#Malia x reader
lfzyxf · 21 days
Are people only interested in romantic fics? I've been wondering if there's any interest in platonic fics as well. Or even just headcanons... being friends with certain characters like lydia or stiles. Or even being related to some...seems like something fun to write as well. Any interest?
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riley-phoenix · 1 year
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Pairing: Malia X Reader(gender not specified), Scott X Kira, Alisson X Isaac, Jackson X Ethan, Lydia X Aiden, Stiles X Derek, Theo X Liam, Mason X Corey
Canon: Teen Wolf
Content: General stupid teenager trip stuff, smut, fluff, alcohol, nudity
Author's Note: I saw this post by @rottenstyx and it inspired me to write this fic, apologies if someone has already written it. Also, sorry this took SO long to write. I'm always busy and I never managed to find the time.
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Summary: With graduation just around the corner, the senior members of the pack will soon be leaving Beacon Hills High School. You suggest the entire pack take a road trip together and just do some normal teenager things for a change, but what happens when you take a break from hunting evil and go on vacation?
The end of the school year. It was that time of year again, that time of year that normally brought a sense of joy along with it. That time of year that you and the rest of the pack would normally wait for eagerly... But not this year. Because this year, it was your last school holiday before college.
You had two things on your mind. Firstly, an unforgettable time with your friends. You wanted to spend one last, villian-free trip together before the end of an era dawned, and the majority of you would officially end your tenure at Beacon Hills High.
Secondly, and most importantly, you had a college decision to make. A hard one. Your girlfriend, Malia, had been placed on the waiting list at Santa Ana. While you were on the waiting list at both Santa Ana and Stanford. However, in a moment of madness, when questioned about it by Malia, you froze and only mentioned Stanford. Why would you do that? Because Stanford had always been your dream school. That was until you got another dream, to go to the same school as Malia. It was all you talked about for the past month. Sharing a dorm, walking each other to class, coming down together for the holidays; and now you were split between worlds.
You walked into your room to gather the last of your things for the trip. You were all driving up to Lydia's family's Lake House for the weekend. You sighed as you packed some clothes into a suitcase when Scott walked in.
"What're you planning on doing when we get there?", Scott asked curiously.
You paused, "...I thought we were just gonna hang out. Why? Is there some serious conversation you needed to have?".
"Yeah... With Kira".
"Right! She's taking a gap year to go on that Asia trip with her parents".
"...And I dont know what we're gonna do since we were supposed to go on all those campus tours together. I can't just do nothing for a year".
"But you also don't wanna be a year ahead of her".
Scott nodded his head, "What about you and Malia? You guys probably have some stuff to clear out since you're going to different colleges".
"That's... Not the only problem we're having", you said shyly.
"Meaning?", Stiles said as he entered the room.
"Well... We've been dating for a while now. And we've said 'I love you', but we haven't..."
Scott and Stiles looked on in confusion.
You sighed, "Y'know, we haven't... Done it yet".
"Ooohhh", they said at the same time.
"Yeah, you ought to have that talk", Stiles said.
"Oh, Please", you responded, rolling you eyes.
"What's that supposed to mean?", Stiles asked.
"You've had a crush on Derek for years and you haven't even talked to him about it yet".
"I have a pact".
"With?", Scott asked.
"Liam. I'll talk to Derek when he talks to Theo".
You and Scott laughed under your breath and Stiles rolled his eyes, "Can we go now?", He asked impatiently.
"Yeah, Let's get moving", you said as the three of you headed outside.
About an hour later, you all arrived at the luxurious cabin. You shuffled inside with multiple bags in hand and threw them inside an empty room.
"Hi!", A voice called out enthusiastically. You turned around to see Malia, with her arms outstretched, moving towards you. She placed her arms gently around your neck and gave you a peck on the lips.
"Hi", you said, as you kissed her back.
"How was your drive?", She asked.
"Fine. Where's everyone else?".
"Outside. Mason and Corey are starting a barbeque".
You walked outside, hand in hand, and found Mason had already set up the barbeque stand while Corey prepared the meat.
Later that evening, you sat on a fold-up chair and praised a hotdog, possibly the best you've ever tasted. "Oh my god, Mason what is in this?".
He smiled, "It's Corey's secret recipe".
You looked at Corey expectedly.
Corey put his hands up in defence, "A magician never reveals his secrets".
You laughed, took another bite of the delicious hotdog and noticed something out of the corner of your eye. On the edge of the dock, Scott and Kira were sitting side by side on the wooden platform above the water, engaged in a conversation; and it looked serious.
"I... Don't know what I'm gonna do next year", Scott said.
"What'd you mean?", Kira asked.
Scott sighed, "We were supposed to go on all those campus tours together, pick one and start the year together. Now you're taking a gap year... I don't wanna do nothing for an entire year but... I also don't wanna start a year before you".
Kira sighed, "Right... The Asia trip. It meant so much to my parents I didn't think about how it would affect... Us. Do you want me to not go?".
"Only if you don't want to".
Kira sighed, "But I do want to, Scott... But I also want to start freshman year with you... Together".
"...Are we gonna be together next year?".
"Yes! God, yes... I love you, Scott McCall".
"I love you too... So... What are we gonna do then?".
Kira thought for a second, then, an idea sparked in her head, "Come with me".
"Come with me. On the trip, and we'll do the campus tours after. That way you don't have to spend a year waiting for me and we can still start freshman year together".
Scott considered the idea, then he smiled. A big, bright genuine smile. "Okay", he said, as he leaned forward to cup her cheek with his hand and kiss her passionately.
You couldn't hear what they were saying but you were happy they made up, and seeing them have the tough conversation they were avoiding made you realise there was a talk you'd been avoiding as well. You looked around for Malia but couldn't find her. Excusing yourself, you headed inside the house to look for her. You opened the door to the room you had kept your bags in, and at the very same time caught Malia exiting the shower; completely naked.
"Oh--Sh--Sorry!", You exclaimed as you turned around.
"*your name*, I'm fine with you seeing me naked", she said with a chuckle.
"I'm not"
Once again, she chuckled, "You're cute... What's up?".
"I... Wanted to talk to you about something".
"Okay then", she said as she waited patiently for you to speak, although an impending silence filled the air.
"Can you put a towel on please?".
"Ugh, fine"
You waited a few seconds for her to cover herself up. "You can turn around now".
You turned around and saw Malia wrapped In a white towel, folded neatly just above her breasts and her hair still slightly damp. "So... You had something on your mind".
"Yeah. I was thinking... We've been dating a long time...".
"We have".
"And I was thinking... Before we graduate. There's something we haven't done before that I think I'm ready to do... But not sure if you feel the same way about--".
"You wanna have sex", Malia says quite bluntly.
"Yeah", you say, with a hint of embarrassment.
"Why're you so nervous about this".
"Because I... I haven't...", You sighed, "I haven't done this before".
"You're a virgin?".
Malia paused, and observed the situation carefully before speaking again, "You said you were ready", Malia said, with her big, brown, soul bearing eyes staring into yours.
"I am. I just wasn't sure if you were".
"I am", she says, with absolutely no hesitation. "So...."
"I don't know", you say shyly.
Malia leans forward and kisses you, then she leans back, and slowly, seductively, removes the towel and let's it fall to the floor. She's completely naked. "Now you", she says.
You start removing your clothes. Following her moves, you take them off slowly and let them fall to the floor, letting her watch and enjoy and allowing her lust for you to grow stronger. Soon you're both completely naked.
Malia leans forward to kiss you again, this time you place your hands around her waist and push her down onto the bed. All of a sudden, the door swings open and Stiles and Derek barge in, half naked and kissing each other.
"Stiles!?", You scream out.
"*your name*!?", Stiles responds.
"Derek!?", Malia exclaims.
"Malia!?", Derek shouts.
"WHAT!?", Derek and Stiles scream simultaneously.
"GET OUT!", You and Malia yell in response.
Embarrassed, Stiles and Derek stumbled out of the room. You sighed, "Maybe we should take this somewhere more private?", You asked.
"Agreed", Malia said desperately.
You both streaked naked out of the room and ran into a nearby closet. Inside, it was pitch black. Despite not being able to see a thing, you started again. You took Malia in your arms and, chest to chest, you started embracing each other in passionate kisses, earning small moans from each other along the way.
You felt a hand reach around your neck and pull you in.
Then a second one around the small of your back.
And then another one touch your leg.
"Wait, what?"
You turned on the lights and turned around to see that Theo and Liam, also naked, were also in the closet.
"Liam!?", Malia exclaimed.
"Malia!?", Theo shouted.
"We are NOT doing this again", you said with a hint of annoyance. You grabbed Malia by the hand and once again, streaked across the house naked back to the room you were in originally. You placed a tie on the handle for privacy before shutting the door. You knew you were going to be in there for a long time.
You woke up the next morning wrapped in the sheets with Malia asleep next to you. You leaned down to kiss her on the forehead. Her eyes fluttered and she smiled. "Good morning", you said, as you kissed her again.
"Good morning", she replied, and paused before speaking as if to say something emotional or meaningful "I was hoping we could do this for the first time before we leave. Since we're going to different schools, y'know?"
"Yeah... I know exactly what you mean", you say with a hint of guilt.
You walked outside, hand in hand, both with untidy hair and joined the others for breakfast. You noticed the twins laughing about something.
"Ethan, Aiden, What's up?", You asked. They both signalled for you to be quiet as Jackson entered the room. He had a magic marker moustache and goatee drawn on his face and yet still, he walked with his usual sense of self confidence.
"What's wrong?", Jackson asked as he noticed everyone staring.
"Nothing, babe", Ethan said as they kissed.
Everyone laughed under their breath and you heard a sound come from your laptop. You opened it up and noticed that there were two notifications from your emails. You opened them and horror fell upon your face as you read them.
An acceptance letter from Santa Ana.
An acceptance letter from Stanford.
"Shit!", You exclaimed
"What was that?", Malia asked.
"Hm? Oh, nothing".
You knew this decision was going to be hard. Do you go to your dream school or do you go to school with Malia? Both would be amazing. In truth, you were hoping fate would make the decision for you by getting you accepted by one and rejected from the other, leaving you with no choice. Well, here you were with a choice, and you didn't wanna make it, but time was running out.
"Hey guys, I invited a few people over to have a party later tonight", Jackson said.
"Should be fun", Aiden says, with his arm around Lydia's shoulder.
"Nothing too crazy, Jackson. My parents will kill me if this place gets trashed".
"Relax, it's just a few people".
A few hours later...
Literally every 12th grader from Beacon Hills High is stuffed into the cabin. Loud pop music plays in the background as people dance and play party games.
At the dart board, your team needs a bullseye to level things up, and Isaac has been your shining star so far. He's hit the centre on 7 out of his previous 9 attempts. Allison's team watches on in anticipation, if Isaac misses, they win.
"Miss, Isaac! Miss!", Allison screams in the background.
Isaac turns to her before throwing the dart. "Sorry babe, nothing's making me miss this shot".
Allison lifts up her shirt and bra and reveals her breasts to Isaac. Drooling over them, he doesn't pay attention to board and throws the dart completely wide.
"NO!", you scream in despair as the other team begins to cheer.
The party went on late into the night as people played spin the bottle, truth or dare and beer pong. Alot happened but somewhere in the night, Malia kissed Lydia causing everyone to cheer. You were asked to tell the truth about when you lost your virginity, and when you replied "Yesterday", it was met with silence followed by uproarious laughter and Allison proved to have a surprisingly high alcohol tolerance.
The next morning, everyone besides the pack had left, and you were all just about finished cleaning up the cabin. When you were done, you threw the garbage bags aside and sat around a fire. "I've got the strong stuff!", Lydia says as she joins the rest of the pack with a bottle of Jager in hand.
"This is it", you say in a gloomy tone. "This is the last thing we do together before we leave for college".
The statement sends a ripple effect of sadness throughout the pack. An impending silence fills the air for more than a minute as you all reminisce about everything that's happened over the last few years. "To Beacon Hills", Lydia says as she takes a large sip of Jager and passes it along. Soon everyone has taken a sip of the strong alcohol and said, in various different tones, "To Beacon Hills!".
As everyone finished up their conversations, you pulled Malia aside asking if you could talk, and she obliged. "What's up?", She asked.
"Malia... I haven't been completely honest with you. There's alot I need to tell you, so... You need to promise to let me finish. This is important".
"Oh...okay", she says softly.
"I was on the waiting list for Santa Ana, but what I didn't tell you was that I was also on the waiting list for Stanford. I didn't tell you because even though I really really wanna go to the same school as you... It's always been my dream to go to Stanford. And I've just been accepted to both. I've made My decision...
... and I'm going to Stanford. Look, I know what they say about long distance relationships, but we're special, we can make it work--"
"--*your name*", she says.
"--Because if you think about it were going to be really busy with classes anyway, and I know you really wanted to share a dorm and I'm sorry--"
"--*your name*", she says again.
"--But I swear I'll come and see you every holiday and every time I'm free and I'll call you all the time as well--"
"--*YOUR NAME*!", She exclaimed, much louder than before.
"Yeah?", You asked, expecting the worst.
"I'm happy you're going to Stanford".
"Yeah... 'cause... I haven't been entirely honestly with you either".
"What'd you mean?"
Malia reached into her pocket and pulled out a piece of paper, "This", she handed it to you and you unfolded it. It was an acceptance letter to Stanford.
"Hey!", She said as she squinted her eyes, slightly offended.
"Sorry", you said with an apologetic chuckle. "...Why didn't you tell me?", You asked.
"The same reason you didn't tell me about Santa Ana".
You laughed, you laughed in relief and then Malia joined you, placing her hands over your shoulders and leaning her face closer to yours. "So... What're we doing?", You asked.
"We're going to Stanford, *your name*, and we're going together".
You smiled a huge, beaming smile of relief and pulled Malia in for a long, tantalizing kiss. You looked out into the sunset, unsure of what your futures hold, but grateful you get to experience it together.
The moment is interrupted by Stiles' police radio message, "We need all units available to make their way to the woods we have found half a dead body, I repeat we have found half a dead body, over".
Stiles raises his finger and opens his mouth to speak but is cut off.
"NO!", Everyone yells at once.
Fandom List
Tags: @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @melthedwarf @emilyjade22 @cactuwus
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m333rcury · 1 year
hold me
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Teen Wolf X Reader
Summary: You’re falling really hard for Malia.
Pairings (within this chapter):
Malia X Reader
Word Count: 928
You looked down at the book open in front of you. All the words seem to blend together making it impossible for you to understand what the information being presented to you meant. You sigh and lay your cheek on your hand. “Think (Y/N).. This is a simple high school finance class.. It cannot be so hard.”
Your thoughts get interrupted when you hear something hit your window. You turn towards it.
There it is again. It looks like a pebble just.. hit your window?
You make your way to your window, leaving your open book behind at your desk. You open your curtains fully to be able to observe who or what is throwing the tiny pebbles at your window. When you look down, you smile. It’s just who you wanted to see tonight. The person who’s been on your mind all day. You turn your window handle, opening it. You stick your head outside, “Aren’t I lucky to be blessed by the great Malia tonight?” Malia’s concentrated expression turns into a smile, “I’m just glad I don’t have to keep using all my willpower on making sure these rocks hit your window without breaking it.” Her comment makes you laugh, “Need help coming up?” She scoffs, “Who do you think I am?” She’s climbing up the outside wall of your house before you can even process what’s happening- Before you know it her hands are gripping your windowsill. You grab onto her hands and pull her into your bedroom.
She takes a look around, taking a moment to perceive your room in its entirety. “This definitely looks cuter in person than through Skype.” She says while observing the multitude of posters you have hung up on your walls. “(Your favorite band name)? I’ve never heard of them.” Your eyes widen at this declaration. You immediately make your way towards your box of CDs and reach out for your favorite album. “Sit down, I’m about to school you.” You point your finger towards the bed and look at the brunette with an anticipative expression. Malia giggles at your earnestness, she’s never seen you so serious about something before. You put the CD in your CD player and press play. You sit down next to Malia, without thinking you’re sitting the closest you’ve ever been to her. Her body feels warm to the touch, just feeling her arm against yours is making blood rush to your cheeks. Maybe you were too bold.
Malia taps her foot to the beat of the music, she says nothing but she closes her eyes and hums along. She seems to be enjoying it. “What’s this song called? I like it.” You smile at her comment, “It’s my favorite song on the album. It’s called (Song name).” Malia nods in acknowledgement. You guys continue listening to the album until it’s over.
“I’m gonna need a copy of this CD..” Malia says once the final track of the album finishes playing. You playfully push her shoulder against hers, “I’m glad to have opened your ears to the beauty of (Your favorite band name).” Malia looks amused from your comment, “With you I’ll listen to anything.” Your heart skips a beat at her words. “You’re obsessed with me.” You try to break the tension between you with a light joke. Malia looks away from your eyes and notices the picture frame on your nightstand- She gets up from your bed to take a closer look at it. “You look cute in this, what are you like.. 6?” She picks up the picture to get a better look. It’s a picture of a tiny version of you with a cute dinosaur hat on. Kira’s also in the picture- wearing an identical hat of a different color. You both have big smile on your faces. You make your way towards her and smile at the picture she’s holding in her hands.  “I don’t know. Must’ve been a long time ago though.” You gently reach for the picture frame, wanting to put it back where it’s meant to be. Malia takes the hint and puts it back on your nightstand.
The fact that Malia can understand your wants or needs without you having to say anything out loud always makes your stomach feel funny. She makes you feel heard without even having to speak, she feels like the personification of safety to you. “So… why are you really here?” The look in Malia’s eyes is indecipherable. “I don’t know.. I guess I just wanted to see you.” She reaches out to hold your hand, “I just missed you.” She lets out a sigh of relief after saying those words, as if the information she just shared with you was weighing on her. “Hey,” You reach out to tuck her loose strands of hair behind her ear, “I missed you too.” The contact of your hand against her skin made your heart beat a little faster. Her skin was warm, very warm. Malia grabs your hand and pulls your entire body closer into a hug. Your arms are awkwardly tucked to your sides, “What are we doing?” You ask her, nervous that her intentions are different from your own. “I’m holding you. Do you want to hold me?”
You do. Really badly, actually. You push your insecurities to the back of your mind and wrap your arms around her. Right now, it doesn’t matter to you what any of this means. As long as you can be in her arms like this for just a little longer.
A/N: Hi everyone.. it’s been a while. I think malia and the reader need 2 learn to say more but i have this thing in my head that i belive that malia does more than she says... she isnt the type to ask the reader hey u wanna b my gf <3 its more of a... one day she wasnt kissing you and one day she was.. and then she just kept kissing u everyday and now ur not allowed 2 kiss other ppl... does that make any sense? anyways theyre gay and theyre gonna kiss. eventually...
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zegrasdrysdale · 5 months
[ best christmas ever ] q. hughes
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day eight of malia’s christmas fic marathon
pairing : Quinn Hughes x fem!reader
summary : (Y/N) gives fiancé Quinn what could be considered the best Christmas present he’s ever gotten
warning(s) : pregnancy, mentions of miscarriage
author’s note : i think this could be considered a blurb w how short it is tbh but here’s this cute lil thing :)
Her hands shake as Quinn unwraps the present that is going to change his entire life. Keeping this a secret for nearly two weeks has been killing her so the fact that her fiancé is seconds away from finding out is exciting and terrifying at the same time.
It's the last present that is being unwrapped this morning while it's just the two of them in their Vancouver apartment. (Y/N) made sure it was the last present unwrapped by taking it out of the closet after all the gifts under the tree from friends and family were opened.
Quinn tosses the ripped up wrapping paper into the trash bag on the ground between them before he opens the box.
Inside is a little Canucks jersey with Quinn's number and 'C'. Quinn is clearly very confused by the tiny jersey so she says, "Turn it around, Quinn."
Laughter is evident in her voice but she doesn't know if it's because of Quinn's confusion or because she's nervous.
She watches his eyes widen when he sees the back of the jersey. In place of Hughes on the back of the jersey is the word "daddy". Quinn looks over at (Y/N) with those wide eyes. "You better not be lying to me, (Y/N)," he says so seriously.
"Eight weeks," she tells him as she rests a hand on the very tiny bump that is under the large t-shirt she's wearing. "I found out three weeks ago and went to make sure everything was okay two weeks ago. When I was told that everything with this baby was perfect, I got the jersey made."
After they lost their last little one over the summer very early on, she didn't want to get Quinn's hopes up again so she went and got every single test done that she could before she told him. The last thing she wanted was to tell him then lose another baby. It nearly broke her in June, and almost broke them.
She couldn't do that again. Not this time.
"You kept this from me for three weeks?" Quinn asks. His voice is soft so he isn't mad. She stays quiet and nods. "Is everything okay?"
(Y/N) slowly nods, still hesitant. "Baby H is growing and developing at the rate they're supposed to be this time," she assures him. "I'm healthy. Baby is healthy. I just needed to be sure before I told you this time. I know how much you want to be a dad and I didn't want to get your hopes up then my body let you down for the second time."
Tears that she didn't know formed in her eyes spill onto her cheeks. She does her best to wipe them away quickly, but he notices them.
Quinn puts the jersey back in the box and moves close to her. He pulls her into a tight hug and she buries her face into his shoulder.
"Your body just wasn't ready last time," Quinn softly tells her as he runs his fingers through her hair. "I love you. I'm so excited to be here with you for the rest of your pregnancy. You're already an amazing mom."
She lets out a silent sob into Quinn's shoulder before she pulls back. "You're not mad I didn't tell you when I found out?" she questions.
"Absolutely not," he assures her with a smile on his lips. She can see that he's genuine when he says that. "I'm happy to know now. I can't wait to go to every appointment with you now. I can't wait to see our baby when you have an ultrasound done. I can't wait to tell all our friends and family and my teammates. I can't wait to meet Baby H. (Y/N), I'm so excited."
His happiness quickly erases any anxiety she felt before he opened that box. She can tell how excited he is about the next chapter in their lives. "Glad I didn't ruin your Christmas by telling you," she jokes.
"Are you kidding?" Quinn says. "This is probably the best Christmas ever. We're going to have a baby. This is the best present I think I have ever gotten on Christmas. Knowing we're going to start the family we have always wanted together is the best present."
A smile finally forms on (Y/N)'s lips. "We're going to have a baby," she softly echoes. Quinn nods and matches her smile.
She launches herself at him, finally sharing the happiness that Quinn is feeling. He falls onto his back onto the carpeted floor and catches her in his arms. He laughs and wraps his arms around her waist. He stares up at his fiancée. "We get to finally be parents," he tells her. "Our rainbow baby."
"Our rainbow baby."
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andreafmn · 10 months
Ours | Derek Hale Oneshot
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Word Count: 3.5K Requested by @gracelynn318: "Derek or Stiles finding out that their significant other (the reader) is pregnant and they try to keep it secret for as long as possible" Warnings: pregnancy, pregnancy symptoms (vomiting, nausea, fatigue)
Summary: Derek Hale and (Y/N) have been together for a long time, and they didn't know something was missing from their lives until it arrived unexpectedly. And all they want to do is revel in the moment for as long as they can, by themselves.
A/N: this story follows 0% of canon, just the character's names. will admit. I am a horrible Teen Wolf fan that has yet to see season 5 and 6, and I've also yet to watch the movie. So, definitely an AU 😬also, be on the lookout for tonight or tomorrow for another surprise regarding this request 😉😉
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Derek had noticed the change long before (Y/N) had. Long before she knew why she spent her days expelling her meals down the toilet drain, before she understood why her body craved more food than she could keep down, before she had even noticed that a month had passed and her period had not arrived. 
It came late at night. The soft putter of a heartbeat that felt so far that it could have been confused with the sound of rain against the pavement. They had been lying in bed, the exhaustion of living in Beacon Hills the only thing they needed to crash at night. But the sound had been bothering Derek. The continuous rhythm didn’t allow the wolf to lose himself in much-needed slumber. The sound kept him up, especially from where it was coming from. 
“(Y/N),” he whispered, running his hand up and down her arm to wake her. “(Y/N), baby, wake up.” 
“Mm,” she groaned groggily, cuddling to his body tightly. “Go to sleep, Derek.” 
 “(Y/N), I gotta ask you something. Wake up.” 
“We can talk in the morning,” she whined. “I’m tired right now.” 
“It’s important,” he chuckled softly. “I need your complete focus.” 
With a loud exhale, (Y/N) sat up in bed, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. The sheet fell from her torso, and the coldness of the night made her skin erupt in goosebumps. She rarely got angry with Derek, but she was coming quite close at that very moment. “You better have a good reason to wake me, Der,” she said. “I’m so tired I might just put off killing you until tomorrow.” 
“Listen, please,” he said. “When was the last time you got your period?” 
“What?” the girl questioned. “You seriously just woke me up to ask about my cycle?” 
“More or less. Just answer. Did you get it last month?” 
It took her a moment to think. The grogginess of being woken up still clutched her mind, and recounting the past weeks was hard. But her body startled awake as she realized she had not gotten her shark week in a month and a half. That fact alone did not scare her. She had always been irregular, and in moments of stress, it was more likely than not that she skipped a cycle. The problem was that not only had she missed a period, she had been feeling sick for the past three weeks. And the math was not too hard to do. 
“I-I didn’t,” she stammered. “W-why are you asking?”
“Oh my god,” he answered. “Oh my god!” 
“What? What’s wrong?” 
Instead of answering, Derek pressed his ear to her stomach until he could hear the sound clearly. Alongside (Y/N)’s quickening heartbeat, a quieter, steady pattern joined. It was too indistinguishable now. “You’re pregnant,” he said. So quiet he wasn’t sure if he had said it at all. “There’s a baby in there. Our baby.” 
“Pregnant…” (Y/N) could not believe the word even as it rolled out of her tongue. “I can’t believe it.” 
“We’ll go to Deaton tomorrow, but I’m certain. I can hear their heart beating in there.” 
(Y/N)’s mind was reeling. Pregnant, she thought to herself. The word felt foreign. So did her body. Derek had noticed the change before her. How could she not have known that a life was growing inside her? How could she ever be a mother when she did not even know herself?  
Without realizing it, tears fell down her cheeks. She felt weak and panicked. The strong woman that had faced the biggest dangers and far scarier monsters trembled with the thought of a life depending on her for survival. It was one thing to volunteer to protect the members of the pack. They were old enough to fend for themselves. It was another to be responsible for the life and survival of another human. 
“Hey,” Derek called. His voice sounded like it was underwater. So far away that she could barely hear it. “Baby, what’s going on?” 
She hadn’t noticed that she had stood from the bed and was pacing around their room. Her breathing was shallow, and her chest heaved as she took in short breaths, trying to steady herself. Tears kept falling faster than she could wipe them away. They warmed her cheeks before the air turned them cold. It was the only thing that grounded her. 
And Derek. Always Derek. 
He had gotten off the bed, and within a second, he was wrapping his arms around her. The warmth from his skin calmed her. It brought her senses back to the moment, steadying her rampant heart. 
“What’s wrong, (Y/N)?” he spoke into the crook of her neck. “Tell me what I can do to make it better.”  
“I’m scared, Derek,” she sighed, tightening her grip around him. “A baby. Here. Now.”  
“Why not here?” Derek smiled, his hands running through her hair. “Why not now? With you as their mother, that baby could be born underground, and they would be the luckiest child in the world.” 
“How could you be so sure?” (Y/N) cried. “I forget things all the time, I’m clumsy, I can barely redeem myself when it comes to fighting. If it weren’t for my weapons, I wouldn’t bring much to the fight against our enemies. What good would I be to protect a child? How could I be entrusted with their entire upbringing?” 
“Oh, (Y/N). You’re far more valuable than what you bring to a fight.” His hands cradled her face, the green of his eyes boring into hers. “You are the most caring person I know. If it weren’t for you, I would have killed half of the pack by now. You’re smart. You’re funny. And if anyone should be terrified of becoming a parent, it should be me.” 
“Come on,” she scoffed jokingly, her tears finally subsiding. “You’d be an amazing father. Temperamental, but great nonetheless.” 
“Well, I’m glad it at least got you laughing,” he grinned. “How about we just take this one day at a time, baby? Make sure we take things slow. Tell people on our own time. Instead of going to the doctor, we buy a pregnancy test at the pharmacy; confirm what I already know.” 
“But if you can hear the heartbeat, I am sure all the other wolves will, too,” she worried. “How am I supposed to take things as they come when everyone will know the second they come here?” 
“Then, I won’t let anyone back here,” he smiled. “I’ll have them meet me at the warehouse or at Argent’s place. We can say you’re sick with something and won’t be there. Or that you went to visit family out of state –I don’t know. The point is, we can do this, baby. I know we can.” 
“Well, I do admire your tenacity,” she chuckled, kissing his lips softly and hugging him again. “One day at a time, right?” 
“One day at a time.” 
And it worked. For two months, at least. 
That very morning, he went out and returned home with five pregnancy tests and a bouquet of flowers. And five minutes later, they all showed an array of dark pink plus signs and the word Pregnant on them. Just like that, it had been confirmed. A new baby Hale would be coming to Beacon Hills in eight months. 
They were excited. Of course, they were. But they couldn’t help the terror that overtook them as well. Bringing a new life into their world was a scary thought. The fact that anyone with knowledge of their child could use them against them was terrifying. Still, they wanted that baby more than anything they had wanted before. 
The child that grew inside of (Y/N) was the tangible representation of their love. Evidence that everything life had thrown at them had not been able to push them apart, not for a second. They had been through hell and back, always together, and they had come out of every single occasion stronger than before. That baby was the final piece to their equation. 
The next day, they went to the first available OB/GYN about an hour from the town. The doctor confirmed what they already knew, adding the new fact that she was around seven weeks along. The process was more than uncomfortable, but the result was well worth it. A tiny blob appeared on the screen, and the sound of a rapid heartbeat filled their ears. It made tears well up in their eyes. That tiny thing would soon turn into their baby. And even though it didn’t even have a distinguishable shape, they had fallen in love with them. 
At first, they thought they would pass the first trimester in bliss. That they would only grow more and more excited as the days passed. And they would have. Had it not been for all the symptoms that overtook (Y/N). 
She spent most of her day hunched over the toilet seat, emptying whatever was in her stomach. Even when she thought she could keep food down, an hour or two later, she would be in the bathroom letting it out. And if she wasn’t vomiting, she was ransacked with deep waves of nausea. Then, her breasts started to swell, painful jabs running through her every few days. In addition to heartburn and fatigue, it made her question just how worth it a baby could be. 
But Derek had been attentive as ever, if not a little overbearing. He had kept his promise of moving where the meetings were held, claiming that the loft was under renovation while (Y/N) was out of town for a bit. It wasn’t a complete lie, though. He used his downtime to clean up around the house and fix things he had put off for far too long. 
He fed her saltine crackers and electrolyte drinks, rubbed her back, and held her hair, and he loved her. Every day and every night, he loved her. Even when he had to stay up cleaning the bathroom or he had to carry her back to bed. He loved her through everything. 
“You did this to me,” she had groaned one day. “All I want is to eat chips and pickles, but I can’t keep anything down.”
“I know, and I’m sorry,” he responded, drawing circles on her back as he cradled her body in the bathroom. “Hopefully, in a week, it’ll subside. You’re almost out of the first trimester, and the morning sickness should get better.”
“Stop reading pregnancy books,” she whined. “By the time this bun is fully baked, you’ll know more than me.” 
“Isn’t that a good thing?” Derek chuckled but swallowed his laughter as (Y/N) gifted him an angry scowl. “Okay, okay. I think the ten books I’ve read will do.”
(Y/N) remained quiet and threw her head against his chest. His arms snaked around her body, a comfort she allowed herself to sink into. The warmth from his body felt nice against her shivering skin. But just his presence was enough to comfort her, regardless of the words she spoke. 
“I’m sorry I’ve been snappy these past few days,” she sighed. Her eyes closed as he wrapped his arms tighter around her, her head falling against his chest. “I love this baby, and I love you, but I don’t love puking all the time. And peeing all the time. And being tired all the time. I want to fast forward to the next few months.” 
“Hey, you can be snappy with me all you want. I can take it,” he said with a smile. “I will be right here every step of the way because I love you. More than you could ever know.” 
“Even when I’m all big and bloated?” (Y/N) chuckled, her hands falling onto the growing small bump. “They're already trying to deform my body.” 
“Well, at least you’re glowing.”
“No,” she sighed. “That’s just sweat.”
“Then you look beautiful covered in sweat,” he laughed. “Now, let’s get you to bed. Alright?” 
(Y/N) could only nod and wrap her arms around his neck as he carried her back to bed, laying right next to her. Even if he couldn’t take this discomfort away, he was trying his best to make things better for her. 
Another week passed, and things started to shift. The woman would only occasionally feel the need to throw up her food, but the constant nausea and heartburn had subsided. And once (Y/N) saw her baby's small fingers and feet in their 12-week ultrasound, she knew it had all been worth it. 
She also knew they couldn’t keep the secret to themselves any longer. 
The pack had become angsty. Wondering when (Y/N) would be coming back from her supposed trip. Two and a half months was far too long to just be with family. With no imminent danger in sight, they had too much time to check up on everyone else. 
“I think it’s time we tell them,” (Y/N) told Derek as they watched a movie. She cradled her small bump, something she had unconsciously started to do. “We’re almost at the five-month mark, and I think it’ll be too hard to hide.”
“Do we really?” he groaned. “I can just keep you hidden here until the nine months are up. They don’t have to know a thing.”
“You would really keep the mother of your child sequestered in these walls until I give birth?”
“Maybe even more,” he shrugged. “Maybe I’ll keep you here forever.”
“You’re quite funny, Mr. Hale,” she chuckled. “But they are our friends —our family. They deserve to know there’s one more person to protect.”
“I’ve just really liked this time,” he sighed. His chin rested on her shoulder, his beard tickling her exposed skin. “You know, just you and me. Basking in the time we won’t have once everyone knows and once the baby is here. It’s all I’ve ever wanted, (Y/N). A family of my own, that I can love and protect. A home that’s ours.”
“And we will have that,” she smiled. “We’re just allowing more love in. The best part, at the end of the day, we can just kick them out.” 
“When you put it that way,” he laughed before kissing her lips, savoring her. “Alright, fine. We’ll tell them next Saturday.” 
“Thank you, Der. It’s gonna be great.”
And it should have. 
Had it not been for the million things that went wrong that week. The A/C was busted for a total of four days, a pipe burst in one of the bathrooms, the paint they had ordered for the nursery had been put on back order, and the Camaro had to be taken into the shop for tuning. Thing after thing occurred, piling onto an already stressful time. 
Nevertheless, the week came and went. And before either of them knew it, Saturday had rolled in. 
To say (Y/N) was nervous was an understatement. For some reason, anxiety was taking over her body. Its claws dug themselves deep into her being. It made her veins run cold and her heart speed. She didn’t know how any of them would react to the baby. Even to the fact that they had kept it from them for so long. And although Derek tried his best to calm her worries, they had already made a home inside her head. 
“God, what if they hate the fact that I’m pregnant?” (Y/N) worried as she laid out more food than necessary on the kitchen counter. “What if they find the idea of bringing a child into a messed up world to be the worst thing ever?” 
“Who cares, baby? It’s our child,” Derek tried to reassure. “We are the ones that will be raising them. The ones to protect them. Always and forever.
“But they say it takes a village, Der. And that is one thing that I know is true. I mean, at some point, we will need their help.”
“And you really think we won’t have it,” he said, rounding the kitchen island. His hands traveled her body and, in one swift move, had her sitting on the counter. At eye level, he could stare directly into her glossy eyes. “We have been through everything with these people. Even the ones I hated at the beginning have become my closest friends. I’m 100% sure they’ll be thrilled that you’re pregnant.”
He snaked his hand to her chin, pulling her down for a soft kiss. But once their lips made contact, it was too much of a temptation to keep it chaste. Soon enough, their tongues danced together, and their hands pulled each other closer. It left them breathless and excited, wanting —needing more. 
“Uh, we can come back if it’s a bad time,” Stiles’ voice rang through the apartment, startling them apart. “But you guys did invite us here. So, it’s kind of bad on you guys.” 
“No. Yes! I mean, it’s not a bad time,” (Y/N) chuckled as she jumped off the counter, hiding her stomach with a comically large bowl. “We just got carried away, I guess.”
“The one day they decide to show up on time,” Derek grumbled under his breath. “Come in, why don’t you?” 
Before they knew it, the apartment was filled with werewolves, a banshee, other werehumans and supernatural beings, and their very own abominable snowman. The couple remained in the kitchen as everyone situated themselves, whispering under their breath what the best way to go about it would be. 
“Not to be pushy,” Peter called out. “But if you guys only called us over for some food, I have better things to do than hang around children all day.”
“You do know we’re all well above the age of eighteen, right?” Isaac retorted. “It’s been quite some time since we have been children.” 
“You’re still younger than me, correct?” 
“Well, yeah…” 
“Then children,” he said. “So, what is it? Am I staying, or am I leaving?” 
“Settle down, Peter,” Derek responded, biting back the urge to roll his eyes. “We do have something important to announce to everyone and would very much appreciate it if you just listen.” 
“Fine,” he frowned. “But you have ten minutes of my time before I decide to leave.” 
“All we need is a couple of seconds, really,” (Y/N) said with a smile on her face so sweet no one dared say anything else. “I’m sure you heard that I was away for a while and that we were undergoing renovations here. Which, as you can tell by the lack of changes, was not true. Derek lied on my behalf and moved any necessary meetings out of our home because I needed this time to myself as I underwent a sort of change in my life.” 
“Oh my god, you’re dying,” Stiles worried. “Is it cancer? Is it at least treatable?” 
“It’s nothing like that, Stiles,” she reassured with a soft chuckle. “But thank you for worrying. It’s just as life-changing but not necessarily life-threatening. At least, I’m hoping it’s not. But you could never be sure until…” 
“(Y/N), you’re rambling,” Derek whispered in her ear. “It’s nothing bad.”
“You’re pregnant!” Lydia exclaimed, a bright smile adorning her face. 
“How would you know that?” Malia questioned. “I thought you predicted death, not new life.” 
“It’s common sense,” she shrugged, disregarding the comment. “She’s been hiding for months. The place smells like paint, and nothing in this room is painted, so I can only assume it’s a bedroom. And she hasn’t stepped out from behind the island that just so happens to cover her stomach. Two and two always makes four.” 
“Except on this occasion, it made three,” (Y/N) chuckled. She walked around the counter and joined Derek’s side, her bump finally on display for everyone to see. “But, yes, Lydia, I am pregnant. Almost five months now.” 
A shower of ‘holy crap’s and ‘oh my god’s rained over them as, one by one, the pack got to their feet and hugged the couple in congratulations. They rejoiced together and started planning how to spoil little baby Hale even before they were born. Every single person was as excited and overjoyed as Derek and (Y/N) were, anxious for when the baby was born. 
Well, except Peter. 
“Yeah, next time you have these kinds of news, little nephew, make sure to make it an email,” he grumbled, looking at his watch. “Can’t believe I canceled evening plans for a pregnancy announcement.” 
“We love you too, Peter,” (Y/N) laughed. “Maybe if you leave now, you can still make it to whatever it is that you had planned.” 
“I’m already here,” he shrugged as he sat back down on the sofa. “Might as well take advantage of the free food.” 
“Ignore him,” Derek told her, wrapping his arms around her waist. “He can’t take this moment away from us. It’s all ours.” 
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colbybrocksantidote · 2 months
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I’m just so incredibly happy for colby🥹
and I really hope the fandom doesn’t fuck up his happiness, otherwise i’m throwing hands😤
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roadtonowherexx · 1 year
So, can we collectively pretend that the movie didn't happen?
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incorrectsourwolf · 2 years
Stiles: I've already sent good vibes your way... they’re coming. There’s nothing you can do to stop them.
Scott: This is the most threatening way I’ve ever been cheered up...
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ateotd-izzy · 11 months
ceilings | stiles stilinski x fem!reader
part one | PART TWO (requested by @mysticallystilinski)
summary: after going through her memories and finally remembering stiles, y/n is confident that he’s back. so she goes with lydia and malia to find him.
warnings: FLUFF, some swearing, this is more parts of the episode rather than me just making it up but yk
taglist: @brvceyamada
“y/n?” scott’s voice brought you out of your head.
"where is he?" you turned to face him. “you guys saw him? right? it was working.”
“stiles. he was right here. didn’t you guys see him? the light?” you gestured to the empty hall in front of you.
“we didn't see anyone.” malia stated.
"no." you looked down the corridor again, your voice echoing around the walls. "he was here. i know it."
"alright, come on." malia put her hands on your shoulders. "back inside."
she and lydia led you back into the room and scott closed the door behind you all. or he went to.
liam appeared in the doorway and stopped it from closing last second.
"liam..." scott sighed in relief.
"there's something you need to see." liam said to him.
"you're still here."
"but everyone else is gone. all of them. they're all gone."
your heart probably would've sunk if you weren't dead set on the thought that stiles was back.
you ignored the rest of the conversation between liam and scott and tried to think about exactly where stiles could be. where you would find him.
"in case stiles comes back?"
your head shot up at lydia's words.
"if there's hope, you need to keep trying." scott told the three of you.
you knew stiles wouldn't think to come to argent's bunker, but you kept quiet as scott left with liam.
you waited about ten minutes before heading for the door.
“um, excuse me?” lydia scoffed, getting your attention. “where do you think you’re going?”
“where does it look? i’m going to find stiles.”
“scott told us to stay in case he shows up here.” lydia stated.
“okay, we all know stiles would never come here.” malia pointed out, joining you at the door, and you nodded in agreement.
“see? we need to find him.” you stated. the look lydia gave you was one of disbelief. “look, if he was gonna show up here, he would’ve. but he hasn’t, so…”
lydia didn’t say anything.
“please, lydia?” you begged. “please?”
“fine.” she caved and the three of you quickly left the bunker.
you ended up in the school parking lot just a few minutes later where stiles’ jeep had been left since he disappeared.
instead now the car was gone.
hope sparked in your chest as you examined the tire marks on the ground in front of you.
“they look fresh.” lydia noted.
“it’s from stiles’ jeep.” malia agreed. “it must’ve just left.”
“without his keys?” lydia asked incredulously.
“he used a screwdriver to start it up half the time.” you spoke up, not looking at your friends.
“then he’s here.” malia spoke.
“we have to tell scott.” lydia stated.
looking up, you noticed train tracks running across the school’s lawn and into the building.
“yeah, well, we should probably tell scott about that too.” you stood up and started walking over.
lydia and malia exchanged a look and the three of you headed into the school.
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after reaching the library and finding the train station inside, and soon after finding peter, getting malia to get him out of the ghost riders’ world and into your own, there was a fight and you and lydia had to run out of the library, leaving malia and peter alone to fight the ghost riders.
“shit, where’s—” your voice seemed to disappear as you spoke.
both you and lydia had turned around to face the library, but you had this feeling.
your heart sped up and it was like a rush. like how you had felt before when you went through your memories.
the feeling you had around stiles.
you started heading down the hallway without another word.
“y/n? where on earth…” lydia sighed and followed after quickly.
it was like something was pulling you through the school, down the different hallways.
a gunshot not too far ahead got you to speed up.
“scott, i can’t fight this guy!” stiles’ voice shouted from one of the locker rooms and you frantically grabbed lydia’s arm, pulling her to the room as another gunshot went off.
“no, no, no.” you muttered as you did so, before you reached the doorway.
inside the room was a ghost rider pointing his gun right at someone’s head.
stiles stood before the ghost rider, looking exactly like he did when you last saw him.
the same red flannel, the same hairstyle, everything.
you covered your ears as lydia screamed, sending the ghost rider flying into the lockers ahead.
when she stopped you pushed your way into the room properly and froze as stiles stared back at the two of you in shock.
“stiles…” you breathed out, a smile tugging on your lips.
you both then rushed towards each other, meeting halfway and connecting your lips in a kiss.
his hands cupped your face like they had so many times before, and your hands were in his hair, trying to keep him as close to you as possible.
you never wanted to let go of him.
the missing piece to your puzzle had finally been found, and now the picture was complete.
in that moment, you didn’t care about the ghost riders, or lydia, who had stepped out of the room for a moment. the only thing you cared about was him.
the three whole months without him had been the longest of your life. even if you couldn’t remember him.
the two of you pulled apart and his arms found their way around you.
“oh, god.” he mumbled into your shoulder, hugging you tight.
you took his face in your hands and just examined him. you took in all his features as if it were the first time you had ever seen him.
he was real. and he was right in front of you.
“i thought i had lost you.” you whispered, the tears finally starting to brim in your eyes. “i don’t know what i would’ve done…”
you trailed off, getting lost in his brown eyes.
his eyes.
you hugged him tightly again.
“i love you so much.” he whispered in your ear. “god, i’ve missed you.”
“you don’t know how much i’ve missed you.” you said with a slight chuckle. “oh, my god.”
he smiled and leaned in, pressing his lips against yours again.
“i still can’t…” your hand brushed some of his hair that sat slightly over his forehead. “i mean, you exist. you’re here.”
“i’m here,” he wrapped his arms around you again. “and i don’t want to leave you ever again.”
you hugged him back tight, your arms slotting into place around his torso just under his own arms.
lovely to just stay there with him.
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“you ready for our last day of high school ever?” you asked stiles quietly.
the two of you were lying in his bed, under the covers and in pyjamas, facing each other.
the last day of senior year.
“no.” he whispered and you smiled softly.
you slotted your hand into his. “that’s okay.”
it had taken some time, but everything had slowly begun going back to normal.
or your definition of ‘normal.’
normal was you and stiles lying in bed at 6:30 in the morning when you were supposed to be getting ready for school.
it still felt impossible for you to be looking at him again. touching him again. kissing him again.
with one hand in his and the other tucked under your head, you just stared at stiles with a smile.
“what’re you looking at, weirdo?” he asked, his beautiful smile slipping onto his face.
“you.” you leaned forward and pecked him on the lips.
“woah. very bold.”
“it’s ‘cause you’re kinda cute.” you shrugged, holding back a smile.
stiles rolled over and grabbed his phone off the nightstand. “you know i might have to call my girlfriend and tell her this very pretty girl is making moves on me.”
you rolled your eyes as he held his phone to his ear, your phone ringing seconds later.
“well, would you look at that?” he grinned, hanging up the call and dropping his phone onto the bed. “you’re my girlfriend.”
“you’re such a dork.” you laughed. “and so cheesy.”
“you love me.” he whispered against your lips before kissing you.
of course the door opened at that very second.
“okay, you two, enough canoodling and start getting your butts to school.” sheriff stilinski ordered, coffee mug in hand, and stiles groaned. “last day!”
stilinski forced a small cheer and you chuckled, copying the cheer.
“there’s the enthusiasm.” noah nodded and walked back down the hallway.
“dad, close the door!” stiles called after him.
“get ready for school!” noah yelled back.
the two of you, stiles more begrudgingly, did end up getting ready for your last day and sat down in his jeep.
“you ready now?” you asked stiles as he put the keys into the ignition.
“nope.” he started up the car.
“me neither.”
stiles turned his head to meet your eyes and smiled.
and it feels like the end of a movie i’ve seen before
you smiled back and he started driving, both of you totally unprepared to leave high school, but ready to start the rest of your lives. together.
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a/n: i feel like this isn’t as good (or as long) as the first part but i still hope you guys like it
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voltronisanobsession · 5 months
Hi! It's me again, I was wondering if I could ask a Derek hale x sister! Reader where since the hale fire the reader stop talking to anyone but only her siblings (like laura, Derek and cora) and one day the pack come in to derek's loft and saw reader whispering to Derek a d they ate shocked because even at school she never speak but as soon as she saw them she stop speaking/whispering to him. So the pack always try to make her speak by speaking to her or asking her things but reader either sigh or growl but never speak to them even though they're her pack because she's afraid that they'll die once she will start being friendly with tem, sos some people of the pack start getting frustrated and stiles or someone else make a comment about her being mut or thinking that she was mute and Derek her big brother stand up for her. Please and sorry it's so so long.
Derek defending Reader b/c of their Quietness
UGH YES LOVE THIS🦅🦅🦅 it’s not long bro, don’t even worry about it, I love writing for teen wolf teehee
Idk if I did you justice but I hope you enjoy this!!
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Derek is SUPER protective of you, like it’s not even funny😭
Since you’re with your older brother most of the time, the pack has gotten used to your presence and silence, yet were always so curious to know more about you!
But whenever they’ve come across you, whether it be at school, walking down a street, or even when fighting, you never say a peep to any of them
They obviously know that you somewhat care for them with all the times you’ve saved their asses from trouble, but you’re just so quiet that it’s hard to form a connection with you
I don’t think they’ve actually heard your voice besides from the occasion sigh or chuckle you would let out whenever someone said something funny
At one point they all just assumed you were mute until they one day unexpectedly dropped by Derek’s studio when they hear faint talking from outside his door
Of course they hear Derek’s deep voice, but they also hear a new voice as well
This once is much softer, yet filled with life as they heard the joyful laughing of this unknown person
Stiles being Stiles, homeboy just barges in to see who this new person only to see the surprised faces of you and your brother
“You can talk?!” Is definitely the first thing this dude would say
Your mouth is glued shut at the question and before the group can begin interrogating you, Derek steps in to separate you all
Since then, the group (mostly stiles tho) would try and make you talk
Whether it be about the most random things, they are always in some way waiting for your response
I think Allison would be the one in the pack to understand your hesitance of forming a connection with them because of your terrible pst
She understands your boundaries and only converses with you when it’s only the two of you
Allison doesn’t let her surprise how on her face you you laugh at a joke she offhandedly said to make you feel comfortable
She’s the only one you would actually talk to in private, allowing her to take a place in your heart with how many times she’s saved you, and made you laugh
Scott doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable by any means, but sometimes the silence between you both makes him feel awkward
He definitely bugs Derek about it though. Because of how much he asks about it, Derek does fold at one point and reveals why you never speak around them
Scott sees you in a different light at the knowledge of you scared of forming relationships with them, but he doesn’t treat you any differently
He’s learned to embrace the silence and calmness you bring, throwing smiles towards you every now and then when you guys make eye contact
Lydia and Stiles are more of the pushy types, always bothering you about why you don’t talk
Lydia learns to just let I go though after the first few times she tries talking to you
She doesn’t wanna waste her breath when you won’t even respond to a yes or no question😭 you usually communicate with her with your eyes or by nodding your head
Stiles on the other hand won’t let go of it
He’s always asking you questions, waiting for a response before babbling about something else
There are times that he asks sensitive questions which he knows is wrong and insensitive of him but he just wants to hear you speak again
I think we all know how stiles is, pushing someone’s else’s limits until they actually do so emerging to him to him shut up💀
I think Scott might reveal a little about you to Stiles because of how annoying he’s gotten about the subject
Stiles actually gets fed up one random day tho after the group almost gets killed because of your reluctance to communicate with them, making an off handed, and lowkey insulting, comment towards you
“What, are you finally gonna speak at our funerals when one of us dies? There won’t really be a point in doing so though.”
Might not seem like much, but for you, your heart breaks at that
He will admit it’s not his proudest moment
The second the comment leaves his mouth tho, Derek is slamming the younger boy against a way and giving him the death stare
Everyone gasps at the sound of Stiles hitting the wall
Scott tries to make Derek let go, but Stiles was talking shit to his younger sibling and he’s not gonna take that
You quickly walk over though, resting a hand on his arm
Everyone is supposed, even Derek, when you speak
“It’s ok Derek, let him go.”
After a moment of hesitation, Derek lets Stiles go, not before threatening to rip his head off if her ever speaks to you like that
Once he’s backed off, you look to Stiles, eyes filled with hurt and anger
“Are you happy now Stiles?”
And boom, you angrily walk away leaving everyone tense, Allison chasing after you
I think this’ll have a more emotional affect on you because this dude basically forced you to kinda relive a trauma you’ve grown to have
He destroyed the coping mechanism you had, which was keeping to yourself in silence
But maybe this was the push you needed. Maybe you needed someone to break you out of this shell you were in.
It was a difficult and scary process for you, but with the support of Derek and Allison, you slowly began speaking more
Starting with small comments, everyone gave you time and space to go at your own pace when talking with you
I think you would have a stutter because of your limited amount of contact you’ve had with other people throughout the years
So the pack patiently as you get out the words and sentences you stumble on occasionally
They don’t make fun of it, but instead encourage you to continue, especially if you get frustrated when you can’t get out a specific word
They are also there to remind you that they’re always going to be there for you, and that they won’t ever leave you💔
You appreciate so much because that’s been your number one fear ever since the fire that happened all those years ago
While at first things were still awkward with you and Stiles, he apologized the second you guys were alone
He’s super sincere and remorse full of the way he treated you. You accept his apology, but not without giving him the classic Hale threat if he ever does it again🤭
Derek is still super protective of you and always reminds you to not push yourself
You honestly love and appreciate him for that, and often remind him how much you appreciate him
Cora, if she’s visiting, would be surprised to hear you talking freely now. While she gives Stiles the stink eye at hearing how it all happened, she’s lowkey happy that you’ve finally broken from your chains of doubt
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apocalypse-shuffle · 6 months
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“A Different Breed” (Peter Hale x Fem!Reader)
| With Lydia (& Allison) unwilling to help, and Peter unwilling to let himself be pushed around and fucked over by children, Peter finds other means to unlocking the secrets trapped in his late sister’s claws.
| SFW, canon divergence, manipulative!peter (what’s new though really?), reader is of African and Irish descent -banshee!reader
| 1k+ words
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“Y/n L/n.”
Instinctually your brows furrow at the sound of your name even as you’re still looking at the ledgers on the library table.
“Yes?” You turn towards the person, a man. Trying not to seem rude you do him the favor of not looking at him as if he’s crazy for coming up to you with your full government name in his mouth. “If you’re looking for Ms. Fields she’s in the computer lab.”
He shakes his head. Something about the way he’s looking at you makes you stay stiff as you try to place if you’ve seen him before while leaning back on the table.
“Oh no,” he smiles in a way that’s probably supposed to be pleasant, “I’ve found exactly who I was looking for.”
Mhm. Part of your soul starts to ring out with danger bells but you don’t let him see that.
Planting your hands behind you on the desk you lean back some, inclining your head softly to the side, “What were you looking for me for?”
You nod slowly, dark fingers tapping against the edge of the table. This man doesn’t exactly give off the vibe of someone who needs (or trusts) help from anybody, but part of your job was literally helping people so you couldn’t call bullshit just yet.
You make sure to keep your expression open.
“Cool. What can I help you with, Mr… ?”
At your light promoting it’s like a flip switches and he suddenly remembers he has to seem far less suspicious than he’s otherwise been coming off.
His face loses its tension and in response you relax the tiniest bit as well.
“Hale,” he easily answers the inquiry.
The name pings at something familiar in your head. Hale…Hale? Ah!
“As in Talia Hale?”
The man’s eyebrows go up and a cool smile takes over his face.
“Yeah actually. I’m surprised you’re old enough to remember.”
You give him a tight lipped smile. He definitely isn’t looking to make a light library request if he’s a werewolf whose purposely sought you out.
“I’m in my 20’s actually. I went to school with Derek.”
He hums, a sound that might actually be signifying a genuine moment of interest.
“You know what? I thought your name sounded familiar.” He points to you, a roguish smile stretches across sharp features. “You were the basketball team’s manager, weren’t you?”
You snort despite yourself.
Out of all the reasons he could have remembered you by - the most likely of which being that you were one of the scant few black student body that went to BHS - that it was for basketball was a pleasant enough surprise.
“Yeah, I was, actually - and since you’re not Derek I’m gonna guess you’re his uncle.”
“Yes well,” he makes a low sound and meets your eyes, “I am his uncle. Peter.” He holds out his hand.
You only have a second to eye it in contemplation before it becomes socially unacceptable, but he’s got a really intense stare and you’re already nervous about this whole thing, so you end up biting the bullet before you can really think your decision through.
Hastily, you accept his outstretched hand to shake and immediately he uses the connection to pull himself closer. It forces you to knock your head back a bit to keep looking him in the face, your own face heating up.
Peter chuckles. It’s smooth and feels just a little patronizing and makes your eyebrow raise.
Those alarm bells from earlier start kicking up a fuss, whirring through your bloodstream like a tsunami. You keep a tightly controlled lid on it, but just barely.
Even as a beta Peter Hale was dangerous.
“You gonna stare at me with those pretty eyes all day, or you gonna tell me what you need?”
The corner of his eyes crinkle and his smile widens. His hand is still inhumanly warm against yours.
“Don’t knock yourself short, your eyes are pretty too.” He blinks down at you, eyes twinkling for a brief moment. “Like cognac diamonds.”
You bite the inside of your lip as Peter leans in even more, planting one of his hands next to yours on the table. Your breath speeds up as your bodies graze one another.
Casual as anything Peter leans down till your heads are level so he can whisper.
“Let’s cut the pretense, shall we, I know what you are.” Instantly you tense up again, eyes widening. Now his presence so close to you feels burning hot; nearly suffocating. Your palm is getting sweaty and your fingers are starting to creek at his tightening hold.
You swallow thickly, licking your lips. His breath puffs warmth onto the shell of your ear causing goosebumps to sprout along your brown skin.
“I'm going to need to use those abilities of yours.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
You bite your lip harder after the poorly hidden shakiness in your voice meets your ears. The man - the wolf looming over you chuffs, voice going back to normal.
“Come on, Sweetheart. We both know that’s not true.” He straightens up then, his now free hand coming to press into his chest. “Let’s make this easier. I’m Peter Hale, big bad werewolf; and you’re Y/n L/n, prettiest banshee in Beacon Hills.”
“There’s other banshees in this town.”
He nods.
“Oh I know, but I’m not much into children and she wouldn’t be my type anyway. Now, you’re going to help me because teenage girls are brats.”
Your jaw works as you stare up at him. There’s not much you could even do in this situation other than go along or get your throat ripped out. You’d overheard some…things about Peter from your father the night he was admitted into the hospital that you’d rather not get a personal example of. Pack left hand, ruthless, it was good he wasn’t able to cause any more trouble.
“Fine,” you force out.
Eyes dropping, you glare daggers into the floor as he chuckles.
“Good choice.” He starts dragging you off towards one of the back rooms, “Now how advanced in your birthright are you? And who activated you?”
Your jaw clenches but you make yourself answer anyway.
“Since I graduated high school,” you glare at his back, “and not a who, a what.”
“Ah,” Peter nods and gestures for you to unlock the door. “The nemeton?”
Snatching your key ring from your pocket you shove the correct one into the hole and the second the key’s pulled back he’s knocking it open and shoving you in before him.
You stumble but quickly spin back around to keep your eyes on the werewolf.
“Yes,” you snap, “the nemeton was left defenseless and was just reacting to the only supernatural beings left, dormant or not.”
Peter locks and then leans against the door.
“Me and you,” he says, crossing his arms.
You hum an affirmative and go about shoving your rumpled clothes back into place.
“You’re a fucking asshole.”
He has the audacity to throw you yet another one of those roguish smiles before those angelite eyes flash a supernatural electric blue.
That thing deep within you that turns your eyes white and forces a wail from your throat when death’s near rumbles inside your chest in response. You glare at Peter, shoving it down.
“Just tell me what you want.”
He claps before pulling a brown ornate jar out from behind his back.
“I want you to tell me what memory is trapped in these,” he scowls, “the full memory.”
“No shit,” you grunt.
When you reach for the jar he puts it more out of reach and inclines his head to give you a reproachful look though. You roll your eyes, the one time a man shows some interest in you and it’s this guy.
“I get it. The full memory or you’ll rip my throat out with your teeth or whatever.”
He scoffs but hands you the jar. You start to untwist it.
“The whole throat teeth thing is much more my nephew's style. No, I like to use my claws. There’s zero need for blood in my mouth when it’s sticking to my clothes.”
You grimace. Damn v-neck wearing bastard. No stable person talked like that, he was crazy, and you say as much out loud.
“So you're crazy?”
He laughs, sounding a little startled, and you dump the five werewolf claws into your palm. Ooookay.
“I’ve got to say, I like you way more than the other banshee I know.”
You grunt.
“Martin’s daughter, right?”
“Just the one,” he drawls.
You nod vaguely while inspecting the claws, turning them over with the fingers of your free hand. They’ve got a distinct hum of magic around them still, a particular frequency.
“These are Talia’s,” you state.
“Oh you are on a roll today, Sweetheart,” his eyes run over your body appreciatively before jumping back to your face. His smirk only widens at the unimpressed look you’re giving him, “now just tell me what she took from me.”
You give him one last pinched look before closing your eyes and clamping your fist around the sharp points. You exhale and focus on the frequency.
Alphas. Head of their packs. Crimson eyes. Leaders. Wolves. Chosen protector of Beacon Hills, burned alive on its lands after years of successfully protecting it and the people within it.
Your eyes snap open. They’re white. White like snow or powdered sugar. Like your mother’s favorite blanket on the back of the couch or like the steam from the pot when you whip up some soup when you’re missing your grandma like hell. White like the froth from crashing waves, like the blur between the mother, the spirit, and the crone when they flash before mortals eyes. White like the void between life and death.
The blank image before you, as you see with different eyes, flashes into one of a black haired woman. Talia Hale. She’s standing beside a chair, a chair Peter’s sitting in. Another flash and a screaming woman is there, talking about a baby and Peter and how it’s taking her power goddamnit!
You gasp, eyes blinking back to the present and keel forward, dropping the claws to the floor in the process. You barely make out the tiny clinks of them hitting the vinyl, hands resting on bent knees as harsh breaths rush from your chest.
Peter’s suddenly there, the claws are no longer on the ground and the jar’s nowhere to be seen. He grabs your forearms and then hefts you upright, shaking you.
“What? What was it? What’d you see?”
You groan and try to shake him off but he doesn’t budge. His grip only gets tighter.
“Fuck you,” you gasp. “You’ve got a kid - a Coyote wer - somewhere here in Beacon.”
NOTES: Hope you enjoyed!! I’ll catch any typos later.
In retrospect it really is wild how little black people were in Teen Wolf. Like, off the top of my head there was only four, I think.
btw: if you’d like to leave a comment I’d very much appreciate it! this is a sideblog tho so I won’t respond.
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riley-phoenix · 1 year
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Pairing: Malia X Reader(Male)
Canon: Teen Wolf
Content: Smut, friends to lovers
Author's Note: -
Summary: While on a mission out of Beacon Hills, you and Malia find you need to book into a motel. Everything seems fine until you realise one thing: There's Only One Bed.
The wind blew relentlessly, rustling the trees and forcing leaves off their branches while a constant, sharp noise, perhaps the swooshing of the ice-cold midnight breeze, filled the air.
There had been a surge in supernatural emergencies lately, leading Scott to order the pack to split up in twos and deal with them. To your absolute surprise and delight, he had paired you with Malia. You could work well together with anyone, but given the choice, you'd pick her. You'd always thought fondly of her. You admired her curt responses and found her honest --sometimes brutally honest-- personality irresistible. Not to mention; you found her attractive, gorgeous infact, but you weren't going to make a move tonight, not so soon after her breakup with Stiles. Besides, you were out on business.
This little crush had always made you nervous around her, leading you to be unnecessarily nice to her. Wether it was always paying attention to her over the chaotic exchanges of dialogue during a pack meeting or leaping out of your seat at her mere mentioning of needing a favour, you couldn't control yourself around her, but you were aiming to keep yourself in check tonight.
You were lost in the middle of North Louisiana with no service and the rain had just started coming down. You and Malia jogged through the muddy terrain until, finally, you stumbled upon a motel.
"This should do for the night", Malia says, to which you nod.
The door creaked open slowly as you stepped inside. You approached the front desk while Malia squeezed the water out of her hair and scraped some mud off her boots.
There was an old, wrinkly woman with grey hair and pale skin behind the desk. She held a curmudgeonous expression and never broke eye contact with you. You approached her and lifted a finger so as to speak, and, just as your mouth had opened, you were subsequently interrupted, "Only one room left", she said in a shrill voice.
"We'll take it", you said without further inquiry about the accomodations as you gazed out a small window and took in the inclement weather outside. You threw a few dollars onto the desk and she handed you a pair of bronze keys in return. You turned around and jingled them at Malia, signalling her to follow you to the room. Before you left the lobby you picked up your bags, and, being the gentleman that you were, carried both your luggages, of which there were only two medium sized suitcases filled with clothes and essential supplies.
The hollow floorboards echoed the sounds of your footsteps as you ascended the staricase. You placed the suitcases on the floor and the key in the lock, moving it slowly in a clockwise motion before opening the door.
Grabbing the suitcases by their handles once more, you lifted them off the ground and swung the door open as you stepped inside. The room was small. It had an antique, wooden style of interior designing that, despite not being of the greatest quality, constituted a warm, cozy feeling. It seemed fine until you noticed one problematic detail: There's only one bed.
"Crap!", You exclaimed.
Malia, who was standing behind you, surged forward in a small panic. "What?", She asked, a hint of concern in her voice.
"There's only one bed".
"Oh... Well, we'll make do", she said as she shrugged her shoulders.
You were shocked. It baffled you how nonchalant her response was and how she dismissed the situation as if it was nothing. You pulled out your blanket and started setting it on the floor when Malia questioned you.
"What are you doing?".
"You can have the bed", you said chivalrously
"*your name*, that looks extremely uncomfortable. Plus, I'm pretty sure there's termites on that floor".
"I'll be fine".
"We can share the bed".
"Oh, no I- I couldn't".
Malia rolled her eyes, grabbed your blanket and threw it onto the bed, "Really, it's fine".
"Don't you... Uhh", you started nervously.
"Yeah?", She asked.
"Don't you think sharing a bed is kinda... Intimate?".
She chuckled. "That's cute", she said jokingly, to which you didn't laugh, but rather looked on nervously. She sighed. "Look, we had a long day, we're both really tired. We're probably gonna fall asleep as soon as our heads hit the pillows. Nothing's gonna happen, I promise".
"...Okay", you said hesitantly, before removing your shoes, climbing onto the bed and turning the lamp light off.
Later that night...
Neither of you were asleep. You twisted and turned, trying to do anything to force yourself asleep but nothing worked, you just laid there, staring at the ceiling.
As you adjusted your pillow, Malia pulled the blanket you were sharing closer to her, leaving a part of your body exposed. "Rude", you joked. Then you heard her shiver, and you knew something was wrong. It was the weather, it was getting to her.
"Hey, are you sick?", You asked.
"Shapeshifters can't get sick", she replied.
"Then what's wrong?".
"Incase you forgot I used to have a fur coat", she said curtly as she shivered again.
"Oh, right... Is there anything I can do?".
She paused, "...Yeah, actually... There is". She turned around to face you and brought your body closer to her's. You were chest to chest. She placed one hand on your abdomen and the other around your neck as she brought her head closer to your's.
"This making you feel better?", You asked as you furrowed your brow.
"Yeah. Your body temperature is hotter than mine, it's helping me stay warm so the cold doesn't affect me as much".
"Anything I can do to help", you said hesitantly. It made you nervous when you noticed just how close your bodies were.
She paused again. "Are you ok?", She asked.
"Yeah, of course. Why?".
"'Cause your heart is beating like, really fast".
You noticed she had her hand on your chest. "Yeah... I'm fine".
"That was a lie".
"Your heart rate increased again... Something's bothering you". She pulled your face closer to her's so that you were looking at each other eye to eye. "Tell me what's wrong".
"I guess... I was kinda nervous about sharing a bed with you".
"Why?", She asked, to which she recieved no response. "*Your name*, do... Do you like me?", Again she recieved no response.
You simply turned your face away from her, almost in embarrassment. Your response, or lack thereof, said everything.
"Why didn't you say something before?", She asked.
You struggled to respond, "I don't know... I guess I just thought it was so soon after you broke up with Stiles; I didn't say anything because... I didn't know if you'd feel the same way".
"That was stupid...", she said bluntly as she ran her hand through your hair and placed one finger on your face, "...Because I do". She brought her lips to your's as she cupped your cheek.
You pulled her closer by her waist and reciprocated the kiss, gently moving against her tongue and softly squeezing her lips. Then, you pulled apart. A look of uncertainty on both your faces. Malia pulled her hands away from her body and reached down, to the edges of her shirt before pulling it over her head. "I thought you said you were cold", you said playfully.
"I was thinking we could heat things up".
You chuckled and did the same. Pulling off your shirt before helping Malia onto your waist as you slid under her. She ran her hands over your abs and as you reached for her, she grabbed your hands by the wrists and pushed them down against the bed. You struggled against her grip as she held you down, "I have super strength", she said. Eventually you stopped, and allowed Malia to take control. Still pinning you down, she kissed you on the cheek and made her way down. She left a trail of kisses across your neck and even on your chest, each one earning a small moan from you.
Then, she released her grip on your wrists. Letting you free. Waisting no time you flipped both of you over, now you were on top. You followed suit as you kissed her, then moved down, to her neck, and to her torso, enjoying each small moan she let out.
"Unhook my bra", she commanded as she lifted her body off the bed, allowing you to reach behind her and undo it before tossing it aside.
She pulled playfully at the elastic fabric on your boxer shorts, awaiting your consent. "Do it", you said breathlessly as she slipped them off.
"Now me", she said, to which you obliged and removed her pants. You were both fully exposed now. Vulnerable to each other in the highest form of intimacy.
You brought your head down, closer to her's, and once again kissed her on the side of the neck. This time you spread your legs apart, prompting her to do the same as you grabbed her by her lower waist. You moved into her slowly, earning one long, audible moan as she threw her head back in delight. She placed one hand on your buttocks and squeezed it hard as she guided you into a motion. You moved in unison, by the waist, front and back, creating a pleasurable sensation for the both of you.
"F-f-faster", she said as your hips started to press against each other even harder. As the springs in the bed started to break under pressure, it coincided with the noise of your moans, growing louder and louder until it burnt you out.
After some time, you slowed down. Tiredly, you laid your head against Malia's chest as she fell back into the pillow until finally; you achieved a mutual climax. Both your hands fell to your sides and you pulled away from her, falling to her side once again, and eventually, somewhere in the night, you fell asleep.
Fandom List
Tags: @cactuwus @melthedwarf
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dragon-chica · 1 year
Creep Alert - Teen Wolf Preference
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Fandom: Teen Wolf
Because someone has made me very uncomfortable at weekly pinball and I would like to take Theo.
Stiles: Okay he's not always the most observant person around, he will be talking to himself trying to figure something out or keep walking not realizing someone else has come up and gone all up in your space. When he turns about and you are visibly uncomfortable he RUNS back, trip/sliding between you and the guy pushing his hand off. Might have yelled "CREEP ALERT" on his way over, mile a minute talking asking if you're okay, did they do anything? name drops that he is the son of the sheriff and can get that guy written up for harassment. "Do you want to file a report on him? I'll call dad right now. Don't you go anywhere, we're not done here- PARRISH!" Spots a squad car and shouts over (it was not Parrish) and it becomes mess. But it certainly did the job.
Scott: Good of heart, dumb of ass. Despite his wolf instinct telling him to destroy the threat, he comes over the moment your scent turns distressed. He comes up right next to you with a comforting hand on your arm and inserts himself into the conversation. Genuinely not realizing this guy's intentions or what's going on besides you're uncomfortable and asks what's going on. Usually he's enough to diffuse the situation, but if someone's persistent he'll instead have you both leave.
Lydia: Has been in this kind of scenario too many times that she sees it coming across the room before anyone talks to you. She's learned exactly how to handle herself, either sweetly or with words that cut. Or if she had a 'big, strong, man' to handle it for her. Lydia's at your side immediately, telling them you're not interested and how far she'll shove her heel up their ass.
Liam: Sure, mess with the S/O of the werewolf kid with IED, that's a good idea. He doesn't usually stray far from your side but a few steps away was enough for someone to take his spot and feel a little too comfortable getting in your space and questioning you. His gaze shoots to you as discomfort sours your scent. He speeds over, eyes flashing gold and getting right in their face with you behind him. Not afraid to get physical if they want to keep it up.
Also if it's Brett coming to flirt with you, either because he's a slut or just to try and piss Liam off and you really are uncomfortable with his advances, all bets are off. Claws are out and he wants blood, it's a whole scene.
Isaac: At first it's a little harder for Isaac to come to your rescue, even though he's a werewolf now he's not used to the kind of confidence of doing something like this. You were always the one to try and protect him, and never faulted him when he didn't come to your defense, just trying to make sure you were okay after.
But now he's a werewolf, he can do better. He stronger. Intimidating. Despite everything, he still had to psych himself up walking over to you, who is obviously uncomfortable. He's not sure how to insert himself, but he is quite noticeable and doesn't have to do much. Being so much taller (and chest puffed) than your pest, they take the smart move to leave. Visibly deflate and swallows after that interaction and asks if you're okay. Gets bashful when you call him your knight.
Malia: No filter and very brash. People have thought of messing with her but the energy she gives off and feral look in her eye is almost always enough to deter them first. You though, are not so lucky. Already very standoffish, once she sense someone is making you uncomfortable she is staring them down and growling, barely keeping her claws in even as they leave.
Derek: He normally is overprotective of you, usually you just roll your eyes at his worries. But you certainly feel safe with a scowling sourwolf beside you. Until he's gone a few minutes too long and someone thinks that's their chance.
When he sees someone crowding in on you he's speeding right through the crowd and shoving them backwards hard enough to make them stumble and once they're thoroughly scared shitless by his hardened stare to flee, he's trying to get you to leave grumbling how "we never should have come here anyway."
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zegrasdrysdale · 5 months
[ a christmas surprise ] j. hughes & n. hischier
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day twelve of malia’s christmas fic marathon
paring : Jack Hughes x fem!reader x Nico Hischier
summary : Jack sees the way (Y/N) is looking at Nico at the Devils Christmas party and makes an interesting proposal that neither of them can resist
warning(s) : smut ! approved cheating ? (idk if that's a thing but it's a thing for this fic), threesome, slight sub!reader, pet names during sex, oral (m&f receiving), fingering, protected and unprotected penetrative sex, multiple orgasms
author’s note : had to go all out for the last fic of the christmas marathon. my gift to y’all. merry (belated) christmas if you celebrate. i give to you, the finale of the christmas fic marathon ! this took me a lot longer to write than i thought but here y'all go
She had no idea what to expect when she walked into the rental hall for the Devils Christmas party with her boyfriend of two years. She knows that Jack, Luke, Nico, Dawson, and Jesper decorated the whole thing, but she's surprised at how well it's actually decorated.
Everyone is either wearing red or back, which makes sense considering the Devils' colors are red and black. She thought there would be more green worn since it is the day after Christmas. A lot of the guys are wearing one of their arrival suits with crazy ties.
Jack isn't though. He has on one of his arrival suits and a black tie. He didn't go all out in his outfit but he did with the decor.
"Wow, Jack," she gasps when she walks into the hall. "Looks good. I had doubts."
He looks offended as (Y/N) greets him with a very quick kiss. "Ouch, baby," he says as he feigns chest pain. "That hurt."
"I mean, the oldest one out of the five of you that decorated is only 25," she defends. "Sorry if I had a few doubts about a bunch of mid to young twenty-year-olds decorating for a Christmas party. Luke also just left college in May so excuse me for being worried about how it would look with you guys decorating."
Jack drapes an arm around her shoulders and smiles. "We had our captain with us," he comments. "We were in good hands, (Y/N). He kept ordering us around and telling us where things should go. Merc even got yelled at in Swiss-German because Nico got so frustrated with us at one point."
She smiles as she walks further into the large room. "I wish I could've seen that," she laughs. "That sounds like a very Nico thing to do."
"What sounds like a very Nico thing to do?" a accented voice says from behind (Y/N). She freezes mid-step and turns with Jack to look at Nico Hischier.
"You yelling at Dawson in Swiss-German while we were decorating," Jack answers for her. No words form on her lips as she looks Nico up and down when a smile forms on his lips. She swears her cheeks get hot when he looks over at her.
She has no idea why she gets tongue-tied around the Swiss captain. He's been around since she and Jack started dating. She should be used to seeing him and talking to him by now.
Maybe it's that damn accent or the fact that there are no words in the English language that could describe how hot he looks in his suit and fresh haircut. The dimple that forms when he smiles makes her lose her mind every single time.
If she weren't dating Jack, she'd absolutely go for his captain. She's always had a thing for European guys.
"Well, it was frustrating that he wasn't listening," Nico says, pulling her out of her head. "You know when I get frustrated, I switch languages. It's something that's always happened. Sometimes it's out of my control."
"I'm well aware," Jack laughs, completely unaware that his girlfriend is checking out his captain, or that his captain is checking out his girlfriend.
It's something that started very recently, and neither of them have acted on their thoughts. (Y/N) is very much in love with Jack, but she is allowed to look at other men. As long as she doesn't act on the thoughts she has about other men.
An arm wraps around her waist and she looks up at Jack. "Why don't you go get us drinks and maybe something to eat?" he suggests. "I need to talk to Nico about some strategies for our next game against Columbus."
She nods and spares one last glance at Nico before walking off. She finds the area with the drinks and food. She makes a plate for them to share and orders them both a drink from the bar.
When she turns around with their plate of food and their drinks, she sees that Jack and Nico are still very deep in conversation. Nico looks surprised and confused at whatever Jack is saying to him. Nico does glance over at her then quickly looks away from her and back at Jack.
He nods at something Jack said before Jack turns and walks over to her. He takes one of the drinks and (Y/N) asks, "What was that about? It looked like a much different conversation than strategies about the game with the way Nico looked."
"Don't worry your pretty little head about it," Jack tells her with a soft kiss to her temple. "Just know that it was a very good and informative conversation between a captain and his alternate. That's all you need to know right now. Let's go eat, yeah?"
She nods and they find a table with Dougie, Erik, Vitek, and their significant others so they can eat. She enjoys the meatball hoagie she made for herself and Jack enjoys the piece of steak she grabbed for him.
The two of them make small conversations with each other and with the people at their table. Dougie compliments Jack on how good the decorations look and he talks all about how fun it was to decorate with Luke, Nico, Dawson, and Jesper.
(Y/N) doesn't realize it at first but her eyes scan the room looking for Nico the first time Jack mentions the captain. She's surprised when she doesn't find him anywhere. She hasn't seen him since he walked away from Jack nearly ten minutes ago now.
"Hey, Jack," she says to grab his attention. He looks over at her. "Have you seen Nico? He's nowhere to be found."
Jack blinks at his girlfriend. "Why are you looking for Nico?" he asks.
"It's just weird that I haven't seen him," she explains. "He's usually walking around and talking to everyone but I haven't seen him since he walked away from the conversation with you."
He swallows a bite of his food and says, "He said something about going to the bathroom. He's probably still there."
She's confused by how Jack is being so casual about his MIA captain. A teammate would go find him and make sure he's okay.
(Y/N) stands up when Jack goes back to talking with Dougie, Erik, and Vitek. She makes her way towards the bathrooms. Dawson walks out of the men's room and she grabs him. "Is Nico in there?" she asks. "Jack said he might be in there."
"Yeah, he's in there," he tells her. "He's freaking out about something but won't tell me what. Where's Jack? I wanna talk to him."
"At the table with Dougie, Erik, and Vitek," she replies. "They're talking about the decorations actually so if you want to go and brag, there you go."
Dawson smiles and heads into the main room.
(Y/N) hesitates for a moment before she slowly pushes open the door to the men's room. She peeks her head in and sees Nico leaning with his hands against the sink counter. His head is down, but he seems to be the only one in the bathroom so she walks in.
The door closing behind her gets Nico's attention. He blinks a couple of times before before he realizes that she's standing in the bathroom with him. "What are you doing in here?" he asks. "Where's Jack?"
"That seems to be a really popular question," she says with a smile on her face. The smile falters when she realizes he's being serious. "He's talking to Dougie, Erik, Vitek, and now probably Dawson. He said you might be in here so I came to check on you to make sure you're okay."
Nico still seems confused as to why she is standing in front of him instead of Jack. "Did he tell you?" he questions.
Now it's her turn to be confused. "Tell me what?" she asks. "He didn't tell me anything. He's actually being really weird and refused to come see if you were okay when I realized you haven't been seen in like ten minutes. Then Dawson said you were panicking about something so that really had me worried. I needed to come check on you."
He leans against the counter and crosses his arms across his chest. He's taken his suit jacket off and she can't help but look at how the button-up hugs his arms in all the right places. She presses her lips into a line so she doesn't say anything.
The captain squints his eyes at her and says, "I think you should talk to him about the conversation we had. I shouldn't be the one to tell you."
"Now you're being weird," she comments. "Why is everyone being so weird recently? I am really not a fan of-"
Nico crosses the floor in four large strides and pulls her by the back of her neck into a deep kiss, cutting her off from whatever she was about to say.
She gives in because she's always wondered what it would be like to kiss Nico. He's an attractive guy and she's always thought he was attractive.
The dark hair that he's let grow long enough to cover his forehead and form a curtain over his eyes when he looks down. Her fingers play with the ends of his locks on the back of his neck. The dimple in his cheek every time he smiles makes her weak in the knees sometimes. The deep, accented voice makes her wish that she got to hear how it sounds in bed.
She kisses him back after a lapse in her judgement.
The shock of the initial kiss wears off and Nico walks until (Y/N)'s lower back is pressed against the same sink he was leaning on five minutes ago. The kisses exchanged between them are feverish and desperate.
His free hand rests on her waist and she moves to grip the collar of his shirt so he doesn’t move away from her. Nico shoves a thigh between her legs and she has to refrain from grinding against it.
All she wants is to get some pressure on her core, but she doesn’t want this to be over so soon. If she starts to grind on Nico’s thigh, she’ll be coming in seconds.
She jumps up onto the counter behind her because her neck is starting to hurt from craning it to kiss him. His hand slides down to her thigh, his fingers dipping below the skirt of the dress that she’s wearing. She hooks her legs around his waist, and she feels something poke her upper thigh.
A door opens beside them and (Y/N) breaks the kiss to look at whoever walked in the door.
It’s Jack.
Her eyes widen and she pushes Nico away from her. “I-” she begins to say before Jack waves his hand to cut her off. She closes her mouth and tries not to cry.
The realization of what just happened sinks in the longer Jack stays quiet. She cheated on him with his captain. It doesn’t surprise her that he hasn’t said anything. He just looks between the two of them.
“Does she know?” Jack asks, looking behind her at Nico.
“I haven’t told her yet,” Nico says. She turns and looks at him. She’s surprised to find that he doesn’t look terrified at the fact that Jack caught them making out in the men’s bathroom.
Jack’s eyes flicker back to her. “Why do you look like you’re about to cry, baby?” he asks as he walks toward her.
A very surprised and confused (Y/N) says, “You just saw me kissing Nico. Heavily kissing Nico. You caught me cheating on you with your teammate, Jack.”
Through the tears in her eyes, she sees Jack smile. “The conversation with Nico was to tell him that it was okay if he did anything with you,” he tells her. “I’ve seen the way the two of you look at each other. It was obvious that you both were thinking the same thing.”
“And I offered for him to join us in our bed tonight,” Jack admits, cutting her off. He brushes a piece of hair away from her face and tucks it behind her ear. “If it’s alright with you, of course. If it’s too much then you don’t have to but I don’t mind sharing you tonight and see where it takes us.”
She blinks away the tears and looks back at a flustered and slightly disheveled Nico. He has a small smile on his face as she realizes that it was okay. Nico knew it was okay to kiss her, and she’s going to get both of them as soon as they leave.
The thought of the two of them working together to take her apart is nearly enough for her to say that they should leave the party right now. The only reason she doesn’t is because they are both leaders of the team and can’t just up and leave just as the party is beginning.
“Jack, if you felt pressured to do this because you think I want this, I-”
“I want you to be happy, (Y/N),” Jack assures her. He cups her jaw in his hands. “It’s Christmas so I thought it would be a nice surprise for you. Plus, Nico is one of my best friends so if I’m going to share you with anyone, I’d like it to be him. You look at him the same way you look at me. I’d figure that I’d give this a try.”
She looks back at Nico, who hasn’t moved but keeps the smile on his face. “I’m okay with this,” he tells her. “Jack basically made me admit to him that I want to fuck you and he said that it was okay. If you don’t want this or if you aren’t okay with this then tell us and we don’t have to do anything.”
The thing is that she has wanted to get fucked by Nico. She just didn’t know how badly she wanted it until the opportunity presented itself.
“When can we leave?”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Jack and Nico make some excuse as to why they have to leave the party. (Y/N) is just along for the ride. Her body is already buzzing with anticipation of what will happen when they get to the apartment she and Jack share.
It takes nearly fifteen minutes for Jack to drive them to the apartment. She sits beside him in the passenger seat while Nico sits in the back behind Jack.
He reaches over the center console about five minutes into the drive and rests a hand on (Y/N)’s exposed thigh, right under the end of the skirt. She looks over at him and smiles. Jack’s eyes stay on the road as he squeezes her thigh. “Such a tease,” she giggles.
“Says you,” Jack replies with a smile on his lips.
She glances back at Nico, whose eyes are on Jack’s hand. His own hand was on her thigh not even a half an hour ago. The bathroom makeout comes back to her full force and her body shakes.
If that’s what Nico can do to her in two minutes, she isn’t ready for when he can take his time with her.
Jack pulls (Y/N) against him as soon as they walk into their shared apartment. She smiles and hears the front door close behind her. Jack looks behind her at Nico and says, "You don't have to just stand there, you know. You can come over. She's yours tonight too and you have my permission to do whatever you want to her as long as she's okay with it."
That's not something that (Y/N) ever expected to hear let alone hear out of Jack's mouth. That she's Nico's tonight too. She gets both of them. Two of the hottest men she's ever seen.
With permission from Jack, Nico takes the few steps over to the two of them. She turns her head and looks back at Nico, whose hands rest on her waist. She noses at his jaw so he looks at her instead of his hands. His curious eyes meet hers and she gives him a small smile.
She feels Jack's fingers on her jaw and he turns her head back to face him. "If you're uncomfortable with something-" he begins to say.
"Shut up and take me to bed," she interrupts. "Please."
He leans in and ravishes her mouth with his. His hands are on her jaw as he kisses her. They eventually slide into her hair and curl into the brown locks. She lets out a soft whine against her boyfriend's lips when she feels Nico's fingers trail down over her waist to her thighs. He presses soft kisses to her jaw and neck.
(Y/N) puts a hand on Jack's chest and pushes him toward their room. She grabs Nico's hand with her free hand and pulls him behind her. The three of them stumble through the dark apartment until they reach the bedroom.
She loses her heels and jacket in the journey to the room while Jack’s shirt gets unbuttoned and Nico loses his suit jacket. Jack picks her up and lays her on the bed as soon as they enter the room.
The kiss breaks in the process and she stares up at the two men in front of her. She bites her swollen lip as she waits for one of them to make a move.
Jack is the one to break the silence between them. “You or me?" he asks.
Nico looks down at her on the bed. "Me," he says, voice thicker than it was before. "My turn." Jack moves aside and lets Nico do whatever he wants.
She's able to smile for about two seconds before Nico crawls up her body and kisses her, continuing where they left off in the bathroom. The kiss is rough and Nico's hand is cupping her jaw. (Y/N) wraps her legs around the Swiss man's waist and digs her heels into the back of his thighs.
He kisses her more deeply than Jack does. Jack is rough, feverish. He constantly ravishes her mouth while Nico, while rough, kisses deeply. He kisses her with intent and lets her know what he wants to do to her.
It surprises her when she realizes that she loves the way they both kiss her.
Her hands run up and down his sides before she reaches between the two of them. With their lips locked, (Y/N) begins to unbutton his shirt. Nico uses his free hand to untuck the shirt from his pants. She shoves it off his body and runs her hands down his arms. His hand run down her thigh then runs up
He's more muscular than Jack is. His arms are bigger and his stomach is more toned. She loves it, but she also loves how Jack is muscular but doesn't completely cover her when he's on top of her.
She is going to get the best of both words tonight, and she cannot wait.
The mattress dips behind her and she feels fingers run through her hair. (Y/N) breaks the kiss and looks up to see Jack sitting on the bed with his fingers in her hair. He's ditched the unbuttoned shirt and suit jacket. Nico's lips attach to her jaw and he trails down her neck to her chest. The dress she's wearing exposes a lot of her cleavage and Nico kisses the exposed skin. Jack leans down and kisses her upside down.
Someone's fingers hook into the thin straps of her red dress and slide them down her arms. Nico pushes the satin fabric to the side and gets his mouth on her nipple. She groans his name against Jack's mouth and he pulls away. She tries to chase his lips but Jack pins her shoulders to the bed.
"Fuck," she sighs when Nico moves to give her other breast some attention. Jack reaches down and gets his hand on the breast that Nico abandoned. She whines when Jack rolls her sensitive nipple between his fingers.
She turns her head to the side notices the bulge in Jack's pants. She reaches behind her and palms him through his pants. She wants to get her hands on him so she blindly tries to get them unbuckled and unbuttoned. "Jack," she whines. "Off."
He moves off the bed so he can get his pants and boxers off. Nico pulls the dress further down her body as Jack sits on the bed. He pulls her against his chest while he leans back against the headboard. The dress comes off her body and Nico throws it to the floor, joining their shirts.
Nico's hungry eyes are on her when Jack moves her legs apart, exposing her ruined panties to the Devils captain. She can feel her core pulse the longer Nico's eyes are on her.
"Pretty, isn't she?" Jack asks as he tucks (Y/N)'s hair behind her ear. A soft hum comes from Nico as he begins to undress. Her eyes rake his body and she wishes that she could touch him.
Jack's fingers trail down over her jaw and neck, between her breasts and down her belly until they reach the waistband of the lace panties. His lips ghost over the swell of her ear. "You're our pretty girl," Jack whispers in her ear
"Our pretty girl," Nico agrees as he climbs onto the bed.
Our pretty girl. She's theirs. Those three words make her entire body shake.
"Come get a taste, Nico," Jack tells his friend. His fingers dip into her panties and he gathers some of the wetness. She watches as he licks up her arousal. "She's ready, like the good girl she is."
Her tongue darts out to wet her bottom lip as a now naked and smiling Nico lays on his stomach. He kisses her inner thighs as Jack turns her head. He kisses her at the same time Nico pushes her underwear to the side.
Nico's tongue runs through her folds and she moans into Jack's mouth. She reaches behind her and wraps one of her hands around his dick. Her other hand flies to Nico's hair when he wraps his lips around her clit and his tongue flicks the sensitive bundle of nerves.
She grinds her hips against Nico's mouth, needing more. She needs so much more.
This feels so much better than she ever thought it would be. Her legs are already shaking and they've only just started. Jack's lips on hers and his hands roaming her naked body. Nico's mouth on her clit. It’s a little overwhelming but it feels amazing.
Then Nico pushes a finger inside of her while his mouth is on her. She gasps and does everything she can not to come just from that. "Fuck," she moans against Jack's mouth. "Nico."
His fingers curl inside of her and her back arches off the bed. She knew he could do a lot of things with his fingers. She didn't know he could do this. Jack’s talented with his fingers, but Nico could have her coming in seconds with his.
(Y/N) breaks the kiss and slides down Jack’s body until she can turn her head and get her mouth on his dick. She licks up the bead of precome that has formed on the tip before she wraps her lips around the fire red tip. A soft groan passes his lips when she begins to move her head.
Every so often, Nico will curl his fingers or suck on her clit and she’ll hum or moan around Jack. Her boyfriend will sigh every time she makes a noise around his cock.
Her body can only hold off an orgasm for so long though. No matter how hard she tries.
The next time Nico curls his fingers in a “come here” motion, she’s coming with Jack’s dick in her mouth and Nico’s fingers in her pussy.
She pulls off Jack's cock and cries out as she comes on Nico's fingers without warning. Her legs shake and she pushes herself against Nico's mouth. She swears she blacks out because of how hard and how suddenly her orgasm hits her.
"Fuck, Nico," she whines as she comes down from her sudden high. She feels him licking up her release and soft sighs pass her lips.
The Swiss captain crawls up her body and captures her lips in a deep but rough kiss. She hums as she tastes herself on his lips. (Y/N) Isn't happy when he pulls away. She watches him lick his lips and smile.
"You taste so good, liebling," he says. She shivers at the use of the nickname. "Fuck, I don't think I'll ever get enough."
A barely there (Y/N) mumbles, "Wanna suck you, Nico."
Nico glances up at Jack, who asks, "Think you can take both of us, baby?" She immediately lifts her head to look up at Jack and frantically nods. Jack smiles at her enthusiasm. "Hands and knees then."
Quickly, she rolls over onto her stomach and does what Jack told her to do. The boys switch their positions. Nico kneels on the bed in front of her while Jack kneels behind her.
She takes Nico's cock in her hand and glances up at him. She knew he had to be packing but she didn't know he'd be this big. She shivers at the idea of him inside of her but takes him in her mouth. Nico gathers her hair into a makeshift ponytail as she begins to move her head.
Behind her, Jack pulls off her panties and runs his dick through her folds, over her already sensitive clit. She hums around Nico's dick as Jack presses into her.
It doesn't feel weird to have Nico's dick in her mouth and Jack's dick inside of her at the same time. She always thought that it would be weird, but it's kind of hot. They're both using her to get off and she's perfectly okay with that. There's already another knot forming in her stomach.
Jack thrusts into her and presses his hands into her lower back. Nico has his fingers in her hair and slowly moves his hips so he's fucking her mouth. Her hand makes up for what she can't fit in her mouth.
"Look at you, (Y/N)," Jack says behind her. "Taking both of us. Such a good girl, isn't she, Nico?"
Nico hums above her and she looks up at him through her eyelashes. "Such a pretty girl taking my cock in her mouth," he replies. "Feels so good.
She screws her eyes shut and just feels. She feels Jack's dick moving in and out of her. She feels herself hollow out her cheeks and suck Nico's dick at the same time Jack moves. They're both thrusting their hips into her and she happily takes whatever they give her.
From behind, Jack leans over her body and presses kisses to her shoulder. She whines around Nico's dick when Jack uses his legs to spread hers further apart. The new angle lets Jack move deeper into her.
"You have no idea how hot you look taking both of us," Jack whispers against her ear. "Fuck, baby. We might have to do this all the time. I think you'd like that. Would you like that?" (Y/N) nods with Nico's cock in her mouth. "I knew you'd like that."
When he gets back on his knees, Jack wraps his arm around her waist and pulls her up to her knees. She whines when Nico's dick slips from her mouth but moans at the new angle. She reaches out for Nico as he says, "Look at you, liebling. Look so pretty getting fucked on your knees."
Her eyes are on Nico in front of her while Jack ravishes her neck with kisses and soft bites. She whines and moans as Jack thrusts into her. Nico crawls up and presses their chests together.
He cups her jaw in his hands and runs his thumbs over her cheekbones while Jack fucks her. Her lips are slightly parted and she lets out soft pants while holding eye contact with Nico.
Nico reaches down between them and gets his fingers on her clit as Jack speeds up his thrusts. "Fuck," she cries out at the pleasure. She gets a hand around Nico's dick and pumps him. Nico kisses her as Jack marks up her neck.
Jack's hands slide around to cup (Y/N)'s breasts. He plays with her nipples and she moans his name against Nico's lips.
She's quickly approaching her second orgasm in about twenty minutes. Her free hand flies to Nico's hair and she holds on for dear life. She's shaky on her knees. Nico realizes this and lays on his back in front of her. Jack lets her go and she's back on her hands and knees. His fingers replace Nico's.
With on hand on Nico's thigh and the other on his dick, she gets her mouth back on him. She sucks harsher than she probably should but Nico enjoys it since he's squirming under her touch.
"Gonna come, baby," Jack pants behind her. "Fuck. Can I fill you?" She hums in approval.
As soon as she feels Jack come inside of her, she's coming around him with a moan. Her vision whites out and she isn't sure what happens after that.
She doesn't know when Jack pulls out or when she collapsed on the bed. Jack is nowhere to be found in the room and Nico is hovering on top of her. He’s kissing her neck and he’s bumping himself to his orgasm.
“Nico, baby,” she breathes out. “Come. Use me to come. It’s okay. Do whatever you want.”
“Wanna fuck you,” he admits. “Please. I’ve waited so long to fuck you, liebling. You don’t have to do anything. Just lay there and look pretty. Take me like the good girl you are.”
She nods and whispers a “yeah”. Nico grabs a condom and uses Jack’s come to slip easily inside of her. She gasps as Nico thrusts slowly into her. She winces from the overstimulation but Nico moves carefully so he doesn’t hurt her.
Their eyes meet and suddenly the moment is more intimate than she expected. She has the urge to confess everything she feels for him.
“Nico, I-”
“I know,” he softly says. His fingers brush over her cheekbones. “Me too. Since day one.”
(Y/N) smiles and leans up to capture Nico’s lips in a kiss. It’s a deep kiss, unlike the other kisses they’ve shared. Unlike the kisses she’s shared with Jack tonight.
Nico’s fingers are on her clit again and she’s barreling toward her third orgasm. She doesn’t know how she’s about to come again, but it doesn’t take long since she’s so overstimulated.
He’s right behind her.
She clenches around him and she’s gone for the third time. Her body goes limp at the same time Nico groans and comes into the condom inside of her.
His head falls beside hers and he rolls off of her so he’s laying on the mattress. She’s a panting, tired mess by the time Jack comes back into the room from the bathroom.
(Y/N) looks over at him with her eyes half closed. Jack cleans her up and the mess around her up before he lies down beside her.
“You okay?” Jack questions. “Not too much?”
She looks at her boyfriend before looking at Nico. When she looks back at Jack, she says, “I wanna do it again. Is that okay?”
Jack looks past her at Nico. “As long as you’re okay with it,” Nico tells Jack.
“I didn’t mind,” he says to the both of them. “Next time though, can the two of you wait for me to be in the room before you fuck?”
A laugh passes Nico’s lips and she tiredly smiles.
They’re all in agreement as they all fall to sleep. Her head is on Jack’s chest and her legs are intertwined with Nico’s under the blanket.
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447 notes · View notes
reveluving · 1 year
a little more love ; peter hale x reader x deucalion
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summary: when two of the most fearsome werewolves do whatever they can to convince their beloved to cancel dinner night with the pups.
warnings: loads of kisses, hugs and but no s~mut. not yet, at least (still, minors DNI!), very cheesy ngl; peter & deuc just really love their vampire wifey &lt;3
a/n: omg a debut?? s/o to @fanficimagery​; their Peter fics + others are the reasons why I wrote this—awakening another wild side of of mine to the point of no return (affectionately) 😭 I got another one in the making tho, trust! love y’all and don’t forget to leave some sugar! ᐠ( ᐛ )ᐟ
» fancy reading the series? check out the m.list!
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'Though Deuc and Peter chimed in once in a while, the pack could tell they were giving you most of the spotlight.' ;
The sound of blackbirds chirping outside your window was enough to wake you up from your slumber. You stirred but could barely move with the arm around you and pulling you close. Their chest rose and fell at a pace so relaxing, so comforting, it could've lulled you back to sleep right away.
"Did you sleep well?" You shivered at the voice, deep and barely awake, forcing you to crack one eye open. You craned your neck, welcoming the very sight of the man holding you dearly. You hummed, eliciting a chuckle out of him as you nuzzled into him.
"You're so comfy." You murmured, the silky sheets against your skin would've been more than enough to chain you to bed for another hour or two.
Too bad you had other plans.
"Why didn't you wake me up?" You blinked, noticing the hues ranging from orange to pink coming from the window, an indication that sunset was nearing faster than you had anticipated.
"You looked so peaceful." Deuc responded casually as if you hadn't promised the pack dinner night, which was happening in two hours.
"I didn't even hear the alarm." You blindly took your phone on the nightstand, finding it impossible for you to sleep through one in the first place.
But, Deuc's sudden lack of response told you everything you needed to know.
So, you placed your phone away before turning to him.
"Deuc," He hummed, "Did you have anything to do with this?"
He barely opened his eyes to look at you before huffing out a 'yes'.
"Can't we just order takeout?"
"Even they can do that from their own home," You grinned, poking his cheek, "And you know no one delivers to this side of the road past seven."
"Then we could always just order now and ask one of them to pick it up later," He was hell-bent on making you stay, the offer especially enticing when he pulled the covers over you with him, "Or better yet, ask him to pick it up and make himself useful for once."
You snorted, only to jump when fingers lightly traced your spine.
"Hey," You admonished lightly, "Behave."
"You can't expect a man to behave when he has such beauty in his arms." He slipped his hand under the blanket, "Come on, all you have to do is cancel it, and we'll make sure to take such good care of you."
You whined, squirming in his arms as though you were fighting your inner demons before sitting up, but not before covering your bare chest with the blanket.
"Nice try, handsome, but I’m not falling for your tricks." You pointed directly at his nose, only to sputter when he countered your sudden determination by nipping the tip of your index finger.
"Angel, you always do," Touché, "The pups can fend for themselves for another day, can't they?"
"Deuc," You sighed shaking your head in amusement; you could never get mad at him. You turned your head a little, kissing his palm before caressing his cheek with your free hand, "I haven't seen them for over a week, God knows whether or not they've taken care of themselves since. It's only for a couple of hours, I promise."
Deuc narrowed his eyes at you, trying not to give in to your puppy eyes.
But he knew better.
He let his head fall to the pillow, letting out a dramatic sigh.
"Alright, alright," You perked up, only to be caught off guard when he wrapped his arms around you. He pulled you down to him for a heated kiss, taking your breath away as his tongue lightly ran across the tip of your fangs. Your whimpers only motivated him to take back his own words and never let you leave the bed, but he loved you too much to say no.
He pulled away, satisfied with the way you looked back at him with wide eyes.
"You didn't think I'd expect some sort of return if I'm going to have to keep my hands to myself for a few hours?"
Puffing up your cheeks in embarrassment, you were barely able to maintain eye contact as intense as his before giving him a quick peck at the lips.
"Angel," He chuckled, "If that's the kind of payment you're planning to give, I'd expect at least a couple more."
"You're enjoying this, aren't you?"
"Very much," He responded nonchalantly as though he wasn't practically basking in your reactions, "In fact, I could wake up to this every day."
There was no point arguing with this man, not especially when you had dinner to whip up in under two hours. So, you took a deep breath, lowering yourself for a proper kiss. Deuc was eager, that much was clear as he chased after your lips, keeping you still with one hand on the back of your head.
He shivered as you lightly ran your nails down his chest, slowly pulling away before letting you rest your head on his shoulder.
"Much better."
It had taken Deuc exactly a good half an hour to get his fill of you before begrudgingly letting you go to take a shower, promising to help you out right after.
You, on the other hand, have been at it in the kitchen for an hour, seasoning your stroganoff before moving on with the dessert.
Just then, you froze, feeling a pair of eyes from the living room watching your every move. You slowly placed the bowl of unwhipped cream onto the counter, hoping to look as neutral as possible. The presence, however, had seen right through you, because as soon as you faced the entrance to the foyer, you felt their warm breath against your neck before they spun you around. You yelped, feeling yourself fall backwards despite their hands securely holding onto your hips.
Your hands shot up to their back, one around his neck and the other gripping the back of their shirt. Had it been anyone else, other than Deuc, you would've instinctively torn their throat out even before they could even put their hands on you.
But, this was Peter you were talking about.
"What's cookin', good lookin'?"
‘You've got to be kidding me.’
"Jesus, Hale," He was clearly proud of himself, the debonair smile on his face especially growing when you released the grip on his shirt in favour of covering a part of your face, thoroughly embarrassed, "That is by far the worst line I've ever heard, coming from you."
"Oh, I know," He shrugged, leaning in closer, "But it's worth seeing that pretty face of yours scrunch up like that."
He pressed his lips against yours before you could even respond with a snarky remark, pulling away just as fast in favour of the adorable stupefied look you always had each time he or Deuc had taken you by surprise.
"But it does smell good in here." He brought up back up from the dip before taking a good whiff of your homemade gravy in the pot.
"Only the best for the best," You mused, hearing him purr in agreement for a moment before adding, "Oh, and for you too, I guess."
He was speechless, to say the least. At least for a while.
"Why, you," He didn't even give you the time to turn away before he attacked your neck and collarbone with wet kisses, the exaggerated sounds of his smooches growing louder the more you cried out to him to stop.
He did, eventually, but he made sure he gave you enough to sag in his arms, resting against him for a moment as he mumbled against your cold skin.
"Would be nice if we had the night to ourselves." Oh. You covered your face yet again, now with both of your hands.
"Not you too," You felt the chuckle vibrating through him, "You and Deuc planned this, didn't you?"
"Depends," He drawled, clearly feigning ignorance, "Is it working?"
Fuck yeah, it is.
"You're gonna have to try harder than that."
Big mistake.
Your mouth gaped open wide as though you had surprised yourself, knowing he had taken your statement as a challenge when he pursed his lips.
"Challenge accepted."
You squeaked as he pulled you to his chest, one of his hands remained on your hips while raising the other that he intertwined with yours. You were sure his eyes had dilated, enjoying the way you bashfully look up at him through your lashes, gasping as soon as his hand crept up past the hem of your shirt.
"Peter," You giggled nervously, "Where is that hand going?"
He hummed.
Just then, he switched directions, sliding further down before moving under the waistband of your shorts.
"Places where I'd want to touch," Down, "To kiss," Up, "To lick," Down, "To nibble on."
Each time his hands move, no matter where they ended up, all you could do was shiver. He dipped his head, nibbling on your earlobe.
"If and only if my angel says so."
He was seeking your permission—just like Deuc did.
"I want to," Oh? "But later, okay?" Oh. You tried not to giggle as he deflated from your answer, "Especially since the two of you haven't made it any easier for me to say no today."
Not that you'd ever deny these two whatsoever.
"Please?" You cupped his face, thinking through your next words before mumbling, "Just hold on for a few hours and I'm all yours and Deuc's."
His eyes dilated from the mere promise, holding onto both of your hands and pulling you in to capture your lips with his. It was as deep and passionate as the one you had with Deuc, your legs nearly buckled if it wasn't for his quick reflex.
"Pretty girl, you'll be the death of me."
The audacity.
"Oh, like you're any better," You rolled your eyes playfully, "Now, you either help me with the potatoes or take these plates and march out to the dining room."
He opted for the potatoes, occasionally leaving kisses on your shoulders and nearly causing you to burn the caramel sauce that you were making to pair with your homemade ice cream.
Deuc came down to the kitchen a little while later, only to shoot a glare at Peter for putting him on dishes duty. You saw the way Peter smirked as Deuc stalked out, dropping his expression to a barely innocent kind when he noticed you watching him.
"A grump, let me tell you," Peter commented, not bothering to lower his voice and earning himself a growl from the other room. You silently giggled before pushing him lightly.
Quarter past seven, and you walked out to serve the big pot of stroganoff and a whole bunch of sides in the dining room, where Deuc had just finished wiping the last cutlery. As soon as he did, he wrapped one arm around you, resting his head against your tummy. You could tell he was a little miffed over the petty arrangement, so you leaned in and kissed the crown of his head a couple of times, drawing a soft laugh from him.
No doubt Peter had seen you trying to cheer Deuc up and would probably cage you in his arms until you do the same for him.
A couple of hugs and hundreds more kisses later, the pack finally arrived, their exhaustion from surviving the week palpable as they greeted you with hugs or the Hale's exchanging meaningful pleasantries with you.
Deuc and Peter watched as your face continued to light up, from scooping a generous portion of noodles and stroganoff to listening to each and every one of them about the rough week they all had. Though Deuc and Peter chimed in once in a while, the pack could tell they were giving you most of the spotlight. This dinner was your idea, after all, treating the pack with the endless amount of love you had to offer. They only helped you out, though they'd gladly accept your gratitude at any given moment.
You were not blind to the looks they gave you either, so soft, even you didn't think they were capable of such emotion. You've either looked away or rushed out to the kitchen to 'top up the necessary' as a poor excuse to shy away from their gazes.
Soon, things began to calm down, and you shooed the pack to the living room, but not before being bombarded by offers to do the dishes. You gave in, eventually, and as soon as the final plate was washed, you pointed to the living room, much to everyone’s amusement.
Besides Deuc and Peter, who were helping you with the leftovers, everyone else started doing their own thing in the meantime; Scott, Stiles and Lydia were already lying on your rug, Malia and Kira were looking at your bookshelf, ranging from interesting novels with odd titles to the fishbowl of Marimo moss balls, because you wanted a ‘pet’ that ‘understood you best’.
None of the pack understood you till this day, not until Kira pointed out that Marimo moss balls survived best in low light, and you heard the rest of the pack answer with a collective ‘ooh’.
Derek, just like his cousin, had been doing the same, but from the comforts of the couch he was lounging on instead. Though he was the only one on his own, he seemed to be at peace, the deep wrinkles usually etched in between his eyebrows nowhere to be seen as dinner finally caught up to him. All in all, everyone was looking and feeling much better when they first arrived, but you couldn’t blame them. They were carrying responsibilities that were thrice as heavy as an average teenager.
Basically, you were glad to see them finally taking a load off.
The relief you were practically giving off to both Peter and Deuc was endearing, seeing your unfaltering smile despite the way your sensitive nose scrunched up a couple of times as you scooped the gravy into a container.
“You were right, angel,” Deuc was the first to speak up since the comfortable silence, “This dinner night was worth it.”
“Really?” The shine in your eyes was enough of a solid answer, “What changed?”
“That,” You tilted your head, “That pretty smile of yours.”
You mustered up a nervous smile, peeping out a small ‘oh’ before continuing with the leftovers.
At least, you tried to.
“No, no,” Peter came up behind you, intertwining his fingers with yours, “What did we say about hiding your smile?”
You peered up at Deuc, who nodded you encouragingly.
“That it only encourages you two to make me smile even more.” You whispered just enough for them to hear, trying your hardest to look elsewhere as they praised you with a simultaneous ‘atta girl’. Peter raised your laced hands, kissing the back of yours while Deuc took the other and did the same.
And just to spite you in the best way possible, they kissed either of your cheek, Deuc taking your left whereas Peter on your right.
But before they could melt you further, you heard an ‘oop’, followed by Lydia’s ‘Stiles!’ before she dragged him off. The poor boy had accidentally seen the tooth-rotting display at its peak, especially between his former nemeses and his godmother. It didn’t bother them in the slightest though. They turned to you, only to see your wide-eyed mortification. You could’ve really traumatized him or anyone else for that matter, had Stiles’ interruption not happened, and you had no doubt these two could care less in favour of devouring you in the kitchen.
But you loved them anyway.
That still didn’t stop you from glaring at the two, at least you tried to, losing your composure when they both ganged up on you with their knowing smirk—a telltale that they haven’t forgotten about your promise.
They eventually put you out of your misery, but their lingering touches had only been amped up to the max, letting you know that they were growing impatient to have you.
And the second the pack leaves, boy, were you in for the night.
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» gorgeous rose divider by @firefly-graphics ♡
°˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖° just an introductory tag! @christinasyellowflowers @clockworkballerina @marianne-zemo @spicymau-5
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andreafmn · 6 months
12 Days of Ficmas ❅ Day 1
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Word Count: 4.8K Paring:  Stiles Stilinski x Fem!Reader Prompt @alloftheprompts: Character A and Character B broke up but now they meet at a Christmas party.
Summary: In unpredictable Beacon Hills, Stiles and (Y/N) being together was one of the only things that made sense. But sometimes the smallest of changes can create the biggest of chaos. And a simple college admission letter can do just that. Maybe all it takes is the right Christmas gift to make things better.
A/N: yup, that's right, I'm doing 12 Days of Ficmas again (even if I haven't finished Kinktober 🫣🫣 but I am nothing if not a masochist (and a slight procrastinator) But enjoy!! This story actually made me tear up, honestly. But it wouldn't be one of my stories if there wasn't an insane amount of angst 😅 Also, disclaimer, I have not seen the last two seasons of Teen Wolf or the movie so, sorry for any inconsistencies.
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“Let’s just get this over with,” (Y/N) sighed as she fixed the Santa hat on top of her head. “They don’t have to know yet.”
“Yeah,” Stiles grimaced. “It’s better to wait until after the holidays, I guess.”
It was the first time Stiles and (Y/N) had ever been terrified to enter Scott’s house and face all of their friends. Even worse, they had to pretend everything was fine between them. 
Since they were little, the pair had been inseparable. Being next-door neighbors allowed them to grow close at a rapid pace. It was in her that he found solace on the nights his mother’s illness would take the best of her mind. He would run over to her house and climb the lattice that ran all the way up to her room. 
And she wouldn’t ask questions. (Y/N) would simply let him in through her window and distract him until he eventually drifted off to sleep. She did not need any explanations or reasons to comfort Stiles. She simply knew he needed her, and so she was there for him. Because if there was anything she knew of, it was the pain of slowly losing a parent.
They shared a bond that no one could break. Even as Scott entered their duo and they became the perfect trio, Stiles and (Y/N) shared a connection like no other. So, it came as no surprise to anyone when they got together. Even after Stiles had continuously professed his love for Lydia. Even after (Y/N) and Boyd had a quick fling. Everyone knew that it would be the two of them at the end of the day. 
What no one expected was that one day, they wouldn’t be Stiles and (Y/N) anymore. Hell, not even they had seen it coming. 
Their downfall had begun the second week of December. For some reason, the couple had not spoken about what happened after high school. In their senior year, they were focusing on the present, leaving the future where it was. Because what they didn’t know couldn’t hurt them. 
(Y/N) had applied under early action to various colleges, thinking nothing of it. But there was one college that had been her dream since her father had passed, and that was her only early decision application. She had worked every day since to make sure she was at least close to being accepted. But it was never a sure thing. 
She had promised herself to put it in the back of her mind. Stressing over that envelope would only drive her into madness. As much as she wanted it to be true, she knew the reality of the situation. The chances she could ever get in, much less with a full ride, were slim to none. And hoping only made things worse.
Still, that hadn’t stopped her from applying; it hadn’t stopped her from wishing. 
“Honey,” her mother had said one afternoon after she got home from school. “Look what came in the mail.” 
In her hands, there was a white manila envelope with blue lettering that clearly read: University of Oxford. 
(Y/N) could have sworn she could feel her heart in her throat, beating at an unnatural pace and threatening to leap out of her body. She crossed the distance between her front door to the kitchen faster than she had ever done before, needing to feel the paper in her hands. Only seeing it was not proof enough that it was real. 
“I don’t think I can open it,” the girl worried. “What if it’s bad, mom?”
“You won’t know unless you see, my darling,” she smiled softly. “But no matter what, you will still be the most impressive young lady I have known. And any college would be lucky to have you.”
With trembling hands, she broke open the envelope and pulled out a beautiful and crisp piece of white paper. “Dear (Y/N) (Y/L/N),” she read before taking a steadying breath. “It is with greatest pleasure that we inform you that the Admissions Comittee has decided to offer you admission to Oxford University through our binding Early Decision (ED) option on a full scholarship.”
As (Y/N) read those words, tears spilled from her eyes, and the papers fell from her hands. Her mother wrapped her arms tightly around her, showering her with words of love and encouragement. It had been everything she had worked for. Something not even the supernaturals of the world could take from her. 
“You’re going to Oxford, baby girl,” her mother cooed. “I knew you could. Your dad would have been just as proud as I am.” 
That moment should have been the happiest in her life so far. But there was a dark cloud that lingered over her as she celebrated. She had not told anyone she was applying to a college so far away, much less the reason she would be doing so. Mostly because she was terrified she wouldn’t get in. But part of her knew it was because she was leaving all her friends behind, leaving Stiles behind. And that was the hardest part. 
For the rest of the week, as she celebrated internally, she hid the biggest news of her life from all of her friends and the boy she had deemed the love of her life. Anyone would have thought she was the one harboring a secret supernatural life with the way she was guarding her secret. And, maybe it shouldn’t have been something she kept to herself. Maybe they would have all been excited for her and understood the reason for the distance. But something deep in her stopped her every single time. 
If her friends had noticed there was anything different from her demeanor, they didn’t say a thing. In the midst of final exams and the Christmas holidays soon approaching, everyone seemed to be stuck in their own heads. So, if they were in their heads, they couldn’t know there was something happening in hers.  
But that Friday night, at the same hour Stiles would always sneak in, (Y/N) knew there was no way she could continue to hide her secret any longer. 
“Come on,” he chuckled as he jumped onto her bed, holding his arms open. “Tell me what’s going on with you.” 
“What do you mean?” she said, forcing a smile. “Why do you say that?”
“You know you can’t lie to me. I may not have super hearing, but I can tell, (Y/N).” 
“Yeah,” she chuckled softly. “You know me too well.” 
“Of course I do,” he smiled as he crossed the distance between them and caressed the softness of her cheek. “Now, please, tell me what’s wrong?” 
That was it. That was the moment that had changed them, the moment that had broken them. 
(Y/N) took a steadying breath and took his hands in hers, focusing on the veins on his hands rather than his worried eyes. “I got a letter last week,” she started with a sigh. “I told you about all the colleges I had applied to as early action.” 
“Of course, you bright mind, you,” he said. “Did you already start getting the acceptance letters?” 
“Uh, there’s another college I actually applied to. Early decision.”
“Like binding early decision?”
“Yeah, exactly,” she said, her voice trembling as she spoke. “I, uh, I applied to the University of Oxford. And I got in.”
Instead of embracing her, Stiles dropped her hands, taking a step away from her. “In England?” he asked as though he was offended. “Why would you wanna go that far?”
“It’s not about the distance,” she grimaced, finally meeting his hurt eyes. “It’s about what that school means. That’s where my dad went to school. That’s the place my parents met. That was the school that started my entire life, Stiles.” 
“So, why didn’t you tell me about it? If it was so damn important, why did you never mention it?” Stiles seethed, tears forming in the corners of his eyes. “You wanna start a new life, is that it? Follow in your parents’ footsteps and meet the love of your life there? Great, (Y/N). And you made sure you did it in a way you couldn’t back out.”
“Stiles, that’s not…”
“So, what? Were you gonna wait until graduation to tell me that you were moving halfway across the world to get away from us? From me?” the boy cried. “Or were you simply going to disappear and start a new life without telling anyone? But I guess that’s your thing now, huh? Keeping big shit like this until you can’t anymore.”
“That’s not fair, Stiles,” she frowned, hugging her arms tightly across her torso. “I didn’t want to get my hopes up, so I didn’t say anything. That doesn’t mean that I would have never told you about it. I’m not looking to escape. I’m looking to start my future.” 
“And it looks like you were starting it without me then,” he croaked. “What does that mean for us, (Y/N)? We ride it out until graduation, and then you leave for the rest of your life?” 
“I don’t… you wanna b-break up?” 
“It’s inevitable now, isn’t it?” Stiles said in a tone that broke her more than the words he was speaking. “You’re gonna be in England, and I’m gonna be god knows where. It’s better just to do it now.” 
That night was nothing like she had imagined it would be. She had hoped Stiles would have been excited for her and promised her everything would be alright. That somehow he would have the answers to how they could withstand so much distance because they had to make it. Out of everyone in their friend group, those two had to make it. 
Instead, it had taken a turn for the worse. One second, Stiles was standing before her with a smile on his face, and the next, he was leaving through her window with tears streaming down his face. What she had most been dreading was that scenario to play out, and a week before their friend’s holiday party, it had. They had gone through life-threatening and mind-boggling situations, but it was a college acceptance letter that broke them apart. 
The coming days (Y/N) spent buried in bed. Although she should have been celebrating one of her biggest achievements –other than saving lives and defeating many, many creatures– she had wasted more tears during that time than she had done the past years of her life. She was distraught and defeated, and she had no idea how she would make it through the last semester of high school, much less how she would have made it through a Christmas party. 
Somehow, they had arrived at Scott’s house at the same time, even after she had made sure she left twenty minutes after Stiles. The universe liked to play its mean tricks, but that one was almost unforgivable. 
“Let’s just try to stay out of each other’s way,” he grimaced. “The less we are near each other, the harder it’ll be for them to find out.” 
“Harder to find out what?” Scott asked as he swung the front door open, his signature goofy grin stretched across his mouth. Instinctively, Stiles draped his arm around (Y/N)’s shoulders and smiled brightly. “Ooh, did you bring your brownies, (Y/N)?” 
“Yeah,” she smiled. “Still warm from the oven.” 
“Wouldn’t be a party without them,” Stiles commented. “Now, let us in. It’s kinda cold out tonight.” 
The second they were inside, Stiles broke for the living room while (Y/N) moved to the kitchen with Scott. She set the tray on the overfilled kitchen island, noticing to the side that the dinner table was perfectly set up. “Oh, the table looks nice,” she commented. “But I thought we’d be doing something more low-key.” 
“Yeah,” he chuckled awkwardly. “Lydia thought it’d be fun to do a more grown-up dinner party.” 
“Yeah. Place settings and everything.” 
“We were waiting for you guys to start eating,” he said. “We’re doing gifts after.” 
“Sounds like a plan.” 
Slowly, the rest of the group trickled into the kitchen, greeting and hugging (Y/N) as they looked over all the food and served themselves their plates. And, of course, her seat was right next to Stiles’. Even if she had wanted to sit anywhere else, the rest had already taken their assigned seats, and the only open spot was the one that had her name. 
She gave her ex-boyfriend a small smile, looking anywhere but into the brown of his eyes. Her heart beat against her chest, threatening to jump out of her body. It made her fidgety as everyone ate, thinking any of the wereanimals around her would be able to tell how she was feeling. 
But Scott was laughing with Stiles, Malia was talking to Lydia, and Hayden, Liam, and Mason had their own conversation running. (Y/N) was all by herself. She was surrounded by all the people she loved, but it was the loneliest she had felt in a long time. Without the usual comforting words from Stiles, she couldn’t help but feel so out of place. It was the happiest time of the year, but the girl was miserable, and it hurt that it didn’t seem like the boy she loved was sad as well. 
“Alright,” Lydia spoke up as everyone ignored their mostly empty plates. “Now that our bellies are full, I think it’s time for Secret Santa! And I truly hope you all kept it a secret this time.” 
“Not that it’d matter anyway,” Liam chuckled. “We all know we ask for help every time.” 
“Anyways,” she said, ignoring the soft laughter that erupted from the group. “Let’s go to the living room, and (Y/N) you’ll go first.”
“Oh, uh, sure,” she smiled as she followed the group into the living room. She crouched under the decorated Christmas tree, pulling out the gift that had been there for almost two weeks. “I got Lydia.” 
“How wonderful!” the redhead mused, quick to hug her friend and rip away the wrapping paper. Inside the gift box was a mosaic picture of Lydia, Allison, and (Y/N), the first time they had finally considered each other friends. “Oh, it’s beautiful! I wish I could take it with me everywhere.” 
“It was hard to get it just right, but I loved how it turned out.” 
“It’s perfect, (Y/N),” she beamed. “Thank you.” 
“Of course. I love you, Lids.” 
“Love you too,” the girl said as she wrapped her friend in a tighter hug. “My turn!”
Lydia had gifted Liam nine books out of his TBR list —nine because of his lacrosse number. Then, Liam gifted Scott a new leather jacket so he could “actually look cool when riding his motorcycle,” Liam snickered. Scott then gifted Malia a light blue hoodie to add to her ever-growing collection, while Malia gifted Hayden a journal and pen set, saying it was for when her mind felt too busy. After a warm smile and a hug, she announced her gift was for Mason, laughing as he pulled out an ugly cat sweater. Once the loud laughter subsided, Mason gifted Stiles a massage mat for his Jeep. 
“For when you’re taking really long drives,” the boy smiled, clearly proud of himself. “There’s quite some distance between here and D.C. It’ll come in handy.” 
“Yeah,” he chuckled as he hugged Mason. “Thanks, man. It’s great.” 
“Don’t mention it.”
As Mason sat back down, Stiles cleared his throat as he pulled the last gift. Everyone knew by then who it was for. There was no one else left. “Well, I guess you all know who this is for,” he said. “I hope you like it, (Y/N).” 
The girl received the bag with a soft smile, trying her best to swallow the tears that were threatening to spill. She had forgotten for a second how cruel the universe could be. She pulled out the white tissue paper first before finding a beautiful brown bear dressed in a blue knit sweater. Around its neck, there was a necklace with something she could only assume was a soundwave. With curiosity washing over her, she looked to Stiles for an explanation. 
“Uh, so, it’ll make a lot more sense if you press the bear’s hand,” he stammered. Once she died as told, the sound broke her. From deep in the belly of the teddy bear, her father’s voice rang out, singing the words of “You Are My Sunshine.” There was not a single night when she was little that her father didn’t sing that to her, and even as she grew old for the lullaby, he would call her sunshine. “I got a recording from your mom of your dad singing the song when you were a baby,” Stiles spoke over the music. “And the necklace is the image of the soundwave of your dad calling you sunshine.” 
Tears had long since fallen down her cheeks, clutching the bear in her arms as though it was her own father. With her eyes closed, it was almost as though he was right there, singing to her. But it was what came after the song that shattered her. “You’re gonna do great things, (Y/N),” her father said through the bear. “I love you forever, my little sunshine.” 
At that moment, all she wanted to do was hug Stiles and kiss him like she had done a million times before. That was the boy she had fallen in love with. The one that cared and listened. The one that had made her heart race and her stomach turn into butterflies. She wanted to tell him she loved him and never let him go, but she couldn’t. Just like she could never do with her father. 
“I, uh,” she said as she stood from the couch, feeling as though she would faint in the crowded room. “I need some air.” 
(Y/N) stammered her way out of the living room and through the front door, only allowing herself to break down when she was at the end of the driveway. She fell to her knees and hugged the bear to her chest as she cried, letting the hurt that had accumulated over the years spill onto the pavement. In less than six months, she was going to walk into a new life halfway across the globe without the support of her father and now, without the support of Stiles. All alone. 
She should have been celebrating. She knew that. She should have been crying tears of joy and jumping into her love’s arms. Instead, it was the bear’s arms that she could feel. The softness of its fur, the sound of her father’s voice. 
Without even realizing it, she had begun singing along to the lullaby, sniffling between words as the tears didn’t relent. “You’re gonna do great things, (Y/N),” her father said once more through the bear. “I love you forever, my little sunshine.” 
“I love you too, dad,” she cried. 
“Hey,” his voice startled her. Through teary eyes, she looked up to find Stiles draping a jacket over her shoulders. He slid to the ground next to her, facing the house before them as she was now. “I’m sorry. I bought the gift weeks ago, and I wasn’t sure if I was still allowed to give it to you.” 
“No, it was… i-it was perfect,” she stammered, running her hand over the bear’s fur. “It’s just everything rushed over me. Like the breakup, the fact that I won’t be here next year, the fact that my dad won’t even see me gradua…”
Another string of sobs ransacked (Y/N)’s body, but that time it wasn’t the bear she was hugging. Stiles had wrapped his arms around her, pressing her into his chest. She could smell his cologne and feel his warmth, a feeling she had missed for the past seven days. All she wanted was to melt into his touch and profess to him all that she felt. But she couldn’t. Not anymore. Because he didn’t want it. 
“I didn’t want things to be this way,” she cried into his chest. “I didn’t want everything to fall apart.” 
Stiles remained quiet as she cried, a hard feat for someone like him. But he let her cry and cry until only quiet sniffles filled the air. Because he hadn’t wanted things to be that way either. 
He knew he had overreacted. When he had told (Y/N) his plans of enrolling in George Washington University all the way across the county, she had told him they could make it work. Especially if she got into any of the ivy leagues she had applied to on the East Coast. It had been fine. Hell, it had been perfect. 
But when she told him that she wouldn’t just be a couple of states away but that she would be on another continent, he couldn’t help but let his abandonment issues take control. 
He knew she was brilliant. He knew she deserved to do and be all that she had dreamed. But he feared that once she achieved all of her goals, he would just not fit into her life anymore. 
“You’re gonna go on to do great things, (Y/N),” he sighed sadly as her tears stopped. “You’re gonna go to Oxford, just like your parents, and you’re gonna probably graduate at the top of your class on your way. And I’ll be here —well, in Washington, technically—cheering you on.”
“But why couldn’t we be great together, Stiles? We couldn’t we both go on to do great things, together?”
“Come on, (Y/N). Once you’re there, you’re gonna meet so many people, and you’ll have guys falling on their knees for you,” he chuckled dryly. “I won’t fit into your new world. I mean, you said it yourself: that’s where your parents met and your life began. And now, maybe you’ll have a new beginning. And years from today, we’ll run into each other, and you’ll tell me about your job and your husband and your kids, and I’ll be so happy for you. Because you serve all the love and happiness in the world, even if it’s without me.”
“Have you even asked yourself if that’s what I want?” (Y/N) asked as she left his warm embrace, her red eyes boring into his. “I’m not leaving because I’m searching for a new life. I want to go to Oxford because it’s one of the last things I can share with my dad. I can walk down the same halls he did, I can take classes in the same classrooms, and eat at the same places he did. But I was always going to come back, Stiles. Because my friends are here, my mom is here, because you are here. I don’t want to run into you and talk about another man or the kids I would have with him. I don’t want to run into you at all. I want to walk beside you, Stiles. If I ever have kids, it’s only if they’re a part of you too,” she cried, fresh tears falling down her already-stained cheeks. “If you don’t love me anymore, then fine. I can understand that, and I can walk away. But don’t you dare say that you wouldn’t fit into my life because you’ve been there longer than anyone I know, and I need you to be there until the end. Because I already lost someone important to me and I can’t lose you too. Not you.” 
“(Y/N), I don’t want to lose you either,” he sobbed. “But how can we fight with the distance? How could we ever withstand the fact that we’ll be an ocean away?”
“We have gone through worse battles than a plane ride, Stiles. We have been on the brink of death more times this past year than any person would in their lifetime. Do you really think being in a different time zone is the limit to our relationship? I know the future isn’t promised but you were the one person I always knew would be there.”
“I’m scared, okay?! I’m scared that you’ll meet someone better than me, (Y/N). I’m terrified that you’ll realize that maybe I’m not the guy that can give you your happy ever after,” he finally confessed. His voice croaked, and his chest heaved as the words fell out of his mouth faster than he could ever stop them. “This week has been torture without you. But it’s made me realize that Beacon Hills has always been too small for you. After May, you’re gonna go out there and find your place. And this town will be nothing but a memory you’ll come back to.”
“There is no one better for me than you, Stiles, and Beacon Hills will always be my home,” she replied softly. Her cold hand found his cheek, and she wiped away his tears with her thumb. “I don’t want to know a life where you’re not there. You can’t give up on us without even trying, Stiles. You just can’t.” 
Without thinking twice, (Y/N) crashed her lips onto his, sinking into the warmth of his mouth. After a week, kissing him felt like the very first time. It was desperate and filled with need —the need for closeness and passion, the need for love. Instinctively, Stiles’ hands found her waist and pulled her closer to him, wondering how he ever thought he could live without her touch. 
“I love you, Stiles, and I don’t even want to think about ever having to love someone else,” she whispered as she parted from him. “My heart belongs to you. And if this is the end, it’ll still remain in your hands.” 
“I couldn’t love anyone else like I love you, (Y/N),” he replied with a soft smile. “But I just can’t help the thoughts that flood my brain sometimes.” 
“Then don’t listen to them and listen to me when I say that since the moment I met you, I’ve known you were it for me. There is no other man waiting for me in Oxford. It’s you, and it will always be you,” (Y/N) said before kissing him softly once more. “You’re the best thing that has happened to me, Stiles Stilinski, and you’re the only thing that I want to keep happening to me.”
“I can’t believe I ever broke up with you. Especially during Christmas,” Stiles chuckled as he rested his forehead against hers, flicking the tip of her nose with his own. “It was honestly the worst week of my life.” 
“Including being possessed?” Scott’s voice startled them as he came into view. “Although, I get it because this was completely avoidable.”
(Y/N) chuckled as she took Scott’s extended hand and got on her feet, wiping away any tears that still remained. “Did you hear that whole thing?”
“More or less,” he chuckled. “It’s a bit hard not to when I was coming to see if you guys were okay.” 
“We’re good now, Scotty,” Stiles grinned. “Just had some unresolved feelings to work, though.” 
“Can you not mention the whole thing about the breakup? I don’t wanna make it a whole thing.”
“That’s a bit hard, (Y/N),” Malia called from the open front door. “We all kind of already know.”
“Oh, cool, great,” she said as she hid in Stile’s embrace. “That’s not embarrassing at all.”
“Eh, at least our parents are back together,” Liam commented. “Best Christmas present.” 
“It really is, huh?” Stiles whispered as he kissed the top of her head. 
“Yes. Very cute and adorable,” Lydia added in a desperate tone. “Now, can we go back inside before Hayden and Mason finish all the brownies?”
As the group walked back into the house, Stiles and (Y/N) shared one more moment together on the front porch. “Hey, look up,” Stiles said with a smile. “Mistletoe.”
“Funny that they’d hang that at a werewolf's home,” she chuckled. “Although, I’m pretty sure that one’s plastic.”
“And I’m pretty sure you’re supposed to kiss me.”
“Maybe I’m waiting for another guy to kiss under the plant.” Stiles frowned at her words, and all she could do was laugh. “Too soon?”
“Much,” he said. “Now, come here.”
He snaked his hands on either side of her face and kissed her passionately. He kissed her for every day they had spent apart. He kissed her for every hurtful word he had spewed. He kissed her as a promise of his love for her. Stiles kissed her like she was his future. 
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