#Mech kisser.
lunarfromkaon · 10 months
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if I had a nickel for everytime ratchet fell In love with a katana weilding mech
I'd have two nickels,which isnt a lot but its weird that it happened twice.
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pinkanonwrites · 4 months
“ASK ME ABOUT BUMBLEBEE IN MY ASK BOX I LITERALLY NEVER GET SICK OF HIM” hi sorry. ive had a crush on that guy for like 18 years now he makes me fucking crazy. talk about him as much as you want pretty please
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YAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYY! Thank you so much anon, I'll gladly indulge.
I don't think there's been a single iteration of Bumblebee I didn't at least kind of like. There's definitely a few iterations of him that stand out to me though! I really, really like the direction they took Bumblebee in Earthspark, an unprepared mentor who's still a little immature, but has it WAY more put-together than the Terrans he's always surrounded with. He thinks he's in over his head and there's no way he could be a teacher, but by the end of Season 1 he's proven himself to be an incredible leader, teacher, and fun uncle figure.
Also, potentially controversial opinion, I really enjoy RID 2015 Bumblebee. It's definitely not the best Transformers series, and personally I think it would have been a lot more well-received if it wasn't pitched as a sequel to Transformers Prime and instead got to stand alone as its own thing. But seeing Bumblebee trying to be a serious leader with his goofball team only makes it more adorable when the geeky moments slip through, like his love of cowboys or the Bumblebee babysitting episode. Prime Bee and RID 2015 Bee definitely don't feel like the same character to me, but I'm able to separate them enough that I enjoy each of their merits.
But my humble opinions on various Bumblebees aren't the main reason we're here, is it? No, the main reason is for me to write all my personal little valveplug headcanons for y'all to enjoy and peruse!
I think just about every version of Bee would be incredibly possessive over his partner. Though he's usually a fun, plucky, charming bot, he's got a lot of inferiority complexes and that manifests in him absolutely NOT wanting to share. Some Bees are more flexible than other Bees, but all versions of Bee love it best when your attention is on him. The only one that I can see being willing to share his partner on a 'more than once' basis would be Cyberverse Bee, and even then only with someone he felt equally comfortable with like Cheetor or Hot Rod.
Bee is also incredibly tactile, he loves skin-to-metal contact. If he had no shame and no scruples he'd carry you around in his servos or on his shoulder wherever he went. Bayverse, Knightverse, Cyberverse, and Animated Bumblebee are all very grabby and affectionate in public, while Prime, RID 2015, and Earthspark Bee save their touching and fondling for more private places. Really, the first group just get too excited when they see you, while the second group is worried about embarrassing you AND themselves.
He usually prefers to be the one doing the spiking, but that's partially because of the aforementioned inferiority complex. Get your hands and mouth on his sensitive little valve and you'll have a puddle of mech all for you to play with.
Very messy and very enthusiastic kisser. Even when he's trying to hold back and take it slow his processor is just a fog of pleasure and he can't help but practically devour you. Same thing if he's eating you out, he gets completely and utterly drunk on you.
LOT of transfluid for a minibot, and despite his better efforts the two of you usually end up pretty messy. If it's an accident he'll be very sheepish and apologetic, but if you asked for it he'll fully revel in seeing you covered and slick with his fluids. Actually, probably a lot of fluids in general if we cycle back on that kissing one. He's just a messy bot.~
And I talked about this a little in my tickling posts, but I'll indulge myself a little more. Like Optimus, I think Bumblebee enjoys being tickled but struggles to voice that or ask for it because he's worried it'll reflect poorly on him, like he won't be taken seriously if he lets himself indulge. The inner lining of his door wings is super sensitive, even just trailing your fingers up and down the length of the rubber window seal will have him squirming. As for the inverse, Bumblebee absolutely loves to tickle you, and would gladly do it whenever you ask. You're so, so much smaller than he is: softer, squishier, more vulnerable. It both turns him on and tugs at his heartstrings that you trust him enough to let him manhandle you like that, pin you down and push you to your absolute limits until you're wriggling and gasping and squealing with laughter. Cyberverse and Knightverse Bees are the biggest ticklers, while Animated and Earthspark Bees are the biggest ticklees.
(If you have any more questions about my particular headcanons on specific iterations of Bumblebee, please please please send an ask! I can answer well and enthusiastically for just about every Bee, save for IDW and Prime.)
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rawmeknockout · 12 days
Um. Can I get some fluffy TFA Blitzwing/Bumblebee/Bot!Reader poly? Just some headcanons for how they show affection/cuddles/etc? Also, can bot!reader be like. Kinda Large? Not Blitzwing big, but like- maybe roughly Optimus size? Apologies if this is a bit much, I love your writing. Sorry if this breaks any rules as well, have a nice day/night okie byeeee
01 + Bumblebee has the size kink in the relationship, if it isn't obvious. He loves to be manhandled and tossed around but he also likes to show off his strengths (when he can). WILL attempt to pick you up, but most of the time it's you holding Bee in your arms.
02 + Blitzwing is more tender than you would expect. There was a full mech there before the war even started, obviously, so he's kind of just a normal guy under the pomp and bravado of being an important Decepticon soldier. There's nothing he values more than loyalty. Your opposing factions in the relationship is a big sore spot for him, even if Bumblebee tells him to chill out and stop borrowing tomorrow's problems. It doesn't stop Blitzwing from getting tense and frustrated about it, because Bee NEVER wants to deal with it. You end up mediating a lot of arguments because they both have big personalities (there are many voices vying for attention lol).
03 + Bee is extremely bossy and is always taking charge of you two, even if Blitzwing is a bit combative. Bee plans the dates most of the time and causes a lot of the early problems in the relationship. He's a young, inexperienced guy so he's not only insecure and jealous in the early days, but he runs into issues just trying to keep your relationship a secret. Even if Blitzwing nearly blows a gasket, you have to be the one to bring it around and treat Bee gently but with a firmness and stability.
04 + There's nothing Bee loves more than climbing all over the two of you. His own personal workout equipment. He'd parkour off Blitzwing if he could (Blitz tends to get a bit too frustrated with him for that to be possible).
05 + You're the kisser and cuddler in the relationship. It's not that Bee and Blitzwing don't love it, they obviously do, but they've got 'tough guy' personas to keep up. You, again, have to be the more mature one. Blitzwing comes around to letting out his softer side, Bumblebee, however, will always be buying into his own hype and feel to embarrassed to initiate softer affection.
06 + That said, Bee loves to make out. Kissing on one conjunx then turning and kissing on the other. That's that good shit, baby.
07 + Blitzwing only really gets quiet time when he's with the two of your, so he really would prefer no distractions. No video games and no work, he just want his two mecha in his arms. Bee tends to get squirmy, but Blitz is nothing if not persistent.
08 + He also expects his fair share of being doted on and kissed after the Decepticons (inevitably) lose another fight. He won't ever SAY it, but you better tell him how strong he was and how the loss was in no way his fault. Kind of a baby tbh.
09 + It's not exactly one of his hobbies, but he does love the idea of a romantic dance. Of course, that would make you the obvious dance partner. Bee doesn't want to do any fancy shmancy waltz or anything, but seeing you two dance without him does make him a little jealous so he'll want to weasel his way in. He doesn't get jealous in a "don't forget me" way, more in a "oh you guys think you're so romantic together well watch THIS". Proceeding to bust out the best moves he's learned on Earth. It's both endearing and makes Blitzwing lose his marbles.
10 + Personality swapping is far less common when it's just the three of you. Blitzwing's personalities tend to swap out more as a reaction to the environment and external factors, but when it can be just him and his partners there's less of a reason for his personalities to swap out. That doesn't mean it absolutely won't happen, but for the most part, as long as each personality gets enough canoodling time, he tends to not hop around from personality to personality.
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transingthoseformers · 7 months
I'm gonna sit here and think more about Earthspark Overlord because fun fact I've appropriated a lot of my older tfp plotlines into earthspark as I become more and more familiar with it, and just. Big mech. Big. it does not help that I've been thinking so much about GHOST being lightly (or more than lightly) forced to work with Tarn and them learning just how much he loves the paperwork angle of things
That bitch is prepared to read the entire thing seven times before signing it, and I'm very tempted to suggest he seems like the guy who writes exclusively in cursive and when he types it's always the fancy fonts.
There are three sides to Tarn and I'm suppressing the Murderman part to let the desk kisser and more pathetic parts breathe. Not to say murder isn't involved still.
Same with Overlord, he can be super serious Mc Evil and he can come off as sillygoofy at times, and in this plotline I'm spinning that pendulum fast
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margoshrmargoshing · 1 month
Fav mech ?
Im going to be honest im a bulkhead kisser (i kiss knock out and breakdown too)
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A little teaser for chapter 7, even though 6 still isnt published yet, but I’m in a teasing mood myself and I know you guys will just love this chapter once I put it out.
Noah is breathless, unable to catch it as surprising plush lips fit perfectly against his own in every way metal logically shouldn’t. The mass displaced form of his partner weighed heavily on his lap, keeping him trapped in place on the chair his boyfriend had cornered him in.
It feels amazing. Kissing Mirage is better than he had ever dreamed it would… not that he would say that out loud. The mech’s ego didn’t need to he any bigger, not to mention how embarrassing it would be to admit he thought about Mirage that way.
His partners arms rest lazily heavy over his shoulder and in turn his own hands are kneading at the metal hips that only just grind into his every so often in a bid to coerce a sound from him, and every time it did, Noah could feel those dangerously perfect lips smile against his.
His boyfriend is a wicked good kisser.
Embarrassing, really, because that meant Mirage could probably tell from the beginning that Noah was absolutely clueless about what the fuck he was doing.
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thewiglesswonder · 2 years
🌑 mac
☀️ your choice
1. Hasn’t replaced her phone in over a decade, her logic being “it still works!” It’s a cosmic mystery as to how it’s still working.
2. Sprawls out like a starfish wherever she finds herself sleeping, and if there happened to be another occupant of the bed with her, she would frequently smack them in the face.
3. Has been told she’s a good kisser.
Knock Out:
1. Terrible with shooting and ranged weapons. He uses his shock spear for a reason, and for everybody’s sake, it’s better this way.
2. If he fusses over your appearance, frowns at scrapes on your paint job, that’s how you know the doctor actually cares about you.
3. Absolutely weak for Breakdown’s hands. He’s seen this mech rend entire limbs from their sockets, and the fact that he’s so gentle with him just does something to him.
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ask-smokescreen · 2 years
Kup just raises a brow at the mechs rambling... he's just going to grab Smokescreens face and pull him close to press a long hard kiss to the youngster. After a moment he pulls away seeing Smokescreens face, a soft grunt. "You talk too much..." he wipes oral fluid off the kids face before walking away.
He'll let smokey think about that for a while
"But Kup, look around, you know what could happen at any moment? 'Con activity. And then, you know what I'd do? I'd--"
Smokescreen is rambling about something, it doesn't really matter, it's more of a nervous rambling as if he's trying to keep his mind off anything else.
Really, getting pulled into a kiss is a bit of a blessing, distracting him from his thoughts just long enough to make him almost completely forget about whatever he was worried about.
He does have to sit down as soon as Kup walks away, processing the kiss.
Slag, Kup's not a bad kisser.
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arc-misadventures · 3 years
Ruby enters their dorm room in Atlas with Yang laying on Blakes bed.
Ruby: Hey Yang, you okay, you look out of it?
Yang: Uhhh... Kinda... So much has happened lately that I'm having trouble processing it all.
Ruby: Yeah, coming to Atlas. Becoming licensed Huntresses. Meeting Penny again... it's alot to take in.
Yang: Huw? No, not that, got over that a week ago... mostly?
Ruby: Well then what's eating you up?
Yang: Well, yesterday I went to see Jaune, I wanted to ask him if he would spar with me later. Needed someone who could take a punch, someone I can go all out on, you know?
Ruby: And you chose, Jaune?
Yang: Has his Aura ever been broken yet?
Ruby: No...? No I don't think so...
Yang: Yeah, man can take a punch from a ten-story high mech and walk it off! Anyway, I went to ask him and he was in the middle of taking off his shirt... By the Gods, Ruby... Have you seen, Jaune without his shirt on?
Ruby: N-No...?
Yang: The man has abs you could break steal against... If someone needed a model for a statue, I'd give them Jaune, his abs looked like they were chiselled from pure marble...
Ruby: So you're having trouble accepting the fact Jaune is... What is the word... Ripped?
Yang: No... well yes... maybe?
Ruby: Then what is it?
Yang: Well, I said, 'Damn, Jaune! Nice Abs!' He stuttered a thanks, then said something about, Nora having better abs then he does.
Ruby: She does have some nice abs.
Yang: I know, but there's something special about Jaune's. I couldn't keep my hands off it!
Ruby: Wait, you touched Jaune's abs?
Yang: It felt like running my fingers over gold bars...
Ruby: Okay...?
Yang: I then said how it was nothing like my abs... I-I then lifted my shirt up and showed him... A-And he started feeling up my abs too... I didn't mind, I mean, I did it to him, only fair right?
Ruby: I'm not sure I'm gonna like where this is going...
Yang: So, there we were, caressing each others abs with our fingers. And, I started feeling hot, really hot. Then we just stood there staring into each others eyes... His eyes are such a deep blue... Then... I started leaning closer to him, and closer and closer that the next thing I knew I was kissing him...
Blake: You kissed, Jaune?1
Ruby: Blake?! When did you get here?!
Blake: Shh! Keep on going, Yang!
Yang: I-I just melted into it! He's a damn, damn good kisser! I felt his other hand reach up and cup my cheek and pull me closer, every time we broke away for air our lips crashed back into another kiss! Then... Oh then things got good...
Blake, taking notes: Go on...
Yang: He has one hell of a grip...
Ruby: W-What?
Yang: His hand went up my chest and grabbed my breast and fondled it though my bra. I lost it! I let out a breathless moan as he did it! It... It just felt so intoxicating! I broke the kiss and pushed him on the bed and... and...
Weiss: And then?
Ruby: Weiss, when...?!
Blake/Weiss: SHH!!!
Yang: I straddled his waist and kiss the life out of him, well, he did it to me more actually. A kiss from those lips is like a drug, pulls you in each time you pull away! We kept on kissing, exploring each others body, then he flipped me! Flipped me and pinned me on the bed!
Weiss: What? How could he do that?!
Blake: Yeah, you seem to be the more dominant type after all.
Yang: Evidently not... It just felt so natural... and so sexy to be underneath him... Did I mention I took off my bra when I straddled him?
Blake: No, you didn't?
Yang: Well... I did... then... he took off his pants... and we... well... you know...
Ruby: Had… Had… Made love?!
Yang: Understatement of the century...
Weiss: Then what really happened?
Yang: I-I can barely describe it: Intoxicating, blinding, a haze of lust and passion that makes one think that gods are such a thing?! I just remember passion beyond description and then waking up in the morning in the tender embrace of his arms... It was magical...
Blake: And... And what was it like...?
Yang: It was like... Like a...?
Nora: Like a broadsword?
Yang: Yeah...
Ruby: Nora?! Why are you here?! And how do you know that?!
Nora: I sleep in the same room as Jaune, do you honestly think I haven't seen it before? And, as for your first question, I'm here to ask Yang why she's not in the training room, Jaune's waiting for you. And I guess you've got one hell of a reason, don't you?
Yang: Oh that's simple.
Blake: Yeah...?
Yang: I can't feel my legs.
Nora/Blake: Nice!
Weiss: Lucky...
Yang: As soon as I can walk again I'm gonna ride that bull again... Not even Salem could stop me. I will ride that bull again!
Penny: Does one often lose all feeling in their legs when engaging in sexual interaction?
Ruby: What the hell are you doing here?!!
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shi-daisy · 3 years
Mutual Enduring
Hello everyone! Today on the wavewave agenda we have a whump two-shot! With a side of humanformers (they're still from cybetron and age like in canon but they look and act human) Slightly warning for mentions of torture and some sexy stuff.
Continuity: Fan continuity (mostly a mix of IDW 1 and TFP)
Wavewave Week- Day 4- Power/Affection
He hated the feeling of cold metal against his skin, the needles, the darkness, the restraints that caused his arms and legs to go numb, but most of all he hated remembering.
The memories of the night the empurata was performed on him were memories he purpusely supressed, the only thing m he couldn't be rid off was the pain, at least not without medication.
Both he and Breakdown had been captured by MECH, neither could manage to escape or free themselves. It was an illogical outcome, that humans had gotten the best of two Cybertronians, but alas his current predicament was proof that it was possible.
He didn't know where Breakdown was, or if he was still alive, but if he managed to escape he'd look for him. He owed the man that much after he took a hit for him.
"Shockwave!" A female voice called out. He heard an alarm sound along with footsteps and gunfire. Just what was happening outside his room.
His was fading in and out of consciousness, but he could see the wall falling apart. Some people had taken down the door.
The voice from before called him again, it was louder and more distinct, as he could now recognize.
"Monochrome?" He muttered. His throat was raspy from dehydration and he couldn't speak properly.
"Yes it's me. Don't worry we're here to get you out."
"Breakdown, is he...?"
"He's safe, he's the one who told us you were still here and alive." he recognized Knockout's distinct voice as the medic began undoing his restraints. He didn't sound too chirpy however. "Just what did they do to you?!"
He couldn't answer, but deduced the man was asking about the peeled skin of his arms, or the scars on his chest. Even if the room was more illuminated now, he still couldn't properly discern the silouttes of his comrades.
"We'll carry you out. Just hold on until we get to the Nemesis. Please Shockwave! Please try to hold on!"
He could feel her tears falling on him. Why? Why would she cry for him? Why would anyone cry for him? They both carried him away from the building, setting the place ablaze as they escaped.
Outside it was nighttime, the stars looked so tiny from here, or maybe that was his vision failing him again.
There were more voices in the distance, getting closer. Obsidian, Strika, even Breakdown was there although he sounded much different. There was one voice however he was not expecting, at least not in such a desperate manner.
Soundwave's melodic voice was so strained, he was asking a myriad of questions in rapid fire to both Knockout and Monochrome. The medics had to calm him down as everyone finally headed towards the arriving Nemesis.
Shockwave's conciousness was slipping, the last thing her remembered was holding onto Soundwave's hand as he was weekend away to the medbay.
Soundwave has never felt as powerless as he did at this moment. Well, except perhaps for the time he found Shockwave after his empurata.
Both tragedies had been similar. The man he loved was covered in blood and in desperate need of care. The first tragedy he'd survived, but forgotten who he was before it, what he had before being turned into an emotionless man who simply cared for logic. The second was still unfolding, and all Soundwave could do was pray that he survived. Even if he changed once more, even if that small spark of remembrance was gone.
"Why is it taking so long?!" He asked, throwing the glass he was holding to the wall, where it shattered to bits.
Rumble and Frenzy both looked surprised but didn't question it, Laserbeak and Buzzsaw had fallen asleep, while Ravage and Megatron had just arrived at the scene.
"Soundwave stop!"
He froze upon hearing Megatron yell. The tall man also looked to be worried, but no one could tell for certain.
"I'm concerned for Shockwave's health as well but stressing like this won't help anyone. He's receiving medical attention, all that's left to do now is to wait.
When he's well, he'll need support, especially yours. You must be in good health as well."
He nodded, still nervous and mad. His superior must've noticed as he pulled him into a hug. While they were close he knew Megatron was not the type to be affectionate in public. He returned the hug, holding back the tears and simply letting himself go.
It too a while for the two to separate. Ravege then took over comfort duties and purred as he nuzzled his friend. Soundwave picked him up and pet him as he waited outside the medbay. After what seemed like an eternity, Monochrome came out of the room, her scrubs were covered in blood but she was smiling.
"He's okay. His organs were fine and all we had to do was place some skin grafts and rehydration serum. You may see him now if you like, he'll be up soon." The dark skinned woman yawned. "I however will be going to bed."
"Go, I'll join you soon enough." Megatron told her.
She nodded and left. His superior turned to look at him. "Do you want me to go with you?"
"No, it's fine. Go with your wife, I'm sure she's tired after all of this, and so are you. Thank you sir, and please thank Monochrome on my behalf too.
Megatron nodded before leaving. Rumble and Frenzy took care of the pets before he headed inside, hoping Shockwave wouldn't forget even more.
The two people he first saw were Knockout and Breakdown. The medic was changing his gloves and coat while Breakdown spoke to him from his bed. His tanned skin was covered in bandages, and he wore an eyepatch. He soon noticed that Shockwave was awake.
"Shockwave! You're awake!" Breakdown beamed. "I'm glad you're okay. It seems like we'll be matching now." He joked as he pointed to his eyepatch.
How? How could he endure such torture and still be smiling like that? It was one of the many questions his research wouldn't answer.
"It's satisfactory to know you were rescued and alive. Thank you for your concern Breakdown."
Knockout walked over to his side. "May I give you a quick check up now that you're awake? I have to know if you have any lingering pain."
He would've laughed but he didn't have the energy to be sarcastic at the moment, he simply nodded and let the medic examine him.
Someone else came into the room, it was Soundwave. His blue hair was a mess and his eyes looked as if he'd been crying. Neither Breakdown nor Knockout seemed surprised.
"Medically you're fine. Don't take off these bandages in at least two days, they're waterproof and soft so they'll allowed you to sleep and bathe, if you don't have anything else you need me to look at you should be good to go."
Shockwave nodded and tried to stand, but he would've fallen down face first had Soundwave not picked him up. "I'll carry you."
He didn't protest as the other man carried him away or when they arrived at Soundwave's room instead of his lab.
"I volunteered to care for you. Tomorrow you can go to the lab, but tonight you should rest. I'll ready a bath for you and make you food."
He stayed silent and seated on Soundwave's bed as the blue haired man ran around the room. He put his sons and pets to bed and was now serving him dinner.
Why was he always so caring? The two of them knew eachother for milenia, Soundwave was the only person he remembered after the shadowplay and empurata experiments performed on him, yet no matter how hard he tried to remember he couldn't recall anything else. Were they once close? He couldn't say, but that seemed like the most likely hypothesis.
"Food's ready."
"Yes? Is anything wrong? Do you want something else? Maybe you'd rather take the bath first, sorry I can reheat the soup after, no worries."
"No no! I'm fine. I just ...I must ask you a question."
"Why do you care so much for me? Our fields of work are vastly different, as are our social circles and our personalities yet you constantly look out for me...You're also the only person I can remember from my old life. Why is that? Can you give me an answer?"
"I can, but not now. We can talk before we sleep. I promise."
He decided to trust his comrade. After eating and taking a bath he was ready to speak with Soundwave. He sat beside him on the bed waiting for him to speak.
Soundwave was trembling, as if he was terrified of speaking. Shockwave was not good at dealing with emotional people but somehow he knew what to do.
His hands fell upon Soundwave's fair face, their red gaze was full of tears but he didn't look away. Soundwave placed his hand over his tenderly.
It seemed he was finally ready to answer him.
"I love you. I've loved you for centuries. Before the war happened and you were tortured, we were sparkmates... Then you were taken from me, and I thought I'd spend my life pinning for that version of you, but I didn't, because I love you still. Even if you don't remember, even if you're more alligned with logic than emotion, even if you don't love me back. I still love you Shockwave."
It wasn't in his nature to be surprised, but he would've never expected this answer.
It made sense, he'd seen how the couples of the Nemesis acted, or even human pairs. The fact that despite their distance Soundwave was so caring towards him, or that he'd be the only one his mind refused to forget. Even now, he seemed to know what the other wanted without voicing it.
Soundwave thought he'd faint when he felt Shockwave's lips over his. He'd always been a greedy kisser, even in their youth. He'd sometimes surprise Soundwave with a deep kiss before parting ways, other times he'd simply seduced him with his soft voice and clever hands.
After letting go they both took a moment to intensely memorize the other's face. Shockeave hadn't changed much save for his missing eye, which was now made of glass, and the scars upon his neck and arms that hadn't faded in centuries. Soundwave looked almost the same, but his built was stronger and he was now as tall as Shockwave.
"You taste as good as I remembered." He whispered. "I've missed you."
"Soundwave, are you certain I'm what you desire? There are other cons who'd give you the affection you crave, the affection you deserve. I don't know if I'll ever be the man you first fell in love with."
"Shockwave, I'm certain that you're the only one I want. Whether you're a kind senator or a serious scientist or a combination of both. I love every aspect of you."
That was all the confirmation he needed. He kissed Soundwave again, this time the blue haired man seemed to melt into the gesture, giving all control to him. Shockwave smirked as he gently bit Soundwave's bottom lip.
"Mmh! Seems like you haven't forgotten that."
"I've bitten you before?"
"Many times. You've left lots of marks. Not that I'm complaining."
Soundwave gently placed Shockwave upon the pillows. "And while I love your bites, I think I'd prefer spoiling you with kisses."
He let Soundwave do as he pleased. As promised the spymaster kissed his lips, cheeks, neck and even his chest. After three days of torture, this was exactly what he'd needed.
"Soundwave, let me kiss you too."
His heart raced when Shockeave pulled him into a kiss. Soundwave felt the scientist hands tangled in his hair, he kissed every inch he could get his lips on, and wouldn't let go until they were both breathless.
Sleep was taking over for them both. Soundwave pulled Shockwave close, careful not to worsen his injuries. "Are you comfortable?"
"Very much so."
"I could tell you craved this. Your desperate touch, it breaks my heart."
"You don't need to worry about that, Shockwave. I'm fine now that you're with me.
I'll take care of you. And once you're better we'll hunt down the humans who hurt you and Breakdown. I promise."
"That's comforting to hear. But all I desire now is to sleep by your side. I intend to give you more affection tomorrow."
Soundwave smiled. "I'd like that. Goodnight dear."
Shockwave was not used to sleeping, much less with another person by his side, but the beating of Soundwave's heart and the feel of his arms around him was enough to grant him the most peaceful sleep he had in centuries.
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How He Kisses You (Requested Bots)
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Red Alert: 
Red Alert is what I’d like to call a nervous kisser😂. His kisses are sweet and passionate most of the time, but if you happen to boost his confidence in the right way, it can go from 0 to 100 real quick😏.
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Ratchet isn't the type for public affection so kisses are always short and sweet when you’re infront of the team. When you two are in a more private setting😉, his kisses are deep and passionate. This old mech can even get a little handsy. 
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Now this Mech is the complete opposite of Ratchet💀. He LOVES PDA and his kisses are always random. Just by giving him a certain look can make him start a full make out session with you on the spot😏. 
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I really love your wreck-gar/ratchet prompts❤❤ could you do a drabble of Ratchet being a stubborn glitch while his team tries to get him to admit he likes the walking trashcan? I would be so grateful!
“So, you and Wreck Gar eh?”
When Bumblebee had said this, Ratchet had just taken a sip of fuel and the statement had made him spit it out. While wiping his mouth, Ratchet quickly looked around himself and at his team. They were all staring at him with the same, expectant gaze. They know, Ratchet immediately realized, a feeling of dread filling his spark. That didn’t mean he was going to admit anything though.
“I am- I have no idea what you’re talking about! When would I- Where would- Why would you even think that!?” Ratchet’s pathetic attempts to lie only made his team smile, all of them giving each other a look that basically said ‘we got him’.
Bumblebee gave him a shit-eating grin and leaned forwards. “Well that’s strange considering we’ve all seen you sneaking him around base when you thought we weren’t looking.” Ratchet paled upon hearing this. He thought he had been discreet. Oh stars, if they knew about that, what else did they know? Still, Ratchet refused to tell the truth.
“I was just giving him a medical check up!” he exclaimed, crossing his arms across his chassis defensively. He refused to look anyone in the optics. “There’s nothing else going on between us!”
“The why don’t you kiss all your patients?” Optimus sudden question made Ratchet whip his head around and stare at him wide eyed. The Prime simply shrugged his shoulders. “I saw the two of you kiss just yesterday when I came back from patrol.” If Ratchet could sweat then he would be sweating buckets. Deep down he knew that it would just be better for him to come clean about his and Wreck Gar’s relationship but goddammit, he was a stubborn old mech with way too much pride.
Despite knowing that he was fighting a battle he had already lost, Ratchet continued to deny everything. “He was simply trying out what he had seen some humans do! He did it without knowing what it meant!”
“So you don’t like him then?” Prowl asked. And just as Ratchet was about to say that was right, he paused. It felt... wrong to say that. He did like Wreck Gar. He liked him a whole lot, actually. And to say that he didn’t like the mech? Even thinking about it left a bad taste in his mouth.
“I-I didn’t say that” he finally said. “Wreck Gar is a good bot. Kind. Unafraid. Charming.” He thought about the day before. “Handsome.” Ratchet realized it was very quiet all of a sudden and when he looked at his team, they were all giving him these knowing smirks. Realizing he’d been caught, Ratchet threw his hands up in the air in defeat. “Fine! I like the bot! Sue me!” He started walking away from his team before stopping. “And he’s a great kisser by the way! You bots wouldn’t understand!” Ratchet hurried to his room as he heard his team snicker behind him. Damn youths, they had no respect. Besides, was it really so weird for him to fall for Wreck Gar? The bot was beautiful damn it!
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anon-e-miss · 3 years
Hi anon it's me Blueshirezz I create another account because I completely forgot my e-mail was so uh....Merry Christmas anon
I was waiting for Jazz/Prowl fanfic update😴
sorry for asking you this question😔
I hope you don't mind?
The clans were gathering. Perhaps, Jazz should have been walking amongst them, humouring their various gifts and promises as they jostled amongst themselves in hopes of improving their positions in the hierarchy of Polihex. Straxis’ sycophants had yet to appear and in all likelihood they would not show their faces. Through infighting and Straxis’ violent paranoia, there was very little left of his once powerful clan. His allies had gone to ground, likely afraid of retribution. It was a tempting thought, but Jazz did not know if he would be able to stop. No clan had stood in support of his when Straxis had outlawed them to hamper their efforts to rescue Free Wheeler. They had feared the same treatment, and perhaps that was understandable but Jazz did not feel terribly forgiving. The blow, the failure was still too fresh.
As the Chiefs were given housing in the palace, Jazz had to put real effort into avoiding the aft-kissers. In the end, he took shelter in the harem, the place he least wanted to be, with the mech whose company he wanted the least. Jazz did not want to like Prowl. The melancholy mech was painful proper and perfectly rigid. Laughter echoed through the harem complex, but the originator of the brood never laughed at his creations’ antics. He hardly even smiled. When he did, it was tragically beautiful and Jazz recoiled from than observation.
Prowl was not like the god of hearth and home, the serene, beatific originator. While he was quiet, there was no serenity to him. While he was dutiful and gentle with his creations and Jazz’s as well, it felt less faintly and more like martyrdom. Not that Prowl complained. He never complained and he never protested. Jazz imagined he cared so well for the Twins out of duty, but he showed them the same devotion he showed his own newling. If he felt any resentment for their added burden, it was well hidden.  Jazz knew he needed to find a wetnurse to provide for the Twins, so that Prowl could go... Go where. Somewhere else. Jazz was not ungrateful, Prowl and his creations would be provided for ‘til the end of his cycles. Through Punch’s adoption, they were Jazz’s clansmecha and they would be treated as such. Still, Jazz wanted distances. Maybe later they could become friends, after Jazz’s wounds had calloused.
Jazz cooed over his yellow creation as Prowl put Smokescreen through a math lesson. Ori had brough a load of datapads in from the library. Prowl had used them to come up with some quite of education plan. He was wickedly smart. The datapads were mostly written in Polihexian Neo Cybex but Prowl had already deciphered the texts enough to make use of them. Smokescreen wrote out his coursework on a tablet, Punch had given him for the purpose. When Prowl had to pause their lessons to tend to one of his siblings, he kept his helm down. Jazz almost missed the tension in his jaw. He had to have been used to this. That did not mean it would not be hard for him. In a matter of quartexes, the sparkling would be a youngling. His needs were going to expand. Was Prowl ready to help him on this next step of his development. Strongarm, Streetwise and Flash fussed, a sure sign it was time for a nap. Prowl told Smokescreen to continue his work as he settled his siblings. Bluestreak protested, as he always did, when he was set down in the little basket. Jazz opened his arms to take his second creation, and Prowl disappeared back inside with the trio of cranky sparklings. Flash yelled, no nap! Prowl’s response was too quiet for Jazz to pick up.
“Aren’t you going to designate them?” Smokescreen asked, looking up from his work.
“I gotta work harder at it, don’t I?” Jazz replied. “Free Wheeler must ‘o had designations for ‘em but I’ll never know. It feels wrong to call ‘em anythin’ else.”
“In Praxus, the nursery designation is just what the origin calls the bitlets. They earn real designations when they leave the nursery and learn to be real mechs.”
“So Smokescreen’s just yer nursery designation?” Jazz asked.
“Are ya thinkin’ ‘bout what ya’d wanna change it too? Won’t be long before yer upgrades.”
“I don’t want to change my designation. I don’t want upgrades. I don’t want to leave Origin.”
“Younglings don’t stay in the nursery. Either they get a mentor or their progenitor mentors them and they learn to be proper mechs.”
“Ya don’t gotta leave yer origin. This ain’t a nursery.”
“But Origin can’t leave.”
“Sure he can, Smokey. The door ain’t locked.”
“It doesn’t have to be locked. The nursery wasn’t.”
“It wasn’t?”
“Origin couldn’t leave. He did. We did. When I was around Downshift’s age, we escaped. We hid with a friend of his from before. Then my progenitor offered a reward for our return and that “friend” sold us out.”
“‘M sorry, Smokescreen.”
“I asked him why we didn’t try again, a little while before my progenitor died. He said he couldn’t. Not with a bitty on his well and another in his forge. It didn’t matter if the door was unlocked. He would never leave again. He wouldn’t get far. But I would. I will. They think I’m going to be contributive, but Origin said if they turned out to be wrong, I needed to runaway. I shouldn’t hide it like he did. I should runaway.”
“Ya don’t gotta runaway here,” Jazz promised and he understood a little better Prowl’s melancholy. He had escaped, he had been betrayed and his captor had ensured he would never escape again by ensuring he was always gravid or fuelling a bitlet. Crosscut was a monster. “Ya don’t gotta leave yer origin, ‘n ya don’t gotta change yer designation. We don’t lock up origins here. We don’t take younglings from their origins.”
“Straxis botnapped Free Wheeler and the bitlets in him.”
“He was a monster. Every frametype has its monsters.”
“My progenitor was a monster. Road Rage was a monster. My origin saved their lives and they made him a breeding slave.”
“No one’ll do that to yer origin again. I swear on my life. He’s free. Y’re all free.”
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cybertronian-cupid · 4 years
If you're taking requests, could I please ask headcanons on how you think Starscream kisses his human, and what kinds of dates you think he would like? Do you think he would like PDA, or would he be more secret about the relationship? Have a lovely day!! :D ❤️❤️❤️
Dawww Screamy! Birb man! This ask itself made our day! We'll go with TFP, since you didn't say which one exactly~Gregoria🏩
Shower that mech in affection, yessssssssss~Mila💟
.......................... .......................... ..........................
He doesn't want to take any risks with his s/o being used against him at anytime by anyone, so all the affection is done in private.
The most he'd do in public is hold them in/on his servo, and only when he feels safe enough.
If he was actualy relaxed, he would hug and cuddle with them in public. Nothing major, pretty much just existing in the same space and touching.
He is a GLUTTON for affection tho. Anykind. He'll be puty in the hands of his s/o.
His kisses, at first, are unsure. More like really slow pecks, because the first kiss he gave them knocked them over and he will be flustered about it forever.
If s/o gives him lots of time and reassurance tho, he will come around and get more confident... And he does turn out to be an amazing kisser.
The kind of kisser that has his s/o chasing after more when he moves away so they can catch a breath.
As for dates...
Coffee shops (we have a post with drink hcs coming up on Monday! ;D)
Science museums. (Let him geek out over interactive stuff!)
Learning about the science of a world so different from his own, with his s/o listening to him (and even participating in conversation) will have his eyes sparkling for days after that!
Will absolutely make fun of how little the humans actually know about the universe based off their space sections though.
He likes having conversations and sharing things he finds interesting with his s/o! If they get him to the point of confident rambling, he's going to be kept up all night, thinking about it and about how did his s/o manage that.
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silent-stalker · 3 years
💋 as in a punch to the kisser (face) xD
Maybe sounders finally snapped after having Whirl irritate the mech too much xD
Sometime during the blue mech's rambling and annoying pokes to his back, Soundwave had becoming very, very frustrated with Whirl. He wasn't used to people not letting him work. He was supposed to be scary! A simple mech shouldn't just walk past all of his security just to bug him.
It shouldn't have been a surprise that he finally snapped, swinging around to smack Whirl away, only to slam the broad side of his arm right across the mech's face.
Almost immediately he was reaching to help Whirl right himself (he put a little too much oomph into that swing -) and stammering out a static-y apology.
"Whirl: closer than calculated. Soundwave: didn't mean to!"
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Thank you for answering my ask. Can we please have a sequel or more, where Rodimus is forced to deal with the fallout - which is so negative, it eventually drives him to leave the Lost Light? Oh, just one thing, and it's VERY important - the others MUST realise that they've gone too far in driving him away, and seek him out to apologize to him.
Oh, so you want pain? Alright, let’s get some spicy pain in here.
A tiny side note, Ratchet didn’t write the message
Spam inbox: full
    With a nervous twitch, he scanned the inbox, hardly spotting to read the first few words before sending it to the waste pit. Telling himself it was fine, that the crew was angry, livid even, and he understood that he didn’t want to be a ruthless unquestioned captain. He wasn’t sure what he wanted. In a mere hour the once warm halls that were filled with bots that entrusted their sparks to him, were no longer greeting him with bright optics. They scowled, some cursed, a few even bumped into him or shoved him aside.
    His optics stopped, reading the message code, he knew this number, the same number he would comm when there was a problem when one of his plates were dented, or he had too much energex. Of all the crew that joined him on this journey, he never expected this (he really should’ve), with his spark in his intake he opened the message. 
    It's me, you know it’s me, and let me tell you something, Optimus had his hard days too, days where he could’ve ended the war in a single moment, and didn’t. Where the whole Autobot faction was ready to give in, he did lose some mechs, either in battle or joining Megatron’s army. But you’re no Optimus, you didn’t stand against Megatron, you didn’t stop Overlord, and you couldn’t save Nyon. 
    Think this through,
    Long trails of metal peeled up off of his desk, helm met the same cold metal below and his spoiler sagged. Ratchet, the one mech that somehow was the spark of an entire army was upset. Rodimus knew what was going to happen next, it was only a matter of time. With a horrible vent, the kind that screeches he sat back, popping his digits and started to type. 
    Two messages, quick and simple, one to the mech that’s always been there, always will be, and really should’ve left. Drift. Drift held back the crew, helping Rodimus escape to his hab and his office, it was so bad that his blades doubled in only a week. When the idea crawled into his processor he closed his side of the bond, leaving Drift on his own. Drift would be fine, if he could strike fear into almost every Autobot, handle being thrown off of the Lost Light, he’ll be just fine. Besides, it would be good for him to have his helmache gone for good, maybe make better friends? 
    He finished the message, setting aside the data-slug and writing ‘Drift’ on the side of it, a small smile graced his lip plates. Then his last message, one to the crew, it was short, only a servo full of words. Part of him wanted to say something spiteful, snappy, but another part of him said that it was better just to simply say: 
    Don’t blow up.
    And with that, he rose to his peds, vented, and started to clear items out, a few Earth trinkets, photos, and well a tiny piece of Nyon. The office was clear, then again there wasn’t a lot, maybe he didn’t belong there, in that chair, giving orders. Then again it wasn’t his problem anymore. 
    For once the hall was empty, he picked the right time to sneak away from Drift, maneuver the halls without any mechs and make it to his office. The lights were dim and most of the crew was in recharge, he alone walked the halls, taking in the sights, the sounds, the scent of oil and cleaner. Rodimus only paused at the portside window, resting his frame against the railing. His faint reflection stared back at him, his optics were dark, his shoulders sagged and a very prominent frown was plated on his face. Before him, was the stars, endless worlds, and adventures, maybe he’d find a home somewhere out there?
    Another mech joined him, colorful as always, the two stared out at the stars. “So,” He started. 
    “Don’t.” Was that what he sounded like? It was rough, uneasy, and scratchy.
    The large mech vented and rested his helm against the railing. “What do you want me to say?”
    Rodimus hissed, glaring at the faint reflection. “Nothing, I don’t want you to say anything.”
    Thunderclash flinched, his tender optics avoided Rodimus’.
    Rodimus stared at the colorful reflection, his spark sinking, he was angry, but not at Thunderclash, at himself. He slumped against the railing and focused on his peds. Maybe if he could just find Thunderclash earlier, talk to him, apologize and explain, but no, the mech seemed to disappear, slip into the walls. And now? No, his processor was made up.
    “Rodimus?” Thunderclash rested a servo on his back, then quickly pulled him into a gentle hug. He was squished against that massive warm chest, he didn’t fight against the massive arms. It was only then that he noticed the decal was blurry, hot washer fluid leaked down his faceplate. When did he start crying? Rodimus leaned into the comforting embrace, listening to the soft spark. He hated it, how come Thunderclash had to always appear and the worst and the best of times? 
    Rodimus pushed back and was set down, he cleared his intake and reset his optics, staring at the decal. 
    Thunderclash vented, unable to meet Rodimus’ optics either. “I know what you’re thinking.”
    He didn’t want to have this conversation, not here, and not now. “Don’t, I…”
    “Just, let me see you out?”
    Rodimus nodded, leading the way to the hanger, the two didn’t say much, instead, they avoided meeting optics, touching, anything. He already had it all packed, energon, his items, anything, all of it was packed away. The Rod-pod sat there, waiting, fully fueled. Rodimus paused, turning back to Thunderclash. Odd, he seemed so small, for once, the colorful mech almost blended into the world around him, his colors were dull and his optics dragged. A part of Rodimus was glad that he wasn’t the only mech that was upset. He huffed, making his way to the colorful giant. “Hey,” He spoke softly, so soft that if there was anyone around them, they wouldn’t hear. Only for Thunderclash.
    Thunderclash looked up, his stupidly handsome features were gray and spark broken, not in the same way of yelling at a dog but kicking a puppy. He was hurt, Rodimus hurt him. “Captain?”
    Rodimus cupped his helm, leaning upon his ped tips. Thunderclash was as every bit of the greatest anything, he was the greatest captain, greatest prime, and the greatest kisser. Those warm massive servos pulled him in, soft lip plates met his own, and a tiny charge raced up his frame. They fell apart and Rodimus licked his lips. “Do me a favor, make sure nothing happens to the crew, I’m okay with the ship falling apart but not the crew.”
    “I will captain,” He smiled sadly, waiting for Rodimus to load into the Rod-pod.
    “By the way, it’s true, you do give the best hugs,” Rodimus shouted as the door shut.
    The bay doors opened and with a push, he was free from the Lost Light, slowly he maneuvered the Rod-pod where he couldn’t see the big beautiful ship anymore, and with a few flicks, he left.
He held it together, only for a little while, once the Rod-pod slipped away that’s when it fell apart. His intake tightened and his knees grew weak, washer fluid bubbled up at the edges of his optics, and he hid his face in his servo. Thunderclash thought it would be easier if he avoided Rodimus, if he stayed out of the prime’s way, he was wrong, so very wrong. Rodimus left, his family, his home, just up and left, and he didn’t even say goodbye.    All Rodimus did was kiss him.    Thunderclash didn’t recharge that night.
   The next day felt like a bomb went off, Drift was a nightmare, like a mad turbo fox he was racing through the halls, searching every hab, every office, every possible crevice that Rodimus could fit into. He saw the message, then the missing Rod-pod, and couldn’t accept that Rodimus was gone. Not even Ratchet could calm the raging swords mech, it was only when Drift stepped into Rodimus’ hab that it all hit him at once. Rodimus was gone.    Thunderclash stared, Drift was a puddle of a mech, sobbing, brokenly calling out, hopelessly pulling on his side of the bond.    The next mech to lose it was Minimus, he was instantly back in the suit, he would watch and stare, hardly ever consuming anything. He started cleaning, anything and everything, the bridge had been cleaned twice, then the hanger, the energon storage, he kept cleaning and cleaning. But there were moments he would freeze up, staring off at nothing, optics would flicker. Never showing any emotion at all. Then one day he fell, just fell helm first, he was pried out of the suit and rushed to the medbay. He wasn’t dead, but close, he stopped fueling at a certain point and his systems were shutting down.    Then there was Megatron, the one mech that Thunderclash never expected to even care if his co-captain was missing. He was wrong. Megatron was cold, not cruel, he would lead the ship just fine, pick up supplies, repairs, everything. But the bridge was quiet, there lacked the strong sense of banter, the welcoming nature, and laughter that the captains would have.    It was today that he noticed it, the stone-cold giant sat there, hardly moving, optics out of focus. Thunderclash worked up the courage to approach Megatron, stopping halfway as the captain turned to him. Megatron sharply rose. “You’re in charge Thunderclash,”    “M-Megatron?”    He shut his optics, washer fluid welling up, no one had ever seen Megatron cry. Somehow the captain once more returned to his cold self. “You’re the captain of the Lost Light now.” He sharply left, peds dragging.    Thunderclash turned to the chair, spark sinking, it was big, too big, the ship was too big. He couldn’t help but laugh, it was dry and hurt. He opened a comm to the crew, a ship-wide comm. “I want a vote, a ship-wide vote, our whole command staff has stepped down, and currently I’m running the ship. A simple vote, do we get Rodimus back?” He ended the comm, rubbing his helm, and he mumbled something, it was small, tiny, almost insignificant under his breath. “I’m not physically fit.”
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