#Moon team and video games
if Marc plays video games, would he play assassins creed? If so, how much do you wanna bet he has to stop playing assassins creed after trying to play origins because Steven would be geeking out over all the history involved in the game whilst also pointing out all the inaccuracies?
Alright. So the thing about Marc and video games is....MARC IS STILL USING A FLIP PHONE.
Okay, let's do this. Because I have head cannons and you will now hear them. Keep in mind, we are dealing with three men that have hyper focus problems.
Marc uses a flip phone most likely because of being a mercenary. Old habits and all. Burner phones, changing out sim cards, travelling countries and having to unlock phones... It's a pain. Now, we know Marc is, or was at least, a fan of things like star trek and star wars and NASA. He probably thinks futuristic things are way cool and all, but he also hasn't exactly had the time or opportunity to stay up to date in all the latest tech.
So when it comes to computers, Marc probably just finger pecks at it and hopes Google gets him what he needs.
That being said, I also bet Marc LOVED old school arcade games. Pinball, probably a champ. Space invaders? No one could kill those aliens like him. Pacman? He has the top ten high scores under "MrkSptr".
Give him a coke and a roll of quarters, come back in ten hours and he'll be standing at the same machine with a crowd, zeroed in and eyes bloodshot as he destroys every rail shooter game in the arcade.
That being said, if you give him a modern video game, he's the kinda player that some how manages to glitch out the game after just five minutes with the controller. I don't think he has the patience for longer games. He needs a quick fix and long story driven games, even if they are pretty to watch and have so many more mechanics, they just don't cut it for him.
STEVEN on the other hand.... He would be insufferable to watch play a game like assassin's creed. He'd geek out at first then slowly get more and more upset at all the inaccuracies. What does that wall of hieroglyphics say? It just says some random words about 'this is ancient text'. The pyramid is facing the wrong way. That one NPC keeps walking around and is wearing the wrong color robe and it's driving him crazy. He wouldn't even play the plot. He'd just wander around trying to look at everything and be upset at the world barriers. "Open sand box? Not that open! I can't even cross over into lower Egypt!"
He would absolutely KILL it at puzzle games. "Myst" is a joke to him. He beat that in a day. Escape the room games? Was the room even locked? He's out in ten minutes. Solve the puzzle box? He's flying through those so fast you aren't sure if the game is glitched or he's seeing the code.
He would be dangerous with these games though. Layla would find him after three days sitting in the dark staring at a screen trying to solve the next puzzle game. They'd have to take them away from him.
JAKE. Oh no. Oh no no no. Jake is a rage player. You aren't sure if Jake is having fun or not. He's been yelling at the screen for twenty minutes and it's only getting worse. He won't stop playing though. If he rage quits, the game wins.
He isn't going to beat the game because he's good at it. He beats the game out of sheer force of will. Somehow he finished Resident Evil with just his hand gun and no upgrades. He's been pecking away at the main boss' final form for over two hours and my god he's going to do this. Steven's read the hand book gamer's guide and is having a panic attack because Jake refuses to go unlock the special super weapon if he'd just complete one side quest, but Jake isn't here for that. He has a mission and he will do it start to finish as the gamer gods dictated.
He cannot play games like Zelda. All the side quests just enrage him. He eventually reaches a point where he will scream "FINE. YOU WANT ALL THE MISSING BUGS?! LET'S DO THIS" and next thing you know he's 100% completed the game. He somehow even managed to collect the one bug that was glitched out and no one else has ever been able to find.
He will finish the game, set down the controller, and never touch that game again. He defeated it. There is no reason to even consider replaying it. Did he have fun? Yeah, it was a neat game to play. But you'd never know it from how utterly enraged he gets just thinking about how he had to dodge all 100 lightning bolts in a row to unlock the one special weapon.
Now racing games? Those are a different story. He's scary good at the realistic ones. If you took him to an arcade and put him in one of those sitting down ones with the pedals, he'd destroy it with a perfect score.
Give him a nonsense game like Mario Cart where he has to fight other people and he may not win, but you will be sorry that you did. Vindictive and vengeful, he will collect every damn red, blue, and green turtle shell and make it his life mission to see you get blasted by every single one of them.
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retrogamingblog2 · 1 year
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licethelouse · 2 years
it pains me that pokemon games always ask you if you want to join the evil team and they just. reject you if you say yes. its cruel! its lonely! It deprives the pokemon mc of evil friends! the agony!
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Meus Jogos Favoritos de 2023
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simikae · 2 years
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they are very good friends 👍
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sharkdays · 1 year
i love pokemon
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cosplayamaradolce · 1 year
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"Yo, what's up? You wanna join Team Skull?"
I love everything about Team Skull's aesthetic, but my garter kept falling down and the pointed edges of the shorts kept flipping up, so it may be a while before I wear this again.
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stachehand · 2 years
Sonic Frontiers' Final Boss
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On a related note: who thought locking the true final boss battle behind the highest difficulty setting, which can be switched to at any time, was a good idea for a Sonic game, especially when it doesn't yield any reward beyond a different ending song?
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lovelyprincessn64 · 2 years
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Sailor Sonikku
This is a request for different user from another website that wanted Amy and Sonic cross playing as Sailor Moon and Tuxedo mask and shout out goes to the user for the idea and request
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galaxysugarr · 5 months
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Hi All! I thought it was time i gave a lil update from this game and how its been going.
I'm one that tends to keep to myself till a project is fully complete or close to complete, but I've gained a lot of asks about this over time and more as of late lol. So thought I'd cut the radio silence a tad and answer a few repeat questions id gotten!
Are you working on the game?
Surprisingly, yeah.
Will this be a completed game to buy?
Definitely not, least not now. My plan is to make a basic demo of the game as building a complete game with the script and everything would take a very long time and a lot to learn!
It would also be a free to play game, as Its a fan game.
When can we see it, are you almost done, videos and updates!!!
Well... 2023 was a busy year for me personally. And as a person who is still learning to animate along with barely any knowledge of game coding. Led to me needing to learn a lot and do trial and error.
A lot of things are temporary placeholders and incomplete textures with testing. So I didn't feel they where good to share progress of.
a lot of it was me learning, trying different styles to work with the game, and sketches throughout.
Can i help with the project????
I do appreciate you all asking for help,But I don't know much about game development and working with a team on this. So it's more of a passion project for me, and so far what I have learned has been nice :>.
I didn't wanna rely and give up on the project or delay it so much due to factors so I'm workin on it alone right now till the project is farther along and more stable.
Will it look exactly like the trailer, what kind of game is it, what all do you have planned for the demo?
Admittedly I had originally made sprites and everything to match the video, but i ended up going for a more chibi type style as its easier to work with.
Its a side scrolling game with rpg like elements.
The current plan is to have two fully completed stages, a mini game, 4 playable characters (2 being Sun and Moon), and some extra features.
Will the demo be out this year?
I can't say, it all depends on how much time i work on it and learn ;o! I don't like to get hopes up, but I work it on it when I can.
Crumbs, please
Some of the daycare and model updates. It's not much, but I find it fun to run around and interact with things lol
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So all and all for those really wondering about the project, its still a heavy work in progress. A fun and frustrating one for sure, but Its been nice actually learning to code and design it so far.
Hope this answered a few questions and of course you can ask other stuff about it, I don't mind.
Thank you!
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wileys-russo · 5 months
washing machine malfunction II m.earps x reader
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based on this request here washing machine malfunction II m.earps
"taking footage to scout with are you?" your best friend teased as you filmed a clip of the game, smacking her knee and sending her a playful glare. "no! proving to mary i sat through the entire game." you quipped back, sending the video to your girlfriend and pocketing your phone.
"oh sorry are we not up to your standards? do you only watch games at old trafford or wembley now?" your best friend cooed pinching your cheek sharply. "yes actually, or at least where they have actual toilet blocks and not portaloos." your face scrunched up with disgust.
"hey if you'd like to donate some money toward that we'd be very grateful, not every womens team gets funding you know." your best friend huffed as you frowned and squeezed her knee.
"i'm only teasing. you know i'm happy to be here, just wish i was watching you yell at people on the pitch and not at me for once!" you sighed as the girl scoffed and smacked you, she was normally the captain but was out in a boot having sprained her ankle last week.
"so where are you coming on the table?" you clarified, eyes set back on the match unfolding in front of you. "third, but its only the fourth round of the season. lots can change!" the brunette admitted as the two of you fell into a comfortable silence.
"okay no offence to you and your entire team but your keeper kept you all alive this game, it should be 5-0." you whistled as the second half started to wind down.
"of course you favour the keeper, what a shock!" your best friend drawled sarcastically with a roll of her eyes as the whistle blew for full time and a 0-0 draw.
"hey just because my girlfriend is a golden glove holding, bbc sports personality of the year winning, world cup finalist and champion of europe with a tram named after her doesn't mean im bias to keepers!" you grinned holding your hands up as your best friend rolled your eyes.
"oh but you don't brag about her right." the girl mocked with a pout as your grin grew. "only to those who have no choice but to listen, i'd like to see you try and run away from me." you gently nudged your toe against her moon boot as she shoved you.
"you know you could always play with us next season! reallyyy make the girlfriend proud, i can see mary being a very loyal wag." the girl teased as you laughed sarcastically. "you couldn't afford my salary." you shrugged with a click of your tongue.
"more like we couldn't afford your two left feet and lack of hand eye coordination." the girl snickered gesturing for you to help her up. "yeah that too." you had no choice but to agree with a grimace, tugging her up and carefully helping her down toward the barrier.
you stood by as she gave a speech, commending the girls on their efforts as your phone buzzed and you looked down with a smile seeing it was a few messages from your girlfriend.
"god you're so in love its disgusting, get a grip!" you glanced back up and pocketed your phone, playfully punching your best friend in the arm as you waited for her to finish speaking with some of her team, having driven her to the game.
"you can tell us all about what we did wrong at training! stop making your poor mate wait around for you to run your mouth." the keeper from the game warned with a grin as she joined the small huddle you were in.
"you were perfect as per usual, only feedback is maybe score from the box next time? make the game a little spicy!" your best friend teased the taller girl who rolled her eyes. "no seriously you played great! that dive in injury time was textbook and that penalty save? world cup stuff." you complimented with a wide smile.
"and she'd know, her girlfriends played in one so thats high praise." your best friend interjected shoving your head playfully. "wait seriously? talk about a dream!" the girl exhaled with a whistle and a grin.
"well then since you clearly have a good eye for talent-" the girl paused to tug off her jersey, handing it to you with a grin before hugging the girls goodbye and heading off. "we best be off to, i'll see you all monday. i'll bring my whistle!" your best friend teased as the girls groaned, you waving goodbye as the two of you headed off to your car.
"i'd be leaving that in the car if you know whats good for you." your best friend nodded to the jersey on your back seat as you pulled a face and started up the car. "what! why?" you laughed as you drove off.
"umm because your girlfriend is a world class keeper and you just took a keepers jersey from someone else." your best friend hinted. "mary won't care! she's all for more girls wanting to be keepers and she loves the womens game." you rolled your eyes as your best friend only hummed, swiftly changing topics.
"maz? baby i'm home!" you called out as you let yourself in, unwrapping your scarf and hanging it up on the hook. "two seconds love!" you heard your girlfriend call out from the laundry as you took off your shoes.
"hello beautiful!" the brunette appeared with a grin, placing down a basket of clean laundry on the sofa and opening her arms as you melted into them. "you smell nice." you mumbled into her shoulder making the taller girl laugh.
"ah yes the wonders of soap and shampoo!" the keeper teased, kissing you hello before pulling away. "and she's doing laundry? house wife in the making over here!" you teased, smacking her playfully on the bum with a wink.
"oi! watch it cheeky." mary warned with a point, sitting down on the sofa as you leant over the back of it to peck her lips several times. "whats that babe?" mary noticed the jersey tucked into the back of your pants as you walked into the kitchen.
"oh! well the keeper of saf's team is like insane for the league level they play. i'm serious it could have been like twenty to nothing if she wasn't on her game. we were talking after the game and she gave me her jersey!" you shrugged, dropping the item onto the counter as you rummaged through the fridge, missing the look which crossed your girlfriends face.
"oh? thats nice." mary replied bluntly as you glanced at her with a small frown. "yeah it was." you shrugged it off, grabbing it and tossing it into the dirty basket of laundry.
"how was your afternoon?" you changed topics, grabbing out the stuff to make you and mary a cup of tea. "yeah fine, went shopping with tooney and had to make a last minute excuse to leave because she takes forever! so on the rare chance she asks, you're deathly ill and needed me back home." mary groaned dramatically, head thumping back against the sofa.
"like worse than you and thats saying something!" mary tutted as you made a noise of offence. "hey! if i have to sit in a sports store for two hours while you try on every fucking pair of gloves known to man and then buy none of them, you can carry my bags and sit on a comfy little waiting chair while i try a few outfits." you warned seriously as your girlfriend held her hands up in surrender.
"especially when some of those 'outfits' i spend hours trying on are for you." you hinted, handing her the mug of tea as a smug smile settled on the keepers lips.
"mm yeah we haven't been that sort of shopping for awhile, you free tomorrow baby?" mary grinned wolfishly as you flipped her off and settled into the section of the sofa that wasn't covered in laundry and flicking on the tv.
"change, put this on please babe." mary tugged on the bottom of your shirt, dropping a new item of clothing onto your head. "urgh mary!" you huffed, pulling it off and sending her a glare as she grinned at you with a mouthful of toothpaste.
"why do i need to change?" you noticed what she'd given you and asked with a knowing smile. "i don't like that shirt." mary shrugged pointing to your current top with her foot as she sat up on the counter brushing her teeth.
"its your shirt!" you laughed with a shake of your head. "then i want it back, so change." mary ordered, leaning over the sink and spitting. "what if i don't want to wear this?" you egged her on, holding up the jersey inbetween your fingers like it disgusted you.
"then go pick another one, theres about twenty or so in there you can choose from." mary shrugged nodding to her side of the closet where the jerseys she'd chosen to keep over the years hung proudly, rinsing out her mouth and stepping out of the bathroom.
"mmm i actually think i might go put on that jersey from today, saf's team just played so well." you stripped off your top and took a few steps back, watching your girlfriends eyes drop immediately to your chest.
"you know on second thoughts love i actually don't think you need to wear anything at all." you laughed as mary tackled you to the bed, attacking your face with kisses as you squealed and pushed her off. "you hate that i took that girls jersey today don't you?" you moved to sit on top of her with a grin.
"no!" mary rolled her eyes, reaching out for you as you grabbed her hands and pressed them into the mattress. "yes you are, admit it. you hate it, the thought of me wearing someone elses kit!" you teased with a smirk, pressing down her hands harder.
"okay well can you blame me? you're my girlfriend and you wear my jersey. nobody elses!" mary huffed with a frown as you smiled and leant down to kiss away her pout. "you're such a baby, its adorable." you mumbled against her lips.
"i am not! god you're such a wind up." mary pulled her hands free and flipped the two of you, hovering over you now as she ducked her head and started to gently kiss at your neck.
"and tomorrow the washing machine is going to malfunction and that girls jersey will sadly be gone."
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punksocks · 1 year
My Opinions on the Moon Signs
(Btw I’m going to reply soon, sorry life and work has been very busy this June ;0)
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Aries moon- The definition of passionate. They can be outgoing and a lot of fun. Definitely super charismatic people. Determinators (more than Aries sun sometimes imo), they’re going to get what they want done. They also really hate not being listened to or treated as the leaders in the room. When they’re mad they get passive aggressive asf and so pissy. Every Aries moon I’ve known has basically refused to be personable while they’re upset. No matter if they were older or younger than me (my grandfather was an Aries moon). They’re loud when they’re happy and loud then distressingly quiet when they’re upset. They stay mad until they decide not to be mad anymore. Then they’ll never talk about it again and be so jovial you could never guess they were upset 2 minutes ago. Good time friends and great at entertaining a crowd though.
Taurus moon- I’m biased bc my partner has this and I love them :0. Softies. They’re grounded and caring, like no one will help soothe you more than a Taurus moon. They’re really giving but it depends what they feel resource rich in. Like if they have a lot of control over their time they’ll spend days on you. But if they grew up during constant instability and financial stress they have a hard time being flexible with giving money or moving house or things like that. They’ll come around if you can show them that they can keep their physical safety. In fact, I think it’s easiest to change a Taurus moon’s mind out of all the fixed moons (in my experience).Also, They really like it when you call them on their shit and shoot straight with them. Also food, they love good food. Any tactile good time really. They’ll make you feel special if you give them affection.
Gemini moon- I don’t have a ton of experience here. Chatty but keep more to themselves than Gemini suns. Only shows you certain parts of themselves, they always have a lot on their minds. The poster child overthinkers of the zodiac (and virgo moons too ofc). Funny tho, always a sense of humor and philosophy about just about every situation.
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Cancer moon- Sweethearts. Exalted placement for a reason. Really good at sensing problems/insecurities and putting words to them. They can catch crushes easily. They need to get as much validation as they give. Like a lot. That’s one of their emotional love languages. Can be comforting or very manipulative it depends on how developed they are. One of the most creative people I ever met was a cancer moon, they were super talented and recieved a lot of praise for their great work. A sweetheart that had a lot of creative hobbies and was close to their family. Daydreamed quite a bit, but no more than any other water sign placement.
Leo moon- They don’t need to be the center of attention as often as people think, but they do need to be listened to. It means a lot to them. Can be really aggressive as kids for a period of time then they grow into themselves and can be pretty chill. Maybe a bit too chill about things they aren’t passionate about. They light up when they’re excited though. Also, they can be super competitive, like they can get in their feelings about losing at something they’re trying to show off in. (Like a video game or team sport or what have you)
Virgo moon- Very thoughtful and insightful people. They’re able to pick through and see little imperfections in people that others can not. Whether they use those powers for good or evil is truly up to them. (I have had many friends use this power for good and a relative or two use this power for evil). Everyone I’ve met with this placement has been so seriously beautiful and so aesthetically put together, idk how they do it. Doesn’t love to be called on their shit lol, you must be gentle with criticism unless you know them very very well. But they have a lot that’s on their mind and a bit they’re insecure about so you may accidentally start beef by saying something. But super perceptive people, a delight to gossip with (mercurial moons love to bond over gossip) and they have great ideas. If you have a problem to solve or analyze they’ll often have a set of solutions.
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Libra moon- don’t know a ton of them. Not super well anyway. They can be very intelligent and understand a lot about the things they like. And they bluff/charm their way through everything else. Most likely to act differently around different people to try to be the person they think whoever they’re talking to will like.
Scorpio moon- usually very goth/dark style, or they’re drawn to it. Usually just radiate intensity. But also more detached from more situations than I expect every time? They have had a lot of emotional hardships growing up and so they kind of expect to get hurt again by those they’re close to. It’s like a callous for them. If they let you in you’re very special. The developed ones are such sweethearts. Knew a manipulative one that was underdeveloped and crazy tho ngl. Like that person seemed violent and like they wanted to burn the world to feel warm. So either very sweet and stand-offish or just destructive asl.
Sagittarius moon- not my cleanest set of experiences ngl. If you’re like having a good time with one then they’re funny and can be the life of the party. Can also not know how to be emotionally supportive, but will attempt it. But my mom was my bad experience and there was a lot of explosive anger at little things mixed with being immature about others emotions. Throwing a book across the room because she didn’t understand what her (post grad) homework was or coming home angry and yelling after a bad day of work without so much as saying hi. And a lot of being mad at me and other kids for not being instantly emotionally soothed yknow? Like if I needed to sit in silence and process that would tick her off and set off a chain reaction. Explosive anger. Also forcing themselves to laugh loudly after an argument to feel better (Aries moon grandfather did this too I don’t get it). This is mainly underdeveloped energy though. I had a friend with this moon placement and they had a hard time processing their emotions and would usually breakdown for a moment then get back up again. Also people with this placement tend to get most romantically interested in unavailable people imo.
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Capricorn moon- me! And a lot of people I connected with briefly and deeply. Having terrible mothers and bonding over it lol. High standards for others even higher standards for themselves. Seems emotionally distant but will break down and cry when they feel safe and are probably alone. And they have a playlist for feeling sad I bet. You either are someone that they tell when they cry or you never know. Has to work out of seeing emotions they were shamed for as a sign of weakness. Gifts are their love language and if they can’t find the words to tell you how they feel about you they will often buy you something you mentioned you always wanted or something you needed off hand. Sentimental types, trouble right expressing it. Will talk to you about everything if they like you and nothing if they don’t. Capricorn placement most likely to go into isolation mode to really consider their relationships and place in life. Might grow suddenly distant if they feel neglected or betrayed. Underdeveloped ones are removed from their emotions in a dangerous way and in denial about all the healing they need to do.
Aquarius moon- also another set of messy personal experiences. Can come up with really out of the box solutions. Seem to either be revolutionary or very very conservative. Like most of the Aquarius moons I’ve known have been men so grain of salt but they would be the ones to most constantly say “a good woman does x” or “if you have that attitude you won’t get married” or throw shade on “girly” hobbies. You can’t change their mind. Even if you present evidence or a sound argument, hardest to get through to of all the fixed signs imo. Sometimes they’ll come back having changed their own mind. Maybe they googled whatever you said and started to believe you. But they’re not going to say you changed their mind. It’s something that they have to believe they made themselves come around on. They often have an independent sense of right and wrong. Sometimes very intelligent, sometimes just bluffing their way through it. Always will respond to opinions though. Can be really funny people, sometimes on accident. Allergic to routine and desk jobs. Usually… detached. Like if they care about you, they’re going to express it in an abstract or private way. Can be hard to tell if they care at all in my personal experiences ngl. My dad is an underdeveloped Aquarius moon and he’d often tell me to swallow my emotions and repress them and go with the way things were. (I don’t talk to my parents anymore lol, they’re narcissistic people)
Pisces moon- I’ve only known a few personally. Sometimes really surprisingly basic. Sometimes they’re just made of magic and they see the world in a whole different way. Emotionally in-tuned with people around them. If their environment is misanthropic then they’re more likely to be. If their environment is upbeat then they’re more likely to be. Most likely to grow up to be like their family/peers but assume they’re not imo. Sentimental with the folks they’re close to.
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calebwidgast · 1 month
🏎️ carlos sainz: favorite teammates?
hmmmmmmmm, good question... now this turned into a whole thing so my apologies 😭
first, i absolutely can't chose just one teammate pairing so i'll choose three... (+ one extra) 😂
lance and fernando: yapper and non-yapper 1.0. now... people who look at them and say they have such a sweet father/son dynamic... what do you mean?? 'cause yes, they have a mentor/mentee dynamic but that is absolutely not the same?? lance literally pinched the old man's butt?? in front of god and the grid?? fernando kissed this man after one race together?? and lance, when talking about fernando and his career, said 'he's a pretty good driver. he's done alright over the years.' with this huge grin on his face like the little shit he is?? and fernando is just incapable of being chill about lance?? whenever lance uploads something to instagram, within 2 minutes you can see the little 'liked by fernandoalo_oficial' marker on the post?? lance when asked who his biggest idol was growing up, whilst standing next to fernando on stage, straight up said 'michael schumacher. i was just a fan of the sport growing up, i loved racing. i watched fernando in my young years… he was the guy winning the races and championships. but i'm not gonna lie, i was cheering for michael at the time but… still really happy to have fernando in the team now and really excited to work together', again with a huge fucking grin on his face and whilst fernando was standing right next to him?? lance and fernando just checking in on each other during races?? and suggesting set up changes for each other?? and notorious war criminal fernando alonso continually enduring being in his hated former teammate estie bestie's company just so they can both spend the time staring adoringly at lance?? nANDO FREAKING SHOWED UP TO THE GRID IN LANCE MERCH?? aston martin literally uploaded a lance and fernando edit set to the lyrics:
'i like the way you kiss me, i can tell you miss me i can tell it hits, hits, hits, hits not tryna be romantic, i’ll hit it from the back just so you don’t get attached (‘tached, 'tached, 'tached)'
...anyway i'm completely unnormal about them and i blame @raapija for introducing me to them.
oscar and lando: yapper and non-yapper 2.0. they're so interesting to me 'cause oscar literally looks at lando like he hung the freaking moon (exhibit a: the 'finish the lyrics' video)?? also lando clearly hates losing to oscar whenever they do games or quizzes but also always gives oscar a way back in the game and then cries when he loses to oscar because of it (exhibit b: the summer games video)?? oscar constantly correcting lando when they first became teammates and he still kinda does but now he does it in a much softer way?? and usually waits for lando to look at him like he needs help with a certain word or phrase?? and lando's utter fascination with oscar's floppy hair?? and they're not very physically affectionate with each other but can't seem to stand further than like .2 centimeters apart?? but i'm pretty sure they don't spend any time together off the grid which... #healthyworklifebalance but whatever 😭😂
valtteri and guanyu: just the chillest dudes on the grid being chill together, drinking tea/coffee and staying out of the drama. (zhou making a helmet for the melbourne gp with valtteri's face on it!!)
honourable mention: prema logan and oscar!! i've been watching old f2 and f3 races and baby logan and oscar are everything to me okay!! all the weird shit prema made them do for Content™ really solidified their friendship okay!!
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yovrnewromantic · 1 month
THE LINE | Memories of An Old Friend
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pairings: Steve Harrington x Fem!Henderson!Reader
words: 2.0k
summary: your final homecoming football game in Steve’s POV.
Mac DeMarco — Another one , Joy Ciara (cover) — The One That Got Away
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Hawkins Highschool. October 12th, 85’.
Like usual, the Hawkins’ football team was losing. Despite how hard the seniors at Hawkins would pray, their beloved football team would still lose the homecoming football game. But Steve wasn’t there for the football game, he was there for you.
From the bleachers, along with the rest of the student body, Steve watched you from across the field, dressed up in white. All pretty like a princess, or, soon to be, a queen. Even from afar he could see he could see your giddy smile that you were desperately trying to hide.
Steve’s stomach did a back flip when you started walking down the field, mother and brother at your side, the announcer beginning.
“Y/N Henderson, accompanied by her mother, Claudia, and her younger brother, Dustin. After high school, Y/N plans to attend,” Steve couldn’t pronounce the name of your future school if he tried, “college and become an author.”
The announcement of your future was euphoric for you to hear, he could see it on your face, but that didn’t prevent Steve’s stomach from dropping.
He knew you were going to leave eventually, you had too much potential to stay in a silly town like this. Yet, hearing it out loud from someone else’s voice, not your usual sweet voice as you daydreamed with head in your hands on the counter of Family Video as Steve pretended he wasn’t listening, made it feel real.
He wanted to be happy for you, but the thought of you leaving him Hawkins behind made him feel sick.
“Y/N gives special dedication to Heather Hathaway, a friend who recently passed in the Hawkins Mall fire along with town Sheriff, Jim Hopper. May they rest in peace.”
Beside him, Robin shifted, and he’s sure that your little monster hunting group was looking at each other, but Steve couldn’t seem to take his eyes off you.
His eyes never strayed from you, even when you stood between Nancy, his ex girlfriend and your best friend, and Chrissy Cunningham, another one of your friends. You stood in the center of four girls on the homecoming court. He wasn’t sure what was wrong with him, but he couldn’t so much as spare another girl a glance. They just seemed so insignificant compared to you.
Steve swore he had never seen anything that could compare to the sight of your jaw dropping when the crown was placed on top of your head. Your hand went to grab your tiara, pulling it into your head tightly as you barked an incredulous laugh full of joy.
Applauds followed, but Steve swore he was the loudest, regardless of Lucas and Mike screaming a few bleachers below him.
After quick side hugs to your friends, Steve watched intently as you ran to your Dustin and your mom as swiftly in possible with your heels.
Pictures followed, and after a picture with the court and homecoming king, you were swarmed with a crowd of people. Steve barely made his way through to you, but when he did, he stopped moving, letting the crowd shift around him despite him feeling the world had stopped spinning for a moment.
Billy Hargrove looked at you like you hung the moon, and Steve wanted to rip his arm off your shoulder and replace it with his, but he couldn’t. He wasn’t yours, and you were certainly not his, the mass of teenage boys eager for a picture with you proved that. Steve wasn’t special, and he was delusional if he ever thought he had a chance with you.
Steve didn’t stay long enough to watch your eyes scan the crowd, looking for a familiar face. He hadn’t seen your shoulders sag in disappointment when you couldn’t find him, or the way your eyes brightened at the sight of him walking into the school, hands dipped in his pockets.
Steve’s knuckles rasped against where your desk had been last year, the seat next to his in the AP statistic class you had convinced him to take.
He shook his head at the memories of you tutoring him on the car rides to and from school, in the library, each other’s houses. He remembered the days your patience wore thin, the days when he stayed for dinner at your house so he could continue studying with you past six, the days you forced Dustin out of your room so you could get some work done, the days you baked him cookies when passed his tests. He’d survived the class with a C+, thanks to you.
Too focused on reminiscing, Steve hardly heard your heels clacking until you were in the doorway.
“Guess King Steve has been dethroned,” you said, sounding pleased with your own wit. The nickname he only let you call him flowed off your lips with ease.
“Finally,” Steve joked, turning to look at you. “That guy was an asshole.”
Steve watched as you place your bouquet of flowers onto the closest desk to the door before coming towards him, your cheeks looking flushed. He realized you must’ve rushed out to find him.
“Right?” you agreed, teasing. Uncontrollable giggles spilled from your throat.
It felt like a breathe of fresh air to have you this close to him, the closest you had been all day. Steve hadn’t really how much he had missed you. He took the moment to admire you.
Your hair was curled in a bun, strings of frizz framing your face, but not as nicely as the golden tiara on your head did. The tiara was like the final piece of a puzzle, completing your faultless look. You looked perfect, but something about your dress— the way it hugged your curves, how it showed the right amount of cleavage. Your dress made you look divine.
Somewhere, in the back of his mind, Steve was sure that he’d get to see you in white dress again.
“I thought you left,” you admitted, an arm going to hug yourself. Your fingers brushed against your forearms for comfort, a nervous tick Steve had picked up when you two had gotten close in your junior year of Highschool.
Steve felt ashamed hearing your worried tone. He had thought about it, leaving and going home, prepared to call you later that night, ready to lie and say he had caught food poisoning and didn’t want to spoil your night. He was glad he stayed. If he hadn’t, he would’ve never seen how gorgeous you looked that night.
“Without wishing you congratulations? You think that low of me, Sunshine?” Steve whistled. He tilted his head, lips curved into a smile.
You dipped your head, but Steve could still spot your blissful expression, cheeks full from your smile. Steve swore he saw you blush at the nickname. Then, you looked up at him like he was something worth looking at.
With an ounce of hesitance, you shrugged, “What’d you think?”
“About what?” Steve asked, oblivious as ever.
Playfully, you rolled your eyes. “About me?” you huffed, gesturing your hands to yourself in emphasis.
Steve’s heart raced. The way you looked was setting off a fire deep inside him that he wasn’t sure he could ever put out. You looked godly, and if Aphrodite was real, Steve was sure that you were her favorite child. Steve would fight hundreds of millions of demogorgons, demo-dogs, any monster from the upside down to see you like this. Hell, he’d sacrifice himself to them if this was the sight that would welcome him to heaven.
But before he could say anything, you laughed, your normal snort that reminded him you were the same girl from yesterday; the same girl that almost crashed his car when he tried teaching you how to drive, the same that made him buy her books and milkshakes. The same girl who insulted his taste in movies and music. The same girl who saved his life more times than he could count.
You were the same girl he thought was absolutely perfect despite your, at least he thought they were, breathtaking imperfections.
Smiling, you said, “In all seriousness, Steve, my mom wants a picture of us. Dustin wants to be in it too, says it’s foreshadowing something. I didn’t bother asking what.”
Steve hummed, drawling closer. It’s now or never, he told himself.
“I think they’re going to have to wait.”
You cocked your head in confusion. For once in your entire life, you were the oblivious one. “Why’s that?”
“I want you to myself for a little bit,” Steve shrugged nonchalantly. “Is that too much to ask?”
Steve watched your lips part. You blinked, stunned, before brushing back a strand of frizz behind your hair. “N-no,” you stammered.
“No?” Steve repeated, your bashfulness giving him confidence. He looked down at you, eyes hazy.
“No, it isn’t,” you shook your head lightly. “It isn’t too much to ask. Not at all.”
Smiling down at you, Steve bathed in the way you watched him. He adjusted the crown on your head. “You look like a queen tonight, giggles.”
Mischievously, you rolled your eyes. “Really,” your voice was laced with sultry, “King Steve?”
Steve sucked in a breath. He ignored that nagging voice in his head that told him you were too good for him (you were but that was beside the point). He reached to caress your face, the thumb of his hand brushed your cheek. You leaned into his touch, and Steve watched as your eyes fluttered shut when he slowly started to lean in.
Flash interrupted the two of you.
You bounced away from him, but Steve stayed in his place. He didn’t bother to look away from you, his lips still parted as he watched your chest heave wildly as you looked at Steve’s cockblocker the culprit.
“Mom!” you scolded, rushing toward where your mother stood in the doorway, where you had stood minuted ago.
“Sorry! You two just looked to cute,” your mom apologized, unapologetically, waving the new picture dry. “Dusty had me come looking for you. He really wants that picture.”
You lowered your voice, glancing back at Steve like you didn’t want him to hear you say, “He couldn’t have waited five more minutes?”
Your mother pouted, Steve could see where you got it from, and her voice dipped lower in a whisper so he couldn’t hear. Slightly, your eyes widened and you glanced at the photo, flustered.
Hesitantly, you turned him, cheeks red. “C’mon Steve,” you said gently. “Dusty buns needs a picture.”
Steve chuckled, dropping his head before walking towards you, walking you back to the football field with a hand on your lower back, your bouquet of flowers in his hand.
Dustin gave him a copy of the pictures several weeks later.
There were two photos of you, him, and Dustin; one where you all smiled politely, Dustin on Steve’s right, you on his left, and another where you held an eye roll, arms crossed over your chest and Dustin and Steve argued beside you over something minuscule.
There was one of you two, both of you looking at the camera charismatically, a purple-pink sunset behind you. (He put the picture in his wallet).
The last photo, was slightly blurry, but that didn’t stop Steve from turning to red at the sight of his hand on your cheek, your eyes closed, him leaning in.
Steve hid that photo in a shoebox under his bed. Y'know, for safe keeping. And looking at it now, months later. Without you. He knows one thing.
He should’ve kissed you.
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This has been in my drafts for a while and i was meaning to post this after i finished the line series or whatever but i think it it’s good and can’t make myself write sooooo… here! 🩷
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athanasialove · 3 months
♥𝓖𝓪𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓕𝓮𝓾𝓭𝓼♥
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Paring: None
Genre: Fluff, SFW
Summary: You and Levi get into an argument over a game
Word Count: 406
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The evening moon cast a white light through the windows of the HOL. As you made your way down the hall, your phone buzzed with a message from Leviathan. 
"Hey, want to come over to my room and play some games?"
Excitement bubbled within you, you eagerly accepted his invitation. Leviathan's room was a sanctuary of otaku treasures, filled with posters, figurines, and stacks of video games. As you stepped inside, Leviathan greeted you with a shy smile.
"Took you long enough" he said, motioning for you to take a seat beside him. "I've got some multiplayer games lined up. Cmon!"
You and Levi settled in front of the screen, selecting the first game with anticipation. As the rounds passed, laughter filled the room. 
"Come on, you're dragging us down!" Leviathan exclaimed, frustration evident in his voice as the team suffered another defeat.
"I'm trying my best, Leviathan!" you shot back, feeling a pang of hurt at his criticism.
Leviathan's brows furrowed as he retorted, "Your best isn't good enough. We keep losing because of you!"
The words stung. "Maybe if you stopped being so controlling and actually helped instead of blaming me, we might have a chance!"
Silence hung heavy in the air as your argument simmered. With a sigh, you stood up, your heart heavy with disappointment. 
Leviathan opened his mouth to speak, but you didn't wait for his response. You stormed out of his room, the weight of your disagreement heavy on your shoulders.
Hours passed in solitude as you retreated to your own room, lost in a whirlwind of emotions. The argument weighing heavy on your mind, interrupting your thoughts you hear knocking at your door.
You opened it to find Leviathan standing before me, his cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "Can we talk?" he asked softly, his gaze pleading.
Reluctantly, you nodded, allowing him to enter. Leviathan fidgeted nervously as he began to speak, his words stumbling over each other in his haste.
"I'm sorry.” he said, his voice laced with regret. "I shouldn't have lashed out at you like that. I was just frustrated, and I took it out on you. I know it's no excuse, but please forgive me."
He was so adorable
"I forgive you, Leviathan," you replied, offering him a small smile. Leviathan's eyes lit up with a smile that reached his eyes.
“Sooooooo, can we finish playing?”
You chuckled. “Yeah c'mon.”
♥𝓖𝓪𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓕𝓮𝓾𝓭𝓼♥
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severelystrangewriter · 8 months
Text Messages (Flufftober 2023 Day 9)
Pairing: kenma kozume x female reader
WC: 909
Warnings: a little cursing
Summary: a wrong number situation leads you to become friends with kenma
Note: i literally had NO clue what to do for this one, but i think i'm pretty satisfied with how it turned out
It was late at night and Kenma was in the middle of a somewhat boring video game when his phone dinged, alerting him of a message. He paused to check, figuring it was Kuroo, but furrowed his brows at the unknown number. He read the message curiously and there was a picture attached.
Unknown: I completed the cosplay! How do I look? :)
Kenma blinked in surprise at the picture you sent. You looked good, really good. You were dressed in a sailor moon cosplay. Your makeup was perfect and your outfit looked like it was taken straight from the anime.
There was only one teensy problem.
He had no clue who the hell you were.
Kenma: the cosplay looks great, but um… do i know u?
Unknown: It’s (Y/n)? Who is this?
Kenma: my name is kenma 
He sent a selfie as proof. 
(Y/n): …
(Y/n): Well that’s embarrassing. I guess I put in the wrong number
Kenma: sorry
He expected the conversation to be over with. But you surprised him when you sent another message.
(Y/n): Weird question, wanna still chat? I’m bored >~<
He blinked twice, then hummed in thought before typing out his reply.
Kenma: i don’t see why not
Over time, texting you became a daily occurrence. You both talked about anything and everything- your lives, your dreams, games, all of it. You sent each other memes and pictures of cats and he found himself looking forward to your messages.
He found out you were a second-year like him, and you went to Karasuno. In fact, you were involved as a manager of the boys’ volleyball team. He told you he was a setter for Nekoma and you thought that was pretty cool, even joking that maybe one day your teams will play against each other.
“Hey, can I borrow your phone? Mine’s dead,” Kuroo said one day before practice.
“Yeah sure,” Kenma handed over his phone and continued playing his nintendo.
Kuroo thanked him and it fell silent as he sent the text to his mom telling him to use Kenma’s phone to get ahold of him. As he waited for a response, Kenma’s phone dinged and a notification popped up that caused Kuroo to furrow his brows.
“Who’s (Y/n)?”
Kenma nearly dropped his nintendo upon hearing your name. With eyes wide, he reached over to snatch the phone back, but Kuroo was too quick and moved away from his friend. He hadn’t told Kuroo about you for the very specific reason of not wanting to be teased.
“Hey she’s pretty cute,” He commented, clicking the picture you sent.
“Give that back!” Kenma shouted.
Not expecting such a visceral reaction out of his friend, Kuroo connected the dots rather quickly, “Oh my god, do you have a secret girlfriend?”
This caught the rest of the team’s attention rather quickly. And they watched as Kenma struggled with Kuroo over the cell. Kenma’s face grew hot at the accusation.
“N-no! It’s not like that!” He vehemently denied.
“Why are you getting so defensive then?” Kuroo asked with a teasing smirk, “You like her~!”
“I never thought I’d see the day when Kenma Kozume has a crush!” Yaku called out.
“Shut up!” Kenma hissed, finally succeeding in taking the phone back.
His cheeks continued to burn when he saw the picture: it was just you showing off your makeup but you looked so cute as always that it made his heart skip a beat.
“Woah dude, your girlfriend’s hot,” Yamamoto commented, looking over his short friend’s shoulder.
“It’s not like that!” Kenma repeated, clutching the phone to his chest to hide it.
“You mean she’s single?” Yamamoto asked with a hopeful tone.
Kenma glared at his teammate, who shrunk away from the harsh look.
Just then, Coach Nekomata was calling for their attention, telling them that the practice was starting.
Kenma: why are you yelling
Kenma: you still spelled it wrong
(Y/n): FUCK
You sent several crying emojis and he smiled at your overdramatic response.
Kenma: to answer your previous question, yeah i’ll be there :)
Kenma: we’re on our way now
(Y/n): YAY
Kenma chuckled and continued to text you.
“Let me guess, your precious (Y/n)?” Kuroo’s teasing voice brought Kenma out of his thoughts as he was nudged lightly by his friend.
Kenma rolled his eyes, but he nodded anyway, “Uh-huh.”
“So when are we going to get to meet her?” Kuroo questioned.
“She’s going to be at the practice game,” Kenma explained quietly, “She’s one of their managers.”
“Really?” Kuroo’s eyes lit up, “You must be excited then.”
Kenma bit his lip and looked out the window to avoid his friend’s gaze. He had to admit that he was pretty excited, but he was also getting nervous. It would be the first time he would be seeing you in person, and the thought was nerve-wracking. Would you guys click like you do through a screen? What would happen if you didn’t? Would you stop talking to him?
Kuroo picked up on Kenma’s growing stress.
“Relax, it’ll be fun,” He ruffled Kenma’s hair affectionately, ultimately putting a stop to all the worrying thoughts.
“Yeah,” Kenma agreed in that soft tone of his.
He continued to gaze out the window, wondering about you. And he wondered if you were thinking about him too.
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