#Music Journalist
cadaverkelly · 2 years
New Goth Music Releases! Summer & Fall 2022 Click here to subscribe on YouTube!
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tundesweb · 4 months
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whatsthenoise · 1 year
Ed Sheeran is performing at the American Country Music Awards (ACMS) 🤠 🎸 Are you watching?
"Who said the Brits don't have a little bit of country in them?"
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booptunes · 1 year
A link tree for the podcast!
This includes a link to merch, if you're able to pick some up PLEASE DO! All of it goes back into the podcast.
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wood-addict · 1 year
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If you listen to the words in this song says it all she crazy in love with someone not featuring her! This is the bitch Elisabeth Troy when I refused her advances on holiday in Thailand where she followed me! Dumped her at the banjan tree resort in Phuket so she could lounge by the pool drink herself silly do lots of nose powder Ghana bitch wanted to hang out with the fashion and celebrities music and Primrose Hill set there. Now that to me was work I wanted to explore the country and culture. Anyway she met Kate moss (nose powder while pregnant?) and told her I was a paedophile and later when I lived in nyc added Rapist to that accusation. I am a gay man who likes other men not boys definitely not girls! What is it with black chics you don’t fuck them on command and they tell everyone your a peadophile it’s happened to me 3 times! It’s one of the reasons I don’t do black girls hair anymore! Don’t miss all the weavery and wiggetry at all. Sad thing is it gave the fashion set dream team something to talk about and spread like wildfire thanks to Kate, Naomi,Ronnie Newhouse, Edward Enningful and Pat McGrath all these bitches I used to work with they knew me and they destroyed my reputation in Uk and Europe and America it’s why I stopped hairstyling all together be careful if your a stylist for any of these and 3 British Black chicks Elisabeth Troy(Ghanaian) Naomi Campbell (jamaican yigga) and Ineka Burke (Dominican green eye redskin bitch). GOOD LUCK IF YOU WORK OR CHECK FOR THESE BITCHES! They want Chinese in them I Wasian because they want pykny with good hair some bitches please??? Crazy Love alright??? #fashion #fashionblogger #hair #hairstylist #music #musicbusiness #musicblog #fashioneditor #magazine #fashionshow #fashionshoot #celebrity #celebrityhairstylist #fashion #music #blackbritish #african #africanamerican #blasian #wasian #asianamerican #blackgirlmagic #ghanian #ghanians #lgbtq #lgbtq🌈 #lgbtqia #gayparents #lesbianmoms #lesbians @gay_parents_of_the_world @gay.parents.connect @gayparentmagazine prepare your possibly gay children for straight people! 2nd generation here!@gay_times_group
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mannytoodope · 2 years
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Ahmir Khalib Thompson (born January 20, 1971), known professionally as Questlove, the Philly native, is a percussionist, producer, and DJ. He is best known as the drummer and joint frontman for the rap group The Roots and has been the drummer for The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon. since 2014. When Questlove isn’t fulfilling his duties for The Roots or the Tonight Show, he is producing records for other artists. He is one of the producers of the Broadway smash-hit Hamilton. He won an Oscar for the documentary Summer of Soul about the 1969 Harlem Cultural Festival. He works with several artists from different genres of music. Questlove is also an adjunct professor at the Clive Davis Institute of Recorded Music in New York. Questlove DJs a few gigs (when he has the time)and is known to be a bit of a foodie. Questlove is a talented drummer. Questlove may not rap too much, but he still plays a significant part in music and hip-hop culture.
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soundbasement · 2 years
Richmond Musicians Discuss DIY Music Scene
RICHMOND, Va. -- Richmond has been known for its art and music for a long tome. Because of this DIY music venues have emerged.
DIY or “do it yourself” refers to community venues producing their own music and setting up their own spaces. Places like The Deck and the Rabbit Hole, two well known local DIY venues, are just a few participating in this culture.
Richmond is just one of many cities with a vibrant punk scene. Places like Philadelphia and Chicago are some of the bigger names in the community according to Tommy, owner of The Deck.
Punk and DIY exists everywhere, but what makes Richmond stand out is the people involved. Eli Buenaventura is the vocalist of a local hardcore band called Wasted Space. He was a part of the south Philadelphia crust punk scene prior to moving to Richmond. The environment was very different than what he has experienced here. The community as a whole seems to be a lot more accepting and kind regardless of the more violent atmosphere in regards to mosh pits, according to Buenaventura.
“I'd say the VCU scene here is very positive,” Buenaventura said. “If there's a person that isn't being cool, we'll push them out because we don't deal with that. It's very accepting, inclusive.”
The crowd isn't the only thing that makes Richmond so unique. Local venues of all shapes and sizes help lift up the music scene as well. Places like Banditos and The Camel allow many local artists of all genres to come perform.
The venues in Richmond are a large part of why the scene is thriving. VCU has had its hand in Richmond losing its many venues. On Grace Street, VCU has contributed to buying up properties and using them as campus amenities, according to Daniel Berti, writer for RVAmag. In doing this they have changed the music scene in Richmond fundamentally.
“It sucks. This is a really, really cool city, especially within the constraints of music,” said Chris Theen. Theen is a local musician in bands such as Lowlife Tea Party and Project Vertigo. He has been an active participant in the Richmond music scene since 2018.
“It used to be an even cooler city. Grace Street probably had like 12 different places that were doing shows. All of them are gone,” Theen said “like there is nowhere on Grace Street that still does live music.”
Despite the loss of venues in the area, the music scene has managed to keep its footing because of DIY. Most musicians prefer this way of performing. The crowd and the community are all appreciated by bands far more than any venue they have performed at.
The Deck has received a lot of appreciation from local musicians. Tommy has been active in the Richmond music scene for a while and has both performed and attended shows in DIY and local venues.
“The crowd actually feels like they're a part of the show,” Tommy said. “It's a lot more intimate. It doesn't matter how professional you make it look, house show’s gonna be more intimate.”
Though many musicians prefer to play house shows, there have been some challenges. With local venues closing down and VCU having more people on campus many DIY venues have experienced a higher volume of attendees. Because of this, The Deck has to make changes.
“We had like the whole block around our house, like pretty much crowded and within the house,” Salvato said, recalling a past show. “Like, it was just dangerous. It was not okay.”
“So, since then, we started doing a door fee, just five bucks at the door. We check IDs.” Tommy said, “We're running like a real venue now because it's like, it's risky not to,”
Along with the population growth at these shows, Tommy has experienced their address being shared on the internet and strangers arriving at their home unannounced.
The Deck wont have a show for a while according to Tommy.
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sweetdreamsjeff · 4 months
Toronto's NOW magazine, 12/06/97 The author Kim Hughes is a music journalist ; she is a columnist for Toronto’s premiere entertainment weekly ‘NOW’, and the host of a comprehensive evening radio show on CFNY 102.1 The Edge, ‘Live in Toronto’. (That’s with a long ‘i’.) Opinionated, passionate, erudite; Kim is a wonderful flag-waver for alternative music, no matter how you define it. (Thanks to Adrian Brassington) L'auteur Kim Hugues est une journaliste musicale ; elle écrit pour 'NOW', le premier hebdomadaire de divertissement de Toronto, et l'animatrice d'une émission de radio du soir sur CFNY 102.1 the Edge, 'Live in Toronto' (Vivre à Toronto). Opiniâtre, passionnée, érudite, Kim est un merveilleux porte-drapeau pour la musique alternative, quelle que soit la façon dont on la définit.
JEFF BUCKLEY 1966-1997
The voice is utterly immune to gravity and it’s swirling gently around me as if suspended in the ether. It clings to words like soft cotton and it’s so pure and so shamelessly romantic that I begin to second-guess the depth of my own emotions. [La voix est complètement immunisée contre la gravité et elle tourbillonne doucement autour de moi, comme suspendue dans l'ether. Elle se cramponne aux mots comme du coton doux et elle est si pure et si romantique sans honte que je commence à anticiper la profondeur de mes propres émotions.]
Jeff Buckley always does that to me. It’s been a little more than a week since his tragic accidental drowning death at age 30 and I’ve only just worked up the courage to play his sole studio record, ‘Grace’, again. [Jeff Buckley me fait toujours ça. Il s'est passé un peu plus d'une semaine depuis sa tragique noyade accidentelle à l'âge de 30 ans et j'ai trouvé seulement maintenant le courage de ré-écouter son unique album studio, "Grace".]
I met Jeff several times. Whenever he came to Toronto to play a gig, he’d stop by the storefront studios of the radio station where I moonlight for a chat. Guarded at first, and ever fearful that the legacy of his late father Tim would colour any appraisal of his work, he gradually came to realize I wasn’t the enemy and that, given time, anyone confronted with his extraordinary voice and exquisitely rendered songs would be firmly won over, family ties notwithstanding. [J'ai rencontré Jeff plusieurs fois. Chaque fois qu'il venait à Toronto pour faire un concert, il s'arrêtait devant la vitrine des studios de la radio où je fais la conversation au clair de lune. Surveillé au début, et toujours craintif que l'héritage de son père Tim puisse fausser toute évaluation de son travail, il a réalisé petit-à-petit que je n'étais pas l'ennemi et que, avec du temps, quiconque confronté à sa voix extraordinaire et à ses chansons d'un rendu exquis serait fermement convaincu, nonobstant les liens familiaux.]
He was slyly funny, dashing, playful, slightly flirtatious and intensely passionate, just like on record. Like many others, I saw Buckley as an island of sorts- seemingly oblivious to trends or commercial considerations but deeply simpatico with the rumblings of his heart and powerless to suppress its message. I keep weeping, and trying to rationalize why such a lovely spirit with enormous, untapped talent died so young. I selfishly wish he’d finished another record so I could have more of him, and wish I’d had the guts to pull him aside and tell him how much his music touched me. He probably would have blushed and come back with some snappy retort to diffuse the awkward moment. [Il était malicieusement drôle, fringant, joueur, légèrement dragueur et intensément passionné, exactement comme sur disque. Comme beaucoup d'autres, j'ai vu Buckley comme une sorte d'îlot - semblant être conscient du marché ou des considérations commerciales mais profondément sympathique avec les grondements de son coeur et impuissant à supprimer leur message. Je continue de pleurer, d'essayer de rationaliser : pourquoi un esprit aussi beau avec un talent énorme et inexploité est mort si jeune. Je souhaite égoïstement qu'il ait pu terminer un autre album, ainsi j'aurais pu avoir un peu plus de lui, et je souhaite avoir eu les tripes de le tirer à part et de lui dire à quel point sa musique me touchait. Il aurait probablement rougi et serait revenu avec une riposte rapide pour diffuser ce moment embarassant.]
Since learning of his disappearance, I’ve found great solace among friends, but nothing has been more comforting than Gayle Kelemen’s homemade Web page (http://www.goodnet.com/~gkelemen/jeffhome.html). It’s filled with dozens of sweet, sincere tributes from fans all over the planet aching to remember. [Depuis que j'ai appris sa disparition, j'ai trouvé une grande consolation auprès d'amis, mais rien ne m'a plus réconforté que les pages personnelles sur le Web de Gayle Kelemen. Elles sont nourries de douzaines d'hommages doux et sincères de fans de toute la planète brûlant de se souvenir.]
I feel better knowing others share my profound sadness, and I’m encouraged, slightly, that Buckley’s small but startling output will forever bloom in the hearts of those fans and be passed on with exuberance, so he’ll never become just an sad footnote in some half-assed rock encyclopedia. Mostly, I hope he didn’t suffer. And I hope that wherever he is now, he’s sipping lilac wine and bathing in the warm sunlight of his fan’s love. [Je me sens mieux en sachant que d'autres partagent ma profonde tristesse, et je suis réconfortée, légèrement, que la petite mais saisissante production de Buckley fleurisse pour toujours dans le coeur de ces fans et soit transmise avec exubérance, ainsi il ne sera jamais réduit à une triste note de bas de page dans une quelconque encyclopédie du rock foireuse. Surtout, j'espère qu'il n'a pas souffert. Et j'espère que, où qu'il soit maintenant, il sirote du vin lilas et qu'il se baigne dans le chaud soleil de l'amour de ses fans.]
Kim Hughes
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howmanyheartaches · 2 years
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Wrote two articles for all new MISSY: about Tujiko Noriko and Tommi Parrish’s new comic!
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naomisnews · 2 years
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Having been a writer and now radio presenter for over 5 years in music, I’m always excited for the Heavy Music Awards, so happy to submit my nominees for HMA23 this year!
A lot of amazing non-male bands and artists, as well as some up and comers I champion for, were amongst my picks - excited to see the full shortlist soon 🤘🏻
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tundesweb · 4 months
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whatsthenoise · 6 months
So, I know it has been a while since I've been active, but I've been thinking about other content ideas and while I love writing, I also think people love visuals. Today, people are all about the visuals. Therefore, I will be working on more short video reviews and photos while dropping links to my blog reviews in case people want to read 😊👍🏾
With that said, here are some exciting upcoming shows I have in store for y'all:
• The Teskey Brothers
• Sunfest
• Bleachers
• Alanis Morissette w/Joan Jett & the Blackhearts
• Slightly Dirty: Slightly Stoopid and Dirty Heads w/ Common Kings and The Elovaters (may go to two shows)
• Creed w/ 3 Doors Down
• Staind & Breaking Benjamin w/ Daughtry
Let me know which ones sound exciting 🎸🤘🏾
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booptunes · 1 year
Episode 2 of the Boop Tunes Podcast
This month we talk about Sleeping With Sirens, Yours Truly, Yungblud, The 1975 and Neck Deep!
The Cathy Show also continues to interview people on the music that means most to them and we talk about ticket sales and concert etiquette! Catch it all in the link above!
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msrivercity · 2 years
Lucy Got Fans - “Greenlight” Video
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Lucy Got Fans – Artist Interview + “Greenlight” Video
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moonlit-mask · 7 months
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Say no more
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"I know this is gonna sound crazy, and not very scary, but is IS scary... if you think about the implications." - me describing the plot of bugsnax to someone who's never played it
anyway. do you see my vision. can anyone hear me.
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wearenotjustnumbers2 · 11 months
Between filming and documenting so much death and destruction, and working so hard to stay alive, Ismail Jood films Motaz Azaiza singing a song by famous singer faya younan. Ismail's caption said: "We try as much as possible to stay away from the atmosphere of war and try to create a pleasant atmosphere away from the suffering that we see every day."
The Song is beautiful, the lyrics go:
"Your eyes are my dream that will be // As big as the tired dream // As great as my country.
Your hands wave to the returnees // And bring bread to the hungry // I love your hands // I love your hands // And more and more... I love my country"
Words cannot describe how wholesome and beautifully human this is. Hoping they stay safe and sane🙏
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