#My Worldbuilding
whereserpentswalk · 6 months
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mrkida-art · 18 days
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Where the bowels of the earth meets the sky, they dance.
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anyway, I have a couple of different interpretations of corruption but the 'corruption as a disease' is the one I do the most often (sue me i think it's cool)
plus it's fun to draw amorphous blob of roots, veins, and tendrils with lumps and uncanny floating disembodied eyes-
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junoniadoesart · 3 months
Me, posting art on this account? *coughs* anyway, I have a few original settings swirling around in my head. One of them involves shapeshifting dragons/weredragons, with designs based on sea creatures and medieval bestiaries. Tiamat exists in the setting, depicted closer to her roots as a primordial sea goddess and the creator of said dragons, as well as a bunch of other things. It’s a little half-baked rn but I came up with a great design idea for her that I wanted to share… namely, to base her off of Paleozoic sea life!
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This is what I’m thinking will be her preferred form. Primary insps include anomalocaris (armor and “wings”), dunkleosteus (placoderm “teeth”) trilobite (horns), some jawless fish whose name escapes me atm (tail), crinoid (“hair”), lamprey and tully monster (gills), and coelecanth (pectoral fins). Currently the one thing I’m undecided on is to keep it to just two eyes, or to give her five like an opabinia.
She is a shapeshifter, so she can change this up and frequently does! - In combat, she loses the “hair” and instead grows Wiwaxia-like spines. - When she needs to grab or handle something in a nonviolent context, she grows tendrils like that of a Facivermis - When she needs to grab or handle something in a violent context, she’ll go for anomalocaris grabby-things, or pincers and legs like a horseshoe crab or eurypterid - When she needs to go on land for whatever reason, she opts for horseshoe crab or eurypterid legs as well, I did a very, very rough sketch of this:
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the scuttlerrrrrrr
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lightsaber-dorphin · 5 months
Living Quarters in the Jedi Temple
Initiate clans are grouped by age, rate of development, environment/ atmosphere, and sleep cycle. Clanmates of the same species are common, but they try to avoid making single-species clans.
Each clan has its own room and bathroom. Initiate halls have multiple clan rooms and shared playrooms, study areas, reading nooks, etc. Babies have someone on duty around the clock. With older kids, a crèchemaster sleeps in a room on the hall in case any of the initiates needs something during the night.
When they near padawan age, senior initiate clans move into the senior initiate/ padawan halls. Each kid gets their own room. Clans continue to have lessons and activities together, and padawns transfer into individual lessons once they’re apprenticed. All the crèchemasters for the hall take turns being nearby during the night. After a few years they stop, and it’s common for an older Jedi to move into that room as unofficial supervision.
When their apprenticeship ends, Jedi have two main housing options. One is get individual quarters, which are like a small apartment. The other is communal housing where several Jedi share a single room. AgriCorps and ExplorCorps members who are rarely in the temple tend to choose communal housing.
Inspiration: got me thinking, padawan halls, padawan supervision
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redd956 · 11 months
North [1] (Whump Writing)
Content: Cold Whump, Intimidating Caretaker, Restraints, Captivity, Unnamed Characters, A Pinch of Touch Starvation, Dangerous Weight Loss
"Um... H-Hi." Whumpee squeaked underneath the shadow of their Caretaker.
They heard that their friend's acquaintance was intimidating, but they still did not expect the heavy breathing soldier twice the size of them. The figure's breath left through a respirator in form of thick mist, and an axe was clutched tightly in their hand. They did look very warm though in all that snow protective gear compared to the backdrop of nothing but snow for miles through a hole in the wall.
Wow, whumper really dragged them out into the middle of nowhere huh?
There was no sign of Caretaker's human-ness. All their skin was covered up, and a fluffy winter hat paired with the strange respirator masked their entire head. They simply stood there. They simply said nothing.
Wind fled into the room from the hole in the wall to their cell that Caretaker made. Whumper was going to be real annoyed when they see that. Really annoyed.
Whumpee's skin gained a new reddish hue at the cold's sting. They enclosed their arms around themselves, pressing their rags of clothes to their scrawny form, despite knowing they could bring no heat to their own body. As they did so the chains against them clinked.
Chains... It didn't matter where Caretaker was going to take them, as long as it didn't inquire chains. Their neck felt weak holding the heavy metal brace that once dug into their skin, and now hung loosely.
A mechanical sigh hissed through the respirator as Caretaker lowered to Whumpee's level. Whumpee straightened up their posture as best as possible, and held their head for the embrace of touch, but they still shuddered when thick gloves met the underside of their head.
Caretaker softly prodded their fingers around the area, gently adjusting the direction of their face. The axe even made a quiet clatter when they sat it down. Whumpee failed to resist wincing at the feeling of Caretaker's fingertips brushing against the skin of their neck. The metal brace scraped to the side in careful sporadic intrevals.
Although unable to see Caretaker's eyes, the warmth of a stare buzzed along their collarbone.
With another strange sigh Caretaker rose to their feet, shaking their head, and gripped the axe.
Of course. Whumpee wasn't enough. They were never enough. Why would Caretaker want to take in another mouth to feed? Such a damaged one too? How could they let themselves get their hopes up on the words of a somewhat friend, if Whumpee could even call them that...
At least there wouldn't be chains on the other side. Hopefully.
The chain let out an exasperated urk. Whumpee tried to curl in. Too far from the wall, they could only manage a sort of slouch. Hugging their arms against each other they did nothing but shiver in the coolness of Caretaker's shadow.
They couldn't even look their final killer in the eyes, watching the form of darkness move across the floor. The shadow's arms departed from itself raising an axe high, before-
Bits of shattered chain scattered across the ground. A pinch of sparks followed after them as axe connected to stone flooring. Shaking, Whumpee strained a turn behind them. A severed set of chain links let out a dying breath when a small gust pressed the dust off of them.
Caretaker pulled onto the shortened half connected to Whumpee's neck, debating their satisfaction in its length.
All the wind left Whumpee's lungs as they felt two heavy pats across their back shoulders. Caretaker methodically sifted through the rucksack they brought, dragging out a coat several sizes larger than Whumpee. They kept giving Whumpee a look every time they rubbed at their eyes.
"Thank- Thank yo-you." Whumpee mustered as Caretaker became finally satiated in the amount of bundling up they wrapped their rescue into. Those words were muffled under a thin scarf.
Whumpee tried to show their new acquaintance that they could dress themselves. That went as miserably as it could, the two shiny red scrapes across one shin stood as a token to that. Now Caretaker didn't even let Whumpee try to slip their own respirator on.
Mechanical hissing. Not a chance for another word. Whumpee felt Caretaker's hands slide underneath them, and the iciness of stone was gone... as they were lifted into a bridal carry. Caretaker's gear was so warm, impossibly so.
Caretaker made sure to draw the heavy chains onto Whumpee's chest as to not pull against their neck. They tried to use the same buzzy warmth of a stare to get Caretaker's attention. They wanted to thank this friend of a friend with every ounce of their existence, ignoring their own automatic movements more attune to melting.
Melting into Caretaker's chest, they nuzzled their face against the hot fabric. Their eyes refused to stay open, the eyelids wanted to feel it too.
Caretaker felt frail hands do their strongest at gripping against their chest. A sigh of relief exhaled through the respirators.
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tallochar · 1 year
Inspired, in part, by this post by @mzminola but also something I've been ruminating on for a couple of years now.
Talking about pre New52 canon here mostly, though opinions about New52 or post Rebirth canon are also welcome to be added on, just specify it so we don't talk at cross purposes?
One of the thing that messes with me as an adult thinking back on comics is that you simply cannot put Alfred as the single member of staff who is dealing with all of the Manor.
I mean you can, comic logic, Alfred Is Not Of This World, whatever you want personally want.
Me personally, I cannot.
I need Harold to be down in the Batcave dealing with that part of the property until he dies in the 2000s at the very least, but also, consider how many hours there are in each day and how much Alfred has to do and how he's always serving dinner in time and laundry is done and everything is restocked and yet he also has the time to be personally chaffeuring the members of the family around and someone is also going to be having to deal with the household expenses and count balancing and -- and --
I cannot just accept that Alfred is doing it all, on his own, with the occasional WE-affiliated-and-vetted company called in to deal with, say, catering for a big event or whatever.
Especially not if Bruce is young and Alfred's supposed to be raising him, like oh god no, which is why the idea @mzminola talked about in their post (Bruce raised by his relatives) has taken root in my brain and is now my own personal very much cherished headcanon and a source of plenty of excuses for Bruce but also varied and eclectic skills and connections.
But okay, let's say that Alfred got left in charge of just managing things for Bruce until Bruce is of age and can take over things himself (in theory, in practice Bruce definitely pushes all he doesn't want to deal with about the house on Alfred and all he doesn't want to deal with about the company on Lucius Fox and sets up a contingency to get Tim to deal with shit for Bruce if Bruce were to be unavailable / unsteady / acting sus), while Bruce is being passed around from relative to relative.
There's still the staff that the Manor had before the death of Thomas and Martha to deal with. Gotta downsize that but you cannot just boot everyone and close shop.
I mean, yeah you can, but also, some of those people were probably there for a long time and Alfred wasn't just going to throw them out.
The way things work out in my brain is if Alfred is the "face" of the staff and the only one who, usually, interacts directly with The Family, while the others are in the background minding their own business, asking no questions at all.
They probably lost some people in NML during the Manor collapse, and the staff had to go through the harrowing process of getting new people that they didn't know nor trust in and then do their own version of vetting and making sure there was nothing hinky about any of them and that they understood the importance of the privacy of their employers, etc. etc.
Some of them must have retired at some point or moved on and were let go with more than fair compensantion and retirement packages and some stuff actually got outsourced a bit as technology progressed and things changed.
Especially after NML, actually.
Alfred is not going to hire someone just to come by to do all of the laundry, but he might have a trustworthy laundry service that is Bristol-based and is used to dealing with Rich People without asking questions.
And I am not say that they have to be In The Know life Alfred and Harold.
Actually, I prefer the idea that they aren't and that they just have this cushy job and loyalty to the Waynes and are all well compensated for being quiet and dealing with stuff on their own.
Sure, Alfred deals with the supernatural side of things, absolutely, and I am sure he has state of art machinery for, say, dealing with the costumes after patrol, but the Manor is huge and the upkeed is time consuming and exhausting and Alfred is too busy to do everything on his own.
So basically what I am saying is:
I have a might need for Alfred and his skeleton crew of long-time, trusted employees who keep the Manor running and stay out of the way of the bosses and everyone lives better like that.
I need Alfred's list of Trusted People who can deal with the family's laundry without messing it up and come do repairs when they are needed Upstairs since Harold won't leave the cave.
Give me Bruce's different childrens' different relationship's with said skeleton crew and Bruce's own distant relationship with them too and their reactions to things.
Allow me to have the skeleton crew sticking around and keeping the Manor up and running whenever Alfred is off around the world with Bruce for recovery / training / support purposes or who are still there and keeping things going when Alfred is too busy feuding with Bruce to look after everything else.
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thetruearchmagos · 3 months
Democracy Manifest
Elected Government In The United Commonwealth
Well, thank you @theprissythumbelina for giving me the kick I needed to get started on this topic, I hope you enjoy what's to come! Otherwise, I'll Tag @athenswrites @caxycreations @hessdalen-globe @nerdexer @the-ellia-west @avrablake @coffeewritesfiction @vyuntspakhkite-l-darling
A/N: This took... so long... But I can't say I'm not happy with it!
The House
The Parliament of the United Commonwealth is the highest legislative body of the UC, comprised of 5,227 elected Members representing the over four billion citizens of that polity. From its seat in Parliament House on the Weslich island of Sudpulau, this body, the single largest legislature in the 12 Worlds, passes the laws of the Commonwealth.
The Vote
Elections to Parliament are held every four years, with the exception of by-elections which occur to satisfy vacancies. They occur on a one-person-one-vote, secret-ballot basis using a 'Single Transferable Vote', and are open to all adult (>18) citizens who have been citizens for at least two months. Elections are overseen by the Electoral Activities Bureau, an independent public body, which manages the continents spanning infrastructure required for elections and draws the term's electoral map prior to every election.
The Member
Seats are open to any adult citizen who wishes to run regardless of any demographic, with the only restriction being if one is currently under a criminal trial or is incarcerated. Members are not bound by any term limits, and the only barrier to their Seat is the vote of their constituency.
The Three
Three individual Members dominate the House.
Firstly is the Chief Minister, Head of State and Government of the United Commonwealth and voted in by a simple majority of members.
Next is the Leader of the Opposition, bestowed with a simple majority of non-Government Members. Their lot is to hold the Government to account at every turn, patiently awaiting their turn on the opposite Bench.
Finally, is the Speaker of the House, approved with a simple majority and presiding over the business and conduct of Parliament in its frequently lively discourse.
No term limits apply on any of these offices, and all can be revoked with a vote of no confidence from the whole House, or the Opposition alone in the LoO's case.
The Benches
The vast majority of Members are, however, not seated in a formally recognised office; Unlike many national Parliamentary systems, at present no further formal Cabinet exists beyond the CM, a state of affairs viewed with increasing skepticism.
Instead, backbenchers on either side are as a rule 'organised' on a highly ad hoc basis, shifting with Party and Coalition tastes and the wider circumstances of the Commonwealth.
First and foremost among these organisations are the Parties.
Parliament's Members are nearly all affiliated with any of numerous political parties, though parties themselves are not recognised organisations in the eyes of the government de jure. They may range in size from a thousand or more members spread across member states, to a dozen or so, and have been founded and internally organised along an infinite number of ideals.
Both the LoO and CM are almost always the 'leaders' of their respective party, though the way appointments to either office are decided on is at every party's discretion. Party leaders outside either office are nonetheless still key elements of the political ecosystem, guiding their members into and between Coalitions.
A universal feature of all major parties are Party Whips, Members appointed within their party's ranks and charged with ensuring that their colleagues cast their vote precisely as their Leader wishes. Though not imbued with any unique power within the House, beyond its chambers they can hold the life and death of any politician's career in their hands, and are commonly seen as the right hands of their respective leaders.
Aside from these two positions, the actual make up and structure of political parties is highly diverse, and often highly fluid, reliant as much on circumstances outside the House as in it. The criteria for membership, its exclusivity, and internal Party appointments differ greatly between Parties, which form, merge, die off, or reform themselves in an unending state of change. One could at any point found a Party of their own for any reason if it suited them, and the only restriction they'd need worry about is the will of their constituents.
However, no Party in history has ever achieved a unilateral majority in the House, and thus forming a government is an exercise in Coalition building and breaking above anything else. Coalitions, like the parties that make them, are not bound or recognised by any rule of Parliament, and so the rules and dynamics that define them change with every government and election. Chief Ministers as a rule come from the largest Party in the largest Coalition who can agree to vote for them, but ultimately no law dictates that a minority Leader could not hold that office.
Finally, comes Committees. As above, Committees themselves are not strictly recognised bodies, but are formed and governed on an as needs basis according to long established precedents and expectations. Typically, Government, Opposition, and House Committees exist simultaneously on any range of subjects, with the latter including Members from both groups. While Committees are never necessary for relevant legislation to pass, deference to their existence and decisions is a political inevitability.
Though Independent Members exist, they are a rare occurrence outside of the most 'recently democratic' member states. Where they do appear, however, they usually rely on a combination of their own extremely great charisma, some specifically and highly localised appeal, and Party apathy to gain and hold their Seats. Still, unseating such Members is often an uphill and unpopular struggle. Once in the House, Independents typically have a very difficult time intruding themselves into the business of Parliament, and where they do tend to make their case on issues distinctly relevant to their constituencies.
In summary, while the Charter of Parliament never established any further positions beyond the Speaker, Chief Minister, and Leader of the Opposition, the House has in the century since built for itself a long and deep institution of customs and traditions with which its internal business is regulated and managed. Such a 'laissez faire' approach to politics mirrors well the UC's generally fluid approach to government at large, and very much conforms with the original intentions of the earliest theorists and politicians who had established the Commonwealth long before. While at times these institutions have faltered in the face of politicial crises in the past, they have survived, and seem set to continue to survive.
The Legislative Process
While Parliament has an absolute and final say on the passing of Bills into Acts of Parliament and thus the law of the land, it is not the only body involved in the legislative process.
The first step in this process is the introduction of a Bill into Parliament. Any Member can introduce any Bill they wish at any time, but this right is also held by both the Commission of the UC, its independent executive body, and the Council of Ministers, comprised of member states governments' cabinet executives.
After this, Bills may legally be immediately passed into law if a majority of Members vote in agreement. Such an event is, however, exceedingly rare, and no Member of any affiliation is likely to cast their vote before a Bill undergoes an intensive debate.
The Bill in question is first submitted to the most relevant House Committee for initial investigation and debate. This might involve summoning and interrogating government or private individuals, alter and negotiate over the details of Bills, or even introducing their own Bills with a complete background onto the floor.
This begins an occasionally recursive loop of Bill debates, failed votes to pass, and returns to Committee for further alterations. Considering the sheer number of Bills on the floor at any given time, most such debate takes place in the numerous sub-chambers housed within Parliament House's vast structure, returning to the main chamber only for final votes.
Assuming a majority of Members vote in favour of it, the Bill passes into the Council of Ministers for a final check. Effectively acting as a 'semi-Upper House', the CoM only rarely invokes its right to dismiss a Bill for further debate with their own recommendations, a power which can only be used on any given Bill once. Typically, though, the Council will have made its intentions known well before this stage, and so Bills which are handed to it usually sail through without alteration.
Thus, as far as 'speed' is concerned, the time it takes for a Bill to pass ranges from days, to years, to, of course, never. The lack of a 2/3rds supermajority requirement for any action at all at least limits that angle, and the intensity of debate and diversity of potential views that exists leads to a long but undeniably thorough and expansive legislative process.
Further Details...
On Members
The equity of Parliament's ranks under the law is for the most part well established in reality. Sheer wealth at either a personal or party level is rarely corroborated with electoral success, especially given the UC's wide reaching and strict financial transparency laws. Nonetheless, a number of factors can serve to shape the electability of a candidate beyond how skill and ideological appeal.
More specifically, the tendency to favour candidates based on race, ethnicity, class, sexuality, or gender is more common in regions and their societies which are relatively new to the United Commonwealth and its own brand of social and cultural 'liberalism'. In societies where the UC's social and political culture have become more entrenched, such influences hold less influence than individual charisma, oratorical skill, and of course how they align with the political movements and issues of the day.
On Committees
The fluidity of Committes has at times been both a strength and a weakness, and is always bound by prior traditions more than anything else.
For all intents and purposes, the notion of any Committee's 'legitimacy' relies on the mutual consent of the House at large. The size, partisan diversity, and proportionality of a Committee are never set in stone, and in truth any specific Committee lives and dies within the term it was made in, becoming unrecognisable as changes in the make up of the wider House lead to renegotiations of its status.
In order to prevent the endless expansion of the number of Committees that this anarchic system often threatens to cause, many political Parties have reached agreements outside the House on a list of issues for which House Committees, are to be established on a long term basis. These include those on the Armed Forces, Security and Intelligence, and Foreign Affairs, among other significant issues of government. The size and authority of such 'Standing Committees' is thus largely guaranteed between governments, giving a much needed sense of order and continuity to the whole affair.
Every House Standing Committee is mirrored by Government and Opposition Committees on the same issue, and inter-party negotiations are dominated by the allocation of Committee seats to each represented Party. The latter two represent the interests of their respective halves of the House, and all three have their membership apportioned according to each Party's size.
In addition to these Standing Committees are an ever changing number of Provisional Committees, referring to those which lack the 'official' agreed recognition of the Parties 'in writing' but which nonetheless function with their consent and participation. These may come into and out of existence with time as issues surface or die out, and those of particular longevity may find themselves on the list to become Standing Committees in full. Provisional Committees might include Inquiry Committees, or Regional Committees aligned to areas suddenly facing crises.
Once the proportions of Committee membership have been parceled out, how Parties hand out their Members across roles is left to their discretion, unless the negotiation process prior had specified some limited requirements. Seniority, expertise, and a Member's constituency and its concerns are all regular considerations, amongst others, and of course the internal politics of that Party.
Aside from this, however, Parties and Members are free to associate with each other in whatever groups they wish to. It is, however, generally considered 'bad form', or political suicide, for anyone to declare that any already agreed upon Committee is irrelevant or not recognised, or to attempt to usurp their legitimacy by convincing others to join their cause. The agreements mentioned above universally condemn such activity, and any Party looking to engage in it is liable to find itself ostracised from the business of the House and evicted by their voters, who often are informed enough of political culture to express displeasure at spoiling 'their' vote.
And that's a wrap! Depending on if anyone has any further questions, my own actual motivation and time, and whether I get any further ideas, I might write a second part to this post. If I do, it'll either go into the history of how this system formed over time, or maybe a specific case study on some political ideologies, movements, and parties. Or I won't. Who knows.
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dwarvencoalhome · 10 days
🐋 New Character Designs! 🦢
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I’ve started to do some fantasy worldbuilding between me and some friends for a world called Arhundra, a name for a world that I thought of when I was much younger. This is going to be an incredibly fun project for me, bringing in some of my childhood ideas and mixing them with newer ideas and inspirations, as well as help from some friends that I admire the perspectives and ideas of.
🐋 Wyurah
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Wyurah (she/her/hers) is an Uhruwun, otherwise known as the narwhal folk. Not terribly different from a selkie in mechanics, she is able to use her narwhal-skin cloak to transform into a cetacean form. She was one of the approximately 15% of Uhruwun females to be born with a tusk, though it was broken off in an altercation that left her disgraced and fleeing the kingdom she once served as a phenomenal military captain. Now, she is traveling the world with her companion Araiciqhu, trying to find her place.
🦢 Araiciqhu
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Araiciqhu (she/her/hers) is an Inchet Arqathi, otherwise loosely translates to “one who is born naturally with feathers” in the Arqathi tongue. She is one of many dromaeosaur-like folk belonging to the Arqathi, nomadic cartographers and trailblazers that encircle the world on lifelong journeys. Arqathi faith and spirituality is deeply rooted in this perpetual movement around the circumference of Arhundra, and Araiciqhu is deeply traditional in many of her beliefs. She is a poet who has long traveled alone, but upon meeting Wyurah, she believes that she has finally found her ‘companion’—even if this companion is not Arqathi, Inchet or Anchet.
Both Wyurah and Araiciqhu are lawful good with an affinity for the water (though one prefers salt water and one prefers freshwater,) having met in an estuary-like region of marshes and deltas. Their upbringings and worldview vary widely, but the essence of their beings and values are largely the same.
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Listen I know it’s several books away and I haven’t even finished a draft of book one yet but
I am really excited to write passionate, loud, boisterous elves with expansive gardens and meaningful tattoos and who generally get along with humans, alongside dwarves who are quiet and mysterious and move slowly through time like tectonic plates, and look down on short lived humans for their impulsive nature and immaturity.
I think it could be an interesting switch of how we conventionally think of completely fictional fantasy races, and i hope it’ll work really well because it sounds really fun to write.
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whereserpentswalk · 5 months
Reblog to curse your followers and mutuals.
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mrkida-art · 1 year
Been showing some of this on discord today, some of you may be interested so here's some of my own tolkien dwarf world building/hc notes (there is a lot so these are snippets). Beware, it's personal notes of mine so there may be grammatical errors as well as typos haha.
cw for pregnancy, and death (and child death) mentions, as well as other darker themes such as child soldiers
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New Tweaked Designs for the Bosses, as well as some up-to-date headcanons for them! it's a bit long so it's going to be under a readmore-
His voice is actually high pitched (like the vocals in the actual song) he doesn’t see any issue with it, but if someone starts giving him shit about it he will get annoyed and start getting hostile
Borderline blind, has to actively focus in order to see things clearly, so he mostly relies on his energysense to get around for the most part. 
He actually likes kids, despite his grumpy demeanor, and he’s pretty good with them too, one of the best folks to leave your kids with if you don’t mind the trek to get to his den in the caves
Actually leans more on the feminine side for other centipede shapes, since he's larger than most (this tends to be a trend with arthropod shapes, larger individuals leaning more towards the female side of the shape gender spectrum) 
Semi-transparent midsection with less plating than normal for centipedes, allowing you to see some of his bones (you can’t see his spine, or any of his organs, since they’re deeper in, though sometimes if his stomach or crop is really full, or if there’s something glowing brightly enough in there you might be able to somewhat see it through his skin, it’s more reliably seen with his crop though-)
Territorial towards places and people that he likes, you can tell if he likes you even if he doesn't tell you since he'd start getting lowkey territorial in regards to you
as close to cold-blooded as a shape can get, but it's offset by his general chunkiness and the fact that he dresses warmly
Collar is a comfort item that he almost always wears (also the spikes on them are made with carved treeangle wood, normally they absorb the excess beat-energy he produces, the corruption however overwhelmed them)
if he gets too cold he can go into torpor, sometimes quite suddenly (longest time he's been in torpor has been a month)
has a instinctual behavior pattern of eating more and starting to bulk up during colder months/seasons, even if he doesn't go into torpor during the season. (sometimes he can get pretty mindless with it. Try to avoid being around him if you happen to be small and roughly food-shaped.)
Surprisingly soft, good to cuddle with (as long as you ignore the scattered small plates along his back) don’t expect him to start cuddling unless he likes you though, he’s more likely to straight up eat or maul you, especially if it’s sudden and you startle him.  
Likes to dig and burrow, if you can’t find him, just start looking for the big holes in the damp dirt.
He eats rocks and dirt sometimes, no real reason for it, he just wants to-
Rarely washes his clothes, washes his modified boots even less. 
He normally keeps his mandibles tucked into his mouth, but if he wants to paralyze someone with his venom or just eating they tend to pop out. (if you get on his nerves enough he can and will bite with intent to paralyze and leave you there) 
If he’s feeling strongly about something he starts growing spikes and more plates along his body. 
Those ‘spikes’ along his tail are actually tiny centipede legs, they don’t really get used except as a pouchlet or in his shape form, but they’re there.
He actually knows how to make clothes, kinda had to in order to modify his own to fit his needs better. (most of his clothes are made of denim to last longer)
Thrives off of chaos and like the goose from untitled goose game, they will cause problems*… on purpose (*minor problems, more mischievous rather than actual problems)
Grows ‘petals’ (they feel closer to feathers) during spring and winter, after that they tend to shed, leaving them with only their short fur
They are a carrier of the shape version of the vitiligo gene, which while meaning that they aren’t actively vitiligo, if certain conditions are met, the gene can get triggered and cause their colors to start to change, a condition/coloration that’s often referred to as ‘False Vitiligo’ (true vitiligo turns the shape white, gray, or black) in their case, their corruption triggered the gene, and after getting purified their fur and petals gradually started turning magenta. 
They’re one of the few shapes that Bitis actually tolerates/likes, since they know when to shut up and calm down when needed. Plus they’re warm, and willing to act as a living heater for them.
Very loyal to their ‘pack’ which is mainly Fresh, Bitis and themself, though they have a few others that they consider as ‘pack’
Has a tendency of burying things, and also likes to dig, just to make holes
High energy, social, and a ball of furry chaos in general, prone to affectionate biting and scratching as well, not enough to break the skin, but still-
They do like being pet, and will invade people’s personal space, but tends to be leery and wary of people they don’t know petting them
Their sense of smell and hearing is really good, and can often be driven crazy by things like dog whistles and can hear and smell things that some others can’t
They can in fact howl, and sometimes they have the instinct to howl back when they hear it, it’s a impulse thing and they can resist it sometimes, but if they get caught off guard they will howl if they hear another howl
Will affectionately bully the folks that they like, but will cut it out if they upset them or if they’re not in the mood.
Their corruption essentially swapped their purple/magenta colors when it came to their markings
An ‘ew people’ type of introvert who only tolerates a few shapes, everyone else can fuck off in their opinion
They’re a sea snake, so they do spend a good deal of time swimming and hunting fish to eat. 
VERY venomous, and fatally so if too much gets put in, which is why they tend to keep their mouth sealed unless they’re actively using it. 
Their venom is paralytic, and they mostly use it to hunt
However the instinct to bite something that startles them is still there, which tend to mean that if you startle them you are going to get headbutted, which is going to hurt both of you-
As close to cold-blooded as a shape can get, however, they can’t go into torpor to hibernate through the colder moths like fresh can, so they just stick to the volcano and bundle up in their ‘sweater’ for the most part. They don’t tend to leave the volcano at all during the colder months. 
Shorter lengthwise than most serpent/snake shapes, but they’re built more powerfully and thicker as a compromise. Makes them actually pretty fast in the water, if somewhat less agile and harder to fit into crevices. 
While it is possible to create a anti-venom for their venom, that involves having to interact with other shapes, and Bitis would rather not have to subject themself to being forced to interact with other shapes if they can avoid it. 
Scales are smooth, to the point that it’s hard to find where one ends and another begins. 
Keeps their hair braided, keeps it out of the way and in one place, since it constantly looks wet/greasy and is slightly heavier than the average. (the braid is what’s causing it to puff up into that hood shape around their head, nobody knows why and Bitis doesn’t care to figure it out) 
Aro/Ace and gets annoyed/disgusted if people start talking about things like relationships or sex in front of them. You will get forced out one way or another. 
Their serpent attacks are structures, and they do in fact have a few pet snakes as well, that are well taken care of. 
Prone to stress-shedding random scales, which can be good when pressed underwater by something dangerous, distract the thing with sudden swarm of shiny scales, but it leaves that area without scales until they shed. 
They can and WILL pop out their fangs and start threatening if someone starts getting on their nerves enough, and if they don‘t get the message they’ll do a ‘dry bite’ that normally gets other shapes to fuck off- 
There’s no proof but there was slight increase in drownings when they first arrived, though honestly, Bitis straight up told people that they’re venomous, that it’s paralytic and that they want to get left the fuck alone unless they like you when they first arrived, so if you go swimming/flee into the water after getting bitten by them it’s kinda on you? (def still manslaughter/shapeslaughter though)
Prefers to live off of the land in the caves, there’s plenty enough big bugs and other animals that they can feed off of, so she really only tends to go into town for supplies she can’t find or make in the wilderness
Makes her own silk cloth with her own thread/silk and makes clothing and other cloth things like bags. 
Gets along pretty well with Fresh, and will ask him to babysit occationally while she does something. 
Def a milf, and can be quite flirty, though understands if people are a bit anxious about her, it’s only natural. (Arthropod shapes do have a tendacy to have… slightly cannibalistic urges, especially ones that are female/more on the female side of the spectrum, and DEFINATELY while gravid, even if the eggs aren’t fertile/fertilized)
Pretty chill and laid back. she knows that she’s one of the largest shapes on paradise and that most things can’t threaten her, so she’s pretty laid back
Do NOT threaten her kids though, she can go from 0 to 100 on a pin drop if her kids are involved. 
Speaking of her kids, she has a decent amount of them, not a large amount (at least for arthropod shapes) but a decent amount, roughly around 8 of them currently, and a good few others which are fully grown now.
Currently single, and yeah she’s open, though generally isn’t fond of marriage, she’s not against the concept, but she likes having multiple partners that she can dote on
She’s very doting and affectionate with her partners and her kids, can and will pick people up and carry them around. 
Her voice is chirpy and relatively high pitched, and sounds like it belongs to something far smaller than her. 
Will affectionately nibble on folks that they like as long as they’re comfortable with it (no mandibles though since that’s where the venom’s kept)
Her venom is a flesh-melter (she does have anti-venom on her so if she accidentally envenoms someone it’s dealt with quickly) which helps her feed her kids (most pouchlets can only eat fluids or soft foods at first, and spider shapes can have some difficulties eating solid food sometimes)
Yeah, they’re a bit bonkers because of their isolation in the tree/level void:™: and are desperate for company, food, and touch- (they need a good amount of therapy) 
However their unstable mental state and their starvation often results in… well… bad outcomes for most who come into contact with them in the level void- 
Fossilized is really the best way i can describe what’s happening to their beat-energy- since their beat-energy is still the same but it’s gradually getting well… replaced or petrified by the ambient energy of the tree void- 
if they were to die in the tree void:™: their energy would still stick around it would just… decay or regress into something that’s more similar to the levels (yes that’s my headcanon about the tutorial levels, the tree’s gotta eat too-) until eventually fading away into the background
However, since they’re a spirit and elemental hybrid, they can feed off of things that other shapes can’t, specifically since they’re a fire elemental, they can feed off of anything that’s flammable, things like clothes for example (which is why they don’t have any clothes) and spirit shapes can essentially parasitize off of other sources of energy, and in their case, they’re feeding off of the energy in the level void itself. It’s not the best, and they are still very much starving, but it’s enough to keep them alive. 
Due to their isolation and general insanity, they don’t really remember anything about themselves from before their entrapment there, they can only get glimpses or blurred sensations occasionally, though once they’re freed they do start to remember a bit more
Their mind is actively suppressing their memories to avoid trauma (they were very attached to the rest of their group, which well… aren’t alive anymore- save for antimony’s ‘familiar’ which is prolly the only thing keeping them sane… or as sane as they can be after their release, and tree help you if you are a threat to their only remaining link to their friends their companion)
Pyromaniac (they had this condition before, but being trapped there made it worse and caused them to start trying to set everything on fire just so there’s something else apart from the darkness there) it gets somewhat better after their release but they still have urges to set everything on fire- 
VERY touch starved, but wear something flame-resistant or fire-proof because they WILL become VERY hot temperature-wise VERY quickly
Oh yeah since they’re a fire elemental they can control their body temperature, but it normally runs hot enough to burn people without protection (at least internally) and it tends to be a bit wonky due to their mental state as well, sudden highs and lows along with their mood and current state of mind. If they focus they can control it somewhat, but they have to re-learn how to do it, since it’s so unpredictable now. 
They can phase through objects and walls since they’re a spirit hybrid, but anything that they have on them that isn’t made with their own beat-energy will get stuck on surfaces unless they actively surround it with their own energy and sorta ‘falsify’ it being part of them
This does mean that they can sometimes get stuck in walls after eating or drinking something. 
They are VERY clingy and a bit obsessive towards those who they enjoy the presence of-
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volturilovers · 1 year
the Volturi guard, different guard statuses
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Elite guard
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The select few of the higher guard that are the most valuable and ALWAYS accompany the kings on their missions.
Higher guard/personal guards of the kings
-color: most have a black and red cloak( some higher guards with more common powers retain their grey cloaks even if they are in higher guard) with a silver and alternatively golden necklace. The most important guards in the coven with most valuable powers.
-You only have a chance to become a member of the high guard when you have been in the common guard for around 100 years with some exceptions. They are the personal guard of the volturi kings and are sent on some of the most important missions.
Common guard
-color: grey and red cloaks and silver necklaces
-the "normal" guard where most of the volturi guard are placed in. There are different levels of importance, if you have more value to the kings you have a higher chance of promotion to the higher guard. if you are higher up in the common guard. They also have the most interaction with the kings in the all of the common guard.
Lower guard
-color: white and red colored cloak with bronze necklaces
-trainees, new borns/really young vampires that joined their coven
-Are often accompanied by a common guard to learn about and how the volturi works the first time period they are there.
-you are automatically in the lower guard the first 20 years of joining the volturi. you can be promoted to the common guard If you are proven worthy.
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halfbit · 4 months
i've been in a weird bird concept mood lately
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i love bald head birds
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big beak bonus bitch bird
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redd956 · 2 years
Tiny Whump Stuff
From a personal worldbuilding project of mine
So we're talking tiny whumpees who are 2 to 3 inches (5 to 8 cm) tall.
Fallen from a "high" place
Sprayed by pesticides
Scratched by a cat
Stung by a bee
A deep cut caused by a sharp leafed plant
Stepped on by humans
Burnt with a cigarette 🚬
Stabbed by their fellow tiny creature, with only humans to go to
Stuck to a glue trap
Forced to cross a "dangerous" river
Cut by an icicle
Broken bones caused by a mouse trap
Attacked by a "sea monster"
Drowning in a mud puddle
Smoked out by a car
Attacked by a bird
Left abandoned in an aquarium/hamster cage
Tiny whumpee fighting pit
Caught in a rainstorm
Freezing to death crossing a few backyards
Deadly drunk from a small sip of a left around glass
Survivor of a snake 🐍
Stabbed from a splinter
Impaled on a twig
Trapped in a pet animal enclosure
Aphyxiating from a little soot or smoke
Covered in oil paint
Contoured with superglue
Shooken in a jar
Experimented on instead of lab rats
Squeezed by human hands
Maybe I should post that series....maybe not >:3...imma little stingy with my personal stuff
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