#what is wrong with this show it is so damn silly like we have lost the plot....
yuridotcom · 2 years
the newest chucky episode??? uhm??? UHM???
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tiredfox64 · 6 months
Hello! Can you write a Smoke x reader scenario where Smoke is in love with the reader but he doesn't realize it because he's never been in love before (not even have a crush) but he knows he strongly feels something and asks for advice on his feelings and for that person to be like "dude you're in love." And tries to help Smoke confess his feelings to the reader?
Sorry if this is very long lol 😅
Spit it out!
Prior notes: Hi hi! Not long at all. Let’s see what we could do with this sweet man of ours.
Pairing: Tomas x Gn reader
Warnings ‼️: None you silly goose
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There is a feeling that Tomas gets whenever he looks at you. It feels like a whirlwind is starting up in his stomach. His heart rate skyrockets to the heavens above. His mind gets clouded with thoughts about you. What is this feeling?
Tomas doesn’t know. But he yaps about it like crazy. He talks about it like a patient would to a doctor. Filled with curiosity and even some concern as if he hopes it’s nothing too bad.
“I mean, I don’t get it. There’s no reason that my heart should be beating that fast and tingling. I don’t feel like it’s a heart attack. Do you think they have some sort of power or ability to do that to people?” Tomas asked Kuai Liang.
He didn’t even realize that Kuai Liang stopped drinking his tea. He had this blank expression yet his eyes show that he was lost in thought.
By the gods, he doesn’t know does he?
“But why would they try to do that to me? Or even cause me to get distracted during training? It’s so weird. And when I get images of them in my head I feel-“
Kuai Liang took a deep breath before calmly trying to explain to Tomas what he was feeling.
“You’re in love. It is simply that.”
“…oh. But what does that have to do with that feeling in my heart?” He’s like a clueless puppy.
Kuai Liang couldn’t blame his brother for not understanding his feelings. His father nor his mother had the time to teach him how to deal with his feelings. It was all just training to become a Lin Kuei assassin. Looks like he has to be a good brother and help him out.
“That’s how love works. It makes you feel things. That feeling won’t go away unless you confess your feelings.” He calmly told Tomas.
Immediately Tomas was against the idea. He didn’t even know he was in love before. Now he’s being told to confess his feelings for you? That sounds hard, impossible even!
“I will help, Tomas. There is no reason to be afraid of confessing your love. I confessed mine and now Harumi is my wife. The worst they could say is no.”
Tomas contemplated for a bit. This is all too much. But if Kuai Liang is right, maybe it is for the best to just spit it out. You never made him doubt that he couldn’t trust you or that you would ever hurt his feelings. At least if you’re gonna say no, you will do it gently. You better do it gently.
You were a little nervous when your grandmaster said he wanted to see you in his office. You didn’t do anything wrong, trust me.
You knocked on the door of his office where you heard him call you in. You opened the door and were surprised to see Tomas there as well. He looked a bit paler for some reason. It looked like he was hiding something behind his back. Yet Kuai Liang looked as if nothing was strange.
“Ah good, you’re here. I must apologize however as I need to step out for just a minute. I will get back to you soon. I’m sure Tomas can keep you entertained.” And just like that Kuai Liang was out of the room as if he just set it on fire. It was only you and Tomas now.
“Tomas, are you okay? You looked like you just saw a ghost.” You asked with concern as you went up to him.
He was already a nervous mess, confused on what he was supposed to do. It didn’t help that your hand went up to feel his forehead as if you were checking for a fever.
Just give them the flower. That’s what Kuai Liang said, right? Oh god they’re touching me. Why do I feel so hot? Damn they look fantastic today.
“I-I, Kuai Liang said-uh, I’m s-supposed to…” Not a great start.
In a moment of panic Tomas dug into one of his pockets and threw down a smoke bomb. Just like that he was gone and you were left coughing from the smoke. Well that was strange.
Once your coughing died down you could hear what sounded to be arguing from the other side of the door. You couldn’t make out the words but you figured out it was Kuai Liang and Tomas having a scuffle.
And you would be right. The moment Kuai Liang saw Tomas teleport out of the room with his smoke magic he told him to get right back in the room. Tomas just felt worse now and he was begging his brother for another way to do this. But there is no other way. How else will you find out that he loves you if he doesn’t say it.
“I can’t, Kuai Liang. It’s so hard. They looked too perfect today and I froze up which isn’t really new. I told you they distract me. Their hands felt so nice, is it normal to want to hold their hand? Does love make you want to do those things?” He would have said more until he heard you speak.
Kuai Liang and Tomas didn’t realize you opened the door when he was going on his little tangent. You finally saw the flower in Tomas’ hand which you assumed was for you. That’s just an assumption after what you heard. Kuai Liang quickly turned his brother around to face you so he can properly confess. And also to apologize for almost causing you to have an asthma attack.
“I-I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to cause any issues. I didn’t even realize I was in love with you until Kuai Liang told me. That sounds dumb I know. How was I supposed to know thinking about you a lot and feeling warm inside meant I liked you?” He said that with a bit of embarrassment.
You didn’t find it dumb however. You actually found it cute. You took his hand into yours with a warm smile on your face.
“Love isn’t the easiest thing, ya know. It takes time. We all learn to love eventually. And I do have the time to teach you how to love in many ways.” There was a look in your eyes that was screaming at Tomas that you liked him back. He didn’t catch that though.
“Teach me? But I just want to be able to love you.” Whoosh
You heard Kuai Liang slap his forehead. This poor man.
“Brother, please, I love you but you’re killing me. That’s what they mean. Say yes already.” Kuai Liang sounded exhausted.
“Sorry, still very new to this. So does this mean now that we are…?” Spell it out for him, please.
“It means we are a couple. We will take it slow don’t worry. Just know that I accept your love.” You said warmly.
Tomas felt like his heart just exploded. He hasn’t been this happy in so long. He feels all warm and tingly inside. Everything he thought was weird and strange before now feels right since you are his partner now. This feels great to him!
He was over the moon. He picked you up in his strong arms and hugged you tight. All with a cute smile on his face. He never wants to let you go now. And neither do you. Cause why wouldn’t you love such a strong, brave, skilled, expressive, and sometimes sassy hunk of a man like him.
What a successful and productive day for Tomas. What an extremely long day for Kuai Liang. You have to thank him though for pushing Tomas to confess to you. Cause you sure as hell couldn’t do it. You probably would have messed it up more than he did. Though you knew that you loved him, you also knew that you weren’t the smoothest person in the universe. You still got your happy ending.
After notes: Those cookies in the corner of my room are calling for me and I told myself I can have a bite if I finished this. Hopefully I have succeeded in my duties in pleasing you. If i haven’t you can force me to drink cranberry juice by itself. I love this man to death he is literally my main. Gotta give me a kiss goodnight later. Adiós!
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mrderofcr0ws · 3 months
idk about you guys but rooks rest in HOTD is not canon to me. the rest of this show isn’t canon from here on out because it’s obvious they hold no respect for aemond’s character or any character in fire and blood they way they were written originally. so many of the F&B characters have been written entirely wrong and it’s so blood-boiling. especially the greens!!! so many of them have such compelling stories and they’ve been thrown in the trash!
they’ve thrown helaena aside. in fire and blood, she’s a dragon dreamer! she has a dragon! she had three kids she loved so much! she is a valued queen of the realm! what is she in the show? the quiet one no one listens to or tries to connect with besides her own mom.
they’ve utterly ruined aemond. in so many ways, they’ve changed him drastically. while aemond does have hard feelings with aegon and makes some sly and questionable comments about aegon not being fit to rule— HE DOESNT TRY TO KILL HIS BROTHER???? I genuinely cannot fathom how the writers could sit in the writers room and be like, “yes. this plot line. this is gold.” they’ve ruined him. they have fucking ruined him, his loyalty, and what he is fighting for. “you think you can fly about the realm and steal MY brothers throne?” — AEMOND TARGARYEN!!!!! and you’re telling me he attempts to murder his brother? no. fuck off, no.
they’ve made aegon seem like nothing but an idiot. aegon may not be as smart as aemond but oh my god he’s not some blubbering stupid idiot who can’t sit still. they cut out his whole reason for ascending the throne as well and that is so damning to his character. aegon takes the throne because criston and alicent place the worry of his siblings being slain in his mind. they convince him rhaenyra will kill him, his siblings, and his children— so he takes the throne. “what kind of brother steals his sisters birthright?” — AEGON TARGARYEN
they have reduced alicent to criston’s fling and vise versa for criston. alicent was a strong and compelling character— and now we have to watch her give herself a miscarriage? really? the woman who was so adamant about her son ascending the throne is sitting there and telling him to do nothing after saying he should be asking questions and learning from them???? “nothing” is the answer you give your son — the king — after he asks for your advice, alicent? really? it just proves she and everyone around her raised aegon to be a puppet— and she’s so lost inside her own “sins” she can’t even see how damned her children are because she doesn’t take the time to actually care for them.
they’re going to introduce daeron soon but show watchers have no idea who he is. when he shows up, it’s not going to be meaningful. just like when aegon started acting all loving and silly on screen with his kids and it left being people like “wow, what the fuck???” IF YOU DONT SHOW THE CHARACTER OR WRITE THEM CORRECTLY, PEOPLE WONT FEEL ATTACHED TO THEM CORRECTLY!!!!
even with rhaenyra. i love that she wants to uphold peace and i think it’s so valiant, but everyone is ready for rhaenyra the cruel. give us maegor with tits the way she is in the books and stop having her care so much for alicent. it’s killing her reign. the men in her council are harping her and her not being around during the start of a wartime is maddening to watch. yes, she’s a mother. yes, she wants peace. but peace can’t be achieved through Alicent!!! I loved their relationship in the younger years, but there is nothing to salvage and I’m so fucking happy jace snapped at her. she shouldn’t care for alicent at all— because alicent in F&B was her older step-mother that didn’t get along with her. even in HOTD after rhaenyra knows alicent usurped her throne over a miscommunication, there shouldn’t be anymore “but we were once friends” moments. idc if it was a mistake on alicent part— that mistake is something she isn’t even willing to admit or fix. in rhaenyra’s eyes, alicent should no longer mean anything from here on out.
rhaenyra is also no more a pillar of peace than aegon is. they both do terrible things whether or not it takes rhaenyra longer to start doing them. they both get people killed. they BOTH tear down the realm in attempt to grapple for the throne.
it’s fucking exhausting at this point watching the writers play a game of “this side is more morally righteous” when they’re all bad. it’s even more frustrating when the cost of “this side is better than this side” comes by destroying these characters and ruining the moments that define them!!!
rooks rest was a shit show. not only did they make aemond do something ENTIRELY out of character for him, they didn’t even give rhaenys her correct death. she doesn’t fall to her death. she gets burned like a true dragonrider.
rest in piece to rhaenys— and to aemond because they just dug his whole character a grave to jump into when people watch next weeks episode.
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onakomiyaki · 4 months
just a silly crush (not) pt.3.5
pairing : daniel ricciardo x childhood friend-brabham!reader ; f1 grid x reader (platonic)
summary : you call for help, and max is the first person that comes to your mind. and to say that max is baffled is an understatement.
warning : unedited, harsh words, maybe ooc driver?, and bad grammars.
a/n : i am girl-bossing through exam today, and i decided to write this as a reward. i also listen to asmr roleplay by gibi asmr and moonlight cottage asmr while writing this and its good KSJNSKDJNAKD SORRY-
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max was in the middle of doing his daily exercise when his phone suddenly rang. he press the slow down button on his treadmill as he simply answer the call from his earbud.
"good morning to you, ice princess." he happily answer, still walking on his treadmill.
"max, I think I made a big mistake."
hearing your soft whimper he stop the machine.
"y/n, what's wrong?"
"i kiss daniel."
"i kiss him, max. we kissed."
max had to hold himself as he listen to you, leaning his body on the railing of his treadmill. his lips are sealed in thin line, trying to think of a reaction.
he is conflicted about this; in one hand he want to cheer on daniel for finally man up and make a move. on the other hand, you sounds so scared and he understand that this whole territory is foreign to you. so he just keep his mouth sealed.
"max, say something!"
"i–uhh–i don't know, y/n. it was just a kiss right? is it a bad thing?" he answer.
max decided that he is done with workout, so he got off from the treadmill taking his phone with him as he grab a towel. he glance at the clock on the wall. its 5:34 and he wonder why you already wake up this early.
"wait, where are you right now and why you up this early y/n?"
"i'm.. i dunno where i am right now. i was heading back to szeged from budapest but i just stop, i'm not even in highway right now. i dunno where i am, and i need a breather."
"god, okay calm down. are you alone?"
"shit, y/n. send me your location so i can check on you. and also, how did you end up in budapest? what happen?"
and after 45 minutes of you rambling in your car, on the side of the road, in the middle of god knows where, you finish your story.
"- and that is how i end up in this shit. just lost me ol' cobber for doing something stupid." you said, a little aussie side of you were showing.
*cobber = a very good friend
max just open his mouth in disbelief or in silence? either way he don't know what to do. yes what you and daniel did are stupid, but from his perspective this is a long-awaited miracle. finally daniel grew a pear and you being smart. but damn, that was something. and he is drunk, so it doesn't count, i guess.
"that's it max, i'm gonna fly my ass back to straya before daniel catch me in my house. i'm running away, maybe move to-i dunno-alaska?" you said.
*straya = australia
"what? y/n, don't do that! you guys had just reconcile, now you want to run away?" max answered as he walk back to his room, straight to his computer as he turn on his simulator.
"well so much for reconciliation! i fucked up!"
he open discord from his phone and quickly type 'sos' to the discord server that he had made few months ago, back when the party-planning were made. lando had call themself 'project y/niel' and there are few drivers there that willing to help daniel and you; lewis, lando, charles, carlos (surprisingly), george, and lastly alex.
"maxie, wil je dat ik met dit ga doen?" maxie, what should i do with this?
"y/n, je zult toch tot kalmte moeten komen, en de enige manier omdat te doen is door te ademen. okay?" y/n, you have to calm down and the only way you're going to do that is to breathe. okay?
"alright here's what i want you to do, you're gonna go back to your place and sleep. its almost 7 now, like it or not you will have to sleep. i'll deal with daniel so you don't have to worry." he command you, biting his lower lips as he wait for any reaction on the discord server.
"alright then, i'm gonna drive home first. talk to you later max."
"take care y/n. don't do anything stupid."
"will do maxie."
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max today at 06:32 SOS. lewis ham today at 06:32 sos? what happen max? max today at 06:33 y/niel situation. @.landonorris i need you to tell us what the fuck is going on mate, y/n is freaking out. i already heard her side so i need your side of story now. charles_leclerc today at 06:35 mate, its not even 7 a.m, what did lando do? carlitos today at 06:35 plz respon @.max, charles is banging my door. alex albon today at 06:37 if its about daniel being wasted and y/n is with daniel rn, me and george doesn't know abt this. george russell today at 06:37 so true, bestie. carlitos today at 06:38 plz spill the tea @.landonorris, charles is freaking out in my room rn. max today at 06:41 guys, calm down. i just end the call with y/n they apparently kissed each other nothing more, so far. george russell today at 06:42 HELLO?!?! @.landonorris YOU DIDN'T TOLD ME AND ALEX ABOUT THIS PART? carlitos today at 06:42 charles is in shock rn, he just sat down like a statue please just share the whole story @.max @.landonorris lewis ham today at 06:43 oh my god... alex albon today at 06:43 that's it, i'm coming to you @.landonorris landonorris today at 07:01 GUYS I JUST WOKE UP JESUS WHAT and also you don't want to come to me, daniel is basically few rooms apart from me. AND THEY KISSED? MY TACTIC IS WORKING? george russell today at 07:02 mate, y/n is freaking out. your tactic backfired. kudos for trying tho charles_leclerc today at 07:03 lando count your days. landonorris today at 07:03 WHAT WHAT DID I DO? lewis ham today at 07:04 i am too old for this, i'm still stuck at y/n and daniel kissed. landonorris today at 07:04 GUYS DANIEL IS KNOCKING ON MY DOOR WHAT SHOULD I DO? max today at 07:04 let him in, he probably want to ask you about y/n landonorris today at 07:05 idk where she is tho' you're the one who knows max. max today at 07:05 exactly lando why is daniel calling me? lando? you piece of shit.
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max let out a heavy sigh as he watch his phone lit up with daniel's name. he brace his body on the counter top as he answer the call. he will have to give lando an earful later.
"hello danny."
"max, i know you know where y/n is. please let me know where she is–or just tell her to answer her phone!"
"daniel, calm down."
max massaging his throbbing temple as he walk to the fridge, taking a bottle of water before opening it.
"max i kiss her! i–she–i can't help it! and now she's freaking out i–"
"mate you're also freaking out, just calm down."
"god i am such a loser..."
he took a chug of the water, emptying the bottle in no time. he chuck the bottle on to the trash bin before reacting to the sad daniel.
"yeah, you are. but it already happen, so you need to calm down."
"what should i do?"
"i'll talk to her dan, don't worry. for now, she need a space okay? and you need to go home. or sleep. either way i need you to, once again, calm down."
"all things aside, i am not regretting this. now that i know what i've been missing, i need her okay? she–god she is going to be the death of me max."
"god, you are such a loser. i'm ending the call."
before daniel even react to that, max already ending the call–shaking his head as he let out a tired sigh. he walk towards his patio as he scrolling through his contact before making another call.
"hello? anna? yes, this is max verstappen. i got your number from y/n. hey listen, i need your help with something."
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mykoreanlove · 1 month
Livin‘ together
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„Whoa, this place is the definition of extravagance“, you muttered under your breath as you entered the apartment. Felix giggled and placed a sweet kiss on top of your head. „Bin and Jinnie definitely like the lavish life, princess.“
It was the first time that Changbin and Hyunjin invited you over to check out their new place. After moving in together they took their sweet time to make sure that every corner represents them both equally. This apartment felt like a copious mansion, not like a semi-spaced convo in the midst of Seoul.
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„So? You like it??“, Hyunjin beamed at you expectantly. „Jinnie, I have no words“, you shook your head laughing. „Oh just wait, you haven’t even seen half of it!“ Hyunjin grabbed your hand and ushered you out of the room, eager to show you the rest of his carefully curated private universe.
„Ah, there goes my love“, Felix joked playfully as his hand grabbed his heart. Changbin handed him a cold beer before sitting down next to him. „Speaking of, how’s it going?“
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Felix and you had moved in weeks ago. After dating for a couple of months you took a leap of faith and packed your bags, moving into his comfortable place. Even though things were still fresh, they were also chaotic and challenging at times.
„It’s going good“, Felix replied, trying his best to convince his older friend. „Lix, please. I practically raised you, there’s no fooling me. What’s wrong?“
Felix sighed and took a big sip of his beer. „It’s just… most of the times we’re good. Great, actually. I love y/n and being with her makes me so, so happy. But living together brought new problems, as well as highlighting existing ones.
„What do you mean?“, Changbin tried to follow. Felix was strongly focused on finding the right words to describe the dilemma you were in, he didn’t even notice you and Hyunjin coming back.
„Hanging up portraits of yourself is totally relatable, y/nnie. That doesn’t make me narcissistic at all. If any, it makes me royal!“ You bursted out laughing at his silly remarks but quickly lost your upbeat endeavour as you noticed the stern expression on your boyfriend‘s face. Quickly, you grabbed Hyunjin and hid behind the door, signalling for him to wait.
„Why are we eavesdropping on them?“, he asked bewildered. „Pssshht“, you asked him to be quiet which made him wince in annoyance.
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You nodded your head in Felix‘ direction and asked him to listen. „I’ve lived in dorms with you guys for ages, right? I’m used to sharing a place but y/n, she’s new to this. She always used to live on her own, so we’re having trouble…adjusting to one another.“
„Oooooh, I get it. She’s messy!“ Changbin laughed giddily. Felix rolled his eyes, knowing damn well what his friend was referring to. Felix was the epitome of his star sign: known for being borderline neat and tidy.
„Hyung, it’s not that bad but sometimes she drives me crazy. Like when I’m coming back from work and our apartment looks like shit? Yeah, that gets me“, he admitted. „Lix, come on. She’s a girl. How bad can it be?“
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Changbin opened another beer and handed it to Felix.
„Imagine coming home and finding worn clothes all over the place. All lights are on but there’s no one home. Imagine not being able to find a single cup because they’re all broken or dirty. Try brushing your teeth with an empty toothpaste because the last one had been emptied but never replaced. And then, once you make it to the bedroom you’re greeted with tousled sheets because nobody bothered to make the bed. Who lives like that?“
Hyunjin glanced your way and mouthed his visible disgust. „Ewwwwwww!“
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„Oh, shut up“, you mouthed back and closed your eyes. Suddenly, you felt the room spinning. You’ve always been ashamed of your messiness but hearing the love of your life struggling because of it made you feel worse. You had had those conversations with him, he would explain his side of things and asked you to be more considerate and help out but those talks always ended the same way: you bawling your eyes out, fearing the worst.
„Damn, bro. Sounds tough“, Changbin remarked. „That’s not even the worst part“, Felix continued. „What is then?“ Felix took another sip before explaining further.
„Every time I try to talk to her about it, it ends up with her crying and questioning everything.“ Changbin had trouble keeping up. „Questioning?“ „Our relationship. Our love, even“, Felix explained, his voice tinted with sadness.
Hyunjin‘s eyes filled with tears which he quickly wiped away. He had no idea you were struggling like this. After all those years of being friends, why didn’t you talk to him?
Your head fell against the wall, defeated. It didn’t take you long to think back to the most recent argument.
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„Lixie, how can you even love me??“, you shouted at him. This fight had been going on for hours but you weren’t thinking about stopping. „What?“, he asked in disbelief. „I mean it! I never put away my clothes, I always leave on all of the lights, break all our cups and never think of making the bed or buying toothpaste. Why would you want to be with someone like me? Clearly, I’m not good enough for you!“
There it was. The elephant in the room. Finally, you had articulated your deepest thoughts.
„Shit, really? I had no idea y/n felt that way about you“, Changbin replied shocked. „Yeah“, Felix sighed heavily. He had no problem arguing about chores, after all he was the most patient guy in the world. But arguing about you being worthy of his love truly gnarled at his soul. „So, did you talk it out?“
„I tried to. Tried to tell her multiple times that I love her for who she is, flaws and all included. Tried telling her that those things we argue about are minuscule and that we will find a way to make it work. Tried telling her how happy she makes me and she’s more than enough for me. I really tried…“
„But it didn’t get through to her?“, Changbin asked. „No, but I thought of another way.“
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„Oh my god“, you muttered under your breath. Hyunjin looked at you expectantly. „What?“, he whispered. Panicked, you started rummaging through your bag, searching for the love notes Felix had left you the last couple days. „What are those?“, Hyunjin asked as he saw you pulling out blue post its. You handed them over without saying a word, too emotional because of your boyfriend‘s sweetness.
Honestly, if I had to pick up after anyone, I’m glad it’s you, y/n. Your clothes may be all over the place, but my heart is all over you.
„Lix wrote that for you?“, he asked impressed. You nodded silently. „That note was placed among my clothes. I found it when I wanted to do laundry“, you explained. Hyunjin nodded proudly, reading the next one.
You light up my life in more ways than one- though we might need to work on the electricity bill. But honestly, baby, I love that you leave a little brightness behind wherever you go.
Hyunjin gasped as he looked up at you. „Taped to the lightning switch“, you whispered. Eagerly, he read the next one.
With all the cups you’ve broken, I think it’s safe to say that our love is unbreakable. As for the remaining cups, you know I like it a bit dirty ;)
„Eeeeewwwww“, Hyunjin remarked as he kept on reading. „Always knew both of you were pervs“, he rolled his eyes judging. „Oh please, I caught you jerking off to your own pictures so spare me that talk“, you stuck out your tongue confidently. Hyunjin did his best to hide his smirk, but failed miserably.
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„Anyways, let’s read the next one.“
You’re so good at getting every last drop of toothpaste, but I guess that just means I get the fun of picking out the next one <3
„Let me guess - taped to the toothpaste?“ You nodded eagerly. Hyunjin and you took another glance at Felix who was still deep in conversation. When you had found all those notes, you were thrilled, deeply touched by your boyfriend‘s love for you. But you would have never guessed that he did all of this to make a point. To finally make you realize how loved you were - even if you couldn’t love yourself.
„Okay, this is my favourite one“, Hyunjin smiled.
You might never make the bed but that’s just one more reason I love you - because you’re perfectly yourself, and that’s more than enough for me.
You shared a deep look of compassion with your best friend before entering the room your boyfriend was in, promising yourself to become the best version you could be. For him, for you and your blooming love.
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eerna · 4 months
eerna what's going on in s3 bridgerton your posts and answers making me scared to watch on my life lmao
pls don't hate me, Colin lovers, but I was told by a friend who read the series that he's more fun and chill in the books and also i just....find Polin from even s1 is kinda uhhhhh?awkward?? cuz he's kind of unnecessarily serious and so not chill in the previous seasons?? maybe i don't see his appeal because I'm no Penny but i do not see his appeal in the show
so rn i haven't even watched it and seeing your posts is making me moreeeeeee 😶‍🌫️ it's okay give us the cringey details
Nsbysbbsb NO WORRIES!!! I have a weirdly big amount to say about this show bc I am no longer suffering as much as I did in s1 and 2. Prepare for an essay on my feelings on Polin and thank you for enabling me.
Ok so Colin. Not saying your friend is wrong bc I didn't read the book, but p much everyone I saw talking about it said Colin was very angry and aggressive in it, and for NO REASON since he's supposed to be the "calm brother". I'm glad that the show let him get upset, but never the way he was in the books/Anthony was in s2, where I legit worried about Kate's safety sometimes. Colin was my fav Bridgerton brother bc he was totally different from all the other men on the show, calm and silly and romantic.
Thar being said!!! I never ever thought of him as a GOOD love interest, and s3 only made it worse. First off, yeah, s1 and 2 do NOT show him and Pen as friends nearly enough to warrant the speed of their connection in s3. I blocked s2 from my memory bc I hated it So Damn Much so I can't 100% stand behind my words, but I don't really remember many friendly scenes with the two of them that didn't feel like he was just entertaining his sister's bestie? I remember he once danced with her, and he sent her letters from his travels, and that's it. Then in s3 we are supposed to believe Pen knows him soooo well, she sees through his tricks when no one else does, he can't stand losing her friendship when she stops talking to him. How, when the impression I got from their relationship was "oh she is clearly silly in love and he doesn't care about her enough to notice"!!!
And s3... Oh boy. Colin gets his "glowup" and becomes a rake bc Bridgerton writers would probably spontaneously combust if they wrote a virgin male lead. We see him flirt and smash other women and it is always so so so awkward. I've seen people trying to rationalize it as "Oh he is supposed to be pretending, oh we are supposed to find it cringe" but NO, he is objectified the exact same way Simon and Anthony were, and we as the audience are supposes to think it is sexy. To be fair, Pen finds it concerning but I think that has more to do with the amount of silly, vapid women constantly swarming around him. So now we are even FURTHER away from seeing any reasons why the two of them would be friends. And then we get hit with the "Colin teaches Pen how to find a husband" plot, and oh my god it is so bad, IT IS SO BAD, they have like 2 lessons across 1 episode before they are busted and stop and he literally taught her NOTHING she IGNORED HIS ADVICE AND FIGURED IT OUT BY HERSELF but everyone treats him like a war hero for taking one for the team and teaching the poor unlikeable social reject how to act. We also have the stupid scene where she is criyng begging him to kiss her because she is convinced otherwise she would die without being kissed, and he is trying to elegantly avoid it, and oh my god, I hated this, it is framed as cute and romantic but it is so uncomfortable and bad. AAAAAAAA. Anyway. Then there is this hilariously horrible incident where he saves her from a feral balloon, and if you are wondering wtf am I talking about, its because it is really bad and written like a Scary Movie slasher scene. There are exactly 3 moments that I liked, and ALL of them were bc Colin seemed very lost and desperate. First was when Pen told him they should stay away from each other after the scandal of them hanging out came out (which I liked bc if it were any other girl, some unhinged character would force them to marry, but since it was Pen they were like "Well obviously it's true there was nothing untowards happening it is just cringe haha loserrr"), and he looked like he stopped comprehending English. The second was when he was confessing his feelings, he got on his knees and looked like he was about to cry and I thought that was sweet! Well, he did mention torture which is a very ugly word to use in such a speech, but whatever. The third was after the Infamous Carriage Scene when he says something silly and the two giggle together and I was like PLEASE WHERE WAS THIS ENERGY IN S1 AND 2!!
And may I just say!! The actual Bridgerton Glowup one was PEN and NOT COLIN. In s1 and 2 you could tell she was pretty, but in s3 they made her so damn beautiful that my friends and I would go "Oh wow" several times per episode. And it's not only the clothes, they would put her in rooms where she pops out and sparkles and frame her in shots just perfectly. Idk why they only gave her 1 alternate love interest and then shot her Like That, there should have been at LEAST one more guy following in Debling's trail. Now she's the hot one in the relationship so I can't buy her desperation for Colin's approval or society's perception of Colin as a charity in any way.
With all that said. I think this is the best season of Bridgerton proper. It still isn't something I'd enjoy unironically, but at least it is neither a horrible age gap dynamic feat. SA nor a horrible disgusting juggling of sisters feat. murderer vibes. The only thing I'd say is worse than it used to be is the clothes, which are slowly creeping towards The Reign level of ahistorical and bad.
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anangelinthepit · 3 months
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Bruise my Bones but leave My Heart Alone
Part 2
Again my angels just a replied with a few changes here or there. Please be advised this Soren contains touchy subject so please read with caution. I love you all dearly ❤️ as always with love Magenta
Two weeks have already passed by and I still haven’t gotten anything in the mail from Bad Omen, and to be 100% honest I’m not surprised. I still feel so silly for doing that, they probably laughed and threw my letter in the trash. Not to mention my grandmother’s necklace .
“What the actual fuck is wrong with me? How stupid can I actually get? Grandma I’m so sorry.” I said with tears welding up in my eyes.
“Why the hell are you crying now.” Jason said while standing in the doorway.
“Oh nothing, I was watching a sad video about a mama cat who lost her baby.” I said while looking down at my phone
“You’re such a crybaby. It’s so fucking annoying sometimes. Cats are literally the worst animal. Anyways, Delilah and Malibu invited us over tonight, she said she had to talk to us about something. Do you have an idea on what it might be?” He looked at me with a raised brow and cigarette burning in hand. I know if I say the wrong thing that cigarette is gonna end up on my thigh again.
“I’m not sure baby. Last time I talked to her she said she wanted to go shopping but I wasn’t able too.” Biggest lie I’ve ever told but I’m treading lightly.
“Well, get dressed cause we’re gonna leave soon. No fucking tube tops, no one wants to see your damn belly handing out.” He said while flicking his cigarette on the floor.
“Okay so what should I wear?” I realized after I said that I had a bit of an attitude to my voice. My body started to tense up as he walked over towards my closet. This is gonna go two ways
“Wear this, you look pretty in light blue,”
He brought this blue sundress out and walked towards me to show it. Suddenly he had this questionable look on his face. I was just as confused because I literally didn’t say anything.
“Where’s your necklace?” He said sternly
I played stupid and asked him what he was talking about. I felt my chest start to thump and played up a pretend freak out.
“Calm down you probably lost the stupid thing in the bed somewhere.” He said looking around
“Maybe if someone wouldn’t have ripped it off my neck then it wouldn’t have fell.” I said under my breath
Big. Fucking. Mistake
Jason grabbed my face and stared me in the eye
“You really wanna go there? I suggest you shut your fucking mouth and get your clothes on before I change my mind.”
He laughs and pushes my face away. God this arrogant prick has seriously pushed me to my limit, but what possessed me to open my mouth like that? I know better.
We got dressed and made the car ride over to Delilah’s place. As always she was her spunky self and welcomed us with open arms
“So you guys are probably wondering why I brought you all here.” She said sitting down at the table where we had a game sprawled out
“Obviously, now what is it my anxiety is sky high.” Jason said
“Okay Malibu drum rolll please.”
“BAMN! VIP tickets to Bad omens with a meet and greet!” Delilah said slapping the tickets on the table.
“Oh shit no way! It’s next week that’s what’s up.” Jason said
“So we’re going ?” I questioned
“Of course baby. Anything for you!” Jason said kissing my forehead
Don’t be fooled, he only acts like this when we’re in front of others. Guess he’s afraid of his friends to see his true colors. We started our game night and had a lot of laughs, I was having such a good time It almost made me forget that when we go home all hell always breaks loose. Thankfully tonight wasn’t one of those nights, it’s great when passes out drunk because he’s easier to deal with. Delilah and Malibu followed us back home and helped me with him. Lord knows I can’t lift that man up these stairs.
We all carried him to bed and that was it for the night. No slapping , no trying to force me to have sex , just a night where I can be alone with my thoughts. Mali and Delilah said their goodbyes and left for the night. I don’t usually get too many moments by myself, but when I do I try to take them and reflect. I looked around our living room and just collapsed.
The over whelming feeling of finally being safe because he’s passed out isn’t something I should be happy about. I should always feel safe in my home but I can’t do that with him.
“It’s time.” I whispered to myself
The next week went so quick and before I knew it, it was the night of the concert.
Delilah bought me a TDOPDM shirt that was tie dye. Of course Jason said to make mine a 2x so it could look like dress on me but I didn’t care. I was able to make it look cute with my chucks and fish net tights.
We arrived at the venue for the concert and I was so excited. Jason tried keeping a leash on me but couldn’t do it very well since Envie was next to me. Bad Omens was about to start playin soon and the guys wanted to go get food. “Seriously” I thought to myself
Out of all fucking times they could have did this they choose right now right before BO hits the stage . Delilah wasn’t having it and honestly neither was I. We started to walk away because it was getting crowded but Jason grabbed my arm and whispered into my ear…..
“Don’t even think about it, rules still apply even outside of the house.try something cute and I’ll fucking kill you” He hissed
Something came over me and I yanked my arm from him. I knew for a fact he wouldn’t try anything in public so I felt brave even though I would pay for it later….
“Delilah wait up for me!” I ran toward her and we finally secured our spots
“Everything okay? Jason looked pissed”
“No he’s fine, it’s just his resting hitch face.” I said shrugging it off
I would never say that in front of him for obvious reason.
We made it early enough to where our spots were right up front. The best part about this whole thing was there were no barriers. Meaning I could reach out to Noah and possibly get to hold his hand.
The show was about to start and I could feel butterflies in my stomach. Nothing else mattered in this moment expect Bad Omens.
Nick and folio walked out, then Jolly. The crowd got louder as each band member took their spots on the stage, but nothing will compare to the sound the crowd made when Noah appeared
A giant fucking roar came from the crowd. Screaming, crying, yelling. You name it the crowd was doing it. I was standing there in awe, because I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.
God his eyes and face are even more beautiful in person.
“I really underestimated how tall he actually is.”
Staring at Noah’s beautiful features, something caught my attention that put me in an overwhelmed state.
What is that around his neck? It’s doesn’t look like his usual chain. I thought to myself.
At this point the chant kept going but I was completely stunned. Standing there like a statue, I noticed it was a gold chain.
A gold chain with a cross on it.
Oh. My. God.
Is he wearing my necklace ?!?!?!
“Y/N? Y/N! Girl are you okay?!?”
Delilah snapped me out of my hypnotized state. I think all the color was probably drained from my face because she looked genuinely concerned
“Are you feeling okay ? you look like you saw a ghost.” She said with her hand on my shoulder
“I’m fine I just got dizzy for a moment.” I said shaking it off
Bad Omens started to go down their list of songs from their TDOPOM album. It dawned on me that neither of us had send our boyfriend. Personally, I thought it was a blessing but Envie was worried. She said she wanted to go look for them. I tired to convince her to stay but she was persistent. Even though I didn’t wanna lose my spot but I wasn’t gonna let her go alone. Girl code.
“Nah girl you stay right here, This is your first ever concert and I’m not gonna let you miss it just to go find those bozos. Besides we still got our meet and greet.”
She hugged me and started to make her way thought the crowd. When I turned back around I almost had a heart attack. Before looking all the way up I saw two black boots inches away from my face. It was Noah, and he was standing right above me. Like I could literally bite his boot if I was that much of a freak. We were officially making eye contact with each other. Could he actually see me or was he staring at something else ?
“What’s your name ?” Noah said into mic
“Y/n!” I yelled.
He leans down to the point where were face to face. The color probably left my body and my eyes were popping out of my freaking head. Not only was Noah looking into my eyes, but I confirmed he’s wearing my cross necklace.
“Okay Y/N”
He grabs my hand and starts singing
“You say we got nothing in common, too bad never even got started.”
The biggest smile came across my face and Noah recognized it, he smiled back at me and gently let go of my hand. He began to walk back on the stage while still keeping a small amount of eye contact with me. God those eyes are so beautiful, it’s like I can’t look away from him.
“Delilah is never going to freaking believe this.” I thought.
Almost an hour later I spotted Envie with the guys a little behind me. She waved while Jason just gave me a death glare
“Weight down on me still tillll morning weigh down would you say I’m worthy?”
“YOU GUYS WERE AWESOME TONIGHT! Thank you so much we are Bad Omens!”
We all cheered, and just like that I experienced my first concert. I finally caught up with Delilah and Jason, we gave each other a hug while I thanked her for this.
“Girl I saw that !”
“Saw what?.” I asked
“Noah fucking Sebastian sang to you. Not to mention the entire band was starting at you
Delilah telling me that, made my heart sink into my stomach. The entire band was looking at me? Why didn’t I notice? Come to think of it, every time I looked up Nick was also looking at me too. So weird that people in the crowd could notice,but it is just Envie. She is pretty observant.
“Oh Jason you better be careful, Noah might steal your girl. I saw him take her hand a sing to her.” Envie mocked
“Yea we’ll see about that. When does this meet and greet bullshit start.” Jason scoffed
“In 20 minutes.” Envie said looking at her watch
“Okay we’ll meet up with you guys. Y/n and I gotta go call her mom back.” Jason said looking at his phone.
“My mo-.”
Beige I could finish questioning what was obviously a lie , Jason pulled my arm and made us walk towards the bathrooms. Of course this is the one fucking area of the entire venue that is pitch black. Out of all freaking places.
“Babe please there’s people h-
Jason slapped me as hard as possible across the face and threw me up against the stone wall.
“You think this fucking shit is cute Y/N? I haven’t fucking taught you a lesson in a while. Maybe I should right here right now.” Jason said in my ear while home clutching my throat.
Jason lifted my shirt and tried to pull down my tights. Even with his hand around my throat I still let out a scream praying it would attract attention. Sure enough it did.
“Everything okay back here?” A voice said
“Don’t say a fucking word.” Jason wishers
“Uh Yea man everything’s fine.
Jason said Still having his hand around my throat.
“You sure dude, we heard someone screaming. Ms are you okay?” Another voice said
“Yo mind ya fucking business man.” Jason spat
Jason’s till had his hand around my theory but I was able to slightly turn my head. When I did I saw 4 figure walking towards us, and if I were Jason I would have been scared shitless.
I still couldn’t fucking believe what I was seeing. The 4 figures were Noah, Nick, Jolly, and Folio, this is a fucking dream. Well at least I’m gonna be dreaming if Jason doesn’t take his hand off my throat.
I gotta admit they have impeccable timing. At this point I could feel Jason’s grip loosen. I think that’s the first time I’ve actually seen him scared of someone, it was almost satisfying.
“We’re making it our fucking business. I suggest you take your hand off her throat before I slit yours.” Noah said with his arms crossed.
“Eh you think you fuckers scare me, I’m taking my girl home tonight and there’s nothing you can do about it.”
“Ms please walk toward us, I promise he won’t hurt you with us standing here. ” Nick said reaching out his hand out
“She not gonna listen to you fucks.” Jason scoffed
I pushed Jason off me as hard as I could and sprinted towards Nick,literally falling into his arms. Probably should have just grabbed his hand but my legs were about to give out from my nerves.
Jolly, Folio, and Noah started to walk toward Jason and by the looks of it they were about ready to fuck his whole world up
“Please don’t hurt him.” I blurted out tears streaming down my face.
They all looked at me confused, which was understandable because Jason was literally about to rape me when they found us. I don’t know what possessed me to ask them not to hurt him. I guess some part of my heart still had love for him, even if he continuously beat the shit out do me.
“Jason I’m done with you, get the fuck out of here before I let them hurt you.” I said with tears dripping down my face
“You think I’m letting you go that easily you got another thing coming. You’ll have to come home eventually bitch. YOU ARE MY GI-“
Without skipping a beat Noah turned around punched him in the face. Jason hit the ground, groaning in pain while spitting out a tooth.
“Judging by the way her lip is busted I just gave you taste of what you been doing.” Noah said kneeling down to Jason
Jason looked up at all of us and glared. I use to be so afraid of that stare but right now I felt like no one could touch me.
“I suggest you do what MY girl says and get the fuck outta here.” Noah said
“His Girl” I thought to myself
Jason got up and gave us the finger,
It felt so good watching him be the one limping this time. I turned to the guys to thank them and they were already walking away.
“WAIT!” I yelled.
Noah turned around and put his finger up to his mouth giving me the hush sign. I was confused but being the obedient girl Jason made me, I just nodded my head and went to go find Envie. They were in line for the meet and greet, also looking irritated.
“Hey guys.” I said calmly
“Girl there you are! I was worried because I thought you were gonna miss the meet and greet but these fuckers are running late. Anyways Where’s ya man’s?” Envie said looking behind me.
“We’ll talk about that later. Look! Here they come! I said pointing.”
We were about 5th in line which didn’t take long. I could see Noah’s fist was bruised from punching Jason, and for some odd reason I found that very hot.
“Snap out of it Y/N. He is a human not a piece of meat.”
Before I knew I was again face to face with the man who saved my life. I still noticed he was wearing my necklace. Does he know I’m the girl who sent it ?
“Hey did you enjoy the show? “ Noah asked while smiling at me
Alright coo, I guess we’re just gonna Pretend
“Yea you guys did great! You were all my first concert ever. “
“Oh yea ? hear that guys ? Her first concert” he smiled. The rest of the guys shared a fake smile with him. For performers they are awful at lying.
“ Noah I did have a question for you. If you don’t mind.” He looks at me with a stern and questioning look. I also noticed the rest of the band was now staring at me too.
“Sure! Ask away.” He says
“That’s a really pretty necklace, where did you get it?” I said in a cute snarky tone
Noah looked at me and smiled
“A fan gave it to me and asked me to keep it safe.” He said looking down at my poster and signing it.
“That was nice that you did that for her.” I said without thinking
Noah paused mid sign and looked at me
“Her?” He said
“I mean it’s a pretty girl necklace, sorry I assumed. Um Thanks for signing my poster.” I said nervously.
I think I’m getting a little too brave for my own good. I went down the line and each band member was now staring at me. It made me nervous because it was the same stair that Jason would give me. A cold stair with nothing behind the eyes, followed by a fake smile.
I got my poster signed and went about my way. Delilah and Malibu wanted to get food, the thought of eating made my stomach hurt because of everything I went through today. I told them I would meet up with them once I used the bathroom. I wasn’t going to the dark one so I looked around for something well lit.
I found one that was near what looked like where all the tour buses were parked. I didn’t see a sign that said I couldn’t go in so I took my chances. Of course it looked like something horror from a horror film, nevertheless I wasnt gonna take my chances with the bathroom that was pitch black again. I washed my hands and heard a loud thud sound followed by voices. What the hell was that? This is the girl restroom why are there dudes near here. I sighed and dried my hands, like inhavent been through enough already. What else does God have planned for me tonight? Bracing myself for the pervert comments that are waiting for me, I walked out the bathroom and was met with 4 familiar figures towering over someone. I knew immediately it was the members of Bad Omens. What I didn’t know until Noah moved to clean of his knife was the person they were towering over was Jason
“Jason?” I said to myself in shaky voice
Guess I wasn’t as good at whispering like I thought was because all 4 guys turned and looked. When my eyes adjusted to the dark, I got a good look at what was going on. Jason wasn’t moving.
Or breathing.
“Uh oh”
I love you all
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siremasterlawrence · 4 months
The Lost Family - The De-evolution Of Man
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Harry Miles is a total mess breaking in to my home like I don’t know what at midnight the next morning but he comes tumbling no more barreling through the glass door to my home. I am hoppy from my bed picking up my pat as I race down staircase to the main floor to see him drunk as ever stumbling around like a damn fool but I catch him as he leans on me and I walk him back.
I lay his ass on to the chair leaving him for a few seconds to get some rope to tie him down upon my return and begin to strap him fine wrapping his body with the rope wound under my control. I think to myself walking to my two beautiful former glass doors locking them up, drop the blind to the floor in exhilaration for the event, and flip the lights on as it goes dark then the lights are blinking on and off.
I look at him in that light sweater jacket and jeans and sneakers looking quite nice all I want to do is take him as mine simple just a mind wipe and began undressing him till he is lift solely in his underwear. Standing in front of him I giggle waving my hand in his face as he is frozen in time awaiting all the changes I have planned and show him a shiny white crystal ball flipping it in to the air.
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“Beginning now I want you to let your eyes go slowly letting your graze crawl upward in to the ceiling looking at that amazing shiny star floating in the sky so circular in shape to your amazement. It is spectacularly a stunningly glorious object, a crystal ball if I am not wrong because you can’t help but to melt in to it falling deeper in to its trap you are lost.” I spoke to him.
“The crystal ball starts brim with light before it glows up shining perfectly through the hall in to the room everything fades from both of our existences removing you for this entire environment. Watch Mr. as you lose Harry’s consciousness disappearing from reality in to the lower tracks of the mind he lands in the subconscious walking on to an elevator to his own doom.” I continue.
“Harry please descend further don’t look at him because I am your ruler above all things my dear. it is time you let go of the manly utter bullshit, the drama because you are a man but you are a boi. The time warps by as the floor below you rips apart free falling in to abyss as a clock stands by you rolling back in time as your age reverses to a young adult.” I lead him to his end.
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“Oh Hey daddy!”
“How are you?”
“Wonderful! Let me untie you “
“Can we speak?”
“Sober up first “
“Ok daddy”
“Give me some time “
“Take your time”
“Listen to me”
“Do you know who I am?”
“You are my daddy”
“Which one?”
“My only one”
“I love you daddy”
“Me too”
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“What did you want to speak about ?”
“Where were you ?”
“I’ve been here”
“All along “
“I have been so lost”
“We both know that”
“You been traversing through town”
“Embrace me “
“I am your son”
“All I see is you”
“You can help so many”
“One day at a time”
“I need to reset you”
“I want to be happy”
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Harry is a good boi over the weeks since I have wiped him clean because he has been at my side every day except for his job and when I am away from him to his dismay and am bit of ire. I bought him a men’s necklace with a special silver project telling him he has learnt his lesson so well at the moment and he needs to be rewarded to show him he is so amazing.
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While he is at work one day I decide to throw him a birthday party calling all of his friends to the house that night but I need to get him out of the house for a few hours and work is necessary evil for him. As he drives off I am enjoying my victory over him making more plans for the future because he is then start of everything to be and eventually his down full will be my greatest feat.
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“You are being so damn unfair dad” he yells frustratingly.
“Go to work now”
“Will you be here later?”
“Of course but work hard”
“Come here”
“Stop complaining “
“Sorry! I am afraid”
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“Of what?”
“Losing you “
“That will never happen”
“Kneel and wrap your arms on my waist “
“Yes dad”
“Focus on my face”
“You are safe with me”
“You love when I rub you “
“Get up and go to your job”
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The end
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callsign-bunnie · 1 year
Do you have some unhinged HC to share?
also I hope you're doing well
Yeah, sure! I'm adding more of the other operators because actually playing the game has caused deep emotional attachment to them
Shepherd is actually Graves' father, through some fuckery. (Sidenote, this was my headcanon first, I just don't do Graves-centered content to have used it first)
Rodolfo is MEAN when overstimulated. He will have whoever he's talking to in tears for just the simple mistake of breathing in his direction when he's overstimulated. (Alejandro and Gaz are the exceptions, but the "breathe wrong in their direction" applies to them. Soap got snapped at for looking at Gaz in a "mean way")
Rodolfo gets upset when Alejandro isn't jealous and possessive over him because it makes him feel wanted, but it's cool because Alejandro is fairly jealous and possessive naturally
This does mean that if Alejandro has any slightly less dramatic reaction to anyone flirting with Rudy, Rudy gets pretty upset
Soap locked another authority figure in a trunk and everyone lost their minds when Price just goes "AGAIN, MACTAVISH?!"
Soap is "Mactavish" when Price is irritated at him
I know everyone jokes that Gaz is the one trying to be Price's son, but they're wrong. Price regularly tries to pass adoption papers off as other things and Gaz has had to start reading fine print before just blindly signing anything
"Can I call you my son?" "You can for ONE event, though I uh... have some concerns that no one will believe I'm your son." "What ever could you mean by that??? We have the same jawline!"
Speaking of, Gaz is BRITISH! I see headcanons a lot that he and Farah bully Alex by making him eat spicy food, but most headcanon Alex from Texas, and I'm not going to pretend Texas's food is to the same level of spice as a lot of real POC food, but it's more spicy than fucking British food. (I lived in Texas and there is not a damn thing you could call fucking "mild")
So, anyway, Gaz is the one who can't eat spicy food. Alex has no spice meter, he just knows what's really spicy, so Gaz has to warily eat anything Alex considers "mild"
Farah tries to joke around about Alejandro and Rudy in Arabic, but Rudy and Ale had to learn because of the cartel's involvement with AQ and their expansion to Al Mazrah, so she was very shocked when they just started responding back
Alex and Gaz get EVEN MORE shit for their Arabic sucking
She and Roze stayed in touch long after Roze left, and they regularly meet up with Oz and Velikan and gossip about the bullshit Graves is doing now. Arthur occasionally shows up but they can't tell Graves about it
Graves is not invited, he's very deeply upset about it
My Canadian friend joked that Alberta is just the Texas of Canada, so Reyes and Alex are friends now, I have decided
They compare workout routines and talk about neither actually having any sort of facial hair routine, Price hates them both
"Oh joy, there's another fuckin one of you-" Price to Alex
Reyes flirted with Gaz before knowing he and Alex were together and Gaz went dark red, but only because he realised he has a type.
Kortac has their own discord, which now includes the Shadow Company members
Alex and Ghost have dog playdates for Riley and Syd, Gaz and Soap (the cat people) stay inside.
Price pretends not to like Riley and Syd, but many times has everyone came back to both dogs asleep on him
Graves was allowed to stay in the other discord, purely because they make fun of him, but as soon as Kortac was discovered to have their own, he was kicked
Both servers regularly raid the other
Valeria was taunting Ghost and Alejandro with "you wouldn't hit a girl, would you?" and Alejandro said "no. But she will" and gestured to Farah who proceeded to rock her shit
Chuy hates Valeria, but he also hates Alejandro for letting her escape to Al Mazrah and making her his problem again
Not doing taglists for this one since it's more silly
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Today I'm here to traumatize you with something probably not so groundbreaking but!! It broke my mind!! So I'm gonna share
I've been thinking about the sentence "you said 'trust me'" and why it felt a bit strange. Like, sure, Crowley trusts Aziraphale. We know that, we know Aziraphale knows that, they say it explicitly for once, so what is the matter
Well, the matter is that Aziraphale asked Crowley to trust him, like it was Aziraphale shooting the shot, but in reality we know it was Crowley the one with the loaded gun
So what was Crowley trusting?
Well, Crowley was trusting Aziraphale, who in return was trusting Crowley with his - technically only corporal - life.
Now, aside for the entire ordeal of not being actually dead only discorporated and ecc ecc, let's speak symbolism
Because in my humble opinion, this is the closest thing we have to an admission of feelings from both of them.
On one side, we have Aziraphale - who is having a quite exciting night between the nazis, the show, the miracle not working, the hots for his knight in a shining armor - who is saying "I know for sure you will never hurt me, you'll find a way, everything will be fine"
If we ever gonna get Aziraphale admitting he's lost his faith, I believe he's gonna recall this moment. He's not praying God, he's on his own, and he's not afraid
(what was it? Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me)
On the other side, Crowley is just having a nightTM: saving their angel in distress (nice), him being grateful (NICE), contraband gone wrong (less nice), flirting with the angel (I don't know how else to call it)(niiice)
A normal tuesday.
Then, the miracle stopped working and they are on their own and they're pointing a loaded gun to their angel and oh boy things are going south fastly. The camera does a great amazing job in expressing how stressed Crowley feels with the trembling and the movement, just right on the spot. It starts trembling from the moment the gun is passed to Crowley, and its underlined when they cut to Furfur and it's perfectly stable, and stops only when the trick is done (amazing I love it)
Crowley is terrified, but Aziraphale said "Trust me" and he did. Only, it's not Aziraphale who is doing the risky part in theory, by shooting and aiming while never firing an arm before. But in practice? He totally is.
From facts, it's not news for us that they'd do anything to keep the other safe, but they can never acknowledge it, right? But here he is, entrusting his very own existence in Crowley capable hands and not only it's risky for a number of reasons, no, that's straight away nuts from any point of view. And it's even nutter (ehehehe like Agnes) when you realize he's doing the very same thing in the 67 by gifting him holy water.
I've always found odd that change of heart by Aziraphale. I couldn't only be because he found the entire heist thing silly, but it's not like they gave us more material to work with.
But in the light of what we saw in the 41 I feel a little bit more certain to say that Aziraphale is moving on the same feeling he moved in the bullet catch.
"I trust you to not hurt me, I trust you to not kill yourself because you know what it would mean to me"
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Of course, they cannot speak of it. Of course, all they have is flirty banter and Crowley hyping Aziraphale up for his show. Of course, when Aziraphale gave them holy water, he nearly couldn't stop their feelings from coming to the surface and Aziraphale needed to be the one to put a break on it. They had one (1) public appearance and it took an earthly miracle to not get discovered.
All they had, for so much time, was those silent confessions and those candle light lit and glasses of wine shared. Someday, tho, they will dine at the Ritz (metaphorically, too). (And maybe have some go--sat--damn explicit conversation about their mutual feelings towards each other)
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ghostwnby · 7 months
Marley & Me
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Summary: Sebastian bets he won't cry during the movie 'Marley & Me.' Spoiler alert: He fails.
Authors note: Oh my god. Here it is. After almost 5 years of no writing, my first official fic 🥺 and it's an f1 fic who would've thought 😭😭 but fr I would like to thank @forza-lh44 for lovely request of a Sewis movie night 🤭 ur amazing my beautiful mutual 🥰❤️
Warnings: None. Just fluffiness and Sebastian being a soft hearted baby like always.
“ ‘Marley & Me’? Really?” Lewis asked, raising an eyebrow at his husband. “You realize this is going to make you sob, right?”
Sebastian rolled his eyes, “I’m not going to sob.”
Lewis gave him an unimpressed look. “Baby, I mean this in the best way possible but you are one of the biggest cry babies I have ever met. You tear up every time that one Sarah McLachlan commercial comes on.”
“Oh come on, that doesn’t count!” Sebastian protested, crossing his arms with a pout, “Everyone tears up when they see those poor pups locked up like that. I’m not a monster.”
Lewis chuckles softly and shakes his head, “Mhm. Right.”
“Fine. Why don’t we make a bet?”
“A bet?”
“Yes. A bet.” Sebastian confirms, “ I bet I can make it through the entirety of ‘Marley & Me’ without shedding a single tear.”
Lewis can already see how this is going to end so, being the nice partner he is, he decides to amuse him.
“Okay, what are the stakes?” He asks, turning his body towards his husband. “What do I get if I win?”
Sebastian smirks, “If you win, I’ll cook whatever you want for dinner for an entire month. But! If I win, you have to do all of our laundry for the rest of the month. And that includes my bee suit.”
“You mean your shirt that says ‘It’s a bee-autiful day to save the bees!’ and your raggedy, borderline offensive, basketball shorts that you always wear with it?”
Sebastian scoffs, “Hey, just because I have a better fashion sense than you doesn’t mean you can be hateful.”
Lewis grins at him, “Oh you are so right. I’m sorry.”
“So do we have a deal?” Sebastian asks, leaning closer to the man next to him. “Or are you scared of the sheer amount of laundry you are going to have to fold after your dear husband proves you wrong by showing you how much of a man he is by not crying over a silly little movie like ‘Marley & Me’?”
“Oh, so you want to play like that? Alright, fine. It’s a deal. But don’t come whining to me when you need help figuring out how long you should press tofu for after you lose.” Lewis challenged, chuckling at the mental image of his poor husband getting lost in the pages of one of his vegan cookbooks.
Sebastian shook his head and huffed, “I would never.”
And with that, Lewis grabbed the remote from the coffee table in front of him and pressed play.
Game on.
Lewis felt his chest tighten as he watched as a teary-eyed Owen Wilson slowly bury his beloved friend on the screen in front of him.
Damn you Owen Wilson. He thought to himself as he leaned over to rest his head against Sebastian’s shoulder. But just as he was getting comfortable he felt…shaking? Lewis glanced up at the man above him. His face was wet.
Tears were streaming down his face.
He was crying.
No. He was sobbing.
“Aha! I knew you would cry!” Lewis exclaimed, straightening up to face his husband.
Sebastian’s hands immediately flew to his face to wipe his tears away. “No! No, I’m not...I just have something in my eye.”
Lewis rolled his eyes, “Uh huh. And that’s why your nose is running.” Sebastian sniffled as a deep pout set heavy on his lips. “It’s just so sad. They literally went through everything together and he just had to die in the end.” He explained, “Why couldn’t they have just given us a happy ending like Marmaduke or something?”
Lewis chuckled as he watched a fresh wave of tears stream down his poor husband’s face.
His heart clenched at the look of Sebastian’s red splotchy cheeks. “Oh, baby.” Lewis cupped his face in his hands, softly wiping away his tears. “It’s okay. It’s just a movie, I can guarantee the dog is perfectly fine now.” He soothed, softly kissing the bridge of Sebastian’s nose.
Sebastian glanced up at Lewis, his eyes tinted pink from tears. Lewis couldn’t resist leaning in and placing a soft peck on the tip of his nose.
Then his lips.
Then his cheeks.
Then all over his face until Sebastian was reduced to a bundle of giggles trying to break free from his husband’s grasp.
“Okay! Okay! I’ve stopped crying!” Sebastian laughed, finally pulling away from the man in front of him. “Your magical tears cured every ounce of sadness in my body that was caused by that god-awful movie.”
Lewis smiled. “I’m glad I could help.”
There was a beat of silence between them.
“So, what’s for dinner?”
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back on my silly-goofy streak
CW: pet whump? sort of?, casually dehumanising remarks, mentioned homophobia, this is me working through my larry stylinson ptsd and the things ive seen on the internet before (actually please have a minute of silence and grieve my sanity with me, i had way too much fun writing this)
taglist: @ziptiesnfries @fleur-a-whump @lumpofsand @risk606
Heated discussions on a forums, concerning Will and Eddie's relationship and them keeping Oliver as a pet
Diana has assistants read these forums religiously so she knows how to get better fan engagement and make more money on the boys.
streetratnumber1: im new to the fandom what the fuck is a 'weddie'
aWeddiengIsOnTheWay: it's a shipname for Will and Eddie
aWeddiengIsOnTheWay: they might be dating
streetratnumber1: for real?
2waycompass: no
2waycompass: it's a mass delusion
weddieshipper97: you don't have to like it but it's there
aWeddiengIsOnTheWay: it's controversial, but there's so much evidence supporting it
streetratnumber1: what evidence? i'm so lost
freeweddie95: *sent link* check this out
streetratnumber1: so we have some questionable pictures basically
2waycompass: yes, but there's nothing more to it
2WaySlut: there *might* be something there, that's the point
weddieshipper97: there is! they are dating, but d*ana y*ung is a homophobic bitch and doesn't let them come out
streetratnumber1: isn't that the lady who got them famous
khaiismymuse: she's the boys' manager, yeah
2waycompass: actually, there's one article where another artist, who works with her talks about her homophobia
2waycompass: *sent link*
2waycompass: but that still doesn't mean Eddie and Will would ever date
weddieshipper97: how do you run headfirst into the point and miss it?
streetratnumber1: this was so much more information than what i asked for
streetratnumber1: what's wrong with you all
streetratnumber1: sorry to bother everyone, but what's with this pet thing?
2waycompass: they rescued him from a shelter
2waycompass: *sent link*
streetratnumber1: is this real?
3waywitheandj: yeah unfortunately
3waywitheandj: they should have had the decency not to make it public
eddiemorelikedaddy: what, everyone and their mother has pet's now, it's totally legal
3waywitheandj: everyone??? what are you talking about
2WaySlut: my parents had one ever since i can remember
eddiemorelikedaddy: we do too
3waywitheandj: okay, here's a question, have you ever stepped a foot outside whatever fucking suburb you grew up in
2WaySlut: you're just bitter you can't afford one
2waycompass: 2WayStreet is insanely rich and they still chose to rescue one, that says a lot about them
streetratnumber1: okay that actually sounds good
3waywitheandj: is everyone out of their damn minds here?
freeweddie95: im really uncomfortable with the whole thing
freeweddie95: what if they rescued because they don't value pets enough to buy a proper one
3waywitheandj: again, are you all out of your minds???
2waycompass: Does anyone have *those* pictures of their pet? Is this a real thing?
streetratnumber1: what pictures
2waycompass: Someone posted about it after their show yesterday, apparently he had a wound on his face??
2WaySlut: i was there, first row, hate to admit it but the boy looked rough
streetratnumber1: dont start drama, we dont know what happened
2WaySlut: 2 minutes ago you didnt even know about it
streetratnumber1: yeah there's some sort of scandal with the band every week, and look i love their music but the fandom sucks
2WaySlut: fuck off
2WaySlut: but i do have a blurry picture
2WaySlut: *sent media*
aWeddiengIsOnTheWay: he could have fallen for all we know
2waycompass: well this was helpful smh
2waycompass: does anyone have a picture from before the gig to compare
khaiismymuse: here is one
khaiismymuse: *sent media*
aWeddiengIsOnTheWay: this doesn't prove anything, he has his hair up in a bun and later it's let down, that's all we know, stop speculating
3waywitheandj: how do none of you see a problem with them keeping a whole human pet
streetratnumber1: first of all his name is oli and second they rescued him
3waywitheandj: doesnt take away from the fact that thats a person
2WaySlut: *sent link* educate yourself
khaiismymuse: that's a great article
khaiismymuse: i hope theyll bring oli on their next tour
3waywitheandj: your all disgusting
2WaySlut: you can't even spell
aWeddiengIsOnTheWay: the way they look at each other...
2waycompass: they havent even talked publically in months
weddieshipper97: they aren't allowed to
2waycompass: oh my god just grow up
2waycompass: i get that they have a strict management with some pr rules in place but that doesn't make them secret lovers
khaiismymuse: why does this even matter again
freeweddie95: they just do it to take the attention away from the incident with that poor boy
3waywitheandj: why is it always weddie shippers that start the biggest fights can yall just chill
aWeddiengIsOnTheWay: i literally only said they looked at each other
aWeddiengIsOnTheWay: it looked lovely
aWeddiengIsOnTheWay: get out if you don't like it
3waywitheandj: i hate this fandom you cant participate unless you jump on these insane bandwagons of why the boys are either horrible people or gay
3waywitheandj: and for the record they cant be that great if they still chose to keep oli
2WaySlut: youre such a hater
freeweddie95: why are you even here if it's so bad
freeweddie95: *sent link* this article summarises the situation pretty well
khaiismymuse: i agree with 2waycompass we havent even seen them together outside interviews where they *don't* speak and concerts
aWeddiengIsOnTheWay: okay what's your point
2WaySlut: youre all hopeless
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thedarkmistress16 · 2 years
Yandere!Tony Stark x Kidnapped!Reader
The gif isn't mine. For the life of me I can't find the source, but I know it was from this site, tho. Including it anyway because I was inspired by the gif to write this at that time, as short as this is. Picked it up for mild edits for y'all. No warnings here and gender up for debate.
Edit: silly me forgot one of the prompts I initially came up with *fp*
Edit: Oh my god forgot- another one- ew this was so not finished when initially posted
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Gif-Inspired Dialogue:
“So you tried to leave me?”
“Where would you have gone? Past the sharks, of course.”
“Oh, baby. Did you really think I wouldn’t have security even out in the middle of nowhere? I was notified the moment you stepped near the door.”
“Is it so wrong that I want to protect what’s most important to me?”
“Now, sweetheart, why don’t we go back inside, cuddle up with a movie, and forget this incident ever happened?”
“So you tried to leave me?”
He turned toward her sharply, expecting an immediate answer, with some semblance of a smirk formed on his face.
Suffice to say, she was at a loss for words. She didn’t think she’d get this far, let alone be caught.
“Where would you have gone? Past the sharks, of course.”
She stuttered pathetically; any valid excuse escaping her at the most inopportune time.
She really thought he was stupid, didn't she? He almost shook his head at her. Instead, he clicks his tongue in succession, feeling his annoyance rise. At the same time, he wants to applaud her for her efforts, as fruitless as it was; much like the concept of not pursuing her all that time ago.
“Oh, baby. Did you really think I wouldn’t have security even out in the middle of nowhere? I was notified the moment you stepped near the door.”
He approached her to grasp her chin with his left hand, his eyes never leaving hers. She finally stopped attempting to form words at his approach, frozen and anxious from whatever he was planning to do to her.
“Don't you see it now? Is it so wrong that I want to protect what’s most important to me?”
He saw so many emotions flit across her face and had to hold back a chuckle. She was confused and frightened at his reach? At her grave mistake? And she was pleading for him now?
Oh his poor baby.
All she could manage was a meek: “Sorry.”
He hummed in acknowledgment, moving away at arm's length while still holding her shoulders. “Now, sweetheart, why don’t we go back inside, cuddle up with a movie, and forget this incident ever happened?”
As he leads her back inside with a palm resting on the small of her back, she becomes lost in her own thoughts.
Damn. She broke his illusion of trust in her and now, he probably never will again.
She needs to take the time to reassess and come up with a better strategy. Something more efficient and stealthy, where the AI wouldn't find her as easily.
Or perhaps it would be safer to stay with him. The new plan would be complicated and stressful to craft at best. How will she ever get a head start if she can’t be near any door or window? Would Tony's AI be able to catch onto it? Whenever she lies? A part of her didn't want to find out. Besides, there's no telling what he would really do to her if she tested him again. She doesn't think she would be able to forget that side of him. He wasn't showing it now for her sake, wasn't he?
She studies him with her peripherals from her spot on the cushion, their thighs touching and Tony’s arm loosely draped across her shoulders. The hand starts tracing nonsense patterns on her sleeve as he lightly laughs at whatever is playing on the screen, not paying any mind to her stare. Yes, it would be better to play along for now. If he really does plan on punishing her later, at least she could soften him up a bit by accepting his touch(es).
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verdemoun · 4 months
hehe hows seans fathers day experience
oh. oh this is PERSONAL. because you know what. i am stealing your own damn post and overanalyzing the crap out of it.
Darragh Macguire died in June. why am i providing evidence i don't know i have just thought through this question so hard. we don't have many confirmed dates in rdr2 but colter takes place in early spring (march?), few days here and there, few weeks moving camps, blessed are the peacemakers yada yada ya did you know it's entirely possible sean died before June. he died so young he died before the 10th anniversary of Darragh's death.
and then maybe, maybe he's so bamboozled trying to learn modern era keeping track of dates is not a priority. maybe it's the start of autumn/fall. all the leaves are going orange and gold and brown and he loves fall and in panic remembers wait i lost my da in summer. he remembers quietly, in a kind of somber in a way that to most don't associate with the irish terrier and it feels weird. almost wrong. it's been 10 years since da died. technically been over 110+ years.
hey what's the date today
he missed the anniversary of his da's death. and it bothers him so much he has to pull up that wall of i'm the unstoppable sean macguire so high that no one knows whats bothering him. if anything, they think sean is just his usual loud self to such an obnoxious extreme because he just really loves fall and crushing leaves and sprinting through parks alone and going to parties and hanging out with other young people outside the gang and drinking
just losing weeks of time being young and his own personal brand of reckless until he can will himself to forget he's a terrible ungrateful son who's da died, was murdered, trying to give him a new life and he forgot to do anything on the anniversary of his death
give it a year. it's been a year in modern era. he's got hosea, lenny, kieran, arthur. known bessie for a year and she's pretty damned cool. he's learned about da is a folk hero and been back to ireland and seen and learned so much about his da, the self-educated genius, the rebel, the politician and activist who is remembered by history.
june's coming up and he's ready. he knows exactly what he's going to do he's going to go to a bar and have a pot of beer the proper irish way and a smoke by himself on a warm summer night and just remember his da and how much he loves him and how much darragh loved him.
but then bessie's quietly preparing for father's day. which is a new concept to the gang. first time people even spoke about father's day was 1910 it wasn't a thing in gang era and it takes place in june. bessie explaining oh it's sort of a silly thing but it's a day for celebrating and remembering fathers most people buy a little present or knick-knack of some kind just as a way of showing they love and appreciate their fathers
sean immediately softening to the idea. thinks it's awesome. knows exactly what he's going to do. gives her some cash to buy something nice for hosea from him but he needs a little bit of bessie's help. she's much better at planning things even though he wants to do it alone and she knows all about darragh and understands why he wants to go all the way to boston.
gets on a flight all by himself because he might hate flying but being on a bus for multiple days would similiarly drive him insane. gets to land in boston and it's not. the same. like some things are familiar he can see a few old brownstones from the 19th century but he's walking around just kind of looking at things. looking at street signs and finally walking a street that's completely changed. not even sure if it's that street anymore or if the whole layout has changed or if he didn't remember it as well as he did but walking past the completely changed location he lost his da.
he finds a nice park to sit in. gets out his things. a clumsy bouquet of flowers half squashed in his bag because that's what you take to graves (darragh not having a grave because his body was taken by the british agency), a beer for him, a beer for his da, some brain puzzle keychain they were selling the father's day section that he thought darragh would've loved if he was there. lights his cigarette and just gets to mourn but also celebrate all the good things he remembers about his da
ends up having to run from police because you can't smoke or drink in public parks in modern era and cackling because how else would sean macguire end up celebrating father's day if not running from police
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alexsoenomel · 2 years
Bloody Creature Poster Girl (Dean Winchester x Reader smut)
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Summary: You are a special kind of demon and one day you ran into The Winchesters, not knowing you would end up in the sheets of the older brother Dean
Pairing: Dean x Succubus!Reader
Warnings: just mentions of murder, abuse, pedophiles, rapists and murderers (not too graphic)  AND then at the end sexy times with Dean and by sexy times I mean oral (female receiving)  
Word count: 5441
Note: Lost Girl is one of my comfort shows, so I decided to combine the elements from the show and write this (it’s an old one) Also the tittle is a name of the song by one of my favorite bands In This Moment . Listen to the song HERE Like/ reblog or both if you like it :)
Ever since I killed my boyfriend 5 years ago I’ve been on the road; occasionally skipping town, crashing in rusty motel rooms and eating junk food. I was wanted for a murder I didn’t mean to commit. That sounds silly but it was true. I was 17 and in love, he was my first. We decided to go and watch the stars one night but we all know what that meant. I ended up losing my virginity to him and finally killing him. I didn’t know how I did it though. While I was on top of him I suddenly had a strange urge, I got hungry....I ignored it until it was gone...and he was dead. I will remember his face forever, pale as snow with a huge creepy smile on his face. I ran back home as fast as I could, I was terrified I didn’t know what to do or say but when cops came to my house and my mum let them in I knew what I needed to do...run.  I got some clean clothes in a bag and all of my saved up money I had at the moment, my car keys and disappeared through the window of my room; not leaving a message for my mum, without a goodbye. It was killing me to know she was probably worried sick but I couldn’t go back, I will bring her only trouble. After that it took me a couple of days to find out how my boyfriend actually died, when the hunger came back. Apparently for whatever reason I craved sexual energy, I was hungry for it. That was when I realized I wasn’t exactly 100% human; hell I wasn’t human at all. Someone found me while I was hiding, a woman, she was exactly like me. Her name was Jane and she was my mother. I didn’t believe her at first at all, I didn’t believe anyone at that time but when she told me I have a birth mark near my bellybutton  and how I was allergic to strawberries...oh I fucking believed her. She said she heard about Kyle in the papers and that’s how she managed to track me. Then she told me a story how falling in love with a wrong guy brought her demise. The guy, my dad was like us, but much stronger and violent. One day he reached his breaking point when my mum was feeding on a guy who was a registered sex offender. He got so jealous and tried to kill her and me. Apparently, it was his way of keeping us “close” to his heart forever. My mother barely made it out alive. She decided it was too dangerous for me to be in her care, because he was after her and wasn’t going to stop, so she left me on the porch of a woman I have known as mother since birth.
“What happened to dad?”
She told me she managed to cover her tracks for a while... “He thinks I’m in Miami on vacation.”
She finally told me what I have wanted to know since I killed Kyle - what I am.
“A succubus.” She said with a smile.
“A what?” 
“A succubus, a demon that feeds on sexual energy of humans...and other beings.” 
That hit me like a damn baseball bat. Me? A demon? IMPOSSIBLE. I have always thought that was stuff of fairytales, demons, angels and all...I was wrong?
“Why aren’t we in hell then?”
She smiled before answering the question. She had the most gorgeous smile I’ve ever seen. “We are not that kind of demons, darling. We roam free. Once we hit puberty our powers emerge, before that we’re just like humans. Real demons have their powers and abilities since birth.”
It finally made sense, everything. I finally knew who I was. But at the same time I had a lot of questions. How do I control my hunger? How do I not kill everyone in my path when I’m hungry? Kyle wasn’t the only one; I have left quite a blood trail before meeting my real mum. I couldn’t help it. It was like a primal urge to me; men or women...I didn’t care, when I was hungry I couldn’t stop myself. That was where mum came and saved the day. For the next two years I’ve been learning about my abilities and everything that came with being a succubus. She had rules. She was organized, meticulous and fucking amazing to say at least.
“Your dad and I would feed on serial killers, rapists and pedophiles, you know, before he went crazy.”
She told me to hunt bad people for food. In every town in this damn country there ware bad people, you just had to find them.
Rule number 2: If you want to get food, use your seductive touch whenever it’s necessary.
I knew I was capable of doing that, that’s how I managed to survive while I was on the run; robbing stores with elegance and not paying for motel rooms. How? I just had to touch someone and seductively tell them what I want and boom. They would go under some sort of a trance. They were “in love” with me until the touch wears off.
Rule number 3: Never let the police know you exist, never leave a trail or something they could use to track you.
Rule number 4: If you get hurt in any way, feed, but don’t go all the way if you don’t want to kill the guy or the girl…unless it’s someone bad of course.
“And if you want to feed on a serial killer or a rapist by all means necessary do it, but...know they are usually creepy and freaking ugly.”
“Seriously?” I asked a little surprised. I did not know about the healing part. If I get hurt or sick I would usually just do whatever a normal human does…silly.  
“What? That’s how we heal (Y/N).”
Rule number 5: Beware of the hunters.
“There are people who go out of their way and kill creatures like you and I. BE CAREFUL! Especially if you come across Sam and Dean Winchester, run.”
“But they are only humans, mum. What they can possibly do?”
“Trust me on Sam and Dean, (Y/N). They have done things you can’t even imagine. They are extremely dangerous.”
And then she proceeded to tell me how they killed Death itself, made ACTUAL  ANGELS fall from the sky and killed demons like it was child’s splay, so I got the memo.  
Those 5 rules helped her get by while running and hiding all these years. She then showed me how to control my hunger.
“You have to remember you’re not an animal, the hunger doesn’t control you; you control the hunger. So if you don’t want to kill the person that’s underneath or on top of you, start slow.”
It was easier said than done but with a little practice I managed to do it plus mum gave me some sort of syrup her friend doctor made to control the hunger. It worked. I also found out that if I wanted to feed I could just kiss the person which was a lot more practical if you ask me.
Everything seemed to be in the right place. I was happy travelling around the country with my mum, seeing places I have always wanted to see, doing what I wanted...until he found us. My dad found us. We didn’t know how, but he did and he ruined everything. He ruined my one chance in happiness. He was stronger than both of us. He came armed with a knife and I didn’t see it. He stabbed her right in the stomach, killing her slowly. Before she took her last breath she told me to run. I didn’t want to leave her, she made me. When I was holding her she touched my hand and made me do it. I don’t know how she did it, but she showed me how much she cared and loved me. This was pure motherly love. Through tears and anger I told her I loved her...and ran before he got a chance to hurt me. I’ve never seen that man ever again.
        This brings us to now. Currently I’m in Lebanon, Kansas searching for my next meal. So far I have fed on one pedophile and two rapists in Kansas and Peter Scully was next on the menu. He was a serial killer that no one knew about. The police knew someone was out there killing innocent women for shits and giggles but they didn’t know who was doing it. Luckily I was faster than police and managed to identify the bad guy. I only managed to do that because he, in fact was a freaking policeman and I got lucky. When I charmed him with my touch hoping to tell me all about the case, he spilled the truth. He told me he needed to drink the girl’s blood because it makes his skin look healthier.... For a human, this dude was disgusting.
The plan was when he finished work at around 7pm to follow him to his house and suck him dry. That was exactly what I did. He wasn’t married didn’t have any children so this was an easy meal. I broke in with ease into his house and went to his living room. The bastard was packing to go on a hunt. I snuck behind his back and touched his shoulder.
“Hi, handsome.” I said as he turned around to face me. “Long time no see?”
“Hi! What-what are you doing here love?” He asked while looking at me like I was a goddess with a huge smile on his face. I loved the fact I could make anyone fall in love with me if I wanted to.
“Oh you know just stopped by to see you.” My hands were slowly going lower and lower towards him junk as he bit his lip not knowing what’s coming next. He probably thought I was going to sleep with him...oh,  honey. “I remembered something.”
“And what’s that?” He asked. God his face made me want to vomit. He was in his 30’s and he looked like he still lived in his mum’s basement. Dirty brown hair, big glasses and teeth so yellow and crocked you would think it was corn. But he was a bad guy and I was hungry...
“I forgot to give a goodbye kiss back at the police station.” I said and kissed him. My tongue DID NOT enter his mouth as I started feeding. I could feel the energy as he was slowly losing his breath and I was getting stronger. When a Succubus feeds their eyes go blue as the energy enters their body in a form of a blue smoke. That blue smoke provided us with energy and strength, plus we heal to a degree. Overall it felt so good.
“Hey!” I suddenly heard a raspy deep voice of a man behind me.
I stopped draining the almost dead man as he collapsed on the floor. When I turned around I saw two GOURGOUS looking men with guns pointing at me. I put my hands up as my heart started beating faster. If I said I wasn’t scared for my life I would be lying. They weren’t wearing uniforms so they definitely weren’t cops. I had a feeling they were hunters.
“I can explain!” I said with hands still up. “Please don’t kill me.”
“Give us one good reason why we shouldn’t kill you?” The shorter one spoke. “We have been trying to track you for weeks now. You’re very good at covering your tracks sweetheart.”
 “But why? I’m doing the right thing here.”
“As I remember killing innocent people isn’t exactly a right thing to do.” The tall one spoke.
“But he is not innocent.” I finally put my hands down. I was still scared for my life but decided to try talking some sense into these guys. I had no idea who they were but they sure were intimidating. “He is a serial killer. He killed two girls and drank their blood because he said it’s good for his skin and he was planning to kill a 16 year old girl tonight.”
“And how do you know that?”
“Because, I did my research and I don’t feed on innocent people.” I said annoyed. The shorter guy was really pushing my buttons.
“Feed? So this blue smoke is your food? ” He spoke again this time confused.
“Okay, let’s go like this; check his bag over here;  If you find ropes, duct tape, knives, a bloody empty bottle and a girls picture with her address on the back will you please put the guns down and listen?”
“Sam go check, I’m gonna keep an eye on her.”
“Sam? As in Sam Winchester? You must be Dean then?” My voice was shaky as my face went white as if I have just seen a ghost. Now I knew I had to be careful with my words if I want to make it out alive.
“In the flesh sweet checks.” He said.
While Sam was rummaging through the bag I was trying not to have a panic attack right there and then. My mum told me about these guys...she warned me to be careful and I forgot to check if anyone was following me like I would usually do. How stupid of me...
“She’s right Dean.” Sam finally said.
Dean finally put his gun down as Sam checked if the son of a bitch was breathing. “He’s still alive.”
“If I don’t give him back his Chi he’s going to die though. And I’m not planning to. That son of a bitch doesn’t deserve to live.”
“What are you exactly? I have never seen anything like this before.” Sam asked.
“A succubus.”
“A succu-what now?” Dean asked confused.
“A succubus, Dean. “
“She’s a demon.” Sam added. “I thought Succubi only appear in dreams to seduce men.”
“Not really. That stuff is from fairytales. We don’t belong in hell nor do we hunt people’s dreams. We live a free life, the only thing we need to do to survive is feed.”
“Will anyone please tell me what exactly is a succu-demon?” Dean raised his voice a bit.
“I feed off sexual energy of people and other creatures to survive. That’s how I heal and keep myself heathy…through sex…more so.”
“So you bang people for food?”
“Not exactly. Just kissing is enough.” I laughed at his conclusion.  
Dean seemed impressed for whatever reason. I think I have dodged a bullet this time. “Look, I know you’re hunters but I promise you I don’t kill innocent people. I go out of my way and feed on rapists, pedophiles and serial killers. I would never hurt a fly but I need to feed. Monsters can be humans as well.”
“Dean, I believe her.” Sam said. “I mean this kind of people deserve a death sentence and she’s giving them just that.”
“Yeah, you’re right.”
 I was relived, my mum never told me the notorious Winchesters had the brains to understand, she would always tell me how I was above all humans and how they were too stupid to understand. She was definitely wrong about that.
“Thank you for not killing me, I guess.” I said. “Can I finish my meal then?”
“Yeah…I guess.” Sam said scrunching his forehead. This was all new to him.
I got down on my knees and picked the guy’s head up. He was probably in a coma at this point. I kissed him and took the last bit of energy he had until he stopped breathing.
As I was watching her feed I couldn’t help but stare and admire her beauty. She had a perfect figure and that ass in those jeans fuck man…There was just something about this girl, I couldn’t put my finger on it what it was, I just knew I wanted to get to know her. I hated demons but damn this one was a killer. I just hope I don’t end up like my little brother hooked on demon blood or some other crap.
“I’m (Y/N) by the way.” She said and stood up. She was glowing, she looked rejuvenated and even more beautiful.
“So what now (Y/N)?” I asked her.
“Now, I skip town and disappear.”
I felt like she just punched me in the face. It was more of a reality check. She was a freaking demon, then why was I feeling like this?
“Don’t you have a home?” Sam asked her.
“Not really, I’ve been on a road for a very long time, for safety reasons.”
“Before you go, do you wanna grab a beer?” I finally asked her.
“Sure. But I think I need something stronger than beer.”
“Like whiskey?”
“You read my mind Dean.” She smiled. She had the most beautiful smile I’ve ever seen. I was so confused. Maybe she just had that effect on everyone. I mean I wasn’t blind, she was beautiful but knowing what she was I thought I would have my guard up at all times, that I’m gonna hate her but…I didn’t? She was different.
We left the body there, but all the evidence of him being a serial killer was next to him. May he rot in hell with Crowley by his side torturing him all day every day. 
We went to the bar we always go after we finish a case. Sam had a beer and me and (Y/N) had a whole bottle a whiskey. We talked about everything that night and me and Sam really got to know her. From her childhood to now…everything. She even told us when she found out she was a succubus- when she killed her boyfriend. The look on her face broke my heart a little. She really loved the guy, I can see it in her eyes as cheesy as that sounds but it was the truth- eyes never lie.
“Why no one told you what you are?” My brother asked her.
“My adoptive mother had no idea. She found me on her porch.”
She really went through a lot of crap and when she found her biological mother everything went to hell. And her father…man he was a dick. We had a lot in common.
“How do you control it though?” I asked her taking a sip of my whiskey.
“The hunger.”
“My mother thought me.”
“She was…?”
“Yeah like my dad.”   
  After a good amount of alcohol the conversation went to a whole different route.
“So...have you ever banged a girl?” I asked her feeling the kick of whiskey in my brain.
“DEAN!” Sam shouted. He was kind of still sober.
“It’s okay Sam. And yes, we don’t discriminate.”
“Yeah when you can orgasm.” She then added. Now I was intrigued.
“What do you mean?” Then I added whispering. I was dead drunk by this point. “You can’t orgasm?”
“Real classy Dean.” Sam told me but I ignored him.
“I can but then I would kill the poor soul.”
“But you do feed on...”
“Yeah Dean but I don’t sleep with serial killers...I don’t have that fetish, plus most of them are creepy looking.“
I laughed at that statement, damn this chick was something else. We stayed at that bar till 3am. When she said she needed to go before cops start the investigation I got a little big sober.
“Why don’t you come with us?” I couldn’t just let her leave. Who knows when I will see her again. 
“Whaaa-?” She mumbled.
“(Y/N) I don’t think you’re able to drive. You’re dead drunk.”  AND THANK YOU SAMMY!!!!
“Fine, fine. I really need my beauty sleep.”
And that ladies and gentlemen was just a start of something...interesting.
I woke up with a biggest hangover in a room I didn’t recognize. My head was pulsing and I could still taste alcohol in my mouth. I looked under the covers and saw I was still dressed, the last thing I remembered was Dean asking me if I ever slept with a girl, everything else is pretty much a blur.Knowing myself and my high libido, sleeping with Sam or Dean…or both would not have been much of a surprise. I went to the bathroom to get myself together and thank god whoever house this was they had mouthwash because damn, how much have I had last night? I put my hair in a messy pony tail, washed my face and left the room trying to figure where I was…The hallway was aerie and cold. This whole place looked like a bunker people would to hide during a war. As I was starting to freak out a little I heard Dean’s voice. So this was their place? I followed the echo until I found myself in the library and the Winchesters were there reading books. The library was every bookworm’s dream to say at least.
“Well, look who’s finally up!” Dean said raising his voice a little.
“Shhhh, don’t yell, my head is killing me.” I said and sat down.
“Let me get you an aspirin.” Sam said and went to get the magic pill.
“Where am I?” I asked. “Do you guys live here?”
“Yep, sweet home Alabama; even though we’re not in Alabama.”
“It’s a great song though.” I smiled. I haven’t noticed until now just how beautiful his eyes were. Damn, his whole face was beautiful. Green eyes, freckles, perfect smile…god I was feeling hungry again.
“Here you go.” I heard Sam’s voice pulling me back to reality, giving me a glass of water and aspirin. Bless his soul.
“Thank you.” I chugged the whole glass in a matter of seconds swallowing the pill. “What are you reading?”
“Oh you know about demon stuff…succubusy things.” Dean said.
“ Really?”
“Don’t worry we weren’t trying to find a way to kill you. It’s just we have never even heard about your kind.” Sam told me. He was like a little child so enthusiastic and curious, I found it quite adorable. 
“And what do those books say?”
“You’re pretty badass.” Dean said. I couldn’t help but smile.
“Yeah, from boosted strength, speed and beauty to transferring someone’s chi…” Sam added.
“Yeah well, it comes with a price.”
“I don’t get it though, is this your weasel or…” 
“Oh no Sam, we are not that type of demons. This is me, if you stab me I can die if I don’t feed; it’s pretty simple.”
We spent that day in the bunker, relaxing and basically doing nothing. It was Sunday and the bothers decided it was time for a break. While we were having lunch I couldn’t help but think about my different kind of hunger. How can I be hungry if I’ve fed yesterday? It has never happened to me before.  I had a beautiful burger in front of me but I was hungry for something entirely different. I was hungry for Dean. I would as subtle as possible look at him and boy the view was magnificent. I have always had a thing for men’s arms and fingers, and how the veins would show slightly. And if a guy has long fingers I had to have them in my mouth or in me. The main problem was though, I couldn’t. I couldn’t sleep with him without hurting him in any way; I didn’t want to kill him. Hell, if I did Sam will haunt me till the day I die (and the day I die would be when he kills me). That’s the price of being a succubus- if you like someone, don’t tell them, instead walk away and burry those feelings.
“Guys, I’m forever grateful for you not killing me and for taking care of my drunken ass. For the first time in a very long time I don’t feel like a monster.”
“You’re not (Y/N).” Sam told me.
“Definitely one of the good guys.” Dean added while stuffing his mouth with dessert- pecan pie.
“My mum would always tell me it doesn’t matter what you are. It only matters what you do. Her number one rule was: never kill innocent people. Without her help I would probably end up killing who knows how many innocent people.”
“Well let’s make a toast.” Dean said and raised his bottle of beer. Sam and I did the same. “For mama succubus!” 
“FOR MAMA SUCCUBUS!” And so we took a sip of our beers. One thing mum didn’t know about these guys was they had golden hearts and behind those serious (and may I add beautiful) faces were two very kind and carrying men.
“I hate to break this happy moment but I will be leaving tonight.”
“Why?” Sam asked me.
“I have to; the police probably think they are hunting a serial killer. I have to skip town before something bad happens.”  
When I heard those words come from her mouth it was like someone punched me in the face...again. 
“But why do you think something will happen?” I asked her as I chugged the whole bottle within seconds.
“It always does. Plus I can’t risk it.”
“Risk what?”
She looked annoyed, angry almost. She took a deep breath and shifted in her seat before responding. “My hunger will come back and there are no bad people to feed on at the moment in this town.”
She then excused herself and went to her room to pack. I couldn’t help but stare at her perfectly shaped ass.
“Dude!” I heard my brother say.
“The way you were looking at her and now checking out her ass. You’re more than obvious man.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about Sam.” I lied. God, he knows me so well, I hated it sometimes.
“Whatever you’re thinking just remember, she can kill you.”
I mean he was right, but I didn’t care. She hasn’t even touched me and I was so infatuated with her.
“If she does, I’m gonna die a happy man.” I said and left the room. 
“She was staring first; I’m just doing the rest of the job. Plus if I die, I will go out with a bang.” I thought to myself before knocking.
When I opened the door my heart stopped working. My hunger went through the roof as I tried my best to keep my composure. “Yeah?”
“Can I ask you something?” Dean asked after shutting the door.
“Are you hungry? And by hungry I mean are your succubus sensors tingling?”
Where was he going with this?
“If you put it like that yeah, king of.”
“Why don’t you feed on me?”
I didn’t really know how to answer his question at first because I was in shock. It was like he was wishing a death sentence.  Was he aware I was checking him out?
“Dean, what has gotten into you?”
“Look all I’m sayin’ is if you’re hungry I’m here. You don’t have to skip town just for food.”
“I don’t think you understood me properly. I CAN KILL YOU DE-!”
I couldn’t even finish my sentence; the idiot grabbed my face and cut me off with a kiss. Describing the kiss would be like describing the scent you smell every time you “borrow” your boyfriends hoodie; impossible, but all the synonyms for beautiful and freaking hot could do. He kissed my lips gently before his tongue went in my mouth. I wrapped my hands around his neck to pull him closer as my hunger went full swing and I started to feed. I could feel his energy, so lustful and strong entering my body as I started to feel stronger but even hornier. I was going for it slow, thank god for mum, I could control the urges. I shoved Dean onto the bed and sat on his lap, my forehead against his.
“You’re crazy Winchester.”
“Hey it’s not my fault you’re obvious when you stare.”
“Shit.” A wave of embarrassment went through my whole body but left right after Dean pressed his lips onto mine again.
“Yeah, I noticed.” He smirked.
“How do you feel?”
He didn’t look like people would usually when I would touch them. He was biting his lower lip not keeping his gaze off me, slowly driving me mad.
“Freaking amazing.” He whispered and went for my neck. He left kisses upon kisses as my hips naturally started to grind against his already hard and may I say BIG dick. He was gentle, yet a little bit rough. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the pleasure I was feeling before it hit me…
“Yeah?” He responded between kisses.
“We can’t fuck stupid. I’m gonna kill you.”  I have realized just how much sex with me was deadly when I had a one night stand few weeks ago. I needed healing I had pneumonia and well he was hot. He took me home after few drinks and well…we slept together. Not wanting to kill him I stopped right as I was about to cum, but that wasn’t enough. He was unconscious and his heart beat was slow. I took him to hospital where he spent the next 2 weeks; he barely made it out alive.
“I know.” Dean said. “I just want to do this.” His strong hands cupped my ass as he lifted me up and threw me onto the bed. He took my jeans off as my mind went into a fog. God he was really doing this.
If I couldn’t have her whole, I could at least give her something she probably never had without fear, a freaking orgasm. I didn’t want to waste any time and make her wait. I started slow, kissing her inner thighs around her panties, heating her whole body up. Her whole body was covered in shivers as I kissed her though her black panties.
“You know I can’t feed on you like that Dean?” She managed to say.
“Sweetheart, I’m multifunctional. I can be more than just dinner.” I told her and she laughed. God, that smile!
“Good to know.”
She was so mesmerizing it was unreal.
I took her panties off and soon she was too busy moaning my name to say anything else. I was licking and biting every inch of her when in a split second she grabbed my hair and was pulling hard. I took me by surprise but I loved it.
“Fuck, more. Ugh use your fingers…Please.” She begged me.  
I was as obedient as a dog my two fingers went in her while my tongue was licking her sensitive clit now. I knew she was close. Her grip on my hair got stronger as her thighs were squeezing my head a little.   
“FUCK I’M CLOSE!” She screamed. I started pumping faster and harder, adding the third finger before she completely lost it.
“DEAN!!!!” She screamed one more time before coming all over my fingers and mouth. She tasted so fucking good, so sweet and just…fuck man. I couldn’t even describe it. I climbed on top of her to kiss her and boy she was a mess…a beautiful mess. Before I could think of something to say she grabbed my face and kissed me hard.
“Thank you.” She told me. “I’ve never had an orgasm like this holy shit.”
“The pleasure is all mine, (Y/N).”
“In my whole life as a freaking demon of sex I have never came across a man or a woman who can do what you just did.”
“Were they all bad?”
“After Kyle…yeah.” 
“So I guess I’m the chosen one.” I joked.
“Yeah, but you know I still have to leave this place.”
Damn reality check again. She must have noticed the face of disappointment and sadness I made right after she told me that because she kissed me again and explained why. She can never be in a normal relationship; she can never fall in love or be monogamous due to her nature because she will eventually lose control which I understood.
“Hey I can’t stop you, but I sure can give you my number and tell you to call me whenever you’re in town and up for little fun…without sex of course.” 
“Not before I return the favor. “ She said and kissed me again.
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stray-cat-21 · 2 years
Kissed just to be kissed part 2💋!!
The long awaited rerelease of the sequel to kissed just to be kissed hope you enjoy it. Sorry it took so long I like the way this one came out a lot better than the last one.
Loud poppy music blaring from speakers, drunk or high teenagers and young adults. Safe to say this was not Eddie Munson’s scene but here he sat in a circle with a small group of kids from the party who wanted to play a silly kids game, spin the bottle.
Normally Eddie would have excused himself or even left at this point but (Y/n) was here and sat in the circle so even if he wasn’t playing he needed to be close by.
To make matters worse due to both their schedules he hadn’t seen her all day or gotten any kind of affection from her let alone a kiss.
He had expected one when they sat down during the calm before the storm but she was too distracted taking to Steve and Robin.
The fact that when the bottle pointed at (Y/n) it also pointed at Steve should have brought Eddie some comfort. Steve was a good man after all, he wouldn’t try anything especially not tonight.
Unfortunately Steve wasn’t the problem it was everyone else’s reactions mixed with how natural their kiss was that stuck a dagger right through Eddie’s chest.
There was no awkwardness to it and no accusations of losing a bet followed either.
In fact what did follow was someone slapping Steve on the back for getting to kiss her.
Before Eddie can even spare a glimpse (Y/n)’s way he’s storming off outside.
He tried to calm himself by having a smoke but it seemed all he could focus on was the bitter taste in his mouth.
“Eddie what’s wrong why’d you take off like that?”
“I’m fine sweetheart go back inside.”
“I don’t want to go back in without you.”
He hates the twinge that sends right to his heart.
“It’s cold out here.”
She doesn’t listen staying in place despite her lack of a coat paired with a particularly hard gust of window.
Eddie sighs getting rid of his cigarette before shoving his jacket off his shoulders and handing it to her.
“Take this at least.”
She smiles gratefully covering her bare shoulders.
“Thank you Eds.”
She tried to kiss his cheek while he helped her with the jacket but he jerked away making her frown.
“What’s wrong talk to me please.”
“Why didn’t you kiss me when we sat down and you leaned over to grab your drink? Normally you would have kissed me.”
“I don’t know you looked uncomfortable as it was I didn’t want to make it worse.”
Eddie scoffs shaking his head.
“Didn’t want to make it worse or didn’t want king Steve back there to see?”
“What why would I care what Steve sees?”
“I don’t know you tell me you’re the one kissing him.”
“Yeah for a game, I don’t understand Eddie why are you getting so upset about this?”
“Because those are my kisses! Mine not Steve’s!”
The sentence is followed by a thick heavy silence.
It clicked to(Y/n), he was jealous.
In his head Eddie knows he sounds like a petulant child. An angry little boy fighting over his favorite toy. But right now that doesn’t matter to him.
“It’s not-”
“I mean fuck I’m so stupid!”
“You aren’t stupid!”
“Clearly I am because I fooled myself that somehow you weren’t gonna get taken from me like every other good thing in my god damn life.”
“I’m not going anywhere-”
“I get it he’s king Steve and I’m just the freak! You should be with someone like him, everyone fucking sees it. They see you kissing me and wonder what bet you lost or how good of a deal you must be getting on weed because why else would you be kissing the freak show.”
“No one thinks that Eddie at least not anyone that matters.”
“Oh no princess our friends see it. They’ve been talking about it since you started kissing me. Hell even Henderson thought you had some body snatchers thing going on because why the hell else would you be kissing me.”
“Then they’re wrong!”
“Maybe guys like me deserve to be kissed but not by someone like you.”
“That’s not true you do deserve to be kissed by me really! Let’s just go talk about this.”
“It’s fine (Y/n) your charity work is over. Whatever this is, is done. I should have thanked you for the first one and left it at that.”
(Y/n), not sweetheart, not princess just her name. It stung more than most of what he said.
“You aren’t charity work Eddie I kissed you because that’s what I wanted I mean it.”
“Just go back inside it’s cold out here.”
“No not without you please let’s talk about this.”
“I don’t belong in there just as much as I don’t belong with you.”
With that Eddie disappears into his van and down the road.
(Y/n) stands there for a minute letting the tears fall staring at the spot his van had been parked.
There’s a long pause where the only sound filling the quiet night air is the sound of her quiet cries.
It takes about five minutes before someone clears their throat.
“I’m sorry if I caused trouble between you two.”
“It’s alright Steve you didn’t do anything on purpose.”
“You should go after him.”
“I don’t think he wants to be around me right now.”
“Look Munson gave me some good advice once and I really should have listened to him. And he looks at you the way I’m sure I look at my girl. Don’t let a fight be what keeps you guys apart.”
“He’s a smart man when he wants to be.”
“You want me to take you home?”
(Y/n) nods wiping away a few stray tears.
Steve wraps an arm around her shoulders leading her off to the car.
At the trailer Eddie slumps down onto the couch earning a concerned look from his uncle who’s sat in his recliner.
“You’re home early.”
“Did you and (Y/n) have a fight?”
“How do you know something happened with (Y/n)?”
“No one else could have you so upset so cut the crap boy what’s goin on?”
“I ended things. She shouldn’t be slumming it with a guy like me. She deserves better.”
“That has to be the dumbest fuckin thing I’ve ever heard you say and you’ve said some stupid shit.”
“It’s true she shouldn’t be wasting time kissing me. Not when she should be with someone like Steve Harrington.”
“Is he the one with the hair? Why are you worryin about her kissin him? Did he put the moves on her or somethin?”
“We were playing this game and she had to kiss Steve and they- they just looked so right together.”
“Oh well I didn’t realize it was something so serious.”
“It is serious Wayne! They looked so good together, better than we do. Like she should be kissing him not settling with the trailer park freak.”
“Now you knock that off!”
It was rare that Wayne raised his voice towards his nephew. He usually only saved the guardian card for when Eddie wasn’t doing so well.
“I won’t listen to talk like that. For one reason or another that girl clearly cares about you a lot. And I know that she doesn’t care about any of that stuff you’re rantin on about. Don’t go screwin up a good thing because you’re getting in your own head.”
“I’m gonna go listen to music, need to clear my head.”
“Just think about it kid. She makes you happy, I don’t want to see you miss out on something good because you talked yourself out of it before it could start.”
The next day Eddie mopes around the trailer blaring his music, practicing the newest Metallica song, and smoking.
It’s storming hard like raining sideways hard. The fat drops drumming against the metal of the trailer. Trees heavily swaying to their sides. Thunder so loud it rattled the windows.
Eddie was surprised when a knock could be heard from the door.
Wayne who was getting ready to leave for work shared the same confused look.
Eddie shrugged moving to the door. He was even more surprised to see Dustin Henderson dressed in a yellow rain coat standing with his bike. He was partially out of breath panting.
“You live ridiculously far away you know that?”
“What the hell are you doing here Henderson?”
Eddie grabs the younger boy by the back of his collar yanking him into the trailer.
Dustin shoved the drenched hood of his coat down glaring up at Eddie.
Normally the young boy would be too intimidated to be so bold to the dungeon master but right now he was pissed.
“Are you crazy? You broke (Y/n)’s heart at that party you guys when to yesterday you know that right?”
“Dustin listen you don’t-”
“No you don’t get it Eddie. We didn’t tease you because we thought you weren’t good enough for (Y/n) we teased you about it because it’s so blatantly obvious to everyone but the two of you how in love you guys are! Because we’ve been talking about how long it would take for months and when you guys started kissing we hoped but you’d catch on finally but clearly you’re dumber than that!”
Eddie has his hands on his hips listening to the boys rant and it makes a lot more sense than the few people he could call friends mocking him.
His heart sinks knowing how much he hurt her.
“I really broke her heart?”
“Yes dude she’s crushed! After you left yesterday Steve drove her home and she didn’t stop crying the whole way. Believe it or not girls don’t just go around kissing people that they don’t have feelings for! She loves you a lot for some reason and you’re blowing it!”
“The guys and I talked and we really don’t want to lose her at Hellfire because you were too much of a chicken to ask her out! It’s bad enough I have to deal with this shit with Steve I don’t want to hear it from you too!”
Eddie’s already started tugging on his leather jacket and shoving his shoes on.
Eddie thought back on Harrington’s situation with Wheeler and his stomach nearly dropped to his feet. That’s not what he wanted not with (Y/n).
He wanted to kiss her and hold her and be like all those stupid couples in the cheesy rom coms he avoided at Family Video. He didn’t want to be the cynical man his parents failed marriage created. He wasn’t going to be that guy, not anymore.
Dustin sighed looking up at Eddie’s hurt expression.
“Look, Steve’s with her at the diner something about wanting to take her out and at least cheer her up. I’m sure you could still find them there.”
Dustin barely managed to get the sentence out before Eddie’s slamming the door open taking off outside.
Dustin takes off after him hopping into the passenger seat.
Eddie must break at least five traffic laws on the way to the diner causing Dustin to clutch the handle on the door for dear life complaining about getting sick several times only for Eddie to reply “You hurl in my van you’re cleaning it up Henderson.”
Dustin literally thanks god with the van hastily pulls into one of the last two vacant parking spots at the crowded diner.
Eddie throws open his door making long strides to the door.
By the time he was even to the sidewalk he was drenched. Brown wavy hair sticking to his face water dripping off his clothes even his white sneakers were full of water.
From where he stands he can see (Y/n) and Steve beginning exit the establishment. The part of Eddie’s brain that usually told him to tuck tail and run seemed to be fast asleep because he’s rooted in his spot despite the fact that there’s no cover from the rain.
Steve and (Y/n) are standing in the vestibule (Y/n) holding brown to go bags while he fumbled with an umbrella.
Eddie’s eyes meet (y/n)’s through the glass window.
Her amused smile falls into a look Eddie can’t place but before he can think too hard about it she’s shoving the bags into Steve’s arms running out the door.
Contrary to (Y/n) Steve seemed much less surprised by the whole ordeal.
She’s standing in front of him even with the sky flooding down on them.
Eddie doesn’t respond staring at her.
How could he have been so stupid before.
“I was wrong. Like really fucking wrong. Like more wrong than people who say that poison is a metal band.” (Sorry if that insults anyone it just sounded like something he would say and they were as close as I could think of for a ‘poser’ style band he might disagree with)
“About what, what are you doing here?”
“I was wrong about everything sweetheart fucking everything. I don’t want to give up even if I probably should! You are mine okay not Steve’s or any one else’s, mine. Screw what everyone else thinks, screw what I thought it doesn’t matter! I’m not gonna lose you because I don’t want to lose you not now not ever okay?”
Before she can even think of responding he steps closer. In a heartbeat his hands are cupping her face his intense brown eyes watery as they are bore into her own.
She whispers his name but it’s too late Eddie’s already connecting their lips together.
It doesn’t take her anytime to react before she’s grabbing at his denim vest stepping closer.
Eddie’s heart his hammering in his chest so hard he’s surprised it hasn’t stopped.
When they pull apart they’re both breathless and his forehead rests against her own.
“Okay maybe I was right about one part.”
“What’s that Ed’s?”
“Those are definitely my kisses.”
His grin is a bit cocky but (Y/n) can’t seem to mind right now.
“Told you, you deserved to be kissed for real.”
Steve clearing his throat causes the two to take a step back.
He’s stood under the umbrella food in hand smiling similarly to how a proud parent does.
“Here’s your food, I’ll go grab Henderson.”
He passes the bags to Eddie.
Steve doesn’t linger moving to Eddie’s van.
Eddie looks to (y/n) with a questioning look.
“The food was for us I was hoping to bring it by and we could talk.”
“How about we take it out to lovers lake and have a picnic in the van? Then after we can have our first real kiss not as friends?”
They’re both grinning ear to ear.
“Does that mean I can’t kiss you the whole way there?” (Y/n) teases moving towards the van.
“Uh shit no you better I’m afraid I need those kisses princess I’ve gone without them for too long if I don’t get one soon I’ll just die.”
“Get in the van drama queen and I’ll kiss you as much as you want!”
“Don’t speak too soon princess your lips might get sore.”
Tags of incredibly sweet people:
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