#May 19th 2024
one-time-i-dreamt · 4 months
I was helping board passengers on a cruise ship and sang a song with two people who were dating about how one of them was still in love with her ex and the other was super depressed about her grandmother dying.
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astardewfarmer · 4 months
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recipe: 1 fried egg, 1 milk, 1 hashbrowns, 1 pancakes
from the kitchen of: The Queen Of Sauce
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bryan360 · 4 months
🐰👊💥May: Sorry to keeping you waited; especially checking on my speedster girl doing in this secret art trade for @rafacaz4lisam2k4. So nice to see her parachuting in the skies that I’m sure her “cloudy bear” won’t miss this a surprise. ☺️❤️
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blueandyellowdiamond · 4 months
=> Ochrana Vašich osobných údajov je pre nás veľmi dôležitá. O spracovaní Vašich osobných údajov v súlade s GDPR (Nariadenie Európskeho parlamentu a Rady (EÚ) 2016/679 z 27. apríla 2016 o ochrane fyzických osôb pri spracúvaní osobných údajov a o voľnom pohybe takýchto údajov, ktorým sa zrušuje smernica 95/46/ES) sa môžete dozvedieť aj prostredníctvom tohto serveru.
Život v zahraničí na vysokej nohe ?!
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nando161mando · 4 months
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This Sunday, racist opponents are holding a "Never Again Is Now" rally in solidarity with the Zionist entity currently enacting genocide in Palestine. Politicians addressing the rally will reiterate that they stand with Israel while it drops bombs over Gaza.
Western nations failed to prevent the Holocaust and "again" are failing to prevent the systemised torture, starvation and mass murder of a people.
We must directly counter Zionism, fascism and the political forces that express support for genocide and racism in society.
Zionism is a racist, colonial ideology. As Jews and Palestinians, we stand against all forms of racism and all colonial, imperial violence justified through dehumanisation and hate and allowed to be mainstream.
Join the counter counter protest to the Free Palestine rallies, to say that today, "never again" includes Gaza.
Never again means respecting the memory and lessons of the Holocaust.
@antifainternational @anarchistmemecollective @radicalgraff @kropotkindersurprise
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" The fire ... needs to start ... in the garage. "
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one-time-i-dreamt · 4 months
I was back in High School and someone stole 3 of my 6 prized chickens to start a business. I then started my own rival business in retaliation. Eventually, it ended up as microbiological warfare between the two businesses.
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cookiefate · 4 months
Cookiefate for May 19th: "Pay attention to your nonverbal cues, and try turning it down."
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They say you can never be too much. They're wrong.
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shinigami-striker · 2 months
Same Birthday: July 19th | Friday, 07.19.24
Same birthday, different voice talents, featuring:
Cherami Leigh:
Asuna Yuuki - Sword Art Online series (anime/movies; English dub) (2013-present)
Jeannie Tirado:
Kokoro - Darling in the Franxx (anime; English dub)
Reuben Langdon:
most prominent role(s): Dante (Devil May Cry) - Devil May Cry series (anime/video games) (2005-present)
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yonpote · 4 months
no one is more oppressed than queer male phannies
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shimomcdragon · 4 months
some doodles of my freakazoids (+new oc)
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beetlejuce · 4 months
thinking about big boobied men
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xaviergalatis · 3 months
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ivebeenmade · 4 months
Chronic pain is a funny thing. You can say to a stranger, 'oh I'm just quiet because I have a migraine' and it's 'poor you, that's awful! I had a migraine once, went straight to the ER, bless your heart for working right now!'
If someone doesn't know you, and sees visible AGONY on your face, and you answer their oh-so-concerned line of questioning with 'well I have a disorder that, among other symptoms, causes severe pain such as-' I guarantee you'll get some raised oh-she's-delusional eyebrow situation, or a horrifically insulting comment like the various helpful™️ suggestions (like seeing a specialist, or drinking more kombucha). If someone says I've never heard of that, and it's followed by genuine interest and sympathy, that's fucking rare.
I get a very specific conversational trap from customers at work all the time. I'll be bending around like Linda Blair, just trying to make being upright and alive a little more bearable, some person older than I will ask, quite patronising, 'does your back/feet hurt?' followed by a very pandery 'standing in one place is *tough*.
Well, my bitches, I got sick of nodding and smiling like a poorly programmed robot. Now I list off every pain, how long it's been bothering me (that day) and which of my many health concerns are probably to blame.
I was having a hard time with random bouts of numbness and one day this senior fellow, who didn't even say "hi" or acknowledge when I spoke to him (I have so many stupid things I'm required to say, don't be a little douche and act like I'm messing with your day) really pissed me off. So I shamed him in front of about 7-10 people in line behind him.
Me: *dropping his items, then his change, becoming more frustrated, mortified, and more physically taxed as this crap goes on*
Him: gee, taking you an awful long time...is this your first day *starts laughing because he knows damn well it's not-he's a daily regular* (he carried on a bit more and laughed loudly, looking around to draw others in)
Me: actually, no, I have intermittent numbness in my extremities...hopefully it's the result of one of my known conditions, which is manageable and possible to live a full life...but I'm waiting on a response from some referrals.
That fucking crowd was so polite after that.
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songspiral · 4 months
"How Deep Is Your Love" (Bee Gees Cover, Acoustic Version) by PJ Morton, feat. Alex Isley
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one-time-i-dreamt · 4 months
I had my dream job and was loving life and visiting cities I always wanted to visit.
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