#Matthias helvar x reader
mcntsee · 5 months
me when I reach the angst part of the angsty fic that I specifically chose for the angst
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Six Of Crows/Shadow & Bone Recommendations
Main Master-list
Smut - *
Kaz Brekker Masterlist
The Darkling Masterlist
Matthias Helvar Masterlist
Jesper Fahey Masterlist
Tolya Yul-Bataar Masterlist
Nikolai Lantsov Masterlist
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amsgrey · 1 year
take it slow
Kaz Brekker x Fem! reader
hi love!! could you please do a Kaz Brekker x reader where the reader helps Kaz cut his hair?? maybe it’s super hard for Kaz to do it himself for some reason and he finally lets reader help. they take it really slow tho so kaz is comfortable. thanks 🥰🥰
warnings: not proof-read, canon typical violence, talking of gambling, a whole lot of angsty fluff, Kaz working through his skin aversion/phobia, switches a lot between the reader's pov and Kaz's, I tried to be fancy with the wiring but its meh, mid ending
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You sighed, looking out over the bustling tables and colourful clothes that made up the Crow Club. Pigeons and regulars crowd the tables to avoid the pouring rain beyond the doors. Nights like this were freezing, the Ketterdam cold had a way of finding the cracks in buildings. Seeping into homes and putting out fires. Whenever it would get too bad, the Crow Club would get busier. Kaz carefully built the club to be enticing, it was hard to leave the comfort of warmth with weather like tonight.
You were in charge tonight, a steep task seeming the steady stream of people entering the club. Kaz had locked himself in his room at the slat, the last job the crows had gone on went south. Kaz took a bullet to the arm, effectively losing his strength for the foreseeable future. It had made him sourer than usual, he had chewed Jesper out for being careless and letting the job go south.
You looked over at the gunslinger now, sitting at a table with Wylan, the latter trying to stop too much money from being squandered. You had promised to stake him for the night, to make up for the way Kaz had treated him, it was the least you could do. Even so, you still felt the gnaw of guilt watching him at the table. You weren't a fan of gambling, at least not the kind Jesper was. He liked the thrill of the unknown, but he never knew when to stop. At least Wylan was with him now, supervising to be sure Jesper had a good time but not so much that he would regret it.
Nina and Matthias were here tonight as well, they hardly ever stayed around the club, but tonight Nina had convinced Matthias to have a drink and enjoy the night. Inej had been with them at the start of the night but had since slunk off to do what she did best. You hoped Kaz hadn't sent her on any errands tonight, you worried the spider might just get washed off her perch if she was. The steep gables of Ketterdam were treacherous on a clear day, they would be lethal tonight.
You were startled when a shout echoed around the room, the man it came from was clearly unhappy with his hand. He stood from his seat and grabbed the dealer by his collar, shaking and shouting in his face. You rolled your eyes, men who lost at the tables often blamed the dealers for their misfortune. The man yelling had silenced the club, everyone watching as Keeg pushed his way over to the man. Fighting and violence were not allowed in the Crow Club, if you had an issue you took it outside. You watched from the stairs as Keeg seized the man and hauled him away from the tables, tossing him outside into the rain with a terse warning not to stick around. The room was bustling again before the doors even closed.
You climbed down the stairs and headed to where Matthias and Nina were sitting, comfortably tucked into one of the quieter corners of the club. Nina lit up when she saw you, as she always did.
'Are you here to join us?" She asked, gesturing to the empty seat beside her.
You shook your head, "Have you seen Kaz tonight?"
Nina rolled her eyes, "I offered to help him with his arm but he refused." She crossed her arms, "Quite rudely, actually."
You offered her a small smile that felt fake, "Sounds like Kaz."
Nina waved her hand dismissively, taking a sip of her drink.
You turned to look back over the club, knowing you should be focused on the events that transpired here, but being unable to stop your mind wander back to the attic of the slat.
Kaz was not the easiest person to love but you did so anyway. Last night you had tried to offer him comfort, but he had lashed out and left you feeling stupid. You knew he had regretted his words, the moment he said them his eyes gave away his shock. Kaz was all sharp lines and harshness, he had boarded his heart up with cruel words and violent ways. You knew that he would not change at the drop of a hat, but you saw the good in him. The good he spent years burying so deep he couldn't find it himself. So you stayed patient, you gave him space when he needed it. Cautious not to smother him or hasten him when he was not ready. He would let you in, piece by piece until all his walls were gone, and he felt safe with you.
In the last few months since getting closer, Kaz had let you past his defences. He quietly told you small details about himself. How he had grown up outside of Lij, on a farm he had left behind after his father's death. How he was always fascinated with sleight of hand - magic - even as he outgrew childhood. He had even slowly told you about his brother. Only small things, like how he had been 5 years older and had died not long after they came to Ketterdam. You could see how hard it was for him to share those small things, watch him fight with himself about if he should tell you. So in turn, you told him about your own quietly kept secrets. It was a strange transaction, but you could feel the bond between you both strengthening the more you shared in the quiet of Kaz's room.
Nina pulled you from your trance with a hand on your arm, she drew your attention back to the present. You turned to look at her, knowing already she could feel how your heart was racing with worry.
"You should go try again," She said, squeezing your hand.
"I'm meant to be closing."
"We can do it," Matthias replied, "Jesper and Wylan will help."
You looked over to where Wylan and Jesper were, they seemed to feel your eyes on them and they turned and offered smiles.
"Go," Nina urged again, "Before I change my mind and cozy up in bed."
You hugged your friend tight, thanking her and asking her to pass on thanks to Wylan and Jesper.
You forced yourself out the doors before you could dwell too much more on it. Keeg waved you off, letting you know he would keep watch as you were gone.
You shoved your hands into your pockets as you walked, keeping your head down to avoid the rain as much as possible. You walked as quickly as you could, sticking to the side of buildings to avoid getting drenched in the downpour.
As you crossed over the bridge a few blocks away from the slat, Inej fell into step beside you. You were used to the Suli girl appearing at your side, if It were anyone else you would get startled, but Inej was always a comforting presence. Sometimes you felt like she was a saint, the way she watched over you and the crows. You told her this often, reminding her of how appreciative you were to have a friend like her around.
"Kaz hasn't sent you on any jobs tonight has he?"
Inej shook her head, "No."
You let out a breathy laugh, "Then why were you jumping across the rooftops?"
You knew the answer.
"I feel at home on the roofs, it's my own Ketterdam."
You hummed, taking in her answer. Inej told you about the time she spent training on the highwire as a child, how she loved the feeling of being free so high off the ground. She was brave and unwavering like that and you admired her greatly for it.
As you came up on the Slat, Inej disappeared back into the shadows of the night. She would return to the club, or retire to her room, but she enjoyed climbing her way across Ketterdam and you were happy to let her do so.
The slat was mostly quiet when you entered. Anika and a few other Dregs were drinking and conversing quietly as if not to disturb anyone. You knew it was to not bother Kaz. Although Dirtyhands had put in a lot of effort and money into making the slat warm and dry, voices still carried. Most nights you could hear conversations from the bottom floor all the way in Kaz's attic, it was how you knew whenever Jesper got back. He was loud enough to be heard all over the slat.
You started your climb up the stairs, watching your rain-soaked boots take each step with certainty. Although you climbed these stairs multiple times a day, you still felt as if you might trip down them. They were narrow and steep, a recipe for disaster when the rain made your shoes slippery.
Three floors up, you stopped in your room. It was hardly a room and more of a closet, fitting your cot and dresser and not much else. You truly didn't mind, you were right next door to Inej and you only ever came to your room to sleep or change.
You kicked off your boots and stripped off your socks, replacing them quickly with a dry pair to keep your feet warm. You shrugged off your jacket and hung it on the door handle , with any luck it would dry before you would need it again tomorrow. You slipped out of the room and headed back to the stairs to Kaz's room.
Your feet made no sound as you climbed the steps, the silence of your movements allowing you to listen for Kaz in his room. Most of the time you would hear him shuffling through papers, but tonight there was little noise coming from behind the door. As you reached up to knock you prayed he wasn't sleeping.
You cracked open the door, surprised to find Kaz wasn't sitting at his desk but standing in front of the small mirror in the corner of the room. He had scissors in his good hand, the other shakingly brushing back his hair from his face.
You had noticed how Kaz's hair had gotten much longer lately. The dark strands often blocking his eyes. You knew it drove him crazy, he hated having his hair in his eyes, but he had been too busy to fix it for now.
Kaz shared how he cut his own hair not long ago, you remembered the conversation vividly. He had caught his reflection in the mirror as he washed his hands in the small basin, asking you if you liked his hair.
You had been surprised, Kaz never cared for what others thought of his appearance. You told him the truth, that you loved his hair. Loved how he took time to cut it and try to style it, to you it showed his quiet care. When you asked why he was suddenly concerned, he mentioned how Nina had teased him about it once. It had been a harmless comment, but to him brought back the fact that he feared others touch so much he couldn't bare to let someone else cut it. So it looked rough, uneven in some parts and sometimes much shorter than he intended. You offered to help him when he was ready, but he had yet to take you up on the offer.
"Kaz," You sighed, taking a tentative step forward as if not to startle him. "You should be resting."
Kaz just frowned at his reflection.
His hands were shaking, you noticed. His right hand with the scissors shook so subtly that you might have missed It if you weren't looking. His other hand gripped tight to the side of the basin, as he fought the pain that throbbed down his bicep.
"I can't stand it anymore," Kaz growled, glaring at the hair that kept flopping in his face.
You chuckled, watching the man glower at his reflection with all his barrel brutality.
Crossing the room towards him, you held out your hand, "Let me help."
Kaz stared at your hand like it was foreign. You waited patiently as he had an internal battle. You felt a pang of sympathy when you watched a look of longing pass over Kaz's face. He wanted to let you help, he wanted nothing more than to feel your hands running through his hair with the tender care you always held. But the waters were always there, right below him. If he let you help, they might just swallow him whole.
Finally, Kaz resigned the scissors to you with a sigh.
You smiled at him, "We'll take it slowly." You promised, "If it gets too much, tell me and we’ll stop."
Kaz nodded.
He watched you in the mirror as you stood behind him, assessing what he had already done and what you would do. You knew he liked it a certain way, you spent enough time staring at him to memorize how it always looked. You made eye contact with Kaz in the mirror.
Kaz nodded, taking in a deep breath.
You ran your hand through his hair, combing it back off his face with your fingers. You could almost feel how Kaz relaxed, his tense shoulders falling just a little. You took it as a good sign, continuing to gently pull his hair away from his face and start cutting.
It was slow going, you paused every few minutes to remind Kaz to breathe and release the tension in his muscles. You had no intention of making him suffer through his flashbacks alone. So you muttered reassuring words, offering to take a longer break or to step back for a moment as he processed. Kaz would shake his head, refusing to let you move away in case he would never feel you close again.
Your body was so warm he could feel it through the shirt on his back. You were always comforting and warm like a fire on a cold day. Kaz sometimes felt himself leaning into the feeling, leaning into you. Getting close to someone after so many years of pushing everyone away was terrifying for him. But he was determined to work through it, to be worthy of the gentleness and care you bestowed on him.
When you were done, you ran your fingers through his hair one last time. Your fingertips brushed against the skin on the back of his neck. Typically, the feeling would repulse him, send him spiralling into the frigid waves, but now he felt warmth grow from where you touched. He let out a sigh, revelling in the peace that he felt at that moment. It had been so long since skin-on-skin contact had made him feel something other than repulsion, he had almost forgotten what it was like.
You stepped back, placing the scissors on the desk and giving him space. You were buzzing with emotions and you feared they might just burst out of you if you stayed too close.
The room was silent, the only sound coming from you and Kaz's quiet breaths. You could feel your heart beating erratically, it pulsated through your body as you tried to steady it. Kaz was staring at your handiwork in the mirror, his hands running through it and feeling how it reacted. After a few tense moments, he turned to you, the smallest of smiles on his lips.
Kaz's smiles were hard to earn. Often, it felt like his only facial expression was the stern frown he always wore. But every now and again, in the safety of these four walls, his eyes would relax and his lips pull upwards.
The first time Kaz had smiled at you, you had felt drunk. You could live in that moment for a million years and never grow sick of it. His smile was so gentle, it warmed you from the inside out. You searched for that feeling everywhere, but it only ever came when Kaz smiled.
You felt hopelessly lovesick now, staring into the eyes of the bastard of the barrel. He was so different within these walls, still sarcastic and ill-tempered at times, but also gentle and caring. When he allowed himself the chance to feel safe, you could see the little boy from Lij who loved magic and games.
"Thank you."
You could only just hear the words over the roar of your heartbeat, offering Kaz a tight-lipped smile and a wave of your hand.
"It's no problem."
You both stayed silent for a little longer, looking everywhere but at each other. You were brimming with butterflies, the same giddy feeling you got when you had your first crush.
Kaz stood from his perch, slowly limping over to you. You waited as he did so, worried a move might break the spell that overcame you both. You fiddled with your fingers, trying to calm the thoughts racing through your mind.
Kaz reached out a gloved hand, holding your hand to stop your anxious habit. You had held his hand before, mostly when he wore his gloves so that he wouldn't get too overwhelmed, but it always made you feel safe. The most dangerous man in all of Ketterdam was not dirtyhands here, he was Kaz, gentle and loving.
You watched silently as Kaz pulled his hand away and slipped his gloves off. You knew that he preferred to take things slowly, he needed to take things slowly. You were in no rush, you had all the time in the world for the man before you.
Kaz's hands were still shaky, trembling ever so slightly as he reached for you again. He slowly raised his good hand to your face, hesitating before making contact. His eyes held a question, asking kindly for your permission. You accepted with a small nod, unable to help the tiny smile on your lips. Kaz's hand was colder than you were expecting as he cupped your cheek, you were sure he would be able to feel how hot you were. His slender fingers sat against your jawline, his thumb feathering across your cheekbone, like he was exploring your face. You subconsciously leaned into his hand, closing your eyes and letting a sigh slip from your lips. You could live here forever, in this safety and warmth, tucked away from the prying eyes of Ketterdam.
Kaz took a shaky breath in and you pulled away, startled that you might have pushed him too far. He only smiled, taking a small step forward and keeping his hand on your cheek. You could feel his breath on your skin now, the ghosting of his fingers. It almost felt like a dream. Kaz leaned in a little closer, your foreheads almost touching. His eyes flickered from your lips to your eyes and back.
Kaz wanted nothing more than to close the gap between you and press his lips to yours. You were so warm, your face tucked into his hand like it was made to be held by him. Your breath tickled his skin, it reminded him how you were here, alive. Saints, if he could just lean forward and-
All at once the water was snatching him under. The feeling of your skin turning cold and deathly. He lurched back, holding in his gags of disgust as the freezing waters overtook him.
He fell backwards, scrambling to put space between you both as he choked on the waters.
You could only watch as Kaz scrambled away from you, unable to do anything to stop him. He pulled himself as far away from you as he could, becoming a mess of shaking and shuddering breaths. He was panicking, the anxiety and fear clearly written across his features. It hurt, you wanted to help him but you feared you might only make it worse.
You knew you wouldn't be able to leave him in such a state, hyperventilating on the floor of his room. So you slowly lowered yourself to the ground, a good meter away from him to not suffocate him.
"I'm here, Kaz," You said softly, watching over him, "You're safe."
He took another few shuddering breaths, but they were slower than the last. You took it as a sign to keep going.
"Take it slow," You spoke just above a whisper, "I'm not going anywhere."
You stayed a safe distance away as Kaz calmed down, watching over him and offering quiet reassurances as he slowly came to himself. When the panic was gone from his eyes, it was replaced with guilt. You knew how hard it was for Kaz to touch skin, you didn't know exactly why, but you didn't mind taking things slow for him.
You cut Kaz before he could say he was sorry, "It's okay."
Kaz reached for his gloves and shoved them on, "It's not."
You shuffled a little closer, "Kaz." The boy looked up at you with his dark eyes, "Truly, it's alright. I will wait for you. If it takes days, weeks or years, I will be here."
Kaz's eyes were glossy, you had never seen him cry but perhaps this was the closest he ever got.
"You, Kaz Brekker, are worth waiting for."
Kaz looked down, "Rietveld."
It caught you entirely off guard, "What?"
Kaz slowly lifted his eyes to yours, "My real name is Kaz Rietveld."
Your face burst into a bright grin, "Well, Kaz Rietveld, it's nice to meet you."
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witchthewriter · 2 years
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐁𝐞𝐝 𝐓𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐞
⤷ gender neutral, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!  
Warnings: mentions of characters’ trauma, minor spoilers??? I’ll try and keep them limited
a/n: I’ll try to stay as spoiler free as possible! I loved season 2, some bits were a kinda touch and go, but overall I think they made it really interesting. Also I’m not including Wylan, sorry! I love him but ... I just don’t wanna add him...
𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲: Going along with a plan that Kaz had created, your role was to help the Crows on an extremely difficult heist. But your job somehow ended up being linked with your crush; the very crow that makes your heart flutter. Your persona is their new wife/husband, who has a “rich father”. Meaning that you have to stay in a nearby hotel as a couple on their honeymoon. 
・His faked joyful smile dropped once the bellboy left the room
・Watching him, you saw his calculated movements - the way he rested his cane against the desk, and took two steps to sit down on the bed
・His gloves stayed on as he said, “I’m sorry there’s one bed. Too suspicious otherwise.” Kaz’s tone was even, but it hitched on the word ‘suspicious’. 
・You knew Kaz hated physical contact, hells, he hated when someone stood too close 
・In that moment, you didn’t know how to respond, surely Kaz, Bastard of the Barrel, wasn’t going to sleep on the floor. The absence of a couch was obvious, and you knew he had to sleep somewhere comfortable because of his leg 
  “Kaz, I can take the floor. I know physical contact isn’t an easy thing for yo-” 
    “No, I’m fine.” He cut you off, a sharp look in his eye. You could see that his mind was somewhere else. Somewhere dark. 
・The night was awkward to start off with, like two magnets being pulled and pushed apart
・But then you asked about the plan - getting all the details. Well, what you thought were all the details. 
・He loosened up when he was able to talk about logical subjects
・Once you realised that, the atmosphere started to ease and you could see Kaz start to relax ... (his version of relaxing)
・With each hour a piece of Kaz’s clothing was taken off. His jacket, his shoes. As if he was slowly getting ready for bed. 
・There was always something heavy in the air though, like something was unspoken. It hung like grey clouds, ready to let rain fall
・But time ticked by, and eyes began to feel heavy
・At first you both laid down and kept a pillow between you, but then there was hardly any room to move. 
・So you came up with the idea that you could sleep the other way. Instead of your heads at the top of the bed, they now rested on the sides. It meant your feet were dangling off the side, but it gave you and Kaz a lot of room. 
   “Do not tell anyone about this.”
“Kaz...you know I wouldn’t.”
・His voice was low when he said: “I know.”
・In the morning, when you awoke, Kaz was already awake. Already planning. 
    “I got you some breakfast.” 
・It was you who said you would sleep elsewhere. 
・You were so close to falling in love with Inej, and she had no clue. The sore joke was that she felt the exact same. And neither of you thought the other even cared. 
   “It would be too obvious if we weren’t sleeping in the same bed. I have a feeling they’re already suspicious of something.”
・Even if that wasn’t the truth, you didn’t care. When was an opportunity like this going to arise? 
・Kaz didn’t need either of you tonight, so you were both able to unwind. But past experiences meant neither of you could fully do so unless you were in your trusted homes. 
・The room was quite spacious; painted white and pale blue, it felt completely different to hotels in Ketterdam (which were dark, dingy and usually had a weird smell.)
・This one had a balcony that overlooked the famous lake that ran through the clean city
・The bathroom matched the colours of the rest of the room, with a rectangular window that let in the morning light but was high enough that no one would be able to see in. 
・It was a gorgeous room; airy, light and inviting. Exacly what you thought a summer holiday would be
    “Nina would absolutely love this,” you called from the lounging room. Where stacks of books, games and other various entertaining devices lay. 
“I almost feel bad...” Inej trailed off, appearing right behind you (scaring the sh*t out of you).
・There was a wordless conversation between the two of you, where you hinted at sleeping on the lounge. But Inej shook her head. 
・Too suspicious. What if they walk in?
・You were glad she was okay with it
・And when the night was late, and you couldn’t stop yawning, Inej laughed and motioned toward the bed
    “You don’t snore do you?” You asked, with a wry grin. You knew the Wraith didn’t snore. She barely made a sound during her waking hours.  
      “Of course I do-” she replied, catching onto the irony
・When you were in bed, Inej faced outward, but for some reason you decided to grasp onto this opportunity 
    “Inej, why are you a Crow?” 
・From then on you kept talking. Face to face, her brown eyes capturing yours. 
・You both spoke low, as if someone was trying to hear
・Neither of you wanted to stop talking, or to stop asking the next question. Like either of your lives depended on it, you kept trying to know more. 
・It wasn’t until Inej stifled a large yawn that you both decided sleep was needed
・And the next morning, you found yourself in the same position - facing Inej, and she hadn’t moved either. But your hands must have drifted in the night, because they had clasped together
・Ever the gentleman, he gestures for you to have the bed. And without a couch in the room, he offers to sleep on the floor - far away from you to be as respectful as possible. 
   “Don’t be stupid,” you retort, flinging yourself on the bed. You pat the space next to you and he blushes. Deeply. 
・The giant of a man moved the bags out of the way and flared his nostrils
       “Have we not established a relationship based on trust, dear Helvar?” 
・He rolled his eyes at you. An occurance that happened all too often. 
・But you knew him. More than he thought you did, however, you were always still blown away by his gentle ways. There wasn’t a time when he didn’t open a door for you, or helped you up or down from high places. But his kindness didn’t stop there
・He always stood in front of you whenever there was danger. 
・And made sure you were never left alone in dangerous situations. 
・If someone tried anything with you, Matthias was there to step in. 
・Jesper started calling him your bodyguard
・And although all these things happen, you still didn’t think Matthias was attracted to you. 
・You were never the traditional beauty. So you didn’t think someone like Matthias, who was this godlike man, would ever be interested in you
・And the fact that you were his pretend wife/husband, created endless flutters in your stomach. A feeling that was foreign, until you met Matthias. 
   “Are you hungry?” Matthias asked, dropping to unzip something from his bag. 
“Oh no no, I’m okay-”
   “I could hear your stomach rumbling from here.” Matthias grinned, and passed you some dried jerky that he bought from a vendor hours before 
・He was always doing things like that. Thinking of you and what you might need...or want. 
・You couldn’t help but blush. Even though you tried to keep up your jaunty attitude, you ... couldn’t
・And when he sat on the end of the bed, nibbling on his piece of jerky, and asking about you, your heart was beaming 
・After an hour, Matthias still hadn’t moved and you realised you had to tell him what was okay. 
   “Move up here,” once again you patted the space next to you. 
・You had wriggled underneath the blanket and watched Matthias take of his shoes and get into bed
・Your heart was in your throat. A thumping, fluttering mess. 
・You started up the conversation, as he turned over to face you
・When your eyes began to droop, and Matthias started mumbling when he spoke, you two fell asleep in the King sized bed. 
・You thought you were the first to wake, but you could hear the change in Matthias’ breathing
・However, you tried not to move as well. His strong arms had moved you onto his chest, and there you lay. Your head exactly where his heart was. 
・At times you could feel him rub your back and those goddamn tingles never left your body
・You already know this cheeky motherf*cker is grinning like a chesire cat
      “I guess even fate wants us together...”
“If by ‘fate’ you mean Kaz, and by ‘wants us together’ you mean doing our job. Then yeah Jesper, that’s exactly what’s happening.” 
・Your exterior was hard, but inside you were melting. Ever since meeting Jesper your insides melted whenever he was near. 
・Inside the room, you turned to put your weapons on the bedside table. Twin daggers, your personalised gun, a small knife you always kept in your boot (you put that one underneath your pillow) and small hatchet that you usually kept on your back. 
    “There’s something quite comedic about this-” Jesper said, with his legs up on the bed, boots gleaming, and his arms around his head. 
  “If you don’t take your goddamn shoes off the bed-” you countered, with a small fury. 
      “Ooh, yes boss,” Jesper complied with a grin. 
・It was a battle, trying to keep that stupid smile off your face. Somehow Jesper was always able to bring it out
・You didn’t have ocd, but you did have problems with outside clothes coming into contact with inside items. Jesper was used to the Ketterdam life, so keeping things clean was always difficult. 
・The room was cosy, and a fire was lit. A steady flame burned while you and Jesper talked about your next actions. 
・But somehow the conversation took a turn and you were talking about yourselves, your backgrounds and lives. 
・Time flew by as you spoke, and soon night turned into day. 
・The once roaring fire had dwindled into ashes and it wasn’t until Jesper yawned that you realised. 
・You were going to shout obscenities but there was a knock at the door
    “Did we just...?”
“Yeah! Sh*t, Fuc-” 
     “Wake up call!” 
・She gave a hearty laugh before looking at you with a sly grin. But her attention was grabbed by the food menu
   “Ooh, I hope they have waffles...”
・Completely unbothered by having to share a bed with you
・Behind her bravado is a heart that has been captured by you. She’s just very good at hiding it. 
・You, on the other hand, are a bit more quiet. Well, anyone is quiet compared to Nina (with the exception of Jesper). 
・So you are a bit hesitant when it comes to showing emotions. Especially since you’re afraid of seeming weird. Growing up, you had heard that word to describe you many times 
   “We don’t have to share a bed, it’s okay if you don’t want to,” Nina says after a heavy silence. Her eyes flick toward you, a half grin appearing on her face. It was almost ... sad? 
・You shake your head, “no no, it’s fine.” Inside you are DYING. Nina?? Sad??? You would burn the world to the ground before you made her sad. 
・Perking up (slightly, as she’s never truly sad), Nina moves through the room, looking at all the objects and items. Scowling at the lack of entertainment. 
   “Really, Kaz could have picked a nicer place...”
・Pulling out a waffle that you had saved from breakfast earlier, you turned around and held it high in the air. 
     “I have saved thy favourite snack. Please take this as a token of my friendship,” you bowed slightly and waited for her reaction. 
・Nina bowed low in response, a large grin on her pale face. 
      “I accept thy token, with immense gratitude.” 
・But the act was quickly forgotten about as she squealed and ran over to you. 
・ “I don’t know how well it’s going to taste...” You mumbled, showing the crumbled waffle. 
・Nevertheless, you were now her favourite person. 
・And the night was one you would always remember
・Like a sleepover with your best friend, you felt like you had known Nina since childhood 
・The next morning, you were the first to wake. 
・Tangled together Nina’s arms were firmly wrapped around you, snuggling her form closer to yours. 
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midnight-rain-fics · 2 years
{Part 2}
{Fandom: Grishaverse}
{Pairing: Kaz Brekker x fem!reader}
Summary: Kaz Brekker didn’t need a reason. But this time he had one. He had a reason to want to push Helvar off a cliff because he kept making Y/N smile and blush. Kaz just didn’t want to admit the reason was jealousy.
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“Your faithless love's the only hoax
I believe in
Don't want no other shade of blue
But you”
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There was something churning in his stomach, something Kaz was becoming quite familiar with lately. It had first started when he had seen Matthias talking with Y/N.
There was a smile on her face, cheeks flushed as she animatedly talked to him about something.
Kaz did not know what they had been talking about because as soon as he saw them, his stomach dropped and his heart twisted painfully in his chest.
The feeling had only gotten worse since then. And so had Matthias' advances. Kaz didn't know what was going on with the fjerdan but he seemed intent on following Y/N around lately.
It was driving Kaz up the wall, but not because he was jealous. Kaz was absolutely not jealous of the blonde-haired beef slab of the man who Y/N granted her smiles and laughs to as if they were free currency.
He was not jealous that Matthias could touch Y/N's bare hand so casually, so easily. Kaz Brekker had no reason or right to be jealous.
He was just...concerned. Yes, he was concerned that Matthias would distract Y/N from her job and he could not have one of his best crows losing focus.
That was all.
Kaz's head snapped towards the kitchen where Y/N's bell-like laughter sounded, his feet carried him towards the sound before he could decide against it.
His lips thinned into a scowl as he noticed just who was making Y/N laugh. Kaz, for the life of him, could not figure out what the dour fjerdan have possibly said that had Y/N bestowing him with such a wide smile.
Something on the left side of his chest hurt at seeing that smile directed at Matthias. And the churning in his stomach was back. Great.
He should have just left Matthias in Hellgate.
"Kaz" Y/N noticed him, and finally, finally, Helvar stepped away from her as she motioned to a bowl of what looked like cookie dough mixed with too many chocolate chips, "we are making cookies"
"Don't burn down the kitchen" Kaz gritted out, earning an eye roll from her but the small smile playing on her lips told him she was far from annoyed. His traitor heart did that unusual thing it did whenever she smiled at him.
"As if, Y/N's the best baker in the barrel" Nina comments as she enters the kitchen, scooping some of the cookie batter with a finger and licking it off.
"Nina!" Y/N chastises the heartrender, even as a blush spreads on the apples of her cheek. There's an unbearable itch in his fingers to just lean forward and put his gloved fingers on those red cheeks, just to see if the colour could spread further.
The thought leaves him as soon as it came, beaten away to that dark corner of his mind he doesn't bother looking at anymore.
Kaz ignores the nausea that follows the thought.
Nina winks at Y/N, leaning across the kitchen counter and planting her lips on those lovely cheeks as she sneaks in another scoop of the batter.
"No more, Nina or you won't get any cookies" Matthias scolds her, taking away the bowl as Y/N swats at Nina's arm, who only offers her a wry grin.
A horrible feeling seeped into his bones as he watched Y/N with Matthias and Nina. He was an outsider to this world, their world where Y/N did not spend her sleepless nights in her boss' office, sitting in an uncomfortable chair but instead in the embrace of two familiar faces.
Wordlessly, he slipped out of the kitchen, the weight of the cane clutched painfully in his hand grounding him to the present as he trudged up the stairs.
"Kaz" Y/N's voice called out from the bottom of the stairs. Kaz released a sharp exhale and turned to face her.
It was never easy. Looking at her, feeling so much and not being able to say anything. She looked at him with concern shining in her eyes, the deep set of her brows furrowed, "you could stay until the cookies are done, it won't take long"
"I have work to do" the thinning of her lips in resignation was a sharper blade than any knife she could have stabbed him with.
"Right" Y/N nodded once, looking down at the ground, Kaz could almost feel her wringing her hands behind her back, a nervous habit she had picked up lately. Before that, she used to fiddle with the sleeves of her coat.
His coat.
The coat she had borrowed from him on a heist because hers had been torn and he had just never asked for it back. He didn't want to.
She still wore it whenever she went out. It suited her. His coat suited her.
Kaz swallowed the lump in his throat.
Y/N opened her mouth, as if to speak and then closed it, deciding against saying whatever was on the tip of her tongue. She looked up at him and turned around, walking away from him.
Kaz ignored the empty space in his chest that she left in her wake.
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The scratching of pen on paper was the only sound heard as Y/N knocked on Kaz's door, a plate of cookies in her hand.
"Go away, Jesper"
"It's not Jesper"
A silence followed before Y/N heard him whisper, "come in"
Kaz was sitting at his desk, eyes focused on the paperwork, dark hair styled back with a few pieces falling messily in his face.
Y/N's heart hurt at the sight, a rush of affection overcame her and her lips pursed at the sight.
Damn Brekker, damn him and his devastatingly handsome face. And his thrice-damned heart that was guarded more securely than the Ice Court.
"I brought cookies"
"I don't like cookies"
Y/N raised an unimpressed eyebrow at him as she placed the plate of cookies on his desk, a safe distance away from his paperwork that was sprawled everywhere, "I didn't take you for being a bad liar, Kaz"
"Your baking is aptly edible but I don't trust whatever Helvar put in these" Kaz rasped, finally looking up to meet her eyes.
Y/N rolled her eyes, a fond smile on her face, "He didn't bake them, I did. He was just keeping me company"
"He has been been doing that a lot lately, keeping you company” Kaz scowled, unable to help himself, his grip tightened on the pen in his grasp.
"Is there a problem?" Y/N’s lips pursed in agitation, she had a feeling Kaz wanted to say something but he wouldn’t. He never did.
"No, there is no reason yours and Helvar's companionship would be a problem” Even saying the words left a bitter taste in his mouth.
But it was the truth.
There was no reason for Kaz Brekker to be jealous of Matthias or Nina or anyone who made her smile and blush. And yet he was.
He was jealous.
The realization made him clench his jaw and look down at the papers on his desk, even as his gaze was unfocused, “close the door on your way out”
It was a clear dismissal. And sharp. Too sharp.
Y/N nodded, biting her cheek to stop herself from saying something that she would regret later. That they would both regret later.
She had a poisonous tongue, a stark contrast from her sunny disposition and she never wanted to say something to purposefully hurt anyone of the crows.
They were her family, even if one of them was being particularly petty today.
She really needed to do something about her stupid crush on him.
“Enjoy your cookies” Y/N gritted out as she turned to walk away, “or choke on them” she added, bitterly.
Sometimes, she really couldn’t help herself.
She had clearly not meant for him to hear the last part but he did. He watched her walk away, forehead creased in frustration at his own shortcomings.
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thesuntomyshadows · 27 days
Y/N: I kid you not Inej, it was this big!
Inej: No. I’ve had hundreds of those in my hands, and they’re never that size!
Y/N: Would I lie about something so critical?
Matthias: I’m afraid to ask but... what are you two talking about?
Inej: We’re discussing knives, of course. Well, daggers, technically.
Y/N: Why? What did you think we were talking about?
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zepp-l1n · 1 year
Reader: Man, sure is dark in here.
Matthias: ...
Reader: I'm not scared, or anything.
Matthias: ...
Reader: I mean, who is scared of the dark these days? Not me. No sir.
Matthias: Do you want me to hold your hand?
Reader: Yes please.
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Sankt Milo
platonic! The Crows x reader
gender neutral pronouns (reader is referred to as “you” and the occasional “Y/n”)
TW: show-based, non-canon compliant, 2014-Avengers-Tower-fic-type of writing
a/n: milo is my favorite character. that’s all.
Shadow and Bone Masterlist
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You had been absent for almost a week.
Sunday afternoon, you simply disappeared from the club and hadn’t returned since. The only reason the Crows hadn’t completely panicked yet was because you had left notes for all of them saying you had to leave but you would return (each with a special indication that you did not write this as you were being kidnapped). Nonetheless, The Crow Club felt emptier without you, and each member missed you terribly.
It was storming late that Friday, and after closing the club post-another successful night, all 6 crows were gathered around a table, enjoying a drink together. With a clap of thunder the group heard the back door slam open, then shut again. Everyone drew their weapons, hearing heavy footsteps slosh their way across the wooden floors. A figure, cloaked in shadow, stopped in the entryway from the storage rooms, and everyone waited with baited breath to strike.
With a flash of lightning, the figure’s shadows were cast aside, revealing you. A very drenched and bedraggled you, but you nonetheless.
“Y/n!” 5 voices cried out.
“Milo!” Jesper’s voice carried over the others, for even more astonishing than your return was the furry, black and white animal you carried in your arms.
The Zemeni man quickly crossed the room, but not without Nina, Inej, and Wylan on his heels. The latter three took your hands, throwing a dry blanket over your shoulders and Jesper carefully took the goat from your arms, pressing kisses to it’s head over and over.
“Oh Milo, I have thought of you every day.”
The group helped you sit down at the table, bringing more towels and blankets, and Kaz pouring you a strong drink. But despite your shivering, you couldn’t help the smile that cracked across your face as you watched your friend reunited with his emotional support goat old friend.
Wylan turned to you, an incredulous look on his face. “That’s Milo?”
Nina and Matthias had matching confused expressions on their faces, but it was Nina who spoke up. “So did you disappear without a trace for the goat or was that just a happy accident? Also why is Jesper in love with a goat?”
With a laugh, some help from Inej, and some quips from Kaz, you told the newer Crows of the treacherous and disastrous journey the group had taken through The Fold and how Jesper had formed a trauma-bond with this particular goat.
Jesper came back to your table, Milo still clutched in his arms, just as you were explaining yourself.
“Jesper was so sad to say goodbye to Milo, and I just wanted to get him back. But I didn’t want to tell you guys that’s what I was doing in case I wasn’t successful. But thankfully that sweet barmaid had sent him to her father’s farm, and I was able to buy him back.”
“Please tell me you didn’t spend too much for that goat.” Kaz’s voice cut, head turned with his classic look of disapproval.
No longer able to be scared by Dirtyhands, you waved him off. “No price is too much for our little Milo.” With a smirk you turned back to the club owner, “Perhaps we should rename this place The Goat Club?”
The table roared with laughter at the pure look of disgust upon Kaz’s face at your simple suggestion. Inej reached across and scratched Milo’s chin, a smile upon her face. “That’s not so bad, after all, Milo is like our own little Saint.”
Nina clasped her hands together, delighted at the Suli girl’s suggestion. “Sankt Milo! Oh how perfect. I am all for the changing of the name.”
Kaz’s voice broke through the laughter. “We are not changing the name, and we are not keeping it.”
Despite what he said, Wylan found himself grateful for Jesper’s arms around him as they fell asleep, because otherwise the former feared he would have fallen of the edge of the bed. Somehow, one small goat seemed to take up half the bed.
And even though Kaz swore that the goat would be sold in the morning, everyone turned a blind eye when he placed a plate of waffles down for Milo in the morning.
That was, everyone turned a blind eye until Nina realized they were her waffles.
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rubysunnday · 1 year
lavender haze
requested by @roguemetalmaster13: Congrats on 6k! I’ve read your Matthias Helvar fics and I really like them, so I was wondering if you could please write a Matthias x fem or gn reader fic?
summary: when circumstances mean Y/N is forced to face Matthias and her hatred for him, the hatred turns into something more
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"Helvar, this is Y/N."
Y/N raised her gaze from the book she was reading, eyed Matthias up and down, and then dropped her gaze back to her book.
Jesper winced. "Yeah, she's uh... she's Grisha so..."
"I don't like Druskelle," Y/N replied, turning a page in her book.
Matthias nodded once. "Fine, I understand."
"I don't think you do, but ok," Y/N said softly, with a humourless chuckle.
"Y/N, put your grudge aside for now," Kaz warned. "We've got a job to do."
Y/N huffed but closed her book, setting it aside on the bar top. "Fine. What are we doing?"
"You," Kaz amended, sliding an empty tray across the top of the bar and to Y/N, "are going to be working our target."
Y/N snatched the tray from Kaz and raised her eyebrows. "I'm doing what?"
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"This corset is tight and my boobs are about to fall out," Y/N muttered to herself, yanking the front up.
The Crow Club was full to the bursting with patrons. Y/N was glad she had a moments reprieve behind the bar - away from the people who kept pushing and shoving her and groping her limbs.
The gang was dispersed about the room as well as outside. Kaz was sat in his usual corner, Wylan next to him. Nina was down the other end of the room, flirting with patrons and doing her best to convince them to spend more money. Jesper and Inej were both outside, watching and waiting for their target to walk in.
And Matthias? Matthias was on door duty. Also waiting for their target.
Albert McCarthy was a rich businessman from Belendt and a close friend of Pekka Rollins. Kaz wanted intel on Pekka and who better to ask than McCarthy.
Y/N's job was to get McCarthy drunk enough to spill his secrets to Inej out in the alley behind the club. Which sounded easy. But there was a rumour - a fairly truthful rumour - that McCarthy had been the man dressed as Mister Crimson, who'd killed the young girl in the Sweet Shop.
He was not a nice man.
"I've been asked to check on you," Matthias said, walking up to the bar, leaning his arms on the counter.
"So, you're not here of your own volition or concern," Y/N replied, picking up a shot glass. "Good to know."
Matthias sighed. "I have done nothing to you -"
"Agree to disagree." Y/N looked up at him and gave him a tight lipped smile. "I hold grudges well."
"I've noticed," Matthias muttered. "Y/N, look, I'm not the man I was."
Y/N stepped back, picking up a bottle of rum from behind the bar. "How do I know that, Helvar?" She asked, lowering her voice slightly. "How do I know that, if I trust you, you won't just turn around and sell me to the Fjerdans?"
Hurt flashed across Matthias' face. "I wouldn't. I just wouldn't."
Y/N's eyes focused on someone behind Matthias and she swore. "He's here."
Y/N's heart sped up and she took a deep breath in, forcing herself to calm down. She didn't know if Matthias had picked up on her anxiety or not, but he didn't leave. He stayed by the bad, slightly to the side, looking just like any other patron.
"Evening, sir," Y/N said, beaming at McCarthy as he approached the bar. "Can I get you anything?"
McCarthy smiled at her, tilting his head slightly. "Glass of whiskey, please..."
"Rosita," Y/N replied, reaching down behind the bar.
"Beautiful name. Just like the person." McCarthy sat down at the bar and leant forward. "Make that two glasses."
"One for me and one for you - I like to drink with company."
"My boss doesn't allow drinking on the job," Y/N said, pouring the whiskey into a glass.
McCarthy leant across the bar and grabbed another glass, his hand brushing against Y/N's. "I'm sure he won't mind one."
Y/N sighed dramatically. "Fine."
She had one drink and then one more, watching the McCarthy the entire time as, for every one sip she took, he drank the entire glass.
It wasn't long before McCarthy was drunk and swaying in his seat. Y/N had come round for the bar to sit on the stool next to McCarthy (and Matthias). McCarthy's hands kept roaming from her legs to her waist to her arms and it was all Y/N could do to sit there and giggle - to let it happen.
"How about we take this outside?" McCarthy suggested, his words slurring together.
Y/N almost cheered. He really was making this easy for himself.
She took his hand and pulled him off his stool, giggling playfully as he fell off it and into a table. They went through the back door and out into the alley, the cold night air a sharp change from the stuffy interior of the club.
McCarthy rounded on Y/N as soon as they were outside, pushing her against the wall and pressing his body to hers. Y/N was fighting with herself now to not hit him, to push him away, to panic.
She saw Inej rather than heard her. She appeared from the shadows, looming ominously behind McCarthy, a dagger in her hand.
McCarthy's hand began to wander up her skirt, the material gathering in his hands and Y/N nearly broke. But then Inej stepped forward, knife pressed to the back of McCarthy's neck.
"Step back," Inej hissed. "And turn away."
McCarthy, feeling the point of the blade against his neck, did as he was told. His desire turned to disgust as Y/N moved away from the wall, coming to stand beside Inej.
"Wraith," McCarthy sneered.
"Aw, Inej," Y/N cooed, "he knows your name."
It was interesting, watching Inej interrogate someone. Y/N had never really paid attention to it before, often preoccupied with doing something else for a job, or acting as a silent observer who really wasn't observing.
"We know you're friends with Pekka Rollins," Inej began, slowly and meticulously twirling her knife between her fingers.
"What of it?"
Inej took a calculated step forward. "He has a glass factory up north. That doesn't make any glass. Sound peculiar to you, Y/N?"
"Very peculiar," Y/N replied. "Almost as if its a front for something."
McCarthy laughed. "What is this? A pathetic attempt at interrogation from two children?"
Both Inej and Y/N rolled their eyes at that. They were both more than used to the skepticism of men, and women, in Ketterdam. They were barely twenty - Inej and Wylan looked like they were still in their teens - and people rarely took them seriously. But as soon as Inej took her knives out or Y/N clicked her fingers and fire appeared, they quickly changed their minds.
So, they did jut that. In a well rehearsed movement, Inej unsheathed her twin knives and Y/N snapped her fingers, fire flaring up and dancing across her skin and down to her palm.
McCarthy blanched and took a step back, his cocky demeanour vanishing as it always did when a merchant was threatened. They felt powerful until they didn't.
"Alright, alright, let's not be hasty," McCarthy said. "I'll talk."
McCarthy launched at Inej but the girl deftly jumped to the side, leaving her foot in McCarthy's path. He tripped on it and stumbled forward. As he did, Y/N came forward, her fingers burning orange. She wasn't going to harm him with her fire - she just wanted to taunt him.
Her fire flew threw the air, catching on the fabric of an empty stall behind McCarthy and exploding into a roar of orange. McCarthy stumbled back and growled.
It was predictable what McCarthy did next. But Y/N's lack of sleep over the last few days meant her reflexes were slow. McCarthy launched to his right and harshly shoved Y/N aside.
She lost her footing, going over on the heels of her shoes, and fell back into the wall behind her, smacking her head, hard. Y/N gasped, swearing as her hand shot up to the back of her head. She dug her nails into her scalp, trying to even out the pain.
Inej crouched down to the ground and rolled forward, propelling herself under McCathy's legs. She shot up the other side, slicing her knife along his leg as she did so.
McCarthy screamed out in pain, his leg buckling and folding beneath him. Inej loomed over him, twirling her knife between her fingers.
"Please," McCarthy panted, beads of sweat gleaming on his forehead. "Please, I'll tell you what you want, just don't hurt me."
Inej's lips quirked up into a smile, her teeth peeking out. "I like it when men beg."
It was like a lightning strike. Inej pounced, punching McCarthy in the face, knocking the man to the floor and rendering him unconscious.
"Is he dead?"
Y/N flinched, clicking her fingers and summoning fire. Matthias took an abrupt step back, his hands flying up into surrender.
"Saints, Helvar," Y/N said, falling back against the wall behind her, "has no one told you to not sneak up on two women in an alley at night?"
Inej laughed, wiping her knives down on her trouser leg. "No, he's not," she answered, sheathing them, "just out cold. Jesper and Kaz can deal with his chatter, I'm too tired."
"Agreed," Y/N said. She put her hand to her head again and winced, quickly pulling it back. In the dim light of the alleyway, she could see something wet on her fingers. "You don't need me, do you?"
Inej shook her head, pulling her hood up. "No. Go get some sleep while you can."
Y/N nodded her thanks and yanked open the side door. The warmth and noise of the Crow Club greeted her. She began to climb the stairs up to her room, the pounding in her head gradually increasing with each step up.
She got to the first floor landing and wobbled, putting a hand out, finding the wall.
The floorboards behind her creaked but she didn't react. She knew who it was. Matthias was not stealthy.
"Come to finish me off, Druskelle?" Y/N asked, panting softly as she tried to catch her breath.
Matthias sighed. "How long before you trust me?"
Y/N turned. "How long before you stop hating Grisha?"
"I haven't hated Grisha in a long time," Matthias said, stepping up onto the landing. "Believe it or not, people can change."
Y/N looked at Matthias, trying to ignore the pounding in her head. "My parents were captured and sent to the Ice Court for trial," she said quietly. "I hid. Even as the screaming started, I hid. I didn't come out until a group of second army arrived and carried me out of there."
Matthias was silent, gazing at her intently, his eyes scouring her face. Y/N met his gaze, the silence growing around them. She didn't need to finish her story - Matthias knew.
"I am sorry, for what my people did," he said softly, his accent sounding stronger now than it had done before.
"Thank you," Y/N whispered. She sub-consciously put a hand against the wall, readjusting her weight slightly. "No one has ever apologised before."
Matthias' gaze turned to concern as he noticed Y/N leaning heavily on the wall. "Are you ok?"
"Ahuh," Y/N said, trying not to nod. "I smacked my head against the wall when he shoved me."
Matthias moved close. "Can I look?"
"It's fine -"
Y/N hesitated but ultimately relented. She turned around and stepped back, brushing against Matthias' chest as she did so. He gently prodded the back of her head, his fingers parting and holding up sections of hair.
It was almost relaxing. Well, it was relaxing. Y/N closed her eyes and leant into his touch. Matthias moved slightly closer, letting Y/N lean back against him.
Y/N had always wanted to be closer to Matthias. Seeing how he was around Nina and Inej - the way he acted with them and hugged them made her yearn for it. But she hadn't trusted him. Because she knew better.
Now, however... she still knew better. But now there was understanding - acceptance.
Y/N turned around, Matthias' hands falling to his sides as she did so. "This is all I've ever wanted," Y/N said quietly. "To be closer to you."
"No one was stopping you."
"Except myself," Y/N whispered. She ducked her head for a moment before raising it again. "I just wanted this. To hold you and smile at you... to hear you laugh at my jokes."
"And now?" Matthias asked, his hand brushing against Y/N's.
Y/N took a deep breath in at the touch, goosebumps dancing up her arms. She took the plunge and leant forward, pressing her lips to Matthias'.
Realising what she'd done, Y/N pulled away. Her heart was pounding in her chest, her hands shaking slightly.
Matthias looked at her. His gaze dropped to her lips. He launched forward, forcing Y/N to take a step back. His hands wrapped around her waist as his lips trailed kisses down her neck, onto her collarbone and back up again.
They were hungry for one another. Y/N wanted to hold him tightly and never let go.
Matthias bent his knees, put an arm under Y/N's legs and scooped her up, never once breaking the kiss. She wrapped an arm around his neck, breaking her lips from his for a moment, just to catch her breath.
Y/N leant her forehead against his, panting hard. Perhaps it had come out of nowhere, the sudden desire to hold him and want him. But, at the same time, maybe it had been festering underneath her hatred since the beginning.
Her hatred had evolved into something more.
"Stop thinking," Matthias mumbled. "Just kiss me again."
So she did.
Matthias grinned against her lips as he turned and carried her down the corridor, pushing open the door to her room with ease.
He laid Y/N down on the bed and she giggled, bouncing slightly against the cushions. Matthias climbed on top, one knee either side of her legs, his hands resting on her thighs.
Y/N looked up at him and couldn't help the excitement pooling inside her. "Yes?" She asked, needing to know.
His lips curled into a smile and Y/N melted a little bit more. "Yes." Matthias leant down and pressed his lips to the space below her ear. Y/N arched up into him, her hands fisting into the material of his shirt. "Absolutely, yes."
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illusioninfnty · 11 months
day 22 ; hate fucking
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↠ matthias helvar x reader
fandom: six of crows word count: 607 warnings: nsfw 18+, light choking, unprotected sex, rough sex, slight degradation, creampie
kinktober m.list || read on ao3
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Matthias ruts into you with all the vigor and passion of a man starved of flesh. He hates you, he made sure to let you know, but that never stopped him from taking you in the dark hours of the night when no one was around to see.
He holds you close, his strong arms encasing your body. Your bare breasts rub against his broad chest, heat encompassing you from the friction.
His hands wrap around your throat, putting pressure but not depriving you of your breath. He is always so angry when he fucks you, relieving himself of his anger and his stress in the pleasure that you bring him. 
You clench around his lengthy cock, sucking him deeper into you. Witchcraft, is what he called it the first time he bedded you, a curious yet driven man weighed down by the responsibilities of a Drüskelle.
Seduction, you had answered him.
Yet now, he comes back again and again just to fuck you. Strips you bare and pounds into you until you take in all that he has to give you.
“I thought the mighty Drüskelle were better than this.” You smirk as his cheeks flush with anger.
His nostrils flare and his hands flex tighter around your throat. “I could kill you right now.” Your own hands travel up along his arms, resting upon the hands around your throat, rubbing them with your thumbs. “But then you wouldn’t be able to fuck your little Drüsje, hm? Must settle for another hole.”
His empty threat dissipates in the air as he pounds his cock into you harder, shifting you up on the makeshift bed. You notice the way his jaw clenches harder and his cheeks flare as he ignores your comment.
Matthias would never admit to it, but you know that he had caught feelings for you. Within the past couple of months, he came to see you more frequently, and he would always hold you more tenderly in his arms.
You run a hand along the nape of his neck, tugging at the ends of his cropped hair. He growls deep in his throat, turning your head to the side and stuffing it into the fabric beneath where you lay.
“You need to learn to shut your mouth,” he growls out through clenched teeth.
Muffled laughter escapes your lips as your face is forced into the pillow below you. Matthias rams into you even faster, his balls slapping against your pussy. You relish in the force of his thrusts, digging your nails into his broad back, leaving crescent marks in his pale skin.
One of his hands digs into your hip, squeezing the flesh. The only sounds in the room are his quiet grunts and your skin slapping.
He buries his face into his neck when he cums, concealing his moans in the crook of it. But you can tell—you’ve always been able to. His body starts to tremble, and one of his hands unconsciously caresses the back of your head, as if cocooning you.
The action never fails to make your heart skip a beat.
When he recovers from his peak, he’s like a whole new man. His eyes become darker, and he lifts himself off of you. His cock falls out of you, stained with your blood and dripping in your juices and his own cum.
He pulls his clothes back on, giving you one last look. A look of longing, you can tell. But then his eyes narrow.
“I hate you,” he grits out.
You bite your lip to hold back your smile. “I hate you too.”
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swanimagines · 7 months
Summary: Imagine Matthias Helvar saving you from drowning.
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You not knowing to swim and being part of the Dregs were two things that could get destructive together. You knew that when you joined. So in a way, you deserved the situation you were in now - Ketterdam took out the weak, and now you had pulled the short straw. 
The canal water threatened to drag you under, the current having taken you to the sea, and now you were drifting farther and farther away. If you had known how to swim, it would take just a few strokes and you’d be able to push yourself up, but struggling to keep yourself up took all your strength. You couldn’t even scream for help.
You didn’t know for how long you were there - if others knew where you were. You knew Kaz was tapping his foot while looking at the time, you wouldn’t have had time to be late.
You didn’t hear when your name was called, nor you saw the Fjerdan diving into the water, rushing towards you. Your vision was going out already, but then you faintly felt yourself being pulled - maybe Death had come to claim you. Your consciousness went in and out as you were pushed up on the street, and you heard some running steps coming up towards you. You were rolled over to the pavement, turned to your side. Your vision was blurry, and you were tired - oh so very tired. You felt acid on your throat, seawater making its way out of you in a form of vomit. You coughed and gagged as it just kept coming, before it calmed down, leaving you shaking slightly.
“Saints,” you heard a voice say, but it echoed, sounding like it came from behind a wall. The walls at the Slat were something you had always cursed - listening to your neighboring Dreg having a one night’s stand wasn’t something you enjoyed hearing. But right now, you would have done anything to be in your own bed, under covers, dry and warm. Even if it meant listening to your neighbor’s bedpost rhythmically slamming against the wall.
Suddenly, you felt a a pair of hands on your chest and you started to warm up immediately. Your vision started to clear, your tiredness started to diminish. You groaned, seeing Nina kneeling beside you and managed to muster a small smile for her, closing your eyes.
Then, the seawater decided to make itself known once more and you abruptly lunged to the side, throwing up onto the pavement again. Gasping for air, you felt a large hand stroking your back, and finally decided to look at your savior.
You blinked at him, a trace of fluid still dripping off your cheek. You had not expected him to jump after you like that. But at the same time, you knew he wouldn’t just stand there and look as you drowned, you were friends with him after all. Or, you wanted him to be more than a friend actually, but still - you didn’t expect to find yourself in a situation like this, him being so caring with you after he saved you. You saw Nina turn her eyes away, biting her lip as if to hide a smirk - this would be something she’d tease you about for weeks.
More steps approached, and you saw the rest of the Crows walking up to you. Kaz looked like a stormcloud over a job gone wrong, but judging by how Inej looked at him, he wouldn’t chastise you about ruining the job, at least not now. They all knew you couldn’t swim. Jesper and Wylan ran up the moment they saw you, as well as Inej a few seconds later, her hand brushing against Kaz’s arm as she passed him. Kaz stopped and stood a little farther away from the rest of them doting over at you, Matthias helping you to sit up and a moment later, hoisting you up against him. You started walking towards the Slat with Matthias’s arm around you and you couldn’t help but think, maybe there would be more to how Matthias felt about you. Nina had teased you about it and kept hinting that way, but you didn’t believe it being true, thinking it’s just Nina’s hopeless romantic side talking. But the way Matthias looked at you, the way he held you - it spoke about something deeper.
Maybe you’d talk to him about it in a few days. Maybe confessions would be made, maybe one of your greatest dreams would come true.
Requests are always open! FANDOM LIST | PROMPT LIST(S) | RULES (READ!!!)
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mcntsee · 10 months
Kaz: I don’t even have time to tell you how wrong you all are.
Jesper: Okay?
Kaz: …
Everyone else: …
Kaz: Actually it’s gonna bug me if I don’t, so—
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muxshwriting · 3 months
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take me to church
after you get hurt, Aleksander begins to pray to a higher power he lost faith in long ago
money, money, money (modern!au)
marrying the heir to the morozova fortune was for so much more than the money
come to bed [18+]
you work so hard for Ravka, your husband only wishes to reward you for your hard work
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to be alone
in the silence of the morning, Nikolai is more than content to be alone with you
louder than words
skirting around reality and being afraid to say the wrong words isn’t the way you should live your lives
expecting a miracle
headcanons of Nikolai and his pregnant wife
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to someone from a warm climate
Matthias didn’t realise how much he craved the heat he grew up lacking
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right where you left me
Zoya has to face the reality of being a saint; all her loved ones will leave her and she’ll end up stuck, unable to move on
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someone new
you should have known Jesper would never want you but you didn't think he would be so mean as to make you think it was possible
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restinslices · 1 year
Druskelle!Matthias Helvar x Heartrender!WIfe!Reader Word count: 2347 Summary: You've kept being a Grisha secret from your husband Matthias Helvar, but what happens when he finds out? Y/N - Your name D/N - Daughter name
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If it hadn’t been for two big reasons, you’d like to think you’d have left Fjerda.
The ice, the cold, the anti Grisha talk. Living in Fjerda was nerve wracking, causing you to be hypervigilant on everything you said or did. To say it was tiring, would be an understatement. Yet two people kept you in Fjerda; your husband Matthias Helvar and your daughter D/N Helvar. 
There were nights where you would toss and turn, your mind plaguing you with nightmares about Matthia finding out about you. Those nightmares never ended the same way. In one dream he’d kill you, the other you’d try to run away together, only for him to be killed. Sometimes you’d be caught instead. In the worst nightmares, it’d be your daughter who was caught and killed.
It’s not that you were afraid of Matthias. You feared him finding out because you didn’t want to lose him. Either from him leaving you, or the other Druskelle killing him.
While you were awake though, you fortunately had a friend. A woman named Elise, who lived a few houses down and was also a Grisha. A tidemaker to be more specific. 
When night fell and darkness covered you both, you two would become a particular thorn in the Druskelle’s sides. Elise would use her tidemaker abilities to create harsh waves that would knock over the boats before they could depart, or icicles that pierced the bottom of the boats, while you would free any Grisha the Druskelle decided to make a “public example” out of. That among other things caused the Druskelle to have a hit out on both of you, but since you were never caught, it was like trying to capture a shadow. 
“I know that I’m right”, Elise said. You rolled your eyes. This was the third time she brought up the possibility of her son, Erik, liking your daughter.
“They’re six Elise”
“I knew what I wanted at six! Plus, Erik gave his scarf to her. Isn’t that proof?”
“No. He noticed she was cold and he was nice”. Elise waved dismissively and went to open her mouth, but luckily Matthias emerged from the back. You had to admit, if you hadn’t known Matthias, you’d be startled by his build. He once told you that he was the tallest and biggest kid amongst the Drukelle, and you never doubted it. Even now, he was taller and bigger than most of the men you saw walking around. He absolutely terrified Elise when she first saw him, and you always brought it up when you wanted a good laugh. 
“They’re too young to date” he said simply before he placed a kiss on your cheek. “They should wait till they’re older and he can court her properly”
You spoke before Elise could make a sarcastic remark, “where are you off to?”
“Boating docks. We’ll be taking off before the week is done, and we have to stay alert”. You fought against the urge to shoot a glance at the woman sitting next to you. Matthias mistook you anxious about being caught for anxiousness about his safety. He rubbed your cheek lightly with his thumb and looked at you with soft eyes, “I’ll be ok”.
You nodded in understanding and off he went, not knowing he was watching out for you. 
You peered out your window, watching the sun start to go down. You had told the kids to be home at six bells. Foolish of you to think they’d actually listen when you weren’t watching them. 
“I’m gonna start looking for them”, you announced as you threw your coat on. Your hand hovered over the doorknob, before suddenly it was thrown open. 
Erik stood in the doorway, eyes wide, mouth opening and closing like a fish taken out of the water. His left sleeve was completely wet, and you couldn’t help but notice that your daughter was nowhere to be seen.
“W-we were playing on the lake and… and… and i-it’s not my fault!”
“What isn’t your fault?”
“The ice cracked! I tried to pull her out but she kept moving!”.
Your heart sunk, your breath caught in your throat. Fjerda was always freezing, and who knew how long Erik had waited before he finally came to get both of you. 
It was one of those moments where you mentally blacked out, only fully gaining consciousness when all three of you were approaching the lake. Your feet moved faster when you noticed the hole she undoubtedly fell in. Shouts telling you to slow down fell on deaf ears as you kept running. You approached the hole, hoping maybe she was close by, but she wasn’t. You kneeled, hoping being closer to the ice would help you spot her.
You heard shuffling and panting behind you. “I told Erik to get Matthias. Do you see her?”
“Do you see her in my arms?”, you snapped unintentionally, too preoccupied to care about how harsh that sounded. 
You got back to your feet and overlapped your fingers over each other, making a triangle shape.
“Y/N anyone could see!”. You ignored her words and kept trying to feel for the familiar heartbeat.
You felt a heartbeat, but it did nothing to ease your worries when you realized how slow and faint it was. You followed it, the heartbeat leading a while away from the initial hole in the ice. 
“Elise!”, you called when you saw the familiar hair color of your daughter and her bright colored jacket. Your back stayed to Elise, afraid if you took your eyes off your daughter that she would float away again.
The ice above her cracked before it erupted, it being moved with ease. You silently said a prayer to any higher power that was listening, and thanked them for giving you a tidemaker as a friend. 
You dropped down, pulled the young girl up and laid her on the ice. Your hands went over her heart, once again ignoring the protests coming from the woman behind you. It wasn’t her child dying. It was yours.
“Come on… come on…”, you mumbled. 
You kept muttering encouraging words under your breath, as if all she needed was a good push. You kept telling her to wake up, only letting yourself let out a breath of relief when her eyes opened and she coughed up water. You pulled her up and patted her back, your own heartbeat still not slowing down. You slipped off her jacket and replaced it with your own, your own arms now freezing, but your own freezing body was the least of your concerns. 
You heard more footsteps and looked up, seeing Matthias approaching. He kneeled down, scooping her in his arms and sighing, “Let’s get her inside and get her warm. She’s freezing”.
Your heartbeat only slowed down when you laid your daughter down to sleep. You watched over her for a while, monitoring her heartbeat. You didn’t know what Matthias was doing. He started acting strange once you got home. Maybe it was shock. You couldn’t tell him how to process the near death experience of his only child.
You left your daughter’s room and made your way to your own bedroom, but your eyebrows furrowed when you noticed Matthias was nowhere to be seen. You checked the bathroom, living room and kitchen, but Matthias wasn’t there. You stepped outside, finally seeing Matthias outside standing, eyes up to the sky. 
You made your way to his side, “how long have you been out here?”. Matthias didn’t respond. You looked up at the stars like he was, “were you speaking to Djel?”.
He nodded. “I was asking for guidance and forgiveness”.
You frowned. Forgiveness for what? For not predicting what happened today? Who could have? It was an accident. A terrible accident, but an accident. You weren’t even angry at Erik or Elise.
“Today was not your fault Matthias. You don’t need to ask for forgiveness”.
Matthias once again didn’t respond. Instead, he walked back into the house. You followed him, calling his name, but getting nothing in return. You grabbed his arm, noticing when he flinched and took a deep breath.
“I know you’re scared because of what happened today. I am too, but don’t push me away. Talk to me-”
“Stop”, he said firmly. He turned to face you, and for the first time ever, he didn’t look at you with softness and love or patience and caring. His eyes were harsh, his eyes now reminding you of a storm instead of the calm sea. “How’d you find her? That’s not the hole she fell in”.
“No one knows where she fell. We weren’t there”.
“Erik was, and he said you weren’t where D/N fell. So, how’d you find her?”.
“I looked around”, you half lied. You had been looking around… just with a little help. “I saw her hair and jacket”.
“Why was there another hole?”
“It was already there”, you lied once again but Matthias didn’t look convinced. “Why… Why are you asking me this?”, you asked. You tried your best to remain calm, hoping he hadn’t seen anything, and if he did you were hoping you could lie your way out of it. You couldn’t let your nightmares come true.
“You’re lying”.
“I’m not”.
“I saw you! I saw your hands over her!”. You unintentionally backed away when his voice rose. He didn’t seem as soft and caring as he usually was. You tried to think quickly. 
“I-I was giving her CPR. There was water in her lungs, I wasn’t just gonna wait for a doctor-”
“I saw Elise break and move the ice without touching it! I saw you with your hands over D/N! Why are you still lying to me?!”.
You went silent. You couldn’t think of a lie out of this. You tried, you really did, but how could you explain that?
“You’re a liar”.
“It all makes sense. What’s been happening recently. Ships wrecked, sudden bad waves, Drusje escaping, Druskelle being disoriented”, he took a pause, his eyes never getting softer “it was you two. And that’s why you kept telling me to stop being a Druskelle”.
“I…”, you thought for a moment, trying to find a good response. “I wanted to tell you but I didn’t wanna lose you-”, Matthias turned away but you kept talking, your words coming out rushed “I love and care for you so much and Matthias, Grisha are not bad people, despite what you’ve been taught”.
“Is D/N a witch?”
“Grisha are not witches and I don’t know. I didn’t think to test her yet”. Silence filled the room before Matthias spoke up again, 
“But she could be”
You moved to be in front of him, “she’s still our daughter-”
“She’s your daughter”.
You froze. All of a sudden the girl he cared for since she was a newborn, the girl he told bedtime stories to and let sleep next to him when she had a nightmare, was no longer his daughter?
“Don’t do this. She’s still your daughter. I’m still your wife!”, you pleaded. Your hands raised to cup his face but he backed away. You looked into his eyes, trying to read what he was feeling. It didn’t work. He had become a hard wall, unwilling to budge. “I love you and you love me”.
“None of this was real. This was your witchcraft. You made me fall in love with you!”
“You know that’s not true!”, you almost yelled. “Everything between us is real! I married you because I love you! I had your child because I love you! I didn’t make you fall in love with me, that’s not even how my power works!”
“You’re a witch who can boil blood and stop a pulse! Who knows what else you can do?!”
“I would NEVER do that to you or anyone else even if I could!”. You stepped closer to him, but once again he stepped back. “You can’t possibly be that afraid of me”
“I’m not afraid of witches”
“You hate me”. You waited for Matthias to deny it. For him to pull you into a hug and say he’d hear you out, but neither came. You sighed, how could all of this change in a matter of hours? “You wanna hate me, but you don’t and you know you don’t”.
Matthias looked away from you. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, then opened his eyes again. He didn’t look back at you though. “I have to report you and Elise”.
You shook your head, “no you don’t!”. Your hands gripped his arms, sorrow and agony behind your words, “Matthias please!”.
Matthias looked down at you, “I’ll wait until half bell. After that, we’ll be looking for all of you”.
All of you.
You, Elise, Erik, your daughter.
When Matthias hadn’t budged, you ran to your daughter’s room. You quickly got her dressed and threw a coat over her tiny frame. She kept asking questions and rubbing her eyes, but you couldn’t spare any time to answer them. 
What really broke your heart though, is when she saw Matthias. She slipped from your grasp and made her way to him, “where are we going?”. Matthias picked her up and held her, and her arms and legs wrapped around him. Her head falling in the crook of his neck. You had hoped that maybe he changed his mind, but you guessed picking her up and comforting her was like a reflex, because once he seemed to realize what he was doing, he put her down and stepped away from her. 
You picked her up, ignoring her confused murmurs and spared Matthias one last glance before you left. You ran over to Elise’s house, telling her of the news. Like you, she had to wake up her child, and dress him quickly. You two knew you couldn’t go to the boat harbor, so you started on foot to the Ravkan border, the cold air freezing the tears on your face.
A/N: my bad if there's mistakes, I'm sick and this screen is hurting my eyes. Also in the books at least, they use bells instead of like, "6pm" but anyway-. I don't know if I wanna make a part 2 or leave this as a stand alone. Stay tuned to see if this sickness takes me out.
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mordredisacoolname · 1 year
Shadow and bone / six of Crows
MALE READER (can also be read as gn)
Characters: Alina Mal Genya Nikolai Kaz Inej Jesper Nina Wylan Matthias
*Mostly based on the show as I'm only in the middle of Siege and Storm
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ALINA- you were both very tired, riding in a carriage led by horses. Alina was starting outside the window when she felt a weight on her shoulder, turning her head she saw you with your eyes closed asleep on her. Smiling to herself she moved a little so you'd be more comfortable and spread a little warmth through you so you won't be cold. She tried staying as still as possible in the carriage to not wake you up.
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MAL- you were both drinking some kvas and talking nonsense outside your tent while everyone else were asleep. As he stared into the sky talking about keramzin memories he was interrupted by your head falling on his shoulder. "Do I bore you this much?" He barked out a laugh, watching your sleepy face and moving to a more comfortable position. He decided to let you sleep a little more before waking you up and returning to the tent.
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NIKOLAI- you were hanging out in his ship quarters with a few other ship mates, his arm hang around your shoulders when he felt your body leaning towards his own, your hair tickling his neck. He watched you in amusement while Tamar and Pryvet were telling a story about a past adventure, tightening his arm around you.
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GENYA- you both were sitting on a sofa in your room at the little palace, genya talking about her day and (rightfully) complaining about the queen, with a tea cup in her hand. When she asked you about your opinion, not hearing an answer she glanced at you finding out you were asleep. She presumed you were just leaning against her as you often did, but to her surprised you were just passed out from the tiring day as a grisha in the little palace. Smiling softly she carefully helped you fully lay down on the sofa, and left you to your rest.
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KAZ- you were sitting in his room trying to form the next step leading to the fall of Pekka Rollins when he felt a slight weight on his shoulder. He immediately tensed up frozen in place. He tried calling your name hoping you'd wake up but unfortunately for him you didn't. He wanted to shrag you off, and he would've if you didn't know each other for a very long time. It felt weird, anxious but also a little comforting. He stayed like this still as a statue for a few minutes before slightly tapping you on your arm to wake you up.
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INEJ- you were both sitting outside in silence wanting some peace and quiet from the loud tavern when inej felt your head slip down to her shoulder. She smiled softly, studying your face; feeling the urge to let you stay like this forever. Unfortunately it was getting late and unsafe outside, so she had to wake you up, but she really enjoyed those few minutes of you together.
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JESPER- you were sitting at a table in the barrel watching people drink, talk and play, when you felt the tiredness creeping up on you "don't you dare fall asleep and leave me alone in this boredome" said Jesper while holding some sort of drink on his hand. "I'm not asleep" you perked up at the accusation, taking a sip of your own drink you left on the table. As the time passed on, you stopped answering Jesper's questions and observations. "Not asleep my ass" he snored, finishing the rest of his drink and helping sleepy you stand up and go to your room.
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NINA- you were sitting on soft cushions near a window watching the snow. You rented a small room and decided to lit a fire and warm up a bit. You were both quiet, enjoying the outside view and the inside warmth, wrapped together in furrs. You slowly fell asleep, head tilted back when Nina noticed you're not awake, laughing quietly she guided your head on her shoulder, tightening the furr around you two.
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WYLAN- wylan was mixing some stuff together when you called him to take a break and join you on the sofa, petting the empty space besides you. After a few protests he finally agreed and sat down next to you, your arm wrapping around him. Drawing him closer you kisses his head, nuzzling your nose to his wild hair, feeling sleepy. He was telling you about what he was making when you slowly started shifting away to sleep. When he noticed he smiled trying not to move his head too much as your head was on his. He was just sitting there squished between you and the sofa, and eventually fell asleep too.
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MATTHIAS- he was sitting all grumpy away from the rest of the crows when you approached him. "Mind if I join you" you asked not waiting for his answer and sat down besides him. "Why do you ask if you're going to do that anyway" he scowled. You shrugging your shoulders leaning against him and observing everything that was going on in front of you. Announcing you were tired, you tilted your head to rest on his shoulder, instantly falling asleep. Looking at you Matthias sighed annoyingly, but let you stay mumbling something in Fjerdan.
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hottpinkpenguin · 2 years
Hii, could you do a matthias x reader with the promp "Did I miss the part where you suddenly turned likeable?" where the reader is Grisha and her and matthias HATE, eachother. Like literally loath eachothers existence and they end up jeprodising missions because off it
A/n: loved this idea!!! who doesn't love a good enemies-to-(maybe?) friends story! let me know what you think anon :)
Matthias X Inferni Fem!Reader Word Count: 2,490 Warnings: mentions of disfigurement, burning, cursing, not proofread
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The force of the explosion collided with Matthias’ back, throwing him forward like a ragdoll. Heat singed the back of his neck as small shards of rock and glass bit into his skin. He slammed down against the rocky ground, knocking the breath from his chest. Pain and shock kept him immobilized for a few moments as he tried to gasp air into his lungs. His ears rung with a high pitched keening, the world disappearing in a blaze of bright white light for an instant. 
When he finally felt his lungs expand with a greedy breath, he opened his eyes to see a pair of leather boots standing in front of him. He looked up at you, your lip curled slightly in a half-snarl, half-smirk. 
“Get up, druskelle. I’m not carrying you.” You stood above him, your arms crossed, a look of smug contentment on your face as you watched him struggle to regain his breath and clamber to his hands and knees. 
Hatred boiled in his gut as the urge to swipe your ankles out from under you raced through his mind. He knew you were too good a fighter, your reflexes too quick, to actually be caught unawares like that, but the image of you falling to your ass - no matter how unlikely - was so appealing that he couldn’t help himself. He lashed out with his right hand, hoping that a combination of speed and strength might just catch you off your guard. 
As he predicted, you were too fast. You lifted one of your feet and slammed it down on his wrist like a cat catching its prey, pinning his wrist against the ground. He grit his teeth against the pain. You’d used just enough force to hurt him without actually injuring him, although he knew that wasn’t for his benefit. 
“Saints, you two are going to get us all killed!” Jesper and Kaz strode over from the still smoldering remains of the building you’d blown up. Kaz’s face looked like a thundercloud as he approached you, coming up so close to your face Matthias swore the Bastard of the Barrel was going to spit on you. 
“Let him go, Fire Witch.” Kaz’s voice was a low growl, threat laced through every word. Your eyes narrowed in challenge, and Matthias felt your foot grind down a little harder on his wrist before releasing him. You were flicking the shard of flint you used as a fire starter between the fingers of your right hand as you held Kaz’s gaze. 
“He shouldn’t be here,” you snarled back. “I don’t work with Grisha killers. He’s lucky I haven’t burned the skin from his bones.” Your eyes were dark and hateful as you watched Matthias rise from the ground. He ignored the threat: however strong your hatred of him, it was returned in kind. 
“It’s not your call. Fall in line, or get out of my sight.” Matthias hadn’t known Kaz long, but if there was one thing he’d learned, it was that Kaz Brekker was the leader of every mission. Matthias, for his part, appreciated a strong leader. Kaz’s shrewd if at times shockingly cruel tactics never troubled Matthias, although he’d seen you struggle with taking orders since you’d fallen in with the crew almost a year ago.
So Matthias wasn’t surprised when he saw your hands flit like hummingbirds at your side. He realized now why Kaz was standing so close: it blocked you from being able to use the Small Science. And Kaz knew you well enough to know that you’d never back down from him - literally or figuratively. Matthias made a mental note in his head, although he sincerely doubted if he’d ever tolerate being that close to you. Your and Kaz’s nose were barely a hair’s width from brushing.
“I don’t take orders, either.” Your voice matched Kaz’s in its tone, eagerly rising to the challenge.
Kaz didn’t balk or blink in the slightest. In fact, he smirked smugly at you, like a spider who knows its caught a fly. Jesper stood close to Kaz’s side, his eyes trained on you warily.
“You’ll take orders from me, Witch, or you’ll suffer the consequences. More aptly, you’ll watch someone else suffer the consequences.”
For the first time since Matthias had the misfortune of meeting you, he saw something like real fear in your eyes. Your nostrils flared at Kaz. As the standoff stretched on through a few tense breaths, Matthias realized he never knew how or why you’d come to end up working with Kaz Brekker. He’d never cared enough to wonder. He couldn’t make heads or tails of what Kaz meant by “watching someone else suffer the consequences”, although it clearly struck a chord for you. Whatever Kaz had on you, it was something you didn’t seem willing or able to walk away from.
“You know I won’t do that.” Your chin dropped a half inch, your eyes widening slightly as if to convey to Kaz a sincerity Matthias didn’t know you had. 
Sensing victory, Kaz nodded. “I know that. So you’ll fall in line. Stop trying to get the Fjerdan killed.” 
You shot Matthias a look of contempt over Kaz’s shoulder. Irritated and emboldened, Kaz thrust the carved crow handle of his cane up under your chin, jerking your head back towards him. 
“Fall in line or pay the price.” 
Matthias watched as the rest of your headstrong resolve crumbled under whatever Kaz was threatening you with. The tension in the air was so thick Matthias realized he was holding his breath. He shot a quick look over at Jesper, stock still at Kaz’s shoulder with his shooting hand flexed subtly by his holster, as if he thought you might lash out at his boss. Something about Jesper’s defensive posture and Kaz’s overtly bullying behavior was grating on him. For reasons he couldn’t understand, he actually felt like defending you. 
“She won’t kill me, Boss.” Three pairs of eyes snapped over to Matthias as he spoke. “She couldn’t if she tried. Fjerdan or not, I’ve gotten under her skin. She likes me, she just doesn’t know it yet.”
Matthias didn’t believe a word he said, but he added just enough smug swagger to his voice that Kaz and Jesper seemed to buy it. The moment broken, Kaz stepped back from you and Jesper’s shooting hand dropped from his holster. Kaz shot you one more warning look before he strode past you, shoving you with his shoulder and leaving you and Matthias alone. 
Matthias watched your eyes bore holes in the back of Kaz’s head as he limped over the ridge and out of sight. Finally, you turned back to face him. Usually your eyes were nothing but loathsome pits when you looked at him. Matthias couldn’t be sure if he imagined it, but he swore he saw a flicker of something like gratitude in your face. You opened your mouth and inhaled, ready to speak, but no words came out. Your mouth snapped close, and you looked up at Matthias with a strange flurry of emotion. Then, with a small nod of your head, you turned on your heel and followed Kaz. 
It was the first time Matthias could remember that you’d wasted an opportunity to goad him. And the first time you could remember when Matthias had been something other than a thorn in your side.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
“What did Brekker mean by ‘someone else will suffer the consequences’?” 
You barely looked up from the rabbit you were skinning from across the fire.
“What are you talking about, Druska?” Your new nickname for Matthias. He supposed it was a bit better than druskelle, although you still sounded like you were hexing him every time you spoke. 
“A few months ago. After the glass factory job.”
Recognition dawned on your face, but you didn’t respond. 
“Kaz told you to step in line or someone else w-”
“I remember,” you interrupted him, an edge of irritation in your voice. “After I threatened to burn the skin off your bones.”
Matthias chuckled. “The very same.”
You still kept silent, studiously avoiding his gaze, although he didn’t miss the violent way you stabbed the skinned rabbit carcass with the spit.
Matthias opened his mouth to press the matter further, but something about the cold glitter in your eyes stopped him. The two of you hadn’t spoken about that day since, although there had been a noticeable change between the two of you. Matthias wouldn’t go so far as to say you were friends. More like non-combative work associates. He figured it was an improvement over borderline murderous adversaries, and he realized he wasn’t willing to risk going back to the way things were. 
Befuddled by his own reaction, Matthias shrugged, resolved to drop it. 
You spoke so quietly he thought he’d imagined it at first. 
“He’s talking about my sister.” Your eyes wide and glassy, the fire dancing in your pupils. 
Matthias froze, too shocked to know what to say back. Thankfully, you seemed content to fill the silence. 
“Kaz lets her work at the Crow Club in exchange for my services. She’s… she can’t get a lot of jobs. Any jobs, really. On account of the… scars.” You swallowed thickly, tamping down a lump in your throat and swiping away the tears that pooled on your lash line. 
Feeling compelled to speak, Matthias blurted out the first thing that came to mind. 
“What scars?” 
For half a moment, he wondered if you would launch yourself at his throat from across the fire. Normally, the two of you didn’t make small talk, even when you were alone on missions - which had been happening a lot, recently. His question stepped over small talk into the realm of personal. 
For the second time in as many minutes, he was shocked at your vulnerable response. 
“The burns,” you choked out. “We were little… my parents had just figured out I was Grisha. We were playing… she pulled on my hair, yanked some of it out. I just… lost control. I just meant to scare her. Not to hurt her. Just to get her to leave me alone… but… I burned her.”
Matthias could barely breathe, his heart thundering in his chest. He watched as tears slipped loose from your eyes, trailing down your cheeks and dripping off your jaw onto the dirt.
You ignored them, the words falling out of your mouth like water bursting through a dam. 
“The burns are… extensive. All over her face, neck. Her arms. There’s nothing wrong with her, she can still do everything you and I can. Her eyesight’s a little worse, but for the most part. She’s OK. It’s just… people look at her and they don’t know what to do. They think she’s a monster. We were banished from our village. Our neighbors said she was marked by demons. Some of them figured out it was me. That I burned her. So they called me a demon. My parents… they did their best, but they didn’t know anything about Grisha. They’d never left Fjerda before.”
Matthias sucked in a breath, his chest tight like a winch. 
“You’re Fjerdan?” 
You looked up at him like you were coming out of a daze. As if he were seeing you for the first time, he noticed the proud way you held your chin. Your fearlessness. The streak of loyalty you had, the duty to protect those around you, even the ones you hated. How he had not seen it before?
“Yes. I am.” 
Your words hung in the air like smoke. Matthias felt his feelings for you turn upside down, a strange and unwelcome feeling of affection blossoming in his chest. Eager to bat it away, he scrambled for something to say, anything. 
“I never knew that.”
You chuckled darkly, rolling your eyes.
“I know, Druska. I wanted it that way. Fjerda was… not kind to me.” 
Matthias nodded, unable to find a suitable response. He’d been raised to hate Grisha, to hunt them like the dogs he’d been told they were. He’d never stopped to consider the person behind the Small Science. 
“So… your sister and you, are you close?” 
You shook your head, that coldness flaring to life in your eyes again. 
“No. She hates me. Disowned me as soon as she was old enough to live on her own. My parents weren’t too far behind her. They never forgave me for what I did to her.” 
You trailed off, only the crackling fire filling the silence for a few breaths. Matthias waited, watching you thoughtfully as you turned the roasting rabbit on its spit.
“I look after her. From a distance. I traded my service as an Inferni with Brekker for her employment. So she wouldn’t have to resort to… other professions, to make a living for herself. It’s the least I can do.”
Matthias felt a second surge of affinity towards you. The pieces began to fit together for him: the reason you resented him so vehemently; the reason Kaz was able to blackmail you so easily; the way you fought with the kind of recklessness that only comes from not truly minding if you live or die. 
“Sounds like she is lucky to have you,” he offered.
You quirked one corner of your lips at him in a sarcastic smirk. “Lucky? Luck has nothing to do with it. One of the first things you learn as a Grisha.”
Matthias snorted, shaking his head. You narrowed your eyes at him in question. “That’s not a Grisha lesson, Firedrake,” he told you, using the nickname he’d given you in exchange for ‘Druska’. “That’s a Fjerdan lesson. Only the strong survive. And the strongest save us all. Your sister, she sounds strong. She survived. But you? You have saved her. That makes you the strongest.” 
You looked at him across the fire, deep in thought as he watched you take in his words. He could tell you wanted to argue, but for some reason you didn’t. After a few moments, you tipped your head back and laughed. It broke the tension, and Matthias found himself laughing alongside you. For the first time since he’d met you, Matthias wondered if the two of you might actually grow to be friends. 
“Druska, did I miss the part where you suddenly turned so likeable?”
He felt a warm flush spread across his cheeks. Grateful for the dim light, he ducked his head down, both of you still chortling. 
“Funny what happens when you stop threatening to burn the skin from my bones, isn’t it?” 
You smiled, showing your teeth for once. Matthias returned the grin, his heart doing an unfamiliar twirl in his chest. That’s new, he thought to himself. 
“I guess it is, Druska. I guess it is…” 
For the first time since the two of you had met, neither of you slept uneasily that night…
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