likeastars · 9 months
Thinking about Pink Diamond never talking with a voice of her own, about how others put words in her mouth.
Thinking about Rose Quartz always being told through flashbacks, through others' perception of her.
Thinking about how her only real moment was her saying when you love yourself that's me loving you in an old tv in the dark.
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rukafais · 2 years
i think a thing i really like about the drizzt series is that generally the more okay someone is with killing people or being killed or both to the point they are defined by it somehow, the more fucked up and traumatized they are in their own special way, and boy you get to see that in so many flavors as the series rolls on and they introduce more people
and this absolutely does not exclude the protagonist whose name is on the cover, even though he downplays his own trauma constantly
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queenpiranhadon · 3 months
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A/N: Was missing my baby so I decided to type this up <3 Here's the masterlist!
Warning(s): Katsuki’s down bad but to be fair, so are you lol, you’ve been married for over a year, you two live together, pre-established relationship, anti social Katsuki, you have a lot of Dynamight merch, Katsuki publically simps for you <3, f!reader, Katsuki refers to you as his wife and vice versa, reader’s a little childish lol
Pairing(s): Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
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•────•°•❀•°•──── ᴛᴇᴅᴅʏ ʙᴇᴀʀ ────•°•☁︎•°•────•
It's no surprise that Bakugou loves to talk about you, his pretty wife.
Ever since the two of you got married, the public could definitely see the impact you had on him- even though you didn't come fully public with your marriage. He's kinder now, softer in a way, still the powerful hero he used to be, if not even stronger, but he's not the same person who flips off a camera once paparazzi flock to him after a mission.
Instead he gives a slight nod of acknowledgement before moving on- he had places to be.
Places being back home, to you, in your awaiting arms, where you would greet him with a smile that could heal the world of its sins if it wanted to, a smile that to him, was the purest and most beautiful thing in the world.
Bakugou Katsuki wasn't a man who truly believed someone was better than him, having enough confidence in himself to become was he was not with enough determination, but you...
You were his heaven, his haven, his home. You were the sun and the moon, and land and the sea, everything beautiful in the world, it was you.
And the whole world could tell. Probably even extra terrestrial species on other galaxies.
Well, everyone but you.
You, being the absolute angel you are, didn't think of yourself that way. You were just… you - trying to achieve your goals and have a happy life, alongside your Katsuki, who you'd support no matter what, and him, you.
You knew Katsuki loved you, of course you did- though the blonde wasn't well versed when it came to expressing his feelings through words, he was more than adequate in showing it through his actions instead.
You probably wouldn't be able to even comprehend the amount of love Katsuki held in his heart for you.
Until one special night that is.
Katsuki's been invited to one of your favorite talk shows, and after a lot of convincing ( read: pleading ) he gave in. He couldn't say no to you anyways.
Katsuki had left for the filming a while ago, leaving you to deck out in your limited edition Dynamight merch while turning on the TV to watch your husband.
The familiar opening plays and you see the set of the show you always loved to watch- pride warming your heart as you see your beloved on the screen.
"Live from Tokyo, it's your host, Seiko Nishimura and tonight, we're here with the only and only, Pro Hero Dynamight!- also known as Bakugou Katsuki."
Your husband nods, and mumbles out a "Thanks for havin' me." and you feel your heart melt at his adorable attempt to be social on camera.
Seiko grins, and turns to her stack on notecards nodding to the audience. "Well, I've got a set of questions from the audience all around the world! And we've got a lot, so let's get right to it!"
The night goes on smoothly enough, with Katsuki answering questions about his career and his schedules signing events that were coming up. You hug your Dynamight themed teddy bear closer to your chest as you feel overflowing love for your husband. You were more than proud of him, overcoming trauma from his high school years and bad habits that you know still plague him to this day, no matter how hard he tries to hide it. He overcame it all- and you were just truly happy to be by his side.
All the questions are relatively the same- nothing really sparking your absolute interest (your focus was really just on Katsuki and how stupidly good he looked in his muscle shirt and cargos, matched with glossy jet black Prada boots)- until Seiko asks a question that makes you perk up.
"Many fans have noticed a ring around the chain you always wear when you're out fighting - do you perhaps have a special someone at home?" the host asks with a cheeky grin, expecting the blonde to give a flustered outburst but instead, Katsuki shows a hint of real emotion for the first time that night, a small genuine smile stretching across his face.
He takes out the chain in question, and runs his callused thumb over his fondly.
"Yeah, I gotta wife at home" he says, love seeping into his gruff voice. "She's probably on the couch watching this with that stupid Dynamight bear she got me for our last anniversary."
You gasp and look at your bear incredulously. "He did not call you stupid." you grumble, hiding half of your face into the plush of the stuffed animal but still peek over it to watch the screen.
You felt giddy, like a schoolgirl- wondering what Katsuki would say about you on live television. It was silly, you knew- but even after all these years Katsuki still had you flustered like he did all the way back when you were both sixteen.
"Damn woman uses that thing more than I do." he grumbles playfully and sighs."But...I don't think I would be where I am today without her."
You feel your cheeks heat, unable to be tear your eyes away from your husband on the screen.
"She's my rock, the breath in my lungs, the blood in my veins, the fire the keeps my goin'- I don't think I'd ever be able to tell her how much I really do love her."
You feel unbelievably hot, overwhelmed by love and affection even though he's not here with you. A watery smile forms on your face as you wipe away the tears that slip down your face.
You hold the teddy bear tight, breathing in Katsuki's scent- though he claims that you use it more than he does, know you that he sleeps with it whenever you're away.
Katsuki never failed to make you feel loved, through his actions, and right now, through his words too.
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this was one of the 247 posts Mina and Ejirou sent you the day after- Katsuki didn’t leave the bedroom once he saw, taking the teddy bear to cover his red face
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✨Lead Us Into Temptation✨
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The poll didn't even finish before I started working on this lmao, hope you enjoy my first take on some very soft dom Luci!
Lucifer x f!sinner reader
Summary: You were a devout believer in life, but somehow you ended up in Hell with no real explanation. Most nights you can be found sitting on a bar stool in the lobby, trying to cope with what's happened to you. But one night while in an intoxicated state, you reveal your most hidden desires to the King himself...
Lucifer x f!sinner reader
Warnings: smut, 18+, reader first time, hand job, fingering, tail play, oral (m & f receiving), p in v
"That's it, I'm cuttin' you off for tonight," Husk said sternly, whisking away your unfinished glass of whiskey. You'd been at the bar for only an hour and you've already downed five full glasses.
"Noooo, Husk c'mon...I'm fffffiiiinnee," you babbled, trying to push your head from the countertop unsuccessfully.
It's been a few months since you arrived in Hell after an unfortunate accident that ended in your early demise. But being a devout believer, you were so sure that Heaven would be your final destination. How wrong you were. You woke up in the fiery pit confused and scared, your body had transformed into that of a demon; you had become something you had feared for your entire life. When you first heard about the Hazbin Hotel, you nearly jumped at the opportunity for redemption. If there was even the slightest hope of getting out of here, you were going to take it. But your situation was more than troublesome, considering how you led your life up on Earth. On most nights, you could easily be found sitting on a bar stool, trying desperately to drown your sorrows and distract yourself from the reality you'd found yourself in.
What's worse...not everyone here is evil. It was ingrained into you that everyone down here in Hell deserved to be, they had earned this punishment. But getting to know some of the other residents at the hotel, that couldn't have been further from the truth! Was everything you were taught just a complete lie?! For Heaven's sake, Charlie, the literal princess of Hell, was the sweetest and kindest being you've ever had the pleasure of meeting! And Vaggie, a former angel, so devout to Charlie and her dream, you've never seen two people more in love. Angel, although a bit eccentric and over the top, cared deeply for his friends and was ready to fight for them at a moment's notice. It was all...not what you expected, and you had a very difficult time coping with everything that you had been thrust into.
"You're shit faced," Husk snapped back. "Look, I know you're havin' a hard time with all this. But drinking away your issues ain't gonna solve any of 'em. You need to sleep this off." He watched you stumble off the bar stool, your one foot catching the other, resulting in a rather pitiful fall onto the carpet. But you couldn't feel anything, the alcohol helped mask the pain you were sure to feel tomorrow. You couldn't help but giggle at your own clumsiness. "Oh, for fuck's sake..." Husk grumbled.
Before you could even attempt to pull yourself off the ground, you saw a pair of black boots approaching you in a rather hurried manner.
"Woah!" the voice exclaimed, "Are you alright? Here, let me help you!" In no time, your limp body went from lying on the lobby floor to being hoisted up and helped back onto the bar stool you fell from. You turned your head to see Lucifer's concerned face staring back at you. "Husk, what happened?"
"She's drunk," the cat demon explained, "I told her she was done drinkin' for the night and she ate shit trying to stand up. I was about to help her back to her room-"
All of a sudden, a shadowy presence started to form behind the bar. A static filled laugh was heard before Alastor had popped up, startling the bar tender. "Husker, my good man!," the radio demon bellowed, "it seems as though I am in need of your assistance."
"Fuck! Why can't you just walk in here like a normal fucking person?" Husk grumbled.
Alastor only responded with a light chuckle before fixing his attention on you. "My, my, what have we here?" Alastor taunted. You could have sworn you heard a low growl coming from Lucifer beside you. "I say, my dear, I've never seen you look worse than you do now. What a pity, all of those teachings really didn't help you in the long run, now did they?"
You felt tears threatening to fall from your eyes at Alastor's cruel words. If you were sober, you would have run the other direction as fast as you could. Alastor had been the other real soul you met who you knew with every fiber of your being belonged in this pit. But considering you had no inhibitions and clearly no chance of getting away, you picked your head up and slammed your fists on the table in righteous anger.
"Ohhh, eat shit youuuu *hic* smiling prick!" You tried to stand up once more, only for your legs to buckle underneath you. Luckily, Lucifer had caught you before your face had met with the carpet again. "I-I don't deserve this! 'Least I'm TRYING to redeem m'self!"
Alastor's malicious grin never faltered. "Oh, and what a fabulous job you're doing! I do wonder how a woman such as yourself has fallen so far from grace."
"Fuck off, radio freak," Lucifer snarled, barring his teeth and his eyes shifting to a deep crimson red and yellow.
“Oh, ho ho! Seems as though I’ve struck a nerve,” Alastor mocked. He made his way around the bar, now towering over you and the fallen angel. “Tell me, your highness, what is your fascination with this lost soul, hmm? I’m so utterly curious as to why you would give her the time of day when all she does is wallow in her self-pity and-”
“I. SAID. FUCK. OFF.” the king spat, his eyes now changing into a solid red and his voice deepening to match his threat. Though your vision was hazy, you noticed his horns had burst out from his temples. Whether it was the alcohol or something else entirely, your face suddenly felt very, very hot. “Don’t make me repeat myself again.”
Despite the immense danger, Alastor could only muster a sly grin. “It’s very rude to ignore my question.”
“I don’t have to do anything for you! Or have you forgotten who you’re talking to?” The way Lucifer spoke sent a shiver down your spine. “The only reason that you’re not a mangled corpse on the ground right now is because of my daughter. So, if you want to stay in one piece, I’d walk away right now if I were you…”
The two men's faces were just inches away from each other now. Alastor’s eye twitched as he glared back at Lucifer with pure distain. His eyes shifted to you only for a brief moment before standing up straight and smirking to himself.
“I suppose it really is no business of mine as to how you choose to mingle with the guests here,” the radio demon resolved. He turned around to walk away, but not before glancing at you once more over his shoulder. “They’re lost causes anyway. Come along, Husker!”
Lucifer’s demonic traits disappeared as Alastor finally left the parlor. “I hate that man.” He looked at Husk empathetically. “If I could break your arrangement with him, I would. I’m sorry. But don’t worry, I’ll take care of her.” With that, Husk nodded and followed the radio demon down the hall, leaving you and Lucifer alone at the now empty bar.
You started to bawl as you clung to Lucifer for support. Immediately, he rushed you over to the couch and sat you down next to him, letting you cry into the crook of his neck.
"Hey, hey, shh," Lucifer soothed. "It's alright. Alastor won't bother you anymore, I'll make sure of it."
"It's n-not him," you sniffled, "it's everything! Al-stor's right, there's no savin' me."
Lucifer pulled you away from him, placing a hand under your chin as he looked into your glassy eyes. "Now what makes you say that?"
Another tear rolled down your face. "Is like he said, what I was taught up there...nothing's true! Welllll, except..." you placed your hand over the one holding your face tenderly. "Theeeyyyyy did say that you, Luciferrrr, were heaven's prettiest angel. They def-liny didn't lie about that!"
You noticed a small blush creep across Lucifer's face at your words. He pulled his and away from your face to clear his throat, glancing away from you. "T-Thank you. That's umm, very kind of you."
You chuckled to yourself, scootching your body closer him. "Do you mind if I *hic*, lay down, jus' for a sec. Gettin' sleepy.
"Yeah, of course!" Lucifer smiled, but only for a moment. "W-Wait, hold on!"
But by the time he tried to warn you, your head had already fallen into his lap. You smiled up at the flustered man and chuckled, the heat returning to your face once more. "You got soft legs, hehe!"
Lucifer inhaled sharply. "Husk was right, you really are drunk. Wouldn't you feel more comfortable laying your head on a pillow?"
"Nnnnope!" you replied.
"Alright then," the king breathed and massaged the back of his neck, doing his best to hide how tense he'd become from your sudden closeness.
"H-Hey," you called up to him, "why'd youuu...why'd you protect me jus' now? From Al-stor. You *hic* didn't have to..."
He looked down at you softly, brushing away the hair that had fallen in your face. "I don't like bullies. You didn't deserve that, and Alastor knows that for his sake that he shouldn't get on my bad side."
"Never seen you so mad." you mumbled.
"I'm sorry you had to see that," he apologized, continuing to play with you hair. "I don't like bringing out that side of me. But Alastor really likes to push his luck for some bizarre reason."
"Awww," you pouted, "is too bad. I liked seeing that side of ya. It was HOT!"
Lucifer stopped his movements completely. “I-I’m sorry?”
“You heard me,” you responded poking at his chest. “What? Did ya think jus’ cuz I was a believer when I was alive that I’d be SCARED of ya? Maybe at first. Not anymore! I’m already in Hell soooo there’s no point in hidin’ it, is there?”
“Hiding what, exactly?” Lucifer gulped as if he was almost too afraid to ask.
You giggles and hid your face with your hands. “Noooo, you’re jus’ gonna laugh at meeee!”
Lucifer let out an amused hum. He gently took ahold of your wrists and lowered your hands away from your now completely beet-colored face. “I promise I won’t laugh at you, my dear. You’ve very much piqued my curiosity! And I’m very good at keeping secrets, you know! So please, let me keep yours.” He let go of your wrists, letting your hands fall onto your chest. You watched as he leaned closer to you, his half-lidded eyes piercing your very soul. “Won’t you tell me, my sweet angel?”
"I...*hic* I umm..." you babbled. It was clear that you were struggling to answer.
"Mind if I take a guess?" Lucifer offered as he went back to playing with your loose locks of hair. "Is it possible that you have a little crush on-"
"I WAN' YOU TO FUCK ME STUPID TILL I CAN'T 'MEMBER MY NAME!" you blurted out without any reservations.
"-me..." Lucifer froze at your confession. You could hear the sound of a pin drop with the deafening silence that now filled the air. With a big inhale, he straightened his back fully, placing both of his hands under you in a flash, not daring to look down at you. "Well, I-I think it's about time we got you to bed!" he nearly shouted as he scooped you up in his arms and stood up faster than normal.
You let out a small squeak of surprise with his sudden motion. With a snap of his fingers, a portal appeared next to you and he quickly carried you across the threshold and into your dimly lit room. With a flick of his wrist, your bedsheets were undone and Lucifer was able to lay you down gently onto your mattress. He reached over you to grab your undone comforter and pulled it on top of you, covering everything but your head.
"Okay! Uhh, s-sleep well!" Lucifer went to run through the portal, but not before you were able to grab his sleeve.
"D-Did I upset you?" you asked nearly on the verge of tears again? Lucifer still hadn't looked at you.
"N-No! No, angel, you didn't upset me!" he tried to sooth you, but you weren't buying it. You couldn't stop more tears running down your face. When Lucifer heard your quiet cries, he finally turned towards you in a state of sheer panic. "Ahh, no!" He kneeled down next to you, wiping your tears away with his free hand. "Please don't cry! I promise I'm not upset!"
"Knew it was stupid...," you sobbed, "shouldn't have told you..."
"Don't say that," the fallen angel cooed. "Okay, okay, look...If uhh, we're admitting things right now, I might as well too. Would that make you feel better?"
You sniffled a bit. "M-Maybe..."
Lucifer shut his eyes and let out a deep sigh. "I've had...similar feelings...about you, that is. So...no more tears, okay?"
You stared at the man before you, completely and utterly baffled by what you had just heard. "R-Really?"
"Yes," he whispered. "But we can talk about this tomorrow, yeah? You need some sleep; it looks like you're about to pass out."
He was right. Your eyelids felt as though they could give out at any moment, and the warmth from your blanket wasn't helping you stay conscious either. As Lucifer stood up, you still clung to his sleeve like your life depended on it. "Stay?" you almost begged.
He smiled weakly, taking your hand from his sleeve, and placing a small peck on the back of it. "Not tonight," he responded. "Sleep now, darling. I'll see you when you wake." You couldn't find the strength to respond, letting yourself drift off to sleep as Lucifer left you to dream.
Little did you know that he had disappeared to take a very cold shower.
When you regained consciousness, you felt the familiar pounding in your head after a heavy night of drinking. Begrudgingly you dragged yourself out of you bed and forced your way to your bathroom for a much needed shower. You realized when you glanced towards the mirror that you never changed out of your clothes from yesterday. In fact, you don't even remember how you got back to your room last night, Everything was such a blur, and it hurt to think with the major headache you were experiencing at the moment. The last thing you could recall was falling off the bar stool, the pain you felt in your shoulder was enough of a reminder. Once you stepped in the hot shower, you felt a little better, but only a little bit. You tried to rack your brain for answers, trying to remember exactly what happened after you fell. You ran your fingers through your hair, letting the water soak your aching body. But in doing so, something had clicked. That motion had unlocked a foggy memory. Your hair. Someone had run their hands through your hair last night, but you couldn't for the life of you remember who. It was gentle, soft, tender. But who would do that?
After a few minutes, you stepped out of the shower and threw on one of the sundresses you had hanging in your closet. You really didn't feel like putting a ton of effort into your clothing choices today. Hopefully Charlie would forgive you for skipping out on her planned activity today and let you recover. You realized after that initially thought that you didn't even know what time is was. Chances were you had already missed it. With a groan, you plopped down back onto the mattress, your hair still damp.
"What's the matter with me," you asked yourself. "How do I expect to be redeemed when all I do is sabotage my chances by getting wasted every night?" Your headache persisted as you laid in your bed, you almost wanted to cry from the pain. But then, you heard a soft knocking at your door. Charlie, you thought. More than likely she was checking in on you to make sure you were alright. "I'll be there in a second!" you called out. The volume of your own voice didn't help your hangover in the slightest. You grabbed one of the small pillows off your bed for comfort and trudged your way to your door. "I'm really sorry I slept in Charlie," you spoke as you turned the door handle, "it was a...really rough night for me and I-" you stopped completely once you opened the door fully. Charlie, in fact, was not the one who had knocked.
"Yeah, you really did get put through the ringer last night, didn't you?" Lucifer smiled at you. The pillow you held fell to the floor with a soft thud.
“Oh, I-I’m so sorry, sir!” You stuttered. “I-I thought you were Charlie! Did-Did she send you?”
Lucifer looked at you with a puzzled stare. “Uhh, no, no she didn’t. I told her what happened last night and let her know I’d check in on you like I promised.”
“Promised?” you asked, but Lucifer didn’t seem to hear you.
“And you don’t have to refer to me as “sir,” my dear, “Lucifer” is just fine! I mean, you used my name just fine last night!”
Your heart stopped. “L-Last night? Oh no…what…what happened last night?”
Lucifer gawked at your question. “Wait, do you not remember anything?” You shook your head timidly. “Oh dear…well, nothing bad happened, I promise! What’s the last thing you can remember doing?”
You looked down at the floor sheepishly, embarrassed to admit the real answer. “The last thing I can remember is falling off the bar stool and…landing on my face…”
Lucifer stood there and pondered for a few seconds before speaking again. “Do you mind if I come in?”
“Oh, umm, yeah, y-you can come in,” you agreed. You picked up the pillow you had dropped and opened the door for Lucifer to saunter in. “I’m sorry I look like a mess right now, I-I just got out of the shower and my hair isn’t completely dry yet and-”
“Hey, hey, it’s alright!” Lucifer interrupted. “You don’t need to apologize. You look lovely, in any case.”
You brought the pillow in your hands up to your face in an attempt to hide your blush. “T-Thank you,” your muffled voice came through the pillow. "I-If you want, you can sit down on my b-ahh fuck!" One hand came up to your forehead when you felt your head pounding from the pressure that's been building since you woke up. This was definitely one of your worst hangovers to date.
"Oh! Are you alright?" Lucifer asked, his voice laced with deep concern.
"My head..." you choked out. You made your way over to your bed, crawling up to the top and cradling the pillow in your arms "Hangovers are never really kind to me."
Lucifer frowned, seating himself down on the edge of your mattress next to you. You felt your face flare up again when you looked up at his worried expression. "Can I help you? I can alleviate the pain. You only need ask."
"Y-you can?"
"Sure! Angelic power and all that." His hand hovered just above your forehead. "May I?"
"Yes," you breathed. With that, you felt his soft hand make contact with your aching head. You felt a warm tingling sensation emanating from his touch. It didn't hurt nor was it unpleasant, it was healing. Without thinking, you leaned further into his touch, letting the warmth spread throughout your entire body. Your headache slowly began to fade away along with the fogginess that had been plaguing you since you woke up. As his touch lingered, you realized you were able to think more clearly than before, memories from last night started to become clearer and clearer. You remembered Lucifer had come to your rescue after you'd fallen. You remembered Alastor had shown up to mock you in your drunken stupor, only for Lucifer to step in and defend you. You remember sobbing with Lucifer while he comforted you. Then you remembered...
You shot straight up, your heart racing a million miles a second, with Lucifer throwing his hand back in surprise. "What? What happened? Did I hurt you?" Lucifer asked in a panic.
"I'm..." you began, "I'm starting to remember things from last night." You clutched the pillow tight to your chest, refusing to look in the fallen angel's direction. "Please tell me I didn't actually lay down in your lap..."
"Uhh, well...," You could tell from his response that that's exactly what had happened.
"Oh my God, I'm so sorry!" you apologized. "I shouldn't have done that! I-I know I drank way too much last night, I should have stopped, I didn't realize that-"
Lucifer's hand immediately flew to your shoulder in an attempt to get you to stop you from completely spiraling. "Darling, you don't need to apologize for that! You weren't feeling great so you just, ya know, used me as a pillow. And besides, it's not like I disliked it either."
"W-What?!" you nearly shrieked. Another realization had hit you just then. "You! You were the one that was playing with my hair! That's the only thing I could remember when I woke up!" You buried your face in the pillow once more. "If I said anything embarrassing..."
You heard Lucifer swallow hard. "I guess uhh, it depends on your definition of the word."
"Oh God, please no..." you pleaded. "What did I say?"
Lucifer held up his hand again as an offering, a weary smile on his face. "I can help you to remember, if you wish."
You let out a shaky breath but nodded in agreement. Lucifer's hand once again found its way to your forehead, a familiar warmth flowing through you once more. You closed your eyes and saw the images from last night flash before you. You saw yourself looking up at Lucifer who'd just asked you to tell him your little secret. But as soon as you remembered the drunken words that flew from your mouth at that moment, your eyes shot open and you flung yourself to the opposite side of the bed, as far away from Lucifer as possible.
"No. No! Nononononono!" you panicked, "I didn't-I mean I couldn't have, I...NO!" You couldn't stop yourself from crying into the pillow, ashamed and embarrassed at the thought of your past actions. "This is a nightmare..."
You felt the bed shifting beneath you as Lucifer crawled toward you hesitantly. "I'm sorry," he murmured behind you, "I know you must be feeling a lot of different emotions right now, but it's alr-"
"NO, IT'S NOT ALRIGHT!" You snapped, jumping from the bed in an attempt to put as much distance between you and him as possible. Your rage was quickly replaced with remorse when you saw Lucifer's shocked, almost hurt expression. You took a deep breath before speaking again. "I didn't mean you scream at you like that, I'm sorry...but you don't understand..."
"Then help me understand," Lucifer asked, now kneeling on the bed. "Please?"
You looked away from him and down to the ground, your heart threatening to beat out of your chest at the thought of explaining yourself to the literal king of Hell. "I...I grew up in church. I was raised as a believer. Told to be a “good girl." I was taught my entire life that Hell was a place to be feared, a place where the most evil of people end up. And I would be wise to fear it as well and repent so I would not end up there...uhh, here. That clearly didn't help me now, did it?" You let yourself drop to the bed again, letting your legs dangle over the sides. "My entire worldview just seemed to crumble around me when I started staying here at the hotel. Sure, there are some awful people here, but...it feels as though this "divine judgement" is...just completely fucked up! The guests here are better people than most believers I knew when I was alive! How is that right? How is that fair?!"
"Well," Lucifer interjected, "I can tell you first hand that Heaven is definitely not what it seems. I mean, have you seen the things they've said about me in that book of theirs?" he laughed, trying his best to lighten the mood.
You twisted your head over your shoulder, staring back at him with complete intensity. "And you!" You shot back up on your feet in an instant, pacing back and forth as Lucifer watched you completely mesmerized. "Where do I even start with you? You're Lucifer, the devil himself, the great deceiver, and temptation incarnate! Everything I was ever told about you is bullshit! You've been nothing but hospitable ever since I've been here! You protected me from Alastor last night! You took care of me while I was drunk! You didn't have to do any of those things, you shouldn't have done any of those things! You're not evil and it's...it's driving me to the brink! When Charlie had told me that you were her father, I was PETRIFIED! But nothing could have prepared me for finding out who you really were."
Lucifer slowly crawled towards you, climbing off the bed and now standing before you, perhaps just a tad too close for your comfort. "And who am I?" he asked softly.
Instinctively, your body drew itself closer and closer to his, as if you had no control of your movements anymore. "You're...an angel," you sighed.
Lucifer smiled at you, timidly resting his hand on your forehead. "Would you like to remember the rest of last night?"
"I already embarrassed myself enough to the point of no return so I might as well," you huffed shyly.
Lucifer chuckled, "Don't worry, the worst is over. But at least now you'll get to remember my favorite part."
The last of your aches in your body finally subsided as you let the rest of your previously forgotten memories flood your mind. It made sense that Lucifer would have been the one to bring you back to your room. Seeing yourself cry was not surprising to you, but what was surprising was Lucifer's admittance of reciprocated desires. You opened your eyes at last to the angel's sheepish grin. You took a half step away from him, your face feeling like the core of a raging volcano.
"You...you really..." was all you could muster.
"I'm not above embarrassing myself either, my dear," he joked, "I'd say we're even now."
"T-That's not even remotely close to being even!" you babbled.
Lucifer grinned and closed the gap between the two of you, taking one of your hands in his. "Regardless," he mused, "I meant what I said. Every word. And if you'd like to discuss this further, I'd be more than happy to listen." He pressed a small peck to the back of your hand just as he did last night. Even though your hangover had completely vanished, the brain fog had come back in full force. Maybe Lucifer was truly temptation incarnate.
"I-I can't believe this," you stutter, pulling your hand away from his and throwing yourself back onto your bed and covering your reddened face with your hands. "This has to be a dream, there's no way this is real! I'm sure I'm still passed out drunk right now! You're not supposed to be this way! You're supposed to be cruel and wicked and manipulative! Not..."
"Suave and oh so devilishly handsome?" Lucifer smirked.
"You're not helping!" You felt the mattress fold further under Lucifer's weight as he sat down next to you. "So...w-what happens now?"
"I mean, I can think of a few things," he answered smugly. "But in all seriousness, nothing will happen. Not unless you say otherwise."
"See, it's stuff like that!" you shouted, suddenly sitting up right. "Being respectful and considerate, constantly making sure I'm comfortable? That's not who you're supposed to be! I've just been fucking lied to my whole life and I'm PISSED and I'm finding it extremely difficult to not just...just...oh FUCK IT!"
Without warning, you grabbed Lucifer by the collar and crashed your lips into his. He let out a surprised yelp, but you had quickly swallowed it as his shock turned into pure bliss. His hands quickly found your face, cupping them and massaging your red-hot cheeks with his thumbs. Your annoyance had faded almost immediately, your fierce kiss had turned soft and passionate with his tender touch. You were the first to pull away, only to be met with Lucifer's pleading gaze.
"S-So much for being a good girl," Lucifer teased.
You pushed his face away gently. "I hate you!"
"That kiss suggested otherwise, darling."
"You should stop talking," you threatened.
"You should make me," he challenged.
In an instant, you were straddling Lucifer’s lap, your legs flush against his. You gripped the brim of his hat and tossed it to the floor below. You leaned in for another kiss, but this one was hungrier, needier. His lips were soft and you had already become addicted to his taste. You felt his jagged tongue brush against your bottom lip, and you pulled back in shock. “Is your tongue…” Lucifer flashed a cheeky smile and stuck out his tongue playfully. Sure enough, a forked snake tongue hung between his lips. “O-Oh, okay…” You weren’t sure how you never noticed before right now, but your lack of observation skills were the furthest thing from your mind right now. You closed your eyes and leaned in again, your mouth slightly ajar, basically begging for him to invade your mouth. To which Lucifer happily obliged. You felt his tongue slip past your teeth, entangling itself with yours. His hands had shifted down to your hips, kneading and lightly squeezing at your skin underneath your dress. The feeling of his claws pressing into you sent a shiver down your spine. More, more, more was the only thing you could think at the moment. But just as you got used to the feeling of his lips, Lucifer was the one to pull away this time. A tiny whimper escaped you. “Don’t worry, angel,” Lucifer cooed, “we have time. All the time in the world, in fact. I just want to make sure you’re alright. Do you want to keep going?”
The passion you felt was quickly replaced with fear. It hadn’t occurred to you that you had neglected to mention a pretty crucial piece of information. “Yes, I-I do, but umm…I should tell you…”
“I…haven’t exactly…” you gulped trying to find the right words. “I haven’t been with anyone before…”
“Wait, wait,” Lucifer froze, “you’ve never-”
“No!” You cut him off. “L-Look, when it’s been drilled into your head since you were a child that premarital sex is going to send you to Hell, you’re going to avoid it!”
Lucifer let out a deep sigh, then chuckled to himself. “Okay, I have to admit something. That whole “sex before marriage is a sin” thing miiiiigggghhhhttt be my fault.” You raised an eyebrow. “They never got over the fact that I more or less stole Adam’s first wife. Of course we weren’t married at that point! Heaven’s been petty ever since.”
You rolled your eyes playfully. “Oh, so it’s YOUR fault that I’m a virgin! Good to know.”
“Forgive me.” Lucifer allowed himself to lay flat on his back, with you following close behind. He raised his head and brought his lips to your ear. “But at your word, I’d be more than happy to rectify this injustice,” he whispered softly.
Goosebumps covered both of your arms at his words. You knew your face must have turned a new shade of red the way Lucifer smirked at you. You lowered yourself on his crotch out of spite and began to grind your hips lethargically. It was your turn to embarrass him. His breath caught in his throat from your motions, you could already feel that your lewd actions were having an effect on the man beneath you. The growing bulge in his pants that you felt on your own clothed heat had you salivating.
"You know, I-I'm not a complete novice," you admitted, your hands now making your way down his jacket, undoing every button with care. "I have a few tricks up my sleeve."
Lucifer pushed you back upright, now straddling his lap once more, and slipped himself out of his undone shirt. Aa you gripped his bare It took everything in your power not to stare at his perfectly toned chest. "And what "tricks"-hngg…would those be?"
You placed a chaste kiss to his lips before sliding off of his lap and kneeling on the floor in front of him. Lucifer's breath hitched instantly at the sight before him. You rested your palms on his inner thighs, your rapid breathing betraying your faux collected exterior. "I figured since I couldn't break the rules, I could at least bend them."
Lucifer firmly gripped the sheets beneath him as he watched your thumbs trace circles near his crotch. "Already on your knees for me, sweetheart?” he teased, running a hand from the top of your head, relishing in the softness of your hair, and down to the tip of your chin. “I didn’t know my powers of temptation would work so well on someone as devout as you.” You failed to hide the whimper that escaped your throat. “I’m sorry, I know I’m teasing you too much. I’ll stop if-”
“N-No, don’t stop…” you responded almost inaudibly.
A sultry laugh emanated from the man above you. “Oh, is that so?” You nodded. “Use your words, love.”
You shivered. “Please… remind me of my place…sir…”
He tilted your head up towards him, leaning down and placing a soft kiss on your lips. “Whatever you wish, my angel. You let me know if I go too far, okay?”
“Yes, I will.”
“Good girl,” he murmured. “Now, I believe you wanted to show me something?”
You took a deep breath before reaching out for the zipper and button of his pants. You made slow work of them, trying to be as delicate as possible. You grabbed both the hems of his pants and boxers, Lucifer raising himself up so you could more easily shimmy the remainder of his clothing off. His hardened cock sprang free, your face boiling from seeing the very obvious precum that had already begun leaking from the tip. After tossing away his pants, gripped Lucifer’ s hips and brought him as close to the edge of the bed as possible, your lips now mere inches away from his impressive length. You swallowed harshly. Breathing became an increasingly difficult task. With tentative hands, you reached out and lightly gripped the base of Lucifer's cock, his low moan sent pleasure straight between your thighs. There was no going back now.
"Go ahead, my dear," Lucifer encouraged, "show me how sinful those hands of yours are."
Without any further prodding, your hand move languidly up and down his cock, the precum providing enough lubrication for smooth strokes. Lucifer groaned above you, his sounds were everything you'd imagined and more. Your strokes became faster, needing to hear more of Lucifer coming undone from your touch alone. But even touching him wasn't enough to satisfy your desires. Your hot breath so close to his most sensitive area had Lucifer shuttering. And even more so when you decided to run your tongue from the base of his cock to the very tip. You'd finally gotten your first taste of him, and that sent you into a complete frenzy. Your tongue worked circles around the head of his length and you could hear Lucifer's guttural moans turn into whimpers of pure ecstasy.
"F-Fuck," Lucifer managed to choke out as he watched you bob your head and down, taking as much of him as you could manage. "You-mnmm...s-sure seem to know what you're doing. S-Shhiiittt...I-I'm starting to think you-GA-AAHH...you really do b-belong down here." Lucifer's composure was fading fast even though he continued his taunting. His words lit a fire within in, increasing your movements to an unrelenting pace. "O-OH FFFFUU-UUCCCKK," he screeched, his hand now tightening around your hair for an assemblance of stability. His overstimulated cock twitched in your mouth; you knew he was close. "Y-You're gonna make me c-cum if you keep doing thaa-ahhhht...but t-that's what you want, isn't it? You wanna taste m-my cum, sweet girl?"
"M-Mhmm," you hummed blissfully, your mouth and hand working in tandem to bring him over the edge.
"Then d-don't stop," he commanded.
You did exactly as he said, not slowing down for even a second. The thought of kneeling before the outcasted being that you were meant to despise with every inch of your soul drove you mad. Now here you were, unraveling him with your hands and mouth alone. Lucifer was using all of his willpower to not thrust his hips into you and completely fuck your mouth. That would have to wait for another time. But once your other hand started to gently massage his balls, it was over. "Fuck fuck fuck FUCKFUCKFUCK-CUMMING," he cried out before finally emptying himself inside your mouth. You couldn't move away even if you wanted to the way he way holding your head in place. But you were perfectly content swallowing every drop of his hot cum. When the twitching stopped, he had released his grip on you, allowing you to pull away from him and gulp down the last of his seed. You looked up at him with a nervous smile, your hands now resting on his knees.
"H-How'd I do?" you laughed sheepishly. But your laugh faded once you saw the change in Lucifer's appearance. His eyes were no longer his normal soft yellow, but a deep crimson red.
"Oh, my sweet little angel," his voice dripping with desire, "you were nothing short of absolute perfection. How absolutely filthy you are for swallowing all of my cum. I love it!" He offered his hand to you, helping you off of the ground. He stood with you, pulling at the bottom of your dress. "But I'm far from being done with you." With a soft "yes", your dress was dragged over your head and tossed to the side in one swift motion, leaving you nothing but your matching black bra and panties. Lucifer stood there drinking in your form, his outstretched tongue swishing from side to side. "Gorgeous," he hummed against your skin before bringing his hot mouth to your neck. You squeaked at the sensation, but your surprise rapidly shifted to wanton moans. His sharp teeth and forked tongue raked across your pulse, sending waves of pleasure throughout your entire body. "I'll make sure everyone knows you're mine now..." he pulled away and looked up at you pleadingly, "that is, if you'll have me."
You smiled, tears now pricking the corner or your eyes. "I'm already yours."
Lucifer's breath had caught in his throat as he captured your lips, your mouth being invaded by his eager tongue. He hoisted you up by your hips, your legs instinctively wrapping around his hips as you hooked your arms around his neck to pull him even closer than before. He laid you down on the bed sweetly, now crawling his way up towards you. Lucifer's body now completely enveloped yours. The angel's disheveled hair and the sweat dripping from his forehead was truly a breathtaking sight. His captivating red eyes felt as though they were piercing your very soul, searching for every hidden desire you had locked away. Lucifer licked his lips seductively. "If my memory serves, I recall a certain someone telling me that they found my unholier side...oh, what was the word..." Lucifer feigned forgetfulness as his horns appeared from his skull, "Ahh, yes, I remember now. "Hot." Isn't that right, darling?"
Your face flushed furiously. You mentally cursed your drunken self as you looked up at Lucifer's smug expression. His demonic features made you quiver with anticipation. You've all but sold your soul to the devil himself and you were more than willing to give him everything he wanted. His red claws made quick work of your bra, unclasping it with ease and throwing it across the room. The urge to cover yourself was overwhelming, but it was like Lucifer could read your every thought. He held both of your wrists and placed them above your head, holding them there with just one hand while the other made its way towards your chest.
“Be a good girl and keep your hands there for me,” he ordered.
You nodded obediently. You clung onto the pillows above you as Lucifer let go of your wrists, placing both of his hands on your supple breasts, mewling from the stimulation. Lucifer pinched your nipples, rubbing them gently between his clawed fingers. The sharp ends of his claws poked at your skin while he continued his ministrations. Your meek whimpers turned into moans.
“L-Lucifer, please…” you begged. “I-I need-GAH…”
“I adore the way you say my name, love,” he praised. “Say it again.”
“Luciferrr…” you whined.
He rewarded you with a kiss. “What a pretty voice you have, all desperate and needy for me. So willing to submit…”
He let his mouth fall on one of your nipples, lapping and sucking the sensitive bud while kneading at your other breast. Your nails dug into the pillows, fighting every urge to reach out and touch him. But you couldn’t stand it, obedience truly had its disadvantages.
“Please Lucifer, l-let me touch you,” the request fell from your lips in a desperate plea. “Let me hold you…”
“Hmmm,” his lips reverberated against you. “Patience, love, patience.” Lucifer’s demonic tail appeared suddenly behind him, swaying back and forth. You watched as it lowered itself close to the hem of your panties. Slowly, it inched its way underneath and found itself between your slick folds. You couldn’t hold back a gasp once you realized what Lucifer had planned. “Allow me to try something first.” After giving him the "okay", you felt him flick his tail against your clit, causing you to arch your back, moaning unashamedly in the process. It was circling your swollen nub slowly at first, but quickly built up to a relentless pace. Your body shook uncontrollably as his tail abused your clit. “The way your body reacts to me is such a wonderful sight to behold, sweetheart. Look at you, so easily corrupted.”
It wasn’t long before you cried out in absolute pleasure. You could feel that coil in your stomach ready to snap. You'd barely been touched and you were helpless to fight against your impending release. “F-Fuu-aaahhhh Lu-Lucifer! I-I can’t-HHAAAA-gonna c-cum…g-gonna-FFFUCK!” Lucifer ignored your cries, only focusing on your breasts as you writhed under his touch. You screamed as your sudden orgasm hit you like a freight train, your walls clenching around nothing.
With a low chuckle, Lucifer removed his tail from your drenched slit, admiring your complete fucked out face. "You did so well," he praised, "I promise I'll get you some new panties soon, it wasn't very nice of me to let you ruin yours." You turned your face away from his to hide your embarrassment, only for Lucifer to give you a small peck on your very reddened cheek. "You can move your arms now, darling." At his word, you released the death grip you had on the pillows behind you and pulled Lucifer in for another deep kiss. You felt his lips curl into a smile against yours. "Would you like to keep going?"
"Hehe, so eager," he said poking your nose, "it's adorable. I think it's only fair that I get to have my fill of you now, don't you think?"
Your pupils dilated. "O-Oh, you mean..."
"Is something wrong?" he asked nervously.
"No! No, nothing's wrong," you reassured him, "it's just that...no one's ever offered to uhh, do that for me."
A mix of annoyance and confusion flashed across his face. "Wait, what?!" He sat up straight, resting his full weight on your stomach. "So, let me see if I'm understanding this correctly. You've gone down on men before but not one of them ever offered to return the favor?" You shook your head nervously. A fearsome growl erupted from Lucifer's throat and his eyes had turned a glowing red for just a moment; you couldn't help but shiver. "I'm sorry, but that's inexcusable! Hell isn't enough of a punishment for men like that. To only take and never give back." Lucifer made his way off of you and helped you sit upright against the pillows. "Please allow me to make up for their sins."
"O-Okay," you responded weakly, "only if you want to. I never want you to feel like you have to do anything for me."
He leaned into you for a tender kiss. "Darling, I want nothing more than to ravish you in every way possible; you deserve that and much, much more." You couldn't help but blush at his flattering words. "Lift your legs for me?" You did as he asked, allowing him to tug at the hem of your panties. You held your breath as you watched him drag them down the length of your legs and toss them away carelessly. You closed your legs instinctively, though you realized it was a little bit too late to try and hide yourself from him at this point. Lucifer only smiled and positioned himself in front of you, resting his hands on your knees. "It's alright, take your time," he soothed.
You nodded and let out the breath you had been holding. Lethargically, you began to part your legs for him, letting him finally drink in the sight of your soaked entrance. You noticed him gulp in response and couldn't hide the small smirk on your face. "Like what you see?"
Lucifer licked his lips mindlessly, staring at you like you were a meal to be devoured. "You have no idea," he answered, never taking his eyes away from of your glistening pussy. He laid himself down on his stomach, trailing soft kisses on either side of your inner thighs, leaving nothing but tender bite marks and hickies in his wake. With each passing second you became more and more restless, wanting nothing more than this torment to end. But Lucifer was savoring every bit of you and your heart couldn't help but feel full. At last, you felt his hot breath against your pussy, your body tensed at the sensation.
"Lucifer..." you whispered.
He placed one final kiss to your thigh. "For as long as I live, I'll never tire of hearing you say my name," he spoke sweetly, "Relax for me as much as you can now, love. And if you need to, you can grab my horns. They're there to help you."
"W-Why would I need to gra-AAAHHH" you tried to ask but were cut short after feeling Lucifer take a long, languid lick up your folds. It was something you'd never felt before, but you knew you needed more of it, and you needed it now. Luckily for you, the fallen angel between your thighs was more than happy to provide. His lips were pressed firmly against your aching cunt while his tongue quickly found your clit. The noises you were making were unholy but you couldn't imagine a more heavenly feeling. He moaned against you desperately, as if your essence was his life source. Without warning, Lucifer tossed your legs over his shoulders to give him better access to his prize. In your haze, you remembered his suggestion and took ahold of his demonic horns, doing your best to keep yourself grounded.
"God damn it," Lucifer snarled, "To think no one has done this for you, f-fuck, what complete and utter fools they were. I've never tasted something so divine." You felt his claws dig into your skin as he forced his tongue deeper into you, drawing out the dirtiest sounds you didn't know you could make.
"F-Feels so g-good," you babbled, your hands tightening around his horns. "P-Please don't stop, I-I..."
One of Lucifer's arms unhooked itself from your leg, his fingers now prodding at your slick. His tongue never stopped circling your clit as you felt a single finger slip inside you with ease. You whimpered from the sudden intrusion. "C'mon baby, need you to cum f'me." Another finger quickly entered you, two of them now thrusting in and out of you. "Let me taste you, all of you." Lucifer's tail swished behind him as he focused on coaxing another orgasm out of you. His tongue and fingers worked together to bring you closer and closer to the edge once more. His fingers curled inside you, your back arching as he hit your most sensitive spot with each motion. "I can feel you clenching...you're so close..."
And he was right. That same coil in your lower stomach was as tight as it could be, the knot threatening to unravel at any moment. "Lucif-fer, I-I'm gonna...fuckfuckfuck-GAAAHHH!" With little warning, your second orgasm hit hard, your walls now pulsating around Lucifer's fingers which refused to stop moving. You felt yourself empty onto his face, your cries filling the room, your hands stinging from how tightly you held onto his horns. As Lucifer helped work you down from your high, you couldn't help but notice the loud slurping sound that came from beneath you. He was lapping your cunt like a man starved. After another moment or two, Lucifer gazed up at you adoringly, his mouth completely drenched in your juices. Your hands flew to your face out of pure embarrassment. How could someone look so happy after basically being assaulted by your orgasm. "Y-You can't just look at me like that after you just did what you did!" you berated him.
"Look at you like what?" he teased, crawling on all fours and closing the gap between you. He gently pulled your hands away from your burning face and gave you the toothiest grin you'd ever seen from him. "Look at you like I'm the luckiest man in existence, you mean?" Lucifer kissed you once more, and you could taste the faintest hint of yourself on his lips. "And by the way, I'm absolutely addicted to your taste now, my angel. I hope you don't mind if I indulge myself every single day from now on. With your permission, of course."
You could only smile at him, caressing his face in your hands and locking your lips together once more. "Who would've thought the devil himself would be this perfect? I'm starting to believe that you may have fully corrupted me, my king."
The way his title rolled off your tongue made Lucifer shudder. "Not quite yet," he corrected. He laid you down gently as he trailed kisses down your neck and collarbone, stopping periodically to nip and suck as many parts of your exposed skin as he could. He then laid his full weight on top of you, and you could feel his hardened cock resting on your stomach. Your mouth ran dry, but you never needed something as much as you needed this. Needed him. To fully claim you and make you his. "Is this what you want?" Lucifer asked. "Because if you're not ready, we can stop right now. I won't be upset if that's what you decide."
You shook your head assuredly. "I'm ready, Lucifer. Even though I may not ever make it into Heaven after this, I'm not sure I want to anymore if it meant I'd have to leave you behind." You could tell by Lucifer's sudden change in expression that the thought of losing you if you were to be redeemed had never crossed his mind. His face fell at the realization, but you reassured him with a quick peck to his forehead. "Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere. And we can worry about the details later. But right now..." you ground your hips up into him, forcing a low moan out of your lover, "...I need you...please…"
"Oh, you're just a little devil, aren't you?” Lucifer chuckled darkly. He then pushed himself off you, settling himself between your legs. The head of his cock teased your entrance, and you gulped in anticipation. "Are you ready?”
"Y-Yes," you murmured. Your body instinctively bucked up in attempt to create more friction that you so desperately craved. Lucifer pressed your hips down firmly into the mattress to keep you from squirming. You whimpered in protest.
“Ah ah ah, all in good time,” Lucifer cooed. “It’s your first time, love, I don’t want to see you in any pain. Stay perfectly still for me, alright?” After what felt like an eternity, Lucifer at last pushed the tip of his cock into you. Your knuckles turned a solid white from the way you gripped the bed sheets beneath you. The pressure you felt was unlike anything else. “A-Are you still okay?” Lucifer asked.
“M-More, please Lucifer, I-I need…” you choked out. He was only an inch deep inside of you and the only thing on your mind was the carnal desire of having him fully sheathed inside of you.
“My pretty girl,” he whispered above you. Inch by inch, his hips pushed forward, stretching you out beyond what you thought was possible. Once he was finally fully inside of you, you and him moaned in unison. The complete fullness you were experiencing was something you needed to be engrained into your memory forever. He didn’t move for a minute or so, letting your body get used to his above average length. He didn’t want to break you. At least, not tonight. "S-So tight, f-fuck..." Lucifer's entire body quivered as his enormous angelic wings magically sprung from his back. You stared up at him in awe, taking in the heavenly sight above you. Your eyes followed from the base of his wings to the very tip. Lucifer noticed your gawking and laughed lightly. "My eyes are over here, darling."
You blushed incredibly hard. "S-Sorry, I didn't mean to stare. It's just...they're beautiful. Can I...? You didn't need to finish your question as Lucifer dropped his wings down, allowing you to reach up and feel them for the first time. You ran your hand down each set, your fingers combing through his scarlet feather. They twitched under your gentle touch. "Are they sensitive?"
"V-Very much," Lucifer breathed. "We can experiment another time, though."
"A-Another time?"
Lucifer looked down you puzzled. "I hope you didn't think this would only be a one time thing. That's not who I am, despite anything you may have heard. When I said I wanted everyone to know you were mine, I didn't mean just for tonight."
Your eyes began to water from his declaration. "You mean..."
Lucifer leaned down and kissed the tears that had began to fall down your cheek. "Yes, I do. I'm yours, if that's what you desire."
You smiled weakly, holding back a sob. "Yes, it is." You brought your hands up, cupping his face and kissing his trembling lips tenderly. Your kiss caused Lucifer to twitch inside of you, quickly reminding you of the pressure between your legs. "Y-You can move now, Lucifer...please..."
With a deep exhale, Lucifer pulled out of you slowly, only to snap his hips back with no hesitation. He repeated this motion, slowly at first, coaxing as many sound out of you as he could. Your cries of pleasure were intoxicating, pulling him deeper and deeper into a state of pure bliss. His hips rutted into you at a steady pace as he continued to hit your G-spot effortlessly with each thrust.
"You're d-doing so well, love," he growled animalistically, "t-taking me so well. You f-feel so good. Too good...Take it all f'me, want you to feel all of m-me. Look how g-good you are, taking the Devil's cock like this."
"L-Lucifer," you mewled. You couldn't form a coherent thought anymore, all you could manage to say was his name. "Lucifer, f-fuuu-uuck...Luciferrr."
"That's it, dear," he praised, the pace of his thrusts quickening. "My name on y-your lips is more beautiful than any melody I ever heard in Heaven." His grip on your hips tightened, pulling you closer to him as he mercilessly pounded into you over and over. "G-God, you're so fucking wet. Slipping in and out of you s-so easily. You g-gonna cum for me again?"
"Y-Yes!" you cried out helplessly. "I'm close, so c-close, I can't..." Your hands flew around his neck as your body shook violently beneath the fallen angel. Your stomach felt like it was in knots, you didn't know how much longer you could hold out. "G-Gonna cu-aaaAAHH,"
"Hold on j-just a little longer, baby," Lucifer said, wrapping his tail around your abdomen. "I'm close too...w-where do you want me to-"
"INSIDE! P-PLEASE!" you screamed, locking your legs behind his back. "I c-can't hold it, Lucifer, I can't, I can't, I CAN'T!"
"Naughty girl..." he taunted lovingly. "Cum for me now, angel. Need t-to feel you clench around me. Cum for me."
The coil inside of you snapped for a third time, your walls pulsating around Lucifer's cock. Your spasms had left Lucifer groaning, his head now resting on your collarbone. His own orgasm washed over him not long after you. You milked his cock, his hot angelic seed filling you up your cunt completely. Wave after wave of pleasure filled you both, reducing you to nothing but exhausted and sweaty messes. He stayed inside of you for a moment longer, both of you trying to recover from your release. Lucifer finally found enough strength to remove himself from you, and at long last reverting back to his normal state. He crashed down on top of you, looking at your through his half-lidded eyes and pulling you into a crushing hug.
"Lucifer...can't...breathe..." you forced out, tapping his shoulder rapidly. His grip on you loosened immediately.
"I'm sorry!" he apologized. "I forget my own strength sometimes. H-How are you feeling?"
Your faced flushed as you tucked your hair behind your ear. "G-Good. More than good. That was...just incredible!" you couldn't help but laugh to yourself.
"What's so funny, dear?" Lucifer asked with an amused look.
You smiled at him. "Oh, you know just...I was thinking about how I would go about explaining myself to my friends and family back on Earth. How the well behaved, never strayed from the light church girl just had the best sex of her life with the one and only fallen angel Lucifer. Wonder how well that would go over! They probably think I made it into Heaven!"
Lucifer laughed along with you, pulling you flush to his chest. "I'll admit, it's pretty ironic. But to be fair, I never would have thought you'd give me a chance."
You looked up at him confused. "What do you mean?"
"Well, you know, I am 'the bad guy' to believers. The winners always write history, and according to Heaven, I was the loser. And when I found out you were one of them when you were alive, I didn't think you'd even glance in my direction. I thought you were the most stunning creature I'd ever laid my eyes on when you first arrived here at the hotel. But I never truly pursued you because...the bad guy never gets the girl, right?"
You couldn't help but frown as he spoke. His voice was sad, full of hurt. It was clear that Lucifer has suffered though a lot of pain and anguish. You were told the story of Eden growing up, of how Lucifer had deceived Eve and in doing so, caused the downfall of humanity. But that was clearly only one side of the story. You gave a quick peck to his cheek. "You're not a bad guy, Lucifer. I know that now. I let my fear and my upbringing cloud my judgement before. Not anymore. I want to hear your side of the story, every detail. Will you stay with me and tell me?"
Lucifer's eyes softened, his lips forming into a tiny smile. "I'd love nothing more." He brought his hand to your cheek, leaning in to capture your lips once more.
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watchmegetobsessed · 1 year
A/N: we all saw the vid of him tongueing his guitar... yeah... the devil works hard but i work harder
WARNING: sexual content
SUMMARY: As his personal assistant, you definitely shouldn't be havin dirty thoughts of Harry, especially not about the way his tongue on his guitar. But it's hard to resist and you need relief, but you never thought your boss would be more than willing to help you out.
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You watch it happen and in a third of a second you are no different than the screaming girls out there in the pit and the stands, only that you can’t scream from the top of your lungs when Harry mimics to be playing his guitar with his tongue.
It’s vile. It’s maddening and it should definitely not turn you on the way it does, because he is your boss. He is not just a rock star for you, a person far out of your reach, he is your job, you manage his everyday life for a living so you surely should not be having dirty thoughts at the sight of his tongue on a guitar’s neck.
But you do. You very much do and the fantasies are so bad you can actually feel your panties getting wet in an instant as you stand by the stage and watch him carry his performance on as if he didn’t just destroy all ovaries in the arena and because there’s probably hundreds of videos now of his little stunt, you know it will continue to sweep through the whole world by the morning.
The after show period is the same as always. Harry runs off stage, he changes faster than lightning and before the first people could step out of the arena the two of you are in the backseat of a car, heading out to avoid the traffic his own show usually creates.
“You’re quiet tonight,” he comments.
You don’t dare to look at him, especially not because you can smell him from this close, locked up together in the car. The smell of his shower gel from before the show is still lingering on his skin but it is not mixed with his sweat, the smell of his own body that you spent two hours to stare at and have the most ravenous and lustful thoughts you’ve ever had since you’ve realized you have a crush on your boss.
This is what hell must be like.
“I’m good, just tired,” you shrug and continue staring out the window. You can feel his excruciating gaze on you, it’s burning your skin, but you keep your eyes on the outside world, hoping to survive this five minute car ride without moaning or whimpering in front of him.
You practically run to your room once you’ve parted ways in the hallway and when you throw yourself onto the perfectly made bed you scream into the pillow, letting out the pent up frustration you battled with all evening.
Out of all men in the world why did you have to fall for your boss? Why do you find him the best looking man to ever exist? Your body and mind has betrayed you and now you have to bear the consequences of it.
Your teeth sink into your bottom lip when you pull your phone out and go online, looking for a video of the guitar stunt. It takes about five seconds to stumble upon it and because it was taken by a fan, it was recorded from a lower point and it just adds to the weight of it.
You watch it over and over and over… and over again.
And before you could even realize what you’re doing, your hand is between your legs, applying pressure at the right spot over your shorts, your heart beat is picking up and an occasional swear word leaves your parted lips every once in a while.
What you don’t notice is that you did not close your room’s door fully when you rushed inside, so when Harry comes over to ask if he could grab your phone charger, because his just died, he can easily push the door open and step inside without making a sound when he hears your whimpers and the video playing over and over again.
He knows which part it is, he remembers it clearly, because he knew it would make his fans go crazy, but he did not expect to catch you watching it back… and enjoy it this much.
He stays hidden for a bit and selfishly listens to your sounds. Adrenaline boosts through his veins as he realizes that you’re playing with yourself while watching the video of him and well… it is definitely doing things to him.
Just like the shorts you were wearing tonight, all those silky skin you were showing, the curve of your ass peeking out from underneath, Harry had to take a second shower when he saw you bend down for something. And now he caught you playing with yourself while thinking about him.
He knows he has to make a decision. Walk out, close the door and pretend he never heard anything or walk in and do what he’s been fantasizing about probably since he hired you to be his assistant.
His legs move before the decision is processed in his mind.
He walks out from his hiding spot and it takes a moment for you to register his presence and realize that it’s not just a hallucination, he did in fact just walk into your room while you were masturbating to a video of him.
“Oh my God!” you scream and the phone goes flying out of your hands, dropping to the floor, but the video is still playing. Your heart is threatening to burst right out of your chest and jump to Harry’s feet and you’re trying to grab the sheets to cover yourself even though you’re not naked, but Harry is quick to climb onto the bed and stop you from doing it. To put some more distance between the two of you, you push up against the headboard and shut your legs closed tight, horror etched onto your face as your mind is racing, trying to find a way to explain yourself, but you know there’s nothing you could say that would get you out of this mess.
Harry, on the other hand, is enjoying this more than he should, probably. The shame on your face, the way your body is still in a state of lust but also in shock, this is thrilling, knowing he did this to you, the woman who is usually so laid back he can’t ever read your body language.
His eyes are glued to your face as he reaches out and places his hands on your trembling knees. Part of him is disappointed you’re not rambling, trying to talk yourself out of it, but it’s also hot that you are not denying what you’ve been just caught doing.
“Open your legs, Y/N,” he speaks up in a husky, gut wrenching voice and if you weren’t scared for your life (and job), you might have come just from that.
When you don’t move, just stare back at him, he applies the tiniest bit of pressure on your knees to push them apart and your body gives up resistance instantly.
The hunger that flashes through his eyes when he sees that you’ve drenched your panties and shorts good enough to have a visible spot on them, right in front of him now sends a shiver down your spine. And then when he reaches out and runs just one single finger, his middle finger down the seam, you fear your soul has left your body.
“I can leave you and finish on your own, Y/N. Or I can do it for you. Your choice.”
Fuck, your mind feels so heavy and fogged up, you are not in the state to make a decision, let alone one that could have an effect on your life, but it’s like there’s an emergency window has been broken and something else has taken over you, you find yourself speaking up.
“I want you to do it.”
The smirk that spreads across his face twists your inside and you don’t even have time to process it when he climbs over you like a hungry lion and claims your mouth in a deep, demanding kiss that has you seeing stars.
With his mouth still devouring your lips, one of his hands move to grab yours and brings it over to his head.
“If you want to grab onto something, it can only be my hair, understood?” he talks against your mouth and all you can do is nod and let out a whimper. He smirks, so pleased with himself before moving back down and sitting down between your now open legs. He hooks his fingers into your shorts and underwear at the same time and then tugs them down with a swift motion, baring you in front of him, revealing just how much he has turned you on.
“Fuck, baby. Look at you! So wet and ready for me. It’s not the first time I’ve turned you on, right?” His eyes snap up to meet you as he reaches out and runs two of his fingers down your cunt. The touch feels like electricity, your whole body reacts and your knees start shaking.
“No,” you breathe out.
“That’s what I thought,” he chuckles lowly. “Next time, Y/N, you’re coming straight to me. No toying, no touching yourself, I want to be the only one to make you come. Understood?”
You just nod again, but this time he doesn’t take it as an answer.
“I need you to use your pretty voice.”
“Understood,” you manage to speak out, but the word melts into a moan when his fingers start circling on your clit.
“Good girl.”
Fast and graciously, he gets onto his stomach and before you could even appreciate the sight of him between your legs, his mouth latches onto your pussy and it’s game over for you.
You vaguely remember his request to only hold onto his hair and that’s what you do, you grab his chocolate curls with so much force it stings his scalp, but it also sends waves of pleasure down is groin as well while.
It shouldn’t be a surprise to you that he is fucking amazing in it, that Harry Styles can eat pussy like he does it for a living, that his mouth and tongue know exactly what to do to have your eyes roll to the back of your head from the pleasure. It’s scandalous that he is so good at everything and deep down you already know you’ll never find a man who could eat you out like this ever again.
“Harry, of my God!” you groan out, your back arching when you feel his tongue pushing inside you before it’s replaced by his fingers again.
Harry has heard you say his name a million times in every possible way. Or so he thought. Because this lustful, begging, whiny way is a new way and it is easily his favorite now.
He would want nothing more than to have you some on his mouth, but he also want to selfishly eat up your moans as you orgasm, so right before you could reach your peak he pulls back. You’re just about to complain when he moves up your body and his mouth occupies yours, his hand remaining between your legs, two fingers curling inside you just as he kisses you again. You shake and squirm and his fingers are working their magic on you and you realize you should be giving back as well.
With your lips attached to his you manage to reach down and into his pants, Harry tries to protest, only wanting this to be about you but he is too late and when he feels your hand wrap around his cock, giving him a delicious squeeze, the words die down in his throat.
You both are one big mess. Hands between each other’s legs, mouths hungrily colliding, it’s a state that’s almost too much but you also don’t want this to ever end. When you can feel your orgasm threatening to tip over the edge you start to stroke him faster and harder which earns the most beautiful, torturous moan to bubble from his throat.
You come hard and long, gasping for air, his name rolling off your tongue and into his mouth and he swallows it already wanting more. Your hands fall out of rhythm for a bit, but as soon as you’re coming off your high you return to pleasuring him and when you hook a leg over his waist the position ending up with his tip pressing against your pussy he gives you a look that says he is just about to chase after you.
A few more strokes and he is coming over your stomach, spilling his pleasure onto your shirt and the bedsheet as well, but you couldn’t care less. You keep your hands moving until you know he has given you his all and then you both roll to your back and stare up at the ceiling in your post orgasm haze.
You have absolutely no idea how much time passes before Harry pushes himself up from the bed and disappears in the bathroom only to return with a damp towel. Climbing back next to you he gently cleans you up between your legs and also wipes your stomach before leaning down and pressing a soft kiss above your belly button. Throwing the towel beside the bed he moves closer and curls an arm around your waist as he holds himself up on his other arm, looking down at you with bright, gleaming eyes.
“What?” you ask when he just keeps staring at you.
“I know I shouldn’t be talking about work right now, but I need you to do something.”
For a moment you fear that the aftermath of it all will be a disaster and he is bringing up work because he wants this to be just a one time thing and might be already regretting it.
“Okay,” you breathe out with wide eyes, which makes Harry laugh.
“I need you to cancel your rooms for the rest of the tour.”
“What?” Terror flashes through your body for a moment, thinking that he is about to fire you.
“You’re gonna sleep in my room, because I want to do this every night. On repeat. And even more.”
This fucker.
Smacking his chest you groan in relief as he just keeps laughing at your reaction.
“You couldn’t have possibly thought I would kick you out after this. Y/N, what kind of man do you think I am?” he pretends to be hurt.
“An asshole! That’s what you are!”
“But you want this asshole, right? In your bed.” He leans down and kisses you. “Between your legs.” Another kiss. “All the time. Right?”
“Fuck off,” you mumble, but pull his face down anyway, kissing away your frustration with how much you truly want and how cocky he will be about this for probably the longest time ever.
Thank you for reading, please like and reblog if you enjoyed and buy me a coffee if you want to support me!
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dilfl0v3rss · 1 year
all yours
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when it came to your safety, onyankopon played zero games. if he felt even the slightest bit of worry he had no problem getting you from wherever you may be. there have been times where you’ve been walked out of parties, stores, and even something as little as a smoke sesh with your girls. if ony felt you were unsafe you were going home no questions asked, and you honestly didn’t have an issue with it. feeling a sense of pride in having a man that cares so deeply for you. that was until tonight…
the two of you were at your friend ivy’s place for her big housewarming party when you were getting weird stares from a couple hating ass bitches. ivy didn’t want her party to be small so she told each person she invited to tell some friends to come as well. which led to this weird ass bitch brielle hearing about the party and deciding to curse everyone with her presence. brielle was an old fling of ony’s that he been cut off like a year ago, but she’s so thick in the head that she still runs her mouth about him to this very day. you, being the classy woman you are, have been ignoring the bitch because it honestly was sad of her to be acting like this, but today she reached her limit.
when you and ony first arrived everything was great. “heyy bitchhhh. so glad y’all could make ittt.” ivy screamed as she welcomed you and ony into her new home. ony greeted her with a small “wassup, thank you for havin’ us” before letting you have the floor, walking towards jean and connie to talk. “hey boooo. this place is niceeee you gotta let me spend the night sooon” the two of you talked for awhile before she let you go to get a drink from the kitchen. as you filled your red solo cup halfway with casamigos you noticed some girls approaching where your boyfriend and his friends were. before being able to move, you were stopped by sasha, mikasa and.
sasha was the first to talk. “you peep that shit right?” she said, nodding her head towards the girls. you knew if one of your friends was going to say something about what was going on it would be sasha. mikasa was on the quieter side, but best believe when it came to you she didn’t play either. “yea i see em. that bird ass bitch and her lil flock of pigeons tryna play games” the three of you watched as brielle and her little sidekicks were all up in you boyfriend’s faces. brielle being the main one, lightly hitting ony’s chest while she laughed. her red bussdown was flowing behind her as she pushed it over her shoulder, purposely trying to bounce her tiddies as she “fixed” her hair.
being the levelheaded woman you are, you decided against approaching them. knowing that you’d probably knock the bitches head off her shoulders if you went anywhere near her right now. so you pulled out your phone and sent ony a quick and simple text. ony looked at his phone almost immediately, knowing it was you who texted him since he had it on dnd for everyone else.
my wife💐
‘tell that bitch move around or ima drag her outta here omm😐’
as soon as he read the text, ony lifted his head and began searching for you. soon he locked eyes with yours, excusing himself from whatever conversation was going on and making his way to the kitchen. “what’s wrong now?” is this nigga dumb? did he not just see and feel that bitch being weird touching on him? “nun bruh just tell that hoe to keep her distance. that hair look new and i’d hate to have that shit on the floor” as the two of you conversed you couldn’t help but peep ivy and her friends start to mug you and your girls. eventually making their way towards you. before you can even point it out your thoughts were cut off by sasha. “yea i’m finna flip dis hoe. got me all the way fucked up.”
ony watched your friends start to remove their earrings and adjust their clothes, and being the nonconfrontational man that he was he decided it was time for you to go. “go tell ivy we leavin’ and wait f’me in the car ma. i’ll get you a slice of ca-” “nah i’m good right here.” you cut him off, eager to see what this bitch was on. as they approached y’all you see that sasha and mikasa were quick to be at your side, standing face to face with each of brielle’s friends. “you got a problem wit me shawty?” brielle smirked, looking you up and down and taking pride in pissing you off. but your mouth was smart and even though it got you in trouble with your man, there was nothing you couldn’t handle when it came to other people.
“nah but you seem to have a problem that i got the nigga you want” you spit back with a smile. you could see that your comment got under her skin. she was rolling her eyes as she replied. “nah ion got a problem when i know i can have em right back anytime. like last saturday for instance.” this bitch is a liar and you knew it. laughing at loud as both her and your friends looked at you confused. last saturday ony was home the entire day, and you can only remember it so vividly because he had you face down in the mattress for cursing him out over being late to brunch. you also remembered it so vividly because he recorded most of it on your phone. “tuhh bitch please pick a different lie because you know damn well he was with me. now are we gon sit here and chit chat or you tryna take this outside cause ian really with allat talkin’. ”
before the bird could reply, ony stepped in the middle of yall and tried to play the mediator. “y/n. get in the car, now. and brielle, what we had been over for a long ass time now. give that shit up and move on.” you backed down, feeling that no bitch was worth getting into it with your man. you were lowkey tired of being the bigger person, but knew i’d be better this way than just fighting and possibly ruining your friends party. as you made your way around ony, you gave brielle the illest mug ever to let her know that even though you’re leaving, you still ain’t no bitch. it wasn’t even five seconds since you left the kitchen where you can hear the bitch starting up again. “i don’t know why you still dealin’ wit that bitch. don’t you miss me ponpon?” brielle said in a baby like voice.
“nah chill wit that bitch word bro. and you really needa stop running your fuckin’ mouth bout her too cause i may not be here next time to stop her” you smiled while ony shut that bitch down. you knew he was more on the calm side so hearing him raise his voice a little turned you on. “oh please nigga you know damn well her shit nowhere as good as mine. used to have your soul leaving your body and allat. you can act like you don’t miss me but ik that dick think otherwise.” that was it for you. it was in the blink of an eye when you were dragging that bitch outside by her hair. honestly you needed whatever glue she got bc her shit wasn’t moving an inch. as you pulled her down the steps of ivy’s porch, you felt ony trying to grab at your wrists.
“mama let her hair go right now.” he yelled. you whip your head to the side, face to face with your man as he stared at you with a warning in his eyes. your fingers instantly straightened before brielle dropped to the ground. the stare this man was giving you made your heart start pumping rapidly. through his eyes you could tell that he was saying “don’t test me”, and you had no intention of finding out what would happen if you did. it was almost instantly when ony grabbed the top of your arm, quickly walking you to his car. most of the people were already outside, migrating there as they watched you drag brielle from the kitchen to the porch. ony opened your door and you sat down, ready to leave this whole day behind already. before you could close the door you heard brielle yapping again.
“fuck you bitch you can have the nigga. ain’t nun but a piece of dick anywayssss.” you hopped out the car and sprinted towards brielle with a quickness. as she seen you approaching she tried to square up but her hands were trash. punches were flying from everywhere, connecting right to her face every time. you honestly didn’t really care too much about what she said about you, but when it came to your boyfriend there was a line to be crossed. and she stomped right over it. “keep. my. man. name. out. your. fuckin’. mouth. bitch.” she was now laid on the floor with her arms shielding her bleeding face while you continued to throw blows her way. sasha seen her friends inching up about to jump in and shut it down immediately. “if you move anotha inch ima start swinging too. we don’t do nun of that jumping shit so i wish you would try so i can fuck you up right here.”
her friends looked at each other before back up completely, not wanting any problemsm. before long you felt strong arms wrap around you, lifting you off the ground and away from brielle. you were thrown into the backseat of ony’s car before he turned the child lock on, not being able to trust you to not open the door and attack again. he made his way to the front seat and threw a handful of tissue towards you from the glove compartment. the two of you were driving home in complete silence as you wiped your hands clean. usually your man would be lecturing you right now, but there was a calmness to him that frightened you. “umm…are you mad at me?”
he ignored you, asking his own question instead. “why do you get so jealous?” he mumbled, glancing at you in the rear view mirror. you rolled your eyes, acting as if what he was saying was the most ridiculous thing in the world when in actuality, he was right. you knew that ony and brielle been done way before you even came in the picture, but the thought of him even being with her made you feel a way. ony knew you very well and he could tell how you were feeling regardless of what you did or said.
“mama how many times i gotta tell you i’m only yours huh? why can’t you just trust me?” his grip on the steering wheel tightened as he kept replaying the nights events over and over again in his head. “how you expect me to trust you when you okay wit letting bitches be in your face? bitches you used to fuck!” you yelled, holding back tears as you moved your gaze out the window. ony opened his mouth to speak, but decided against going back and forth with you any longer. “we’ll fix this at my crib. not finna argue wit you in the car”
when the two of you made it to his apartment, ony wasted no time, leading you to his room before sitting you down on his lap. “so why you don’t trust me?” he asked, his handing running all over your back as he awaited your reply. you looked at the ground tears threatening to spill from your eyes as you tried your hardest to keep your voice from wavering. “i do” ony sucked his teeth at your words, lightly grabbing your chin and facing you towards him so you could see the knowing look he was giving you. “don’t lie mama, you said it in the car. why don’t you trust me?” the tears you’ve been fighting finally broke free as you quickly covered your eyes and sobbed into his lap. “i-it’s not you pa. i-i was just a little jealous b’cause you were letting her….her-” your cries took most of your breath from you, making you have to stop in the middle of your sentence so you can take a breath. “sh sh sh i get it baby. how you want me t’fix it huh?”you shrugged your shoulders at his question, not having an idea on how he could make this horrible night any better. “a-any way you can”
a soft smile made its way to ony’s face as he lightly pushed you down on your back. he removed your bottoms before slowly getting on his knees. “this way okay?” he asked, chuckling at how you eagerly nodded your head as an answer. it wasn’t long before ony had you a blabbering mess, his fingers digging into you slowly as he took in each of you pretty face expressions. “say it again baby” your back was arched off the bed as you repeated the words ony planned to have to chanting all night. “y-you’re all mine shitt” your moans made his dick grow stiff in his pants as ony looked at the sight of your glistening wet pussy. he quickly pulled his fingers out, laying his tongue flat on your clit before eating you out sloppily.
the feeling of his skilled tongue made you scream as you pushed and pulled on his head. “again” he mumbled into your pussy, too addicted to fully take his mouth away as he looked up at your pretty face. “all mine daddy a-all mine” ony sucked softly on your clit, letting his tongue run all over it in his mouth to quickly grab an orgasm out of you. his tactic worked, making him smile as he felt your juices begin to rush out of you and wet his chin. “good girl mama”
ony stood up in front of you, taking in the sight of your post orgasmic glow as he rubbed himself through his sweatpants. the sight of his bulge made you whine in want as you slowly leaned up to free him from his pants. ony quickly grabbed your hand, giving you a soft expression before lightly pushing flat onto the bed. “s’not about me right now mama. let me do this for you ‘kay?” you nodded your head at his words, making ony give you a like tap on your thigh to make you jump. “lemme hear your voice” at the sound of the small “yes” you gave him, ony slowly freed his dick from the confines of his sweats before lining it up with your tight entrance. “say it again”
“you’re all m-….ohmygoddd” the feeling of his thick dick sinking into your walls made a pretty cry fall from your lips. your back arching off the bed as your hand quickly flew to his wrists. ony didn’t let up, his pace slow, but his thrusts deep as he dug into you with love. “yea m’all yours mama. who dick is it?” your eyes were already at the back of your skull. small whimpers falling from your lips as you tried your hardest not to let your mind drift off into the clouds. “s’m….s’mine daddy” your words were slurred as you felt his dick begin to kiss your cervix in a way that made you want to scream. “ooouuu fuckkk”
ony’s pace began to quicken. the force of his quicker thrusts making your body begin to jerk a little on the sheets. he slowly pulled up your shirt, freeing your perky breasts before leaning down to latch his mouth onto one of your nipples. the feeling of his wet tongue on the sensitive bud making you grow wetter as you caressed the back of his head. you knew there would be marks in the morning, but you didn’t care. letting your man prove to you how much he loves and cares about you through making sweet love to your body. ony released your nipple with a small pop before moving up to your neck.
the dark purple marks were already beginning to form in both of the areas as he slowly moved his lips to your ear. “say it again f’me mama. don’t want you t’forget” as ony waited for your reply, he leaned up from your body, staring down at you lovingly before pulling out of you completely. you matched his gaze, your brown eyes big and watery as you told him the words he longed to hear. “you’re mine” with that ony flipped you onto your stomach, quickly thrusting back into you before fucking you at a fast pace. his dick kissed all the right places in you as you cried out into the air. “oh…oh my goddd daddy right there!” ony smirked as you continued to moan for him. he just started and you were already ready to make a mess all over the sheets. the sloppy sounds of his dick stroking your pussy ringing through the air as proof.
“s’too soon, need you t’hold it f’me ma. can you do that?” you quickly nodded your head, earning you a hard snap of his hips that made you yelp in pleasurable pain. “what i tell you before? talk t’me baby” he was pounding you into the sheets now, your back arched to perfection as ony kept a hand on your back and another at the top of your ass. “i….i can hold it daddy” a smile spread into ony’s brown features as he listened to your whiny voice. your pussy fluttering as you felt his thumb rub over your tight hole. “you want me to?” he asked, chuckling at how quickly you whined out a “yes daddy….please”. ony moved his hand before letting his spit drip from his mouth to your ass.
lightly rubbing his spit outside the brown hole before he lightly fed it the tip of his thumb. you moaned at the sensation, throwing yourself back on him to get more if his dick along with poking your ass out more. “greedy thing” he groaned before fully sheathing his tumb inside of you. the sight made his dick twitch as ony began to fuck you harder and faster. occasionally stroking your puckering hole with his thumb to keep you on edge.
“you trust me now baby?” he breathed, the sight and sound of your pretty moans and even prettier body making it hard for him not to want to shoot his load deep inside of you. “y-yes daddy….with my life”
“you gon cut out the jealousy shit?” ony began to pound into you, using his free hand to push your arch down deeper as he quickly fucked the both of you closer to your orgasms. “mmm..mhm n-no more” the feeling of his long dick repeatedly hitting your g spot made your legs shake under you as you began to soak the sheets under you with drool. “say it one more time for me beautiful and we gon cum together” tears fell from your eyes at the rush of emotions flowing through your body right now. the feeling of love and trust being the most powerful as you felt the coil in your stomach begin to snap.
“you’re all mine”
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vienssunshine · 8 months
Don’t know how to feel
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pairing: Choso x fem-coded!reader nsfw: sub!Choso, oral sex choso receiving word count: 3k description: while attempting to escape the chaos in Shibuya station, you run into a man dressed in a strange Halloween costume
Your friends said Shibuya was the place to be for Halloween, that they would just die if you didn’t join them for the party tonight. You surrendered to their begging, it’s not like you had other plans, and put on a more-slutty-than-tasteful vampire costume to accompany them for the festivities in the square. It should be a good time, you thought, the perfect opportunity to get buzzed and maybe laid. But as the screams got louder and you realized that no, someone hadn’t slipped something into your drink and that yes, the stampede coming towards you was real, your only concern became staying alive.
You’re torn away from your friends, elbows jabbing your sides, hands pushing you to keep moving or be trampled under frenzied feet. When you look to the sky, fighting to stay upright, you see that some kind of boundary has fallen over the surrounding area, keeping you all trapped. Despite this, the crowd still searches for escape, lurching in directionless surges and crushing you with pounds of body weight every time the current turns. So when you get to the edge of the mob, you take the chance to break free and run to the first shelter you can see: Shibuya station. You hurry inside, trying to not let the blood coating the stairs leading underground deter you. If you can’t escape whatever’s going on, you’ll have to hide until it blows over.
The bottom of the stairs is covered in rubble, the gaping hole in the ceiling above it the clear perpetrator. You clamber over the loose rock and steel to land on the tile of the train station. Behind you, strange noises from the world above begin to bellow through the staircase. You don't know what could be causing such unnatural sounds, but it's clear it would be best to put distance between you and their origin.
Your feet hit the ground hard, and you’re panting as you whip your head around, looking for anything to use as cover. You spot a small divot in the wall—maybe there’s a tunnel out of here—but when you approach it, you find it filled with the crouched form of a man. He’s in a Halloween costume too—though you’re not sure what he’s dressed up as—and leaning on the cracked wall, eyes wide in a thousand yard stare. It’s clear he’s not taking the situation at hand well, but if he wants to have any chance of surviving, he can’t stay out in the open like this.
A loud roar and a flurry of screams from the ground above echos through the station.
“Hey,” you whisper-shout, “Come with me.”
Unaffected, he mumbles something.
You try again, the urgency in your voice unhidden, but are interrupted by footsteps rumbling down the steps of the train station—though it doesn't sound like a crowd of humans, rather a parade of zoo animals. You’ve got to go, now. Still, you reach down and grab his forearm, offering the poor man one more chance to come with you and save himself. He must've had a moment of clarity because because he allows you to get him to his feet and drag him behind you.
The stampede is reaching the bottom of the stairs when you turn the corner and pull the man through the first door you see, slamming it behind you. An emergency light overhead casts a dim, yellow haze over what you recognize as a closet, allowing you to spy a tall shelf of cleaning supplies—a janitor's closet.
“Help me move this in front of the door,” you command.
You get behind the shelf and begin pushing, digging your feet into the cement ground and pressing your weight against it. Fuck, it’s too heavy. The weird sounds are getting closer. You push even harder.
The shelf flies forward, causing you to stumble and steady yourself with the wall to your side. Though you wish it had been, it wasn't your strength that moved it.
You turn around to see that the man is right behind you, having joined in the effort to barricade the door, and from his extended arm, had only used one hand to do so.
He drops his arm down by his side and looks down at you. For the first time since you’ve met, he makes eye contact. There’s a horizontal line drawn across his face, just under his eyes, with what you assume is make-up, but you’re only able to study it up close for a second before his expression crumples. He backs up, pressing his back flat against the furthest wall—which doesn’t get him very far in such a cramped closet—while his eyes frantically dart over your tattered costume. Then he looks down, staring at the dirty floor beneath his feet. It doesn’t appear that his mental state has improved since you found him.
“Hey, are you okay?” you ask softly, speaking as if you were trying to not spook a stray animal. His hands are gripping the sides of his pants. He must’ve seen something terrible in the commotion above ground.
You try something else. “What’s your name?” you whisper. Hopefully this question is easier to answer and you can work on calming the poor man down.
He doesn’t meet your gaze as he mutters once again.
“What was that?” you say, taking a minuscule step forward.
Thankfully, the movement doesn't startle him, but he stays curled into himself when he answers. “Choso Kamo,” he says.
You introduce yourself, and though he gives you a few quick looks, he can’t keep his eyes on you as you speak. He must be really freaked out. “I know this is a traumatic situation, Choso,” you say, “I’m not going to hurt you, I just want to make you feel better.”
Choso shifts his weight, keeping his eyes trained on the ground. “You’re making me feel weird,” he replies.
You furrow your brow. Out of the two of you, you’re definitely the one acting the most normal. “I’m sorry,” you say, folding your arms over your black corset—it's a miracle it stayed up after all that running. “We’ll only have to be here until everything dies down. Then you won’t have to see me again.”
“It’s not like that,” he says, fidgeting with the sleeve of his costume. He glances at you. His pale face is flushed pink. “The feeling feels…good.”
Now you’re puzzled. “…okay?”
“Can I…can I try something?” he asks.
Well, at least he’s talking now. And he seems to have calmed down, making him less likely to do something stupid and get both of you killed. It's a good idea to keep him this way, make sure he stays relaxed and reassured.
So you agree. “Um…sure,” you respond.
The yellow light flickers.
Choso takes a step forward, a step that crosses the entirety of the small closet, and lays a big hand on your shoulder. You lost the cape of your ‘sexy vampire costume’ in the commotion, so your shoulder is bare; it can directly feel the roughness and warmth of his hands.
“It feels good to…touch you,” he breathes. He turns his attention from your shoulder to your eyes, “and look at you, too.”
You shudder; his gaze is heavy. This…isn’t what you expected.
“I thought I was scaring you,” you say, looking down. There's a few bottles of cleaning supplies scattered on the floor.
“A little bit,” he says, working it out as he speaks, “I don’t know what’s going on, but it’s so intense.”
That’s when you notice how strong his grip on your shoulder is, not tight enough to bruise, but enough to communicate a possessiveness. A desire for more. You flick your eyes back up to him, evaluating. He is good-looking, and the expression he has on his face as he waits for your response—cheeks flushed and mouth slightly ajar in gentle pants—is stirring up something warm in your stomach.
You place your hand on his chest. Oh, how his heart is pounding. “You really don’t know what’s going on?” you ask.
He looks down at your hand, then back to you. “I-I don’t, just that…your hand feels so warm and nice.”
You smile a little, tilting your head. “It seems that you’re attracted to me.”
“I didn’t know that was possible–for me to be attracted to someone,” Choso responds. You laugh to yourself, is this guy an alien or something? Maybe that’s what his costume is. Alien or not, he’s still cute.
“Congrats on the revelation,” you say, dropping your hand.
Choso takes a moment to ponder, and you watch with amusement. This interaction doesn’t seem real. Well, this whole situation doesn’t seem real. You hope everything will blow over soon. You’re trying not to catastrophize, to think worse case scenario. And this—
“Are you…attracted to me?” Choso asks.
—is a good distraction.
“You’re handsome,” you say. “I don’t know you that well yet, but I think we are getting off to a good start.”
“Yeah,” he agrees, breathless. He’s trying not to, but his gaze is roaming what he can make out of your body in the dim light. There’s probably a lot to see due to how much your vampire costume already reveals and that parts of it were lost in the scramble for safety.
“Do you want me to keep touching you?” you ask, coy. His breath hitches at the idea.
“If…if it feels good for you too,” Choso responds.
“It does,” you say, taking the final step to have your chest pressing against his. You wrap your arms around his shoulders, hovering your lips just a millimeter away from a kiss. “It feels really good to me.”
He leans forward, not able to bear another second without, but just before he can get that release, you lean back.
He voices his frustration wordlessly and you giggle. “So desperate, aren’t you?”
“You’re teasing me,” he says, a whine in his voice.
“I’ll make it up to you,” you say, bringing your lips to the side of his neck. Choso gasps, a sweet sound, and when you open your mouth, licking a stripe on his skin, his fingers squeeze your waist.
“Fuck,” he says, breath shaky. Enjoying his reactions, you begin to suck on his skin, earning another swear and no doubt leaving a mark. You push yourself into him, and his back hits the wall, his chin raised, exposing more of his neck to be kissed.
With your body flat against his, it’s easy to feel the hardness beneath his waist. He's so eager; you only kissed him a few times. You slide your hand past his collarbone, down his chest, slender but strong, down to just above his aching erection.
Choso is caught off guard. “What are you”—you palm it—“ngh…shit, that feels so…”
“You like it?” you ask, proud because you already know the answer. His eyes are pressed shut as he nods.
“Use your words,” you say, squeezing his erection—he winces—“and I’ll make you feel even better.”
You continue to rub your hand over the erection pushing through his robe in slow, circular strokes as he forces himself to speak. “Yes, I—ah—like it—a lot.”
“So good,” you tell him. The simple praise makes his dick twitch against your palm.
Your eyes flick down to his white pants, billowing in fabric. You tug at it, but it doesn’t move.
“It’s–uh–all one thing.” He blushes, the color prominent on his pale cheeks. “Do you want me to take it off?”
You nod, and he clumsily pulls off his purple and white robe. You still haven’t been able to place what he’s dressed up as, but you don’t offer that thought another second when Choso stands in front of you, naked and impatiently waiting for whatever it is you'll do to him next.
You don’t deprive him long, stepping forward and running your fingers over his bare chest. Yes, you were able to feel how strong he was when you had your body pressed against his, but being able to see the defined ridges of his torso makes his strength unquestionable. He shivers under your fingers, needing more, needing you to touch him lower than you are.
“Can you…?” He’s squirming against the wall, looking down at you with needy eyes. “Sorry, it just feels so,” he exhales, the breath uneven, “so good.”
“Yeah?” you say, wrapping your hand around his length. It’s hot and throbbing. “You want me to touch you here?”
“Yes,” he whimpers, “There. Please.”
You begin to move your hand up and down his erection in a loose fist, spreading the precum dripping from his tip down his length, and adding some of your spit to coat it completely. Choso’s head falls back against the wall and he meets your hand with shallow thrusts of his hips.
“You’re so sensitive,” you notice. He’s reacting so sweetly to your every movement, every soft swipe of your thumb over his tip, every kiss you press to his neck as you stroke him. “I like it.”
You like it enough to get on your knees on the cold, hard closet floor, and position his length in front of your mouth, just so you can get even more of a reaction from him.
“What?” Choso gasps, “What are you doing?”
“Making you feel good,” you coo, pumping him a few more times—which quickly stops the questions and starts the moans—and then take him into your mouth.
He spasms, hand tangling in your hair, unsure of whether he should pull you away or push you further down on him.
“You’re so warm…and wet,” Choso gets out.
You hum your response, something that only makes him tighten the strong fingers knotted into your hair, and keep going, working your mouth around his dick. You wrap your hands around the backs of his thighs, bracing yourself as you take him in deeper with every bob of your head. He fills your throat significantly, so you take a few breaks, kissing and sucking on his tip as you catch your breath.
Choso doesn’t seem to mind that it’s hard to take his full length, he’s too busy writhing from the sensation of your mouth on him. He's new to all this, not able to process or understand what you're doing and why it feels so fucking good. But explanations don't matter, not when the pretty girl in the outfit that made him hot just from looking at it is on her knees for him, dedicated to blessing him with a pleasure that doesn't belong to this universe.
“Fuck, please–ah–keep going, feels so good.”
Choso's moans are filling the closet and he’s holding onto you for dear life. His thighs are shaking enough to make you worry his legs will give out. “Feel like I’m gonna die,” he murmurs, lost in pleasure.
You’d smile in victory if you weren’t so focused on getting him there, and with the way he’s tensing up, he’s close. It’s funny, how he’s gonna cum already; he must’ve been worked up from the beginning.
You dig your fingers into the thick muscle of his thighs, holding on as he takes over, placing his hands on the side of your head to keep you still, and sloppily slipping his length in and out of your mouth. You squeeze your eyes shut, and it’s obvious that you’re taking him well because he’s choking on his own moans, incoherent as he slurs his words.
“I can’t–fuck–oh–please–please–”
A final thrust into your mouth and his hot cum is pouring down your throat. It’s salty, but you’re able to swallow it, coughing a little as he pulls himself out of you. Then his strong arms come down under your armpits and lift you to your feet as if you weighed nothing. He pulls you into his body, gasping and shuddering as he recovers from the orgasm. Poor thing.
You press gentle kisses on his collarbone, soothing him. “You’re okay, Choso. You did so good.”
“Really?” Choso responds, his face nuzzled in your shoulder. He presses a small kiss there.
“Mhmm,” you affirm, smoothing his tied-up hair.
A rumble shakes the ground beneath you.
You swear, taking a step back to see the makeshift barricade you set up come crashing to the ground. Someone enters the closet.
You hold Choso’s arm tight. Surely you're dead now. Who the fuck is this dude? He’s in a weird costume too, possibly a movie villain because he has stitches all along his skin, even all over his face.
“Ah, Choso! There you are!” The patch-faced man is indifferent to Choso’s lack of clothing. He regards you, his grin unsettling. “And you have a friend.”
Choso’s face darkens, “She’s mine.”
“So territorial!” The intruder leans against the doorframe, crossing his arms. “I wasn’t gonna do anything…not to a friend of yours.” His words are lined with a playful deceit. “I’ll find someone else to have fun with.”
He turns on his heel, but before he leaves he says, “One more thing! Does this mean you’re out of our little game? Occupied with”—his slimy gaze oozes over you—“something else?”
“You’re not to lay a hand on Yuji Itadori,” Choso states, narrowing his eyes.
“No way! Guess you'll have to stop me then!” the man jeers, grinning like a bratty child as he disappears from the doorframe.
Choso turns to you. “I need to go help my brother…but not before I get you somewhere safe,” he says. Choso dresses quickly as you watch in a dumbfounded silence. What the fuck is going on?
He wraps a heavy arm around you and leads you out of the closet into the destroyed Shibuya station.
“Trust me, I’ll take care of you.”
Unable to make sense of anything that’s going on, you have no choice but to believe him.
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Long Awaited Punishment {part. 14} (housemate!harry series) (SMUT)
Not So Patient After All {part. 13} (housemate!harry series) (SMUT)
AN: sorry this took so long. writing smut is hard enough but writing smut with a submissive man is even harder. i hope you enjoy. i tried my best to write a good sub/dom dynamic in this but i don't know if i did very well. let me know if you enjoyed by leaving your feedback and reblog. xoxo
This story contains: talks of kinky things, male douching, smut obviously, mild edging, face sitting, sub/dom, handjob, blowjob, pegging, crying from pleasure
{ housemate!harry - boyfriendrry - soft!harry - subrry - bi!harry dom!reader }
word count- 3,214
Tonight's the night you finally get to 'punish' Harry by fucking him with your brand new pink strap-on until his mind is sent into another dimension, but not before teasing and edging him beforehand.
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"You sure you're up for tonight? Just because we've had this planned doesn't mean we have to do it, okay. I wouldn't be mad or disappointed, at all."
Lounging in bed on Friday morning, you and Harry engage in some pillow talk before he has to get ready for work. It began with inquiring about each other's sleep and dreams, but took a serious turn when Harry mentioned tonight.
You nod your head where it rests on his shoulder and reply back, "Yeah, I'm sure. I mean, I'm a little nervous. I have played dom before but I've never fucked any of my subs. They wouldn't let me. So I've only tied them up or edged them. Like that one time I made that guy wear a cock ring while I rode him. Which, by the way, was pretty fun to do."
"Please, don't ever torture me like that. M' all for being tied up, gettin' fucked, even havin' my ass spanked, but edgin' for an hour with a cock ring on, while you ride me, I draw the line there."
You let a laugh escape your mouth. "Because you said that, I may just have to purchase a cock ring too, just for you."
Shrugging, Harry replies, "Eh, never said I didn't already have one. Just that I don't ever want you to torture me like that."
You sit up straight, your bed head framing your face, and ask, "You own a cock ring and didn't tell me?"
Now Harry giggles before turning serious again, "Hey, it's never been brought up. I wasn't keepin' it a secret from you. But um, on a more serious note about tonight, you don't have to be nervous, Y/n. Just be your confident self and remember what I did to warrant you fuckin' me. Remember I'd been a bad boy."
While Harry was at work all day, you took the opportunity to get things ready for tonight. This includes sterilizing the pink strap-on and tidying up the bedroom to create a more comfortable atmosphere. Not feeling up to cooking, a pizza was ordered for dinner just before his arrival home.
Upon Harry's return from work, he joined you at the table to enjoy the delicious pizza you had ordered before taking a thorough shower. This shower wasn't his usual routine; it was a pristine cleansing to ensure he was impeccably clean for the night ahead.
He meticulously shaved his bum to avoid you having to stare at his possibly hairy backside, and then used an extra douche he had kept in the storage space beneath the bathroom sink. Before partaking in anal sex, Harry always took the necessary steps to cleanse himself. The mere thought of accidentally getting shit on his partner was enough to make him cringe.
After completing his grooming routine, he thoroughly washes his body and exits the shower, drying himself off and putting on only a pair of underwear. Harry then leaves the bathroom and entered the bedroom where you had arranged everything. He gasps in amazement, expressing, "Wow!".
You nervously look up at him and question, "It's not too much is it? I.... I wanted to make the room all cozy for us."
Harry shakes his head before approaching you, gently placing his hands on each side of your face. Speaking softly, he reassures you, "No, it's perfect, baby. I appreciate the effort you've put into tonight. It makes me feel really comfortable with you and what we have planned. Thank you, m'love." He leans in to give you a tender kiss, causing you to melt at his touch, momentarily losing track of your responsibilities for the evening.
Before things get too heated, you pull away and think to ask before things get started, "Do you have a safe word, Harry?"
"Mhm, it's cherry. You know, because cherries are red, red means stop."
With a clap of your hands, a switch flips in your brain, triggering a surge of dominance. "Excellent. Climb on the bed and place your hands above your head. I won't tie you up, at least not for now. Just remember to keep your hands to yourself, no touching, understood?"
Harry answers with a meek, "Yes." and does as instructed. Before joining him on the bed, you stand off to the side and begin stripping your clothes off, revealing what you have underneath. A pair of black lingerie. It's nothing too extreme but it does make you feel slightly more powerful. After your reveal, you look to Harry and see his mouth has dropped open and his eyes become darker. You can also see the large dent he's made in his briefs.
You kneel on the bed, positioning yourself between Harry's legs. Placing your hands on his meaty thighs, you glide your hands up and down, moving higher and higher each time, nearly touching him where he needs it most. You notice his struggle as he refrains from touching you, wanting to bring you to his aching cock but doesn't as he wants to please you and be a good boy.
Harry is fixated on your hands, hoping you'll shift just a bit higher. The suspense is tormenting him. He believes he's never been so aroused in his whole life. It's so intense that it's causing him physical discomfort. His testicles are pulsating from being so engorged with semen, and the extent to which his erection has expanded is becoming excruciating in his underwear.
Recognizing the unease Harry's in, you make the decision to reposition your hands and place them directly on his stiffened cock. You cradle his junk in your hands, still atop his underwear, and he sighs with relief from the momentary comfort it offers. Slowly, you glide your palms up and down the fabric, noting the rise and fall of his stomach. You continue this action for another minute before feeling restless and eager to transition into more of the fun stuff.
You halt your hand, and before Harry can express his discontent at your pause, you grasp the waistband of his underwear and lower it. His erection springs up, revealing his lower abdomen glistening with precome. "Aww, does my poor baby want me to touch it? To make it feel better?" you inquire in a mocking tone.
"Please, baby. Hurts s'bad!" Harry's immediate response reveals that he's fallen under your spell. His voice has become higher in pitch, indicating his vulnerability and submission. Unlike your past submissive partners who sometimes had a hard time fully submitting in front of you, Harry has quickly embraced his submissive role tonight, making you feel honored and content. Happy he feels safe enough to let go fully and be in a different headspace altogether with you.
You toss his briefs onto the ground to deal with later, then choose to end his discomfort. You lean towards Harry's lap, allowing a lengthy strand of saliva to flow from your mouth and observe as it trickles down his pulsating penis. He moans at the sensation of your warm spit sliding down his cock. You use your right hand to gently stroke his erection, spreading your saliva along his entire shaft.
Harry wishes for more but decides to keep his thoughts to himself, allowing you to do as you please. He's considerate of your wishes and refrains from interfering, despite his deep-seated urge to grab your hair and shove your mouth down on his cock.
Once you have dedicated time to pleasuring him with your hand, the desire to take him into your mouth becomes more compelling. You lower yourself, positioning your knees beneath your body, and carefully ease him into your mouth. Harry is the largest you've ever encountered, making it challenging to take him fully without experiencing pain. You begin to move your head in a rhythmic motion while using your hands to stimulate the portion that cannot fit in your mouth. As his breathing becomes more intense, it's apparent that he's nearing climax, and so, you withdraw yourself.
"Hey," Harry scolds, missing the touch you just had on his cock.
Looking up with a reassuring smile, you reply, "Shh, no whining. I'm gonna make you feel so good, baby." Taking a deep breath to prepare yourself, you duck down, lifting his scrotum in one hand, and allowing your tongue to lap at his puckering hole.
"Oh, God damn!" His expression of pleasure through profanity arouses you, causing you to subconsciously stimulate your clitoris with the heel of your foot that's tucked beneath your body. You knew of Harry's enjoyment with having his ass played with, but you didn't fully comprehend the extent of his passion for it. You're thankful he maintains good hygiene, otherwise, you wouldn't be engaging in this activity right now.
Before psyching yourself out, after licking around his shaven rim a few more times, you use both your thumbs to open his hole and insert your tongue. You thrust your tongue in and out of his anus, making him crumble in response. Despite not touching his dick, Harry believes he could achieve a hands-free orgasm with enough time like this. However, he's certain you wouldn't permit it.
Once his hole is nice and wet with your saliva, you pull away and announce, "Okay, time for the strap-on."
Though Harry's mind is beginning to become fuzzy, he's still courteous enough to ask, "Are you wet enough, m'love?", knowing the type of strap-on you bought doesn't have a harness on your end, rather a bulbed part that goes inside you and a suction part that goes over your clit.
In a cheeky manner, you reply, "Why don't you find out." Though there's heaviness in his limbs, Harry is about to sit up and comply with your request. However, you start to crawl up his body and kneel over his face. He looks up at you with his big, green eyes, as if he can't believe you're about to sit on his face.
Despite your panties still covering your damp pussy, you proceed to lower yourself, allowing your cunt to make contact with his mouth. Harry extends his tongue out and traces a wet path along your core, prompting a moan to escape your lips. He then begins to suck on the area where he believes your clit is located under the black fabric, and his mouth fills with the juices that have soaked into your underwear.
It's Harry that's moaning now. Popping his mouth off of you for a second, he mutters, "Fuck, you are soaked."
As he prepares to resume eating you out over your panties, you decide to withdraw. Although his mouth would have provided immense pleasure, your anticipation for the main activity of the night is growing. "I need to fuck you, now." Harry, in a state of a blissful daze, simply nods in agreement, ready to follow your lead. He observes from his position as you discard your black lingerie onto the floor alongside his briefs. Then watches as you reach for the lube and strap-on from your nightstand.
You get back on the bed and instruct your boyfriend, "Get on all fours for me." He follows your instructions, getting into the submissive position known as doggy. Even though he's feeling vulnerable, he trusts and feels safe with you. The last time he was in this position was with a guy he met on a dating app months ago, getting his back blown out.
Before you begin, Harry decides he wants to watch you insert your end of the toy inside you cunt. "Wait, can I watch you put it in yourself?"
"Yeah, baby. Of course." You make your way to the top of the bed, and Harry turns his head to the side as you begin to gently insert the egg-shaped ball into your body. The initial tightness gives way to a sense of relief once it's completely inside your wet pussy. Harry's limbs tremble from his position, despite you not having touched him yet with the toy. The mere act of you placing the toy inside yourself has awakened a strong feeling of arousal, adding on to the several times he almost had orgasms but was edged before he actually came. "Now it's your turn," you state matter-of-factly.
Carefully, you slide back behind his body and grab the lube. You're fortunate not to have needed it for yourself, as your body produces its own lubrication, but Harry doesn't share that advantage. You apply some of the clear, slimy, liquid to the lengthy toy that's inserted in you on one end and carefully spread any remaining lube around his rim. "Mhm, fuck!" His response makes you chuckle. You find joy in the way he seems to unravel with minimal effort on your part.
Once the toy and his bum are properly lubricated, you confirm, "Sure you're ready? Let me know if it hurts at all and I'll stop, okay, baby?"
"Yes, please, just fuck me already!"
Because of his bold attitude, you pull your hand back and lightly slap his right ass cheek as a small punishment, but know deep down that Harry enjoys it. Then, you place the tip of the fake cock against his puckering hole and gently push it in while holding onto his narrow hips. You expected to feel more nervous when this moment arrived, but surprisingly, you don't. You feel powerful and confident. The role reversal of being in control and fucking a man gives you a sensation that is entirely new, and you love it.
The arms that were supporting Harry give way, causing him to fall onto the bed, with only his ass elevated and his knees drawn beneath him. "Oh my God, Oh my fuckin' GOD!" he exclaims repeatedly, recalling precisely why he enjoys anal sex. The sensation of something inside him brings immense pleasure. As soon as your hips connect with his and the toy is fully inserted, you pause momentarily to let him adjust. However, Harry doesn't require this adjustment, as proven when he begins pushing his hips forward and then rears his hips back, essentially fucking himself on the toy.
Witnessing his eagerness, you start to thrust. Initially, it feels unfamiliar as you're not accustomed to thrusting during intercourse. Although, after a few awkward movements, you begin to get the hang of it. Yet, because this particular strap-on is designed to bring pleasure to you as well, you soon realize the challenge ahead. The part that's inside of you is stimulating your g-spot directly, providing additional pleasure as you have to continuously squeeze your pelvic muscles to avoid it from slipping out while thrusting.
After about two minutes of thrusting, you suddenly remember that the strap-on is actually a vibrating toy. You remove one of your hands from Harry's hip and lower it to activate the on button. In an instant, both of you are uttering moans and profanities. The vibrating bulbed egg inside you, along with the outer part stimulating your clit, sends waves of pleasure through your entire body, causing you to slow down involuntarily. The overwhelming pleasure makes you want to remain still and revel in your impending orgasm.
"Dnt' Stop!" Harry's speech is slurred, indicating a significant alteration in his mental state. This situation scares you a tiny bit, as you have never encountered someone entering subspace, nor have you experienced it yourself. The entire scenario is foreign to you. However, you conducted some preliminary research prior to this evening to ensure that you would be equipped to assist him appropriately should the need arise.
With a shaky breath, you manage to spit out, "I’m not... not trying to. It’s just, I’m about to come. Holy shit!" Your body trembles as an overwhelming orgasm surges through you, leaving your ears ringing. Although you've felt pleasure from vibrators in the past, the one inside of you right now is stimulating your g-spot so intensely that the vibrations travel from your head to your toes. Furthermore, the vibrations sucking your clit enhance the intensity of your orgasm.
As you begin to come down from the powerful orgasm, the urge to remove the strap-on is strong; however, you decide to push your own boundaries for Harry's sake. The stimulation is overwhelming, affecting every nerve in your body, yet you take deep breaths to center your attention on your boyfriend's pleasure. Harry's been very well-behaved tonight, listening to your commands and not touching you unless you instructed otherwise. He's followed your every command. He certainly deserves to have a powerfully orgasm experience.
You begin to thrust once more, this time reaching around to take hold of Harry's painful erection. He tries to express his pleasure through moans, but only a faint whine emerges. In your desire to hasten the moment, your dominant hand moves swiftly along his shaft, while you maintain a focus on thrusting deeply and forcefully rather than at a rapid pace. You're getting exhausted by this point. Dominating is taking a lot out of you.
Harry's breathing becomes increasingly labored as his face is pressed into the pillows beneath him. His hands grip the sheets so tightly that they appear to be in pain. This is a side of Harry you have never witnessed before. It seems as though he has placed complete trust in you, surrendering both mentally and, soon enough, physically.
When you feel his cock twitch in your hand, you're ready to assure him that it's alright to let go, but before you can express this, Harry exclaims, "Gonna come, oh m'..." Suddenly, his back arches and his entire body convulses as he succumbs to his orgasm. As you continue to stroke him, you feel warm spurts of cum escaping his dick, coating your hand and the sheets below, and it just keeps coming. No wonder his balls were so swollen, they were about ready to burst with how full they were.
Unbeknownst to you, Harry experienced not only a penile orgasm but also a prostate orgasm simultaneously. While he's encountered this phenomenon before, tonights proved to be the most intense he's ever experienced. As the waves of pleasure continue to envelop him, he finds himself unable to suppress a sob that escapes his lips. Initially, you feel a sense of concern, but then you recall Harry mentioning that he occasionally cries when the intensity of his orgasm is overwhelming, reassuring you not to worry if it occurs.
Gradually, you withdraw your hand from Harry's cock as you sense it starting to lose its firmness, and ceasing the movement of your hips followed by promptly turning off the vibrations. With his head pressed into the mattress, he emits strained cries, his body shaking from the remnants of his intense climax. He looks so vulnerable in this moment that all you want to do is scope him up and hold him, tell him everything is gonna be okay.
You slowly remove the strap-on from his body, which causes him to cry out more intensely for a moment, and then you carefully pull your end out as well. Despite feeling just as drained as you believe Harry is, you understand that the dominant role comes with responsibilities. The key responsibility is aftercare, and you conclude that the first step in providing aftercare tonight is to help Harry calm down.
(if you want to be apart of my new tag list, let me know right here !! )
tag list: @swiftmendeshoran // @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite // @hsonlyangelxo // @lunabai // @ppleasingg
My Masterlist Masterpost
Aftercare {part. 15}
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octuscle · 4 months
Lifelong school internship
Day 1: My guidance counselor had advised me to do an internship in the trades. I'm more of an artistic and intellectual type, but my teacher said that it wouldn't do me any harm to have an insight into a different world. Especially as you have to think seriously about what jobs will still be around in ten years' time. It was more likely to be a carpenter than a journalist. As painful as it is, that's not far-fetched. But me as a carpenter…? I find that absurd…
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Day 2: I feel so ridiculous with this tool belt. The other guys here make fun of my manicured pianist fingers. And yes, I don't really fit in here… But I have to admit that the work isn't bad at all. I like the smell of the wood. And I like working with my hands. The other guys all rave to me about how cool it is to be a craftsman. They really enjoy their work. So I forgive the foreman for putting me in a headlock to greet me and making me stick my face in his wet armpit. It's probably a kind of greeting ritual. As long as it's not every day.
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Day 4: OMG, like seriously, it's such a rad feeling when you've totally nailed something! I mean, I'm not like a total pro yet, but my boss let me pretty much build the kitchen cabinets all by myself. And dang, they look pretty darn good! My mom would be so proud if she could see them. I gotta send her some pics!
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Day 7: Totally sicc, dude! I'm like legit a journeyman now. Finally gonna make some moolah. Gonna go wild partying with the boys tonight. Two crates of brewskis in the back of the pickup, then off to the lake to grill a pig on the bonfire. Damn, it's been ages since I strummed a guitar. But tonight might be the night. Gotta put these calluses from woodworking with the bros to good use somewhere, right?
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Day 10: Mate, bein' your own boss at 28 is the real deal. As a tradie, you get to do whatever the hell you want. It's bloody awesome! And buddy, it's bloody cool havin' all the lads dancin' to my tune. And the clients? They'd literally lick my boots just to get me to do their jobs. Can't get better than that!
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Day 14: Yo, listen up fam, greeting rituals ain't no joke. You gotta stick to 'em like glue! I mean, this little softie dude who started his apprenticeship with me today better get the memo from the get-go. I always need someone to lick my armpits and blow my popsicle stand. And for real, did it hurt me when I had to do that for my boss? Nah bro, it turned me into a real man. And as a tradesman, you gotta be a real man. Otherwise, you can't hang with the big boys.
Pics by @ki-kink
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goosita · 9 months
billy antrim is smooth
he pulls you in with strong hands at your waist, warmth radiating off of him. his chest is broad and sturdy where your hands fall against it, flannel shirt soft and worn. there’s a group of other men somewhere in the corner of the saloon, playing at their guitars and fiddles while the oil lamps keep the place lit in a hazy glow.
“hey, sweetheart,” he drawls, giving you a crooked smile. so boyish and sweet despite the heat simmering in his eyes. “missed ya today.”
he’s been out in the sun, that much you can tell. his cheeks are redder than usual, freckles dotting his nose faintly. dust has settled in the wisps of dark hair that fray out from underneath his hat. he smells like grass and sunshine, something masculine and heavy below the surface. billy’s been pulling long days, doing work he never really tells you about. all you know and need to know is that he’ll come find you at the end of the day, he always does.
everyone in town always called him “the kid”, but by the time you’d met billy, he was all man. his jaw sharp and stubbled, tall and broad and firm, unyielding. he commanded attention, even when he didn’t mean to. billy antrim holds himself confidently, self-assured. he had a natural leadership to him, something that it caused people to look at him and see him. the men watch him with mixtures of admiration and envy, and the women watch him with longing and desire.
“missed you too, billy,” you say with a smile in return. and its true; you always miss him during the day. billy haunts your thoughts when the sun is up, then slinks into your arms when the moon replaces it.
he pulls you in tighter to his body, his hand splayed across your lower back pressing you flush against him. his grin twitches up a little higher at the little gasp that his actions pulls from you. this close, you can feel exactly how much he’d missed you pressing into your lower belly through your skirts.
“i know, baby.” he dips his head to skim the tip of his nose along your cheek, his breath tickling your ear. “can’t wait to get you alone,” he whispers, pressing the softest kiss below your jaw. you knew people were probably staring, his bold display of affection in such a public space making you shiver. it didn’t really matter much, though. everyone knew you were his girl anyway.
“slow down, cowboy. i’m havin’ a nice time right here, actually,” you tease. billy lets out a breathy chuckle that makes your stomach do fluttery things.
the boys in the corner continue to play and you let billy sway you to their song, keeping his heavy palm at your lower back and holding your hand in his free one.
“alright. you want slow, i’ll be slow for ya,” he whispers, mirth dancing in his gaze. “anything you want, darlin’.”
always so in control, your man is. but he bends for you, lets you take his reigns. you know he’ll always give it to you. billy antrim is steadfast and unwavering, until you look at him with your pretty eyes and sweet lips. when you tell him what you want, that becomes his whim too then.
later on, when your wants begin to melt into each other until neither of you can wait any longer, billy keeps his promise. the way he undresses you and pushes you gently down onto his bed is slow, even slower when his lips and tongue caress everywhere on your body he can reach until you’re gasping and mewling his name.
slow even as he rolls his hips into you, feeling the way your thighs tremble around his waist. his hands take their time caressing the length of your arms before his fingers are wrapping around your wrists, pinning them into the pillows above your head. his mouth does wicked things against your own, his tongue teasing and teeth nipping softly.
when you beg for him to move faster, he smirks against your lips and shakes his head.
“nuh uh. you wanted slow, remember? we’re gonna be slow tonight.”
he chuckles at your whine, making a cheeky point to push hips hips even more unhurriedly. his pubic bone grinds against your clit at every press, making your back arch. his cock grazes against a spot inside you that makes you sob his name, relentless even as he takes his sweet time with you. it’s overwhelming, the sweetest torture as he moves against you. his bare skin sliding against yours feels like velvet, smooth and soft and warm.
he’s everywhere all at once, and you relish in being completely at his mercy. his sheets smell like him, splayed out around you as you writhe; his mouth only ever leaves yours to find a new spot to kiss, lick, bite. his hushed voice fills your ears, low moans and filthy praises that make your cunt squeeze even tighter around him. billy’s a solid weight above you, completely surrounding you and all of your senses. he’s taking you apart piece by piece and you let him.
when you finally fall over the edge, it feels like it lasts for ages. your body shudders and you pant, whimpering as billy whispers praises in your ear.
“that’s it, baby. cum on my cock, just like that. fuck, you feel so good,” he growls, and you can tell he’s close too. your thighs tighten around him, hips lifting to meet each thrust of his until he’s groaning and dropping his head to your shoulder, spilling inside of you. his body shines in the moonlight with a thin sheen of sweat, hot to the touch and sensitive.
billy antrim is smooth where you need him to be, when he occupies your thoughts at all hours of the day and lures you into his bed at night.
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a/n: shoutout to the anon who told me about the black velvet edit on tiktok and also @ voidaconitum for making said edit
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jazzthatonewriterchick · 11 months
Lost in the Woods (Werewolf!BakuKiri x Black!Plus-Sized!Fem!Reader 18+ One Shot)
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"You scared now, baby?"
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x Kirishima Ejirou x Black!Plus-sized!Fem!Reader
Synopsis: In which you get lost on your way home one night while coming back from a party and end up straight in the jaws of two strange yet sexy men who you get the feeling aren't quite human.
Warnings: Smutty Smut; 18+ (MINORS GTFO); Reader is Black, Fem & Plus-Sized; Reader is Drunk; Monster Fucking; Coercion; Dubcon; Rape (to be safe); Foreplay; Biting; Mild Degradation; Mutual Oral; Double Blowjob; Double Cunnilingus/Analingus; Big Dicks/Knots; Knotting; Unprotected PIV Sex; Doggystyle; Cowgirl; Unprotected Creampies; Aftercare
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters mentioned in this fic. However, as this is my writing, I do not give permission for my work to be reposted on any other sites that are not from my own accounts. Thank you!
Writer's Note: Happy Halloween, y'all!! 🎃🎃 Enjoy!! -Jazz
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It has gotten darker outside. Way darker than it usually is around this time in the fall.
You walk along the trail in your fake cat ears leading to your co-worker's rented cabin deep in the woods, clutching your leather jacket closer to your plump frame and tasting your third drink on your tongue. You're still not sure what's in it, but you can taste the vodka and the fruity juice flavors with every sip you've taken since you've gotten to the party.
You originally were supposed to stay at the party for only an hour, but that turned into four. Four hours of watching your bestie shake her ass in her ladybug costume and dealing with your coworker and the host of the party flirt with you. Though Denki Kaminari is cute and loaded from his rich parents, he also is a huge slut.
He has what you call "community dick". The guy gets around to almost every girl in your office, minus you, of course. He's been trying which is why he invited you to his Halloween party, but you aren't interested. You thought the man was going to cry earlier when he saw you put on your jacket and head to the door.
Aww, you're leavin'?" he asked in his makeshift toga and leaf headpiece. He was supposed to be a Greek God. "But I'm about to start the competition and announce the winners!"
"I know, but I'm really tired and it's really dark out there," you sighed, trying to seem like you're apologetic.
"You sure you wanna drive?" he asked, sounding concerned. "Didn't you drink tonight?" You shook your head, your hand moving to grasp the doorknob behind you. "I didn't drive here. I took an Uber."
"You don't need to take no Uber, sweetheart," he tutted. "Not when you've got a personal chauffeur right here! Lemme drive you home. I promise that my ride is faster." He smiled big, confident, seductive smile at you that you're sure gets all the ladies' pussies wet, but you weren't swayed.
You gave him a small smile, desperate to leave. The music was too loud and your social battery was running way low. "That's very sweet of you, Denki, but I'm good. I'm gonna wait in the driveway."
Denki's eyes ticked outside the window where the woods lay in wait for you. "Well, my house is surrounded by woods. You sure you wanna walk alone out there? Wouldn't want all the creepy-crawlies and freaks to get you." He smirked down at you, cocking his head to the side."Lemme walk you," he whispered. "It would at least make me feel better. Plus, I'm great company."
He gave you that same seductive smirk as he leaned in, no doubt attempting to corner you against the door. You began to twist the knob, opening it in preparation to run out and escape his tricks."Thank you, but–"
"Heeey, girl," Mina, your coworker and bestie, sing-songed. She inserted herself right between you and Denki, drunk and a major cockblock (and your savior). "You havin' fun?" She side-eyed Denki who gave her a sharp glare before slinking off to attend to two of his guests who were about to fight over the last mini-pumpkin cupcake at the snack table.
"Yeah, but it's getting dark out there," you pointed out, relieved that Denki left. "Shouldn't we be heading home soon?"
"Go home?" Mina scoffed. "Denki said we're all welcome here! He cleaned out his five guest rooms upstairs just for us...or rather, for you." She giggled as you rolled your eyes. "You know, he's hoping you'll stay the night."
"Yeah, I know," you muttered. "But it ain't gonna happen. Denki gets around too much."
"So?" Mina scoffed. "I've heard he's good! Plus, it's not like you're looking for a forever. It's just a one-night thing you clear your head and get you some dick."
Mina is so convinced that you need to start dating if not having meaningless sex with coworkers if not men at bars, clubs, or online (which is hella dangerous). To her, you could use the release to ease your stress from your job and life, but in your eyes, you're more than happy using your fingers and toys to get that release. However, you would be lying if you said that you didn't want someone to break you off, but so far, you haven't found a man who could do so for you.
"I'm fine, Mina, really," you chuckled. "I know you think that I need some dick to ease my stress at work, but I can handle myself just fine." Mina didn't look too happy with that but didn't push it. "Whatever," she sighed. "But at least stay for the costume competition. You'll get to see me win for my super-cute costume!"
"Sorry, hon," you giggled, playing with her fake antenna, "but the dark isn't gonna wait for that. You know how I feel about traveling in the dark anyway. I'm just gonna bounce and call you when I get home."
At this, Mina grew worried. "You sure you don't want me to walk you?" But you shook your head, not wanting to interrupt her fun. "I'll be fine, Mina," you reassured her. "I'm just gonna wait in the driveway for my ride. You stay and have fun."
You wish you had just stayed in Denki's driveway like you said you would. You wish you never decided to venture along the trail to find the road. It's too dark, and you're too tipsy. You're not at all dressed for a walk, such as this one either–a mini dress that hugs your plump, chunky body, a leather jacket, fake cat ears, and black pumps that you try to walk slowly in to avoid breaking your ankle.
Plus, and this is the main reason, the forest is starting to creep you out. It is quiet. Too quiet, as if something is causing this eery silence. The woods trail is rather bumpy, and the trees seem taller than before when you came here four hours ago. They are bare of any leaves and their branches stretch towards the sky like long, crooked fingers. Speaking of the sky, there isn't a single star in it–just the large, white moon that looks almost ominous behind the clouds floating among the inky, black canvas.
You thought that making it to the road would make it easier for the Uber driver to find you when you ordered, but you can't even find the road. You ordered the ride before leaving Denki's party, hoping to make it there before the driver could call.
But now you're realizing that you should've just called before. 'You stupid bitch,' you think. So you call your driver now as you keep a hand out to grab onto trees for balance as you hike down the trail. The driver answers after three rings, but they sound grainy and broken.
"Hello?" you say into the phone.
"Hi, is this Y/N?" the Uber driver asks. "I was just going to call you. I'm here."
"Shit, you are?" you reply, your stomach leaping in fear. You only have five minutes to reach them and you still don't know where you're going! "H-Hang on, I'm comin' now. I can't find the road."
"I'm sorry, I'm having trouble hearing you," the driver says. "I can't seem to find a way through these trees."
"It's through the woods!" you call. "There's a trail that leads to the address. If you follow it, you'll find me there." Silence follows and you panic, thinking they hung up. "Hello, you there?" you call.
"Hello?" the driver asks. "Y/N, are you still there?"
"Yes!" you call. "Hang on, I'll come to you!" You waddle and stumble along the trail, pushing a long branch out of your face. "Can you still hear me?" Silence. "Hello?" you call into the phone. "Helloooo?"
Still nothing. You look at your phone to find that the call has dropped. "Goddammit!" you groan. Of course, this happens to you. Realizing that you're out of luck and have no clue where you are, you dial Mina's number and turn back around where you came.
Four rings go by before she picks up and you're hit by a barrage of sounds–music, yelling, and laughter. "Hello?" she shouts into your ear. "Mina, I'm coming back," you sigh. "My Uber driver can't find me and–"
"Y/N, you're breaking up!" she shouts. "I can't hear you!" Her voice begins to sound grainy and chopped, her words cutting off. "Mina?" you ask. "Mina, can you hear me?" Nothing but silence follows.
You look at the four bars on your screen, finding them to be completely gone. No reception. "Fuck!" you groan. Tonight is now a complete shit show. The beginning of a horror film. However, if keep on the trail to Denki's cabin, knowing you have a better chance of calling another ride there.
But then you get lost. Very, very lost. "What the fuck?" you whisper to yourself. "Where's the cabin?"
What looks like the trail to Denki's cabin turns out not to be...or is it? You can't quite decipher the trail anymore. Or where you are. Everything looks the same–the same leafless trees and brush stretching around you, making you feel suffocated; the same dark shadows; the same dirt trail that leads to nowhere.
Even worse is the darkness. It has gotten increasingly worse since you've been out here, stumbling about. You can barely make out the trees now, bumping into a few as you walk. The quietness only makes you feel more paranoid. All that you hear is the lone hooting of an owl and your heavy breathing in your ears. It's uncomfortable. Unsettling. Like something is lurking among the woods, ready to pounce at the perfect opportunity.
You go for your phone to switch on the flashlight only to find your phone on 20%. You growl in frustration, stomping your heel. How did you forget to charge it before you left Denki's party? "God, can this get any worse for me?" you sigh to the heavens.
And as if answering you, a droplet falls from the cloudy night sky onto your forehead. You gasp at the sudden feeling, pressing your hand to your forehead to feel the wetness. And then another one falls. And another. Soon, you are caught in a downpour. "Shit!" you squeal and take off your heels before immediately start running to avoid the rain.
You don't know where you're going but you run anyway, desperate to find the road or someone who may be out here to help you. Maybe one of Denki's guests from the party or a hiker. Maybe a camper. As you peel back tree branches and try to avoid pits of mud that have begun to churn from the rain, you finally find your light in the darkness.
Through the trees protrudes a cozy-looking house in a clearing, surrounded by a stack of logs for firewood and smelling of something spicy and warm. The windows are aglow which means someone is inside. Someone who can help you! "Oh, thank you, God," you sigh.
But as you go to run towards the house, you hit your foot on an overgrown tree root and go tumbling. With a shriek, you fall to your hands and knees, luckily not scraping them but staining them with dirt. Your heart lurches into your throat and you try to calm yourself. "Relax," you whisper. "You're okay. There's no one out there to hurt you."
"Well, look who stumbled along the trail," a teasing voice says. "Literally." Immediately, you look up and scurry away from the two figures standing above you. They are big. Huge, even. All lean muscle, broad arms, and thick, toned thighs and calves that could crush watermelons under their clothes.
They're not too bad looking either. The one on the right has a platinum blonde undercut, a sharp jaw any model would be jealous of, an eyebrow piercing, and a lip ring that glints in the moonlight in his plump, pink bottom lip. His vermillion eyes feel like hot rays on you as he glares down at you. "Who the fuck are you?" he growls. "Why are you here?"
You try to find the words to speak, but you're still too in shock from what has happened to you and the two strangers standing before you. "I-I..."
"Chill out, Katsuki," the one on the left chuckles. He is bigger than the blonde with long, red locks of hair, tattoos, and a toothy smile that unnerves you slightly. "You alright, miss? Sorry about him. He's territorial of our home is all."
He offers his hand to you, and though you hesitate at first, you take it and let him pick you up off the ground. "That's your house?" you ask, nodding at the cozy home. Katsuki glares suspiciously at you. "Why? You lookin' to break in or something?"
"N-No," you stutter, intimidated by his roughness. "I came from a party up the way and I couldn't find the road to catch my Uber."
Both men look at each other, realizing your story. "Oh," the redhead says, that grin still on his face. "You're lost. Gone too deep down the rabbit hole?" You don't answer, unnerved by his teasing and their presence.
"So that explains why a pretty thing like you is out here alone," the redhead comments, crossing his buff arms over his broad chest. "So no one walked you out here?"
You shake your head, hugging your jacket to your soaked body. "I told them not to," you admit, feeling guilty. "I thought this wasn't going to happen."
"Well, no one expects to get lost in the woods," the redhead chuckles. "But don't fret. You've got us and we know these woods like the back of our hands. It's not safe to be out here alone on such a dark night though. It could be...dangerous."
Something in the way he says this and the glint in his eyes makes you uncomfortable. There is something off about these two, you realize. Something ferocious. Predatory, like an animal. "I-I just need wifi," you stutter. "Or a phone to call my friend and tell her I'm here."
"You need more than that, sweetness," the redhead chuckles. "You're soaked to the bone! Guess you got caught in the rain." He nods over to their home. "Come on in and we'll help you out. We'll get you a towel and a phone."
"Really?" you ask, shocked by their kindness...and also wary. "Of course!" he laughs, his crimson eyes kind. "It wouldn't be many of us to have a beautiful lady out here alone and lost. Ain't that right, Katsuki?"
The blonde says nothing but keeps his eyes pinned on you. "Oh, I never introduced us!" the redhead tuts. "That's so rude of me. I'm Kirishima, but just call me Kiri. This is Katsuki. Say hi, 'Suki." Once again, Katsuki doesn't speak. "And you are?"
"Y/N," you softly answer. "Thanks for helping me out, but I just need a phone or a wifi password."
"What, you scared to come in or something?" Katsuki snarls. "You have no problem walking around out there in that." He nods at your mini dress and cat ears, making you flush.
"Leave her alone, Katsuki," Kiri growls. "I happen to think she looks amazing." He gives you a wink that makes your stomach flip. "I know it's weird since we're strangers and all, but we'd really feel bad if you just waited out here. We've got spicy ramen cookin' in there too, if you want any."
You should say no. You should firmly stand your ground and tell them to just give you a phone. But against your better judgment and taken by their strange attractiveness, you give in. "Okay," you sigh.
They guide you to their home and get you inside just as the rain becomes a thick sheet. Their home is cozy, warm, and has a roaring, brick fireplace. The walls are made of thick logs packed tight together and the furniture is covered in throw pillows and comfy blankets. Kiri leads you over to the couch and hands you a blanket to wrap yourself in while Katsuki heads to the kitchen. "Take a seat and we'll get you set up," he says. "And get comfortable. That's what the couch is here for." 
He smiles at you before heading off to gather some things for you. You sit there, shivering under the blanket after taking off your coat, doing your best to relax. But you can’t. Not when you’re in two strangers’ home with your phone halfway to death and in the pouring rain. There has to be a phone you can get to. You begin to look around for a phone, but are interrupted the Kiri returns with a towel and a tray holding a steaming bowl for you. "Here's a towel for you," he coos. "And a pipin' hot bowl of ramen if you're hungry. I'm sure you worked up an appetite at that party and walking through the woods." 
He hands you the towel and carefully places the tray down next to you. ”Thanks," you mutter. Kiri gives you your space and sits in a chair across the room, but he doesn’t take his eyes off of you. He watches you very carefully as you slowly slurp down the ramen, clearing your throat from the spiciness. He chuckles under his breath whenever you do. 
Katsuki then returns to the living room, his shoes off and clad in a V-neck and jeans that sit low on his hips. "Landline's down," he passively says. "The rain must've fucked it up." Kiri sighs while your stomach flips in panic. "Aw, man," he sighs. "Any luck with your phone, Y/N?" Something about the way he says his name in that raspy voice sends shivers down your spine. 
You ignore them and check your phone, finding it to be on 10% and the bars still low. You shake your head, ready to scream in frustration. "Guess you're stuck with us for a minute then,” Kiri says, sounding apologetic. Katsuki doesn’t say anything at all, still standing in the middle of the living room, adding to the tension you feel. “Does…this happen often?" you carefully question. 
Kiri shrugs, leaning back in his chair. ”Sometimes, if the rain is real bad. It's just one of the things about living away from the city in the middle of the forest." He gives you a humored grin, a twinkle in his crimson eyes. "You're probably wondering why we're out here, hm? Well, city life just got to be too much. Sometimes you just wanna be wild and free. Feral, if you will." 
His smile turns sharper and almost just as feral as he describes. You don’t even look at Katsuki. You’re too afraid too. Instead, you look down at your feet and squeeze the blanket closer to your form. "So what about you?" Kiri asks. "What's your life like outside of these woods?" 
‘Lie!’ your brain tells you. ‘Don’t tell them anything about you!’ But you also don’t know if they’ll know you’re lying. So you tell the truth, but keep things as tame and vague as possible. ”Well, I live in the city and I work in an office. I just came from a work costume party that my coworker was throwing." Kiri nods, his eyes scaling over your fake cat ears and legs poking out of the blanket. ”Well, you've dressed the part for it." 
"And decided to come in here to show us," Bakugou growls, speaking for the first time in minutes. His hot gaze runs over you as if he can see right through the thick blanket. "Ignore him," Kiri says, rolling his eyes. "He thinks you look fantastic, as do I. I'm sure all your coworkers of the opposite sex were re all over you tonight." 
You’re not sure if he says this to comfort or relax you, but it doesn’t do either. Your body is wound up like a drum and you feel hot with discomfort. ”T-Thank you," you whisper. "No, I...I didn't want that. I don't date my coworkers...or hook up with them." 
"That's a good idea," Kiri replies, nodding in approval. "It often makes your job complicated. But it relieves the tension, don't you think?" He pauses, letting the pitter-patter of the rain fill the silence. ”Eases the stress?" he suggests, smirking at you. 
Katsuki’s eyes find you. They are sharp and intense, glaring at your very soul. You find it hard to breathe and have to push away the ramen because your stomach is flipping too much. You need to get out of here now. So you stand, letting the blanket fall, and grab your jacket. 
"You okay, cutie?" Kiri questions, sounding worried. 
"The rain eased up," you huff. And it has––you can’t hear the harshness of it anymore. It is softer which means it’s easier to travel through now. ”And it's getting late. I-I think I should leave." 
Kiri’s brows knit in confusion. ”Didn't you wanna call someone first?" he asks. "And why leave if you got lost before?"
"Don't feed into that bullshit she's spouting," Bakugou scoffs. "It's just a cover to hide how scared she is of us." You stand rigidly near the couch, your eyes flicking to the door across the way. Maybe you can run. 
”Is that true, sweetie?" Kiri asks almost sweetly. "Are you afraid of us?" They both stare at you, waiting for your answer. Your heart thunders wildly in your chest, your blood pumping in your ears. You don’t know how to get out of this or what to say. "I…I…” Your brain is moving slow like it’s moving through sludge, your thoughts jumbled. 
"'Cause you should," Kiri finishes, his tone dark and low. "You should be very afraid. But we won't hurt you...unless you want us to." 
He stands up from his chair, making your fight or flight kick in. Both men stand before you now, not touching you but also giving you the feeling that they could stop you at any point from leaving. You can’t escape now. Their predatory gazes stop you from moving entirely. 
"Why leave when you know you're curious?" Katsuki asks, raising his pierced eyebrow. "Or should I say horny?" You blink at him, confused and taken aback. ”W-What?” you squeak. 
"Don't play the fuckin' fool, girl," he growls. "Why else did you come up in our home when you don't even know us? And don't say it was because of our hospitality or for our wifi." 
Now, you begin creeping towards the door. Their eyes follow you, but then don’t stop you. ”I don't know what you mean," you whimper fearfully. "Please, I just wanna leave." You slam your back against the door and try the knob, but it doesn’t budge. Locked. You’re completely trapped. 
Katsuki and Kiri stand side by side now, watching you, eating you up with their eyes. ”We don't want you to leave," Kiri softly growls, but his voice doesn't sound human. It is deep and growly as if he is an animal. He blinks and his eyes turn from a sharp red to an eery, golden iris. Katsuki’s eyes do the same, shifting from human to not at all. 
You try the knob again, now panicking. Even though you know it’s locked, you try again and again, pathetically so. But you don't take your eyes off of the two men in front of you…and you wish you did. You really wish you never witnessed what you are right now.
Instantly, the two men grow taller and bigger, their muscles widening and growing thicker. Their teeth grow sharp like pointed fangs and their nails turn into claws that protrude from fine-haired, paw-like fingers and toes. The hair on their heads grows wild and untamed, just as their eyes do as they rake them over your body. Fluffy ears and tails protrude from their heads and backsides, indicating that they are, indeed, not human. 
As their bodies grow and their muscles swell, their clothes rip to shreds and fall from their bodies, leaving them completely naked. Your eyes instantly fall to their shafts swinging between their thighs, your mouth falling open. They are huge. Thick. Long. You know they would reach your stomach if they got inside you. You can already feel the lockjaw. you’ve never been so scared of dick before. 
Katsuki smirks down at you. ”You scared now, baby?" he asks in a low growl. 
You press yourself against the door, your heart hammering and breath coming out in panicked huffs. "What the fuck are you two?” you whisper. 
"Two men who are gonna give you what you really want," Katsuki replies. "And you're gonna give us what we want too." They then crouch down and begin to creep toward you on all fours, their eyes still on you. Tears begin to prick at your eyes as you grapple with the doorknob, begging someone, anyone, to save you. ”Please,” you whisper. 
That is all you can say as they creep closer and closer to you. Katsuki takes one side while Kiri takes the other, both standing up and towering of you. "You’re too deep in the forest now, baby," Kiri whispers, a smirk on his face. "Wouldn’t be wise to wander around in the dark by yourself at this hour anyway. Too many predators.” 
One of his huge, clawed hands brushes a hair out of your face. You flinch away from him.
"It’s better to just stay with us. You can kill two birds with one stone: stay here for our protection and take responsibility for your slutty little actions.” He says it so sweetly that you almost miss the last part. 
“What?” you squeak. ”I-I’m not a–" 
"The fuck you aren't," Katsuki snarls. He pokes at your cat ears, nearly knocking them off of your head. He then moves closer to you, moving so close that you can feel the heat radiating off of his big body. “Comin’ in here dressed like that...smelling so fuckin' good...you're practically handing yourself over to us on a silver platter." 
"Mmm, I like that," Kiri hums, tweaking your cat ears as he presses into you from behind. "I like my toys eager. Vulnerable. And so, so easy to please." You are now sandwiched between the two werewolves, trapped. You can feel yourself shivering and trembling between them, your purse still in your hands.
Katsuki presses his nose into your hair and inhales deeply, a deep growl vibrating through his chest. ”God, I just wanna rip off her clothes and pound her right here," he growls. You nearly gasp at his vulgar words. ”Patience, ‘Suki,” Kiri says. “We have to ease her into it." His hand comes across your neck to turn your head towards him. ”Your lips are trembling, baby," he coos. "I know how to ease those nerves." 
Then his lips are on yours, giving you a slow yet hungry kiss that takes the air right out of your lungs. He played with you during, pulling away to lick and lightly nibble at your bottom lip with his pointed canines, relishing the tiny gasps you let out with every new sensation. He then pulls away, lightly pulling at your bottom lip until it pops back into place. ”How was that?” he asks, his voice husky and lustful. “Exactly what you needed?" 
You don’t want to admit it, but it is. That kiss was hot, passionate, and lustful. It gave you butterflies and made your pussy wet. You can feel yourself gushing now despite your situation and you feel like a disgusting, nasty little whore for even feeling like this. Katsuki lets out a deep, rumbling growl from in front of you, his hands sliding up your thick hips. "Fuck, I can’t take this waiting game anymore," he impatiently growls. "Keep teasing her while I get these clothes off of her. I need to see her without this fuckin’ thing.”  
Kiri chuckles as he begins to kiss and suckle on your neck, leaving hickeys in his wake. "Doesn’t look like you need to do much, Kats. Just tear off that dress and we’ll get right to the main course." His eyes rake over your body and your little black dress, his hands sneaking under to toy with your thick thighs. ”Mmm, such a naughty outfit. She definitely came here for a reason.” He smirks at you, his gaze hooded and devious. "Let us give it to you then." 
"No, wait!" you protest. 
But it’s too late. Katsuki is already tearing the little black piece of fabric off of your body, revealing all of you to him and Kiri––your pudgy stomach; your jiggly thighs and thick ass ridden in stretch marks and cellulite; your juicy breasts held up by your laced push-up bra. Both werewolves stare at you like you’re a full course meal, practically salivating at the mouth at the sight of you. "Aww, that little yelp was so cute!” Kiri giggles, his hands still wandering among your thighs and backside. “Was that your favorite dress, sweetheart?" 
Katsuki could give less of a shit as he kneels before you. ”She shouldn’t have worn it then. I hope you hate these stockings you’re wearing ‘cause they’re goin’ too." He then shreds your nylon stockings to pieces while Kiri’s fingers curl below between your thighs. “And these little panties. Doesn’t look like you’ll need ‘em anymore." 
Before you can take a breath, one clawed finger cut at both straps of your panties. Katsuki does the same to your bra, cutting the straps off your shoulders so they fall off of your breasts. Each piece of undergarments fall off of you, leaving your breasts and pussy exposed. You whimper in protest, moving to cover yourself, but Katsuki slaps your hands away. “No,” he sternly says. “Don’t you dare hide yourself from us.” 
“You’re absolutely gorgeous, baby,” Kiri sighs, nuzzling his nose into your neck. “So fuckin’ sexy.” Katsuki’s mouth attaches to your nipples, sucking hungrily on the hardened peaks as his hands grope and mold your breasts. You instinctively your head back, your eyes fluttering closed at the sensations. Here you are, standing naked in your heels in front of two total strangers who may or may not eat you or let you leave. 
‘How the fuck did this happen?’ you think. 
This is all you can think when the wolves stop their ministrations and push you down on the couch. They stand over you, each muscle and vein of their thick cocks glinting in the moonlight that has appeared through the window. The rain has stopped. "Bend over the couch," Katsuki demands. "We wanna taste how wet you are, and don't try to play like you're not." 
Though you’re trembling, you do as he says and bend over the couch, presenting your ass to the strange men. You hear them growl and groan in arousal at the sight of you. "Oooh, you're right, 'Suki," Kiri cackles. "She is wet for us." You then feel his fangs drag across your asscheeks, emitting squeaks and moans of pleasure from your mouth. "And so responsive from these ass bites," he giggles. "Don't fret, cutie. We'll take good care of this poor pussy." 
He bends down with Katsuki following suit, hypnotized by your sobbing, wet, brown cunt. He takes a finger and lightly glides it against your labia that hangs. You twitch pathetically at his touch, your toes curling. "Wanna share this kitty with me?" Kiri teasingly asks. 
”As long as I get to taste her, I could give less of a fuck,” Katsuki huffs. 
Then their mouths, tongues, and soft lips are on your pussy, slurping and sucking up everything you give them. As soon as their mouths touch you, your mouth falls open into an O and your eyes flutter shut. Their tongues slide through your walls to slurp at your pussy and their lips suckle gentle on your clit, sending shivers and shocks of pleasure throughout your body. 
“Shit,” you moan, gripping the back of the couch for dear life. You’ve never had someone eat your pussy so well before. Let alone two men! …Or two not-entirely-human men. They don’t just stay in one place either. They switch places, alternating between your pussy and your asshole. When Katsuki is busy tongue fucking your pussy and sucking on your clit, Kiri places his tongue all over your asshole, nipping and biting at your cheeks before dipping his tongue back between them. "You taste so good, kitty," he sighs. "We could eat you up." 
Katsuki growls in agreement, placing his hands on your hips as he devours your cunt. You can hardly speak. All that exits your mouth are moans, whines, and cries of pleasure that seem to explode out of you. The more their mouths move and their moans vibrate against your clit, the farther you’re taken to your orgasm. Soon, that knot in your core is tightening, threatening to snap, and your moans grow louder and more shrill. "Fuck!" you scream. "Fuck, I'm gonna cum! I'm about to cum!” 
Kiri repeatedly moans “uh-huh” into your pussy now, taking Katsuki’s spot while his blonde partner devours your ass. ”Fuckin’ do it," Katsuki growls. "Cum all over us, you little slut." Then you feel two fingers flicking at your clit and this is all it takes for you to finally explode all over the men devouring your pussy. 
When you cum, you cum hard. Actually, you damn well squirt all over the wolves’ faces as a chorus of moans and whimpers leave your mouth. You’re seeing stars and your head is clouded as you cum, your hands gripping the couch. Katsuki and Kiri excitedly and delightedly take what you give them, hungrily growling as they slurp up all of your squirt that drips down your asscrack and pussy. They clean you up until you’re twitching and sensitive, whimpering at the feeling of physical contact against your clit. 
Finally, they stop and let you breathe. You are sweaty, tired, and drained. And yet so, so satisfied. You’ve never cum so hard before. You tiredly turn your head up to the two men standing behind you, noticing them licking your juices off of their lips and fingers as if they can’t get enough of you. Katsuki then turns to you, his hand wrapped around his thick cock dripping pre for you. "You're not done yet, little slut," he huskily says. "Open your mouth for us. Wide.” 
Kiri stands beside him, also lazily fisting his cock with its angry-red tip dripping pre-cum for you. You don’t move from the couch and they don’t force you to. You’re too weak from your intense orgasm to do much except shift onto your knees on the couch and open your mouth as Katsuki demands. Kiri goes first, first tapping his head lightly on your tongue before sliding balls deep into your mouth. You try to accommodate to his size by stretching your jaw and breathing through your nose, but it’s hard at first. He’s just so big and thick! 
The redhead is less than quiet or subtle about how good your mouth feels as he begins to slowly fuck your throat. Lewd gagging and squelching noises escape your mouth as he does so, drool beginning to drip from your mouth. As he does, Katsuki fucks one of your hands, tiny grunts and groans leaving his lips as he watches you swallow Kiri’s cock. “That’s it, little kitty,” Kiri groans. “Open that throat for us. You’re such a good girl takin’ two big cocks at once.” 
A hand falls onto your scalp, stroking your hair. 
Then it’s Katsuki’s turn. He isn’t as nice or slow as Kiri. He is rough; hard; downright feral. He fucks your face like it’s his own personal fuck toy, making you gag and choke all over his dick. You do so to the best of your ability, your makeup running and cat ears askew. You stare up at him as he does as he pleases, getting an eyeful of his pelvis and toned stomach. “Don’t use no teeth either, slut,” he grunts. “If you do, you can make sure you’ll be punished for it.” 
Kiri chuckles as he fucks your free hand, holding onto your neck to give you support as Katsuki fucks your throat. “Have confidence in her, Kats. She’s been doin’ such a good job so far, fuuuuck…” His words turn into a moan and his eyes roll back as he continues to thrust into your hand like it’s your pussy. 
And they switch. And switch again. And again. They use your throat and hands like you’re nothing more than a cock sleeve to them. They’re own little toy. They fondle your breasts and lean down to smack your ass. They touch, squeeze, and stroke every part of you as they fuck your throat until it’s raw and your eyes are watery. Mascara drips down your face and your lipstick smudges until it is practically gone, instead all over Katsuki and Kiri’s cocks. 
Just as you feel like you can’t take much more, you feel a hand come behind your neck to grip your hair, pulling your head back to look into two golden irises. “You like this, don’t you?” Katsuki growls. “You like being used by us?” You slowly nod, still choking on cock. “You ain’t seen nothin’ yet, kitty cat. And stop suckin’ ‘cause I don’t want to cum down your throat.” 
He slides out of your mouth with a groan, his cock now sobbing wet with your spit. “Mmm, same here,” Kiri moans, sliding his dick out of your fist. “Her throat feels so damn good, but I wanna feel how tight her other hole is.” 
You gape at them, shook. They don’t seriously believe…but they can’t! You’re still too sensitive! And they’re just too big! You could barely fit them in your mouth! “W-Wait,” you stutter. “I don’t think–“ 
“Don’t be scared, cutie,” Kiri shushes you, pressing a finger to your lips. “We’ll prep you real good before we fuck you into the couch and you take our knots. Gotta make sure you’re soaked for us.” 
And they do. You have to hand it to them: they know how to treat a pussy. They once again spread your legs wide and eat your pussy until you cum again all over them, their tongues slurping up everything you give them. They take turns, Kiri holding your legs open by your ankles while Katsuki tongue fucks you, and vice versa. When your pussy is finally nice and slick, and twitching for your second orgasm, the moment of truth has finally come. 
Kiri goes first. He sits back on the couch, legs spread, and cock at attention for you. “Alright, baby girl,” he coos. He pats his lap, giving you a sexy, fanged smirk. “Come and sit right here. I’ll hold you up.” Though you’re nervous, you do as he says and position yourself above him. You place your hands securely on his shoulders and hover above his cock, biting your lip. 
Slowly, you begin to come down, Kiri’s hands on your hips to give you all the support you need. “That’s it,” he encourages, his body trembling with need. “Come down slowly on this dick. No need to rush.” Behind you, Katsuki growls impatiently, wet sounds filling your ears from him stroking his cock for you. “Ignore him,” Kiri whispers. “He’ll just have to wait.” 
You listen to him, not wanting to rush and hurt yourself. You take things as slowly as you can and breathe as you come down onto Kiri’s knotted cock. You both react immediately, him to the pleasure and you to the stretch. And fuck, is it a stretch! Kiri sounds the inches you take, face red and eyes clouded from the pleasure. “One,” he softly grunts. “Two…t-three…four…” 
He grips your hips tight as you slowly come down, your body shaking and gasps leaving your lips. “Almost there, cutie,” he coos. “Don't give up now. You’re being such a good slut for me and Katsuki.” He reaches down and rubs your clit for you, helping you become wetter to take his cock all the way. Though it helps, he still feels too big; too thick; too much. You’ve never felt so full. “F-Fuck!” you whine. “Too much! It’s too…much!” 
Even when you finally sit down onto his cock, it still feels like it’s too much. Before you realize it, you’ve taken the full twelve inches of his dick. “I told you you could do it,” he breathlessly chuckles. His hand comes down onto your asscheek, smacking it. “Now fuck this cock for me. Give Katsuki something to look at.” 
You start off slow, grinding your hips into him and rocking your clit against his pelvis. Then you begin to bounce once you’ve found your rhythm, causing your titties to bounce in his face and your ass to jiggle against his lap. The only coherent words that leave your lips are swears and of Kiri’s name as you bounce on his cock. You’ve never felt anything like this before. This feeling only becomes more intense when Kiri lifts you up by your ass and lifts his pelvis to fuck you from underneath you. 
His thrusts are slow but deliberate and intense, nailing your G-spot again and again. You wrap your arms around him tight and moan into his ear, unable to hold onto your sanity anymore. You then feel Katsuki push and grind his cock up against your ass for some relief, slowly becoming crazy with the thought of feeling you wrapped around him too. “C’mon, shitty hair,” he groans impatiently. “Fuck her faster. I’m tired of waiting to fill that hole too.” 
Kiri chuckles at his partner as he continues to fuck you jackhammer style. “Patience–fuck–, man,” he huffs. “She’s really–fuck, baby–loving this. Aren’t you, kitty?” He turns to you and presses an openmouthed kiss to your lips, his tongue swirling with yours. When he pulls away, a string of saliva connects to your bottom lips, making you even wetter. 
Eventually, he does begin to fuck you harder, holding your wrists together behind your back with one hand while his other palms at your ass. Wet sounds of his cock plunging in and out of your sobbing, wet pussy fill the air along with the sound of skin slapping against skin and your moans, huffs, and whines of pleasure. Before you can even realize it, your third orgasm of the night is arriving like a train in the night, headed all full speed. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” you scream. “Oh, my God, I’m gonna fuckin’ cum!” 
“Do it then,” Kiri grunts, still pounding into you like it’s the last time he’ll be able to do so. “Do it and take all of my cum, kitty cat. Deep, deep, inside you…” And then he finally does so, spraying your insides with his cum while you cream all over his cock, dripping down his balls. He cums with a mixture of growls and moans while you let out a loud, high whine that rips from your chest. He holds you down onto him, making you take his knot and all of his cum until he is finally drained of every ounce of it. “So much,” he sighs. “And you took all of it. Such a good girl.” 
He presses a kiss to your lips before lifting you off of him. His knotted cock is shining with your juices while your pussy leaks with his cum, so much so that it drips down your thighs. You are exhausted and winded, your body heaving and twitching from the roughness of his fucking. 
“My turn,” Katsuki grunts, already grabbing you and positioning you into all fours. You squeak, looking back at him in a panic. He rolls his eyes at you. “Relax, I’ll go slow first. I’m a werewolf, not a barbarian.” 
Before you can say anything more, he is sliding balls deep into your sensitive, sore, cum-filled pussy with all of the intention of making it even more sore and filling you up again. He begins to fuck you then, one hand dripping your breast while the other rests on your hip. Your mouth falls open as his pelvis bounces against your ass, his balls swinging against your clit. “Oh, my God,” you whine tearfully. “P-Please…t-too much! I’m s-so…so…” 
“Sensitive?” Katsuki cackles, licking his lips at how cute you are. Such an adorable, plump little slut getting fucked silly on his cock. “I know. That will make this even better. I can’t wait to make this pussy cum again.” He then goes a little faster, building up speed and enjoying the way your plump ass bounces and jiggles against his pelvis. “Can’t wait to feel you cream all over this knot, just the way a slut like you should.” 
And then he goes even faster. Harder. The man is practically railing you as he fucks you into the couch in front of Kiri. You lose the last bit of self control and sanity you have at this point, succumbing to the life of a cum slut for the werewolves. You’ve never been fucked so hard in your life. “Oh, my God!” you scream. “Oh, my God!” And at some point, you think you really see him. 
Kiri stands on his knees in front of you now, his semi-hard knot in your face. “You’re so loud, baby,” he chuckles. “Guess we need to plug up this hole too.” As your wobbly lips open, he plunges his cock into your mouth and begins to slide it against your tongue. “That’s it, take these cocks, kitty cat,” he grunts in time with Katsuki’s thrusts. “You’re doing such a good job being our little cum sleeve. Our little cockslut.” 
“That’s so fucking hot,” Katsuki growls, gripping your hips so hard that he may leave bruises along your skin. “If you’re gonna say shit like that then you’d better such that mouth for something else too.” Kiri smirks over at the blonde, lust in his eyes. “Well, since you’re suggesting…” 
Their moans silence for a moment, muffled by their wet-sounding, passionate kissing as they fuck your holes from both sides. This only makes you wetter and brings you closer to your fourth orgasm of the night. You know that after this, you can’t do another round. Tears of desperation prick your eyes as you begin to bounce yourself back onto Katsuki’s cock, needing to cum. “I’m gonna cum!” you whine around Kiri’s cock. “I’m gonna cum again! Please, please make me cum!” 
“Then admit it,” Katsuki growls. 
You look back at him and blink wildly, confused. “What?” 
“Admit that you love being yours. That you love being a cum slut for us.” His hand comes around your throat to squeeze, his eyes flashing. “Say it!” he demands, his voice coming out in a low growl. 
“I love it!” you desperately shout. “I love being a cum slut for you! Please, please, please make me cum and fill me up! I need you, daddies!” 
Katsuki and Kiri each share a look. A look that is possessive and wanton. A look that says, “Yeah…she’s definitely ours now.” “Those were the magic words, kitty cat,” Kiri coos, lifting your chin to peck your lips. “Now cum for us.” 
Katsuki begins to pound your pussy into the couch, ramming you so hard that your orgasm slams into you before your brain can process it. “Gonna cum, little kitty,” he growls. “Gonna fill you up! Fucking take it!” And you do. You have no choice. His orgasm is explosive and he cums with a growl-like roar, his cum filling you up as you cream all over his knot. Your eyes roll into the back of your head and a sob leaves your lips, all energy pulled from your body instantly. 
“Goood giiiirl,” Kiri coos, stroking your hair. “You took another load of cum just like that! Such a good fucking kitty!” He is so proud of you watching you shiver and shake all over Katsuki’s cock. Katsuki slowly pulls out, giving them both a look at the mixture of his and Kiri’s cum dripping out of your twitching pussy lips that they have fucked red. “Look at all of that,” Katsuki huffs, rolling his eyes. “Now we’ll have to clean the couch off.” 
Once he pulls out, you feel empty. And so, so tired. You can’t stop yourself from falling face first into the couch between them, feeling like you just ran a marathon around the world. 
“We’ll do that later,” Kiri sternly replies. His voice sounds muffled like he’s speaking underwater. “First we have to worry about our little kitty here.” You feel his breath fan your face and his hand gently caressing your cheek. “Y/N?” he whispers. “Can you hear us, baby?” 
You don’t know. You don’t know anything anymore. They fucked all logic out of you. All you want now is sleep. You want your bed. “Home,” you mumble. “Sleepy…Wanna…go home…” Kiri shushes you gently, stroking your hair away from your sweaty brow. “We’ll take you home, sugar,” he hushes you. “But let’s get you cleaned up first.” 
You then feel Katsuki scooping you up off of the couch, cradling you against his broad, toned chest. Some time later, you then feel warm water surrounding you from above and the wolves pressed against you as they wash your body. The scent of warm vanilla fills your nose and your fingers touch muscles as you lean against the wolves’ big bodies. 
Next, you feel Kiri’s arms around you this time as he carries you out of the shower and then soft bedsheets. You open your eyes slightly, barely slits, to see the men standing at the foot of the bed. Then suddenly, they change. Now they are full on furry, four-legged wolves, glowing eyes blinking at you in the dark bedroom. You don’t react at first, but when they start to surround the bed, you begin to whimper in fear. 
Kiri shushes you as he climbs into the bed next to you, gently licking your hand. His tongue is rough and long. He then lays on his side beside you, his furry tale curling around your foot while Katsuki takes a seat at your feet, laying on his stomach and staring at you. Kiri presses his nose to your ear, his hot breath fanning in your face as sleep comes closer and closer to eating away at the darkness behind your lids. “Rest, baby,” he whispers. “It’s okay, Y/N.” 
You startle awake at the sound of your name being yelled. You have no idea where you are at first as you look around the room. Though it looks familiar, you can’t place it. Your mind is too muddled to do so. 
What you realize first is that you’re in your bed. You can tell by how soft the duvet is. When your eyes finally register, you look around the bedroom and realize that you’re in your room. Your apartment. But…how? You look down at yourself, finding yourself in your costume from last night, your shoes off. “What the fuck?” you whisper. How did you get here? When did you get here? 
Several loud knocks come from outside your door, making your heart leap. “Y/N, open the door!” Mina yells like a madwoman from outside. You scramble to get out of bed, hissing slightly at the soreness of your muscles. “H-Hang on,” you call out. “I’m coming!” 
You hurry to your front door without first checking out your appearance, examining the living room as you do. Nothing is out of place. The windows aren’t open nor shattered like someone broke in. It is as you left it last night before heading to Denki’s party. 
Ignoring the roiling in your gut, yu fling open the door to find Mina looking very worried. “God, there you are!” she gasps. She throws herself at you, wrapping her arms around you. “I’ve been calling you since last night! You never got in your Uber last night, so I called the front desk to your apartment and the clerk said he never saw you come in!” 
You blink dumbly at her, letting the information process in your foggy mind. So you never came home last night. So last night did happen! ‘Did it?’ you find yourself thinking. Even now, you can’t quite remember. “How did you…get here?” you ask Mina, your brain still sluggish and confused. 
Mina stares at you, dumbfounded. “What?” she scoffs. “I drove here. I spent the night at Denki’s and sobered up after he convinced me to stay and wait for you to call. We were all freaking out, looking for you! Where the hell have you been?” 
“I…” You want to tell her you don’t know. You also want to tell her that you think you saw something last night. Or rather, somethings. Creatures. But you just can’t get to that part. You remember getting lost in the woods and getting caught in the rain, but…then what? What happened after that? Did you ever find the road? Did you walk home? No, impossible. You would’ve never done that. 
You know something happened, but you can’t remember what. It’s like an inch you can’t scratch. A puzzle piece you can’t find the space for. When you close your eyes, you see flashes of fangs and glowing eyes, startling you.
You decide to keep it to yourself and hug Mina. “I guess I just crashed last night,” you nimbly reply. “I’m so sorry, Mina. I didn’t mean to scare you.” 
Mina hugs you back tightly, giving you a sense of reality. “Just as long as you’re safe,” she sighs. 
You close your eyes again and see two smiles with glinting, sharpened teeth. “Yeah,” you say, not truly believing it. “I’m safe now.” 
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holdmytesseract · 4 months
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moodboard by the wonderful @chennqingg <3
World's End [EoH]
Daryl Dixon x fem!Reader
Summary: Strange things start to happen to people; caused by a virus. Most of the humanity hides away in their houses - unlike you. Feeling the urge and duty to help people as a nurse, you keep on working - much to your boyfriend's dislike.
Warnings: angst, fluff, the outbreak - basically, protective!Daryl, dad!Daryl moments, TWD stuff - weapons, walkers
Pre-Apocalypse Era!
Word Count: 2,1k
a/n: You asked for it and I am here to deliver! 🫡 I hope y'all going to like this... 😊
EoH Masterlist °☆• Daryl Masterlist °☆• Masterlist
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"I don like this, Y/N..." Daryl stated. His voice was hushed, due to a sleeping Teddy on his arms, but still firm. "Ya shouldn't go ta work. Please... Stay at home."
You sighed; knowing very well that he was most likely right - but you couldn't. "I know, sweetie, but I can't. They need me. Especially now. It's my job." Daryl inhaled deeply; almost frustrated. "I understand that, sunshine, but... We don know what this virus is. So many people already died because of that shit - and you wanna go straight into the danger zone? I don't want ya ta catch whatever it is. I can't lose ya. We can't lose ya."
You swallowed hard; feeling the weight of Daryl's words. "You're right. It's dangerous, but... it's my duty as a nurse to help people. It would be selfish and cowardly to not go to work. I can't let all these people die. I've got to save 'em." Your boyfriend chewed on his bottom lip; pacing up and down the living room of your shared apartment. Teddy was luckily still sleeping in his arms; his little head resting on his father's broad shoulder.
The brown haired man had to choose his next words wisely now. He knew that.
"What if ya can't save 'em? What if they're lost?" You shook your head. "I refuse to believe that. Doctors and scientists all around the world are already working flat out to find a cure." "Yeah, but you've seen the news, Y/N. The government told us to stay at home with a reason. You know about the rumours. Damnit, you even told me that-... I-"
Daryl took another deep breath; quickly shifting Teddy, so that he was able to run a hand over his face and pinch the bridge of his nose. "Fucks sake, I just want ya to be safe..."
You stepped up to him; taking his free hand in yours. "I know what I am doing, Daryl. Trust me, okay?" You squeezed his hand and smiled at him softly.
Your boyfriend sighed once again; tilting his head back - which gave you a delicious view of his neck.
"Ain't havin' a chance ta hold ya back, right?"
You stepped closer and brushed your lips over his; feeling his scruff scratching your skin. "I'll see you tonight," you whispered and pressed a kiss to your son's brown curls on top of his head, grabbed your things and left the apartment. Daryl was powerless.
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Your way to work was... aggravated, to say the least. Most of the public transports didn't work at the moment. Only the really necessary ones. Therefore, it was difficult for you to even catch a bus to work.
And it wasn't just that... Gainesville was like a morgue. Empty streets, restaurants and coffee shops. You only saw a few people taking their dogs out for a walk, but nothing more. Everybody was scared and followed the government's orders - but you hadn't the time to be afraid. You were needed.
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Daryl sat on the sofa; nervously chewing on the inside of hi lip. His thoughts revolved around you - and only you. He didn't give a shit about what happened to other people, but you.
The redneck was staring at the old clock which hung on the wall in the living room; watching the minutes ticking by agonisingly slow.
"Daddy, look!" Teddy's sweet, soft voice brought him back down to reality. At least for a few moments...
Daryl averted his eyes from the clock and looked down, to where his son sat on the fluffy carpet; looking through a book you had given him yesterday. A book which had been laying in an abandoned drawer, because he was too young for it. Not anymore...
Teddy pointed on a drawing of a plane and it's pilot; an airport in the background. "It's a pwane!" Shining eyes met his similar ones, as the little boy looked up at his dad; smiling. Daryl couldn't help but smile. This little human being meant the world to him. Something he never thought he'd say. But it was the truth. He'd do anything for that kid. Go to hell and back. Daryl didn't care.
He also couldn't deny that Teddy changed him for the better.
Daryl's hand vanished in the mop of chestnut brown hair on his son's head; gently ruffling it. "You're right, Ted. 'S a plane." With his other hand, he turned the page, "N what's that?" and pointed on a truck, which had a lot of logs loaded; driving down a street.
Teddy's eyes scanned the picture; concentrated. "A tuck!" Daryl couldn't suppress the small, affectionate laugh which escaped his lips. "Almost, buddy. A truck. Keep on learning, you're doin' good." He ruffled the boy's hair again and stood up to get himself dressed. He needed fresh air. And distraction.
About twenty minutes later, Daryl was walking down an empty street with Teddy's small hand neatly tucked in his; waddling beside him. Looking around, he could see people gazing judgmental at him through their windows. Some had already barricaded their doors. It was kinda nuts to see that. He noticed the clear difference between him and the rest of the world. He didn't care if the world would go to shit. After all, the world never offered or gave him much. Just you, his son and brother. He didn't need or want more.
"Daddy, can I pway?" Once more ripped him Teddy's voice out of his thoughts. The boy pointed at the little playground you and Daryl always took him to. It was, of course, completely empty. The man nodded. "Sure. Go ahead." Teddy giggled happily and ran as fast as his little legs carried him towards the small slide.
After helping Teddy to slide down the slide a few times, he stood back at the sidelines and watched his son play in the sandbox. Daryl was quite a few meters away from his toddler; smoking a cigarette, but never letting him out of his sight.
But then his gaze drifted down the street for a short moment - which left the man more than just utterly shocked and speechless...
Up ahead he could see three people walking into his direction - but something was off about them. Daryl noticed right away. Almost dripping over their own feet; rather tumbling than walking, strange noises, blood stains and- His eyes widened. One of them had a bullet in his head. Dude shouldn't be alive.
And suddenly it came crashing down on Daryl. The rumours were true. The dead weren't just dead anymore. And where were probably the most dead people besides the cemetery? Right. The hospital.
The realisation pierced marrow and bone. You were anything but safe.
A disgusting growl from distance reminded Daryl that danger was lurking ahead. Whatever these... people had become... He didn't want to cross them - or risk his son's life.
"Teddy!" Daryl called out. "C'mere!" Teddy, being the well-behaved boy he was, got immediately on his small feet and ran up to his dad. Daryl immediately lifted him up in his arms. "Daddy?" "We're goin'. Now." He turned on his heels and started to walk quickly back home. "Daddy, are they sick?" The little boy asked; now obviously facing the dead. The man swallowed hard and cupped his son's head gently. "Don look at 'em, buddy." "Kay."
Back in your shared apartment, Daryl threw several things into a bag. He had a feeling. For all this time, he had a feeling that this all wouldn't end well, and he was right. Whatever it was the virus did to people. It had started. This was just the beginning of the end.
Teddy watched his dad with wide eyes; not knowing in the slightest what was going on.
Daryl slung the bag over one shoulder, grabbed his crossbow from the locked cabinet and threw it over his other shoulder. Then he gave Teddy his stuffed dog and picked him up once more. "Daddy and Teddy going?" Daryl nodded. "We are visiting mommy." The boy's eyes lit up. "Go see mommy?" "Yes, buddy." A cheerful giggle slipped past Teddy's lips.
And when Daryl left the house for a second time, the streets were everything but empty..
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In the hospital, chaos had erupted as well. Seeing the dead suddenly roam through the streets and literally ambushing Gainesville, caused everybody to panic. Naturally. You tried to keep a cool head, even though it was difficult with the unbelievable happening right in front of your eyes. The most wanted to run. Others wanted to hide. Your instincts told you that it was probably right to run, but your wit told you it was wiser to stay inside and hide. You talked to so many people – colleagues, patients, family members of the patients; wanted to convince them to stay. Some of them were listening, but the lot of them didn't - and ran straight into their undoing. Unbeknownst to them or you.
Now, you were staring out of one of the big windows; chewing on your nails and watching the horrible scenes unfold right in front of your eyes as your heart was pumping adrenaline through your body. It felt like you had fallen straight into a nightmare. You wanted to turn your back and look away, but you couldn't. You were like frozen to the spot - until... "D-Daryl?" You breathed into the empty room; eyes widening as you saw someone who looked significantly like your boyfriend ran - with a little boy on his arms, straight towards the main entrance of the hospital; paving his way through the dead. After all, Daryl wasn't stupid. He quickly figured out what had to be done.. Unfortunately.
"Daryl!" You shouted again and quickly ran out of the room, past several panicking, crying and yelling people and down towards your family.
"Daryl!" You met him in the entry area; noticing right away that he had barricaded the doors. "Y/N!" Immediate relief washed over his face when he spotted you. You ran over to him, meeting him in the middle of the way. You literally fell into his arms; hugging him and Teddy tightly. "Ya alright?!" Daryl asked; almost panicky. You nodded against his shoulder. "Y-Yes, but... What is happening?Why does it happen so suddenly, I... I don't understand..." Your boyfriend pulled back and cupped your cheeks. "Me neither, sunshine. All I know is, we gotta go. Pick up Merle and search for a safe place somewhere outta town."
Tears started to prick your eyes. "W-What? B-But we can't just leave! What about our apartment? My job..." Your gaze fell on a clingy and scared Teddy, who was holding on to his father for dear life. "Teddy..." The boy was way too small to understand, of course. "Mommy..." He whispered; close to crying. Your heart broke, "Baby..." so you quickly took him into your arms; running a soothing hand through his hair and kissing the crown of his head repeatedly. "It's all good, sweetie, okay? Mommy and daddy are here. Nothing is going to happen to you." You tried your best to reassure the boy, while Daryl's hand rested on his small back, in order to provide comfort as well.
"We gotta go..." Daryl repeated, "We can't stay. If this is truly the world's end, I ain't risking yours or Ted's life." and adjusted his crossbow. "I have ta protect ya. No matter what."
The sound of hands against glass cut through the room, causing the both of you to realise in sheer horror that the dead were trying to get inside the hospital. You swallowed hard; breath quickening.
"Y/N..." Daryl's voice ripped you out of your state of shock. You nodded. "O-Okay..." Your boyfriend gave you a nod as well and took your hand in his; gently pulling you along... "C'mon." And you let him.
Together you took one of the emergency exits and left the town. Daryl guided you through the woods, since he spent a lot of time there; practising to hunt together with his brother - and father, back when he was younger.
Now his knowledge and survival instincts came in handy. If the apocalypse was truly happening right now in front of your eyes, you knew that you didn't want to be somewhere else than with Daryl and Teddy. Daryl may have been called a lot by lots of different peoples, but one thing was certain... He was a fighter. A survivor. There wasn't a safer place on this godforsaken earth than at Daryl Dixon's side.
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Tags: @suniloli @stitchintimefan @in-this-minute @wolfsmom1 @loz-3 @fictive-sl0th @fuseburner @mandywholock1980 @celtic-crossbow @lou12346789 @mischief-dream @km-ffluv @crimson25 @buttercupcookies-blog @salvinaa @javagirl328 @sweetz1919 @erebus-et-eigengrau
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mustainegf · 2 months
hiiii i have a request :)
i was wondering if you could do a fic with kirk or james ( it’s up to you on which one :)! ) where the reader is pregnant and goes into labor while he’s in the middle of a show, and after he has to rush to her and she’s just a mess but he shows up and it’s all better. <3 a little angsty and fluffy! thank you sm
Stop omg this is so adorable
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The thousands of fans were wall to wall inside the concert hall, raising their voices in unison for Metallica. James was where he belonged, sweat shining on his forehead under the beating lights. His voice echoed through the arena. Tonight, something else bogged his mind. Backstage, I was pacing the small room they had set aside for me.
My belly, swollen with our child, seemed to weigh me down more than usual tonight. I had insisted on attending the show although I was so close to my delivery date.
James had been reluctant, but I didn’t want to be away from him. Hours now began ticking by and for the first time, I felt a sharp, shooting pain. I gasped and clutched at my stomach, sinking onto the couch.
"Are you okay?" one of the people from backstage inquired. "I think… I think it's happening," I whispered, my panic growing.
Minutes later, everyone was in a scurry. Calls were made for an ambulance as another person rushed off to find James, but he was too deep in song, and all the commotion had gone on behind the scenes.
The ride to the hospital in that ambulance was a terrifying to say the least, but the contractions didn't seem to get any easier or farther apart; each one felt like it was going to rip me in two.
My thoughts were eaten up by James, how I needed him, how much I needed him by my side, holding my hand, and telling me that everything was okay.
They were wheeling me into the hospital when I grasped onto the nurse's hand, my knuckles white. "Please," I begged, tears streaming down my face. "Please, get my husband. I need my husband."
"We're trying, sweetheart," the nurse soothed, gently brushing some of the damp hair back off my sweaty forehead. "Just breathe for me, okay? He’ll be here soon.”
I wasn’t able to focus on anything as I was overwhelmed by pain and a desperate feeling for James.
These hours felt to crawl by, while with every contraction, the stress was increasing, despite the epidural. I whined through the pain, calling for him between each push.
"James! Please, James!" I cried, now my voice quite raspy and hoarse.
The medical staff did much to comfort me, but nothing seemed to soothe the ache in my heart that could only be ceased by one man. Where was he? Was he okay? Did he even know what was happening?
It was at this moment, just when I really couldn't stand any more of this, that the delivery room door burst wide open.
My heart leaped in excitement as I saw him, all rumpled, breathless, and streaming with sweat. His eyes met mine, and he looked just as terrified as I was.
"I'm here, baby, I'm here," he said, rushing to my side to take my hand in his. "I am so sorry. I came as fast as I could."
I could hardly form words through the sobs. "James, I… I thought you wouldn't make it."
"I'm here now," he whispered, pressing his forehead to my temple. "I'm not going anywhere. We're havin’ this baby."
While agony lingered, James made it tolerable. With each push, he was holding my hand, murmuring sweet nothings of encouragement to me, telling me how strong I am, how proud he is of me.
"It's almost over, love," he said, attempting to modulate his voice as his eyes were welling up in tears. "Just a little more.".
Then finally, after what seemed like eternity, our baby's first cry echoed. It was such a beautiful, tiny sound within the room and a wailing that brought tears to both our eyes. They laid him on my chest, and I looked down at the tiny, perfect life we had created together.
"He's here," I whispered, my voice choked with emotion. "Our baby boy… James, just look at him."
He bent down, kissing my forehead. His tears combined with mine. "You did it, baby. You did it."
The nurses cleaned him up and took his vitals as James and I sat there in a little daze with our fingers interlocked.
Well, when they finally returned our son to us, he was just impossible to take our eyes off. He had James' eyes, bright and icy, a head full of blonde hair and was perfect in all other ways.
"Hi, little man," James said softly, cradling him in his arms. "Welcome to the world."
The three of us sat there, wrapped in love and warmth. Our son, gently rocked by James, did not leave his sight.
"Thank you," I whispered, the words barely a whisper. "Thank you for being here."
James' eyes turned toward me, "I wouldn't have missed it for anything in this world," he said, "You and our son, you are everything to me.”
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bohemianblasphemy · 2 months
guess by charli xcx x billy butcher??
billy butcher x reader - enjoy ✨
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butcher has always had this… aura. whenever he’d walk into a room, his rough exterior mixed with his cocky, cheeky behaviour never failed to make you swoon from across the way. the tension of the chase was delicious- the lingering glances toward each other and neverending banter was electric.
however tonight’s atmosphere felt different. the bar that you frequented at was bustling with people- the clinking of glasses and mixed conversation and laughter filled the room. you sat in a spot at the far end of the bar, your cocktail in hand. your eyes met with the familiar trench coat cladded man across the room, his signature smirk and a cock of his eyebrow being sent your way.
the speakers started to play “Guess” by Charli XCX; the lyrics spoke to you as if this moment was like a movie, the beat matched your racing heart as you watched him manoeuvre around the crowd of people towards you. “we’ll look who we have here…” his irresistible accent mixed with his gruff tone had you eating out of the palm of his hand. “ what are you doin’ hiding yourself down here? not hiding’ from little old me?” he teases, expecting your wit to come out to play. you crossed your legs playfully, feeling his eyes drink you in.
“ who? me.” you grinned. “ cmon billy… gotta make the challenge all the more exciting for you.” a soft blush ran across your face which made billy smirk.Butcher leans his hand on the wooden bar, leaning in close to your ear. “ a challenge is something i thrive on love, just gotta keep up with me…” he sat down beside you, exchanging many flirtatious remarks which brought you both all the more closer together- your knees touching and your faces so close that you could feel his breath on you. he leaned in even closer, your heart leaping in your chest as you could smell his rich cologne.
“what do ya say about havin’ a dance?” he asks you. “wouldn’t have guessed you as the dancing type Billy…” “well, tonight’s the night for suprises don’t ya think?” he says winks at you, making you melt. you nodded and held out your hand before he swept you to the dance floor. the music once again spoke your feelings for the evening- something sensual and somewhat carnal. butchers hand stays in your own, twirling you around and bringing your body closer to him each time.
his hands travel down to your lower back, brings your swaying hips close against his. “doll you are somethin’ to behold…” he whispers against your neck. “ i could get used to havin’ you around…” his thick fingers tucks a stray hair behind your ear and you bite your lip as a shiver went down your spine, caused by his touch. in perfect timing to the chorus of the song, you wrapped your arms around the back of his neck, bringing him face to face with you. “i could get used to you too…” you looked deep into his eyes, in a swift moment he leaned forward before placing a passionate kiss to your lips. the world seemed to blur around you both as your kiss deepened, you hands reached up to bunch his hair in your fists, earning a groan into your mouth. his hands reached further down you body, squeezing your ass tenderly.
you pulled away from him briefly, your body was trembling with aching hunger for him. Butchers eyes roved your form, a smirk played upon his lips. “do ya wanna get outta here doll?” he murmured in your ear. “ i bet ya i can guess all kinds of little secrets about you…” he places a kiss just below your ear, trailing down your neck, earning a whimper from you. “ oh really?” you sighed. “like what? you trying to guess what kind of underwear i’m wearing right now?” you remarked half jokingly. Butcher chuckles softly and leans down to whisper “ i was hoping that you could show me…”
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Corruption fic - First Preview
It’s me, ya girl, comin’ at ya with a little preview! No active warnings for this one ☺️
"That's it, I'm cuttin' you off for tonight," Husk said sternly, whisking away your unfinished glass of whiskey. You'd been at the bar for only an hour and you've already downed 5 full glasses.
"Noooo, Husk c'mon...I'm fffffiiiinnee," you babbled, trying to push your head from the countertop unsuccessfully.
It's been a few months since you arrived in Hell after an unfortunate accident that ended in your early demise. But being a devout believer, you were so sure that Heaven would be your final destination. How wrong you were. You woke up in the fiery pit confused and scared, your body had transformed into that of a demon; you had become something you had feared for your entire life. When you first heard about the Hazbin Hotel, you nearly jumped at the opportunity for redemption. If there was even the slightest hope of getting out of here, you were going to take it. But your situation was more than troublesome, considering how you led your life up on Earth. So most nights, you could easily be found sitting on a bar stool, trying desperately to drown your sorrows and distract yourself from the reality you'd found yourself in.
What's worse...not everyone here is evil. It was ingrained into you that everyone down here in Hell deserved to be, they had earned this punishment. But getting to know some of the other residents at the hotel, that couldn't have been further from the truth! Was everything you were taught just complete lie?! For Heaven's sake, Charlie, the literal princess of Hell, was the sweetest and kindest being you've ever had the pleasure of meeting! And Vaggie, a former angel, so devout to Charlie and her dream, you've never seen two people more in love. Angel, although a bit eccentric and over the top, cared deeply for his friends and was ready to fight for them at a moment's notice. It was all...not what you expected, and you had a very difficult time coping with everything that you had been thrust into.
"You're shit faced," Husk snapped back. "Look, I know you're havin' a hard time with all this. But drinking away your issues ain't gonna solve any of 'em. You need to sleep this off." He watched you stumble off the bar stool, your one foot catching the other, resulting in a rather pitiful fall onto the carpet. But you couldn't feel anything, the alcohol helped mask the pain you were sure to feel tomorrow. You couldn't help but giggle at your own clumsiness. "Oh, for fuck's sake..." Husk grumbled.
Before you could even attempt to pull yourself off the ground, you saw a pair of black boots approaching you in a rather hurried manner.
"Woah!" the voice exclaimed, "Are you alright? Here, let me help you!" In no time, your limp body went from lying on the lobby floor to being hoisted up and helped back onto the bar stool you fell from. You turned your head to see Lucifer's concerned face staring back at you. "Husk, what happened?"
"She's drunk," the cat demon explained, "I told her she was done drinkin' for the night and she ate shit trying to stand up. I was about to help her back to her room-"
All of a sudden, a shadowy presence started to form behind the bar. A static filled laugh was heard before Alastor had popped up, startling the bar tender. "Husker, my good man!," the radio demon bellowed, "it seems as though I am in need of your assistance."
"Fuck! Why can't you just walk in here like a normal fucking person?" Husk grumbled.
Alastor only responded with a light chuckle before fixing his attention on you. "My, my, what have we here?" Alastor taunted. You could have sworn you heard a low growl coming from Lucifer beside you. "I say, my dear, I've never seen you look worse than you do now. What a pity, all of those teachings really didn't help you in the long run, now did they?"
You felt tears threatening to fall from your eyes at Alastor's cruel words. If you were sober, you would have run the other direction as fast as you could. Alastor had been the other real soul you met who you knew with every fiber of your being belonged in this pit. But considering you had no inhibitions and clearly no chance of getting away, you picked your head up and slammed your fists on the table in righteous anger.
"Ohhh, eat shit youuuu *hic* smiling prick!" You tried to stand up once more, only for your legs to buckle underneath you. Luckily, Lucifer had caught you before your face had met with the carpet again. "I-I don't deserve this! 'Least I'm TRYING to redeem m'self!"
Alastor's malicious grin never faltered. "Oh, and what a fabulous job you're doing! I do wonder how a woman such as yourself has fallen so far from grace."
"Fuck off, radio freak," Lucifer snarled, barring his teeth and his eyes shifting to a deep crimson red and yellow.
“Oh, ho ho! Seems as though I’ve struck a nerve,” Alastor mocked. He made his way around the bar, now towering over you and the fallen angel. “Tell me, your highness, what is your fascination with this lost soul, hmm? I’m so utterly curious as to why you would give her the time of day when all she does is wallow in her self pity and-”
“I. SAID. FUCK. OFF.” the king spat, his eyes now changing into a solid red and his voice deepening to match his threat. Though your vision was hazy, you noticed his horns had bursted out from his temples. Whether it was the alcohol or something else entirely, your face suddenly felt very, very hot. “Don’t make me repeat myself again.”
Despite the immense danger, Alastor could only muster a sly grin. “It’s very rude to ignore my question.”
“I don’t have to do anything for you! Or have you forgotten who you’re talking to?” The way Lucifer spoke sent a shiver down your spine. “The only reason that you’re not a mangled corpse on the ground right now is because of my daughter. So if you want to stay in one piece, I’d walk away right now if I were you…”
The two mens’ faces were just inches away from each other now. Alastor’s eye twitched as he glared back at Lucifer with pure distain. His eyes shifted to you only for a brief moment before standing up straight and smirking to himself.
“I suppose it really is no business of mine as to how you choose to mingle with the guests here,” the radio demon resolved. He turned around to walk away, but not before glancing at you once more over his shoulder. “They’re lost causes anyway. Come along, Husker!”
Lucifer’s demonic traits disappeared as Alastor finally left the parlor. “I hate that man.” He looked at Husk empathetically. “If I could break your arrangement with him, I would. I’m sorry. But don’t worry, I’ll take care of her.” With that, Husk nodded and followed the radio demon down the hall, leaving you and Lucifer alone at the now empty bar.
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nuitnotions · 2 months
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{ kyle garrick x gn reader ; no gendered terms ; the build up of angst }
It’s a well oiled machine; this system you’ve worked out years prior with Kyle. It’s innate to you now as you lean against the bar, head tilted flirtatiously in the direction of the man inviting you back to his place. Your eyes flit around the barely lit space over your shoulder, scanning stray tables, dancing bodies and corner booths alike to find his tall stature, dark curls that’s beginning to grow out and gleaming smile.
You finally pick him out, at a table with the two friends he had invited alongside you two. He must feel your eyes on him, because he finds you easily, mid laugh and he raises his eyebrows at you imploringly. You’ve never cared for subtlety, not where your closest friend of 5 years is concerned, so you gesture to the man beside you and watch as his left eyebrow drops down and he tilts his chin up.
You’re used to this at least, Kyle appraising the company you welcome into bed. It’s never to offend you, but rather the man has a keen eye and something like a sixth sense that you trust. There’s only been a handful of times that he’s shaken his head at you, approaching you in the same breath and you’ve always listened. When he’s not outright veering you away, you’re gathering your conquest’s name, surname and address onto a piece of paper, sauntering to your friend and slipping him the information with a wink before you’re walking out.
It started about a year into your friendship, the two of you out for a good time and a good number of people flocking to the both of you with interest. It had taken you leaving with someone and having your phone die on you some time during the escapade, leaving you stranded and panicking on the opposite end of town for Kyle to plead for some type of information at least. “Full name at the very least, babes. For fuck’s sake, anything to point me in your direction so I’m not going out of my mind.”
Truthfully, the arrangement had set the both of you at ease; you could now leave with anyone with the knowledge that if you did not respond within the hour to him, Kyle would begin hunting you down. You’d be safe by extension of a deadly man who had no qualms with bending certain rules to find you and keep you from an early grave.
The expression you currently find yourself looking into now however, is neither here nor there. Kyle’s mouth is torn between a purse and a frown that tugs at the scar on his cheek and his eyebrows are drawn together as he takes in the back view of the man named Xavier who is in the process of ordering you both one for the road. You watch curiously as Kyle seems to note every minuscule movement of Xavier, dark eyes flitting and missing nothing. Finally, he looks back at you and all he offers is narrowed eyes before he’s turning back to something ‘Soap’ is saying.
You’re stumped. Mouth slightly agape as you continue to look at him, eyes all but threatening him to look back and give you a proper answer. He doesn’t. No, Kyle continues on speaking to his friends and you finally gather enough strength within yourself to admit that he’s ignoring you.
It hurts. Stupidly, it hurts your feelings. The least he could offer your choice is a scoff, a sassy roll of his eyes or that grimace he does when he thinks you’re selling yourself short with a particular endeavor. But no, tonight Kyle assesses Xavier and decided that he has nothing to offer you in response.
It could stem from it now being a seized cog in your usual trusty machine, the disgruntled oily bubble in the back of your throat. It could be that you’re thrown off by this sudden abandonment by Kyle that you begin second guessing leaving with this man at all. Abandonment. You realise that’s what it feels like to you. That singular word begins to unravel thoughts within your mind like a skein of yarn falling out of your lap and rolling out of your reach.
Perhaps Kyle is tired of being your babysitter. Perhaps he has no interest in having to do this same old song and dance. You’re an adult, you’ve survived without him for many years and you do just fine when he is deployed and risking his own damn life, so maybe, maybe Kyle is tired. Tired of you and the fact that you just can’t fucking settle down, tired of you skirting away from anything sustainable, any commitment to rather waste your night away in beds you have no intention of ever feeling against your skin again. Maybe Kyle has just had enough of you leaving him on the nights out to go fool around with someone who can only half satisfy you. Thinking about it, he even went so far as to invite two of his military buddies out with you tonight.
For company you can’t be arsed to offer, your brain sickeningly supplies.
It only takes but a second, for the defensive area of your brain to flare. Communication, it screams. The two of you have always prided yourselves and your friendship on your skills of being able to communicate with each other. Something he is promptly not doing with you currently if this little silent treatment is to be evidence. You’re a better person usually, when the buzz of alcohol doesn’t unfasten your impulsiveness. You’re a better person usually, when the one person you’ve trusted with a lot more than you’ve been able to trust yourself with is not shutting you out like this.
So spiteful is your flavour of the moment. Your back straightens and you step closer to Xavier, your hand brushing up his back to rest on his shoulder and when he turns to look at you, your smile is brown sugar and jasmine, honeyed and ever so inviting. “You have a pen and paper on you, babe?” His eyes turn warm at your words as his hands pat down at his pockets, retrieving a receipt of some kind as he apologizes for not having a pen on him.
You shake your head at him, softly telling him not to fret as you lean suggestively over the bar, accentuating the line of your body until you feel the heat of his stare burning into you beneath your clothes. Bingo. You smirk a little as you ask a nearby bartender to borrow a pen. They hand one over to you and you turn back to Xavier, paying no mind to his hazy eyes still drinking you in.
“Full government and house address.” Is all you say as you hand him the pen.
You’ve gotten a magician’s hat of responses to this particular demand. Ranging from excuses of invasion of privacy to jokingly swearing that they aren’t in the business of chopping you up in a dark forest. You always persist, sometimes having them take out their ID for confirmation. For those who continue to refuse, you walk away. It’s not an outrageous ask by any means when safety is put into perspective and anyone who cannot understand that is not worth your time.
Xavier thankfully puts up no such fuss, he only gives you a look of shock that borders on amused before he’s hunching over the receipt and scribbling down the information you require from him. Once done, he’s handing you the slip with a grin, leaning into you to say, “That enough to get you out of here, gorgeous?”
“We’ll see,” is all you offer over your shoulder as you makes your way to the table you spotted Kyle and his friends at, swaying your hips as you go knowing you’re still being followed.
The anger and hurt has not died down even in the slightest, if anything it amps up as you make your way over. Your heart is pounding in every one of your limps and you can feel the anger prickle hot tears behind your eyes but you swallow it down fiercely and grapple for that spitefulness.
You have some semblance of why it hurts you so much but there’s a layer to the hurt that you just can’t quite put a finger to and you boil it down to the booze making you an extra touch emotional about it. Whatever it may be, you wrestle it down beneath thick skin as you come to stand behind Kyle’s seat, Johnny and Simon already looking up at you. You offer them each a smile, refusing to allow bystanders to catch casualties in this battle. Even if that is a slight exaggeration you’ve bubbled the situation into.
You bend at the waist and slide the scribbled receipt onto the table beside Kyle’s drink. He’s very well aware of your presence behind him but he only looks down at your palm pressed down onto the paper next to his own clutching his glass.
There’s a beat of silence and unchartered tension begins to permeate the air around the table. His friends are hyper vigilant, eyes flicking between the two of you and then at the paper you are handing over. You’re not sure to what extent of awareness they have of this arrangement, if any knowledge at all but that’s not your problem to explain. Not when the problem just continues to stare at your hand.
“I take it you’re leaving then?” He finally deigns to say and you cannot help the scowl that slashes across your mouth, eyes growing sharp and bitter as you stare at his head.
“Yup. I’ll see you in the morning.” You reply, voice somewhere between sickening sweet and dropping glaciers. Frozen honey, honed into a dagger.
“Text me when you get to his place. You should know the drill off by heart by now.”
Briefly, you entertain the thought of swinging your palm up against his head, anger very quickly reaching the temperature of rage as you note the sarcasm in his voice, eyes still facing forward, body language completely closed off to you and you hate it. In this very particular moment, you hate him. You’re spiraling and quickly so and you can feel those tears you’ve been suppressing returning with vengeance so you try to very discreetly take a deep breath to steady yourself again. The hurt aches in each of your joints and adds a weight to your muscles you cannot bear and why, why, why does it hurt so much?
“Mhm. Know it as well as you do,” you throw back at Kyle and almost flinch when you hear the pain, the twist of your own guts against the sharpness of the words but you straighten your spine and offer one last smile to his friends. You thank them for the evening and promise to see them come daylight. You don’t offer the same pleasantries to Kyle. No, after your last words, he didn’t say anything back and you are content to have the last word.
Well you are, until you’re at the entrance of the club, looking anxiously over your shoulder for a sign, a look, a word, fucking anything from him. It’s a lot more difficult to see from where you stand, Xavier’s hand on the small of your back as he talks lowly into your ear, but it all feels so frivolous. Everything about your world feels intangible now since that encounter with Kyle and you just wish that you could understand why.
Why this sudden change? Why not communicate it with you? Why be so cruel and cold and unlike the Kyle you’ve burrowed between your rib cage? Why does it matter so much to you?
You come to terms with the fact that you will not be getting an answer tonight as you slide into the ride Xavier had arranged for the two of you. You pull out your phone with that last shred of hope that maybe a text or missed call will give you that relieving breath again but no, besides a few stray notifications, Kyle’s name is not one of them.
Spite burns bitter at the back of your throat, eyes glaring down at the screen until it goes black and you’re lifting your thumb off of the screen from its slide across it.
Fine. If Kyle wanted to play silent treatment, so could you. None of his military background would equip him for the Cold War he had just affronted.
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