#Metallic Periwinkle
💙💜Latvian Lover Boy💜💙
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glitter-studs · 9 months
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Bathroom - Traditional Bathroom Mid-sized traditional 3/4 white tile and subway tile bathroom with a two-piece toilet, blue walls, open cabinets, an integrated sink, and solid surface countertops.
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saraswritingtipps · 11 months
Different ways to describe Blue eyes
1. Bright, azure eyes: Referring to the brilliant, vivid shade of blue reminiscent of a clear sky.
2. Deep sapphire eyes: Comparing the color to the rich, dark blue of a sapphire gemstone.
3. Clear cerulean eyes: Describing a pure, bright blue hue akin to the color of a clear cerulean sky.
4. Sparkling turquoise eyes: Likening the color to the shimmering, greenish-blue tones found in turquoise gemstones.
5. Icy blue eyes: Describing a pale, cool blue shade reminiscent of ice or winter.
6. Piercing cobalt eyes: Suggesting a striking, intense blue color akin to cobalt metal.
7. Dreamy cornflower eyes: Comparing the color to the soft, delicate shade of cornflower petals.
8. Electric blue eyes: Referring to a vibrant, intense blue hue that appears to be charged with energy.
9. Oceanic blue eyes: Describing a deep, alluring blue color reminiscent of the vastness of the ocean.
10. Steel-blue eyes: Likening the color to the cool, steely hue of metal.
11. Aquamarine eyes: Comparing the color to the soft, bluish-green tones of the gemstone aquamarine.
12. Gentle baby blue eyes: Describing a light, soft blue color similar to the eyes of a newborn.
13. Enchanting cerulean eyes: Suggesting a captivating, magical shade of blue.
14. Cool periwinkle eyes: Referring to a soft, light blue hue with a touch of lavender.
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nikosaki · 28 days
“I want to use specific names for colours/shades but I don’t know many!” Hahaha sakira has got you! If you want to add colour to the objects or stuff in your writing you shouldn’t just write it like this
“Her dress was red” “His eyes were purple”
That makes your writing bland, it dumbs down the readers imagination during reading. Instead describe the colour like this
“Her dress was like a cup of Rooibos tea under a sunlit day”
“His eyes could be compared to that of a raven’s deep violet eyes”
(tip: amethyst is an overused word, there’s a list of other purple words below you should check out)
You can describe colours using objects because it will give shape to the sentence but don’t always go too detailed. If you make one sentence with a lot of adjectives and everything then don’t over use it in the other sentence that’s is.
But remember to use a simile like “as” or “like” if you do use objects.
I already wrote “Her dress was like a cup of Rooibos tea under a sunlit day” so next time when I mention the dress’s colour again I am going to write something like this
“Her garnet dress flowed in the wind”
Why? Because simple sentenced always enchance the writing and gives reader a feeling.
now that we are done with how to write colours let’s see some synonyms!!
white- bleached , colourless , pearly , milky , snowy, ivory , salt , Lacey , linen , frosty, daisy parchment , porcelain, cotton , rice bone
black- ebony, midnight, jade , spider , coal , pitch black, void , empty, sooty , obsidian , metal, onyx , ink , crow
grey- shadow, ash , graphite , foggy, dove , silver , dull, cloud ,slate, iron, smoke, pebble
red- garnet, blush , Merlot , cherry , crimson, rose, sangria, bloody, berry , currant, terracotta, jam , merlot
orange- tangerine , ginger , apricot, autumn , spice , amber, rust, marmalade, pumpkin , carrot , clay, golden , copper , ochre
yellow- gold, canary , light , butterscotches, dandelion, honey , blonde, corn, saffron , ocher, buttermilk
green- beryl , viridescent , olive , emerald , pickle, leafy , sage , lime , pear , mint, mignonette, glaucous
blue- ocean , aqua , cobalt, navy , sapphire, admiral, denim , cerulean, indigo , lapis , peacock, aegean, azure , turquoise, cyan , arctic
purple - amethyst , raven , violet ,lilac , lavender, plum , magenta ,orchid , mulberry, heather, raisin, amaranthine , eggplant , iris , periwinkle
pink- blush , cherry blossom , taffy , peach, flamingo , rosey , salmon , fuscia, rosewood , pale red
IMPORTANT : remember to do GOOD research on shades!! You need to know which one you can use as an adjective and which one is a noun. If it’s a noun turn it into adjective, if it cannot be turned into an adjective then use a simile.
There’s more and if you know put it in the reblogs
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dayacakrawala · 1 month
Όπτιμους ἀνέστη! Happy Easter. I will burn in hell.
TFP Optimus gives a messy egg-birth. Ratchet is here too.
Flying into the Well of All Sparks, Optimus was ready to sacrifice himself, or at least what he's grown used to think of as himself, his frail, mortal form of metal and wires. He was prepared to merge with Primus. Apparently, Primus had other plans.
It started with warm airflow embracing him near the end of the Well, permeating his armor like it was paper thin, overwhelming him, igniting and soothing at the same time, and finally carrying him lightly back to the surface. It continued with his friends' confused happiness. And this new fuzzy feeling, and Ratchet's concern, and a discovery. Oh, the discovery. Optimus Prime not only came back alive. He came back full of eggs.
Living, precious sparks, nested in their vacuoles and soft, translucent shells, were growing inside his gestation tank. The organ designed to incubate one to several eggs has expanded to embrace the holy gift. Ratchet tried to count them but failed. There were just a lot, mostly blue, but some green, pink, and yellow.
Ratchet's medical fascination mixed with religious awe. The more he observed and studied the unique case of his Prime, the deeper it got, even though he had to face things that had to be left out of the equation for others. Medical confidentiality was a thing when it came to Optimus' increasing sexual appetite, to him constantly being on the verge of arousal due to being stuffed in a quite pleasurable way, to his gestation tank pressing on his waste reservoir and making the messiah of Primus visit the waste receiver twice a day. Optimus' increased energon consumption was less of a sensitive issue, yet he was still uncomfortable drinking this much openly, so Ratchet had to watch him fuel in private to control his ration.
So much stayed behind the closed doors of the medbay during Optimus' daily scheduled check-ups. So many little… inconveniences.
When Ratched had Optimus in the examination chair once again, everything seemed noticeably more intense. Optimus seemed more nervous and tired, and he told Ratchet about feeling so full that he was afraid to move. Even his waist plating looked slightly pushed from the inside. He lubricated copiously, letting out oily pink droplets, and the valve visibly throbbed so hard Ratchet called for all his medical professionalism not to growl in frustration and want. He was lying to himself about it being just fascination and awe. Fascination and awe never leave you with your spike in hand after your friend's and leader's daily check-up, moaning and thinking about his heavily pregnant tank.
Ratchet prepared the endoscope, and Optimus tensed. "It's going in," Ratchet informed him, trying to sound calm.
When the head of the endoscope touched the eagerly unfurling petals of Optimus' valve, there was a sound of a small piece of armor retracting. Ratchet tried not to stare at the spike pressurizing, instead focusing on Optimus' frantic apologies. It's alright. They'd been there. No need to feel ashamed. But holy Primus, fuck, how big this spike was, and how big the valve below was, and how smoothly it took the endoscope.
"Ratchet, please, stop." He complied immediately, detecting almost pleading undertones in the strained low voice. Optimus growled, and his hips jerked uncontrollably, grinding on the probing device. "I'm sorry, but I feel like my waste tank may give. The sparks are pressing on it."
"Then we should empty it before it's damaged," Ratchet told him, the phrasing felt odd and ridiculous but was aimed to comfort Optimus, highlighting him being aided and taken care of. The endoscope slid slowly in and out, stimulating the nodes where the tube connecting the waste tank with a small nozzle next to the valve lay close to the inner interface equipment, intertwined with its tubing and energon lines.
Optimus shuddered, and moaned, and started pouring the floor before the examination chair with periwinkle blue fluid. It arched between his legs, soiling Ratchet's hand still holding the endoscope. It wasn't the first time a patient voided the doctor, damn, they've been through the war quite horror-rich, but it was the first time Ratchet didn't really mind.
"I need a sample anyway," he said, grabbing a test tube from a tray and catching the stream with it. It did little to dispel Optimus' embarrassment, but at least it was true and gave Ratchet his pitiful excuse to watch closely his Prime peeing with, with the endoscope inside, open, ready to lay his blessed eggs.
Oh yes, he was ready. As soon as he stopped emptying himself and Ratchet took his hand away to clean it alongside the tool, his body spasmed like it was welcoming a long-denied overload. "Ratchet, I feel my destination almost…" He groaned, not from pain. "They are coming, I cannot hold them anymore."
"No, damn, Optimus, w-wait a minute!"
Ratchet rushed to the shelf, where awaited the basket, voluminous enough to accommodate a prime clutch and padded with soft material. Two seconds later, he found Optimus mindlessly stroking his spike, trying to distract himself and relieve the tension at the same time. His plating noisily rattled against the chair, his broken whimpers made Ratchet's mind dizzifyingly spin and Ratchet's panels open, but Ratchet was left with little time to care. He saw Optimus' valve squirting a jet of lubricant, his whole body contracting, and a first butch of divine eggs falling wetly into the basket.
They were magnificent. Glowing, warm, colorful, fertilized by Primus, and coming from Optimus' overloading valve. Ratchet didn't hear his own praises and prayers, only Optimus' powerful engine roaring, his cooling fans whirring, his shaky in-vents, and beautiful strangled grunts escaping his voice box.
With his own spark pulsing and his spike throbbing, Ratchet held the basket with one hand, using the other to touch the seam between Optimus' thigh and hip plating to draw attention to himself. "You alright, Optimus? Any pain now?"
"I am fine, my friend. How are… they?"
"Perfect, you… You are doing wonderful," Ratchet reassured, the container in his hand was getting heavier and heavier. Optimus' hand never left his own spike, and Ratchet surrendered too. Powerless before the spectacle of life and pleasure and how badly it aroused him, he placed the basket on the floor, right in the puddle, and quickly stroked himself until the blinding overload made him moan and grab Optimus' leg.
It took a couple minutes more and two more small overloads for Optimus to tense in a final one, his spike spilling intensely, his frame using every output to dump the charge. He was crying.
The basket was full, the eggs piled in it, glowing. Each spark was visible inside, each had its own unique song. Ratchet and Optimus, both calming down, could already sense their energy and life.
A gift, a treasure. The future.
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Ok I wanna talk about Ethari's clothing/design over all. His clothes and tattoos are different from every other Moonshadow elf we've seen, and he's one of the few that doesn't wear braids. Like:
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The recurring elements are intricate patterning; over layers and under layers; multiple colors in the same garment (or at least same outfit); wraparound construction, color contrast between mediums, lights, and darks; and the dominant color is always the medium, never the lightest or darkest color (usually navy, true black is very rare outside of the assassins). Even arc 2 Rayla follows most of these rules and she's been away from her culture for two years!
But then we have Ethari:
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He doesn't have an outer layer, he wears almost solid navy, none of those clothes are wraparound, he has no light color, there's not a lot of contrast, and his dark color is true black despite not being an assassin. He bends all the rules, though he only breaks one completely. He still has that patterning, but it's minimal compared to the others. He has plenty of accent colors, more than anyone else actually, but they show up on him far less. He does have light, medium, and dark colors, but his whole pallet is darker than everyone else's. The only rule he 100% breaks is the wraparound construction
A lot of this probably derives from the fact that he's a metalsmith:
For the most part his clothes quite are practical;
Black/navy hides coal dust/soot very well. It gets everywhere, on your pants and face especially, and is highly visible on just about every other color.
Forging is hot work & you do it next to a fire that needs to be at least 1000° celsius, I never wear more than one layer either.
those sleeves, while a bit looser than I'd be comfortable with, probably aren't going to get in the way. Plus I heard somewhere that they're spelled to repel heat (couldn't find if that's actually canon tho), so if that's true they're much better than my gloves.
The crop top isn't great but he's got that belt to stop most embers. Besides he's probably not the type to yelp every time one lands on him like I am.
if he pulls the scarf over his mouth & nose it'll help delay him getting lung cancer in the death trap of a smithy Wonderstorm designed for him (my problems with it are a post all on their own. I have nothing against the artists, its pretty, but by all rights he should be dead)
There might also be a cultural aspect to his clothing:
I think the navy blue, the arm bands, the boot decorations, and his belt & tabard could all be symbols that mean "I am a metalsmith" in Moonshadow culture. (Quick side note, he's not technically a blacksmith. historically blacksmith means specifically iron workers. If anything he's a whitesmith since he usually works with silver.) We see it with the assassins, why not metalsmiths too?
Plus if you take a look at his forge in the art book, there's a design carved on it that looks almost exactly like the one on his tabard. Elements of it also appear on other parts of his clothing:
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I suspect that this is some sort of symbol for metal working or fire protection. If he's in a guild it could be their symbol, or it could just be a wider cultural symbol. Either way it has a meaning that relates to the forge specifically. I couldn't find it anywhere else in the room.
I just realized that I never even brought up the metal hems on his sleeves. Then again what is there to say? It's metal, he's a metalsmith. It's pretty, he likes pretty things.
But what about the rule he completely breaks?
As I said, every moonshadow garment has some sort of wrap-and-secure construction to it-- except Ethari's clothes. I seriously doubt this is a metalsmith thing. Basic garment construction isn't a sensible way to differentiate your group within one culture. I fully believe Ethari is doing this on purpose. But why? That why gets even bigger when you realize that no other moonshadow elves we've met have brown eyes or periwinkle blue tattoos.
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Put a pin in all that, I need to explain my interpretation of Moonshadow culture for this to make sense.
"Moon Primal creatures can be private and secretive, and are keenly aware of the power of appearances." - from the official website
"Moonshadow Elves obey a rather rigid, honor-driven culture." - from the wiki
To me this paints a picture of a fairly collectivist culture. They place a heavy emphasis on community and duty, two things that are usually more peaceful/simpler when you have cohesion within the group. Cohesion creates less conflict, less conflict makes your community more peaceful and your duty to it easier to complete.
But they know that this cohesion is- to an extent- only an act, so each person has a sub community where they don't have to act. Your inner self is for family and friends close enough to be family. (I honestly think they might have some sort of ritual to formally adopt friends as family) To everyone else you're supposed to put up a front that makes you seem more like everyone else.
OK back to the pin
Even without his clothes, Ethari is already visually different from everyone else. No other Moonshadow elves we've seen have tattoos or eyes the same color as his. It's a subtle difference but it is noticeable, and in a culture so focused on appearances people would notice. Most people's instinct would be to try to hide or downplay it, to prop up that front as much as they can. Yet Ethari doesn't put up a front, not to the extent that most people seem to. He's even accentuating his differences by dressing in a different style than them- and he's respected.
In my comm class the other day we were talking about groups, and one of the things that came up was that cohesion fosters sameness and diversity fosters innovation. Ethari is an innovator, it's literally his job. He invents the wingalings in bloodmoon huntress, Runaan and Rayla's weapons, and probably a bunch more stuff we haven't seen. Maybe for all they value appearances and fitting in, moonshadow culture still recognizes that people like him are important and they aren't as effective when they have to fit in. They can't be too out there (remember, Ethari only bends the rules rather than breaking them) but as long as they stay within a certain radius of the norm they can gain a lot of respect. I think this is what Ethari has done. The fact that his family (Runaan, Tiadrin, Lain) are all pretty traditional probably helped a lot. They keep him from pushing too hard on the edge of the box and he keeps them flexible.
That they aren't there anymore has probably exacerbated the rift between him and the rest of the silvegrove caused by Rayla's ghosting and whatever news has reached them from the storm spire.
I am so excited to see him in S6. I thought about adding some speculation about what his new design might look like, but I honestly don't think he'll have changed that drastically aside from his hair. My biggest question is honestly whether or not he's still in The Silvergrove.
I bet that some of Ethari's relative weirdness rubbed off on Rayla. She didn't have many friends as a kid so, when she wasn't in school or with the assassins, it makes sense that hung out with Ethari a lot. Since he's less strict than Runaan she was probably only comfortable completely unmasking with him. He heard about all her crushes, fears, and insecurities that Runaan didn't. Which goes a long way to explaining why Ethari was the only one who could see she wouldn't be a good assassin; she was hiding those traits from everyone but him.
This also explains some of why he was so willing to believe that she ran away. Ethari saw all of her vulnerability, but he didn't see all of her strength. While she was out training and facing her fears with Runaan, Ethari was in the smithy and only heard about their exploits after the fact. Neither of them saw all of who Rayla is, but both of them thought they did and had to find out that they were wrong in just about the most heartbreaking way imaginable.
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Writing Notes: On Colour
Describing Colour in your Poetry and Stories
BLACK Shadow Black, Dusk, Midnight, Blackbird, Blackberry, Ebony, Black Honey, Darkness, Jet Black, Ink Black, Soot, Onyx, Licorice, Ivory Black, Pitch, Char, Gloom, Outer Space, Creosote Black, Melanite, Goth Black, Gunpowder
BLUE Blueberry, Sapphire Blue Metallic, Tiffany Blue (Pantone 1837), Cobalt Blue, Denim, Aquamarine, Turquoise, Sky Blue, Topaz, Ultramarine Blue, Azure, Cerulean, Oxford Blue, Periwinkle, Electric Blue, Baby Boy Blue, Pthalo Blue, Robin's Egg Blue, Persian Blue, Marino Blue, Prussian Blue
GREEN Leafy Green, Olive, Moss Green, Jade, Lime, Sour Apple Green, Emerald Green, Mint, Kiwi Green, Phthalo Green, Praying Mantis Green, Viridian, Greenback, Shamrock, Sap Green, Chartreuse, Sea Green, Pistachio, Teal, Bamboo, Sea Salt, Celadon Green, Celery, Asparagus Green, Fern Green, Neon Green, Jungle Green, Pear Green
ORANGE Pumpkin, Burnt Orange, Carrot, Sunset Orange, Tangerine, Persimmon, Salamander, Tennessee Orange (Pantone 151), Jack-o'-lantern Orange, Florida Orange, Summer Squash, Pale Daffodil, Smashed Pumpkin, Saffron, Autumn Orange, Macaroni and Cheese, Cadmium Orange
PINK Pink Flamingo, Neon Pink, Bubblegum Pink, Salmon, Peach, Fuscia, Cotton Candy Pink, Rose, Carnation, Thulian, Apricot, Atomic Pink, Barbie Pink, Hot Pink, Amaranth, Flushed, Glitter Pink
PURPLE Lavender, Purple Haze, Grape, Eggplant Purple, Plum, Violet, Orchid, Psychedelic Purple, Amethyst, Lilac, Boysenberry, Mulberry, Wisteria, Bruised Plum, Indigo, Mauve
RED Blood Red, Copper, Maroon, Strawberry, Watermelon Red, Crimson, Candy Apple Red, Tomato, Brick Red, Scarlet, Cardinal Red, Cherry, Ruby Red, Coral, Sunburn, Hot Lava, Cadmium Red, Auburn, Blush, Alizarin Crimson, Fire Engine Red, Raspberry, Vermillion, Lipstick, Burgundy, Magenta, English Vermilion, Mahogany
WHITE Dirty White, Albino, Chalk, Alabaster, Cotton, Titanium White, Vanilla, Bone White Egg Shell, Marshmallow, Ivory, Pearl White, Almond, Champagne, Blond, Cream, Milky White, Corn Silk, Bleach, Navajo White, Ghost White, Light, Cloud White
YELLOW Canary Yellow, Lemon, Banana, Egg Yolk Yellow, Mellow Yellow, Chanterelle, Mustard Yellow, Corn, Goldenrod, Amber, Pineapple, Metallic Gold, Cadmium Yellow, Wheat, Tuscan Sun, Butter, School Bus Yellow, Yellow Ochre, Citron, Dandelion
BROWN Mud Brown, Beaver, Caramel, Rust, Macaroon, Toasty Brown, Coffee, Sandy Tan, Cocoa, Honey, Chocolate, Burnt Sienna, Mocha, Seashell, Antique Brass, Bronze, Brown Sugar, Chestnut Brown, Taupe, Burnt Umber, Khaki, Dark Sienna, Light Chocolate, Sepia
GRAY Stone Gray, Ash, Metallic Silver, Platinum, Smoke, Concrete Gray, Mercury, Steel Gray, Mist, Titanium, Charcoal, Slate, Sterling Silver, Tungsten, Old Coin Gray, Iron Gray, Chrome, Magnesium, Overcast
MIXED Candy Cane (red and white), Zebra (black and white), Chameleon (many different colours), Ladybug (black and red), Wildfire (yellow, orange and red), Tiger (orange, black and white), Yellow Jacket (black and yellow), Christmas Lights (red, white and green), Rainbow (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet), Black Pepper (black and gray), Leopard (spotted gold and black), Creamsicle (orange and white), Candy Corn (orange and white), Iceberg (a bluish gray), Marbled
COLOURS: Symbolisms, Associations & Psychological Effects
Black. Especially in Gothic literature from the West, a black colour choice often represents death, evil, grief, and depression. Associated with fear, the unknown and often has a negative connotation. Black clothes can make you look thinner. A black background severely diminishes the readability of most type. Often the go to colour for funerals and grieving. It symbolizes stability and power, which gives a sense of authority. Thus, the black colour often represents professionalism and expertise.
Blue. Has positive and negative connotations in colour psychology. Some writers may use blue to represent serenity and tranquility, instilling a scene with a calming effect. Blue can also signify sadness, melancholy, or isolation. People who find someone very loyal and faithful are often called "true blue". Blue is often considered to be more masculine which is why it is often the colour of choice when choosing a suit. Lighter blues are associated with tranquility, softness and healing. Darker blues are associated with power, knowledge and seriousness. Blue is actually shown to suppress appetites a bit. The colour blue symbolizes wisdom and hope. It’s the colour of peace and confidence. Blue has been shown to reduce blood pressure and pulse rate. It fosters serenity and a sense of belonging.
Green. The colour green often symbolizes rebirth, growth, peace, jealousy, and greed. Green colours may also represent spring and renewal. It is a colour that is very easy on the eyes. Dark green is often associated with ambition. Green suggests stability, safety and hope. At the same time, it may denote a lack of experience in a particular field. Green symbolizes peace, growth, and nature. It is the colour of success, promoting healing and tranquility.
Orange. The colour orange often represents energy, excitement, joy, and creativity. Since orange is the colour of fire, it may also symbolize heat. Since orange is not as aggressive as red, it can actually stimulate brain activity. It is very useful to catch someone's attention, which is why it's used a lot to advertise food and toys.
Pink. The colour pink symbolizes love, kindness, femininity, innocence, and playfulness. Certain shades of pink can limit aggression. Pink may be associated with unconditional love and caring.
Purple. Often associated with royalty, the colour purple symbolizes bravery, spirituality, and luxury. Light purple usually brings up romantic or nostalgic feelings; while a darker shade can make you feel gloomy or sad.
Red. The colour red symbolizes some of the most powerful human emotions, like passionate love or lust. On the other side of the spectrum, this warm colour is also the colour of blood, often symbolizing anger, danger, and violence. It stimulates the appetite. Red is an emotionally intense colour associated with energy, danger, anger, passion and determination. The symbolic meaning associated with the colour red is passion, excitement, and love. It’s the colour of urgency, power, and desire. Red is said to boost hunger and is believed to inspire confidence and excitement. This colour has also been found to increase blood pressure and heart rate.
White. This primary colour traditionally symbolizes innocence, peace, and cleanliness. In Western cultures, the colour white also represents purity and virginity, while it symbolizes mourning in some East Asian cultures. Usually has positive connotations when used and thought of as safe. Associated a lot with healing, simplicity and sterility, which is why it's used in hospitals and healing centers as much as it is. The symbolic meaning of the colour white is truth and sometimes even indifference. It encourages feelings of safety and cleanliness. Clean, white clothes and linens show sterility since stains are easily visible. That’s why doctors and nurses frequently wear white lab coats and scrubs.
Yellow. Writers may use the colour yellow to symbolize creativity, happiness, optimism, and warmth—think of a yellow ray of sunlight poking out from a dark cloud. A common negative connotation of the color yellow is cowardice, popularized by the phrase “yellow-bellied.” Warming effect which stimulates body and mind. Gold is associated with the highest of luxury. When bright yellow is used with black it's one of the easiest colour combinations to see from long distances; when uses with lighter colours it's not so easy to see. Yellow ribbons are worn as a symbol of hope and used quite often to welcome home loved ones. Yellow is the colour of warmth, kindness, and happiness. It’s often associated with optimism and well-being and promotes energy.
Brown. This warm, earthy brown colour may symbolize dependability, comfort, and a sense of being grounded. Brown is also a neutral colour, and writers may use it to represent dullness and predictability. Brown is a colour that is related to very grounded traits such as simplicity, practicality, common sense and hard work. Can also be associated with those that are frugal and not too flashy.
Gray. Lighter grays are often thought of as more feminine while darker grays more masculine. Gray is considered by many to be a neutral colour; the perfect balance between light and dark / good and evil. Pop up the lighter grays and add a little shine to it, and thought immediately turns to silver, which correlates to wealth.
Sources & other related articles: 1 2 3 4 5
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kagecage · 6 months
hi there! i hope you’re having a good day and merry christmas from 🇦🇺 if you celebrate it! i have a little idea that’s been on the top of my head recently and i just need to get it out into the world (this may be a request, or just a thought) but i have been thinking. imagine a ninjago au where it’s thief/tagger (graffiti artist) reader x the ninjas.. like it could be like a specific ninja but i was thinking more smth like this (picture it)
you’re out doing your usual criminal activities and you and the ninja squad have been rivalling forever, and suddenly you get caught off guard in an alleyway where one of them appear outta no where and ambushes you, so they tease and banter for a hot second with you before you land a hit on them and run off.. but then another appears, cocking their head at you.. then they all start just dropping in onto the hoods of abandoned rusty cars and like old crates and stuff, or like behind you and #jawontheground
anyways, there’s no specific genre to that just needed to get this out of my mind 😢 if you could turn it into like a one shot i would be 😱honoured😱 but it’s just a thought ^^
AHHHHH OMG I LOVE THIS SCENARIO MERRY CHRISTMAS ML 🫶🫶 i hope everyone is having an amazing Christmas eve or day!! Now, enjoy!!
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Bobbing my hand up and down, shaking the spray can in my hand, i brought up the messy can and sprayed up on the wall, moving it slowly, leaving a dripping effect as the paint slides off the wall. Headphones to a full volume as i hummed along the tunes.
From morning till dawn, my mural was finally finished. I climbed down the rustic ladder and stepped back a few feet to see the masterpiece in front of me. I grinned in success as i laid my eyes upon my art.
Grabbing my bag, i stuffed the rest of the cans into the leather bag and threw it up my shoulder. I crouched down to a periwinkle purse and rummaged through it, the purse had a few dirt and soot on the cover, since it was recently stolen by me.
Finding a lighter and some cigars in the bag, i stuffed the said items into my pocket as i spotted a wallet, reaching my hand out to grab it, i heard some strange noises. Seeming it was some clanging metal. Whipping my head to the right, i spotted no trace of people.
I took my headphones off, being wary of my surroundings. I stood upright and eyed the area where the sound came from, before i knew it i was pinned to the wall aggressively.
Squirming against the strangers grip, they tightened their arms and pressed on my back. I was faced to the wall with my hands behind my back. Groaning and grunting as i tried to pry out of the hard grasp, the stranger started to chuckle from behind me.
“As expected, i knew you were here.” The voice spoke out as he whispered into my ear. I recognized the voice as the earth ninja, Cole brookstone. His hot breath against my ear sent shivers down my spine. He turned me around to face him, my back against the wall with his arms beside me and a knee between my thighs.
“Theres no way to get out of this one, you were a hard catch you know that?” I laid my eyes upon his dark brown ones, i felt his finger tracing my jawline as he chuckled. He moved his arms and started to propel on his elbows against the wall. Our face a mere inch away.
I moved my hand upward, clenching into a fist as i punched his chin from beneath, his teeth hitting each other as he grunted in pain, releasing me from his arms. I lifted myself from the wall and watched as he crouched down while holding his jaw, before he could muster up a word i held the back of his head, feeling his soft jet black hair with a tug.
Pushing his head to the hard surface, his face was met with the wall he was originally on before. His knees against the cold concrete floor while his face was against the brick wall, his hands behind his back with my foot on his wrists tightly.
I felt the corners of my mouth tug upwards as i felt a smirk forming on my face, i bent down to his ear, my hand still in his hair and my left foot on his hands against his back. My breath on his ear.
“As much as i love to be put in handcuffs, i dont like the police kind” i whispered and pickpocketed his gi. Throwing his head onto the floor, i darted away from the black ninja, only to realize a dead end, by another one of the ninjas.
Kai jiang smith, the fire ninja, also known as the red ninja. My eyes laid upon his figure as we were about 5 meters away from each other. Backing up and turning away from the said ninja, i was faced with a female with a pool of water in her hands. Knowing it was Nya i groaned and heard a few metal clanging from all around me. Looking around, my eyes were met with the rest of the ninjas on top of garbage bins and old rusted metal of car pieces.
I chuckled and turned my body towards the so called leader who was glaring behind me. “You really had to bring the whole skittles pack, didn’t you Lloyd?” I brought my hand against my hip, watching the Green ninja from afar. “It’s about time you trapped me, although i was having fun with the other ninja” I used my thumb and pointed to the direction of Cole, who was now standing a few meters away from me with some crimson red liquid flowing down his nose.
Lloyd started to get into a fighting stance with his hands glowing green. “Well the fun just started.” He spoke out with a rough voice. Sprinting towards me, he jumped upwards and brought his hand back for a punch, quickly dodging to the right, his fist was met against the floor, leaving a crack in the cement. Feeling a hot temperature behind me, i whipped my head and turned my body just in time, moving away from a fireball from behind me.
“6 verses 1 i see? Kind of unfair dont you think?” Kai and Lloyd was in the air with the intentions of pouncing me, slipping my legs into a split, my thighs and legs were met with the ground, moving my torso to kiss the floor, Kai and Lloyd accidentally attacked each other as they muster apologies.
Lifting my body into a hand stand, i moved my hands and twisted my body into a circular movement, kicking Jay who was dashing towards me.
At the same time he was kicked, he sent lightning at my chest as i grunted in pain, clutching my chest i was quickly met face first to the ground, my hands on my back with a strong grip in my hair.
“And thats payback.” Cole responded as he nodded towards Zane, feeling a cold sensation against my hands, i assumed he was freezing my hands shut. I squinted and groaned as i tried to wiggle my way out of his hold, that led to cole tightening his grip on my hair and pushing my head into the ground.
I bent my knees and started to kick cole, currently my feet were in the air, kicking left and right, Jay then grabbed on of my feet while Nya grabbed ahold of the other. Bringing them together as Zane also freezed my ankles together.
Bringing me to my knees as i was sat upright, “what should we do with her now that we captured her?” Nya asked to the colourful group infront of me. Puffing away a strand of hair in my face i glared at everyone as they were in a small circle, deciding what to do with me.
Kai stayed behind and watched me on the ground, my knees making contact of the cold hard floor, i darted my pupils to the fire head.
Crouching beside me as he sat down with a grunt. We made eye contact, my eyes met his hazels. “Looks like you’re on your knees for me.” He teased and laughed, a frown appearing on my face, i rolled my eyes and shook my head at his behaviour.
“Well then, it’s settled…” Jay turned towards me and kai’s figure on the ground, “You’re staying with us.” Lloyd finished the sentence as he pointed his thumb at himself with a smug grin on his face. I yelled in shock at the answer i was given. “Theres no way you’re making me stay at your stupid hideout!!” I glared my hard eyes at Lloyd.
“Well, we don’t think it’s a good idea to have you back at the prison, since you escaped from that before.” Zane stated.
Groaning, i laid my head back on the wall.
Well this will be a fun night…
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A/n: IM SO SORRY THAT THIS WAS RUSHED, i didnt really know how to end it so i just hope this is okay 😓
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vorpalfae · 10 months
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Hi I’m 🔮༉‧₊˚🕸 Katie ਏਓ ∙ 🕷‧₊˚𖦹
my interests include: my interests include horror, dragons, elves, vampires, werewolves, faeries, sirens, skulls, alice: madness returns, skyrim, the legend of zelda, animal crossing, lord of the rings, game of thrones, house of the dragon, harry potter, anything fantasy related. halloween anime, twilight, twin peaks, ginger snaps, jennifer’s body, queen of the damned, charmed, buffy the vampire slayer, sabrina the teenage witch, supernatural, texas chainsaw massacre, silent hill, the shining, the crow, the munsters, oddities and anything macabre or strange, teeth, anatomy, video games, many forms of art, books, writing, comics, guitar, gloomy and rainy days, seahorses, jellyfish, and marine life in general, wolves, bats, sci-fi, goth and ethereal music, 90’s grunge, nu metal, mythology, abandoned houses, hiking, graveyards, flora & fauna, morbid science, 90’s fashion, witchy things, the colors purple & periwinkle, gothic architecture, kurt cobain/nirvana, alice in chains, mazzy star, the band HIM, korn, slipknot, acid bath, type o negative, evanescence, lana del rey, killswitch engage, rob zombie, deftones, the birthday massacre, mushroomhead, the cure, diva destruction, lacuna coil, cradle of filth, switchblade symphony, swords and other fantasy weaponry, crystals, potions, mushroom foraging, cosplay, psychology, true crime, lilies, orchids, poppies, cannabis, foggy forests, the pacific northwest, washington state, salem massachusetts, & so sooo much more✨
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sconc middle names but me and cori are stupidt
last night me and cori got slap-happy and made a list of characters’ middle names so happy birthday sonic enjoy. tw catholicism jokes bc when we get slap happy we end up on that train
Sonic: His middle name is actually not Maurice. He won’t tell anyone what it is but it isn’t Maurice. Not in the “noooo it’s totally not ;)” way he legit doesnt know where anyone got that misconception from
Metal Sonic: His middle name IS Maurice. That’s where people got that misconception from
Tails: When he and sonic were filling out paperwork to make sure he legally existed Tails realized he didn’t know his middle name and could reasonably put “Tails.” Instead he put “Terminator”
rouge, losing it: oh my god are you serious tails: i was like five and thought it was cool sonic: you were right 
Knuckles: He literally doesn’t care so once again when filling out paperwork he’s like.
knuckles: so i guess my last name would be my tribe shadow: the knuckles tribe? knuckles: yeah shadow: so you’re putting down knuckles knuckles knuckles: yeah probably shadow: so what’s your middle name? knuckles: well take a fucking guess buddy
Amy: Also picked her own name. Debated between “Amy” and “Rosy” for a while before sticking with “Amy Rose”– rose for the pretty flower she loves and its symbolism, “Amy” because it means “much loved” and she’s desperate for affection. and then she well. picked a middle name that sounded cool
shadow: oh my god tell me your middle name isn’t “terminator” too amy: oh my gosh no amy: amy: it’s velociraptor shadow: oh my god amy: JURASSIC PARK JUST CAME OUT I WAS HYPED
Shadow: We had two (2) options: #1.) It’s something extremely Catholic like Clementinus. It doesn’t fit his brand so he just doesn’t tell anyone. also he can’t pronounce it. #2.) It’s like a deep, guttural screech/roar. Everyone assumes it was Black Doom’s name for him but no that was Gerald’s idea actually
Rouge: Francisca. Shadow was like “oh something really catholic as well” “actually my family were very much not catholic that’s just a funny coincidence.”
Omega: Terminator. Stole the idea from Tails
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Blaze: She has like 48 middle names cause she’s royalty and they’re like that
Silver: “In the future we don’t have middle names. We ate them for sustenance.”
Vector: ALSO something extremely Catholic like Benedict or someshit
Espio: “A ninja’s secret name is to stay absolutely secret. It is the key to their identity. Their soul. None shall know of it.” He picked his own middle name and it was SasuNaru and he’s embarrassed about it.
Charmy: Vector named him so it is also EXTREMELY Catholic. Charmy cannot remember it. “It’s VALENTINE, Charmy!! It’s literally one of the easiest Saints to remember!! Saint VALENTINE!!” “look i made a necklace out of gummy worms :D”
Mighty: it’s something like super normal like Evan or Thomas
Ray: Sunshine :D
Fang: It’s actually Nack. whudda think
Bean: And similar to Fang, it’s ACTUALLY “Dynamite.” Did he name himself? You’ll never know.
Bark: Something super Russian like Vladimir
Big: Big has no middle name he has no last name he is too powerful for all of us
Tikal: yeah we didn’t have middle or surnames in my time. Closest was just “oh that’s Pachacamac’s kid.” Tails: Okay but you need a middle name for paperwork so pick something Tikal: Termi-- Knuckles: No. Tikal: Okay. Lesbian
Jet: Tony. you know why
Marine: It’s just literally “Australian”
Sticks: “Classified.” Everyone is like “oh geez Sticks ok” and don’t realize her middle name is literally Classified
Surge: When she got to pick hers she picked Azula for obvious reasons
Kit: He picked “Surge.”
Belle: Periwinkle
Sage: Ann Ima. believe it or not, that is also. Catholic™
Tekno: Terminator
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Hi! Could I request a reader insert for Funtime Freddy? Basically, readers had a harsh week and Funtime Freddy cheers them up? Readers personality is up to you! ❤️
P.S, Love your work!!
Oh. You know I have never written for this fella (fellas?) before. Let’s see how I do? You can’t have Funtime Fredboi without his trusty left hand man BawhnBawhn, so you’re getting a two for one package deal!
Battery Low
“Hello. Welcome back to your existential crisis repackaged as a promising career—“
“Oh fuck off…” You mumbled at nothing. Who programmed that annoying Hand Unit anyway…?
“We value the ideas and feedback of our employees here at Afton Robo—“ The audio glitched out, “—Circus Baby’s Entertainment and Rentals. So, we would like to let you decide which of our friendly cast you want to visit first today. Please enter your selection into the pinpad.”
You looked in the beady googly eyes of that horrible excuse for a pinpad, thinking for a moment. Do you want to get the easiest one out of the way first, or start with the more difficult animatronic? After a second more of deliberation, you begin to type.
“It looks like you’re having trouble with the pinpad. I see what you were trying to type and will autocorrect it for you.” Hand Unit paused, “You entered: Funtime Freddy.”
“What?! No I didn’t, you dumbass computer—” You hissed, kicking the metal stand and wincing at how much it hurt.
“Let’s go see how Funtime Freddy and his best pal Bonbon are doing tonight.”
“Hell no. I’m going to Ballor—“
“Let’s go see how Funtime Freddy and his best pal Bonbon are doing tonight.” Hand Unit repeated more firmly.
“Fuckin— Fine!”
You trudged into Funtime Freddy’s area, flashlight in hand. You did not want to deal with any of this shit today, especially not Freddy’s shit. He loved to toy with you and make your job that much more difficult than it already was. It felt like eternity and you were only a week into this purgatory of a job. You get paid at two weeks, if you don’t take the choice of a gift basket, which you weren’t.
Baby said on your third night that you must not value your life too much if you keep choosing to come back here, but frankly you have no choice. You need the money. You need to escape your house for at least some time. Sure you’d even make more doing dishes somewhere, but it wasn’t worth the trouble to keep applying to other places that would reject you for “lack of experience”.
“Ohoho! I hear something!” His shrill voice echoed in the darkness, “Someone’s here to play!”
“It’s only a mouse.” Bonbon’s slightly less annoying voice whispered, “Go back to sleep…”
You took advantage of that to try and sneak back into the vents, but of course, the giant metal deathtrap of a bear had found you before you could scramble in.
“Why hello again~!” Freddy cackled, “See, Bonbon? I told you our friend was here to see us!”
“Hello, night guard!” The periwinkle rabbit waved his mitten-like paw, but paused, “Oh my! You look like you’re running out of battery…”
“Silly Bon! Humans don’t run out of battery!”
“Actually, we very much do.” You snapped bitterly, instantly regretting it as you saw Freddy’s free hand grab a sparking wire nearby.
“Well then! Let us help y—“
“NO!” You dropped the flashlight and put your hands up, “That is NOT how we charge!”
“But when other humans touch it they jitter with excitement!” The bear’s ears wiggled, “They even leak a little on the floor!”
“Look, can you stop being a total fucking sadist for ten minutes?!” You ran your fingers over your scalp, “Please, just— just ten minutes—!”
You sat down on the grime covered floor, shaking as you tried to control your breathing. It was silent apart from the buzzing of machinery for a few seconds…until Bonbon spoke.
“Freddy, I think our friend is sad.” The rabbit spoke, “What’s the matter?”
“Nothing you two can help with…”
“Sure we can!” Freddy stated proudly, “We are the best at making people smile!”
You paused. Actually… Why not just vent your problems to these two robots? It wasn’t like they could do anything worse than torture or kill you…
“It’s… just been a tough week.” The employee began, “Dealing with this new job and other things… I look happy on the outside, but on the inside I am so tired. It’s like my life is passing me by, but I can’t even enjoy it, you know?”
“Boy, we sure know how that feels!” Freddy laughed in an almost unstable manner, “Every day we perform show after show… Then we end up back here waiting to do it all again tomorrow! AHAHAHAHA—“
“Calm down…” Bonbon soothed, “What he means to say is it gets pretty lonely down here… It’s hard for us to keep being happy, too…”
The human looked up at the towering animatronic from their sitting position with a new spark in their eyes. Damn… You didn’t realize the robots would be having the same crisis as you. Now you were curious…
“So…What do you both do at night when I’m not here?”
“Well… We try to get some slee—“
“Wait for someone else to come play with us of course!” The bear cut off the rabbit, “As long as someone is here to distract me, I forget the pain for a little while!”
“That doesn’t always work, Freddy… It helps sometimes, but the best thing we can do is take care of ourselves and rest so we can keep going another day.” Bonbon looked to the guard, “Maybe you need to recharge and sleep too?”
“But that’s boringggg!” The larger funtime groaned, “Can’t we play a game instead?! I want to play chase! That will wake us all up!”
“Freddy, our guard friend isn’t in the mood for games tonight… Don’t you remember how it feels when you’re battery is low and you don’t want to play anymore?”
“…Yes…” The bear answered with the tone of a pouting child, before laughing, “It’s okay though! When that happens the silly voice in the walls says we aren’t performing at capacity and gives us zaps until I feel happy again!”
Wait, is that why he immediately went to try and shock you earlier?! You were surprised by how much his sadistic behavior suddenly made sense given that grim context…
“Sorry, guys… It’s only been a week and I am already slipping…” You growled in anger at yourself, “I didn’t mean to—“
“What are you apologizing for?!” Freddy blinked, becoming cheerful again in an unstable sort of way, “It’s okay to be out of battery! I mean… Everyone runs out eventually, right?!”
“Yeah, I-I guess…?”
“So, take a moment to recharge! Do something that zaps you with energy and makes you feel ALIVE—“
“Or take it slow.” Bonbon added tentatively.
“Slow sounds good…” You nodded, “Can I just sleep in here?”
“A sleepover?! Of course you can!” Freddy beamed, “Baby can make the voice in the walls be quiet too! I can go ask her—“
“It seems my audio is malfunctioning—“ Hand Unit blurted, “I will be offline momentarily…”
“Oh, Baby! She’s always listening!” The bear giggled.
“Shhh. Our friend is already falling asleep…” Bonbon whispered.
You were made uneasy by that last statement about Baby, but you passed out before you could really process the implications of it… God were you really falling asleep in this dangerous place? Yes… Yes you were.
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sphnyspinspin · 8 months
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Let’s get to know Boulder’s scraplets!
The periwinkle one with the metallic mask is Giggles. Then the one that has baby blue optics is Basher. Behind them is the cute yellow cat-eared one, named Snappy. Also there’s the little green guy who goes by Squeaker. And the one with the big red birth-mark on its forehelm is presumably known as Boing-Boing.
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madychi · 2 years
List of ROTTMNT headcanons/rando ideas!
Disaster Twins Edition pt 2!
When sleep deprived Leo and Donnie they crave the others calming presence. They shift around like zombies trying to find the other. When they do it’s cuddle time. If they can’t the curl up on themselves and cry.
Leo, as a red ear slider, is known to aggressively beg for food should he miss a meal or two. Because of this Donnie keeps “Emergency Leo Snacks” ™️ hidden everywhere.
In turn Leo keeps a shallow tray of sand and water in his room for Donnie to pancake and bury himself in when stressed. Leo will feed him while he’s distressing, if only to watch him stretch his head out of the muddy sand.
Both boys can stretch their necks out really long. As turtle tots they often stretched their necks to freak out Splinter.
When the other twin is in trouble the other can tell. Leo gets a tingle on his left arm and Donnie gets a tingle on his right. Donnie has hypothesized that it a result of they’re little adventure conjoined. (A little idea from pt 1 of this.)
They can do a flawless impression of the other. Its something they could do from a young age. This was most definitely used for mischief.
Donnie has Autism. Leo has ADHD. Actually isn’t that just canon..? Eh-
As tots Donnie had to explain to Leo what it was to have sensory overload after an… incident. Leo felt horrible for stressing Donnie out with what was supposed to be a harmless prank. Even if Donnie had to say he forgave him multiple times, Leo vowed to make it up to him.
Hence! Leo’s gift for Donnie’s 9th birthday. It took a lot of bribery and blackmailing to get Splinter to allow it, but it payed off. Leo brought Donnie to a previously unused room in the lair, where he surprised him with his gift. A sensory deprivation tank in a nice dark room that was padded to be sound proof. After Leo explained the gift Donnie couldn’t contain his tears. Donnie didn’t leave that room for a whole week, and would only let Leo in for small talk and food. While he’s too big for the tank now he still likes going there. Its his and Leo’s secret spot now.
While neither Leo nor Donnie would ever admit it aloud, and would have to kill anyone who finds out, their favorite non Lou Jitsu movie… is: Tinkerbell and the Secret of the Wings. They watched it in secret when they were seven and fell in love with it. Donnie dresses as Tinkerbell and Leo dresses as Periwinkle when they watch it. Everyone knows this secret, but don’t dare say anything. Why ruin their little secret?
Hmm… theres an alarming lack of angst. That won’t do!
When the tots first met April Donnie was fascinated with her and was constantly orbiting around her and taking notes. Leo, as most boys do, got jealous. They had their first and only major fight when Leo confronted Donnie. In the end Leo suggested that April was Donnie’s twin now since he wanted to hang out with her so much. While Raph talked to Leo, Mikey had to console Donnie with good ole Doctor Feelings. It didn’t work. Leo ignored Donnie for a whole month, and each time Don tried to talk to Leo only to be shut down it mad his mental state worse and worse. Finally Raph and Mikey had enough and decided to give his brothers a much needed push… their idea of a push was to kidnap them both while they slept and lock them in a metal box until they talked things out. Which wasn’t bad per say. They just forgot to drill breathing holes in it. The near suffocating experience worked though! So yay?
Okay back to fluff!
Sometimes Donnie and Leo like to dress up and pretend to be the other twin. Mikey is the only one who knows. Raph is convinced they’re who they say they are and Splinter has his suspicions but can’t be sure. Mikey only knows because he walked in on them changing once. They bribed him with secret pizza for a lifetime.
Donnie and Leo have and run a Lou Jitsu fan group Discord. They are known for writing the most god tier in character fanfics ever!
After the events of the movie, the Turtles are more widely known and have an online fan community. Donnie and Leo know and keep it hidden from the others. Especially when they see the horrors of… shipping. Despite this they join the fan community for the lolz and watch with popcorn as they each post that the other turtle is better and watch the war start as people debate which turtle is better, hotter, smarter, etc.
Leo and Donnie have a gaming youtube channel where they use vtuber models that are just human versions of themselves. Mikey made the models for them in exchange for favors. They brand themselves as “The Twin Tubers”.
Pt 1: Here Pt 3: Here
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feminist-space · 3 months
"We are fundraising to purchase 288,000 3M 9501+ KN95 masks from government surplus!
Our goal is $9,000 to win the auction and pay for transportation of the masks from VA to mask blocs across the country.
These include mask blocs in DC, Northern Southern and Central Virginia, New Orleans, St. Louis, and Champaign Urbana, New York City, Kansas City, Tulsa, Knoxville, Long Island and more.
Currently, a pallet of 12,000 KN95 masks is 200 dollars each. We are aiming to buy as many pallets as possible and deliver them to whoever wants them! If you want to support but can't contribute, consider sharing this to your socials.
#MaskBloc #MaskDistribution ⁠fundraising #COVIDIsntOver #MutualAid"
"We’ve made contact with the seller, and they’ve agreed to sell them directly at $200/palette!
By buying directly instead of through the auction, we will definitely be getting these masks. The only question is how many.
The more money we raise, the more palettes we can buy, and the more transportation we can pay for to get these masks to communities across the country!
ALMOST HALFWAY THERE!!! LETS GOOO!!!! Thank you all for your support, sharing and contributions. Speaking on behalf of all of the organizers, we are so stoked that this campaign is going well and about how many masks we are going to be able to get. Thank you!!!
Alt text: Flyer with periwinkle and orange color scheme. Text at the top says “Mask Fundraiser. Joint mask bloc effort (14+ blocs). Bulk discount on high-quality KN95s at surplus sale. Every dollar makes a dent. Asterisks. $4=240 masks. $200=12,000 masks. Goal: 280,000 masks.”
Underneath is an image of a large metal shipping container with 10 big visible cardboard boxes. Next to that is an illustration of a hand holding a white respirator with ear-loop straps that shows the text “kn95 gb2626-2019.”
Text at the bottom of the flyer says “donate: tinyurl.com/bulk-kn95s. Going to mask blocs in: DC, Northern/Southern/Central Virginia, New Orleans, St. Louis, Champaign Urbana, Chicago, New York City, Kansas City, Tulsa, Knoxville, Long Island, Cincinnati, San Jose & more. To be distributed for free to all of our communities.” Asterisks mentioned at top of flyer are resolved here, with an asterisk next to text that says “Portion of money also going toward transport and associated costs.""
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tai-janai · 3 months
Path 8: Trust
(Chapter Select)
Voice of the Hero:
Y'know I- Agh.
You shudder, and your head spins a bit.
"What? What is it?"
Voice of the Hero:
They're... communicating. Through me. It's... disorienting.
"The others? The ones we freed?"
Voice of the Hero:
A... couple of them. The, uh, funny one with the dust. And the mean one after that, with the chains. I'm... relaying a conversation between them.
"What are they saying?"
The Voice searches, connecting to them.
Voice of the Hero:
They're just trying to... Yeah. We're trying to reach each other. They are, I mean.
"We're not done yet, though."
Voice of the Hero:
I mean, I know that. The cynical one wants a plan, though. It's... It's hard to reach, but I'll ask the first one, too. He was hoping for a plan early on.
"Try not to get lost up there."
Voice of the Hero:
Don't worry. I'm here with you. It isn't like before where I couldn't focus. It was just a little unsettled when two of me had to connect their thoughts.
"What were you going to say before you got cut off?"
Your wings flap from something subconscious.
Voice of the Hero:
Oh, uh, nothing. This place is, uh, pretty nice, isn't it?
It is very nice. Shiny marble walls, floor, windows. Maybe a little too shiny. A grand chandelier lighting up the room sends bright glimmers of light bouncing off of everything, practically attacking your vision.
Voice of the Hero:
None of them were ever this nice, even the marble one last time was all dusty and cracking.
A table in the corner holds the echo of the blade once again. Though it is pristine metal, it is somehow less reflective than every other thing in the room. You grab it, and once again feel the weightlessness.
Voice of the Hero:
Another cabin, another captive.
You aren't jostled. You smile confidently as you open the pretty, glistening door.
The way to the basement is hot. The floor seems to give under your feet, made of some non-newtonian fluid only barely thick enough to stay solid for a moment. It makes you hurry as not to sink. It is well-lit, but the walls are shiny, smooth, and pitch black.
Thankfully, the floor of the basement is solid. You stumble onto it, and look back to see the clawed footprints you left in the stairs.
Voice of the Hero:
God, what are those made of?
You're back!
Your head whips around to find the source of the voice.
At the end of the bright, warm room there sits a... thing. What would be the lower part of it is liquid the shade of periwinkle, drooping in a thick puddle. Its head is completely engulfed in a mane of small, pink flowers. You can only see a smiling, carved mouth. A dark chain around their neck is quite the contrast against the bright colors. What shocks you the most is its arms, which are extended, and holding something out to you. The something is moving.
Have you brought another with you? The more the merrier! Please, let me see them!
Voice of the Hero:
Actually- Uh- Aah!
Something rips at the skin of your soul, clawing and dragging something off of you. Your skin stings like it is being pulled at. You wince, then stumble.
The Hero:
Ugh... Again...
Everything itches. You and the, now separated, other you rub your faces and arms.
There, much better!
The Hero:
You didn't have to do that... I was perfectly fine in there.
Oh, but now I can clearly hear your beautiful voice!
The Other freezes for a second, thrown off, then resumes scratching at its feathers, a bit flustered.
The Hero:
You think it's nice...?
He glances around, then his gaze catches yours. You shrug and nod in agreement. He looks pretty pleased.
On edge, but not sensing immediate danger, you step towards the Being.
The pulsing thing it continuously extends to you is wet and bloody. It sits atop an unfolded, magenta flower.
The Hero:
What... is that?
"Its heart."
It's for you!
You wince. The other you recoils, bringing its hands out in front of it.
"Do you know who I am?"
The Being's bright smile folds for a moment, remembering the lonely eternity.
You are what put me here. But I offer forgiveness!
There is a whisper of desperation in its melodious voice. Its smile widens beyond what it had been.
The Hero:
He didn't put you down here, though.
The Being seems to stumble over itself, failing to hold its form. The puddle of whatever it is loses solidness.
I believe you.
Though it sinks, its beating heart is still extended to you.
Take this from me, please, dear hero.
You are confused. Why is it exposing its weakest parts to you? The Other steps back, also put off by its compliments.
"Why are you so sure I'll help you?"
I believe in forgiveness. I will give my heart to anyone who will give me theirs.
For the first time, you are the one untrusting, and the Being is trying to convince you.
"That isn't safe. What if I take your heart and don't return it?"
It melts faster.
Why would you do that? I... I rather you didn't.
"Why do you want to trust me? Why are you so willing to be hurt?"
If I have your heart, and you have mine, you won't leave, will you?
The liquid part of it has spread enough to reach the talons on your feet. It is burning hot, and you recoil. Wax, you realize. It's made of wax.
"You're melting."
Yes, my apologies, incredibly embarrassing of me. Please look past my flaws, focus on the love I have in my heart.
"This isn't good for you. Please keep your heart."
Its arms are now fully extended, as it has lowered further to the ground but continues to offer its source of life.
It is a display of my trust. My forgiveness.
A flower falls from the array on its head. Through the hole, you see the pale underneath.
It is where an eye would be, but it is the corner of a hollow socket. Roots crawl into the darkness. Fear rises in you.
"This isn't good for you. You're going to die."
You are the only thing I know. If you won't have my heart, I see no point in life at all.
The weight of the situation grips you. You kneel to it, and place your hands on the beating heart in an instant. The hot wax burns your knees and gets stuck on your feathers.
"This isn't good! Take it back, you don't have to do this!"
Two of your hands, and one of its own, are holding the bloody muscle. It raises a soft, waxy hand to your face. Another few flowers fall. An off-white core peeks through, more roots coming into view.
I am so proud you've chosen the path of redemption, hero.
"I didn't put you here. I want to get you out."
The bright smile falls once again.
I said I believe you, dear. Even if I remember differently. I don't need to leave if you're here.
The Hero:
This is... just like the others...
The Other comments in horror behind you. You push the creature's heart towards it, desperate for its survival.
"I'm sorry you've become like this. You are hurt. Please don't fall apart."
You hang your head. Your skin burns as the Being melts. Flowers drift down into the wax, crinkling and getting absorbed.
You aren't what put me here?
"If you want to trust anything, trust that."
Instead, the Being sounds even more dejected.
Why won't you accept my heart then? Why won't you give me yours? We have no reason to hate each other, no reason to be apart.
You look at it. The roots that cover the waxy skull look like cracks. They are embedded in the eye sockets gruesomely. Every flower is beautiful up close. Panic strains your voice.
"You... don't have to fall apart... to be trusted... and loved..."
The creature slowly brings its heart closer to itself. Its smile has shrunken. The wax cools, solidifying. It barely has a torso.
This is all I know. It was... so quiet without you.
"I'm sorry."
Another flower skirts down, you catch it before it joins the half-solid wax. It is soft, but it shrivels quickly.
"I'm sorry nobody was here for you."
It laughs, and comments sarcastically.
You are here, yet you deny me.
"I'll be here for what you are. Not for what you're willing to give up for me."
Only a hero, not a captor, could hold such valiant pacifism in his heart.
It drops its head, and curls in on itself, grinning.
Nay, you must be an angel.
You hear the fluttering of feathers, and you feel a sense of worry for the creature. They close in on it, pinching at you as you unstick from the wax on the floor. Chains scrape and clang, hitting the lustrous tile flooring.
You hold your resolve as the new form comes into view, kneeling with you. This one's feathers have been preened, ready for presenting and showing displays of attraction. Its scales look weak, like it has never been attacked, and never would care to defend.
Eyes blink, unseeing at first. Then the pupils find you, and it grins widely.
The Smitten:
Ah... There you are. My, you are beautiful.
You can only breathe a sigh of relief. It is safe now.
The Hero:
Y-you couldn't see us before?
The Smitten:
Well... no, I had no eyes. Everything was dark, I could only hear and feel my beating heart. Until you came, of course.
The Hero:
I dunno. No eyes never stopped any of the other guys.
It blinks, then the new one's face contorts with excited realization.
The Smitten:
There are others? More people to see?
The Hero:
Well, we're working on the "seeing" part, but there were things trapped too, and I can help you talk to them.
The new one lights up. He rises to his feet and takes you by the hand to your own.
The Smitten:
We must go and meet these others! My heart is my own but I am welcome to new faces taking up room within it!
It flutters about you, practically drifting. Whimsy pours from its exuberant voice. It is safe, and that warms your heart.
The Other speaks with a chuckle in his voice.
The Hero:
Yeah, yeah, you'll make plenty of friends. We're nearing a dozen at this point, yeah?
The Smitten:
Surely they all are just as eager as myself to finally be free and find others to share the joys of life and love!
The Hero:
Yeah, somethin' like that.
His tone is unsteady. He is thinking about the next step. You look at him uneasily.
The Smitten:
Come now! Angel, Other, I wish to see the sky once again!
Without a glimpse of the tension, the new one practically floats up the stairs.
"I'd like to... see the sky."
The pleased look on the other you's face falls, immediately sympathetic to you.
The Hero:
Hey... we're getting close, alright?
You nod. It is quiet now.
The Hero:
Should we... Should we tell him what I've gotta do?
"Don't. He'll try to stop you."
The Other mumbles and retrieves the echo.
The Hero:
He'll hate me later, though...
It walks up to you. You stare at the blade. You don't want to go. This place is nice, the Being here cares about you.
You tear your eyes from the gleaming echo and find the other you looking back at you, concerned.
The Hero:
Are you okay?
"Just get it done."
You can't help the panic that makes you flinch when the blade is raised.
Your body moves a bit, which only makes the slaying hurt more. The echo is buried in your pounding heart. You look down at it. You can... really tell it's there.
It feels like nothing when you hold it. Why is it so real as soon as it's in your chest?
The Other, noticing you're dying slower than usual, reaches for you.
The Hero:
Did... it... work?
You take a step back, recoiling from his hand.
Everything goes dark.
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orionscelt · 1 year
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Finally put together a character sheet and some details for Tristan - bunch of info under the cut.
Date of birth: 7th of January Nationality: British (English/Scottish) Blood status: Pureblood Height: 6’0 House: Ravenclaw Wand: Hawthorn , dragon heartstring core , 12 ½”,slightly springy.
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Boggart: Public ridicule. Patronus: Sparrowhawk Polyjuice: Metallic blue , lake water and Iron. Amortentia: Pear , green tea, rain.
Best subject: Study of Ancient Runes Favourite subjects: Charms, Potions Favourite teacher: Professor Sharp (ex colleague of his father, he really enjoys talking to sharp out of class about his and his fathers adventures at work - what he was allowed to hear at least ). Worst subjects: Divination ( he has 300 better things to do than stare into a ball for an hour). Transfiguration ( his mind wanders constantly and more often than not the results are a tad disastrous). Least favourite subject: Divination Least favourite teacher: Professor Binns , self explanatory. Quidditch: Keeper - mostly plays casually , usually he's too busy to play official matches so acts as a reserve. 
Best friends: Sebastian Sallow,  Ominis Gaunt , Amit Thakkar , Samantha Dale
Clothing style: Muted blue , green and brown. Practical and warm - scuffed muddy boots, a navy blue pea coat with a bronze trim, his house scarf. Yule Ball: 1890s formal dinner jacket with a white waistcoat and periwinkle ascot tie.
In no particular order~ Traits: Dependable, Humble, Curious, Analytical, Too trusting, a lil Socially Awkward, will misinterpret things if people aren’t straight forward with him. Likes: Researching sites of ancient magic, swimming, keeping pet beetles on the windowsill next to his bed, cricket, quidditch (keeper) , horses, cider, Edinburgh rock (sweets), morning tea with his Ravenclaw roommates,  buying his friends gifts. Dislikes: too much noise, people staring, his friends being passive aggressive or indirect... dugbogs.
Favourite Beasts: Unicorns and Nifflers
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Residence: Coombe , Oxfordshire.
Father: Gowan Sterling  Mother: Laith Sterling (maiden name Knox) Paternal grandparents: Graeme Sterling - Agnes Sterling
Both parents are aurors (as well as his ex-auror grandmother) - His mother; a particularly stubborn and headstrong witch continued her job after Tristan was old enough to be without her; his grandparents have looked after him for most of his life. Much to his parents dismay; after still not showing any evidence of any magical ability in his early teens he was assumed a squib, so was sent to an academy in Oxford in hopes of a successful career in the muggle world. He receives his letter on a trip with his classmates to London. Fig happens to be an old classmate of his grandfathers.
His grandparents run their farm where they mostly grow wheat , trees and a small range of magical plants tended to by his grandmother. He’s particularly close to his grandfather.
Future Occupation: Ministry of Magic Independent researcher/ magi-archaeologist
✨bonus dumb meme i can't get out of my drafts✨
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