yuridotcom · 2 years
the newest chucky episode??? uhm??? UHM???
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hutchersonsgurl · 9 months
How to be a Heartbreaker Clapton Davis
Paring female reader with Clapton Davis
Warning 18+ MDNI. Smut warning
Word count
Synopsis you and your of boyfriend Clapton (of two years) are put in detention because the two of you gotten to a fight in the middle of class about a rumor that he's cheating on you
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Rule # 2 don't get attached to someone you could lose
Mr Willams comes into the room and sits on the desk
"Well it's just the two of you in detention today you might as well pull your homework out your here for an hour in the meantime I'll be in the teachers lounge watching TV" Mr willams says and then he leaves the classroom
You are sitting in the back of the room and Clapton is sitting up front of the room messing with his nails looking like he wants to say something
"You know we wouldn't be in here if my girlfriend wasn't crazy and let someone get into her head" Clapton said outloud
"We wouldn't be here if my boyfriend wasn't known for being a player" you respond back
"How am I player when I've been with your ass for two years?" Clapton asked
"Not my fault your a moron" you say sarcastically
"Oh I'm a moron " Clapton says mocking you rolling his eyes
The two of you sit in silence for a moment and then Clapton stands up and walks over to you
"I don't want to talk to you right now Clapton" you say rolling your eyes
"Well too bad we're gonna talk this out right now because I'm not about to sit here for an hour while my girlfriend is mad at me" Clapton says
He looks at you with his brown eyes and you cave instantly
"Ugh fine" you say
"Now be a good girl and tell me what Lexi said to you" Clapton said sitting on your desk looking down at you
"She said that you we're flirting with her and she was rubbing it in my face all day" you respond
"So you choose to act crazy and getting mad at me for something I didn't do? instead of talking to me?" He asks
"Well I was all worked up and you wasn't listening to me" you say rolling your eyes
"Because it was ridiculous and you should that by now Yn I love you and this dick only belongs too you" he responds
"But lucky for you I love me some crazy girls and my girlfriend is the craziest person I know" Clapton says as he grabs your face
He holds your face in the both of his hands and he crashes his lips into yours kissing you like his life depended on it
"I only want you yn, I love you and only you" Clapton says
"By the way this dress has been driving me crazy all day" Clapton continues
"Oh yeah? Then what are you gonna do about it? "You respond teasingly
"I'll show you one sec" he says with a smug smile on his face
He walks over to the door and locks it once it's locked he walks back over to you
He pulls you up and sits you on your desk
"You have no idea what you do to me baby" he says looking into your eyes
"Then show me" you respond
He spreads your legs open playing with the lines of your panties you can already feel your cunt becoming wet
"already so wet for Daddy" He purred
He slides down your panties His fingers slid through your wet folds and he smirked rubbing your clit with his thumb.
He grabs you by your throat and pulls your face to his
"you are mine and only mine," he says he unbuckled his jeans pulling out his cock and sliding through your folds. He began to kiss your neck sucking harshly before he thrusted into you.
"Oh fuck Daddy" you say with a moan
"you know you belong too me right?" Clapton says with a moan
"y-yes" you managed to blurt out
"Good" he responds
His fingers gripped your waist as he moved back as you leaned on the desk he looked into your eyes with his brown eyes with each thrust
while he was counting to fuck you you could hear Mr Willams. on his way back
so the two of you put your clothes back on
you slide your dress back on but can't find your panties
you look for them and then you see Clapton has them he looks at you with a smirk and he puts in his pocket
"We'll continue this later" he says with a smirk going back to his desk
You get back in yours in time
Mr Willams walks back in
No edits
Part 2
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wendyeve24 · 1 year
Up To Heaven and Down To Hell
Chapter 4: Slow Ride
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(The only warnings for this chapter is smut and mentions of Nate Jacobs near the end of this chapter. I also included some authors notes at the very end. I hope you enjoy!)
Lexi and Fezco were looking forward to their honeymoon, though they certainly weren't looking forward to such a long flight. The flight from Kentucky to The Poconos was approximately 6 hours. It wasn't too bad, but Lexi wasn't too pleased... especially since she had never even been on a plane before.
"You alright, ma?" Fezco asked as he rubbed his wife's back as she utilized the barf bag the stewardess had given her.
"No... it's such a wonderful time for me to find out I get motion sickness in the air..." Lexi said shakily.
"I'm sorry Lex, is there anything I can do?"
"No. There's nothing you can do. It's official... I've found Hell and it turns out it's in the sky." Lexi said weakly before her stomach churned again as they hit turbulence.
"Aw baby. I guess we in Hell together then." Fez said, still trying his best to cheer her up.
"I don't know, have you been throwing your guts up for the past five hours? If not, you don't understand my pain." She whined before more bile spewed out of her mouth and into the bag.
"It's alright Lexi." He comforted as he patted her back.
"I think this is it. I'm gonna die on a plane from puking so much." Lexi said.
"You ain't gonna die, ma. We only got less than an hour left, after we get off the plane I'll get you whatever you need for your stomach and then we'll take a cab to Penn Hills, check in and then relax for the rest of the night."
"Yeah Lex. Of course. Have I ever lied to you?" Fezco asked.
"Huh? When?"
"Before our flight. You said that flights are fun and relaxing, but it's been the complete opposite for me."
"Well baby... everybody's different." Fez said with a shrug before chuckling.
"Ugh." Lexi groaned again before her head was once again in the barf bag a second later.
Less than an hour left? Ha! She felt like she was on the world's longest flight that just wouldn't end.
Eventually, they arrived that night to the snow covered Poconos. They got their luggage, Lexi took an Alka Seltzer at the airport, the couple hailed a cab and were soon headed to Penn Hills.
Lexi was feeling a bit better, though she was exhausted. She took a nap for a while in the cab before waking up and looking out of the window of the cab and admired the snowy scenery.
"It's really beautiful here." She said with a smile.
"Yeah it is. Glad I dressed warm, shit... or else my ass would be frozen with all this snow falling." Fez said, his black fur coat thickly wrapped around him.
"Yeah it is pretty cold here. I hope the room is nice and warm." Lexi said as she shivered a little bit in her yellow hip length trench coat.
"C'mere baby." Fez said as he wrapped his arms around her after seeing her shiver.
"Mmm Fez... you're so warm... like a... like a bear." She said before chuckling.
"I just want my wife to be warm. Tell you what, when we get to Boston after our honeymoon, imma buy you a fur coat, ma."
Lexi's eyes widened in shock. She had never had a fur before, only rich people wore them... but she was married to a rich man now, so she supposed it would be fine.
"A-Are you sure?" Lexi asked.
"Hell yeah. I want my baby to have some nice shit. You get whatever you want Lexi. Besides, winters in Boston get fucking cold... colder than how cold it is here. You lucky I ain't a New Yorker, cause their winters are even worse." Fez said.
"Oh, I didn't know that..."
The Cab driver's radio started playing Born To Be Wild by Steppenwolf.
"So, Fez?"
"Yeah baby?"
"After I clean myself up a bit... I was wondering if you wanted to help warm me up?" She asked as she drew circles with her index finger onto his fur coat covered chest.
Fez grinned at her.
"Of course I do Lex, you gonna be begging me for some ice to cool you down afterwards, ma." He said before kissing her.
Lexi couldn't help but giggle into the kiss after she heard him speak.
Eventually the cab arrived at Penn Hills and after checking in at the front desk, Fezco and Lexi were walking with their suitcases to their cozy cabin suite.
"I wish it wasn't such a long way to walk, I'm freezing." Lexi said.
"I know ma, we're almost there." Fez replied.
Sure enough they were a few feet away from their cabin, and they quickly rushed over to it.
Fezco got out the key and unlocked the door, carrying the suitcases in and he also turned the lights on as Lexi stepped inside, closing the door behind her and locking it.
"Oh thank God! Look! There's a fireplace!" Lexi pointed out as she gazed at it.
"Yeah. Lemme get that going." Fezco grabbed a few matches from his pants pocket that he had mostly used to light his cigarettes, and he lit a match and threw it onto the logs that were already in the fireplace. He then stoked the burgeoning flames with a nearby fire poker before setting it down.
The room was already starting to warm up, just what Lexi had wanted. It felt really nice. It looked really nice too.
The couple explored the room a bit.
The closet was spacious, the bathroom was huge and even had a heart-shaped bathtub complete with a mirror above it and halfway surrounding it. The bed was circular and had pedestals that held up a mirror above it. The room's ambience was very romantic and it made Lexi grin.
"Oh Fez, this place is absolutely perfect." She said happily as she hugged him.
"I'm glad you like it baby. Now, what do you say we play some music, get undressed, take a relaxing bath and see where all that takes us?" He suggested.
"You're a mind reader Fezco O'Neill." Lexi said with a chuckle as she kissed his cheek.
Fez went over to the radio in the room and started turning the dial to get some music playing in the room while Lexi took her clothes off and went over to the tub that she was busy filling up with water and Avon Bubble Bath.
Fez took off his clothes as well and finally found a good radio station that was starting to play Ready For Love by Bad Company.
Fez helped Lexi into the bathtub and he himself got in as well. They held each other in their warm bubbly bathtub and Lexi sighed contentedly.
"I'm so happy." Lexi said as she gazed up at Fez.
"I'm glad, baby. There's so much more we're gonna do together on this trip." He replied as he started to scrub her back.
She sighed a contented sigh and after he was done cleaning her, she did the same for him.
"How about we get out now? We don't wanna get all pruned up." Lexi suggested as she looked at Fez.
"Of course, ma. Though you'd still be sexy even if you were all pruned up." Fez said.
Lexi giggled before Fez picked her up out of the tub suddenly, causing her laughter to increase as he chuckled.
They dried each other off and made their way to the circular bed, and laid down on it while talking to each other.
"That fight you got into at the luncheon..." Lexi started.
"I know Lex. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get so wild and embarrass you, ma. But that motherfucker said some real unsavory shit about you and I had to kick his ass."
"I understand Fez. Thank you for defending me. And for the record you didn't embarrass me. You managed to show me how you defend someone that you... that you..." Lexi trailed off.
"Care about? Yeah. It's alright ma, you can say it. Cause it's true. I care about you Lexi."
Lexi was almost speechless before she spoke up as if on impulse.
"I care about you too Fez."
Fez smiled before kissing his wife.
Lexi kissed him back, but within her head she couldn't stop thinking about how hot Fez looked as he beat the crap out of Nate and Aaron. She then got an idea.
"Oh!" She cried out suddenly as she sat up.
"What? What is it ma? Did I hurt you?" Fez asked frantically as he also sat up.
"No Fez. I'm fine. But... I think my bracelet fell off in the lobby. I just noticed."
"Oh, want me to go and get it for you?" He asked.
"Can you?"
"Yeah sure, anything for you Lex. Lemme put my clothes back on and I'll go look for it in the lobby, it ain't far."
"Thank you Fez."
"You're welcome, and when I get back... we gon' finish what we were about to start baby. Imma need you to warm me up after I get out of the cold." He said with a smirk after he got up and started putting his boxers on, his pants, his shirt and sweater back on before stepping into his shoes and putting his fur coat back on.
"Oh I certainly will... hurry back baby." Lexi replied as she leaned in for a kiss, that Fez lovingly laid on her lips.
"Stay right there sexy, don't move an inch while I'm gone." Fez said with a smile before he left the room.
Lexi went over to the window, peeking through the pink curtains and watching her husband walk to the lobby, the snow crunching under his shoes as he walked away from their cabin.
Lexi knew she didn't lose a bracelet, she hadn't worn any bracelets that day. As her husband disappeared out of sight, she knew she had to work fast.
She went over to her suitcase and pulled out the blue gift bag that Rue had given her at the luncheon. She took the contents out of it and looked at herself in the nearby mirror that surrounded the heart-shaped tub.
"Alright... now, how do I put this on?" She wondered aloud as she held up the bra that would show her nipples and the crotchless panties.
After a bit of trial and error, she figured it out. Her nipples on display, out of the bra's cups. She had gently played with her own nipples curiously, which only made them perkier. Her pussy and bare lower lips were on display in between to scant pieces of white lacy fabric. It looked as if her pussy was playing peekaboo, and upon looking at herself in the mirror it made her blush and giggle. She turned around and looked at herself a bit more, even her asshole was on display, and that made her blush even more.
Lexi admired herself in the mirror and grinned before she spanked her own ass teasingly and hiding the gift bag back in her suitcase.
"Great job Rue and Maddy." She muttered to herself with a grin.
Her mind wandered to Fez, she knew he'd be back at any minute... but... the image in her mind of him using all of his strength to beat up the Jacobs Brothers at the luncheon... it flooded her mind.
Lexi sat on the circular bed and laid down before she started to touch herself. She groped her tits before licking her fingers and rubbing her clit and inserting her fingers into her pussy. She felt her own wetness as she threw her head back and moaned.
She couldn't help but pick up the pace a bit before moaning again.
"Fezco! Yes!" She cried out, full on fucking herself with her fingers, before tapping her own clit with her wet fingers, making herself shiver with arousal.
"Fuck..." She said, her whole being was taken over by arousal, lust and need for her big strong husband.
She then decided that she wanted him to bring her to orgasm... not that playing with herself wasn't fun... but it wasn't the same.
Lexi sat up and sucked her own fingers before getting up and turning the radio off and getting out a vinyl record that she wanted to play.
She put it on and cranked up the volume before looking out of the window from behind the curtains... Fez was a few feet away from the cabin door.
Lexi smiled and closed the curtains back before kneeling on the bed sensually as Crazy On You by Heart blasted throughout the room.
Fez unlocked the door and came in. He saw his wife on the bed and he almost stopped in his tracks.
"Welcome back Fez." Lexi greeted with a smile.
"Oh, so you a fuckin' minx now, is that it? I had a feeling that bracelet thing was bullshit... and turns out I was right, but you just needed me to get the fuck out because you wanted to dress up for me... shit... you look fuckin' amazing Lexi O'Neill." Fez said as he closed the door and locked it.
He immediately started to strip off his clothes.
"You know who really looked fucking amazing... no, really fucking sexy... you did... when you were kicking ass at the luncheon. I was so turned on seeing that... that I... I did something naughty while you were out."
Fez was now naked as he approached the bed.
"Oh? And what'd you do baby?"
"I touched myself. I thought of you and how strong and sexy you are and I touched myself."
Fez was almost breathless.
"Ooh baby... you more naughty than I thought you were." He said as he started to stroke his cock as he got closer to her.
"Yeah, and Fez?"
"I'm in charge tonight. So... I want you on your back... open your mouth. I saw how strong your arms and hands are... but I wanna see how strong your tongue is." Lexi said in a low and sensual voice.
Fezco only felt his cock twitch and get harder as he gazed at his wife, the music definitely matching her current wanton behavior... and he loved it.
"Your wish is my command, baby." He said obediently with a smile as he laid down on the bed on his back, his mouth open as Lexi crawled up to his face and took a seat, moaning as she felt his tongue lapping at her wet folds.
"Oh honey!" Lexi cried out as she slid herself against his tongue.
Fez ate as if he were a man eating his last meal and as if he were a man on a mission.
Lexi brought herself on and off of her husband's tongue as she threw her head back, moaning loudly.
Fezco kept at it until Lexi started to shiver with arousal before she finally came, her toes curling as she met her release.
He took a few more licks before sliding out from underneath her pussy.
"Oh baby, that was so fuckin' hot. You real fearless Lex."
"Thank you Fez." She said breathlessly before he kissed her.
"No need to thank me baby... now, let's see how many times you can orgasm like that in one night." He said with a smirk as he got on top of her.
Before the night was over, Lexi's sexy underwear had been thrown somewhere across the room, the mirrors surrounding and above the bed had fogged up and Fez was sure that his wife could definitely be pregnant at this point... if not now then definitely after he made his last few thrusts of the night.
"Fuck! I'm gonna cum!"
"Yes! Oh Fez yes! Fill me up!" Lexi begged as she felt her billionth orgasm of that night happen to her.
Fez groaned loudly as he thrust himself deeply into Lexi, feeling his seed shoot out from his cock once again that night.
Lexi had her fingers between her legs, rubbing her clit as he took his last few thrusts and she had her last orgasm of the night and came hard as soon as she felt the tip of his cock hit her cervix.
"Ah! Shit! Lexi! Fuck!" Fez cried out as he felt himself finally go limp inside of her after he came. He stayed inside of her however as he caught his breath.
"Oh my god! Fez..." Lexi trailed off breathlessly as she laid there, her legs still spread but her knees up to her shoulders.
Fez turned them both over onto their side facing one another because he didn't want to pull out.
"That was absolutely-"
"Fucking amazing." Fez finished her sentence, and she didn't even mind at that point.
"Yeah. Uh why are you not pulling out of me yet?" She asked as she gazed at him in the dark. Their only light source at that particular part of the night was the still raging fireplace.
"I just came inside of you so damn much if I pull out now our whole cabin is gonna be flooded with cum. Besides, you still want a baby... don't you?" He asked as he brushed a sweaty strand of hair from her forehead.
Lexi giggled before crinkling her nose in disgust at the image of the entire cabin being flooded with her husband's cum. Upon hearing his question, she smiled and nodded.
"Yes, I do still want a baby. And honestly... you came inside of me so much I'm sure at least one of those times has gotten me pregnant already." Lexi said as she gently and lovingly placed her palm onto Fez's cheek.
He smiled at her lovingly and planted a kiss on her palm.
"If not, we still have oh... seven more days to make sure I'll be going home with you to Boston carrying your baby in me, Fezco."
"And if not, well... I ain't ever made no babies in Boston before, but if I don't knock you up here in the Poconos... well shit... there's a first time for everything, ma."
"We'll see baby, we'll see..." Lexi said before drifting off to sleep, sweaty and naked but content in her husband's arms.
Fez followed her to sleep immediately afterwards, the warm feeling of her against him and him still being buried inside of her along with the calming crackle of the fireplace, put him to sleep.
The next few days of their honeymoon... they hardly left their cabin... it was just too cold outside for either of them. They would leave their cabin on the fifth day of their honeymoon to do a few activities that Penn Hills had to offer during the day, like indoor roller skating...
"Oh come on Fez! It's easy, it's like walking but on skates!"
"I swear to God, if I fall and bust my ass with these things on my feet..."
"It's okay! Come on baby!" Lexi encouraged Fez as he clumsily skated towards her.
"That's it! You're doing great!"
"Lexi, I think imma fall!" Fez said with a freaked out look.
"No you're not gonna fall, you're doing great."
"Nah, I feel fucking lopsided. This don't feel right. I'm gonna go roll my ass back to those benches."
"Oh come on Fez! At least try to rollerskate? For me?" Lexi begged with a smile.
"Fine... I can never say no to my girl." He replied as he skated towards her.
"See you've got it! Now just pick up speed." She instructed.
"Shit... okay." He started picking up a bit of speed with his rollerblades before he slipped and fell back on his own ass.
Lexi couldn't help but laugh a bit before skating over to him and trying to help him up.
"Shit! My ass hurts and you're laughing!? Oh Hell nah, c'mere Lex." He said jokingly, taking faux offense to her laughter before he pulled her down with him.
"No! Fez no! Oh we were both doing so well but you just had to take me down with you!" She said between hard laughs as she now sat in his lap.
Fez couldn't help himself but laugh too. The situation was hilarious because now they'd have to crawl their way back to the benches... and that's exactly what they did.
"I can't believe I had to crawl back to the benches with you, Fez!"
"Yeah well, believe it because you made me try skating out in the first place." He teased.
"Alright alright, I guess I deserved that." Lexi replied as they both finally reached the benches and sat down, taking their skates off.
You Make Loving Fun by Fleetwood Mac played over the speakers of the rollerskating venue, the music was echoing quite a bit but it still managed to set a romantic mood.
Lexi leaned against him, staring out at the somewhat busy rollerskating venue.
"I don't think I've ever been this happy." She admitted to him.
Fez smiled at her before kissing her forehead.
"I'm so fucking glad to make you happy, ma. Shit, after seeing how your sister treats you and how your mom ain't really payin' you no attention, you really deserve someone in your life to make you happy... and I'm glad that I'm that person Lexi."
Lexi grinned at him, her eyes had a sad look in them.
"I... I don't know how to thank you Fez... I've always been that person in the background letting life go on as everyone focuses on Cassie, even I focused on her a lot. She's... difficult. And I was just... so tired, but you... you're giving me life again, you're... revitalizing me. And I love that and... I wanna do the exact same for you, I wanna be your solace because Fezco I-"
"I love you too Lexi."
Lexi was speechless yet again.
He loves her, and she loves him... she was absolutely floating right now.
"Fez, oh my god. I love you so much." Lexi replied as she smiled tearfully as she sniffled.
"Aw, ma... why're you cryin' huh?"
"These are happy tears." Lexi answered with a chuckle as Fez pulled her in for a hug before kissing her.
They stayed like that for a while, before coming up for air.
"Hey... you wanna get some lunch?" He asked.
"Yeah. Let's go." She replied with a nod as they picked up their shoes from the roller rink clerk, put them back on and went over to the dining room of the resort where the smell of burgers, hot dogs, sandwiches, deli meats, fish, shrimp, cheeses, soups, fries, and fresh ice cream sundaes wafted into the air and into their nostrils.
"So, are you still worried about your sister?" Fez asked as he got a tray for himself and Lexi and started to get a burger and fries.
"Of course I am. She's just the type that you worry about because she's just so-"
"No... stupid." Lexi answered as she got a fruit cup, a sandwich, a shrimp cocktail and a bowl of minestrone soup.
Fez couldn't help himself but laugh.
"Woah Lex. You callin' your big sister stupid?"
"Yeah, I am. Because it's true. She's not the brightest bulb in the pack, Fez. Not only that but she's very dramatic, as you yourself saw."
"Yeah. Are you... glad you're away from all of that or...?"
"Of course I'm glad I'm away from all of that. I've had to put up with her forever, and as the years passed she just got... worse. Honestly if I hadn't married you, I'd have probably runaway from home."
"Well baby, you're my wife now. Ain't no running away from home for you." He said reassuringly with a smile before she grinned at him.
"I know, and if you're home I'm not running away." She replied as they both sat down and dug into their lunch happily.
They had a quickie in their heart-shaped bathtub a few hours after arriving back into their room, and Fez had a surprise for Lexi.
He told her to wear something fancy, and she put on her best dress, it was a black dress with slightly puffy sleeves.
Before she left the bathroom she could hear music. She left the bathroom and found the room to be dark but lit by candlelight and the fireplace, rose petals on the floor, a table for two near the window, a bottle of champagne in the small ice bucket, two champagne glasses, two seats across from each other and menus sitting on the table.
Lexi gasped. It was so beautiful and so romantic.
Fez stood up, wearing a fresh suit with a grin on his face as Stand By Me by Ben E. King played on the record player in their cabin.
"We got only two more days, so I thought why not surprise my baby with a romantic dinner." He said with a grin and a shrug.
"Oh Fez. It's beautiful, I love it. Oh I love you." She said as she approached him and hugged him before kissing him.
After the kiss was broken, he pulled her chair out for her and she sat down, he sat across from her. He reached over and held her hand, looking into her eyes.
"You know, if we weren't already married I'd have proposed to you already... probably with a fancy dinner like this." He said.
"That's so sweet, and I definitely would have said yes."
"And I'd have passed out if you said yes." He joked.
It took a few moments but the champagne cork finally popped and they drank a bit before ordering their food over the rotary phone in their cabin after looking at the menu.
"Wanna dance?" Lexi asked.
"Aw Lex, you know I'm not a good dancer."
"Baby, it's just us here. No one else... literally."
"Alright." Fez stood up and took Lexi's hand. She stood up and they both danced together, he held her in his arms and they simply let the romantic sound of Stand By Me overtake them as they swayed along to the sound of the orchestra in the song.
For Lexi, this was like a dream... a dream she didn't know she had needed to live out until now.
A few minutes later, there was a knock at the door. It was the resort waiter with their food.
"Good evening Mr. and Mrs. O'Neill. I'm Sam and I'll be your waiter for this evening. I have your dinner orders on this here tray. I have the lobster thermidor with a cobb salad... and I have the garlic butter lamb chops with glazed carrots. And for dessert, courtesy of Penn Hills, our bakers made this decadent German Black Forest cake for you." The waiter said as he entered the room.
"Oh wow that sounds delicious. Thank you." Fez said before handing him a generous tip.
"Yes, thank you." Lexi said with a smile as the plates of food were laid out onto the table.
Sam chuckled before grinning nervously.
"Oh no, thank you." He said as he looked at the two hundred dollar bills he had been given as he left the room, closing the door behind him.
"He must not get tipped well, huh?" Lexi said.
"Yeah probably cause he's a weird dude. I ain't ever seen a weird grin like that before."
Lexi giggled before digging into her lobster thermidor as Fez dug into his lamb chops.
After dinner and dessert, Lexi and Fez couldn't keep their hands off of each other and ended up making love that night on into the morning until sleep overcame them for a brief moment before the rotary phone in their room rang.
"I got it ma, go back to sleep." Fez said before he picked up the phone.
"Hi, is this Mr. O'Neill?"
"Yeah, who's calling?"
"It's BB from the front desk here in Penn Hills, we're connecting a long distance call from Hawaii from a Ms. Maddy Perez. Would you like to take the call? It'll cost $3.00."
"Yeah I'll take the call."
"Perfect, I'm patching you over now."
The phone rang on the other line and Fez gently shook Lexi awake.
"Lex, wake up."
"Huh? What is it Fez? And please don't wake me up for sex, I'm exhausted." Lexi whined.
"No baby, Maddy is calling from Hawaii. It's a long distance call."
Upon hearing that, Lexi sat up in bed with a surprised look on her face.
Then the line connected.
"Hello? Are you guys there? I fucking hate long distance calls, this shit is gonna cost me three bucks." Maddy complained.
"Maddy, hey! Yeah we're here, we can hear you." Fez replied.
"Great, is Lexi there?"
"Yeah she right here. You wanna talk to her?"
"Hey Maddy!" Lexi said.
"Hey! Uh I wanted to talk to both of you guys if that's okay."
"Yeah Mad, go ahead." Lexi replied.
"Great! So, you know how we're all here in Hawaii to convince Cassie to get the fuck away from Nate? Well... he convinced her to end their honeymoon early so they can go to Cincinnati so he can get her settled into his huge swanky fucking mansion." Maddy said angrily.
"What!? W-Wait! Are you telling us that you, Ethan and Kat are there in Hawaii but Cassie and Nate left their own honeymoon early?" Lexi asked.
"That's exactly what I'm fucking saying. I tried to get through to her the second day she was here and she straight up ignored me! I don't know what kind of weird shit he pulled on her but she's completely shut everyone out! I tried my damn hardest with her, so did Ethan and so did Kat! Hell, even Rue and Jules called all the way from Kentucky to try to get your sister away from him and she still wouldn't listen! Then come to find out, I didn't see them at all the next few days, so y'know I thought okay they must be fucking in their hotel room, but I go to the hotel front desk to ask about the Jacobs reservation just last night... and you won't fucking believe what the front desk lady told me!"
"What'd she tell you?" Fez asked.
"That Cassie and Nate left the second night they were here!"
"What the fuck!?" Lexi yelled.
"They fucking left that night you were trying to help Cassie!? Why the fuck would they only have a two day honeymoon? What kinda sense does that make?" Fez asked in a bewildered tone.
"Control. He's fucking controlling her. They fucked off back to Cincinnati and he's probably got her dressed up like his very own sex doll in his mansion."
Lexi shook her head and got out of bed. This was all too much.
"I swear to God imma beat his smarmy ass to a pulp." Fez said.
"Fez... no. That's not needed in a situation like this... it'll only make her want to be with him further... actually, it might have caused her to end her own honeymoon with him early." Maddy said.
"Shit... you're right. He's such a goddamn weirdo!"
"Right? Well listen, I gotta go before this place charges me an arm and a leg for being on the phone long distance. Kat, Ethan and I are flying back today, check out time is in... shit! A few minutes! I gotta go, but I hope you both have a great rest of your honeymoon, and I'll see you both soon!" Maddy exclaimed.
"Alright, see you soon! Lex is in the bathroom but she'll see you all soon too!"
"Sounds good! Bye!" Maddy said before hanging up.
Fez hung up the phone and got out of bed, knocking on the bathroom door.
"Baby? You good in there?"
He then heard a retching noise and a few minutes later the door opened after the toilet flushed.
"You okay?"
"Yeah... I'm fine. That was all just... too much. That and... I think I might have a touch of food poisoning."
"Aw baby, want me to get you some Pepto-Bismol? Some Tums? Some ginger-ale? You got the bubble guts?" He asked concerned.
"No, I'll be fine... I think... Fezco... I think in order to calm my nerves... we might need to-"
"Go home? Visit your sister maybe? See how she's doing?"
"Yeah. But... I wanna go to Boston first. And get settled in with you. I'm sure that'll take my mind off of things." Lexi suggested.
Fezco nodded, he understood.
"Alright. I'll call the front desk and tell them that we're checking out a day early. Imma definitely recommend this place to people though, but for the summer... cause winters here are cold as shit." He said as he started calling the front desk as Lexi popped an Alka Seltzer with water to settle her stomach.
"You doing okay baby?" Fez asked.
"I'll do better once we're on land and not airborne." Lexi said weakly.
"Yeah I know, next time we'll drive. I promise." Fez said as he rubbed his wife's arm.
"We'd better." Lexi replied to her husband before throwing up in the barf bag again.
The pilot then spoke up on the intercom.
"Hello, this is your pilot speaking. We are currently ten minutes away from Boston folks, and we hope everyone has had a great flight so far... and we hope that the woman tossing her cookies in seat 23A will feel better once we land. Anyways, thank you for flying Pan-Am!"
Lexi groaned into the bag, wanting to hide as Fez rubbed her back comfortingly. She couldn't wait to get to Boston...
(A/N: Also a few interesting things about this chapter: - Penn Hills Resort in the Poconos was a real honeymoon resort that unfortunately got abandoned in the 2010s and has been subjected to vandalism, a murderer squatting there and a huge fire that unfortunately burned quite a few of the buildings belonging to the once popular resort. You can view pictures of the abandoned Penn Hills resort online, along with the history of Penn Hills and it's sad demise into the annals of history and you can see their old 70s and 80s commercials on YouTube as well. I highly recommend googling Penn Hills and reading up on it's history.
- Pan-Am the airlines that Fez and Lexi use in this chapter was extremely popular in the 70s but unfortunately went on the decline by the time the 80s came around and ended up shutting down a bit later on. Go Google Pan-Am Airways, they’re pretty iconic in retro America so I also highly recommend googling Pan-Am Airways and their history since this may not be the last time we see Pan-Am Airways showing up in this fic.
- To all my younger readers (I myself am a young writer in my 20s), no one not even myself will remember a time where you had to pay per hour on a long distance call on a rotary phone or a payphone, but it was the norm back in the 70s. In some places I read that it would cost at least $2.00 an hour or it could even cost 75 cents per hour. I saw an article where someone in the 70s complained about the price to call long distance and said they also "Needed money for gas." (Which I totally don't blame them!) Another fun fact, there was a gas shortage in the 70s, so go figure!
- And last but not least, this chapter was difficult to write simply because of the fact that there's not a lot of stuff about the fun things that went on during the heyday of Penn Hills when it was still in operation. Instead nowadays, you'll find a bunch of pictures of a sad and empty vandalized resort that hasn't seen customers for nearly a decade or more.)
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18.19 grey’s anatomy *spoilers* reactions/opinions:
Winston, don't you DARE make that comment- spoke too late
why Grey's did you have to make Todd "weird"! he and Jo would've been good together...ugh
I knew that someone was gonna threaten Owen eventually. he's trying to do good but like-
I'm sorry, why can sexually active gay men not donate blood?
Simon! NO!
These patients are breaking my heart yet I'm watching Grey's Anatomy so idk why I expected something different
John is gonna go fuck some shit up y'all (sorry, mind my language)
Meredith and Nick are gonna be murdered by Richard
Link never saw Scout screaming his lungs out for the first time but ok-
Levi, honey, you are amazing
still mad they decided to ruin Todd
"maybe we got married too quickly" DAMN MAGGIE WAY TO PUNCH WINSTON IN THE GUT
Teddy has never been a favourite of mine but her words to Owen in the attendings lounge were powerful and istg Owen you better listen
Ellis leave please thank you! you got washed down the OR sink for a reason
Travis yelling about gay men rallying and having dance parties for blood donation was beautiful. HOMOPHOBIA NEEDS TO DIE
rest under the cut cause it's a 2 hour episode!
I hope April wore comfy shoes lol
I totally understand why Bailey is upset. I get it. But I also understand why Owen (and Teddy) are trying to fight for their cause. So this whole conversation is hurting me
Amelia and April rarely have scenes together so I am so thankful they get a chance to bond in this episode!
Richard stop it right now. Ellis would NOT be proud of you ever so shut the hell up
Nick did you really just undermine Mer and offend her all at once? Go away
Thank you Bailey for doing the right thing from your position. Teddy, Owen, Leo and Allison will be together because of your kindness
Please let the baby make it to Simon before he dies unlike how Sophia was unable to reach Mark before he died...oh thank god. aside, the baby is a little scary (yes I know it's fake)
Amelia just lost Owen again but I hope to god that they will be back, and Teddy too
"I will fight this hateful, stupid rule with you Schmidt" (Bailey) - "yes queen" (Perez)
Link and Amelia got their closure. Even though Link drove me nuts this season, at least he and Amelia can co-parent peacefully and love their child together
Can't believe we're losing Levi, Perez, Helm and the other residents. My heart
Oh god thank goodness Winston and Maggie are making up
LINK DON'T YOU- Jo you saved me from screaming I appreciate it. Encanto and the friendzone, I can deal with!
Okay hold up, Bailey QUITS but now she and Jackson expect Mer to just come back and "save the program"? That's so much pressure on poor Meredith! Pru is so cute though
Nvm, happy endings for everyone except Meredith, who has given up so much. Honestly I feel really bad for her and I hope that s19 brings her a little comfort.
this montage! ALEX! LEXIE! CALLIE AND ARIZONA! CRISTINA! MARK! DEREK! 007...the list goes on. 400 episodes guys, wow.
proud to say i've now see all 400 episodes. some once, some twenty times. no matter how long this damn show goes on for, i will always be grateful for the memories and the laughter and the tears.
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iwritebadsmutt · 2 years
"Are you okay?" ~ Ashtray x fem reader Imagine
Summary: Something bad happened to y/n and Ashtray comforts her
Words: 1420 ( including a/n and this
Warnings: sexual assault (I don't know what else)
"I need to start getting ready," I say to Lexi on FaceTime. I know she is older than me, but after we got close because she's always staying over with fez, and sometimes I make her sleep with me. I'm only staying at Fez's because I'm staying in East Highland for a little while and Fez is an old friend of my sister and I'm pretty close to Ashtray.
"Why are you getting ready?" Lexi asked. "Chris asked me if I wanted to hang out with him today I'm so happy" I let out a scream as I placed my phone on my dresser. "Wait Chris your boyfriend or Chris your friend?" Lexi said as she ate her chips. "Chris my boyfriend dummy" I rolled my eyes at her as I tried to find something to wear.
"OMG, HE TEXTED THAT HIS 5 MINUTES AWAY!" I was practically jumping. "Calm down grasshopper" she laughed at me. "Shut up" I rolled my eyes at her. "So are these pants cute should I wear them with this top?" I asked Lexi. " Yeah it's really cute" she smiled. "okay thanks" I screamed in excitement.
" I have to go, Chris, is here oh my god do I look cute," I said, fixing myself on the camera on FaceTime. "Relax you look fine Y/N/N" she rolled her eyes at me as I left my room to head out "Okay bye," I said as I went down the stairs. "K love you," Lexi said that I hung up on her. "Fez Chris is here love you" I didn't even let him before I left the house.
I walk into Chris's car. "Hey, bae" I smiled as he said that to me. "Hey baby" I kissed him on the lips as he started to drive off. "So what are we going to do today?" I questioned Chris as we approached a red light. "Go to my house and chill" What the fuck. I did not just freak out to fucking lie in bed with him, ugh. "Oh okay," I turned my head to the window as he drove off.
Chris parked his car in his driveway and hopped out of the car and ran into he quickly opened the door for himself. I sighed as I opened the door before the self-lock went off. I slowly walked towards the house as I admire the trees and flowers on the ground. I entered the house and walked straight into his room. As I entered the room he was sitting in his gaming chair playing video games. I rolled my eyes as I sat on the bed and watched TikTok.
——————- 1 hour later ———————
"Do you wanna watch a movie I'm bored" I said as Chris's eyes were glued to his PC. "Sure in a sec". Why the fuck did he call me here if he was just going to play games, if he wanted to play games, I could have just stayed home or something. I sighed as I fixed myself on his bed.
After he finishes playing his game, he comes and lies next to me and opens Netflix. He asks me, "What do you want to watch bae?" He gave me a light kiss on my forehead. "You pick I'm not sure" I looked up at him and looked at his hazel eyes. "Alright I'm putting on a horror movie," he said with a smirk as he started to cuddle with me.
15 minutes into the movie, I feel Chris's hand slowly side up to my belly. I turn my head to look at him, and he is looking down at me, but I just look back at the TV screen. A few moments later he kisses me on my mouth, but this kiss was different. He was passionate about it. He was taking control. I tried to pull away, but he just pulled me closer. It felt like my lips were going to pop.
"Stop" I barely mumbled out because of Chris kissing me. I start to feel Chris's hands start to pull off my top. I push Chris off of me " What the fuck Chris what are you doing? " I said as I got up from bed. "Get back on the bed baby" my mouth dropped at his words. "Get back in bed with you after you did whatever the fuck you just did" I rolled my eyes at him as I fixed my top. "I'm trying to have sex with you duh are you fucking dum now get back on the bed so I can finish what I started".
"WHAT THE FUCK I am not having sex with you I'm not ready we just started dating Chris!" I said yelling so loud I think I could break a glass. "Oh my god y/n we have been together for 6 months I think that's enough time bae" he came closer to me as I backed up from him until I hit the wall. he put my arms up against the wall, so I could not move.
"Your mine" so that means I can do whatever I want to you," he said as his hand was sliding up my stomach higher by the second. "Stop it!" I tried to wiggle out but he was too strong, but I knew one spot that wasn't his dick. Oh my god, I took a big deep breath and I did the hardest kick I ever did. "WHAT THE FUCK BAE" Chris screamed as he fell to the ground "Don't call me bae because we're over" I hovered over him and spat at his face as he was in much pain.
I walked home crying, seeing cars pass by, but good thing Fez's house was only about a 1 walk. how did I not see that Chris was an asshole this whole time, well, I mean, he invited me to his house to hang out, but he was just playing video games. He was barely paying any attention to me. How did I not see this at the moment?
I sighed as I opened the door. Ashtray and Fez were in the living room watching a movie. I didn't want to let them see me cry, so I sped off to my room. but that didn't work. They heard my sobs as I walked by." Y/N are you okay" Ashtray and Fez said, but I just went into my room. I flopped myself onto the bed and screamed into my pillow. I went on to my side and started to ball my eyes out.
A couple of mins later, I heard a knock on the door "Leave me alone" I lightly yelled. But Ashtray opened the door anyways, are you okay "Ashtray I said to leave" I felt him lay next to me.
Ashtray POV
I laid next to y/n she was crying but she was still so pretty doing it I've had a crush on y/n for a long time but she with Chris is such an asshole and she doesn't see that. I put my hand around her and brought her closer to me.
"Are you okay?" She took a second to answer my question. "I mean I'm okay I guess" I don't want her to be okay to be amazing, but there's nothing I can do about that. "What happened?" I thought she wasn't going to answer, but she did. "Chris he uh" my grip tightened, hearing Chris's name come out of her mouth made me mad he better not have done something to her.
"Chris he uh he was mad at me for not letting him have sex with him and so he touched me" My grip was so tight I was going to pop her "Ash let go a little" I lightened my grip oh I'm so going to beat his ass who the fuck does He think he is he really put his hands a on her I need to clam down. ——- 30 mins later————-
"Y/N are you awake?" No response she looked so beautiful sleeping in peace I wanted to kiss her, wait, what if I do she won't know, no one will know. I took in a deep breath and lightly gave Y/N a kiss on her head.
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what the hell pt. 3
pairing: euphoria characters x black!fem!reader
warnings: swearing and slight violence.
a/n: final episode to what the hell will be posted after this weeks finale :/ i also tried to fix stuff up at 5 am so something’s gotta be wrong.
words: 1.1k + not proofread
part one | part two | part four | how she came to be
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you're on your knees begging, "please, stay with me", but, honestly i just need to be a little crazy.
Fez and Ash weren’t able to get ahold of Custer. he was still out there and Fez had been on edge. Ash had been looking around the house to see if anyone was scoping out the area. Faye was shook up though, she knew she was being looked at a certain way for obvious reasons.
shit was hard.
Monday morning slapped you right in the fucking face.
Cassie tried to do the same thing much to your surprise.
“you fucking bitch!” you yelled in the blondes direction. the entire hallway was looking at you two. Lexi and Jules both pulling you back while Nate was checking on the collapsed girl on the dirty ass floor.
you had been in your locker talking to Jules when a hand flew past your face and out of instinct you swung back. you didn’t know what you connected with, but when you looked down and Cassie laid on the floor stunned you saw red.
“Cassie let’s fucking go!” Nate’s voice boomed through the silencing hallway. Cassie shakily looked up at him him, breathing quickly as she turned her head back to your pissed off form.
“nasty ass fucking bitch!” you yelled before lunging at the screaming girl who looked like a mix between Maddy and Jules. you felt her claw like nails scratch into your hair before landing a punch onto her cheek. as soon as she let out a sickening yell Lexi, who had actually followed her sister over to stop her, and Jules grabbed you.
“just wait till Maddy beats the breaks off your bitch ass! i gave you the benefit of the doubt of just needing to feel something, but ugh!” you groaned in the halls. you looked down at your now ruined fresh set of nails, you were missing a few gems. looking over at the girl you saw her crying eyes.
“you’re a fucking loser right now. literally fuck him, Maddy was your best friend. look at you now…you don’t even look like yourself.” you let out a dry laugh.
“who even are you?” you said with an outstretched palm before allowing it to slap your thigh on the way down.
“you dressing her up like this?” you asked the tall boy before you who was sputtering. you focused your gaze back onto Cassie who was crying in a heap.
“y/n...” the Cassie’s voice cracked.
“you literally could’ve had anyone else.” you sighed before turning around and running straight into Elliot.
“y/n please-“ he started staring down at you. you were so beautiful in this moment to him. wild hair from the tussle, makeup still in tact, wild eyes, red palms, and clearly on a mission.
“baby i know it’s a bad time, but i really am sorry. please just-“ he tried to explain with his hands reaching out towards you.
“fuck outta my way. i’m not accepting another weak ass apology.” you said scooting around him as a group of students “oou”‘ed and “aw”’ed at him getting rejected.
he stood there wide eyed at your retreating form.
Lexi and Jules ran to catch up with you, Rue pulled away from her own locker, where she was watching, and followed you all. Kat and Maddy rounded the hall and followed the group of you.
none of you had all been alone since the exposure.
“you beat her ass!” Rue laughed before covering her mouth when Jules gave her a raised brow and Lexi was struggling to stifle her own laugh.
“wait what?” Maddy asked you all. Jules quickly reexplained what happened to her for you.
“me and y/n were just by her locker talking and Cassie came out of nowhere to slap her, y/n dodged, and then beat her ass.” Jules explained now trying to stifle her own laughter.
Kat let out a loud cackle before everyone else slowly joined in.
quieting down Lexi took notice of you not going off on Rue and decided to question you.
“if…i told you she also beat my ass like a day after exposing us in front of Fez’s house while Faye was a makeshift referee would you believe me?” Rue deadpanned before running a hand through her hair.
“y/n?!” Lexi said quickly turning to you. you laughed before you quickly quieted down. you remembered her script and felt some kind of way. she saw your mood switch and before she could question it Principal Hayes walked out.
“girls.” all eyes turned to him as he stared each one of you down, looking at you longer. “i want all those closely involved to stay and all those who weren’t to leave.”
everyone stepped back leaving you, Lexi, and Jules by his door.
“Vaughn.” he called Jules into his office as the other girls walked back to class.
you and Lexi were left to sit on the bench while Jules as interrogated. this was the perfect time to text Fez that you needed a place to chill at.
y/n: can i come over soon? i just got in a fight and i think i’m going home early.
fez: oh word? was it Rue again?
y/n: cassie got her ass rocked by yours truly
giggling at his message you looked up to see Lexi staring intently at your phone.
“he’s been ignoring me.” she bluntly said. you nodded before getting to the point.
“you turned my break down into your hero moment, of course he’s ignoring you.” you said watching her face fall before she quickly shook her head.
“no…no, no, no! i- well i did.” she said moving her hands around quickly. she calmed herself down before trying to form a sentence.
“i’m trying so hard, but please don’t make me beat your ass too. i’m knocking this “friend group” off like flies.” you said before she could get a word out.
“i- um…i did and i promise you i changed it. i’m just explaining our lives from my point of view. i did have your words become mine because i thought it was powerful how you told us about ourselves, but i took it out. it wasn’t me.”
“…is Fez in the play?” you asked her. you were relieved your part was gone, but let Fez be in there and she’d be leaking on the pavement too.
“as a bad person? no. as my love interest? …kinda yeah.” she sheepishly shrugged. you sighed in relief. you had to tell him that later. did it change the fact everyone was gonna know everyone’s business though? no. you did feel bad, but you knew the main people who did things up to now didn’t involve you. you were pretty clean compared to Nate or Cassie.
so if it ain’t about me? let’s keke.
“Howard!“ Hayes called from outside of his office as Jules quickly rushed out of the room.
Lexi took a deep breath before marching in.
you sighed and looked up at the lighting in the ceiling til your sight blurred.
if only New Years didn’t welcome you with bullshit.
taglist: @jeyramarie @lainjupi @whitejuliana1204 @theeblackbarbiesworld @leawxlker @babadowie @xxloveralways14 @colbysbrocks
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pinkpastels113 · 3 years
Not an emoji question lol but I need to know who are some of your favorite characters from Grey’s?
omg yes. lemme see lemme see...
i am on season 9 so all of these are based on the knowledge/character development up to that point lol- which is just after the plane crash
lexie grey
she is just SO baby ugh and so cute and pretty? i feel like she has a bit of a naive sense about her, a person too quick to look for the best in others and trust, but like- omg. i love her photographic memory and the way she allows others to "use" it, as well as her sense of humor whenever she comes across someone who would need it. "what? i can't do that, i am helping these people" sjdkksjh please, i just want to give her a big hug
and her total denial in being in love with mark sloan? ugh, suffocate me now please
i am SO sad over what happened to her omg i think i cried for half an hour
addison montgomery
at first i did not like her AT ALL but as the seasons went by i would squeal whenever she would appear, seeing as how she is so cool and independent and has the willpower to go on despite being left by two "desirable" men. she just wants a child but is not given the opportunity to have one and she just- took it in stride and moved on, going to the other side of the country to make a career and living on her own. i just- that is just so admirable i wish i can be someone like her
arizona robbins
she is the show's version of chloe beale. enough said :,))
jackson avery
i feel like he is a controversial person to like, but he- at least in my opinion- is just someone who is grown up in a very... secluded household that values and expects greatness, and he has to live up to that in admist his mom's weird affections that consisted of never ending "tailing." i feel like someone who lives/surrounded by that kind of environment is bound to have a mixture of a personality that is both arrogant, confident, charming, but insecure, and i feel like the show really portrayed him well in that sense. also i'm bi and he isn't bad to look at so SASDJHJKS don't come after me omg
okay this is it for now, it will get super long if i don't end it here haha. thanks for stopping by dude and i'm glad i met a fellow grey's watcher <33
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
Verament ma kontx naf liema lingwa nagħżel għalih, għalhekk nagħżel waħda b'"M" fuqha
Good news, I have a week of vacations!! Yay!! Bad news: I need to clean my whole room bc I need to pain it smh. Anyway, how are you btw? Have you finished all the documents you needed?
I'm kinda scared, but lets go!! Also I will try to keep it short bc it was just a fucking great chapter and I loved every single thing, but we would be here all day if I told you how much I ADORE it 💙
"He wasn’t historically great at talking about things anyway." SAME BRO
FEEL YOU. Honestly why is he so relatable?? The dreams, the ocean, the difficult talks.... I relate to him a lot!!!
“If it’s there when I check, I am locking you inside the closet.” “That’s homophobic,” Max pointed out. (my parents ALWAYS say that to me, but I cant tell that joke yet😂)
We'd love to see David in basketball short👀
Simon, Lexi, Jace and David playing>>>
Jace be like: You can take whatever you want, BUT I DRAW THE LINE AT CUDDLING PRIVILEGES
Max be like: Mark me down as horny and sad😎
Shopping!! Hell yeah!!! (Also who gave David the right to look so good?? I'm looking respectfully...)
Ok, that boy was weird ngl....
My bby scared of his power🥺
“So, they got you a car?” Max grumbled. “Mine are trying to get me to go to therapy.” (Is it the worst idea tho....?)
No one can blame Max.. He must look HOT
Not the child fault, I know but WHAT ARE YOU DOING? Look at him!! He's got anxiety and self-seem issues already!!!
I love how David gets him💙 Also he is sweet and gentleman and basically owns my heart
"When shit happened, the insecurities and anxieties came rushing up again. And he was back where he started." Ugh, thats the worst. Its so tiring sometimes...
Ok, but ✨ANJALI✨ My smart, funny beautiful love😍😍
They are both in love idiots💙💙
Omg him crying 😭😭and Rafe comforting him in a sec😭😭😭 and Rafe holding him as he cries😭😭
“People have scary dreams when they are going through a lot. Dreams are manifestations of our deepest fears or desires" I know he is not talking to me, but I feel called out...
“Ours is the history of Lightwood-Banes. We don’t kill. We create. We don’t hurt. We love. Do you hear me?” FUCK YEAH!!! THEM >>>>>>
“Or talk to dad,” Rafael said. “They are our parents. It’s literally what they are there for.” (he is so wise and sexy ngl)
Why do I love that Rafe apologised for calling him demon even tho he is used to it and instead uses other words??? I'm emo🥺🥺
"But the fact that he could if he wanted…It scared him. The potential. The possibility. It terrified him." I mean, it makes sense... But I want to hold him and protect him and jsjdjdhdlakjsj
Love the "only my brother is allowed to try to kill me" 🥺 and Selena
Anjali is su fucking beautiful!!!! Also Rafe is definetly the one that cries the most😂
“You should,” Anjali said then. “There is nothing wrong with it.” “I know,” Max said. “I just…I guess I am not good at it.” (my common sense says Anjali but insecurities says Max🙂)
She is the most efficient person and badass woman😎😎
OMG the are all wasted af😂😂😂
“Which one are you talking about?” “Both,” (Valid)
My inmortal gang 😍😍
Mina is such a badass also😎😎 I LOVE HER YOUR HONOR💙💙
“You saw bapak?” “Yeah. He was the one who got everyone drunk,” (Why am I not surprised?)
Also them>>>>>
"Where you thou dumbeth, there I will dumb.” ok but when can they add this to the parabatai oath?
“Would you like to go on an adventure?” Bapak grinned. “Yes please.” “Do you trust me?” Bapak smiled. “Always.” 💙💙💙💙💙
✨Comunication my beloved✨
See?? He is not mad at you!!!
"It hurt me, yes. But it didn’t make me hate you,” bapak said softly. "I don't hate you." “Even now?” Max asked. “Always,” (BRO🥺🥺🥺 I'M SERIOUSLY CRYING)
"Everyone…Everyone looks at you like you are some sort of God. But you are just a person. People fuck up. I know that better than anyone. So, I won’t hold it against you. I promise.” He is so wise and they are beautiful and wholesome<3
The fact that Max DID sell his clothes once and Rafael bought them back is gold😂😂
“When you say you mastered it, do you mean you drove people – and some llamas – insane?” Yeah, pretty much...
Dude seriously I'm crying with this conversation😭 is so damm great
If I was to quote the things I LOVED, I would say EVERYTHING bc SERIOUSLY THOSE TWO!!
"Because you gave me something I never thought I could have. You gave me a family. You scared the shit out of me, Max. I was so scared of you. Never of who you are, but of who you turned me into. A father.”
“But then I got to know you. I fell in love with you slowly, day after day, every day a little bit more, but never any less. But you are right. You don’t make it easy. You don't make it easy to love you, Max. You’ve always been a challenge. But I like a good challenge. I like loving you.”
“So, don’t ever think I will hate you,” the man said seriously. “Because I don’t know how to do that. I don’t know how to look at you with anything but love.”
“That’s the boy I raised. Whoever is in your dream, that’s not you. That’s not my blueberry” I'M FUCKING DONE WITH THIS CUTENESS🥺😭
All the things he remember of David.... I'm love them so much💙💙💙
"But whatever happens, remember that I love you. I will always love you.” IS IT THEIR GOAL TO MAKE ME DIE OF EMOTIONS??? 😭😭🥺💙
The hug!!! holy fuck I'm gonna die!!!
"Dad was so...dad sometimes." I love this man so fucking much its not ok!!!
“Don't do that,” dad said. “Talk to me.” (I was gonna say "The only one with braincells in this family" but then I remember that he hide the fact he was dying😂)
“Why does that asshole keep haunting me even after death?” Because he is a bitch (derogatory)
"No one gets to hurt bapak. If the nephilim ever fucking dare to try, I won’t hesitate to set the Clave on fire. I will burn it all down.” as you should babe
My man really say: I'm Magnus Bane stan first, in love dork second and Consul at some point of the list and thats iconic behaviour😌
This man. Alec Lightwood-Bane is taking no one shit if they hurt Magnus
I can only imagine someone in the future telling Max: "This is not what your father would have wanted" if he burns down the Clave for hurting Magnus and him just saying shit like "He was actually the one who gave me green light. And actually left a list of stepts to follow. Did you even knew him???"
“Burn it down, my baby. Burn it all down,” his father smiled. “You have my blessing.” (He really is unhinged and  crazy and I love him so fucking much hdjdjsjsj💙💙 we can really see where Max and Rafe got it from )
"I was thinking, you could, like, buy me a car?” He has no chill istg😂😂
Wait, is it THE seashell???? Omg omg omg
"The hard thing about talking was not the talking itself. It was the fact that someone else was listening." THIS
"He would keep David inside a book. In between the pages." Thats the most romantic shit ever don't @ me
No but honestly THANK Ragnor for Max’s look👀
Ok, David definetly has a suit thing lmao😂
David walked over to the office door and locked it. “Technically, that’s not necessary.” Oh shit. Oh fuck. (HOLY SHIT I CANT JDHDYDID MY BABY IS WILD AF)
Jsidjdi I cant with them😂😂
No honey David didn't believe Asmodeus for a sec!!! 🥺🥺
Both of them feeling blessed to be loved by the other hdjdkdjsksnsk 
“I keep you there, Max. I keep you inside my heart. You earned the right to be there.” MAVID SUPREMACY FIRST, HUMAN SECOND
Yeah, its easier said than done to not listen what people say....
All of the "you are the boy who" is making me cry, no shit 😭💙💙💙💙
“It doesn’t matter how much demon blood you have. Your heart is the purest thing I know.” THIS FUCKING LINE ISTG!!!!!
“Then we will wake up in the morning. And I will tell you all of it all over again.” what can I say beside the fact they own my heart bc they are the purest beings here!???! 💙💙
This was the most relatable and emotional chapter for me tbh. Max is such a complex character and I relate to him on a personal level. love him, I love them. I love you
Goodbye!!  Narawkom il-kapitlu li jmiss!  Qed nibgħat l-aħjar vibes tiegħi għax-xogħol tiegħek💙
Maltese? Interesting decision. Also, Malta is an island, which really suits Max too!!
I love cleaning rooms/houses! Drop the location!!!! Something that makes it super fun for me is a really good playlist. Let me know an aesthetic (or vibe/ship/character/genre) and I will make one for you bebe.
Also I had just moved on from Max's chapter (it was a lot) and now I am right back again in the feels (but in a good way no worries)
I'm so glad you find Max relatable because me fucking too 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Enjoy your vacation days or else ;)
9 notes · View notes
schrijverr · 3 years
'Till Death Do Us Part
Part 8 out of 13
When Alex has to bring Philip to work, he and Thomas discover that they both have something in common: they lost their love. They form an unexpected bond and connection about this that grows into something more.
A medium burn with parental feelings about Philip and flowers.
On AO3.
Ships: Jamilton
Warnings: brief mention of loss
Chapter 8: Red Tulip Means ‘Declaration of Love’
“Alex,” Thomas smiled broadly.
“Yup, that’s me,” Alex grinned, “I hope you don’t mind that I brought food. And that I am barging in on you. I know that birthdays aren’t really your thing, but I did want to do something, so I thought I’d keep it small, but if it’s not okay then-”
Thomas crushed him into a hug, cutting him off: “You’re such a doll, thank you.”
Muffled Alex replied: “No problem,” he wanted to add ‘did it with love,’ but he didn’t want to make it weird, even if it was true.
“I’m glad you didn’t throw a big party or anything,” Thomas said, stepping back and squeezing his the base of his neck before letting go completely and inviting him, “Here, come in.”
He lead Alex over to the couch and got them both something to drink, while Alex set the food out on the table and started up the TV.
When Thomas sat down, Alex said: “You get to pick the movie, but first unwrap this,” as he handed him the small flat, neatly wrapped package.
“Did you wrap this?” Thomas asked, slightly surprised with disbelief tainting his voice.
“Are you saying I couldn't?” Alex sounded offended, but not that seriously.
“I don’t know, you don’t seem the wrapping type,” Thomas shrugged.
“I’ll have you know that I am the king in gift wrapping. The only one better than me in wrapping is Eliza and she can happily have my crown,” Alex said, slightly too proud of the minor achievement, which was adorable.
Thomas chuckled: “Okay, okay, I believe you.”
“Years of practice, baby,” Alex flexed his little noodle arms.
That elicited a snort out of Thomas, who just shook his head with a smile as he carefully started unwrapping the gift.
Alex watched it for a moment, before he couldn't take it. He had promised himself to wait until Thomas’s birthday was over, but this was just too far: “Oh my God, why are you unwrapping it like that? How old are you again? Sixty?”
“Not you too,” Thomas practically wailed.
“I wasn’t going to say it… today,” Alex protested, “But- I mean, come on, with the tape and the saving the wrapping paper.”
“Ugh, excuse me for not tearing it apart like a monster,” Thomas guffawed.
“It’s kinda funny…” Alex bit his lip, “Old man.”
“I hate you.”
“No, you don’t.”
“No, I don’t, but I thought you were on my side, not with James, Laf and Angelica,” Thomas pouted.
“Why wouldn’t I want to be on team cool, when you’re on the other team,” Alex teased, poking Thomas in the side.
The pout deepened: “You’re so mean to me.”
“Yet, I still got you a gift, so forgive and forget,” Alex offered.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” Thomas said, going back to carefully unwrapping the gift, not changing his ways and taking his sweet time just because he could.
In the the wrapping paper was a pink book with lungs with flowers growing in them on the cover. On the top it said in cursive ‘a poetry collection’ and the title was: i saw you as a flower, written by Ellen Everet.
“I still have the receipt if you don’t like it, but I know you like to try new authors and I saw it and I thought of you,” Alex rambled.
He once again got cut off by a hug, this time paired with a kiss.
Thomas couldn't express how touched he was by the gift. It was both cute and thoughtful, with a reference to a little thing they did and tied to something he liked to do. Only James had given him such a personal gift in the past seven years.
“You’re so good to me,” Thomas whispered, “I want to keep you forever, you precious little thing.”
“Forever?” Alex whispered back, a little hopeful yet cautious.
It only then clicked for Thomas what he had actually said. He flushed and started to backtrack: “I mean- I don’t- no-” then remembered his conversation with James, “Well, I would be up for it, but just a boyfriend would be nice for now.”
Immediately Alex’s frame relaxed and he beamed. He leaned into Thomas’s side and said: “That does sound nice.”
“So, does that- do you- do you want that?” Thomas had to double check, a voice in his mind telling him to not believe it.
“Yeah, yeah, I would,” Alex smiled, “I’m actually glad you spoke up first, isn’t that sad? Me, always opinions everywhere, never quiet.”
“Hey, we all have our moment and I won’t have you bad mouth my boyfriend,” there were flutters in his stomach just saying that and he saw them reflected in Alex’s eyes.
“Sap,” Alex pushed him over.
He stuck out his tongue and retorted: “It’s your sap now.”
“Yeah, my sap,” Alex repeated giddily.
Thomas sat up again, quickly leafing through the book: “But really, thanks for this, I’m definitely reading it,” before putting it to the side and pulling Alex close to him, “I say we watch The Breakfast Club.”
“I love that movie,” Alex smiled, putting it on, before settling againstThomas’s heart.
Thomas noticed Alex did this thing where he wiggled under his arm and made himself small against his side. He wasn’t sure if Alex knew he did it, but he always looked so content tucked into Thomas’s side, so Thomas couldn't bring himself to say anything about it with the risk that Alex stopped.
The opening of the movie rolled and Thomas just held Alex against his side, warmth that he could say he was cuddling with his boyfriend.
When Thomas awoke the next morning it was with a still asleep Alex tucked against his side in the bed. He smiled softly and tucked Alex’s hair behind his ear and placing a kiss on the forehead of his boyfriend.
He smiled at that and tightened his grip on Alex, the man starting to stir with that. Blearily he blinked and asked: “Wha’s going on?”
“Hey there, sleepy head,” Thomas replied, “We have work today, you need to get up.”
Alex groaned and burrowed his face in Thomas’s chest: “But you’re so comfy.”
Thomas chuckled lightly, but Alex looked to adorable to argue with him. His hair was a mess and his eyes half closed as he curled into himself and tugged the pillow over his head slightly. So he said: “I’m making coffee, you can come down in a few minutes and I’ll pour you a cup.”
A small smile made its way onto Alex’s face and he mumbled: “So good to me,” before rolling over once more.
At that Thomas rolled his eyes then he got out of the bed and got dressed, before padding his way downstairs. There was a lightness in his step after yesterday and he felt better than he had in a while, like he could do anything.
He stopped at Martha’s photo in the kitchen. He didn’t have many pictures, but he had a few Martha’s around the house. He smiled at her and said: “God, if you could see me now, you’d be so proud of me for being happy.”
Behind him Alex watched him, still in his pajamas. He smiled softly, before retreating, not wanting to intrude on the moment. He hadn’t noticed the pictures the first time he was there, but he was glad that Thomas had at least something.
A few minutes later he came back, fully dressed this time, and pecked Thomas on the cheek as he greeted him: “Good morning.”
“Ah, awake now, are we?” Thomas teased, planting a quick kiss on Alex’s lips and handing him a mug that Alex took gratefully.
“Yeah,” Alex said, “Slept well again, didn’t want to let it go just yet.”
“Hm, you usually seem to sleep well, that not true?” Thomas frowned, the answer prickling something in his mind.
Alex looked up from his mug, confused, before smiling softly and explaining: “I usually wake up early, with Pip and just general bad sleepinghabits, but having someone next to me makes it easier to sleep.”
Thomas nodded thoughtfully, glad that he could help Alex to sleep like a normal person. The man had enough bad habits as it was.
They moved throughthe morning, gathering their stuff and getting in Alex’s car, Thomas deciding he could get back on his own after work, since Alex was goingto pick up Philip from Eliza after work.
It was the first time they came together since they started flirting. Normally when one stayed the night it was in the weekend, but despite some of the looks they got, it didn’t feel weird. It was just the next step and both were excited to take it.
One of the people that noticed was Angelica, who pulled Alex into her office, eyebrows wiggling: “So, Alex, how was the birthday boy?”
“Shut up, it was nothing like that. We stayed the night together before, you know,” Alex rolled his eyes at her, hoping he wasn’t blushing.
“But Pip was in the house then,” Angelica protested.
“And there have been times he was not,” Alex countered.
“Come on, give me something,” Angelica shook his arm, “I see in your eyes that something big has happened. Tell me.”
Alex contemplated letting her splutter a bit more, but it wasn’t necessary, because she threatened: “I am willing to break my promise to never mention Hammy the Cat to Thomas.”
“Okay, okay, calm down, I was going to tell you anyway,” he said, then grinned, “I just got a boyfriend, so tha-”
“What?” Angelica shook him even harder, “You made it official?”
He nodded excitedly, before saying: “I’m gonna tell Eliza when I see her, but I don’t know who Thomas is telling and I don’t wanna be weird about it, so try to keep it on the down low, okay? It’s not a secret or anything, just don’t go yelling it off the roof.”
“Of course,” Angelica promised, “God, ‘Lexi, I’m so excited for you.”
“Me too, Angie, me too.”
They chatted a bit more, before Alex couldn't justify wasting work time to himself anymore and they split ways to get to work.
Meanwhile Thomas had barely made himself comfortable behind his desk when his phone went off, he had put the sound on because it was his birthday the day before and forgotten to turn it off again. He saw the caller ID and sighed, it was his mom, he couldn't ignore her again.
He picked up with a: “Hi, Ma, how are you?”
“I would be better if I had a son that could pick up on his birthday so that I could congratulate him properly, but we can’t have everything, I suppose,” she said in lieu of a greeting.
“Sorry, Ma, I got caught up and missed you,” he explained.
“Well, congratulations anyway,” she said.
“Thank you.”
“Did you have a fun day, with the getting caught up in things, I hope it were good things,” she went on, “Because if they made you work overtime on your birthday I’m having words with Washington, I don’t care how good of a boss he is.”
“No, it was good, don’t worry, Ma,” Thomas assured her.
“Yeah, what were you doing? I barely talk to you these days, tell me what’s going on in your life.”
Thomas cringed at that, he had run off to France after Martha’s death and with her buried in Virginia, he had been avoiding his home and family for a while now. He made an excuse: “I’m at work right now.”
“And I am your mother, you can spare me a few minutes,” she said, “Are you still coming to Monticello this summer?”
“Yeah, I’m still coming to Monticello,” Thomas confirmed, he felt bad about ignoring her and he wanted to go home again.
“Good, I miss having you around.”
“I know, Ma,” Thomas felt guilty about not telling her about Alex. She had done a lot for him as a single mother of nine after his dad had died, he could see with Alex how much work it could be. He could spare a few moments to talk to her about everything.
He cleared his throat and said: “Actually, I missed you, because- uhm, my- my boyfriend had gotten me flowers and in the evening he came by to watch a movie together, so I wasn’t on my phone much yesterday.”
“A boyfriend?” she repeated, a bit of delight in her voice.
“Yeah,” he was blushing, “it’s kinda recent thing, well, maybe not, but it wasn’t really official until yesterday, so you’re still the first to hear about it. Sort of.”
“Tommy, I’m so happy for you,” she sounded really glad for him, which was a weight off his shoulders, “After Martha, I never thought I’d hear you sound like that.”
“Me neither,” Thomas confessed.
“Want to tell me about this mystery boy?”
“His name is Alex,” Thomas started softly, suddenly shy, “I know him from work. He’s also friends with Laf and Angelica.”
“Well, I trust Laf and Angie to have good taste,” he could hear the smile in her voice and suddenly he missed her so much.
He chuckled and blinked away tears suddenly welling up. God, he hadn’t been home in ages, having skipped last Christmas.
“What makes this Alex boyfriend material?” his Maasked.
Thomas knew the answer to that: “He can keep up with me in conversation, always keeping me on my toes, yet it’s so easy to talk with him. He’s just filled with passion and it’s amazing to see, but he’s totally different and gentle in other moments. Like with Philip, his son, it’s whack to see.”
“He has a child?”
“Yeah,” Thomas hesitated, “Is there something wrong with that?”
“No, no,” his Maassured him, “Just make sure you don’t get caught up in a divorce mess.”
“Oh, no, Ma, he’s a widower.”
It was quiet for a moment, then his Mareplied: “I’m sorry for his loss, how terrible. Did it happen recently?”
“Almost five years now,” Thomas answered, he knew why she asked. She wanted to know if he wasn’t being used to get through grief. He was touched by her concerned, but knew that wasn’t the case.
“So, I’m getting an grandchild,” she swiftly moved on, satisfied with his answer.
“You already have grandchildren,” Thomas laughed.
“But now I also have a grandson,” she told him.
“If everything goes alright, yeah.”
“You’re gonna be- I’m happy for you,” she said, “I would love to meet them sometime, ask if they want to come to Monticello this summer.”
“I-” Thomas didn’t know what to respond to that, sure, it was a few months away, but that was a big ask and maybe way to fast, “I- I’ll ask him,” he finally decided on.
“Good,” he could practically see his mother nodding, “I’ll let you get back to work now. Don’t forget to call me from time to time.”
“I’ll try,” and he promised to himself to actually try.
“Goodbye, Tommy.”
“Bye, Ma.”
After he hung up, he sat in his office for a moment, mulling over the conversation. It felt good to tell his Maand the conversation had made him more convicted in how much he wanted this relationship to stay.
He worked ‘till lunch then went over to Alex’s office, opening the door and greeting: “Hi, you hungry yet?”
Alex looked up from his furious typing and smiled. He stopped typing completely and replied: “Ah, my wonderful boyfriend, with food offerings.”
It was clear he said that just because he wanted to say boyfriend and Thomas couldn't help the grin that painted on his face, though he still teased: “Oh, am I really nothing more than food to you? I see how it is.”
“You got other qualities too,” Alex assured him, before teasing, “Like- like- oh, this is harder than I thought.”
Alex just blew him a kiss and Thomas decided to drop it. He watched Alex put his work to the side and felt pride in his chest. When they’d first started eating lunch together, Alex would keep getting distracted by his work, but now he packed it away without needing a reminder.
They ate lunch and argued about which came first: the chicken or the egg. Thomas decided chicken, while Alex was in camp egg, all sparked by the egg on Thomas’s sandwich.
At the end, he did tell Alex about telling his mother after she called, which Alex was luckily cool about it. He just told Thomas that it was cool he had a mom and he should cherish the contact he had with her. However, he hadn’t yet asked him to go to Monticello with him, that felt a bit too soon.
After Thomas’s birthday they gradually fell into a new rhythm, wherein Thomas was over at Alex’s house from Thursday afternoon to Monday morning.
When Alex had to pick up Philip on Fridays. He was home earlier, so he would cook, while Thomas would cook on Thursday, since Alex would have to swing by whoever had picked up Philip that day. Though Thomas would pick up Philip from his Aunties and Uncles often enough.
They hadn’t even fully noticed how embedded they were into each others lives until Alex had a late last minute meeting on a Tuesday, right as he was about to leave to pick up Philip.
“No one is there to pick up Pip,” he said to Thomas the moment he’d heard about the meeting, “Oh fuck, Washington will kick my ass if I miss this meeting. Fuck, fuck, fuck-”
“I’ll pick him up,” Thomas had offered it before thinking about it.
“You?” Alex took a moment to let the offer sink in, “That’s- that’s perfect, oh fuck, thanks. Thank you so so much.”
“Hey, no problem, might as well at this point,” Thomas assured him, only now realizing he’d never picked up Philip from schoolbefore.
“And you’re sure you don’t have anything important that’ll get between you and picking up Pip?” with anyone else it would sound like distrust, but Thomas knew how much Alex worried and cared about Philip’s well being.
“Nah, everyone who could need me is in your meeting, I’m just lucky I have nothing to do with your little project,” Thomas replied, “I just need a note from you with a signature stating it’s okay for me to take Pip with me, might be a bit awkward otherwise.”
Alex snorted at that, before quickly penning it down and repeating the school and address along with the time school was out.
Before Thomas was out the office, Alex stopped him with a quick kiss: “You’re the best, thank you so much.”
“No problem, go kick ass in your meeting, darlin’,” Thomas smiled.
He got a thumbs up in return as Alex spun on his heel and sped off, leaving Thomas to make his way to his car and drive to Philip’s school after emailing Washington about the situation.
Thomas parked in front of the building and walked to the front desk, note in hand where he interrupted the sectary in her typing: “Hi, I’m- I’m Thomas, I’m here to pick up Philip, Philip Hamilton. First time, where do I go?”
“Ah, Ms. Dolley’s kindergarten class? It’s down that hall, do you have parent’s permission?” she replied pleasantly.
“Ah, yeah, right here,” he handed her the note and she checked it over meticulously, before nodding and giving it back: “Seems alright, have a good day.”
“You too,” Thomas nodded back awkwardly, before going down the indicated hall.
When he got to the classroom only Philip was left. He felt pretty bad that the whole thing had made him that late, but better late than never, he reasoned, hoping Philip would agree. He knocked on the door frame: “Hello, here Philip.”
Philip’s head shot up from his coloring book and he cheered: “Uncle Thomas!”
“Hey there, kiddo, sorry for the lateness,” Thomas greeted back, catching the running child in his arms and sweeping him around, before putting him down again, “Go grab your stuff, okay.”
The kid nodded and went about gathering his last stuff, while Thomas shook the hand of the teacher: “Hi, I’m Thomas, I have a note from Alex if you need it.”
“Ah, so you’re the famous Thomas, good to finally put a face to the name,” the teacher replied, “I’m Dolley, it’s nice to meet you.”
Thomas smiled: “Yeah, I somehow never got around to it, mostly picking him up from one of his Aunts or Uncles instead of school.”
“No need to explain yourself to me, I get it with a long job, you’re not the only parent,” she said pleasantly, “Can I see the note, just in case.”
“Of course,” Thomas handed her the note, deciding not to comment on the parent-part.
While she inspected it too, Philip finished packing and asked Thomas: “Why isn’t Papa picking me up? I thought he was going to?”
“Your Papa had a meeting, it was unplanned and last minute. He really wanted to come, Pip, but your Grandpa George needed him,” Thomas explained.
“Was he being way smarter than everyone else and did they need him to kick butt?” Philip asked.
Thomas laughed at the kid’s wording that was obviously Alex’s and agreed: “Yeah, they did, kiddo, they did.”
“Whoo, epic Papa, kicking everyone’s butt,” Philip cheered making ninja poses.
He ruffled the kid’s hair and nodded with a smile. Dolley gave him back the note and said: “Well, looks like everything’s in order, so you’re free to go,” she turned to Pip, “Have a good afternoon, Philip, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“‘Till tomorrow, Ms. Dolley,” Philip smiled a big toothy grin that was so much like Alex’s.
“Pleasure to meet you,” Thomas bid her farewell, before leading Philip outside, listening to his stories about coloring and their epic game of hide and seek during recess.
His own car had been outfitted with a booster seat as well after too many times of almost forgetting to transfer it. He buckled Philip in, then remembered Alex had his key of the house after leaving it at his office yesterday.
“Shit,” he cursed under his breath, before turning to Philip, “Hey, kiddo, how do you feel about seeing my house for a change?”
“That’ll be the coolest,” Philip clapped his hands.
“Good, good,” Thomas nodded, before texting Alex about the change of plans then he put his phone away to focus on driving.
As they drove Philip talked more about his day at school, before moving on to trees and finally windows. Thomas wasn’t entirely sure how he ended up at the topic, but it was kind of wonderful how much the kid could ramble on about anything if it caught his interest. Again Thomas saw Alex in him.
They rolled up into his driveway and Philip gaped: “You live there?”
It wasn’t that much bigger than Alex’s house, since it was near each other, but the woodwork was definitely more elaborate and Thomas had put a lot of thought in the front of his house. He confirmed: “Yeah, I live there, Pip. Wanna see the inside?”
Philip nodded quickly and Thomas unbuckled him and let him run to the front door, while he grabbed their stuff.
Thomas unlocked the door and told Philip: “Shoes off, please. You’re free to explore to your hearts desire, just come eat a snack and drink something in the kitchen first. It’s on the left there.”
Toeing his shoes off and handing Thomas his jacket, Philip was gone, peaking through every door he encountered on his way to the kitchen, while Thomas hung up their coats. He stopped and stared for a moment at the little coat hanging on his coat rack, shaking his head with adoring disbelief that this was his life now.
He got to the kitchen, mentally thinking of what he had to give to Philip, when he stopped in the doorway. Philip was looking at the picture of Martha he had in the kitchen. He didn’t say anything as he poured him a glass of orange juice.
When he handed it to him, Philipasked: “Who is that?”
Looking at the picture, words from the email from now seemingly so long ago came to him and he said: “That’s your Auntie Martha, she’s with the angels like your Daddy, but she preferred saying she was dancing among the stars. She’s looking over you from there, she’ll guide you home when you’re lost.”
Philip hummed and looked back to the picture studying it closely, before saying: “She’s pretty, like Auntie Maria and Auntie Peggy.”
“Yeah, she is,” Thomas agreed softly.
“Was she your Daddy?”
It took a moment for Thomas to decipher the question, but then he agreed: “She was, yeah. Me and her were married just like your Papa and Daddy were.”
There was a moment of silence, in which Philip drank his orange juice while Thomas sliced an apple. When the juice was gone, Philip decided: “I like her.”
“I’m glad to hear,” Thomas said, giving him the apple slices, “Eat these and then you’re all set.”
Philip happily munched on the slices, before thanking Thomas and rushing off to explore the house, leaving Thomas to think about today.
Ms. Dolley had assumed he was the other parent. It was probably because Philip had told them he was his Papa’s boyfriend, but he hadn’t even protested. He had a booster seat in his car and he was getting sentimental about a coat.
Somehow, Philip had wormed his way into Thomas’s heart and he couldn't imagine a life without the little kid and Alex.
He had accidentally adopted a kid – sort of – while he hadn’t even told the kid’s parent and his boyfriendthat he loved him. He did, God, of course he did, but he hadn’t said it yet.
At all.
And neither had Alex.
“Uncle Thomas!” Philip yelled and he immediately dropped any other thought as he rushed to the sound.
“What’s up kiddo?”
“You framed my picture,” Philip pointed out happily.
“I said I would, didn’t I. I made a pinky promise, I don’t make those lightly,” Thomas told him with a smile, looking at the portrait at end of the hallway. He had hung it up as promised right when he came back from that second date. With all his younger siblings and his two nieces he knew how important it was to make a big deal out of their art and he hadn’t even thought about it.
He looked at the portrait again and made up his mind, he was going to tell Alex he loved him. But he was doing it subtly, because fuck, that shit was too scary for him.
By the time Philip had seen all the rooms and asked a thousand questions about the books on the shelves and the souvenirs decorating the rooms, he was exhausted and had collapsed on the couch while Thomas made dinner.
The door opened and Alex’s voice rang through the hall: “I swear, the next time I see Lee and Adams, they won’t like me. Not that they do now, but oh my God.”
“Hello to you too, darling,” Thomas called back.
“Papa!” two tiny feet pattered down the hall.
Thomas could hear Alex laugh and Philip squeal, before he appeared in the doorway with his son on his hip. He kissed Thomas’s cheek and said: “Hi, Thomas, have a good afternoon with this little scoundrel here?”
“Of course, he was a proper gentlemen, right Pip?” he replied, stirring the food.
Philip nodded: “I explored the house, Uncle Thomas has my picture on the wall and I have another Auntie, did you know I have another Auntie?”
“Really?” Alex raised a brow at Thomas, but before he could say anything, Philip was already responding: “Yeah, she’s Auntie Martha and she’s very pretty. She has all the pretty dresses in the pictures and she smiles nice. Uncle Thomas said she’s dancing among the stars, isn’t that super cool?”
Realization dawned on Alex and his face softened as he send Thomas a small smile: “Yeah, Pip, that is super cool. Your Auntie Martha is watching out for you, just like Daddy.”
During dinner Philip recounted his day, while Thomas assured Alex that everything had gone well during the pick up, before Alex complained about his meeting, apologizing to Philip that he couldn't pick him up.
When dinner was done, Philip asked: “Are we going to have a sleepover here?”
Alex looked to Thomas, who shrugged and indicated that it was up to Alex and he didn’t mind either way. Alex asked in turn: “I don’t know, buddy. Would you like to?”
Philip’s eyes lit up and he said: “Oh, can I, Papa? Can I?”
“Sure, buddy,” Alex chuckled.
“Come on, kiddo,” Thomas got up, “If you help me carry these dishes you get to pick a guest room to sleep in, I’m sure you already found all ofthem.”
Thomas and Philip walked out of the room, leaving Alex to watch them with a content smile as he stayed seated for a while. Taking care of Philip had never been a burden and his friends helped him out so much, but it was nice to have Thomas around.
They allowed Philip to play a little more after dinner, before dressing him in one of Thomas’s sleep shirts and Alex made up a story about a knight, who befriended a dragon and rode between the clouds, before they fell tiredly on the couch.
After a moment of just them sitting there, Alex said: “Thank you for picking up Pip.”
“It really wasn’t a problem, ‘Lex,” Thomas assured him, “I like doing stuff for Pip, he’s a good kid and it wasn’t a problem, so don’t go worrying about it. I see your little eyes.”
“Hey, don’t insult my eyes,” Alex huffed, but Thomas saw relief in there.
“Not insulting, darlin’, I like your eyes too much for that,” he grinned.
“Sap,” Alex rolled his eyes, but didn’t protest when Thomas pulled him into a kiss, before draping himself over Thomas and staying there as they watched Designated Survivor, which they had multiple discussions about.
Alex thought it was good to be as honest as Tom Kirkman was being, while Thomas thought that it was stupid seeing the circumstances. And when Alex said it worked in his favor, Thomaswas quick to point out that it was a script and not real life, which ended up in a discussion of how it could have played out otherwise.
Over the course of the following days, Thomas made a plan to confess to Alex that he loved him. It involved bothering James, who didn’t appreciate it, and bothering Laf, who had to be sworn to secrecy using his Ma’s chocolate chip cookie recipe as a bribe.
He set it in motion the Friday a week later. Alex had left work early to pick up Philip from school, so when Thomas left he went past a flower shop and got red tulips.
First he had wanted to go with roses, but his whole plan hinged on subtlety, since he was going over to James’s house in the weekend, because they hadn’t hung out in forever, while Alex was taking Philip and visiting Herc after the man had gotten the weekend off after a huge fashion deal.
So, he would give the flowers and before Alex could decipher the meaning, he would be gone. Not having to see the reaction or deal with any of that in the moment, giving Alex space to not reject him immediately in his face.
It was perfect if he did say so himself.
With the tulips in hand he opened the door and called out a greeting. From the kitchen he heard Alex’s reply, but his first focus was on Philip, who wanted to show him a drawing he made at school that day.
He stopped however, when he saw the flowers in Thomas’s hand. Cocking his head to the side, he asked: “What are those?”
“They’re tulips, I saw them and got them for your Papa,” Thomas explained. Philip inspected them closely and Thomas couldn't help himself, when he asked: “Up to your standard, Mr. Inspector?”
Philip didn’t mind, with the family he had it was impossible not to be slightly sarcastic, so he just grinned: “On thin ice, but I give you a green light.”
“Why thank you.”
At that point Alex stuck his head through the door into the hallway and asked: “What’s holding you two up? The hallway that interesti-” he stopped when he saw the flowers and asked, “What are those for?”
“Just saw them and thought it would be nice,” Thomas shrugged, like he hadn’t planned this out in detail.
“How sweet,” Alex smiled when Thomas handed him the flowers.
Thomas took a moment to appreciate Alex in all his domestic beauty. He had an apron on and there were a few pans simmering on the stove while he cut the flowers and set them in a vase, nodding in approval to himself when he gave them a spot.
It was so crazy, yet so good to see the man he loved so relaxed and at home. The sight stirred something proud in Thomas’s chest, the small part he played in making Alex look like that as a badge of honor on his chest.
The feeling moved him to hug Alex from behind, lifting him slightly of the ground and making him gasp before he giggled.
He blew a raspberry on his cheek then set him down, taking full responsibility for the tickles he got in retaliation.
This was good, he felt good and he only hoped he hadn’t entirely fucked it up by telling Alex how he felt.
I have not read the poetry itself, but the title was just too fitting not to include it in this fic. I did order it, so maybe by the time I’m posting it I have, but at the time of writing: no.
Also I am not writing smut, just not doing that. If you wanna think they have sex you can, but honestly I’m not touching that with a ten feet pole. No shame to people who do, just not for me <3
(hi im a greyaroace nonbinary lesbian if you think I know how to write that, then you would be incorrect)
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Praying to the porcelain God
words: 3205
You been told before never to eat from suspicious food stands, especially if you never tried them before or if Kara or Alex haven’t already approved the food. But today you forgot your lunch at home and the food from the cafeteria was not very appealing for you. One of your co-workers saw you make faces at the food options and invited you to eat lunch with them. They were going to get burgers from a new street vendor a couple of blocks away. It was too tempting; you love cheeseburgers and they made it sound like they were really good. So, you said yes. Everyone was going and you were starving.
The following day you woke up feeling a little odd, a bit nauseous but you didn’t think anything about it. You got a chamomile tea instead of coffee and went about your day as usual. Kara was already gone so you just decided to grab a yogurt and granola bar at work.
You finished getting your things ready and were about to leave the apartment when you felt a sharp pain in your stomach followed by cramping. You went to the bathroom and removed your sweater, you felt a swelling of your abdomen and yes, you lower abdomen was inflamed and felt tender to the touch. Another painful cramp made you run to the toilet and you knew you were screwed the moment you sit down.
y/n: “Fuck!!!, ughh it hurts…damn it, Alex is going to kill me” – you didn’t leave the bathroom for a while, you lamented your poor choices while you were sitting in the toilet seat.
 You decided you needed to let someone know you felt like shit and wouldn’t be able to get to work with further incidents, so you called Kara. Kara was softer and if you play your card right maybe she could be the buffer between Alex’s lecturing and you.  You dialed her number and put it on speaker while washing your hands, you were standing Infront of the sink mirror and put the phone down.
 Kara: “Hi sweet girl, what’s up?”
You were about to respond when you felt nausea hit hard, you saw your reflection become green and you ran to toilet once again. Just in time for you to continue emptying your stomach contents, tears sprung into your eyes as the pain in your stomach grew stronger and effort of being violently ill into the porcelain bowl.
On the other side of the line, Kara was listening to you suffering. “Y/N baby? What’s wrong, where are you?” but at not getting a response she ditched everything to fly straight home following your heartbeat.
You stopped vomiting and felt exhausted, you spit into the toilet and flush it.  You use toilet paper to clean you mouth and drop to the bathroom floor exhausted.  Kara enter the apartment looking for you.
Kara: “y/n?, oh my God what’s wrong baby?”- Kara panics at looking at your body sprawled in the bathroom floor all pale and clammy.
y/n: “Ughh best guess? stomach bug. I just puked my guts out, and before that I emptied my bowels in a different way” - you grimace at the explosive diarrhea you went through less than half an hour ago.
Kara: “Oh sweetie, I’m sorry you feel so poorly. Come on, let me pick you up from the floor”- the blonde woman tries to pick you up, but you feel like you’re not quite over.
Y/n: “Kara, I don’t think I can move quite yet and the floor is cold, it feels nice” –you move a little on the floor to get more of the chilly sensation on your hot skin- “I feel like crap sissy” a tear runs down your cheek and you look up to your sister. Kara brushes the tear away and cradles the side of your face. You are about to move again into a sitting position when you feel your stomach painfully cramp again and you roll into a fetal position trying to make the pain lessen somehow.
Kara: “Oh baby, looks like a horrible stomach bug. But I’m so bad at human illnesses let me call Alex really quick, she is the best when it comes to this kind of things.” Kara looks desperate and seeing you so sick on the floor. Kara is now sitting next to you holding your head in her lap and running her fingers through your hair.
Y/N: “You can’t, busy. Summit in New York” – you mumble trough clenching teeth.
Kara: “I know she is busy with work, but she can take a phone call if it’s an emergency. Its her or the ER. Your call.”
y/n: “Alex…” – you much prefer hearing your helicopter sister ask a thousand question that being prod and wait in the Emergency Room.
Kara takes her phone out of her pocket and dials the number; it rings a few times and then it connects.
Alex: “Hey what’s up, everything okay?”- the red head asks immediately, knowing her sisters wouldn’t be calling her if it was not an emergency.
Kara: “No, y/n is sick. I just found her on the bathroom floor all clammy and she told me she vomited a lot. Also, she thinks it’s a stomach bug.” You can´t hear what Alex says on the phone, then Kara turns the phone on speaker “Ok hold on, yes. Ok ok now you’re on speaker now”
Alex: “Hi little one. I’m so sorry you got sick baby and I bet you feel awful but I need to ask you a few things ok?”
You nod, even though Alex cant see you, but you think if you can let her think it’s a stomach bug going around the office you’ll be off the hook and avoid the speech on getting food from street vendors.
Y/n: “Yeah ok…”- you feel to tire so yes, you can answer whatever she wants as longs she doesn’t ask you to move.
Alex: “Ok sweetie, Kara mentioned vomiting, what else are you feeling? Do you also have diarrhea? is she warm or cold Kara?
Y/N: “painful cramps, diarrhea definitely that was first and the puked my guts out. Honestly, I don’t think there’s anything left inside my intestines by this point. It was super gross Alex. I feel a little cold now. There’s a bug going on around the office and some of the guys got sick”- you say the last part a bit fast and avoid looking at Kara, then you groan in pain at another cramp.
Kara: “She is all clammy, her cheeks are flush, and she is shivering a little. Also, she is now avoiding direct eye contact…” – Kara raises an eyebrow at you, knowing there’s something you are avoiding.
Alex: – “y/n baby, was your stool a little bloody and watery? Or soft and muddy? , also Kara can you check her abdomen does it look a little swollen and prod very gently please “
y/n: “first one”- You can hear Alex give a long sigh
Kara: “definitely swollen and a bit tender”
Alex: “What did you eat yesterday either at lunch or dinner? And don’t even think about lying to me y/n. I will know if you are lying. That’s not just a stomach bug”
Kara is looking down at you worry on her face, “We ate steak and mashed potatoes with some veggies last night. Lena cooked. and I know I can’t get sick, but Lena was okay. So, what did you eat for lunch baby?”
Y/n: “a cheeseburger” –you mumble
Alex: “Where?”
y/n: “A new place near the building, a few of the guys I work with we got burgers yesterday”
Alex: “when you say ´new place, you mean a well stablished franchise or restaurant? Not a street vendor with doubtful hygiene and suspicious meat or produce, right? -  ughh busted, you thought.
y/n: “Street vendor” – you lamented
Kara: “ohh sweetie. You know better than that”- Kara kept her gentle touch but looking a bit disappointed in you.
Alex: “Well baby, I hope the burger was so amazing and worth it, because what you have is food poisoning and most likely due to contaminated ground beef with E. coli. There is nothing to stop it or make it better faster. Your body will get rid of the bacteria during the following days. Simply needs to run its course.”
Y/N: “No cheeseburger in world is worth this pain or disgusting vomiting or explosive diarrhea. I feel like crap Lexie”- you play your Lexi card, so your big sister takes pity on you. You feel bad enough as it is, you don’t need to hear more disappointment from her.
Alex: “I know baby girl. Its quite uncomfortable and painful. You need rest and avoid over exerting, that will only make your stomach feel worse. Kara, I need you to make sure she drinks lots of fluids, she will keep vomiting and having constant bowel movements in the next couple of days and she can get dehydrated very quickly. Lots of water and Pedialyte . Let her stomach to settle first .  Avoid giving her any solid foods until she is no longer nauseous or vomiting as much. Avoid juices or other beverages with a lot of sugar or sweeteners that can make diarrhea worse. Let’s wait for 24 hours like this without any food and after that we can see if you can ease her back into eating soft and bland food. Call me if she gets worse or if the fever is too high.”
Y/N: “not even hungry anyways…”
Kara: “will do Alex, I’m taking off work for the week I’ll let Lena know. She is out of town as well, but I can handle goober just fine. right kiddo?”
You just try to crawl into Kara’s lap you starting to feel cold and so very tired. “Yeah, I’m cold. You warm”
Alex: “She will sleep a lot, wake her up and make her drink water or fluids Kara, its very important. Make sure her temperature doesn’t go above 102 F. if she get above that range just make her take a bath in lukewarm water or use a cold compress. Let her eat ice chips, NO dairy, no caffeine, no sugar, or fatty food. If she does eat those, she will end up throwing up everything. If temperature goes above 103 take her immediately to the ER. It shouldn’t but keep an eye on that. Seriously Kara call me anytime ok?”  
Kara: “Will do Alex. Thanks, and I’ll call you later once y/n is more comfortable and asleep”
Alex: “Ok, feel better sweetie, I’ll be back as soon as I can. Be good for Kara and try to relax and let your body get rid of everything at its own pace. Don’t rush anything. I love you sweetheart. Love you Kara, bye”
Y/N “Bye, love you Lexie”
Kara: “Bye Alex, love you too” – the phone calls gets disconnected. Kara looks down at you. “You think you are ready to move from the bathroom floor to the living room?”
y/n: “can you help me up to rinse my mouth? It tastes like crap ugh”
Kara: “of course. Up we go”- Kara gently stands up with you in her arms and helps you to your feet.
But you get dizzy and grab ahold of Kara’s arms for support
Kara: “hey hey I got you, easy there baby girl”
y/n: “everything its spinning and I don’t feel so g…” but before you can finish the sentence your eyes go wide and Kara see what’s about to happen and helps you to your knees in front of the toilet once again. Kara holds your hair away from your face with her other hand rubbing soothing circles down your spine while providing word of comfort.
You keep vomiting for a few minutes more “ughh I thought I had ridden of everything by now. This Is so disgusting” a few tears leak down your cheeks and Kara just helps you to your feet again and flushes the toilet.
Kara: “I know sweet girl, but Alex did say you will be experiencing vomiting and other stuff for a few days. So, let’s get you rinse your mouth and settle down in the couch so you can sleep this off, okay?”
You just nod and work on getting your teeth brushed and get rid of the nasty taste. Kara helps you to your room to change into your pajamas.
Kara: “Bed or couch?” -you just point down to your bed giving her your answer. “Okay okay” Kara lowers you on your bed and goes to close the curtains so you can rest more comfortably.
y/n: “Hold me?”- you pout pitifully
Kara: “of course baby girl. Let me just get your water and text Lena to let her know I won’t be into work for a few days and also text your boss you’re sick” – I’ll be right back.
y/n:” don’t want water please just hold me, I’m cold sissy”- more tears run down your cheeks, you just want your sister to hold you now.
Kara: “aww chucks, baby you feel real awful don’t ya? Ok here I’ll call later, and you need to drink water in an hour or two. I will wake you up. come here sweet bean”- Kara moves you so you are now lying basically on top of her, you hide your face into her neck and wrap your arms around her. You are leaching on her warmth shamelessly. Kara doesn’t mind at all begins to pat down your back softly like when you were little she needed to calm you down and put to to sleep.
Kara: “Aww my little koala is here. You’re so cuddly baby. I’m sorry you are feeling so poorly but I’ll be here with you all the time. You just close your eyes and go to sleep. You’ll feel better in no time, you’ll see”
y/n: “I’m never eating cheeseburgers again”- you give a yawn and began to drift off. Kara juts chuckles and starts to hum softly a lullaby song she uses since you were a little girl and where having trouble falling asleep or felt sick. You are out in less than 5 minutes.
Kara wait for you to be completely asleep to grab her cellphone she still has on her pocket. Texts Lena you are sick and will call her later, but you are okay just miserable for eating street food. And then sends a quick text to y/n boss, thank Rao she is close friends with y/n otherwise would be a pain to explain why she is texting instead of her employee.
Kara puts the cellphone down on the nightstand and holds y/n more to her chest and begins to run her hand up and down y/n spine and watches her sleep for a little while until herself starts to feel sleepy and decides to take a nap too.
Kara is awaken by your moving around and painful moaning. You curl into yourself as much as you can, trying to wave through the painful cramp in your tummy.
y/n: “It really hurts Kara, it hurts so bad”- you say through clenching teeth and tears sprung into your eyes once again. You feel miserable and in so much pain.  
Kara feels you are getting a bit hotter now and you are sweating too. “Okay little one, I think a bath can help you now, and you need to drink a little bit of water. Come here”
y/n: “No. pelease, no Kara. I just want the pain to stop and sleep again. I don’t want a bath” -you cry softly into her neck
Kara: “I’m sorry baby, but you feel too warm and you will feel better after the bath. I’ll stay with you the whole time.”
Kara picks you up from the bed and takes into the bathroom, she sits you down at the toilet seat while she runs a lukewarm bath for you.
Y/n: “Kara I don’t feel so good…” again you turn green and Kara helps you to sit infront the porcelain bowl once more.
You throw up again, but its mostly bile. Kara holds your hair out of your face while making comforting rubs on your lower back while you continue to be sick. your stomach its already empty from all the previous vomiting and you didn’t really eat anything for breakfast. You feel so weak after the effort it took to vomit once again. You are sweaty and pale and slump into Kara. Kara gently runs a hand down your spine and grabs a small towel to clean off the bile in your lips.
Kara: “sshh …baby come one. Its over now.  Here use this mouth wash to rinse and spit it in the toilet” -Kara then flushes the toilet and strips you off your clothes. She also strips down to her underwear and gets into the tub with you.  She helps you lean into her so she can wash your skin with a soft washcloth and pour the lukewarm water down your body to cool you down. After a while she notices your feel cooler to the touch. Washes your hair gently and lets you lean back onto her. You have always loved the skin to skin contact when feeling sick or unwell. Your sisters have done this many times over the years as well as you mom Eliza. You like feeling their warm skin and listen to their heartbeat. But Kara posses a special feature, she is warmer than any human. You feel her skin on you help you with the chills and you feel yourself drifting off to sleep again.
Kara notices you are almost asleep, and decides you are cool enough now and gently nudges you awake.
Kara: “sweet girl please don’t fall asleep quite yet. Let me dry you off a bit and you need to drink a little bit of water. Then you can sleep again promise”
You grunt in disapproval “Nuh uh … don’t wanna, I just want sleep”
Kara: “ I know sweetie but its not an option, come one”- Kara immediately stands and grabs ahold of you and takes one of the bath robes and uses one on her and then she uses a big fluffy towel to pat you down enough to remove the water excess but leaving your skin a bit damp to help keeping you cool.
She takes you back to your room and sets you on top of the bed and quickly grabs a set of lose shorts and tank top to avoid overheating you.  She then sits you with you back on a pillow resting against the headboard while she speeds to the kitchen to get you ice water.
Kara: “Okay sweetie small sips, just a few smalls sips and that’s it.”- she makes you drink a bit of water and leaves the glass on the nightstand again. You notice she is now wearing a pajamas too and in the nightstand there’s also a bowl with water and a few small towels and an empty plastic bow- “Just in case you feel sick and need to vomit again and avoid a trip to the bathroom”
Y/N:” thank you sissy”- you tear up and your chin trembles.
Kara: “No no don’t cry baby girl. Come here”- she gently lifts you up sits down and then lays you on her side you head resting on her collarbone. She left her soft button- up pajama top mostly open so you can lean into her and feel her skin near the collarbone and upper chest. You settle down and keep listening to her heartbeat.
Kara: “sshh sshh…sweetie just close your eyes and sleep. You’ll feel better soon just sleep now” – once again you feel her gentle touch on your back, down your arms and temple. And that soft voice humming the melody you associate with comfort. you move a little trying to find the perfect spot and just like that in less than 10 minutes you’re asleep.
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cherryhanji · 4 years
Winter Shenanigans
oneshot. bangchan x reader
genre: romance, fluff, roommate!au, college!au, friends to lovers!au nonIdol!bangchan
words: 8.3k
warning(s): some swearing, I guess
(Anyways~~~ it's my first longest oneshot using a first-person pov. I feel like I want to write this using it. I hope you enjoy it! Luvlots!)
Winter is the worst season for me. Reason? It's cold and melancholic. That's it. I never knew why people loved the winter the most. Ever since I was a kid, I never liked the idea of playing with friends on snowy roads, throwing snowballs here and there. I don't like the coldness of winter that brings me. And what made it worse? My ex-boyfriend dumped me on a cold, winter night. Fuck him and his shitty reasons.
Anyways, I've already moved on. I'm now happily living with my roommate slash best friend, Alexa. Same college sophomores and majors. We're both majoring in Psychology. My parents decided to let me become independent. I'm thankful that I have loving and supportive parents. We both live in a cozy apartment near our school. And that all makes it easy. I just need to think about my college life and our monthly rental pay. Simple, but full of pressure but I still enjoy it because I have my best friend with me. But still, I hate winter.
"Uhm y/n, can I talk to you?" Coming out from her room, Alexa called me softly as if she was hesitating to tell me what she wants to say.
"Hmm, what is it, Lexie?" I tapped the space between the sofa.
"You know about my mother right?" She carefully asked
"Uhm, of course. Why? Is she doing well?" I asked with a bright face. Her mother is ill. She's now bedridden but I hope that she's doing well.
"Unfortunately, no." She said and lowered her head.
"O-oh. Sorry about that. What are you gonna do?" I slowly caress her back.
"Uhm, I am planning to skip the next semester as I need to go back to Gyeonggi-do. It's hard for me. But it's my mother. I can do anything if it's her." She said. I froze, shocked at her confession. But my face softens as I understand her situation.
"Uhm. Are you going to stay there for good?"
"Maybe yes, maybe no. I'm not sure. But sorry to tell you, y/n. I think you need to find a new roommate. I'm really sorry. You can't pay the rent alone so I suggest if you look for another roommate. I'm sorry if I have to leave you. My bad, winter's coming, and here I am, leaving you alone." She said and half-smiled at me. She knows that I really hate winters, especially alone.
I smiled at her to let her know that it's okay.
"No Lexie, don't be sorry. Don't worry about me. How can I be mad at you if it's important to you? Don't mind me. I'm okay. I can find a roommate. But I'll miss you. I'll miss your rants, your screams, our drunk nights after exams. I'll miss hanging out with you. Just be good, and I'll pray for your mother's recovery." Alexa can't help but cry at me. I just hugged her tightly and shush her.
"Thank you, really, y/n. I don't know what will I do without you. I'll miss you too, idiot. Don't worry, there's facetime, and DMs yah know. We can update each other." She said while sniffing her cries. I'll miss my only college best friend. But still sad because I have to endure the incoming winter season. I need to find a roommate soon.
After cleaning the whole day. I decided to contact my new roommate.
Two weeks since Alexa left and within that period, I can't still find a roommate. I even asked the good landlord to help me find one. She gladly accepts it and now she's in front of me, delivering me the good news.
"So here it goes, y/n. I found you a new roommate." She gladly told me.
"Really? Thank you very much! Don't worry, I'll pay you tomorrow for the rent next month." I said.
"Oh no, darling. Don't mind it. He already paid your rent for the next month." She said. Wait, what?? HE??! As in a male? A boy? A man??
"Wait a minute, he, you mean-" she laughed at my shocked reaction.
"Yes, darling, it's a guy. Isn't he so sweet? By the way, he also goes to your school. And he's so handsome. Bet you'll have your eyes out when you see his gorgeous face." She said describing the guy as if he was some lost God who fell on Earth.
"Uh, really? I'm glad to know that we attend the same school. Anyway, when will he move? So I can clean at least the apartment." I asked as I take a look at the apartment. It isn't that dirty because I am a tidy person and so as Alexa, but I feel like it's kinda embarrassing if I didn't clean at least a little bit. Seems like I want to leave a good impression on my new roommate.
"He said he can move anytime if the apartment is ready. Here. Here's his contact. You can message him if the apartments ready." She handed me a card that has a contact number in it.
"Thank you for this," I said and accept the card she handed.
"I need to go. You can call me if you have any concerns. Have fun y/n, with your new roommate." She said and gave a playful wink at me. I just chuckled at her playfulness. Maybe I need to get ready.
I smiled as I send the message. Winter is now starting so I made myself a cup of hot tea. Winter sucks really. Fuck this cold weather. But I wonder why it doesn't feel like melancholic as I said it was? Maybe because of my new roommate? Is it because the landlord told me that he's handsome? Or maybe I'm excited because I got to have a new friend and luckily also attending my school? Who knows?
to: new roommate [22:47]
hello! This is y/n. your new roommate at Yellow Wood Apartment. I am glad to tell you that the apartment's ready. You can move tomorrow. Excited to meet you!
Winter season means there's a possibility of having no classes because of the weather. And that's what I'm facing today. I'm sitting on the couch with my lonely ass and cold feet. As I scroll on my phone, I can't see anything different but people posting their lives every winter, playing outside, enjoying the coldness of the weather. Ugh. Winter shit. I just played some music on my phone as I cook some ramen for myself. This is the only thing that makes me sane every winter. Calm music and ramen.
As I gave myself a hearty meal, the doorbell rang making me shift from where I sit. Maybe it's my new roommate. I fixed myself first in the mirror to make myself at least presentable even if I look like shit.
"Coming!" I shouted as I stumble on my way to the door. I gladly open it and froze in front of a god. Oh no, is he really my new roommate? Is this man sent from above my new roommate?
"Uhm, hi! Y/n right?" The man in front of me snapped me back in reality. I shook my head as he spoke.
"Oh yeah, h-hi .." I said shyly. Oh shit calm your ass down bitch. I look like I'm whipped for this man even though we only met for the first time.
"It's Bang Chan, but you can call me Chan, Chris, Christopher, or baby if you like?" He gave me a suggestive wink. Just what the actual fuck? Is he okay? How can he be this confident in front of me??! He just laughed at my shocked reaction.
"Just kidding. I'm a good person. You can trust me. But, Can I first go inside? It's kinda cold here." He said as he shifted from where he stands.
"Oh! Yes yes! Sorry. Here, let me get these." I said as I reached for his small backpack that was on the floor.
"No, it's okay. I'll look like an asshole if I let a gorgeous girl handle my things." He smiled sweetly to me as he grabbed all his things and went inside the apartment. Gorgeous? Me? Gorgeous? Oh god, what will I do now if I have this gorgeous guy as a roommate?
I showed him his new room and smiled brightly as he saw the cleanliness of it.
"Did you fix this yourself? Woah, It's an eye candy. I'm a minimalistic person. And this makes me so happy. Thank you for fixing this!" He said as he sat on the new fixed bed. I smiled as I saw how he enjoyed his new room.
"Uhm, thanks for appreciating it, Chan. I'm glad that you liked it. Would you like to have a look at the apartment?" I asked him as he still taking a look at his room.
He stands up from the bed and smiled at me. "I would love to!" I went first and he followed me everywhere I go.
"Well, I wish we have good memories as new roommates. I said and gave him a glass of orange juice.
"Yeah. I hope too. By the way, you're a college sophomore, right? Where do you study? Bet it's near the apartment." He said as he drinks his juice.
"Yes. I study at Levanter University. A psychology major. I heard from the landlord that you also attend there. What are you majoring in?" I said as I sit down on the chair.
"Really? It's good to know that we attend the same school. I'm also a sophomore, majoring in Music. I really love music. Ever since I was a child, I've dreamt of being a professional music artist and composer. That's why I chose it as my major." He said. I can see that he really loves music as his eyes twinkle when he talked.
"Really? I hope I can hear you sing someday." I clasped my hands in excitement.
"Oh yeah sure Uh, by the way, who used to live here with you? Is it also a guy?" He curiously asked as he put his elbow on the table with hands on his chin.
"My best friend used to live here. But sadly she needs to go in her hometown to look after her sick mother." I told him. His face saddens a little bit.
Time passed by and we grew close to each other. I found out that he has these gorgeous eight friends since middle school. But some of them are not studying in our school. Jeongin, his youngest friend, looks like my younger brother, so I grew close to him the most. He's so caring, sweet, and lovely. Meanwhile, Changbin and Minho are the ones who also study in our school, like Chan, Changbin is also majoring in music. Minho is majoring in Business Administration. While the others, Hyunjin, Felix, Jisung, Seungmin, and Jeongin are freshmen from other universities. They usually hang out at our apartment and I'm no against in it. I really love hanging out with them. They're so approachable and funny. 
"Oh sorry to hear that. I hope your friend and her mother are doing fine." He said and smiled at me. I nod at him in response.
"Isn't it nice today? Winter is already here! It's good to have a cup of hot coffee and a heartful talk." He said as he looked at the window outside.
"I don't think so. I'd never like winter." I shrugged as I drink my juice. He looked back at me as if I was some crazy woman.
"You don't like winter? But why? People love it. It's nice and cozy, I live winter actually." He said and looked at me.
"I just don't like it. I like warm summer, autumn, and spring. Winter never excites me. Even when I was a kid. And my boyfriend dumped me on a cold winter night. That made worse. " I explained to him carefully. He just nods at me. Accepting my hate for winter.
"Oh I see, so how do you endure winter? I mean what do you do when the season comes?"
"I just hang out with my friend. Drinking, eat ramen, or anything that makes us warm. But when I'm alone, I usually sleep or binge-watched some dramas." I said and he nods in response.
"Hmm, it's not that boring tho. Me, I usually write songs and make some mixtapes when winter comes. I just love the feeling and emotions that winter gives me. In that way, I can make my music."
"Really? Wow, you're talented. I wish I have that kind of talent too. But I suck at those." You shrugged and chuckled. He just smiled and talk further.
Alexa decided to study next semester but in her hometown. I'm sad knowing that she'll not continue to study here but we promised each other that we'll contact and update each other.
"Noona!" Jeongin surprised me with a hug as I opened the door of the apartment.
"Oh my Jeongin! How are you, my little boy? Come inside. Hey guys!" I let them inside the apartment. Another noise from the freshmen including Changbin. It's always like this. Every time they go here. It's always this noisy. But I love it. It makes me happy and not alone.
"Hey Channie," I said as I welcomed Chan who looks tired.
"Oh hi, y/n. how's school? Sorry, I let you go home by yourself. I was just busy and these stupid boys asked me to meet them."
"Oh, it's okay. I prepared you some food." I said and cling my arms to his. We always do this. It's very comfortable and I feel like I'm in my home.
"Thank you, dear," he said and ruffled my hair. Oh. That nickname. Fuck. It makes my heart do somersaults. Is it normal to feel this for a friend like him?
"Hey lovebirds, we brought some colas and pizzas!" Minho shouted from the living room as they prepare the food they brought.
"Shut up Minho! Mind your goddamn business there!" Chan shouted
"Okay then!" Minho replied and burst a laugh.
We just sat and decided to watch the newest drama we happened to saw on Netflix.
"I'm freaking tired. Chan-hyung! I think I need to go by now. We still have exams for tomorrow, right Hyunjin?" Seungmin said as he stands up and yawned.
"Oh shit! Right! Hyung! We need to go now! I need to review some past lessons." Hyunjin said as he ready himself to go. The others also get ready. I decided to stand up and try to clean up.
"Let's do that, later. Let's say goodbye first to the boys." Chan said and I just nod in response.
"Goodbye Chan hyung! Goodbye noona! Good night!" Changbin and others bid their goodbyes.
"Yeah, yeah goodnight! " chan said as he pushed the boys out. I chuckled and waved my hand at them.
"Maybe it's time to clean up," I said and Chan nodded and went to the living room to clean.
The annoying alarm woke me up. I still have my classes on Saturdays. But Chan doesn't. When he first wakes up than me, he usually asked me to walk me in school. But sometimes he wakes up late, I just prepare some breakfast for him and leave a note telling him that I left.
As I walk out of my room, I heard some shufflings and noise from the kitchen.
"Morning sunshine! Eat and get ready for your classes." Chan greeted me and smiled.
"Morning Channie. You wake up again early?" I said as I sit down on my chair.
"Yep. I woke up early and can't go back to sleep so here, I prepared us breakfast." He said as he finished cooking and sit beside me.
"Thank you then," I said and started eating.
"I'm going to the mall near the university. Mind if I walk you to school?" He asked
"Hmm. Is it okay?"
"Of course. Hah! " he said and chuckled
"Thanks though. What are you going to do in the mall?" I asked him
"Uh, it's Changbin's birthday on the 11th. I planned to buy him some gifts."
"Really? We should celebrate it here!" I clasped my hand as excitement fills me. It's my first time to celebrate a new friend's birthday.
"Sure thing. I'll wait for you later after classes. Just text me if you're done." I nod at him and he smiled. So excited to celebrate Changbin's birthday. It's two days from now.
We just walked from the apartment to school as I still have a lot of time before my first class starts.
"So see you later y/n. do well, okay?" He pinched my cheeks and scrunched his nose.
"Yes, I will. Now go to the mall and buy Changbin a nice gift." I waved my hand at him as I went inside.
I met Minho at the cafeteria. Luckily we have the same schedule of break time.
"Y/N!" Minho went near me with food in his hands.
"Oh hello, Minho! Uh, can I ask you something?" I asked him and let him sit down on the chair beside me.
"Uhm, what is it?" Minho said as munched on his food.
"It's about Changbin. Do you know anything he loves? Like favorite clothing? Perfumes? Or what? It's his birthday the day after tomorrow, right?" I said and sip on my drink
"Oh yeah, Changbin isn't a picky person. As long as it's from a good friend, he'll love it." He tilted his head and chuckled.
"Oh, it's kinda hard. But anyway, thank you for that. I'm going to buy him a gift later. And I asked Chan to celebrate it the apartment." I said
"Really? That's a good idea! By the way, it's already time. Need to go back! See you around!" Minho stands up and bid his goodbyes. I waved at him and decided to attend my last class.
"Y/n!" Chan waved at me as I saw him outside the campus.
"Hey Channie!" I smile while happily ran to him.
"You look cute doing that," Chan said and ruffled my hair. I lowered my head to hide the lingering blush on my cheeks.
"Channie, do you mind if we go to the mall again? I just want to buy Changbin a gift."
"Hmm.. Sure! I'll help you. " he said and took my hand. God, why is he doing this? He so freaking sweet. I feel like I'm having a date with my boyfriend. Wait-- fuck boyfriend?? Erase erase. We're just friends, okay?
After I got the best gift for Changbin, I decided to take a look at the shelf and found this cute little thing that caught my eye. I took it and stare at it like it holds my future in it.
"You like that one? It's cute." Chan said as he also takes a look at the music box.
"Uh, yeah. But nevermind. I didn't bring enough money for it." I put it back to the shelf as I have no plans on buying it. But I turned to Chan as he grab again the music box and grabbed my hand.
"Let's take it. I'll pay for it for you." Chan smiled and went to the cashier.
"Hey, Chan! You don't have to." I pulled back his arms.
"No. Think of it as my gift for you. A gift to my friend. Don't worry." He said and went to face the cashier and hand his payment to her.
"Thank you for this! I really appreciate it!" I said as I stare at it again and listen to the calming music playing.
"See? You love it. What will happen to you if I didn't buy it?" he chuckled and turn his head to me. Oh no, I know he's staring at me, and stop these loud heartbeats! He might hear it! Why are you like this?? It's a simple gift. Do I like him? Yes, I appreciate all the efforts he did and the small things that he did for me. Do I already like him? I mean, it's not a bad thing if it is. But I'm scared that he might not feel the same. But it doesn't matter to me for now. I just need to forget these lingering feelings.
Changbin's day dropped on a fine Saturday. All of the boys went here including the birthday boy to help in preparing for the party later.
"Need help in cooking?" Chan asked peeking from the kitchen entrance.
"Uhm, yes, please. Changbin's foods are quite a lot!" I said as I cut the ingredients for my own version of kimchi fried rice.
"Poor little y/n. here you go." Chan started to help me, asking what should he do, or what ingredients to put next.
"They're so noisy, aren't they?" Chan chuckled as he groaned to the noise from the living room.
"Don't act like you're not one of them Channie," I teased and smacked his arm.
"Why? I'm a good boy!" I glared at him and he just laughed at me.
"Hey sweethearts! Where are the foods?" Changbin went to us while wearing his birthday hat. It's his idea. 22 years old my ass.
"Just you wait little prince, the food is nearly ready," I said
"Go away Changbin! You're so excited as hell, it's still early! Mind your business outside!" Chan said and shoo Changbin away. He just huffed and pouted at us.
"Happy Birthday hyuuung!" The juniors greeted him cheerfully after we sang him a happy birthday.
After lots of drinking and eating, the other boys were now drunk. Leaving me, Jeongin, Seungmin, and Felix sober. I chose not to drink a lot as I thought of having atleast one here have a sober mind.
I woke up peacefully without the sound of an alarm. Sunday morning. No classes, a good day to rest. But I need to clean first the mess outside.
*ring ring
"Hello? Y/N?" It's Alexa! I missed her voice.
That night, Chan brought some pizzas and colas for us. Watching some movies before going to sleep.
After our classes, Chan and I went first to a fast-food chain to buy some food.
"Lexie~" I screamed at the top of my lungs running to Alexa
"So, how's living together?" Alexa said as she grabbed a slice of pizza and bite on it.
"What do you think you're doing Alexa?" I whisper shouted at her while Chan left and went to the bathroom.
Alexa slept early because of the long travel she took. Me, on the other hand, still resting on the couch, scrolling through my phone, when I felt someone sit beside me.
"Take care of my friend, Chan. I can count on you, right?" Alexa said turned to us before she goes outside.
Winter is near again. And Chan's one year here is near too.
I just need a simple outfit since it's fucking cold outside. But shit, we're going to his parent's house. Maybe it's not bad if I wear something nice beneath my thick parka. Ugh. Why do I feel so nervous? As if I'm getting judged by his parents later. Calm your ass down, y/n. it's just dinner. No more, no less.
Winter is now starting and here I am again, sulking at one corner. We're out of fucking tea! My one and only partner in this season! Fuck!
"Y/n! You ready?" Chan knocked on my door while I'm still getting my bag.
"We're here. I'm glad to show you around my childhood home. This is where I grow up together with my siblings. It's nice isn't it?" Chan said and faced me.
"So y/n, is Chan a good roommate to you?" Chan's dad asked me. Like him, Chan's dad is a good looking man. Like Chan in his 40's. something like that.
"Where are we going?" I asked Chan as he wears his shoes going outside.
I guess winter is not that bad. Especially when Chan is always here beside me, he can make my winter warm and comfortable.
"It's quite calm and quiet isn't it?" Chan said as he stares from nowhere. I just shrugged at him and swayed my feet.
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beecherdrysdale · 4 years
Hiii pt3 enjoy !
Slow dancing =🥺😍
Oo yesss the suits would be beautiful. Ooo I’m liking the red dress w a slit. And the black dress😍.
Oo I’m seeing kesh in a long royal red dress w a slit and Kirby w a matching suit or tie with his hair slicked back. 😉
And Brigid would be in a glittery and strappy long black dress w a slit as well. Jamie and Dylan as her dates hehe. All of you would look gorgeous!!
And me possibly in a dark green long dress or maybe a mix of red and black dress? I’m thinking Christmas colours lol.
Also can you walk in heels?
The vibe is open and friendly :))
Awww Brigid you teaching Jamie to braid your hair would be so cute!! Eekkk “my smart boy” love that!
I feel like cooking would be a disaster lol.
Awww making the kids happy that’s cute. Awww I wonder how are kids would be like 🥺🥺 I’like I’m ok w babies but w kids above the age of 2 don’t really like me hehe. Maybe it’s different. Also kesh Kirby calling you all panicked would be kinda funny because he doesn’t know what to do with the baby or kid, but then you come in and everything is calm and he’s just staring at you in awe 🥺.
Yayy everybody knows to skate!! Yes kesh you and Kirby would be so cute skating together! But he’s just being extra protective because he doesn’t want you to fall. You would just be constantly hugging hehe. Also yes he can teach you to hockey stop and tie your skates 😌.
Hahaha brigid + dyl+ Jamie skating would be a bit chaotic, but cute all at the same time. Like they wanna do everything for you. Tying your skates, giving you mitts, beanies, an extra jacket. It’s all covered. They would be constantly around you. Holding your hand, like I can just see them glaring at the guys not to interrupt their moments w you. Even if you want space, they say nahhhhh. Hehe “we have Lexi. Lexi, lexi, Lexi, Lexi” that made me crack up . Ryan and I are everywhere hehe I can finally race him while skating backwards hehe. We would be skating past brigid and co and chirping them and then racing and pushing the boys hehe. I would take photos of kesh and Kirby cuz they are adorable.
Awww poor Quinner, gotta let him have some bruh time lol. But then he sees me w Ryan and gets sad so I go skate with him and yes we would be competitive as well with him teaching me hockey(I do have some tricks up my sleeves ;)
Ooo a hockey game at the end would be so fun. We would slay and win. They guys would be so confused- why weren’t you on the wj team hehe.
Also taking insta photos to flex, and getting hot chocolate 😍
Fin. Onto the next!.
part three is here people. another long post lmao
ok yesss slow dancing is so cute, i love it. and yesss we would all look amazing at the gala. i loveee dresses with slits, like if i’m gonna wear a long dress it has to have one. hehe yes all of us wearing christmas colors and matching our dresses to our dates’ ties. i can usually walk in heels, but at the same time i’m clumsy so not really? idk it depends on how coordinated i am on any given day lmao
yessss omg now i just want to teach jamie how to braid my hair so bad. like that’s the softest shit right there. and then cooking with any of them would just be a disaster lmao. like they would try... but let’s just say it doesn’t go too well
omg hockeys with babies is literally my favorite. like that shit just melts my heart🥺 ugh any of us with our guys and babies would honestly be adorable. and honestly any of them would be doing the same, calling us all panicked bc they need help, and then they’re just in awe when we know exactly what to do. omg i can just imagine kesh with kirby 🥰
yesss kesh and kirby being adorable together skating. and kirby just constantly wants to be touching you bc he’s a bit overprotective (but like in a cute way) and wants to make sure you don’t fall
hehe yes me with jamie and dyl would be so chaotic lmao. like they’re just both trying to do everything for me, like tying my skates and giving me clothes and stuff. and i’m like guyssss ik what i’m doing but they won’t stop lmao. and then on the ice they’re right in my space, trying not to let me fall. so then i physically threaten them just to get an inch of breathing room lmao
hehe yes lexi is off being chaotic with ryan again, racing ofc and chirping everyone. and then she takes cutsie pics of kesh and kirby bc they’re honestly couple goals. but then you realize quinner is sad bc you’re with ryan instead of him so then you go skate with him, and then you’re competitive with him too lmao
hehe yessss all three of us on the same team and somehow our team wins. and they’re just like how? and they’re like you guys should have been on our wjc team, but jokes on them bc me and kesh are american lmao. and then taking cute insta photos ofc and getting hot chocolate
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watchwithbee · 4 years
the fosters, s1e11
tw: brief mentions of (fictional) past r*pe and s*xual a*sault, foster siblings having romantic/sexual relationships, poor mental health, father figure fighting an alcohol problem, somewhat shitty commentary but that’s everything I post lmao
1k words
(started about 10 minutes in)
Ju: you’re no better than liam >:(
B: I love callie
[egregious puking noises]
Look ship whatever you want
Just acknowledge when things are problematic
Ship brallie to your heart’s content as long as you don’t condone in*est IRL
I’m not here to police ppl, I’m just giving opinions no one asked for cause that’s the entire purpose of this blog
Oh no jude
Poor boy
I literally hate brandon sm he needs to get his shit together
[aggressive vibing to the theme song]
[weeping] you’re surrounded by love and you’re wanted
I used to think the theme was cheesy
Now i literally love it sm
Ugh ads
I really think people are overlooking jude’s feelings rn
Omfg stef’s mom (her name is sharon, bee)
I love her
I love jude and sharon’s dynamic it’s 
Chef’s kiss
Sh: I’m not gonna break up with him cause I love his bed
“Subtext, by calvin klein ;)”
Oh right this is the bed that fucks up their marriage
Ju: I’m a taco :D
Me: [I can’t find it but the clip from b99 where boyle says I’m gonna need a minute
It cuts to a black screen that says one minute later than cuts back to charles tear and snot stained face after clearly crying a lot
Boyle: sorry for the sobbing and the wailing and the weird snorting noise I made at the end
But yeah that’s me rn]
Oh god not more jesus lexi drama
I wish mariana and jesus got along better
Also jake t austin jesus walked so noah centineo jesus could run
I love that typed out it looks like I mean jesus the religious figure
Oh shit 
Lexi needs to stop gatekeeping and mariana needs to stop taking the division of time as a personal offense
I mean she and jesus are both taurus so I’m not surprised they’re clashing
Oh god callie why did you run away w wyatt
I hate wyatt
I hate the aliens dialogue
W: the government is making it seem fake oOoOoH
Literally hate it
Callie “he’s better off without me” addams foster is getting on my last fuckin nerve
Like the insensitivity?????
The not actually caring about the people around you under the guise of caring about them??????
The only difference between martyrdom and soupyslide is press coverage
The whole Wyatt And Callie On The Run thing is getting old and it’s been happening for like 10 minutes
Self sacrifice isn’t cute sis
He claims to care about her and yet
Deletes the fucking voicemail from her mom??????????
Christ stef is fucking crying
Sh: my love…
Now wyatt is playing the good guy???F???
Okay hold up
Callie and brandon are both at fault for kissing each other at stef and lena’s wedding
which was SO cute btw
the wedding not the gross kiss
I will say that callie, who was literally r*ped by L*am, was incredibly emotionally volatile then bc everything with him had been stirred up and she just found out he wouldn’t go to jail
No one would be surprised if she did something impulsive and self destructive bc of the trauma, especially something related to having an inappropriate relationship with a foster brother
Brandon knew about all of this and he wasn’t having flashbacks or a bunch of trauma about anything 
He should have stopped her or at least pushed her away 
And he didn’t 
I’m not saying Callie isn’t at fault too, what I am saying is that brandon had more responsibility in that situation and didn’t do what a decent person would do
Callie is so clearly sprialing rn
At least Wyatt is actually trying to help her
No one can handle a stressful situation in this show
I can’t describe how much I hate the pseudo end of the fucking world energy they’re going for
At least wyatt had the decency to not immediately try to share a bed w her
I like how flustered he gets cuddling her
That’s cute at least
I don’t like that callie didn’t consider that sharing a bed would make him nervous or uncomfy
And now callie, feeling trapped again, is going to run away yet again
And do something impulsive
Yet again
Look I have trauma and a strong fight or flight response too, but I dont hurt the people I love
Hitching a ride with a trucker??????????? She’s going to put herself in a very avoidable irreversibly bad situation
I love mike getting to be a good dad figure
It’s rare with the whole alcoholic plot
I really hate that too btw
He has a comforting presence
Let him be a good dad
Mariana you can want to be vegan but pls don’t be a toxic vegan
Let people make their own choices
I love frazzled mike trying to be a good dad
I wish mariana would be a little bit more of a problem solver
If she doesn’t want any animal products or peanut butter offer to make your own lunch maybe??????
I hate how fast Jesus and Mariana forgave brandon after the whole “We ToOk YoU iN wHeN NoOnE eLsE wAnTeD yOu!!! sTeF iS mY mOm!!!!” bullshit
“Mom’s car won’t start” lmao
What the actual fuck callie 
If she’s this at risk for such self destructive behavior she needs way more help
Oh god not the begging for a job scene
I hate this part
I’m a little over half way done with the episode so I’ll cut it here, part 2 will be up shortly
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Mount Everest Ain't Got Shit On Us (Fezco x fem!reader, part 10.)
Description: You were always told that your life will be as you wish it to be if you’ll study enough. That it will pay off if you work hard. And some people were given you like a scary example of what will happen when you don’t obey. But sometimes it feels good to disobey.
A/N: x
Warnings: Fight Club! Wohoo, here we fucking gooo.
Word Count: 2.1 K
Read the rest here, babe:  PART 1  PART 2  PART 3  PART 4  PART 5  PART 6  PART 7  PART 8  PART 9
Masterlist and declaration: H E R E
Tagging: @charmed-asylum, @jeyramarie, @pantherxrogers
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Sometimes all you need in your life is some silence and calm time to think everything through. It’s not like you try to reach some nirvana or shit, but you need to think. Sometimes a thing happens that totally fucks up your perception of reality and you just cut yourself off from the outside world.
You want to just ride to the school on a bike, listening to some music or the birds singing, to feel the wind in your hair and to escape the reality for a slight moment. And when it’s all said and done, you reach the solution you were searching for and your life just continues. Sometimes when your friends try to help you, they just make everything much, much worse than it was before. 
You couldn't just stand Rue's rambling about Fezco feeling terrible. She didn't shut up the whole time, so in the middle of the third paragraph and fourth sentence, you got up, pushed your tray to hers violently, rolling your eyes and taking the earbuds out of your bag, walking off the scene. You loved Rue and Jules like your sisters, but that shit was too much for you to handle at that moment. 
Naturally, you did not expect to find a friend in Kat Fernandez at that given moment. It did not matter she is a plus size girl - she had so much confidence that even the most popular girls were friends with her. 
She silently approached you when she took a notice that you're not talking with Rue for a week and when Ash told you that you’re not talking to Fezco either. You knew each other, but no as much to be called friends.
“Hey, bitch.” - She said loudly in front of your empty table at the cafeteria. You could hear her through the music playing in your earbuds - the entire cafeteria could hear her. 
“Hi, Kat?” - You asked her/greeted her. You took the earbuds out of your ears as she and her boyfriend, a slim boy who looked even more tired than Fezco, sat down next to you. - “Do you need my notes from biology or what?” 
“Oh, shut up. You're just looking down, bitch, I'm not going to let you sit alone. I’m not a bitch.” - Kat sighed dramatically and all of a sudden, Lexi sat beside you, then Cassie sat at your table as well and the last one to the freak show was Maddy, the mad queen herself.
Excuse you, since when were you friends with those popular girls? You didn't have a single fucking idea. But you were just scared at that moment to make a move against their invasion.
“We heard that shit went down between Fez and you, girl. I’m so sorry. You were as cute as me and Nate.” - Maddy took your hand to her palm, looking you in the eyes, swinging those fake lashes. One more swing and you were sure that they would fall fucking off. That day was too much for you. WHAT. THE. FUCK. - “How are you feeling, babe?” - She asked with too much affection in her voice. They were all fake as fuck. 
“I think I’m... Fine. How do you know that? And I didn’t break up with him, I just wanted some alone time.” - You carefully took the hand off Maddy’s palm, ready to run off with all of your food back to Rue and Jules. They were both watching you - Rue’s expression was similar to vomiting and Jules had a brain freeze.
“Oh, you know, the people tell and everybody just adds something to the story. I heard that you’re preggy.” - Kat answered while she was peeling her orange. 
“I heard that some of Fezco’s friends tried to cut your throat.” - Cassie added to the flame with a serious tone. 
“And I heard that he cheated on you with that ginger from senior year. Is it real?” - Maddy asked with her eyes popped the fuck out, you had a strong tendency to tell her that she should calm those fucking eyeballs down.
“None of these is fucking true. Not a shitty bit. Jesus.” - You sighed with a sour voice and for everything just getting better, Nate fucking Jacobs was heading to your table. You felt sick at that moment and your day was ruined. You could handle bullshit of those primadonnas, but you knew before he came to your table that Nate is too much of an asshole for you to handle. 
But you didn't know how much bullshit his manners will cause.
“And we meet again.” - Nate smiled at you while he leaned to kiss his girlfriend’s temple. Oh boy, you never got violent tendencies, but you would swear to fucking God that you are ready to punch him at any moment. 
“How pleasurable.” - You gritted, watching him down with a disgusted look.
“So you finally realized what’s good for you?” - Nate sighed and leaned to you. Oh, you were aware of what he is doing. That fucker was trying to make you feel small, to intimidate you because he was that big, strong boy and you were just a small girl. Too bad for him it didn't work. 
Also, was that fucker giving you proposals just in front of Maddy or not? You realized in the next minute - Maddy didn't know that you and Nate have already met. At Fezco’s shop. But Kat did. Aaand... She was talking to Ethan, so she did not hear anything that that piece of shit had said. 
How could two people be so lonely in a full cafeteria, sitting surrounded by many people? Was it even possible?
“I told you that Fezco is a zero who makes himself look better than he is. There are particularly... Better boys.” - He licked his lips slowly and you felt ready to vomit all over the table. And thank God for Rue at that moment.
"Hey Y/N." - Rue appeared behind Nate's back. - "Can I talk to ya? We... Ugh... Need to talk about dat... Thingy..." - She stuttered. You nodded with grace, grasping the food off the table, immediately running back to your beloved table. - "Okay, ya glad that I saved ya? And holy fuck man, what was he tryin' to do?"
"He's suggesting things. This was for the second time this happened. Fezco would have killed him on the spot." - You looked behind your back, still seeing Nate with his grinning face. At least he was looking into Maddy's face and his eyes were a small inch before being craved out of the eyeballs.
"Well fuck me, fuck ya and fuck Nate then. He heard it. Got him on da phone, so he heard all of da shit." - Rue gave you her hand over your shoulder. You opened your mouth with a scared face. Nathan was dead. - "Now I know why was so pissed."
"You were standing behind Nate the whole time? Jesus fucking Christ, Rue, use your brain sometimes." - You put your tray on the table and sat next to Jules. Jules smiled at you with love and smoothed your shoulder.
"Man, I can't choose when ma bros call me. And he was just checkin' dat ya safe." - Rue muttered when she made the pills into small pieces, mixing it into her yogurt again.
"I should really speak to him, shouldn't I?" - You asked silently, looking Rue to her eyes. She raised her eyebrows and watched you as if you were a dumb fuck.
You didn't even have to go for Fezco to his shop - he was just casually standing outside the school, watching the entrance, smoking a cigarette. He looked even more tired than he did ever before, he was out of his mind completely.
But his face softened when he saw you in your hoodie, just standing there and watching him. Your eyes started to water as you walked to him to hug him. You missed him so much - you missed his smile, his tired baby blue eyes, his scent, and his raspy voice. By the moment he hummed into your ear, you were already crying into the crook of his neck. How could you miss someone so fucking much?
"Are ya alright, baby girl?" - Fezco whispered after a few seconds. You nodded between the sobs. 
He was holding you like there was no tomorrow. He would never say that one person can make him feel as much as you did. Any drug has ever made him feel so alive as your presence did, the warmth in his heart basically every time you have touched him and the bliss when you kissed him. ANy drug was as addictive as you. 
You haven’t seen each other in two weeks. If you weren't in front of the other people, even he would most probably cry. And Fezco knew that he will cry, he had so many things to be sorry for. 
But then you felt him tense up. Nate has left the school, his hand hazily over Maddy’s shoulder. You could see Nathan’s face go a bit paler when he saw you with Fezco. 
“No, no, no, baby boy, no.” - You begged quietly, but it was for nothing. Fezco already made his decision. And if Nate wasn't able to accept it the nice way, he needed to understand in the worse way. That was just Nate's decision.
"We are havin' this conversation for the last fuckin' time, amigo. I tell ya. One more gross word on ma girl, one more look at her and you're fuckin' dead. I had enough of ya bullshit, dawg." - Fezco almost run into Nate and caught the hem of Nate's shirt, tearing him away from Maddy who screamed and jumped few feet to the side with her hands over her mouth and watched both of them with tears in her eyes.
"Do you even realize that all of those people can just tell that you were threating me? Or you're too dumb for this, you ugly fuck?" - And that was that. Nate fell on the ground when Fezco gave him a good hit to the jaw. Everyone was watching their fight. Nate was obviously winning over Fezco with his tall American football body.
But Fezco wasn't willing to give up that easily. He was fighting for your dignity and honor at the moment. Fezco couldn't just lose. In the end, they both stood three feet away from each other. Fez's white polo shirt was bloody as hell, his knuckles were violet and he couldn't open one of his eyes. And Nate didn't look any better. But you and Maddy were quick to stand between them.
"I told you that you shouldn't do that. He's going to the police and you'll end up in jail." - You whispered and took his face to your palm gently.
"What the fuck was that? Are you kidding me, Fezco? What the hell?!" - Maddy yelled at you and you wanted to tell her that you're sorry, but Fez was faster.
"Try to tell yo boy that he shouldn't try to get another girl's panties when he has a girl. Go on. This happened twice." - Fezco answered and spit our blood on the pavement. Maddy stood straight for a second before she turned to Nate, she started to scream in Spanish at him - she was talking about some sex tape and releasing it. You and Rue took Fezco to the car before the teachers could see anything before any trouble could start.
"How could ya be angry at that angel?" - Rue laughed our loud and shove a few strands of her hair behind her ear while she drove the car. Jules sat next to her and you were in the backseat with Fezco's head on your lap. He was watching you and his left eye was crying. You couldn't tell about the other one clearly. - "He just fought with Nate fucking Jacobs. For ya. You're hella lucky."
"And he almost got himself knocked out. But he's my brave warrior." - You ran yours over the short hair on his head. Yeah. You loved him. No matter if he was a dealer or not, you loved him. And he had no problem with fighting other guys just because of you.
So you didn't have any talk. You just... Accepted the fact of what source of his money was. Because that's what people who are completely blind with love do.
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bi-lullaby · 5 years
I loved your last rankings so much that I'm sending you another fun (?!) challenge! How would you rate all these male GA characters from your favorite to least favorite, no ties allowed? :) Alex, Derek, Richard, Mark, Owen, Jackson, Burke, George, Andrew, Linc and Ben? Good luck, and as always, feel free to include your reasons why because I love your answers!
Ohhh boy you give me life with those asks! Here we go:
1 - As no surprise to anyone: Alex. My baby had the best character development I’ve ever seen, really, brcaus ewhile it was huge, it was also paced and believable and stabilished and non-linear. He was a huge asshole with a concealed heart of gold in season one. In season 15, he’s a golden boy with a concealed asshole side, and the growth/diminishment of those sides weren’t always inversely proportionate, but adjusted to what each characteristic was brought out more by his surroundings/worked more on by himself. Also, he’s the person that has stuck with mer for the longest and through the most, which would put him in a high place in this list even if he wasn’t my favorite on his own. I also adore how, thematically, he’s so moved by the women in his life (bot just the romantic i terests while we are at it) for the betterment of himself and hsi ways. It’s not like Owen’s “I’ll need her to take care of me emptionally and shape herself to my desires so I can be in a good place, it’s recognizing those positive influences in his life and trying to emulate them/work with them/learn from them. Also about his theme, itms less the worn-out “guy is validated in being an asshole bc he had a tough life” and more “guy learns that his tough life doesn’t mean he gotta act like an asshole”. I love this character so much, ugh.
2 - Ben. A freaking Disney prince would be a sleeazy douche in comparison. I was so weirded out when Shobda decided to give so much focus to this random-ass character, then I was really turned off by his storyline with the cutting people open and all that (not necessarily because I thought he was wrong, I just felt the storyline was handled awkwardly and made him sound pelutant and irresponsible instead of a promissing, if stubborn, future surgeon. I’ve yet to watch Station 19, but this angel with a scalpel and a fire hose for wings deserves his own goddamn spin-off, for sure.
3 - My baby Andrew. Yeah, he is not that developed, has been inconsistent, his change from “freaking out over Maggie being his boss” to “marvellung at Meredith’s every movie even though she’s kinda even more his boss because she owns the hospital” was... A B R U P T. But I really enjoy this new Andrew - as a side note: I could not care less for him during the whole Sam storyline, he seemed like a toned down Jonhy Bravo - He’s smart and sweet and funny and worships Mer like the Wonder Woman she is. His relationships with Arizona, Amelia, Jo, Carina and now Alex need more screentime because they’re great (or have the potential to be so). He’s competent and brilliant and selfless (dropping the charges on Alex even if he was completely in the right, taking the blame for mer now) and so tender (his absolute gentleness in peds, taking care of Amy after the operation, being a moody, emotive boy because he lost his love instead of a macho men...). The future holds great things for him, and I’m excited to watch them unfold!
4 - Not on your list but I love: Tom. Boy is he nice. As I was figuring out this order, I realized he reminds me a lot of my favorite character (Dean Winchester) - or at least what I think Dean would be if he was older, richer and lived without the Supernatural World and so many traumas. His talk to April was so moving and I felt it really helped. He doesn’t stand on a moral high horse: He does what he thinks is right and damned be judgment. He’s empathetic, he’s romantic, he treats Teddy RIGHT. He deserves to have his own storyline and be more developed and show us kore of his awesomeness.
5 - Jackson. As I said in my ships rating answer, I’ve only started to care for him recently, but I really do care. He’s not a character I’d, like, write fic about, or long rants and meta, but I love his sibling-esque relationship with Mer and his relationship with Maggie and the way he connects with his mom and how this spoiled, immature transfer with something to prove became a respected, innovative surgeon and father who’s secure of himself and ready to explore different paths and ways and worldviews. I just wish him, and the Grey’s fandom, would be less defensive about the callout of his privileged life. Like. I’ve seen people write paragraphs upon paragraphs about how Maggie was a bitch for calling him privileged. And he is (for his hoards upon hoards of money growing up). That’s not too hard a concept to grasp. Plus, it’d be nice if he could treat Maggie as less of a consolation prize/second chance. Just because faith (or lack thereof) was a source of tension in his previous marriage, and he feels like changing that would have made everything better, doesn’t mean the same applies to his current relationship, or that Maggie is the one who should change -he learned, learned, and is back in square one seeing only his side of it - I really hope this season treats him more kindly and gives him happiness and peace!
6 - Richard. I love him for his parental-and-ish relationships, specially to Maggie, Mer and Jackson, but to Bailey and Callie too. That’s my favorite aspect of him, watching those gives me a nice, warm feeling in my tummy and puts a smile on my face. There’s some aspects of him I find either boring or unpleasant, and I think it’s kinda annoying how him retiring has been a theme/conflict since, like, season one, and fast-foward ten years and he’s basically an entity at the hospital. Like? What? Was the point? You’ve waisted my time? For nothing? But he’s a solid, reliable character you can’t really hate and who brings more good than bad to the show by far. As a side note: one day I will yell at him for his treatment of Maggie after she talked about HER OWN HISTORY and he basically called her a mistake (although he apologized pretty soon and she forgave him so so will I).
7 - Mark. He was great and all that, but never sparked that love some characters did. I was sad when he died, I loved his scenes and relationships, I just am not invested in him. Plus the immaturity in his relationship with Lexie pisses me off a bit, as does his “man whore” personality.
8 - Link. Genuinely love him, he’s been nothing but sweet and kind and fun and helpful this entire time! I cheered for Merlink sooooo much imat first, and I really wish their friendship will be developed! Him and Jo are everything I never knew I needed. He has no arguable flaws besides being so sculped it freaks me out a little bit, but he isn’t higher up in my rank because there isn’t much material for that yet, but expect a climb as he becomes more and more regular.
9 - Burke. He was kinda sweet and did a good thing for Cristina (the hospital). He was also manipulative and arrogant and voundary-crossing in their relationship. I might like him better if it was bot for Burktina, but we will never know.
10 - Owen. Toxic as fuck, annoying, controlling, disgusting. Those are all things that very much apply to Owen in a lot of situations. Screaming at Cristina for “murdering their baby”? YIKES. Big no no. He was not suited for romantic relationships at all and I wish the show would realize that and allow him that space and breathing time without being stuck in a complicated relationship with loads of baggage or a love triangle. Because that’s my whole thing about him: I believe he has room for growth. His relationship with April is pretty amazing, he was always so considerate and gentle with her, all the time, and I want to see more of that bond. He loves kids and can be really good with them, he has a lot of things to work out with the traumas of his father’s death + war + his sister’s story. Why not focus on that? Why not show him growing and processing and bettering himself and living up to the potential he has? I feel like they gave the all the wrong romantic storylines to the character who’s otherwise really good and that’s such a shame because I really enjoyed him at first. Lets see what happens from now on, and if he gets a dose of tv’s “heterosexual love and a nuclear biological family solve everything!” medicine or if this is a turning point for him.
11 - Derek. He never really had any appeal to me. Not his face, not his personality, not his storylines or plot points pr the actor. That’s reason enough for him to rank low, but I also think he had some really bad traits. He was arrogant and condescending and had a God complex and was sexist and pushy and just not great for the people around him. Exploiting Amy’s addiction being outed to steal surgeries? Refusing to give Mer credit on their clinic trial? Putting ultimatums on his girlfriend that she either has to be ready for a full, committed relationship or end things, then call her a slut when she sleeps with other guys after they broke up? Cheating on Addison after deciding to work things out? Stringing mer and addie along? Not saying he was married in the first place? Pushing Mer’s boundaries after she was clearly uncomfortable with having slept with her boss? Refusing to have an inch of empathy for Mer’s action regarding the trial despite her complicated history with the people she was trying to help (who were her friends, actually?)? Telling his depressed girlfriend that she should be concerned the happiest part of his day was flirting with another girl from the bar? Ratting out on Richard to the board because he wanted the spot? Not acknowledging Mer’s trauma after the shooting? Kissing nurse Rose while building the dream house? Kissing his student while being married in NY? Pushing his wife to move and saying his career was more important than his after he had compromised on letting her shine? All things that, isolated, can even be understood on context and “everyone makes mistakes”, but that when put together, make it pretty clear it’s a pattern of someone with very little regard to the people around him. Was he a good surgeon? Yeah. Great father as well. He also had some interesting relationships and iconic scenes, truly, I can recognize that. I hurt for the people he loved and left behind (and I genuinely think he loved them and meant well), but he himself I don’t miss at all.
12 - I think George is the clearest contrast between how old greys handled matters of sexism and gender and sexuality and how it does now. He was such a sleazy nice guy at times, it is unbearable to me. And he ranks lower than Derek because A) His relationships also bored me while Derek’s could pique my interest at times, B) There’s no talk about his mistakes. Remember when he (in his own words) took advantage of Meredith being on a terrible, delicate, vulnerable place (still hiding her mother’s Alzheimer’s and seeing a person be blown to pieces and being dumped by who she thought was the one and being rejected by her father for the second time after seeing him for the first time in tweenty years) and, knowing that she was not interested in him, pursued her, then after she started crying because of the literal pile of shit she was having to carry around (and still trying to preserve his feelings), got mad at her and everyone sided with him? It baffled younger me to bits that what Mer had “done” was so terrible, it has not stoped bafflinn me in the years that have passed since. Can you imagine any of the girls crying during sex because they’re so overwhelmed and feel like that’s a mistake, and the guy freaks out on them and they’re instantly ostracized by the narrative and characters? That’s essentially criticizing her for the right of saying no, of stopping when she doesn’t want to continue, of not giving away her time and feels just because a goofy guy who is her friend feels entitled to them. That’s the word: entitled. He literally says he “saw her first”. How’s that not Nice Guy 101? I would understand his ego being bruised, but the guilt tripping and the bitching and the fact none of that is treated as a fucking creepy thing? Yikes. Also how he treated Callie, who deserved so, so much better. And even Olivia who was perfectly lovely and did nothing wrong besides having sex with more than one guy without breaking either of their trusts because she wasn’t in a relationship with any of them. Did he do some good things? Sure did! Joey’s surgery costs being cut, helping Bailey give birth, some of his interactions with patients were really sweet, and he died giving his life for someone else. It’s just that consequence-less sexism and entitlement that never gets adressed and gets treated as not only valid, but right, that makes him go rom unappealing to downright hated for me. Better left in the past where people can misplacedly idolize him!
Thank you so much for asking, I love those thought-inspiring asks! <3
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areiton · 5 years
My Society feels
So from the beginning, I totally got the Pied Piper vibes. Town has an issue, guy says he can fix it for a price, the town agrees, then refuses to pay, so the guy takes the kids a payment. Depending on the version you read, the kids are killed, some survive, or they are taken to “paradise”. For some other trippy stuff, the original tale hales from Hamelin, Germany aka West Ham, and pfeiffer basically means piper in German. All that to say, I’m loving this reimagining of this fairy tale, it’s always been a favorite! 
Next, what is up with the dog??!?!!? How can he go between universes? Is he a shapeshifter? Could he secretly be the bus driver? What happened to the other two bus drivers and how were they able to “drive” back into town if everything got cut off??
Why was Elle happily playing the piano at the end of the last episode? Is she planning to fuck shit up? Will she try to kill Campbell again?Which leads me to loving how they’re showcasing the power of abusive relationships especially in a world where there’s no real escape from it other than death. Incarceration has proven not to work, and all of the other solutions Elle has tried basically blew up in her face. Ugh I feel for her so much so it will be interesting to see how she solves that problem. 
How are Harry and Lexie going to manage the Guard and Campbell? Like that last look they shared totally screams that they fucked up. They have no clue what they’re doing. The guard has already proven that they have no self control, and with Campbell egging them on, there’s no telling how bad everything is going to fall apart. Puls, Campbell basically blackmailed them, so they can’t really get out of it because if they tell the truth: chaos, if they don’t tell and it come out anyway: chaos, if they do something Campbell doesn’t like, and he tells everyone as payback: Super chaos. All Campbell cares about is Elle (in his own twisted way), and the power and pain he can exert over others. The more people are focused on others, the more opportunity he has to constantly cause power disruptions which he feeds off of. 
And now there are several people that they don’t have control of that know the truth. How are PTB going to deal with them? Are the one that know the truth going to try for a coup or are they going to just lay low while slowly infecting the rest of the teens with their secret info?
SAM AND GRIZZ!!!!!!!!!!!! My little dumplings! I know they won’t stand for any of this, but how are they going to save the day especially since they’ve barely made up over the Becca situation. Also who is the real baby daddy??? And why can’t none of them tell the truth???
Finally, will we learn about how the parents found out that their kid are “dead”? Will we see more of what’s happening in West Ham? Ugh, they need to renew season two ASAP!  
Arei: Dude. This is all so good I BARELY KNOW WHERE TO START?? 
I love the parallel to the pied piper. It’s EXCELLENT. 
I think the dog–ok actually IDK about the dog. But maybe, if someone/something dies in New Ham they get sent back to West Ham? Maybe? That’s sorta my thought–cuz it’s heavily implied Campbell hurt the dog, right? So that’s my theory on doggo. (Mostly I’m just really relieved the doggo is ok??) 
Elle is so broken. Like. I just want someone to take care of her, and no one is, and really no one CAN until Campbell’s dead, and I’m worried they (Showrunners) won’t take that leap because they need him to be the bad guy we all hate in ourselves. I do look forward to seeing how his abuse shapes her–I want it to be like Sansa in GOT, where she comes out stronger for it, but I’m afraid it’s gonna break her. Like actually break her. So. We’ll see. 
The thing about the Guard is they’re not intrinsically bad. They’re just very easily led. And they’re getting just enough half truths and manipulation from Lexie and Campbell that they’re becoming bad. Not because they want to–just. How things with half-truths and manipulations usually work–they’re dangerous and do more harm than good. (I found the Guard and Lexie to be very eerily similiar to MAGA and Trump, honestly, but I could be projecting my own fears on fiction)
Sam and Grizz–god, Grizz broke my heart? Like I get what Sam is doing and why–but he is hurting Grizz SO MUCH and I just want to hug him and give him warm blankets and cookies so he’ll feel better. And also, you know, make Becca tell us the damn truth about her baby daddy. 
I am surprisingly unconcerned with the parents? I know they’ll factor in, but i don’t have anything invested in them yet. So. We’ll see if the show can change that for me in season 2. Which. Netflix, that’s a thing that’s happening, right??? 
(Also–Kathrine Newton, the girl who plays Allie? Is Claire Novak from Supernatural, and one of my FAVS, I was so excited to see her doing such a fantastic job in this role!!) 
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