#Meditations On America
yz · 1 month
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Afternoon at the pond. August 2024.
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The Two Ways
1 Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; 2 but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. 3 He is like a tree planted by streams of water, that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers.
4 The wicked are not so, but are like chaff which the wind drives away. 5 Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous; 6 for the Lord knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish. — Psalm 1 | Revised Standard Version (RSV) Revised Standard Version of the Bible, copyright © 1946, 1952, and 1971 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. All rights reserved. Cross References: Genesis 24:63; Genesis 39:2-3; Deuteronomy 33:29; Numbers 24:6; Joshua 1:8; Job 19:29; Job 21:18; Psalm 5:5; Psalm 25:5; Matthew 3:12; John 10:14; 1 Corinthians 8:3
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santmat · 1 year
Instructions For Holding Satsang - Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcasts
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Kirpal Singh: "The books written by the Master should be read in the Satsangs, as these give a clear cut view of the subject, as also carry the life impulse of the Master and as such will bless the dear ones with right understanding of the Holy Path. Relevant portions of the books of other Masters, viz: Kabir, Nanak, Christ, etc., dealing with Sant Mat, Surat Shabad Yoga may also be referred to where necessary... "For the subject of a talk, we may take up the hymns from any scripture, preferably from the Masters of the Sound Current. It may be supplemented by apt quotations from the parallel writings of other Master Saints. The Holy Gospels themselves are full of such material as may fit in with such a context. The illustrations from various Masters are essential so as to bring out the essential unity in the teachings of all the Saints."
Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast - Instructions For Holding Satsang @ the Podcast Website:
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& @ Wherever You Subscribe and Follow Podcasts (Apple, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Amazon, Audible, Stitcher, PodBean, Overcast, Jio Saavan, iHeart Radio, Podcast Addict, Gaana, CastBox, etc...):
Satsang is a term that means association ('sang') with the Eternal Timeless Truth or God ('Sat'). Satsang means "association with Eternal Truth" as well as "association with God," and is to some extent comparable to "church" or "temple," but not in any institutional sense. A saying of Jesus in the New Testament provides a good definition of a Satsang meetup: "Where two or three are gathered in My Name, I Am there in their midst."
The format of Satsang can include: someone giving a spiritual discourse, instruction on putting the Path into practice, a video or audio of a Master (Sant Satguru) giving a talk, readings from the writings of the Masters, the reciting or singing of banis, bhajans or kirtans (hymns of worship composed by Sants), and silent group meditation. It's considered the greatest of blessings if it is a Master who conducts the Satsang in person (or in this age of live streaming, via the web).
The effect of Satsang is that of DIVINE REMEMBRANCE, thus, with such a spiritual boost, encouragement and support for the spiritual journey, those who go to Satsang are much more likely to stay-on-the-Path and put effort into their own daily spiritual practice at home. Thus will the life of the Bhakta (lover, devotee, disciple) become more and more God-intoxicated by imbibing the spiritual wine, the nectar of divine love.
Also Covered During This Satsang Podcast: People's Attention Drowning in a New Age Soup: In an Age of Junk-Food Spirituality and Endless Internet Memes, What Satsang is NOT -- Satsang is intended to be an oasis, a refuge from the agitations of the mind, maya/illusion, the labyrinth of the world (and astral plane);
Instructions for Holding Satsang, The Purpose of Satsang, Satsang Apart from Rituals, Subject and Scope of Satsang, Love and Service the Basis of Satsang, according to Sant Kirpal Singh;
Extracts from Letters of Huzur Baba Sawan Singh About Satsang ("The Less Organization, the Better");
Authentic Traditional Satsang Templates True to the Path: "For the subject of a talk, we may take up the hymns from any scripture, preferably from the Masters of the Sound Current. It may be supplemented by apt quotations from the parallel writings of other Master Saints. The Holy Gospels themselves are full of such material as may fit in with such a context. The illustrations from various Masters are essential so as to bring out the essential unity in the teachings of all the Saints." (Kirpal Singh, Instructions For Holding Satsang)
The Three Levels of Sat-Sang: The First Level of Satsang (Association with God), The Second Level of Satsang (Association with the Saints), The Third Level of Satsang (Association with the Writings of Sages and Saints), by Swami Sant Sevi Ji Maharaj;
In Divine Love (Bhakti), Light, and Sound, At the Feet of the Masters, Radhaswami,
James Bean
Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcasts
Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts
Sant Mat Radhasoami
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sakuraswordly · 8 months
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Kouki Palo Santo?????? I never heard of it before...let's see....
Palo Santo, which means "holy wood" in Spanish, is a tree native to South America, primarily found in the tropical forests of countries like Peru, Ecuador, and parts of Central America. Its scientific name is Bursera graveolens. Palo Santo is renowned for its fragrant wood, which has been used for centuries in indigenous and spiritual practices for its aromatic properties and believed healing properties.
The wood is traditionally burned as incense during ceremonies and rituals for its pleasant, uplifting scent. It's also used for its reported medicinal properties, with claims of benefits ranging from calming the mind and reducing stress to repelling insects and aiding respiratory issues.
Due to its popularity and increased demand, there have been concerns about the sustainability of Palo Santo harvesting. It's important to source Palo Santo from sustainable and ethical suppliers to ensure the conservation of this valuable resource and support the communities that depend on it.
In recent years, there has been growing interest in Palo Santo outside of traditional spiritual practices, with its essential oil being used in aromatherapy and its wood incorporated into various products like candles, soaps, and skincare items. However, it's crucial for consumers to be mindful of the source and sustainability of the Palo Santo used in such products.
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hkunlimited · 1 year
Vive la Difference! Between Christianity and Buddhism... 
Christianity seeks joy out there somewhere, while Buddhism seeks to limit suffering right here inside. And that’s the big difference between the two, the outward search versus the inward search, and the destination for ultimate satisfaction. The idea, in fact, that there may really be no substantial difference between the two is something that only arose later, after the rise of Mahayana…
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void-thegod · 1 year
im not sure how many of you are aware that global meditation had some correlation with crime dropping
maybe all is mind. maybe energy can be affected by consciousness (em field)
maybe magic like this exists
so .. what if we meditated on the supreme court?
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So happy to say that my new book Roadside Meditations has finally arrived after a 5 month delay. Head on over to my website to learn more about it or to pick up a copy. 
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ramavtarsunarti · 1 year
The Holy Bible also proves that God is in form whose name is Kabir Dev.
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streetviewpilgrim · 1 year
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“I am silent now. It is not an empty silence. It is a natural silence. The silence of wind, of waves, of breath, of the beating of my heart. It is a space in my soul for being aware. It is a silence that listens, gently, taking notice. I can simply Be. I am the space within. I am the round sky and the firm earth. The waves of life wash through me, and the wind of the spirit cries in my heart.”
(from ‘Finding Stone’ by Christin L. Weber)
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harrelltut · 1 year
Official Military [OM] Ops… O MASTERFUL [OM] MONK [OM] MODE [OM] GOD [OMG] MICHAEL [OM] in DEEP METU NETER CHRIST MEDITATION… Eye [ME] Unique [MU] SAGE of My Great Grand Canyon Mother's Prehistoric American [PA = Original Ægiptian] Continent of ATLANTIS [CA]
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Celebrate the collapse of artificial america
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queen calafia separated from the peasants 
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Listen/purchase: Wacomaya (ft. Ronnã Yawa) by Liquid Bloom, Savej
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Wacomaya (ft. Ronnã Yawa) ~by Liquid Bloom, Save
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anarchyroll · 4 months
Busyness ∞ Escapism is a Trap
Busyness to escapism is a vicious circle and a trap.  Either can be confused with purpose which is dangerous. Put together, they’re deadly for one’s spirit and steroids for one’s ego.  Busyness is not productivity or discipline it is avoidance and anxiety put into physical action. Keep busy to avoid _______________. Stay busy long enough and you need an escape. A treat. A vacation. Some me…
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wojtekxp · 4 months
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bethestaryouareradio · 4 months
Weeding, Managing Life, Mindfulness
Tune in LIVE weekly to the upbeat, positive lifestyle broadcast where producer and host Cynthia Brian showcases strategies for success on StarStyle®-Be the Star You Are!®. Available wherever you listen to your favorite programs!
Before the weather gets too warm and the soil hardens, we must eradicate weeds from our landscapes. A weed is just a plant growing somewhere it is not wanted. Depending on where we live and how we cultivate, determines the perspective we may have about what is a weed and what is wanted a specimen. Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian, walks us through the garden chores.
Are you an on-time person? Are your organized? Or are you constantly losing things?If you are feeling that your life is out of control, the time is now to take charge and make changes. 
Mindfulness is a term that we hear about all the time. Is there wisdom in our senses? Mindfulness has been linked with more happiness, less stress, and more resilience. Want to try it out?
Follow StarStyle®:
Listen at the Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/150176/weeding-managing-your-life-mindfulness
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goddessgardener · 4 months
Weeding, Managing Life, Mindfulness
Tune in LIVE weekly to the upbeat, positive lifestyle broadcast where producer and host Cynthia Brian showcases strategies for success on StarStyle®-Be the Star You Are!®. Available wherever you listen to your favorite programs! Before the weather gets too warm and the soil hardens, we must eradicate weeds from our landscapes. A weed is just a plant growing somewhere it is not wanted. Depending…
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hkunlimited · 2 years
Buddhism 499: Pacifism is not passivism...
Buddhism 499: Pacifism is not passivism…
This is one of the hardest lessons of Buddhism, balancing the dual extremes of not only luxury and lack, the Middle Path of Theravada Buddhism, but action and inaction, and ultimately existence and non-existence, the Middle Path of Mahayana. Given the truth that the source of much of our discontent is not to be found in the ‘outside’ world, but right in our own minds, the obvious temptation is to…
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