#Manson family
rynn-jacobs · 10 months
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Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme and Sandra Good as wood nymphs photographed by Charles Manson (with a color camera stolen from Dennis Wilson of the Beach Boys) at Spahn Ranch and in a Californian redwood forest, period 1968.
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deadteenboys · 5 months
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i'm coming down fast but don't let me break you. tell me, tell me, tell me the answer. you may be a lover but you ain't no dancer. look out, helter skelter.
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lolottes · 1 year
While Bruce is again on a bad slope. Alfred threatens to leave if he doesn't wake up! Exeder, Alfred carries out his threat
He is now (temporarily he hopes) the Manson family butler.
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idbkdi · 2 years
Y'all, Gerard was dressed as a Manson Girl in Texas last night. As in the women from Charles Manson's murder cult from the 1960s/70s. It was another horror costume but hardly any fans realized so they're all like "aww such a sweet cute little outfit Gee wore!" 💀 Please spread this amazing information. Gerard knows exactly what he's doing. Genius.
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minxfrz · 3 months
intro post..
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my name is alice im 16 im a lesbian and i only really like female criminals.
i have a passing interest in columbine bc my bff likes it.
im interested in DSMP!, danganronpa, tcoaal, kpop, crafts, true crime, dolls, twilight, disney, south park and legos.
music i like is loona, antihoney, flatsound, andrianne lenker, katie jane garside, fiona apple, nicole dollanger, and elliot smith.
my favs are yuka takaoka, jodi arias, aileen wuornos, the manson girls, brenda spencer, amber heard and more
i dont condone (for the most part, ask if youd like clarity) and post about things other than true crime so nontccblr please interact!
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theexodvs · 10 months
“Cult” (n.) and “cultic” (adj.)
There is great confusion when describing certain groups and movements as "cultic." Since the most famous examples of cultic groups and movements in living memory include the Manson Family, People’s Temple, the Branch Davidians and Heaven’s Gate, the popular conception of a cult has become a centralized group with one leader with a type-A personality. This is not how most cultic groups take shape.
"Cultic" and "centralized" are not synonyms. They are entirely different concepts, and whether one group or movement is one has no bearing whatsoever on whether it is the other.
The United Pentecostal Church International and Pentecostal Assemblies of the World are both cults. They are part of the Oneness Pentecostal movement*. Note, the UPCI and PAW are not in fellowship with each other and have no official relations. This is because this movement is decentralized, encompassing various different groups that are united in few if any ways besides (some) similar teachings. Whatever leadership and governance model they have, shared or contrasting, is secondary, because Oneness Pentecostalism as a set of doctrines is itself cultic, meaning any group that espouses it is a cult by definition.
Christian Identity is a more pronounced example of a cultic movement that is decentralized. It is a white supremacist group that teaches that white people are the descendants of the ancient Israelites, and that "gentiles" (people who aren't white) can never be saved. Its footprint is almost entirely made of websites, prison gangs, and local congregations, which are not in fellowship with each other or with any larger group. I would hope any decent person would be opposed to this movement and its teachings, but an attempt to treat "cultic" and "centralized" as synonyms might keep one from recognizing CI as something that should be avoided.
Other decentralized movements that are cultic include the Word of Faith movement, the Men's Right Movement, dispensationalism, neurodiversity, the Sovereign Citizens movement, BDSM, the New IFB, kinism, and the Black Hebrew Israelites. Every group that is part of these is a cult, thought they may not be in fellowship with other groups within the same movement.
*The Oneness Pentecostal movement is not representative of Pentecostalism as a whole. Most of the world's Pentecostals belong to the Assemblies of God which has taught the Trinity for its entire existence. Pentecostalism is not necessarily cultic. Oneness Pentecostalism is.
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iwasateenagenosferatu · 4 months
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Federal Bureau of Investigation Report
Subject: The Payne Siblings
Date: July 15, 1976
Case Number: 76-1453-TX
Location: Catharsis, Texas
This report outlines the activities and charges against the Payne siblings, who have been identified as the primary figures in a series of ritualistic occult murders across the state of Texas in 1976. The Payne siblings are central figures in a violent cult known as the New Testament of Cain.
Continue for full report.
Sullivan Payne (Leader):
Age: 31
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Description: Sullivan Payne is a charismatic and dangerous megalomaniac, considered the ringleader of the New Testament of Cain. His influence over the cult is absolute, with members viewing him as a messianic figure. Payne's rhetoric combines elements of ancient religious texts with modern-day apocalypticism, creating a potent and deadly doctrine.
Known Crimes: Orchestrating ritualistic murders, planning and executing arson attacks on properties believed to be profane or opposing the cult, and conspiracy to eliminate perceived enemies.
Psychological Profile: Displays traits of narcissistic personality disorder and delusions of grandeur. Highly manipulative and persuasive, capable of inciting extreme acts of violence among his followers.
Elizabeth "Bunny" Payne (Recruiter):
Age: 23
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Description: Elizabeth, known as "Bunny" within the cult, is noted for her striking beauty and lethal nature. She plays a pivotal role in recruiting young women into the cult, referred to as "Handmaidens." These recruits are often indoctrinated through a combination of psychological manipulation and narcotics.
Known Crimes: Direct involvement in ritualistic killings, procurement and administration of narcotics to recruits, and participation in ceremonies involving necrophilic practices.
Psychological Profile: Exhibits sociopathic tendencies, with a noted lack of empathy and high levels of sadism. Uses her appearance and charm to manipulate and recruit new members into the cult.
Ezekiel Payne (Enforcer):
Age: 34
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Description: Ezekiel is the eldest of the Payne siblings, notable for his immense physical strength and significant deformities. His development has been arrested, leaving him with the cognitive abilities of a young child. Despite this, he is fiercely loyal to his siblings and follows their orders without question.
Known Crimes: Directly responsible for the deaths of five Bureau agents, as well as multiple civilians. Frequently involved in the abduction of individuals for ritual sacrifice and uses his strength to enforce compliance and discipline within the cult.
Psychological Profile: Diagnosed with arrested development. Intelligence comparable to a child aged 5-7. Extremely suggestible and obedient to Sullivan and Elizabeth. Shows a propensity for violence when directed.
The Payne siblings are considered extremely dangerous and pose a significant threat to public safety. Efforts to apprehend and prosecute these individuals are ongoing, with a multi-agency task force dedicated to dismantling the New Testament of Cain and bringing its leaders to justice. Any information regarding their whereabouts should be reported to the nearest FBI field office immediately.
Prepared by:
Special Agent Veronica E. Hayes
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Texas Field Office
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sadiegurl · 2 years
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manson girls
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live-and-die-in-la · 5 months
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Bestie post for the end of the week. 👯‍♂️🩷
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rynn-jacobs · 1 year
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Squeaky and Sandy up in arms
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xthe-familyx · 2 months
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Charlie in court
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Bobby Beausoleil photographed by Peter Beard for Interview Magazine, ca. 1971-72.
"All of my tattoos were done while I’ve been in prison, all designed by me, many tattooed by me. Other jailhouse tattoo artists did the work in the places where I couldn’t reach with my right hand or see with a mirror."
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sweetlikecandeyyy · 2 months
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weirdlookindog · 1 year
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Helter Skelter (1976)
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helena-bottom-farter · 10 months
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thefrankshow · 4 months
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House Republicans pop by the Spahn Ranch in support of Charles Manson.
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