#Must have been tough having to kill a person as a cop
hodgepodgequack · 1 month
Emio Demo 2: Electric Boogaloo
So it’s been more than 24 hours since I beat the second part of the demo (I hate that we have to wait 5 days for the next part man) and I have some thoughts.
First of all, I called it when I said that Kuze knows Utsugi from 18 years ago (I was wrong about her being the sibling of one of the female victims though). Instead her connection is through the disappearance of her brother Makoto (haha Danganronpa reference) and Utsugi was in charge of that. Must be tough to see the person who was supposed to bring her brother home (and failed) after a murder that reminds her of the og incident.
So let’s talk about Makoto first. According to the game, Junko had not come home for some reason so he went out to look for her. Junko comes back (clearly shaken) and Makoto is nowhere to be found. I wonder if she came home late because the OG killer was targeting her and M someone managed to find her in time, but something bad happens to him. What happens: Killer kills Makoto and for some reason threatens Junko to not be a snitch otherwise he would come after her. (Also possible he abducts him for some reason and tells J to not tell or she will never see him again)
why this stops the murders completely I don’t know, but it is possible the killer thought he might have been getting caught soon and that’s why he stopped. But if that was the case he could have silenced her permanently right then and there. Unless she sees the act occur, killer knows she’s there but doesn’t see her and makes a bluffing threat saying I know who you are and if you snitch it will bite you in the ass. Hence she survives and comes home scared.
Who did it: Now in order to keep someone silent you need to bribe (or as mentioned beforehand threaten) said person or make them believe that no matter what no one will believe them. Maybe the culprit is a cop. And Utsugi works with the police. Maybe J can’t bring herself to trust anyone in the force (again another reason why he joins because if you want the job done right, you have to do it yourself). And that would explain why she’s standoffish towards U because she still doesn’t trust him.
Another Observation: the game mentions it’s a possibility that Makoto was the original culprit (because the murders didn’t stop until he disappears). He was old enough to pull it off. But that means something would have to have happened to him. Did he run away and leave a note that only J saw? Or did she see him messing with bodies and he asks her to hide his body because he can’t live with the guilt anymore now that she saw him and he offs himself.
Game is also adamant that the mystery man who went missing after the first girls death may know something (was he an accomplice I don’t know) there’s not much info I can theorize about him right now.
Kamis age is still not revealed to us in this chapter. Very very sus. I wonder if he is Makoto and he just has amnesia. Him and J could both be adopted or step siblings. Only problem with this is that J should recognize him.
Additionally the game mentions Kami can’t have a gun because he is a terrible shot. I wonder if at some point you have to pick between him and J to raid a place and the gun makes a huge difference. Hell I wonder if knowing said info can influence the game (because it is completely optional dialogue)
Speaking of potential game mechanics: phones. During some point of my gameplay I used to phone to call everybody that was in my contacts. While playing through Ayumis section, she gets a call from the protagonist (whether or not this is scripted I don’t know) and she doesn’t pick up. There’s also an option at some point if you call the office to leave a voicemail (which I didn’t take, I’m curious to see if anyone else did). I wonder it this is going to be a serious mechanic that at some point you need to call XYZ at this time or something bad is going to happen to them, or if it’s a way for the game to gauge the players playstyle (just like they did in the Girl who Stands Behind).
Now I’m not done talking about the demo part 2, but I’m going to leave this post here for now because it’s getting long and I want to dedicate more time to Kamada and the Taxi Driver is separate posts. See you in a bit.
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Man’s Best Friend with Benefits: Final Part
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.6k
!! Warnings: stillborn, baby in dies in womb, trauma associated with that, explicit (minor) talk of baby dying, heartbreak, really heavy angst, canon angst and violence !!
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. Any and all comments on these are appreciated.
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He heads back to the police station to further question Ed since he seemed very suspicious last time. At the end of the hallway Garth is in is a door, and when it opens, both Ed and Josh exit out of it. Josh is holding a thick file in his left hand, and Garth can't help but think it's for the case he's trying to get information on.
"Gentlemen," Garth greets them.
"Still investigating this shitty little case? I'm awed the Bureau has so much time on its hands," Ed comments.
"Right, well, we have some individual discretion to pursue cases."
Garth glosses over the file in Josh's hands and sees James' name on it. That's the file he needs, but it looks like they won't give it up so easily.
"I'll catch up later, Ed," Josh says and walks away, taking the file with him.
"At some point, cases like this go cold, as I'm sure you're aware. Just not enough to keep them floating."
"No new leads, then?"
"No, and it's drifting towards the back burner, really. We just don't have the manpower."
"Then it must have been tough to lose a valuable resource like Lieutenant Frampton. See, he and I caught a case together a while back."
"Well, he's not lost to me. He's on leave," Ed stutters.
"I remember he said he was the youngest guy here to ever make lieutenant. Must have been something special."
"No, this place is run like a dogsled--no stars, just grunts. One mutt goes lame, another one pops up and slogs through the slush. Agent."
Ed leaves before Garth can ask him any more questions. Something is definitely wrong here, and Ed is hiding something. Ed and Josh walked into a room not far from where Garth is, and when he tries to open the door, it's locked. Maybe Sam will have better luck with Portia.
After Sam had calmed down, he and Portia drove to a large garage that seemed abandoned. They were secretly meeting with another one from her world about this since the people in the club were of no use to them.
"So, this warlock we're meeting with is a snitch?" Sam asks once he parks.
"Cops have snitches all over town. James uses Drexyl when he suspects someone in the community."
An orange gremlin with one brown stripe down each side drives through the open garage door and stops just feet from where Sam and Portia are parked. They both get out to greet Drexyl who calmly gets out and walks over to them.
"Drexyl, this is Sam."
"A wiccan from Detroit. I heard. So, here's the deal, there is absolutely no word on the street about any witch-hexing another one."
"Are you sure there's not any kind of spell?"
"Look, Detroit, I pride myself on reliable sourcing. There is, however, a lot of chatter about our James," Drexyl says.
"What kind of chatter?"
"That he's gone ripper. Someone's circulating the rumor that he's set at full kill."
"One of us?" Portia gasps.
"If the cops get wind of it, arrest James, and find out what he really is, that exposes the rest of us. You know that can't happen."
"What does that mean?" Sam wonders, getting a bit confused.
"They're gonna give James two choices: leave or get killed. Witches appreciate a grand gesture."
"I won't let him do that."
"Well, the community might do it for him."
Drexyl has no other information, so he leaves the two of them and backs away from the abandoned garage. Sam and Portia have no other option but to return back to James' house. Garth is waiting for them when they return since James is still chained to his bed.
"Hey, I've been going over Bobby's data. Portia might not be wrong. Turns out there is a spell for implanting images into another person's brain."
"Really?" Sam asks.
"So, James could be convinced he killed those other people without ever touching them. Maybe it is somebody else," Sam says hopefully.
"Yeah, who's going to a hell of a lot of trouble to make it look like James. According to Ed Stoltz, they don;t have anything, but I know they got something. I saw the  tech guy who's working the case, and he had a huge file folder marked 'James Frampton'," Garth reveals.
"Ed didn't mention that before."
"No, he didn't."
Garth, Portia, and Sam walk into the back bedroom where James is lying there calmly.
"Portia tells me my friends in the community want me burned at the stake," he tries to joke.
"It's not looking good right now. The cops may have more on the case than they're saying, including a big file on you. I get the feeling whatever they have is under lock and key at the precinct in room C-110," Garth says.
"We need to break in."
"Yeah, of course. We'll just break into a police station into a locked office that is crawling with officers. Why didn't I think of that?" Sam says sarcastically.
"Sam, a witch can go to a place without having to go to a place. It's called astral projection. I can project my awareness anywhere from the comfort of right here. These have got to go," James says, motioning to his iron chains. "Irons on, no magic. No magic, no break-in."
"Okay, but only if we can go with you," Sam says.
James has no choice but to agree to them. Sam removes the shackles from his wrist, and he and Garth take a seat on either side of him. James grabs both Sam and Garth's hand while Portia stands in front of them.
"James, are you sure you're still even able to do this?" Portia asks worriedly.
"Just close your eyes," James says, ignoring Portia's question. "Whatever I see, I'll pass on to you, too."
James chants something in Latin, and suddenly, Sam and Garth are taken on an astral plane ride. It's like their souls are lifted from their bodies and being transported through the air all the way to the police station. It's as if they have a third-person view of themselves and the world around them.
They're brought to the police station and to the locked door that Garth saw Ed and Josh go into. Once inside, they see files on files about James. There are pictures and case files on the walls, and Ed is inside watching Phillppe sign a witness statement. Philippe is Spencer's familiar, one of the people that Sam and Portia talked to at the club.
Suddenly, the vision ends, and everyone is brought back into their own bodies. Sam and Garth take a second to get themselves situated, but James is pissed.
"Stoltz is building a case against me."
"What?!" Portia growls angrily.
"Ed has always wanted a breakthrough case. Nailing a renegade cop would qualify. In my first case, they dropped him as the lead detective, and they went with me."
"Do you think this is payback for that?"
"He can't just arrest you. He needs evidence. He needs proof," Portia panics.
"He's got it! He's got everything!" James yells.
"From who?"
"Phil, the cat," Sam pants.
"Philippe," Portia growls.
James gets so angry that his powers go haywire. Sam tries to calm him down, and he can't help but think that if you were here, you'd be able to help James in more ways than Sam or Garth could. You'd be able to use your powers to help James calm down, and help him catch whoever is doing this.
Instead, you're about to receive the worst news you might ever get in your life.
Dean finally managed to get to your room after calming down himself. Joanna is still with the social worker because he does not want her seeing you after you get the news you will never hold your son. You're just waking up from surgery and notice Dean closes the door right behind him.
"Hey, what happened?" you panic slightly.
"How are you feeling?"
Dean tried so hard to get the swelling around his eyes to go down since he was crying so much, but he doesn't think you notice because you're worried about other things right now.
"Tired, but okay. What happened?"
"You fell and hit your head on the side of the laundry machine. Sweetheart, you had a brain bleed. You were taken into surgery, but you're going to be just fine. Your magic healed you of the injury, and they expect you to go home in a few days."
As he is explaining, you're looking around the room in confusion. Your hand immediately goes to your stomach, and you gasp when you don't feel your children inside.
"Where's our kids? Joanna?"
"Joanna is with a social service worker. She is just fine. Maryann--"
"Please tell me our baby girl's okay," you whimper.
"She is in the NICU right now, and they're going to keep her here for two months. They want to monitor her progress, but the doctor says that she's very healthy for her age. She's going to be okay."
"And our son?" A fresh wave of tears comes for Dean, and the second you see the water in his eyes, you shake your head in denial. "No. Do not tell me anything but he's okay. Please, Dean, tell me our son is okay."
"I'm so sorry, sweetheart."
His words flow out of his mouth, but you're not really hearing what he has to say. You're drowning in your own fears and heartache. After letting it sink in that you're never going to hold him and make memories with him, you tip your head back and just sob. Dean scoots closer to your bed and grabs your hand, leaning in to hold you close.
Dean will show you his foot and hand prints, the bracelet, and the lock of his hair once you've calmed down, but you realize you'll never be able to come back for this. You've provided him with a home for seven months, and now he's never going to see his new one with the rest of his family.
Sam must know by now, and you can't imagine what he is thinking.
Sam and Garth were no match for James once it sunk in that his coworkers and his friends betrayed him. Even Portia was no match for him and his powers. He basically shunned her away while Sam and Garth got the brutal end of his wrath. James needed to get the two men out of the way, and he'd be able to handle things his way.
As soon as Sam and Garth came to, they rushed over to the club since they had a feeling James was going to go there and confront Spencer. SAm sneaks in through the back and overhears James and Spencer's conversation. He peeks over the side and sees Philippe lying on one of the tables with Spencer behind him.
Spencer reaches down to Philippe and snaps his neck as if he meant nothing to him.
"He was always spineless. Now literally."
"It was you. You were behind all this?"
"I humbly accept credit."
"You made me think I was a killer. Ed Stoltz put you up to it. He found out you were a witch and tried to blackmail you," James accuses him.
"You're not using your thinking cap, Jimmy. It was actually crucial that he didn't believe in the occult. I'd say he's built quite a solid case, don't you?"
"I don't understand."
"Of course you don't. Neither of you ever considered my feelings," Spencer scoffs.
"Portia? This is about her?"
"Can you imagine the insult when she chose you? I wanted her as my soulmate the moment I saw her."
"She was meant to be my familiar."
"Oh, she's way more than familiar, isn't she? When she picked you as master, I endured it. When you two went all Bella and Edward, broke the code, and put your passions before the community rules, well, the entitlement was too much. Your total ruination seemed appropriate." Sam has had enough of this and knows he needs to step in. Him and Garth enter the room, making themselves known. "The wiccan from Detroit."
Before Sam has a chance to say anything, Spencer tosses both Garth and Sam into the wall behind them with his powers. James throws a bolt of magic at Spencer, and the older man chuckles.
"Seriously, you want to take me on?"
Spencer sends his own energy beam at James, causing him to stiffen up. Spencer raises James into the air, and he cries out in pain at what Spencer is doing to him. Sam and Garth get up, and Sam takes out the bottle they were going to use on James. Instead, they're going to use it on Spencer.
"Hurry," Garth urges.
While still holding James in the air, Spencer puts a hand up towards the two hunters and sends a beam into both Sam and Garth. They both freeze in place as their eyes turn the same color as Spencer's magic.
"It's not only James' head I can get inside."
Whatever Spencer is doing, it's causing Sam to relive all of the bad things that's ever happened to him. Him taking demon blood, fighting with his dad, falling into Hell with Michael and Lucifer, when his soul was burning in Hell, and every bad thing he's ever done while being soulless. Garth is experiencing his own pain as well, and neither of them can do anything but stand there and take it.
Portia, in her dog form, comes running into the room and jumps on Spencer, quickly trying to take him out. When Spencer hits the ground, his hold releases on everyone. James falls back onto the ground, and Sam and Garth are able to move again. Sam quickly takes out the bottle while Garth takes out his match. Portia and Spencer still continue to fight, but it gives Sam the time he needs to do the spell.
With a few words in Latin, he throws the concoction onto Spencer once he throws Portia off him. A swirl of smoke engulfs Spencer as he turns into blood and ash. Portia, now in her human form, rushes over to James who meets her in the middle. With Spencer out of the picture, James' life should go back to normal. There is still the issue with Ed and the case he is building against him, but James and Portia can handle that on their own.
Sam would really love to stay and help James with his problem, but his nephew just died and he really needs to get back to Kansas. It was a long and tiring drive, but Sam and Garth made it back just in time for you to have calmed down. You were given the chance to see Robert in the same way Dean did, and you two grieved together inside the tiny OR room. He will be cremated so you can take him home, but you have someone else to see right now.
"Hey, I got here as quickly as we could," Sam says.
"You're here now," you cry. "That's all that matters."
"I am so sorry."
Both Sam and Garth each give you a hug, but they're not the ones you want to see right now. With your doctor's permission, you have a nurse wheel you to the NICU so you can see your baby girl. She is inside one of the incubators to help her grow stronger, but you're allowed to stick your hand inside and touch her so she knows her mom is by her side.
"Hi, my angel," you whisper and stick your hand inside. You run the back of your finger down her rosy cheeks, letting the tears fall freely. You move your finger to her hand, and she grips your finger tightly. She knows you're here. "I can't wait to take you home. You get better, okay? Mommy and Daddy are waiting for you to come home. You have a family and a big sister, and your brother loves you so very much even though he can't be here with us."
Sam and Garth stay off to the side while you and Dean talk to your little girl. You have two kids now, and you will do everything in your power to give them the life they deserve--a life full of happiness, love, and adventure.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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mariacallous · 1 year
When Yevgeny Prighozin, the head of the notorious mercenary army known as the Wagner Group, staged an aborted coup against the Russian government, his brief revolt led to the deaths of 13 Russian fighter pilots and a serious blow to Vladimir Putin's sense of invulnerability. Now the fallout of that strange story has also apparently taken another casualty: the most notorious troll farm in the world, known as the Internet Research Agency.
But we'll get to that. First, Elon Musk is having a tough week. After Twitter’s baffling decision to temporarily limit the number of tweets users can read each day, Mark Zuckerberg sucker-punched the self-sabotaged platform with the launch of Threads. The Instagram-linked microblogging app surged to the top of the app store charts, gaining a staggering 30 million users in 24 hours—a clear sign that many people are willing to ignore Meta’s privacy-invading ways.
If you want to get in on the Threads action but don't want to share all your data with Meta, there's a better way: Don't join. Instead, wait until Threads connects to the broader decentralized social media ecosystem enabled by the ActivityPub protocol, which is also used by Mastodon. It should enable you to interact with Threads without signing up for an account or downloading the app. And if you're still trying to pick which Twitter alternative to jump on—or just want to see what data each platform collects—we've broken down the privacy policies of Threads, Bluesky, Mastodon, and more.
Even if you don't share your data with Meta, the information about you that's already out there is likely up for sale. But it's not just companies buying up your personal details—cops and spies are purchasing that data too. That is, unless the US Congress puts a stop to it. A bipartisan group of lawmakers has submitted an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act, which Congress must pass each year, that would forbid intelligence agencies from buying sensitive data about Americans. The amendment has to survive a long debate before it can become law, but if Congress keeps it intact, US spies will no longer be able to buy your location data and search histories on the open market.
Finally, our partners at Grist investigated the risks posed by electric vehicle charging stations. Due to a variety of security vulnerabilities and a lack of industry standards for protecting EV chargers from hackers, both drivers and the entire power grid could be at risk.
But that's not all. Each week, we round up the security news we didn't report in depth ourselves. Click on the headlines to read the full stories. And stay safe out there.
Prighozin’s Disinformation Factory Shuts Down in Wake of Wagner Mutiny
For years, the St. Petersburg-based Internet Research Agency embodied many Americans’ worst fears of Russia’s disinformation influences across Western social media. The operation, created by Vladimir Putin ally and oligarch Yevgeny Prighozin, fueled scandals, spewed fake news, and meddled in US elections deeply enough to warrant an indictment from the Justice Department against a group of its staff and even a disruptive hacking operation from US Cyber Command targeting its network.
Now, after the US government's attempts to cripple or kill Prighozin’s troll factory, he’s managed to do it himself. In the wake of the bizarre, brief mutiny of Prighozin’s mercenary Wagner Group, contracted to take part in Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Prighozin has been stripped of assets in Russia, including the media group of which the Internet Research Agency was a part. Initially, the troll farm sought a new owner, but Reuters reported ahead of the July 4 holiday that the infamous influence machine will instead be disbanded. Prighozin, meanwhile, was said to have been exiled to Belarus—but has now returned to Russia, according to the Belarusian president Alexander Lukashenko.
France Set to Pass Law to Let Police Spy Via Device Cameras and Mics
A highly controversial surveillance bill in France, making its way through the country’s parliament, would allow law enforcement to surreptitiously spy on criminal suspects via their devices’ cameras and microphones. The legislation, which would apply to smartphones, connected cars, laptops, and other devices, was passed by the French National Assembly earlier this week as part of wider changes to the French justice system. In response to criticism, French president Emmanuel Macron’s party made changes to the law that would only allow it to be used “when justified by the nature and seriousness of the crime,” only for an appropriate duration, and only for a maximum of six months, regardless of the suspected criminal conduct. Both the right and left political parties of the country continue to protest the bill.
ATM-Skimming Fraudsters Are Stealing Millions From Welfare Recipients
In recent years, American credit cards have been far harder to defraud, as banks have added security features like authentication chips. But EBT cards, the debit cards provided to many of the poorest Americans in the welfare system, have lagged behind in those protections, instead continuing to store their numbers in a simple magnetic strip. The result has been millions of dollars in irreversible theft from some of the country’s most needy and vulnerable families, as captured in a Bloomberg BusinessWeek feature in this week’s “Heist Issue” of the magazine. California alone, according to the report, saw an average of $10 million a month stolen in the first three months of this year. The fraud scheme is carried out by criminals who plant “skimmer” devices on grocery store point-of-sale systems and ATMs that record credit card numbers, which are then used to drain accounts of funds as soon as they’re refreshed at midnight on the first of the month. BusinessWeek tells the story of a mother of five whose welfare funds were stolen in this way four times in less than a year.
Japan’s Largest Cargo Shipping Port Hit by Ransomware
The Japanese port of Nagoya—the country’s biggest cargo port. handling roughly 10 percent of its total shipping—on Tuesday revealed that it had been the victim of a ransomware attack. The attack, apparently carried out by the prolific Russia-linked ransomware group LockBit, prevented companies like Toyota from loading and unloading manufacturing components from ships and led to a traffic jam of truck drivers picking up and offloading containers at the port. To the Nagoya shipping port’s credit, however, it recovered quickly from the attack, resuming operations just two days later.
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nebulaleaf · 11 months
G, J, M, R, and U for the ask meme!
god you poor fucking soul. G - Have you ever had an OTP? If so, do you remember your first one? Who was in it? Okay uhh my first one... might've been a mlp one? i don't quite remember. I never really got INTO fandom until Danganronpa, so ig my first otp was Saiouma and ........................ sighs. ive found a better phantom thief pairing at least. J - Name a fandom you didn’t think about until you saw it all over Tumblr Scooby-doo mystery inc ig? or uh. RPF hockey ig. SIGHS. i wish those posts would stop being blazed onto my dash. M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend. Akira Kurusu 100%. he'd be so cool augh augh augh. fuck. actually wait i might go forr Haru Okumura because i might not hit it off well with akira 😔i have a better chance with her. R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom? OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHH TOUGH. honestly ryuji and akira are so besties i love them no matter the context. but for STRICTLY platonic........ i really really love morgana and akira together. ugh ugh ugh. i think theyre way closer than people give em credit for, i mean christ they live together !!!!!!!!!!!!!! waughle!!!!!!!!!!! U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites. ROUND TWO!! Natural Harmonia Gropius - (Pokemon BW) Ahh, N.fucking freak with increased textbox speed. i love him he's such a unique character from such a good pokemon game (though i wish they were allowed to break the formula a bit more; imagine...) his design is simple yet effective i love me some long hair and GREEN hair and his personality ! the sadboy energies! (why are all my faves sad?) the drive for truth or ideals! the fact that he's from my fave pokemon game! obsessed!!! his trainer theme slaps too Espresso Cookie - (Cookie Run Kingdom) cookie boy who can canonically go without sleep for like a week. a perfect representation of espresso as a concept, tbh. take a look at any coffee nerd youtuber and it's like they're making magic potions. every bean must be weighted, every step MUST be followed, no room for error when pulling the perfect espresso shot; much like this character! he is comically driven in his experimentation and you'd think he'd be a rule stickler given how he acts about his labwork, but nay! he's totally willing to steal from authority and flee from cops and its great. he's also surprisingly kind if you're anyone but madeleine cookie LOL. i love his blunt little wizard ass Kaito Momota - (Danganronpa V3 Killing Harmony) oh boy. what can i say about him that you also, don't already obsess over. the passion. the hair. the gusto. he's THE LUMINARY OF THE STARS, BABY. while not my fave on the first playthrough, i've really warmed up to him bcos of. certain people that yuou know also. and he's now cemented as my favourite drv3 character haha. idk what more to say he's just really fun and heartfelt and SMARTER THAN PEOPLE GIVE HIM CREDIT FOR HEYYYYYYYYYYYY !!!!!!!
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space-snake · 1 year
My spider person oc is Gwaine Stacy. He was full of idealistic naivety and thought he could reform the police from the inside. He slowly gathered evidence on all the cops in his precinct and slipped it to Internal Affairs. But IA is also cops so one day when a suspiciously timed break in happens at Octavious Labs while he and his partner are on patrol nearby, they go check it out…
And Gwaines partner shoots him in the back and leaves.
While bleeding out on the floor, a genetically modified radioactive wolf spider that was in one the destroyed tanks bites him.
He writhes on the floor in agony for hours, but eventually Dr. Otto Octavious walks in and exclaims “what the fuck!?”
Gwaine has enough mental faculties to ask for help and Otto is all like ‘hm, well I guess. Oh shit your bullet wound is healing really fast, the venom must be healing you somehow instead of killing you! Neat. I’m just sit and watch then.’
Somewhere in there Gwaine grits out enough info to convey he was basically trying to single-handedly bring down the police institution by being a police officer and got shot for his troubles. This amuses Otto.
Eventually Gwaine is no longer in pain but he does have fangs, claws, and red eyes. He can make all that go away though.
Gwaine gets cleaned up and realizes he can’t exactly go back to being a cop now that the others are definitely onto him, so they concoct a story where Gwaine says ‘gosh whoever broke into the lab must have still been hiding nearby and shot me. Kinda pissed that my partner ran away and left me. I’m gonna quit about it’. This gets him away from direct danger and makes the cops think they’re in the clear and that Gwaine will stop bothering them.
Since Gwaine is out of a job now, Otto excitedly demands he become his bodyguard/science experiment. Gwaine agrees to the bodyguard thing and very limited experimentation. Otto is clearly a little horny about all of this. Gwaine is a little scared because there’s definitely something Off about Otto (the guy just sat there smiling while the venom painfully went through Gwaines system) but he also thinks Otto is cute so he just sorta goes with it.
Experiments happen, Gwaine becomes Wolf Spider and starts taking down the police, sexual experiments happen, Otto gets blown up so bad he breaks his back, they confess their love for each other, Otto builds himself some new arms to help with that new chronic pain, he goes all supervillain for a hot minute and it’s real angsty but also incredibly hot before Wolf Spider finally takes down Doc Oc and puts him in jail.
Then there’s a couple of years where Wolf Spider is SadTM but still trying to dismantle the police when suddenly Norman Osborn becomes Green Goblin.
You see, while Otto was in jail Norman stole his research and made a new genetically modified radioactive spider and gave himself powers. He thought this was awesome and tried to sell it to the military but nearly all the soldiers they tested the venom on died. He realizes letting the military be Special Like Him would have been a bad idea anyway. Actually he kind of wants to be the Only Special One. Time to kill Wolf Spider! Let’s go break his “arch enemy” out of prison for some help!
Otto loves not being in prison because he has his sentient robot arms back. He does NOT like working for Osborn, especially on his little ‘kill the Wolf Spider’ project.
He eventually manages to discretely contact Gwaine and tell him everything that’s happening. Over the next few weeks they’re trying to figure out what to do while Otto drags his feet on Osborne project as much as possible but then, well
Otto is trans (did I mention that yet?) and Norman is Very Queerphobic so things deteriorate quickly between them, not that there was much there to begin with. Norman managed to hide Ottos arms so Ottos having a tough time without that back support and the convenience of arms that can move without jostling his arms. He no longer has to pretend to drag his feet, he genuinely can’t keep up anymore. This angers Norman and he, uh, tries to attack Otto is a sexual manner if you catch my drift.
But Harry walked in and is fucking horrified by so many things at once. Norman tries to placate Harry but he’s not having it. He tries to get Otto away and in the process Norman accidentally claws Harry instead of Otto. Harry is pretty much cowering and Otto is in too much pain (back pain! Normans attack didn’t go anywhere!) for either of them to do anything, but Wolf Spider appears out of nowhere (a vent) and savagely fights Norman!
You see, one of Wolf Spiders powers is the ability to communicate with spiders and see and hear through them. He and Otto were using this ability to keep in some form of contact. So he saw everything and only just got there.
Wolf Spider is seconds away from killing Norman but Harry says ‘Stop!’ ‘cause the guy may be completely vile but he’s still Harry’s dad. In that moment of hesitation from Wolf Spider though, Norman bites his arm and runs away.
Wolf Spider is in pain because Norman has venom. No not Venom, just regular spider like venom.
Harry tries to call the police but Otto is like ‘fuck that, find my arms, I need to get Wolf Spider back to the secret lab’. So he does that and comes back to Otto holding Wolf Spiders face and calling him darling and stuff and he gives Otto the arms and they go off.
Harry is left in a destroyed lab knowing that his dad is the worst kind of monster there is.
After a bit of a think, he starts packing because he Cannot live in this house anymore (he’s 22 so it’s fine) but then his dad comes home and freaks out about Harry trying to ‘leave him’ and fucking bites him all like, “either you’ll change or you’ll die. Either way, you’ll never leave me”
Anyway the spiders in his room saw the whole thing and they’re still in spy mode so they telepathically report to Gwaine and he tells them to spell out ‘help coming’ for Harry to see.
Harry is terrified but he sees the messages and is relieved and passes out
He wakes up in Ottos secret lab, sees Gwaine without the Wolf Spider mask and blurts out ‘pretty’, prompting Otto to snap the pencil he was writing with in half.
Anyway he recovers in the lab, gets powers, but does not become evil! Instead a threesome happens.
That’s all I got for now
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mos-twin-mattress · 11 months
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admittedly this is something i've been struggling with!
The western world bombards us with pro-colonial ideals. Tells you "We're the BEST! They're the WORST!" and it can be very difficult to deprogram yourself, but it is our HUMAN DUTY to decolonize our minds, to kill the cop that resides in all our heads!
Some ideas to start decolonizing your mind!
we have to be transparent with everyone INCLUDING ourselves ab the things we dont know! No one knows everything, is perfect, or can understand everything straight away! Learning is infinite! We will NEVER learn it all!
Our language should be accessible! Think of it like talking/explaining to a child (Not in a condescending way mind you) we NEED to make sure everyone can access information, no matter the comprehension levels (I know as someone with multiple learning disabilities I really appreciate when people really sit down and explain to me in a concise manner
remember that anti-blackness, racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, anti-disability structures in society, and white supremacy are ALL linked to colonialism, these things ALL feed into each other!
When speaking to people ab lived experiences try not to take up too much space, i know as an autistic person this can be tough! But we MUST be willing to listen!
Treat non-white cultures with the same inherent respect that society has placed upon white cultures and systems. the cultures of brown and black people are just as historically relevant, and deserving of reverence!
we need to check our privilege before commenting on how someone expresses their gripes with this white supremacist world! (yes everyone has privilege, some more than others!)
We must hold those close to us accountable to whatever colonial ideals they are engaging in! (as long as it is safe to do so ofc)
remember that education or lack of creates social barriars! Classism is VERY real, dont contribute to it!
and OF COURSE be willing to listen!
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anthonybialy · 1 year
Hammering the Reflex
Creators of agony hate responders to it.  What did the former think would happen?  Progressive restrainers of progress don’t grasp incentives, including and especially ones they spur.  It’s natural to loathe the free market when one’s artificial system tastes like fake sugar.
Crime has been decriminalized, and the only ones punished are those dealing with criminals.  Citizens committing the offense of using public transport keep getting placed in situations where they must confront, ignore, or flee.  Responding to crime sure seems to happen frequently recently.  I wonder who took over and told cops they were the bad guys.
Shoddy cartographers never figure out the source, in part because it would take personal reflection and growth to map this particular location.  You might think Democrats would want to reduce the quantity of confrontations in cities they rule.  But they instead open Arkham’s gates then fume when Batman deals with criminals.
The real victims are people trying to ride the subway.  A brief glorious moment when people in public could ignore each other has lamentably faded.  Peace naturally couldn’t be sustained after victorious Democrats decided enabling menacers was central to compassion.  Civilization is a couple elections away from vanishing if you wanted proof voting matters.
Amalgamations just now decided to rip off consumers.  The 2020s ushered in an age of humans discovering their capacity unabashed greed.  I’m amazed this phenomenon went unprecedented this deeply into history.
Higher prices must be due to a gouging fetish, which becomes trendy as a way to keep enterprises surviving.  Either go out of business or charge astronomical amounts in order to cope with policies imposed by enemies of humongous cash totals.
Blaming victims for coping is abject cruelty.  Naturally, Democrats do just that.  Scolding retailers for inflated prices and crime targets for fighting back is the ironically miserable way to make initiating such unpleasant encounters even worse.
It’s important to never examine why life is so unsparing five minutes after progressive goons implement their precisely-concocted dreams, as that sort of self-reflection could lead to changing one’s awesome beliefs.  Confiscators of choices never figure out why beleaguered citizens suddenly need assistance right after implementing so much initial help.
Collecting more money that’s worth less is more a hassle than it is decadent exploitation.  Record profits are the fault of those who believe in capital punishment as long as it’s the guillotine.  Accusers being the actual committers is yet another nice touch.
Like everything else in this bloated emaciated era, currency piles come attached with an asterisk.  Money left over after expenses isn’t an error or trick: you’re allowed to keep a little bit as a way of saying thanks.  Explaining how the economy works outrages foes of selfishness who demand you just keep handing funds to the government to buy what they want.  Repossessed bills aren’t worth as much because some meanie inflicted inflation just as Joe Biden ascended.
A minimum wage has maximized prices.  Forcing hungry people to pay more for fries should start enabling foie gras budgets any day now.  It’s easy for the useless to forget that work is about how much value one creates.  Announcing how much a living wage is in one’s imagination kills jobs in reality.
Nothing’s tough like steadying oneself on shaky ground.  Democrats cause earthquakes they blame on climate change.  The capricious salary floor keeps increasing for mysterious reasons I’m certain have nothing to do with trying to get rich without working.
Politicians know things commoners can’t determine, like which number is greater.  The cost of living in different places is one of countless factors cited in determining how much to force proprietors trying to keep humans fed and clothed at the most affordable price possible how much to overpay for the privilege.  Economists wonder what would happen if we had a system where the workforce and employers bargained to determine how much money to use for everything.
Accountability by offering a useful skill confuses Democrats.  Potential hires can take services to a different conglomerate if conditions or compensation are lame, which further baffles foresight fans who think efficiency will occur once government is the only option for everything.
Everyone misses how hard life was in the primitive era before Democrats decided to make everything easy.  Don’t even try and remember, as bringing to mind anything from the time of free trade will cause tremendous anguish that will hamper your present euphoria.
Train your mind to avoid wallowing in distractions like how everything was better.  Present life participants who’ve been around for a few decades might recall focusing on decadent aspects like purchases and food.  Stalwart life participants seeking to build character by overcoming challenges feel fortunate to be past the era when we were not thinking about how products arrived on store shelves or diabolical forces lurking in shadows.
The nerve of you taking life for granted will not be tolerated by rather vigorous incumbents who maneuver scenarios in such a way that reactions can only minimize pain.  Adults reluctantly choose the least worst response to childish scheming.  A rueful nation is appreciative of how conditions were so pleasant that they went unnoticed.  You won’t even thank today’s munificent despots.
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jujutsubrainrot · 2 years
Chapter 207: Stars and Oil, Part 3
Opening words: “Choso reappears in Tsukumo’s critical moment! His plan is...?!”
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》 Kenjaku: "So heavy!!"
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》 Choso: "Are you watching... my little brothers? I'm going to kill our faaaaather!!"
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》 Yuki: "This is getting interesting, fallen warrior!!"
*fallen samurai — the kanji is 落ち武者 (ochimusha), which means "fallen warrior". I personally prefer "fallen warrior".
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》 Yuki: "You've been a great help, big brother."
The term used here wasn't just a mere thank you like "arigatou" or even "domo". Yuki said 助かる (tasukaru), which is spoken when a person is "saved" by someone else — in the sense that the rescuer helped that person escape from an undesirable/troublesome situation. 助かる (tasukaru) is used to give respect and it also conveys a deeper gratitude to the person/people who helped you out.
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》 Yuki: "He got out [of Garuda's hold] during the time when 「Bom-Ba-Ye」 was weakened 'cause I was using Reverse Cursed Technique."
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》 Yuki: "...he crushes everything with Cursed Spirit Manipulation!"
John Werry, have you forgotten what Geto's CT is? 🥹
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This is just me nitpicking but I think "mini Uzumaki" sounds much better.
》 Kenjaku: "Your weight does not change when you use 「Bom-Ba-Ye」... That must mean even if your density increases, your durability remains the same."
When I read "tensile strength", my eyes hurt. I do believe the kanji in this context meant durability, or toughness. (And guess what? I asked my friend and she told me that the kanji 強度 means "tensile strength" in chinese 💀)
Closing words: “Direct hit!!”
My thoughts:
Good chapter! The battle was so intense that it could pass off as one of the close-to-end-of-series fights, y’know? All three of them are Special-Grade sorcerers and I believe Gege is trying to reiterate to us with this battle.. that if one cannot use RCT or if they run out of cursed energy, then it's basically endgame. And ultimately, it also boils down to who has the highest durability to tank the physical blows once their CE runs out. Hats off to Yuki and Choso for their strategy to try and deplete Kenjaku's CE as well as tire him out physically since right now we can assume that Kenjaku isn't like Gojo who doesn't run out of CE, or like Yuuta who has abundant amounts of CE. But with that ending, things don't seem to look real good so what's gonna happen next?
Kenny using Rasengan on Yuki was purely intentional, I bet. Especially after he has confirmed that she’s capable of using RCT. Since CE has been said to originate from the belly, it’s not surprising he pulled that move against her. But ayo, I was definitely taken aback by the mini Uzumaki, it’s so smollllllllll. With that hole in the stomach, I'm not sure if she’d be able to channel CE to perform RCT on herself, but maybe she still can do it since Hakari did it too haha. Nevertheless, being the gutsy woman that she is, chances are Yuki will gamble everything she’s got and finish this fight strong. Reminder that she's a Special-Grade who's said to be able to overthrow a nation, so I don't believe she's gonna get offed in the next chapter, as such please don't worry, Yuki stans! Perhaps, like everyone's been hoping for, we might get to see her expand her domain - though, the effectiveness might be significantly weaker.
Choso isn’t in good shape either and will need time to recover from “Gravity” technique. But even if he plunges in to help Yuki, he’s not gonna be able to keep up. Between him and Yuki, IF one were to die, I’d say it’s most likely Choso. Just continue to say our prayers, alright, guys? :’) Meanwhile, Tengen.... isn’t going to do anything much, is she?
If you ask me, the best conclusion to this battle is... Uraume showing up to grab Kenjaku's arse outta there, and they'll cop Tengen on the way too. Maybe Uraume's gonna announce that the preparations are now ready..? A popular take right now is that Tengen will merge with Yuki, which is plausible, but I think it’d be better if the merger doesn’t work in the way they wanted it to. Seriously if it does happen and the both of them think that Kenjaku’s plans will be hindered, please tell me that they're ded wrong. I can't see him being stopped right now, not yet. Kenjaku's gonna remain as the final boss until Sukuna has properly reincarnated in a body of his own.
Meanwhile, I’m still waiting on the secret that Tengen’s hiding from us all. Yeah, no problem, just keep us waiting some more, Gege-chan. You enjoy doing that to us anyway lmaooooo.
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taiblogcomics · 2 years
Your Angle or Yuor Devil
Hey there, bowling pins. We're close to the end of The Movement now. In fact, this is the penultimate issue! Been nice having a refreshing break, eh~?
Here's the cover:
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Ah, a fight-scene cover! For the record, the demon dude with tentacles in his stomach? That's Burden. His brother is the M. Night Shyamalan's The Village-looking reject in the midst of that. At the very least, you gotta give him for taking on that thing while just a human without any sort of special abilities. I mean, he is kind of built like a brick shithouse, so that's something. Must be all those barn-raisings. Whatever it is they do out there.
A bus arrives in Coral City, and a man dressed in what I would describe as "Pilgrim clothes" gets off. He's not as beefy as he looks on the cover, he looks much more like a reasonable-sized person. He also doesn't have any facial hair. He introduces himself to some local cops and states he's come looking for the devil and is going to bring him home. Aw, it's nice that even the devil has someone looking out for him. As long as it's not Mephisto, that jackass can walk home for all I care. But I digress.
Meanwhile, Rainmaker and Virtue are out on a date. Rainmaker apologises that she's a cheap date, since they're just getting ice cream. Virtue doesn't mind, and neither would I. And while they swap a kiss, our Pilgrim friend walks by a hooker, who tries to chat him up. He spurns her without looking. And at the same time as this, Katharsis and Burden are doing a soup kitchen. Nice to see heroes helping out on a more societal level. One guy says "Thanks, son" on receiving his soup, which sets Burden off. He has family issues, you see, and to compound those, his brother the Pilgrim walks up.
Burden's brother, whose name is Jacob, says some accusatory shit to Burden, and when Katharsis steps in, he beats her face in. Yeah, let me repeat that: he beats Katharsis' face in. The team's premium asskicker. So even if he's not as beefy as the cover, he's still clearly pretty tough. Burden steps in to tell Jacob to knock it off and just take him away. Jacob acquiesces, but warns his brother that he'll have to beat the willfulness out of him later. Burden apologises to Katharsis' unconscious form, and Jacob drags him out as the rest of the soup kitchen call in the incident.
The Movement reconvene, and Katharsis gets an icepack for her face. Mouse can't locate the brothers through any of his rats, which is remarkable in a big city. Virtue tries tapping in with her emotion powers, but gets knocked over from the sheer force of Jacob's emotional output. It's all rage. He is nothing but hate in human form. Yeah, that sounds about right for a religious extremist. Katharsis suggests following Burden's trail instead of Jacob, mad she let this dirtback take her friend away. Which is pretty nice she considers Burded that much of a friend~
Turns out, the reason the rats can't see them is because Jacob is flying. He's got big feathery white wings, and he carries his brother out of Coral City and all the way back to Hammond's Dell, their secret religious commune. So it is Shyamalan's The Village... Jacob tells him to go get cleaned up, he's tired from carrying him. An old guy passing by tells Burden he should be grateful, since everyone else wanted to just cast him out. But Jacob though he deserved the dignity of a trial for killing his father. Hmm, this is becoming a bigger picture.
And now we get to some flashbacks. No purple tint, just rounded corners. A pair of parents have just given birth to their son, thinking he might be even more beautiful than their previous child. And speaking of, they invite young Jacob in to see his new brother, but he refuses, telling their mother he's been talking with God, and that she has the devil's leavings on her bed. But here's the thing: the narrative captions are from Jacob's point of view, and they contradict what's actually happening, framing their mother as the one in the wrong and himself as innocent and blameless.
Jacob says he did nothing but pray for his brother's salvation, while the actual events show him leading Burden to a waterhole in their youth and trying to drown him, which awakens his meta-abilities. His father (at the urgings of Jacob) tried to beat the devil out of him, but it's clear his powers are activated in response to trauma, so Jacob's secretly just making them stronger. This culminates in one night when Jacob wakes Burden up and asks if he trusts him. Of course poor Burden does, so Jacob shows them his dead father, claiming Burden did it in response and doesn't remember. Doesn't take a genius to see someone's being scapegoated...
This then returns to the present, where Jacob has Burden strung up to a cross, then begins heating a fireplace poker. He sends someone to fetch their mother as a witness, then unfurls his wings and raises a hand to smite the demon before him. But Katharsis appears to catch his hand just in time. And while they fight, Virtue turns to Burden and informs him that Jacob is lying. She can read emotions, and his are all wrong. So Burden transforms and breaks free of his bonds. And not even the tentacle-stomached one on the cover, just your standard big red devil.
The brothers grapple, with Burden making his accusation and Jacob copping to the murder. He has the face of an angel and the heart of pure evil. And Burden is the opposite. So people will always believe Jacob. Burden concedes that may be so, but while in this form? He's not such an angel at heart. And he overpowers Jacob and shoves his face into the burning coals he heated his own poker in. The mother shrieks in horror at what’s been done to her beautiful angel.
He then returns to his normal form, accepting his innocence and touched that his friends came for him. The Movement tell the village exactly where they can stick it for treating these two boys this way. Neither is an angel or demon, just boys with a shapeshifting mutation. They accuse them of placing unfair expectations on them, and warn them not to come after them again. And to end the issue, Burden tells them one more thing to really stick it to them: he's into boys. Good for him! And he leaves with his real family: the Movement.
Another good issue. Everything you wanted to know about Burden and his backstory, to get that all cleared up before the finale. And sadly, even without the superpowers angle, people like this do unfortunately exist. Burden’s just lucky he had some good friends to get him out of his bad homelife. I’d wish him further happiness in future endeavours, but unfortunately, his comic is about to end next issue~
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atozfic · 3 years
reaction: meeting pirate!ateez
pairing: ateez x gn!reader.
warnings. misogyny, s*xual harassment, violence, kidnapping, blood, death, mentions of capital punishment (h*nging), mentions of the military, hongjoong's is lowkey a spoiler for my upcoming fic named siren, angst, fluff.
word count. 5.6k
hyde's input. this is completely triggered by the kingdom stage, i’m not even sorry. 
park seonghwa.
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the drunker customers had always been the worst, in your eyes. sure, they usually spent large sums of coins, fuelling your salary and guaranteeing you’d have the capability to keep the roof over your head another month, but they were also the loudest, rowdiest, rudest within the hovel of a tavern. with little care for the other patrons, and no respect towards the poor serving wenches tasked with bringing them round after round of ale. you’d done well to avoid them most of that evening, sending over your co-worker, who was stronger and larger by every sense of the word, a person even those senseless drunks took one look at and knew not to mess with them. but they’d left early, the news of an important family matter dragging them out the doors, leaving you alone and with no other choice but to serve the rowdy crew in the corner, who were already yelling over the sounds of their own laughter as you approached.
“well well, boys, look what we have here! a little bird!” the man to your right must have failed to notice the grimace on your face as his arm snuck around your waist, or he noticed and simply didn’t care. the second choice sounded far more likely.
“wonder if we can get the little birdie to sing us a song!” another among the group of drunkards chimed in, sat to the left of you. “one night with me and you’ll be singing for the rest of the week.”
the whole group had their eyes fixated on you by that point, leaning in to smile at you with their crooked teeth and sweat stained clothes, scanning over your figure like you were a rack of lamb and them a pack of starved wolves. 
“one night? pathetic.” the first man laughed out, hand squeezing around you tighter, trying his best to drag you down into his lap and do god-knows what to you. “one finger, birdie, and i’ll have you singing till the day you die.”
shaking your head, and plastering on the fakest smile you could, you tried your best to remove the arm from around you. any sudden movement could will them to pounce, you needed to get away from their predatory eyes as quickly and smoothly as possible. “no, thank you. i’m engaged, unfortunately. but thank you for the offers, kind sirs.”
“what he doesn’t know, won’t kill him.” the man to your left flashed, what you imagine he considered, a charming smile. his own arm reached up, crossing over the one already laying along your waist. the other drunks nodded in agreement, moving in closer till you were sure you’d wind up drunk from the stench of their breaths alone. “besides, i don’t see him anywhere. if he didn’t want people playing with his toys, he shouldn’t have left them out the box.”
you were doomed.
“if you don’t want to lose that hand of yours, i suggest you remove it from my fiancé.” a voice spoke out from behind you, eerily calm for someone who’d just dished out a threat to a group of several men.
“oh, really? you hear that, lads?” the one on the right laughed, his hand slipping lower and copping a feel at your backside before landing a smack against it. “pretty boy thinks he’s all tough. bet you wouldn’t know how to use that sword of yours, even if you wanted to. now piss off and comeback when me and your little fiancé are done having- bastard!”
in a flash, the hands groping your body were gone and the group were scrambling out of their seats. the man on the right clasped the now bleeding stump up to his chest, a pitiful squeak coming from him as you saw a hand shoot out from behind you, grabbing onto the fabric of his shirt. “come anywhere near this tavern again, i’ll gauge your eyes out and feed them to the sharks.”
you remained silent for a few minutes, too shaken to move until you were sure the men were long gone and nowhere lingering in the darkness. a hand landed on your shoulder, retracting as you flinched at the sudden touch. finally finding the strength, you turned around and came face to face with your saviour. he was pretty, and not in the degrading way those men had meant. tall and welt built, with one hand whipping the blood off of his sword onto his trousers before slipping it back into its sheath. 
“thank you.” the whisper in your own voice shocked you as you attempted to relay your gratitude to the stranger, who looked down on you in disinterest and shrugged like it was no big deal. however, when his own hand clasped yours and placed a cold object into it, it seemed to contradict his nonchalant demeanour.
“use that next time. men like that don’t care much for a person’s marital status.” with that, the stranger spun on his heel and made his way out into the night, leaving you with two questions: who the hell was he and why had he gifted you such an expensive looking dagger?
kim hongjoong.
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for the first time since your journey had begun, sleep was peaceful.
there were no nightmares of the royal court telling you over and over how you were to be married come the first day of summer, or your father criticizing every part of your persona, or the image of your soon-to-be-husband and his unknown face, capturing you in his iron grasp and torturing you much like he done to his other pets that didn’t behave accordingly. no, this sleep was nothing short of perfect. dreams of walking on the softest clouds, of holding hands with an angel and dancing beneath the star-stained skies, of living happily in the middle of nowhere. everything was warm, warm, warm...
you woke with a gasp, water running down your face and your arms aching to reach up and wipe it out of your eyes, only to find themselves against some sort of wooden beam. the harder you pulled against it, the more the rope dug into your fragile skin, burning a rash into it.
“excuse the wet interruption but, well, you were taking too long to wake up and our captain’s an impatient guy.” the man before you, bearing a bucket in his arms and the brattiest of smiles on his face greeted you, starring down at where you were sat on the floor of the deck. there was no doubt about it, you were aboard a ship with what you could only hope were not sailors eager to earn the reward for catching and returning you to the royals.
“where am i?” you croaked out a reply. your throat burned, begging for some water. the sun was beaming down, giving the boy above you a halo-esque glow around his head. perhaps this was the angel you’d held in your dreams. though, the sword strapped to his side and the scar running down his neck and under the shirt he wore made you doubt it.
“technically, you’re somewhere in the middle of the south atlantic ocean.” another boy approached, hair the strangest shade of purple and a far more warm-hearted smile on his face. “literally? you’re on board the aurora. isn’t she a beauty?”
“uh, i guess?” there wasn’t much to view of the ship, what with your body strapped to a mast and the two boys blocking the view behind them.
“you’re awake? perfect.” a new voice entered the mix, forcing both the boys in front of you to slide out of the way and clear a path for the new arrival. though the man was shorter than the other two, something about the way their eyes stared at him with utmost respect told you he was by no means lesser. “and i see that san and wooyoung wasted no time in making your acquaintance. forgive them, they’ve been... interested to speak with you since finding you washed up on that island.”
“it’s fine. probably owe them a thanks for saving my life. i don’t remember much from the wreckage, never mind washing up on any island.” the small talk was all fun and nice but you were itching to be set loose, the nerves bubbling up in your throat at the possibility that these men were foes and not friends.
“i’m hongjoong, captain of the aurora and of the ateez crew.” the more he smiled, the more unnerved you became. there was something twisted about the way his lips curled up, the way his eyes seemed to glimmer with secrets under the harsh sun.
you opted against giving your name, fearful of the danger it would land you in. your best bet was to remain anonymous, an unknown entity under the watchful eyes of these strangers.
“now that we’re all acquainted,” the man paused, smiling off to the side at the two other men who returned a knowing look before his head whipped back to where you sat, smile dropped from his face and his sword pointing at your throat. one tiny slip forward and it would split your windpipe. “who are you and why do you bare the royal sigil of the kim empire?”
jeong yunho.
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the sound of swords smashing against each other, of lives being taken and of bodies tumbling overboard died out gradually. it was clear to see, like always, who the victorious had been in the battle between the ships. 
in defence of his crewmates, yunho would justify this attack with the fact that they had not initiated it. the growing reputation of the aurora was something out of their control. they’d become an urban legend of sorts, a crew notoriously not to be messed with. this made them a prime target for the big-headed, overly confident fools they shared the ocean with. their flag was easy to recognise and their boat even more so, they were a bullseye floating on water.
just like every other before, the now deceased men who manned the enemy ship had stalked them, hunting them down in the middle of the mighty waters to begin their attack. their mistake was assuming that, because it was night, the boys were sleeping and unaware of the strangers boarding their ship. defeating them was the easy part, the hard part came afterwards.
the usual three men of the small crew landed confidently onboard the enemy ship, weapons firmly grasped in hand before devising up who would check what. like always, jongho opted for the deck and mingi announced he’d be checking the captain’s quarters, leaving yunho with no choice than to head down into the forecastle. he didn’t mind one bit, there was usually less of value for him to raid down there, making his job easier.
amid rummaging his way through countless rags and useless cheap metals, yunho became alert at a particular sound. living on edge through most of his childhood had taught him to pay attention to the little things, to listen for what most people would overlook. remaining as still as possible, his suspicions were confirmed. 
someone, or something, was breathing in the room with him.
with one hand on the handle of his weapon, the other gripped the lid of a barrel, ripping it back with no hesitation only to be left speechless and confused. he’d expected to find a coward, a traitor to the crew they’d just finished ridding the world of. someone who’d ran from a fight and thought they could hide long enough to survive.
he wasn’t expecting to find you there, rope around your wrists, a gag in your mouth and the look of pure terror in your eyes. this was a problem.
a big one.
he knew it was none of his business, you were none of his business. he owed you nothing. protocol, and that voice in his head that reminded him so much of his short-tempered captain, told him to turn away. to put the lid back on and leave you where he found you, just another useless object in the room. but he knew what was going to happen to this ship the second jongho got done splashing the wooden deck with cheap liquor, how it would light the sky up in flames the minute him and his two crewmate left. something about letting someone so helpless looking as yourself burn in the ashes didn’t sit right with him.
so he kicked the barrel over, grimacing at the groan of pain he heard you release. he should have been more gentle but it wasn’t in his nature. his instinct told him to be quiet and, so, silence made itself comfortable between you both. silence when he cut the ties on your wrist, silence when he helped remove your gag, silence when he brought you back up onto the deck, one arm thrown over his shoulder while you limped forward.
“i know we’re not exactly the poster boys for morality but, really, yunho?” he noticed how you flinched at the sound of mingi’s booming voice, your hand gripping him a little tighter. the whole display fascinated him, watching someone else depend on him, even if it was down to a lack of options. “human-trafficking? i thought we were at least above that!”
“shut up. i found them down in a barrel, appears to be a prisoner of some sort.” yunho met your desperate eyes, his own rigid body aching to relax against yours. he was tired, muscles aching from combat and it had been so long since he’d been so close to someone other than his seven sea-brothers. “am i right?”
you nodded meekly. yunho wished he’d heard you speak.
“great to meet you and all but, yunho, c’mon. hongjoong would never allow this, much less seonghwa.” it was jongho who’d now chimed in, stating the obvious. their crew had only made it so far with their trust and their bond, strangers were never a welcomed addition to their team, even if it left them a few hands short of the average ship.
luckily, yunho had no intention of having you join them. “i know, but we can’t leave a prisoner to burn with a ship they had no business with. hongjoong will agree to letting them onboard till our next stop, where we can all go our separate ways. as for hwa, i can deal with him myself.” 
it was that simple, apparently, and within under half an hour you found yourself with no idea where you were heading, who you were with or if you could trust them but, for the time being, you were wrapped in a clean blanket, food was in your hand while your eyes stared out at the burning ship you’d been imprisoned on for months, and that seemed better than nothing.
kang yeosang.
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with each step he took along the familiar cobbled streets, the bile was rising in his throat. it burned, begging for him to bend over and wretch all over the floor. nostalgia was infecting him, everywhere he looked reminding him of another time in history where he’d lived on land and not the sea. where he’d been the mayor’s son, wildly in love with the baker’s own child. where he’d had plans of marrying in the meadow behind his house, a home to raise his own children alongside the love of his life.
that boy died the day his father was murdered, blood spilling onto the street as on-lookers did nothing to stop the carnage. he’d tried vengeance at first, seeking out his father’s murderer with the plans of putting their child through the same loss he was experiencing. but he couldn’t do that to the baker’s child. 
he couldn’t do that to you. 
so, he ran like a coward. slipped out your window one night, believing it would be easier to say goodbye if he never truly said it, if all he left you with was a lingering kiss on your forehead.
somewhere along his journey, amid the countless nights of no sleep as he wondered how you were, if you hated him, how long it would take for you to move on, yeosang stumbled upon a band of misfits, speaking lunacy of stealing a ship from a crew of militants and setting assail along the sea.
naturally, he’d joined in on the plan in a heartbeat.
but life had brought him back to that tiny island he’d once called home, the need to hunt down some ancient jewel at the order of the ship’s captain and his leading lady taking precedence over yeosang’s avoidance of the mass of land.
three nights passed since their ship had docked. yeosang had walked the entire village over and over in that time and, while hongjoong believed he’d been failing at finding the jewel, yeosang was actually failing at finding you. he’d become comfortably numb to the thought you’d left. 
it was selfish of him to think you’d be waiting for him all this time. you deserved to go out and live life to the fullest, to fall in love with someone unafraid to hold you in your darkest hour and to be held by you in theirs.
the sickly scent of sticky honey and sweet syrup had the pit of yeosang’s stomach dropping with dread, eyes darting up to find the place his feet had carried him against his will. that damned bakery, with it’s usual dark green exterior and the beaten sign out front. nothing had changed about the place but everything had changed about yeosang.
except for his love for you. 
he just about lost balance at the sudden collision that crashed against his lower leg, the unmistakable sound of a child’s laughter floating in the air and bringing the pirate’s attention down to the dark haired boy, who’d landed on his bottom half after crashing against yeosang’s leg. if he’d had the instinct of a father, perhaps yeosang would’ve been able to tell whether or not the child was truly hurt but all he could go off of was the nonstop laughter coming from the boy.
“chinhae!” a voice rang out behind him, who yeosang could only assume was the boy’s parent. his hand reached down, which the boy happily took and allowed himself to be pulled back onto his feet. “i’m so sorry, he’s reaching that age where mischief is the only fun. chinhae, what do you say to the- yeosang?”
you were just as beautiful as the day he’d left you in that bed, despite the coldness in you stare and the step back you took from him, the young boy pressed back against you. 
the bile quickly returned to yeosang’s throat. the thought of you with someone else had been easy, but the image of it was heartbreakingly painful, the child at your side a visual representation of how little you wanted him anymore and a reminder of how badly he still needed you.
“long time no see...?” even he couldn’t believe his own words, knowing it was far less from what you deserved. “i see you’ve moved on well.”
“was i not supposed to?” you snapped, the anger you clearly still felt for him burning behind your eyes. “i don’t remember you doing anything to stop me from moving on. in fact, you weren’t even here.”
“no.” he cleared his throat, swallowing the lump in it. “you were supposed to live on, to move on.”
“good, so glad to have the approval of kang yeosang.”
as yeosang stumbled back onto the aurora that night, drunk as a fool and dreaming of another world where he could have you by his side, he’d never understand how much easier it had been for you to lie to him than to tell him the truth.
choi san.
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everything about the display was pure barbaric.
the crowd of people chanting like wild animals, eyes eager to witness a life be taken. the officers guarding the wooden podium where the twisted spectacle was scheduled to take place, each one of them knowing fine well the man they had in shackles was not guilty of the brutal murders they had pinned on him. the lone noose dangling, freshly tied and awaiting the young neck of the sacrificial lamb, the young man’s eyes filled with determination as he stared at his condemned fate. 
the pirate was guilty of many things, yes, but the murder of an innocent family? no. he may not live by the law but he and his brothers lived by their own code. besides, he’d not arrived at the dock until four days after the slayings, it was physically impossible for him to be guilty. 
it was all an elaborate cover up, a ploy to protect rather than punish the real murderer. the town was small and people liked to gossip, it hadn’t taken long for the rumours to spread of who the real perpetrator was. an officer in the military, their boat having been docked at the port for the past few weeks now. there was no chance they’d throw their own under the bus for the crime, that’s where the unlucky pirate came into the picture. he’d been easily identified by the militants, cornered and apprehended for petty crimes before they loaded on the claims of how he’d killed a mother and her two sons in cold blood. the townsfolk didn’t care much for the truth, the drama and spectacle of the public execution mattered more to them than who’s life exactly was being taken.
with each minute that passed, your eyes focused on the way the pirate scanned his surroundings, as if his mind were running at a thousand miles an hour to map out the area and find his best exit. to even attempt to escape was dangerous in the first place but, with so many people around him begging to see him killed, there was no way he’d get away.
not without a distraction.
in only a moment, you’d throw away the years of being the perfect person. grooming and prepping yourself to greet the world everyday with a smile, even through moments of pain, would have all be for nothing. forgotten and tossed out a metaphorical window as your hand threw the literal brick at one of the officers, ducking into the manic crowd before you could see it impact and smash to pieces against his shoulder.
pushing, shoving and forcing your way past people was the easiest part, your eyes landing on the pirate fighting off another officer with a punch to the jaw, his shackles now dangling from one wrist and his eyes lit up with new found adrenaline.
the hardest part was when the angry mob recognised you, screaming out that you were the one who’d ruined the event, who’d set their prisoner free to escape and find safety. then came the chasing, through an unimaginable amount of streets. your feet had never worked so hard to kick off the ground, the impact sending jolts of pain up your ankle that you had no time to care about. 
you felt yourself being grabbed, whole body dragged into the door of a dark building and slammed against it as it shut again. if it weren’t for the hand against your mouth and the familiar cat-like eyes of the pirate, you’d have screamed in terror.
“you realize this makes you an accomplice, right?” he whispered in your ear as a stampede of people ran past you, leaving you with nothing but the dark haired stranger and the limited space between you two.
song mingi.
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at some point, you'd given up on trying to shield your head from the rain.
it seemed futile with the size of the storm above, ripping through the sky and lighting it up in shades electric blues, yellows, whites. if there were a god, she seemed angry.
the clothes on your body had begun to stick to you like a second skin. the cold had long infiltrated the fabric of your outfit, a constant shiver running up and down your spine, goosebumps licking your skin and your lips bruising in a pale purple. but you were almost home, there was no point stopping now, no matter how much your aching muscles wanted to sit down.
tightening your grip on your bag, your legs carried your through puddles and streams of rain water. the only positive spin you could put on the whole situation was the wonders the rain would be doing for your crops, keeping them well watered. after the drought of the past year, you could not afford to go another season without any growth in the garden. it would kill you, leave you having to give up your childhood home. the job down at the infirmary didn’t pay enough to cover your costs, you relied on being able to set up your small but popular stall every week down at the market.
something in the distance halted your movement. a figure, dark and hunched over, a shape you couldn’t quite make out in the black of the night. with caution, you began the ascent up the path to your quaint home, all the while your mind raced at a hundred miles an hour, hand slipping into your pocket to take a grasp of the single barrel gun your father had left behind in his passing. the object felt dirty and heavy in your hand. this feeling only grew as your eyes fully took in the sight before you. 
“oh my gosh, are you okay?” you dived forward in a hurry, all previous caution dissipating when you scanned over the injured man. his face was all bloodied up and he seemed to be teetering in and out of consciousness. 
with great effort, you managed to get the man inside your house, helping him all the way over to your small couch and dropping him onto it, apologising when he let out a pained hiss. the fire was lit and you filled a basin with warm water, soaking a rag before wiping at the man’s face, doing your utmost best to not linger too long on his striking features. the injuries on his face were nothing compared to the sight of what was under his bloodied shirt, the wound serving as the ghost of whatever blade had stabbed him.
“what’s your name?” panicked, you done your best to keep the man talking as your hand whipped away the blood on his torso, urgently needing to see the extent of his cut. you needed to keep him awake, conscious. there was no way you’d be able to cope with someone dying on your couch. 
“mingi.” he rasped out, moments before his eyes rolled back and his eyelids gave into the heavy feeling, shutting down with the rest of his body and slipping into a forgiving sleep.
jung wooyoung.
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your lover was an early riser.
in the time you both had spent together, you’d grown used to the feeling of waking up alone in a cold bed. at first, it had worried you. your own insecurities and a past of men using you mercilessly lead you to believe he’d simply left, content with having claimed the only thing he desired from you.
but you always found him sitting on your porch, staring out at the world and enjoying the peace of the early morning hours. he’d tell you every day about the beautiful sunrise, painting your mind with hues of orange before pulling you in for a passionate kiss, hands tugging you back into his arms, back into the bed you’d grown to share.
this morning, there was no sign of your lover. no sound of him wishing you good morning, of him laughing to himself out on the porch, of him sighing your name in waves of pleasure.
all that you could find was a letter addressed to your name, left on his usual spot for watching the sunrise.
my lovely stardust,
i write this with a heavy heart. you’ll never understand how badly i would love to lay next to you each morning and watch the sun set the sky ablaze. to trace your skin everyday would be sweeter than any cake and better than any heaven the gods may try to offer me. but, i’m afraid i’m not the good man you think me to be
i’m a liar. when we first met, you were nothing of importance to me, it made lying to you easier. spilling out falsehoods of how i was a member of the navy was fun, seeing you be fooled was exciting. overtime, however, it grew painful. love blossomed in my heart, the way a flower blossoms in spring: quickly, vividly, in the brightest of colours. lying to you went from being a game to being torture, ripping my heart to pieces every time i had to hide the truth from you. but my time has ran out, darling, and it’s time i face the violent music.
i’m a pirate, so i didn’t completely lie. i do sail upon a ship. when i docked here, i was ill. my body could not withhold the harsh winter out at sea, it needed warmth, safety, a place to call home. how privileged of it to find you. but now, spring has arrived and my body has healed. the sea, she calls to me, yearns for me to return to her. my brothers need me, though they’d never admit it. my love, tying myself down to you is something i could do in an instant, with no hesitation. tying myself down on land though, that is something i can not do. i need the cruel sea as much as she needs me.
i know you’re angry. i know you’ve thought of burning this note four times, without having even finished it yet. god, i hope you finish it. please. i’m sorry i was dishonest, and for not being man enough to say this all to your face. i couldn’t risk our last memories together being sour. any love i gave you was never a lie, you have to know that. 
when two moon cycles have been completed, my ship will be passing by the dock. if, after all this and some time to think to yourself, you could still have me, hold me, love me... meet me there. runaway with me and the sea. i promise you’ll never regret the beauty of watching the sunrise over the top of the ocean.
your eternal pirate,
choi jongho.
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there were times that jongho cursed being the youngest in the crew. they were all fairly close in age and, usually, payed no attention to hierarchy between them all. as far as the ateez crewmates were aware, they were all each other’s equals.
that equality was forgotten about when it came to disembarking.
for months, when their voyages had first began, they’d all fight for the right to touch dryland. all eight of them competitive, it became a regular occurrence for a friendly brawl to break out between them all in the fight to avoid being left behind to guard the vessel. until wooyoung, with his high-pitched laughter, proclaimed that jongho should be the one to stay behind, seeing as he was the youngest among them after all.
it had taken two weeks for the smaller boy’s black eye to fade.
“i’ll be back before sunset to take over for you,” seonghwa, the oldest and oddly most caring among the brothers, said as the rest of the members made their way down onto the dock, each patting jongho on the shoulder as they passed. “that gives you time to get whatever supplies you need before the shops shut at sundown.”
jongho knew the routine by that point. he let a sigh leave his lips, focusing his attention on giving the deck a scrub, making use of his free time and the burning hot sun above him that promised to dry up whatever he cleaned. in no time, he’d broken a sweat and found himself slipping his dress shirt over his head, leaving him in the sleeveless t-shirt underneath. 
temptation rose with the heat before jongho headed below deck, doing his best to find a drink of water or rum, anything would do so long as it cured his dehydration. he couldn’t have been gone more than three minutes and, still, he came back up to find a stranger, you, creeping their way around onboard, scanning for the first sign of valuable treasure.
you turned, finally coming face to face with the smiling pirate who was leaning against a mast, arms crossed over his chest as he sized you up. you were a harmless thing, nothing he couldn’t throw overboard in a matter of seconds. 
“welcome on board the aurora, how can i help you?” his voice was laced in sarcasm, his only interest being in helping you find an exit. when you gave him no reply other than the nervous look on your face, jongho piped up again. “what, cat got your tongue?”
you seemed to cower in on yourself, like a child caught red-handed as they tried to steal from a cookie jar. rolling his eyes, he turned his back on you and clasped his hands around his mouth, yelling out the name of his captain. as much as he’d enjoy watching someone walk the plank on that fine afternoon, he lacked in authority.
a piercing pain ran up his leg as jongho toppled over, his feet swept from under him. he landed on his back, face staring up to find you, no longer looking quite so defenceless now thanks to the sword you pressed against his throat. one foot stood against his chest to support your weight when you leaned down. “thanks for the welcoming, but i’m afraid this is an ambush.”
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hello-nichya-here · 3 years
Unpopular opinion: The most tragic character of atla isn't Azula, it's Jet and innocent people who suffered from war
Azula takes the second place to me. Jet didn’t have to die at all. Sure, he was a delusional, vengeful terrorist. But he also helped refugees get proper meal and other civilians not from the fire Nation, like his actual teammates. And in the end, he got better and helped the gaang find Appa without whom the war would have been won by the Fire Nation.
It would have been more interesting to see him learn and gradually let go of his blind hatred for all the fire Nation people and help the gaang save the world by actually evacuating/saving those whom he once tried to kill. It goes without saying that Jet and Zuko are parallels. It’s a shame they didn’t get to reconcile and become friends, they worked well together.
I’m so tired of this stupid, overused trope “death = redemption”. And the worst part is, we hear little to nothing about what happened to Jet or the freedom fighters afterwards. The comics gave very little info about them and they’re not even once mentioned in TLoK (as well as like half the characters from atla). We didn’t get to see his grave or anyone visiting it or anyone talking to the remaining freedom fighters about how their life changed after his death. Seriously, it must have been tough for them to move on after losing their reliable leader and big bro. No children should ever have to bury their loved ones. But the freedom fighters did.
And I bet he didn’t go to the spirit world either because he wasn’t exactly the most spiritual person. He’s just dead. Maybe reincarnated. But, of course, we’re not going to find out if that’s true. Not only did his life end shortly without getting to grow and seeing the world without war, but his death was probably also agonizing. If I remember correctly, he got struck in the abdomen by a massive rock by Long Feng so hard, he couldn’t move anymore. So he could have gotten broken ribs, a rupture of internal organs and hence internal bleeding. Either way, that was a fatal blow and I’m surprised he wasn’t screaming in pain. Oh right it’s a kids’ show.
When he told Katara to not heal him and go for Appa instead, I was like “What are you saying??? Someone shut him up and heal him”. And then that last smile he gave Katara so she wouldn’t worry about him… His life was tragic enough as it was; losing his parents, seeing his own village and the people he knew burn, living on the streets, having to steal just to survive, probably getting his ass beat for it, you name it. He had to be on his own without anyone telling him what he was doing was wrong. But apparently that wasn’t enough for the writers. And some other people too who actually demonize him smh.
But seriously if anyone can explain how his death is a narratively good writing/storytelling, I’ll gladly listen. What do you think about it, Nichya?
In my eyes, Jet’s return only happened because the writers knew he was a popular character, and then his death was the consequences of them not wanting to actually write a proper arc for a character they never wanted to have around for more than one episode. Jet dying had no meaning, it was just the writers going “There! We brought him back for a little while! Now forget about him because we’re NOT doing that again! He’s dead! He’s gone! He was supposed to be gone long ago!” 
And yeah, Redemption = Death always felt like a major cop-out for me, and in Jet’s case is even worse since the show only ever brings up the bad things he did, but never how he was actively trying to change and died because he wanted to help the Gaang.
I don’t know if he is the most tragic character or the one who suffered “the most” since that’s pretty much impossible to mesure, but he deserved better.
Also, if I hear one more dumbass saying he was “killed by his own prejudice” like the Dai Li didn’t kidnap him for letting people know there was a war going on, brainwashed him to try and get rid of the Gaang, and then killed him when he tried to take them down, I’m going to scream. 
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hawaii5-0gurl · 4 years
Find Her
Characters: Steve X Reader, Danny, Kono, Chin, Lou, Grace, Wo Fat
Word Count: 5409
Warnings: Language, Angst, Character Death? Torture (mildish), Fluff ending
A/N: Request from @coffeewithoutcaffine. I hope you like it.
I loved getting requests if you have one, send it in.
“Can I request Steve X Reader, where she’s on the team and gets kidnapped by Wo Fat and tortured and its pure angst with a happy ending?”
A/N#2: Feedback is always appreciated. Good or Bad. Also I would like to say I’m sorry for part of this. I may have hurt my own heart.
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“Y/n are you ready to go?” Steve asked as he came into your bedroom.
“Go ahead without me. I have a few things I need to get done before I head into the office.” You looked you from tying your boots. “Should only take an hour max.”
“You sure? I can help.”
“Yeah, I’m sure. Go before you’re late.”
“Ok.” Before leaving he came into the room, gave you a quick kiss and left for work.
You started locking everything up to leave when you get this uneasy feeling in your stomach. You pull your gun out of its holster an keep it at your side as you continue to lock up. Nobody was in the house, but the feeling was still there. After holstering you weapon, you lock the front door and make your way to your truck. Being sure to hold your self-defense rod in-between your fingers.
You walked down the sidewalk to the driveway, and around you truck to the driver side. You went to open the door when you heard footsteps rushing up behind you. You immediately swing your hand behind you. It collided with a person’s side. You whipped around to see a man holding his side. You started fighting, kicking and punching but he was able to block almost every single one of them. He pulled out what looked like a police baton and started swinging. You were able to grab the baton, but he quickly pushed you back against your truck to hold you in place.
“Not so tough now Y/n.” he got cocky as you tried to push him off.
“You sure about that?” leaving a confused look in his face. You used as much force as you could and kneed him in the groin. He fell to the ground, grabbing himself.
You leaned over him. “Dumb-Ass.”
You went to cuff him but before you could you felt a sting on the side of your neck.
“Ouch!” You grabbed where the pain was and looked to the side only to see Wo Fat with a syringe in his hand. Then everything went dark.
- At 5-O HQ hours later-
“This is Y/n, leave a message and I will get back to you soon.” Steve was calling you again to see where you were.
“Has anyone heard from Y/n yet?” Steve started asking the team when you hadn’t showed up.
“No” Kono and Chin said simultaneously.
“I haven’t either,” Danny said. “Did she say when she would be in?”
“She told me that she had a few things to do before work, but it wouldn’t take more than an hour.”
“Maybe they are just taking longer than she thought.”
“I’m sure that’s it. Y/n gets sidetracked sometimes.” Chin said trying to explain why you’re not here.
“Well yeah, but I have called her a few times already and she’s not picking up.”
“Here let’s try this. She has one of those squares to locate her keys, right?” Kono questioned Steve.
“Yeah, I bought a few after she kept losing her keys. I have one on mine too.”
“Let me see yours.” Steve handed over his keys. Kono placed them on the table and started typing to see if she could track down Y/n’s squares.
“Here we go.” She slid the table screen to the big screen. “There’s your keys here at HQ and there are 2 here, which is…  At your house? Y/n’s at home?”
“Why wouldn’t she answer your calls if she was home this whole time?” Chin asked.
“Alright, Danny and I will swing by there and see what’s going on.”
Steve pulled up, out front of his house. Your truck was still in the driveway. Steve went to the front door, while Danny went over to your truck. Steve was about to unlock the door when Danny called out to him.
“Steve, we have a problem.” Danny called out, causing Steve to look over at him. He was holding up your keys and phone.
Seeing him holding your keys and phone caused him to get a sinking feeling in his stomach.
-Abandoned Warehouse-
You were finally waking up. You were still groggy from whatever Wo Fat injected you with. You tried to move your arms and legs but quickly realized that you were tied to a chair. You looked up to see WoFat’s leaning up against a table.
“Look who finally decided to join me.”
“What do you want?” already annoyed with this.
“What? No hello. Straight to business.” He got up and started moving towards you. “Alright, I want to know where Shelburne is.” Coming to a stop right in front of you.
“Who?” You have no idea who that was.
“I have no clue who you are talking about. Who the hell is Shelburne?”
“The person who killed my father! Don’t act dumb, where are they?!?” He was getting mad, he leaned down grabbing your wrists and part of the chair.
WoFat’s obviously didn’t believe you. Next thing you know, you’re being slapped across the face.
“I know Steve knows. He would have told you about them. So where are they.” He was starring you down. “It only gets worse from here on out Y/n.”
“Fine. We will do this a different way.” He pulled your gun off the table. He pointed it dead center of your forehead. When you didn’t flinch, he moved it off to the side and shot off a round. Again, you didn’t flinch. You just looked more annoyed than before.
“You realize I have to write a report on every bullet fired from my service weapon.”
“I just pointed a gun at your head, and you’re worried about paperwork? You do realize I can just shoot you.”
“I’m not afraid to die. I know what I was getting myself into when I became a cop. Hey if you shoot me, I don’t have to do any paperwork. Just so you know if you do shoot me. 5-0 will be on your ass like white on rice.” At this point you were leaning forward to get as close to his face as you possible could.
“wow, you are a special kind of stupid. Aren’t you?” He raised your gun just enough to shoot you in the leg.
“UGH! Son of a Bitch!”
-McGarrett Residence-
Steve had called the team. They showed up a few minutes later.
“The house is secure, but I found boot prints on the side of the house.” Chin came up to the rest of the group.
“I found a couple of cigarettes over by those trees and bushes.” Kono held up an evidence bag before handing it off to one of the techs for DNA testing.
“Have you checked your security cameras yet?” Danny said as he pointed to the camera above the garage. It looked like it had been shot.
“Kono do you have a laptop?”
“Yea.” She went towards her car, everyone followed close behind.
Steve pulled up his security system up on the laptop. He went back to the time that he left. He looked at the back cameras first. He saw a man looking in the back windows but couldn’t see his face. Then he went to the front cameras. You were coming out of the house and going to your truck. when a man lunged at you, and you fought back. Then a second man came out and stabbed you in the neck. He began yelling at the first man. He got up off the ground and called someone. A car pulled up seconds later. The first man proceeded to pick you up and put you in the trunk of the car. This is when the second man turned to the camera, wave and shoot.
“Wait, is that…” Danny started to talk but Steve cut him off.
“Wo Fat.” Steve looked frustrated and had to walk away. He ran his hands down his face to try and compose himself. Danny was instantly by his side.
“Hey, we are going to find her.”
“Kono is there any way to we can see who the other guy is?” Lou asked to get thing moving along. Kono was instantly on the computer looking for a good image. When she found one, she put it through facial rec.
“Got him. This is Kehlani Koa. He has a wrap-sheet a mile long. Burglary, assault with a deadly weapon, car jackings to name a few.”
“Are you able to get a plate on that car?”
“No, the car wasn’t turned enough for that.”
Steve came back over, “you got an address for this guy?”
“Yea, already sent to your phones.”
“I want this guy alive.” He looked around at the team. He had anger and frustration in his eyes. “Danny let’s go.”
“You Son of a Bitch!” Now you were pissed off. “What’s wrong with you!? Were you not held enough as a child? What could have caused you to be so psychotic!?”
“If you would stop with the sarcastic comments and tell me what I want to know…” you cut him off.
“Well since you apparently are hard of hearing let me say it again.” You cleared your throat. “I don’t know who the fuck Shelburne is, You Dumbass! I can’t give you information that I don’t know jack shit about! Then again I wouldn’t give it to you if I did know.” You whispered that last part so he couldn’t hear you.
He pulled out a knife and he stabbed you in the thigh. Lucky for you he missed the femoral artery. You tried so har not to scream and give him the satisfaction. Then WoFat’s phone went off, he pulled it out of his pocket and left the room.
“Holy Shit that hurts!”
You start to move your arms to see if there was any wiggle room with the ropes. There was little, but it was just enough. You know you must get out of here. You slowly start to move your arms around to get the rope over your hand. Eventually getting them free. Then you quickly untied the other hand, before moving to your leg that didn’t have a knife sticking out of it. you worked as fast as you could while being careful to get the second leg free. You know that if you pull out the knife, you will bleed out eventually and risking it would be dangerous.
You slowly got up, trying not to touch the knife and not to jostle the leg with a the gsw. You couldn’t put a lot of weight on either leg. You ended up sitting back down. You ripped strips off your overshirt and tied them around the bullet hole as tight as you could. You start thinking again. You ripped off a few more strips of your shirt. You put them under your leg with the knife, making sure they make an x in the back.
“This is so stupid.” You said to yourself ad you reach for the knife. You pull it out while trying not to make a sound. Then you tie the strips over the knife opening. You have lost quite a bit of blood, but your adrenaline was still going. Not knowing how much longer it was going to be around you knew you must move. You get up again. Knife in hand and slowly start making your way to a different door than the one Wo Fat went out of.
-Koa Residence-
Unfortunately, when Steve and Danny got to the house Kehlani was already dead. They started searching the house. When Danny got to one of the back rooms, he found photos of Steve and Y/n all over the walls. There were maps with different locations that corresponded with some of the photos.
“Hey Steve! I found something!”
Steve came into the room and paused when he saw all the things on the walls. The others were right behind him as he walked into the room.
“He was following you guys.” Danny said as he was looking over all the information on the wall in front of him.
“No. He was following Y/n. Come look at this.” Chin said from a different wall. “This is all her. Driving, shopping, surfing and her just hanging out on the beach.”
“This is so creepy.” Kono said as she walked to a new area. She found papers on imports and exports, various warehouses and random places around the island.
“So what? Wo Fat hires this guy to watch Y/n, kidnap her then what? He ends up dead here. What’s the endgame here?” He turns to everyone to see if anyone has anything that makes any sense. “Why would he want Y/n?”
Everyone just kept going through all the papers in the room. There was so much of it that it was hard to make sense of any of it. Lou went to the closet. When he opened it, he found a large map on the back wall. It had a bunch of “Xs” in different areas. There were also a few circles with addresses as well.
“I got something.” He pulled the map off the wall. He brought it out and places it on the desk in the middle of the room.
“Does anyone know what these are circling?” Everyone started looking closely at the map to try and figure out what they were.
“This one is HQ.” Chin pointed to one of the circles.
“That’s my house.” Steve pointed to another.
Kono was on her phone typing away at the other addresses.
“This one is Y/n’s old apartment complex. This one is a bank, and that one is Kamakonas’.”
“These are probably all the places that she was at the most. This is how he followed her around the island.” Steve was starting to get even more and more uncomfortable the longer they were in the room.
“What about the group of X’s over here?”
“They look like a bunch of old abandoned warehouses.”
“About how many are there?”
“Maybe 10 to 15.”
“That’s too many to search. Call Catherine and see if she can get a drone or satellite footage in the area. I want to know if anything is going on down there now.” Chin went off to the side and called Catherine.
Steve looked over to the window to see a man standing in the backyard. He was on the phone. Once he saw Steve, he took off running. Steve ran over to the window, pulling it open to jump out to run after him. Danny followed close behind.
The man ran through yards and alleyways. Steve was able to catch him when he tried to climb a 6ft fence. Steve grabbed him and slammed him to the ground. Then pulled out his gun and pointing it at him.
“Where is she?!” Steve wasn’t wasting any time.
The man stayed quiet and just stared at Steve.
Steve pulled this guy up by the collar of his shirt and slammed him against the wall. “I don’t make me ask again! Where is Y/n!?” He cocked his gun, that’s when Danny stepped in.
“Steve, you shoot him. We won’t find her. We need him to tell us where she is.” He turned his attention to the suspect. “If you don’t tell him where she is, he’s going to make you regret is. He’s a lunatic and will do what ever it takes to get her back. Now, where is she?”
You made it out of the warehouse without being seen. You needed to find out where you were. You start looking around to see if you can recognize anything. All you see is the shoreline, warehouses, shipping containers and the jungle.
Trying to swim is probably the worst idea. Bleeding in the ocean, with sharks is a no go. They would get you before you could get anywhere. Heading towards the warehouses and shipping containers seems like the most logical way to go. Try and find a vehicle, but there are way too many nooks and crannies for people to be hiding. Also, it would be too much noise if you did find a vehicle.
So, at this point your best bet would be the jungle. You could go until you don’t see the buildings anymore. Become Katniss Everdeen and climb a tree to hide out on.
Before you had the chance to really make up you mind, you heard yelling and banging coming from the building behind you. As quickly as you could you start running towards the jungle. You got about 30ft in front of the tree line before you heard a gun going off.
You ducked down and looked back to see Wo Fat coming towards you. You get up and continue running.  He kept shooting at you. After a little bit he had stopped shooting. You stopped running. You decided now you needed to get off the ground, you made sure to look to see if Wo Fat was around. When the coast was clear you found a tree and started climbing. It hurt like a bitch to climb but you had to do it.
You were able to get up into the tree, you made sure that your legs laid along one of the tree branches. Now you had to stay quiet and not move. Which was more difficult that you have anticipated, but you made it work.
After a while, you saw the sun was starting to go down. The adrenaline that you once had was long gone. The pain had come back with a vengeance. Now you were starting to get tired. You had to fight to keep your eyes open. You just needed to wait a little longer. At this point you knew Steve and the rest of the team were looking for you. You just had to hold out until thy got here.
Just as your eyes were closing again. You heard voices and gun shots, coming from behind you, back towards the building.
“This is it.” you said to yourself. You gripped the knife a little tighter. It was your lifeline.
-The Team-
Steve’s phone started going off, Kono’s name popped up on the screen. He quickly answered it.
“Go ahead.”
“Catherine said there are men in the area. There was a gunshot that went off a few minutes ago. Chin is still on the phone with her… What?”
Kono started talking to Chin. She must have pulled her phone away from her ear because Steve couldn’t understand what she was saying.
“Kono what’s going on? Kono!”
“Steve It’s Y/n. Catherine found her. We need to go now.”
“We are coming back now. Kono I need you to take this guy back to the palace. Put him in a cell and meet us there. Send everyone else to the warehouses.”
Steve and Danny got the man back to the house and into Kono’s car, she left quickly. Everyone else was already on their way to the warehouses. Steve and Danny got into Danny’s car and took off. Steve was driving way too fast.
“Steve, I understand that you want to get to Y/n but you can’t do that if you’re dead.”
“We aren’t going to die Danny.”
“Driving like this we might. I want to be able to go home to my daughter. So Slow Down!”
Steve slowed down just enough to please Danny but still fast enough to feel like he would get to you in time.
After arriving at the warehouses, everyone split up, to search all the rooms. Once one building was done they moved on to the next. Steve and Danny showed up when they were down to 5 buildings left. They jumped in and started searching with the rest of the crew.
When they got to the last building there was guards around it and on the 1st floor. One by one they were taken down. Each one of the guys took a room. They were all coming up clear until Chin yelled for Steve.
Steve entered the room Chin was in and saw a table with your empty holster, a knife and your wallet. Then he saw the chair that had rope on the ground next to it in a puddle of blood. He could only assume it was yours. There were shoe prints on the ground leading out one of the doors.
“Chin.” He pointed to the door, before they went to the door. Steve opened the door. He followed the trial of blood until it stopped. Danny and Lou had joined them at this point.
“Which way would she have gone?” Danny asked as they were looking around.
“I don’t know. Its obviously not back towards the buildings. We would have found her during the search.” Lou stated.
“She wouldn’t have tried to swim either. If she’s injured would be the worst thing to do.” Chin added.
“The jungle it is then.” Steve pointed and started walking that way.
The men started heading to the jungle. When they were about 15ft from the tree line, Steve spotted Wo Fat. Wo Fat started shooting and running. The guys quickly ran to the trees to get cover.
Steve ran after Wo Fat. He was able to sneak up on him. they started fighting. Steve was able to get the gun away from him. Steve was also able to pin him to the ground and cuff him. Then he flipped him over. Danny was there, he had his gun pointed at him. Steve stood up and pulled his gun out as well.
“Where is she?”
“I don’t know.” Wo Fat had no emotion on his face or in his voice.
“Where is Y/n!?” Steve was back down on his knees, with one had on Wo Fat’s shirt. Holding him slightly up off the ground.
“I don’t know, but I can’t imagine that she has much longer.” Now he had a sadistic smile on his face.
“Duke!” Steve yelled. Duke came over pretty quick. “Take Wo Fat, put him in one of the squad cars and watch him.” Steve turned back to Wo Fat. “She better be alive when I find her, or your dead.”
“Guys we don’t have much time. We don’t know how bad her injuries are. Everyone spread out. Find her.
You started hearing the voices get louder. Then you started seeing the lights of multiple flashlights.
“Damn it, Damn it.”
Then a man was walking past your hiding tree. You moved slightly trying to see who it was. When you did, the knife fell off your lap. It landed right next to him.
“Shit.” You said quietly to yourself.
The man quickly looked up, his gun and flashlight aimed at you.
“Chin! Thank God, sorry about the knife.” A sense of relief washed over you. you were finally able to relax.
Chin got on his coms, “I found her. She’s up in a tree.”
“And I will need help getting down.”
“And she’s going to need help getting down.” Chin let out a small chuckle.
The fire department had to bring in special equipment in to get you down. They couldn’t get their truck that far in. The paramedics were on the ground, ready to start working on you the second they got you down.
When you were on the stretcher, you had fallen asleep. The paramedics started working on you as fast as they could. They had to hurry and get iv’s set up to get blood and fluids back into you. they were also rushing to get you back to the truck, going quickly trying not to jostle you around too much.
Steve was by your side the entire time. When you guys were in the ambulance, he was holding your hand. He was also trying not to get in the paramedic’s way. On they way to the hospital your heart started slowing down, and eventually you had flatlined. The paramedic started CPR. Steve was still holding you hand but he had started talking to you.
“Y/n, I love you. Sweetheart please don’t leave me. You are so stubborn and strong, and you always fight back. Please fight. Please… Please…”
He was trying to keep his voice steady, but he was crying too much. His voice was shaky, and his breathing was off. He just kept saying “Please” to you. just before getting out of the ambulance he kissed your hand. When it was time to get out, the paramedic had to climb on the stretcher with you to keep doing compressions. Then you were wheeled into the hospital, Steve stayed with you as long as he could before a nurse stopped him and he had to let go of your hand.
The rest of the team came into the hospital shortly after. Steve immediately came over to them. Danny was the first one in. He brought Steve into a hug, and just held onto him.
“It going to be ok. She’s going to be okay.” Danny tried to calm him down.
“She flatlined Danny. She’s not okay.” He started crying harder.
Everyone was on the verge of tears at this point. Danny let Steve go and got him to sit down. All they could do now is wait.
-Hours Later-
The tears had stopped. Everyone was getting anxious. Steve and Danny had been taking turns going up to the nurses’ desk to ask what was happening or what was taking so long. They had gone up about 10 times in the last hour alone. They got the same answers every time. They didn’t know or you need to wait for the doctor.
Just as Danny was about to go try again, a doctor came out.
“Y/n Y/l/n’s Family?” Steve shot up and out of his seat and was in front of the doctor in a matter of seconds.
“Is she okay? Please tell me she’s okay.” Steve looked like he was on the verge of tears again. Everyone was standing around him waiting to hear what the doctor had to say.
“Yes. She’s going to be okay. We were able to get her heart going again. She’s out of surgery. The surgery went as well as can be, but…” Steve’s heart just about dropped when the doctor said “but”.
“But she may not have 100% function in her legs. Her injuries were extensive, and with her moving walking or running for as long as she did, caused more damage. I have explained all of this to her already. Now she’s resting.”
“Can we see her?” Danny spoke up, Steve was in a state of shock and he wasn’t saying anything.
“Of course, but only for a little while. She needs to rest.”
The doctor walked over to one of the nurses and asked her to take them back to see you. She knocked as she opened the door. “Y/n? You have a few visitors if you’re up for it.”
“okay.” Your voice was a little horse from the surgery.
Steve was the first one through the door and he was by your side. He leaned over and kissed you on the forehead. Then just left his forehead resting on yours. You reached your hand up and put it on the back of his neck, just holding him there. After a few moments just being like this, someone cleared their throat causing you to let go of Steve.
“How are you feeling?” Danny was the first to speak.
“Like I just got hit by a tank. ya’know the usual.” You gave all of them a small smile.
You guys talked for a few hours. You were simply happy to be back with them. You were a little worried about Steve though. He wasn’t talking very much he was just staring at you. You are about to start yawning but you try to hold it in. Kono noticed what you were doing so she decided it was time for them to go.
“Guys I think we should let her rest. She looks like she’s about to pass out.” Kono gave you a small smile before pushing all the boys except Steve out the door.
After they were gone, Steve pulled his chair closer to your bed. He grabbed ahold of your hand. You could tell that he was trying to hold back his emotions.
“You died.” He was quiet. He wasn’t looking at you, he was staring at your hand. “You left me y/n. you can’t do that to me again. I won’t be able to handle that.” You saw tears starting to come down his cheek. You let go of his hand and he lifted his head up to look at you. when you saw his face, it just broke your heart. You quickly moved over and pulled him onto the bed to lay down next to you. after he laid down, he put his head on your chest. You pulled him as close as you possibly could. You didn’t even care about the small amount of pain going through your legs. He needed you. he may be a big, strong guy but even tough guys have bad days. This was his worst nightmare.
“Never again. I won’t leave you.” You kissed his forehead and started running your fingers through his hair. “I promise.”
You both fell asleep like this.
-A month later-
You had been working really hard to learn to walk again. You did physical therapy four times a week. That’s all the doctors would allow. You were able to walk for the most part but sometimes you needed assistance. The doctors were comfortable with sending you home early because of all of your progress.
You were already to go you were just waiting for Steve. He walked in with one of the nurses, pushing a wheelchair. You didn’t want to sit down but it was hospital policy.
After a quick ride home, you got out of Steve’s truck faster than you normally would have. You had gotten to the door before Steve was even able to get around his truck.
“Wait for me Y/n.” he jogged up to you. “Ya’know just because you can walk again doesn’t mean you have to practically run ahead of me.”
“I’m sorry, I’m just glad to be home, sleep in my own bed, have normal food and not having someone checking on me every two seconds.” You turned to him.
“well at least let me open the door for you.” He smiled at you, then moved in front to open the door.
You walked in and it was unusually dark. You walked to the light switches and flipped them on.
“SURPRISE!!” All of your friends were there.
“oh my gosh!”
“Welcome home!”
There were balloons, streamers and a giant “welcome home” sign. Everyone was blowing party whistles. Then Grace and Danny popped giant confetti cannons. They were all laughing and cheering. You realized Steve hadn’t walked in with you. You turned around and through all the confetti you see Steve down on one knee. Your eyes went wide, and your hands went up to your face.
“oh shit.”
“language y/n.” Danny said holding grace’s ears.
“Sorry.” You turned around briefly to apologize before looking back at Steve.
“Y/n, you have made me the luckiest man alive. As soon as you walked into my life, I understood why it didn’t work with anyone else. I could watch you for a single minute and find a thousand things that I love about you. I’m crazy in love with you. I want to be your protector and your provider, and I love you beyond all measure. I can guarantee if I don’t ask you to be mine, I’ll regret it for the rest of my life because I know in my heart, you’re the only one for me. Y/n Y/m/n Y/l/n will you marry me?”
Steve stood up, you grabbed his face and kissed him. when you pulled away Steve slipped a ring on your finger. Everyone had started cheering again. They started coming over to you and Steve, to congratulate you. everyone was so happy.
After everyone left, you went up to Steve and wrapped your arms around him.
“I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you, Mr. McGarrett.”
“I can’t wait either.” He kissed you again. “I love you Y/n.”
“I love you too Steve.”
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earnestly-endlessly · 3 years
Hi, how are you? Your blog is amazing and your recommendations have already allowed me to read wonderful stories, so thank you so much! I wonder if you could suggest me any cherik fics of them as detectives? I remember reading one a long time ago, but unfortunately I don't know the name and even less the synopsis. Thank you in advance for your help.
Thank you so much @remember5novemberv for your kind words. I'm so sorry this took me so long but I hope you enjoy this list. There are some excellent detective AUs in this fandom so you're in for a treat.
Cherik Detective AUs
Their Mouths Always Lie – keire_ke
Summary: Charles adheres to most police protocols like they are a personal code of conduct. Erik gets things done and over with, for better or worse. Raven knows what she's doing, most of the time. The serial killer kills, regardless. Police AU.
Guilty by Association – Reagan
Summary: While investigating the homicide of a John Doe who he suspects might've been murdered while working the streets as a prostitute, Detective Erik Lehnsherr finds an unexpected ally in a hooker named Charles who seems as determined as he to solve the case. As they become more deeply involved both with the case and each other, there's just one thing that Charles neglects to mention -- that he's really an investigative journalist, one quickly convinced that what they're dealing with is more than simple murder. cop!Erik, fake-hooker-slash-reporter!Charles, Modern AU.
Incy Wincy Spider – Tawabids
Summary: Erik Lehnsherr is a renowned homicide detective, with his husband Charles at home and his partner on the job, Moira MacTaggert. When a twisted serial killer starts targeting mutants, Erik and Moira are the perfect team for the job, especially since Erik himself is the mutant poster-boy of an NYPD trying to improve their image.
But what they don't yet know is that the serial killer is an old soul out of Erik's past, and his next move is to pull Charles into his web.
The Theory of Partnership Dynamics – Pangea
Summary: “Detective Lehnsherr, how wonderful to see you out on the job!” The fed in the front greets him as they draw nearer. He’s shorter than the other two by a full head, and he’s beaming at Lehnsherr as if completely undeterred by Lehnsherr’s paint-peeling scowl.
“What do the feds want?” Lehnsherr asks bluntly.
“You know I can’t tell you that,” the fed answers cheerfully. Then his gaze lands on Alex, and, impossibly, his grin gets even brighter. “Did you get a new partner?"
“No,” Lehnsherr says through his teeth while at the same time Alex says, “Yes.”
Charles’ Killer – luchia
Summary: When detective Charles Xavier finds himself hunting down a vendetta-driven serial killer, it doesn't take long for him to realize he's in over his head. It only takes a little longer for him to realize his killer is, too.
Demoted – JayPendragon
Summary: Erik Lehnsherr is a detective-specialist with the NYPD Mutant Tactical Unit, ready to help out where his skills are needed. Or he would be, if he and his partner hadn’t been demoted. For the next four months, he is patrolling the Lenox Hill precinct with Azazel – if he doesn’t die of boredom first.
One night they are called in to investigate a potential case of domestic violence, yet the tenant assures them he is both alone and unharmed. However, there is something about this Charles Xavier that compels Erik to follow up.
Watching the Detectives – Clocks
Summary: Detectives Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr are good friends and colleagues. However, when they go undercover at a Christmas party to nab a prime suspect, Erik keeps reminding himself to stay professional and ignore feelings of unexpected jealousy.
Oh, Sinnerman (Where you gonna run to?) – TintagelCastle (orphan–account)
Summary: Erik Lehnsherr is one of the best homicide detectives in New York. From small time stabbings to high end mob hits, Erik (and his equally scary partner Logan) makes sure all the bad guys get caught, searching for the final clue to nail his mother's killer. As a string of murders draws the net ever tighter on Erik's life's work, he needs to catch the nightmare of his past whilst continuing to be the darling of the Force...
And so what if he's completely in love with the British guy on Forensics? Who's he ever going to tell?
Wrap up my bones – waifornight
Summary: Damaged detective Erik Lehnsherr is grimly searching for a serial killer whose victims all have extraordinary gifts. But without any clues or leads he and his partner Logan are in the dark. Until Charles Xavier, abducted by the killer, escapes. Together Erik and Charles must confront something far darker than either of them had ever imagined.
Alternate Universe loosely based off the crime movie Kiss the Girls.
I’ll see your heart (and I’ll race you mine) – sirona
Summary: For Kriminalhauptkommissar Erik Lehnsherr, this case will change everything.
Paralyzer – Yahtzee
Summary: In 1965, Erik Lehnsherr has infiltrated the NYPD for his own purposes -- but his powers make him a brilliant detective. Yet that's not why FBI agent Charles Xavier has sought him out. It's because the mysterious killer they're both trying to find is murdering people like them: other mutants.
Their search for a madman binds them together. Their inner demons may tear them apart. But the greatest danger comes when the killer they're looking for looks back.
Wrap up my bones – waifornight
Summary: Damaged detective Erik Lehnsherr is grimly searching for a serial killer whose victims all have extraordinary gifts. But without any clues or leads he and his partner Logan are in the dark. Until Charles Xavier, abducted by the killer, escapes. Together Erik and Charles must confront something far darker than either of them had ever imagined.
Alternate Universe loosely based off the crime movie Kiss the Girls.
The Long Bright Dark – lachatblanche
Summary: Ten years ago Detectives Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr closed the case on a grotesque series of murders that continue to haunt them even in the present day. When they are pulled in for questioning a decade later, they finally have confirmation of something that they have both suspected for a very long time - that there is unfinished business for them to take care of and that the case they thought they had closed so very long ago is in reality still all too open.
A True Detective AU.
Finding North – ClarkeStetler, Goosenik
Summary: Charles and Erik are (loosely) friends with benefits. They don't share personal details, last names, or anything concrete about their lives. This is ruined rather spectacularly when Charles gets recruited by the Mutant Apprehension Division of the FBI. Surprised is a bit of an understatement for their reaction to finding themselves partnered up and sent out on cases with the team.
Closer (to God) – dsrobertson
Summary: Se7en/The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo AU-ish.
Political journalist and editor, Erik Lehnsherr, has just lost £150,000 in a libel case against businessman, Kurt Marko. Down on his luck and in need of money, Erik is approached by the Metropolitan Police’s Detective Inspector Charles Xavier. Well-known for his investigative journalism, Erik is asked to help in the search for a serial killer in return for £200,000 if the killer is caught.
Wrapped up in murder, religion, and sex, Erik gets more than he bargained for.
Homo Sacer – unveiled
Summary: In a not too distant future, Detective Erik Lehnsherr meets Charles Xavier: street magician, former academician, and telepath.
One Good Day – troll_under_the_bridge
Summary: One case which is going to turn Charles' world upside down, while he struggles to pacify his boss, investigate murders and come to terms with the mess his life has become.
Playing With Fire – professor
Summary: Charles is a detective determined to catch a serial killer.
If the serial killer doesn't catch him first.
Hold on or let go – aesc, pearl_o
Summary: Teenage telepath Charles Xavier takes a job as a consultant, working with prickly police detective Erik Lehnsherr. Charles is used to being on his own and taking care of himself; he has no reason to think that his relationship with this stern, icy man is going to change any of that. (Also known as: Tough Little Baby Telepath.)
MCIS: First Case – Pookaseraph
Summary: Erik Lehnsherr considers himself a great MCIS agent, and he puts up with a lot from his boss - Moira MacTaggart - in the name of solving crimes against mutants, but he's not so sure about this new empath, Charles Xavier. Their first case together will test Erik's patience, but doubtless be the beginning of a brilliant friendship.
MCIS: Fathers, Sons, and Brothers – Pookaseraph
Summary: Alex Summers has a single case that he has obsessed about ever since coming to MCIS two years ago: Su-M-94-0708-0034, the murder of Christopher and Katherine Summers, and the presumed kidnapping and possible murder of Scott Summers. Very little evidence was found at the time, but hopefully a new team - and new leads - can shed light on the case that left Alex an orphan.
When the Crazies come to town – Chinchillaatthedisc0
Summary: Erik is a surly detective with zero people skills who has just been assigned the murder case of Kurt Marko. Prime suspect? Charles xavier. Who's no where to be found.
My old man is a bad man – faerie_ground
Summary: Sebastian Shaw dies at two am in the morning with a dagger embedded in his forehead. Detective Erik Lehnsherr is on the case, and the number one suspect is the recently widowed Dr Charles Xavier, Sebastian Shaw's husband.
Deep Cover – Subtilior
Summary: Omegas in heat? The perfect whores. Sebastian Shaw? The bastard who kidnaps them for his Hellfire Club. Erik Lehnsherr? A hard-boiled detective who's been on the Hellfire case for months. The catastrophe that unfolds when he goes in on retrieval and finds Charles Xavier still writhing in a Hellfire bed? .... Deep Cover.
A Murder of Ravens – AbandonedWorld
Summary:Charles Xavier is wrongfully accused. Erik Lehnsherr is a top-notch homicide Lieutenant who stumbles upon the case of a lifetime: a serial killer targeting mutants–and only mutants. Charles bides his incarceration waiting on a miracle, reciting Poe's timeless gem in effort to retain his sanity...
Note: Unfinished
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altagraye · 3 years
The ties that bind part 2
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!!!T.W.: graphic post-rape injuries, injuries, mutism, dean being a jerk to jack (because he is hurting), flashbacks, language, age gap.
Author's note: reader is a Goddess/witch but still has her humanity.
Part 2: Loving you is a losing game
"What?!! Attacked by what? A- a- a vamp? Or a werewolf? A wraith? A djinn maybe?" I said with chills running down my spine. Once I find out what attacked her, I'm gonna slaughter it, maybe even result back to my torture days. For a second I thought my heart had stopped and then the aching was constant.
"Guys, just come. She needs you. And bring a change of her clothes." Jody concluded. The desperation in Jody's voice scared the shit out of me. Jody is a tough woman, whatever happened to Y/N was not going to be an easy pill to swallow. Sam gave me a quick concerned look before rushing into her room and rummaging through her drawers for clothes.
"Okay, okay. We'll be there as fast as possible. and Jody, thank you." I really wish Cas was around. He could beam us to Y/N in the blink of an eye. But instead Sioux Falls General is a 5 hour drive away. I can make it in four with my speeding skills. But even that is too long of a wait for me. Attacked? Enough to need a change of clothes? Y/N, what happened?
Coming through those double doors my heart was on the verge of exploding. I couldn't pay attention to anything other than scanning around for Jody's face. Find Jody, find Y/N. The familiar scent of generic cleaner that all hospitals seemed to emanate, hit my nose like a ton of bricks. I saw her coming through another set of double doors in the distance. She saw our faces and almost bawled in front of us. I've never known Jody to be so upset. Seeing her like this almost made me think they'd found Y/N dead. I couldn't speak. But Sam was thinking the same thing.
"Jody? Is she alive?" Sam asked seriously. Jody nodded her head yes. Sam's nerves must have been killing him as well, he tightened his grip on Y/N's clothes. Jody wiped away her tears and straightened out her police uniform, stiffened up. She entered cop-investigator mode.
"Follow me boys." She gave us the short direction and we followed her through the twists and turns of the linoleum hallways. We finally got to her room, number 167. There was a line of chairs next to her room that I sat Jack down in. I'm only gonna let myself, Jody, and Sam in there. Jack doesn't deserve to be with her. Jack gave me a look that said, 'Why do I have to be here?'
"Sit. Stay. Don't run off, for anyone or anything. We'll be out soon." I told him command clear in my voice as if I was treating him like a dog.
"Okay." He replied shortly. I joined back up with Jody and Sam. Jody had her back against Y/N's hospital room door. It was almost like Jody was protecting us from what was in there. Jody, whatever is in there we can handle it. We've seen it all.
"One of my patrolmen found her walking in the middle of Main Street...naked." Jody's hand fumbled with the door knob.
"What!? Why?" I asked finally able to speak. Jody didn't answer my question. Instead she grabbed mine and Sam's hand at the same time. Looking at us from left to right, from Sam to me.
"If you two need to leave at any time, I understand completely. Boys. It's rough in there." She said her tone firm. In that moment I knew what had happened to her. To show up naked wandering some road in the middle of the night. She's in the hospital. Jody's body language. She wasn't attacked by some monster. She'd been... raped. My mind repeated that word in my head, over and over and over. I'm still in shock. I can't process it. I can't fathom it. Not this, not to Y/N. I wanted to see her. I wanted to see how bad it was. I couldn't turn on my investigator mode like Jody. Damned right this was personal. I want to know who. Who the hell could do this to her? Our Y/N, the little quirky hunter. Just some girl I'd saved from a lifetime of being trapped in her mother's grip and abused.
Jody opened the door and Sam and I filed in. A sheet was draped over her, covering the carnage she'd endured. Sam set the clothes down on the window sill, deep enough for someone to sit down on. I stood next to her, examining her form that I was staring down at. Even in her sleeping state she looked exhausted. How long was she walking on that road? Sam came over to her other side and raked a hand through his sleek hair. He wasn't ready to see this. In truth neither was I but, I needed to know what kind of monster, a real life monster had done this to her. Jody stood next to me and gave us the rundown of what happened since she was found. I noticed a large handprint sized bruise around her neck. Like the freak was choking her out while, while he was. Was r-raping her. Jesus fuckin' Christ.
"They tried to give her a rape kit, but she freaked out. She is terrified of everyone. She hasn't said anything to anyone. So as far as I'm concerned if we're going to find this creep. It needs to come from her mouth. Maybe she'll talk to you guys, if no one else." She grabbed the top of the sheet ready to reveal the damage done. She looked to my face first and then Sam's.
"Are you sure you want to see this?" Jody asked. I was only able to nod my head and grip the side-rail of her hospital bed. My jaw tightened up so much that I was starting to give myself a headache. Sam was practically shaking in his bones, but gulped down excess saliva forming in his mouth as a response to Jody's final warning. Jody removed the sheet revealing all of Y/N's body. I couldn't breathe. My windpipe lost all its' air. My grip on Phae's rails tightened even more, feeling the plastic begin to creak under the pressure. I was speechless, and it felt like someone was weighing my back down with an anvil.
I started at the top and let my eyes travel down, examining the brutality. Her breasts had deep bitemarks, the indentation of teeth so vivid. Her hips bruised with the same sized hands that were choking her. The inner thighs, once again held indentations of teeth. This was beyond savage, this was a monster claiming ownership. her wrists were bruised too, as if he were yanking them. Using it like reigns on a horse. That wasn't all her wrists told, deep gashes. Impalement, something to weaken her so that he could take the opportunity to have his twisted way with her. Sam began to cry, not a lot and not loud, just a few gasps. That was enough for him though. Jody replaced the sheet but the images were still stained into my brain. Sam held a quivering hand to his mouth, he couldn't believe his eyes. Something this horrible had happened to his best friend, it was killing him on the inside.
"Jody. I want names, addresses, everything. Now. I'm killing the son of a bitch that did this. I swear to God, I'm gonna chop off his dick and shove it down his throat." I was so angry, I myself was starting to cry, my voice breaking. I need to break something. A chair, or a window pane. Anything. Jody got closer to me but didn't dare touch me.
"I know. I'm sorry, I don't think they got a big enough sample to get a proper ID." Jody said.
Sam was still in a state of shock but made sure he was in on the conversation, letting his Einstein mind get to chewing over this hellish situation. He was probably just as determined to gank the bastard as I was. Sam's forehead contorted in a mess of confused muscles before releasing, his face starting to turn a certain hue of green.
"Sample? You don't think? Oh God! Did he?" Sam thought out loud. Yeah Sam of 'course that happened. Of 'course the scum bag came inside her. I started to rattle the bedrail unable to control the anger brewing and boiling from within me. What are we gonna do when she wakes up? What am I even gonna say to her? And she can't talk?! This bag of dicks brutalized her so much that she's a mute. I can't handle this. I need the highway and Baby and the greasiest bacon cheeseburger Sioux Falls has to offer. I didn't register Jody calling for me or even opening her E.R. door.
Who the fuck did this? I found myself staring at the highway outside the hospital. The nearby tree line and the blazing sun above were memorable. I found myself listening to a conversation Y/N and I had a long time ago. Replaying it in my head.
"Hey Dean? Didn't you ever think about running away? Like if you had the choice to live anywhere. Where'd you go?" She asked me guzzling down her Mountain Dew leaning against Baby, staring at the scenery about us. The fiery sunset poking through the old pines, their foliage still strong in the death grip of winter.
I chased my bite of cheeseburger down with a gulp of beer and thought. I don't think I've ever fantasized about living anywhere in particular. The corners of my mouth creased into a smile. I knew what I was going to say.
"Well, someplace secluded. Access to a lake or river so I can fish. Not anywhere too terribly cold. Not flat either. I need some curves to land you know? Some open winding road so I can take Baby out for a spin. She loves to hug those turns." For the first time in a while I'd heard her burst out laughing. That kind of, lose-your-breath-gasping-gut-buster kind of laugh. She couldn't rip that smile off her face for a whole half hour afterward.
"What's so funny?" I asked taking in another humongous bite of burger.
"Me too. That's all. But I could do without the fishing. Ick!" Her nose scrunched up and her shoulders raised in disgust. I'll have to take her fishing one day.
Through my chewing I smiled back at her. "C'mon, it's just a fish. Scaly, sometimes slimy, teeth, floppy, fish." I was making her squirm.
"Fuckin' nasty is what it is! Ugh, don't tell me you eat what you catch?" She asked shoveling some fries into her mouth and staring at me with those perfect e/c eyes along the bridge of her nose. She has no idea, about this feeling, this tiny spark.
"Oh, Hell yeah! Gotta gut 'em, descale some of 'em. Now, trout, that's good eatin'!" I replied getting another tiny squirm of a reaction out of her.
Maybe that's when? Is that when I noticed that I wanted to see her smile like that more often? She has a beautiful laugh, one that I can't resist grinning up a storm like a schoolboy crush, it's more contagious than yawning. I'd do anything for her in a heartbeat. I came close to this feeling with Lisa, Jo, and Cassie. But I don't think it's ever been as intense as now. Falling in love, that's what I feel like, falling. Unable to control my feelings and it scares the shit out of me. Karen Singer's words rang through my head in that moment, "I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say you've never been in love? He's my husband. My job is to bring him peace, not pain." God that feels like ages ago, back when Death decided to turn half the town of Sioux Falls into a Walking Dead episode. Peace, not pain. That's what I want to give Y/N, all the peace she can take and more, because after all the Hell she's been through she deserves it. She deserves better. I don't care that she has baggage. I don't care that she's a witch or some Goddess gave her powers. I don't care that she's a wallflower. I don't care how many times she says she's screwed up a hunt. She's fucking perfect. God Dammit! Don't you see that Y/N?! There's not one thing you could do or say that would make me angry at you. I can't get angry at you, ever. All I could think of was the bruises all black and blue. The clear indentation of teeth into the flesh of her breasts and her inner thighs. I'd never, not even when I had black eyes, would I ever treat you like that. I'm hopelessly in love with you, and it's driving me up a wall. No one knows, except me. What's that thing that people say? You can't help who you fall in love with? God! What the fuck am I even saying?!
I'm 16 years older than her, that's a lifetime in my book. It's wrong to feel this way, 'bout her. Right? Find someone you're own age Dean! So I'll do what I always do with my emotions. Put on a mask, bottle it up, and stuff it down so no one has to know. You're despicable, you're sick Dean. But seeing her, like that, all peppered with bruises and violated. Some prick raped the girl, no woman I care the most about. How am I gonna deal with this? I turned to the textured wall behind me and rammed my fist against it. As much as I could in that moment, turning the wall red.
You can't tell me that this, whoever the fuck did this to her, was meant to be. I thudded my forehead against the wall, closed my eyes, and sighed.
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sketchnskribbles · 2 years
No Set Destination
Chapter 1: Back… To The Future!  [AO3]
“[Raptor Speak]”
[Raptor Morse Code] 
Altered Timeline: Emmett’s universe, where the movie takes place.
Original Timeline: Rex’s universe, where his origin/series of events take place.
Genre: Adventure, Humor, Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Character(s): Emmett Brickowski, Rex Dangervest, Lucy Wildstyle, Batman, General Mayhem, Benny (Astronaut Blue), Metalbeard, Unikitty, and Good/Bad Cop
Pairing(s): Altered!Emmett/Altered!Lucy, Batman/Queen Whatevera, Rex/Original!Mayhem, Original!Benny/Original!Lucy
Disclaimer: I do not own Lego Movie/Lego Movie: The Second Part. However, this is my own personal fanfic that I am merely using these wonderful characters for. This is mainly for my own enjoyment but I am sharing it so that others may enjoy it as well.
Any possible future OCs used for world building are my own and you must ask permission before using.
This is, indeed, an AU. While I do like to stick to as much canon as possible, I may change some things for the sake of the story; don't hesitate to talk to me if there is any confusion. 
Otherwise enjoy!
“It’s over Rex. Emmett’s never going to be you”
The words stabbed into the rough explorer like knives, as he slowly sat up to view his past self and his former love. They looked on at him with compassion.
There shouldn’t be such a thing as compassion for a monster like him. He knew what he’d become; a slave to hate and revenge.
“But you could be like him.” Lucy took a step forward. No matter how tough Wyldstyle liked to believe herself to be, she was still so mushy. Perhaps that's why she was so attracted to his past self. “You don’t have to be the bad guy.”
Yes he did. If he wasn’t the bad guy, then who was he? Just some nobody. He no longer deserved the right to be “The Special”.
“You could join us.” Emmett reaches out, speaking his own agreement with the ex-rebel. 
“ I— I can’t…” Rex stood up fully, he could already feel the tingling down his body and into his limbs. The Flux Capacitor had been the only way to keep himself stable within this time period and in control in the event of this very possibility… him failing. It was the reason he’d kept it on his person. Why had he been so stupid as to show them it?! Stinking arrogant prick, he’d become!
Now… he didn’t even know what was going to happen to him, only the assumption that he’d probably stop existing.
“What do you mean?” Emmett frowned, thin eyebrows furrowed into worry.
“She came back for ya’. You're never going to turn out like me, which means—” he grunted, the tingles were turning sharper. It felt similar to when one cut off blood circulation. Not fun. “—I’m never going to exist.” 
“Wait, wait, no!” Emmett took a couple steps forward but was halted any further by Lucy.
Rex gave out a strangled laugh as his right arm began disappearing. So, his theory was correct. He was going to truly, well, die. Man, were kid’s imaginations hardcore or what? 
“”Look, I told— I knew it! Look, I'm back-to-the-futuring. Totally called it.” 
“What’s “back-to-the-futuring”?”
“It’s a classic movie older kids get to watch. And now... it’s happening to me.” 
Stupid Finn. What the heck? Killing his best-made-character-yet off? Not cool.
“C’mon, take my hand while you still have a hand to take!” His younger self sounded a little desperate, pulling against the restraining hands of his awesome "Very Special Best Friend". How freaking typical of Lucy to take advantage of his feelings and lead him on. Couldn't even properly call Emmett her boyfriend, like she did for Bats. How gullible he was back then to not realize it. He couldn't put more thought into, else he'd just be drawn back into the nigh inconsolable anger that had taken over his life.
“...That ain't how it works, kid.” He’d just wind up taking both his selves with him and that wouldn't be good.
“It’s okay, I'm proud of ya’. You’ll grow up to be better than me.” And he truly believed that. This Emmett will turn out far greater. 
Good for him.
Rex oddly felt calm despite this being his last moments. At least, he was feeling calm until the construction worker made what he would later call a really dumb move.
Emmett, in a rare show of stubbornness, ripped out of Lucy’s hold and sprinted at his Vest Friend. The Special wasn't planning on losing anybody today. Not even his rough, bad guy of an older self.
The other two froze in shock and unfortunately regained clarity too late. 
Rex, by this time, had already lost both his legs and found that he really couldn't move. Like he was a stuck point in the space of reality.
Darn it Finn, Bianca… what the heck are you two up to?! Rex let out a low growl.
Lucy gave chase but Emmett had already dived for Rex with his best war cry, tackling the adventurer. The construction worker and what was left of his Vest Friend hit the floor. Hard. 
It effectively knocked Rex out cold, as the back of his head had taken most of the impact, but neither Lucy or Emmett noticed in the fight to pry the Special off the now more quickly disappearing raptor trainer.. It was as if whatever force taking away Rex was aware that Emmett had latched on, and before Lucy could fully comprehend they were both just… gone.
The master builder collapsed onto her knees, staring at her now empty, shaking hands. She stayed in her horrified trance, even when those that she considered her family eventually found and surrounded her.
Questions like “Where’s Emmett?", “Wyldstyle, are you alright?”, and “Did we win?” Surrounded her. They shook her shoulders and tried to snap her back into reality but none of that worked either. She was too focused on the fact that they were gone. She’d failed.
She’d failed.
Those words made something snap and the last thing she remembered before passing out in silent tears were arms raising her up and moving her away. Soft murmurs of comfort and confusion blanketing her as she latched on to whoever held her.
Emmett’s throat felt hoarse as he held onto his Vest Friend with a death grip. Slowly, he opened one eye after another as he sucked in deep breaths. His heart was beating so fast.
Why had he thought latching onto someone who was disappearing was a good idea?!
When he finally focused on his surroundings, he found that… they really weren’t so gone after all. Huh.  Although they weren’t in the same place. Instead of being under an oversized dryer or within a rather colorful cavern, they were out in the middle of nowhere with nothing but an overhang rock nearby.
Other than that, Undar looked exactly the same, except—
“Lucy…?” He winced, his voice cracked from his totally-not-girly screaming earlier. The ex-rebel didn’t answer. She wasn’t there. Maybe they really were dead?
“No, no, no. This can’t be right. This can’t—” Emmett stood up and nearly tripped over Rex’s reattached legs. “Ow, what?!”
His eyes widened, just having noticed his Vest Friend being fully, well, together. He also noticed that Rex wasn’t conscious.
“Oh no, Rex! Buddy, are you okay?!” The construction worker crawled up and shook his older self lightly. Shoving just a little bit stronger, when he was given no response. “Oh boy…”
What was he gonna do? No Lucy, no Rex, no… anybody. 
Wasn’t this what he was trying to avoid?
Emmett leaned away from the explorer and sighed, running a hand down his face tiredly. This had already been a long day. Had it only been a day? Maybe like a couple, or perhaps even a week. Overall, it had been long and weary. 
A double decker couch would be really good about now, too. It would be comfy to lay on, at least. Too bad the last one he’d made was on the Rexcelsior…
The construction worker blinked, then jolted in realization. The Rexcelsior! He could get some raptor’s to pick them up. Surely Rex had some type of communication device to keep them in touch?
The Special reached for the many, various pockets that made up his older counterpart’s vest. Most seemed to include items that Emmett was sure were some type of dangerous. From knives to grenades, Rex had them, and all with his favored color scheme.
His nose crinkled. Geez, what did he need those for?! Had he been carrying them the whole time? The man’s Master Breaker punch was honestly explosive enough, as was his temper.
Finally, Emmett latched onto what looked like a walkie-talkie. It seemed a little outdated, considering all his other tech, but right now Emmett couldn’t care less.
He wasn’t nearly as alone as he’d thought!
With a crackle, he managed to bring the communicator to life. 
“H-hello? Cobra? Ripley? Uh, o-other raptor’s —oh gosh, I’m sorry about forgetting all your names but I’m kinda freaking out right now! Is anybody reading me?” Static was all that could be heard. His grip on the device tightened. “Hello, Emmett here! I-I really need some help about now —Rex’s hurt! I think it’s his head. Kinda, ha, kinda scared to check it… don’t want to mess up and jostle… anything…” 
The Special slowly let his hands, walkie-talkie and all, rest in his lap as he frowned in the distance. Static filled his ears but it went unnoticed as all his recent failures filled his mind. It seemed lately, all he could do was get in the way of everyone else —including his own self! 
Ever since they managed to end Lord Business’ reign of “perfection'' he'd… just gone back to being ignored and set aside like he wasn’t good enough. Even his friends had started to not believe that he was capable of truly taking care of himself in Apocalypseburg. They would go so far as to take turns in chaperoning him around. Which he honestly hadn’t minded then, considering it meant hanging out with his friends! 
It wasn’t until he met Rex that he’d begun to see just how much the people he’d begun to view as his family seemed to baby him. Seemed to believe he wasn’t “tough” or “strong” enough to do what they did in protecting their home. 
He’d felt… so useless when that came to his attention. Which was probably what Rex was going for. Keep Emmett interested in staying with the raptor trainer, where he was “more wanted”, than in staying with “those who would just hold him back and keep him weak”.
Funny how both parties seemed to want the same thing and proclaiming how “it was best for him”, just with different methods. It seemed they had forgotten that he’d been alone and taken care of himself far longer than he’d known any of the others.
Except for Rex. Rex was him. Technically they’d known each other all their lives, right?
The communication device sprung to life, startling the Special into nearly dropping it. Static-filled growls and snarls came out from the speakers, sounding viscous as ever. 
“[Emmett we read you! This is Jack, current Acting-Captain of the Rexcelsior. Did you say the boss is injured? Have you at least checked his vitals?]”
“Uh, so… funny thing…”
“I really don’t know what you’re saying.”
“[That’s wonderful. Look, just sit tight and we’ll get a lock on your location. Hopefully it won’t take us too long to reach you. Captain Jack out.]”
The walkie-talkie crackled then fell silent, leaving Emmett to listen only to the slight wind of the desolate planet. 
He debated picking it back up and speaking again but figured that he’d gotten his point across; while he didn’t understand raptor, he sure knew that they understood english. Rex was constantly having conversations with his scale-y crew. 
Man, though, a raptor space crew was so cool. Emmett still was a little star-struck on that, despite the whole recent adventure he’d had. 
After a few moments, the man sighed. With nothing left to do but wait and watch over his older self, Emmett began to whistle.
He tried his best not to think of how he was beginning to feel heavier.
Within the walls of the newly made space docking port, a 1980s-something-space-guy was literally floating off the walls in glee. Everything was so fresh and new! And with plenty of spaceships too. Though there still didn’t seem to be enough for the man and there, probably, could never be.
He just couldn’t help it, he LOVED space vessels with an undying passion!
Which is why the couple of friends that he came with found the excitable astronaut cleaning and shining every vehicle in sight. The pink cat with a unicorn horn and the cyborg space pirate, an odd sight against the uniform lines and colors of the station’s decor, were chuckling at their blue-suited pal. It was always so nice to see him so happy; even if he was almost always happy. 
He was just normally down and, well, blue at this time of the year. Normally they all were. It was the week that finally brought peace from the five year invasion through the uniting of Apocalypsburg and the Systar System.
It was also the week Emmett died. 
The thought caused a frown to come upon the sea captain’s face, though he didn’t allow Unikitty or Benny to take notice. Instead, he turned away and toward the monitors that messages and updates came in for the Space Port’s staff. He vaguely recalled being told what it was called but couldn’t find it in him at the moment to think about it.
Instead his mind brought up this current week where everyone else would celebrate the union of two people and the peace that followed it. The week that the group of Masterbuilder friends spent, instead, in mourning for their Special. 
At least, that is what they had done the last four years.
Now, they figured it was time to move on. Emmett wouldn’t have wanted them to be mopey. So, they weren’t going to be any longer. This year they were going to join in on the week-long celebrations. celebrating for their people and their Special Masterbuilder, who had never once failed to bring joy to their lives when he was alive.
A small red light came to life near one of the keyboards. It blinked in alert at the pirate.
“Ey, Benny… is yonder light ‘posed ta do that?”
“Huh?!” The astronaut broke his focus on the spaceships! and turned to his friend. “Light? What ligh— OH, that light! The station must have intercepted a message.”
Unikitty and Metalbeard shared a look. What did a space port need to “intercept messages”?
“Why is your communications station intercepting other people’s space conversations?” The cat tilted her head, a confused smile on her face. 
“Yes, matey. What be any need, a’ our’s anymore, of interceptin’ messages? We ain’t fugitives no more.”
Benny had enough sense to feel embarrassed. They were right, of course. It wasn’t necessary but… Old habits were hard to get rid of.
“It’s only for safety purposes.” He defended, scratching the back of his neck as he slowly floated back to the ground. “And it only catches messages with keywords that I had input into the system.” 
He walked over to the monitors and began typing away.
“Like what? Parties and rainbows?!” The cat had stars in her eyes as she skipped over to Benny. The pirate slowly came up right after, still a bit apprehensive. 
“No…,” Benny, having sat down in one of the chairs, swiveled around to face his friends as they came up to him. He was waiting for the triggered words and message to load, “it’s more like things like “bombs”, “injuries”, and—”
“What?” Both the men blinked as the pink princess gazed in shock at the screen.
Benny turned back around at the monitor and Metalbeard leaned over. 
The keywords struck fear into the three and Benny, noticing that the communication was still live, quickly butted in. They were greeted to frightening snarls of a beast they didn’t quite recognize.
“[...current Acting-Captain of the Rexcelsior. Did you say the boss is injured? Have you at least checked his vitals?]”
“Uh, so… funny thing…”
“I really don’t know what you’re saying.”
There was a lull in the conversation as whatever was growling seemed to stop in shock or realization. 
The three Masterbuilders were beginning to figure that whoever was making the animalistic noises were probably some type of alien species that they hadn’t yet met. Else their… words would have been translated by the communications station.
That didn’t seem to matter too much to them at the moment, though. Emmett was alive! That was his voice speaking clearly within the live transmission.
“[That’s wonderful. Look, just sit tight and we’ll get a lock on your location. Hopefully it won’t take us too long to reach you. Captain Jack out.]”
And he was in trouble. 
Their response was immediate in sending out word of what they had discovered to the rest of their friends and making preparations for takeoff.
The bridge was in controlled chaos as the crew of extinct reptiles ran to and fro in tandem to get ready for take off. 
Acting-Captain Jack watched them from overhead, awaiting the navigation team behind him in locking coordinates. They were, unfortunately, having a hard time finding Rex’s signature.
The raptor swiveled and tilted his head in the direction of Snake Eyes, head of the Navigation team. It seemed the silent reptile was staring down one of his underlings, who was spewing out excuses left and right.
“[W-we can’t get a reading on the boss! It’s as if he doesn’t exist.]”
Only a sputtering rumble could be heard from Snake Eyes. Scars on his neck were accentuated by the flashing red lights and klaxon blare that Rex had insisted on during times of emergency. Something about needed drama? 
The raptors really didn’t care, save for the fact it made their Alpha happy.
The disfigured predator snapped at his subordinate a couple times before tapping one of his long hunting claws in morse code, like the boss had taught him.
[Are you telling me that you believe Emmett a liar?]
“[No, no! I didn’t— I didn’t mean that! I’m merely saying—]”
[When you call Emmett a liar, you are calling our Alpha one too!]
“[I’m not—]”
[EXCUSES!] The scarred Navigations Officer snapped again, this time much closer to the poor raptor’s neck. Too close.
Captain Jack turned fully and decided it was time to intervene. He whacked the Navigation Lead with his tail
 It stung but it got the normally level-headed reptile’s attention.
“[Enough, Snake! I understand that everyone’s on edge but there is no reason to treat a brother in such a manner.]”
[Yes, Captain. I was out of line, forgive me.] The scarred raptor bowed lowly, tail flicking in shame. Without prompting, he turned to his subordinate. [I apologize, brother. Can you find it in you to excuse my poor behavior?].
The raptor relaxed, relieved that the tension wasn’t near as thick as before.
“[You’re forgiven. We’re all not at our best, considering the situation. We should be trying harder…]”
[No, I know for a fact you are trying your hardest —I trained you. We are just not searching in the right direction.]
“[I agree.]” Jack nodded. “[May I make a suggestion?]”
“[Try our timeline.]”
“[...What?]” The lower ranked raptor blinked. That couldn’t be right! What other timeline? They went to the past, didn’t they? He should know, he helped bring them there.
He looked between his higher rank in worry when they shared a look.
[You think that…?]
“[No, I know. This is Rex we’re talking about, of course he broke it.]”
If Snake could chuckle properly, he would have. Instead he settled for giving Jack a sharp, toothy grin.
Masterbreakers were too much.
[Obviously, he broke the Flux Capacitor. It does make sense that, since we knew we were going to be altering the past, we’d make a completely new reality.]
The head of navigation turned to his team.
[Set course for our Alpha’s original time and place. Make certain that it is the original timeline!]
A chorus of roars were his acknowledgement that they would get right on task.
He couldn’t exactly remember just when it became hard to breath and it felt like gravity was crushing him. His throat was dry and his eyelids were heavy.
He had luckily managed to drag Rex and himself near that rock overhang, allowing them just that little bit of shelter but… he wasn’t certain how much good that would do for them.
It was okay… everything was okay… the raptors were just minutes away.
Emmett smacked his lips together, trying his best to swallow, as he slowly succeeded against the violent weather and swiveled his head to look at Rex. His gaze was unfocused, roaming over the explorer’s rough features. His rough, older features. 
The construction worker’s eyes closed shut.
He was getting so tired…
But he needed to stay awake. He— he needed to… needed to take care of his Vest Friend. The Special’s hand found his older self’s arm and squeezed with what little strength he had left. He lost the battle with unconsciousness a mere few moments before a spaceship landed not too far from them.
A/N: Hmmmm, I wonder who got to them first? 
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Whumpmas in July (Day 9): "Look at Me"
A full 3 days late, I'm rolling up with this drabble, @whumpmasinjuly . I did my best. This lovely drabble has betrayal, as well as a little stabby stab.
Emmett’s skull seared with pain as he clawed his way back to consciousness. He raised his hand to clutch at his head, but it never found his forehead. He tried his other hand, and that one wasn’t cooperating either. He grunted quietly and kept his eyes clothes, not willing to face the burning light surely waiting for him. His whole body ached. He searched his brain for a moment, and then he remembered why.
Driving to interview someone… the light was green… then a car slamming head-on into the passenger side… Charlie! They were driving. Where was Charlie?!
Emmett’s eyes flew open. He gasped in pain at the sudden light and blinked rapidly, trying to clear them. He managed to get some sort of image in his vision, and that’s when he realized when he didn’t have his hands. They were tied behind his back, and he sat in a chair in an empty room. It looked like a normal room in a normal house, based on the plaster walls, but plastic drop cloth covered the floor. That meant they planned to kill him or at least make him bleed somehow, and they intended not to leave evidence. They were professionals.
A man sat in a foldable chair in the corner, and now that Emmett was clearly awake, he watched him boredly. Then, he tucked his phone in his pocket and left the room. He took the chair with him. They put a guard over him to make sure he didn’t escape, so he was probably just grabbing someone else.
If Emmett was clever enough, maybe he could get them to reveal if Charlie was here. Hopefully they were less injured, since the car hit Emmett’s side and whoever this was wanted him alive, so they probably kept them alive too.
The doorknob turned again soon after, but he’d had enough time to brainstorm tricks to gather information. Every single one flew out of his mind when Charlie stepped through the door.
They weren’t bound. They weren’t being held at gun point. They weren’t upset, or even hurt, save for a few cuts on their face. Emmett’s confusion squashed his initial wave of relief. He barely registered the two men flanking them.
“Your eyes look like they’re going to pop out of your head,” Charlie commented calmly. Emmett untangled his tongue and got his mouth to move.
“Are you okay? What’s going on?” Emmett asked. Charlie’s lip twitched.
“I’m fine, now. I thought that car crash would kill you, but alas, here you are,” Charlie crossed their arms. Emmett’s brain stirred his groggy thoughts around, searching for explanations.
“You don’t seem happy to see me,” Emmett noted. Where was the sense of happiness that always accompanied his partner? Charlie waved their hand.
“Yeah. I thought you’d be dead, and I’d catch a break, but you were determined… as usual,” Charlie said. Emmett’s frown grew deeper. They seemed to be working just fine, so Charlie shouldn’t need a break from him. The investigation was making progress, and they’d just recently broken through some tough roadblocks. Did he miss a mistake he made?
“I’m here, Charlie. I’m okay. Get me out of these, and we can get out of here,” Emmett said. His head hurt and he wanted to go home. Maybe he could think clearly there. Although, he probably needed to stop by medical for his obvious concussion.
Charlie snorted. “What? No. No… you’re here for life, Em. At least for what’s left of it.”
Emmett watched them, still trying to understand. Mind control wasn’t a real thing, and if someone blackmailed his partner, they’d find a way to tell him, so he racked his brain for other explanations. Charlie waited a few moments for them to figure it out but quickly grew impatient. They had always been the impatient one…
“I’m with them, dumbass,” Charlie snapped. A ball lodged in Emmett’s throat. ‘Them’ could technically be any number of criminal groups, but based on their investigative focus and how long they’d been around…
“You’re a Finelli. You have been this whole time,” Emmett breathed. He was so stupid. He let them into his house— his home. They were partners. They lived and breathed and fought together for the last three years. “So none of it was real?”
“Nope,” Charlie said, popping the ‘p’. Emmett shook his head. He knew his emotions needed to wait until later, so he’d try to push them down, but they forced their way to the surface. Appealing to Charlie’s emotions would be his best hope.
“What about all the times we saved each other? All the times we watched each other’s backs? That was real connection, Charlie. We’re partners,” Emmett insisted.
“You’re a nuisance,” Charlie said, and they might as well have smacked Emmett. “I hated every moment of this dumb mission.”
“Even the carpool karaoke? The- the stakeouts?” Emmett asked. It was a dumb habit to single out, but it was all that he could bring to mind. Those were his favorite moments with them. Charlie strode toward him, producing a knife as they walked. The blade rested against his throat.
“Especially the karaoke. In fact, I think I’ll cut out your voice box… keep it as a souvenir of this miserable mission. A little prize for all the torture I had to endure.”
Emmett tried to lean his head away. After all they’d been through… all the late nights going through evidence and the drunken ubers home… he blinked rapidly.
“He’s crying already?” A voice cut in— one of the men who had entered with them.
“He cries really easily. I’ve spent at least $200 on dry cleaning just because he kept getting snot on my suit jackets.”
“But you- you cried on my shoulder too…”
“I didn’t want you to get suspicious. The one time I did it.. I wasn’t upset about Brian’s death. I was the one who killed him.”
“They were getting too close, so the boss called it,” Charlie shrugged. The coroner declared Brian’s death as natural— a heart attack. Charlie must’ve somehow induced it. Emmett wondered what else Charlie had done— what else had they destroyed? Had other incidents been their making?
“Do you regret it? Surely you must feel something… for me at least?”
They stared at Emmett, and there seemed to be a hesitation there— a glimmer. Emmett kept going. ”I care about you. I know my family does, too. Is this really what you want, Charlie?” Charlie’s knife came away from their neck a little, and Emmett watched them hopefully. “There’s still a chance to change this. I’ll help you.” Charlie’s hand fell away from Emmett’s neck, and he straightened back up. Charlie adjusted their grip on the knife, and Emmett glanced at the guards near them.
Emmett carefully considered his next words and opened his mouth. Then, the knife plunged into his shoulder. Emmett screamed. The moment he could think again, he realized he heard laughter. Charlie was laughing.
“Ah, man. I got you. Whoo!” They hunched over and then checked that the other two guards also found this funny. They forced laughter. “You really thought you were what… appealing to my humanity?”
Emmett tucked this chin in and stared intently at the room’s corner. There were a few cracks in the trimming, and they quickly became interesting.
“No, Em. As much as I hate the term, I’m a full-on psychopath. I don’t get petty feelings like that.” A short paise, and then a hand grabbed his chin.
“Look at me.” Emmett ignored the command. The grip tightened, and Charlie dragged his chin upward. Emmett closed their eyes.
“Look. At. Me.” Charlie’s other hand grabbed the knife, and they drove it in deeper. Emmett whimpered, but he kept his eyes closed.
“Why?” He managed.
“Because Boss wants to make an example of you— discourage other cops from taking up the case after us. You’re going to die slowly, and painfully, and you might as well do it with dignity.”
Emmett huffed in pain. “Ah, so you do care.”
“No,” Charlie corrected. “I just don’t want it to be boring. Are you so cowardly that you can’t even face me?” Emmett shook their head. It wasn’t that they couldn’t face death, or even pain. They knew a terrible death might come from this investigation, and they were surprised they’d made it nearly four years without that. But this person— this person that they let into their life and their home and their trust. They wouldn’t forgive themselves for being so blind. Charlie dug their nails into his chin. It stung his soul as much as his skin.
“Open your eyes, or your daughter dies next.” Emmett couldn’t risk it. Even if it hurt, he needed to keep Mylie safe. He owed her that, after letting this monster take her to school and attend her dance recitals. His eyes cracked open. Charlie grinned.
“Perfect. Let’s begin.”
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