scuff against the wooden floors, as his mother scurries to greet you both. "I thought you'd call when you were on your way!"
"Sorry," he apologises and leans down to let the bags softly tumble to the floor, before outstretching his arm for a hug. "Left in a bit of a rush."
Squeezing his mother gently, his back eclipses her from your view. Hands patting his back, you think you can tell a lot about a person from their hands - and she's no exception.
Well-manicured, his mum clearly looks after herself. She wears just two rings - her wedding band and engagement ring. Gold. The only remaining elements of her wedding jewellery that had survived the '98 gold drive.
"Spent my whole life in that house," Jeongguk had said of his family home on the journey to Busan. He'd been opening up. Telling you tales that you'd have never heard if you had declined his offer. Is clueing you in on the life that formed him. Wants you to know. "They held onto it throughout everything. The financial crisis, turn of the century, everything. I'm lucky. We were never well-off, but they never let me know when we were struggling."
It explains a lot about who Jeongguk is, you think. Never wants others to shoulder his burdens. Keeps things bottled up until the glass shatters - but you can see through glass. You always know.
A modest three-bed, there's something nostalgic about the four walls he calls home. Though you've never been here, it somehow feels familiar - but that's perhaps more so to do with the scent of laundry drying, and the fact that Jeongguk uses the same fabric conditioner as his mother always has done.
Swanning Jeongguk out of the way, his mother greets you with a smile that could stoke warmth in even the coldest of hearts - and suddenly, you understand exactly where Jeongguk gets it from.
Dark, round eyes, and a smile as radiant as a spring day, she's got the kind of delicate nature bestowed upon Disney princesses. If you were to learn she'd been a model in her youth, you wouldn't be surprised. 
Introducing yourself,  you hold out the flowers for her to take.
"For you," you offer, a little shy and reserved, in a way that Jeongguk doesn't see too often. Your glitter - toned down today, for some reason - sparkles in the late afternoon sun that pours through the windows. "Thank you so much for offering to host me. I really hope it hasn't put you out too much-"
"Oh, don't be silly," she tuts, flipping her hand away as if to emphasise that it really is no big deal. "It's always lovely to have Jeongguk's friends staying with us."
She glances over to Jeongguk. Leans in a little closer. Whispers just loud enough for him to hear. "Plus I'm sure you'll be a far better house guest than Jimin ever is!"
"Mum!" Jeongguk goes to defend his housemate - but he knows his mother adores Jimin. Treats him like a third son. Knows she's creating an alliance with you, given the little lie Jeongguk told about you previously dating Jimin.
"What?!" She plays innocent, and it's suddenly so easy to see why Jeongguk is the way that he is. A product of the people around him, he soaks up their best qualities like a sponge in search of water. His playfulness must come from her. Taking the bunch of flowers, she smiles. "Let's go put these in a vase. You must be hungry."
"Ravenous," Jeongguk confirms, as if he didn't eat half an hour ago. "What's for dinner? And where's dad?"
"At the driving range," she tuts, encouraging you both further into the house.
Large and open plan, the sitting room is adjacent to the kitchen; a space designed for socialisation, it's clear that Jeongguk's parents enjoy hosting. It's no surprise that they agreed to let you stay without hesitation, and is also why Jeongguk had no qualms about asking.
"Minhyuk got a new driver that he wanted to show off, apparently," she continues. "A Titlelist. Got it in some dodgy back alley sale. Your father reckons he's been scammed, but Minhyuk reckons it's the real deal, so I'll guess we'll see."
"Minhyuk lives down the road," Jeongguk explains to you as his mum rummages around in a cupboard to find her favourite vase. He's smiling, amused by it all. "Bit of a busybody. Likes being in people's business, so Dad likes to return the favour. Petty middle-aged man shit."
"Watch your language," his mother scolds. He apologises immediately.
It's sweet, seeing Jeongguk like this. He's always been respectful, even if he does swear like a sailor and has a sense of humour that would send a prude to an early grave.
"As for dinner, I told your father to meet us at the samgyeopsal place you like down by the beach-"
"Ugh," Jeongguk smiles, beaming from ear to ear. "Thank you."
"Don't know why you're thanking me," she hums sweetly as she arranges the flowers in the vase. A little lacklustre while they were still wrapped up, she manages to preen them to look far more beautiful. "You're paying."
"I'm- what?!" He whines, now, taking on the role of youngest son perfectly.
She's just joking, and you all know it - but you also know Jeongguk will likely try and cover the bill regardless. Glancing over to you with a cheeky grin, his mum playfully shrugs her shoulders. You return the smile, and giggle a little harder when Jeongguk continues to whine.
"Oh hush your moaning," she simply says. "Go take your bags through to your rooms. We'll head out in half an hour."
Jeongguk doesn't protest. Drags you along with him back to the entry hall to retrieve the bags.
"See," he says quietly, finding your shyness all rather curious. You're never normally like this. Never so quiet. "Told you there was nothing to worry about. Mum always likes my friends."
Picking up your bag to hoist it over your shoulder, you simply say, "Nerves are natural."
Jeongguk doesn't entirely disagree, but really thinks there's no need for you to feel this way.
"Yeah, if you're meeting, like, a girlfriend's parents," he says. "My parents are nothing to be scared of. Idiot."
"Doesn't matter if I'm not your girlfriend, Gguk. I still want them to like me," you remind him. "And let's be realistic here, parents aren't one for subtleties. You've brought a girl home and have hickies on your neck - I need to touch up the foundation, by the way. If they notice, they're gonna add two and two and get five."
"Well actually," he interjects. "They'll add two and two and get four. You are the girl who gave me them."
You laugh. He's got a point. "But I'm not your girlfriend ."
Yep , he thinks. Thanks for the reminder.
It's not like he even wants that. He knows that things are good as they are. Knows that any indication of things getting serious will likely make you run for the hills.
Things feel easy, now. He doesn't wanna do anything that will complicate it. Won't tell you how he's feeling, 'cause he knows the second it does, things will change.
He doesn't know if it would be for better or for worse, but he knows you. Knows his own lived experiences.
The mistakes made with Hayun have contorted his ability to go with his heart, because he knows the pain it can cause. Will take the nail-biting uncertainty of his feelings for you over the soul-crushing certainty of rejection any day of the week.
You're equally as shaped by your own experiences.
Once had a man who would declare his love for you on a Monday morning before his monthly business trip, only for him to spend the entire week in bed with a girl from the accounting department. You've no trust in words. No trust in anything, really, when it comes to matters of the heart. All you can trust is how you feel - but even that's a little more confusing than usual, these days.
"And thank God for that," Jeongguk teases, which seems to settle the woes within you. He tilts his head to the side and guides you up the hallway. "C'mon. I'll show you to your room."
He deliberately doesn't show you his own room. Will show you later, once he's had the chance to hide away most of the embarrassing stuff he hasn't touched since he was a teenager.
Instead, he leads you straight into his brother's old room, and winces.
"It's worse than I remembered."
Jeongmin's bedroom walls are coated in the Lotte Giants; like an oil slick on the surface of a road, or ice cream dripping down the side of a cone. Unsubtle, garish and impossible to ignore, the man is an interior decor menace.
Flags, shirts, commemorative posters, you name it; Jeongmin has it. You think he must have personally spent enough money to fund an entire season of the KBO.
It's a pretty inoffensive colour scheme - white, blue, red - but it's still an eyesore. The rest of the house is well-decorated. Tasteful. Roses do come with thorns, you consider. Maybe Jeongmin and Jeongguk's rooms qualify for that position.
"So your brother likes football?" You deadpan - although you're sure if there was a Lotte Giants branded football, you'd be able to find one in this room.
Jeongguk just shakes his head. Doesn't even dignify it with a proper response.
"It's a miracle he even managed to get girlfriends during high school. This shit is... I didn't recall there being so much."
Signed baseballs, bobbleheads, foam fingers. God. It's endless. Trading card binders, house slippers, even a rubber duck. It's overwhelming.
"What about now?" You ask of Jeongmin's passion. "Still obsessed?"
"Less so," Jeongguk shrugs. "Did call his dog Seagull, though."
The prospect of a dog being called Seagull has you bursting into laughter. You half think Jeongguk is joking - but quickly realise he isn't. For some reason, that only makes it even funnier.
"Will he be at dinner? Your brother?" You ask, setting your bag down on the freshly made bed. The scent of laundry detergent wafts up, and it reminds you of being back at Jeongguk's place in the city. You've never felt more at home in a stranger's bedroom.
"Why?" Jeongguk asks, narrowing his eyes, remembering what you had said earlier. "You're not allowe-"
"Oh give over," you laugh. "You know I won't."
You've never seen his brother, but already know Jeongguk must be the brother. The one that the girls go crazy over.
Then again, Jeongguk did say that his brother is a fuck boy. Perhaps he's just as handsome.
Impossible .
Thing is, Jeongguk doesn't know you won't go for his brother. You made threats earlier. Knows he ignited a fire in you the second he pulled the 'Daddy' stunt. Knows you're competitive. Regrets it a little bit now. Only has himself to blame.
"Anyway, piss off," you playfully tell him. "I wanna get changed."
Jeongguk doesn't care. Takes a seat by his brother's desk, instead. Smirks. Raises his brows in that promiscuous, boyish way that always disrupts the butterflies who peacefully rest in your diaphragm. "Okay. Get changed."
"Gguk," you deadpan. He's pushing his luck, and he knows it. Glances over to the door. It's ajar, but pushed shut enough to obscure any unwanted eyes. Just means he needs to keep his deep voice quiet.
"What?" He flirts. "Nothing I haven't seen before."
"Your mum is down the hallway!" You whisper-shriek. Sometimes you forget how much of a boy Jeongguk is, and then he pulls shit like this.
The worst part?
You love it when he's like this; all cheeky and brazen, audacious in his quest to get what he wants.
And when it's you that he wants? Oh, it gets you all hot under the collar. He has that effect on people, you think. It can't just be you.
"So?" He licks his lips. Rakes his eyes down your body. Looks fucking hungry - and to him, you look like a 5-course meal he'd gladly get on his knees and beg for. "She's not gonna come in."
His lips press down against one another, tightly. His lip ring does the thing. You whine.
"Byeol." He teases. "It's not like you're getting naked. Not like we'd be doing anything. Seen you in your underwear so many times."
He'd like to know that he still can. Wants to know he hasn't fucked it all up by getting you a little vulnerable earlier.
"Maybe I am getting naked," you whisper back, feeling challenged now.
"Are you?"
"Should I?" You tease. He sits up a little straighter. Tries to be subtle as his hand drops between his legs, the heel of his palm pressing against himself. Fails. You know he's adjusting himself. Know that it means he's getting a little excited.
"Think if you need to, then you should," he simply replies. "Just a little revision of a bird, no? Nakedness ? It'd be good."
You don't need to get fully undressed. Not in the slightest - and you're not gonna.
In fact, Jeongguk isn't gonna see anything - but you're still gonna fuck with him a little first. He deserves it after this morning.
You turn away from him. Shrug the jacket off your shoulders. Toss it onto the bed. Open up your bag, and have a little dig around.
"I'm not sure what to wear," you hum, sounding a little defeated. It's intentional. Want him to think you're being genuine.
Turning to face him, you hold lingerie in either hand. Packed deliberately just to fuck with him. Had figured you'd wear it discreetly, letting him know as and when he deserved to know. Would use it to wind him up - and not to give him any satisfaction. He's right in thinking he's ignited a little competition in you.
Didn't realise you'd take him to war, instead.
He's not seen you in either of these. Has never really seen you in your 'nice' stuff. All of your underwear is nice to a certain extent, because you're intentional with your purchases. Like feeling good beneath even a pair of sweats.
However, Jeongguk has only ever been treated to matching sets.
After all, you've never tried to seduce him. He's your friend. You fuck each other, sure, but it's cause it's comfortable. Safe.
The lace in your hand is far too exciting for your established arrangement.
In your left hand is a lace bodysuit. Mesh panels make up the structure, but it's the ornate, hand-sewn lace that really makes it beautiful. The neckline is fairly high, so sometimes you get away with wearing it at a top on nights out. Been a while since you went that risque.
In your right hand, it's a classic black garter belt. Jeongguk has no idea what the fuck they're called, just knows he likes them.
He swallows. Licks his lips. Doesn't know where to focus his eyes. Barely realises he's gripping himself now. Is so fucking hard.
"Which is your favourite?" You ask, eyes innocent, voice nonchalant.
Jeongguk thinks he'll die if you wear either.
"Both are fine," he manages to say, eventually.
"Fine isn't good," you pout.
"Well what do you want me to say, B?" He whispers, clearly a little frustrated. Not with you. With himself . "That as soon as you put them on, I'll wanna take them off you? They're fuckin' hot. Both of them. Fuck ."
He tilts his head back. Whines a little. Moans. "Why do I do this to myself?"
"Think you might be a masochist," you giggle now, tossing the lingerie back down by your bag. Will save it for later. Poor boy is going through it. "You did this to yourself."
He looks at you with a huff and a frown that is far too sweet for the situation at hand.
"I'm stupid," he pouts. "Pea brain. You're the one with a big brain. You should tell me to stop doing pea brain things."
"You wouldn't listen to me even if I did," you smile fondly as you walk towards him - 'cause even if it looks like he's admitting defeat, you don't trust him yet. His cock is too hard to be making sensible choices.
Coming to a stop between his legs, you don't stop Jeongguk when his large hands stroke up the backs of your thighs. Your own hands are toying with his hair. It's all very amorous; affectionate despite the allure.
"You don't know that," he whispers, still. Cupping his strong jaw, you tilt his head upwards. Your hair is still up from earlier, and he regrets it now. Always loves it when your hair tumbles around his face. Likes being consumed by the entity of you. The scent of your shampoo, the softness of your well-conditioned hair. Heaven.
"You made a bad decision this morning," you remind him. "Would have done it even if I told you it was a bad decision."
Regretfully, Jeongguk thinks this is true. That instant gratification of his ' Daddy' stunt made it worth it.
Worth it at the time, at least.
He's not so sure, now.
Sinking to your knees, your hands stroke up his thighs. Jeongguk looks down at you, tongue wetting his lips. There's a change in his breathing. Anticipation.
"You know," you say quietly, making sure no sound travels at all. You're not looking to get kicked out of Jeongguk's house within an hour of being invited in. Looking directly at his hard crotch as your hands squeeze his thighs, you simper. "I really thought you were gonna take charge this morning. Thought you were gonna get me where you wanted me."
"Yeah?" he husks, pulling on his shirt, releasing it from the belt around his waist. Lifts it a little. Gets his abs out. Is doing shit he knows will make you salivate. One of your hands follows his encouragement and pushes up his chest. Hard beneath your warm hand, his body really is a gift from the gods.
"Yeah," you tease.
"What did you think, huh?" He says, his hand cupping your cheek to raise your gaze to his. It'd embarrass you, if it were anyone else; but for some reason, you don't mind worshipping Jeongguk unabashedly. Are on your knees like his body is your alter. Whisper words of sin like you're in a confessional. Pray that you'll never have to give this up. Religion is wasted on you, and Jeongguk is a false God, but you've never felt more holy than when you're committing cardinal sins with him. "Where was I gonna get you?"
Smiling in that coy way you so often do whenever he gets you a little vocal, your eyes rake back down his body.
"Right here," you shrug. Give him those eyes; the ones that make Jeongguk think he's seeing fucking stars. Smirk, before you say, "thought you were gonna get your cock in my mouth."
"Shit," he curses as you press down over the hard ridge in his pants. He's always so pleased to see you - especially like this. "You want that, huh? Wanna suck on it?"
Nodding, you bite on the lip, sin written in the constellations Jeongguk's gazing at. "Wanna make you feel good, Koo."
If Jeongguk doesn't get his cock in your mouth within the next minute, he's pretty sure he'll die. Has wanted it for weeks. Months . Wants you in any capacity he can get you, granted, but there are few things in life better than a good blow job. Good pussy, is, admittedly one of those things, but he already knows you have that. Thinks your mouth must be just as good.
His hands drop to his belt. Metal clangs as he races to get it undone. You let him. Don't stop. Watch on with sated pleasure as he hurries. Undoes his buttons, and then his zipper is down, too. His Calvins are on display. There's a teeny tiny damp mark showing through; evidence of how badly he wants you. "We don't have long. Be quick, B. Gonna nut so fuckin' fast."
Smirking, there's something so painfully endearing about how needy Jeongguk is as he untucks himself from his boxers. Thick and firm, his cock is just as pretty as it always is whenever he's desperate for you. The little bead of precum pooling at his tip is begging for your tongue, the freckle on his shaft deserving of a pretty little kiss.
And then you pull back. Look at his pretty, needy face and raise a brow. Poor baby .
"Said I wanna make you feel good," you smirk. "Not that I will."
You get to your feet. Walk away. Giggle to yourself as Jeongguk fucking whines as quietly as he can. Needs that door closed. Needs you to know that this balling is gonna kill him off. Head thrown back, cock in his hand, he's gonna fucking die .
"B," he growls a little, faux sobs echoing from his throat.
"What?" You smile. He looks like a fucking state, desire taking hold of the way he's staring you out, chest heaving a little bit. And then, to add insult to injury, you remember to 'address him properly'. "Something wrong, Daddy ?"
His face bunches up. Regret embeds itself into the lines on his face. He whines. "You're so mean, Disco Ball."
He's cute. Really fucking cute.
It makes you feel bad.
And fuck, you want him.
Seeing him like this gets you all sorts of fucked up - but he deserves it.
He watches you cautiously as you walk a little closer.
You crouch between his legs this time, instead of getting down on your knees. Replace his hand with yours. Have missed how it feels to have him in your grip.
Eyes on his, you watch as his chest begins to beat a little fast. His lips are ajar. Eyes forlorn, he's desperate . His cock twitches in your hand, so you tighten your fingers. A hushed moan lets you know he likes this. Likes every fucking thing about it.
Licking your lips, you position yourself a little better. Glance down. Think it's a miracle you haven't given him head yet. Have never wanted to choke on a cock more - cause what are friends for, if not that?
"I'm not mean," you whisper. You drag your wet tongue across the tiny slit that is fucking oozing for you. It takes everything in you not to give into what you want. "I'm so nice to you, Koo."
You've got a point to prove, though. Ease your grip. Stand. Replace the now empty space in your hand with his chin between your thumb and index finger, grasping onto it as you tilt him upwards.
You hold your tongue out, encouraging him to do the same - and without even a second fucking thought, he does it.
Eyes wide, Jeongguk wants this. Want you. Wants your tongue on his.
And what Jeongguk wants?
Well, eventually , he always gets it.
Your tongue swipes against his; traces of his own precum sinking onto his tongue, masking the taste of you.
He wants more.
Wants you to do it again. Wants to taste you. Wants you to sit on his lap, tongue in his mouth. Wants to be too fucking busy with his lips to remember how to breathe.
And, like always, he will get it - just not now.
Eventually, yes.
Immediately, no.
"You're gonna fuckin' kill me one day, B," he whines as you walk away from him again.
"Good," you smile, talking at full volume now. Playtime is over.
You do, however, take off your shirt, and let him watch. All he can see is your back, but even that drives him insane. He can't remember the last time he was this worked up without any indication of a release. He's been horny all fucking day.
Pulling a fresh shirt over your head, you're a little sad to see he's tucked himself away when you turn around again.
"Go get ready," you say fondly. "We don't have long."
Jeongguk is pouting. A crease between his brows, he looks hard done by.
" So mean."
His stroppy demeanour makes you laugh. It's so classically him. A Ggukism, if you ever did see one.
"That's what you get for making me call you Daddy," you say quietly. Find it funny how much of a baby he's being - and consider that maybe he's the one that is better suited to the nickname.
He whines again. Louder this time. You glance to the door. Make sure you're still without disturbance.
You want to call him baby.
Just because it works, and it's funny, and - fuck it - maybe it'd be nice.
But it would also be a step too far, you think.
"Shush," you say affectionately, not accenting your command with 'baby' like you really want to. Instead, you walk over to him and cover his mouth with your palm. "What if someone hears you whining, huh? I don't wanna have to tell your mum you've just been tasting your own cum in your brother's bedroom, do you?"
"You're so fucked up," he wails, feeling incredibly hard done by. He needs to learn how to resist you. Never wants to have to endure this again.
"We're so fucked up," you correct. "I wouldn't be so mean to anyone else - but you deserved it."
He can't even argue against it. He knows that this is a product of his own creation.
"Go, get yourself sorted out," you encourage him along. "We don't have long."
He nods. Sighs. Gets to his feet, and does his trousers back up. Is convinced he'll die before your trip to Busan finishes if this is the game you're playing.
Leaving you to get ready (and to let his raging boner die, even if he won't) Jeongguk returns within 15 minutes. He's nonchalant, as if what happened the last time he was in the room was simply a fragment of your own imagination.
You're sitting by the floor-length mirror (which is, of course, adorned in Lotte Giants memorabilia), doing your makeup. Hair claw-clipped now, Jeongguk is a little sad to see your space buns go, but understands why. You seem to be a little more demure than usual.
He nudges his knee against your back, gentle in how he touches you, your body swaying ever so slightly.
"Don't," you smile, pulling the liquid glitter away from your face. "I'll get it in my eye."
There's an innuendo to be made there, but Jeongguk knows better. Just smirks. Plonks himself down next to you; cross-legged, knees up, arms hugging around them. He looks like a condensed version of himself like this, sitting as close to you as he possibly can just so he can see himself in the mirror.
"Little disco ball," he says fondly, watching you dab the glitter onto the inner corners of your eyes. It's not something he often calls you these days, but there's something about hearing the name now that makes you smile.
"Strange, isn't it?" You muse. "This time last year I was just disco-ballin' in your club. Didn't even know your name."
He nods. Smiles. "And now you're in my brother's bedroom turning yourself into a disco ball."
"Funny little lives, we live," you muse fondly. How far you've both come. If it wasn't for the glitter, you don't think you'd recognise yourself.
"Would you have ever predicted it?" he asks. Knows he was intrigued by you from the very moment he first saw you. Has no idea what you thought of him. Wonders if you had 'what if' thoughts about him. Who he was. Who he could be. What you could become. "That you'd end up here?"
"Honestly? Sorta wanted to curl up and die after you found me in your living room."
The memories are a little hazy, but you still remember the look on Jeongguk's sleepy face in the early morning sun that was intruding on his living room at the time.
Jeongguk nods. Smiles. Remembers it far better than you do. "Yeah, wasn't your finest hour."
You turn to look at him, chin resting on your shoulder. There's a glow about you now that Jeongguk can't seem to get enough of. Wants to drink you in like purple starfuckers at 2am in the heat of full-capacity Dionysus nights.
"I mean, I don't know," you say with a small shrug. "How often do you become friends with your punters?"
"Not often," he admits. "How often do you become friends with your bartenders?"
You're coy as you smile. "Not often."
Not ever, actually.
Yeonjun doesn't count - you've never spent any time with him sober, even if you do always enjoy seeing him behind the bar. Even then, it doesn't compare to the way you seem to light up whenever Jeongguk is serving your drinks.
Jeongguk's the first. The only.
Taking the liquid glitter from your hands, Jeongguk scoots a little closer. Gets more product on the wand, and sets the tube down beside him. Pinches your chin between his index finger and thumb.
There's no opposition from you; just a silent acceptance of Jeongguk dictating your movements. Lips parting as he draws a little closer, there's apprehension to the way your eyes flicker between his own pair and his lips.
Jeongguk is pleased, but tries not to let it show. Fights his smile. Battles the inner voices telling him that kissing you would be a good idea.
Breath hitched as his dark eyes survey your face, you're regretful of the way your body responds to him. Friendship tainted by desire; a natural by-product of fucking someone you really care about, you think.
It's no secret that you adore each other, but doesn't everyone feel so fondly about their best friends?
He's slow as he dabs the end of the wand against your cheek, following around the curve of your eye socket. Jeongguk always thinks you look so pretty when you highlight yourself with glitter there. It catches the light so easily that he always notices it. Might have even been the first glitter of yours that he notices in the dreary lights of Dionysus, the hedonistic haze of neon lights and dark shadows creating the disco ball effect he likes so much.
"There," he says quietly as he finishes evening it out. "Pretty little star."
"Careful," you say back just as quietly. "You'll give me an ego."
"Just returning the favour," he jokes, screwing the wand back into the tube, his hands working quickly. "The Daddy thing really did a number on my ego this morning."
Rolling your sparkly eyes, you gently push him away.
"Fuck off, Jeon," you playfully reprimand him for mentioning it again, getting to your feet. Smoothing out your clothes as you check yourself over in the mirror, you're pleased to see that Jeongguk has applied your glitter just the way you like it. Dabbing it out slightly, your heart swells a little with how attentive he is.
Still sitting exactly where he was, Jeongguk strokes up the inside of your leg. It's all very innocent. Just touching you 'cause he likes the comfort that comes with it. You're in sheer tights, there's a softness to them that Jeongguk likes. He tries to forget the garter belt you were holding earlier. Doesn't think you'd wear it out for dinner with his parents.
He's right.
No matter how hot it might be working him up in public, you're not about to go and do it in front of his parents . You have some morals at least, even if Jeongguk does make you momentarily forget about them from time to time.
Reaching down, you scratch his hair a little, just behind his ear. Eyes closed, he leans into your touch like a little puppy dog. So docile and devoted. Cute.
"C'mon," you encourage him, but remain fixed in position. Head versus heart. Wanna stay right where you are in the cocoon of Jeongguk's family home with him, but know you have places to be. "Shouldn't keep your mum waiting."
He nods, head resting against your leg. Sighs. "Yeah. You're right. Let's go."
You offer him a hand up, of which he gladly takes. Checks himself over in the mirror. Is still wearing the outfit he drove in. Considered changing, but he's aware of the way the girls at the service station were ogling him earlier. Knows the outfit probably has something to do with it.
He doesn't mention the change of your outfit; the fact that you're wearing a white shirt too, now. It's tucked into a little black skirt, he's certain you're probably gonna wear those slightly worn out Converse of yours - and he intends on doing the exact same.
"C'mon, kids!" Jeongguk's mum calls up the corridor, echoing your thoughts about needing to leave.
It's nice, you think, to be grouped with Jeongguk in such a way. Makes you feel like this is the way it's always been. Doesn't matter if you're in your twenties, and Jeongguk's mum met you an hour ago. There's an acceptance of you; of your place in her son's life.
He glances over at you, scrunching his nose a little. Is a little awkward. Likes the idea of you being part of his life since childhood. Is sad it'll never be the case.
"You heard her. Let's go."
Ushering you back down the hallway, a hand on top of your shoulder, thumb rubbing the nape of your neck, there's a casual intimacy to the way Jeongguk always finds an excuse to touch you.
It's not scary, nor daunting in the way that you always deem intimacy to be, but it is something . Gets you feeling a little flustered. Has you wriggling out of his grip with a laugh, as if he was tickling you.
"Stop annoying the poor girl," his mother scolds fondly as you come into her line of vision, which just simply earns another protest from Jeongguk.
"She's the annoying one."
You scoff. "That's rich coming from you."
It's all in good humour, and his mother appreciates this. Likes seeing Jeongguk goof around, especially knowing how stressed he's been lately. Has barely called. Missed his father's birthday to study.
All she wants is for her children to live happy, fulfilled lives, and if there's one thing to be noted about Jeongguk's current demeanour, it's that he's undoubtedly happy.
Whether or not that has anything to do with you, she doesn't know - but she wasn't born yesterday. His desire to visit home is understandable after the pressure of his studies. He needs rest - and somehow, he factors you into that rest.
Of her two children, Jeongguk's always been the more introverted one. He needs his time to recharge. Would be the life and soul of the party at school, then come home and remain silent until dinner time.
For a few years, it bothered her. Thought that maybe Jeongguk was unhappy at home - but it was quite the opposite. It's his safe space.
And now he's bringing you into it.
"Is the room okay?" she asks you, knowing that the sheer amount of baseball memorabilia in Jeongmin's room is... a lot to take in. "Interior decoration was always more of Jeongguk's speciality. Had Jimin to give him pointers. Jeongmin... Well, he had an acquired taste... As you've probably already gathered."
Laughing a little, you nod. "It's grand. Thank you for letting me stay. I really appreciate it - and I grew up with a Lions-loving Dad. I'm used to it."
"Ohh," his mother winces, then addresses Jeongguk. "Keep this one away from Jeongmin."
You also turn behind you now, raising a brow. He's just rolling his eyes, a soft smile on his lips.
"Samsung Lions - and their fans - are the scum of the earth in Jeongmin's eyes," he explains, then looks over to his mum. "Is he coming to dinner? Do we need to sit them at opposite ends of the table?"
Shaking her head, she laughs. "No, he's got plans, apparently. I did tell him you were visiting, but you know what he's like."
Jeongguk just sort of accepts this answer. Nods. Shrugs his shoulders, as if it's to be expected. An air of disappointment clouds around Jeongguk, lips pursed, eyes stern.
He and his brother are cut from the same cloth, but have been sewn together with different stitches. For all their similarities, they have stark differences, too. This one has always been the most challenging for Jeongguk; how little his brother seems to care about maintaining a good relationship.
Jeongmin seems to think their status as brothers is enough to keep the bond strong. Doesn't seem to care about fostering an actual friendship with him.
It's part of the reason why Jeongguk is so reluctant to let go of friendships that no longer serve him. They're filling a void. He never wants to be the one who gives up. Doesn't wanna be the reason things fall apart.
"Alright," Jeongguk's mother smiles at you both. "Ready to go?"
It surprises you that she's the one driving to dinner instead of Jeongguk - but it makes sense, given the fact you and Jeongguk will stay in the area afterwards.
She insists that you sit up front, even if all forms of hierarchy would dictate that Jeongguk should be there instead. He doesn't complain. Sort of likes how you and his mum are ganging up on him like a little team.
When you arrive at the samgyeopsal place, his father is already waiting.
He's everything you expect him to be: funny, a little dramatic, and the spitting image of Jeongguk, just with a few more grey hairs and even deeper creases beneath his eyes. Introduces himself with as much gusto as a cartoon character; full of life and pleased to have another person to relay all of Minhyuk's misdemeanours to.
You learn more about the Busan Driving Range circuit than you ever could have predicted - specifically about Minhyuk, the legitimacy of his 'bargain' driver, and how Jeongguk's father is convinced he's been tampering with his balls.
Jeongguk chokes on his drink when his dad mentions that last point. Earns himself a talking to for thinking with such a dirty mind - but after a few drinks, his parents are giggling about it, too.
There's something incredibly easy about being around Jeongguk's parents. It's no wonder he's grown into the person he is.
You feel a little shy. Don't understand the in-jokes at first - but someone always explains them to you. Normally Jeongguk, but sometimes his mother. Never his father, 'cause he'll go on a twenty minute long tangent explaining the lore and the back story. They've learnt this the hard way.
Still, he's a dab hand when it comes to grilling the meat. Takes charge of it all. Plates his wife up first, always. You second, Jeongguk third, and then himself. Head of the house, he takes his place in the hierarchy seriously, but not at the expense of the ones he loves. Will make sure they're provided for first.
Jeongguk is much the same. In charge of refilling the soju and beer, he'll pour for his father first, then mother, then you. Puts the bottle down before he fills his own, which is when you step up and fill his glass. He'll nudge with you his knee beneath the table to make you wobble, but never enough to make you spill it.
Subscribing to drinking norms is something that you never really do with Jeongguk. He's a bartender, after all. Things are always a little unconventional. He's normally the one making you drinks and sorting himself out, too.
Something about this feels incredibly domesticated. Natural. Pleasant.
By the time dinner is done, Jeongguk's parents have to order a taxi. Had a little too much to drink- but you're bloody glad for it. Made it a lot easier for you.
"Your parents are fun," you beam, walking down the promenade of Gwangalli with Jeongguk. It's your favourite of all the busy beaches in the city, but you rarely ever get the chance to see it after dark. There'll be a drone show, soon. You've definitely never seen that. Can't wait for it.
"They sure are something," he laughs, a little embarrassed. They have big personalities, which he's glad of, but he knows they can be a bit much sometimes. "Dad drinks well, so we probably had a bit more than we should have done. Sorry."
Shaking your head, you don't mind in the slightest. Are at that giddy stage of drinking, where everything seems marvellous, and bad decisions cosplay as good choices.
"Are you forgetting how we met? I don't mind having one too many, Gguk."
"True," he agrees, checking the time on his phone. Still a good half an hour before the small show. It's just a free thing that the city council puts on every night, not a huge deal to him anymore, but he understands why people romanticise it. Knows that you have to see it.
Tugging on your hand, Jeongguk checks the road before he crosses, dragging you along with him.
"Hm?" You squeak, taken by surprise. A little tipsy, your reflexes aren't as fast as usual, just like tipsy Jeongguk isn't as good at voicing his thought processes as sober Jeongguk usually is.
"Photos," he simply states, leading you into a small retail unit that houses only photo booths.
It's the standard set-up: wall partitions between self-timer camera units, and curtains instead of doors to the small spaces. Each booth has a different colour background, adding to their own individual charms. The walls of the entryway are lined in discarded pictures; friendship groups, couples, first dates, anniversaries, birthdays. Life events, big and small. Moments of time captured to last forever.
Accessories and props are abundant in the entry area - hats, glasses, wigs, signs. Your favourites are always the headbands. Kitty ears, normally, though sometimes you branch out into bunny ears if you're feeling fancy.
There are five booths in total along the back wall, but one in particular grabs your attention: the one advertising Sanrio-themed frames instead of the standard solid colour outline.
"Oh my god," you gasp, and then it's Jeongguk's turn to squeak with confusion. You point to it. Specifically, to the My Melody and Kuromi figures by the bottom of the ad. "It's us."
He smiles. Doesn't really understand your hyper fixation. Agrees nonetheless. "It is us."
The pair of you goof around, picking props. Jeongguk learns that you find him in any sort of animal ears absolutely hilarious, but the second he puts on a yacht captain's hat?
"Take that off right this second," you tell him, voice stern, eyes wide.
He's bemused. Snorts a little. Teeth on show, he's dangerously pretty. So handsome and yet such a little shit. "Why? Like it?"
You turn your nose up. "Hate it."
"I know you're lying," he laughs. Tilts it down. "Is this getting you all hot, B?"
"I'm leaving," you say, because it's so much easier than saying yes.
Something about him in a white shirt, with that hat? White with a navy peak, gold embroidery on the sides? God, you see why the old money girlies like boatmen so much. Decide that you're never getting on a boat with Jeongguk if you want to retain your sanity.
He takes it off. You don't even realise it, but you pout.
"You're so confusing, Byeol," he says as he playfully puts it on your head - and then he's feeling all fucked up too.
Something about a captain's hat. Just really does the trick.
You've both had too much to drink. There's no reason for you both to be getting flustered because of a stupid hat and yet -
"I don't think we should ever touch hats again," Jeongguk says very quickly.
But then you put a pair of kitty ears on and he starts questioning whether or not furries are actually kinda onto something.
He furrows his brows. Picks up a pair of ears. Bunny ones. Black. They're satin and a little too sexy, he thinks, but he's gotta see himself in them.
And when he does?
He kinda gets why girls dress up like cute animals for fancy dress parties. Doesn't wanna blow his own trumpet - but shit. He does look cute.
"Oh my god, YES," you exclaim when you clock his new attire, and quite literally drag him to the booth. He gets no say in the matter, and honestly doesn't care. Is having too much fun with you to take any of this seriously.
You pick the Sanrio framed booth, because of course you do. Jeongguk pops his card in the slot, and lets you click through on the options that you want - 4cut, vertical frame. The classic style. Your favourite.
Turning to Jeongguk, you tweak his glasses a little. Can't decide if they look better hiked up, or further down his perfectly sloped nose.
All Jeongguk can think about is your nose, and much he wants to nudge his up against yours.
And so he does just that.
Doesn't give a fuck.
The camera flashes.
You're caught, forevermore, in your state of Jeongguk-induced hypnosis. The pictures will survive beyond you. Will be stored in boxes to be looked at once, maybe twice by future generations.
One day, no one will know the name of you nor the boy you're with. They won't know how the scent of his aftershave lingers, nor the way your soft exhale of air sounds as you smile. Your present will be lost to history, this photograph? Your legacy.
Nothing will be known of you, and yet this picture alone will tell them everything they need to know.
"We're gonna waste shots," you whisper. The booth takes six photos, but you'll only be allowed to choose four for the printed picture at the end.
The more to choose from, the better.
"So?" Jeongguk smirks. Holds your neck just beneath your jaw. Strokes across your cheek with his thumb. Looks at you with sparkly eyes and a boyish smile that is just begging to be kissed. "Don't you wanna see what it looks like when we kiss?"
"It's intimate," you remind him.
"Maybe - but it's also fun," he reminds you.
The camera flashes again. That's two shots wasted, now.
If you let this carry on, it'll be three, and then one of them will have to be used in the final print.
And yet as Jeongguk nudges against your nose a little deeper, you let him.
When his lips ghost yours, you let him.
When his lips press down, you let him.
You'll let the third photo be taken, because you'll be too busy kissing him back to pay attention.
The fourth, too.
Lips on yours, Jeongguk kisses you in a way that he hasn't done before. It's delicate, and gentle, but his lips are strong. Intentional. There's no intrusion of tongue, no fervent need to get you moaning, even though it feels like you will regardless.
Your brain screams at you. Something about rules, and breaking them.
You ignore it.
'Cause all you can think about is the way this feels.
You don't think you've ever had a kiss like it.
And it's terrifying.
It's not until the fifth shot flashes that you both pull away; smiles smitten, eyes glossy. Both of you felt that. Ain't no way he couldn't have.
You think that maybe that's even more terrifying.
And so for the sixth shot?
Both of you pretend to throw up, disgust plaguing your giggly smiles and blushed cheeks.
There's distance between you, but as soon as the camera flashes, Jeongguk is pulling you back to his side again. It's just so that you're both ready to look through the pictures that are about to pop up on the little touchscreen. He's being helpful. Glances down at you, and has to stop himself from pressing a kiss into your hair.
Things are just so easy with you.
As soon as the pictures load, you're laughing. "We have to retake these."
"No, no, no," he swats your hand away, then taps on one of the photos, adding it to the preview frame. "My jaw looks really good in this one."
It's shot number four. Mid kiss. His hands on your cheeks, yours out of frame because they were on his waist. His jaw really does look fantastic - but it's sort of devastating when you realise just how happy he looks. He's smiling into the kiss. The most devastating thing of all?
So are you.
"How is that even us," you giggle. Seems so bizarre to see yourself like this.
"Gross isn't it," he smiles, adding more of the pictures to the frame, but you're the one correcting him now, tapping his hand to move him out of your way.
"We need them in order," you say. "A chain of events."
Eventually, the order is settled: the nudging of noses, the innocence of a kiss with the sin of Jeongguk's sharp jaw, the slightly startled look in both of your eyes as you'd pulled away, and then, of course, both of you pretending to vomit.
As they print, you pick out props for the next set of photos - Jeongguk in a pair of purple heart-shaped glasses and a Kuromi headband, you in that damn sailor's hat - and discuss which poses to actually do. This time round, it's all peace signs and finger hearts; goofy angles too close to the camera and a little laughter to set the tone.
"C'mon," Jeongguk says softly as you finish sliding the pictures into the thin plastic sleeves next to the booths. He normally doesn't bother with them. Likes that you seem to care about preserving the integrity of your memories. Hand outstretched, he encourages you to take it.
"Your bird," he says. "Said we'd do it in Busan."
The look you give him is coy, eyes a little sultry, lips a little pouty.
When you're silent, Jeongguk laughs. "Hold my hand, B."
"Getting a little date-like, don't you think?" You say of the night, but Jeongguk just shrugs.
"So? We'll just call it practise."
"Mhhm," he nods, shaking his hand a little because you still haven't held it. He's impatient. It's only as you take his hand that he begins talking again. "You don't wanna go back into the dating world unprepared. What if Mr Mechanical Engineer tries to hold your hand without you being ready for it?" He squeezes your hand, leading you out the door. "Let's get you used to it."
The mention of Seojoon makes you feel guilty. About him? About Jeongguk? You're not sure. It's something you need to figure out. Something you need to figure out fast .
And yet as Jeongguk holds both yours and his shoes in one hand, your hand firmly secured in the other, you choose not to think about it.
Just think of the sand, and how it will be a bitch to get out of your tights. It's sort of like your glitter, in a way.
But just like Jeongguk wouldn't trade your glitter for anything, you wouldn't trade this moment for anything either.
Neither of you say much. Just listen to the waves rolling in. Listen to other people's conversations. Listen to the whir of the drones as they start up and get into position. The show begins. Won't last longer than ten minutes. The silence is comfortable.
He holds your hand, and you move them to your lap in a bid to keep them warm.
Jeongguk isn't really feeling the cold. His heart is simply burning too brightly.
"I'm really glad you're here," he says as the show draws to a close.
"Me too," you whisper back fondly. "It must be nice to be home."
"Well, you know they say," he muses. "Home is where the heart is, and all that."
Been at home for months, B.
You breathe through your nose, exhaling a sincere smile. Could say a million things. Could say nothing at all. Could ask what he means, but you're taking it at face value. Genuinely think he's just happy to be home.
"We should visit more often," you suggest.
"I'd like that," he nods as he squeezes your hand. "You wanna go explore the night markets?"
Grinning, you get to your feet immediately. "Thought you'd never ask."
Jeongguk leads the way. Shows you his old haunts. Gets you hotteok from his favourite stand down by the promenade. Shows you the arcade machine he once spunked away 50,000 won on and didn't even win a prize. Shows you the initials he and Jimin caved into a pavement curb fourteen years ago. Took them hours. Both got blisters. Worth it though. They're embedded in the city, forevermore.
He takes you down memory lane, and you find it's your favourite street to visit with Jeongguk. You love his history; learning what shaped him. Who shaped him. Where.
Not once does Jeongguk let go of your hand.
Not down the markets, not along the beach, not in the taxi home, even when he doses off for a moment, head resting on your shoulder.
Not once. Not until you're both home, and he's saying goodnight outside of his brother's bedroom door. He's still toying with your fingers. Isn't even gonna suggest the idea of doing things you know you shouldn't.
Doesn't wanna taint the night.
In the morning, he'll blame all of his bad decisions on the alcohol. Will say he was tipsy, even though you stopped drinking hours ago.
He hugs you goodnight. Lingers a little too long. Too close. Nudges his nose against yours. Brushes his thumb against your cheek.
"This..." he whispers. "This is what it should be like."
His jaw tenses. He holds himself back from pressing his lips against yours like he so desperately wants to. Knows he's already said too much. Pulls himself away from you, to press a kiss against your forehead.
His lip ring is so hard, and his lips so soft, that it makes you feel all sorts of fucked up.
The most fucked up thing of all?
How badly you want his lips on yours.
But then he fucking walks away .
Closes his door. Shuts you out.
The evening had been so simple. So straightforward. Casual. Nothing confusing in the slightest. You were happy. So was he.
And yet as you lie in bed, all that rattles around in your head for hours on end is the question: what the fuck is happening to us?
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artycomicfangirl · 1 year
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I guess I wanted to experiment some more until I find the right design for Daisy's Mum? so here's some random quick sketches and what-ifs. Excuse my messy handwriting haha. Part 1, cause I have more!
• I reckon that face wise, Daisy shares a lot more resemblance to her mother. I took inspiration for this from the 1993 Super Mario Bros movie, as Daisy’s mother is literally played by the same actress in the flashback. But with much darker hair.
• But in terms with the flair and colouring, Daisy’s traits from her father shines much more!
• Usually I did want for the Queen to have Middle Eastern/Persian inspiration. But i kind of given her the name Laelia, because it is a flower of Mexican origin. I know it’s too much of a reach. But sort of like Sarasaland’s Portuguese/Spanish influence?
• I’m thinking so far that Laelia is from a Kingdom that prides itself in artifacts? Knowledge? Gems? Honestly not sure yet! But I know that she really adores nature and studies subjects relating to nature.
• As a Princess, she wears mostly Mauves and blues, to symbolize a blue orchid. And possibly the colours or her kingdom. After she marries into the Royal Sarasaland Family, she starts to wear more brighter and warm colours, showing how she truly loves and embraces the land’s culture.
• The King, Richard (since the fans seem to have given him this name, so I’ll refer to him as that!) Absolutely adores the Queen. From their first meeting, he was already quite smitten with her! But she wasn’t focused on love at first, and was studying at the time. Every simply glance she gives him. Every time she politely calls his name. It reduces the tough and stern King into a flustered mess.
It was even more prominent even before they were crowned! He tried to impress her on some occasions haha.
He’ll be afraid of silly things. But if it’s right in front of her, he’ll puff up his chest and brave it out…most of the time!
Is it cheesy for him to say that her eyes shine like the most beautiful of gemstones? Well, according to his Royal friends they might!
• It’s also why that if the Queen was ‘whisked away forever’, Richard becomes absolutely devastated. Heartbroken. The Queen brought warmth into his life, and it was taken away from him. But knowing that he still has his Daughter, is enough to keep him going.
But! I wonder if there’s a possibility of her returning somehow?
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stardewremixed · 9 months
SDV + SVE Pairings
This is just random fluff headcanon about good pairings in Stardew Valley, imo.
+ Abigail (already wrote a post on this adorable pairing)
+ Penny (something tells me he would be super protective of her and just the kind of adventure she needs and she would be so good to Evelyn and George, endearing him even more)
+ Olivia (from SVE - a little May-December romance going on here)
+ Penny (he would take such good care of her, showering her with praise and adoration, and she deserves it)
+ Claire (from SVE - she's half-in-love with him already as an avid reader of his books; he would just lap up the praise)
+ Sophia (from SVE - the wine is what brings them together and love of fantasy)
+ Emily (I think she would be a good influence in his life, a bit mothering at times, but he needs a firm supporter and cheerleader in his corner when he's detoxing, plus she would spoil Jas rotten)
+ Haley (an odd pairing at first glance, but this headcanon, though not explicitly Haley, has me convinced these two would make a good pair somehow)
+ Abigail (this girl LOVES the egg hunt, and gets super into talking about chickens with him; and he kinda likes watching her from a distance, not quite sure what to make of this purple-haired beauty, but he is attracted to her joy and silliness, and she just wants to bring a smile to his face and make him happy)
+ Leah (she would not put up with his bullcrap; she would dish it right back; she would hang in there with him like a champ while he detoxed and tell him what he needs to hear; and she would be good to Jas, plus she lives close by; and I think he would appreciate homecooked meals as he eats a lot of pizza at the Saloon and frozen dinners from Joja at home; I don't think Marnie cooks much; and he would appreciate her passion for art and the outdoors, particularly their shared fondness for Cindersap Woods; she could keep up with him when he is at his best; and these two would be fire together in bed)
Magnus (Wizard from SVE)
+ Emily (something tells me this pairing would be magical *wink wink*)
+ Olivia (SVE - I'm not sure why, but this works in my head and he would give her the best "trinkets;" and he would greatly admire her first-editions collection and appreciate the library she has cultivated; somehow I also think it would be really funny for these two to get high together like she did in college in the '70s)
+ Penny (he would also take very good care of her, and he's established with a solid career, older, a bit more experienced, and help her work through PTSD of living with an alcoholic mom)
+ Leah (oh she definitely is a capable, independent woman and catches his eye, and she likes teasing and spoiling him with goods from the woods *face palm* did not mean to make that rhyme. She would bring him salads and healthy meals and they'd enjoy a good bottle of wine or a good cup of coffee together)
+ Haley (he would spoil her and call her princess, and she would dote on him; it's all very flattering; he would also invite her to spruce up the clinic and let her display her photography; and when she cries and has a bad day, he would give her the TLC she needs; and I think she would be generous with the massages and kisses; plus, I know, this is a bit shallow, but he has a well-respected job and some money, which would impress her)
+ Claire (SVE - these two intellectuals would never run out of things to talk about, even though they are both quiet people; and they would be comfortable with the quiet; I could see them spending lazy rainy afternoons and evenings together, just reading, some soft jazz on in the background)
+ Leah (she would scare the hell outta him initially, but he would be secretly impressed by her woodchopping and have mad respect for her independence and fall madly in love with this redhead; she would give him the space he needs, uninterrupted, so he could work without his family constantly butting in; and I see her spoiling this touch-starved man with good food and tender loving care)
+ Haley (another odd pairing, BUT, hear me out, I think she'd ask him for help fixing her iPhone or iPad or something and at first, would be kinda annoyed by his aloofness, but then somehow would make it her mission to make sure this boy had the 'sweets;' like she would bake him a cake every week and hope something else would break just so she could see him again; he would think she's spoiled and annoying at first, but gradually grow to appreciate her artistic abilities - like seeing her out in the rain one day photographing frogs and the river and being impressed with her work; also he would secretly stalk her Instagram just so he could figure out where she was in town and casually 'bump' into her; I could see him being super into black & white photography; as Haley softens up and matures a bit, he could see himself pursuing her; and she would be totally down to follow him to Zuzu so he could pursue his dreams)
+ Claire (from SVE - it would start with them both wanting the same book at the library; of course, Seb would let her have it, but she promised to return it when she was done and let him check it out, and she stays true to her word; these two are both quiet individuals so I could see them reading together on a rainy day in the library, and seeing each other often enough, asking what the other is reading, and then gradually it becoming a habit to sit together; another girl he would introduce to digitized books; also Claire strikes me as a secret geek, totally down to try DnD and enjoying Journey of the Prairie King)
+ Scarlet (from SVE - technically not a romance candidate, but I like the idea of these two together; she is into anime and theater and cosplay and he likes her geeky side and how enthusiastically she talks about it with anyone who will listen; plus I think, she would appreciate his wicked guitar skills)
+ Emily (a little weird as a pairing, and she is an older woman, BUT, he likes how she takes care of him, bringing him a scarf on a windy day, giving him a Claritin when his spring allergies get bad, carrying around a first-aid kit when he bangs up his elbows and knees skateboarding, and keeping an eye on him when he's drinking at the Saloon; I think she enjoys having someone to take care of, someone who is carefree and happy-go-lucky like she is and open to trying anything)
+ Sophia (from SVE - what can I say? I think Sam is attracted to smart, competent, independent women; I also think they would bond because her parents died when she was younger, and he deeply misses his dad, even after Kent comes back and is suffering with PTSD; Sophia would help him through navigating it having navigated it herself; and she would appreciate his joy in life, plus I could see them both being geeky together)
+ Abigail (think of the adventures these two could/would have - enough said)
+ Scarlet (from SVE - for similar reasons as Abigail - I think she would enjoy going on adventures with Lance)
+ Leah (they are both strong and independent people, dedicated to their work, capable of being on their own for awhile, but I do think the passion would burn hot between these two)
+ Claire (SVE - she would swoon a little, to go on adventures she has only read about, and he would love to show her the world *cue Aladdin music now*)
+ Olivia (SVE - a little odd at first, but she likes that he is worldly and traveled and he appreciates her voracious appetite for literature and her cultured background; they are intellectual equals)
Victor (SVE)
+ Maru (I just love the idea of these two together; she might come over to borrow a book about astronomy and they would stay up late into the night discussing space exploration, robotics, and engineering; these two intellectuals would always enjoy each other's company and help the other with their projects; plus they both understand what it's like to have a 'hovering' parent and wouldn't mind escaping together every once in awhile)
+ Penny (another intellectual pairing; I also think he would take good care of her and enjoy spoiling her, maybe even designing a home for them to live in as an engineer; and she would fall madly in love with his library and adore how he had read all the same books she has)
Gus (not really a love interest... but... I couldn't help myself)
+ Penny (yes, you guessed it, she is attracted to men who can take care of her, and secretly loves being spoiled; they would work together in the community garden, and he always ensures she has enough food at home; she appreciates how he has always looked out for her; while kind-of a dad figure to her, now as an adult, she sees him in a whole new light - and finds herself feeling things she never thought she would; and he always saw her as much too young for him, but he admires her resilience and is beyond flattered when she confesses her feelings to him; age is just a number, right?; plus these two would be great teachers together, maybe cooking classes in the newly restored community center; and then some sensual cooking and foodplay in his apartment)
+ Sophia (SVE - as two respected business-owners in town, they would initially have that in common; after being rejected by Emily, Clint's heart is tender and raw; he doesn't think he will love again; She takes some projects to him and appreciates his attention to detail; she finds herself lingering even after she's dropped something off or after she's paid and picked up her item; one day she asks him to deliver something out to her vineyard, but then he gets stuck during a snowstorm; she cooks him a meal, something he hasn't had in a long time; he is touched by her generosity and hospitality; Sophia longs to make him feel better and to help him heal after rejection, but she's super shy and he's a bit too; so maybe she starts with an innocent invitation to dinner after that first one they had by accident because of the snow storm, but then they start enjoying a few meals together, and a glass of wine/beer at the Saloon, and soon he's walking her home on Friday nights, until one night... she invites him inside for more than just a nightcap... and...)
Who's your favorite? Any particular pairing from above that you'd like to see me write together in a "headcanon" post?
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pancake-stack · 6 months
Stuck with you
Hey guys, I'm in the middle of writing my StaticRadio fic and I'm very excited to share a snippet of the first chapter here while my beta reader looks through the rest. Please enjoy!
When Vox gets trapped inside a virtual reality that grants his every desire, Alastor is sent in after him. Forced to play the role of devoted partner, Alastor must figure out how to get them both out of the program while learning how deep Vox's obsession for him goes and how he can use it to his advantage.
"And why, my dear, should we care that Vox was injured by his arrogance?"
Alastor delighted in watching Velvette scowl, gripping her bedazzled phone almost hard enough to crack the screen. Meanwhile, Charlie turned to him with the oh-so-predictable puppy eyes that practically begged him to finish hearing the media overlord out. 
Turning away from the pitiful display, he sipped his coffee as nonchalantly as possible before focusing his attention back to Velvette, giving her a mocking grin as he leaned further into his chair. "After all, we are not responsible for his actions. If he wanted to take on an up-and-coming newcomer, that's his responsibility."
Scoffing at his lack of tact, Vaggie placed her hand tenderly over Charlie's arm to comfort her, muttering under her breath comments about his own massive arrogance that he chose to ignore.
With a sigh, she addressed the small group, "As much as I hate to admit it, Alastor has a point. This isn't our problem. We're here to rehabilitate sinners, not get caught up in Overlord drama." Seeing Charlie about to argue, she turned towards her and stopped her. "Honey, Vox is known to crush anyone that threatens his media empire. It's not surprising that someone would eventually manage to fuck him up."
It wasn't enough to deter, as Charlie continued her protests "But Vaggie, he's not just hurt- he's comatose! His friends are worried enough about him that they're here asking for help, isn't that a big step forward?"
Humming lightly, Alastor asked, "The same friends who allowed Vox to surround the hotel with his silly flying cameras?" His grin widened as he watched Charlie deflate slightly.
"Well yes- I mean no-"
"Who also allowed him to send spies to this establishment?"
"That one turned out okay-"
"The same friend group that consists of Valentino?" 
She froze with this statement, glancing over at the bar area where the rest of the hotel residents were gathered, and he knew his point had hit home. Angel Dust hadn't moved from his stiff perch on the bar stool, keeping the group in his line of sight as he downed a truly impressive amount of drinks with a dark look.
Seeing the Princess' hesitation, Velvette reigned in her annoyance and attempted to regain an air of nonchalance as she started tapping away at her phone, "Alright bitches, if you do this favour for us, the Vees will give you prime advertising space. I've even managed to get the pissbaby to cut down the white prick's hours by half," Raising her eyes to meet Charlie's, "That a good enough deal for you lot?"
The short silence that followed was only broken by Angel Dust's sudden hacking as he choked on his drink, staring in shock even as tears started streaming. 
Husk rushed over to help, patting his back helpfully and taking the offending drink, placing it safely out of reach for the time being.
After a few moments, Angel Dust could speak again, forcing the words through a raw throat. "Val's really gonna give me fewer hours?"
Velvette rolled her eyes with a huff, but at least deigned to answer with a quick nod. He barely managed to share a disbelieving smile with Husk before Charlie tackled him in a celebratory hug, Nifty not far behind.
Vaggie watched the scene with a small smile, keeping back. "If we manage to send out our advert properly this time, we might be able to gain more patrons." 
As the staff started to chat excitedly about the opportunities that this could present them with, Alastor watched on in boredom, sipping his coffee once more while he studied Velvette, who had finally started to relax as the others got more animated.
Vox must truly be in a pathetic state if Velvette was willing to stoop so low as to offer fantastical favours for just an attempt at helping. And that wasn't to mention Valentino's reaction. He had heard how possessive he was over his employees, time off was practically unheard of. Yet here he was, offering his biggest star the chance to only work half his hours with zero consequences. That had been mentioned, at least.
He still had no real interest in helping any of the media overlords, but he couldn't deny how hilarious it would be if he was the one who helped his so-called 'biggest rival'.
The image of Vox awakening from his humiliating slumber before finding out that not only was it Alastor who helped him but that he now had to pay back that favour whenever Alastor wished it. 
Oh, the expression of rage that would produce caused his grin to widen to an almost painful degree.
Yes, that would more than make the effort worth it.
Setting down his cup before slipping into the shadows, he reappeared directly behind the group and placed his hands on Charlie's unsuspecting shoulders. His iron grip was all that kept her in place when she started shrieking and tripping over her own two feet.
Before anyone else could scream or kick up a fuss, he let go of the Princess' shoulders to summon his microphone and address the group, swanning around them dramatically.
"Now my friends, if we want to be able to reap these rewards that were so graciously offered to us, we best be on our way. No more dallying, please- The sooner we start, the sooner it's over with!" A cheering soundtrack followed his words as he summoned a shadow portal on the nearby wall and began to herd the group towards it.
Or tried to- Velvette stepped in front of it, hands on her hips and displeased scowl on her face and she glared up at him.
"Oi, hold it! I'm not chaperoning seven of you fuckers through the tower. Choose three of you to go and that's it. I am not going to be treated like some kind of glorified babysitter."
Grappling back control of the situation, Charlie pushed her way to the front of the others and spun to face them with a tight smile. "Oh, yes. Ok, so I'll go as a representative of this hotel with Vaggie," At this, her girlfriend gave her a grateful smile, "Is there anyone else who'd like to join?"
Predictably, Angel Dust didn't look very keen on the idea of returning to his place of work if he wasn't needed. Similarly, Pentious was unlikely to run to his ex-idol's aid, and Husk wouldn't go if he wasn't forced. Nifty, however, was practically vibrating in excitement, smile sharp and dangerous at the chance to meet more 'bad boys'. 
Alastor tapped her lightly with his staff to get her attention, then shook his head once she met his eyes. She pouted, but it was mostly for show, and she quickly focused her attention on a nearby cockroach. 
Alastor smiled, pleased at the ease. Perhaps he could find some nice knives for her good behaviour.
Stepping forward with a twirl of his staff, he put a hand to the place where his heart should be and sighed loudly. "Why, how could I ever leave Vox in such a vulnerable state? The thought alone breaks my heart."
Ignoring the disbelieving looks around him, he focused on Charlie, who looked about ready to burst into song about him gaining compassion for another or something just as frivolous.
But of course, Vaggie had to speak up. 
"Hun, are you sure about this? Those two have never got along. I don't know what he's planning but I don't trust him around Vox if he's vulnerable. Alastor's too much of an opportunist to let this pass him. We can't afford for this to turn into a shit show between overlords and get caught in the crossfire."
Repressing an almost violent eye-roll at the comment, he responded as cheerfully as he could manage. "Oh please, there's nothing fun about taking out an unarmed opponent." 
Honestly, it was like these people didn't want him to have any form of entertainment outside of the hotel. No killing, no dismembering; he wasn't even allowed to torment the staff too much before it got turned into a lecture on respecting his fellow demon. 
Not that it stopped him, but still.
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metalandmagi · 8 months
The Real Anime Awards of 2023 part 2
Every year, I become increasingly disappointed in the Crunchyroll Anime Awards, so I started making my own Anime Award lists THAT ARE FOR THE ACTUAL YEAR IN ANIME! IF CRUNCHYROLL WON'T INCLUDE FALL SHOWS THEN I WILL! I've already done my silly version for 2023, so now it's time for my serious picks. But it's still just for fun, so don't take any of my nominees too seriously or get offended that I didn't include your favorites. Even I can't watch everything.
Full disclosure, I don't include all the same categories that Crunchyroll does (just most of them). These are also only for television shows, so I didn't include any movies (and I really don't watch enough anime movies on a yearly basis to include a movie category).
Anime of the Year
Vinland Saga season 2
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Zom 100 Bucket List of the Dead
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Oshi no Ko
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Frieren Beyond Journey’s End
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Scott Pilgrim Takes Off (I don’t care what MyAnimeList says. It’s made by Science Saru, so I'm counting it.)
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Best Continuing Series
Vinland Saga season 2
Dr. Stone New World
Horimiya: The Missing Pieces
Jujutsu Kaisen season 2
Spy x Family season 2
Attack on Titan the final season (just assume I mean the last special from here on out)
Best New Series
Buddy Daddies
Oshi no Ko
Tengoku Daimakyou
Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead
Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End
Migi to Dali
Best Animation
Tsurune season 2
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Trigun Stampede
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Demon Slayer: Swordsmith Village arc
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My Happy Marriage
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Jujutsu Kaisen season 2
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Attack on Titan the final season
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Best Character Design
Bleach Thousand Year Blood War part 2
Oshi no Ko
Blue Lock cour 2
Tokyo Revengers season 2
Mou Ippon! (Yes I'm 100% serious. I actually respect this show’s character design a lot, considering the artists were able to make realistic, distinct, varied female characters of all shapes and sizes without making them into moe blobs. So that's why this is on here instead of another shounen of the week.)
Best Romance
Tomo-chan Is A Girl
My Love Story With Yamada-kun at Lv999
Sacrificial Princess and the King of Beasts
Skip to Loafer
Insomniacs After School
Horimiya: The Missing Pieces
Best Comedy
Buddy Daddies
Cool Doji Danshi cour 2
Skip to Loafer
My Love Story with Yamada-kun at Lv999
My New Boss is Goofy
The Hundred Girlfriends Who Really Really Really Really Really Love You
Best Action
Trigun Stampede
Demon Slayer Swordsmith Village arc
Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead
Jujutsu Kaisen season 2
Attack on Titan the final season
Hell’s Paradise
Honorable mention: Bleach Thousand Year Blood War season 2 (sorry, I just wasn’t as impressed with the action in this season, but it still deserves a shout out)
Best Fantasy
To Your Eternity season 2 cour 2 (is it cheating if it's only counting the last cour of the season 😅)
Ousama Ranking: Yuuki no Takarabako
Hell’s Paradise
Mononogatari season 2
Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End
Mushoku Tensei season 2
Honorable mention: Hikari no Ou (I never finished it but the vibe was there.)
Best Drama
Vinland Saga season 2
Oshi no Ko
Ooku: The Inner Chambers
Tengoku Daimakyou
Migi and Dali
Honorable mention: Undead Girl Murder Farce- it's more of a mystery than a drama, but I still wanted to include it somewhere.
Best Slice of Life
Horimiya: The Missing Pieces
Kubo Won’t Let Me Be Invisible
Cool Doji Danshi cour 2
My New Boss is Goofy
Insomniacs After School
My Clueless First Friend
Best Protagonist
Thorfinn (Vinland Saga season 2)
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Mitsumi Iwakura (Skip to Loafer)
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Maomao (The Apothecary Diaries)
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Arikoto Madenokoji (Ooku: The Inner Chambers)
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Frieren (Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End)
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Kouya Madoka (Overtake!)
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Best Antagonist
Eisuke Nikaido (Tsurune season 2)
Canute (Vinland Saga season 2)
Millions Knives (Trigun Stampede)
Taiju (Tokyo Revengers season 2)
Ibara (Dr. Stone New World part 2)
Reiko Ichijou (Migi to Dali)
Honorable mention: *SPOILERS* The Bureau of Traditional Music (Mononogatari season 2). These guys were squad goals, not gonna lie.
Best Boy
Vash the Stampede (Trigun Stampede)
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Every Single Boy from Cool Doji Danshi cour 2- THEY’RE ALL GOOD BOYS OKAY!?
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Sousuke Shima (Skip to Loafer)
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Taiyou Takada (My Clueless First Friend)
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Einar (Vinland Saga)- Yes Einar instead of Snake. Snake is a lovable antihero, but Einar is best boy material
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Yukichi (The Masterful Cat Is Depressed Again Today)
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Best Girl
Tomo (Tomo-chan Is A Girl)
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Runa Shirakawa (You Were Experienced, I Was Not: Our Dating Story)
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Kana Arima (Oshi no Ko)
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Amit (Niehime to Kemono no Ou)
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Akane Kinoshita (My Love Story with Yamada-kun at Lv999)
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Mitsuri Kanroji (Demon Slayer: Swordsmith Village arc)
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Best Score
Trigun Stampede
Vinland Saga season 2
Insomniacs After School
Bleach Thousand Year Blood War part 2
Jujutsu Kaisen season 2
Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End
Best OP (yes there are 8 nominations, I couldn't decide 😭)
Jujutsu Kaisen season 2 (“Specialz” King Gnu)- I really think this season’s OPs should be taken as a pair, but when it comes down to which OP will stand the test of time, I think this one will be more iconic.
Vinland Saga season 2 OP2 (“Paradox” Survive Said the Prophet)
Oshi no Ko (“Idol” YOASOBI)
High Card (“Trickster” Five New Old)
Hell’s Paradise (“Work” Millennium Parade)
Tengoku Daimakyou (“Innocent Arrogance” BiSH)
Bleach Thousand Year Blood War part 2 (“Stars” w.o.d.)
The Legendary Hero is Dead (“Shinda” Masayoshi Ōishi)
Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead (“Song of the Dead” Kana-Boon)
Honorable mention: Link Click season 2 (honestly this is probably the best OP of the year, but since the show isn’t Japanese, I have to exclude it 😣)
Best ED
Tengoku Daimakyou (“Dare mo Kare mo Doko mo Nani mo Shiranai” ASOBI Doumei)
Oshi no Ko (“Mephisto” Ziyoou-vachi)
Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End (“Anytime Anywhere” milet)
Dr. Stone New World part 2 (“Suki ni Shinayo” Anly)
Spy x Family season 2 (“Todome no Ichigeki” Vaundy ft. Cory Wong)
Migi to Dali (“Skyline” Nulbarich)
Best VA Performance Japanese
Uemura, Yuuto As Thorfinn (Vinland Saga season 2)
Takahashi, Rei as Tomo (Tomo-chan is a Girl)
Satao, Gen as Ganta Nakami (Insomniacs After School) His laugh is so pure and genuine, I could listen to it forever!
Inoue, Marina as Armin Arlert (Attack on Titan the final season)
Tanezaki, Atsumi as Anya Forger (Spy Family season 2)
Nakamura, Yuuichi as Satoru Gojo (Jujutsu Kaisen season 2)
So there you have it! My picks for the real anime awards of 2023. Like I said, don't take this seriously at all, it's just something fun I like to put together every year. I always try not to nominate the same things, but it's easy to end up playing favorites. It's so hard to try to include a variety!
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babybluebex · 2 years
amnesia | eddie munson blurb
eddie survives the demobats by the skin of his teeth and, when he wakes up, he doesn’t remember you. (remember i told y’all that this is short lmao)
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You were thankful that you were able to get him to a hospital. It was a miracle in itself that you and Dustin had managed to get Eddie out of the Upside Down by yourselves, and it was even more impressive that you were able to get him into the van and to the hospital. The nurse asked you for a lot of information when they first took Eddie back for emergency surgery, and you had said that he had gotten hurt during the earthquake. It made sense to you, and the nurse didn’t ask any further questions about it, so that was what officially happened. As you tried to sleep in the hard chairs of the hospital waiting room, that was what you willed into truth; no bats, no Vecna, just an earthquake. 
The doctor pulled you back into his room several hours later, and you were beyond relieved that he was awake in the bed. He definitely seemed out of it, probably hopped up on pain meds and everything, but you grabbed his hand and stroked the back of his palm as the doctor talked. “Head trauma,” he said. “Concussion. He might have memory issues for a few days, but it’ll all come back to him soon.”
“Oh, good,” you sighed, looking at Eddie. He was looking at you with confusion, like he didn’t know who you were, and your heart sank. Oh God. “Eddie?” you asked carefully. “Do you know who I am?” 
“No,” Eddie replied. “Should I?” 
Yes, you wanted to tell him. I’m your girlfriend, I’m the reason you went into the Upside Down in the first place— you only wanted to protect me. We’ve been together for three months, since Christmas. I steal your cigarettes and you steal kisses. Remember me! Instead, you only sniffled and wiped your nose on your wrist. “No,” you told him. “Don’t worry about it, sweetie.”
“I-I feel like I should know you,” Eddie said, his words slurring slightly. He had only just gotten out of surgery maybe an hour ago, hardly awake from the anesthetic, and you figured that that probably contributed to his memory lapse, along with the concussion, but it only hurt your heart. “I know you, I call you something silly…” 
“Well, you call me all sorts of things,” you chuckled lightly. “Sweetheart and baby and princess, all kinds of… Of silly stuff.” 
Eddie’s eyes widened a bit, and he looked down at his hand in yours for a moment before he said, “Are you my girlfriend?” 
You sniffled again. “Yeah, bud,” you replied. “I’m your girlfriend.” 
“Oh my God,” Eddie said. “Wow! I have a girlfriend! I never thought I’d have one of those…”
“Aw, Ed,” you whispered, and you reached up, carefully brushing his hair behind his ear. You always did that before you kissed him, admiring his dark eyes before you leaned in. “Well, you have a girlfriend. How does it feel?” 
“Real good,” Eddie said. “And you’re so pretty too! Do you play Dungeons and Dragons?” 
You laughed. “Yeah,” you said. “That’s how we met; I joined the Hellfire Club and got a huge crush on you.”
“Do you like metal?” he asked next, still gazing at you in wonder. It’s like he couldn’t believe that you were real and in front of him, and you couldn’t help your giggle. 
“I mean,” you shrugged. “I’ll listen to it if you put it on. You know what I did for your birthday, though?” 
“What?” Eddie asked.
“I got you Ozzy tickets,” you told him. “And Metallica was opening for them. The concert was supposed to be last night, but…” 
“But what?” Eddie asked. “Is that why I’m here? I got hurt in the pit or somethin’? Most metal ever!”
Your heart thumped at the repetition of the same words he had said after, truly, one of the most metal performances ever, and you swallowed thickly. “No, Ed,”you said softly. “I’ll explain more later—“ The doctor hadn’t left the room yet— “But there was an earthquake last night, just before we were supposed to leave for the concert. You got hurt. I was worried that… Well, that you had been hurt really badly. That you were dying or dead or…” You sighed, and you said, “I’m just glad you’re okay. Your memory will come back, and everything will be alright.” 
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If you are still taking submissions for the character ask thing perhaps Sweetie?
My first impression - She's so spoiled??
My impression now - She's SO spoiled?? Also not a villain, just obsessed with being in the spotlights, ok. They do treat her lowly though... I'd be annoyed too.
Favorite thing about that character - She may scheme all she wants and even capture the Princess, but the moment the Princess turns out to be in danger, she's always like HELL NO NOT ON MY WATCH
Least favorite thing - For such a smart pup, she fails a lot to understand most things she tries to get for herself to become the Queen won't actually make her the Queen just for being in her possession XD Come on Sweetie, you're more intelligent than this...
Favorite line/scene - See the next answer for favorite interaction, it's also my favorite scene
Favorite interaction that character has with another - She just wanted the attention and applauses... Busby played applause sounds for her... She hugged him... There goes my heart, I didn't need it anyway--
A character that I wish that character would interact with more - Chase. NO, SERIOUSLY, HEAR ME OUT-- Remember how she hated him because he's the Princess' favorite rescue pup? Imagine if the show would keep going back to this, at least sometimes. There would be space for so many shenanigans and side glaring/growling and arguing between these two. Every time they go to Barkingburg, Chase's like "What did Sweetie do this time" and Sweetie's like "HOW DARE YOU INSULT ME LIKE THAT I'LL MAKE YOU PAY FOR YOUR INSOLENCE" and everyone else's like "Omg just kiss already" "Welp here we go again"
Another character from another fandom that reminds me of that character - THOSE TWO GIRLS FROM THE HORSELAND SHOW, CHLOE AND ZOEY and tbh their horses too
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A headcanon about that character - She secretly likes Rock music.
A song that reminds of that character - I NEVER THOUGHT I'D ASSOCIATE A SONG FROM "SIX" TO ANY PAW PATROL CHARACTER EVER and look at me now. "No Way". Just-- Just take away the whole part of how this song is about a Queen who was betrayed and gaslighted by her husband. Instead, change it into how Sweetie has always been treated poorly, promised big things but in the end she's just being played, she wants the attention she was made to believe she deserves, she wants to be important, and they just find it adorable and silly from her and keep pushing her down all the time. She's been loyal, she's been there for the princess all this time, what she gets in return? Mockery, laughter, they treat her as an adorable joke, most times they're just annoyed when she demands attention, she causes a mischief and they send her to her pup house jail thing and move on.
An unpopular opinion about that character - If there's a pup in this show who has an awful owner, that's not Arrby, that's Sweetie. She's not a villain, she's literally led to believe she'll have greatness and then they pull her down all the time. I really think the Princess should be a better friend and owner.
Favorite picture - Not exactly any particular picture but I just really like to see her happy
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novelizt · 8 months
Just here to ask you what your fav LW&Co fics are that you’ve wrote. Like ones your particularly proud of 😁
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I don't mean to sound narcissistic but I'm generally in love with everything I write. It's fun to look back and go, "Holy crap. I wrote that? How insane of me." I can turn my brain mush into stuff people in fandom can enjoy! Sometimes just seeing how much I write makes me proud of myself. I think a lot of writers can relate to that feeling of being proud of just putting their work out there and having people enjoy it.
Personally, I indulge in reading which parts my readers enjoy the most. Nothing screams unity like crying over our favourite boys. It makes me feel important even if all I do is play games and write silly little stories hehe
That said, I have a few favourites, as does any parent.
First up is Peering Eyes Over Wrought-Iron Fences. I never finished a long fic before this one so I'm always giddy to remember that it got the ball rolling for me. That and I just love the idea of having a window next to your childhood friend(and future lover 🤭)'s window!
Next is my longest project ever, the Hogwarts AU: Expecto Patronum. I love Harry Potter and childhood rivals to lovers and Anthony Lockwood. 'nuff said. I loved writing it and I adored the responses it got and I squeal every time I remember your art of Slytherin Lockwood! Everything about it makes me happy 🥰
Last but definitely not the least, The Complications of A Fake Engagement! This fic still has the most notes I've ever gotten on a fic and knowing that it's enjoyed it makes me giddy. I like to think that the exposure it got makes it eligible to be someone's comfort fic. That possibility never fails to make me smile.
Sorry my response is so long, I got lost in the sauce XD I love talking about my stuff and I'm sure other authors do too. So, I hope you don't mind me tagging my favourites (@atlabeth @tangledinlove @lewkwoodnco @bella-rose29 ) because I'd love to hear which of your fics are you guys most proud of! And for the lovely Eli, I'd also love to hear which one of my fics left an impression on you and why 💙
P.S. Your Parachutes request is in the works. I have it plotted, I've just been so addicted to Genshin that I haven't worked on it much lol. I'm trying to rectify that now!
P.P.S. Get ready, I also have the Royal Suits series in the works; Four fantasy Lockwood fics where the reader is a princess of a Card Suit kingdom ✨
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pink-november · 3 months
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You know who I want (threatening) (trying to be) (actually this was an attempt at flirting and not referring to Cold at all) (could’ve been referring to anyone) (who care!!)
*crawls out my hidey hole covered in dirt and blood* I'M ALIVE!
I definitely know who you're referring to 🤭 hope I did him well here <333
• First impression
Oh, he's emo. The emo voice. Saw him first with Paranoid in Wraith. Looks like the type to be easily misunderstood because he just sounds like that. Hot voice though, er well, cold voice. 7/10
• Impression now
THE BLORBO. PERIOD. One of the faves. He's actually so silly? Also he's got a lot of depth to him that goes under the radar because it's so easy to assign him as a typical "villain" since he doesn't show any remorse in killing the Princess and sucks at emotions uh, I mean, is emotionless. The rare moments of him showing anything than boredom makes me salivate and feral because my boi you are fucking lying to yourself about not feeling anything at all.
• Favorite moment
He has so many great moments actually: his Razor's entrance, the sheer difference of attitude when it came to his presence in The Greys and his entire show in Spectre. But my top favorite has got to be Moment of Clarity, especially after getting to know him a lot after replaying the game. There's just something absolutely heart-wrenching hearing him continually dismiss the other voices and insisting that he's the only special one here, trying to appeal to LQ that he only needs him alone.
• Idea for a story
Every idea I had about Cold gets sucked into the black hole that is Ouroboros Well, I do have that one story idea where it's a post A New Unending Dawn and Everyone Hates You where all the voices tore themselves out of The Long Quiet and got separated from one another because of how messy they got out their progenitor. They became something close to Catastrophes because of how violent their ascensions were and they bring disasters to wherever they go. And because I need more tragedy, all of them try to seek one another but find out they keep missing each other due to fate fucking with them. Also this is a fic where Cold is a vampire. And Smitten's there too, I guess.
Well, there's also my Swap AU. Gravedigger Cold still lives rent free in my head alongside his bestie, The Revenant.
• Unpopular opinion
He really should be elevated to Tumblr Sexyman status. He's got the qualifications for it even!
• Favorite relationship
I am Burned Bridges truther, mainly because of you Dicey. I have become ill for their dynamic and despite how rocky and nigh impossible reconciliation is with them, I do think they can be good friends under the right circumstances. Also, I love how Cold makes Smitten worse, just saying. They need to get a room smh.
But before Burned Bridges, I do adore Cold's relationship with Hero and The Long Quiet. It's only by virtue of having Nightmare as my first route and The Moment of Clarity happening that Spectre falls short on my favorite chapters, ending in a nebulous second place.
• Favorite headcanon
I love Cold collecting knives! Yes, I love that headcanon very much! Also, he's afraid of The Damsel.
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