#Low-budget promotion
jononeillbeats · 1 year
How to promote and market your music on a budget.
Promoting and marketing your music is essential if you want to gain a following and make a name for yourself in the music industry. However, it can be difficult to do so on a tight budget. The good news is that there are many ways to effectively promote your music without breaking the bank. In this blog post, we'll cover several tips and strategies to help you promote and market your music on a budget.
Read the full blog post here:
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ben-her · 2 years
If you don’t check this out you don’t love me.
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fideidefenswhore · 2 years
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aroaceofdiamonds · 2 months
This time, for video games.
Some key information:
They are striking so all performers will have protection against AI
The struck companies are those signed to the Interactive Media Agreement
The listed companies by SAG-AFTRA include Activision Productions Inc, Blindlight LLC, Disney Character Voices Inc, Electronic Arts Productions Inc, Formosa Interactive LLC, Insomniac Games Inc, Llama Productions LLC, Take 2 Productions Inc, VoiceWorks Productions Inc and WB Games Inc. Though this may not be everyone.
Important things from the FAQ:
Some games from struck companies are non-struck (due to the Collective Bargaining Agreement still being in effect)
Localisations will be affected if covered under the Interactive Localization Agreement
Actors who are part of SAG-AFTRA cannot work for non-union or independent/low-budged productions during the strike unless they are signed to an Interim Interactive Media Agreement, Interim Interactive Localization Agreement or a Tiered-Budget Independent Interactive Media Agreement
Similarly to the previous strike, struck work cannot be promoted. This includes accepting awards for performances in struck games. This does NOT include hosting/performing a skit at an awards show and San Diego Comic Con (the latter due to the close proximity to the calling of the strike)
As implied by the point above, SAG-AFTRA performers cannot partake in panels related to struck games or companies, including finished games produced by struck companies
The best way to check if a game is struck is to use the search tool provided by SAG-AFTRA
Most importantly: You are NOT being asked to stop playing video games, as highlighted in the FAQ for creators and streamers. This does NOT cross the picket line. Though please do talk about the strike and show your solidarity
I expect to see the same amount of support from y'all that we saw in the last strike. Just because it's video games doesn't mean performers deserve any less support and protection.
Also please reblog with any additions (with sources - we are NOT here to spread misinformation)! And please correct me if anything listed here is incorrect.
Video Game Strike FAQs | SAG-AFTRA (sagaftra.org)
SAG-AFTRA Members Who Work on Video Games Go on Strike | SAG-AFTRA (sagaftra.org)
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isubhamdas · 2 months
How I Achieved Marketing Success Without High Costs?
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A Fresh Start in Sports Marketing
When I first dove into sports marketing, I faced a big challenge: limited budget. High costs seemed like an inevitable part of the game. But I refused to accept that. I needed to think outside the box to succeed without breaking the bank.
Crafting a New Plan
I began exploring creative and cost-effective strategies. My focus shifted to building strong relationships and leveraging community support. Instead of spending big, I aimed to maximize every dollar spent.
Implementing 10 Winning Strategies
I applied ten key strategies that changed everything:
Social Media Engagement: Creating fun, shareable content that fans loved.
Example: Running a viral hashtag campaign during a local sports event.
Statistic: Social media-driven campaigns boosted our engagement by 60%.
Partnerships with Local Businesses: Teaming up for mutual promotions.
Example: Collaborating with a local restaurant for game-day specials.
Email Marketing: Sending personalized updates and exclusive offers.
Statistic: Our email campaigns saw a 45% open rate.
Fan Involvement: Encouraging fans to share their own stories and experiences.
Example: Holding a contest for the best fan-created video.
Seeing Results
The results were amazing. We saw a rise in fan engagement, ticket sales, and overall brand loyalty. All without draining our budget. It felt like a win on all fronts.
By focusing on smart, low-cost strategies, I achieved sports marketing success without high costs. It's proof that creativity and community can outshine big budgets.
What low-cost strategies have worked for you in sports marketing? Share your experiences in the comments!
Meta Description: How I achieved sports marketing success without high costs, using 10 winning strategies? Discover cost-effective sports marketing tactics. 2-3 min story.
Get Tips, Suggestions, Workarounds in 2-3 mins, on How you can Achieve Marketing Success Without High Costs? Wanna get regular email updates? Subscribe?
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the-cimmerians · 10 months
Today, ProPublica reports on yet another big change that stands to solve a decades-long problem we first learned about back in 2016, closing a huge loophole that allowed states to divert federal antipoverty funds to governors’ pet projects, like promoting abstinence, holding “heathy marriage” classes that did nothing to prevent out-of-wedlock births, funding anti-abortion “clinics” to lie about abortion “risks,” sending middle-class kids to private colleges, and other schemes only tangentially related to helping poor kids. It’s the same loophole that Mississippi officials tried to drive a truck through to divert welfare funds to former sportsball man Brett Favre’s alma mater, for a volleyball palace. [ ]
The agency has proposed new rules — open for public comment until December 1 — aimed at nudging states to actually use TANF funds to give cash to needy parents, not fill budget holes or punish poor people.
One change will put an end to the scheme Utah used to substitute LDS church funds for welfare, by prohibiting states
from counting charitable giving by private organizations, such as churches and food banks, as “state” spending on welfare, a practice that has allowed legislatures to budget less for programs for low-income families while still claiming to meet federal minimums.
Another new rule will put the kibosh on using TANF to fund child protective services or foster care programs, which are not what TANF is supposed to be for, damn it.
And then there’s the simple matter of making sure that funds for needy families go to needy families, not to pet projects that have little to do with poverty:
The reforms would also redefine the term “needy” to refer only to families with incomes at or below 200% of the federal poverty line. Currently, some states spend TANF money on programs like college scholarships — or volleyball stadiums — that benefit more affluent people.
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costumersupportdept · 11 months
I have developed a Theory that the reason so many theaters seem to have absolutely batshit bureaucratic/management problems is a twofold miasma of stupidity that it takes a lot of willpower/clarity to NOT get sucked into.
1)The Peter Principle/"failing up." Laurence J Peter describes this as "employees (being) promoted based on their success in previous jobs until they reach a level at which they are no longer competent, as skills in one job do not necessarily translate to another. " I, while a pretty good draper (costume patternmaker) and a reasonably good costume team lead, am absolutely abhorrent at dealing with paperwork beyond what I need to do the actual costuming. I do not enjoy or do well with spreadsheets or budgeting or trying to assemble work calendars. I do not want to do jobs that take that.
HOWEVER: Miasma 2.
2) The only way to get paid more is to move up (usually). This means that if I want to make more than I'm currently making at the top of one hierarchy, I have to move into a different one, and that one is the personnel management and spreadsheet one. Since theater is a low paying gig at the best of times, people will generally jump at chances to make more money if they can get them.
Which creates its own twofold nightmare- people who get promoted may not actually know what they're doing in the spreadsheets and personnel end of the world, AND/OR you've just taken a Really Good artist out of the Art end of things and plopped them into the Paperwork end of things, sometimes with a promise that they will still get to Art (spoiler, that rarely works out).
So SINCE theater is a mediocre paying job AT BEST, there's almost an enforced scramble into higher and higher levels *away* from The Art, which means (back to the Peter Principle) you wind up with admin folks who may have been great artists, but are NOT equipped be businesspeople or Leaders of Men (in the generic) at all.
And it takes a LOT of stubborn refusal to budge and boundary drawing to be a person who WANTS TO STAY IN THE ART, because that subtle/sometimes not subtle push upwards for $$ is always happening.
Now, how do we fix it? Well, it's going to have to be a multipronged approcach, but I know we could START with paying the Art Level Folks more to calm down the aggressive climb upwards.
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anim-ttrpgs · 4 months
Cover your eyes! Announcing the Gorgon Initiative for Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy
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(promotional art by @theblackwarden, one of our team artists)
Okay so, we had a bunch of stretch goals in the Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy Kickstarter, and we actually did hit more of them than expected, but there was one of them we didn’t hit, the playable gorgon.
The gorgon being a playable monster type was stuck at the very back of the stretch goal list, mainly because we thought of it way later than all the other stretch goals, but honestly it was one of the possibilities that I was most excited for, and apparently, so were a whole lot of our fans. The gorgon monster type would perfectly round out Eureka’s roster of playable supernatural creatures, and we would really like to make it happen, despite not really having the budget for it since we didn’t hit the stretch goal.
Here are a few of what the gorgon’s key features would have been:
>Anyone who makes direct eye-contact with the gorgon turns to stone.
>A venomous bite, making them gorgon the second playable monster type to be able to inflict a poison effect.
>Cold-blooded. Won’t feel great in low temperature environments, but won’t show up on thermal sensors either.
>Scaly skin.
>Snake hair optional.
>Eating people like a snake.
And all this wrapped up in Eureka’s unique humanity-focused approach to monsters. How will your PC cope with their power to instantly kill anyone who looks at them wrong, whether they want to or not? That’s the kind of character development you can look forward to with a gorgon in the party.
So here is what we are going to do to make it happen despite the budget not accounting for it. It’s going to be a patreon initiative.
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(promotional art by @qsycomplainsalot, one of our team artists)
If we can get up to 50 total paid patreon subscribers by the end of June, we will put the gorgon in the game. Currently, we have 33, so if y'all can manage to make that climb to 50 by July 1st, we will promise to make time and budget to add the gorgon in to the rulebook before final release. Ultimately, even 20-ish more patreon subscribers is less money than the stretch goal would have been, but we feel that it would be a good enough addition to the game to justify, especially because it's what the fans want, and because long-term patreon support is very valuable. You get regular Eureka rulebook PDFs as a part of the patreon, and even though there is also a free demo, the more more-updates copies or Eureka floating around, the better. We want people actually playing this game, and playing better and better versions of it. We’d release it all for free if we didn’t need the money to “earn a living.”
Supporting us on patreon isn’t pure charity either. At the $3 tier, you get access to our patreon discord server where our team discusses development of the game and gets feedback from fans, as well in a vote on which projects we tackle next.
At the $5 tier and beyond, you get that, plus regular PDFs of the most current and up-to-date version of our projects. In addition to a version of the Eureka rulebook with many more features than the current free version, there’s stuff you currently can’t get anywhere else, like Eureka adventure modules, short stories, and even a novella, all unreleased anywhere else.
So, sign up to our patreon, it’s only a few dollars a month, and help out with the gorgon initiative. At the time of writing this, we have 33/50 paid subscribers, and I’ll update the goal as we go.
And below the cut, I’ll show you the current changelog for the Eureka rulebook, so you can see what all $5+ patreon subscribers are going to get in the next big patreon update coming Thursday, June 6th. This changelog isn’t even fully conclusive, as work will continue on the rulebook throughout the week to make it even better before Thursday. That's a whole lot for just $5! I will also post the rough notes that exist for the gorgon mechanics as they appear right now.
(A new version of Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy will be coming to $5+ patreon subscribers on the first Thursday of the month every month until final release, and after that you'll start getting the beta versions of whatever our next project turns out to be.)
Have started working on replacing the examples of play with updated ones that actually fit the current and slightly more stable version of the rules. These will be found in various chapters. You can see them in the table of contents.
Added a Foreword, a section on other media to offer you inspiration when playing eureka, and a section on some of the subtler themes of eureka
Copy-edited Foreword
A few minor clarifications in the Making Rolls section
Added a chart explaining the percentage chances of failures, partial successes, and full successes for modifiers from -7 to +7. 
Added Heat optional rule. A whole new set of mechanics for tracking how much police attention the investigators may be drawing, as well as how law enforcement will respond. Currently a work-in-progress, but mostly functional already.
Added the Forgery skill to write-in skills
Many new snoops have been added. 
Removed the “Seating” stat for vehicles, you know how many people can safely fit in a car
Removed the placeholder boat entries from the item list because we did not hit that kickstarter stretch goal
Added Skateboard to item list. 
Added four-wheeler to item list. 
Added Acceleration values to all vehicles in the vehicle list. Acceleration is a new stat used with the new way that Speed is calculated for Chases.
Adjusted the Driving bonus of motorcycles and dirtbikes.
Changed Large Mansion cost to 25 Wealth Points in character creation.
Started copy-editing this chapter.
Added vehicle crashes to irregular forms of damage section
Completely revamped the way that Speed is calculated. 
Added a mechanic to determine how many nodes ahead a fleeing character starts.
Added an optional rule for bringing an end to chases 
Added vehicle attack rules for use during car chases
Added more guidelines for how to make your own obstacles
Added recommended numbers of nodes for chases and recommended distance between obstacles 
Added the work-in-progress random obstacle tables
On-Foot Urban Chase Obstacles table is finished but not edited
Increased capacity of an unfurled thing from beyond’s ‘stomach’ from three to fourteen.
Thing from beyond can now more easily attempt to engulf more victims after already containing one or more. This now prompts an escape attempt by victims inside rather than automatic escape.
Thing from beyond can now get a bonus to mimicry attempts by consuming a sample of the intended mimicry target’s DNA. 
Thing from beyond can now attempt to mimic a person they have never seen or heard by consuming a sample of their DNA, but narrator makes a hidden roll about it, so accuracy of mimicry will be unknown.
Gave acceleration value to witch’s brooms and other flying transportation
Gave Acceleration of +6 to Superhuman Speed trait
Gave vampire small bat manifestation +2 Acceleration
Gave vampire wolf manifestation +4 Acceleration 
Gave vampire massive bat beast manifestation +4 Acceleration
Gave wolfman wolf form +4 Acceleration
Gave lycanthrope wolf form +4 Acceleration
Added ability to resist curses to fairy and witch
Added ability for fairy to transfer curses to different names as a means of protecting themselves from curses. This gives them more of an incentive to collect names. 
Added a tiny bit about the fairy world
Added Monsters Eating Monsters section to provide rulings for some edge cases where monsters might eat other monsters and what would happen if they did
[Notes: Turn people to stone by looking them in the eye. Definitely not a power that the Gorgon can turn on and off, they will have to cover their eyes somehow, such as dark sunglasses or a veil, to prevent it happening to everyone they make eye contact with. Also works the other way around so you could protect yourself by wearing dark sunglasses. Still works even if the Gorgon is dead, like in the legends. Does not work through cameras, reflections, images, etc. Turning to stone is permanent, basically instant kill? Works like the witch curse except with infinite duration unless a witch undoes it like a curse. If there is no eye protection, could be a reflex roll on the gorgon’s part or on an aware victim’s part to break eye-contact quickly enough for the curse not to take effect. Also, they could have some kind of bonus to Threaten because all the legends say that they look particularly frightening.
Have claws and maybe scaly skin or scales in patches, maybe snake-like eyes and snake tongue that can taste air? Sharp teeth and maybe venomous snake fangs? People will really really want their gorgons to have snake hair even though in the legends, it was only Medusa herself that had snake hair. Compromise by making it an optional rule agreed upon by narrator and player that they have snake hair. Snakes may have venomous bite attack but the trade off is that it makes it way harder to conceal the gorgon’s identity as a Gorgon.
Gorgons do not regain composure points from turning people to stone, all other monsters regain composure points by *consuming* their victims in some way, except for fairies who regain composure from playing mean pranks because it makes them happy. Keeping with the rule of monsters eating people and also the fact that the legends always describe gorgons as having snake-like trait, maybe they swallow victims whole like a snake? Great horror concept but takes a long time. Could mechanically work very very similar to thing from beyond’s composure restoration where they gain 1 composure point each day for however many days. Could advise loose and bulky clothing to cover this up. Cannot really decide how to codify this because the most obvious way would make it pretty impossible to hide for a very long time. Could probably make multiple optional rules that regain composure at different rates and digest victims at different rates. One option that gets a lot more composure over time from a single victim like the thing from beyond but is very conspicuous that entire time. Other option that digests the whole victim extremely fast so they are only conspicious for a short time but ultimately less composure from a single kill. No option to regain composure from victim without killing them, like thing from beyond. No composure restoration from normal food but can eat it to stay alive, like the thing from beyond?
Do they have proper weaknesses besides just the normal things that everybody is weak to, like sharp objects? Probably should not have the Unkillable trait, but need to come up with at least one weakness that does not stray too far from the legends. Maybe they are cold-blooded, following the snake theme? Makes them very vulnerable to cold temperatures, and jackets and blankets don’t help because they don’t produce their own body heat. Big Physical skill penalties when they are in cold environments?
What is their second mandatory monster trait? They don’t *need* one but every other monster has their powers split across two monster traits.] 
Actually it would be pretty good if they had to make a Monster(fear) Composure check if they saw their face in the mirror
Their blood is either healing or poisonous depending on if it is from the left or right side. left side kills, right side heals. Make it  veinous vs arterial blood.....  But this would have no effect on vampires 
We have GOT to get the gorgon in if we have time, it’s such a good idea
Elegantly designed and thoroughly playtested, Eureka represents the culmination of three years of near-daily work from our team, as well as a lot of our own money. If you’re just now reading this and learning about Eureka for the first time, you missed the crowdfunding window unfortunately, but our Kickstarter page is still the best place to learn more about what Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy actually is, as that is where we have all the fancy art assets, the animated trailer, links to video reviews by podcasts and youtubers, and where we post regular updates on the status of our progress finishing the game and getting it ready for final release.
Beta Copies through the Patreon
If you want more than just status updates, going forward you can download regularly updated playable beta versions of Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy and it’s adventure modules by subscribing to our Patreon at the $5 tier or higher. Subscribing to our patreon also grants you access to our patreon discord server where you can talk to us directly and offer valuable feedback on our progress and projects.
The A.N.I.M. TTRPG Book Club
If you would like to meet the A.N.I.M. team and even have a chance to play Eureka with us, you can join the A.N.I.M. TTRPG Book Club discord server. It’s also just a great place to talk and discuss TTRPGs, so there is no schedule obligation, but the main purpose of it is to nominate, vote on, then read, discuss, and play different indie TTRPGs. We put playgroups together based on scheduling compatibility, so it’s all extremely flexible. This is a free discord server, separate from our patreon exclusive one. https://discord.gg/7jdP8FBPes
Other Stuff
We also have a ko-fi and merchandise if you just wanna give us more money for any reason.
We hope to see you there, and that you will help our dreams come true and launch our careers as indie TTRPG developers with a bang by getting us to our base goal and blowing those stretch goals out of the water, and fight back against WotC's monopoly on the entire hobby. Wish us luck.
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your-nanas-house · 5 months
Just acting... right?
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◇ Pairing: Neil Lewis X Best Friend fem!Reader
◇ Warnings: filming, shitty acting skills, dry humping, Neil cumming in his pants, Y/n director, bit of shaming
◇ Summary: Neil needs some help for the sensual scene they need to record.
◇ Note: Sorry for the mistakes and the English. This isn't proof read.. like most of my works but 🤫 I'm tired. This is based on this BEAUTIFUL moodboard made by @darlingsfandom . Also Happy B-day @emilyrosier !!!!
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"Stop, Stop... Cut!" Y/n's disappointed voice interrupted Neil in the middle of his acting for a clip of the short movie they were recording to promote an event at Gumshoe Video.
That time the nerdy man had asked a little help from his best friend in hope to improve and give a kind of upgrade to the usual stuff.
The scene on the script, which was written by Neil himself, should have been a passionate and sensual one where the main character was having an intimate moment with a lover of his.
Due to the low budget there wasn't actually a second person there, not that they really needed it since that scene had the cameras all pointed at Neil's face, taking in his expression and the movements of his body.
So yeah... it should have been a sensual and sexy act that should have aroused and not disgusted or made the viewer worry of the main character conditions. "Dude... what was that? Are you okay?... it looked like you were having some kind of attack or about to throw up. Geez" the young woman confronted her best friend while staring at him with concern before rolling her eyes as soon as he went on the defensive
"Shush, no arguing with the director. You can't act this kind of scenes on your own, it's the forty-first try we make... I can't suffer this thing again. Sensual, sexy, you're having an orgasm... not dying by a bullet or due to poison" her harsh words slapped Neil right across his face, making him shut his mouth and follow her orders.
His best friend moved closer, fixing the camera again before meeting his gaze still lost in her thoughts.
They needed to find a solution to finally finish that short film.
"Okay... nerdy thing. Let's... Let's simply pretend shall we?" Y/n murmured with less confidence as she climbed on his lap and fixed the background which were the sheets of the bed and the pillows... there were also some rose petals because Neil had insisted.
Her eyes met carefully Neil's piercing light blue ones and she had to swallow the lump, that had formed in her throat, without stopping to fix the set to try for the forty-first attempt "And... action!" Y/n exclaimed as she focused the filming on her friend's freckled face, her hips casually grinding against his clothed crotch.
As the minutes passed and Neil said his lines, his expression started to become more genuine and real— expecially when his hips started to thrust up in seek of more friction. His slender fingers grabbed her hips, forcing her to grind harder on him while getting to the exact position the two characters should have been in the script.
A long whiny moan and his beautiful eyes were rolling back, his back arching softly and his swollen lips parting, as soon as his climax hit him like a train.
The scene was perfect, they didn't need to film it again, so Neil had all the time to change his cummed pants and underwear before recording the final parts of the script.
They were just acting, right?, Y/n asked herself as she glanced back at her best friend, still feeling the tension and butterflies in her stomach.
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olderthannetfic · 3 months
Do you know if people still make and sell old school fanzines? Zines that get promoted on social media are way more professionally made, usually formatted by amateurs but printed through some kind of service, and it’s cool that those exist but I’m more interested in the low budget style that predates those. Like if I go to a sci-fi con will I find people selling hand-stapled zines? Or is that a thing of the past?
They exist, but they often cost like $30 because copy shops are expensive now. This often makes them unattractive to a buying public used to getting a lot more polish for that price.
Zinelist has been pretty dead the last few years, but there are still occasional announcements.
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possumcollege · 6 months
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NOBODY needs to be defending these people. Major publishers, studios, streaming services, Tesla, Apple, Adobe, Amazon, social media companies- there isnt a single altruistic bone caught in their teeth. Profit from the output of exploited and captive labor IS their product now. When their contacts look like the one in question, the company is clearly stating that shareholders are the customers, not us!
Why else would it be anything but a stupid idea for Amazon to just nuke the majority of Comixology's self-published titles when they consolidated their services? If our experience was really foremost in their minds, why would they repeatedly purge, censor, demonitize, bury, and delete popular accounts with robust followings if not to allay the moral brainworms of shareholders and investors?
Forfeiting rights to our IP is not a "shitty deal," it's surrendering any potential ability to make money off of your own creative work. It's selling your property to a board of accountants to pitch into a portfolio. It's theirs to trot out as long as it's profitable and bury the instant its projected profit dips too close to the cost of maintenance. Hell, we've seen services drop popular series just because their projected profits started to flatten out! Mothballing it also has the added bonus of removing it from the market to further minimize potential competition. Like how there just weren't spider man movies for ages because the owner of the property didn't think it was worth developing but worth too much to sell.
They will make more money from suing you for trying to reclaim IP they mothballed than you did selling it to them in the first place. I guaranteee their budget for lawsuits is a lot deeper than the one they pay their "original" artists from.
By virtue of being a big, profitable, corporation, "their" IP is going to have an astronomically higher value in a court of law than any individual creator. The financial "damage" will be higher for infringing on their copyrights than any amount you can claim on your own. When it becomes theirs, their connections, their infrastructure, their reputation makes it an asset with much more value than you or I can possibly claim. So if you try to steal a bite back from them it's a bite of a *potentially* multimillion-dollar series. In their eyes, they bought the totality of your work, which you agreed was worth the price they gave you. It's value becomes more dependent on who owns it than whether it's even good.
You may not have the same potential to become flash-in-the-pan, short-term succesful without their resources, but you will still own your rights to distribute, alter, preserve, promote, and negotiate your share if you still own your work. That is worth everything as a creator who is passionate about what you've made and committed to protecting it.
The most effective power we can exercise as artists is our ability to say, "no" when someone else wants to pay us a disadvantageous fraction of our worth. You may lose potentially lucrative opportunities but "opportunities" presented by companies like Facebook or Twitter, whose real product is a platform for ads and data collection, with content as bait, are not opportunities to thrive on as independent artists. This specifically is an opportunity for the company to acquire property.
The myth that the publisher's strength is something for us to exploit, without them getting the lion's share is a trap that they feed from at will.
People like the poster up top are opportunists who see the process as a pipeline towards trading low-investment content for financial treats and maybe a share of ad revive. They're stalking horses for companies to exploit more talented but less experienced artists who are facing a daunting and overwhelming market where their work becomes harder and harder to show, let alone sell. A quick deal may feel like a win but it's selling the cow to save money on bottling the milk. Artists like this serve the publisher by making it seem like signing away your rights are just a necessary part of the game. However it's a game they are playing with exceedingly cheap stakes that weren't going to succeed on their own merit. So what if Mr. Business Perspective loses rights to his sexy Mario Bros. parody to a huge company? The point was always to unload it because it's a product, a bartering chip, a trinket. He's a Business Man, so he sees tactics that maximize profits to the business as maximizing their ability to buy whatever shiny tripe he cranks out. The business is his customer, not the reader. The business is his ally, not the creative community. Fuck him and fuck anyone who tells you the exposure is worth a damn if you don't retain rights to your work.
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everlastingrandom · 4 months
I’ve been thinking about “experiences” and pop-up events in general. You’ve got outright scams like the Willy Wonka Immersive Experience and you've got low-overhead, high-charging events like the Van Gogh Experience. They're shoddy promises of a temporary third space that provides diversion for people who can afford to escape the misery for 2-5 hours.
There are definitely pop-up events that give a damn (I've never gone to the Bridgerton experience but it looks genuinely thought-out and engaging), but I feel like those types are becoming less common as organizers try to cheapen out. It's bleak to think about. There are genuinely creative ideas that just don't get off the ground because of budget or greed.
Months ago, I saw a promotion for a “Moorish Ren Faire” that conveyed the idea of an Afro-centric renaissance festival. And that would slap and fuck for me, a Black person who loves regular ren fairs and would love to engage with something less Euro-centric. But the art and copy were all AI-generated.
I'm going to start biting.
Club meet-ups and community events and block parties are so important. Third spaces are important. Events are difficult and costly to organize, but I've volunteered at a lot and they can be way more fun and rewarding than paying $50 to walk around and stare at displays for two hours.
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Dick having a fear toxin nightmare where Azrael is his boss and Tim is a rival coworker
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Tim: Dick! We've got a problem. Dick: Mr. Valley, this is Tim Drake. He's - Tim: Your worst nightmare, Dick! Dick: Problem? Tim: Not unless you call basing next year's projections on bad numbers a problem! Dick: Uh - Tim: This throws our whole budget out of whack, Dick! And the company's going to have to eat the difference! What were you thinking of? Dick (internally): The little rat knew what he was doing showing me up in front of Valley. And I should have had that promotion. (Nightwing 10)
anyway i love this nightmare. tim's evil little face. "the little rat." everybody in business clothes. for context this is a couple issues after nightwing 6 where dick's mad at himself for not solving the mystery of who murdered 21 people and he's low-key threatened by tim's relationship with bruce and he's decided that tim's a better robin, and meanwhile tim's convinced that dick's better at everything that matters.
a bit after this, tim will have a fear toxin nightmare in which dick thinks he's a loser:
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Bruce: I should never have allowed Drake near the cape. He didn't have what it takes to be Robin. Dick: What a loser. (Batman/Scarecrow 3D)
anyway there is something wrong with both of them <3
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aphroditeslover11 · 11 months
Hi what do you think about a Neil Lewis with a actress reader? Like they met before and he has already a crush on her and then he watch movie and see her ?
Another tought (not q request just something in my head) so I'm from Göttingen, an we have here q tradition if someone has his PhD they have to kiss the Statue of the goose Maid ( "Gänseliesel") he is not common with this tradition and so when reader ask him when he is planning do the kiss he assumed she wanna that he kiss her
I hope this is something along the lines of what you were thinking of. I’m not at my best at the moment so I’m sorry if there are any glaring errors. I hadn’t written for Neil before, but he’s actually very fun! Thanks for your request. Also, that is a fabulous tradition, it might get slotted into one of my other Oppie requests, I’m not sure yet though as it’s in the idea phase at the moment.
A Surprise Encounter
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A/N: the classic films mentioned are all free on BBC iPlayer, go and give them a watch! I also have no idea where the store is, so I made it up.
Neil was absolutely beside himself when the invite arrived in the post. A new film that he couldn’t wait to see was premiering soon, it was low budget but contained a few big names who had decided that they wanted to promote the more independent side of the industry. He had been asked to attend an event aiming to promote smaller video shops like his rather than the huge, commercial ones that were taking over. When he read that you and the director alone were going to be on the panel he felt like he had never been luckier, finally a chance to meet his favourite actress in the flesh. Although he did admire your talents, he’d be lying if he didn’t admit that he also found you wildly attractive.
The next few weeks were spent planning everything. He rewatched a few of your films so that he could ask some decent questions of you at the press event and reading every article that he could on the making of your new one, a biopic of Julie d’Aubigny. He went out and bought a new suit for the occasion, had his hair cut. As far as he was concerned, there were going to be no disasters, not when he was going to meet one of his idols.
The day of the event had finally come. All of the invitees, including Neil, had been piled into an auditorium where they had been given an early viewing of the film, then being moved into a press room with rows of chairs set out in front of a platform. He was happy with his seat, about half way back in the crowd, not too conspicuous but with a good view of the stage. The previous hubbub died down as soon as the panel made their way up, the director taking his place, yet Neil’s eyes were fixed on you. Your hair was down and curly, framing your face, and that smile that everyone always talked about. You were wearing black heels a red dress that dipped down just enough to give a small view of your cleavage. He was transfixed.
Questions started being asked, the general types of how you had enjoyed working with the rest of the cast and what you had taken away from playing your character, some conversations were had about wanting to make sure that the smaller side of the film and cinema industry wasn’t dwarfed in the future. For some reason, all of the eyes in the room suddenly focused on Neil, it was only then that he realised that he had drifted off, his arm leaned on the armrest of his chair in such a way that you had thought he was asking a question.
“Uh, the gentleman in the blue suit there, do you have a question?” The sentence was coming from you, quickly drawing him out of his reverie.
“Um.. yes,” he never was much good at thinking on his feet. “I know that you’re promoting this film today, but do you feel as if classic cinema has been forgotten. My shop specialises in older, more hard to find movies and… well, yeah,” he trailed off. He was like a deer in the headlights, speaking as if he was full of terror. A few people around him were scoffing and hiding their laughter. Great, he had embarrassed himself in front of you.
“Actually, I do think that we’ve forgotten about classic cinema. Not only the thrillers and comedies, but for me the least talked about are the romance films. I grew up on Astaire and Rogers musicals, I know some people don’t like them and find them a bit politically incorrect know, but they still have a special place in my heart. If you think about their influence on modern cinema, we wouldn’t have ‘Sleepless In Seattle’ if it hadn’t been for a 1939 film ‘Love Affair”. What was your name?” Why the hell did you want to know who he was?
“Neil Lewis.”
“And where’s your shop?”
“California, its called Gumshoe Video.”
“I’ll pop in next time I’m in town, maybe you could give me some recommendations.” And that was the end of that conversation.
About three weeks later everything had returned to normal. Neil was back to running the store and the gang were still practically living there. It was a completely normal day when Lucien, who had been manning the counter, came around to the back to find him.
“Neil, you might want to come inside, there’s a customer asking for you.”
“Can’t you handle it?” He just wanted a bit of time to himself, making is response more huffy than he had intended.
“Trust me, you want to come and see this.”
He followed Lucien back into the shop, only to be caught in shock as he saw you standing there in front of him, dressed a lot more casually than the last time he saw you, but still with your hair down in its beautiful curls. He never thought that you would actually make true on what you had said, but here you were.
“Is there anything that I can help you with Miss y/l/n?”
“I came by to see if you had any suggestions for me, you know, classic films like you said you specialised in.” You actually seemed a bit nervous, though he had no idea why. “And please, call me y/n.”
“Right, y/n,” it just felt so right when he said it. “What kind of thing are you looking for, any genres in mind?”
“I always love a romance movie, the press don’t know yet but I left my boyfriend last month after he cheated on me. I’m down here to get away from it all, so a romance to take my mind off everything would be good, yeah.” He could see the sadness behind your eyes as you explained.
“He must have been an idiot then,” he said, immediately regretting it and walking past the stunned Lucien towards the romance section, beckoning for you to follow.
“So, you said that you liked Astaire and Rogers, but have you ever seen ‘The Sky’s The Limit’?”
“I don’t think I have, no.” He reached out for the dvd, showing you the front of the case.
“It’s Fred Astaire and Joan Leslie, came out in 1943. A musical about a fighter pilot who falls in love with a girl who wants to make it as a journalist, sounds like the sort of thing you might be looking for.”
“I think I’ll take that then, sounds perfect.” Something lit up inside him, you were smiling and it was because of something that he had done.
“Right, I’ll go and sort out a membership card so that you can rent it then, do you have any ID on you. Driver’s licence or something?” You followed him over to the till, rooting around in your bag to find what he had asked for. He busied himself, quickly handing over the card and the movie.
“What do I owe you?” you asked, reaching for your purse.
“Nothing, it’s on the house.”
“Are you sure, because…”
“Yeah, in return for having me at that panel a few weeks back. It was amazing.”
“Well, in that case can I pay you back in another way?”
“What do you mean?”
“Maybe we could watch the film together?”
“That sounds like a fair means of payment, I think I’ll accept.” You slipped him your number, telling him to call when he was free before walking out of the store, Neil wondering what the fuck had just happened.
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About the mixed response in China & why I think TTEOTM will prevail in the end 💪
Saw the "Badly Received in China?" post earlier and thought to share a longer take on the situation in China, why are there so many antis, and my own predictions on its future.
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First, a clarification, TTEOTM has been an massive hit in China. The data speaks for itself in every way you can measure commercial success: viewership, platform membership, app downloads, social media heat index, advertisements, merchandise sales, unintended tourism GDP contribution. The drama has shattered records and outperformed all the recent xianxias, which you'd never dare to expect for a drama with no dingliu (顶流) that airs exclusively in the dead April slot on a platform that's 3rd (sometimes 4th) amongst online streamers. (Some day I'll create a master post just on the stats.)
The only area it falls short on is critical response. It's not just the low Douban rating (opened at 6.x and now dropped to 5.6). The three Bs - Douban, Weibo, and Bilibili (which you can think of as China's IMDB, Twitter, and Youtube) were full of attacks against the show. This included trending topics on how the actors looked (LYX too thin, BL looking old/big/overshadowed by CDL, CDL 照骗 not looking as good as in photo) as well as allegations of plagiarism and drama behind the scenes between cast & crew members. A lot of people watched video edits that twisted the facts and had a poor impression of the drama and even left 1/2-star reviews on Douban without ever watching an episode. (This type of brainwashing is more effective than you'd think. I've been reading a lot of negative posts about the Little Mermaid movie and almost caught myself writing something negative about it without ever watching.)
As all of this unfolded, I kept asking myself, why all the smearing? Who is behind it? And why TTEOTM in particular?
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A lot of what appears to be normal user activity is driven by water armies, marketing accounts, and "black" hot search ranking, all paid. This is all backed up by photo evidence captured by netizens. It comes down to commercial interests of rival platforms, productions, actors. This actually happens to every drama that is threatening in some way (almost a proof of success), but TTEOTM attracted more anti $$$. Why? For one, it's seen as the secret weapon that could elevate Youku's status as a 3rd/4th player to a close 2nd to rival and even at times overshadow Tencent. It's no coincidence that, Bilibili, which is owned by Tencent and has way more daily active users than Youku, has promoted hate videos and limited the traffic of fan videos - at some point not even recognizing the drama's Chinese title in search results. (Bilibili used to be a haven for LYX fans and a platform LYX has partnered with extensively. This flipped 180 degrees since he no longer has any unaired dramas with Tencent.)
TTEOTM is also a target for rival productions. It's got big name stars with solid acting reputation, one of the hottest IPs, and high anticipation from all the promotional materials - they've been super loud in letting everyone know that they have better costumes, special effects etc Meanwhile, there's a massive pipeline of unaired xianxia dramas that stick to the old formula and will likely feel dated after people have watched TTEOTM. People even started questioning how some productions with bigger rumored budgets ended up with cheaper-looking promotional materials, costumes, CGI (read: embezzling). So if you've invested in xianxia 101, you'd really want to discredit TTEOTM and stop people from watching it.
But there's also rival fandom jealousy, which is almost worse. Someone asked which fandom is behind it, I would say everyone. There are only so many "resources" to go around in the "entertainment winter" and it's a zero sum game. LYX and BL are both already big stars but still not at the top yet. They are big enough to threaten the dinglius, but not big enough to be accepted as having "made it" by other rising stars. E.g. Yang Mi, Yang Zi, Xiao Zhan receive a lot of hate too, but it's less realistic as a prospect to bring them down. In contrast, the smearing of Bai Lu actually kind of worked. (And I'm really talking about the fans. The actors probably leave it to their agencies/companies.)
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Other fandoms are especially bitter in this case because TTEOTM really upset the status quo and commonly accepted truths in a way that kind of discredits everyone else. A lot of the below have been used by fans of dinglius as excuses for when a drama doesn't perform:
Youku is a rubbish platform and Youku exclusive web dramas will never have high viewership
It’s impossible for an actor to break out twice within the same genre
An actor can only develop a big dedicated fan base with CP marketing
Breakout hits are always unanticipated dramas that come out of nowhere
Autumn/Spring is a dead slot. Hits can only come out of the summer and winter holidays.
IMHO A lot of the intense hatred comes from long held beliefs being proven wrong. LYX has always been thought of someone who’s borderline A list and B list, yet the opening viewership of TTEOTM is like double that of dramas led by bigger stars. It would have been less threatening if it started low and slowly gained traction because the drama proved to be good. But the initial hype speaks to the market power of a LYX xianxia, so a lot of people wanted to see it fail and looked for faults everywhere.
Moreover, because TTEOTM had an explosive opening, it did not have enough time for word of mouth to develop before people started bashing it. If you look at Douban ratings, shows that fewer people watched tend to have better reviews because only fans bother to rate it. Starry Love and Back from the Brink, both harshly dismissed as flops by the industry, both have >7.0 on Douban. Meanwhile, people love to hate on a show that is receiving a lot of hype - suddenly they are held to completely different standards even if the budget is similar. Why are people more accepting of the rise of Dylan Wang and Esther Yu in LBFAD? In the end because the expectations were pretty low. They were able to build up a fan base while no one was watching.
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Finally, TTEOTM does have lots of production problems, some of their own doing and others not their fault. Either way this left the drama less defensible in the face of scrutiny or tucao (吐槽) culture. The production is very ambitious and took risks, but did not deliver everywhere. It's got parts that look like a blockbuster film and parts that look like a B grade TV show. I personally did not like some of the editing, lighting, cinematography, color grading, special effects, makeup. AND this is precisely the type of production details Chinese viewers LOVE to fixate on. Meanwhile, compared to western viewers, they are more forgiving about things like mediocre acting, dubbing, slow pacing, repetitive tropes or storylines, uninteresting characters. (I think this has something to do with cultural differences around rewarding perfect execution over innovation/risk-taking, sum of the parts over parts that carry the sum.)
And then, there are creative choices that are daring and controversial. These are not problems per se - for every viewer that hates it, someone loves it because it's different. But this perhaps explain why its score has dropped further, even in non-Chinese platforms like MDL, even amongst fans of the show. For example... (spoilers ahead)
Opting for a bad/open ending, knowing that it'll upset some fans, but sticking to it because they feel that it protects the overall integrity of the story (no deus ex machina). Of course, most viewers prefer a happy ending. It would have been easy to just give people what they want. The screenwriter doesn't even have to come up with a new ending for god's sake! However, almost every xianxia that has come before has resurrected the lead character after the big climax. Viewers have been making fun of the cop out: What's the significance of life and death if everyone just reincarnates?
Packing lots of details in a fast-paced, highly complicated, non-linear plot, trusting viewers to be engaged enough to use their brain, rewatch, and discuss outside the show (a bit like Christopher Nolan films). The downside of this is that it's hard to edit out a scene. There's also high risk of viewers getting confused and complaining that the plot makes no sense. Even though most things do if you go several layers down, some rightly point out that they just want to be entertained and the drama should stand on its own.
Making this a male lead centric (大男主) drama, which is rare in the xianxia genre that more recently has targeted young women exclusively. The story shifts from focusing on LSS's mission to TTJ overcoming his fate, perhaps at the expense of the romance (a criticism I see a lot from viewers looking for a pure love story). However, for context, viewers in China (including CCTV itself) have been complaining that the xianxia genre has lost the "xia” (heroism). It's gone from Chinese Paladin, which is about ordinary people overcoming odds to become heroes, to stories that are just about pretty people, who happen to be gods, falling in love since the success of Eternal Love and Journey of the Flower. TTEOTM brings the focus back to "zero to hero" character development, so this is also a change that many welcome.
Allocating a crazy portion of budget and screentime to superhero fight sequences. I agree with all the critics who say these scenes don't add much to the story, the B roll looks better without CGI, and they could have kept other scenes instead. BUT guess which scenes I find myself rewatching and showing off to friends the most? Episodes 14, 15, 32. Because it is thrilling and glorious. Plus after enduring so many Marvel films over the years, I'm pleased to see a version that's genuinely Chinese (not some pan-Asian BS), rooted in our philosophy and martial arts tradition, featuring Chinese faces that have real kungfu training.
Going over the top on aesthetics - colorful costumes, hair accessories, and heavy makeup. A violent reaction against the simple pastel aesthetics that have dominated xianxias over the years. Of course, lots of people hated on the eyeliner and found the extravagant visuals distracting.
However, even with all its flaws, I'm glad it aired and did not wait for perfection. (A lot of May dramas did not go live last minute due to "technical problems" i.e. government censorship. These days, airing = success.) In addition, I predict that over time people will come to appreciate TTEOTM more. Here's why:
1) A lot of dramas now widely lauded as classics started out with poor ratings. Over time, the noise will die down and make way for what really matters - compelling acting and story. Empresses in the Palace (2011) opened with a Douban rating of 2.7 out of 10 (yes, this bad). Viewers didn't like the casting choice. They thought the actors looked bad. There were also issues with the costumes. Over time, its rating increased to 9.4. It's now a show rewatched so loyally that data analysts use its viewership to track market size. Similarly, a lot of the issues people have with TTEOTM are superficial. The things that matter most like acting are good, and even if you dislike the story and editing choices, it did manage to keep 70M people watching and engaged till the end, incl. people who don't watch a lot of TV or like this genre.
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2) Moreover, when people look back or rewatch, they tend to focus on just the highlights, and TTEOTM is full of memorable scenes. There are also so many standout memes/gags (出圈梗) that will live in our cultural fabric forever. Fans on Douban were surveyed on who they would have chosen as the director instead and still overwhelming "rehired" Kuk Kok Leung. Biases aside, I think people realize that you could have a better executed drama overall - higher production value, greater consistency, more attention to detail, BUT you might also lose a lot of the things we loved. I don't know if another director would have allowed TTJ go full creepy/evil/weak in the first few episodes or filmed all the steamy love scenes without a modesty backlight. TTEOTM feels so different because it breaks ALL the rules (see above) that I'm not sure if dramas in the future will try to replicate. If they do, TTEOTM would have started a trend. If they don't, TTEOTM will remain the only option.
3) Only dramas that inspire passion will stand the test of time. There are plenty of dramas that score well but don't inspire passion - they will fade away over time. The TTEOTM fan community is intense - there's so much discussion and engagement everywhere. Its Douban group is the #3 most active ever (measured by # of comments). Its MDL page has 68K comments, highest of all aired CDrama. Its Douyin topic has close to 29B views, highest of all costume drama. (Interesting to note that TTEOTM has an excellent reputation on Douyin, the platform with the most active users and least amount of toxic fan activity.) Fans have spent >25M RMB on merchandise, an unprecedented amount - 3M RMB on a character that appears for <10 mins (OG Devil God). It's got to have done something right because this is way more buying power than the fans of LYX and BL combined. And in my N=1, I've not been this excited about a franchise since Game of Thrones and then Harry Potter.
Bottom line, you might have liked it, liked it with regrets, hated it... but if you're spending the time to read this post, all the way till the end, you've become a luna-tic (or 烬神病人)!
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cocogrrrl · 1 year
four times kyle says he loves you, one time he actually does say it
kyle's not the biggest romantic in the world, but sometimes he unintentionally is as well.
kyle broflovski x gn!reader no cws wc: 1183
an: tooth-rottingly sweet! i have like four 3k+ word fics in my drafts right now so stay tuned for that if you're interested!
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Often, you’ll find yourself in bed at night alone. In the morning, you’ll feel the lack of warmth as well. Needless to say, your boyfriend, Kyle, had a hectic schedule. 
You try to stay up and wait for him. Sometimes, he does come, but rather late. Most of the time, however, you end up falling asleep first. 
You understood why, though. He wanted to work extra hours for extra pay to have some money to support himself, his interests, and your place. I mean, you did work too, but Kyle was rather nervous about having inadequate money. You tried to convince him that you two were alright, but he decided against that.
Recently, things were a little more different. You found him coming home earlier than usual and leaving work a little later. You were grateful, for sure, but what was going on?
“Hey, Kyle?” You called, both of you in bed. He hummed in response, turning his head to look at you. “I’ve noticed you’ve been going home early and leaving for work a lot later than usual. Did you get a promotion or something? Sorry if you told me, I may have forgotten…” You scratched the back of your neck, chuckling.
“Oh, I didn’t get promoted or anything,” he shuffled closer to you, giving you a peck on the cheek that sent tingles through your skull. “I just thought you were right. I shouldn’t be working myself up over nothing, you know?”
“I didn’t mean it in a bad way,” you said, your eyebrows scrunched up as you were visibly upset since you thought you hurt his feelings. “I was just worried you were overworking yourself.”
He chuckled at your kindness. “I mean that too, but don’t worry, love,” he whispered, pulling you by the chin and nudging his nose with yours. “Above all, I missed spending time with you.”
You were snuggled up against Kyle, your head on his shoulder as you both indulged in your favorite activity—watching shitty movies and laughing at how shitty they are.
Currently, you two were watching a horrible, low-budget remake of Kung Fu Panda. As your mind was being bored by the eye-numbing movie, you didn’t notice your body suddenly being pulled.
Before you could even process it, your lips were on Kyle’s. You were caught off guard, so you caught yourself holding onto him. The kiss was relatively short, though, but you two could feel the smiles on each others’ lips.
When you both pulled away, you asked, “What was that for?” You chuckled.
“Nothing, I just desperately needed to kiss you.”
You were lying down on the couch, mindlessly scrolling on your phone. Kyle was by the dining area right beside your living room, sorting out some important papers. To fill in the empty space of your room, Kyle figured to play some music to help him loosen up.
Out of nowhere, Michael Jackson’s Rock With You started to play. You were initially taken aback, surprised to hear this in Kyle’s playlist. However, you didn’t mind it one bit, even bopping your head to the intro.
Before the chorus, you felt something lean over you. It was Kyle with his hand stretched to you, offering a dance. You could tell he was embarrassed, seeing the blush scribbled all over his face. You knew Kyle wasn’t fond of dancing, so you were so about to take the offer.
You gladly took his hand in yours, gracefully leaping out of the couch as much as you could (which wasn’t that much, but the execution didn’t matter in this situation!). You engulfed yourself in his arms as you guys swayed to the beat, not caring how horrible either of you looked… gyrating?
Anyways, let’s just say that Kyle ended up getting distracted by the fun you two were having and finished the papers much later that night.
You quietly entered your shared apartment, taking off your shoes by the entrance then treading to your room with the lightest steps possible so as to not wake your boyfriend up—just in case he was already asleep.
You opened the door, hoping it wouldn’t creak. The lights were still open, though, Kyle’s head turning to the doorframe, which was where you stood.
“Hi, dove,” he greeted with a smile. “I got you something.” He rose from the sheets and reached into his closet, holding two shirts in his hands.
He handed the other shirt to you, exactly your size. The top was mostly plain white, but in the middle were two rats cuddling with a text over it saying, “me and my partner :3”.
You deeply remember what this shirt was referencing. You were showing Kyle a photo on your phone. The photo was exactly the one on the shirt. You said something about how silly it would be if you two had matching shirts with text above it saying “me and my boyfriend” or something written above.
Kyle originally dismissed the idea. He knew you were joking, but he stated that he wouldn’t know how to pair the shirt with his wardrobe. Honestly, neither did you if you were to have the shirt, but you’d find a way to make it work.
That’s why you were surprised to see him gifting you something he didn’t really like.
“I thought your idea was kinda cute, and I went ahead and had it printed.” He awkwardly chuckled, cringing at his weak skill with graphic design. Visuals and art were never his strongest suit. The shirt, though, looked quite adorable either way!
You quickly wrapped him in a hug. “I love it so much. Thanks, dear.” You felt all around giddy. Your senses were tingly and your smile couldn’t express just how happy you were.
It was around 6 PM. You and Kyle had spent a whole day at an amusement park. By now, the energy that you two had earlier had been completely burned out. So now, he and you were inside the capsule of a Ferris wheel.
You sat beside each other, wearing your matching rat-cuddling shirts, enjoying the silence between you. You were staring at the view before you as you rose higher and higher. You held onto a stuffed toy he won at a carnival game for you an hour or two ago. Kyle, however, wasn’t focused on the view you were dazed at. His eyes were only focused on you.
You felt his eyes pierce through you, even if you yourself couldn’t see it. You turned behind, looking at him “What is it, Kyle?”
“You’re so pretty. I don’t think you understand how much I love you.” He said mindlessly. He seemed shocked by what he said once the words registered in his mind.
You giggled at his words, pulling his face closer to yours by the jaw. It was enchanting to see him get lost at just the sight of you. “Oh, but I think I do.” You whispered against his lips, giving him a peck on it before you two exited the Ferris wheel, holding hands.
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