#More than likely he's going to be just a male Lilith or his angel form now with his mask being his face
lettherebemonsters · 26 days
I'm probably the only one who would love to see Adam become a dinosaur-looking sinner. He's bird-coded so it'd make sense for him to regress to a more primordial version of himself.
So instead of a plump little dove...
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He turns into this fucking thing.
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el-lionne · 4 months
The Truth About Lilith From Hazbin Hotel (Historically)
So, I recently binged Hazbin Hotel and LOVED IT. I also happen to be a historian who studies ancient religious texts connected to Christianity, so I kind of already knew the truth about Lilith at the start of the show. However, I quickly learned the fandom as a whole were surprised by Lilith's appearance in the last episode and didn't even know the nature of the deal she made with Adam/ God - so I decided to share it here.
Lilith's story can be found in the Alphabet of Ben Sira (8th - 10th century AD). This text is famous for many reasons but mostly because it's the first time Lilith is formally introduced and she is acknowledged as Eve's predecessor (Lilith's existence is suggested prior to this by assorted Babylonian, Greek and Jewish texts, but this is the first time you hear her story. It is assumed the story came from oral tradition so it's unknown how old/ original it actually is).
I attached the relevant passage down below but do feel free to check out the book yourself (it's translated from the original Aramaic - sorry if it sounds odd) Also, slight spoiler warning, as this will explain what Lilith's deal with Adam/ God most likely was, thereby providing the real reason why the exterminations have been happening (if the show is using this as it's inspiration, which I suspect it is given the details in the passage).
"After God created Adam, who was alone, He said, "It is not good for man to be alone." He then created a woman for Adam, from the earth, as He had created Adam himself, and called her Lilith. Adam and Lilith immediately began to fight. She said, "I will not lie below," and he said, "I will not lie beneath you, but only on top. For you are fit only to be in the bottom position, while I am to be the superior one." Lilith responded, "We are equal to each other inasmuch as we were both created from the earth." But they would not listen to one another. When Lilith saw this, she pronounced the Ineffable Name and flew away into the air.
[She essentially ran off cause Adam's a dick. They do this in the show, which is why I immediately assumed they were taking inspiration from this text.]
Adam stood in prayer before his Creator: "Sovereign of the universe!" he said, "the woman you gave me has run away." At once, the Holy One, blessed be He, sent these three angels Senoy, Sansenoy, and Semangelof, to bring her back. Said the Holy One to Adam, "If she agrees to come back, what is made is good. If not, she must permit one hundred of her children to die every day." The angels left God and pursued Lilith, whom they overtook in the midst of the sea, in the mighty waters wherein the Egyptians were destined to drown. They told her God's word, but she did not wish to return. The angels said, "We shall drown you in the sea." "Leave me!' she said. "I was created only to cause sickness to infants. If the infant is male, I have dominion over him for eight days after his birth, and if female, for twenty days." When the angels heard Lilith's words, they insisted she go back. But she swore to them by the name of the living and eternal God: "Whenever I see you or your names or your forms in an amulet, I will have no power over that infant." She also agreed to have one hundred of her children die every day.
[Leaving aside her being a demon who kills kids, and these three angels having more power than her, Lilith essentially agrees to let daily exterminations happen to keep her away from Adam. Is Lucifer involved in any way? It's not clear. In the show it's suggested he was. The show also adapted the deal so that the killing is yearly and not limited to just 100 demons, alongside some other changes. That being said, the principle is the same. Lilith made a deal for her life and now demons die.]
Accordingly, every day one hundred demons perish, and for the same reason, we write the angels' names on the amulets of young children. When Lilith sees their names, she remembers her oath, and the child recovers."
So, using this source material, I theorize that Lilith (and probably Lucifer) made the deal in order to essentially spare her life and keep her away from Adam. And that is why the exterminations happen. However, now Adam is dead, I guess the deal no longer stands and Lilith has to bargain for her life again (hence the ending of episode 8). I've no clue what she was doing hiding up in heaven but I look forward to finding out.
I think it's clear the overpopulation/ fear of rebellion thing is why the angels wanted the deal, but that they needed the king and/ or queen of hell to agree to it. Which would explain them threatening Lilith's life. Or...maybe even Charlie's? Who knows with this show.
Anyway, I hope that was interesting for you guys! All the best!
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codeword-art · 3 months
I just sort of want to get this out of my head so I can move onto other things, but I don't think Lilith is going to be what we expect her to be. Barring everything Vizzie previously stated about the Morningstar family, I just have this gut feeling she's not the big bad.
Lilith may be antagonistic at first, maybe not who knows at this point, but I don't think she's the problem that Sera seems so afraid of. Especially with how Lute approaches her at the beach, that is not someone who is afraid of Lilith. She insulted her daughter by calling her a brat, and made demands out of her. 
I know there are theories about Alastor and Lilith being in cahoots together because of them disappearing at the same time, and Alastor's attitude towards Lucifer. A lot of people think Lilith has Alastor on a leash, but correlation is not causation. I strongly believe Alastor just didn't like a stronger and more influential figure popping up at the hotel, what he considers his territory. Alastor is a grade-a-narc, and he likes to pick fights with bigger male authority figures to secure his place in their world.
In the finale, Alastor was distressed about his deal, possibly forcing him to stay at the hotel even though now it nearly got him killed. He wants out, but he’s scared of whatever or whoever has him, to the point he’s second guessing if there is even a way out at all. From here we see a very peculiar motif. These red eyes. Both in his tower (which don't appear anywhere else in the hotel), and his shield.
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These eyes are literally everywhere, and in the beginning animatic we see that these eyes represent the pit” or Hell. They show up the minute Charlie mentions that a great black pit opened up, which her parents were then thrown into as punishment for allowing Evil to take hold of earth. Lilith and Lucifer are cast into these eyes. I know there is a theory that these are associated with Lilith, but I don't think so. I think they’re just representative of Hell itself, or the entity of Evil itself. Motifs are a BIG thing in Hazbin, everyone has one, especially the Morningstars. 
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The motifs we know about Lilith are what we've physically seen so far. We know she inspired Hell through her music (which seems like a Morningstar habit honestly, they all do this). Charlie as a baby has music notes on her dress. 
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The animatic in the beginning story shows Lilith with her music notes, as well as Charlie calling it back in her song " Happy Day in Hell". Then, after being shown Lilith and her music notes, then eyes show up at the bottom with the city of hell being created. 
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Lucifer also has a call back to eyes since angels have many many eyes in their forms, especially Seraphim. However, his motifs almost always appear in golden yellow, both on his person and in his architecture. The Hotel has many eyes everywhere, but they are all clearly related to Lucifer either by their gold color or his maroon shade of red that's all over the hotel. They're almost always symmetrical in the architecture as well, while the hell eyes are more misshapen.
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*Which side tangent, but it's very clear this Hotel used to belong to the Morningstars before it was abandoned and Charlie took up residence. It's dilapidated, heavily, to the point Charlie was willing to let Alastor in to help liven it up a little. Per the large circus imagery, I think it's safe to say it was Lucifer’s, for one reason or another, which is interesting.* 
Anyway, these Hell eyes are red, always. And Eve is very heavily associated with the color red in the very little amount we get to see of her. 
Even Lilith is standing outside the aura of red that surrounds Eve, Lucifer, and the Apples. 
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Charlie's main motif seems to be hearts, and it's also shared with her father as he has a heart in his tail just like Charlies. 
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What we know about Lilith is second hand, but I think it's fair to say Charlie would know her mother better than anyone (minus Lucifer obviously). Charlie says her mother loved her kingdom, and she passed that passion onto her daughter.  So whatever is happening with Lilith I believe has to do strictly with the exterminations and that only. A bargain, a willing prisoner, a tired and hopeless queen that’s done with it all? Who knows, but I don’t think she has anything to do with Alastor's whole ordeal, nor the enormous threat to Heaven as Sera talks about. 
I don’t know if it's Eve, or some other force, but I think Alastor is way more in over his head than making deals with Hell’s love struck family. I think he’s doing deeds on behalf of a much larger universal evil that’s present throughout all of hell. We know in the beginning that Evil existed before the creation of Eden, we see a creepy representation of it in the beginning standing next to “Good”. Good and Evil have been at war for eons. This force was itching to get its blood red hands on Earth, and so just maybe it also wants a piece of Heaven. 
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Alastor wasn’t sent to the hotel to check up on Lilith’s daughter. I think he was sent to have the best chance anyone could at getting a foot into Heaven. We have to remember Charlie is Lucifer’s daughter, the King of Hell that still has connections to Heaven. Enough to get a meeting for his daughter. No one knows what gets a soul into Heaven, and considering how messed up Adam was, it may not even have to be real or mean anything. Charlie wouldn’t take Alastor that first time, because she didn’t owe him anything. Now she does, per their deal after her failed negotiations. As long as none gets hurt, but having her let him join along for their next holy vacation or something similar would fit that criteria.
Sir Pentious making it to Heaven would send Sera into a panic. I doubt she wants sinners, people that have been touched by evil, barging through the gates into Heaven redeemed or not. Clearly by her face, she’s distressed. Sera doesn’t want a war with Hell, because of what is in Hell. Evil has never had a better opportunity to corrupt the incorruptible than it does with an army of demons and a deluded Princess with dreams. Just like her father. 
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So I don't think Lilith is the villain. A small one, maybe, but Lucifer still wears his ring and Charlie speaks the world of her. She looked happy in her portraits with her family, and I don’t doubt she’d do anything to protect them, but that’s an entirely different argument. No, I think Lilith exists to distract everyone from what is lurking underneath. Lilith and Alastor might have disappeared at the same time due to a similar cause, but I don’t believe it's because Lilith initiated a deal with him. Alastor was lured into a deal with a much larger threat, the same threat that concerned Sera enough to start the exterminations in the first place, that might have also triggered Lilith’s involvement.
Of course this is all speculation, and there really is no solid proof, but I just need this written and pushed away from me so I can move onto other thoughts. I know there was, or may be a character called Roo, but I try not to involve older concepts or ideas since so many things can change when the final scripts and show are done. I'm just going off strictly what we have seen straight in the show.
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taylorscottbarnett · 10 months
Fun fact: In the original Hebrew and Greek, the Bible included swear words.
Like much of the sanitation of the current KJV of the Bible we use today (such as the editing out of Adam's first wife Lilith, the myth of original sin (that doesn't actually occur in the bible at all, but was added and adopted centuries later) or even the myth that being gay is sinful -- it's not, being a pedophile is.
Even weirder is the stuff left in the bible, like just take Genisis:
The creation of Adam's first wife.
God's wife: Then God said, "Let us make humankind in our image, according to our likeness" (again let's highlight the US part. Us. As in more than one.) [Genisis 1:26]
Adam's first Wife: "So God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them." [1:27]
Note that this is a completely different creation story than what comes later, because afterwords God talks about creating Eden and putting Adam in it alone.
"And the LORD God planted a garden in Eden, in the east; and there he put the man whom he had formed." [2:8]
Later we get the creation of Eve:
"Then the LORD God said, "It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper as his partner." [2:18] (of note Adam doesn't even name Eve till 3:30, a full three chapters AFTER the original creation of Man and Woman in [1:27].
Now we move on to chapter three:
Now the serpent was more crafty than any other wild animal that the LORD God had made. He said to the woman, "Did God say, 'You shall not eat from any tree in the garden'?" [3:1]
Notice the bible is pretty specific about this: the snake was a creature God himself made. Not an angel, not Luicifer. Just an asshole snake.
[3:14] The LORD God said to the serpent, "Because you have done this, cursed are you among all animals and among all wild creatures; upon your belly you shall go, and dust you shall eat all the days of your life.
[3:15] I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will strike your head, and you will strike his heel."
To infer that this snake is anything more than a snake suggests that God himself didn't know that the snake was Lucifer in disguise. At no point does he blame the devil or cast him out. He just condemns the snake for being a jackass and takes away his legs. (Somthing the devil wouldn't need anyway, given he's an angel).
But wait: Genisis gets weirder:
Chapter 6 The Nephihim
[6:1] When people began to multiply on the face of the ground, and daughters were born to them,
[6:2] the sons of God saw that they were fair; and they took wives for themselves of all that they chose.
Note, there's two times this is used. The Sons of God and the Son of God. The Sons of God being angels, created by God to worship him, and the Son of God being Jesus, born of a virgin.
[6:4] The Nephilim were on the earth in those days - and also afterward - when the sons of God went in to the daughters of humans, who bore children to them. These were the heroes that were of old, warriors of renown.
Again "sons of God" aka angels. Angels mating with human females and producing human/angel hybrids of amazing power.
Chapter 19 Incest
[19:30] Now Lot went up out of Zoar and settled in the hills with his two daughters, for he was afraid to stay in Zoar; so he lived in a cave with his two daughters.
[19:31] And the firstborn said to the younger, "Our father is old, and there is not a man on earth to come in to us after the manner of all the world.
[19:32] Come, let us make our father drink wine, and we will lie with him, so that we may preserve offspring through our father."
[19:33] So they made their father drink wine that night; and the firstborn went in, and lay with her father; he did not know when she lay down or when she rose.
[19:34] On the next day, the firstborn said to the younger, "Look, I lay last night with my father; let us make him drink wine tonight also; then you go in and lie with him, so that we may preserve offspring through our father."
[19:35] So they made their father drink wine that night also; and the younger rose, and lay with him; and he did not know when she lay down or when she rose.
[19:36] Thus both the daughters of Lot became pregnant by their father.
[19:37] The firstborn bore a son, and named him Moab; he is the ancestor of the Moabites to this day.
[19:38] The younger also bore a son and named him Ben-ammi; he is the ancestor of the Ammonites to this day.
Genisis is absolutely wild.
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dying-artist-yes · 3 years
A Temporary Parting
So my friends decided to do nice things for me and I have decided to do nice things back. I will be doing these for 6 characters and this is the first character; Remi. Let’s gooooo.
Mum, I’m sorry for how this starts off. I promise it gets fluffier later okay? @alyssoujo​
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How long had it been since she’d left him? Since God had so cruelly torn his beloved away from him? Lucifer still remembered it clearly as if it had happened yesterday. He remembered it often. He would replay it over and over until she returned. He had been in his office, working away at the latest stack of paperwork dropped onto him. With Barbatos gone, he and Diavolo were having to cover for him as well and so, their normal paperwork was doubled. He had been frustrated and irritated for at least 3 days now. Not primarily because of work but because he had an argument with Remi. Yes, they’ve bickered before but it was just that; bickering. Never had she raised her voice with him like that. Through their pact, he knew she had regretted it almost immediately but not once did she call in the 3 days that had followed. He hadn’t reached out to her for the first few hours, thinking they both needed time to cool off so they could talk about what had just happened and reconcile but a message never came from her. He sent her so very many but she didn’t even see them. He grew frustrated, thinking she was ignoring him still due to their argument and stopped texting and attempting to call her after a while of being ignored. He just concluded that when she’d had enough of ignoring him, she’d call him. Yet that never came. It had been 3 days and not so much as a peep from her. She hadn’t even been online in the past 3 days. This made Lucifer worried but, of course, he was basically bound to his desk until he finished working. That’s part of what had been frustrating him; his inability to check up on his wife and see if she was alright. To be able to see for himself that she was just ignoring him longer than usual because he had been insensitive towards her two male friends.  Seems he need not wait any longer. He could feel a tug, a very strong one, pulling on the back of his right hand, where his pact mark with Remi rested. ‘Finally...’ He thought to himself with a soft sigh before responding to the summon, expecting to be hugged by his wife or something of the sort but what greeted him made his entire world come crashing down. He was in a dark room he didn’t recognize, far from Paris as far as he could tell. When he first appeared, Lucifer’s thoughts were ‘Why would she come to a place like this?’ His question was answered all too soon as the moment he looked in front of him, he was greeted by the dying form of his wife.  “REMI!”  Panicked took ahold of him as he picked up her bloodied form, cradling her in his arms. He muttered every healing spell he knew, anything that could keep his wife from leaving him. She was sickly pale, a hole in the middle of her chest as though someone had ripped something out, and had been soaking in a pool of her own blood. “H-Hang on...! You will be fine...!” His voice broke as he said this but he didn’t care. All he cared about was making sure she would see the light of day. That his light wouldn’t leave his side. Why was she here? Who did this? All these questions ran through his head but were brought to a halt when he felt his wife’s cold hand on his cheek.  “Luci...fer... It’s... too late...” Came her weak voice and his eyes widened as he heard her words. Why didn’t he check sooner? Why didn’t he keep trying to reach out to her? He could’ve gone to Paris to visit her. He should’ve gone to talk to her. “I... am sor...ry... I...” She was struggling just to speak and Lucifer shook his head, letting the tears fall as he gently brought her head up to press his forehead against hers. “Shhh... I should be the one who’s sorry... I should have come to check on you... I should have come to you...” He mumbled as the tears kept falling. Remi weakly tried to wipe them away as she shook her head to the best of her abilities. “I... should ha...ve... summon...ed... y-you... sooner...” She got out weakly and with every breath she took, Lucifer could feel more life leave her. She was dying in his arms and he was helpless just as he had been the past 3 times. She was slipping out of his grasp and he couldn’t do anything. He was too late to save the woman he loved above all else. The woman who became his world. “Remi please... D-Don’t leave me too... Please...” He was begging. He wouldn’t do this but if it meant she lived, he would beg anyone, even his Father he despised above all else. He couldn’t lose her too. He couldn’t lose her like he had lost Lilith.  “I-I’m... sorry... about... our argu...ment... I-I was... too harsh... I-I had... so much... to tell... you...” She too was crying now as her death approached her. “P-Please... G-Grant this one wish... of mine...” She said weakly as Lucifer looked at her desperately. The tears wouldn’t stop it no matter how much he wanted them to and once again he found himself cursing his pride. Had he just reached out to her when he felt her regret and sorrow, perhaps this could have been avoided. “What... What is it dearest wife...?” He got out weakly. “P-Please... F-Find me again... I-I know... i-it is sel...fish... b-but... p-please... wait for... me... a-and f-find me... l-like you promised...” She said, whimpering quietly as more tears flowed down her cheeks. “Of course... You forget who you have for a husband... You are mine for all eternity, just as I am yours... So no matter how long it takes, I will find you once again... I will find you as many times as needed... We shall be together in every life given to you...” He said softly, placing her hand against his cheek.  She gave him a weak yet fond smile as she weakly caressed his cheek. He leaned into her cold touch. “Thank.. you... I love you...” She said, barely above a whisper before she fell limp. It took him a moment to register that she had truly left him. However... “This is just a temporary parting... I will ensure it...” He said softly as he held her lifeless body in his arms. He had remained like this for a while until Diavolo had appeared behind him. Upon seeing his friend grieving like this, the prince’s heart broke. “Lucifer...” “I am fine Diavolo.” He said as he stood up with Remi in his arms. Even in death, she looked serene and beautiful to him. Even if she had been torn away from him in this life, he’d ensure no one could do so in the next. 
He sighed, opening his eyes. He remembered the concerned looks his brothers had given him. He remembered throwing himself into work. Even if he knew she would return somehow, it still hurt. There was still a hole in his heart. He still felt incomplete. He would read her letters. He would look at the small figurine she had gotten him. Listen to the song she’d made for him. Everything she’d given him, he would look over because they were little parts of her he still had with himself.  Of course, he hadn’t forgotten the promise he’d made with her. He’d spent the last 600 years searching for her but to no avail. What was Father doing with her soul for the past 600 years? Keeping it hostage? He let out a frustrated sigh and hid his face in his hands. He needed tea. He needed to calm down so he could focus on work again. However, before he could even get up to brew the tea, the doors to his office burst open to reveal everyone’s favorite neighborhood angel; Simeon. 
Lucifer pulled his face out of his hands and normally would have glared at him for barging in like this but he noticed the urgent look on his face. He raised a brow in a questioning manner and the angel just took a moment to catch his breath. “I... I have something. For you.” Simeon got out in between his many pants. Lucifer didn’t quite understand what could warrant this reaction out of the normally calm and collected Simeon but he nodded and gestured for Simeon to bring whatever it was he had found. Simeon gestured for a Little D to come in and Lucifer’s eyes widened. “Is that...” “A bouquet of blue roses? Yes. Someone left it at the Angel’s Halo along with a letter addressed to you.” Simeon said as he searched through his pockets before pulling out a baby blue envelope from his pocket.
Lucifer swiftly took the letter but was very careful in opening it. The first thing he saw had almost made him feel as though his breath had been caught in his throat. It was a picture. A picture of a young woman smiling with a bouquet of blue and red roses. Straight black hair, unlike her previously half and half black on the left and white on the right hair, and straight bangs. It was still waist length, just less wavy. Her skin tone was more towards porcelain now than pale ivory but the one thing that hadn’t been altered about her, left untouched completely, were her eyes. Her striking blue eyes he remembered peering into only to see love and adoration for himself. The eyes that would shine whenever they saw him. The eyes that belonged to his wife. 
There were various pictures like this. About 10. Whoever took the pictures seems close with her. He then pulled out the letter and opened it to read the contents of it. The letter read;
“Hello Lucifer,
It has been 600 years since you’ve seen the lovely young lady in the picture, yes? Well~ She was finally reborn~ She’s a lovely young demon born in Canada. I made sure her parents named her Remi so you don’t have to get used to another name. You would think that being reborn would mean she has no memories of her past life and yet your influence has not left her in the slightest.
Every birthday she has had the past... what? 121 years now? she has only asked for one thing; blue roses. The gift you got her on her birthday all those years ago. I am certain if you go check, those are blooming again. Each and every blue rose she has received, she cherishes with her life until it wilts. She is also very fond of the color red and the color blue. Hm... I wonder why? She’s also very fond of making spicy food and warm desserts despite not liking them. Once again, I wonder why? Oh! And also, she has turned down everyone that’s ever tried to hit on her. She threatens them with a description of a man that matches yours. When I asked her where she got it from, she said she dreamt of this person and even if she was not sure whether or not he was real, the love she saw in this person’s eyes made her feel whole and so if needed, she’d spend her entire life looking for him. She’ll only accept you.
Anyways. You are probably curious as to why you haven’t bee able to find her if she’s been alive for 121 years now. Well, that would be because of your Father. Well, more Michael really. He has made sure every time you’ve come across her, she didn’t see you and you didn’t see her. I really don’t understand why but it is what it is.
I, however, do no take orders from Michael so while he is kept busy, I am ensuring you find Remi. Her memories are not gone. God did not keep her soul for 479 years for no reason. She spent all that time bargaining to keep her memories. To be born anything but a human so she would not have to leave your side again. After much insistence, He allowed it on the condition that she would only remember once reunited with you. Apparently Michael had a problem with that. Since I’m the one doing it though, he can suck it because he can’t punish me. 
She is currently visiting England, London to be specific, the last picture I sent is proof of that. That’s why I sent the bouquet of blue roses to Simeon with this letter because I knew he’d get it to you. 
Come and get your wife before Michael sticks his nose in where it doesn’t belong again.”
He didn’t need to be told twice. “Simeon-” “I’m ready to accommodate you Lucifer. You helped me when I needed to find Celes, this is the least I can do to repay that debt.” He said with a soft smile before opening his arms up. “Hug?” “... Just this once.” Lucifer said with a soft sigh before getting up and hugging Simeon, who happily hugged back. He’d finally be reunited with her again. He’d make sure she stayed this time. “Let us get going... I’ve made her wait long enough.” He said, pulling away from the hug as Simeon grinned and nodded. The two of them made their way to the human world so the Avatar of Pride’s bride could return to him, so she could return home.
Despite his many protests, Simeon insisted Lucifer stay with him and Celestina. In a way, he was glad Simeon was so stubborn. It was nice to be surrounded by Simeon’s sunny family. Before, it hurt to be around anyone’s family because all he could see was Remi but now... with her about to return, rather than seeing their family as a fleeting dream, he saw it as something he would make a reality. He would not allow anything to get in-between them this time, especially not Michael. So looking at Simeon’s sunny family and playing with his kids... it reminded him of what he will soon have.
While Simeon oversaw his kids taking care of the Angel’s Halo, Lucifer would go to scour London in order to find Remi. She was close, he could feel it. As he made his way around, a garden caught his eye. It reminded him of the garden outside of the Mausoleum where he would lay down on her lap while she ran her fingers through his hair as Cerberus played with one of his many toys. The last memory he had of that was after she’d returned from her human world trip. She noticed he had been stressed so she took him to see Cerberus. Then, when they reached the park, she had him lay his head down on her lap while she ran her fingers through his hair and sang for him.
He inhaled as he closed his eyes, remembering that scene. ‘We can make many more this time.’ He thought to himself before opening his eyes again. He was just about to continue walking when he heard soft singing coming from the garden he had previously thought empty. 
“... A ring on my finger and a promise of eternity...~ The one promise I refuse to fail to keep...~”
‘That’s...’ He recognized those lyrics. He quickly rushed into the garden and frantically looked around for the source of the singing. That’s when he saw her by the fountain in the middle of the garden, looking down at her lap which had a sketchbook on it.
“Every moment I spend with you~ My heart hammers away~ Screaming at me “Never let him go!” Oh I know, I know~ The kind of happiness I have with him~ No other could compare~ I love you I love you I love you~” “I love you~ I love you~ I love you so~”
Remi looked up from her sketchbook and towards the person who completed the chorus to the song and blinked when she saw him. She stood up, sketchbook in hand, and started walking towards him. Lucifer, in return, started walking towards her and met her at about halfway. “You’re... real, right?” Were the first words from her. Even her voice was the same. “Yes, I am real.” He responded with a smirk. “Would you like to check should you not believe me?” He asked with a raised brow. Remi hesitantly placed a hand on his cheek and immediately winced, placing her hand on her temple as she wobbled a little. Lucifer immediately wrapped his arm around her waist to steady her. “Remi...! Are you alright...?” He asked, worry settling in. Maybe he shouldn’t have come in contact with her. What if he accidentally triggered something that would end her life? What if- 
“I-I’m fine... M-My dearest Avatar of Pride...” She said smiling up at him through the pain. Lucifer could feel relief wash over him and for the first time in 600 years, he felt happy. “Just... remembering things... I would hate to not have any memories of you...” She said, leaning into his arms and resting her head against his chest. “You’re home now...” He said softly as he rubbed soothing circles on her back. “Yes... I’m home again...
... You found me.”
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getlitaesthetic · 4 years
Hello, I love your content so much abour OM dark AU especially the children of the dark. Can I ask how how about undateables reaction of their own children? Thank you :-)
ALSO ASKED:  “ What if dark Diavolo got mc pregnant would he be like the brothers not caring or wanting to get involved or would he be like some of the brothers and actually want a child with mc?“
(Brother’s version found: Here )
So we have come to this... The Children Of The Dark: Undateable Edition.
The rest under the cut!
This? This was planned.
More than that, one child was never going to be enough for the man with the desire to breed and the need for heirs.
He keeps pregnant MC in a room, carefully attended to and monitored. 
Twins. It starts with twins.
MC almost dies giving birth, the children are already so large, just like their father.
But they’re both girls. How... unfortunate.
Diavolo names them Juno and Sarai, and he loves them, despite their shortcomings.
Both of the girls excel in nearly everything, competing for the throne, knowing only one will be allowed to take the crown when the time comes.
It is a shame they do not know that only a male heir will be allowed to ascend.
The girls are fraternal twins. The only thing the same between the two is their skin tone. Juno boasts a large pair of horns, and yellow eyes, her hair is a deep chestnut with skin the same shade. Sarai has massive, hooked wings with a thin membrane, fiery red hair, and deep amber eyes.
MC is present for their upbringing, but is not much of a parent. They are allowed out of their wing only to attend official events on the Prince’s arm.
Then, it happens again. A pregnancy.
This time, quite luckily for MC, it is a boy.
Diavolo is most pleased, and names him Alaric. 
However, the birth succeeds in killing MC.
Alaric is groomed for the throne, but is not treated with unfair advantage in any other way. The girls do not notice long enough to cease their constant battle with each other- they don’t even consider the younger boy a threat to their position.
Alaric is cruel, like his father. His first steps were taken in order to crush a bug beneath his feet, and he takes great pride in knowing his first kill was as he was born.
His eyes are a pale yellow, closer to a soft gold, with faded reddish-brown hair. He sports two curling horns, much shorter than those of his sister, and a pair of wings that are large, and thick, more similar to a dragon’s than Sarai’s bat-like pair.
Diavolo is their main influence, along with their tutors. They are made to forget that any part of them was ever truly human.
Planned, but not by MC.
Barbatos decided he wanted to have a child with them, and who were they to say no?
He... made mistakes, the first few times during the pregnancy. The baby was lost. MC died. But it was nothing a little adjusting of the timeline couldn’t fix.
The pregnancy was difficult, but survivable, and MC gave birth to a boy.
Together (by which I mean Barbatos heavily recommended, and MC agreed) they decided on the name Bashiri.
He was a stoic baby, with a beautiful but rare smile, who seemed to delight in MC’s pain as much as his father, giggling only when they screamed out for mercy.
However, MC was allowed to be a significant part of his life, and for that they were grateful to their captor lover.
Bashiri has 6 eyes. 2 in the expected place, 1 on his forehead, 1 on his chin, and 1 on each hand. With enough focus he can appear human, but he does occasionally slip.
Each eye is a different color. His left is blue, right green, forehead violet, chin yellow, left hand red, and right hand a shade of brown so dark it’s nearly black.
His hair is black on the top layer, and teal beneath.
Bashiri has his father’s ability to see, but only into the future. He can change the future as well, but is unable to alter the past.
Unplanned, but not unwelcome.
Angels are well known for having children with humans, and he does not seem at all shocked by the news that MC is pregnant.
This does grant them his protection for the duration of the pregnancy, as he wouldn’t want his child in any danger.
Solomon treats MC fairly and kindly enough during the pregnancy, and the entire process goes quite smoothly, all things considered.
The child is born, a girl. It hurts for MC to look at her.
Names are discussed at length, but Simeon has the final say, and decides on Nesiah. 
In her true form, she is simply a swirling conglomeration of animal faces and beating wings, glowing brightly. In her human form, that shine is dulled, but still enough to leave a human with a splitting headache from looking, including MC. 
Nesiah has brilliantly blue eyes, very deep brown skin, and tightly curled hair as black as night. Her smile is blinding, and peace radiates from her, leaving all humans in her presence calm and clear-headed. This, of course, means they do not quite realize the damage the sight of her is doing until after.
MC is allowed to be as much a part of her life as they desire, and they desperately try to spend every possible second with her, but it is difficult when looking directly at her hurts so badly.
Nesiah trains alongside Luke, and is determined to be a perfect warrior and serve God with her father. She dreams of being a father-daughter team, carrying out His will across all realms. 
She is in a relationship with Lucifer’s daughter Lilith, much to both of their father’s chagrin.
Unplanned, and frankly unwanted.
Solomon has little room for childcare in his plans, and lets MC know immediately upon finding out the news.
Still, he places wards on MC, and uses one of his many pacts to have a demon watch over them in the meantime.
The pregnancy is not fun or easy, but it is safe.
Solomon finds out the gender after the birth is long over. A boy.
MC comes to him, asking if he has any name preferences, and they agree quite amicably on Eero. 
As forewarned, MC is in charge of most aspects of raising Eero when he is young.
Unexpectedly, however, as the boy ages, he takes a great interest in his father’s work and they begin to spend quite a lot of time together as Solomon teaches Eero magic, and they form a close bond.
Eero is fully human, and was born with a head of blonde hair, that turned snow white when he first began learning magic. His eyes are a pale green, and his complexion is fair, but darker than his father’s.
He is easygoing and quick to smile, with a mischievous sense of humor, and he toggles between being a dangerous hopeless romantic and being entirely focused on his work. With Solomon’s training, he becomes a very powerful sorcerer that is not one to be trifled with.
Of all of the children, he is the only one to maintain a good relationship with both of his parents.
Due to this relationship he has with his second parent, Solomon agrees to continue protecting MC from harm while in the Devildom.
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sleepylixie · 4 years
The Dreamwalker- Incubus! Hwang Hyunjin
Word Count: 1.3k
Genre: Fantasy
Beware of: Elements of mental imbalance(crazy behaviour), Elements of smut(only mentions, nothing specific at all.) 
A/N: THIS FIC DOES NOT REFLECT THE CHARACTER OR LIKENESS OF THE REAL HWANG HYUNJIN IN ANY FORM OR MANNER. ONTO THE FIC!! I had a power struggle with this one, making the words sound the way I wanted them to ( @aliceu​ and @rebecca-noona​ welcome to the cult yet again. Today we’re serving Sex on the beach with a side of Fantasy Fries)
Requests are open for SKZ and BTS! || Masterlist
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Ever wondered how wrong a dream could possibly go for it to become a nightmare? One that leaves you unmoving, still as a statue, even in the deepest of sleep? But what if the stillness wasn’t from terror but from.. from desire? Ask the Dreamwalker, he could show you.
Demons couldn’t create, they were ruled by their penchant for destruction- until the first succubus came along, with an entirely different kind of lust. 
Lilith. She was a headstrong woman, the kind that was unshaken from her beliefs and gladly stood trial and punishment for them. 
After being banished from Eden’s Garden, she lived amongst the mortals, reduced to a fraction of her full powers but still, more powerful than humans.
Lilith fell in love with a mortal man, a mortal king who commanded respect and power, the exact kind of person she’d dreamed of for herself. 
She was shot down the second the king came to know of her true nature- a creature rejected by the heavens, the mother of everything unholy. 
Her screams of pain ripped the sky apart as she flew to safety, bringing down thunder and lightning behind her. 
Her blood rained down to the ground as she created the Demon plane, outside the bounds of everything holy where she could reign supreme without fear
Where drops of her blood fell, there sprang a new race of demons: the succubi and their male counterparts, the incubi.
They were the youngest and newest race of demons but the strongest in their destructive power- They wreaked havoc over the mortal plane with great glee,
their strength came from the darkest fantasies that humans kept locked securely within themselves, particularly of the sexual kind. When a mortal spent enough locked in an incubus’ spell, they lost their wits to the point of madness
At which point the incubi gladly fed off their life forces, reveling in the sweet tang that the newly-damned souls left on their tongues
All of them were devastatingly beautiful, almost angelic in appearance, with their soft skin, silky hair and shapely bodies 
but none more beautiful than the youngest of them all
His name was Hwang Hyunjin.
The Nightmare, some called him, others knew him as the Dreamwalker
There was something about him even his kin couldn’t shake, much less the mortals he fed on
Maybe it was the shape of his face: angular yet soft at the cheeks, narrow hooded eyes with the darkness trapped in the pupils, lips that looked like they were sculpted by mother Lilith herself
Or maybe it was the way he was built:  lean, tall and sharp where mortal bodies were sharp and soft as they were soft but still, carried the aura of something so distinctly otherworldly even without the black wings balanced on his back. 
But it was definitely the way he could make even the most depraved, sex-crazed fantasies into an illusion of love and passion
There was not a single mortal Hyunjin hadn’t succeeded in feeding on because of this depraved skill of his 
Like his looks weren’t enough, he also had to be one of the best incubi there ever walked the Earth.
Of course, with creatures that shined so bright in their depravity, disaster was sure to come knocking 
and surely enough, it did.
Demons couldn’t love, they were ruled by their penchant for hate-under the first incubi came along, with an entirely different kind of chaos.
Incubi and Succubi felt love as Mother Lilith once felt love- not as a wholesome, fuzzy feeling of warmth as the mortals do 
but as an ell-encompassing hellfire gone wrong, endless and destructive in it’s affection.
It was rare as it was devastating, for succubi often couldn’t control what they felt in their unholy souls for their significant others and often gave their existence away in pursuit of their lover
Hyunjin had seen enough of his older siblings go mad in the sham called love and decided that he would never want to walk down that road for himself. 
He loved his life and his demonic status, he needed nothing more 
Or so he thought, until he saw Amaretta.
Like her name, she was from a foreign land Hyunjin had never deigned to visit 
but one look at her made him wish that he had, 
for what an infallible beauty was sweet Amaretta, with the brightest skin and the clearest eyes, the sweetest smile and the softest hair. 
She carried a scent of jasmine and hibiscus with her, under a deeper tang of an addicting mortal liqueur that always lingered around her.
Hyunjin had to have her, he decided. She was too beautiful, too pure, too...untouched for him to pass up the opportunity
She didn’t pose any difficulty to get to, it was almost like she was waiting for him to find her, the way her shadowed eyes gazed into him as he prowled closer 
and oh, what a dreamland her mind was for a deviant like him
The most indecent desires and the most sinful fantasies that were symphony to his ears 
And oh, how beautifully her body responded to his touch, the most lovely whimpers and the most musical moans that only he could coax out of her rosebud lips
Her aura just begging for him to come back to her every night like she was the flickering flame and he was the smitten firefly, he couldn’t have enough of the beauty that was Amaretta
Hyunjin was bewitched by her existence to the point where he even forgot about feeding on her at all- it became about her pleasure, the kind of toe-curling pleasure that he could give her, so easily 
that it satisfied him even despite the lack of feeding
He didn’t realize it for what it was, that the charm that he had fallen under was the very same curse he had vowed to run from.
Mortals couldn’t withstand the seduction of an incubus for too long, but Amaretta held to her sanity for an entire month before the strings in her mind came undone.
Something broke inside Hyunjin to see his sweet Amaretta, who once shone like the sunlight at dawn, reduced to a mere shadow of her old self
Was it guilt?
He couldn’t bring himself to appear before her when the time came 
Even when Amaretta began to see him everywhere that he wasn’t, even when she was shunned by her village and left in the wood to the wilderness
It was when a panther nearly attacked her that he tore the wild cat apart, then watched 
as Amaretta threw herself at him, smiling a smile that was so vastly different from the one he was used to seeing from her 
Her hair sticking out in the most ghastly way, her eyes sunken into her skull
She looked dead on her feet, a walking ghost 
Hyunjin knew there was a soul left in her, one that was all his for the taking 
But why didn’t he feel the victory he normally felt after a successful hunt?
What should’ve tasted like sweet lemonade on Hyunjin’s tongue now tasted like powdery ash
His honey-eyed, sweet-smiled Amaretta. Her soul was damned, now another lost soul trapped in the Demon plane  
All because of him
So this was the insanity his siblings told him about 
To be able to see the one you care about with all of your sinner’s soul and not be able to do anything when you’re the one that’s causing them all of the pain.
It did drive him crazy, so incredibly crazy that he lost the need to feed,
 it was like all of the life forces he had ever consumed had set a fire inside him, chanting about the wicked harbringer of death that he would forever be. 
He wandered the world as a ghost of his former glory, never again taking pleasure in the fantasies that had once riveted him 
Feeding was a chore now, not an unholy cat-and-mouse game 
Everybody knows about the youngest true incubus of Lilith who was once all blonde hair and dangerous beauty, a tale of caution for a broken heart, a reminder of how flying too close to the sun will always have end in a savage fall to the ground.
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wanderingmirror · 3 years
They kept him chained down within his own mind. The mask of being human always causing his anger to spike. Dean hid his rage behind smiles and attitude. But when Sam chose a demon over him, the room they had been in turned into an even greater mess. Archangels, Angels, and demons across the world could feel the wave of dark and golden grace. Ruby shivered and whimpered silently to herself while away from Sam.
Dean felt the rage overflow, he could not control himself as he searched for his human brother. Words are the nicest thing he could have with the She-demon.
When Lilith was slain, her blood opening the cage, Dean entered the room, a dark look in his eyes. Sam felt fear spike in his chest when he saw the darkened look coming from his brother’s eyes. The moment Ruby was in sight, the words died in Dean’s throat at what the She-demon manipulated his Sammy into doing. Ruby, fortunately for her, was only stabbed with the knife Dean had taken with him. Dean letting out a vicious roar as he did so. Sam shivered and the beings in the area did the same. As Lucifer came up from the cage he felt the vengeful, dark grace push against his own. He yelled and his wings fluttered. Dean looked over to the fallen angel, his eyes glowing a pure white.
“Abbas?” He said softly and moved closer to the human who should not have grace coming from his form. Dean twitched and felt the signs of a black out coming for him. Sam’s eyes widened when Dean’s rolled into the back of his head. Lucifer lounged for the elder Winchester as he collapsed, but he only caught air as both brothers vanished. Sam was the only one awake to see the old church get destroyed. Dean unconscious.
When the two brothers returned to Bobby’s, Dean fled into the panic room. Locking himself in and screaming in agony and rage. A long locked away secret clawing to get loose. To find their anchor. “LUCIFER! MICHEAL!” Dean screamed in Enochian. “GABRIEL!” His voice shaking the house entirely. The names of his brothers and his anchor sending shivers through Sam and Bobby’s spines. “Bobby what’s going on?!” Sam shouted as Dean’s wails got louder and louder. Bobby shrugged in terrified confusion. He scurried with the younger Winchester when the screams, worryingly, stopped. They found Dean laying limp on the wall farthest from the door. All of the Archangels shivered when the screams stopped.
Lucifer curled within the vessel he inhabited. “I hear you brother. I hear you.” He whispered with his grace nudging against the darkened grace surrounding his in a bond made long ago. His eyes sealed shut and his body shivering.
Sam and Bobby dug deep into the books and lore to figure out who Lucifer had called Dean, since the eldest Winchester refused to come out of the panic room to do so. “Castiel, can you come down here? We need your help.” Sam prayed and got an answer through the book before him being flipped and a page being turned to. Faded, but still legible. Abbas, Archangel of Judgement. Three pairs of wings, bronze, gold, and white. Dirty blonde hair and eyes the same as Dean’s.
Dean’s wails started up again. He wanted to be freed. He wanted to spread his wings, to reap judgement past due. His grace wanted to wrap around the grace of his anchor, to feel it cool and calm his own. And after four days of this cycle of quiet then chaos. Dean left the panic room in a daze. He leaned against the door frame as he walked to his and Sam’s shared room. Laying down and passing out. “Dean?” Sam asked softly when he woke to find Dean curled around him later on. Arms wrapped protectively and legs tangled with his. Dean just pulled the younger closer and encouraged him to sleep too.
The chase to find and reseal Lucifer was long. Castiel and the other angels tense and nervous around Dean when they were needed. Dean was quiet, hands itching to touch the remains of grace from his anchor only to find him long gone. Bond eerily quiet and cold. When they found Gabriel, the archangel froze. Eyes locking on Dean when he brushed his grace against that of Gabriel’s. The amber eyed male tearing up. He was then pulled into the arms of his big brother. Sobbing and pushing his grace into Dean’s, seeking comfort he hasn’t had in millions of centuries. Though the elder Winchester was surprised at first, he still soothed the other with his own. “You’re awake! I heard you! But they wouldn’t let me find you!”
Dean soothed Gabriel with soft words. Leaving Sam confused, bitch face in full swing. “De, start talking. Now.” Sam demanded as he crossed his arms. Dean gently nudging Gabriel into his side to rest. The three had sat down after Gabriel was finished checking Dean over. Dean was reluctant to talk about his angelic history. It being far to sore a subject that even Bobby was strictly in the dark. “If I had it my way, Sammy, I wouldn’t tell you shit.” Dean grumbled. He rubbed Gabriel’s back, between wings in severe need of grooming, as he thought how best to talk to Sam. “Well, I’d like to know how long this Abbas asshole has been with you. So, start from there.” Dean wanted to laugh. Sammy thought that Abbas was someone else entirely. When in reality, he and the archangel of judgment were one and the same.
“Sammy, here’s what you don’t seem to get. I am Abbas. Abbas is me. I’m, how you say, in my own personal prison. I never wanted to be human.” Dean said with no small amount of irritation. “Before, and even after the rebellion, I got a little too twitchy for the old man’s liking. So he and Death decided to seal what they didn’t like away. What better way to deal with an Archangel who just lost the one thing keeping them sane.” Dean’s mouth twitched in a humorless smile for a moment. Gabriel shivered when the short haired male decided to groom messy wings. Though Sam could not out right see the wings, Dean could.
It was common that Dean, while still with his brethren, would check the wings of fledglings and even the archangels. Grooming them like a mother hen. The others realized long ago that it reassured Dean they were still there. As many had disappeared suddenly over time. “That doesn’t explain everything. You damn well know that.” Sam stated and Dean did laugh then. “Yeah, I suppose you’re right. They bound me in a human form, many human forms actually. Gotta move with the times right? I constantly had to grow back up. Lived with different human parents.” Dean shrugged at the horrified expression on Sam’s face.
“Then I was born in the Winchester household. As Dean Winchester. Eldest brother to you. I couldn’t access my grace back then. To save Mary. She was actually a mother I wanted to grow up with. To make proud.” Dean sighed with grief. “But, seems Azazel had other plans. And I got raised differently. Well, I didn’t get raised. I raised you and grew up being a parent instead of a child. Didn’t mind since I’d had children in my past lives.” Dean smiled fondly at those memories. Gabriel purring in his lap.
The other archangel had moved to nuzzle under his brother’s neck. Laying chest to chest to give Dean better access to his wings. Dean sat the feathers on the floor next to the couch after they either fell or were pulled. Sam found it both very cute and oddly enough didn’t seem bothered that the smaller archangel was curled like a cat against his brother. But then again, he had seen weirder. Dean grumbled when he found things within the wings, muttering about washing them later.
Dean felt his own wings flutter at the thought of bathing. His own grace shivering in quiet excitement that did nothing to pull Gabriel from his sleep. Dean poked the bond connecting him to his anchor, scowling when he found the bond was still icy and silent. “Who’s your bond with, Dean?” Sam asked after Dean gently kissed the side of Gabriel’s head. The smaller angel nuzzling subconsciously. “Lucifer. I did mention that I was going insane after his fall, ya know.” Dean arched a brow when Sam choked on his own spit at the declaration. Sam looked at Dean like he had two heads after that. Watching as the elder Winchester picked the archangel up and started for what he assumed was the bathroom.
Sam didn’t follow. Something Dean was grateful for, as he wasn’t keen on letting the giant of a man see his baby brother naked. To Dean, it’s like looking at your children. He raised the younger angels and Archangels after they were created. And once Lucifer and Micheal were old enough they helped him raised the others. Dean snorted while getting the water warm. Gabriel was always with Lucifer, both having tricks and pranks to dish out. Never against Dean though, as he could do much worse than them.
Micheal learned fighting styles and other more warrior like things from Dean. Always copying the elder Archangel, Dean pretending he didn’t see the boy as he trained beside him. Rafael was raised into books, and much to his delight, Dean always had stories to tell or books to help him learn. While he did have their father’s wisdom and knowledge, it was Dean who helped him channel it. As time went on, Dean and Lucifer fell for the other. The elder of the two seemingly calming down from his more destructive habits. Much to the annoyance of their Aunt Amara. Dean snorted again as he sat Gabriel in the bath, his wings spread out over the edges so Dean could reach them. Dean hummed softly, it sounded like a far away church organ. Gabriel purred as he woke up, blinking sleepily as he caught Dean humming in his more angelic voice.
“You still sound beautiful, big bro.” He said softly, earning a chuckle as he shuttered his eyes. Dean kept humming. While he was by no means a choir angel, he still could sing. Baritone was his most used tone. It rumbled deep in his chest and caused the fledglings and younger angels to giggle. It also calmed down the Seraphs after a day of battle. Gabriel made a small sound of relief when he felt the debris leave his wings under the spray. He hadn’t paid much attention to his wings after Abbas was sealed away and Lucifer was cast out of heaven. “And you wonder where the youngling Choir angels got it from.” Gabriel teased and made a large exhale as his oil glands were cleared. Dean snorted at the memory of having little choir angels trying to sing with him. They couldn’t keep a tune for long but they got better with time and patience. Patience, the angel race found, was ever present for them alone.
Dean scowled a bit, remembering how he got twitchy after their father created the humans. Lucifer had the mark containing Aunt Amara at the time. So the twitchy attitude Dean had at the time was thought to be understandable. It wasn’t until Lucifer snapped that Abbas felt the tugs to cast judgment upon the humans. He even felt the urge from Lucifer from time to time to do it. Though the younger archangel tried to hide it from him. Their father realized that Abbas wasn’t handling the new creations as well as he did with the angels. Lucifer being cast down was only the icing on the cake after that. Since the Archangel had no way of keeping a calm and rational mental state.
So much like Aunt Amara, Abbas was sealed in a different type of cage. “You’re brooding again.” Gabriel mumbled sleepily, getting wing massages and bathes were lulling the youngest Archangel to deep sleep again. Dean smiled softly as he emptied the tub, pulled Gabriel into a warm towel, and dried the man off. He walked to Gabriel’s room and found warm fluffy clothes to wrap his brother in. Along with boxers, Dean clothed his brother and put him to bed. “You really do have the mindset of a mom.” Sam snickered, quietly laughing when Dean turned a half hearted glare onto him. “Well when you have nothing else to do but be a parent to your younger siblings, it tends to stick.” Dean responded with no heat, Sam still felt a little guilty for not trying harder to be a better brother. Dean huffed a breath, he twitched his wings as he walked. He couldn’t do anything more than twitch them, they were bound by holy leather to his back. All three sets.
Dean rolled his neck and popped it, grunting softly. It would be a long time before he could rid himself from these straps. Since no one but his bonded, who was still missing, or Micheal, who he hasn’t seen in millennium, could cut them off. Dean had tried ridding himself of them, but all it did was tighten the straps to his back. The blonde felt a growl well up in his chest, felt his darkened grace lash out at forces that were no longer within his reach to feel. With his grace locked and his wings restrained, the calls to cast Judgment were few and far in between. Sam had gone to bed, Gabriel had remained asleep still. Dean didn’t feel the need to rest. He poked at the bond, quiet still, but warming up. Dean smiled softly in quiet relief that his anchor didn’t feel he had to block Dean from him. Even if it was only to give the sense of safe-alive-home that Dean really needed.
“I’ll find you, beloved. Neither Father nor Death will keep me from you.” Dean muttered with a steadfast promise. And somewhere in the world, Chuck shivered, knowing full well that Abbas would keep that promise.
Elsewhere, Lucifer was in hell. Dealing with things that had gone down while he was away. Feeling the constant pokes and prods of his Archangel of Judgement. Abbas was worried, and a small bit of anger. Lucifer knew damn well why Abbas was angry. Being separated from his grace, from his wings, from their brothers, and from Lucifer himself. Abbas was twitchy even before they were separated. Lucifer gave Abbas a small bit of reassurance, and felt the anger and worry ease into something he was sure Abbas could now manage. The darkened grace almost having a purr of its own now that Lucifer has acknowledged its owner. Lucifer can’t meet with Abbas now, in his mind Lucifer isn’t ready to see him again. But feeling his Archangel through the bond was enough to reassure him that Abbas still loved him.
As the demons around him moved, Lucifer allowed his wings to brush against the walls and the pillars of the throne room. None of the others understood what their lord was doing, nor did they need to. Lucifer stretched his wings, feeling the pops and cracks of disuse leave. With a sigh, Lucifer vanished to the surface to explore. Trying to get an idea of where his Archangel was. However, the shift in placement told Abbas where Lucifer was anyway. Lucifer was sure of that. It didn’t take much for Abbas to figure out where Lucifer was when the bond they had formed so long ago was so strong. But the younger Archangel knew that, without his wings the Archangel of Judgement could not fly to him. Something Lucifer was sure Abbas was roaring internally about.
“Do you think he’ll let me see him soon?” Lucifer looked at the sky without the need to turn around. Rafael was there behind him. “Don’t count on it, Elder brother.” Rafael said simply as he felt the warmth of Abbas’ grace flow over them both. While the archangels could only move their grace at Will to things nearest them, Abbas could reach across the world if he needed. Judgement is passed to everyone, not just a few. “I say the old man will. He can’t keep Abs away from his anchor forever.” Lucifer snarked. “Besides, he doesn’t want Abs to cast judgment on his favorite toys too soon, right?” He snickered when Rafael’s eyes went wide before the other vanished to tell their brother. “Don’t have to wait too long, Abs. I’ll find you before he has the chance to try and control you.” Lucifer muttered as he vanished back to Hell.
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Obey me! One Nerd To Explain Them All!
Asmodeus Headcanons: Another Side
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Hear me out- I’m well aware that at times there’s not exactly much light being shown with him, but I genuinely believe there’s a vast possibility of things that could be done to dive deeper into the character. I believe under that narcissism and his sin (that plays a huge factor too), he really could be a decent demon otherwise. The same goes with the other brothers, but they are not my focus for today.
!!Warning!!: these are just my own personal headcanons and may get sensitive topics mentioned (or spoilers for the current end of the year). By no way, shape, or form am I expecting anything from this.
Honestly, I think he’d be one of the best demons to go to for comfort for those struggling with themselves.
I mean- he’s been there and it’s hinted that he is insecure and seeks love and attention. Genuine, platonic love and attention. He just isn’t quite sure what to do with it. He’s the embodiment of Lust, after all. However, surely he must crave friendship too. He’s just so used to the sexual aspect that it’s become like the norm.
After all, he doesn’t even try to get you in his bed at the end of the game. He just wants to hear someone tell him they love him, genuinely, through the time and few experiences over the year.
Jewel of the Heavens. He likely does want to still be the angel he used to be, making due with the situation given to him. Remember- its very possible that he wasn’t like this as an angel. He reminds me of an incubus in game- as he acts much like one in his own way. But he went from adored angel to almost a nobody. After all, why would the demons have cared much for an angel when the brothers first fell?
I think this was likely a factor in his behavior, as demons aren’t usually considered to be the nicest. If he wanted to be popular again, to avoid letting go of that title, he has to keep up with the trends in the Devildom and do whatever it takes to get back up where he should be.
He might have accepted his new look just fine, but imagine how hard it must have been to go from that angel to nothing. So, now as a newly made representation of Lust, alongside this issue, the wreck that comes his rising popularity for more reasons than one begins.
Whether it was from sleeping with someone or wiggling in somewhere, it would still get him known as something or prove that even here, it proves he’s adored to the point of where he’s considered desirable. He’d have to look the part too. That’s where the strict beauty routine comes in. It’s to a point where, honestly, I believe he doesn’t know what else to do then. He just knows what he can make of himself here and is rolling with it.
Plus- as he can come off as a feminine man, it’s no surprise that it’s possible he just doesn’t care for gender norms. He’s confident in his own skin, especially when it seems the populace can agree with that too.
That doesn’t mean he’ll tell someone to get over themselves so simply. He can say some pretty choice words, but I doubt he’s purposely go out to upset someone if they did nothing to him. (Or if that persons Mammon- that might change. We know how Mammon gets the short end of the stick.)
I bet if he met someone struggling with themselves (when he’s not self absorbed- actually aware), not only would he treat them to a self-care day, but he’s probably vocally make his support known. 
You’re a female but don’t want to “dress” like one? You want a suit? Okay, honey. Lets go to the store and pick you out some that just scream (name) then. You’re going to look wonderful, darling. Not as much as I would, but close enough!
You’re a male but want to dress feminine? Well then, sweetie today's your lucky day? How about we get makeovers then? Shopping spree too? Want some nice skirts that’ll flow yet fit you and help you look your best? Trust me on this.
This goes for all people of sexualities and genders, by the way.
He’d probably do his best to make sure you get accepted. Heck- he probably could introduce you to a few friends since in the present time he knows a lot of people.
When it comes back to the topic of love interests...
Someone who he can’t charm and isn’t easily wooed, being a test for him to likely show what he does really want? An MC or S/O like that, for him, would be able to give him a good challenge, yet also be able to have a bond like that of best friends.
He would not make it easy at all, for sure- peeling back the layers past his narcissism and flirty behavior would be much of a challenge. But he’d have just as hard a time trying to charm his respective MC who he can’t just woo so simply.
It’s bound to lead to one of those scenarios where the popular boy (because lets admit- he is one of those characters.) and the new person end up having their rocky start since neither know what to expect, but with some time could easily become a sweet reveal and overtime good relationship too, whether he is a supporter of their choices (if you prefer one of his brothers within reason- since he isn’t completely innocent either.) and identities or they truly want to work towards an actual relationship with a lot of time and effort.
He’d likely spoil them, but love can’t be bought. He’d be shown what an actual relationship (platonic or romantic- doesn’t matter) is like with the right person.
They also might be able to genuinely notice his visible struggle with keeping the title of most popular, even if not many can top him in popularity. With some insight, you’d be able to see the ‘not so fabulous’ side of him. A side he hardly ever shows.
And this could be an unpopular opinion, but I think he envies Beelzebub and Lucifer for their bodies too, plus how popular they can also be. He might word it in an odd fashion, but I think he does believe that they do have traits that, if they aimed for it, make his attempt to be the pretty, adored one of seven to shreds with some more pushing. He could genuinely just admire them as well, but I think its a possible misinterpretation with his rambles that lead to the assumption that he’s a total creep about it.
I mean- is it just me who noticed despite the blush that he seems a bit pouty or upset when he rambles about the good things about his brothers? Again, it could just be how he just looks- but to me it looks like he genuinely does have something he’s not saying about it. He loves them both- Lucifer especially, but he almost seems a bit down.
I think he’s just good at keeping his emotions put away to save face so no one can tell he’s suffering or facing his own inner demons just as much at points, though can let that come down when the times right.
He just needs a good platonic hug, and a reminder that its okay to just be like this at times. Or someone to be his friend- someone needs to make sure he can have a friend who doesn’t want to be near him for those reasons of wanting to keep the cycle going without an end. It won’t stop it from happening, but it’d probably mean a lot to him that one person really doesn’t want that much. He’d spoil them anyway though.
Especially if he ever gets the chance to open up about how dark his side of the story, likely, really is: losing Lilith and also in a situation where he struggled to cope with this new forced identity of a demon at the bottom until things got squared away. Almost a completely different person, who grew to believe that this was one of the only ways he can find to become valid again.
He’d be able to experience, at first, what having someone- an outsider truly care about his own well being just as much as anyone else close to him is like. Get this too- they don’t expect repaid, nor will anything go down if he doesn’t sleep with them, to make up for it! Someone who could listen to his problems like he would for others if he was given that chance to explore some more positive aspects of him. It’d balance him out perfectly.
In the same respect, he could teach someone how to truly care for themselves and watch out for anything that’d hurt them. Seeing him help a few struggling demons- or even humans with their identities and making sure they are safe when they do their own thing would be a good enough eye opener to see there is more behind that guise.
I don’t expect him to change much, but seeing him try to better himself and work with what he can for someone- a love interest he genuinely wants-- or keeping a real friend around would be such a good way to add to his character in my personal opinion. I believe it’s possible, with the right person and resources. He could completely improve a bit and treasure a friend/partner more than he would have ever done before. He’d actually be able to fully get his time to shine and show he’s more than just some lusty flirt. After all, it’s his sin. Not entirely his character. It’s a factor, but not his whole character.
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kathyprior4200 · 4 years
BML Livestream Reaction 6/9/2020
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To my lovely H.H. viewers, listeners, readers:
Wow! The livestream today on Ashley's channel was incredible. The fandom raised more than 60,000 dollars for the Black Lives Matter charity. (I was one of the unnoticed ones who donated). I'm just as amazed as the show staff at the sheer generosity and talent of this fandom. There were a lot of hilarious moments and very good improvs as well. (ex. Bosco saying in Alastor's voice: "I'm an unstoppable death machine!" And all the "Oh Ashley," running gags.
Onto theories and clip reveals:
There appear to be at least five episodes for Helluva Boss (maybe) and perhaps for Hazbin Hotel as well. When would episode 12 + come out? 2027? I'll happily wait if I can live and last that long.
The first clip revealed showed Blitzo taking to Loona, him saying "have a treat" and then eating the biscuit. Millie appears to be there with Moxxie, drawing a pentagram symbol on a wall. Perhaps a gateway to the human world?
Blitzo (yells at a shy imp): "You set fire to my fucking office in front of a goddamn client you dipshit, now someone please tell me that hocus pocus book is still intact?"
Loona (holding the Satanic book): "Our only ticket to the living world? Grabbed it."
Blitzo: "That's why you're my favorite, Loony! You get a treat."
Loona: "Ew. Stop."
Blitzo eats a treat with a happy look on his face. An imp in a dress stands in the background. Millie draws a pentagram on the wall.
Blitzo (to Loona) "Oh stop it, I get enough of that from my therapist. Now lets get to it, gang!"
They prepare to enter Earth.
Second clip: We are introduced to Loo-Loo Land, an apple-themed circus/amusement park. Loo-Loo is another term for sh*t or bathrooms, so a fitting name for one in Hell. Loo-Loo is a large creepy apple mascot who appears overly cheerful toward the imps and presumably Octavia, who's not impressed. Stolas then takes Blitzo to the rides. He can be seen in a themed outfit, with an apple on his shirt, sorts, and a balloon in his hand. Lucifer has a bar/land called Loo-Loo Land that the theme park is a bad spinoff of it.
Millie (both wear glasses): (Moxxie) "Come on, it's fun! You've never been here?" Moxxie: "No. Theme parks always disturb me. Especially (shakes) the mascots."
A creepy mascot dressed as a red apple appears behind them. He's a red apple with a missing tooth in a wide grin of teeth and one of the eyes hanging from string.
Loo-Loo (in a southern accent) "Well, hey there!"
Millie and Moxxie scream.
Loo-Loo: "I'm Loo-Loo! Welcome to Loo-Loo land!"
Stolas talks to his daughter Octavia by a dinosaur carousel.
Stolas: "Look, Via, it's Loo-Loo!"
Octavia is not impressed with the childish theme park and the lack of more modern rides and features.
Octavia (British accent): "I have a question."
Loo-Loo: Well ask away, little girlie! (Goofy laugh)"
Octavia: "Is it true that this theme park is really a shameless spin-off of Lucifer's more popular Loo-Loo World?" (Disneyland vs Disneyworld)
Loo-Loo: No."
Octavia: "This place reeks of insecure corporate shame."
Stolas: "Why don't we go check out the rides."
Third clip showed what appears to be a rival company to Immediate Murder Professionals. It's called CHERUB, consisting of flying singing sheep with halos and angel wings. It can be assumed that they come from Heaven. Do they save lives (like the alternate E.L.F. in Heavenuva Boss) or do they grant miracles while scamming people? One things for sure, they are super cute. Hmm...maybe they are part of brainwashed sheep who want to spread Heaven's culture so others can mindlessly follow it? Or maybe just as a way to bring down I.M.P. to prove that they can be the best demon killers around? Blitzo blows up a TV in frustration. Now I.M.P. has to find a way to save their company and stop their rivals.
Based on the song, they save people's lives on Earth! (Guess what Hazbins: I thought of the AU E.L.F. characters before this was cool!)
If there is a rival company in Heaven to I.M.P. in Hell, it can only mean one thing: a (Haven) hotel in Heaven may also exist. (Except it would be used to give angels freedom to cause trouble and sin/to be themselves in defiance to the strict rules.)
The sheep angels save people from a car accident, and lift up a rock from a crushed person. They do the work for free, as one of them denies money. With I.M.P. killing humans and C.H.E.R.U.B. saving people, it brings the world in balance. (Though poor sheep: too many people are dying from Covid 19.) Both of them do their part to influence the living world (strangely enough, the Hazbin Earth humans seem accepting of the random creatures who arrive and then leave.
C.H.E.R.U.B. saves people so they have a chance to go to Heaven. I.M.P. kills people for money so the humans wind up in Hell.
Christ's Heavenly Efficient Revivers Under Bless
Christ's Healing Employees Revive Unlimited Bodies
Creators Host Efficient Revival Under Belief
Creating Happy Earth Routines U Believe
Sheep/faun one female: "Luckily for you..."
Sheep two male: "There is something we can do..."
Both: "We can help you feel alive, so you can save some time!(waste and drive?)" (two sheep stand beside a baby angel and all smile)
"Cause here at C.H.E.R.U.B., we can save your honey butt from dying violently. " C.H.E.R.U.B. (R mark) "We never even ask a fee." "Because good people spread the love, "And we're here for all above. "We do the paperwork for you "And the heavy lifting too." (Female sheep is shown exhausted in a pile of paperwork and later shown lifting a boulder from a man.) Both sheep witness a dying man from a car accident and wipe the scene away. "So sit back and let us bless a soul... for you." (all three sing). "Oh we, are the C.H..."
Blitzo blows up the TV in anger.
Random names: The cherub is Blitzo's opposite, Millie and the female sheep and Moxxie and the male sheep.
Blitzo's name is German for lightning. Moxxie means aggressive energy. Millie means mild strength/industrious
Donner= German for thunder Jalen= peace Ardel = industrious
Theories based on the song: 1. Heaven has animal-like Zoophobia characters like Hell 2. C.H.E.R.U.B. saves lives while I.M.P. kills them, thus keeping the world in balance. 3. The cherub leader would be Blitzo's rival. Male sheep vs Moxxie, female sheep vs Millie 4. If I.M.P. had their way, everyone would be dead. If C.H.E.R.U.B. had their way, the earth would be overpopulated. 5. C.H.E.R.U.B. have access to Heaven and Earth. They probably use the Bible to access the living world. 6. C.H.E.R.U.B. would save anyone, even criminals. 7. C.H.E.R.U.B. might have another Loona counterpart. 8. Could I.M.P. and C.H.E.R.U.B. have access to all three realms?
Clip number four: Blitzo and Stolas talk in bed. Stolas goes under the covers and stares seductively at him. He gets the idea to take Blitzo to a Harvest Festival with him as a bodyguard. Blitzo gets suspicious, claiming he won't go if Stolas uses him for sex and his purposes. Soon, Blitzo decides to come along. Stolas then says "sorry about you leaving behind your clients," while Blitzo retorts "Oh fuck my clients!" Best line. Stolas' wife will not be happy when she hears of Stolas and Blitzo's relationship.
Stolas (smokes a cigarette): " It's shocking to it to be seen, Blitzy. My grimoire is incredibly vital. And it isn't supposed to be let out by little imps like yourself." He puts out his cigarette on Blitzo's horns and pinched his cheek. Blitzo sighs and shoves him off. Both appear to be topless.
Stolas: "The Harvest Moon is a very special occasion. It's been my annual duty to celebrate it in the Ring of Wrath. It's a charming little festival with games and music..."
Blitzo: "A wrath ring, huh? My employees are from there. Haven't really been, but it sounds like a place of imprints."
Stolas: "Oh! Why don't you all accompany me to the festival as our special guests?! I'll give you all... (goes under the covers and lies near Blitzo's privates. "...special access." (chuckles)
Blitzo: "Look I told you, we're not bodyguards, alright? It was a one time thing we did and guess what? We did it badly!"
Stolas stands up with the cover over his head.
Stolas: "I'm simply offering a fun work-free day of fun! I feel quite safe at the Harvest Festival. I go every year. Nothing has changed."
Blitzo: "Okay, look if you promise this is not some fuck-fest invite... it does sound like it could be fun. Alright, I'll run it by the others. It sounds like we can work without the book anyway."
Stolas: "I do hope to see you there. I'm sorry your clients will have to wait."
Blitzo: (waves his hand) "Oh fuck my clients!"
We are introduced to new characters: Loo-Loo the creepy apple mascot, the shy imp, owl princess Octavia, "Melodia" the queen, the CHERUB sheep and Robo-Fizz, a robotic jester demon colored black, yellow, white, and light pink-red. It can be assumed that he is red and black and dangerous in his true form. Could Hell's circus be one big conspiracy? Anything is possible in the inferno.
Thank you to all who supported Vivzie's charity and those who continue to show their love for the show and concern for what's going on in the world. Protests, Police, Pandemic, Personal Rights. I donated earlier and I do all I can to keep the fandom together, trying to tapper down the "shipping wars." I don't feel like a hero at all, but I feel good that I'm showing support.
My work is unknown in comparison to all the marvelous Charlastor fanfictions out there:
MuseValentine's "Smiling Man" Angelus19's "Taxidermist"
and many more.
Please don't forget to show support to Hazbin Madness and Radio Hazbin on YouTube. Some people may disagree with me on this, but I think those two voice actors and comic dubbers have better potential than Markapiler and JackdaSepticeye. Yes, the latter two may be famous and well-known, but in my opinion, only HalusaTwin and InSaiyans capture the uncasted Lucifer and Lilith so well. A king and queen of the fandom.
But don't fret. This fandom has given me ideas that keep skyrocketing through my head and into the world. I've made fanfictions since 2014 and have only made more after being exposed to DBZ and H.H. My long projects seem to take months to update but as long as I'm alive, inspired and have free time, I won't cease doing what I love. Indeed, Viv's words inspired me toward the end of the stream. She said to a person who donated a lot and the viewers to share their creativity with the world, as it can inspire others. Vivziepop is a role model for me, as are so many of my friends/content creators (artist Ady Laine, theorist BlueRaven666, musician Ashboyo, my close friend Sumera Paleema (DBZ artist) and many others.
Very soon, I'll be expanding upon my rewrites/remixes of Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss. Indeed, the future episodes may be closer than we think!
Stay safe out there and treat each other well.
-Kathy Prior 42
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wolfinlambsclothing · 4 years
Angels Fall [Simeon x reader]
Notes: It was written with a fem!reader, because I don’t know how to write neutral or male. When they call your name, it’s MC.
Some small spoilers about Lilith.
Warnings: a little angst; Simeon falls; this chapter is sfw, but next won’t.
Summary: Months after torturing yourself, you decided that you should tell Simeon that you're in love with him, thinking it woud come to nothing. Simeon knew it was a forbidden path, he always did. And now your actions will have consequences for you both.
Also posted on AO3.
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When angels fall with broken wings I can't give up, I can't give in When all is lost and daylight ends I'll carry you and we will live forever, for ever
If someone asked you, you would say with the greatest certain in the world that Simeon was flirting. After all, most of the Devildom demons and some guys you’ve met in the Human Realm used to be so helpful and kind when they wanted something in return. But he was an angel, and angels were helpful and kind by nature — or that’s what you kept repeating in your head, in a way to convince yourself that you couldn't get carried away.
And that went on for weeks.
From the start, Simeon was nice and amiable, not just with you. He was patient with everything and everyone, always helping those in need, without caring if they were a demon, a human or an angel. He was always there. However, despite knowing you were wrong, as the days went by you couldn’t stop your heart from beating faster every time he did something for you. Whether to help with a lesson, watch a movie, chat or go out to try a new treat at your favorite candy store, Simeon always invited you or accepted your invitations. You always thought it was his angel nature and tried your best to bury your feelings for him, but you didn't know the half of it.
Simeon knew it was a forbidden path, he always did. But how could he not feel attracted by you? He tried to convince himself so many times that everything he did was in the name of his angelic and benevolent nature, but it had reached a level that no one else could believe in such a lie. He tried to hide, keep it to himself and, maybe, get forgiveness for falling in love with a human, but it was more and more difficult to achieve this. Your smiles brightened his days, your smell soothed him, your voice captivated him and your touches were increasingly dear, whether it was a simple brush of your fingers on his arm or a hug to thank him for something.
And then, months after torturing yourself, you decided that you should say something. You knew it would come to nothing, but your feelings were suffocating you and you couldn’t keep it to yourself anymore — after all it was starting to be obvious that something was happening; even the brothers were suspicious of how many times you went to Purgatory Hall. Forcing the best smile you could, already expecting for the worst, you went to your destination, where you knew you would find the angel.
“MC, it’s nice to see you.” He smiled wide when he opened the door and saw you.
“Hi, Simeon. I… wanted to talk to you…”
The angel gave you room so you could enter the house, then closed the door. You were weird, he could sense it, but he couldn’t tell what was it. Your aura was heavy and… sad. For a moment, he was sad too, but pulled himself together so he could help you with whatever you needed. Guiding you to his room, he invited you to come in and make yourself comfortable, as always. You went straight to an armchair in the corner and sat, the angel following you and sitting on the bed, in front of you.
“What do you need?”, he asked with a kind smile.
“I have a problem. I’m liking… someone. But I know we can’t be together.”
“Oh!” The angel felt a tightness in his chest, but he needed to ignore it in order to help you. “And… is it one of the brothers?”
“No…” You looked away, blushing. Simeon noticed that you didn't want to say who was it, so he chose not to insist. “But I know it has no future, that it can’t happen. I’m a human and he… well, he isn’t.”
“I see…” He put his hand on his chin, thoughtfully. His mind has already crossed out Solomon from the list of possible suitors.
“I know that there are a lot of obstacles for that, that it doesn't have the slightest chance of happening, but even so I can't dislike him. And I know he probably doesn’t feel the same way and that I’m deluding myself, but… I don’t know what to do anymore. I tried to forget, to ignore and to get over it, but nothing works. It feels that I like him more every day.”
“And have you tried talking to him?”
“Not yet. At least not directly...”
“So that’s the start. You’re a lovely person, little lamb, your feelings will probably be reciprocated.”
“I… was thinking about talking to him, but now… My courage seems to be fading away.”
“Don’t worry and don’t think too much. Just say what you’re feeling in your heart, be honest with yourself and I know you’re gonna be okay, no matter what happens. You can always come to talk to me later. I’ll be here to support you.”
“But what if… it’s you?” The end of the sentence came out so low that the angel almost failed to hear, and yet he doubted that he had heard correctly.
“What if it’s…” His eyes went wide, while he was feeling his heart flutter inside him.
“You.” This time your voice coming out a little louder. Taking a deep breath, you looked him in the eye. “What if the someone I like is you? I know it’s forbidden, I know it’s impossible, I know it's unrequited, but I… I can’t help but like you.”
Your eyes started to water and you stared at the floor, trying to stop yourself from crying. You noticed the angel getting up and walking towards you, probably ready to ask you to forget all this and make you realize how impossible it was. You felt so pathetic, suffering for a love that has always been doomed to fail.
However, what came next was not rejection, nor a sermon on how you were deluded, much less a detachment. Simeon bent down in front of you, putting one hand on each arm of the chair and kissed you. Well, it was more like a light brush of lips, but enough to make you dizzy.
“Now you know too. It’s not unrequited.”
“But… I thought… You don’t… How…”
“I don’t know what can happen, honestly.” The angel stroked your cheek, looking at you tenderly. “It’s the first time that an angel falls in love for a human… Well, there was Lilith, but she did more than just fall in love.”
“You mean… Simeon, can you be condemned to non-existence?”
“I don’t think such a severe punishment will be applied.” He laughed softly, partly because of the line of thought you were following and partly because he was happy to know that you liked him, and that you cared so much about him.
“But then…” Your words were cut off by his thumb resting on your lips then caressing it, in a request for silence.
“I don’t care what will be my punishment. Knowing that what I feel for you is mutual makes me so happy that I don't even know if I can think of the consequences of it now.”
“You… like me!” Now it was your eyes that went wide with his statement.
“Yes, MC. I’m a little surprised you didn’t know, sometimes I thought I was being pretty obvious, with everything I was doing for you.”
“Ah, well… I thought it was a common thing for you to be so helpful to everyone, because… You know, you’re an angel.”
“No, it was only for you. Only for my little lamb.”
Simeon stood up and held out his hand in your direction, which you took eagerly. Now standing on your feet, you felt how your body was shaking with the whole situation, but in a very good way. The angel put one hand on your neck and the other on your waist, pulling you close. Approaching slowly and watching you intently, he again joined your lips, now for longer. This time, Simeon ran his tongue over your lips asking to deepen the kiss and you allowed. You heard a rustle and, moving away to look, you realized that he was in his angelic form, with his imposing wings around you in a protective way. With a wide smile from ear to ear, you kissed him with love again, and again, and again.
With each kiss, you felt like you needed more. With each touch of him, which slid from your waist to your back and then back to your waist, you wanted more. With each sigh of yours, he felt it was not enough. And with each step he took back, you were closer to the bed, until the back of his knees hit the mattress and he fell sitting, with you still glued to him. You settled on the angel's lap, with one leg on either side of his hips, still kissing him fervently. Your hands, which rested on his shoulders, slid to his nape, gently moving down his back to the base of his wings, where you caressed and started to move your hand through the feathers — making him sigh. His hands, seeming to have a life of their own, soon found their way from your waist to your thighs, leaving a hot trail where they passed.
“Simeon…”, you called him. He actually didn't know if it was a request or a call. And what kind of request it would be, if that was the case. He just hummed and kissed you passionately again. It took a lot of your willpower to move away and call him again, your worries starting to hammer in your head again. “Simeon, I… We need to talk first.”
“I’m sorry.” He ran his hands through his hair and sighed loudly, closing his eyes. “I was excited and got carried away… Please, forgive me.”
“No! I mean, that’s not it. I’m still worried about what might happen, because it’ll be partly my fault and…”
“MC, it doesn’t matter what happens, it won’t be your fault. It’ll never be. Don’t worry about what may or may not happen.”
“Okay. But… maybe we should do something else? You know, before we…” Your face was red and you cleared your throat, trying to make the angel understand. “You know… Make it worse.”
“As you wish.” He smiled and gave you one last peck on the cheek, helping you to get off of him.
You two decided to do the usual: watch something, while eating some snacks. Neither of you noticed when a feather from the angel's wing came loose and fell to the floor, going under his bed.
Four days have passed. Nobody knew that you were in some kind of relationship yet, because it was too recent and neither the brothers or Luke would have a nice reaction. You both were still meeting each other as often as possible, like always, but now there was something more. Your meetings were full of kisses and cuddles in his bed.
It was a common afternoon in the Devildom and you two were coming back from RAD to Purgatory Hall along with Solomon and Luke. Everything was normal, until you step inside the house and the younger angel lets out a high-pitched, desperate cry. Turning around, you were ready to be in a fighting position — not that you knew much about it or that it could be useful — and help your friend. However, when your eyes met the little blond, you realized that he was looking at you with such horror. More specifically, for something close to your feet. Following his line of sight, you lowered your head, feeling your whole world spin when you saw what Luke had seen. There, on the floor, between you and Simeon, was a feather — or what appeared to be one, since it looked burnt.
Lifting your head quickly, your eyes found the angel staring down, biting his lip in nervousness.
“Did it fall off your wings?” Solomon broke the silence.
“S-Simeon! But-”
“What have you done?” Luke interrupted you. His expression was a mix of horror and disappointment, which made you feel bad for the older angel.
“Nothing! I mean… not that much.” Simeon looked at you, like he was waiting for your consent to tell what you two have been up to lately. “We… We have been dating.”
“WHAT?”, the other two shouted.
“N-not in the way you’re thinking!” You hurried to shake your hands nervously.
“We are together, but we did nothing”, he stated. “It was some time ago that I noticed I felt something different about MC and then I realized I was in love with her. A few days ago I discovered that she felt the same way and we’ve been together ever since.”
“Simeon, it’s forbidden!”
“Does that mean you’re falling?”, Solomon asked. “Just because you fell in love with someone?”
“Yes. Well, it’s not just it. Relationships between angels and any other being is forbidden. Plus, I let myself be carried away by my feelings. I accepted and surrendered to it, without fear of the consequences, out of pure selfishness. Not only I didn’t regret this, I insisted on this relationship for the past few days.”
“Simeon, you can’t! This… It’s…” The little angel now looked more afraid than angry. His blue eyes shift the focus between you and the angel next to you, as if hoping that you could say something to help.
“Luke, it’s okay.”
“No, it’s not! Simeon, you have to regret it, ask for forgiveness. You…”
“You can’t fall!”, you completed when the angel seemed unable to formulate the rest of the sentence. “It’s my fault. I shouldn’t… Now you’re like this…” Your tears could no longer be contained. You felt yourself being embraced by the angel and his hands caressing your hair, while his wings enveloped you in an attempt to calm you down.
“I told you not to blame yourself, MC.” Turning his head towards the other angel, Simeon continued: “Forgive me, Luke, but I can't do what you're asking. I’m aware of what's going on, but I won’t regret it. I will never regret falling in love with MC and having the best days I can remember.”
A few seconds of silence followed and you continued with your head buried in the angel's chest, until you heard footsteps leaving, probably from Luke going to his own room. Simeon took a long breath and looked back at you, holding your chin up so he could look you in the eye. He opened his mouth to speak, but before any sound came out, he was interrupted by Solomon:
“Your feathers are falling and turning black.”
In a snap, you looked to the side, seeing one of the wings in the exact state that the sorcerer had described. The feathers were turning as black as those on Lucifer's wings; some places appeared to be featherless, but a small tip indicated that they were being reborn in the new color. Startled, you looked down, seeing that the falling white feathers looked burnt, as if they had caught on fire between the fall of the wing and the landing.
“S-Simeon! Your wings...”
“I suggest you go to your room to talk.”
Nodding to the sorcerer, Simeon held your hand and guided you to his own bedroom, locking the door when both of you were inside. You two sat on the bed, facing each other.
Your eyes watched intently all the details that were changing in the now ex-angel. Maybe it was because he admitted so vehemently that he would never regret it, but he was falling a lot faster than you thought it would be. His wings were already completely black, horns protruded almost completely from his head and a mark became more and more evident on his shoulder, very similar to the ones that the brothers had on their bodies. 
Simeon was feeling every little change. The mark on his shoulder felt like it was being burned with a hot iron, but he didn't care.
You cupped his face, stroking his cheek with your thumb. A part of you still blamed yourself, after all, if you hadn't said anything, none of this would be happening. However, another part — much bigger, by the way — was happy. You couldn't forget the expression of joy and love that had filled Simeon's face when he said that those were the best days he remembered. Plus, he seemed calm with what was happening, and his eyes still looked at you with such affection that you thought you could melt right there.
“I hope you’re not regretting us”, he said and you grimaced. You were ready to answer him, but he smiled and continued to speak before you could say a thing: “I’m kidding. I know you’re not.”
“You should know that I don’t either.” He took your hand and brought it to his mouth, placing a kiss. “I meant every word. I don’t regret being with you and I never will.”
“Me neither.” You smiled the best you could and got closer. Placing a light kiss on your lover's lips, you whispered: “I think I don’t just like you, but I love you.”
“I’m sure of it”, he whispered back, also smiling.
Placing one hand on your nape and the other on your waist, Simeon pulled you to another kiss, this time with much more intensity and passion.
After all, he had nothing more to lose. And he wanted to make the most of your company.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The cover images were taken from inside the game.
The song is Angels Fall, by Breaking Benjamin. I love this song so much! I love this band, actually. Next chapter will probably have one of their songs too.
MC wasn’t even thinking about what could happen to her. After all, she has pacts with demons and now she’s with an angel. This MC will definitely go to the Devildom after she dies, HASIUEHASUIEHAS.
This chapter was sfw, but next won’t. Yes, MC and Simeon will “finish their business”. We have a saying here where I live that says: if you’re in hell, hug the devil (it was translated quite literally, but I think you could understand). In MC’s case, she’ll literally hug the devil ;) HIASHEIAUSEIASUHEAS.
See ya around!
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magaprima · 4 years
Okay, since Hecate has now been brought into the CAOS mythology as the original creator and protector of witches, can we just take a moment to appreciate the Lilith origin story I created when I first made this blog like a YEAR go. Why look there, I said Lilith was created from Hecate’s power. Just saying my origin story fits in quite neatly with the newly developed CAOS mythology.....
I am smug about this. Like this has been typed up on my origin page for a year and even with new CAOS out, it still works? Even more than before???
“No not the first woman ever, they came about entirely naturally, of the old world, purely mortal and reverent, no power to them at all. But I was the first woman created….taken by a new God to make something fresh, starting new with something he tore from the old world, crushing it, containing it, moulding it until it was something new, something unrecognisable, something intended to be weak and subservient”
Lilith is not the first woman entirely, she is simply the first woman created. Made from the powers of the old Gods, fashioned by the God of the new one. There had been Gods and worship for all eternity, always changing, adapting, some Gods survive, some don’t, some people survive, some don’t. When there was a shift in the world, as plagues and famine ravished countries, holy wars were wgaed, numbers dwindled and so did their faith in the Gods, a new God began to hold promise, a singular God.
At this time, when the old powers were at their weakest, Adam and Lilith and the angels were created. Each taken from one of the dwindling power of the Old Gods to form them, some moulding into creatures of light, heralds, but two fashioned into simple people, humans, the start of the new regime, the new religion, the new faith and belief.
Lilith was created from the power of Hecate, a Goddess of  female power, of magic, of wisdom and witchcraft, a siphon taken from the Old World Goddess, but Lilith was never told this, and doesn’t remember her creation to confirm or deny it if asked. All she knows is that she came from power, true, unadulterated power that was captured by the False God and combined with the earth, to be crushed into the form of one singular, a woman beholden to a new God and the man he had made. But though she was bound in a prison of flesh and bone, her spirit was not; she would not bow to men when the power she came from had never done so before. She was equal, if both she and Adam came of the Old Gods, fashioned by the new, then both were equal. Submitting to Adam would mean submitting to everyone, to what she was now, to how she existed, to the new world…none of which was in her nature or desire.
When she denied Adam and called the False God by his true name, the siphon of power she came from awakened in her. The First Witch, just as she had been the First Woman. 
Yet, banished by God, left to wander the earth alone, finding support and comfort in another fallen as her, one who helped her power grow, wicked tales began to surround them, as people spoke of the fallen angel, of the wicked woman, the witch, and all the torturous things she did, that she Mothered demons, ate flesh, was the concubine to Satan himself. And words have power as much as belief, and if something is thought of you long enough, if everyone around you believes it of you, then that is what you slowly become.
Lilith was born for true out of those tales, out of the life she was banished to, the first created woman and the first witch, a mother of demons, dawn of doom, a powerful witch and demoness who feasted on male flesh…and though the Goddess power she came from was long faded and long forgotten, there was still a crown to be held, power to regain, ruling alongside Lucifer in hell.
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megahistorynut · 4 years
#BehindTheTruth #WorkingWithGov.
Part 3:
{The following morning, I got dressed and had some breakfast. I was looking over the papers I had. Something caught my eyes, it was the letter I had gotten from my mother. It was the one that detailed my father's death and how she was hidden when it had happened. It has been three years now that he was killed but I had not known who had done it. I had thought it was a gang never in a million years. I read the letter twice but the part of who really did it I read that part at least three or four times now. I couldn’t believe what I had read, I picked up the phone to call my mother to hear it from her but she didn't answer when I called.
My mother finally answers the phone and tells me she is outside of my door. I open the door and my mom Helena walks in. We sat and talked for hours about the letter I had and learned how my father was really killed. I couldn't believe that he was killed by a group of lesser whatever that is.
Later on that day I went to the Caldwell police station to file a report of the killing. Some of the police officers look at me as if I was crazy. I end up walking away from them till a man stops me to speak to me about what I was really doing to talk to these people. I learned his name is Mharcus and he will help me with my report. We left the station and headed to his place to talk, once we arrived we sat in his living room to talk.
I spent hours explaining to Mhacurs about what I knew about my father killing. Mhacrus looked at me as he was going to do something but stop. Mhacrus ends up offering me a job when I tell him all about the history stuff I know. I agree to his offer and work for him, it seemed like the best bet to work with him to get these people killed for what they did to my family.
After leaving Mhacrus place, the more likely one of his drivers took me home. My mother was still here when I told her about the job from this government agent. She was happy that I found someone to help her look into this. My mother and I spent hours on the information I had on vampires and what one of my colleagues had on them as well.
I had shown my mother the ancient symbol for the vampires, the Egyptian ankh. The look that my mother had told me something but I knew to not ask her till she was ready to tell me whatever it was on her own time. I knew that my mom knew what the symbol meant and I knew not to push her to tell me things. My mother was a symbology expert just as me and sometimes we work together. If this ankh was what my mother reminded me it could be, I still couldn't place this thing to them.
I wasn’t sure if this ankh was connected somehow to vampires. There had to be another way to prove this and I didn’t know how not yet anyway. The more I look at this ankh the more it looks like it was true. I went to my library to look for some books that I had gotten from my travels but these few books I had were written in some weird language which I still have not been able to figure out. I had even talked to my mother about them and she couldn't figure them out. I was thinking of either making a few copies and have one of my colleagues look them over to see if they knew of the language or not. I could tell it was old but whoever wrote it could use some kind of different way of writing.
I went over to my desk to see if I could remember where I had found these books. I was searching my papers when one of the papers caught my eye of ancient Babylonia that talked about one of its first demons that became a vampire. There was a legend of Lilith/Lilitu (and a type of spirit of the same name) originally arose from Sumer, where she was described as an infertile "beautiful maiden" and was believed to be a harlot and vampire who, after having chosen a lover, would never let him go. Lilitu (or the Lilitu spirits) was considered to be an anthropomorphic bird-footed, wind or night demon and was often described as a sexual predator who subsisted on the blood of babies and their mothers. Other Mesopotamian demons such as the Babylonian goddess Lamashtu, (Sumer's Dimme) and Gallu of the Uttuke group are mentioned as having vampiric natures.
Lamashtu is a historically older image that left a mark on the figure of Lilith. Many incantations invoke her as a malicious "Daughter of Heaven" or of Anu, and she is often depicted as a terrifying blood-sucking creature with a lion's head and the body of a donkey. Akin to Lilitu, Lamashtu primarily preyed on newborns and their mothers. She was said to watch pregnant women vigilantly, particularly when they went into labor.
Then there was more information in Ancient Greek mythology containing several precursors to modern vampires, though none were considered undead; these included the Empusa, Lamia, and striges (the strix of Ancient Roman mythology). Over time the first two terms became general words to describe witches and demons respectively. Empusa was the daughter of the goddess Hecate and was described as a demonic, bronze-footed creature. She feasted on blood by transforming into a young woman and seduced men as they slept before drinking their blood. Lamia was the daughter of King Belus and a secret lover of Zeus. However Zeus' wife Hera discovered this infidelity and killed all Lamia's offspring; Lamia swore vengeance and preyed on young children in their beds at night, sucking their blood.
Like Lamia, the striges feasted on children, but also preyed on adults. They were described as having the bodies of crows or birds in general, and were later incorporated into Roman mythology as strix, a kind of nocturnal bird that fed on human flesh and blood. The Romanian vampire breed named Strigoï has no direct relation to the Greek striges, but was derived from the Roman term strix, as is the name of the Albanian Shtriga and the Slavic Strzyga, though myths about these creatures are more similar to their Slavic equivalents. Greek vampiric entities are seen once again in Homer's epic Odyssey. In Homer's tale, the undead are too insubstantial to be heard by the living and cannot communicate with them without drinking blood first. In the epic, when Odysseus journeyed into Hades, he was made to sacrifice a black ram and a black ewe so that the shades there could drink its blood and communicate.
Then there was more in India, tales of vetalas, ghoul-like beings that inhabit corpses, are found in old Sanskrit folklore.The vetala is described as an undead creature who, like the bat associated with modern-day vampirism, hangs upside down on trees found on cremation grounds and cemeteries. Pishacha, the returned spirits of evil-doers or those who died insane, also bear vampiric attributes.
The Hebrew word "Alukah" (literal translation is "leech") is synonymous with vampirism or vampires, as is "Motetz Dam" (literally, "blood sucker").
Later vampire traditions appear among diaspora Jews in Central Europe, in particular the medieval interpretation of Lilith. In common with vampires, this version of Lilith was held to be able to transform herself into an animal, usually a cat, and charm her victims into believing that she is benevolent or irresistible.However, she and her daughters usually strangle rather than drain victims, and in the Kabbalah, she retains many attributes found in vampires. A late 17th- or early 18th-century Kabbalah document was found in one of the Ritman library's copies of Jean de Pauly's translation of the Zohar. The text contains two amulets, one for male (lazakhar), the other for female (lanekevah). The invocations on the amulets mention Adam, Eve, and Lilith, Chavah Rishonah and the angels—Sanoy, Sansinoy, Smangeluf, Shmari'el, and Hasdi'el. A few lines in Yiddish are shown as dialog between the prophet Elijah and Lilith, in which she has come with a host of demons to kill the mother, take her newborn and "to drink her blood, suck her bones and eat her flesh". She informs Elijah that she will lose power if someone uses her secret names, which she reveals at the end.
There was so many in Various regions of Africa have folkloric tales of beings with vampiric abilities: in West Africa the Ashanti people tell of the iron-toothed and tree-dwelling asanbosam, and the Ewe people of the adze, which can take the form of a firefly and hunts children. The Eastern Cape region of South Africa has the impundulu, which can take the form of a large taloned bird and can summon thunder and lightning, and the Betsileo people of Madagascar tell of the ramanga, an outlaw or living vampire who drinks the blood and eats the nail clippings of nobles.
The Loogaroo is an example of how a vampire belief can result from a combination of beliefs, a mixture of French and African Vodu or voodoo. The term Loogaroo possibly comes from the French loup-garou (meaning 'werewolf') and is common in the culture of Mauritius. However, the stories of the Loogaroo are widespread through the Caribbean Islands and Louisiana in the United States.[80] During the late 18th and 19th centuries, there was a widespread belief in vampires in parts of New England, particularly in Rhode Island and Eastern Connecticut. There are many documented cases of families disinterring loved ones and removing their hearts in the belief that the deceased was a vampire who was responsible for sickness and death in the family, although the term "vampire" was never actually used to describe the deceased.
The deadly disease tuberculosis, or "consumption" as it was known at the time, was believed to be caused by nightly visitations on the part of a dead family member who had died of consumption themselves. The most famous, and most recently recorded, case of suspected vampirism is that of nineteen-year-old Mercy Brown, who died in Exeter, Rhode Island in 1892. Her father, assisted by the family physician, removed her from her tomb two months after her death and her heart was cut out and burnt to ashes.
Legends of female vampire-like beings who can detach parts of their upper body occur in the Philippines, Malaysia, Cambodia and Indonesia. There are two main vampire-like creatures in the Philippines: the Tagalog Mandurugo ("blood-sucker") and the Visayan manananggal ("self-segmenter"). The mandurugo is a variety of the aswang that takes the form of an attractive girl by day, and develops wings and a long, hollow, thread-like tongue by night. They use an elongated proboscis-like tongue to suck fetuses off pregnant women. They also prefer to eat entrails (specifically the heart and the liver) and the phlegm of sick people. The manananggal is described as being an older, beautiful woman capable of severing its upper torso in order to fly into the night with huge bat-like wings and prey on unsuspecting, sleeping pregnant women in their homes. The tongue is used to suck up blood from a sleeping victim.
I had so many books on vampires that I picked up on my travels around the world, on my last trip I was in Alexandria, Egypt. I went to the great library of Alexandria well now it is called the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, which functions as a modern library and cultural center, commemorating the original Library of Alexandrina. When I was there that was where I found a lot of the books that I was able to bring home with me just as long as I would send them back home. That was till I had a talk to the president of Egypt about my research I was doing on the books and that I would be using some of the books in my classroom. I would also teach a class of ancient Egyptian mythology to any of the students from Egypt. That is how I have these books, well some of them. The mysterious books that I did find were not in Egypt's great library but in two libraries one in London and one in Italy. The more I learned of this town, I learned that it had a mix of many cultures, from other countries.
I came out of my thoughts when my phone ping with a text message, it was from Mhacrus that he was asking me to come to the police station. I texted him back asking him what it was really about? I waited for his response, which was that there was some strange symbol that he wanted me to help explain what it is and what it means. I told him that I was coming in to see it and see if I can help him.
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starlitfunkster · 4 years
Not Sure How to Title This
I guess it can be a slight mobsterswitch AU thing since it includes all of the Meddlesome Company and Twilight Scoundrels (which I need help with thinking of a monster for AD and NB... it can’t be like the originals though). And also Felt because I found it clever that they’d all be different kinds of demons, though I haven’t finished that one yet (will show all the finished ones though). 
These are just what I found most fitting, and nothing more. Furthermore I tried to do opposite to what the main Problem Sleuth character’s counterparts are.
Will not talk about all the Twilight Scoundrel’s because I have no idea what Angry Delinquent would be.. and maybe also Nefarious Bawd.
Oh yeah and Mobsterswitch was made by @selanpike I think. I don’t recall if other people helped. Also I did this on a whim because I got nearly as bored as the Scofflaw does in this universe.
Meddlesome Company:
Snooping Scout - I had a weird daydream where he and a fan character of mine Artistic Magician (shadow mage in mobsterswitch) were moon rabbits. Scoot hides his ears and tail better than AM does, but that’s mostly because AM has an excuse (being, you know, a magician). He originally lived on the moon before moving down to earth, and after Scoff got bored and tried to blow up the moon Artsy moved down to earth due to her home being blown up (and maybe kicking Scoff in the kneecaps).
Deadeye Detective - I had issues coming up with his monster. He was (I think) agreed on to be a Siren in the Scemastuck AU, so I went with something similar yet different. So uh, yeah he’s basically a half-kelpie centaur. But he can leave his home and go solve mysteries whenever he wants to (or whenever his ‘crush’ decides to leave him alone).
Cheerful Demoman - Another one from a weird daydream, even though it doesn’t match what people had Clubs Deuce be, I chose to make him a Bakeneko. Who mostly stays in feline form to be nearby AM at all times. Also maybe to be a thorn in Clover’s side.
Heavy Brawler - So I am confused on Hearts Boxcars too, since one I saw him be described as a Dullahan, but another was an Incubus... so I went with friendly Wendigo who likes nature. Hopefully nobody murders me for this decision (hey if I had Demo make no sense then why not Brawler?).
Twilight Scoundrels (Incomplete):
Peccant Scofflaw - I.. I actually just wanted him to be a banished moon god because he kept trying to blow up the moon. Even after he is banished he still attempts to blow up the moon out of boredom. Don’t make him bored if you value your lives, as he could easily smite you with his (totally not stolen) scythe. Oh yeah and his cloaks inside looks a lot like the inside of Lunala’s wings. Yes I went there, but that’s mostly because Lunala’s wings are so beautiful..
Pernicious Innovator - Hooray more things that make no sense, because Pickle Inspector was a frankenstein. I basically went with ‘wisps of wind that cannot be fully comprehended as an angelic being unless you are of his group or bloodline’. He still doesn’t understand with Artsy can fully see him despite not being of his group (the Twilight Scoundrels) or of his bloodline (that is, being his adopted daughter (Nepeta is a feral nekomata try and change my mind-)).
Angry Delinquent - To explain what a Dragonborne is: A man or woman born from a dragon that has the powers of a dragon and can even shapeshift into a dragon if they are powerful enough. Just don’t try to anger him for no reason, since you will regret it. He mostly uses his fire powers to either scare people into not harassing him, or to you know.. threaten people. He never turns into a dragon unless there is a ton of people attacking him. Also don’t ask about his wings, he can’t hide them and he ain’t a demon.
Heinous Doxy - Since the opposite of a witch would technically also still use magic but not be human... I went with making her a beautiful siren that mostly flirts with Scoff. Who also owns a chainsaw and taser, both of which are waterproof. She also can leave water for a few moments, though she must stay hydrated unless she wants to die... not! Whenever her bodies dry she gains legs, which was a recent thing she discovered. Unfortunately this leads her to meeting two of The Fuzz members.
Nefarious Bawd - She may be a demon, but she’s just a fallen angel. She is always worried about Inny being discovered by a total stranger (even though he cannot) or whenever Scoff tries to blow up the moon. She owns a lot of different weapons, though she mostly uses a dagger, a freaking flamethrower and a large paper fan that is used to smack some sense into Scofflaw.
Felt / Fuzz (Has Completed ones but not the Incomplete ones):
01 / Itchy - He is a speed demon (duh) who’s hair sparks electricity when he runs really fast. He can turn into a thunder bird if he needs to fly, as while he was born without wings he can still shapeshift into the mythical thunder bird.
02 / Doze - He’s a male jinn, starting as a simple flame left behind when his body was placed in the graveyard. After Scratch put the flame into a jar for weeks, it gained a humanoid appearance, however it also gained free will. He crafted his own lamp to sleep within, which seems really roomy if he decides your a threat and to use his magic to trap you inside of the lamp.
03 / Trace - I decided for him to be a Male Gorgon, the problem was that I had no idea where to go from there. Other then that he is the one probably luring people towards Fin so that way his boyfriend- I mean coworker can have a ‘snack’.
04 / Clover - Yeah I got into one of my giggly fits when deciding what demon to make Clover. It mostly came from his ability and how he keeps trying to make people dance in the source material (Homestuck, specifically Paradox Space’s ‘The Inaugural Death of Mister Seven’). So uh yeah... Incubus Clover. He’s stated to be cute enough to melt people’s hearts, and yet targets ladies the most because they are most susceptible to cute things. He is also Artsy’s waking nightmare for... reasons...
05 / Fin - I didn’t have a problem making him an Umi-Bozu (aka having no human form.. at first). He bargained with Scratch which led to him getting trapped underwater as this tentacled thing with mouths on the underneath of the tentacles. Only artists renditions are seen of this monster form in action (all drawn by either Trace or Itchy (who I headcanon in this universe can’t keep the lines straight due to caffeine)).
06 / Die - I just imagined Die as a Fallen Angel, with chicken wings large enough to make him fly, but he never does this as he is more prone to hiding in the shadows and observing the other demons... and also caring for chickens. He lives near a well where he can see humanity’s history through it. Sometimes he can be caught smiling gently at the waters of the well whenever he sees mankind being good in dark times. His halo may be cracked, but it’s still supported by his horns.
07 / Crowbar - A humanoid Karasu who used to teach people the art of the blades. He now is mostly there to make sure that AM stays safe, and that Snowman never dies. Sometimes he will kill to give souls to the other demons, though it’s mostly just to keep the demons away from the humans. Maybe that’s to not cause a war between angels and demons like a very long time ago.
08 / Snowman - I decided deep down that she would be able to cause solar eclipses around the globe that are permanent and signs that the demons have taken control of that area. She is kind of like Lilith, except nobody, not even the other demons have ever seen her true form that’s hidden by her darkness.
09 / Stitch - I did this since the theme of peacocks fits into colors, and that he has effigies and yet.. someone attacked him one day, plucking the feathers off his tail, leaving only one left. His wings were also damaged from the attack, and one of his horns was sliced apart.
10 / Sawbuck - At first I had no idea what to make Sawbuck, but then I thought about Ent’s. In a way, Ent’s are more peaceful, but this one is a demon. He is non-harmful to the humans, only draining them whenever he needs to survive. He can control this draining power, and he also lives within the forests nearby the city so nobody knows of his existence. Though whenever he is nearby he will definitely help them unless they are malevolent to nature... except for Scofflaw since he is aware that Scofflaw is immortal.
11 / Matchsticks - A fire demon (duh) that actually used to be a man who kept watch over a young witch. Unfortunately she was dragged into another dimension, and Matchsticks was cursed to become a demon with no memory of his past. He is still a bit of a jokester, and may or may not be ignoring fire safety because he can’t exactly control the flames that are his hair and tail tip.
12 / Eggs - He is a demon with slimy wings and tail. It’s advised not to touch them as he will be enticed to seal you within a slimy cocoon. This turns you into one of his own species, which means it kills you and then morphs you. He is pretty dangerous when paired up with Biscuits since he could seal many people in a slimy cocoon, put it in Biscuits magic oven and then they would come out transformed in the future.
13 / Biscuits - He is one of the few demons that seems to have knowledge about cooking and baking, but that’s only so then he can keep his magical oven to help out Eggs. And maybe other people. The good news with him is that he doesn’t like standing in one place, and mostly will go to watch Eggs or the monitor showing AM’s house and rooms.
14 / Quarters -
15 / Cans - There is a reason nobody has ever seen Cans in action. He has the most fully human form, but that’s because his demon form is literally strong enough to knock people into next Tuesday.. or maybe next month, or maybe even out of the calendar entirely!
1/2 / Artsy Magician - As I said before, she too is a moon rabbit in this universe. Only problem is, is that I never got around to drawing her. I might just sketch her, and then post an image later, but she is quite the cutie in this universe. She also is unfortunately the one that the demons decided to well.. force her to live in the mansion until she dies. She is a young adult in this universe instead of being a teen (aka Adept Maiden).
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Awakened || Cain and Lilith
Lilith sat quietly. She was listening. The Djinn liked to tease her and Cain. Loved to tear them apart when they let their guard down. Lilith and Cain had gotten good at using their warped powers against the Djinn, but even they had to rest.Stretching their powers through the vale and surviving the beasts was exhausting for them both. So exhausting that they never found the other power source they continually felt in the realm. 
Lilith stayed awake longer than Cain and always let him sleep longer than he wanted. She wanted him well rested, for he was her main mode of survival. After all, she was born long before he committed the first murder. She was still young when she was sent to the vale. He was born later and not sent to the vale until he was an adult. 
She braided her hair, watching and listening. the wind started to pick up, rain starting to pour along the plain. The wind and rain were different. she didn’t know how but it was. She stood and squinted, covering her eyes to block the strange light of the vale, trying to see the disturbance. 
A beautiful girl, young with blonde hair, big blue eyes. She had a beautiful matching boy next to her. Lilith wanted them both. Everything about them. They were perfect. The male and female adult with them matched their beauty. She hadn’t seen actual colors in so long, hadn’t heard real voices in so long. The girl looked up and made eye contact with her. She was so young. Could Lilith ask for help from such a young and beautiful and perfect being?
She reached her hand out and the little girl took it.
Lilith never regretted becoming a part of the young girl. She never for a second regretted her new life.
She braided her hair back as she walked down the hall. She was still getting used to the belly that her baby gave her. the baby was growing so fast. She leaned on the next doorway and looked into the room. Her brother lay with his boyfriend. Three demons watching over them as they slept. Her own guard followed her close by. She opened the back door, the demon confused but following her outside. this poor pathetic creature. Thinking it was so high on the food chain. 
She spun around and grabbed the demon, biting his throat and ripping it open with her dull human teeth. It started to scream but she slapped a hand on the demons mouth, forcing it to stay in the dying host that she was keeping it from reviving. 
She grabbed a potted plant from nearby and dumped it out, forcing the demon to kneel and lean over the now empty pot. She watched the blood run into the pot, down her arm. She was getting it all over her. she would have to clean up. Hopefully the archangel wouldn’t be the one to find her this way. Hopefully she could wander back to bed without anyone seeing this was her. Hopefully they would blame that foolish once king Asmodeus.
When the deamon and his host had bled completely out, she dropped the body, sitting the vase down. She looked around. Nothing sharp. She couldn’t go inside, she would get blood everywhere if she did. With a soft sigh of frustration she grabbed a glass angel from nearby and shattered it, grabbing the sharpest piece, she cut her arm open and let the blood mix with the demons and plucked a single feather from her wings. She held the feather out and lightly blew on it, watching it catch fire and the ashes lightly falling into the blood.
She whispered to the blood.
“Cain... dearest Cain. I hope this finds you well. I know... you may not remember just yet, I’ve only just awoke myself... your host may be the one to hear this, as mine is part of me now, and I am part of her. You may be part of yours as well. I hope you remember me. I remember you. I miss you.” Her voice echoed through his head and images of her host’s body and wings. 
She tried to send her face, she tried to send herself to him, she tried to see him. She knew he would be in someone much older than her host, the age gap was their eternal curse. He would be eternally younger than her and she would be stuck eternally young.
“Show me your face, Dearest Cain. I need to see you. I’ll search every realm for you.” She didn’t even know if he made it from the vale with her. Her power started to pulse out, she felt it flowing, lust tainting it as she slowly drew power form the sleeping king. She didn’t know how, but if it got her back in contact with her Cain, she didn’t care.
“Cain... Wake up.... Show me yourself....” She whispered once more, closing her eyes to listen, bloody in the darkness.
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thewincestgospel · 5 years
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