#Most of these are rated E
altocat · 11 months
I have been interested in Sephgen so recommend me fics please 👀
Yesss okay!
I know It's over and Love Like Ghosts by @birdblacksocialclub
Public Relations by rainbowfantasy
Please Exorcise the Demons by Icisceria
Sunday mornings in a perfect world by Lilly White
And, for shameless self-advertising, Sephgen plays a critical role in my megafic A Monster's Threads, along with my AU fic New Moon Rising.
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estrellami-1 · 9 months
Steddie Microfic
October prompt: suck
Word count: 480
No warnings apply
Rated T (I think? I’m terrible at ratings. There’s a definite possibility it would be G but I don’t want to put that just in case… someone who knows how to rate please help me! 😂)
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Steve knew he wasn’t the smartest. That wasn’t news to him. He knew he was just the brawn, the battering ram, the shield.
It’s fitting, then, that the one who took the most damage would be the one to break first. The first thing someone sees is the first thing they’ll go after.
And, well… Steve spent a lot of time ensuring he was first.
All that didn’t help, of course, as he felt like he was being tracked in his own house, a predator stalking him through the vents, walls, windows.
He didn’t hear the back door open, but felt the shift in air pressure. “Make it quick,” he murmured, begged, shutting his eyes and bracing.
He opened them again when he heard a chuckle. He whirled around and gasped. “Eddie?”
“Pretty thing,” Eddie hummed, cocking his head. “Eddie’s not here.”
“Then who are you?”
He cocked his head the other way. “I am Kas,” he said. “Servant to Vecna, ruler of his armies.”
“Why are you here?”
Kas chuckled. “To destroy you, of course. You and all your friends. Suck your blood from your veins and your marrow from your bones until you are naught more than the dust from which you were wrought.”
Steve made a face. “A little wordy.”
Kas shifted, and suddenly in his place stood Eddie, pouting. “I thought it was good.”
“It is good,” Steve promised. “But this isn’t one of your campaigns, babe, this is Halloween.” Eddie rolled his eyes, and Steve shivered. “And go take out those contacts, they’re giving me the creeps.”
“Oh thank God,” Eddie said, “they’re itchy as hell,” and ran down the hall to the bathroom.
When he walked back out, Steve was in the kitchen, making them lunch. “Y’know we’re gonna have to get El in on this before she blasts you against the wall first and asks questions second.”
“Way ahead of ya, babe,” Eddie chuckled, wrapping his arms around Steve’s waist, nuzzling at his neck. “She and Hop are both already in on it.”
“Do you think the kids are gonna hate us?”
Eddie hummed. “It’s possible. I’m calling it payback for all the times the little shits got into trouble and needed us to bail them out.”
Steve chuckled. “Good reason.” He flinched as Eddie scraped his teeth against his neck. “Christ, Eds,” he muttered. “You a real vampire now or what?”
Eddie chuckled darkly, flicked out the fake teeth with his tongue, and sealed his lips against Steve’s neck. He finally pulled back to murmur, “I wanna suck somethin’, baby, but it’s not your blood.”
“You’re an animal,” Steve replied, maneuvering himself around in Eddie’s arms to face him before pulling him closer in a fierce kiss.
He bit at Eddie’s lip before soothing it with his tongue, reaching behind himself to turn the stove off.
“Bedroom?” He asked, pulling back.
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sketches of the boys💕
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ghostradiodylan · 2 months
"I have… shit to deal with! I told him I needed some time, just like I told you.”
“Holy fuck, I didn’t think you were serious about that.” Kaitlyn looked shocked and a little impressed. "Kinda figured Ryan would be carrying you out of here bridal style.”
“Kaitlyn,” he’d laughed, “I’ve got, like, 40 lbs on the guy.”
"You didn’t see what he was like while you were out, Dylan. Dude was beside himself. He would have found a way!"
After surviving a night of werewolf attacks and a traumatic field amputation, Dylan takes some time to adjust to his new normal. He wants to know that he can take care of himself before he's willing to act on his enduring feelings for Ryan. It seems like Ryan is willing to wait, but he'd be more than happy to... lend Dylan a hand.
I, uh, did a thing. 👀
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prince-liest · 3 months
So you obviously write a lot of smut, but do you like to read smut and/or romance at all? Or do you prefer more gen or queerplatonic kind of stories? :0
I love reading romance! It's kind of funny that you ask that because the fandoms I was in prior to Hazbin Hotel were all danmei fandoms, a genre defined by being centered on romance. I just also love found family and gen fics - it really just depends on the characters and the fandom.
I just like it when characters have a lot of ✨feelings✨, regardless of the source of those feelings.
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chesacakeripper · 3 months
I'm a little nervous about venturing into the tags to search for Ace Attorney content on here and I've exhausted the niche ship AO3 tags I'm interested in. Interested in some Wrightworth but there's a LOT of it, so if any of you have got some recs to start me off I'm open to them!
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generic-sonic-fan · 1 year
Shadow does swear, but it's very rare and only when he's well and truly pissed. Rouge is the one who swears 24/7, and yes, she's the one who taught him. Omega doesn't swear because he thinks it's boring and it pisses him off that most swear words have double meanings relating to biological functions.
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moginrambles · 4 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Venture Bros Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Don Fitzcarraldo/Jonas Venture Sr. Characters: Don Fitzcarraldo, Blue Morpho, Jonas Venture Sr., Mrs. Fitzcarraldo Additional Tags: Blackmail, Power Imbalance, Sexual Coercion, Possessive Behavior, Blow Jobs, Deepthroating, Frottage, Anal Fingering, Hand Jobs, Exhibitionism, Infidelity, Drunk Sex Summary:
Not long after Don Fitzcarraldo returns from his trip to Singapore, Jonas Venture invites the family to visit his compound.
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varpusvaras · 7 months
There was something outside.
Fox could feel it, even through the walls of the building and his sleeping pod, his thin blanket doing nothing to keep the knowledge of it away. The knowledge that it was there, in the dark, roaming around the city, looking for something.
Fox had tried to pretend that he couldn't feel it, like some nights there wasn't a whisper pressing against his skin, like the longer the night went, the harder it became to ignore. He had tried, to no avail. Every time he could feel it coming, like there was something casting a shadow over them all, long before it would arrive.
The Long-necks didn't seem to know that it was there. There were no security measures against it, as far as Fox knew, and it had never came up in any of their training modules. But it was there, Fox knew it.
It was there again, right now. Fox listened to the drumming of the rain against the windows, baiting his breath, for any kind of noise coming from it, but there was only silence waiting in the middle of the pouring storm.
But it was there. Fox could feel it. It was roaming around the city, silently and endlessly, and it was looking for something.
Fox slid out of his pod, and quietly made his way through their room, and climbed up to the window.
There were almost no lights on at this hour of the night, only the loneliest signal light in the far end of the bridge, casting a harsh, red gleam at the hard ground. Fox could feel it there, somewhere outside of the reach of the light, coming closer. Slowly, but surely, it was coming.
Fox waited. He pressed the tips of his fingers against the window, and he waited, the pressure of it becoming ever more present against his skin, and there was a long moment there where Fox thought he forgot how to breathe.
Something moved in the room behind his back, and Fox glanced over his shoulder, just for a second, and when he turned back, it was there.
It stood just at the edge of the light, making a hard, black line over the red on the ground. It didn't look human. It looked almost nothing like all. It was a large, hunched dark mass of a being, like a cloack of skin had been draped over a mound of something, hiding whatever was under it.
The only things Fox could make out of it were its huge, long fingered arms, resting againts its sides, and the pair of small, white eyes at the middle of what he thought must've been its head.
Fox couldn't tell where it was looking, but he got the feeling that it was looking almost right at him. Just a moment, and it would see him there, looking at it.
He was cold. Very, very cold.
There was a hand on his shoulder, so warm that it almost scorched him, and Fox barely managed to swallow down the yell that was threatening to burst out of his throat. It pulled him away from the window, down towards the floor, and another hand joined it, grabbing Fox tightly at his wrist.
"What are you doing?" Cody hissed at him, forcefully tugging Fox against himself, locking him pressed at his side. "Don't look at it!"
Fox felt suddenly very, very afraid.
"I'm sorry", he whispered, strangled, as hot tears started to burn the corners of his eyes.
Cody only pulled him closer, pressing his head on top of Fox's and circling his arms behind Fox's back, like he was trying to shield Fox from it and everything else around them.
"Ponds alreadly looked at it", Cody whispered back at him, like Fox didn't already know that. Like Fox didn't know how it never left Ponds alone anymore, how it was always there, at the edge of his brother's dreams. Like Fox didn't know how Ponds was always cold, now. "I can't have you look at it as well."
"I'm sorry", Fox said again, and pressed himself tightly against Cody as he felt it there, felt it standing there, silently, looking. Looking for something.
For a brief, terrifying moment, Fox thought that it was looking for him.
--- ---
(Another version on AO3)
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twilightarcade · 8 months
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OC-tober day 11 - hot cocoa palette!
#notwordswordstag#oc-tober#bweirdOCtober#OPENED TUMBLR TO 99+ NOTIFIS AND A BUNCH OF NOTES ON ONE POST... ABSOLUTELY MORTIFYING#luckily there was light at the end of the tunnel (tumblr user kidfoundonthesreets)#ok umm professionalism [putting back on my fake mustache]#i was like soo dedicated to keeping this completely in pallette and I did!!!! Until the very end where I was like yeah... get darkened girl#another messyish one.. and guess who's gonna complain about it? No one. Thats right. (his head is too big......)#I keep making the mistake of not REMOTELY cleaning up lines and doing all cleaning in the colors. Um. Don't do that girl.#and this issssss ace. Literally the most original name in the world; please . hold your applause#ok anyways long term life planes. Plans. actually how long term are planes hang on#20-30 years. 4 those wondering#OK UMM ... LONG TERM LIFE PLANS........#i started that 1 project (day dreaming about it etc etc) but haven't made any physical progress soooooooooooo due date on that is gonna be#liiiike end of november. Same w that other thing.... darn#doing some backgrounding for some (horribly amateur but enjoyable for now) youtube series.. will share if they ever get anywhere#ok jump back in subject that 1 project is with e because literally their entire thing is being in a quick lil one off game#and they aren't in one yet. Literally what the hell. Gotta get on this people.#GOOOOSG I NEED COMMAS. PRETTY PLEAS...#maybe it's a sign i should start just making stupid long posts instead of this [gesturing] but that's just an essay at that rate#but here i'm limited. Only 30 like. 140 or so character tags or we shoot you#eating some delicious almonds. 4 your information.
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curls-cat · 8 months
Baby's first porn!! it's soft post-s2 yennskier that I... apparently wrote a long time ago? And forgot about? It was meant to be part of a longer work, but I have enough of those in the tank that I figured I could just post this all on its own.
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bassforte · 17 days
People who say they only read fics based on the kudos to hits ratio have 1) never faced the rock bottom that is rare pairs/characters and 2) Don’t understand the concept of rereading a fanfic and it shows.
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I have this thing where I really want to write certain ships but the problem is that people don't really seem to want to READ those same ships and it's just very frustrating lol
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daz4i · 1 year
hiiiii skk mutuals does anyone have recs for good fics between 20k and 80k words maybe? ^_^
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Like my queer Buffyverse fic? Have a queer headcanon you wanna see or see more of? A certain prompt + a certain pairing you wanna read? Or an AU version of a character you'd love to see?
It's your lucky month, then! I'm taking requests for Pride :)
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ace-culture-is · 2 years
ace culture is sacrificing good fanfic writing because at most u just wanna read stuff that's rated g or t :P
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