#Meditation and Solitude
madewithonerib · 1 year
2.] Ask Why is This Meaningful ATT
In the second step that's called meditation, which the point is not to get far —the point is to focus in on some key words/ideas/themes, in a particular passage & then when something strikes you
that resonates with you; this is important to stop —the point is not progress & the point is to begin to reflect on this & say:
   •  Why is this significant right now?
   •  What does this word tell me about JESUS's         character
   •  How does this word illuminate some area         in my own life or area in my own flaws or         character failures or something like that
   •  What is this word or concept mean for the         things that are ahead of me that I know         are coming later today
   •  What is the significance of this in light of
   •  What JESUS did for me on the cross &
Then the next step is not to keep on reading your Bible—it's to stop and actually use the very words from the particular passage and to turn that into a prayer that uses the same words you just read & reflected on and to turn that into your own prayer to GOD
……………………………………………………………………………… Then contemplation is basically go live your life, but go live your life shaped by the reflections & meditations that you've done from the day & for a while you know at least for me it took time ………………………………………………………………………………
2.1] Keep Plugging Away at It
You know it kind of felt like going through the motions, but you know after a while of doing it —it just becomes a pretty sometimes even brief —but meaningful practice of a daily prayerful engagement with the Scriptures.
And I'm certain that this is exactly the kind of thing that JESUS is doing & it's precisely the kind of thing that JESUS called HIS followers to do—it is this meditating, it's hagaying on the Scriptures
   •  not to learn something &    •  not just to tell GOD what I need
But to stop & focus & not feel the need to have to do or say anything but just reflect on the Scripture
How they lead me into this engagement with the Living GOD, WHO is the SAVIOUR of the Universe
How do you gain the motivation to see that I need this & it's not just a matter of like feeling guilty or like JESUS did it so I need to do it [power up]
   •  It's about a change of my desires & affections    •  It's about me coming to actually believe that         I can't live adequately, if I don't have this         practice in my life.
        I need it & I want it so that I'm going to         focus on it & say no to other things that         are going to get in the way of that.
2.2] How do you get there?
Let me share with you one way that has gotten me there over the last few years. Turn to Luke 22 with me—it's the last moment of JESUS's private prayer that's mentioned in the Gospel of Luke.
We looked at a whole bunch already.
But in Luke 22 just where it begins with Judas going out to betray JESUS & get the soldiers & hire them most of Luke 22 is the Last Supper.
It's the last Passover meal between JESUS and HIS followers & right as the meal concludes and they leave.. Look at v.39 of Luke 22.
Luke 22:39  |  ³⁹ JESUS went out as usual to the Mount of Olives, & the disciples followed HIM.
It says JESUS went out “as usual” to the Mount of Olives & HIS Disciples followed HIM; on reaching the place, HE said to them,
   “Pray that you will not fall into temptation..”
JESUS knows at that moment, within 12 hours HE is going to be hanging on the Roman cross and he says: “Pray the moment of decision, the ultimate moment of decision—of your allegiance to ME is coming. Pray that you don't fall.”
Then HE withdrew as HE always did.
     About a stone's throw beyond them, HE      knelt down & HE prayed “FATHER if YOU      are willing take this cup from ME — yet      not MY will but YOURS be done.
This is the moment of agonized solitude an Angel from Heaven appeared to HIM, strengthening HIM
— being in anguish, HE prayed more earnestly HIS sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground
When HE rose from prayer, HE went back to HIS Disciples & HE finds them doing what? So JESUS HE's utterly alone now.
HE has only the FATHER's Presence with HIM that HE's aware of — but HE is in utter #solitude even though HE has this circle of Disciples around HIM
They're exhausted from sorrow, and so here you have this last moment of JESUS's prayer life — at least this side of the Cross & Resurrection..
And it's a moment where HIS Solitude, HE actually wasn't trying to be alone; HE went a stone's throw away.
……………………………………………………………………………… But the whole point is, they should be with HIM in mutual support—and HE finds HIMSELF completely isolated, only the Presence of the FATHER that HE is wrestling with, in an agonized prayer. ………………………………………………………………………………
The last moments of JESUS, right where HE had HIS will to do what HE thought HE should be doing were moments of solitary prayer.
But they were also moments of #abandonment of those who were closest to HIM, & this to me this is profound because that in a way solitude
    Choosing to cut yourself off from any input     and relationship, as a part of your regular     practice—that's a form of self-denial so for     some of us, it's very difficult to do this
And it's a form of death almost.
2.3] Symbolically Enter Pain of the Cross
It's cutting yourself off, so that you identify with JESUS —and HIS moment of HIS final moment of solitude; and so JESUS goes into this moment of solitude in agonizing prayer . . .
………………………………………………………………………………     because HE knows that the cross is ahead     of HIM, this this moment where HE's going     to absorb into HIMSELF cumulative effects     & HIS & the FATHER's OWN judgment on     human failure & sin & selfishness in HIS     OWN death on the cross ………………………………………………………………………………
And it's this moment of agonizing solitude.
   •  Why did HE go & do that?
   •  Why did HE do that & the witness of all        of the NT Scriptures is that HE did that        as an act of love for you & for me.
………………………………………………………………………………        JESUS went into the moment of complete        abandonment & solitude precisely as an        act of love & commitment to those who        would look to HIM in faith ………………………………………………………………………………
       so that in their moment of solitude and        death—they would have the promise of        never being abandoned
And so in these acts of solitude that we place ourselves into, it's a pure response to the ONE WHO is completely abandoned & isolated for me & my behalf
   as an act of love & in my better moments    which aren't that my heart is melted into    a desire to want to be in solitude with my    SAVIOUR..
That's how I get there.
I don't know how you need to get there — but it seems to me it's only going to happen when we see that we need this practice.
We need it in our lives to actually fully function as as human beings & as followers of JESUS.
Meditation and Solitude P1,2 | Tim Mackie [Romans 8:26-27]
Follow The Lamb | The Altar Music
In triumph or in trial Whatever comes my way I will follow the LAMB where HE goes When my cup is empty or when it overflows I will follow the LAMB where HE goes
[CHORUS] May the LAMB receive the reward of HIS suffering Every voice, we sing, the reward of HIS suffering
In life or in death, With every breath I will follow the LAMB where HE goes In joy or in sorrow This one thing I know I will follow the LAMB where HE goes
Today and tomorrow All the rest of my days I will follow the LAMB where HE goes In beauty or ashes I have this hope I will follow the LAMB where HE goes
Hallelujah, oh what a SAVIOUR There is no end to HIM Hallelujah, oh what a privilege it is to follow HIM
Recorded live at The Altar Fellowship in Johnson City, TN Video: MC Stewart Produced by - Gabriel Wilson Engineered- Aaron Knott Mix- Chris Greely Mastered - Drew Lavine
2022 The Altar Fellowship (BMI) adm. at CapitolCMG Publishing.com in partnership with WatershedMusic Publishing.com). All rights reserved. Used by permission.
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betomad · 2 months
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Ultimately, that is the definition of bravery: not being afraid of yourself. — Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche
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We live, in fact, in a world starved for solitude, silence, and private: and therefore starved for meditation and true friendship.
C.S. Lewis, The Weight of Glory
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derangedrhythms · 1 year
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Theodore Roethke, Words for the Wind; from ‘Fourth Meditation’
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sylviaritter · 11 months
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Four of Swords
The tarot card No. 54 is done. :)
Created with Krita and Blender, Copyright © 2023 Sylvia Ritter.
www.sylvia-ritter.com, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram. 
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nomoremaybe · 29 days
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lunacelebrateslife · 2 months
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poligraf · 6 months
Nowhere can man find a quieter or more untroubled retreat than in his own soul.
— Marcus Aurelius
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dk-thrive · 1 month
There is silence to sit in. Even in solitude, there is much to do.
— Cory Richards, The Color of Everything: A Journey to Quiet the Chaos Within (Random House, July 9, 2024)
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eerieeccentrix · 4 months
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madewithonerib · 1 year
2.] Contemplate Message From GOD
Then contemplation is basically go live your life but go live your life shaped by the reflections & meditations—that you've done from the day
And for a while you know, at least for me, it took time—it kind of felt like go through the steps but you know after a while of doing it. [5:13]
     It just becomes a pretty sometimes even      brief—but meaningful practice of a daily      prayerful engagement with Scripture &      I'm certain that this is exactly the kind of      thing that JESUS is doing & it's precisely      the kind of thing JESUS called HIS      followers to be doing
It's this meditating, it's hagaying on the Scriptures —not to learn something & not just to tell GOD what I need, but to stop & focus & not feel the need to have to do or say anything.
But just reflect on the Scriptures & how they lead me in to this 𝗲𝗻𝗴𝗮𝗴𝗲𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗟𝗶𝘃𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗚𝗢𝗗 WHO is the SAVIOUR of us—How do you gain the motivation to see that I need this & it's not just a matter of like feeling guilty, or like JESUS did it so I need to do it
   •  It's about a change of my desires & affections    •  It's about me coming to actually believe that       I can't live adequately — if I don't have this       practice in my life.
I need it & I want it—so I'm going to focus in on it & say no to other things that are going to get in the way of that; & what/how do you get there?
2.1] The Way Forward
Let me let me share with you one way that has gotten me there over the last few years. Turn to Luke 22 with me. This is the last moment of JESUS's private prayer that's mentioned in the Gospel of Luke.
We looked at a whole bunch already but in Luke 22 just where it begins with Judas going out to betray JESUS & get the soldiers & hire them.
Most of Luke 22 is the Last Supper
It's the last Passover meal between JESUS & HIS followers, the meal concludes and they leave.
Luke 22:39 | ³⁹ JESUS went out as usual to the Mount of Olives, & the Disciples followed HIM.
On reaching the place HE said to them:
     Pray so you'll not fall into temptation
JESUS knows that within 12 hours, HE's going to be hanging on the Roman cross, & HE says pray the moment of decision the ultimate moment of decision your allegiance to ME is coming..
     Pray that you don't fall & then HE      withdrew as HE always did about      a stone's throw beyond them
HE knelt down & HE prayed
FATHER if YOU are willing take this cup from ME—yet not MY will but YOURS be done
This is the moment of agonized solitude, an Angel from Heaven appeared to HIM, strengthening HIM —being in anguish HE prayed more earnestly
   •  HIS sweat was like drops of blood falling to       the ground when HE rose from prayer HE       went back to the Disciples
      & HE finds them doing what?       So JESUS is utterly alone now, HE has only       the FATHER's Presence with HIM that HE's       aware of—but HE's in utter solitude even       tho HE has this circle of Disciples around       HIM; they're exhausted from sorrow & so
Here you have this last moment of JESUS's prayer life —at least this side of the Cross & resurrection & it's a moment where HIS solitude.
   •  HE actually wasn't trying to be alone    •  HE went a stone's throw away
But the whole point is that they would be with HIM in mutual support—& HE finds HIMSELF completely isolated, only the presence of the FATHER
   That HE's wrestling with in an agonized prayer    the last moments of JESUS right where HE had    HIS will to do what HE thought HE should be    doing—were moments of solitary prayer
But they were also moments of abandonment of those who were closest to HIM—& this to me, this is profound because in a way solitude choosing to cut yourself off from any input & relationship
   •  as a part of your regular practice    •  that's a form of self-denial
************************************************************* So for some of us it's very difficult to do this, & it's a form of death almost—it's cutting yourself off, so you identify with JESUS & HIS final moment of solitude & so JESUS goes into this moment of solitude *************************************************************
     in agonizing prayer because HE knows that      the cross is ahead of HIM, this is a moment      where HE's going to absorb into HIMSELF      cumulative effects & HIS & the FATHER's      OWN judgment on human failure & sin &      selfishness in HIS OWN death on the cross
And it's this moment of agonizing solitude—why did HE go & do that? The witness of all of NT Scriptures is that HE did that as an act of love for you & for me.
     JESUS went into the moment of complete      abandonment and solitude precisely as an      act of love & commitment to those who      would look to HIM in faith.
     So that in their moment of solitude & death      they would have the promise of never being      abandoned.
So in these acts of solitude, that we place ourselves into—it's a pure response to the ONE WHO is comp- letely abandoned & isolated for me & my behalf as an act of love.
************************************************************* And in my better moments—which aren't that many — my heart is melted into a desire to want to be in solitude with my SAVIOUR. *************************************************************
That's how I get there.
I don't know how you need to get there.
But it seems to me that it's only going to happen when we see that we need this practice.
We need it in our lives to actually fully function as as human beings & as followers of JESUS.
Meditation and Solitude P1,2 | Tim Mackie [Psalm 1:2]
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apenitentialprayer · 8 months
Therefore, we must maintain great stillness of mind, even in the midst of our struggles. We shall then be able to distinguish between the different types of thoughts that come to us: those that are good, those sent by God, we will treasure in our memory; those that are evil and inspired by the devil we will reject. A comparison with the sea may help us. A tranquil sea allows the fisherman to gaze right to its depths. No fish can hide there and escape his sight. The storm sea, however, becomes murky when it is agitated by the winds. The very depths that it revealed in its placidness the sea now hides. The skills of the fisherman are useless.
Saint Diadochus of Photice (One Hundred Chapters on Spiritual Perfection, Chapter 27)
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mountain-sage · 5 months
Solitude is not
A condition of the body.
Instead, it is
A condition of the mind.
Solitude may be found
In the busy market or
May be elusive in the forest.
Wu Hsin
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pink-alchemy · 7 months
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spiritchill · 9 months
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Bring me peace, ❤️
or leave me in my solitude. ✌️✨️
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mashriqiyyah · 1 year
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Whenever your life goes a bit out of balance or you are approaching a new major stage in your life, shut yourself from the world completely and spend some time alone reflecting and re-organizing your plans, goals, thoughts, and priorities, while seeking help from Allah.
This is a technique that Prophets, the companions, and scholars have done in the past extensively (called Khulwah خلوة), and is one of the techniques recommended in many self help books today. Try it!
--Dr. Waleed Hakeem
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