#Magic!Anon: Vessel
signanothername · 20 days
Am i the only one who thinks that demonizing Ink's soullessness has a bit of ableist undertones??
According to the Undertale Wiki, A soul in Undertale 'is the very essence of one's being, whether one is human or monster. It plays a crucial role in the progression and plot of Undertale'. A soul affects a monster's physical and mental conditions, as in they die without being one. So basically, i think that any kind of issues regarding someone's soul would de considered a disabilty in the Undertale universe.
There's a very great level of disabilty coding in regards to Ink's character, as in he's completly unable to function normally (he's stated as becoming unable to think,talk,move, communicate etc....) and relies on his vials to live as a 'semi-normal' monster being (his vials are extremly similar to medication/mobility aid). Not only that! But he also has issues with channeling his magic even with the effects of his vials! (Broomie works as a vessel for his powers, as in being able to have more precision and range). There's also the fact that Ink can't fight for very long because his limited magic abilities cause him to be easily exhausted/overstimulated. (He's also semi implied as having internalized ableism too? He's at least extremly insecure about his condition)
The whole point of Ink's character is that he wants to live life the way he can, but not the way he wants. His soullessness limits him by a bunch, but that won't stop him from doing the activites he likes! (like art, playing the flute, learning how to sew etc....). He's about how disabilities can affect your life in various bad ways but also how self-acceptence is important
Anon you fucking get it and I love you /p
That’s exactly why i put “fix” in quotes in that post, i was basically implying about the ableist undertones in that idea of “fixing” Ink
People can never accept what they don’t understand, you unfortunately have to fit in with what is considered the “norm” for people to accept you
And isn’t it sad that Ink canonically doesn’t feel happy about who he is?
Ink is obviously disabled but a lot of people just won’t acknowledge it unfortunately </3
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sitp-recs · 6 months
Hullo! I was wondering if you have any good recs for extremely magically inclined Draco or Harry? Or both? Like they exude badass, and they are in awe of each other. Maybe with a hint of morally grayness? I've ran through quite a few tags of the like and have deeply enjoyed them and was wondering if you had a few goodies.
Hi anon! I definitely got a few recs for you, some with morally gray characters as a treat 🙌
Powerful Harry:
Under Pressure by VivacissimoVoce (M, 21k)
Harry Potter has quit magic and left the wizarding world. Draco, a top-notch Tracker, has been hired to find him and save his life.
And One To Play by @tackytigerfic (E, 21k)
Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter are the best team in the Auror Department, even when they're driving Gawain Robards up the wall. When Malfoy is injured on a mission, it causes Harry's magic to go haywire. Meanwhile, a mysterious criminal is draining people's magical cores and turning them into Squibs.
If an Injury Is to Be Inflicted by @shealwaysreads (E, 45k)
Harry Potter disappeared a year after the Battle of Hogwarts, and with him went all hope for true change in magical Britain. Three years later, Draco indulges himself and attends his first Dog Fight—the infamous underground fights with no rules, no referee, and no points system bar blood on the floor. The game was simple: you win, or you die.
REVOLVEVLOVER by @firethesound and @lol-zeitgeistic (E, 46k)
The work Harry does is justifiable. It’s justice. He works for his country, and his country is a republic—the magical side, anyway. It’s not laudable work, it’s not work he’s proud of, but it’s necessary work. Harry has always taken the necessary jobs that no one else has the stomach for. It’s just that he’s never deciphered a kill sheet and seen Draco Malfoy’s name on it.
I Am Not Who I Became by mab_di (E, 93k)
Draco left England after the trials and has travelled the world meeting wizards and Muggles from different cultures and with vastly different relationships to magic, each other, and the natural world. Now he's a fisherman in Finland on commercial vessels. Harry has been struggling since the war and has become a recluse while trying to write his autobiography.
A Sword Laid Aside by @korlaena (E, 128k)
When Draco’s cover is blown during a deep undercover operation and the Ministry is compromised, Ron takes Draco to the only safe place he can think of—Potter. Hiding out with a taciturn Harry Potter, who has been missing from the Wizarding World for almost two decades after a shocking fall from grace, is nothing like Draco thought it would be.
Powerful Draco:
check this hand 'cause I'm marvelous by @lqtraintracks (E, 8k)
Harry's had a crush on Malfoy for months now. But it will take a bar full of his friends, some Firewhisky, wagers made on his behalf, and Malfoy himself to get him to act on it.
you look so fine by michi_thekiller (E, 16k)
In which Draco is a Veela and Harry is his mate. Dark!Humor or Crack!Horror, you decide.
The Foxing Ring by @vukovich (E, 24k)
Harry's got no magic, one good ear, no great dating prospects, and a nice little wand workshop. Draco's got too much magic, a history of biting off ears, no great dating prospects, and a growing fondness for wandmakers. And a very fetching tail.
A Pocket Full of Stones by @amywaterwings (E, 68k)
A curse is spreading through the wizarding world, erasing memories of the war. Harry Potter is on the case! Where Draco is the DMLE’s most wanted dark wizard and Harry is the private investigator tasked with bringing him in. It goes as well as one might expect.
Threshold by @kbrick (E, 126k)
Unspeakable Draco Malfoy finally gets his chance to consult with the Auror Department when a series of mysterious doors covered in runic symbols appear all across the country, only to fade away minutes later. Draco’s eager to help solve the mystery of the doors until he’s partnered with Harry Potter, who still treats him like an enemy.
All Our Secrets Laid Bare by firethesound (E, 150k)
Over the six years Draco Malfoy has been an Auror, four of his partners have turned up dead. Harry Potter is assigned as his newest partner to investigate just what is going on.
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windvexer · 8 months
Spirit Vessel Theory & Practical DIY (Traditional Witchcraft Flavored)
(Written in response to an Anon whom I think is probably involved in spirit conjure community, which is where conjurers put spirits inside of a vessel for you and ship them to you. Anon requested to know tips on how to transfer a spirit to a new vessel)
✨big heckin UPG ALERT ahead for the ENTIRE POST✨
In this post, a spirit vessel is any object, including a container filled with objects, which serves as a spirit's physical foothold into our present reality.
Three Varieties of Spirit Vessels: Telephone, Body, House
Please note the particular absence of trap or prison: there is no need for any practitioner to trap or seal a spirit inside of a vessel. This is what we do to unwanted spirits to relocate them to a second location, and it's not how we treat our friends.
My categorization of spirit vessels relates to how the spirit is intended to engage with the vessel.
Telephone Vessel: This is the kind I've most commonly seen and heard of in the conjure community. The spirit lives/exists Elsewhere, but the practitioner has given them a link of communication to this physical object.
The practitioner then works over the object to "call" the spirit and ask it to arrive in their location, or visit it Elsewhere, or just talk while they are in separate locations.
In my opinion, the "telephone" vessel is the least impactful type for the purposes of allowing spirits into our lives, but it's great at what it does: serving as a telephone line. However, as I hope this post will go on to show, it's also the easiest to make because the vessel requires the least amount of preparation and care.
Body Vessel: This is when the spirit vessel is meant to be the body of the spirit as it dwells on Earth. When a vessel is consecrated and dedicated to a spirit, it's understood to be the spirit itself. The form that the vessel takes influences the spirit's ability to work in our reality.
Body vessels may end up looking like little figurine versions of the spirit in question, but they can also be containers specially prepared with decorations and objects heavily linked to the spirit's essence.
Direct examples in witchcraft and folk magic include house and kitchen dollies that are meant to help lighten the load of chores or stop food from burning. Such dolls may be equipped with little brooms, multiple hands, and so forth, to assist with chores.
Another example of a body vessel is the Decaying River God. To create this vessel, I made a deal with the river and then embodied a spirit into this intuitively crafted form. Now, that physical object has become the sacred body of a spirit.
Just as the kitchen doll may be given a broom to assist with sweeping, a spirit's body may be equipped with tools to grant them additional influence and abilities in our world. A related example in witchcraft is to put the feet of small, scurrying Earthen animals (such as a rat or mole) into charm bags, so that the spell can scamper to its destination.
Just because the spirit has a body vessel does not mean they are permanently bound inside of that vessel. Accidentally breaking or losing the vessel isn't like harming the spirit (although obviously it's to be avoided).
Spirits which were born Elsewhere are perhaps more likely to come and go from body vessels, but even beings born with the creation of their body may still leave that physical space and return to it as desired.
House Vessel: This is the same thing as a spirit house or shrine, just a step to the left. We might equip the body vessel with objects that grant the spirit additional powers and capabilities, but in the house vessel, I tend to organize things to be a pleasant and enjoyable respite for the spirit, almost like a custom bedroom.
There may be no object or representation that's intended to be the body of the spirit at all. Nonetheless, the space is still one where the spirit may be fully invited and present, and gives them a strong foothold in our world.
The only real difference I draw between a house vessel and a shrine or spirit house is the intent. A shrine may be to venerate, and a spirit house may be a kind act of providing shelter. But the house vessel's intent is to create a space that makes it easier for a spirit to fully Show Up to our present reality.
Which Variety is Best?
This depends on your needs. For the purposes of witchcraft, spirits are often best given bodies that reflect their nature and empower them to carry out your purpose. I also hold this to be true for spells and any other variety of guy.
Spirits whom we're getting to know, but aren't quite sure of yet, may be best limited to "telephone" status.
House vessels - I haven't got a lot to say, except bringing up the point of them.
You can have multiple telephone lines and house vessels, yet intuition advises that really only one Body should do for the average spirit.
Vessels Themselves Can Suck So It's Worthwhile to Put Some Thought Into It
I believe that the more a spirit vessel is the embodiment of the spirit themselves, the easier it is for the spirit to use that vessel to interact with us and our present reality.
An extreme example can help demonstrate this point.
Imagine you've gotten to know a water spirit. A mermaid, let's say, from an ocean world of pure, opalescent waters, where coral reefs are cities and pet jellyfish are decorated with pearls.
Imagine that the vessel for this mermaid is a jar painted red and decorated with symbols of fire, then further charged with fiery energy. Within the jar is rusty nails, polluted water from the side of the highway, and a heaping spoonful of chili flakes.
I would hazard a guess that you couldn't even agree to get that mermaid to use such a vessel as a telephone line, much less use it as their physical body.
It's not that the spirit is snooty - it's that you're asking him to come into contact with things that irritate and burn him. Not only would it require a huge amount of energy to overcome these differences, but the vessel would nonetheless cause him discomfort.
Intuition may even advise that a simple bowl of water would create a vastly improved "house" vessel for this spirit.
But if it's true that a vessel can be incompatible with a spirit, then it's reasonable to assume that a vessel can be made more and more compatible with a spirit, until it is highly compatible and therefore very easy for the spirit to link to it and use it.
To really improve our mermaid vessel, we might embroider the outside of a bag with a representation of a coral reef, place jellyfish charms and imitation pearls inside of it, and often soak the entire bag in cool, pure water.
This may be the perfect vessel for our mermaid, but totally unsuitable to the pollution monster, who wants to live inside of the rusty nails jar.
This is the primary reason why I find simple unmodified single-object vessels to be not that great. (Examples of this would be, a crystal ring or antique object purchased and used without modifying it to the tastes of the spirit)
While a spirit may select such an object from a lineup and request it's use as a vessel, that doesn't mean that it's going to be an effective vessel.
Especially combined with beliefs in witchcraft about the magical impact of modifying vessels to encapsulate the power of a spell or spirit,
I believe that an unmodified object for use as a spirit vessel is like casting a candle spell with a plain candle to which no herbs or energies are added, and all you do is imprint your raw intent and light the candle.
It'll maybe work, but not nearly as well as it could.
Therefore I believe the form of the vessel matters beyond whether or not the spirit personally likes it, and extends into the realm of sorcerous technique - spirit manifestation is affected depending on if the spirit vessel is made well or made poorly, and especially how much it is physically personalized to the spirit.
Creation of a Useful Vessel
In all cases: Modify the object(s) of the vessel as much as possible to reflect the nature and known qualities of the spirit. As much as possible, work with the spirit to choose modifications, or, work with known lore or with the assistance of spirit workers or diviners.
In the case where a single object (such as a stone) must be used:
Tie the object up in a net where each knot represents a foothold for the spirit to cling on to, or, where each knot ties up a bundle of energy of the sort of thing the spirit likes. (Can be then worn as necklace)
Paint or carve the object, even in a hidden area.
Add additional decorations and embellishments to reflect either the nature of the spirit, or to represent useful tools that the spirit can use to access the object.
Carve out the middle and add bits of paper (with name and permissions written on), and stuff with relevant herbs.
Sight-unseen, I wouldn't recommend single object vessels if you can't heavily/permanently modify them.
In the case where a container vessel (such as a bag, box, or bottle) may be used:
Decorate the exterior, and if space permits the interior, of the container to best reflect an environment enjoyable to the spirit. Consider various techniques: painting, embroidery, carving, burning, and so forth.
Selectively include objects which reflect the spirit's nature, including dried plants, stones, feathers, seeds, bones, and various objects from nature; also charms, trinkets, and tokens (factory-made is fine); also prayers or poems, or drawings or artwork, all of these things symbolic of the spirit and attempting to demonstrate its nature and totality
Include a written sigil or signature of the spirit, and it's name or known names, and epithets. Often best done in fancy magical ink if any is on hand. (I use Sharpies; no need to over-think it)
Charms, amulets, plants, prepared powders or oils, or otherwise, for the purpose of facilitating spirit manifestation and ease of travel between worlds; examples may include specially prepared threads to symbolize links and roads, special spirit-calling powder, magnets to "draw towards," symbols of the Crossroads or of safe and easy travel, and so forth.
In the case where the spirit is likened to an earthly animal, bones or preserved body parts are a very good addition.
In the case where the vessel is itself in the form of a body, such as a figurine or doll:
Hand-craft or heavily modify the creation to represent the vibes as much as possible
Dress, accessorize, ornament, and decorate the figure to represent the spirit or it's known attributes and purposes.
As handicrafters known more about their trade than I do, I don't want to over-comment. Make them a little body. Yes.
Inviting the Spirit to Utilize the Vessel
Unfortunately I will decline to try and provide a specific step-by-step ritual, mostly because I work more intuitively and don't actually have one written up.
But I'll do my best to explain how you can go about it, and some things to consider.
Basically, you'll want to conceptualize four steps:
Final magical preparations
I'll try to explain the reasoning behind including these things, and of course, you'll want to modify or change all of them according to your preferences and needs.
In all cases: Use your magic to make the vessel lovely and filled with spiritual virtues that resonate deeply with the nature of the spirit. This is necessarily vague; a troubleshooting primer for energy work is beyond the scope of this post.
The timing of this work is very well done on special days where the spirit-roads are open, on full moons, or on Mondays.
In cases where the spirit already has a vessel and you want to give them a new one, there is no difference in operation. Make profane and reclaim the old vessel afterwords according to your desires.
Fill the vessel with two types of energy: The first being dense caloric energies from foods, especially oil, nuts, seeds, eggs, and fatty meat. This can be done by placing a food offering next to the vessel and dedicating the food to the spirit.
The second being ethereal and subtle energies, such as produced from blessed incense or energy work. This can be done by blessing and offering incense as you normally do, or channeling your personal energy into the vessel.
Consecrate the vessel: Perform any charm or ritual in your practice which delineates an object as being sacred and separate from the everyday, and turns the object into a Spirit Vessel. (Add'l details below)
Dedicate the vessel: Perform any charm or ritual in your practice which functions to formally gift-give an object to a god or a spirit.
Sometimes, a consecration and a dedication are done in the same ritual, especially when a god is concerned. E.g., "Witchfather, by your name this wand is made holy (consecration). I give this wand to you; it is yours, and when I use it, your hand guides it (dedication)."
The most simplest format of this is something like, "by [the powers I believe allow me to make thing sacred], I make this object sacred [and perhaps I sprinkle some saltwater or whatever formula I believe is necessary to help me make things sacred]. This object is now the vessel for a spirit. Now, it is a Spirit Vessel."
The above being the idea of a consecration; the dedication then being something like,
"[Spirit Name], I invite you into my world and my life. I give you Permission to dwell in this Spirit Vessel and make it your body and your home. I give you Permission to walk in this world through the conduit of this Spirit Vessel. It belongs to you, it is you."
(The above dedication perhaps also revealing something about why "telephone lines" may be a safer bet, the dedication for those being something like, "[Spirit Name], I invite you to observe this vessel and place your fingerprint upon it, so that when I work over it I call out to you, and you can hear me easily no matter how far apart we are.")
Anyway, put some real thought into exactly how much you want this spirit to manifest in your life, because spirit experiences - even when desired and invited - can be very intense and scary, especially if up to that point your experiences with spirits has been limited.
Invite the spirit into the vessel: If not included in your dedication, also formally invite the spirit.
"[Spirit Name], I've prepared this special Vessel for you, and given it to you. I have prepared the way with earthly and aethereal energies, so you may be well-fed and have the power to move within our world. [That's the offering bit innit]. Come now at this time and here in this place, and claim this Vessel as your own."
Etc., something like that.
At this time, the ritual is over with and you can commune with the spirit as desired or close the ritual down in your normal techniques.
Again, if there is an additional/old spirit vessel you no longer want to use, try talking with the spirit about what to do with it; but you can just let it "run dry" and then carefully undo the magic on it. After that, do with it as you please.
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thedarkcircuswritings · 2 months
Shadow Milk Cookie w/ Vessel/MyCookie Reader where Shadow Milk planned to manipulate and control Reader but instead became more fatherly with them as He took care and loved Reader as they grow up as a young child until Mystic Flour Cookie came and well....
You know the rest :]
*Cough* sickness *cough* Mystic Flour Cookie said that reader is being a distraction to there plan *cough*
-🥀Angst Anon
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"How... how dare she?" How could one thing make Shadow Milk feel so... broken and fragile? He had ran with you, played with you, taught you how to use magic, made you laugh, wiped away your tears, he did everything with you since you had nobody else. He was a fatherly jester to his little clown, even if it was never his plan in the first place. So why, once Mystic Flour came to enact her plan, he found the flour that came from you so saddening? "When I find her... She'll regret doing this to my... my family..."
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nekropsii · 4 months
Hiiiiiiii! Insane your iceberg post and was wondering if possibly i could have the sources for: the one about horrus being a system, the cronus abelism one as Well as the one about kurloz talks cronus out of being the hero if its not too much of a bother! Have a lovely day and Take care!
Oh, sure! I absolutely can do that! Easy-peasy!
On Horuss Being a System...
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Horuss's Plurality is quite an easy one. He references it multiple times! It verges on interesting, but every time the bait is taken, we get hit with the switch of it being a really cruel punchline against an extremely vulnerable group of people.
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On Cronus's Disillusionment...
We mostly get this one from Aranea's infodump on Cronus. Here it is, verbatim, with the relevant portion in bold:
The 8ard of Hope may seem a little jaded these days, 8ut once he had a deeply abiding faith in magic, and dedicated himself to 8ecoming a great wizard. He 8ecame convinced he was hatched to defeat an extraordinarily evil magician, one he swore the angels foretold of. Though when pressed for the name of the man, he would not say it, claiming it was too dangerous to even enunciate. Part of his self-aggrandizing mythos was that this magician once somehow from afar tried to strike him down at a young age, so he would never have to face him. But the evil spell was deflected, sealing the magician's spirit away in a series of unassuming vessels until he could find some other cunning way to enter our universe. The attack supposedly left him with his distinctive scar. 8ut at some point he became disillusioned with magic. Any truth to his far fetched vision, the legacy of defeating the evil magician would have to 8e passed on to his descendant, or if his descendant proved to be as much of a failure as he did, then perhaps on some other Hero of Hope. I'm unsure why he suffered this crisis of faith, aside from the obvious reasons having to do with an overall lack of character, or any other redeeming qualities. Perhaps someone talked him out of his 8eliefs. Maybe a friend close to him. Or, if one is to 8elieve his fantasy held any water, perhaps someone who was in league with the evil magician.
Yep! It's just fucking Harry Potter, with a twist! But it's implied that Kurloz did that. He is pretty well known for colluding with the "Evil Wizard" in question, being Lord English, as well as mysteriously being there at every major event, ever... And Cronus is terrified of him, so. I think the only reasonable assumption is that Once Again, Kurloz Did It.
On Cronus's Ableism...
And finally... Wait. Wait, hold on a minute...
Did you just ask me for evidence that Cronus is Ableist?
The other two things are understandable, but... Really? You need a source on Cronus Ampora being Ableist? Are you... New here? Have you ever actually read anything Cronus has ever said? Brother, Cronus being Ableist is just about the most obvious trait he has. This is one of the key takeaways most people get from the Openbounds. His ableism is so fucking bad it's what made most people stop reading the Openbounds. His ableism is so bad it's genuinely triggered people before. It's so bad it's made people physically nauseous.
Well... You asked for it. I appreciate you seeking out knowledge, even if I'm a little confused by it. Here's a compilation of SOME - stressing, SOME, not ALL - of the vile things he's said to Mituna, who's mentally disabled due to a Traumatic Brain Injury.
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Presented without further comment. Do I really need to make one?
You have a lovely day, too, Anon. Take care. May fortune find you, in mind and in wallet. Lol.
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ok thief in a dragon lair anon i see you i understand you and i want to put a spin on it- instead of growing tails and horns, becoming part of the horde. burned, smelted. Anointed with gold, plated over and scaled with coins. Parts replaced, one by one. sustained by dragon magic, by the liquid fire of life it breathes and fucks into you. Perhaps in the end you are in a human shape, a dragon, shape, or some other shape. Becoming a vessel, a glimmering, gold and glass entity, a person but not a person anymore, the jewel of its horde. (in this fantasy you are still alive and conscious by the end for me but I totally also respect if some ppl would like this as a ssnuff fantasy :3 I personally like the idea of you being paralyzed, frozen in whatever way it poses and leaves you, only animate when it breathes into and fucks your almost automoton like form into life for a short while)
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howlsofbloodhounds · 26 days
oooh soul mechanics. i love me some good soul mechanics!
if you subscribe to the idea that monster souls are effectively their whole being, that's gonna open up a whole can of worms with how chara and nightmare treated killer. an interesting fact in undertale the game is that, monsters turn to dust the moment they die and, with the exception of boss monsters, their souls break immediately. as opposed to human souls which can persist after death. i kinda take that to mean that 1) monster bodies are literally magic, and 2) their souls are them. their bodies are more like vessels of protection to protect themselves, which are their souls. human souls can be detached from their bodies, but monster souls can't, because monsters are so deeply linked with their souls, "the culmination of their being".
which brings a very interesting question: killer is not a monster or human, so what happens if his soul is detached from his body? can it be detached from his body? personally i headcanon his soul has properties of both monster and human, not all but some aspects. i think it would be interesting if his body just drops like a computer being disconnected from the internet. his body doesn't dust, because it's a mix of magic and determination, which allows persistence after death.
~ crowshipping anon
Hey crow I love it when you spill your brains all over my inbox /lh
I think that idea could be interesting. Especially if you go with that common fanfic idea (ig idk if it’s canon) of like monsters being able to project their intentions to other monsters, but what happens if an intent is projected via holding the actual soul. it is more like a command that killers body cant resist or fight against.
like. if someone takes it from his body, maybe he’d freeze up, and if there’s no other intentions or if the intention is for him to freeze up or even sleep his body just does it?? or maybe it triggers a literal flop response. he just becomes weak and limp and easily able to be moved wherever whenever without much fuss or fight. in nightmares case, with his overwhelming negativity, maybe it paralyzes killers body with intense pain.
i like to think his body responds strangely if it’s detached by someone who isn’t him. if he willingly gives it away, for whatever reasons, then perhaps that signals some form of trust to his soul; which could only be intensified via “held in a trusted loved one’s ribcage” idea, if it provides a noticeable warmth and the other person’s intentions—in this case, color’s—are more able to be easily felt.
id imagine if they ever do the ribcage trick, itd likely be during short periods or moments where both or one of them just need the reassurance and sense of safety and comfort. I wonder if killer could or would be willing to hold color’s soul in his ribcage too, if he would trust himself with something like that—given Stage 2’s previous interest in Color’s soul/s.
It’d signify a great deal of respect, trust and loyalty on Color’s end; perhaps forgiveness for the rocky start they had in their relationship.
soul mechanics are so cool we should all talk about them more
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itsclydebitches · 8 months
I think I sent an ask like this along time ago? IDK though.
The weird thing about Oz is that it feels like there was stuff they could have brought up if they wanted us to view him in a darker light that they just...dont
Like, that whole thing with Oz conquering the world with Salem and tricking people into worshipping them as gods. Yeah he eventually saw what he was doing was wrong, but that was after he and Salem had 4 kids. So for a long-ass time he was an imperialist god-king
Or the part where he nearly attacked Ruby once she asked Jinn the question.
It just...feels like those are totally things that should be discussed more. But instead they focus on a bunch of other things that are really weird to hold against Oz.
Like why focus on this you have way better things to hold against Oz right there.
That's very possible, anon! I don't know how many unanswered asks are sitting in this inbox now, but it's not a small number...
Totally agree. I think Oz gets criticized to an unfair degree by the canon and fandom alike (no one is shocked to hear this lol) but part of my issue is what he's criticized for, not just the extent. The show tends to take incredibly weird perspectives like, "How dare you give our uncle cool bird powers with no downside" and "How dare you save group members from a deadly airship crash." The fandom takes stances with larger political implications like, "How dare an abused man 'steal' his daughters away from the mother who wants to use them for a magical form of genocide" or issues that fundamentally break the core concept of the show: "How dare you let teenagers fight dangerous battles / How dare you reincarnate - something you have no control over - into a 14yo boy." The show does engage with some of Ozpin's morally complex choices with no easy answers like, "Is it okay to keep secrets if history has shown severe downsides to revealing that information?"... but then the answer the story decides on - "No it's not" - immediately doesn't apply to half the cast, with no examination of how that changes our perception of Ozpin's choice. And, as you say, the show simultaneously introduces HUGE mistakes - "You positioned yourself as a god! Then a king!!"- that the characters could absolutely mistrust him for... but they don't. Because they're too busy focusing on all of the above.
The only thing I'd push back against here is anyone being mad at Ozpin for "nearly attacking" Ruby. I'd consider that a highly unfair criticism as well given that:
We don't know if he would have attacked. He just charges with his and out-stretched, so Ozpin could just as likely have been intending to snatch the Relic
All these characters have aura and train/hit for funsies on a regular basis. It feels like a stretch - one working to paint Ozpin in an unfair light - to act like Ruby taking a hit is suddenly some horrific event that's worthy getting up-in-arms about
In this same scene the girls pull their weapons on Qrow and Oscar - someone WITHOUT that training/fully unlocked aura - gets punched into a tree. Again, consistent morality. Why is Ozpin in the wrong for charging with an open hand (ambiguous) but the girls are justified in pulling their weapons (clear intent)? Why should Super Fighter Ruby be defended for taking a hit after forcibly stealing secrets from Ozpin, but we should shrug off the newbie farm kid taking a hit for the "sin" of being an unwitting, passive vessel?
Plus... as said above, "forcibly stealing secrets." I'm not saying Ozpin is 100% justified in attacking Ruby over this, but I think he's a HELL of a lot more justified compared to actions like threatening Qrow or attacking Oscar. Ruby ignored his requests to give the Relic back; she ignored how terrified he clearly was. She wasted a wish (which Ozpin knew would happen). She revealed his entire, traumatic history to the group PLUS a total stranger (Maria) which, again, Ozpin knew would happen. Of course he tried to stop her. We will never know what lengths he would have gone to, whether he would have truly fought Ruby or just made a last minute grab, but even if he had fought her... It think that's understandable. We can argue about whether it's right, but it's not the sort of thing the heroes should be holding against him once tempers have cooled, especially when he has stuff like playing God that they have hold as a long term grudge.
Out of everything Ozpin has done, maybe being willing to fight the prodigy fighter to keep her from making one of the stupidest decisions we've seen in the show to date is pretty low on the sin list.
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bibibbon · 3 months
going anon bc i don’t wanna get doxed for this take. but i need to get this shit off my chest before i go insane.
i don’t really care about eri. NOW DON’T JUMP ME LET ME EXPLAIN PLEASE!!
my first thoughts when seeing her were “oh, this child is getting killed and brought back to life hundreds of times on the daily, i’d like that to stop.” and then when she gets saved i no longer had any feelings towards her. (it is absolutely adorable that she calls everyone their hero names i must admit)
she’s not really a character. she’s a plot device. her quirk is a plot device and she is the vessel for that quirk. she’s there as a landing pad for hori so that he can do crazy shit like have deku lose his arms and then he can just have eri magic it away.
she’s not rly compelling. i care more about the LOV and class 1-B than i do abt eri. she’s just so boring and i don’t really care about her thoughts or feelings. bc im too busy re-watching my villain academia to soak up any and every bit of LOV content i can.
anyway pls don’t kidnap my family
It's okay anon no one is going to jump you here!
I guess my main problem with Eri is just how one dimensional and flat she is as a character. Like I find Kota way moreee interesting than Eri even though it's eri that we get more of in general.
You are right Eri is a plot device and nothing more. One thing about her is that she is an overpowered plot device that can literally fix the narrative if hori let her do so. This is one of the reasons why he made it so that she literally mutilated herself for the sake of izukus arms and there is so much wrong with that.
It's a shame because my own feeling for Eri started to slowly drift away after she got rescued. I personally think that MHA should of focused much more on her learning about normal life and slowly entering society and the difficulties she experiences. I wouldn't be surprised if she had PTSD from overhaul and what he did to her and if she did that should be explored. Does this PTSD trigger her quirk? How does it effect her and so much more.
Eri is also (like izuku) a character that shares parallels with so many other characters these being:
Shoto todoroki
These few similarities that she has can be developed and if these characters were to interact especially if we get Eri and nedzu I feel like it would be beneficial for both of their characters. Also developing Eri and her goal of her being a singer should of been something introduced way earlier to make her more interesting.
Eri wanting to be a singer is actually completely incredible as it separates her from her quirk completely and actually a singer or songs are an abstract way of expression which is something that Eri used to struggle with due to overhauls abuse.
At the moment 1B, lov and almost any character is much more interesting than the one dimensional version we have of Eri. Heck even Kota is more interesting and likable.
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bloomingdarkgarden · 2 months
over the last two years I devoured all the fics I can find with Elain on ao3 (all differen't romances and ships) and I came to say your characterization of her is unparalleled. In notes you mentioned you work in nature and with plants and it is clear (🌿in the way nature is portrayed through her eyes🌿) Also with the unique exploration of the mysticism and magic she has, I can tell other writers are inspired by this. It really feels wrong to call this a "fic" because it is beyond that term, it better than many books I have read. The bloodleaf chapter was my favorite so far because of how vivid the autumn woodland scenes were, I will never forget those descriptions. I am totally stunned by the depth of storytelling you created in dark garden, truly I fear SJMs next book will fall short in my heart. So from one "botanical acolyte" as you say to another, we thank you for this gift.
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Listen, darling anon. girls dont wanna have fun. Girls want to be cryptic and run wild in the deep dark woods and solve ancient misbegotten puzzles and touch moss with their bare feet ok. Elain Archeron is the vessel. I am merely the messenger.
In all sincerity, this is incredibly touching. I'm kissing you forever. Ps, Bloodleaf is also one of my favorite + most personal chapters so it really moves me that you feel that way 🥹
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kissingghouls · 10 months
Sunday (Phantom Club )
Phantom x GN!Reader - Mature Rating, MDNI, Non-descriptive Penetrative Sex. 1100 words.
Summary: You and Phantom spend a Sunday keeping up a new tradition. AKA anon was right about Phantom and Bee couch sex so...(No descriptions/terms are used for Reader other than "sex")
(divider by the wonderful @gothdaddyissues)
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Before you met Phantom, you absolutely hated Sundays. There was a solid argument to made about it being the worst day of the week, but you forget all of it when he tightens his grip in your hair.
The kiss remains slow and teasing even as he coaxes a moan from you, shifting a little to press his thigh against your sex. He snakes his other hand up your shirt, laying his palm flat against your skin. The heat of his touch burns its way through your skin until it melts and fuses with every part of you, floating down your spine and riding your blood vessels like waves.
Sundays felt like this now. Every Sunday since he returned from tour, you’d find yourself tangled up with him, two bodies barely fitting on that ugly couch. It didn’t matter what the two of you had done the night before. Sometimes there were wild parties or a midnight mass. And there were other times where the two of you hadn’t left the bedroom for several (wonderfully exhausting) hours. But he would pull you in, the promise of a movie or a nap that never, ever seemed to happen. The “innocent” offer to share a blanket that so often led to wandering hands and lips and teeth.
You wear all his marks proudly, just as he does with yours. There are days where he practically begs you to make sure everyone knows and there are days where you do the same. Though the two of you had paused that particular game after Rain thought you’d been in some kind of accident. He sinks his teeth into your shoulder a little more carefully today.
He continues his worship of your body, fingers touching every dip and curve as he lay his sacrifice at the altar of you. Magic sparks off your skin, tingling down to your toes as he reaches for the most intimate parts of you. He swallows your gasp, his tongue tracing over yours at the same slow pace of his fingers.
You wonder if you could stay like this forever—this heightened state of bliss he always seems to bring you to. He is a gift from Lucifer and your heart pounds wildly in your chest as you realize exactly what that means. It’s all you can think about as he pushes in and stills himself inside you. 
You press your face into his chest as the slow, deliberate drag of him overwhelms you. He lives for those tiny sounds that fall from your lips, chasing them with deadly accuracy. He knows your body better than you do by now. Knows exactly how to make you keen and beg for him, but that’s not what Sundays are about. Still, you whisper Phantom please in desperation. You want more of him. Need more of him and the press of his fingers as they dig into your hips to guide you over his cock at the pace that he needs.
For all the quiet and stillness of a lazy Sunday afternoon fuck, it’s no less intense than any other time the two of you share. There’s a languid smile on his face as you tense and come apart under his spell. A silent shout hangs in the air as wave after wave of quintessence flows through you, drawing those seconds of pleasure into minutes. It’s fireworks and shooting stars, the creation and death of a thousand tiny universes between your ribs. You will need a nap after this, maybe even two, but you hold out as long as you can. You keep your eyes fixed on his though you’ve already drowned in those pretty lavender pools when he finally sets you free. 
He’s close, eyes half-lidded as he grabs for your hips again and the magic fades. You attack that space under his ear, knowing his body as well as he knows yours. He hisses, fingernails scratching angry marks into your skin as he fights. There’s no urgency in his actions, no frantic race to meet his end. Sundays were never about that really. But it’s a losing battle and he spills deep inside you, hips still trying to prove a point as he smiles and kisses you softly.
“Been waiting all week for that,” he informs you, lips still touching yours as he speaks.
“Last night wasn’t enough for you?” you tease.
He shakes his head before dotting kisses all over your face. “Never enough of you,” he confesses, trailing his tongue down your neck. “Not enough days in the week for you.”
You huff out a laugh. “You’d run out of places to have me.”
He raises an eyebrow. “I can be very creative, Bee.”
“Is that a threat or a promise?”
“Why not both?”
You smile and push a strand of hair away from his face. You don’t think twice about it, never giving yourself the chance to doubt before you speak from a place somewhere deep in your soul. “You know I love you, right?”
His eyes go wide as the corner of his mouth ticks up. “Oh yeah?”
“Yeah,” you whisper.
He bites his lip trying to hide a grin, but it’s no use—the magic sparking off him gives everything away. He blushes, burying his face in the crook of your neck until the energy dissipates. He sits back up, eyes locked on yours.
“I love you so much, Bee,” he says and it’s the most wonderful thing you’ve ever heard. “Like an impossible amount. I—wait—” He leans over the edge of the couch to grab his wadded up jeans. He produces a folded bit of paper from his pocket. Carefully you unfold the thing. There’s a hole in the corner that’s been torn and patched up with several layers of tape and a singular word printed in neat script on the center of the page. Tears brim in your eyes as you stare at the word and break apart those four letters. He swipes a tear away from your cheek as you look back at him.
“I’ve been holding onto this ever since I learned the word,” he explains softly. “It’s funny ‘cuz it’s such a small word for how I feel about you, but I don’t know…I guess I just…I think I knew what it meant before Cirrus taught me.”
“I love you, Bee,” he tells you again.
“I love you too, Bug.”
He grins and pulls you in for another kiss, soft and sweet as all the other Sundays you’d shared, though you know this one is different. It’s special in a way you couldn’t begin to explain to anyone else and it’s just as well. You plan on keeping it yours forever, tucked away in the space only his magic can reach.
It’s a perfect day and one that doesn���t end until the two of you fall asleep in each other’s arms, barely balanced on that ugly couch.
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sitp-recs · 3 months
Hey, again love your recs! I'm completely in love with Drarry because of these lovely stories. Wondering, an recs with a rugged Harry/ Draco ( as in manual labour), and always sweet and smutty is always a win. I appreciate your time, thanks a bunch!
Thank you anon, I’m happy to hear that! Ohh very interesting ask, here are some E-rated fics for you. You might also enjoy this list with buff!Draco 🫡
Hot Metal by @bafflinghaze (E, 5k)
Harry Can’t Deal with the vision of Malfoy hot and sweaty at work in his blacksmithing forge. Meanwhile, Draco is entirely perplexed with Potter’s odd behaviour.
Heart to Hearth by @jtimu (E, 7k)
It should perhaps not have been a surprise that the repairman on his front step came not with coveralls and a toolbox but instead with a sardonic stare and a raised eyebrow. Harry stood in his open door and shut his mouth with an effort.
Wield Me by @tackytigerfic (E, 10k)
Draco Malfoy, blacksmith, is renowned through the magical world for his skill and exquisite creations. He could quite easily spend the rest of his days making pretty trinkets for the fae court, and being handsomely rewarded for the privilege. But why take the easy route when instead he could get involved in a dangerous mission with Unspeakable Harry Potter (who also happens to be Draco's... well, he's something, isn't he?).
Hippomancy for Beginners by khalulu (E, 11k)
When Draco desperately insists on becoming a Centaur Liaison, he doesn’t know what he’s getting into, especially with that annoying hero-turned-hermit Harry Potter living right at the entrance to the Forbidden Forest. Not to mention foreign unicorn women, slavering three headed beasts, bitter brews, unexpected friendships, and the consequences of a very cocky vocabulary.
Voices From The Fog by noeon (E, 13k)
After years of running away, Harry crosses paths with an all-too familiar face and follows him to Amsterdam.
One Floo Over the Lovegood’s Nest by Nattish (T, 14k)
Harry is not terribly surprised that there are magical plumbers, chimney sweeps, and pest control men. He is surprised that one of them is Draco Malfoy. And that he’s bloody hot in a jumpsuit.
Phoenix Repair Services by carpemermaid (E, 20k)
Draco hires a suspiciously private wizarding handyman to fix his kitchen when he returns home to find it destroyed. He expects a middle-aged wizard with greying hair and a pudgy gut to show up. Instead, he gets Harry Potter—with a utility belt and a charming smile—who is more attractive than he has any right to be.
Here Be Dragons by birdsofshore (E, 21k)
Harry doesn’t want to waste his time investigating illegal dragonhide trading, whether it involves a fetish club in Knockturn Alley or visiting a remote island in Wales. Why the bloody hell does Malfoy always have to be up to something?
Kept in Cages by @sweet-s0rr0w (E, 77k)
Deep in the heart of the Ministry lies the Beast Division: a hidden room where ancient beasts roam, and winged creatures soar, and grumpy giant ferrets eat all your biscuits unless you keep them well hidden. Draco Malfoy would know – he’s been working there for five years now, after all.
I Am Not Who I Became by mab_di (E, 93k)
Draco left England after the trials and has travelled the world meeting wizards and Muggles from different cultures and with vastly different relationships to magic, each other, and the natural world. Now he's a fisherman in Finland on commercial vessels. Harry has been struggling since the war and has become a recluse while trying to write his autobiography.
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queen-of-deans-booty · 11 months
Destined For Greatness
Pairing: Destiel x Daughter!Reader
Word Count: ~1.5k
Warnings: minor angst, michael posessing dean, destiel fluff at the end
Request by anon: Hey can i request a imagine about being a Tribrid (Half angel, half demon, half witch) who Team Free Will  takes under their wing and being like a daughter to Dean and Castiel (they can be married) and defend them when Michael, Lucifer, or Raphael attacks them? 
Summary: Michael took your dad away from you and it's up to you and Jack to ger him back in one piece.
Square Filled: michael!dean (2023) for @heavenandhellbingo
Author’s Note: i appreciate any and all comments! <3
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You, your dad, Sam, and Jack are gathered around the war room trying to come up with a plan of attack on Michael. You’re nervous to say the least because you’ve never faced someone as powerful as Michael, but he has someone you love dearly. He trapped Dean inside his own mind while taking over his body and doing God only knows what with it. Taking down humanity is one thing but going after someone you love is a whole different ballpark.
“I still think we need a plan B,” Castiel sighs.
“Plan A is going to work. I’ve been practicing all month,” you state.
“Dean can get hurt.”
“Dad, I promise no harm is going to come to Dad. Do you really think I’d put him in danger?”
Castiel stares into your bright teal eyes, a mixture of Dean’s forest green and Castiel’s electric blue. He reaches out and tucks a strand of your hair behind your ear.
“Then you have nothing to worry about.”
“Okay, I trust you.” Castiel turns to the other two men and sighs. “What’s the plan?”
“We know where he’s hiding, right? Y/N will use her magic to make sure he’s alone. She will pretend to be the scared daughter who just wants her dad back.” Sam turns to you with determination. He’s hellbent on getting his brother back one way or another, and that’s through you. “As soon as his guard is down, you’ll pull Michael from Dean. Once he’s out, Cas and I will get Dean to safety, and that’s when Jack comes in. His power combined with yours should be enough to take him down. He’ll only be a white light since he won’t have enough time to find another vessel.”
“Are you sure she’s gonna be safe?” Castiel asks.
“Dad, I can do this. I wouldn’t do it if I didn’t think I could handle it.”
It’s true. You’re the first of your species, a demon/angel/witch tribrid. You’re always discovering new abilities, always showing a new side to yourself, and you’re doing it all alone. Since you’re the first and only of your species, you have no one to turn to if you have any questions. This journey of self-discovery has been done through trial and error, and there have been a lot of errors. 
Not this time. This time, you will not fail. Your dad’s life depends on it.
You gather what you need and head out with the three men to the warehouse you know Michael is in. He’s been capturing monsters to make them hybrids of his own creation, but none of them have survived his experiements. He wants to create an army that will rule over humanity, but it’s time you put an end to it.
You walk into the warehouse alone and into the back room where Michael is. His back is turned to you when you enter but you know he knows you’re here because he stiffens up. He wipes the blood from a large blade and you see someone lying dead on the ground by his feet. You change your demeanor to that of a scared child rather than someone who is all powerful.
“I’m assuming you didn’t come alone,” he says and turns to face you.
“They don’t know I’m here. They wouldn’t have let me come otherwise.” Michael nods once in agreement. “I just want to speak to my dad, please.”
“Sorry, kid, no can do.”
“You have to understand where I’m coming from. He’s my dad. You took him away from me without letting me say goodbye,” you cry.
“I’m only going to tell you this once because I’m feeling a little generous. Your daddy is gone. He’s not coming back. Now, I’ve kept him alive for this long but I can easly kill him and keep the body. If you don’t want that to happen, I suggest you leave.”
This scared act isn’t going to work. You have to do something else or you’re going to put your dad in more harm than not.
“Fine, I’ll leave. Just please tell him I love him.”
“Sure,” Michael rolls his eyes.
You turn to leave but Michael’s eyes don’t leave you. He’s not going to relax until he knows you’re gone. Instead of doing that, you gather every bit of strength inside of you to take down Michael. You turn to Michael with magic in your eyes and at your fingertips.
“I changed my mind. I’m not leaving here without my dad.”
You blast him back with your magic but it doesn’t really effect Michael in the way he thinks. Instead of dissipating, your magic gets sucked back into you like a vaccum. With it is Michael’s true form. He tries to fight it but the combined powers of demon, angel, and witch is enough to pull Michael completely from your dad. Dean falls to the ground, completely weak physically and mentally.
“No, stop!” Dean cries out but doesn’t have the strength to stop his daughter.
Sam and Castiel enter the back room from the side and rush over to Dean to get him to safety. Castiel can try and fight Michael, but you and Jack are more powerful than he can ever dream of being. This has to be done by the both of you. Michael’s true form spikes angrily as it tries to find another vessel to use, but you keep him suspended into the air with your powers. Jack walks in behind you and blasts Michael with his own power, rendering Michael useless.
Michael tries to fight back against both your powers but is having a hard time doing so. He becomes so frustrated and angry that he sends a sharp screech right at you. You release your hold on him and cover your ears as you scream out in pain. Even covering your ears isn’t enough to escape the shrill of his voice. 
With you out of the way, Michael blasts you and Jack back into the wall behind you, and he quickly makes his escape to find another vessel for the time being. He’s going to be back once he’s more prepared to fight you and Jack. Dean, Sam, and Cas come back into the room and run over to you and Jack with concern written across their faces. Sam checks Jack over while both your dads comfort you.
“Are you okay?” Castiel asks worriedly.
“Yeah, I just have a headache. Whatever he did messed with my mind,” you whimper in pain. “I’m okay, though. It worked. I got Dad back.”
“This was completely reckless. You shouldn’t have gone in there like that,” Dean scowls.
“Hey, we can pick this up when we get back home. Right now, we need to get the hell out of here,” Sam says.
“He’s right. We need to go,” Castiel says.
Dean scoops you into his arms and carries you back out to the car. The ride home was spent relaxing and gaining your strength back. Michael is very powerful and if you have any shot at beating him, you’re going to need to hone your powers and become stronger mentally. Still, by the time you got home, you’re almost asleep from how tired it made you. Dean takes you to your room to tuck you in despite you being almost eighteen.
“Stay with me?” you mumble when he goes to leave.
“Sure,” he chuckles. The hard talk can come tomorrow once you’ve fully rested. The only thing that matters now is that you’re safe and back in his arms. He won’t ever let anything happen to you, not after your mom died on his watch. Dean watches your eyes flit back and forth under the lid and he wonders what you could be dreaming about. Someone knocks on the door once and Dean looks up to see his husband at the doorway. “There’s room for one more.”
Castiel walks in and gets into bed, careful not to wake you.
“I was really scared,” Castiel confesses.
“I wasn’t,” Dean whispers back. “I knew I was gonna be okay because I have you and Y/N to watch over me.”
Castiel knows how hard it is for Dean to talk about his feelings, so this is a big step. It’s only because Sam isn’t in the room, and you’re asleep so you won’t hear it either. Castiel meets Dean halfway and kisses him slowly but lovingly. It’s moments like this that makes what they do worth it. Dean pulls away from his husband and looks down at his daughter once more.
“She’s going to be very powerful one day.”
“She got it from her mother.” Your mom had been possessed by a demon and an angel while being a powerful witch which is why you’re a tribrid. “She’s destined for greatness, and we’re both going to be here to witness it.”
Castiel and Dean decide to stay in bed with you to comfort you until the morning.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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utdrmv-confession-box · 3 months
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Transcript: I know it’s because of skele-favoritism but asking anyway
Why doesn’t Nightmare ever hire/adopt/take in any Floweys or Charas? or fuck it, any Betty Noire re-writes? I feel like Nightmare could have a much more powerful army if he didn’t just stick to Sanses, same with Dream but I don’t like him so I’m ignoring him.
Like Omega Flowey totally strikes tons of fear into anyone’s soul, which would be a FIELD DAY for Nightmare who feeds off of that stuff, Betty is literally just the soul of fear and based off of what I’ve seen her do she could definitely benefit the team.
Though I guess Chara would probably need more convincing to join a cause like that (plus it depends on how Nightmare is written), but if Nightmare specifically picked a Chara that JUST experienced a geno timeline and has gone a bit insane, then it could probably work out if they were given a soul or vessel of some kind. (Or if he grabbed a geno swap Chara and was like the “go. do a crime” meme.)
Mid writing this I remembered that (canon) Betty’s entire goal was to prevent peace between humans and monsters so maybe she wouldn’t work with Nightmare? But then again, re-write Bettys could have different motives + a human fucking shit up would keep monsters motivated to hate humans (plus it works both ways since betty could simply use her magic to make her look like a monster to keep monster-racism alive in human society)
the sans mild disliker anon.
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marrogerson · 1 year
just finished all of your works and I loved them all! they are exactly what I'm looking for in books and I'm absolutely gutted to have finished them all. I know you said you weren't writing a sequel to vespertine and I completely respect that and you have to do what is right for you! would you ever considering writing some bullet points of where you thought the plot might have gone or some headcanons we never got to see? <3
Hi anon,
Thank you so much! Honestly, I've considered sharing an outline of where I was going with the story to give readers some closure, but Vespertine stands decently on its own—things would be different had it ended on a huge cliffhanger. I can give you a couple of tidbits, though. One thing that I was enormously looking forward to writing was Leander becoming the revenant's part-time vessel and Artemisia getting to interact with it in a separate body. (The revenant, for its part, was excited to play endless games of "Stop hitting yourself!") And then there's the main unanswered question in the story, about the origin of revenants:
As I suspect many have guessed due to foreshadowing, the revenants are each a piece of the Raven King's sundered soul, which is why our revenant knows so much about Old Magic. I would have fully revealed that in Vespertine if I'd known I wasn't writing a sequel earlier in the process. (Side note, this doesn't make the revenant male, it's still a genderless entity!)
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fallen-kingdoms-crk · 3 months
“My lord!” *Foxglove cried out in joy,* “I shall not fail you, I cannot fail your words.” *His voice, shaking with joy, spoke volumes of his devotion. He rushed to his feet, the small frail cookie preparing mentally for his task.*
*He readied his crossbow, it disappearing as magic stored it, before he turned to his god and smiled,* “Your vessel shall be returned to you, my lord, or you may end my days.” *He promised, before hopping away to start his trek. He did not carry a bag, food and bedding was unnecessary for his goal, nor did he have any other tool. His feet, bare as they may be, allowed him to leap easily and traverse the land he knew was his god’s domain.*
*Foxglove hummed, slipping past the tree line, to where those his god abandoned lay. The wilted statues, as cruel as they may be, was a sight that cheered the teen up and powered him towards his goal. He knew his target well, Pitiful Vanilla, but his whereabouts were tricky; for his god, for as all-knowing as he is, failed to give the area the vessel was.*
*The Thief, he assumed, struck again, stealing something from his god once more. His brow furrowed as he thought about the cruel cookie, The Thief was as cruel as they come, stealing his god’s powers for his selfish needs and now, his gods only true vessel. His gaze hardened, assuming the direction he previously knew of the academy, as he rushed with a fury unmatched.*
- Foxglove Anon
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[It appears that someone was watching...]
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"...Oh dear, this isn't good..."
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