#Marcus Answers
marcusdakat · 7 days
I think you're a silly :3
I'm very happy we're moots
HOORAY THANK YOU WHO ARE YOU :0 you sound like mf7 🤨 I must find out 😈
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kedreeva · 7 months
OC Askbox Game
I'm avoiding writing and you probably are too, so let's at least think about our characters while we do it.
You know the drill- send me a number (ONE number, you can come back for more) and I'll answer for an OC of your choice (if you know their name) or my choice (if you don't know their name). Feel free to name some of your OCs in the tags of your reblog, if you want to be asked about them.
How did you choose their name?
Were they created for the story, or was the story created for them?
Do they have a love interest, and was that their choice or yours?
Do they have a best friend? If so, how did they meet? If not, have they ever/why never?
Did they have a pet as a child?
What catalyzed their introduction to the plot?
What attribute of them (some facet of their personality, their history, their look, or whatever etc) would you find most important to somehow preserve if they were transplanted to an AU fanfic?
If your character's financial situation were to suddenly flip (someone poor becoming rich, someone rich becoming poor, etc), how well would they handle it? What would be the first thing they would do?
If your character could have handed their role in the plot to someone else, would they have?
Free Space #1: Which of your OCs would be most likely to survive a zombie apocalypse? Which would die immediately?
Does your character have a pet peeve?
Has your character committed any crimes (per their universe's laws)? If not, which crime would your character most likely commit?
Who is your character's closest (by relation, fondness, or distance) blood relative?
How does your character feel about riding horses (or your world's closest approximation of a horse if it lacks horses)?
Is your character's first instinct fight or flight? Is there something that could force them to do the opposite?
What is your character's favorite leisure activity?
Is your character holding any grudges? Are they likely to stop?
If your character were trapped on a deserted island, what three things would they want to have with them? Which person would they absolutely hate to be trapped there with? Which person would they enjoy being trapped there with?
Does your character having any health issues, whether they're aware of them or not?
Free Space #2: Which of your OCs would you most like to meet in person, if they could become real (or you could visit them) for a day?
Final Question: Ask me your own question about my OC
Remember: play nice! Send an ask to the person you reblogged this from, and try to send a few to folks that reblog from you!
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fcknstar · 2 years
,,locked up with you "
marcuslopez x fem! reader
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a.n : this was requested and its been such a long time since ive watched deadly class omfg. im abit rusty in writing him and m vv sorry. i hope this is okay and could go to the suggestive way which m going to make a part 2 of! my taglist!
warnings : intoxication?, suggestive ending
**lowercase intended**
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there was only one rule that was greatly feared by the students. “ never kill another student in and outside school grounds. “ it was widely known among students that there was once an incident that happened, the culprit facing grave punishments.
walking back to your dorm to set your thing down before getting lunch was the only thing you looked forward to. you enjoyed eating as much as you enjoyed eating it with your best friend. despite being one of the most respected students here, you didnt care if people gave you the side eye if they caught you being friends with the rats. it was normal some of the royals from other groups to bust down your door to take you to serve you a reminder to never communicate with that “ filthy rat “ you associated yourself with. lex, petra and billy were the only few rats you enjoyed being with. the rest? not really what you are looking for in a friend. of course, being friends with the rats doesnt mean that you get along with every single rat you see. for example marcus. ever since he joined kings dominion, hes nothing but a stuck up bitch. just because rumors has it that he killed an entire orphanage, he thinks that everyone will fear him. 
going out of your dorm to meet up with lex, you were met with a hard chest. when the scent smacked you in the face, you knew exactly who you bumped into. 
" hey! arent you going to apologize? " marcus voiced out. 
ignoring him, you quite literally had to push yourself out of his big figure, dodging him as he tried to push you against the wall. seeing lex in the distance, you called out for him and pretending that marcus isnt trying to kill you. of course, angered by your actions, he tried to scare you off, when the master lins people started pushing everyone into random dorms. to your luck, you were in your dorm with lex. to your luck, marcus was too in it. 
" another student have been found dead and im going to find out who. " master lins voice echoed through the empty halls. 
" oh my, t's lockdown. well, seems like we are going to miss lunch, beautiful. " lex chuckled. 
" beautiful? you? calling her beautiful? are you seriou- " marcus started pestering you, gesturing all kinds of hand signs that nearly looked similar to gang signs. 
" well, she is one of the finest women here in kings dominion. hey, you got any glue and a plastic pencil case? " lex started looking around the room for the said items, making marcus frown in confusion. 
" its in the drawer in my desk. to the left " you knew lex found it when you heard eager sniffing after a fart-like sound signaling that he emptied the glue out. 
" ohh.. " marcus concluded that lex wanted to get high. of course. 
it had been afew hours and lex got knocked out after being starved and getting high on an empty stomach. you were on your bed looking through your textbooks for answers to the chemistry equations. 
" you know those are really easy to answer. " 
" hey, im talking to you. " youve ignored him, not once, not twice but three times. 
" would you please shut up? if you want to talk, whisper " glancing at lex snoring softly. 
" someones mad. " marcus looked up from whatever book he saw lying around, watching you scratch your head in confusion. 
" you know, if you need helP- ouch " marcus was met with a book that was flung into his way. another indication of you wanting him to shut up. he watched the way you looked at lex, giggling about how stupid he looks, lying on the ground breathing slowly. 
turning to your side to look at marcus, you huffed. 
“ why do act the way you are? acting so high and mighty when you are just a timid rat? “ 
“ well i did- “
“ didnt burn the orphanage down. fuckface did. “ you deadpanned.
“ ho- how did you.. “ marcus began sinking into the chair, realizing that you had figured him out which scared him. 
“ i know who fuckface is, marcus. “ you slowly advance towards him.
“ and something is telling me that he is after you.. for stealing his name.” you ran a finger against his neck, gesturing that fuckface was coming for his head. 
“ so, if i were you, id start running. “ you whispered, faces inches from his. lips close enough that if one of you were to lean in, your lips would be connected. 
marcus thought it was going to happen, everything you said flew out of his mind as he could only think of you. he would never admit it, but he was greatly attracted to you when he saw you in school. he felt something turn in his stomach, the undeniably annoying heat that he was tremendously feeling. so when you pulled away, he was caught off guard. jumping back onto your bed, you sighed happily, as if nothing ever happened between you two. 
“ i know the fucking game youre playing, ( name ) . “ marcus whispered. 
“ oh do you now ? “ you smiled softly. 
it was when marcus pushed your books away from your bed, moving towards you. once he was in the same eye length with you, he whispered, “ may i? “
it didnt have to be a verbal response, it was plenty to understand that you wanted it too. 
taglist :
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fictionalreads · 2 months
Hello do you think you could do this one the reader and Mike are married and she knew about Lockwood but Mike didn't believe her because of Rita, reason, and they had an argument he said something that he should never said and she got kidnapped while being months pregnant 😦😦😦😦
A/N: HIIIII!! I'm so sorry this took so long, I was out of town and then had to get back in the rhythm of things once I got back. Writing for Mike (where it's his story and he's not playing the role of narrator for the sake of Armando) was different. I included Rita but I just couldn't make her the reason he didn't believe reader, I just felt like she and the reader wouldn't have beef so that was changed but I tried to stick to the rest of your request. I hope you enjoy this! 🥰 Title from Forget How to Love by Meghan Trainor
I Know Your Words Shouldn't Hurt Me, But They Hurt Me
Fandom: Bad Boys Movie
Pairing: Mike Lowrey x reader
Warnings⚠️: Um... Relationship issues? canon typical violence even though its mostly talked around
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You knew when you married Mike Lowrey that he was used to doing things alone, that moving as a unit didn’t come naturally to him. Sure he had Marcus and they were a well oiled machine, but it didn’t start that way and at the end of the day Marcus had a family that was his priority no matter how much he loved Mike.
But Mike was your priority, you’d go through hell for him.
He knew this, but after relying on himself for so long, he didn’t always come to you first. His initial reaction to anything was to internalize and figure out a solution, only coming to you after he failed on his own. You were used to it, but it didn’t make it less hurtful every time he did it.
You on the other hand, preferred talking it out with him. You liked to explain the issue to him, not looking for him to fix it, but rather to vent it out to someone you trusted, someone who would let you think through it all out loud, sometimes offering his own two cents. You usually were able to solve the issue on your own while talking it out, but having him as a sounding board made you feel less alone. Mike was good at listening to what you had to say.
Which is why you were so surprised when he was dismissive about your concerns.
“I’m telling you, something is off with Lockwood,” you insisted.
“The man is one of the best U.S. attorneys I’ve ever worked with. He’s part of the reason AMMO exists and has tried a lot of high profile criminals that nobody else would touch cause they were afraid of the blowback.”
You shrugged, having already thought of this too. “The best criminals hide in plain sight, gain your trust and make sure you’d never think of them.”
“This ain’t Scooby Doo, alright? This is the real world, let’s get back to reality please.” You knew he didn’t mean anything by it, not really, but it felt like a dig.
“You don’t believe me? You think I’m making it all up?” You were defensive, ready to 
“I never said you were making it up, I’m just not convinced. What proof do you have?” He placated.
He had you there. There was no concrete evidence, nothing specific that made you feel like Lockwood was hiding something, but you just knew he was.
“I don’t have any, it’s just a gut feeling. Intuition or whatever you want to call it.”
“Intuition? You want me to investigate a man who will probably be the next mayor of Miami cause you feel something?”
He was being dismissive at best, belittling at worst. It irked you, especially because you knew he had done exactly that for others before. So why not for his wife?
“Would you do it if it was Rita?” It was a bit bitchy to ask, considering Rita had been nothing but kind to you despite being Mike’s ex. You had thought she’d be a point of contention for the two of you when you first started dating and you found out he worked with her all day, but it wasn’t. You weren’t using her now to pick a fight, just to prove a point. You knew if any of the AMMO team had come to him with the same amount of information you had, he’d chase every lead until there was nothing left.
His surprise was warranted so you clarified, “would you look into it if Rita came to you and said she felt something off about Lockwood?” 
“Why are you bringing Rita into this?” His evasive answer made the hairs on your neck stand up. Why wouldn’t he answer the question? You were prepared for him to say yes and for you to point out the hypocrisy of his answer, but him refusing to answer? It put you on edge.
“Why are you ignoring the question?”
“I’m not.”
“Then answer the question. Yes or no?”
“Where is this coming from?” Another avoidance.
“Yes or no Mike?”
“Yes! Okay? Yes I would.”
“Why what?” He knew exactly what you were asking and honestly you were almost afraid of what this was leading to, but you couldn’t seem to stop yourself, to diffuse and come back with a calmer head so you pushed some more.
“Why would you do it for her and not me?”
“Don’t do that.”
“Is it because she’s a cop?”
“Or because you’ve known her longer?”
“Is it because she’s dating him and therefore closer to him?”
“Because I trust her!”
And wasn’t that a slap in the face.
“And you don’t trust me?” You whispered.
“What are we even doing if you don’t trust me Mike? What was the point in exchanging vows and being together if you can’t trust me?”
“I didn’t mean that.”
“You still said it.” Mike was at a loss for words, staring at you, hoping you’d understand but you couldn’t. The man you loved just told you he didn’t trust you. You had never felt so unmoored in your life. Everything about your relationship had just shifted in your view. “I’m gonna go stay in the guest room for the night,” you managed before turning away from him.
That had been the last time you saw him before he became a wanted man and you were kidnapped by McGrath. What you wouldn’t give to go back to that night and talk it all out instead of allowing hurt feelings to run the conversation. Now you could be killed before you got the chance to fix things.
You had faith in your husband’s abilities but McGrath held you and Marcus at gunpoint, blocking Mike’s view of himself.
“What you don’t know is one of ‘em can’t die.”
What the hell? Since when did one of you become immortal? What the hell was he doing? You missed his and Marcus’ exchange because you were so confused by the first statement, only jolted out of your thinking by the gun going off. Mike had shot Marcus to get him down and then shot McGrath. It was over, and Mike was running to you.
“I trust you, and I love you. I’m sorry I didn’t believe you before,” were the first words out of his mouth. He cut your restraints, pulling you into his embrace.
Too high off the adrenaline of the past day, you couldn’t have a real conversation about it with him so you let him know it was okay with a joke. “Bet you’ll never doubt my intuition again.”
He laughed and went to say something when you both heard Judy over the comms saying she’d found Armando. He looked at you in a panic, clearly not wanting to leave you but needing to get to Armando. “Go, I’ll check over Marcus and get us back to the team.” He didn’t waste another second, running to find his son.
It was later when you were escorted to an ambulance that you saw him again, rushing to get to you.
“Everything alright?”
The medic looked at you for permission to speak. “It’s okay he’s my husband.”
The medic nodded, answering his question with, “Its just a precaution sir. We just want to make sure there’s no hidden wounds that are being masked by the adrenaline.”
You were helped onto the back of the ambulance and the medic began her examination, checking your head for wounds and asking if you were hit at any point, blacked out or fell into something hard. You answered in the negative, stating you were pushed around a bit but not hit or thrown into anything. Any falling was the result of trying not to get hit by a bullet or the chopped that crashed. When it seemed she was about done with her examination you spoke up.
“Is it possible to do an ultrasound?”
“Ultrasound?” “Of course.” Mike and the medic spoke at the same time.
You reached out to grab Mike’s hand, tears in your eyes. “Yeah, an ultrasound.” Mike looked dumbfounded and you continued to look at him even as you spoke to the medic, “My OB said I was about nine weeks.”
The medic noted the information and readied the ultrasound. Before long the sound of your baby’s heartbeat filled the air and the fear you’d been holding back burst through you in the form of relief. Uncontrollable sobs wracked your body knowing you had managed to keep your baby safe. Mike held you closely, trying to calm your breathing.
You knew the two of you had some tough conversations in your future but right now all that mattered was that your little family was safe.
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idk-bruh-20 · 1 year
Irondad fic ideas #144
Peter Parker sounds just like Spider-Man. This is something that the students of Midtown find hilarious
Soon, Peter's getting comments in the halls like, "Hey are you that kid who sounds like Spider-Man?" "Uhhh I mean -" "Holy shit it's truuue" and, "Hey Parker, say, 'Hiya Mister Criminal'' "(sigh) Hiya Mister criminal-"
It becomes a daily bit on the school news: they put Peter in the cheapest, most ridiculous Spider-Man mask imaginable and get him to say wild stuff, whatever Midtown students can think of. Like that bit at the end of Honest Trailers.
(Peter may or may not go slightly viral saying some Stuff about the Rogue Avengers in his "Spider-Man voice." Tony may or may not nearly piss himself laughing about it when he finds out.
Spider-Man himself has yet to comment.)
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saintsenara · 5 months
What are your thoughts about the ship Oliver Wood/Marcus Flint? 👀
thank you very much for the ask, anon!
and yes, this pops. they invented enemies-to-lovers and rivals [homoerotic].
and i am perpetually obsessed by the hurt/comfort potential of wood sobbing in the showers after harry’s disaster against hufflepuff in prisoner of azkaban and flint coming in to mock him and instead… not doing that.
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Thinking about how even if Wille would have never transferred to Hillerska and Simon would have dated Marcus, he never would have fallen for Marcus like he did for Wille.
Like, Simon craves an escape from the small town he lives in. It's Bjästard, "everyone knows everyone in Bjästard", and he wants an escape. He wants a chance at a life where not "everyone knows everyone", and he is free to be his own self.
Wille, in a way, was an embodiment of this sentiment for Simon. Here he was, someone who didn't know anything about Simon, someone for whom Simon was a clean slate, a mystery, and hell Simon was eager to fill that blank space with his true self. And so he did. He showed Wille who he is, and had no filters about his true intentions. And Wille, almost unbelievably, never gave an ear to any pre-conceived notions people had about Simon. Falling for Wille was like breathing for Simon, it was like a real-life glimpse at a future he always craved.
But Marcus was a complete 180 from Wille. He knew Simon, with all his family trauma and gossips surrounding him- it was like he can score a ten in a pop quiz about Simon's Bjästard life. The same history Simon was desperate to leave behind. Simon never had a chance to mark his own impression on Marcus because Marcus was just too engrossed in the gossips his mother told him about Simon. Falling for Marcus would never be an option because he was the embodiment of the reality Simon's trying so hard to avoid.
Even if Wille never existed in Simon's world, Simon would have left Marcus anyways, not as a rebound, but as a collateral damage in the chase of his dreams.
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For FSFS if it's still open:
Anything with Marcus Flint? I love how you write him so much! And the whole concept of house Flint is so interesting. Maybe fem! Marcus?
Thank you for your writing 💛
I've never written female!Marcus before. So, naturally, now that the idea has been put in my head, I had to pick this one next. ❤️
Heiress Marcella Flint genuinely and truly believes that no one will ever want to bond with her; she's brilliant on a broom, a superb dueller, and excellent at estate management, but she's also very tall for a witch, much more muscular than most wizards in Avalon, and describing her face as "plain" instead of "ugly" would be a generous kindness.
Most magicals consider an appealing physical appearance to be in the top three most important traits when seeking someone with whom to bond, so ... she keeps her expectations realistic, in the hope it'll stave off the worst of the heartache that only deepens with each new engagement announcement in the Daily Prophet when she's never once received a single offer for a preliminary Courtship Date.
So, when Heir Blaise Zabini approaches her at Pomegranate as the cafe is about to close, and extends a Bouquet of Intent to her, Marcella jams the tip of her wand in his throat before he can even speak a word and hisses, "I don't care who dared you to do this, or what bet you lost, Zabini, but if you think I'll let you humiliate me like this, it's the last thing you'll ever think in this life."
Blaise leans closer, not even flinching as her wand digs more deeply into his skin, and says with a smirk, "Zabinis have always been attracted to lethality above all else, Heiress Flint, and I've never met a more dangerous magical than you; I'll offer whatever vow you want to prove my sincerity."
The ice Marcella has spent a lifetime packing around her heart cracks clear through, and only time will tell if that weakness will destroy her utterly or save her from her lonely prison.
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casterhex · 3 months
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lulublack90 · 2 months
Prompt 3 - Assembly
@jegulus-microfic August 3, Word count 691
Previous part First Wolfstar part
“Do not take one more step towards me, Potter. I do not want you here,” Regulus snarled at him. James ignored him and came to a stop right beside him. 
“What is your problem? What have I ever done to you for you to hate me so much?” James questions him, peering into his face as though he could decipher the answers from his non-existent expressions. It took Regulus a moment to collect himself. He hasn’t been this close to Potter alone for years. It’s a heady feeling. He shakes his head and storms off again. James jogs after him to catch him up. 
“Hey! I asked you a question!” James grunts as he grabs ahold of Regulus’s arm and spins his around. Regulus, completely blindsided by the move, spins into his arms and James, taking the opportunity, locks them around Regulus like a cage. “That’s better now you can’t run away. Now I’m going to ask again. What is your problem with me?” 
Regulus writhes against him, trying to get free of the iron grip James has on him. James responds by grasping his forearms, closing the circle of his arms and pressing Regulus tighter against his chest. 
Regulus is trapped. His heart is thundering in his chest. He is certain James must be able to feel it. He breathes in and his senses are full of James. It’s oddly calming. He takes another deep breath and lets his forehead drop against James’s hard-muscled chest. 
“I don’t,” Regulus said, defeated. 
“Don’t what?” James sounded almost shocked that Regulus had even said anything. 
“I don’t hate you,” He sighed, knowing that eventually James would put two and two together and be disgusted by him. 
James’s arms around him soften, and before he knows it, his cage has turned into an embrace. 
“You’re a weird one, you know that?” James chuckled, finally releasing him. “Is there really no other way to get that locket than to send Sirius in?” 
“The only alternative is me, but if I’m caught the Dark Lord will know I survived the attack at Lestrange castle and will hunt me down. At the moment, he thinks I’m dead. I had Rorbey see to that. I know his secret and believe me when I say I am the most important person in this war. Without me, he will win.” He was back to business, taking a step away from James. He needed distance. His skin was still tingling from all the places James had touched him. 
“I believe you,” James said, his face showing nothing but trust. “So when do we do this?��
“We?” Regulus asks, confused. In his plan, only Sirius would go to Grimmauld Place. 
“I’m going,” James said, crossing his arms over his chest and giving him a try and stop me look. Regulus ran his fingers through his hair and gritted his teeth. 
“Two people have more chance of getting caught.” He told James. 
“Two people also have more eyes than one,” James countered. “Plus, Sirius and I have pulled off countless assignments where stealth was needed. I have a few tricks up my sleeve as well, you know,” James winked at him and a shockwave rocketed through his body. He had to force his body not to tremble with it. 
“This isn’t some silly prank on Slytherins, Potter. This is real life or death,” He really didn’t like the way this conversation was going. 
“Just trust me, okay? We’ll get you the locket.”
Regulus looked at the strange assembly before him. His brother, his brother’s boyfriend, lover, mate? Whatever. Their loud friend, who is only there because he won’t leave, and James Potter, with a dumb, determined smile on his face. 
“Just, don’t be twats,” Regulus’s final words to the four would-be robbers. Remus and Marcus would be staying outside the house, keeping an eye on things. If Sirius and James failed, it was their job to try again.
“Have a little faith, Reggie,” Sirius blew a kiss at his brother before all four of them disapparated. Regulus groaned and began to pace the tree line as he waited impatiently for them to return.
Next part
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molliemoo3 · 1 month
Marcus engineer called him "little buddy" I think (potentially just buddy, its late, I'm sleepy)
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im-goofball · 4 months
rubs hands together. do the gorosei have families in your lore? if so I'd like to see their parents [or hear about them], what did they look like in their youth? Do they have devil fruits or are they yokai? PLEASE 🙏
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The Gorosei during the Void century, art by my co-lore creator @genri-o
Warcury-Born in the Year of Sun 595 AF
(48 y.o. in 643 AF when it all begun)
-Born as a middle-class noble, but family died in a tragic shipwreck when he was just a baby
-Was took into the Saint Vlad's Orphanage when he was just one year old by an unknown person
-After leaving the Orphanage at 16, he started studying law in the prestige Royal Law Academy that he has been saving for his whole life
-At twenty he graduated with honours and became a judge, aspiring himself to climb the hierarchy to get the highest position in Slaviugia Kingdom
-He became the Supreme Judge of Slaviugia at 35, recorded in the Year of Sun 630 AF, the second youngest person to get this job in history
-Was elected as the Chief of Royal Court in the Year of Sun 633 AF and became one of Tsar's advisor's year after
Ethan-Born in the Year of Sun 596 AF
(47 y.o. in 643 AF when it all begun)
-Born as an orphan in the land of Wano
-At 5, he was found starving in the streets by shogun Kozuki Saisho and his men, who then took him in as his son.
-For the next twelve years he was trained by the greatest blade master in that time, Lunarian named Andaiell Daerlion, with his younger brother Sutara (who he greatly envied due to the fact that he was Saisho's biological son, and therefore was shown more love then Ethan recieved)
-At age 18, he became one of the Moon Guards, elite group of twenty samurai directly operating under Shogun and protecting his and his family's life.
-Ethan had medicore education, despite being adopted into the royal family he never recieved any royal title nor any proper education as he should have (Wano still had strict rules when it came in their 4 Classes: 1. Royal family, 2. The Church of Moon, 3. Nobles, 4. Commoners) and so he is terrible at math and had to hone his reading skills by reading many books and poems. He was naturaly skilled in caligraphy though
-He adopted the name Ethanbaron after the creation of the WG, and he still mostly responds if people call him Nusjuro since he lived with that name most of his life
Saturn-Born in the Year of Sun 598 AF
(45 y.o. in 643 AF when it all begun)
-Born as the only child of royal Jay Garcia bloodline, son of king Methone and queen Anthea of the Greecion Kingdom
-Lost his mother at the early age of four as she died of miscarriage and then his father at the age of twelve after he died of an unknown illness
-Became the king month after, recorded in the Royal Cronicles: Year of Sun 610 AF
-He was spoiled a lot when he was a child, especially by his father who taught him a lot about politics. Most nobles and members of Grecion Royal Court tried to manipulate him and treated him like a snobby child, which of course he was, but he was much more dangerous and smarter then they thought and quickly got rid of oposition whilst he grew in power
-When he grew older, the passion he and his mother had for science grew larger and at the age of fourteen he atended the Academy of Sciences and graduated at the age of seventeen with honourifics
-In the Year of Sun 620 he was wedded to princess Tethys Saerlios, who was still eighteen at the time
-He was opposed to this at first, he had never met her after all, and had no idea what she was like
-The first time they met was in a lab Saturn thought belonged to one of the Royal physicians, but was surprised to find a young woman fixing a star-ship's motor. Not realizing it was Tethys , since she was dressed in an engineer's clothes stained with oil and lab glasses he came closer
-The first thing Tethys said to him and she was still with her back turned to him was: "Could you hand me that screwdriver over there?"
-Saturn was dead set on marrying that woman
-At the dinner table Saturn realized that the princess he was supposed to marry and that messy engineer from the lab before were the same person
-They married after a year, recorded in tue Royal Cronicles: Year of Sun 621 AF
-After 6 years, they had their first child and heir to the Greecion Kingdom, Jay Garcia Dione and 3 years later they had daughter, princess Jay Garcia Rhea
-Saturn and Tethys became one of the most influencial people of their time with their inventionsa and scientifical/engineering knowledge aslo the fourth wealthiest in the All Blue
Mars-Born in the Year of Sun 589
(54 y.o. in 643 AF when it all begun)
-Born as the third son of the royal Mars bloodline of Aurelion Kingdom, son of King Deimos III. and queen Aurelia
-His older brothers, Feobos and Sandos died in hunting "accident" in 598 AF and his mother, Aurelia commited suicide three months after
-Mars became king at the age of eighteen after his father, who grew mad with grief died in Trail of Sun by Mars' hand as he was unfit to rule and almost brough Aurelion to ruin, recorded in Sun's Cronicles of Aurelion; the Year of Sun 607 AF
-At the age of 35 he went to war with the ruler of Themisto Isles, the King of Storms, Shepherd Ju Krono, after the man invaded one of Mars' allied kingdoms for the goal of conquest
-The war was known as The Falcon War and took three years till Mars defeated Krono on battlefield, killing him with his own sword the Stormfeather. The end of the war was recorded to be established in 627 AF
-Since Krono died, Mars was debating on the peace treaty with Krono's only son and the Crown Prince, Shepherd Ju Peter who became the new king of Themisto islands at the young age of 13
-He took the boy as his son two years after, since it was discovered Mars was unable to have children so his bloodline would die there. (And he seemed rather fond of the sassy child)
Peter-Born on the Year of Sun 614 AF
(29 y.o. in 643 AF when it all begun)
-Born as a child out of wedlock of king Shepherd Ju Krono and unknown woman, theorised to have been a commoner
-Since Krono had no other child and never married due to his how shall I say... flirty personality, he had no other choice but to legitimize Peter and name him his heir and Crown Prince
-Whilst growing up, Peter was mostly looked down upon due to his "stained blood-status" and never had any great relationship with his father, but he still loved him nonetheless
-He became king after his father Krono died at the age of 47 by the hand of an enemy, king Marcus Mars
-He became fondof the man after meeting him, as he was the only person who took him seriously despite his young age an little of experience as a ruler
-They became rather close for the next two years and Peter was not really surprised when Mars offered an allience and then proposed the Rite of Two (a ritual with sake cups, bur much mire complicated then the one origanting from Wano)
-Despite The Falcon War and the tragic death of his biological father, Peter never felt any hate or negative emotion towards Mars, as he understood that it was Krono who was the agressor
-Peter even offered to adopt Mars' name, but the king refused.
They are not eaxctly devil fruit users, because they never eaten the fruits containing their yokai powers, rather they were given to it by Mu (details for later asks).
I will show you Jay Garcia family, also @genri-o 's artworks, later on in the ask (if you ask for them of course)
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fcknstar · 1 year
hey! i read ur marcus lopez fic and absolutely loved it ur so talented omg
i’m as wondering if i could request a fic with prompt 12 with marcus lopez x reader?
and if so could you also add me to your tag list?
,, after dark "
pairings : marcuslopez x gn!reader
summary : sometimes your past do catches up to you.
content warnings : disagreements
** lowercase intended**
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if saying that you had your life together was an understatement. you were working for the biggest and most respected mafias in the country. it was normal to see at least one dead body in the alleyway. a lifeless body, dumped as if it had no worth that got pushed away as a broken furniture no one saw worthy to save. 
you were just an assistant who also worked as a hitman, being payed high for even injuring a targeted person. it gave you joy, you wanted to feed on souls that deserved nothing but death to come. you sucked in life of your victims, craving more and more as if it was like food and you were always hungry. 
your boss set you out to raid an abandoned apartment to where homed a filthy rich man who unfortunately died due to a heart attack. he kept many important documents that your boss wanted and tonight, thats where you were headed. 
you were clothed in a black skin-tight long sleeved top and short skirt which allowed you to hide your dagger, with a pistol on your waistline. when the time calls for it, you were going to be the one to kill whoever saw you and got in your way. 
you had not noticed the figure which hid in the shadows watching your every move. as you rummaged through the drawers, you heard something drop. you spun around, gripping onto your gun as you pointed to the person standing in front of you. 
" marcus? " 
" hey, i was just dropping by- "
" you arent supposed to be here, you know. " you advanced towards him, watching him stumble backwards. 
" well, neither should you. why dont you put the gun down, honey? " earning a glare from you, you made a move, linking your leg under his making him fall on his back. 
" oh, i remember this. " as you stood above him, he mumbled.
" ignoring your favorite person i see.. its okay.. i bet the memories follow you around dont they. " you dont hesitate but kick his side making him groan. 
" leave this place, act like we never even crossed paths. " you sigh, walking away from him. 
" dont you miss me? " 
" no i dont. and i will not. "
" but seeing you stalk me says otherwise.. how you constantly follow me wherever i go.. i suppose i am grateful that you are looking out for me. " marcus pouted. 
you could not accept how right he had been. you were so in love with marcus that you knew itd be difficult to start a life without him. but you could. for all these years before meeting him shows how you could live without him. but why cant you do the same knowing what you two have been through. how could you when the only thing that occupied your mind was him. how he often thought of your life first and put his own life on the line to save you. how could you ever want to leave someone like him. it was now your turn to look after him when he did everything to protect you. even if as strangers, you knew that you still wanted to be on his wavelength. 
" look, i know we left on terms we didn't agree on due to our statuses, but you can't blame me to not.. look for you. " it felt like you pulled a nerve when you confessed the last part. 
" but you did. "
" i had to okay! what would you do if you are being given a choice, to get your lover killed.. or have your own blood throw you away like youre some meat, even having them turn their back against you? i knew i was being selfish okay? i.. i just cant imagine having you die.. not when i know i could have done something. or me dying. so im sorry if i was being selfish, it was either you dying, or me. and you know what i would have picked. " you were now going on a tangent, gun placed away in its holder, with you rummaging through the drawers. you grabbed every document you could find. marcus just looked at you. 
" im sorry, okay?  i just wanted you, you to be safe and well. " you could have just chosen to have your family killing you, but in the moment, you just had to. it was either him being dead because you wanted to survive. or him being alive at the cost of your freedom. 
marcus never saw the side of your story, too busy grieving with his own. he watched you walk away as if he werent there. as if, he didnt mean anything to you anymore. but he knew, he knew that you loved him enough to save him without even thinking. 
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a.n : m not very proud with this, dont know why. and to the person who requested this, thank you but sorry because i couldn't tag you, its not letting me. and so sorry for the long wait!
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killeroos · 10 months
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beefrobeefcal · 3 months
coming soon...
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xdaddysprincessxx · 4 months
Hello fellow bisexual 🫡🫡
I am on a rampage terrorizing my fellow writers 
Which p boys do you think HABE either bisexual energy or bi wife energy 🤪🤪
😍😍 I love this question!!!!
Bi energy:
Oberyn (duh), Frankie, Javi G, Din, Lucian, Silva, the thief, Pero, Dieter, Ezra, Max Lord, Marcus Pike, Dio, Max Phillips
Bi Wife Energy:
Dave, Joel, Pero, Dieter, Whiskey, the corona ad guy, Marcus Moreno, Marcus Pike, Frankie, ngl pretty much all of the bi energy guys also have bi wife energy I don’t make the rules.
I can’t get a read on Javi P. Like I can’t see him fitting either tbh. Love him but idk.
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