#Monk is responsible for y/n
everlastingdreams · 2 years
A little Weeping Monk x Reader : The Patience Of A Heart   snippet :
The walk back to the monastery was awful, you had hoped to stop crying by the time you got there, often you had to stop as the heartbreak and humiliation got too painful to bear.
The sound of hooves hitting the ground pulled your attention back to the present.
Had it been so long?
The Monk let out a loud disappointed sigh and halted Goliath next to you “It is late, Lady y/n.”
It had been more than an hour.
Your voice sounded so weak that it was like it wasn’t even yours “I’m sorry, Lancelot.”
If your voice had not betrayed your state, then the quiet sniffle would have.
He reached down, the irritation now absent from his tone “Are you alright? What happened?”
With a shake of your head, you refused to answer the inquiry “I just want to go home.”
In the dark, you moved your hand until you found the one he was reaching out with.
It clasped around yours and proceeded to help you mount Goliath, seating yourself in front of him.
You were shivering…
What on earth had happened ?
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iiwaijime · 1 month
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cws; swearing, gn?reader but it gives fem to me even tho theres not descriptions of reader or gendered pet names, married life, tooth rotting fluff, yeah.
wc; 605
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"'s it too late," atsumu's voice is muffled and his words slurred as he speaks, face buried in your shoulder.
"mm?" you respond sleepily, not really listening to him. strong tan arms are wrapped around your middle, and you absentmindedly curl your fingers into his untoned bleached hair. he purrs at the feeling, pulling you closer to him so he can press his mouth to your neck, grinning lazily. you make a slight noise of protest as you feel his teeth against your neck, and then he bites you, really bites you, to make you shut up.
"mmh, leave the jackals, y'know? fuck 'em, i could become a hermit or a monk or somethin'."
a drowsy, surprised giggle bubbles out of you, and his smile widens in response. he likes making you laugh.
"tsumu," you say, and he realises with glee that you still have your rough, lower-than-usual, sexy morning voice. "tsumu, monks can't get married, i think. and they have to be bald."
he groans, but you're not sure which one it's in response to. switching tactics, you half-heartedly try to push him off you.
"lemme stay here," he whines. "i love you, i wanna—"
"tsumu, no," you chide him, and he quiets down like a kicked puppy. raising his head, he pulls your left hand to his lips and presses a kiss to the spot just above your wedding ring before he gets up with a sleepy yawn.
"five years into our marriage and you still don't let me sleep in," he says with a pout.
you ignore him, pausing mid-movement to admire his sculpted figure and the way his body moves as he transfers his wedding ring from his finger to the chain around his neck. when he notices you looking, a bright, boyish grin lights up his face. "can't risk losing it," he tells you, still smiling. you can't help but mirror his expression with your own giddy, lovestruck smile.
you're fixing up breakfast in the kitchen when he comes in, although he's still not dressed to leave yet. you turn to him, smiling when he nuzzles his face into yours. "baby, can i drive you t'work?"
you shake your head, hands coming up to cup his face. "you're already running late, love."
he rolls his eyes in response, angling his head to kiss your palm. "baby, best friend, love of my fuckin' life. is it such a crime to want to spend more time with you?"
"we have all the time in the world, tsumu," you say. "eat quick and go."
"not leaving the house without you," he says sulkily. "they can practice without their favourite setter for a bit."
"favourite? that's debatable," you tease, sitting down next to him with your own breakfast. atsumu kisses your knuckles again with a sly grin, ignoring your dig at him. "but i'm your favourite setter."
"you're my favourite everything," you say, and then you laugh as the red spreads across his cheeks and his nose and the tips of his ears. your breakfasts remain untouched as he leans in to kiss all over your face in a bid to distract you.
"are you flirting with me, y/n l/n?" he asks.
"maybe," you reply, still laughing.
he shuts you up with a kiss. "what if we skip work today?"
"and do what, exactly?"
"laze around, y'know. i just want to stay with you, spend some time together."
"hmm." you pretend to think, but your mind is already made up. "i dunno..."
he kisses your palm, and then your wrist. "please?"
you've never been able to resist those stupid puppy eyes, anyways.
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I HATE THIS ITS SO HAPPY. kmsing. drop a like, rb and or comment if u liked this 🤔🤔 husband atsumu u could fix me
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merlinssassybeard · 1 year
'Ex' husband Gojo - You and I
Part 1
Tags- Gojo x fem reader, angst, self depreciation/suicidal stuff, miscarriage centered chapter
Synopsis- a look at both of their POVs, the aftermath a month later.
Satoru is devastated but so are you but worse...
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22nd October, 2016...
22nd October of 2016 was when it happened. The Legal Separation between you and Satoru Gojo.
Fortunately or not but the whole fiasco never went outside the borders of The Gojo Estate, despite it involving a few 'third parties'.
Luckily, the servants of the house were on a week off or else by now you and Satoru would have become the new gossip of the town no doubt.
Mr Ijichi, an assistant director at the Jujutsu High and a very close and trusted accomplice of your husband... or ex husband, you can't decide.
He is probably the only person who knows about it, not in detail of course since Satoru is very specific on who he wants to be close with but yes, you suspect Mr Ijichi is a bit aware of what went down because he was the one driving the car on that day.
You also suspected at first that maybe Ms Shoko is also in light of the events because she is definitely someone who gets her information one way or the other and the fact Satoru might have... no! He has infact told Shoko about all of it.
When Satoru introduced you to the World of Jujutsu Society, Ms Shoko was the first he got you to meet with and since you have had good relationship with her.
Since your legal separation happened, Shoko and Ijichi have been a mediator, set up by Gojo, for communication since, you know it and so does everybody who knows Gojo Satoru, he's too prideful to go back wagging his tail where he's not needed. Or so he thinks.
Satoru thinks because of his work schedules, he is not able to spend time with you as your husband and not able give you the life you hoped for which definitely affected your mental health (as predicted by his six eyes) and thus you decided for a divorce.
But the new information that he got on that day from you made him realize maybe he was indeed wrong thinking that you are perhaps different from other women who only fell for the looks but mostly for the money and the status of the Gojo family in general.
He never had plans to marry in the Jujutsu Society or The human World (haha as if!) be it arranged or love. He did not care. He had plans to become the wise Sage or a Monk of wisdom, a teacher/mentor like in video games. But all of it changed when he met you, a simple average human.
You were the one who taught Satoru so much. You were the one made him realize that even the strongest sorcerer has a soft heart that has the capability of falling in love.
But what made him solidify his love, making him realize that yes he has fallen in love and he is glad it is you was when you (unknowing about his past with the incident with Riko and Toji) made him realize the fact that all humans are not same.
This was the last and final straw that made the fall for you really bad and sick. He wanted to marry you. But he never said it out loud because of the repercussions you would have to go through and that is why he protested as well when you brought up the topic of marriage.
But none of it matters
None of it
Not anymore
He is done
All humans are the same.
All humans are indeed the same...
Satoru has no interest in any sort of relationships anymore. Everything feels sour and bitter. All he knows now is his role. His role as the strongest sorcerer, a responsible mentor, as the Head of his Clan, Face of the Jujutsu Society altogether. These are his priorities.
Gojo would very much prefer a permanent sort of freedom from you now knowing your true face.
'Ugh awful, so disgusting. A whore? Really? Is that all you thought of yourself y/n when you voluntarily got physical with me before marriage?', he said to himself in his head.
The only reason Gojo sent Separation papers instead of divorce was because it would startle both of yours and his families. The society isn't kind to divorced women and that too the ex wife of the six eyes sorcerer. Oh what a wonderful way to make him vulnerable for the curses and curse users!
He can say whatever he want against you but somewhere, inside that beautiful big and kind heart of his, he wants to talk to you, talk things out, talk about your feelings and wants to listen. But his mind refuses to let down his walls, ever gain!
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Days following the 22nd October, you mostly stayed locked up in your room while Mr Ijichi packed all of your husband's clothing and accessories.
Mr Ijichi isn't stupid, he knew it must be really hard for you that is why he tried his best to enter, collect the things and exit as quietly as he could.
'A whore? Why did you even say that you bitch. You really don't deserve ANYTHING in this world!', your days began with endless self loathing.
5th December, 2016
A lot happened in the month following the incident.
Most of your days were spent in self loathing because after your miscarriage at just 3 months, the doctor had declared that you're (uterus) not strong enough to carry a child.
These words are something a woman is most scared to ever hear in her life. And you were one of the unfortunates.
You had stopped taking your post miscarriage medications. You're mental health got worse as well due to continuous thoughts on how you acted up on impulses and ruined the only good thing you had. Days followed you couldn't even get the strength to get up from the bed every morning. Fading appetite lead to refusing food which further resulted to visible sunken cheeks.
The house staff didn't knew anything that took place during their week off and they had noticed changes around the household. From your behavior to the absence of the Head of the house. They were also worried for your health and didn't knew what to do.
The head of staff, Mr Kawaguchi, decided to make a call to the Master of the house since it is normal for him to be absent from the house due to his work.
Kawaguchi- Good morning Satoru sama. This is Kawaguchi from the house.
Gojo (a little annoyed)- I'm busy, call me later.
Kawaguchi- Sir actually there's a grave problem at the house.
Gojo (mockingly)- what? Did someone die or something? This better be important-
Kawaguchi- sir its Y/n sama. Y/n sama is not in good health.
Gojo (worried)- w- what?! What're you stupids doing? What happened to y/n? Is she okay? What did the doctors say?
Kawaguchi- uh about that sir... y/n sama didn't let us into her room and actually we had to... (nervously looks back at the the other staff, everyone nods)
Gojo- huh?
Kawaguchi- sir, we had to break into y/n sama's room. We have called the doctors and they'll-
Gojo- break into the room!? What is hap- Nevermind, I'm sending someone. You lot stay there and look after y/n till the docs arrive!
Kawaguchi- y- yes sir!
Gojo was now left worried at what the hell did he just hear on the call. 'What are you upto now y/n'. Is this some trick to bring him back out of pity and pretend nothing happened? That you, a month ago, didn't just randomly demand for a Divorce.
He was really annoyed and even if he wanted to go to the house he couldn't due to being out abroad for missions. He has been busy with overseas missions mostly after the separation.
He decided to send Shoko for a look and to inform him 'EVERY SINGLE DETAIL', verbatim.
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Shoko was sitting at the morgue, smoking, when she received a call from Gojo.
'Ha? Gojo? At this hour?', she wondered.
"Yea?", Shoko said with her usual nonchalant voice.
"I need a favor"
Gojo explained her the situation to which she agreed without hesitant, knowing what has been going on between you two and now this.
When she arrived at the Gojo Estate, she was welcomed by the worried faces of the staff that guided her to your room.
She started observing every detail. She saw the entrance door, broken. The inside of the master bedroom, dim, even with long sliding doors facing the beautiful and bright gardens. There were half eaten bowls of food. A trolley with clothes overflowing.
Shoko turned to looked at you and felt her heart wrench a little at the sight of you. She was horrified and worried. She is usually a very calm and relaxed person but you, you really made her loose her calm.
She knows you and has seen you in your good days. In light yellow summer dress beside Gojo, all smiles to now? Like this. Dark circles umder eyes and slight sunken cheeks, chipped lips and several medications.... wait what medications?
There were already a doctor present in the room who declared that its just dehydration and that it'll be okay with a few medicines.
The servants thanked the doctor and ordered the medicines.
Meanwhile, Shoko was already in a shock. The medicines piled up beside you on the bed and the bedside table were... post miscarriage pills. She enquired the whole situation from the staff.
All while, the two women staff got you up in the bed and gave you water.
Eyes half open, you recognised what was happening. You passed out of dehydration and couldn't hear the knocks of the servants outside for breakfast. They were worried and tried the other doors, through the garden, but they were locked. So they broke the entrance and found still in the bed with pills surrounding you. They all got worried and one called the doctor and the head called Gojo.
Shoko noticed you were up and ordered the ladies to open the curtains and windows and leave her for a while. Afterall she's got some questioning to do in Gojo's behalf.
She extended her hand to hold your left hand. It seemed cold to touch. "Hello y/n. Remember me?"
You struggled to open your eyes and look.
"Don't worry i won't ask you how you're doing", she joked.
"But i will ask about the medications y/n. Do not lie. I'm a doctor too", Shoko knew now is not the time but she also knew that if you were pregnant then why didn't you tell Gojo because he obviously didn't know.
Your ears started ringing. And eyes welled up. You were reminded of it again. You wanted to just lay back down and bury yourself in the warmth of the blankets.
But the cat was out of the bag. Shoko is a doctor. She knows medicines. You cannot lie. You cannot hide. You have to be strong, you have to show her that everything is okay and Satoru needn't be worried, not like as if he is anyway.
"Please.", you mumbled, she had leaned in and caressed your knuckles. "Shoko, do not let anyone know of this, i beg of you."
"Shhh", she shushed you, "Don't say that. I won't. I promise"
She continued, "... but what about Satoru? You can't hide it from him. The child was his as much as it was yours-"
You cut her in, "Shoko i wanted to tell him! I wanted him and only HIM to be the first to get the news of the...", you struggled but continued, "...of the pregnancy. I got to know myself in the 2nd month and he was coming back home just next month, it was all perfectly going... until it wasn't".
Shoko was visibly upset. She didn't knew what to say. All she was aware of was the things Gojo told her...
He went home with gifts and souvenirs for you, you gave him divorce papers, he tried convince you not to, you weren't ready to listen, you said some hurtful things, he realised his place and agreed for separation over divorce.
Looking at you she can tell you would breakdown any moment.
And she was right.
You did.
You broke down in tears.
Hyperventilating you mumbled, "Shoko they said i can't have children! Can you believe that! I can't have kids! And I'm so stupid i brought out a f-fucking Divorce paper when Satoru came home."
"He was so angry with me i could feel it even if he wasn't! I'm stuck Shoko! I-i just - just want to go hide under a rock or maybe i should just kill mys-"
Shoko pulled you in for a hug. "Ah! Thats enough. That's enough. Shush now. Its okay."
"I won't tell Satoru, don't worry"
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lilys0evil0twin · 1 year
Hiii! I love your writing and I can never get enough Buddha/Shiva content on this app 💜 If it's okay could I ask for some NSFW Buddha with his disciple reader? Maybe he's worried when he sees them talking with other gods and decides to... stake his claim~
Buddha really is territorial and won't share for the world. And there certainly more then one way to make his claim known👀
I may or may not put more yandere in here than I wanted...
I apologize for taking so long once again. Taking a break is like having guests for me. They never know when to finally leave😅
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Buddha's day couldn't have gotten any worse. First he had to have an encounter with Loki the first thing in the morning, only to be followed by a (very unwanted) meeting with Zeus. And while having no sweets what so ever. But he could wait, Y/n always brings him sweets. And it was just about time for their daily meditation session. This always brightens his day... They always brighten his day. His life as a god if he's so bold to say.
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Entering the garden where they agreed to meet for today, Buddha breathed out a deep sigh. Rubbing the back of his neck to smooth it's soreness. Yet there was a small smile on his lips, after all he's gonna meet them, meet his beloved little apprentice. Heaving another sigh this one more relaxed, more dreamy. He couldn't wait to see them, bringing him sweets with that wide grin of theirs. Seeing them meditate next to him, so close... So vulnerable...
Buddha chuckles under his breath, his eyes lifting to see his dear disciple. Taking a breath to call for them, Buddha stops dead in tracks. His throat closing, the breath he took getting stuck there. Y/n sat there on the fountain edge, looking as bright as ever... With another monk. Laughing loudly, without the care of the world. Grabbing his hand as they lean backwards while laughing. They looked like... Like lovers.
Swallowing the lump in the back of his throat Buddha walks towards them, surprisingly keeping his composure. Stopping right infront of the pair, Y/n greets him happily. "Shaka! Oh look what I brought today! It's from Kintoki-kun." They stand up happily, seemingly forgetting about the monk's presence. Buddha on the other hand was painfully aware of it, but nevertheless he kept his attention on his disciple. Giving them a wide, toothy grin as he takes the candy from their hands. Popping one right into his mouth, Buddha voices his content humming at the taste.
Dragging them by the hand, walking a little too fast for them to follow comfortably. Buddha pulls them into a small room, not really far at all from the gardens entrance. Not bothering to lock the door he lifts Y/n into his arms, pressing them into the wall, his arms keeping them from falling. "What are you doing... You can't do this to me..." Buddha whispers softly into their neck as he presses himself into them so he can keep his hands busy.
The monk in question slowly stood up smiling softly at Y/n. Once Buddha aknowledged him, the monk gave him a respectful bow. Buddha smiled back in response, through he couldn't help the little frown appearing between his eyebrows. So, to avoid any inconveniences, Buddha focused his attention entirely on his little disciple. But as Y/n talked excitedly about whatever, the monk was still there. As if he hasn't noticed any of the signs Buddha sent his way. Plan B it is then...
"Oh no! I forgot to make tea for our session today! Would you come with me dear?" Buddha acted surprised and slightly worried, as is he truly forgot something. He grabbed Y/n's hand not bothering to wait for their response.
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Not wasting any second Buddha pulls apart Y/n's silky clothes. He huffs and puffs into their neck as he propes them with kisses, grazing his fangs along their sensitive skin. Feeling a shiver run through Y/n, Buddha let's out a breathless moan using one of his hands to unwrap his robes and fish out his painfully hardened member. Once finally bare he swings their legs around his waist positioning himself right at their entrance. Tip leaking with precum rubs in circles around before pushing inside. Y/n's fingers, now entangled in his hair, pulls hard making Buddha groan as he grits his teeth. With one swift motion Buddha rams fully inside Y/n, their back arching, moaning out his name with a surprised little yelp. Not giving Y/n any time to adjust, Buddha sets a brutal pace. He rams into them without mercy unintentionally relieving the build up stress from today.
"You can't make me feel like this. You're my disciple, no one else's..." He breathes deeply, pressing his forehead against theirs, looking into their eyes as he talks. "It makes me little anxious... Seeing you with others like that." His eyebrows quirking upwards as a small whimper forces It's way inbetween his words. Y/n nods, aknowledging his concern. "Yes... I understand... Mh, I'll tell you!.. ah I'll tell you about others then... So! So you won't worry." It was with a little struggle, but Y/n manages to reply. Their honest words and those little breaths and moans breaking their sentence making him smile. "Yes.. thank you. I'd love that~"
His hands slide down to Y/n's waist, pulling althem as close as possible, pushing just as deep in the process. Feeling Y/n's walls fluttering around him, squeezing him for all he's got, Buddha let's go of the whimper threatening to leave. Y/n spine undergoes another violent shiver and soon cumes undone. The brutal pull of their walls, milking him for all his release, this all was enough to make the god crack. His high approached at blinding speed. Buddha stopped his movements, his head falling onto Y/n's shoulder as they both slowly descent from their highs. Buddha could feel their legs softly shake as they tiredly held him close, his warm release seemed to prolong their ecstasy.
Within moments Buddha calmed down, as if nothing ever happened in the first place. His dear disciple on the other hand breathed hard, small buds of sweat formed on their forehead. Smiling softly at them he kissed their cheek affectionately. "Now, how about some meditation hm? It'll help you call down. Can you stand?" He ask as he slowly lowers them to the ground. With a tired little nod they leaned their weight against the wall. Buddha, not waisting a second, put his robes back in place as well as Y/n's and picked them up again. He left the room with them in his arms and returned to the garden. He sat crosslegged on the grass, placing Y/n in his lap and started his meditation. Not caring about the world around them... Or the smell of sex that followed them.
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itsabouttimex2 · 3 months
Hi there did they ever just consider putting a backpack leash on y/n in the Demon Child AU JTTW gang? Also did y/n ever kid kidnapped and held for ransom by many demons to try to get the monk by saying we'll let her go in Exchange for him( I also know he had alot of demon um demon suiters that instead of wanting to eat him apparently wanted marriage dam the monk got accidentally rizz)
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Taken Aboard: Restraints
It’s not impossible that the gang would decide to to utilize some form of restraint after enough troublemaking by Y/N- in place of a leash, though, I imagine that Tang Sanzang would actually use a length of fabric to swaddle Y/N.
The event that caused him to decide you needed such extreme supervision?
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(He was not happy.)
“Little demon,” he calls, looking down at you expectantly. “Hurry along now- you know what is expected of you before we enter a town.”
“…Master, this is embarrassing.”
“Please hurry, little one. We’ve so much to do, and I would like to get on with it right away.”
And after a little bit of huffing and puffing, you do as requested- and use the 72 Transformation to assume the form of a helpless babe, your mass-displaced form falling snug into his arms.
The Great Monk wraps you in a length of silk that he affixes around his torso and shoulders, leaving your now squishy body squashed against his soft chest.
Not only does this (frankly humiliating) transformation allow Sanzang to sneak you about without scaring any villagers, it also prevents you from running off to cause trouble.
Jokes on him, though- every last bachelorette from the village has one response to a very pretty man bundling around a cute baby:
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As for getting kidnapped… yeah, the Journeyfam isn’t putting up with that shit. Not when their master gets snatched up every other day and nearly sautéed and stewed. I mean, operating on the thought that Y/N is very explicitly a demon- horns, fangs, tail, etc- the child has at least some means of self-defense.
If they do get snatched, I can’t imagine there’s a situation where Y/N doesn’t at least leave their assailant battered and scarred, which doesn’t help the demon when three angry demons and a furious dragon break down the door. And Tang Sanzang; to his credit, makes a fair effort to soothe his disciples and quell their fury… but it’s going to be much too late for anyone who decided to lay their hands on the honorary little sibling of all these furious souls.
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Outside of kidnapping? I’d like to imagine that Y/N, as a child (potentially female, depending on you or your OC’s gender) in Medieval China, might be eyed up by more… unsavory individuals.
“How much?”
Sanzang turns to find the source of a casual voice, looking at a sweat-stained farmer leaning over a fresh chicken corpse. The laborer takes a moment to wipe his bloody hands, then folds his thick arms.
“How much for the kid? Seems strong, and has some muscle. I could use another pair of hands on the farm.”
And Sanzang is so genuinely appalled at the simple manner in which genuine slavery is being spoken of here, as though you are a commodity and not a thinking, breathing thing all your own. He offers no retort or reprimand, instead choosing to take you by the hand and hurry off into the crowd- not that Wukong won’t have a few “words” to share with the would-be purchaser.
But that’s not even the worst possible scenario for the gang to face-
No, the worst is proposed child marriage.
All it takes is one rich man/woman to decide that they want an “exotic” spouse, and that the little demon child with a pair of magical restraints is their “safest” way to get it.
I don’t even think Sanzang would have time to comprehend what his disciples were doing before it was over- he’s too busy reeling over being offered literal bricks of gold in return for an actual child.
And obviously his answer is a hundred firm “nos” and a dozen chants of “go to your nearest monastery and pray!”, each one delivered with increasing fervor…
Or, it would be- if his disciples hadn’t solved the matter themselves before he had regained the use of his tongue.
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theemissuniverse · 1 year
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SUMMARY : You flirt with Raiden all the time but he’s to shy to do anything about it. You are part on the Lin Kuei. Your power is Poison Ivy and you wear all red
WARNING : MATURE MINORS DONT INTERACT. soft!dom, slight breeding, “good boy”, slight dirty talk
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Kung Lao wanted nothing more than to smack the shit out of Raiden. Raiden would miss his chance with you every single time you delivered it on a silver platter. Sometimes it could be questionable on what you would mean but most of the time you would downright flirt with him and it would go over his head every time.
It wasn’t just Kung Lao that was annoyed, it was Johnny Cage and even Kenshi. They could all not believe Raiden was that clueless you were flirting with him.
They also couldn’t believe you were even flirting with him. You were waaay out of Raiden’s league. Completely. You were a powerful warrior from the Lin Kuei with your power being able to control the poison and other powers. There was no way you were actually flirting with Raiden of all people.
But you were. There was something about Raiden that pulled you to him. He wasn’t like most guys. He respected you to the fullest and admired how good at fighting you really were. You loved when men admired you.
Raiden did have a crush on you from his months being with the monks, training for the tournament. He found you unlike any woman he had ever met. However, he himself felt as if he was out of your league.
You watched Raiden as he defeated all the monks at one time. Your eyes widen. That was impressive. I mean, you weren’t expecting that. That made you want Raiden even more.
After Raiden bowed to the monks, they started to walk away. You took it as your opportunity to walk over to him. “Okay, hotshot. That was good.”
Raiden turned to you. Immediately butterflies were erupting from his stomach but he ignored them and gave you a smile. “I try. I haven’t seen you in a minute, Poison Ivy.”
You chuckled at the name you had been given since birth. “Please, Raiden. You know you can call me (Y/N).” You close the distance between you two. “Help me stretch?” You didn’t bother to wait for a response. You hoisted your leg over his shoulder and stood there on your other.
Raiden didn’t know why he was impressed with your flexibility but he smiled none the less. He obviously wasn’t going to say it out loud but your leg over him gave him a very dirty scenario and he practically cursed at himself for even thinking of you in that way. “Sure. So, what have you been up to?”
The truth is you had been searching for your father. Your mother died at a young age and you had been in the Lin Kuei ever since but you didn’t want to burden Raiden with your family problems. “Thinking about you.”
Usually your flirting would go over Raiden’s head. Now, he had finally caught it in real time and he was the least bit prepared for it.
He couldn’t understand why you would want to even flirt with him. He wasn’t anything special. You were worth so much more than him.
When he looked over your shoulder, he had seen Kung Lao, Johnny, and Kenshi in hearing distance behind you. They were motioning him to go for it. It looked like Kung Lao was about to pop a blood vessel if he didn’t make a move.
He sucked it up. I mean, what was the worse that could happened? You were already flirting with him. “I think about you too.”
You were kind of taken aback at this. Raiden never had flirted back. It was part of your game but maybe he was done playing and wanted to give in. “Oh really?” You switched your leg to come in contact with his shoulder and gave your other one a rest by standing on it. “What do you think about?”
‘Abort! Abort! Abort!’ Was all that was running through Raiden’s mind but he was in too deep. If he back peddled right now it would be severely awkward. “What do you think I think about?”
Your hands feel up against his chest. They travel down all the way to his stomach. You do this in a continuous motion, not looking in his eyes. “You want to know what I think?”
“Enlighten me.”
“I think…” You put your leg down. You grabbed his hands and placed them on your hips. “You want me in the dirtiest way imaginable but you’re too scared that I’ll reject you.”
That was exactly what Raiden was thinking. He wasn’t a very prideful man but he was a man at the end of the day and he did not want to admit this. When he looked over your shoulder he once again saw the gang telling him to keep going. The only difference was that Johnny Cage made a motion to his neck “slitting” his own throat with his thumb as of to say to Raiden that if he didn’t go for it that he would end him.
Raiden focused his attention back on you. “That could be.”
You leaned in closer, your lips were almost touching. You looked deep in his eyes but you had to look up at his slightly since he was taller than you. “Don’t play with me, Raiden.”
“I would never.”
You let out a chuckle. You back away slightly. “Just remember. You asked for this.”
Raiden didn’t quite understand what you meant by that. That’s when he watched green smoke surround the two of you. He closed his eyes out of instinct.
When Raiden opened his eyes, he realized he was in a room. You had teleported him to your room in your home. He didn’t see you though. “(Y/N)?”
You teleported behind him. He felt your presence and he turned around. You didn’t say anything. You just walked up to him and kissed him.
Raiden was only slightly surprised by this. It made him have enough time to kiss you back. He cupped your face with his left hand and his right was on your waist.
He kissed with passion and thirst. Like he had been waiting forever for this moment. You kissed him back just the same.
You pulled away and then shoved him on the bed. He landed on it looking at you in awe. You used your powers to make yourself invisible for a moment.
Raiden looked around confused to where you could’ve went. He was about to call your name but you appeared again standing in front of him. This time you were wearing your red lingerie set.
His mouth was watering. He didn’t know he wanted you this bad. He felt his dick grow bigger and out of instinct, felt embarrassed.
You sat on top of him and pulled him in a sloppy kiss. While you two kissed, you took off his hat and threw it somewhere in the room. Raiden placed his hands on your hips while yours were on his neck.
This was it. He was finally having you. There just was one slight problem.
“(Y/N).” He said in the kiss. You didn’t care what he had to say, you kept kissing him. “I don’t really have that much experience.” Raiden wasn’t a virgin but he had only slept with two women in his life. He was not skilled by any means.
You pulled away from his lips. You looked deep in his eyes to make sure he was understanding what you were saying. “You really think that matters to me?” You unclipped your bra and tossed it on the bed, revealing your breasts.
Raiden was in a trance. You were absolutely perfect by all definitions. He felt himself get even harder and you giggled because you could feel it.
You grabbed his hands and placed them on your breasts. You encouraged him to play with him and he did. When he did, he made sure to play with your nipples which caused you to let out light moans.
You pulled the shirt over Raiden’s head leaving him shirtless and went back to kissing him.
Raiden didn’t want you to feel like you were doing all the work. He overpowered you and laid you at your side, continuing to kiss you. Then he did what you didn’t expect him to do.
He slipped his hand inside of your panties and played with your clit. You let out a sharp gasp and threw your head back.
Raiden took his chance to kiss your neck. He gave you sweet kisses on your neck before sucking on it. He rubbed your clit in circles at a nice steady speed.
You never had the pleasure of a man willingly playing with you. Usually you’d have to ask but Raiden was doing it like he’s always wanted to.
His lips went to your breasts and he kissed all over them. He took his time with each one. Then he sucked on the left nipple sweetly. This causes you to moan louder. “Oh. Raiden.”
Nothing made him turned on even more than you saying his name. It encouraged him to take the next step.
Raiden removed his fingers away from your swollen clit. He then took your underwear off slowly. Raiden then forced you to spread your legs and he started to eat you out.
He sucked your pussy like it was his favorite thing to eat. Your instincts were to pull on his hair which he didn’t seem to mind. “No experience my ass.” You said.
Raiden chuckled a little but continued to suck your clit. He licked all the parts that would make you squirm.
You rolled your eyes in the back of your head when you felt his tongue constantly lick your clit. It was the best thing in the entire world.
You didn’t want to cum like this though. You forced Raiden’s head up which he immediately stopped. “Did I do something wrong, love?”
The nickname gave you butterflies. You never had intimacy like this but this felt so personal. “No. I just want you.”
Raiden understood what you meant. And he wanted you too. “I don’t have anything.”
“It’s fine.” You pulled Raiden in for a kiss and he gladly kissed back. As you two kissed, you started to pull off Raiden’s bottoms.
Raiden broke away from the kiss and he pulled them off along with his underwear. That’s when you raised your eyebrows in shock. You were not expecting Raiden to be that big. “Is that suppose to fit in me?”
You could tell that made him flustered. He covered his face but you removed it and gave him a kiss.
Raiden allowed you to flip him over. You wanted to be on top. You wanted to show him how much you had wanted him.
You slid carefully on his dick. You internally thanked him that he had did foreplay as he was so big, he stretched you out.
Raiden grabbed your hips at the pleasure of you sinking down on him. You didn’t even give him a chance. You immediately started to move on him.
You started with a slow speed so you could get the hang of it. Raiden was not quiet at all and felt like putty in your hands.
Your hands rested on his chest. You began to move faster on him. “Oh, (Y/N). Yes.”
You wanted to mess with him. You took his hand off of you. “You’re not allowed to touch.”
Now that was impossible. Him? Not touch you? “But I-“
You silenced him with a quick kiss before pulling away. “Be a good boy and maybe I’ll let you.”
Raiden never had sex like this. The last two times he would have to be dominant. (Which he wasn’t the best at.) So he wasn’t used to this. He wasn’t complaining though.
You continued to bounce up and down on him. Raiden placed his hands behind his head to prevent him from touching you. “(Y/N). It feels so good.”
Your hands rubbed all over his chest. He was so attractive like this. You figured Raiden was the submissive type. “Aw, like this baby?”
“Please don’t stop.” Raiden had the instinct to grab you but he couldn’t. He couldn’t just not do anything though. He started to fuck up into your pussy.
You were startled by this and let out a yelp. “Raiden!” The pleasure was so good that you could barley move on your own.
Raiden noticed this and ignored your orders. He gripped your waist and helped you ride him which you didn’t object.
He hissed at your pussy clenching on him. “(Y/N). Let me get on top.”
You didn’t argue with him. He laid you down on the bed and entered your pussy like it was nothing. He went even faster than you did. “Oh god.” You yelled out.
“You look so good like this.” Raiden told you. His fingers found your clit and he rubbed it in circles as he fucked you.
You never felt this overwhelming pleasure before. It excited you that Raiden could make you feel like this. Your nails dug deep in his biceps but he didn’t let up. He continued to move in your pussy like his life depended on it.
“Tell me I’m yours.” He whispered in your ear.
Oh god you didn’t think he could get any hotter. “You’re mine, Raiden. All mine.”
Raiden kissed your lips lightly. The kiss told a thousand words.
Him playing with your clit and fucking your pussy was more than overwhelming. “I can’t take it.”
“Yes you can. You’re doing so good.” Raiden didn’t let up from your clit. He instead kissed your neck like you were Heaven.
Tears were in your eyes. Raiden removed his lips from your neck and looked you in the eyes. He kissed your tears away. He knew you were enjoying it, you were just overstimulated.
Raiden felt the knot in his chest. He was close. Very close but that didn’t matter if you weren’t close. He rubbed your clit just slightly faster.
He watched as your chest heaved up and down. This was amazing to him. The girl that was flirting with him over and over again, claiming to have a dominant personality was being so submissive to him.
He loved it.
Raiden watched your reactions to his change of pace. You muttered curses which made him want to cum even more. You started to hit his chest slightly. “Oh my god. Oh my god. Raiden please.”
He didn’t break his pace as he looked at you. “Yes, lovely?”
“Please let me cum. Please.”
“I would never deny you to.” Raiden stopped playing with your clit and continued to fuck you at the same pace. “I think I’m close too.”
“Do it in me. Please, please, please. I want it all inside me.” You said, playing with your breasts.
Raiden didn’t know if you meant it or if it was just the sex talk. “Are you sure?”
“Yes. Please. I want to cum together.”
Raiden felt his release close. Too close. He didn’t want to do it though unless you did it either before him or at the same time. “(Y/N), I’m close.”
Your hands snakes up his neck. You would’ve pulled him closer to you if it were even possible. “Raiden. Yes. I’m cumming. Yes. Raiden. Yes.”
Raiden felt your release which triggered his. The two of you swore as he was riding your orgasms out.
Once the two of you were done, he lifted your chin for a sweet kiss. Then he pulled away and pulled out of you.
Raiden laid next to you. It was silent for some time. Not an uncomfortable silence. Just a normal silence. “You know…” Raiden started to speak. “For someone so dominant in personality- your quite submissive in bed.”
This made you grab a pillow and throw it at him and he laughed. “You’re terrible.”
Raiden pulled you in close to him. “Where does that leave us now?”
“Where do you want us to be?”
“I want to be with you.”
You smiled at his statement. You placed a kiss on his head. “Than you are with me.”
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Kung Lao, Johnny Cage, and Kenshi all stood before Liu Kang. Liu Kang looked around confused slightly. Raiden was never late to training. “Where is Raiden?”
“Shacking up with Poison Ivy.” Johnny stated simply.
Kenshi checked his watch to look at the time. “It’s been forty five minutes.”
Kung Lao chuckled at the realization. “Oh he will never hear the end of this.”
The four heard a noise. They looked behind them to see that you and Raiden had teleported there. “Sorry, dad.” You started off jokingly to Liu Kang. “Had to borrow your fighter for…something.”
“Anyways. Bye.” You said. You winked at Raiden and disappeared from the area.
Raiden looked at his three friends that had smug faces. “What?”
They all gave each other the same look. Like they knew what they were all going to say. Then they turned back to Raiden and sung; “Ivy and Raiden sitting in a tree-“
Raiden rolled his eyes. “By the Gods…” He turned to his guide, Liu Kang. “Please make them stop.”
Liu Kang was about to tell them to knock it off until he had looked at Raiden’s neck. “Is that a hickey?”
The three of them continued to sing in the background while Raiden facepalmed himself. At least he finally got you.
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izzabela · 26 days
Can you write about the reader having feelings for Syzoth but she thinks that he has feelings for Ashra but everyone else drops hints that Syzoth has feelings for the reader but the reader doesn't get the hints until Syzoth decides to come clean with his feelings for the reader?
As Subtle As A Rock - Syzoth x fem!reader (5+1 fic)
in which there are five times someone tells you that Syzoth likes you, and one time where you believe it
a/n: finally, some good fucking food (i'm kidding i love all the requests i get, i just don't often see syzoth content)
ship[s]: syzoth x fem!reader
warning(s): tsundere reader, y/n used, post-kanon story
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1 - Kenshi Takahashi
You sigh heavily as you watch Syzoth use his tail to trip the monks that were ambushing him. He's training for his exam to become an initiate for the Wu Shi, and he was doing everything he could to stay ready.
He looked so good taking down the rest of the orange-clad men. His muscles flexed when he knocked Kung Lao to the ground, and the sweat glistened on his skin as he turned to block a flying head-butt from Raiden.
You had already finished your training for the day, a one-on-one with Liu Kang to assess your skills to see if you were ready to move on.
As you watch Syzoth spar, he spots you from his place and waves, and you give a weak wave back.
For some reason, he gets more serious in his sparring. He's more precise, his hits perfectly taking monks down left and right.
He's also puffing his chest out when he gets them down, like a video game character taunting.
As you watch him, a voice surprises you.
"You know, he really likes you," Kenshi tells you as his chin rests in his palm. He's copying your stance as you look between him and Syzoth in shock.
You turn to him with a flushed face and wave your hands like a madman. Despite the red bandana that was over his eyes, you can tell he's giving you the "look".
"Ah! No! Not possible! I mean...." you stutter, unable to find the words as Syzoth keeps his appearances up as he fights.
Kenshi has his jaw agape, slapping his forehead with his hand before he drags it down and groans in frustration.
One out of five people, surely another person could prove it, right?
2 - Raiden
You and Raiden stare at the pile of insects in confusion and worry.
You see, Syzoth had dropped you loads of food in front of your bedroom because you had gotten a bit sick.
Raiden was responsible in overseeing you as you regained your strength.
He was rounding the corner because he had brought your medicine from the infirmary, but the smell that was coming from your room....
Huge, fat(?), and dead bugs laid in front of your door. And Raiden saw Syzoth splaying the deceased insects in a fashionable(???) manner.
He knocked on your door and ran away, which leads to the situation now.
"Raiden... I am not a frog..." you mumble weakly as you cough.
Raiden chuckles and shakes his head, "Actually, it was Syzoth who dropped it off."
Your face warms with love at the thought of your crush giving you such care.
"He must like you a lot, you know," Raiden points out. "I mean, I am unsure of how Zaterran's court but-"
You swipe the medicine out of Raiden's hands and go on a (strangely) energetic ramble about how he could not like you, and how he's just being nice, and blah blah blah.
As Raiden gets the door shut on his face, he can still hear you go on about it. Shaking his head, he looks down at the bugs.
"Ah, what to do..."
Kenshi was right, you did have a hard time accepting things.
Then again, third time's a charm right?
3 - Johnny Cage
There's stupid, then there's just fools.
Johnny is classified as stupid, but even he knows a fool when he sees one.
And unfortunately, you were on his radar.
Johnny watches with a slacked jaw as Syzoth gifts you a pile of pretty rocks.
He's watching dumbly as Syzoth explains each rock, geode, and stone that he got from his latest travel as emissary.
"This is a rare gem native to the mines north of Satauri," Syzoth explains.
You hold the rocks with sparkling eyes, listening to every fact intently. You guys are at it for a couple of hours, sitting on the field of the academy before more lessons.
Finally, Syzoth leaves after a monk calls after him for some other chores.
You wave goodbye, and you smile bashfully at the pile of rocks and stones Syzoth gifted you.
Johnny surprises you from behind.
"Wow, he sure does like ya," Johnny says, swishing around you to swipe a rock to take a closer look.
"Not even Syzoth gave me thanks after I shot a movie after him!" Johnny whines, rambling about how much money went into the movie (he legit broke the budget tenfold).
You shake your head vehemently, "Absolutely not! Hedoesn'tevenseemelikethat...."
Johnny mocks you with a hand puppet mimicking a mouth, "Blah blah blah, yap yap yap."
Still, as you deny the possibility that Syzoth indeed reciprocates your feelings, you hold the rocks close to your chest, all of the little things in your hand as your heart pounds in your rib cage.
4 - Kung Lao
You and Syzoth are basking under the warm sun that shines over the Academy- Syzoth on a rock and you on a blanket over the grass.
You guys are on a break from training and lessons today, so Syzoth decided to invite you to do his favorite past time- sunbathing.
And so here you two were, chatting quietly amongst one another about your lives, especially his. His life changed, from pure despair to one filled with hope and new opportunities.
One such opportunities being love, though the couldn't tell that to you.
Despite how well-kept his secret was, it was so obvious to Kung Lao. The way Syzoth's eyes lit up when you were around him, the way his tail wagged when he shifted halfway, the rocks (he heard from Johnny), the sparring (thanks Kenshi), and the bugs (kudos to Raiden).
Kung Lao watches from the distance, only swooping in when Syzoth leaves after he's gotten ample sunbathing.
You continue to lay there, skin practically glowing in blinding radiance. The sun was just... perfect.
Kung Lao walks from his nest of watching, surprising you with his shadow over your face.
"You know, not even Syzoth has invited me to sunbathe yet," he says, and you rub your eyes and blink to make out Kung Lao's visual.
"Oh, hey Lao!" you greet rubbing your eyes. "What are you talking about? Has he not sunbathed with you?"
Kung Lao sits beside you, shaking his head as he looks at you with waggling brows, "That must mean he really likes you, (y/n)~."
You shove his shoulder, "Don't be funny, kung Lao! He does not like me like that. And besides, he and Ashrah spend a lot of time together."
Kung Lao mentally rolls his eyes. By the elder gods, if only you knew what those two talked about.
"Just tell him how you feel!" Kung Lao ushers you. "What's the worst that could happen?"
You groan, shoving him off your blanket and rolling it up, before storming away grumbling about Syzoth.
Kung Lao scratches his head, watching you and your feelings walk away.
5 - Ashrah
Ashrah swung her kriss at the training dummy, yelling and grunting as she practiced her moves and wandered in her own mind.
She was in a bit of a pickle, you see.
For the last couple of days, she had been talking to Syzoth because he had asked her how to confess to someone. Poor girl, she was still grappling with her newfound emotions that came with freedom.
Still, with the help of the other men in the Academy: Kung Lao, Johnny, Kenshi, and Raiden, she had been providing him with good advice and ways to get you to notice him.
However, everytime he came back after doing whatever she said, he reported back his fruitless attempts.
"She did not respond after I deposited the rocks," Syzoth noted once. Or, "She and I talked, but she fell asleep as I was tlaking as we were sunbathing..." as another report.
Ashrah sighs, stabbing the wooden dummy through its torso cleanly. You heard a little gasp behind you, and she leaves the sword stuck in the dummy as her eyes meet yours.
"G-good afternoon, Ashrah," you stuttered quietly, walking to another free dummy nearb
Ashrah watches you intently, smiling as you returned a rather slim one. Confused, as you were not returning her kind gesture.
Unintentionally pushing your buttons, she just asks you straightforward.
"Are you worried about Syzoth?" she blatantly asks, her posh voice ringing in your ears as you look over your shoulder with a glare.
You roll your eyes, "Not really something you should ask someone when the other is clearly vying for the same man as you." There's vevnom in your voice, and Ashrah frowns a bit as she gracefully removes her sword form the dummy.
Sheathing it, she continues, "I must let you know, it really is not like that." She approaches you, and you instinctively step back some. "Syzoth has been having a hard time telling you that he truly reciprocates your affections."
Your mood is soured completely, and you you cram the dummy back into the corner it belonged to.
"Syzoth likes you, not me Ashrah" you spat at her. "If you want friendship so bad, perhaps lying is not the best way to obtain it."
You stomp away, and Ashrah is both confused and sad over this attempt at making another friend- especially a woman.
And as your figure disappears within the Academy, your heart and gut wrenches at the games everyone has been playing with you.
+1 - Syzoth
Syzoth had given up with advice from both Ashrah and friends. He loves them, don't get it twisted, but it has gotten him nowhere.
From dropping off bugs to your door, trying to impress you as he sparred, even inviting you to sunbathe (he is very particular about his vitamin d)- it has gotten his feelings nowhere.
Manning up, he picked some flowers from a nearby field, called Ashrah and Kenshi over, and practiced what he wanted to say.
Kenshi was the coach, Ashrah pretended to be you, and Syzoth was fumbling over his words.
"No, Syzoth," Kenshi gently scolds. "You have to tell her why you like her, not just 'I like you'."
Syzoth groans, "I will bite your heads off if I must repeat this one last time."
As the trio continues their practice, you're walking in the general direction as a monk had called for you for an audience with Liu Kang.
You can hear the voices, and you turn the corner to find Kenshi, Ashrah, and Syzoth- you couldn't find your heart, though, as you're so sure it dropped from the shock of this scene.
"Um, am I interrupting?" You say rather coldly. Kenshi and Ashrah are wide-eyed, and Kenshi immediately grabs Ashrah's wrist as they run off like kids.
Is this a romance novel? A fanfic? You couldn't help but roll your eyes as you thought of their childish antics.
"Ah, um, agh... How do I..." Syzoth is nervous as he fiddles with the flowers he picked for you. You look between them and his eyes.
"Are those for someone?" you point. "If you need help confessing to Ash-"
"No!" he cries. Your shock takes him aback, but he reigns himself in as he clears his throat. "No. They're, uh... for you?"
You look at him with a quirked brow, then soften up as you look at the flowers and the general area Kenshi and Ashrah fled to.
"But I thought-." Syzoth interrupts you.
"I sought the help of Ashrah and the others," he begins to explain. "They were giving me advice, on how one can tell someone how they feel- the human way."
You look at him, and he uses this silence to continue his words.
"Ashrah provided me with advice, I was doing my best to make my efforts known..." Syzoth itches his head shyly, walking closer to you as he uses his other hand to hold on yours.
"I guess this was my final 'hurrah', something Johnny taught me," Syzoth chuckles awkwardly.
You shake your head, "I thought everyone was playing mind games with me..."
Syzoth shakes his head, rubbing your hand as the other hand that scratched his head now caresses your face.
"Your heart is not something to be toyed with..." Syzoth whispered, moving your hair out of your face.
sigh, i love syzoth
see yall in the next fic!
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thecuriousbeauty · 2 months
Traitor-The Present
Chapter 2
Word count: 5,075
Warnings: Violence, gun, blood, nightmare, slight panic attack.
Author's note: Thank you for the love on Chapter one! Feedback is appreciated:) Here's the link if you've not read it: Chapter One
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There was no way y/n could follow Harry around all day, he was a busy doctor. He had patients to tend to. For the time being, she didn't have a better idea except to continue meeting him at the bar. 
"Have you always wanted to be a doctor?", she asks the man, clad in a lime green shirt today. He seemed like he was in better spirits than he was the previous night, so y/n took the opportunity. 
"I..don't know.", Harry's eyebrows furrow, like he tried to think, and it hurt him to remember. "I know how to treat people."
"That's nice.", y/n nods. "It must be a big responsibility, having lives of people in your hands."
"I think I'm used to it.", he replies shortly. "Why are you so interested?", he looks up at her.
"Just like that.", she shrugs. "Can I not make friends? I'm new to this town."
"Why did you come here?", he asks.
"Less expenses than in the city.", y/n sighs, looking around at the bar. Girls swinging their hips on the dance floors, guys looking at them like they were a piece of meat, and lots of loud music blasting. This wasn't her scene at all.
"You don't like getting drinks.", Harry tells her, more like a statement than a question. He was observing her too.
"I don't mind the drinks, it's the whole scene I don't like. I prefer spending my free nights in my bed, with ice cream and a good novel."
Harry cracked what looked like a small smile, one of the dimples on his cheek popping, which made y/n feel warm. She cursed herself for feeling like that, before continuing with the talk. "You said you want to make friends. I'm not the right guy, y/n.", Harry says.
"Why? You're ice cold, mean and friendless? What a sad lifestyle you must lead, Doctor."
He chuckles, popping some of the fried peanuts into his mouth. "I'm not cold and mean."
"So you are friendless.", y/n concludes.
"What's the point? I don't have time for friends.", he says.
"But you need friends in your life, Harry. Friends support you through hard times, you can be yourself with them, and you can have lots of fun!"
"Friends also betray you.", he grumbles.
"Have you been betrayed be a friend or a close one?", y/n asks, trying to know if there were people he thought plotting against him and Reagen in the past.
"I don't remember.", he snaps, motioning for the bartender to fill up his drink. y/n waits for him to calm down, watching him tip the entire glass down his throat and groan. 
"Whiskey's your choice of poison?", she asks, flinching. She doesn't like the burn of whiskey.
"Yes, but it's too much for someone like you. You should try something sweeter, like rum.", he says. "Old Monk rum for the lady please.", he tells the bartender.
"What do you mean by someone like you?", she raises her eyebrows at him.
"You know what I mean.", he simply says. y/n decided to come back to the topic of friends. "Do you have a best friend?"
Harry freezes again, and y/n observes the look in his eyes like he was trying to remember a painful memory. Oliver had told her that Harry was his best friend. He needed his best friend back, and she heard the suffering in his voice when he told her that. "N-No..no, I don't think so, I don't know. I have memory issues, I don't remember a lot of stuff."
y/n nods. "That's okay. Well, I can be your best friend. I mean, I can start by being your friend and then we can see how it goes."
Harry smirks. "You really want to be my friend, don't you?"
"Be grateful I'm taking pity on you, Mr. Friendless mysterious guy.", y/n replies, and Harry laughs. y/n smiles. So he does remember how to laugh.
The bartender keeps her drink in front of her. "I've never tried this before.", y/n says, looking at the dark, sweet smelling liquid.
"You'll like it.", Harry says confidently. "Trust your new friend's drink choosing ability."
y/n grins and tries it. The liquid drink went down smooth, leaving her mouth refreshing and quenching for more. It had almost a dehydrated berry taste to it, which she really loved. She also felt the slight warmth of the alcohol.
"I do like it.", she decides, taking another sip. "How did you know?"
"Just like that.", he shrugs, imitating her from their conversation earlier, and she smiled, liking him more as she got to know him a little. "Oh and by the way you agreed to us being friends.", she adds, in case he let it slip by accident.
"Just friends, y/n?", he gets up after stuffing some cash inside the book the bill came in. y/n sits there thinking about what he said, and he gives her a small wave. "I'm gonna get to bed, see you around."
Harry leaves the bar, leaving y/n pondering. Did he want something more than friendship with her? She couldn't deny that she wasn't attracted to the man, but she couldn't take advantage of him like that. She was already feeling bad for befriending him for someone else. She was only using him and he didn't know that. She decided that she wouldn't let her feelings grow. Yes, he was handsome, and it was natural to get attracted, but she wasn't going to let anything else happen between them. 
The painting was gorgeous. It as crafted with such bright tones, and beautiful color bleding. y/n had poured all of her emotion into it. It was piece she didn't look at very often. She didn't keep it for sale either. It was personal. 
The woman in the painting was made of a mix of colors. Her eyes were standing out behind wide framed glasses, and she wore an intriguing and knowing smirk on her lips. Her hair fell down in blunt bangs over her forehead and framed her oval face.
"This is beautiful.", Harry speaks. "You paint more of landscapes, who is this woman?"
y/n sucks in a breath, approaching a sensitive topic. "I don't know..I think it's my mom. I remember how she looked like..but my Uncle Luke said my parents left me when I was little."
Harry tears his eyes away from the painting, looking at her. "I'm sorry. You haven't tried to contact them?"
y/n shakes her head. "I've thought about it, but I don't know if I can take whatever the truth is. And I'm happy with my Uncle."
Harry nods, looking at the other paintings. "Can I buy it?"
"Sure, which one?"
"All of it?"
"All of it!?"
"I have a new flat, it's empty.", Harry says flatly, like it was obvious. "This would look nice on the walls."
"But all of them is going to look like an art gallery and less of a flat, Harry. Um let's select a few out, okay?", y/n says, and Harry nods. "I'll have to see what your flat looks like, to know what matches."
y/n wanted to see if she can get her hands on any pictures, any files, or anything that can point out to his past life.
"Fine, let's have tea at my place.", Harry agrees and she smiles, nodding. "See, you're getting the hang of things for someone who hasn't had friends before."
Harry only gave the girl a small smile, continuing to look around her studio. 
Harry's flat was huge. Two bedrooms, a big kitchen with a patio, a beautiful balcony overlooking the small town. It was neutral themed, the colors brown and cream. Harry makes them tea, and brings out some cookies as they sit on the couch. 
"For looks like yours, you had to have been in love at least once.", Stella says, and Harry keeps his cup of tea down. "Maybe. Don't remember. Are you saying I'm handsome?"
y/n bites her lip as Harry smirks. "I didn't say that. You may be good looking, that's all."
"Sure, whatever you say."
"She must have been lucky, whoever the girl was.", y/n tries to get it out of him. Come on, please remember something so I know you really are the person Romania told me about. 
Harry sighs, bringing his hand to his forehead like he had a headache. "I-I..I don't believe in it."
"Believe in love?", y/n asks, and he nods, bringing his hand back and looking at her with those beautiful eyes. "Do you believe in love y/n?"
y/n nods. "Of course. Love is like this overwhelming sentiment that keeps you up all night and makes you feel like a little child waiting for Christmas day. The feeling of having a soulmate and a place you can really call home, that sounds promising."
Harry's eyes ran over soft features, as he spoke, "You sound like you have been in love."
y/n laughs, biting into a cookie. "Nah, me? I talk too much, and I'm weird. Who would want to love me?"
"There might be someone.", Harry whispers softly, but not soft enough so y/n couldn't hear it.
"I'm not sure if he is the man you're looking for.", y/n tells Romania on the phone. "He doesn't remember anything about his past, and he's such a sweet guy! He's a doctor who saves lives for god sake, he's not your mafia boss!"
"He's had you fooled by his charm, Miss y/l/n.", Romania huffs. "The reason he remained our secret weapon was because of how easily he could blend in. Do not fall for his charm, it's all an act."
"I think he really doesn't remember, Romania.", y/n twirls a strand of her hair around her finger, worried about what she has to do.
"He does, y/n. I have to believe he does, for his own good.", Romania sighs. "Or we have to kill him."
y/n's hand freezes over the phone. "K-Kill him?"
"Yes, he's a threat to our opponents. He knows too much. If they get to him first..", Romania drawls off. "You won't understand, y/n, just know that he is very important. You are our last hope. If you cannot prove that he remembers, then we will kill him. At least he'll get to be with Reagen then."
"Y-You can't kill him.", y/n whispers, her heart beating fast. What did she agree to? She made a deal with people capable of killing a poor man?
"Then do your job, y/n. I'm sending another fifty thousand to your account. Update me soon." Romania hung up with that, and y/n sat down heavily, hand on her forehead. She has to find a way to break into his shell. She doesn't want to be responsible for the death of a man.
Broken windows. Blood covering the pieces of glass. Someone held a gun to her forehead, the face unclear. The wind was strong, piercing her skin. Then she heard the trigger being pulled and a shot being fired.
y/n wakes up with a gasp, her body sweating under the linen sheets. She closes her eyes, pressing a hand to her heart in relief. It was just a dream. The same dream she keeps having. Uncle Luke had told her to stop watching and reading mystery. This was the consequence.
Her thoughts went to Harry as she pours herself some water. She wasn't even supposed to ask questions to Romania. There were so many questions she had. About his line of work, about his family, about why the opponents had stayed away from him so far, and most importantly, about Reagen. How did they meet? How was their relationship? Were they going to get married?
So many questions she couldn't have the answers to.
The next morning, her Uncle Luke wanted to go on a walk, so she went with him. "Boy troubles.", Uncle Luke observes. "Who is it?"
"It's no one.", y/n dismisses it, feet trudging over the fallen autumn leaves. She didn't like the town, but she couldn't help but admit it was pretty. Full of trees.
"Really?", Uncle Luke teases and she sighs, giving up. "It's just Harry."
"Who's Harry?"
Her uncle had forgotten all about her side job, and the mysterious guy she was spying on. y/n cooked up a story about a customer named Harry to make Uncle Luke happy. She would do anything for him.
She fixed up some breakfast for him before rushing to the cafe. She was running a little late. She got to her painting. Then sat at a table, eating a lovely sugary custard pastry and drinking her ice lemon mint tea while she had a break.
"Do you always eat so much sugar?"
She looked up surprised to see Harry. "It's not good for your health.", he says, before sitting down across from her. "After you shove the sugary cereal down your throat for breakfast, you have this as your everyday snack?"
"Woah, don't go Doctor mode on me.", y/n laughs, continuing to enjoy her pastry. "But it's so good, and this is the only time I'm relaxing, so let me have my pastry, okay?"
"Suit yourself.", Harry eyes it with disgust. 
"Aren't you supposed to be at the hospital?", y/n asks him.
"It's my day off.", he answers, eyes moving to her lips as he watched her tongue peek out to clean up the little bits of custard. "Thought to spend it with my friend."
"Ahh.", y/n smiles. "How do you wanna spend it then?"
"Someone once told me it's fun to have ice cream and watch a movie. Show me how it's fun."
"Is that a challenge?", y/n grins, quickly downing the rest of her drink. 
"Sure.", Harry gives her a signature smirk, before he leaned forward to bring his hand up to her face. His hand rests on her cheek as his thumb gently rubs away a bit of custard on the side of her mouth. y/n felt goosebumps on her skin as he touched her, and their eyes meet. y/n gets lost in the depth of Harry's eyes. She saw something she hadn't seen before. 
Harry quickly pulled away and y/n grabbed a tissue. "Give me a minute.", she told him, and he nodded, waiting for her. y/n had done her paintings for the day, and she signed out of the cafe. 
They went to the grocery store to pick up some goods, all while talking happily like friends. Harry was lowering the guard he had up, and although that made y/n happy, it made her guilty at the same time. He thought she was his friend. He was trusting her. 
And what was she doing? 
She was using his friendship to get out some information that she doesn't care about, out of him so she can get the rest of her money from the deal and lead her life.
A man lurking behind them caught y/n's attention in the grocery store. She ushered them to the next aisle, and she saw another man at the end of it. Both of them were looking at Harry like he was their worst enemy.
y/n remembered what Romania had told her about their opponents. 
"Harry, let's get out of here.", y/n keeps her hand on his arm, feeling the urge to protect him. He did not deserve this. He didn't even know who he is. 
"Wait, we didn't get the kind of noodles you like-"
"-This will do." y/n puts one of the instant ramen packets into their trolley, staring back at the men hoping they'll back off. "Come on."
Harry follows her with the trolley, oblivious to the men watching him. He offered to pay, and y/n quickly gets them back into her car. 
"Why were you rushing?", Harry asks.
"I um..I have to pee!"
"There was a restroom inside.", Harry points out.
"Yes I'm scared of urinary tract infections, yeast infections especially, they're so nasty, have you seen the pictures? I'm scared of using public toilets.", she lies, and rambles on.
Harry looked at her for a second, before doubling over and laughing. y/n smiled sheepishly, adoration filling her as she watched him laugh. That laugh did things to her. 
"Well okay let's go then, you have to pee!", he says, and they both laugh as y/n pulls out of the parking lot, missing the two men staring at them from a distance.
y/n watches Harry as he immerses in the movie, watching it with interest. They had obviously decided on a crime thriller. She had seen before, and she was more interested in studying the tall man beside her, lounging in his sweatpants, curled up on his couch. 
"You're right, I should do this more often.", Harry mumbles, leaning back and stealing a glance at y/n. "You sleepy?"
y/n was a little sleepy with the lack of sleep last night, but she shakes her head, rubbing her eyes. "Not at all!"
A mountain of blankets and half eaten snacks rested on the coffee table in front of them, and she knew she probably wouldn't make it through the whole movie but she had to. 
"Did you go to a doctor about your memory issues?", y/n decides to bite, and Harry heard her, but he still asks, "Sorry?"
"You have memory issues, you can't remember a lot of things. Have you seen a doctor about that?"
Harry pauses the movie. "No. It won't help."
"Why not?"
"I've tried taking medicine, it won't come back. I lost those memories for a reason y/n, I don't want to bring them back. Just like how you don't want to reach out to your parents.", Harry answers, jaw clenching. "I have a good life here. I'm happy."
"Are you though?", y/n leans forward to him. "Are you really happy, Harry?"
Harry remained quiet, studying her face. "It doesn't matter."
"It does! I wish to see you happy. If we can get your past behind you, maybe you can-"
"-I'm already behind it. I don't know what happened in the past, and I don't care. Can we just watch the movie?"
y/n sighed in defeat, but nodded, curling back on the other side of the couch as Harry presses play on the movie. How the hell was she going to get him to remember who he was?
y/n can't fight of the sleep for too long. Harry sees her dozing off, and a fond smile coats his lips as he looks at her. He wanted to carry her to bed, where she could sleep more comfortably but he figured he wouldn't without her permission. Instead, he went to his room to get his blanket and tucked it around her small frame. 
He hated anyone in his personal space, but this was y/n. He could make an exception. Hell, he had already invited her into his house.
y/n mumbles incoherently in her sleep, and Harry coots closer to her, keeping a hand on her arm, in case she was having a bad dream, and continued to watch the movie.
y/n saw the same dream again. Blood. Broken window. Glass. Gun. 
Harry frowned as her serene, peaceful face split into a disturbed one. Her eyebrows scrunching, and her legs tucking underneath her chin. She began to shake lightly.
"y/n.", Harry shakes her awake gently.
y/n runs in her dream, away from the gun, but the shot is still fired from the gun. Before she could see who was injured, she jolts awake.
Her scared eyes meet Harry's. "Hey, it's okay, you're in my flat, we were watching a movie and you fell asleep.", Harry strokes some of her hair back from her forehead as she looks at him, like she wanted reassurance that she's safe. 
Harry doesn't hesitate before pulling her into his lap, wrapping his muscular strong arms around her, and tucking her head into his chest. "Shh..it's okay, you're okay. It was just a dream."
He felt a strong emotion to kill anyone or anything that caused y/n to get so scared. He knew it was in her dream, but he hated the thought of y/n being hurt. She was so delicate, so sweet, he had to protect her.
"H-Harry?", y/n whispers into his chest, her arms tightening around his body.
"Yes?", Harry whispers back, continuing to stroke her hair to soothe her. 
"I'm sorry.", she sniffles, and he gets confused. Was she apologizing for having a bad dream? He had a feeling it was for something else. Either way, she was shaken up and his job was to get her to relax and make her feel okay.
"Don't be, sunshine. I got you."
y/n felt horrible. She felt like a monster. Here there was a man who comforted her when she was scared, and on the other hand, what was she doing? She was just doing her task. She would eventually throw him to Romania like he was a piece of meat. y/n felt like electricity was coursing through her veins when Harry's hands smoothed over her body and her hair, calming her down. He scooped her into his lap with no effort, and Stella felt safe.
She felt safe like she never had before. She wanted to stay in his arms forever and forget everything else that happened. She wished she'd met this man before all the Romania and money crap. She wanted to call her and tell her she couldn't do it anymore, but she couldn't back away now. Harry is not showing any signs of who he was five years ago. If he really is that person, then y/n needs to bring his memories back. His friends, or a family y/n doesn't know about, they need him. 
She apologized to him, said that she's sorry for hurting him and doing this to him, but he thought she was worrying about her dream scare. If only he knew the truth.
Then there was what he called her. He called her sunshine. It sounded so sweet, and she wishes he calls her that again. y/n could no longer deny it. She had feelings for Harry, and the feelings kept growing. 
One week. It has been seven days since she started her task. She has only three more weeks to get Harry to open up. She has to gain his trust first. Yes, he's letting her into his house, he's getting comfortable around her, but she has to gain his full trust. 
"Here you go, chicken alfredo. You need some real food after all that ice cream.", Harry smiles as he serves the pasta he just made into two plates. 
"I didn't know you could cook.", y/n says impressed as she sits on the chair. 
"How could you? You've never had my food before. Now you know.", Harry answers, sitting beside her with his plate. He watched her as she tastes it. y/n let the creamy pasta satisfy her taste buds, and the flavorful bite of the chicken was amazing.
"It's so good.", she hums. "You're multi talented. Any other hobbies? Secret gamer? Guitarist? Cyber hacking? Gold smuggler?" y/n waits for his response to the last two.
Harry chuckles, eating his own pasta. "Gold smuggler?"
"I don't know, mystery guy. You tell me.", y/n says playfully.
"Not that I know of. But that would be an interesting secret hobby, wouldn't it y/n?", he asks, giving her a look. What was that look? Was it a knowing look? Was he teasing her? Was he hiding?
"I guess, y-yeah.", y/n replies shortly.
If he is hiding, he's doing a very good job of it. He remembers everything, he's putting up an act, a mask. Romania's words lingered in y/n's brain.
"I do play the guitar. How did you know?", he asks, pouring some water into both of their glasses.
"Your fingers are calloused.", y/n states her observation. 
"Observant, I see.", Harry nods impressed. "You ask so much about me. What are your interests besides painting and reading thriller novels?"
y/n laughs. "Watching thriller movies." Harry rolls his eyes, and she grins. "Okay. Um..I don't really know, I don't get time Harry."
"You should explore yourself some more.", he mumbles.
"Oh? Says Mr. Always Busy Doctor."
He shrugs, and y/n looks at her phone as it rings. It was her Uncle Luke.
"Sorry, gotta take this.", she excuses herself, and Harry nods, twirling the pasta around his fork. 
"Uncle Luke?", y/n answers, and hears panting on the other line. "W-Where am I?"
She keeps her fork down, fear creeping up. "You're at home, Uncle Luke, everything okay? Did you go out somewhere?"
"y/n..w-where are you?", her uncle's voice came out in a whimper and she stands up immediately. Harry looks at her with a frown. 
"I'm at a friend's house, I'll come over now, okay? Don't worry, you're at home. Look around, what do you see?", she replies calmly, even though she was freaking out.
"S-Stairs..p-pictures on the walls. Of us."
y/n sighs in relief. He is at home. "Yes, it's safe, Uncle Luke. You're at home, okay? I'll be there in a few minutes."
"Come soon..sweetheart.", he whispered, and y/n feels her heart break at his small voice. "I will. I love you."
She stuffs her phone into her pocket and looks at Harry. "I'm sorry I have to go, my uncle needs me."
"I'll come with you.", Harry was already putting away their plates.
"No, Harry, it's okay..my place is small and it's a mess and..you don't wanna be there.", y/n says embarrassed.
"y/n, I didn't always have a flat like this. I used to live on the streets for a few months. Then someone who said they know me came and told me that I'm a Doctor. I managed to get my license back, and everything worked out. I know what it's like, okay?" Harry squeezes her shoulder gently.
y/n quickly stored in her brain the information he had shared. Then she felt bad. He told her because he thought she was his friend.
"Okay, come with me.", she agrees. Harry and y/n leave Zach's flat, and it's a twenty minute drive to y/n's place.
"Your uncle..", Harry drawls, waiting for her to complete.
"Alzheimer's.", she answers, and Harry nods understanding. They didn't talk on the way. y/n was worried, and Harry wasn't used to starting conversations.
When she got home, y/n runs to her Uncle who was sitting at the end of the stairs. "D-Did you fall?", she gasps, seeing him clutch his foot like he was in pain.
"Y-Yes.", Uncle Luke nods, arms leaning to pull his niece into a hug. "y/n. Are you okay?"
"I'm okay, Uncle, shh..", y/n assures, holding him tight and feeling guilty. She had left him alone and he fell. "Y-You didn't fall down all the stairs, did you?"
"No I tripped on the last few.", he answers. "I think my balance is off. I'm okay I think..I just needed to see you."
y/n nods, kissing his cheek. "It's okay, I told you that you can always call me. I'm glad you did." She looks over him to see if he was injured.
"W-Who's this young man?", Uncle Luke looks up at Harry who was silently watching their exchange.
"He's Harry, I told you about him, remember?"
y/n looks back at Harry, who was looking at her uncle with an expression she couldn't read. Uncle Luke nods at him. "Sorry our first meeting is like this."
"I don't mind.", Harry leans down to help him stand up. y/n took one arm and Harry the other, Uncle Luke was brought back on his feet. 
"Does your ankle hurt?", y/n notices as he winces, and he nods. 
"I can take a look.", Harry says. "Let's get him to bed."
They got Uncle Luke back to his room, and y/n makes him drink some water. Harry sat on the edge of the bed and his fingertips ran over Uncle Luke's ankle as he examined it. Harry did his prodding, checked the movement on the ankle, and observed that there was no swelling, but a purplish bruise forming. He did not feel any broken bones.
"It's a small sprain.", he tells them. "You have a crepe bandage, y/n?It should be there in a first aid kit."
"I think so, let me see.", y/n says, and goes to the cupboard near the sink where she keeps basic first aid. 
Uncle Luke stares at Harry, making sure his niece is gone, before spitting out, "What are you doing with y/n?"
"We're friends.", Harry answers patiently, although he did not like the tone Uncle Luke spoke in.
"Don't you dare get close to my niece. I know all about you, Harry Styles.", Uncle Luke uses his full name, and Harry did not even know that that was his full name. He's used to people coming up to him and calling him that, then they threaten him and go away. 
"Do tell me, cause I don't remember.", Harry says, and Uncle Luke grabs his collar with an iron grip. A weak man like him shouldn't be this strong, Harry notes. 
"You think you're smart, don't you? Doctor Turner, huh? We're just waiting for the right time. You killed my family. I will watch you being burned down to the ground, Styles."
"What the hell are you talking about?", Harry exclaims, trying to get his hand off of him. 
"Oh my god. Uncle Luke, stop!", y/n rushes over, and Uncle Luke lets him go, his face full of hatred and anger. "I'm so sorry Harry!", she says to him apologetically.
"It's okay.", Harry tells her, staring at her uncle. "Illness does it."
y/n nods, rubbing her Uncle's arms, calming him down. "I'm here, Uncle. Harry's my friend, it's okay."
He didn't answer, just kept looking at Harry as he wrapped his injured ankle up. "Keep it elevated, ice pack on and off. It should be fine in two days.", he said when he was done, and left the room.
"I'll be right back.", y/n tells her uncle, before running behind Harry.
Harry pauses near the door. "I'm so sorry, I don't know what got into him.", y/n grabs his hand to stop him from storming out. Harry nods, a little shaken up with what her uncle had said. You killed my family.
Harry was a Doctor. He saved people, he didn't kill them. He knew her uncle was sick, but the fire in his eyes when he looked at him? He couldn't shake it away.
"He's turning delusional, I'll make an appointment with his doctor for tomorrow.", y/n shakes her head, stressed about what to do. Harry thought she had too much of stress in her life. He could see the dark circles under her eyes due to the lack of sleep. He wanted to ask her about it, but now wasn't the time.
"I-I have to go, y/n", Harry tells her, and y/n nods, standing on her tip toes to plant a kiss on his cheek. "Thank you for your help. You're a good man, Harry."
Was he? 
Harry's fingers went to his cheek where she had kissed him as he stepped outside the door. Her touch made him feel less anxious. He hoped it would leave him calm enough to get some sleep tonight. His thoughts shifted to the girl who came into his life just a week ago. She was perfect. He had a chance to make things different from last time. 
After all, she's his to ruin, isn't she?
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inactivewattpadauthor · 9 months
Liu Kang x Reader: Friendzoned
A/N: Saw something like this a while ago and wanted to make my own version. I couldn't find it again however :')
Warning: Slight angst? ~~~~~~~~~~~~ "You're just going to get yourself hurt, you know." Kung Lao bluntly stated as he shoves another dumpling into his mouth using his chopsticks. "You know he's with Kitana."
You sat across him at the table, your fingers messing up your hair from the uncomfortable tension you had inside you. Of course you knew they were together... or possibly together, but-
"Yeah, well, Liu never confirmed it, actually. And don't you think Raiden would like, I don't know, not allow it?"
The monk swallowed his food and sighed. "It doesn't need to be confirmed. It's obvious. Denial doesn't suit you well, Y/n."
"I'm not in denial!" Your voice raised slightly. "I just..." Words and thoughts were scrambling all over your mind. You couldn't utter out another excuse.
"I'll tell him how I feel. You miss 100% of the shots you don't take, right?" You chuckled uneasily.
Kung Lao shook his head at you before eating another dumpling. "Okay, but don't come to me when your spirit gets shattered."
Standing from your seat, preparing to leave, you nodded at him. "I promise I won't. Thanks for listening to me... even though I probably am stupid for this."
After you rushed out the small restaurant, Kung Lao called the waiter over.
"Could I take an order of mochi and a bottle of sake to go, please?"
---Time skip brought to you by Fujin and Nightwolf braiding each other's hair, because I simply cherish the hell out of both of them---
Each step you were close to the Wu Shi academy, each ounce of anxiety swarmed over you, making your stomach hug itself tightly.
However, you really need to tell him how you feel before it's too late. You held it in from him for a while, and it started to tear at you.
Entering the academy, you located him, finding the champion meditating alone. Perfect for you to just approach and speak to him... right?
"L-Liu?" Slowly walking up to him, your hands mindlessly went to fiddle with your hair. A simple nervous habit.
He opens his eyes to see you. He greets you with a friendly smile, making you feel slightly giddy.
"Hey, Y/n! Here to train?"
"Oh... actually... I wanted to speak to you about something."
Liu's face started turning into one with concern, he gestures for you to sit in front of him, which you did.
"Is there something wrong? Go ahead, you have my full attention."
Taking one, long, deep breath, you forced yourself to talk. For a few silent minutes, you told him how you felt. How you were grateful for your friendship with him, how you enjoyed spending time with him, training or not.
And how most importantly, you always wanted to tell him how you wanted to be more than friends with him. For him to be your lover. Even with the chance that he actually has eyes for Kitana.
You finished your little speech and proposal, looking at him, waiting on his response.
He looked a bit shocked, and then... sorry?
"Oh, Y/n. I- I enjoy all the time I spend with you too. You are a wonderful friend and person."
Your heart felt fuzzy. Was this hope?
"But I can't be with you."
Your heart instantly replaced that hope with dread. "Oh... Maybe I came to you too late?"
"I supposed that since I'm with Kitana now, but I never really thought of you like that. Just a friend. Maybe a sister at most. I'm sorry. I hope we can still be friends."
You looked away, tucking your lips, but nodding. "It's fine... I feel somewhat I still got to talk with you." You were just saying that. You stood up, not glancing at him.
"I shall leave you alone now. See you later..."
"Right." Liu Kang said awkwardly. "Again, I'm sorry."
You didn't respond. Just left feeling detached.
When you got home, you sat down on your couch and did nothing. Just thinking and moping. You knew the obvious outcome of telling him, so why does it still hurt?
'I'm stupid for even having hope. Who even wants to be with me? Stupid. Stupid.'
You gritted yourself and pinched yourself.
You jumped a bit as you heard a knock at your door. You gritted your teeth, feeling more irritated.
"Come in!" You yelled, hearing the door open at your invitation.
It was Kung Lao. Smiling sympathetically, carrying a bottle and small box.
"Heyyy, friend, I brought a little something in case you were feeling sad." He gestures to the items.
You sulked more on the couch at this kind action.
"Sorry, should I just leave these and go?" He slowly sets his gifts down and backs up.
"Stay." You commanded without looking at him.
"Very well." The Shaolin monk smirked and sat next to you on the couch, ready to make you feel better.
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misthogansnk · 10 months
I’m requesting for some fluffy and romantic Syzoth/reader content lol
Syzoth love at first sight and then getting to know each other (I’m okay with fem reader or GN I’ll leave that up to you. :) )
I hope you like it and thank you very much for the request 🥹🐊💚
Remember that I am accepting requests for Syzoth x f.reader🐊🐊
Syzoth x FemReader (fluffy/romantic)
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Syzoth had barely arrived at Earthrealm, having fulfilled his promise to bring Johnny and the others to the portal. He was greeted by Liu Kang who told them to go to the monks, but it was not until then that she appeared. "Lord Liu Kang, do you request my help?" y/n spoke, her voice was the first thing that captivated him, he instinctively directed his gaze towards her, oh my gods, in her eyes she was beautiful, he smiled shyly as he watched and was captivated by every feature of that woman. . beautiful. He never thought that a hot blood would captivate him, but the intrigue and the desire to get closer took over him more and more, it was only two minutes that he saw her, but in her mind they were an eternity.
Unfortunately he had not seen her again, it had been a week since he saw her for the first and only time. She tried to forget him and focused on trying to fit in. She didn't know how long she would have to stay there or if she would ever be able to return home. He felt uncomfortable under the gaze of the monks.
"Don't pay attention to other people's looks, they only judge without knowing" Syzoth had his back turned but he recognized that voice, his heart was racing and he didn't understand, he knew it was her, because he was sweating cold, his stomach seemed like a feast of butterflies, alone He saw her from afar once, what was wrong with her? Why was he embarrassed to look at her? "Are you OK?" he y/n he had spoken again but this time she touched his shoulder, she had touched him and he couldn't react, he felt helpless. "You cast a spell on me!" Syzoth uttered with his cheeks flushed with a greenish tone, but not before realizing his words and covering his face "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, forgive me, I didn't mean to..." looking away quickly but Something made him nervous and he turned his reality around, the laughter of the woman that attracted him so much. She wasn't a mocking laugh, she was tender, almost nervous. "Well, first of all let me introduce myself, my name is Y/n, and from what I was told you must be Syzoth, it's my pleasure" his warm smile was reciprocated "The pleasure is all mine y/n"
"I brought you something, I know you have problems with human food and I also know you ate a bug."
Syzoth just scratches the back of his neck again embarrassed "Johnny..."
Y/n hands him a container with a lid "My duty is to make you feel comfortable, and I thought you would be hungry, I bought this at the market, they are insects, I don't know if you like them or not." ...be careful when you open it, I had a hard time putting them there" her green eyes fixed on her, he had gotten her the food. "You shouldn't have done that y/n, thank you very much."
"Do you mind if I join you for lunch? I want you to feel at home, and by the way, if you don't mind, I'd like to hear stories."
"Doesn't it make you sick to see me eating bugs?"
"Of course not, who knows if I'll eat one too" she winks at him making him notice her little joke and in response Syzoth takes her hand taking her to a quiet place to get to know each other better. The days pass and their routine intertwines their hearts. Lunch together, walks, and late-night talks brought them closer and closer. Syzoth used to pick flowers in the gardens to decorate Y/N's hair.
Kung Lao saw them together once, and it didn't take long for him to tell everyone that a huge lizard was sleeping on Y/n's lap and that in the process he was pampered like a kitten and that he even saw them kiss, which intensified the banter and Johnny's comments. This helped though, since they hadn't actually had their first kiss yet, but they were more than determined that on their next walk they would make the rumors true.
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cyllres · 3 months
Control | JJK x Makima! Reader Alternate Universe
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Chapter 01
What if Suguru manages to convince Y/n to come with him?
“Dance,” you whispered to yourself, the cursed spirit letting out a wretched sound as its body twisted and struggled. A screeching noise filled the air as you smiled in satisfaction, watching it contort in response to your command.
The monk opened his eyes and observed the small cursed spirit writhing in his hand, unaware of the invisible chains forcing it to move. “Seems like you’re getting it,” he said, patting your head with a smile.
“Now how do I do it to bigger creatures?” you asked, your eyes gleaming with curiosity and ambition.
“Training, perhaps?” he suggested. “Consider this a congratulatory gift.” He dropped the still-twisting cursed spirit on the ground, and you quickly scooped it up, cooing at it. “It’s unusual for regular grade 4’s to enter my veil, but since you remind me of my daughters, I’ll let it pass.” He chuckled. “How about you join me?”
“Huh?” You looked at the monk, still kneeling in front of you, your interest piqued.
“Join me, and I’ll promise you one thing: I will make sure you rise to the top. I will train you to be the strongest. In return, you will help me eradicate all regular human beings and create a society fit only for sorcerers.” His smile twisted into something more sinister, his eyes gleaming with a dark promise.
“How do I make sure you won’t just exploit me?” you asked, suspicion evident in your voice.
“You said you could control people, didn’t you? I couldn’t offer much right now but myself and the people in my cult. Wouldn’t you love that?” The monk’s tone was persuasive, almost hypnotic, making you pause to think.
“You want me to control you in exchange for helping you eradicate normal people? Why?” you questioned, your mind racing.
“A world without non-sorcerers is a world without curses. Wouldn’t you love to help with that cause?” He explained, his words weaving a compelling vision of a future where you held unparalleled power.
You hesitated, thinking of your twin brother, Yuuji. You didn’t want to leave him behind, but the sight of the twisting curse in your hands and the promise of control over this monk and his cult blinded you with greed for power. The desire to rise to the top again consumed you.
“Fine.” You smiled, your decision made. “What are your conditions?”
“First, you can’t hurt sorcerers unless I say otherwise. Second, you’ll work under me for my cause. Third, I’ll train you to be the strongest. In exchange, I’ll give you the ability to control me, my cursed technique, my curses, my people.” He outlined his conditions, his tone firm yet enticing.
“Deal.” You extended your hand, and invisible chains started to snake around it, binding you to this new pact.
“What’s your name, little one?” the monk asked, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction.
“Y/n Itadori,” you replied. “How about you?”
“Suguru, Suguru Getou,” he said. “From now on, Y/n, you’ll be my successor. Our relationship is now one of a father and a daughter. You’re no longer Y/n Itadori but Y/n Getou.” With that, Suguru Getou placed his hand in yours, sealing his and your fate, submitting to the sinister being like you, driven by your insatiable greed for power and control.
Stay tuned!
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satansamwriting · 1 year
Could u write a mk1 kung lao x gn or male reader where they have a rivalry going on? And one day reader starts flirting with him during a sparring session and kung lao gets all flustered please. Please include kenshi, johnny and raiden watching them spar and then tease kung lao about it. Thank you!
MK1 Kung Lao rivalry with GN!reader
Short one-shots, I hope you enjoy it!
Small details : Raiden and Kung Lao sees each other as brothers
Disclaimer : English ain't my native language. There might be mistakes in this and I apologizes for them
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Training at the Wu Shi Academy was tougher than it seemed. At first when Lord Liu Kang had approached them, (Y/n) was weary. However, the god had proven to be quite convincing and so (Y/n) had begrudgingly agreed.
One thing was for sure, those monks knew how to pick their location. The Wu Shi Academy was simply jawbreaking. Whether it was from the cherry blossoms or the traditional Chinese structure, everything around the temple left whoever came gawking.
What the god hadn’t predicted once every potential champion gathered at the academy, was for two of them to get into an rivalry instantly. Since day one, Kung Lao and (Y/n) were at each other’s throats. Most of the time, Lao would be the one to instigate the verbal back and forth. Until one day, (Y/n) got fed up with the snarky comments of the other man and took things physical. Did Kung Lao learn his lesson after this? Of course not. It seemed the man was fueled even more by it.
This went on for weeks, even months. So much so that whenever they would fight, Johnny would roll his eyes announcing to the rest of the group that the “old married couple was bickering again”.
Eventually, Lord Liu Kang decided to intervene.
That’s how (Y/n) found themselves forced into a sparring match against Kung Lao. This time, their kombat would be supervised by the god himself. Of course, Johnny did not want to miss such a thing and forced Kenshi to come along. Raiden was also present if only to try and calm his brother down if such need arose.
Round one was given to (Y/n) after a well thrown uppercut had knocked Kung Lao out for a few seconds.
Round two found Kung Lao as the winner. His quick mastery of his new weapon had offered him the unpredictability.
Down to the last round, both kombatant were bruised and slightly exhausted. Each looking into the other's eyes, determined to show the other who was truly the best.
“I promise not to go too hard on you” Kung Lao said snuggly.
“Oh but I like it hard” Came the smooth response of (Y/n) which made the farmer freeze.
Behind them, Johnny whistled. The tip of Kung Lao’s ears changed to a barely visible shade of red. Glaring at the superstar, Kung Lao readied himself for the last match
Once the countdown had reached zero and the two kombatant were on each other, (Y/n) took advantage of the new found shyness of the other. Flirty remarks flew out of their mouth whenever they could. Surprisingly, Kung Lao would join in the flirting. He wasn’t bad either.
Kung Lao fell to the ground, raising sand as he landed. Although he was quickly back on his feet, they couldn’t help themselves.
“You know, you’d look good underneath me.”
More whistling in the back, but they didn’t pay it any attention. Their eyes were laser focused on Kung Lao, enjoying the way their flirting seemed to affect the other. This went on and on, until Kung Lao misplaced his left leg a tad bit too far apart from the other, giving them the opportunity to make their fatal blow.
“(Y/n)’s win.”
Approaching the sulking Lao, they extended their hand toward the man.
“Better luck next time, handsome.”
Accepting the offered hand, Kung Lao tried to regain his snarky attitude. For the first time since their arrival, (Y/n) gave him a genuine smile.
“ I think we started on the wrong foot, how about we try again?”
Only now realising that he had yet to let go of their hand, Kung Lao squeezed it gently before letting it go.
“Sounds good to me.”
Later, during the night’s diner, Kung Lao would be victim to the teasing of one annoying superstar. Even Raiden joined in as well as Kenshi. Ah the betrayal, Kung Lao swore he would get his revenge on them one day.
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newkatzkafe2023 · 5 days
💜:I Just remembered An Ask about baby Monkey King!
What if Y/N Monkey was the One Who turned into a baby?
OH how the tables have turned😈😈😈😈
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(Lmk Wukong) Is this Karma or something, did everything he did to upset you bought forth this horrible punishment??? He spill yet another unknown Elixir in his messy treasure room and now your the baby this time!!!! You must have been angry with him because not only were you so adorable bit horrifically troublesome. As a cub you Were a tiny tyrant to everybody on the mountain, especially to him. Wukong was a bit fearful of your cub form as you seem to have a unpredictable and violet temper, which looks kinda familiar. When you turned back wukong was relieved because you were Terrifying cub and the baby monkeys agreed.
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(HIB Wukong) Oh man, he's gonna panic, but he tries to stay calm mostly. You were turned into a baby by another demon, and he was pissed. After beating the crap out of the other demon, he learns that it's temporary and that you will be back to normal in no time. What he didn't expect was for you to have such a rebellious phase, Silly girl behaves better than you, and she's a human baby. You as a baby monkey, would cause all kinds of trouble, and you would pick on both him and pigsy. You as a cub were a living nightmare, Thank god you finally turned back at the end of the day, he didn't know how long much he could take.
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(MKR Wukong) This is a scary situation, but not for him. You saved him from a demon that tried to turn him into a baby, but you covered him, and now you are a baby monkey cub. Wukong learned that this was temporary, and you were quite a little angel 😇 to Wukong. Making sure to behave and obey him with great honor and responsibility, not to mention you were so cute, but behind Wukong's back, were you the f*cking devil to the monk and pigsy You had no interest in sandy and acted quite indifferent towards him, figuring him to be incredibly boring, but you were hell on earth when it came to the monk and pigsy. You got payback on the monk for all the times he zapped your husband and being an ungrateful ass to both of you, and pigsy well You made that grown man cry with your harsh words and treatment cutting into him every second of every day. At the end, we turned back to normal, and everybody was relieved until pigsy and the monk noticed your evil smile, the same one you had as a cub. It was done that pigsy and master tang pale as you were aware of what you were doing that whole time😈😈😈.
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(NR Wukong) Another Exlier incident, you thought it was a drink And the next thing you both knew you were a baby monkey again. Luckily Wukong knew that the exlier will wear off in a few hours, in the mean time he would look after you until you go back to being an adult. You were a really shy cub which surprised him, you would be quiet and reserved and you be a bit nervous with him. Wukong was careful not to make sudden movements our you in fear of scarying your cub self, but you already sense that he wasn't a threat to you and are found hugging and cuddling him. When you finally turned back, Wukong told you about how well behave you are and found you to be adorable.
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(Netflix Wukong) How are you a cub, but your still more responsible then him. This idoit was playing in a place that he was obviously banned from, and you Argued with him about it but he broke something and now your a baby. Man were you pissed, you hissed, and growled, and gave in an ass whooping like he was the child. You demanded that he found a cure for us our he'll continue to feel your wrath, but Netflix didn't take you all to seriously with your chubby face and body. Until you grabbed his staff and wacked him over the head, Reminding him of his idiocy , and he quickly found a cure turning you back into an adult. Your still a bit upset with him but you made sure to kiss the boos boos you gave him.
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lexyleblancc · 2 years
Baby Monk {Osferth}
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Summary: You save the Baby Monk from Finan’s constant teasing 
Osferth x fem!reader
Word count: 859
Warnings: Nothing :)
“Finan, leave him alone.” Your voice sounded as you approached the two men. Finan could often be found poking fun at the warrior-monk, and to your dismay the ladder accepting it. 
“Must you always take the fun out of it?” Finan asked with a groan, turning to face you. You smiled slightly, patting the man on the shoulder before nodding your head in the direction of the others who were setting up camp. 
“Uhtred is looking for you.” You told the man, Finan leaving without another word. You turned your attention to Osferth, a small sigh slipping past your lips. “You shouldn’t let Finan mock you so much.” You told him, making Osferth look at you shocked. Normally when you would tell Finan to leave him alone, you would go after him and never give Osferth a second glance. It was no joke between the others that Osferth had feelings for you. The others found it entertaining, you thought it was cute when his face would burn bright when you would talk to him. 
“It makes him happy.” Osferth spoke quietly, looking down to the leaves under his feet. 
“Does it make you happy?” You asked, cranking your neck so he would look at you. “Osferth, just because others find joy in something, doesn’t mean you should always allow it.” You told him, giving him a small smile when he finally met your eyes. “Finan is a great man, and he finds humor where he can… don’t allow yourself to be on the wrong end of his jokes.” You turned to walk away from the man, leaving him to dwell on your words when he called after you. 
“(Y/N)?” You hummed as you glanced over your shoulder at him. “Why are you being nice to me?” If your heart could shatter upon hearing mere words you were sure it would have. 
“Us bastards should stick together.” You finally said, a small laugh leaving your lips as you offered your hand to him. “If I didn’t have Sihtric growing up… well let’s just say you have many people around that look at you like a little brother now, and I’m afraid I have been a little cold towards you.” You never knew how to take Osferth’s crush on you. Never had anyone looked at you with pink cheeks, stuttering over their words as they spoke to you. Your brother, Sihtric, found joy in the fact that someone had finally made you nervous, even if he was a Christian man. Sihtric hated the idea of marrying you off, it was his responsibility since you had no one else, but he also knew you had the soul of a warrior. 
You had been alongside Sihtric your entire lives, and when he swore to serve Uhtred, you followed your brother. Finan had joined your little band of warriors after him and Uhtred had been saved from the slavers, and Osferth was the last to join. You didn’t have high hopes for the monk when he first joined Uhtred’s service, he had no experience with a sword, and had never witnessed a battle. You assumed he would have died quickly, but he surprised you. 
“You haven’t been cold towards me.” Osferth told you finally, moving his hand from yours so he could situate the two of you so you were linking arms instead. “I just assumed you didn’t like me.” He told you truthfully. 
“I’m afraid that is far from the truth.” you didn’t intend to say it outloud, but the words had spilled from your lips before you could take them back. 
“Really?” The grin of his face was enough to make any woman weak in the knees. 
“Yes, really.” You told him, a smile to match his falling upon you. “I’m afraid I’m not great with emotions.” You said, looking from him and back to the trees that surrounded the two of you as you walked. “So being around you has sometimes made me nervous.” 
“I make you nervous?” Osferth asked, making you roll your eyes at his new found ego. 
“If you’re going to start teasing like Finan, maybe I should stop intervening to save you the trouble.” 
“Forgive me, (Y/N). I just can’t find it in myself to believe that a warrior like yourself would like a monk.” Osferth told you truthfully, his head bowing as he spoke. You pulled him to a stop, tilting your chin to meet his gaze as you smiled softly. 
“I may not care for your God Osferth, but that does not mean I cannot care for you.” You told him, leaning up slightly and pressing a kiss to his cheek. “Now,” You cleared your throat to admire his pink cheeks slightly. “The others are waiting for us.” You told him, stepping away from him to continue the walk back to the rest of the group. 
Osferth watched you walk away, his mouth slightly agape. He could feel the heat radiating off his face, which made it even worse knowing he had to go back to face the others like this. “Come along baby Monk!” You called, not looking over your shoulder. 
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spookymystery67 · 3 months
I Wish I Could Walk In Heels
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AN: Another late chapter...yay? Sorry, a lot of stuff is going down in my life and I am having a hard time getting into the headspace to write. Long story short, stress is at a all time high and I'm hotel hopping right now so I have zero alone time away from my family to actually write stuff without people snooping over my shoulder. I had this chapter pre written before shit hit the fan and though I'm iffy on the quality, I figured I just publish something for you all. Hope you all enjoy it!
Chapter 20:
-Los Iluminados, 2004-
Was this man seriously dancing? Right now?  
You didn't know whether to be annoyed or amused as Luis, a Spanish man with dark, floppy hair, gracefully moved to the sound of music that only he could hear.
Well, you supposed everyone has their own ways of coping with traumatic and stressful situations. No matter how eccentric or slightly inappropriate they may be in said situation.
The infected, mindless, men walked toward the cell Luis was locked in, unlocking the cell to, presumably, kill him like they did the other prisoners just a few rooms over. 
Luis paused his dancing and said something in Spanish to the corpse locked in with him as the cell door was opened. 
As the infected men walked closer to Luis, who was posed and ready to fight, the robed woman quickly took action.
The lantern she held in her hands hit the infected man behind her knocking him away and unconscious. She quickly kicked and punched the others, getting rid of the current threat in record time as Luis just stood back and watched in awe.
“Clear.” The robed woman said. You walked out from your hiding spot in another nasty cell as Ada took off the disguise. It was decided that she would be the one undercover for the moment when you had only found one robe. Your job was to stay out of sight and keep an eye on Luis. You feel you did a good job, all things considered. 
“That's no way to finish a dance.” Ada said as she tossed the robe away. It landed on the corpse, covering the gruesome sight. She knew you were a little squeamish when it came to rotting bodies. And while covering it didn't help the smell, it did warm your heart to see her attempt to ease the nausea she knew you've experienced since you've walked into this room.
Luis looked a little surprised at your sudden appearances, before he smirked in response to Ada and did a little dancing maneuver. His hand landed on Ada's waist as he posed. Ada had a hand on her hip, looking unimpressed with his silly antics.
She took a cigarette out of a package of them and stuck one in his mouth. “Your favorite, I believe.”
“Excellent timing, Ada. You know how I feel about being tied up.” Luis teased as Ada spun away from him, tossing the pack of cigarettes his way. He caught them as she spun to stand by you, with your arms around her waist to catch her, completing the little dance. He looked you over.
“I didn't know you were bringing a friend. She is quite the beauty. I'm Luis.” He said, officially introducing himself to you in a charming way that, honestly, probably would have made you swoon if you weren't involved in a relationship with the goddess of a woman that was currently held within your arms.
Instead, you just raised an eyebrow at the pretty Spanish man and huffed a slightly amused laugh at the charming yet dorky smile he sent your way. “Y/n. Not surprised that our boss didn't mention I was coming along. Sorry about that.” You responded. You hugged Ada's waist a little tighter before releasing her from your grasp as you both exchanged a slight smile.
He waved you off. “Ah, the more the merrier. Pleasure to be meeting you, Señorita.” He smiled before turning back to Ada. “And yes, many thanks.” He shook the cigarette pack in his hand in gratitude. “You see, those annoying monks took everything from me.”
Ada had a look of disbelief. “Including the Amber?”
Luis laughed. “No. Cleverly hidden, just before they grabbed me.”
“Well then lead the way.” Ada urged impatiently. The sooner you grabbed the Amber, the sooner you all could leave.
“My pleasure.” Luis said, gesturing dramatically to the exit of the cell. “And here we go. This way.” He started leading the way out of the castle dungeons.
“Is it close?” Ada questioned.
“Not exactly. But it's safe.”
“No Amber, no deal. You know the terms.” Ada said. While we walked she grabbed objects placed around the castle she thought would be useful, such as herbs, as Luis led the way.
“We're good. We're good.” Luis reassured her. “What do you want with it anyway?”
“I don't know…yet.” Ada muttered.
You both had your guesses. All of them mostly suggested that what Wesker had in mind was nothing good. You hadn't decided if you were going to pull through and just give him the Amber. But with the way things were in Los Iluminados, you were both leaning towards a hard no. 
You all made your way out of the cells through a large hole in the wall, quickly ducking behind another wall for cover as you noticed a group of monks a little too close for comfort. 
They know you're here.
“We've got company. They're looking for us. But we're taking the highroad, got it?” Ada said. You nodded in agreement to the plan.
“Understood.” Luis said as you all ran out to the more open area once the coast was clear.
You quickly jogged to the rope hanging from the exit you were to take, shaking your head fondly as you heard the clacking of Ada's heels. Her shoes may gather attention at this point with the way they are echoing off the marble of the grand room. But you loved her and her impractical outfits.
Ada grabbed the rope and quickly tied it around Luis's waist, making him release a startled gasp when she tightened it too suddenly.
“Up you go Luis.” Ada said as she patted his shoulder.
He laughed and tugged at the rope, muttering something in Spanish once more.
“A little more urgency please. Any moment we could have-” You're cut off by the large doors slamming open. A giant insect creature that may have once been human, but no longer resembles one other than the way it stood, calmly walked in. Eyes glowed in your direction and its insect face moved in an eerie way that sent chills down your spine, giving you flashbacks of your unfortunate experience with those giant bugs back with Jill in Raccoon City.
“...company. Ew.” You grimaced and withheld the urge to vomit.
“Fetch the Amber. We'll meet up later.” Ada told Luis. You took out your prefered shotgun in preparation to kill the freak of nature. Or, well, not nature you supposed. Freak of a creation made by mad men.
Luis tried to resist. “No! Sorry, what kind of a man leaves two ladies to - woah!” He never got to finish as he was quickly yanked up to the exit by the rope around his waist.
The freak of man grew large, gooey, bug-like talons from its right arm to use as a weapon. The sounds alone made you feel nauseated. 
“That's disgusting.” You muttered, trying to choke back the bile rising in your throat from the thing in front of you and Ada. You could see Ada nod in agreement from your peripheral vision.
You both quickly spared a glance up to where Luis should be to see if he made it safely. He untied himself and called down to you. “Then we meet at the church. Let's not make it a funeral, eh?” He grumbled angrily as he quickly left.
You quickly took out the monks that appeared around you to allow Ada to focus on the bug creature before you. You quickly ducked from the swing of the gooey talon ax it grew as Ada took the distraction and shot it in the face, knocking it down.
You both paused as it laid there for a while, glancing at each other in disbelief. 
“There is no way it was that easy.” As if to prove your point, it quickly sat up in that inhuman manner, making creepy crawly sounds that made you shiver in disgust.
You hate bugs.
“You had to say something, didn't you?” Ada sighed as she quickly raised her gun once more.
“What? You thought it was dead? That easily?” You said as you raised your gun and backed away from the bug creation to gain some distance.
“No. But I hoped. That hope was instantly crushed when you had to open your mouth.” Ada smirked teasingly.
“Right, because the universe hates me and loves to prove me wrong. Or, right, in this case.” You sarcastically responded. 
“See? You get it.”
The creature rudely interrupted you two by throwing a gooey, pulsing substance on a nearby pillar, making Ada shove you away. 
You both quickly ducked and rolled away as the strange material exploded. Ada covered you and gasped as some drops of the burning substance hit her arm. You turned to her in concern, but she waved you off, eyeing the bug monster.
“Not bad. But not nearly good enough.” Ada whispered to the creature, taking out her pistol and making accurate headshots as it slowly walked toward you.
You made to move and help, but Ada interrupted you. “Get out of here, Y/n! Go find Luis while I handle this. I'll meet up with you soon.”
You shook your head, immediately denying her order as you shot the creature. “Hell no! If you think I am leaving you to fight that alone then you're completely mistaken.”
“Y/n! I mean it! Luis is the only one who knows where the Amber is, and if anything happens to him then we likely won't ever be getting out of this place alive. Find Luis. I'll be fine.” Ada demanded before she resumed the fight, distracting the creature long enough for you to slip out undetected.
You didn't want to leave her alone with that monstrosity. You really didn't. You've been a team for six years and had not once left each other alone to fend off such a danger. But you knew she was right. Luis is your only connection to the Amber. Losing him would mean losing the Amber. And finding that Amber is the only way Wesker would ever let you and Ada get out of here alive.
You couldn't worry about Ada now. Right now, you have to find Luis.
To the church you go.
Dodging and fighting off the mindless villagers had become more and more of a hassle as the night progressed. They were everywhere, throughout the castle and beyond, with weapons in hand, mindlessly muttering words in Spanish that you could not even bother trying to understand as you had one goal in your mind you needed to focus on.
You had made it to the church in record time, all things considered. With the increase in activity from the villagers, it was a miracle you had made it with only superficial wounds covering your flesh that was left bare in the bitter cold of the late autumn season. Your jacket had a few tears from the stray pitchfork and knife wielding pedestrians, but otherwise remained intact.
As you slowly and carefully turned the corner of the church, a figure suddenly appeared in front of you, making you jump in surprise. You quickly raised your dagger in preparation to attack.
“Woah, Señorita! It's only me.” Luis stated, hands up in surrender. You huffed and lowered your blade as you glared at him. An amused smirk appeared on his face as you refrain yourself from smacking the man.
“What the hell is wrong with you? I could have stabbed you! You know how many villagers are crawling around here and attacking me? I was ready to kill you!” You angrily, but quietly as to not draw attention, scolded.
“It wouldn't be the first time a pretty lady made an attempt on my life. Likely wouldn't be the last, either.” His smirk only grew as you rolled your eyes at him, resisting an amused smile of your own.
“Who did you piss off?”
He shrugged, “I was quite the ladies man in my younger days. Women just couldn't get enough of me.”
You went to respond, but a slight rustle of movement from the corner of your eye silenced you immediately. You quickly grabbed Luis's arm and shoved him to the side of the church to hide out of sight around the corner of the wall. He protested, but you shushed him and moved away, raising your pistol as you walked toward the rustling sound, ready to shoot.
You walked to the opposite side of the church to where the movement came from. You took a deep breath, mentally preparing yourself, then turned the corner to attack. You let out a surprised gasp that turned into a sigh of relief. A light haired wolf startled at your appearance, stared, before finally running off and through the gates of the church.
“It’s just a wolf.” You muttered to yourself as you watched the wild animal leave. You turned and made your way back to where you forced Luis to hide. 
Suddenly, you heard Luis let out a shout that turned into a stream of yelled out Spanish words that you couldn't quite understand, but suspected to be curses. You quickened your pace, but before you could turn the corner of the church you heard him shout in English.
“Don't, Señorita! Too many! Wait until she gets here to find me!”
You slowed your pace and crouched, reaching the end of the wall and peaking around the corner of the church to see just how many villagers there were.
Your eyes widened. He was right. Far too many. At least, too many in one small area for you to fight off. If they were scattered around more, you could have stood a chance. A group of around twenty or so villagers crowded around Luis, muttering angrily in Spanish as Luis vainly attempted to swat and kick to shoo them off. 
They must have been gathering for church. You couldn't understand why so many were here otherwise.
You both briefly made eye contact before he nodded to the side, urging you to hide until the coast was clear. You wanted to help, but you both understood that if you and him got caught together, then things would be that much more difficult for Ada. Neither of you wanted to make this mission take any longer than necessary.
Plus, you could only imagine how Ada would react if you got yourself kidnapped and she had to be away from you longer. You wouldn't call her a clingy girlfriend. More overprotective than anything. If you got caught, you would never live it down. And she would never let you join a mission with her ever again.
So, hide you did. You stayed out of sight of any wandering villager that checked for any more threats to them around the church. They had been far more paranoid tonight. You wondered what had happened to make them act as such.
The group of villagers dragged a cursing Luis off. You sighed and resigned yourself to sitting there somewhat impatiently. You should wait for Ada to appear before continuing on with the mission. You didn't think the villagers were going to kill him. 
Not yet, at least.
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breezii2176 · 2 years
Can I request an imagine where the reader is uhtreds daughter and has liked finan for a while but ends up marrying finan out of a marriage of convenience???
Finan x Uhtreds Daughter!Reader
Reader, for the sake of this one-shot, is going to be Stiorra’s twin. The girls are about 22/23 in this.
The storyline has been changed for the sake of this fic.
I really went off track and tweaked the request a bit since I couldn’t think of a reason for Uhtred to marry his daughter to Finan for convenience.
~And thank you for the request anon~
2200+ words
18+ content
“What do you see in him?” Stiorra asked, gods is she relentless.
“Shut up would you? He’s right there, and what if father hears you?” Y/n whispered as she pointed just in front of them to where Finan was, dismounting his horse as all of the group were stopping for the night.
“He likes you too, just wait a sec and he’ll be helping you off your horse.” Stiorra was certainly right about the last part as Finan and their father, Uhtred, came towards them, the former helping y/n down even the she is completely capable.
“Down you go little lady.” He spoke softly, his hands holding onto her waist a little longer than necessary, his fingers digging in slightly before releasing her completely.
“Thank you.” She smiled, letting him take the horses reigns to tie them up. Finan smiled back, nodding his head a little which had the butterflies return to her stomach.
“Both of you help set up for the night, it’s going to be a cold one.” Father spoke, slightly pushing Stiorra and y/n.
Stiorra only groaned as y/n rolled her eyes, slowly they started to help set up the little camp, Sihtric already getting a fire started.
The sun had began to set quite quickly, everyone had sat around the fire as Osferth had started to hand out food. Y/n was sat next to her sister and, thankfully, Finan. She have liked the Irishman since her family had been reunited in Mercia.
As always her fathers company had passed the time by drinking and retelling stories, the time had passed by quickly and the temperature dropping with it.
“Ya seem cold.” Finan leaned in, whispering the words. She only nodded in response before he wrapped his arm around her, bringing her body in close and getting her under his cloak with him.
“I think it is time for bed for you y/n.” Uhtred spoke as he motioned for Finan to let go of her.
“I’ll tuck her in Uhtred.” Finan replied, standing before picking her up, carrying her to the makeshift tent and laying her down under some furs.
A few seconds later she was accompanied by her twin, both getting closer to each other to stay warm as Finan went back to the fire.
“Is it true?” Uhtred questions Finan as he sits back down. The confusion clear as day on the Irishman’s face, Sihtric was just barely muffling his laughter as Osferth looked guilty.
“Is what true Lord?”
“That you love my daughter?” Uhtred seemed way too calm as he leant forward, his elbows resting on his knees with his hands clasped.
Sihtric was doubled over trying to contain his laughter as Osferth started to stutter out apologies and Finan sat still, tensed up as he stared back at Uhtred before glaring at the young monk.
“So it is true,” Uhtred mumbled before continuing, “I need you and y/n to enter the town and pretend to be married.”
“What? Why Uhtred?” Finan was still tense as he studied his friend, trying to figure out the situation at hand.
“It is simple, I need you both to spy and find out what you can about these people, you already know why.”
Finan nodded with a tight lipped smile, hoping to drop the conversation for now. This was going to be a strange and yet enticing mission.
“I’m sorry ya got stuck havin’ to do this mission with me.” Finan spoke as he and y/n walked into the village, her hand wrapped around his arm as they walk passed everyone.
“Don’t apologise, just make it all seem believable.” The young woman spoke, anyone could see she was nervous about this ordeal.
“I think that’s the ale house,” Finan pointed slightly ahead of them, making their way towards it to try and get a room.
They walked in and looked around, Finan could tell this place wasn’t the most secure, y/n’s grip tightened as she no doubt noticed as well. The patrons inside staring at the woman clinging to her ‘lover’.
“Don’t leave my side.” Finan leant down to whisper in her ear, moving his arm to wrap around her waist and hold her more securely.
She nodded and let Finan lead her, the unsavoury crowd still staring openly, some even licking their lips at her. Before she realised it, Finan had gotten a room for them, leading her up to it so as to relax a little in peace.
“There’s only one bed,” y/n points out, already moving to place her pack down and get comfortable.
“Aye, married remember.” Finan joked, pointing to the rings they were both wearing to sell the idea.
Y/n smiled and she shook her head when he wiggled his brows, stepping closer to her before becoming serious once again.
“We need to get as much information possible and for that we need to split up. But I need to know that you’ll not wonder too far from me side.” Finan couldn’t help but be protective of her.
“I’ll be cautious.” She smiled, loving his protective side, watching as he reached into his things and pulling out a small knife and handing it to her.
Y/n took it gently and hid it under her own cloak, knowing he wouldn’t stop worrying until she did.
“Let’s rest for the day and tomorrow we’ll start, we both need proper sleep for what’s to come.”
“Dunno how much sleep I’ll get in a place like this.” Finan spoke as he barred the door.
They rid themselves of their cloaks and armour, slipping under the furs a respectful distance apart as they slowly fell asleep. By the morning Finan was up first, a slight weight on his chest.
As he looked down he saw h/c hair splayed out and soft breaths were coming from her. His arm had wrapped around her shoulders and her own lay draped across his abdomen.
Finan smiled, not wanting this moment to end but also needing to get up and eat. Sighing he gently shook her awake, watching as she sat up against him and yawned, seeing the confusion in her eyes when she realised she had slept on him.
“I’m so sor-“ she began but was cut off by Finan’s deep laughter, making her pout at him before getting up and ready as he still lay on the bed.
A week had passed quickly, both of them getting into a nice routine and learning much about the village and everyone occupying it. They would both return to Uhtred soon with all the information they have, although neither wanted the mission to end.
“It’s nice to have you fall asleep in my arms.” Finan whispered from behind her, both laying down once again, his arm held her close to his chest as she held his hand.
“It is,” y/n wanted to add more, wanting to confess this is all she wished for but decided against it. Finan pulled her even closer, he could feel her tense against him before relaxing once again.
“I never want to let you go.” He whispered, closing his eyes readying himself for any type of rejection.
Instead y/n twisted in his embrace, staring at his face to see if he was speaking the truth. She reached up to cup his face, watching as it flinched from the unexpected contact and how his eyes remained shut.
“I want that too.” She whispered, leaning up and leaving a ghost of a kiss against his lips, pulling back only to see him staring at her in shock.
Without thinking Finan pinned her to the bed, cupping her face with one hand whilst his other kept him propped up so as to not crush her.
“Ya call that a kiss?”
They both laughed before he leaned down slowly, gouging her reaction as his eyes shifted from her own eyes to her lips. Seeing no resistance he pressed his lips to hers, the softness of her lips making him groan.
She tangled her fingers in his hair, pulling him closer and opening her mouth slightly yo deepen the kiss. His tongue easily slipping in exploring her mouth and savouring her taste.
“Shit,” he mumbled as they pulled apart, his pants tightening and he was sure she could feel it too as she giggled, “we need to stop now or I won’t be able to hold back.”
She let Finan roll off of her, thinking for a moment before straddling his waist quickly. His confused expression made her giggle once more as she leaned forward.
“I don’t want you to stop.” She pulled him back into a kiss, their hands working on removing the others clothing.
“-so that’s everything we know.” Finan finished explaining for the both of them.
“Thank you Finan.” Uhtred pat the Irishman on the shoulder before walking off leaving the pair.
“I want to marry you when we get back home.” Finan turned to y/n as he spoke, taking off his cross necklace and handing it to her.
“It’s a good thing I want you to be my Irishman too I guess.” Y/n spoke in a teasing tone, putting the necklace on immediately.
They stood staring at each other a while longer before someone cleared their throat, snapping them out of their trance.
“What is this?” Uhtred pointed between them.
“Lord I-”
“I’m going to marry him.” Y/n spoke confidently, not caring for whatever her father had to say back, and kissed Finan on the cheek. She then walked off, leaving the men to talk some more.
“I’m happy for you, but don’t you dare hurt her or I’ll kill you myself.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it.”
Finan and y/n stumbled into their house, both having been celebrating with everyone about their marriage that day. As soon as the door closed Finan pinned her against it, his hands pulling at the lacing of her dress.
Their lips moulding together, tongues and teeth clashing as the messily kissed, her hands pulling at the laces of his breeches.
They pulled apart panting as her dress puddled around her feet, showing her bare body to him once again. Finan wasted no time in helping discard his own clothing as well before leaning back into her to nip, lick and suck at her breasts.
Y/n threw her hand back against the door, pulling at Finan’s hair whilst she moans his name, him groaning in return to her tugging.
“Don’t tease, just hump me.” She spoke through her moans.
Finan chuckled, hooking his hands under her thighs and hoisting her up, her legs wrapped around his waist as he rubs his thick cock along her slick folds.
Finan watched her face contort with pleasure as he slowly pushed himself inside her, grunting as she clamped down on him.
“Look at you,” he spoke, slowly pulling out until the tip remained only to slam back in, “such a beautiful woman, my beautiful wife.”
He accentuated the word ‘my’ with an incredibly powerful thrust. Y/n’s body felt as if it were alight, flames dancing along her skin wherever he touched or kissed.
His lips leaving marks along her neck and chest as his fingertips dug into her hips surely leaving more marks in their wake.
His name left her like a prayer, her nails digging into his shoulders as she held him close, her heels digging into him to bring him impossibly closer. The knot forming in her lower abdomen started to tighten, her orgasm approaching quickly and her cunt began to hug his cock tighter.
Finan knew she was close, grinning to himself he reached a hand between their bodies to start rubbing her clit, wanting her to cum around him and in return he’d cum inside her.
“Cum for me love.” His accented words helped her reach her peak, clenching around Finan as she screamed his name and let the knot finally burst in her stomach.
“Fuck,” Finan cursed as he still, her name falling from his lips as he came undone as well.
They stayed still for a moment longer, panting as they gazed into each others eyes. Eventually Finan released his grip on her and pulled out to place y/n on her feet, holding her steady when she wobbled slightly.
“Are ya ok love?” Finan had concern written over his face when she looked back at him.
“As long as that isn’t all the humping we’re doing tonight.” She replied, innocently smiling at her husband.
He laughed with her before throwing her over his shoulder, smacking her ass playfully and throwing her on the bed. He crawled over and and pecked her lips.
“I plan to go as many rounds as you’ll let me.” He smiled once again, his cock already hard again as she looked down at it.
“Good,” She flipped them, straddling his lap and sinking onto him once more, “I don’t want you to stop.”
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