#Master of Nursing Online
Victoria University Online
Victoria University (VU) Online is a pioneer in online postgraduate education, offering a wide array of courses designed to empower professionals across the globe. Our Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Finance, Master of Nursing, and Graduate Certificates in Change Management are crafted to provide you with the knowledge and skills required to excel in today’s dynamic workplace. 
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Our Master of Teaching (Primary Education) prepares educators for the future, while our specialised mental health programs, including the Master and Graduate Diplomas in Mental Health Nursing, address the growing need for expertise in this critical field. With VU Online, you can also specialize in financial planning or dive into the complexities of child and adolescent mental health with our comprehensive graduate certificates. 
VU Online’s award-winning study model enables you to fast-track your education and achieve your qualifications more quickly than traditional on-campus degrees. With over 25 years of experience in delivering postgraduate education, VU has established a strong industry reputation for cultivating leaders and innovators. 
We’re committed to making education accessible, offering Commonwealth Supported Places (CSP) to reduce your financial burden. Our government-subsidised courses span nursing, mental health, and public health, making your educational aspirations more attainable. 
At VU Online, your success is our mission. You’ll join a supportive community and engage in an enriching online learning environment that fosters collaboration and individual growth. As Australia’s top university for employability and ranked in the top 2% globally, VU Online is the ideal platform to launch your career to new heights. 
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utsonline · 7 months
UTS Online
If you are looking for a postgraduate course that will help you advance your career, UTS Online has the perfect solution for you. We have a variety of online programs in different disciplines, such as Digital Marketing, Advanced Nursing, Business Analytics, Psychology, Education, Technology Management, International Relations, Property Development, Sustainable Leadership, and more. You can select the level of study that suits your needs and goals, from Master’s degrees, Graduate Diplomas, and Graduate Certificates, based on your previous qualifications and experience. 
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By studying online with UTS, you will not only receive the same high-standard education, innovative teaching, and supportive community that UTS Online is famous for, but also the freedom to study at your own pace, from anywhere in the world, and connect with peers and academics online. UTS Online is ranked among the top 10 universities in Australia for graduate employability, and has a strong reputation for research excellence and industry impact. 
You will also have access to a dedicated team of Student Success Advisors who will assist you with any issues and help you stay on track with your studies. 
Don’t miss this chance to learn from the best, wherever you are. Explore our courses and apply today! 
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macgyvermedical · 10 months
Virtual Offerings for Humans and Writers
I am a Registered Nurse, have a Master of Public Health and experience in hospital floor nursing, outpatient nursing, public health nursing, and education. I am establishing a base of virtual offerings for anyone who is interested. Thanks for perusing my wares!
Note that everything here can be done via videocall, phone call, discord message, email, or text, as appropriate for the situation.
My contact email for this work is [email protected].
You can pay me for things like:
New Condition Education (Did you just get diagnosed with something the doctor didn't have time to explain well? I am happy to schedule some time with you to help you better understand.) - Sliding Scale from $10-30/hr
Basic Health Education (Did the public school system screw you or your child over when it came to health ed? I can provide a basic (queer-friendly and non-fat-phobic) health education curriculum over 3 or more 1:1 videocalls.) - Sliding Scale from $10-30/hr
Nurse Troubleshooting (need some advice on setting up your living space so it is accessible for you? I would be happy to help!) - Sliding Scale from $10-30/hr
NCLEX Tutoring (Are you about to graduate nursing school in the USA? Feel like you need some extra help? I have been teaching medical and nursing students for the last 4 years and just finished a course on the new NCLEX, so if you're interested in some 1:1 help, hit me up!) - $20/hr
Historical Medicine and Nursing for Fiction (Are you writing something cool and historical that takes place less than 150 years ago? Need someone who has been quietly researching medical and nursing history for years and has a library of contemporaneous sources? I would be happy to help!) - $30/hr
Contemporary Medicine and Nursing for Fiction (yes I know you can get it from this blog for free, but then you have to use the tumblr search feature and potentially wait a long time. A 1:1 meeting would be much faster, don't you think?) - $30/hr
Medical Accuracy Review (did you write something you hope was medically accurate? Would you like someone to check it over and give advice to improve?)- $0.05/word for the portion reviewed
New! I also teach physical exam skills online. Great for if you missed them in nursing or medical school (I taught exam skills for 4 years to med students) or if you’re just interested as a lay person. I promise I am nicer than the last person who taught them to you!
Need something that's not on the list? Just ask!
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Online Match 5
Summery: Seeing their dad went as much as Y/N excepted. At least there's breakfast with Jason to look forward to.
Warning: swearing, fluff (if I’m missing other warnings, let me know)
A/N: Mm, this took me longer then I wanted to and I'm not sure how I feel about this one. Originally, I wasn't going to write this but I felt I needed to. And here it is. Enjoy! And as always, feedback is always welcome.
Words: 4651
Series master list
October 10
You groaned as the early morning sun peeked through your windows and past the curtains and landed on your face. Covering your head with the blanket, you turned over onto your stomach, hoping to get some more sleep. But sleep was gone and you had too many thoughts running through your mind to actually sleep. So, you laid there under the blanket and let your mind wander to what the day had planned for you.
But once you started thinking about Jason, your thoughts stalled and you wondered what he was up to. And as if you had conjured him from your thoughts, your phone dinged with the ringtone you had set for him. Smiling, you stuck out your arm from the blanket and reached for the phone.
Rolling onto your side, you curled into yourself and squinted at the sudden light assaulting your eyes, you blinked at the time.
Jason (6:31 am) Good morning Is Metropolis always this bright? I don’t think I can live here if it is It hurts my eyes
Y/N You know Its your day off SLEEP
Jason Nah don’t think I can I get to see you in a couple of hours
Y/N Shut up I don’t think you’re capable of sleeping longer the eight It’s not in your blood
Jason Somehow, your right
Y/N Always am
Jason Why are you awake? You strike me as someone who loves sleep
Y/N I do love sleep But only in my bed Anywhere else, no thank you Its not the right kind of bed
Jason I hear you So, what’s the plan for today?
Y/N Well, I’m going to stay in bed until someone kicks me out Then have some coffee
Jason That’s not breakfast
Y/n Have someone tell me that isn’t breakfast
Jason Smartass
Y/N Then I’m going to pack everything I brought Go to the hospital when visiting hours start See my dad for a bit Then have actually breakfast with a stranger Then go home with said stranger
Jason I hope you know this stranger And that he treats you well You deserve the world
Y/N Man, I hope he knows that Otherwise I’m just going to have to kick his ass
Jason I bet you’d win
Y/N I’m tougher than I look So maybe
Jason Let me know when you’re done at the hospital We’ll meet up somewhere
Y/N Can do
You stood in front of the building, squinting at it as you debated whether you wanted to go in or not. Well, you knew you didn’t want to, it was a matter if you should or not.
Sighing in defeat, you dropped your head and made your way in. Knowing full well you were going to head if you didn’t visit your dad. You walked through the halls of the hospital and too soon you found your way to his room.
You peaked in, noticing a nurse was checking up on him, while he was paying attention to the tv in the corner. Your eyes roamed towards the tv and snorted when you noticed it was one of those fixit or sell it shows. No matter where he was, he always managed to find shows like these.
The noise drew the attention of the nurse. She gave you a smile before turning to your dad. “I’ll be out of your hair in a moment, dear. Just need to check on your father.” How she knew that was your dad, you didn’t know and didn’t want to find out.
“That’s okay,” you said as you set your backpack down by the door before walking in. “Take your time.” You stood by the side of the bed, watching the tv as you waited for the nurse to leave. Once she was done, she sent you a smile and told your dad that if he needs her, to press the call button.
He waved her worry away and turned to look at you once the nurse was out of the room. “Surprised to see you here,” he said in lieu of a greeting. “Didn’t think I’d see you until Thanksgiving.”
“Didn’t find out you had surgery until yesterday morning,” you answered with a shrug. “When was it booked anyways?”
“A month ago.”
Ah, another thing they forgot to tell you about. You understand why your dad wouldn’t mention it, you barely talk as it is. But your mom? Or siblings? You talk to them more than your dad, at least they could have mentioned it. Trying not to let it sour your mood even more, you pushed the hurt away and turned to look at him.
He looked tired, like he hadn’t slept much last night. You suppose with the surgery that took half the day, and the pain he might be in, it would make sense if he didn’t sleep. And he always looked tired whenever you came home for the weekend, so it wasn’t much different. But other than that, he had more colour in his face then the last time you saw him. That was a start at least.
“How are you feeling anyways?” you asked, as he turned back to the tv.
“In pain?” you asked again, he just shrugged. Kay, awesome, you thought as you looked around the room, trying to think of something to say. “Working on anything new at home?”
“Torn down the porch, thought I might redo it,” he answered and you raised your eyebrows in wonder.
“Have enough energy for that?”
“I rest when I can and I’m getting your brother to help.”
“Right.” And the conversation stalled from there. Sighing, you took out your phone and held in a wince as you looked at the time. Fifteen minutes, you were only here for ten minutes and you had planned to be here longer. But there was nothing to talk about and he seemed more invested in the show than talking to you.
Well, can’t say that you tried. With that thought, you made the decision to cut the visit short. You only hoped your mom would understand why you left before she came to the hospital.
“Where’s your mom?” he asked before you could make your move to leave. The question caught you off guard and you stood there without answering for a minute. He turned to look at you with a pointed look, waiting for an answer.
“Uh, home. She said she had a few things she needed to do before coming here,” you answered, scratching your neck as you thought. “She wanted to pack you some clothes and essentials for your stay here, buy some books and whatnot. She’ll be here around lunch, I think. Sonner if she gets everything done.”
He nodded and silence settled into the room once more.
“See you around Dad,” you finally said when the silence became too much.
“What? Leaving me already?” he asked, finally turning to you and watching as you backed towards the door.
You shrugged, bending down to pick up your backpack as you got to the door. “You’re busy-” not really but you weren’t going to point that out. “-and I have a train to catch.” Not the truth, your train wasn’t until a little later, but he didn’t need to know that. “I’ve got class after lunch and everything I need is still back in my apartment.”
“Alright, see you at Thanksgiving,” he dismissed with a wave, as if you were an annoying fly. Which sometimes you wondered if you were.
“Yeah, see you then,” you mumbled as you turned and all but ran out of the room. The whole exchange has you exhausted and you want to skip breakfast with Jason to take a nap. But you won’t.
You don’t know why you bother hoping things will change between the two of you. It never will, no matter how nice or well behaved you are, he’ll treat you with indifference. Like you don’t matter. 
But sometimes there will be moments that make you feel special. He’ll treat you like everyone else. Like you mean something to him, that you matter. It makes you feel seen and not so alone. Those you keep close to your heart, because they usually get ruined minutes later when his mood turns.
Sighing, you make your way out of the hospital and towards the park across the street. Looking around, you find a secluded bench and quickly walk towards it.
Dropping your backpack down, you sit and pull up your knees hiding your face in them and breathe. You take a moment just to breathe, trying to calm down and push away the hurt.
A few moments later, once you feel a little better, you pull out your phone. Going to the only person you want to talk to at the moment.
Y/N (8:30 am) I hate hospitals 
Jason Yeah they are not fun
Y/N Had your fair share of experience?
Jason You know it
Y/N I’m not even going to ask
Jason Not fun memories How’s your dad?
Y/N Fine
Jason Ready for breakfast?
Y/N Not really I just want to take a nap But food does sound good
Jason Good I was gonna make you eat if you said no
Y/N I have no doubt you would
Jason Where are you anyways? I’ll meet you there 
Y/n Uh, at the park across the street I think it’s on 5th?
Jason You don’t know where you are?
Y/n I know where I am I just don’t memorize the street names
Jason Wow Not to worry, Conner knows the place
Y/N Conner?
Jason My friend whom I went to see yesterday Maybe you know him
Y/n Just because I’m from Metropolis, doesn’t mean I know everyone
Jason Conner Kent, went to Metropolis High?
Y/n OH Yeah I know him We didn’t talk much though so I can’t say I know him He was a wannabe journalist from what I can remember
Jason What do you mean he was a wannabe journalist?
Y/n His articles were okay But it felt like he was trying too hard? Like he was trying to prove a point or something I don’t know, he was better behind the camera But what do I know? I’m an engineer major not a literature major
Jason You read the school newspaper?
Y/n Yeah, my friend was the editor for it Had me read some of the articles before she published them 
Jason I'M NOT DONE WITH YOU My articles were FANTASTIC Not my fault you can’t enjoy good writing Like you can do better? Please
Y/N I have Who do you think wrote the advice column 
Jason THAT WAS YOU?! Shit, never mind I stand corrected 
Y/n Got suckered into it But yeah, that was me
Jason You two are terrible I hope you know Besides I thought it was implied that he was with me?
Y/N Nooooooooo I’m so tired I didn’t even comprehend words
Jason That’s a pretty big word for someone’s who’s sleep deprived 
Y/n Shut up Why did you tell him?
Jason I did no such thing He’s nosey and read over my shoulder Took my phone before I could even stop him
Y/n Welp, I’m going to end it now Goodbye cruel world Twas nice knowing you 
Jason Don’t even Conner wants your number Apparently he’s not done yelling at you for what you said 
Y/n No
Jason Aw come on! Please? We can talk about anything! But you know AFTER I yell at you
Y/n Oh in that case Hard pass
Jason I’ll get your number eventually 
Y/N Stop letting Conner steal your phone
Jason I would But it’s hard when he’s fucking faster then you
Y/n Really You look like you run everyday
Jason I do But Conner’s a different fucking breed
Y/N Alright sure I’m just gonna put my phone away and wait for you in silence If that’s okay with you
Jason Not a problem Gives me time to beat Conner
Y/N …right
“Do you think I can meet ‘em?” Conner asked, leaning towards him, hoping to catch a glimpse of his phone. Jason shoved him away before sending out a final message. “They seem great if you came all the way here to spend time with them.”
“Not today,” he finally answered as he stuffed his phone in his pocket, “they’ve had a tough morning. I think meeting new people is the last thing they want right now.”
That worried Conner and he turned to study Jason as he asked, “everything okay?” Jason shrugged.
“Not my story to tell, but they don’t have the greatest relationship with their dad.”
“But they’re okay now? Right? They don’t need any help to get away or anything?”
“Yeah, they’re fine. Probably just really tired,” Jason mused, and he hoped you would get some rest on the train ride back. Though he doubted it, you had said that you don’t sleep on public transportation.
“That’s good,” Conner said, looking straight. “Hate to have to beat up someone’s dad.”
Jason snorted at the thought but kept his thoughts to himself. “Sure.”
“I would you know,” he said, stretching his arms out behind his head. “So, if they don’t want to meet new people, how come you guys are meeting for the first time today?”
“This isn’t the first time we’re meeting,” Jason said, and could feel the curious glance Conner shot him. “We met two nights ago. Y/N was getting mugged and after they called me and asked if I wanted to meet up.”
“Weird that you’re the first person they called after something like that,” Conner mused, mind drifting back to high school. “Usually when they need someone, they call their mom or sister.”
“Yeah, but their family lives here. They moved to Gotham once they graduated high school,” Jason explained, and Conner made a noise at the news.
“But why Gotham?”
“I don’t really know.” They lapsed into silence as the two continued walking, two blocks away from the park, Jason spoke up. “What do you mean by that? They didn’t get in trouble at school, did they?”
“Nah, they kept to themselves most of the time. Other times, they hung out with their friends,” Conner explained. “They had a routine and you could always find them in the library hiding away. They weren’t really talkative but once you got to know them, they weren’t bad.”
“I thought you guys weren’t friends.”
“We weren’t, but they hung out in the newsroom after school and sometimes we’d talk,” Conner said, smiling. “They were cool in their own way. Would like their number so we can build that friendship that could have been.”
“No,” Jason said and before Conner could argue his phone rang. Digging it out of his pocket, he answered it before saying it was Clark. Jason tuned out the conversation and let his mind drift to breakfast, hoping it would bring you into a better mood. After this weekend, you deserved it.
“Clark needs me,” Conner said, bringing Jason out his thoughts. “Tell Y/N to feel better and that I still want their number.”
“Not going to happen,” Jason grumbled. Conner laughed, hitting Jason’s back a little too hard judging by the grunt.
“You sound like a jealous boyfriend,” he said and didn’t let Jason dwell on that thought for too long. “Anyways, just keep walking straight and you’ll see the park. See you around Jason,” he said, turning and left.
“Uh, bye,” Jason said, watching his friend walk away.
The walk was too short for Jason to think over what Conner said. He walked into the park and scanned the area until he found a familiar mop of hair.
Smiling, he took out his phone and snapped a picture of you to send. He watched as you lifted your head from the back of the bench and fished out your phone from your pocket. 
He laughed at the confusion written on your face as you opened his message. He stood still as you whipped your head up and looked around the park until you found what you were looking for. When your eyes connected with his, Jason’s heart lurched as your eyes lit up.
Happy. You were happy, and Jason’s stomach squirmed at the genuine happiness he brought you.
When was the last time someone looked happy to see him? The thought raced through his mind. Who actually wanted to see him that wasn't his family? And why did it make him happy that just seeing him made your mood better?
He shoved the questions from his mind, and made his way over to you. He can think it over later, right now he has breakfast plans and he has every intention of making that happen.
As he walked towards you, you stood from the bench, bouncing on your feet a little. As if you couldn’t believe he actually came here.
When he was close enough, you let gravity take over and fell into his chest. Jason grunted at the impact and tried not to wince as it stung the bruise on his chest. Why he agreed to spar with Conner last night, he had no idea.
The weight on her chest brought comfort for Jason, and wondered if it did the same thing for you. “Morning,” he said, brings his arms up and around your shoulders.
“Morning,” you mumbled into his shirt, and the tension in your shoulders relaxed. Jason could only smile. “Conner isn’t here is he?”
“No, he cousin needed him for something,” Jason answered, chuckling a little when your shoulders dropped some more. “Ready for breakfast?” 
You nodded into his shirt, and Jason spun around so he was standing next to you, one arm still around your shoulder. You didn’t mind, and leaned into the touch.
His smile only grew and he bent down to pick up your backpack before walking. “C’mon, I saw a breakfast diner on the way here.”
The walk was silent and Jason found he didn’t mind silence with you. It’s comfortable, safe, safe enough that it quiets his mind.
“So, how was your morning?” you said after finding a seat in the diner and after the waitress left. Jason shrugged and started fidgeting with his menu.
“Good,” he answered and you raised your eyebrow in question. “What?”
“Not much of a talker huh?” you questioned, trying not to smile at the put off look he was giving you.
“I’m not much for small talk,” he answered with a snort. “Which is wild considering that we’ve been talking.”
“Yeah, but there’s a huge difference between texting and talking face to face.”
“Yes, but we’ve met once and facetimed yesterday,” Jason reminded, “so it shouldn’t be awkward.”
“It’s only awkward if you make it awkward,” you said, tilting your head a little. “Unless you’re just an awkward person in general.”
Jason narrowed his eyes and leaned over to poke you on the forehead. “Please. You're the awkward one between the two of us.”
“And if I am?”
“Then you are,” Jason said with a shrug. He squinted his eyes, debating whether or not to tease you. By the way you were eyeing him, he couldn’t help but smile. “So, still want to kiss my stupid face?” he asked, and had the joy of watching your face turn red. You sank in your chair and pulled the scarf you were wearing over your chin.
“I take back what I said,” you muttered, “you're just stupid. And that’s at least a third date.”
“Then I can’t wait until I take you out next time,” he said with a smile as you dropped your scarf from your face.
“Meeting up the other day doesn’t count as a date,” you state, leaning onto the table.
“It counts to me.”
“Then you’re wrong. We met up because I didn’t want to be alone and you were the first person I thought of.”
“I feel special.”
“And-” you continue as if you didn’t hear him say anything, “-I was crying half that time. That doesn’t sound like a date to me. Which was a bit embarrassing once I thought about it yesterday, by the way. Who cries on someone they’ve never met before?”
“Doesn’t matter if you were crying, it’s not going to turn me away. I’m here, aren’t I?” he questioned, you nodded and he continued, “and besides, I’ve seen you sick before. And that wasn’t a good look on you.”
“…what?” you asked and Jason realized his mistake and winced. “What does that mean?”
“I, uh,” Jason stuttered, trying to come up with a lie of some sort. But the way you were looking at him, had him coming up blank. You leaned over the table to cover part of his head, squinting at him with one eye open. After you stared at him for what felt like forever, you dropped your hand and leaned back.
“You were the delivery driver, weren’t you?” you asked, and all Jason could do was nod. “Son of a bitch. I knew there was something familiar about you. But I was too sick to figure out why. So, did you make the soup? Is that why you wouldn’t tell me what restaurant it came from.”
“Yeah, hope you don’t mind,” he said and relaxed when you waved his worry way.
“Nah, it’s okay. I trusted you enough not to do anything funny, and you didn’t,” you said. “Besides, it was really good soup.”
Jason smiled and just as he was about to say something, their waitress dropped off their drinks. The two of you ordered, and waited until she left before continuing the conversation.
“You know she’s flirting with you,” you pointed out.
“Maybe, but I only have eyes for you,” he said, and smiled as you blushed again. “You know, red really is a good colour on you.”
“You need to stop.”
“I don’t think so.”
“Kissing me became a fifth date thing now,” you said, “you have to wait until the fifth date and I have to say it counts as the fifth date.”
Jason crossed his arms on the table and leaned in with a smirk. “Are you sure? You’ll be missing out.”
“Maybe so, but you will be too.”
Jason raised an eyebrow. “Are you telling me you're a good kisser?” You flushed, and hid in your scarf again, shaking your head.
“I could be a horrible kisser,” you muttered.
“Let me be the judge of that.”
“Date five,” you sang.
“Do hang outs count?” Jason asked, and you scrunch your nose in confusion. “As dates or just towards getting to kiss you?”
“Oh. I don’t know, guess we’ll have to wait and see,” you answered after a moment of thought. You leaned back into the booth as you saw your waitress coming towards you.
Jason followed your lead, and soon your food was set in front of you. You watched as she gave Jason a smile, trying to flirt with him but all he did was give his thanks and turned to his food.
She left with a huff, and a giddy feeling that he didn’t seem that all interesting. Before you could put too much thought on that, you noticed Jason’s hands as he unfolded his napkin.
You tilted your head slightly and wondered how he got his scars. Not wanting to bother him about it now, you turned to your food, missing the knowing look Jason shot you.
Breakfast was comfortable, you talked about whatever came to mind and avoided the topics neither of you wanted to talk about. And all too soon, breakfast was over and paid for and you found yourself walking towards the train station.
“So, how many classes do you have today?” Jason asked.
“Uh, one I think,” you answered, but you weren’t quite sure. “I’ll have to check when I get back home. Why?”
“Just wondering is all.”
“You don’t have anything planned, do you? No surprise visits with soup in hand?” You teased, nudging his side with your elbow. Jason laughed and shook his head.
“No surprise visits,” he promised, “today at least. Can’t promise about visits in the near future though.”
“As long as I’m not sick, then go for it. But bring food please. Chances are I’ll be hungry,” you said with a smile. Jason chuckled but agreed all the same.
Once you neared the station, a comfortable silence settled between the two of you. You walked through the station, lost in thought and Jason made sure the two of you made it to your seat’s safety. “Penny for your thoughts?” Jason asked, shaking you out of your thoughts.
Blinking, you turned towards him in confusion. “What?”
“You’re thinking about something pretty hard there,” Jason said, poking your forehead to emphasize his statement. “What’s got you distracted?”
“Can I see your hands?” you asked instead of answering. Jason raised an eyebrow in surprise but he held up a hand for you to take. You weren’t sure how to put it into words, so you did so in action instead. Gently taking his hand in yours, you traced the scars that littered over his palms and fingers and wondered how far they went.
Jason watched you as you studied them, and held in a shiver as you lightly traced them with your finger. He wasn’t sure what you thought of them and a part of him didn’t want to know. But a bigger part of him was curious, wondered if you thought they were ugly and wanted nothing to do with him when you knew the true story behind the scars.
“Life didn’t treat you well, huh?” you whispered, eyes still on his hand. He hummed in agreement, and wanted to pull away when you traced one that led up his arm, that was underneath his jacket sleeve. But you stopped when you reached the hem of the sleeve, and moved your hand until it was holding his. “Well, I hope life will treat you better than it did before,” you wished with so much confidence, Jason believed what you said would come true. He hoped it would.
Still holding his hand, you reached down to your backpack to retrieve a book and sat back to read, like nothing had happened. But something did for Jason and maybe for you too, Jason wasn’t sure. But whatever happened between the two of you at that moment, he hoped it was something good. And maybe it was, maybe it wasn’t. But as long as you were there with him, it didn’t matter to him.
He studied you for a moment before shaking his head and sat back. You continued to surprise him.
Originally, you wanted to spend the train ride back home doing homework, or reading or anything else. But the warmth and the feeling of being safe that came from Jason beside you, and the fact that you hadn’t slept in the last couple of days, had your eyes closing on their own. Your head dropped onto his shoulder gently, your book falling out of your hands as you let sleep claim you.
Jason snatched your book before it could fall to the floor, and looked over when he felt weight on his shoulder. He smiled softly as you slept, and moved to sit more comfortably on the seat, wanting you to sleep peacefully. “I’ll protect you,” he promised.
And he meant every word.
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meso-mijali · 2 months
USAmericans and Cheap University
Hello fellow Americans, I'm here to talk about college. In 2024 I graduated at the age of 33 years old with my BS in Business Admin from Western Governors University. I had not heard about this school until my boss (who has a masters from there) told me about it.
In total (thanks to Pell Grants, which the majority of you are probably eligible for) I paid 2400 dollars for my degree, spread out during my time there.
WGU is a fully online, at-your-own-pace, accredited university with four schools:
Health and Nursing
Each of these has degrees under it, like accounting, education administration, data analytics and more.
I transferred in with an associates degree, of which they took 30 credits, and completed my BS in 1 year and 2 months while working full time. If you were unemployed or part time, you could finish much sooner than me. And since it's a flat rate per 6 month term, you can take as many courses as you can finish in that period of time. Some people who are unemployed finish in 6 months, with no transfer credits at all.
I mention this as an option because if I had known about this when I was still trapped in retail, I would have done it in a heart beat and gotten out WAY sooner.
If you think you want to go to school, or go back to school, to get a certificate, bachelors or masters, please consider them. There are alternatives to crippling education debt!
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mania-sama · 13 days
oikawa always knew what he wanted to be when he grew up. from the moment he saw jose blanco when they were seven years old, he became certain that he would be a professional player. before he was old enough to understand how long it would take or how much energy it would require, oikawa was telling iwaizumi what number jersey he would wear on the national team.
iwaizumi loved volleyball. there was no question about it; he loved the weight against his fingers as he lightly tossed it in the air. he loved the green and brown bruises littering his arms, proving he fought and played well. he loved crouching on the court with five other people, waiting in bated breath to score the next point. he loved the sound the ball made when he spiked it to the ground with enough power to shake the net. he loved springing in the air and diving to the ground.
he loved watching his teammates glow with pride at every point earned, at every win. he loved having support during the hard losses. he loved oikawa, who threw himself so deeply into the sport that it made iwaizumi try that much harder, practice that much longer, want to win that much more.
but, he always knew his love came at a price.
he could see himself playing professionally. he knew that he'd only want to do it if oikawa would be on the court with him. he knew he was only as good as he was when the best high school setter in miyagi brought out his talents. he knew that, at the end of the day, his drive to be an Olympic athlete was crutched by his best friend.
oikawa had developed it alone, separate from iwaizumi. iwaizumi could recognize that, and that was what set them apart.
iwaizumi didn't know what he wanted to be when he grew up. he threw around ideas in his head, every now and then. he knew he couldn't do a corporate job. he'd seen the way men fell asleep in bushes and in shops, never making it home, then waking up again to return to where they worked. it sounded like hell and misery, so he threw it out immediately. he supposed he wouldn't mind traveling the world, but he didn't know where he'd get the funds for that. he didn't care much for history or archaelogy, and those master's and phd's would be what would get him places. he even settled on the military for a time, if he really couldn't figure what he wanted from life by the time he graduated.
then, like dominos, everything began to fall into place. it started like this:
in his third year of middle school, he injured his wrist. he had to see the athletic trainer twice a week, for those were the days the trainer was available to assist the volleyball clubs. his mother was a nurse, so she made sure he kept up with his ice and stretches at home. he cared for himself and the trainer cared for him, coaching him through certain workouts and tracking his progress on a clipboard. he admired the trainer for the first time in his life. not because he was caring for iwaizumi specifically, but because iwaizumi was seeing all of it work. the ice, the workouts, the way his wrist gradually heals until he feels no pain anymore. he found himself curious about the clipboard, though he never asked.
oikawa overworked his ankle and twisted it in their first year of high school. iwaizumi's injury had been minor, but oikawa's was considerably worse. he limped as he walked, and iwaizumi went online and nearly keeled over when the results told him that oikawa would die in the next twenty-four days, that his ankle would never heal properly. mother iwaizumi was far more rational, and their trainer was available four of the five days of the work week, so oikawa was functionally okay. it didn't stop bothering iwaizumi, though. he was by oikawa's side the whole time despite their new friends', matsukawa and hanamaki, teasing. when oikawa allowed him, he examined the twisted ankle, pressing his fingers against the bone, carefully tracing the slightly discolored skin.
he started volunteering at the hospital when he could, though he found he didn't enjoy the atmosphere much. he saw charts, though. he started to get an idea of what was on the paper on the clipboard. that, he enjoyed. he enjoyed seeing patients walk away with grins at good news, and he eavesdropped on nurses and doctors discussing diagnoses he didn't fully understand. his favorites were the ones of athletes, good or bad. shin splints, they said with relief. tendonitis. dislocation. a torn acl, they gasped after coming out of a screaming girl's room.
someone caught wind of his volunteering. during a training camp, a fidgeting player from a different team corners him outside. he asked if iwaizumi had anything, anything, anything at all, though preferably xanax. please, man, he begged. i know you work at a hospital. i'll pay you back. i just- i think somebody stole mine out of my bag a while ago. i can't get through this weekend. hook me up? iwaizumi denied him, told him to get help, told a trusted adult because although he knew it was "uncool" and he was a "snitch", the kid was shaking and knee-deep in drug addiction, and iwaizumi couldn't ignore it no matter how hard he tried. his skin burned from where the guy grabbed him to plead. his tongue was dry from when he tried to gently let him down the first time. his head hurts from the idea betraying his peers, even though he knew they would cover his ass if he had alcohol on him.
they lose to shiratorizawa for the second time in high school, and oikawa tried to get himself another overworked limb. iwaizumi shouted, and shouted, and shouted, and he dragged oikawa out of the gym more nights than not. he sat with him when oikawa was determined to give himself dry-eye from watching volleyball matches all hours of the day. he kept oikawa going.
that addict player died over an overdose over the summer, the news hitting him at the same time as the rest of the miyagi volleyball community. and he started to understand. he understood the way the kid - for though he was older than iwaizumi, he was still just a kid - would react slowly to block the ball, or how he would twitch before his serve. he understood the first time oikawa hurt his ankle, how it had been nothing like iwaizumi’s wrist injury, or how taking xanax during a training camp was nothing like camping out in a basement with a couple of friends and a case of cheap liquor store beer.
on the first full day back to school in their second year, hanamaki pulled iwaizumi aside and said that matsukawa had passed out briefly on the train ride over. iwaizumi didn't know what to do, necessarily, or what it could mean that matsukawa passed out for seemingly no reason, but he decided to keep an eye out. he watched him at practice. watched the way he was slow to block, blinking blearily, swaying on his feet. it could be sleep deprivation, but matsukawa had said he wasn't tired. his second thought was of that player the year prior. he watched, and as much as it pained him, he waited. he waited until they could all get ramen together, because for one reason or another matsukawa found a reason to bail out of after-school food runs. when matsukawa got up to use the bathroom after finishing his food, iwaizuimi waited one, two, three, ten seconds to follow, similarly excusing himself. he listened to matsukawa heave and wretch, and he sat there until matsukawa came out, one hand hastily wiping his mouth. he froze when he saw iwaizumi, and it must've been something on his face, must've been the memory of how he failed to help a kid who was now six feet underground, because matsukawa broke down into tears. i can't stop. i can't, he said. i need to do this to be better at volleyball. i can't gain more weight. it'll bring me down. don't make me stop.
iwaizumi made him do one thing: see the athletic trainer. he got the athletic trainer to give them advice on a diet that would both build muscle and increase their overall health. iwaizumi sent matsukawa on his way with a detailed regimen, but he himself stayed behind with the trainer. he asked, doing his best to remain neutral: which do you think is more important? mental health or physical injuries?
after a while of deliberation, he got received the trainers honest answer. physical injuries. athletes can get severely stressed and disordered after even a minor injury.
iwaizumi nodded. how do i become an athletic trainer?
go to school, the trainer said, smiling. study hard.
taking that to heart, he left. he left with a plan: to go to university, study hard, and write a paper proving that trainer wrong. his paper would be on the psychology behind sports injuries, how its the state of an athelete's mental health that causes injuries. he would then work as an athletic trainer, and he wouldn't let a kid like oikawa overwork themselves, or kids like that player accost underclassmen and overdose, or kids like matsukawa avoid food and expel what little they consumed. because they all wanted one thing. to play better, to be better. and iwaizumi wanted to be there for them, to tell them that a game wasn't worth their lives.
he wanted to be there for the middle school kid with a wrist injury, whos only wish was to keep playing with his best friend.
iwaizumi studied hard. he researched and researched, and he kept volunteering at the hospital even though he hated the smell of sterile rooms and the miserable faces of interns and residents and the floor that housed most of the terminally ill. he shadowed the trainer as they worked with other seijoh clubs when he had the time. he worked, and he cared for oikawa and his various discreet attempts at overworking himself to death.
in his third year of high school, an acceptance letter from the university of california, his top choice of school, arrives at his front door with a full-ride scholarship.
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peachy-panic · 4 months
Companion, pt. 3 (Bonus)
The last little piece of this arc (that was originally supposed to be part of part two)
WARNINGS: Not much. BBU, alcoholic in recovery, anxious animals with a happy ending
Sebastian takes a tentative sip and wrinkles his nose at the burn of carbonation against his throat. 
“They’re an acquired taste,” Sam had warned him when he handed them over on their last visit to the house, “but they help.” He was right on both accounts, unfortunately. The bitter notes, the heavy carbonation, and the acidic tang are meant to mimic the familiar habit of nursing a drink, but without any of the pleasant, warm buzz that comes after. (And without the misery and exhaustion and shame that comes with the next morning, he reminds himself).
Sebastian doesn’t find himself reaching for these alcohol replacement drinks often, but nights are sometimes… difficult. A natural consequence, he supposes, using a glass (or three) of vodka as a sleep aid for several consecutive years.
It will be a cold day in hell before Sebastian can utter aloud that he is proud of himself for much in this life, but he thinks, with this, he has done fairly well. Perhaps he can credit part of that to having the proper motivation enter his life. 
As if on cue, the quiet creak of a door sounds from down the hallway. Sebastian places his can on the counter, an easy smile falling into place, but no footsteps follow. Jaime is good at moving quietly through the house, but Sebastian didn’t realize he had mastered absolute silence. He frowns, but just as he goes to step around the island to check on him, he nearly jumps out of his skin as a black mass of fur jumps onto the countertop, seemingly out of nowhere. 
“Jesus, Bella!” Sebastian whisper-shouts, hand over his heart. “Are you trying to kill me?”
“Merrrr,” she chirps up at him, knocking her tiny paw against the side of his open can, threatening to upturn it all over the floor. 
“Yeah, I don’t think so.” He plucks the drink out of her reach, but as he retracts his hand, Bella nuzzles her head against his wrist. A request for contact. Sebastian’s heart melts a little. “Hey there,” he says, reaching down to pet her properly. She preens at the affection, vibrating softly with a low, steady purr.
Sebastian can’t help but feel proud of their little cat for the impressive adjustment she has made to their home in such a short amount of time. The first couple of nights were… rough. She spent most of the waking hours out of sight, hiding somewhere Jaime and Sebastian couldn’t reach. And though he didn’t voice it out loud, Sebastian could tell that Jaime was affected by her fear. He could see the regret and guilt taking shape in his eyes. 
Sebatian tried to comfort him by bringing up article after article online, assuring them that this behavior was often to be expected when bringing a cat into an unfamiliar home, and that there were measures that could be taken to acclimate them. They took all of them. And slowly, surely, they began to work. 
A few days after they brought her home, Sebastian returned from work to find Jaime sitting on the couch with a preternatural stillness to his form and a stunned look on his face. When Sebastian looked closer, he saw that it wasn’t just a blanket on his lap. Blending into the soft, black fibers was Bella’s sleeping form, curled up on Jaime’s legs. She only stirred briefly at Sebatian’s entrance before standing into an arched-back stretch and making herself at home once again on his lap.  
The smile on Jaime’s face was bright enough to light the whole house. 
“I never thought I’d be a cat person,” Sebastian says, rubbing the back of his knuckles between her ears. “But you’re pretty sweet, huh?”
Inevitably, a familiar itch rises to his eyes, as it does anytime he spends more than a minute in direct contact with Bella. He pinches the bridge of his nose to combat an oncoming sneeze. Extracting his hand from her just long enough to open the cabinet above the sink, he reaches for the bottle of allergy pills he stashed away the day they brought her home. 
There are several internet forums that swear up and down that you can mind-over-matter a cat allergy away given enough time and exposure. Sebastian has done his research. In the meantime, he is perfectly capable of smuggling home a bottle of Claritin once a month and popping pills in secret. Sebastian knew from the moment he saw Jaime staring, enamored, at Bella’s cage at the shelter, that this was one piece of information he could keep to himself. If anything, watching Jaime’s smile on the couch that day had only made Sebastian double down on that conviction. 
He unscrews the cap and shakes one of the small, white pills into his hand. The next sip of alcohol-replacement-drink doesn’t taste any better as it washes it down. Worth it, though. All of it. 
Sebastian casts a glance down the hall, where he knows Jaime’s door will be cracked open so that Bella can come and go as she pleases.
“You make him happy,” he tells her. “How could I not love you for that?” Right on cue, she turns her head to issue a firm love bite to his thumb. “Ouch, you little shit,” he says, but even he can hear the affection bleeding into the words. 
@whumpervescence @shiningstarofwinter @distinctlywhumpthing @whumptywhumpdump @nicolepascaline @anotherbluntpencil @hold-him-down @crystalquartzwhump @maracujatangerine @batfacedliar-yetagain @thecyrulik @pumpkin-spice-whump @finder-of-rings @melancholy-in-the-morning @insaneinthepaingame @skyhawkwolf @whump-for-all-and-all-for-whump @mylifeisonthebookshelf @dont-touch-my-soup @whump-world @inpainandsuffering @cicatrix-energy @quietly-by-myself @whumpsday @extemporary-whump @the-whumpers-grimm @thebirdsofgay @firewheeesky @whumperfully @hold-back-on-the-comfort  @termsnconditions-apply  @cyborg0109  @whumplr-reader @pinkraindropsfell @whatwhumpcomments @honeycollectswhump @pirefyrelight @handsinmotion @alexmundaythrufriday @scoundrelwithboba @starsick1979 @b0rgid
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theworldoffostering · 8 months
The director of special education did not show up to our IEP this week. It made the meeting a whole lot less contentious. It didn’t hurt that they assigned a much more experienced teacher to DS and our advocate showed up and kept everyone in line. Should it take that much work/effort/stress? Absolutely not! I will never understand how anyone is getting services if we cannot with all of the privileges we have personally been afforded.
DH and I talked to Ms. 6 this week. It could be worse, but it’s not great. She bought herself a car or someone else did, but it seems no one cares if she has insurance (legally required). I told her to call and get some quotes. She has not.
She has a boyfriend she met online that no one has vetted. He’s older (no idea how much older) as he has his own place. He lives three hours away in a neighboring state, but Ms. 6 couldn’t remember which city he lives in. She goes to see him on the weekends despite the fact that no one has met him or vetted him. It’s killing me! She was very vague on the details regarding what he does for a living.
Her car seems some basic repairs. Her grandpa has been a semi truck driver for decades. Hasn’t helped her with the repairs. Boyfriend is maybe some kind of mechanic but is unable to help with repairs. Mom is driving Ms. 6’s uninsured car and teaching Ms. 6 how to do donuts in it.
Ms. 6 said she applied to a PA program. When I pointed out that the PA program she applied for is a masters program (aren’t they all?) that cost $109k for the 28 month program, she seemed shocked and unimpressed. I did do a conference call with her and the high school this week to try to sort out her graduation.
Ms. 6 had knee surgery last week. I offered to be available and make the three hour drive to take her. She said her mom was taking her. The night before surgery her mom said she had to work and couldn’t take her. Grandma said she couldn’t take her because she had already take a sick day that week. Mom’s BF drove her, but apparently doesn’t like hospitals so he didn’t sit in the room and wait for Ms. 6 to be taken back to surgery. Surgery was pushed back several hours. Now mom doesn’t want to take her to the post-op appointment because the dogs have a vet appointment.
Post surgery, Ms. 6 was prescribed narcotics. Mom is an addict. Is she currently using? I have no idea but she used for at least a decade and has a conviction for cooking meth with the intent to sell. Kids were removed for many reasons including heroin use. Ms. 6 said the “oxy” isn’t managing her pain so she asked the nurse for something else AND an oxy refill. The pharmacist wouldn’t give both to mom. Mom told Ms. 6 it’s because they don’t have the same last name. I pointed out that I also don’t share the same last name as anyone in our family, and we were also recently denied a narcotic at the pharmacy. It is clear that no one that she has contact with lives in their thinking brains—they are all convinced that they are victims of one system or another.
Ms. 6 also quit her job. She said it was because they were making her do too much work.
Ms. 6 really wants contact with the other kids, particularly NB at this point. We have withheld that so far but can’t really articulate why. I think because it doesn’t feel healthy or good, and things don’t necessarily feel stable with her between DH and myself and her. I’ve talked to her a handful of times in the past month which are the first times I’ve spoken to her since she left in August. Anyone have experience in this area? Is it wrong for us to feel it out as parents before we open that relationship back up to siblings? It’s not my intention to use them as pawns, but it probably feels that way to Ms. 6. The kids here have not asked to see her, and DS and DD are actively continuing to say that they don’t want to have contact.
I’m trying to be something for her but that all feels very temporary and complicated right now. I sent her a small care package today via mail and am going to offer up some services for her like connecting her with colleges, but am trying to hold tight to a lot of boundaries at this point.
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softpine · 7 months
I just remembered you haven't seen Twilight but I'm going to ask anyway! Do you know what teams your characters would be? Like team Edward or Team Jacob? Oh! Actually I'm also curious what Fandoms would they be in? I recent realized im a Bielieber
oh i have seen the first twilight movie!! i just wasn't a fan. but it was my best friend's favorite series so i do know a lot about it! was anyone actually team jacob? he's like gale in the hunger games. the only reason anyone would actually prefer them is because they're Not the main love interest (sorry to any galeheads out there...)
anyway now i want to imagine what fandoms each of them would be in, so:
🎭 caroline: well, she's a great artist and a monster fucker.. i don't think i have to spell out what she was doing online fjkjsdsj and she loved comic books as a kid, so i feel like at the start of the MCU madness she was really hype and then she got more and more angry with the state of things
💬 beth: she's written some star trek fanfiction more highly researched than her master's thesis and she loved nsync because what is a baby dyke without her emotional support boy band / comphet crushes
🎸 danny: music is the obvious answer, but i'm not familiar with musical history so i can't go into detail 😭 but his dad introduced him to bob dylan and taught him how to play guitar, then he learned piano, then he taught himself how to produce his own music from scratch. this was in the 90s btw so it wasn't very easy to learn. also he used to seriously follow skateboarding
⛅ mikaela: she loved old school country music from female artists like tanya tucker, reba mcintire, loretta lynn, etc. she's less interested in modern country but she looooves shania twain. and she's worked nights (first as a bartender, then a nurse) for most of her life, so she got really into daytime soaps
🌲 asa: he's literally the only one on this list where i'm like...... stumped. he doesn't pay attention to anything online, celebrities, music (he'll listen to whatever), movies (doesn't care), could never commit to watching a whole tv show, etc. he's very floaty and daydreamy? lmao he just doesn't have the headspace to get attached to fictional media like that
🎥 finn: we know he's always been a harrison ford fan boy and in any universe where he survives past the 80s he's a huge nirvana fan!! (if he and jules had a son, they would've named him kurt... he's deeply serious) he's also read every stephen king book that came out while he was alive. he was a big reader in general, particularly horror
🧸 stevie: canon seth rogen super fan, has seen every adam sandler movie (every last one of them) and i knowww she knows the fnaf lore... as soon as she finishes a show/movie she likes to find the weirdest fan art to terrorize her followers. also loves musicals and wants to see cats on broadway someday (a girl can dream)
🎀 elaine: she loves following celebrity news but she watches them like animals in the zoo; ie. she's observing from afar, she has no personal stake in them. she's a frequent flyer on gossip forums like fauxmoi. she was on the ground floor of lipstickgate and was SEATED for dramageddon. and she had a serious twilight phase
🎨 jada: SOMEONE on this list had to get assigned supernatural... i'm not saying it just to say it, i really think she would connect with (early seasons) sam what with the dead mom... fear of losing their humanity... having powers they don't understand... a hot girl manipulating them to use their abilities in sketchy ways... yeah. i'm sure she has favorite contemporary artists (painters specifically) that she'd be able to talk about on end but sadly i don't know anything about that world 😭 oh and she's kind of obsessed with hate-reading booktok books to feel alive
🏈 casper: sports count as fandoms and i don't want to hear a word about it!! his team is the patriots but he's kind of a fairweather fan (maine doesn't have an nfl team so he doesn't have that state loyalty factor). miley cyrus is his problematic fave forever but he's kind of a pop girlie in general
💋 coco: in high school she was a speedcuber if that gives you an idea of what we're working with here.... she grew up with pokemon, naruto, dragon ball z, she collected trading cards, etc. she still likes anime and video games and stuff, she just doesn't have the time to get invested like she used to, and it makes her sad because it reminds her of her late best friend liam. she makes time to play fortnite and minecraft with his little brother and she plays other games on twitch sometimes. has done a LOT of cosplay. she's a huge nerd basically
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gx-gameon · 4 months
Here me out:
Janitor: Anyone can get this job, but it should to that journalist Gerard and he reports straight to Kaiba because he hears everything going on at that school. Security Guard: Valon. He was thrown in juvie for fighting so he isn't afraid to throw hands. Mythology/Folklore: Raphael. Just look at his deck. Gym Teacher: Alister. Have you seen that man in a crop top? Shredded! Occult Teacher: Bakura. He would relish this and kids would find his fondness for thw strange and supernatural rather endearing. Alchemy Teacher: Marik. They need someone to go over Banner's work. Girls Dorm Head: Mai. Fonda Fontaine already has to be a full-time nurse and gym teacher, so let Mai lead the girls. She would probably let them all live in the Girl's Dorm but enforce the different colored uniforms (there are female Slifer and Ra uniforms for Yugioh Online). Girl's Gym Coach: Vivian. Apparently she is skilled in martial arts too! Game Design Class: Duke. He still runs his start up on the side plus Dungeon Dice Monsters being added to the curriculum is a win. Superintendent: Joey. He's just a figurehead and he knows it, but it's mostly to shut down any arguments that Seto hired people based on nepotism because in what world would Seto Kaiba hire Joey Wheeler for something so important?
I love all of this.
Specifically Seto being like “I didn’t higher these people because I like them! You think I like Wheeler?”
Reporter/parent: “isn’t he your husband’s best friend?”
Seto: “no comment.”
But like no one would question it. Most of them are world class duelist or have made their names in their field. Sure Seto’s known them for years but imagine your local billionaire higher people who are at the top of their fields to teach at the school he owns that your child goes to. You’re not going to say anything. He’s giving those kids the best education.
I can also just picture Joey goofing off at his job. Constantly visiting the campus to give Sheppard and Crowler heart attacks. Just cause it’s funny.
He also visits the other duel academies around the world. The staff hate him cause they think he’s not qualified for superintendent (they are right, dorm master yes man in charge of all schools no) but the students love him because he rocks up cancels all classes and duels anyone stupid enough to ask.
None of this is cannon (probably) they might come in as guest teachers or maybe Seto does a Pro week/month were they all come in and show off.
Although Bakura, Duke, and Mai are tempting. All I love seeing the Oricalcos boys becoming part of the team.
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macgyvermedical · 1 year
You should seriously take down that post sharing the number of pills it takes to kill you, turn off reblogs and apologize. There are suicidal people in your replies using it as an instructional guide. You even had a toxicologist tell you it was bad. Like come on, aren't you a real medical professional? Don't they teach you guys harm reduction??
I’m not taking it down, and here’s why:
Do you know what information is easy to find online? How to kill yourself. Heck, it’s not hard to just buy a bottle of something and down it.
You know what’s hard to find online? How much acetaminophen will mess you up when you’re just trying to control your pain.
Multiple studies on acetaminophen overdose deaths show that out of thousands of overdose deaths from acetaminophen yearly, about 1/3 are unintentional. My neighbor’s kid ended up in the hospital when her doctor inadvertently instructed her to take 1,300mg every 6 hours. If this post makes even one person say to themselves “hey, both of my meds have acetaminophen in them, maybe I should question this?” I will have done my job.
If I’d wanted people to kill themselves I would have told them about the half dozen quick, effective, and nearly completely painless ways to do it that I, as a former suicidal person and nurse, have considered. You’ll notice I’m not blogging about that. There’s really nothing else you can do with that information, so I’m choosing not to share it.
As someone with a masters in public health, I know that purposefully hiding information from the public when the public have something to gain from that information is about the worst thing you can do in terms of health communication. We have to tell people what the danger is in order for them to avoid that danger.
We tell med pros why they have to wear masks to go into infectious patient rooms. We tell construction workers why they have to wear hard hats. There are warnings on cigarette boxes that tobacco smoking causes lung cancer and on alcohol bottles that it is addictive and can cause pregnancy complications. People might still make choices that aren’t in their best interest, but they know the risks and have free will.
People are a lot less likely to “just take one more” if they know how close a therapeutic dose and a toxic dose are when it comes to acetaminophen.
Finally, and this is important: if someone knows they are triggered by discussions of overdose, it is their responsibility to blacklist that tag. If they are not mature enough to do so, they should not be on tumblr.
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ankivamp · 6 months
Bringing Back the Laughs: Nostalgic Quotes from 'Mind Your Language'
Hey there, fellow nostalgia enthusiasts and comedy lovers! Today, we're taking a trip down memory lane to revisit one of the most iconic sitcoms that graced our screens – "Mind Your Language."
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If you're like me, you probably spent many evenings chuckling along with the misadventures of Mr. Brown and his diverse group of language students.
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So, let's dust off those old DVDs (or stream it online, because it's the future!) and relive some of the timeless quotes that made this show an absolute gem.
"I'm the new teacher, not Miss Courtney. And I'm teaching English."
Ah, the classic line that introduced us to our beloved protagonist, Mr. Jeremy Brown. This line perfectly sets the tone for the cultural misunderstandings and comedic chaos that ensue in each episode.
"I trust you will all give Mr. Brown the same respect you gave me."
Who can forget the stern yet hopeful words of the school principal, Miss Courtney? Her optimism in the face of Mr. Brown's unconventional teaching methods always brought a smile to our faces.
"I know your grammar may be bad, but it's not that bad!"
Poor Mr. Brown, forever exasperated by the linguistic blunders of his students. This line captures the essence of his struggle to impart the finer points of the English language to a motley crew from all corners of the globe.
"I'm trying to learn English, not gynecology!"
Leave it to Ali Nadeem to inject a dose of unexpected humor with his quick wit and knack for inadvertently inappropriate remarks. This quote is just one example of the hilarity that ensues when language barriers collide with cultural differences.
"I'm not the Queen's English, I'm the King's Hindi!"
Ranjeet Singh's playful quips never failed to amuse us, and this particular line showcases his charm and charisma. His character added a delightful touch of Indian culture to the show, enriching the tapestry of linguistic diversity.
"I talk English, I talk English good!"
Juan Cervantes, the lovable Spanish bartender turned English student, endeared himself to audiences with his earnest attempts to master the English language. This quote captures his determination and infectious enthusiasm.
"If you are interested in football, there is a game between Arsenal and Manchester United tonight."
The ever-practical Giovanni Cupello often stole the scene with his deadpan delivery and no-nonsense attitude. This quote perfectly encapsulates his straightforward approach to language learning, peppered with his passion for football.
"Miss Courtney, I have to be teaching 'em, not nursing 'em!"
Ah, Mr. Brown's perpetual struggle to maintain order in his unruly classroom never failed to entertain. This line, delivered with a mix of frustration and resignation, is a testament to his dedication despite the chaos.
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So, there you have it – a trip down memory lane with some of the most memorable quotes from "Mind Your Language." Whether you're revisiting the series or discovering it for the first time, these timeless lines are sure to bring a smile to your face and a chuckle to your lips.
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mysticmistral · 7 months
After 97 (98 counting the wolf from the beginning) deaths, I can say that I FINALLY BEAT MY FIRST (90 percent) BLIND BLOODBORNE RUN. DID IT. SPOILERS FOR ENDING.
And so, this is the last Bloodborne Run update and I know I skipped much. Last update, I defeated Rom. Killed Master Logarious after learning you can just visceral attack him to stop him from going into his second phase, Alligned myself with the Vilebloods, gave Alfred the Summons and was shocked yet not shocked to see him going crazy (I didn’t expect him to turn the Queen to mush) and then turns out he just… dies at the altar. I was so sad to see that, my only friendly person just dead, probably by offing himself.
Played a game of tag with Micolash and died once to the people on the stairs, and found a glitch that he just stands right by the cell door when I was fighting off the skeletons and hit it, so I did not kill him the intended way but I did not want to play tag anymore it was 4am. Gained access to Upper Cathedral Ward, lost a lot of Insight by the brain suckers and fought the blue alien people in the Lumenflower Gardens, defeated Mergo’s Wet Nurse and went to check on the lady in white who peaced out after the boss.
The Dream’s on fire, went to the handicapped old man Gehrman at the tree and refused his offer, of which cured his kneecaps and slaughtered me throughly right before I would reach his Second Phase. Since it was endgame, I decided to explore more. Found the Altar of Despair and with the help of NPC acting as a distraction and the fact I was over leveled by this point, killed the Daughter of Cosmos and accidentally revived Queen Annalise making Alfred surely turn beyond the ‘grave’, I’m sorry man. Found the Darkbeast Paarl who by this point, was easily bodied and made peace with Djura, the man with the machine gun until I realized it is endgame, and me probably has loot. So I killed him, then the guy in the Forbidden Woods, and the other guy who came cause I killed the other guy and got a whistle out of it and forgot to kill the Ward man.
DLC was on sale and I am not counting those deaths literally, the hunters in the first arena wrecked me and their weapons have unfair range, Ludwig wrecked me, got a glow stick out of it, the two guys in the hall wrecked me. Got to the Research Hall and gave a woman some brain fluid, died many times to the Living Failures until I realized that the doors are a safe spot from the meteors. Then I met Lady Maria, she can fist my chest any day but wow was she easy with the Augur and just sticking close. Gascoigne does not teach you parrying, she does. Got lost in the Fishing Hamlet and called on online hunter to help me kill the fish giants, Orphan of Kos and Laurence.
With the DLC tackled along with my sanity slain over how damn hard it was, Gehrman was less tough and just when I thought I won, a creature appears as the Moon Presence and smashes me to pulp since I had barely any items left. I defeated it, and became a Black Leech and the Plain Doll is now the mother figure of a new Great One.
The End!
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Game is maginificent and now that I can finally search up everything I missed a lot but I did a lot too. 10 out of 10, great music, hate/love gameplay and fun weapons. A wonderful first soulsborne experience. Hunter Hat, Cainhurst Armor, Hunter trousers, Knight Gloves and armed with my Threaded Cane and Holy Moonlight Sword. Currently in NG+, just beat Gascoigne and loving how you can sweep, but not without challenge still. Do I understand the lore? Probably not. But I am to get the refuse ending this time, and with the help of searching finally, try and get anything I missed. 57 Hours well spent!
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ch. 5: A Safe Place to Land - Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x nurse!reader
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Summary: 4.6k words. After an unexpected breakup with her long-term boyfriend, y/n had one goal: to keep her head down and finish her travel nursing contract as soon as possible. That was until Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw derailed her plan entirely. Just as y/n finished picking up the pieces of her broken heart, Rooster came along and showed y/n what it’s like to be loved again–if only she’ll let him in.
chapter playlist: “Never Til Now” by Ashley Cooke and Brett Young, “You Matter to Me” from Waitress
Warnings: nothing crazy! lots of fluff, several pinches of angst, some cursing. multiple allusions to 18+ content & smut, but nothing graphic. i’m too much of a wimp to write smut but one day i’ll get there
a/n: hello hello! this chapter was a long time coming, but i’m so happy with how it turned out. i hope you guys like it!! thank u for ur patience & support xx
series master list | master list
The phrase “distance makes the heart grow fonder” is nice in theory. It’s a mantra y/n repeated to herself several times over the years when she missed her family and friends while traveling. She now found out that this mantra didn’t work as well when her not-boyfriend was somewhere on an aircraft carrier in the middle of the ocean. 
In Rooster’s absence, y/n returned to her hermit ways. On her days off from work, she’d spend countless hours reading, binge-watching shows, online shopping, and her favorite activity of all: napping. She ventured to the beach a few times but found that it wasn’t nearly as enjoyable without Bradley by her side. y/n reminisced about Rooster spinning her around until they both got dizzy or dunking her in the water, just for her to pull him in after her until they were both soaked and sore from laughing.
Over the course of the three-week mission, y/n wore Rooster’s clothes more than she wore her own. The hoodie she stole was a staple of her nightly Netflix sessions and she often fell asleep in the shirts Bradley ‘accidentally’ left at her house.
The only thing that could tempt y/n off the couch in the evenings were the sporadic calls she shared with Bradley. She jumped every time her phone rang, leaping over the coffee table and sprinting towards the counter her phone was on, only to be disappointed when it wasn’t Bradley. The few times that he was on the other end of the phone talking to her made her forget all her woes.
There were a couple times y/n missed Rooster’s calls because she was at work. Aside from the sad sinking feeling inside, she felt like shit. Bradley always made sure to leave a voicemail. Though he did miss hearing her voice, he was never bitter when y/n missed his calls; she had a job to do, just like him.
y/n was comforted by the way her bed sheets still smelled like Rooster. Old spice and jet fuel and safety. She desperately clung to the remnants of Bradley’s lingering presence in her home. The night she felt the most alone was the same night her sheets stopped smelling like him. Despite her desire to hang on to any trace of Rooster, she was overdue to wash her bedding. She laid awake that night, tossing and turning in her fresh clean sheets. Had her bed always been this cold?
Instead of being lulled to sleep as she inhaled the comforting aroma as she’d done for the past two weeks, y/n found herself turning to Bradley’s voice for comfort. She had three months' worth of random voicemails he’d left her. 
His morning voice drifted from the speakers–the voicemail in question was delivered before 6 a.m. a little over a month ago. Rooster wanted to call to say good morning before a god-awfully early training session, but y/n was still fast asleep.
“Hey, baby. Just wanted to say good morning. It’s…” Rooster paused to look at the clock on his dash. “5:29 a.m. So you’re probably still asleep. Which is a good thing, because this is way too fucking early to be up and moving,” he cleared some of the morning grog from his throat. “Anyway… I’ll talk to you later. Have a good day, darlin’.”
y/n smiled warmly as his words rolled over her. She remembered how they spent the evening after his training. Bradley and y/n had planned to watch a movie or two at home, but they both fell asleep against each other on the couch by 8:30 p.m.
The next voicemail featured a very tipsy Rooster. y/n would dare to say drunk, but Rooster prided himself on not getting drunk because he was a self-proclaimed heavyweight. Lively chatter from The Hard Deck could be heard in the background. Bradley didn’t go out with his coworkers nearly as much as he did before he met y/n, so on the rare occasion that y/n worked night shifts, Bradley distracted himself from his loneliness by hanging around his old stomping ground.
“Hey! y/n! Oh, shit, you’re working,” Bradley pouted, suddenly remembering the reason he went to the bar in the first place. “I miss you. Pool isn’t nearly as fun without you,” he cut himself off with a chuckle then a heavy sigh. He wasn’t wasted, but he definitely wouldn’t remember this in the morning.
The rest of his words weren't quite intelligible. y/n suspected Bradley got roped into a game of darts or was handed another shot based on the groan he let out before the message ended.
The final voicemail y/n listened to before drifting off to sleep was from just a few days ago, directly from the aircraft carrier’s satellite phone.
“Hi, baby. It’s me.” y/n could tell from his voice alone that he was exhausted. The communications room on the ship was mostly quiet. Rooster all but sprinted there to be first in line to make a phone call home. There was a brief pause of silence before Bradley spoke again. “God, I miss you so much. I can’t wait to get back home to you… take care of yourself for me, okay?” Rooster sighed heavily.
At the end of the message, Rooster let out a deep exhale–like there was something else to say, but the words couldn’t quite escape his lips.
Bradley Bradshaw had been holding himself back from saying three little words since the day he was deployed. He almost told y/n he loved her right before he left her house the morning of his mission. In the peaceful quiet of the early morning darkness, Bradley realized he was irrevocably and unequivocally in love with y/n y/l/n.
He convinced himself that it would’ve been cruel to tell y/n he loved her for the first time just before he left for a mission. What if he didn’t come back? Not only would she be left grieving Rooster, but she’d also be stuck mourning everything that could’ve been. Bradley couldn’t bear to burden her with that.
So the words were left unsaid for the time being. Every time Rooster and y/n spoke on the phone, I love you was perched on the tip of his tongue. With each passing day, the words rattled around his brain and begged to be said out loud.
That all changed after a close call during one of the mission flights. Rooster toed the line between risky and deadly a little too haphazardly. He noticed the enemy missiles soaring towards him far later than he should’ve, but just in the knick of time to launch his own flares and avoid the fiery explosion. The aftermath of the missile attack sent Bradley into a mental tailspin.
Rooster concluded that dying without ever having told y/n he loved her simply wasn’t an option. A world in which y/n never knew just how much she meant to Bradley was unfathomable.
But she deserved better than being told I love you for the first time from a satellite phone with spotty reception. No, Rooster needed to be sure she heard every word he was saying. He needed her to see just how much he meant it; how his words were the absolute truth. He wanted–no, craved–to hold y/n in his arms and hold her gaze with his own when he finally confessed his feelings.
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On the other side of the world y/n mindlessly scrolled through her email while one of Rooster’s vinyl records played softly in the background.
A few weeks ago, y/n got a record player for her house because Rooster stated that vinyl “just sounds better.” She rarely touched the record player; it was pretty much reserved for Rooster’s use exclusively whenever he was at her house. Of course, the compromise wasn’t one-sided. Rooster caved and bought a bluetooth speaker so y/n could play her seemingly countless playlists.
“Why listen to one album at a time when you could listen to a hundred different songs on shuffle?!” y/n argued enthusiastically. She was over the moon about Rooster’s latest purchase. The small speaker sitting on the kitchen counter had y/n pulling Bradley off the couch and into an uncoordinated dance.
“This is so stressful,” Rooster whined when there was an abrupt shift from Elton John’s “Tiny Dancer” to “You Outta Know” by Alanis Morissette. If it weren’t for y/n’s wide grin and bright eyes, Rooster might’ve second guessed the purchase.
In Bradley’s absence, the record player was the only thing she’d been listening to music on. In fact, she was listening to Rooster’s albums exclusively. Less than a day had passed after y/n bought and set up the record player when he brought over a box of vinyl records. y/n sat on Bradley’s lap on her living room floor, his arms wrapped around her waist, as she thumbed through the box. Her eyebrows knitted together when she saw that more than half of the box was full of his favorite records.
“Roos, these are your favorites,” y/n said, confusion in her tone as she pulled out a Jerry Lee Lewis album to prove her point. “Why are you leaving them here?” Bradley nestled his head further into her neck and pressed a gentle kiss against her pulse point.
“So you can develop taste,” he teased jokingly. y/n scoffed and lightly swatted his arm with her free hand. A soft smile tugged at the corner of his lips as he turned y/n around in his lap to face him. “I’m over here a lot anyways. We can listen to them together,” he suggested before pressing a sweet kiss against her lips.
y/n’s reminiscing was cut short when three new emails stopped her in her tracks. Her stomach dropped when she realized they were all new contract offers from the travel healthcare agencies she worked with. Each of the contracts she was sent were in one of her ‘bucket list’ cities. One in particular was a contract she’d been hoping for for years–it was a specialty trauma center job in Boston. The other two contracts nearly made her eyes bug out of her head; the salary was almost double what she was currently making at the base hospital.
Three months ago, signing any of the offered contracts would’ve been a no-brainer.
When y/n was with Ethan, she factored his deployments and where he’d be stationed into deciding what contracts she would accept. But she never held back or hesitated to sign a dream contract thousands of miles away, even if it meant they wouldn’t see each other for quite a while.
From the very first moment y/n arrived at the Navy base, she couldn’t wait to leave. She was desperate to erase any trace of Ethan from her life.
Now? Her chest tightened just thinking about how far away each of the jobs were.
y/n had a wanderlust soul for as long as she could remember. She was happiest when she was on the move, jumping from city to city, coast to coast. It could be a lonely lifestyle, but it was something of her own. Something she could control. 
y/n wasn’t averse to commitment; she had a wedding board on Pinterest up until three months ago. Staying in one place and setting down roots never seemed to interest her though.
Not until now.
Now, she had something to stick around for. y/n couldn’t remember the last time she felt like she had a true home. The Navy base wasn’t her home, not by a long shot, but Bradley Bradshaw sure as hell felt like one.
For the first time, she considered staying.
The thought of her contract ending soon had been eating y/n alive for the past few weeks. The realization that staying at North Island, staying with Rooster, was an option threw her for a loop. She’d been on the go for so long that she forgot what it felt like to settle down. After that revelation, all of y/n’s missing pieces seemed to fall into place. The relief she felt was unmatched by anything she’d ever felt before. The weight of the world and her heavy heart vanished, replaced by a feeling of wholeness. Unfortunately, it was short-lived; killed off by a dark thought creeping into her mind.
What if Rooster didn’t want her to stay?
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After pulling into y/n’s driveway, Rooster shut the door of his bronco as quietly as he could. He fished the front door’s spare key from underneath a potted plant, unlocked the door, and shut it silently behind him. He found his quiet movements weren’t really necessary when he heard one of his ‘80s vinyl records playing loudly. The electric guitar riffs and heavy drum solos all but blocked out every other noise—save for y/n’s loud singing and the clanging of pots and pans in the kitchen as she cooked dinner.
Rooster came to the end of the hall and leaned against the door frame of the kitchen, watching y/n dance around while she used a spatula as a microphone. She looked so happy and carefree; Bradley almost felt bad for interrupting her solo dance party. Almost, but not enough to stop himself.
When there’s a brief pause in between tracks, punctuated by crackling from the record player, Bradley cleared his throat. y/n shrieked and jumped, her eyes shooting wide open as she flung the spatula in her hand with the force of an Olympic javelin thrower toward the source of the noise. Rooster narrowly dodged the projectile metal utensil flying past his head.
Bradley turned to y/n with a surprised smirk, impressed by her aim. Once she registered that it was Rooster standing in her kitchen and not an intruder (she’d been watching a lot of Criminal Minds to pass the time), her jaw dropped and she stood frozen in place.
Bradley and y/n hadn’t spoken in several days. With the mission coming to its end, Rooster was busier than ever. When he wasn’t flying, in briefings, or going over flight plans and strategies until his brain turned to mush, he was savoring every spare moment he could get to scarf down a meal in mere minutes or sleep.
Bradley told y/n he’d be back in North Island on a Friday. That was true at the time. Just over a week into the mission, plans changed. The timeline was moved up, making the crew substantially busier, but it also meant they’d be back to the base on Thursday, a full day earlier. Rooster might have left out this development during the brief phone calls he shared with y/n.
When the shock wore off, y/n launched herself at Bradley, nearly knocking him backward in the process. Her legs wrapped around his waist and her arms were linked behind his neck, clinging to him like her life depended on it. If it were anyone else, Rooster might’ve protested the way y/n’s limbs constricted around him tighter than he thought possible, making his muscles ache and his lungs strain for air. But it wasn’t anyone else, it was y/n.
So, the aviator held her just as tight, burying his face into her hair and pressing gentle kisses throughout. Bradley hoped that the hug could tell y/n everything his words couldn’t.
y/n let up from squeezing Rooster to pull back and look at him. Her eyes dotted across his face in disbelief, like she wasn’t sure he was real. Her fingers traced across his sun-kissed cheeks, memorizing each new freckle, before ghosting her thumb over his bottom lip. The heavy beating of his heart against her chest and his calloused hands rubbing the bottoms of her thighs let her know he was really there. Bradley delivered a pinch to her ass with a smirk, further solidifying that she wasn’t dreaming.
She was still at a loss for words, so she did the next best thing. y/n kissed Bradley hard and deep, mustering as much of the three weeks’ worth of longing as she possibly could into a single kiss. She was quick to take charge as their tongues danced together, but Rooster soon gained dominance. He backed y/n up against a wall, his muscled thigh holding her weight as one hand tangled in her hair and the other explored the curves he’d missed so dearly. 
Their lips stayed locked until they damn near turned blue. Both of their eyes were wild as they pulled apart. Few words were exchanged before they began stumbling towards y/n’s bedroom, only making it halfway before they collapsed onto the couch.
The dinner on the stove was long forgotten.
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Bradley laid in a daze on the couch, chest rising and falling as y/n grabbed water from the kitchen for them. He propped himself up on his elbows just in time to see y/n sauntering back in wearing his old Navy t-shirt with a glass in each hand. He licked his lips as he took in her appearance. Her hair was a mess, thanks to him, yet it still framed her face in breathtaking trusses. Her swollen red lips were almost as gorgeous as the mischievous grin she wore, her eyes glimmering as she took Bradley in.
He sat back in awe, his lips parted in the dopey grin y/n occasionally teased him for. This is it, he thought. Rooster hadn’t had a serious girlfriend since his days at UVA, and even then they were few and far between. Technically, he and y/n weren’t dating, but he was ready to spend the rest of forever with her.
Once Bradley’s haze wore away, he remembered one of the many things he’d been planning to ask y/n once he got back. His fingers brushed against hers as she handed him the glass of water before she curled into the other end of the couch with her feet resting in Bradley’s lap.
“So… I’ve been meaning to ask you,” Bradley began while he gently massaged her calves. “The Navy ball is in three weeks. I honestly don’t like going to these events, but I’m in the running to win an award so I have to at least show my face. I was wondering… if you’d like to go with me? As my date?” he asked hesitantly. Rooster hoped y/n didn’t catch the way he nervously gulped in between sentences.
y/n looked like a deer caught in headlights. She was hoping to delay this conversation for another day at least. She just wanted one night to exist in their happy little bubble. But reality was bound to set in, whether she liked it or not.
Maybe this is when the other shoe drops, y/n thought. Things had been so good, maybe even too good, for the past few months. All good things come to an end, and she feared this was it.
So, she sucked in a breath and put on a brave face. She’d gotten pretty skilled at masking her emotions over the years, but Bradley saw right through her. He was always able to, right from the beginning.
“Roos, I would love to, it’s just um… my contract, it uh- it ends in a week,” y/n finished meekly, rushing the words out. It got really quiet then.
More emotions than y/n could count flashed across Rooster’s face before he finally sat up straight to look at her, his eyes never wavering from her face. His heartbroken look had her regretting every second she didn’t let him know she’d be leaving soon.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Bradley asked, his voice quiet. y/n couldn’t meet his eyes. She looked down at her hands twisted in her lap and willed the water rimming her eyes to go away. When her tears started to fall, Bradley moved down the couch and held her face, gently wiping the tears away with his thumbs.
y/n sniffled and met his eyes, placing her hand over his against her cheek.
“I didn’t want you to worry about me while you were away,” she smiled sadly. “I didn’t want to distract you, and I didn’t want to mess up what we have going here. I don’t want to mess up what we have,” y/n emphasized at the end, holding Bradley’s gaze and making sure he heard her. She was bound to cry harder if she stayed on the same train of thought, so she switched to the facts.
She told Bradley about her contract, its duration and her official end date. She told him what her options were going forward and about the three new contracts she’d already been offered. Rooster heard what she said, but it wasn’t all processing. He was lost in his head and maybe caught every three words. y/n took a deep breath before she spoke again.
“I was thinking about-“
“Stay.” Bradley blurted out, eyes wide once he realized what he said out loud.
“-staying,” y/n finished with a small smile tugging at the corner of her lips. He took the words right out of her mouth.
Bradley, whose mind was still running a mile a minute, hadn’t processed y/n’s admission yet and dove into an on-the-fly plan to talk y/n into staying.
“You could find another contract around here! Or extend the one on base? You could take some time off. You could stay with me for a bit! Or I can help you with rent if you’re worried about that when you’re not working. Shit, that’s a lot, but the point is-” Bradley continued, bordering on manic, his hands waving around as he spoke mostly to himself.
y/n shushed him and cupped his face in her palms, just like he had moments ago.
“Bradley, did you hear me?” y/n asks slowly, enunciating every word. Rooster huffs.
“Unfortunately, yes. Your contract is almost over and you’re leaving,” he left out the “me” at the end, but there was an unspoken understanding that it belonged there. The typically confident and bright-eyed aviator looked heartbroken and lost. y/n hated that she made him feel like that, even for a second.
“No, Brad. I mean yeah, my contract is almost up, but I’m thinking about staying. If you’ll tolerate me hanging around,” y/n said with a wink, biting her lip in anticipation.
“Are you serious?” Rooster’s face is void of emotion, just wide eyes and a slack jaw as he waited for her answer.
“Yeah, if that’s oka-” before y/n could finish, Bradley jumped off the couch and scooped her up with him. He spun them around in a dizzying circle, pressing his lips against hers with a force that almost rivaled their earlier kiss in the kitchen.
y/n laughed as Rooster peppered kisses across her face when he finally put her down, keeping his hands planted firmly on her hips even after he was sure she had a stable footing.
“That’s okay with you? If I stay?” y/n asked with a hesitant grin, her eyes searching his for any sign of doubt. She found none.
“That’s more than okay. That’s- that’s everything,” Bradley chuckled breathlessly, pulling y/n into him by her hips. With her face mere inches from his, he rested his forehead against hers. “Please don’t go,” he whispered, eyes shut as he held his breath.
“I think I can manage that,” y/n said with a cheeky smile. Bradley chuckled again; deep and full and happy. He pulled her against him and locked his lips with hers until his lungs ached.
The burning reminded him of his brush with death on the mission and all the things he would’ve never been able to say. When their lips finally pulled apart, Bradley held y/n at arm's length so he could look her in the eye.
“I love you,” Bradley stated like it was a fact. Because it was. y/n gasped, one hand gripping his arm tight as she took a step back in shock. His chest rose and fell as he tried to catch his breath, but his head was absolutely clear. Bradley recognized the shock and maybe even a hint of fear on y/n’s face and he understood. Hell, he was scared out of his mind when he first realized just how in love with y/n he was. He smiled and shook his head, tracing his fingers soothingly along her exposed skin. “You don’t have to say it back, but I just need you to know. I love you, y/n.”
Tears brimmed y/n’s eyes and her face cracked into a wide smile.
“Take me to bed, Bradshaw.”
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Rooster and y/n’s legs were tangled together underneath her sheets as they came down from their respective highs, both deeply sated.
y/n was absolutely spent—it had been a rollercoaster of an evening. Her eyes were on the verge of fluttering shut, her hair was wildly spread across the pillow, and a thin layer of sweat covered most of her skin. Rooster was certain she’d never looked more beautiful. y/n would’ve scoffed at him if he said that out loud. Moonlight streamed through the open window blinds, highlighting y/n’s features. It also illuminated a hickey Bradley was sure she’d give him shit about later, but for now, he enjoyed the sight.
Bradley ran his fingers through y/n’s hair and kissed her temple before speaking softly.
“y/n, baby,” he cooed quietly to get her attention. In her tired state, y/n simply offered him a small hum and turned into his chest, giving him what remained of her attention.
“How would you feel about making things official?” Rooster asked as casually as he could, poorly veiling his anxiousness. y/n laughed breathlessly and entwined her fingers with his before rolling halfway on top of him. She reached up to caress his jaw with her free hand, finally opening her tired eyes to meet his.
Bradley was nervous. He was holding his breath; y/n knew this because his chest wasn’t moving anymore, she could only feel the steady thump thump of his heart beating against hers. Whether y/n knew it or not, she held Bradley’s heart in her hands. It was hers to break or have forever, and this was the deciding moment.
“I’d like that a lot,” y/n whispered, a sleepy smile spread across her face before she closed the gap between them.
“Good,” Rooster said gruffly against y/n’s lips before he flipped her over, pinning her beneath his body once again. y/n’s contagious laughter cut through the darkness as Bradley’s mustached lip traced down the side of her body.
Three months after the most fateful ER trip of his life, Rooster had never been so happy to have his arm sliced open and get stitches. He’d been on the run for most of his adult life; he forgot what it was like to have a home. For the first time in a long time, staying still didn’t terrify him. Bradley thanked his lucky stars that the woman wrapped in his arms decided to stick around and settle down with him.
After flying solo for so long, Bradley Bradshaw finally found a safe place to land.
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a/n: AHHH?!? pls lmk what y'all think!! there's one final part for this series -- the ✨epilogue✨ i'm so excited about it omg. have a good day & stay safe luvs <33
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museum-spaces · 1 year
I recently graduated with a BA in archaeology and am thinking of continuing my studies in either museums or archives. I believe you either are Canadian or have worked in Canadian museums (sorry if I'm wrong) and I had a question about college vs university programs when it comes to museum studies. If you can't answer, no worries.
When it comes to employment, what difference does it make between having a college diploma or a master's in museum studies? Are there some jobs you can only get with a master's? Or are opportunities the same? Would both programs teach similar skills? I know the job market in museums and archives is rough and if a master's will get me further that's probably what I'll go with. I also know there's several diploma/certificate programs offered by universities and am unsure of where those would rank in comparison to a college diploma or master's degree.
Another issue is the main masters programs I know of are in BC and Toronto, places that are incredibly expensive to live rn, so if a college program will get me just as far, some of those schools are in cities with lower cost of living.
first of all; you're right I am Canadian and a graduate of a Canadian undergrad program. but my MA is from the UK.
secondly, for non-Canadians; college in Canada has a few meanings. One is very similar to the US - a particular grouping of students in a university. But the more common one is a bit harder to explain. It used to be that 'working' careers were from colleges [i.e. nursing vs. doctor; lumber jack vs. forester, etc] but these days the lines are more blurred. Colleges are seen by some academic fields as 'lesser' than universities but they actually just fill a different need.
thirdly; it depends on the job. For my job [Executive Director] you do not necessarily need a museum/gallery background but imo... you do need that. If your interest is in collections care, a college diploma in specifically collections care is very good - often better than a generalized masters because it shows dedication in that one area. If you are more interested in exhibition same thing - colleges are more likely to have hands-on mounting classes which will make you an asset.
If you want to work front of house - tours, guest interaction, education - university degrees will be seen as better because you are more likely to be academically inclined and things like that. You won't be unable to get a job like that with college, but given our sector, it will be very very hard.
I believe, but you would have to check, that UofT's ISchool has an online or distance Masters for museums you might want to check out. You could also go abroad like I did. University of Leicester [my alma mater] has a very good distance course though the fees for international students might make in-person just as hard. They're entry requirements for Canadians at a 4 point school is a cGPA of 3. Nice and attainable.
Its also worth noting that you do not need to have museum-focused degrees so long as you have work experience. Lets say your UG arch was focused on Coast Salish archaeology, a side focus on public history and volunteer or intern work experience in museums will make you more attractive to the Museum of Anthropology at UBC than my CV which has no native focus at all.
There's a lot of historic workers on Tumblr, I'll tag a few and hope a few others chime in to give you advice.
@grey-and-lavender @archaeologistproblems @chaotic-archaeologist @museeeuuuum
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HU roster!
A list of all the students and staff at Hedgehog University!
Hedgehog Hall
Sonic, sophomore. RA. No one knows how he got to be an RA. Majoring in Intercultural Studies. Captain of the track team.
Miles "Tails" Prower. Technically freshman aged, but has already graduated (via online courses in high school) and is returning for his Master's. Majoring in Robotics and Engineering.
Shadow, senior. Majoring in Nursing. Brother to Maria. Works at the campus coffee shop. Track team.
Silver, sophomore. Majoring in Quantum Physics.
Jet, sophomore. Skater boi. Majoring in racing or something idk.
Barry, freshman. Undecided major. Just happy to be here. Works part time at pretty much every job at some point.
Rose Hall
Amy, sophomore. RA.
Cream, freshman. Majoring in Home Ec. Works in the dining hall and baking dessert for the coffee shop.
Blaze, sophomore. Transfer student from overseas.
Rouge, junior. Majoring in Cosmetology and Geology.
Tikal, junior. Majoring in Social Studies.
Cosmo, freshman. Majoring in Biology.
Chaotix Hall
Vector, senior. RA. Majoring in Criminal Justice. Captain of the football team.
Espio, sophomore. Studying business to please his father even though he's not very interested in it. Passion for Martial Arts. Works at the campus coffee shop.
Charmy, freshman.
Knuckles, sophomore. Majoring in History and Geology. Works as Campus security. On the football team and also does boxing.
Mighty, senior. Majoring in Environmental Sciences. Was Sonic's RA his freshman year.
Ray, freshman. Majoring in Aeronautics.
Diamond Hall
Jewel, junior. RA. Majoring in Business.
Lanolin, senior. So very tired.
Whisper, junior.
Tangle, freshman. Undecided major.
Surge, sophomore. Transfer student from rival university. Studying to be an electrician. Works AV. Constantly rivals Sonic to be track team captain. Older sister to Kit
Belle, freshman. Daughter of Dr. Robotnik and half-sister to Sage and Metal. Majoring in Robotics.
Dark Hall
Mephiles, Senior. RA. Majoring in Quantum Physics. Was Silver's RA freshman year.
Metal, sophomore. Rivals with Sonic for track team captain. Oldest son of Dr. Robotnik, brother of Sage and half-brother of Belle.
Kit, freshman. Younger brother to Surge. Majoring in Hydrology.
Zero aka "Infinite", Junior.
Mimic, Sophomore.
Other students
Trip, sophomore.
Sage, freshman. Daughter of Dr. Robotnik, sister to Metal and half-sister to Belle.
Fang, Bark, and Bean.
Wave and Storm
Basically all the other characters
Can't forget the egg-cellent staff of Hedgehog University!
Dr. Ivo Robotnik. Known affectionately and definitely not mockingly as Dr. Eggman, the president of the college!
Vanilla. Women's Resident Director. Older sister to Cream.
Maria Robotnik. Former graduate and tutor. Has a chronic illness (possibly POTS) and uses forearm crutches. Older sister to Shadow.
Big, the head custodian! (And his pet frog Froggy)
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