#My beloveds... my babies... my angels. They take up so much space in my mind and heart
alltimefail-sims · 1 year
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I made my Strangerville OCs in yet another Picrew!! No beards in this one so Anwar's face is naked 😨... but I love this art style and thought they looked cute so the sacrifice was made.
I actually made Maggie this time around, too!! 💕
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The similarities between her and Erwin are sooooo good in this art style. Idk something about the look in their eyes, their color palette similarities, both of them listening to music UGH I love my sadness siblings ❤❤❤
GOD I wish I could draw!!! But this Picrew's art style captured their energy really well if that makes sense.
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merakiui · 5 months
MERA Your brain is magnificent
Just finished reading Angels in Tibet 😵‍💫 its so good and honestly one of my favorite fics of yours! .... Sugar daddy Azul is just so perfect, he would never spend his money on frivolous things. Its all investments and the money he spends on his love is just the way to secure the future he has in mind.
I have to ask how they met! God i need to know what made Azul 's head turn!!!! I need to know what the tweels think, AHHHHH I have so many questions!!!!!!!!!!
(つ≧▽≦)つ omg omg thank you!!!!!! I'm flattered it's good enough to become one of your favorites!! <3 hehe yes!!! Sugar daddy Azul is very smart with his money! Every purchase is intentional, and as you noted it's all an investment in what will be a wonderful future with his beloved. He is spoiling you while also thinking about what lies ahead!!!
As for how they met, I imagine it was on a sugaring site!!! :D Azul's really picky when it comes to these things and I think he'd have high standards for his ideal sugar baby (after all, as much as he wants a genuine connection to break his cycle of loneliness, he doesn't want to get into something that will risk losing money. He looks at it from a business viewpoint, as expected of our intelligent businesstako!). But the two of you match and agree to meet up, and ohhhh you're just the cutest thing! He's captivated with how awkwardly sweet you are. Calling him "sir" and being so polite, nervously fidgeting and saying "thank you" profusely when he covers the lunch bill..... insisting that you can't just let him pay for your portion, too, but he laughs and assures you it's fine. This is nothing (it's really nothing; he has lots of money). And you promise him you'll pay for the next meal! Oh, you're just so endearing!
You probably go on a few more trial dates before the both of you realize it's going to work, and from there you establish necessary rules and boundaries. Azul probably fell for your kindness and authenticity and all of the other charming bits in between. Also,, the sex is good. That's a lovely bonus. Pleasant emotional connections in and out of the bedroom!!!! >w<
And the tweels......... ojiisan eels,,,,,,, ITALIAN OJIISAN EELS!!!!!! I think they still tease Azul. >:D that time he got you a celebratory bouquet of flowers when you scored a job interview and you were so excited....... oh, they clowned on him HARD lol. Poking fun about how he's old-fashioned, about how he's like a schoolboy with his first crush..... and Azul just scoffs and rolls his eyes at them. But then the tweels completely understand why he is the way he is. You're just so adorable. They have a soft spot for you, too! Floyd told you that if anyone gives you any trouble, be it at school or work, you let him know and he'll handle it. You think he's joking, but the twins have lots of connections (some more dangerous than others). ;;;
Omg and maybe Azul takes you on a trip to his hometown (for the sake of the fic's setting we'll pretend it's like our world instead of twst world,,,, so Italy hehe). orz romantic sunset dinners, holding hands as you stroll barefoot by the shore, afternoon picnics, getting drinks in the evening, café dates in the morning......... maybe even visiting his mother's restaurant even though Azul just knows she's going to be all over you and him, asking when the wedding is, treating the both of you to your own private space for dinner, offering a complimentary lover's dessert. And you get to see the normally suave Azul being flustered AAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!
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thewriterowl · 2 years
hi Owl, I'm feeling kinda down right now - any fluffy dinluke to help?🐱
Hi! I am so sorry that you're feeling down...I really hope things perk up and get better for you soon. I am happy to provide what my husk of a brain can provide!
So, fluff....hmmm...
I am thinking something silly with the fluff. Like, let's face it, Din is an intense romantic at heart. He might not label himself as such but the man has a caretaker kink as big as Canada and is protective, soft, and feels so much despite not wanting to. He's gonna be hella romantic with Luke.
He will just say it's him just doing things. No big deal. He can stop at any time (he really can't).
Din uses a lot of pet-names. Luke may on occasion but our favorite Jedi is actually one who really loves and appreciates Din's name. He loves that he is given the gift of using Din's name and he is grateful for it daily--so he wants to use it daily. I also don't see Luke having much access to positive nicknames on Tatooine and after years of being called "Wormie" probably isn't sure what he could call someone like Din.
Din, on the other hand, is all "cyare, cyar'ika, darling, sweetheart, beloved, baby (if space has this nickname you bet your ass he's using it on Luke), starshine, sunlight, angel," he will use Luke's name of course...but his first go-to is an affectionate pet-name (just how Grogu is often kid or buddy--even if he knew his name from the start, he would be using things like that often)
Din wants to be a house-husband. But he also wants Luke to be a house-husband. He just wants to relax and take care of a small, comfortable home and their children and not have stress. He's fine with chores, he can like doing them honestly because they let his mind wander but he is still doing things...only it isn't dangerous like so much of his life deals with. Laundry, dishes, sweeping; he'll do it. He'd rather do it than for Luke to have to. (of course, if he's king, he can't be a house-husband and he sulks over this all the time)
Luke is all good with chores as well. They don't bug him. But apparently Din really likes to do it, so they make a compromise.
Din does many of the chores...and he is not allowed to touch the garden or most of the cooking.
Din can boil stuff. He can make some decent stews (he's gotten a lot better since he can finally focus on some hobbies and not eating for survival) but he's not amazing at it. Din is miserable with gardening. The plants wither at the sight of him.
So, Din can't make breakfast in bed for Luke though he really, really wants to. He has to pout as Luke does it for him, sulking even more as his husband laughs at him, and says that it is fine. Though Luke didn't grow up with much, his aunt ensured he knew how to take care of himself with cooking and sewing and such things. Luke may not always eat much but he is amazing with growing incredible vegetables and fruits and herbs that he uses in his cooking to feed his hungry family.
Luke also will stitch up the clothing of his boys, often times making little hearts (as Beru taught him). Din goes feral whenever he finds them. It makes him feel so loved and thought of (and pathetically mushy, as Paz will point out).
Din buys gifts for his family all the time. He used to be so frugal with his credits. Now? He is not allowed in a market on his own or he will use all the treasury of Mandalore to get his babies something special (Paz is in charge of dragging him away). Luke keeps trying to tell him that while he loves and appreciate it, this is not needed since he is not a very materialistic guy.
Also, in my head Luke is not a fashionista. He has no idea how to dress himself. He lived off of hand-me-downs and Rebel-fatigues for years. He started dressing nice after meeting Leia. She is the one who gets him looking all nice and then Din does it. Din might not care for appearances...but the guy can actually dress himself. Sure, it may be in armor, but he can put himself together and look good. He just doesn't care (Luke just is a mess who is all "this bright yellow looks nice and soft, that should work!"). He loves dressing Luke. Loves picking out outfits for him and always gets Luke looking so good in everything.
It honestly surprises Leia that her brother-in-law is so on point with dressing her idiot brother.
If Luke and Din have been apart for too long they will run to each other and hug, often times lifting the other up because they are just so excited to be reunited.
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teeztheflag · 3 years
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Mafia!Ateez reaction to their child telling them that a member is flirting with you
trigger warnings ⚠️ mafia themes, flirting, mentions of cheating, possessive behavior, murder, alcohol, sexual harassment (slight)
general taglist: @latte-fairytaekwoon @little-precious-baby @yunhobabygurl @multidreams-and-desires @purplelady85 @smallfrye​
k i m  h o n g  j o o n g
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„Where’s mommy?“ Your little son ran up to Hong Joong to be picked up by the mafia leader.
His eyes wander over the crowd at the garden gathering and when he’s not spotting you he flashes a little smile at his son.
„Mommy is talking to a man.“
Hong Joong nudges the little boy to whereas he points into a direction. Following the path around the house he sees you talking to none other than Kang Yeo Sang. His rival.
When Yeo Sang places his palm on your cheek you take a step back and frown at the boy. Hearing a cough behind you a smile escapes your form. The rival on the other hand rolls with his eyes and lets out a huff.
You’re quick to stand next to your husband and take your son into your arms leaving the two mafia leaders behind.
„You’re getting on my nerves, Kang.“
p a r k  s e o n g  h w a
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You stood stiff in Seong Hwa‘s lavish office. Your gaze trained to the ground and your heart sinking to the bottom when he neared your form. He placed his cold fingers under your chin to raise your head. Locking his eyes with you a sigh escapes him.
„You know you belong to me. Why are you still resisting?“
„I don’t know what you are talking about.“
Seong Hwa engulfs you into his embrace leaning your head on his shoulder.
„Even our princess doesn’t like you betraying me. I will make sure you are not seeing him again.“
j e o n g  y u n  h o
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„And what did he say after that?“
Yun Ho caressed his daughters soft hair while she sat on his lap in their livingroom.
„That he will hurt her. I don’t remember so much... He was really scary daddy!“
With big glossy eyes Yun Ho feels his heart shattering. His daughter being so afraid for his light of the world.
He wouldn’t let Choi San get away with this.
After bringing his angel to bed he visits your shared bedroom to see you being asleep. You’re stirring and he can only guess that your nightmares are back.
With a gun and a sharp knife hidden in his suit he drives fast through the night. His team is already ready to blow up the place.
And with the final hit Yun Ho grabs the ex lover of his wife by his collar.
„I told you to stay away from us. That she is not your business anymore. What were you thinking?“
San struggles in his grip but manages to bring out his probably last words. „Kill me, but, live with the knowledge that she will never love you.“
He dropped to the ground and Yun Ho grasps his shaking hands together rage filling his body.
k a n g  y e o  s a n g
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When your son repeatedly told Yeo Sang that he really liked the guy that was around you since a few weeks he was relieved. It was good Woo Young seemed to do his job right. After the last attack he wanted the both of you safe all the time. That’s why he send one of his best men that he trusted with all of his might.
It was only when he tucked him into bed that he stopped in his tracks being deep in thoughts. He goes downstairs and pours himself a glass of wine. He jolts a little bit when you embrace him from behind and he turns around to eye you with a sharp gaze. Tilting his head you step back and flash him a small smile.
„What’s up?“
„Woo Young‘s taking good care of you, right?“
You frown and immediately know by the tone he uses that something‘s not to his liking, and, Kang Yeo Sang not liking something was bad.
„He is, he is doing a good job. I guess.“
„Hyun Jin likes him, too. But you know what he just told me?“
You absentmindedly reach out to him to probably cool down his anger.
„He told me that uncle Woo Young was really close to you. Close like ‚daddy‘, when I asked him what he meant with that.”
“Yeo Sang, he’s not. He is just friendly. Hugging me as a greeting nothing more.“
„You think our three year old son is lying to me? (y/n), I warn you, I know him. Don’t take his flirting attempts light hearted.“
You nod at him knowing he wouldn’t take any arguing.
„If you can’t stop him I will give him a different job.“ With a last sip he finishes his glass and roughly pulls you into him to place a delicate and territorial kiss on your forehead.
c h o i  s a n
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„Dad, I don’t know how to say this but... I am really worried for your marriage. I mean is everything fine?“
San takes his cup of coffee sitting down on the breakfast table in front of your fourteen year-old daughter. He really needed a moment to register So Ra‘s words.
„What? Of course everything‘s fine! Or what are you even talking about?“
So Ra‘s gaze is trained on the buttered toast in front of her a deep frown taking place on her forehead.
„Yesterday at the gala... and I don’t know if I am mistaking things, but, I feel like she was flirting with this CEO named Song.“
San‘s eyes widened and he quickly takes a another sip from his coffee. „Oh, ehm, believe me your mother has always had her effect on...men.“
„Yeah, but, dad - the guy was literally stripping her naked with his eyes - “
„Choi So Ra! Your words!“ So Ra gestures a sorry with her hands but she didn’t want her mother to be so close to other men. She loved her parents dearly and she wanted to have a marriage like them in the future.
„Really, anyways, don’t worry. Everything‘s perfect. If there’s a problem we would never lie to you, promise!“ He holds his pinky for So Ra and with a relieved sigh she links it like she and her dad always did.
„Good morning!“ You place a kiss on your daughter‘s cheek and send a smirk to San being proud you got the right information last night.
San looks at his two princesses and has to hold back a laugh. If their daughter only knew their jobs things would be more dangerous but in many ways easier, too.
s o n g  m i n  g i
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„What means ‚sexy‘?“
You nearly caugh at your son‘s words quickly drinking something. Min Gi also nearly doubles over laughing while typing away a text for his members for their mission.
„Dong In! I thought we talked about this already.“
Your son was a persistent person eyeing you suspiciously.
Min Gi places his device on the table continuing to eat the soup for their shared dinner. „It means beautiful, but, it’s not a really polite word, Dong In.“
„Ah, so Mr. Kim is not polite to you Mum?“ That indeed catches your husband‘s attention.
„What is he talking about, (y/n)?“ A sly smile leaves him.
You groan out knowing sooner or later your son would’ve told him. „Well, Dong In‘s teacher just seems to need a talk with me about our son occasionally. And today he told me that he thinks I am ‚beautiful‘. Right, Dong In?“ Your son wasn’t paying attention anymore but with a naive sigh he slurped the rest of his soup.
„He said mommy‘s a sexy thing.“
„Dong In!“ Min Gi slowly sits back flexing his arm‘s muscles. He eyes you with a hungry gaze while he nudges Dong In.
„Next time Mr. Kim is telling your mother that she’s beautiful you say that your dad thinks so, too. Alright buddy?“ Min Gi fist bumps with your son.
„Got it!“
j u n g  w o o  y o u n g
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Woo Young wasn’t really a jelous man. He knew his worth and he also tend to be proud of the woman at his sight. Your auro caught the gazes of many men and that only boosted the mafia‘s ego.
When a man was flirting with you it was for you to play by the game. Being raised into the mafia business yourself you knew how to handle those greedy bastards.
Woo Young only smirked in the back of a booth when someone sneaked into the seat next to you at the bar. His men ready at any given chance to beat up the poor soul that tried to take what was Jung‘s.
But - he also loved your sneaky site.
It was only a button that you pushed too far when your daughter went up to his daddy to cry about how you were not giving her enough attention at the big gathering. Like the father himself their princess needed the recognition from her beloved ones.
Woo Young‘s gaze darkened when he saw you being corned by the one and only mafia leader of the west - Choi Jong Ho.
„That b - “
„Daddy! You didn’t want to swear! Mommy told you not to swear!“
„Ahhh, you’re right darling.“ He turned around to give his daughter into Seong Hwa‘s arms - one of his members.
With confident steps he emerges your form at the end of the room where Jong Ho was busy playing with your hair while talking about his latest wins in the business.
„Choi. Would you mind keeping your hands to yourself?“ Woo Young was raging by now. You didn’t stop the rival from touching you and the naive smile you send to your lover only angered him more.
„Let’s ask the lady what she wants.“ Jong Ho wiggles his eyebrows at Woo Young and you mentally facepalmed knowing Mr. Jung would scream bloody murder in a few seconds.
„I am sorry Mr. Choi.“ You gracefully step into Woo Young‘s arms giving him the satisfaction of winning this little debate with his rival. Jong Ho laughs out loud and turns around to leave the two of you.
„If you want attention ask for it. Don’t make me mad, baby.“
You lock eyes with him putting on a pout. „This way it is much more fun!“
c h o i  j o n g  h o
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It was the final day your son got introduced to the mafia world. A big party was held for him after he was prepared for everything over months. It was also his 16th birthday party and you had tears in your eyes knowing he was growing into a man so quickly really assembling his father in many ways.
It has been Park Seong Hwa‘s presence that put you off. He was an acquaintance of your clan for a long time but you didn’t really like the guy. When he approached you after dinner, when you were ushering your son to dance with a girl on the dancefloor, you immediately knew he was going to get on your nerves again.
He made jokes, touched you and clearly invaded your personal space. For the sake of your peaceful agreement you played his game hoping someone would come to help you out of your misery.
„Dad, I will literally kick this guy‘s balls if - “
„I already know about it.“ Jong Ho‘s gaze is fixed on your figure across the room. He turns to his son and tells him to have fun. He would take care of the matter.
Jong Ho soundlessly leans into your side leading Seong Hwa to roll with his eyes. He places a meaningful and strong kiss on your trembling lips catching your weight with his arms to steady you.
Playfully he turns around to the mafia a smile adoring his features. „Mr. Park. I didn’t even see you there!“ You’re quick to leave the duo to get to the toilet knowing by the squeeze Jong Ho just gave you a few seconds ago.
„Still so possessive I see. Let us leave this by complimenting you on your still beautiful wife.“ He let’s out a giggle while eying the crowd.
„Thank you, Seong Hwa. Seems to be running in my family.“
↺ back to navi
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finelinevogue · 3 years
Can you do one where Harry take his children and YN to one of his concert and their just dancing around singing along on stage with Harry.
i love this concept so much!! i kinda of wanna make it sad though soooo it’s gonna be harry’s final show :/ hope you enjoy;
oli - 29, felix - 27, belle - 24
The concert had been amazing, but unfortunately it was coming to its’ end now.
The final show.
That’s what Harry had decided to call it; a clever play on words with reference to his first ever solo single. The last 50 years had been a rollercoaster for Harry, from growing up just a kid in Cheshire, to going on the X Factor and winning the hearts of millions and from being in the most successful band of the decade to going solo and still being absolutely beloved. Times had changed, though. Harry had changed. He had a beautiful family of 3 now, excluding his wonderful wife. His children were his universe, no question about it, but they were getting older now - Harry was getting older. He was 50 this year and with that in mind he’d decided to retire. Retiring had involved a long conversation with you, along with a bottle of red wine, about whether it was the right decision or not. But it was - is.
You had suggested he put on one final, massive show, to celebrate his life and his achievements along with all that the fans have too. Tickets were open internationally and it was being streamed on various TV outlets for those who couldn’t attend. The tickets sold within 47 seconds. 47 seconds. It was being held in the Olympic Stadium in London, because it was Harry’s home and it held the most number of people he could genuinely allow.
The concert had started with ‘Fine Line’ songs, which merged into HS1 songs with a few One Direction songs as well. The entire set list had been composed by the fans with various polls on social media, with the concert supposedly lasting 2 hours (although with support artists and a few extra surprises it was more likely going to be 3!)
It had been beautiful so far. Magical. Unforgettable.
Every chance he got, without making it grossly obvious, he looked at you. He'd told you to stick your thumbs up at him every time he caught your eye, so he knew that you were okay - and every time, you did.
The concert was coming to an end now, which everyone was dreading. How could +30 years feel like it'd only been thirty minutes? You were devastated, so you could only imagine what his fans were thinking.
The end Kiwi, for the second time, strummed throughout the arena and you knew it was time for the final song. His final song.
"Mum, is this the end?" Belle asked you, from where she was standing next to you. You had been dancing together all night and gotten progressively more tired. Your feet hurt. Your throats burned. Yet, as always, it was so worth it.
"Yes, Belles, it is." You tell her, and she pouted sadly. "Dad won't want to see you sad love, okay? He can still sing to you before bed?" You teased her, reminding her of a time when Harry would do such a thing, not wanting her to be all sad. It was supposed to be a celebration, but even you could admit that is was pretty hard-hitting.
"Really mum?" She asked.
You booped her nose annoyingly, before answering. "Every night if you want him to."
The lights changed from their green tone, thanks to Kiwi, back to a bright, white light. It beamed on Harry, making him look even more like the angel that he is. He dragged his microphone back to the centre stage and took a deep breath for beginning a speech he'd told you he'd prepared.
"So this is it, my friends." He laughed sadly into the microphone. He brushed his hair back and took out his in-ears to hear the audience. They were all awwing and crying, but what else did you expect? Their favourite artist was retiring - who wouldn't be crying a river?
"I, um. I'd like to take a bit of time to thank certain people." He coughed, something he always did after performing Kiwi due to his asthma. You thought it was lovely that he'd planned a speech to thank his management and crew. They did so much work backstage and you definitely didn't think they got enough credit for their hard work.
"Okay. I've made a little list..." Harry pulled out a tiny bit of crumpled paper from his pocket. "Just in case I forget anyone." He joked to himself, but made everyone laugh anyways. "So I guess first off, I should start with you lovely people." He pointed around the whole stadium, showing he was talking about the fans. "What you have done for me is indescribable. I think to myself, everyday, am I worthy of even being here—"
"Yes!" An army of agreement echoed around the arena, making Harry stop, blush and smile to himself.
"Well thank you! Um. You have been the best fans ever, and I know you will continue to be. I know you don't owe me anything, but all I ask you to keep loving yourselves and treating people with kindness, because I know I can count on you lot to do that, for me." He sniffled at the end, making you bite your lip to prevent the tears from falling for you. He looked so vulnerable right now, but you knew he'd be feeling on top of the world.
"Jheez." He sniffles again. "That's one thank you down and i'm already crying." He looked to his band to share the joke with.
“Dad’s such a wuss.” Oli laughed, holding his arm around Beas waist, making the people around you chuckle in agreement.
“Shut up you - Mr-tears-in-your-eyes!” You pointed out, laughing as he flipped you the bird - which then got him a hit off his grandma Anne.
All of Harrys family and friends were here, in a special cornered off section. It was such a thoughtful thing for Harry to do. All his family, and a fair few of yours, were sat down along with Harrys closest friends. Everyone was sharing laughs and drinks, whilst using every inch of space to dance along to your husbands boastful music.
"Secondly, my touring family. From Jeff and Ben, to Sarah's Kitchen, Adam, Mitch, Sarah, Charlotte and Nyoh, not forgetting everyone backstage and behind the lights, music and cameras. You've all been the greatest. Everything you do is second to none. You're all talented, warm-hearted, people whom I will carry in my heart forever. Thank you." You noticed members of the crew and band starting to tear up now.
"Moving on to my boys. We've been through it all, lads, and I couldn't have asked for four better brothers than you all. Louis. Liam. Niall. Zayn. Thank you." Everyone cheered ten times louder, maybe because this was as close to a One Direction reunion as the fans were ever going to get, but definitely because Harry had mentioned Zayn. You saw a girl faint at the mere mention of all the boys in the same sentence. The boys lifted up their beers to Harry, stood close by to where you were standing.
"I guess I should say thank you to the women who made all this possible. Mum. Gem. Thank you for signing me up all those years ago. Thank you for believing in me. You've made me the - crap, sorry! - the man I am now and I love you both." Harry prayed to them both, whilst bowing, and swiftly wiped away the tears afterwards. Anne and Gemma, on the other hand, were proudly crying.
"Ol, Fix and Belles. You rascals make me get out of bed every morning and give me more of a purpose in life. You four give me so much joy and happiness. I love you all, even if you do drive me up the wall on an early Saturday morning! Thank you, my loves." You stood close to all your children, giving them the support they needed in this moment. Belle was crying against your chest, the ever-so-emotional woman she was. Felix was stood up, with Heather, with his drink raised to his dad. Oli was to your side, trying to remain cool and stoic, but you still caught the tears that ran down his face.
"Now." The audience calmed down again after awing over your babies. Harry cleared his throat before beginning again. "This evening keeps on reminding me of a very special person in my life. Someone who is my everything and that's my beautiful wife, Y/N." His words make your breath hitch in your throat. You never expected him to say anything about you. I mean, what had you done?
"Mum." Belle called out to you, in affirmation that this was real.
"She's more than just a wife. She's a lover. She's my muse. She's my best-fucking-friend, apologises for swearing but sue me. I was hesitant to let go of all this, at first. What would I do with myself now? You know? People tell me i'm 'happiest on stage', and for a time that was true. Until I met Y/N. She's made me realise that family makes me the happiest. She makes me the happiest." He jumped down off stage, taking the microphone with him. He ran his hands along the fans in the front row, but had no intention of stopping until he met you.
You felt Belle leaving your side, but you were too captivated by Harry to fully understand what was happening.
"So what am I going to do now, you ask? Well..." Harry cheekily smiled at you. "I'm going to make her the happiest woman alive, just as she makes me the happiest man." You began to cry again and the chorus of thousands of fans clapping and screaming surrounds you, only to all stop when his lips meet yours. He tasted like a combination of salty sweat and mint, but he was home. After a minute of crying, kissing and 'i love yous' , Harry ran back to the stage before Jeff could shoot him.
"Thank you all. All my love." He said whilst adjusting his microphone. "Please sing along if you know the words." He asked, full well knowing every single person will be screaming out the lyrics to him.
"Just stop you're crying it's the sign of the times. Welcome to the final show. Hope you're wearing your best clothes."
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rouge-variant · 2 years
Hello! First, I really love your works so much and I would like to do a request. How about the fact that y/n and Levi are dating about 5 years and y/n is Sasha's older sister. How will Levi react to Sasha's death and how console y/n immediately after that and some time after? I'm so sorry for mistakes, English is not my language
Stop fooling me, your English is perfectly fine! And you are so sweet! I'm glad you enjoy my writing!!! This one I cried writing because Sasha is my little bean. It'll be angsty. However, despite how sad this'll be, thanks for the request and I hope you enjoy!
Levi Ackerman x Y/n:
Spoiler Warning for Season 4
Trigger Warning: Death of an angel, Y/n is hurting physically, mentally and emotionally. Please keep this in mind while you read.
The airship fell silent as the the last breath left the body of a beloved soldier. Despite there being no noise, everything was too loud. You're heartbeat in your ears, every breath you took, the heavy swallowing trying to move the lump in your throat. How did you even get here? She was fine eight minutes ago. Everything was fine. Things were ok for once and now, they've fallen apart. What were you going to tell your parents? How were you going to tell them that you failed to protect your baby sister? How were you going to tell them that the killer was twelve? It hurt, it hurt so bad. You couldn't take it. Your systems shut down as your cradled your sister Sasha to your chest, feeling her body grow colder.
"You can't do this to me, wake up. Wake up! You have to! Sasha please don't do this!" You screamed. Everyone around you felt the pain in your cried of anguish. Your pain alerted Levi and Hange up front and they ran in to see you holding the limp body of your sister Sasha.
You both joined the Cadet Core at the same time. Despite the 5 year difference, you two were inseparable. You graduated, fought and grieved together. You join Levi sqaud with her and fell in love with your captain. To your relief, Sasha was ok with it and Levi grew to have a soft spot for her, especially since she was the only one who told him to shut up not once but twice.
All those happy memories flashed through his mind as he saw you breaking. Your uniform started to absorb the blood of your sister while you still begged her to open her eyes. With the help of Hange, they moved the rest of the soldiers and got the kids who were tangled up in this mess, away from you giving you space.
You don't remember anything else from the trip. You didn't move even after you had landed. Levi stayed near giving you a little bit more time with her before he had to come and get you.
"Y/n, let her rest. She's free now" Levi said softly while medic people came to take Sasha away. You refused to hand her over to thses strangers. They would never treat her the way she should be treated.
"Please. She wouldn't want you to drag yourself down like this" he pleaded feeling his heart shatter. He gently started to ease your grip on Sasha's uniform and move your grasp onto himself. Feeling his warm body, you let go of Sasha, giving her a final kiss on her forehead like you did each night before she went to sleep.
"Goodnight Sasha" you mumbled then let the medics take her away. Levi stayed with you when you made no move to leave. He moves quickly to grab your exhausted body before you had hit the floor. It took everything in you to let her go and you fell asleep in his arms as he carried you back to your shared quarters. He helped clean you and dress you before going to lie down with you.
Levi sat up while you slept, working through his own coping. He wasn't going to let you see how much he was hurting from losing 'Potato Girl'. He referred to her as that occasionally ever since you told him about what happened during the first day as cadets. Sure he didn't share the same bond you two did but he cared deeply for her. Now that she was gone, he worried about you. You were probably going to wake up tomorrow not remembering this right away. He didn't want you to have to go through that shock again. So until then, he sat by your side, playing with your hair and ensuring you rested as much as you could. You were going to need it going forward.
The next two weeks were crappy. You're wellness only decreased. You stopped look at people when they talked, you stopped smiling, hell you stopped eating. You sat by your sister's grave every day, never saying anything. Levi was never far from you. He gave you privacy but he was there when you feel asleep at Sasha's grave. He was there trying to give you gentle foods for your sensitive stomach so that you wouldn't pass out again. He's knows that you're grieving on a whole new level because you've never lost someone this close to you.
"Hey...why didn't you come tell me you couldn't sleep?" Levi asked seeing you sitting outside with a thin blanket over your shoulders.
"You were busy" you mumbled back. Your voice was rough but that was to be expected when you hardly drank anything. Levi comes and sits next to you, expecting you to shift away from him like you've done the last few times. But you didn't and he pulled you close. He missed the feeling of having you so close to him but he would be able to indulge in that later.
"How do you just keep going like this? You've lost so much more to me and yet you can hold it together. How do I do that?" You asked and Levi stiffed. No you don't want to be like him. You don't want to become an emotionless person like him.
"Its the same regardless of how many times you go through it. It's going to hurt. It's going to make life unbearable for a while but that's why you have me, you Jean, Connie, Armin, Mikasa and Hange" he sighs. You stay quiet and listen while he continues.
"You have other people, friends and family who help to hold you up while you're at your lowest. Hiding away trying to get through this on your own isn't going to work. I struggled until I met you. You've done that for me all the time. So please let me help you now sweetheart" he moved his hand to cup your face. Fresh tears streamed down your rosy cheeks and his thumbs were there to wipe them away.
"I miss her too. And I always will. But she lives through us now so it's our job to keep her memory alive right?" He mutters and you nod.
"Y-yeah..." you agree giving him a wobbly smile.
"That's my girl. Now let's go back inside, get you warmed up and resting" he pulled you to your feet. He guided you back inside and tucked you into bed. Sleep came easier now that you've opened up to Levi again. He was playing with your hair as you started drifting to sleep. Just before you completely drifted off, you felt his lips on your forehead and heard his voice in a whisper.
"I love you Y/n, we'll get through this together. I promise" Everything around you faded and you felt a warm familiar presence giving you a tight squeeze.
"I'm safe now big sister. You don't have to stress now. I'm ok. I'll be waiting for you but don't rush. Everyone else needs you for a while longer. I love you!" Sasha's voice rang in your head for the last time as she said her goodbye, knowing that you were taken care of with Levi.
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nothing-but-haikyuu · 3 years
Happy Birthday, Mr. Oikawa
Reader: F Character: Tōru Oikawa Rating: E Summary: You two were back in Tokyo for the event and getting comfortable, him sneaking out every so often to your hotel room. But tonight was special, you celebrated with the team, had a few drinks and now you were leading him back to your hotel room.  Warning: Smut, Birthday Sex, Breeding Kink, Spitting, Nipple Play Ask Box: Open | Check Out ThreadytoGoDesign | Join me on Patreon 
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Oikawa loved to celebrate his birthday. Who wouldn’t love a day all about them and two years into marriage you still wanted to make his birthday special. This year was especially special, with the Olympics on the horizon and him climbing the charts of being the top professional athlete in the country.
You two were back in Tokyo for the event and getting comfortable, him sneaking out every so often to your hotel room. But tonight was special, you celebrated with the team, had a few drinks and now you were leading him back to your hotel room. 
His eyes were glued to your ass as you swayed your hips from sides to side. You dragged him towards your room on the tenth floor, with an above average look at the city. 
  “Were you always this beautiful?” He asked jokingly, “I didn’t know I was getting a wife with so much ass.” He laughed before he hugged you from behind and kissed your neck, “Holy shit.”
You laughed, “I’ve been this the whole time, the dress is just new.” 
He chuckled in your ear, “Well, it’s gonna be a mess on the floor when I’m done with you.” His voice was silky smooth and his hands were tight on your body. He watched you get the door to the hotel room unlocked and enter with him trailing behind. He pressed you against the other side of the door and rubbed your ass through the dress. He groaned, “Fucking amazing. I’m gonna hate having to rip this dress.” And pushed up the short dress over your ass and palmed your flesh over your very thin panties.
  “Then don’t, we can be civil, Tōru.” You chuckled, “We’re not animals. Now why don’t you keep those paws to yourself for a moment while I get this off.” You playfully pushed him away and he stepped back and loosened his tie. He pushed his hair back and smirked at you. 
  “Get on with it, sweetheart. I want you so fucking badly. You looked amazing and dinner, no wonder all that waiters were tripping over themselves. They say an angel reincarnated and couldn’t help it.
You unzipped the dress from the back, letting the long emerald sleeves fall off your shoulders. The bodycon dress would’ve made most women self conscious, but you wanted to look good for your Oikawa. Your boo, your baby.
And even with the thickness you had, you looked like a dream to him. He palmed himself through his jeans and licked his lips. He groped at his cock through his slacks and watched you peel off the dress. 
You were left in matching black, lace panties and bra. They barely covered your nipples and your cunt. But you picked them out to just be alluring to Oikawa. You slipped off your heels and walked over to him. You pulled him for a kiss, and smeared some of your lipstick across his lips and cheek. His eyes rolled back and he found heaven in your lips.
When you pulled away, you took the tie off and kissed at his pulse, “Why don’t we get you out of this and get into that king in the next room. I want to give you your present.”
Next thing you knew, your athlete of a husband hand you pinned on the king sized bed. Your arms above your head as he made out with you. He was rutting against you, your pussy rubbed up against his cock.
His grip was tight and domineering. He was enticed by his beloved girl, his wife. He asked, “So where’s this gift? Because nothing could be better than this.”
  “well, one thing.” You slipped your hands out of his grasp and rubbed his pecs in the small space between you too, “I took a little test and turns out it’s prime time to try for a baby.” Your gaze met his and you winked.
Oikawa’s mouth went dry for a moment before he said, “No way.” and his hands dug into the bed. His cock twitched against your pussy, “well then.” He smirked as he rested on his heels and looked down at you. 
He palmed your breasts roughly and pinched your left nipple. His hands then trailed down your stomach till he reached your hips. His cock stood at full attention. It had a very important job to do tonight, breed you. 
You giggled and tried to prop yourself up on your elbows but he pushed you back down onto the bed. You watched him spread your legs, exposing your wet sex to him. He ran a thumb up your clit and you shivered, nipples growing hard from it. 
  “So does this mean we’re making a baby?” You asked as you got more comfortable on the bed. You hooked your arms under the pillow and left your legs splayed open. You thrusted up a little bit and he gripped your hips. 
  “Yes.” He said simply before he lined his cock up with your entrance and pushed in. He was slow at first, but his thrusts didn’t remain like that for long. Soon enough his grip was tight on your hips and he was roughly thrusting against you.
  “Oh, fuck. Tōru. Fuck, please. Get me pregnant.” Your eyes rolled back a little bit, you clutched the pillow under your head. Some of your hair was stuck to the back of your neck as he rocked back and forth roughly. 
  “Oh don’t worry.” he chuckled, “By the time I’m done with you, you’re going to be pregnant with multiples. This is the best gift ever.” He purred as he thrusted against you, his hands clamped onto your hips. 
His panting was heavy, clothes were askew across the room and the main room of the hotel. Your moans matched his, your breasts bounced with each thrust that you tried to match with him. 
  “Yes, this feels fucking amazing.” He groaned, “That’s my good girl. My good girl with the tight cunt. I love you.” 
  “Please, Tōru. I love you too. So much. You’re my everything. Please make me feel good.” You panted loudly, noises of the bed and your bodies filled the room as you fucked together. Matching each other’s pace in every way.
There was no shame in two married people having the most mind blowing sex to make a baby. And if it didn’t work this time, there was always the next time and then the next. And when he did get you pregnant, he was going to fuck you till you popped. 
The squelching of Oikawa’s cock buried into you, your ragged breathing. The groan of the bed. The jiggle of your breast, the sweat on your husband’s brow. This was perfect, the perfect birthday. Right before his team won Olympic volleyball.
  “Please, Tōru.” You moaned, “I love you so much. You’re so fucking good. Please, oh fuck.” You panted as you felt sweat coat your body the more you got into it with him. 
Two years of marriage and you still knew how to make each other feel amazing. You really wanted your husband to get you pregnant, you wanted him to fuck you full and breed you. As you grinded against him, feeling your bodies together. 
Oikawa’s mouth went to your nipples and he licked at both of them. Pressed them together with his hands and lazily licked at your nipples. He sucked and nipped at them and you devolved into a flurry of loud moans and wild pants.
  “Fuck, Kawa.” You gasped, “Please. Please, knock me up. I wanna be your breeding cow.” You whimpered loudly as the bed continued to creak. 
Oikawa smirked and looked at you, his mouth open as a glob of spit dripped into your mouth. He was lost in the haze of his own lust. With a one track mind to get you pregnant by the end of tonight. He was a wild man like that sometimes, he wanted a child for so long that he never though the day would come.
This is what he wanted more than anything, more than title, more than Olympic gold. He continued to thrust into you and suck on your nipples, his hands bruising the skin around your breasts as he tugged on them. His cock felt heavy and throbbed inside of you as you two continued to fuck like animals.
Long forgotten the idea of being civil. 
The bed moved and creaked, the your noises became louder. Oikawa spat in your mouth again and said, “I’m gonna knock you up full. And don’t think I’m gonna stop with one. You’re gonna have a whole volleyball team by the time I’m done with you.” His voice low and seductive, it made your now aching nipples hard as you felt chill go through you and your pussy gush wetness. 
It didn’t take long before Oikawa’s silver, devilish tongue across your nipples, his hard cock inside of you and his words crept up your spine into pleasure. You gripped onto his shoulders, nail makes across sun kissed skin.
You panted and threw your head back roughly against the bed and said, “Tōru! Tōru! Fuck!” And came around his cock. You felt a rush of pleasure through your body and you lost track of yourself for a moment. 
  “That’s it.” He grunted, “Good girl.” And gave a few more thrusts before he finished inside of you. Making sure his cock was deep inside of you, he was going to get you pregnant. 
He slowed down to a stop and pulled out of you, a string of cum connected the tip of his cock to your aching sex. He rested on his heels once more and looked at you body. He noticed a few bobby pins were on the bed and out of your hair, your breathing was laboured and your body was warm to the touch. 
 “That was amazing.” You panted.
He smirked, “Well, we’re going to have a long night together. My birthday isn’t over yet and I wanna drown your pussy in my cum. So get on those hands and knees and let’s keep going.” He gripped your thigh. 
It was safe to say by the end of the Olympics, you were getting on the plane back home with the confidence that you were indeed pregnant and nine months later you had you big, strapping twin boys.
What a way to celebrate a birthday.
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quietmyfearswith · 4 years
their love language ; preferences
warnings — fluff (?) couple of swear words
characters — andy barber, steve rogers, jake jensen, bucky barnes, carter baizen, lance tucker, syverson, will shaw (cold light of day), august walker
a/n — just something i put together lmao asks are open for anything
with their little
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andy barber — physical touch and words of affirmation
It wasn’t unusual that Andy brought home work; but more often than not concerning. Not only was he overworking himself, but it also led him to doubt and question his own capabilities. And Y/N knew when these unwanted thoughts would start to plague Andy’s mind and she knew just how to prevent them from affecting him severely. Creeping up behind him, she placed her hands on his shoulders giving him a massage he didn’t know his body was begging for. “How you doing, handsome?” she asked sweetly as she placed a small kiss on the back of his ear. Turning his head slightly so he could reciprocate the kiss but on her hand, “Making slow but significant progress.” She hummed, moving her fingers from his shoulders and to his temples she tried to rub off the stress that seemed to have its epicenter at his forehead. “Well all that was possible because of you, angel, you and that big brain of yours.” Andy grabbed both her hands and turned to her; she knew what was gonna happen next — he was gonna argue with what she said and instead claim that he wasn’t that good and he could have done it quicker or done more. But before he even had a chance to do so, she slanted her lips on his to shut him up. “I’m gonna shut you up with a kiss every time you talk shit about yourself,” the man’s entire body vibrated with laughter as turned his chair around to face Y/N and grabbed her so she sat down on his lap, “In that case we might be kissing for a long time, love.”
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august walker — acts of service
August’s dedication wasn’t only limited to his work; but also to his beloved Y/N. He’d like to think that the reason that he exposed himself to the dangers of the world is so that he could guarantee her safety. But on the instances wherein he wasn’t on a mission and instead was back home with her, he never missed out on an opportunity to make her feel safe and loved. Since he was having downtime from a mission, he took it upon himself to bring you to work and pick you up. It didn’t matter if it was out of his way or he had a busy day, it was something he loved to do. He loved having one hand on the steering wheel and the other on her warm thigh; just like how they were right now following her departure from her work. “I noticed how your laundry was piling up, so I washed it already. Also found the missing sock you were whining about last week,” Y/N looked at August and decided to tease him as she jokingly accused him, “I knew it! You hid it somewhere in our home.” His hand that was comfortably resting on her thigh left its place and went for her sides, tickling her. Hearing her giggles, made him boyishly smile, “That’s not what happened, missy. I was cleaning the house — because you were whining about how cluttered and messy it was getting and you didn’t have the time to clean it up — and somehow found that fuzzy sock of yours in the kitchen.” Upon learning what her man was up to, she was shocked and teased him more by saying, “Are you sure you should be a CIA agent and not a house cleaner? Seems like it’s one thing you absolutely love to do.” placing his hand back on her thigh, August rubbed her thigh warmly as he spoke, “Only for you love, I’ll do anything for you.”
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bucky barnes — words of affirmation
For the majority of his life, he was used to hearing gruesome and morbid orders that were tasked for him to carry out. He was so used to hearing yells and harsh voices ringing in his ears; but now since he was free from their abusive hold, he didn’t have to hear the same sounds again. “Wakey wakey sleeping beauty,” was whispered into his ear, snapping him out of his sleeping state. Turning over, he looked at Y/N and smiled, “Are you sure I’m sleeping beauty and not you?” She just chuckled at his rebuttal as she laid her head on his chest and looked up at him, “I’m sure it’s you who’s the sleeping beauty I mean have you seen this face?” She took note  as she ran her finger through his sculpted face, “Jawline that can cut deep, lips that are soft and delectable, eyes that are extremely expressive.” She then let her hand go down to where his heart was and delicately traced over it as she further explained, “And of course, what’s inside of you takes the cake of what makes you the sleeping beauty; a caring nature, compassionate to others, wit that is incomparable, and has so much love to give.” The super soldier could feel his heart swell double its  current size with how comforting and heartfelt her compliment was. Grateful tears threatened to leave his eyes as she placed a chaste kiss on his chest and assured him, “Everything about you is beautiful, Bucky.”
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jake jensen — quality time
“Are you free this Saturday?” Jake asked as he directed his focus from the computer to his girlfriend as she placed a mug of coffee on his working table. Curious and hopeful eyes were behind the lensed frame, hoping she would say that she was available. Leaning against his desk she crossed her arms and gave him a mocking look, “Depends on who’s asking and why,” but the puppy of man just grabbed at her forearms and pouted. “Please baby? I was hoping you’d be down for laser tag? Or if you don’t want to do that maybe we can watch a movie?” Y/N could not help but coo at how adorable her boyfriend looked; for a man who was part of the army he was too much of a softie. He despised having to be away from home for missions since he was always aching to spend time with you — and it didn’t really matter to him what it was you two were doing you could be museum-hopping, hiking, having a movie marathon, or just cuddling in bed. Which explains as to why he was inquiring whether or not you were available to spend time with him; leaning down to kiss his forehead, Y/N decided to put him out of his misery, “Yes love, I’m free on Saturday, we can go out for laser tag.” Standing up from where he was sitting down he excitedly wrapped his arms around the woman who was now laughing at how she mimicked the elation of a child. “Thank you, baby, can’t wait to kick your ass then.”
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syverson — physical touch and quality time
Having been home from a deployment, it felt odd for Sy to not wake up when the sun was barely up or to not be squished with other men in a small space. Feeling movement in the bed where he lay, he quickly opened both his eyes and looked at the source of it. “Come back,” he groggily mumbled as he pulled Y/N closer and buried his face on her neck. “What if there’s somewhere I need to be, bear?” It was a surprise when she felt him whine, this alpha of a man whined at the thought of having to be away with his girlfriend. “I am gonna have to lock you inside the house, I just came back and there’s no way I’m gonna let you out until we’ve made up for lost time.” As she played with his short hair she pressed a kiss on the side of his forehead, “Good thing I have the week off then, huh?” his head shot up from her neck and looked at her excitedly, “No shit, baby? I get you all to myself for the whole week?” Nodding she busied her fingers again by running it through his buzz cut hair again. Feeling his thick arms wrap around her, she could feel the happiness and contentment resonate through his whole body. “I’m not letting you out of my hold, let alone my sight — I’m gonna need you all close to me and we’re gonna do everything together.”
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lance tucker — physical touch
Having been involved in gymnastics at a young age, Lance’s hands were calloused and rough due to vigorous training. This then led him to be quite insecure and apprehensive when it came to physical contact with others, especially with someone he loves; for he fears they might run off once they feel the rough texture of his hands. Coming home from a long day filled with coaching he slumped down on the couch and took a deep breath. His muscles ached and it was starting to reach the point where it bothered him. “Hey bub, you just got home?” Y/N appeared from the kitchen and sat down beside the gymnast. As if on instinct, Lance laid his head on her lap and started to move his face around — as if it was a cat begging to be pet. Chuckling she did play with his hair with one hand while the other held on to his one hand. Letting out a satisfied hum he then began to vaguely recount his day, “Long day of coaching, switching up styles, correcting postures.” At the brief recount Y/N could feel how Lance tensed up and wanted to help him out hence why she offered, “How ‘bout you lie here and let me get that lavender oil you love? Then I can give the god of gymnastics a massage.” his eyes lit up and immediately lifted his head off her comfortable lap and laid down on his stomach as he tiredly mumbled, “Thank you baby, you’re massages are the best and I love your gentle touch.”
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steve rogers — acts of service
Since retiring, Steve found himself comforted by having a routine. And much of his routine involves the things he does for Y/N — the love of his life. After finishing his morning run around the neighborhood, he immediately prepares coffee and sets out to cook breakfast. Upon padding down the stairs of their shared home, Y/N smiles at the sight of Steve placing the bacon, egg, and toast on two plates. “Good morning, honey,” she greeted him with a kiss on his lips. “Breakfast for my love,” he said as he placed a plate in front of her and slid to the seat opposite from where she was. “You have a busy day ahead of you, right?” She hummed in response to his question as she took a sip of the coffee he made, “Well I went to the gas station and made sure you had a full tank; I also prepared you your favorite lunch,” he pointed to the small lunch bag he bought her a few months back upon learning she would sometimes not have enough time to buy lunch if she had a busy day from work; so he took it upon himself to prepare lunch for her everyday. Placing her mug down, she held one of his hands in her own and looked at him fondly, “You spoil me too much; I think I’m getting too dependent on you.” Lifting her hand to his lips, he placed a few gentle kisses in the back of her palm and spoke sincerely, “I wouldn’t mind that at all, doll.”
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carter baizen — receiving gifts
Luxurious and designer brands were something that Carter always had. It didn’t matter what kind of item it was — clothes, shoes, car, appliance, or electronics — but it was guaranteed that Carter had that object through the most expensive brand they had. So it was a surprise not only to Y/N, but also to Carter himself about how excited and touched he was every time the former gave him a gift. “Carter, I’m home!” Her yell seemed to bounce off the walls of his penthouse; one that was merely a living space but was turned into a warm and comforting home once she stepped foot in it, and in his life as well. “Hey, how was Canada?” he asked as he was seated on the sectional couch and patted for the spot beside him. Taking up on his offer she sat beside him as she placed a paper bag in his lap, “It was great! And I got this for you.” smiling, he thanked her for the gift and opened the bag as he pulled out the stuffed moose that was inside it, “A moose?” She nodded her head excitedly, “Well I don’t know, it just reminded me of you. Like you both have this cold and hard exterior; but really you both are softies,” she ended her explanation with a nervous giggle, fear settling in that Carter didn’t really like the gift. But as if he could read her thoughts he eased her nervousness with a smile and booped her nose, “Well it’s the best gift anyone has ever given me; so thank you, princess.” she sighed dramatically and leaned her back against his chest, and he wraps his arms around you and laughs at her silly antics. “That’s what you always say every time I give you something.” Holding the moose with one hand he shook it around as he talked in a silly voice, as if mimicking a cartoon character, “Well that’s because I do love everything you give me.”
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will shaw — words of affirmation
In his pursuit of establishing himself as a businessman and entrepreneur, Will has heard a fair share of rejections and bad news. In fact he was so used to hearing these that it was quite rare and refreshing for him to hear reminders of positivity; and it wasn’t until Y/N came into his life and served to be the breath of fresh air for Will. Hanging up the phone call, Will let out an exasperated sigh and loosened the tie on his neck. Despite being successful in securing a meeting with potential business partners, he felt defeated as it took too much time and effort. The ringtone of his phone made him roll his eyes; though he did pick the phone up and answer the call without looking at the caller ID. “Yes, Mr. Scott?” Instead of the husky voice he was just talking to, it was instead the sweet voice of his girlfriend as she teased him, “Not a Mr. Scott, but should I be worried that you might like him more than me?” Upon hearing her voice he chuckled and shook his head, “No babe, there’s only you.” She laughed as well but despite that she was worried about him, “You alright, babe? Have you eaten?” Sitting up straight, he briefed her on what has happened so far, “Yeah I had a salad earlier. But guess what? I have a meeting with Mr. Scott, and if things go well they’re gonna be our business partners.” Her excited squeal made him excited as well, “That’s great babe! I told you that there was no need to doubt your presentation and skill!” Placing his hand on his chin, “I think you’re being too confident in me, babe” he sighed. “Well how could I not?” she said as she began listing off the qualities she admired about him, “You always get back up despite how many times you’ve fallen down, you’re determined to achieve what you want and will do all means to do so, and of course have you seen how good-looking you are? Mr. Scott would be an idiot to say no to that pretty face.” Her last remark had him roaring with laughter and shook his head at his silliness, “Oh babe, you do know how to boost someone’s confidence huh?”
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kneamet · 3 years
Thomas Sharpe loves her. She is pregnant and she is sewing baby clothes. Thomas watches her. She is scared of him since she found out about the killed wives and the death of Lucille (Thomas killed her in revenge for Edith's death). Thomas caresses reader's arms and she flinches. He tells her not to be afraid. She is his sun. His hope. His lovely lady. He won't hurt her.
Trigger Warning: obsession, yandere.
Word Count: 1667
Character: Thomas Sharpe/reader
Summary: You never wanted Thomas to watch you when you were doing your hobby.
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POV Thomas
She was so beautiful. So perfect. Thomas smiled softly, a dreamy and gentle smile that reflected his joyful and eloquent thoughts about what would happen when his perfect and beautiful, sweet and charming wife finally gave birth to their child. Their happy and tender child, who will be caressed by the touch of his father; who will inherit his character, and later he will pass on his favorite business.
Thomas liked to dream about what would happen when you gave him an heir. An heir who would pay off all the debts of the Sharpe family and restore to fame that glorious and famous, if not infamous, family name that had been passed down from generation to generation for centuries.
He knew that he would learn it as a true aristocrat. He will be able to read, write, and, of course, continue his father's work, which he will teach him later when his son grows up. And you, as a real wife, devoted and faithful to him, will babysit him, cleaning up after him. No, he wasn't going to let his son grow up to be an idiot who didn't know anything and was just trying to sound like a smart person. No, he and you, after a light conference, will find the best teachers in the entire district.
Thomas won't let his son become like him. No, he'll be better than his father. A father who was a miserable loser who had achieved nothing in his life except... as much as he hated to think about it... nothing but incest with my sister. Into this perfect illusion, which later shattered, like paper that is easy to tear. He knew he was just playing a game in her incestuous ideals, and he knew he shouldn't have been tempted.
Sharpe pursed his lower lip, frowning slightly in a gesture of contempt. To think about it, to remember the days when Lucille, his sister, whom he both loved and hated, was alive. It is simply impossible to remember what he and his sister did to the innocent souls of the girls they corrupted and later killed. It was so disgusting.
But now, realizing that he had found his happiness, she was currently sitting next to him on a wooden chair and carrying under her heart another of his dreams and happiness, his child. Thomas was looking at you, wanting to stifle a small moan that suddenly, at the same moment, flew out of his mouth in an unintentional action, completely unexpected.
So gentle, so sensual, so fragrant, like a flower, that she lives her carefree life, enjoying freedom. A flower that will quickly perish in the wrong hands and near the Crimson Peak. He knew you always had to be protected. You, who needed his help, which was immediate and consistent. He will definitely protect you and will protect you for the rest of his life, even on his deathbed.
Your soft and light hair, which Thomas loved to caress, fell a short length over your frail and thin shoulders, on which there were marks in the form of inconspicuous bruises that almost healed. The man felt a great need to touch them now, but he understood that personal space should be respected and honored. To honor him in a way that was not respected. The memory of Lucille interrupting him raced through his mind in a haunting rhythm.
Your soft lips were slightly parted. So gentle, so brilliant, and so much in return. He noticed that your lips were bitten in some places, as if you were worried; Thomas frowned. He loved your lips, and he wanted them to be kept intact, not like this.
Your bright eyes were intently and diligently following the work you were doing, being in love with your business. Thomas knew that you liked to sew and never refused your desire, believing that if you love each other, have pure and pure feelings for each other, then you should understand and be interested in each other's interests. And of course, respect them. Unlike Lucille, who was only interested in her own fate, and not in the fate and life of Thomas.
He liked to watch you and how you sew. He knew that you liked this business very much, and selling clothes for children was also an expensive business, which, as far as Thomas knew, many girls were interested in. And you, as the man liked to say, had a talent.
The man blinked several times, feeling his beloved wife looking at him, in his opinion, with a gentle look, caring.
He never had enough care: his mother beat him up for any wrongdoing, his father was too fascinated by money to take care of the children, and his sister was too obsessed with, so to speak, him, controlling many aspects of life. He believed that he had done the right thing by her, and that she did not deserve a painful and hot death for having killed his past love.
Thomas had never loved anyone in his life. Except, perhaps, for Lucille, whom he hated at the same time. It was like a mold, like a contagion that ate away at him from the inside out, plunging him into a frenzy that immediately met him.
But then Edith came along. One of those girls who was able to interest him, but in the end it turned out that it was just an interest and he did not feel any love for her. All they could do was to save her and show her that he was a man worthy of happiness.
However, his dreams were not destined to come true then. Lucille took Edith away from him. She took his wife's life. Thomas, on the other hand, took his sister's life.
The loneliness always silenced him. It hurt to be alone. At such moments, his brain refused to work rationally, forcing only thoughts about the past. The past that Thomas had tried so hard to forget and lose in oblivion.
But then, quite by accident, he, a poor and unhappy man, had you! He didn't really remember your first meeting or how you met him, but he never cared. He was your first, and he will be your last.
POV Your
Being around him, while still keeping a straight face, not being distracted by him, and trying to go about your business, was scary and very stressful. He always scared you with his penetrating gaze that literally burned a hole in you, and so carefully watched your even the smallest movements.
Your husband was a handsome Englishman. An aristocrat whose beauty you once fell for, believing that beauty is equal to character. How the hell did you make a mistake? The look of an angel, and the thoughts of a devil.
And yet, despite everything, you still considered his beauty, finding him, if not terribly attractive, then simply attractive: blue, like a clear sea that flows into a dirty ocean, eyes with small flecks of gray; black curly hair that turned into curls at the ends; an aristocratic type of face that corresponded to his ancient family; tonic pursed lips.
But beauty was the only advantage he could offer you. His love, which you thought was eerily possessed and controlled, was terrible. You didn't like this love. You only wanted to bring back old Thomas, who loved you with a tender and pure love, not Thomas, who was obsessed with you.
You could feel his penetrating and appraising gaze on you. It was unpleasant and very stressful. You felt a little uneasy. Your chest began to swell, and your eyes began to water.
I wanted to cry. Cry with grief. That you will never go out again, that Thomas will continue to do what he does and you will not be able to dissuade him, that Thomas is so bloodthirsty that he was not afraid to kill his sister, that your child will never know about you and the real Thomas. He will always look at the world, and especially at you and Thomas, with unseeing eyes that will not cling to flaws. He will think that he has the perfect family.
Perhaps the arrival of a child will be the only plus in this routine. After all, he will love you, really love you, and not like Thomas. You gave a small, tired smile, thinking about what you would do when your baby was born.
Suddenly, you felt your hand free of the cloth that was now lying on the table, which was covered with a pile of junk that Thomas kept for some reason. Your hand felt the warm palm of your husband. His hand was strong and big. Apart from the fact that he was eerily thin, he was still strong.
You raised your head, shifting your frightened gaze to Thomas, who was looking at you with a very bleary look, his mouth slightly open, and smiling the little smile that always scared you. At such moments, you felt like you were sitting in front of a psycho who really wants to get even with you.
"You don't have to be afraid of me, my flower," he murmured softly, stroking your weak hand with light movements and looking straight into your eyes. You felt goose bumps on your back. You bit your lip, feeling a little relieved. "No need to bite your pretty lips, my sweet flower," Thomas said, reaching out and touching your lower lip.
"I don't..." you were about to say, when you suddenly felt the finger Thomas had placed on your lips.
"You're my sunshine," Thomas smiled, getting up from his chair, which sagged under his weight. "My hope," he leaned toward you, removing his finger. You felt his hot breath on your neck, making it gooseflesh. "My fair lady," he murmured softly, his lips almost touching yours. "I won't hurt you," he finished, connecting your lips with his in a soft touch.
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solarwonux · 4 years
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prince!wonwoo x witch!reader 
w.c: 4.3k (I almost made it 5k but I stopped myself) 
warnings: murder, death, alcohol, tarot cards, running away, witchy things if you squint, angst, smut, ropes. 
note: special special thanks to my baby @starlightshua she named this beauty lmao. I re wrote this story so many times, literally the first draft of this was nothing like this and then I woke up at 5am today and rewrote the entire thing. I’m pretty proud so I hope you enjoy it. Also let me know if you want more of this, I have some ideas. Enjoy.x
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Wonwoo pushes the tavern door open a little too hard. It hits the brick wall behind it, the sound erupting through the wasted and nearly wasted bodies that occupied the space. He doesn’t care, he needs a drink or many of them for that matter so he walks letting the door rattle obnoxiously behind him. The people eyeing him down like he just murdered their first born and not interrupted their nightly escapades.
He reaches the bar taking the worn out stool at the end and taps his fingers against the wooden counter. He was a regular and sadly had gotten used to the mustiness that was etched into the walls of the place and yet he still felt out of place.
“What does our royal guest of honor want tonight?” Mingyu rapped his fingers drumming in front of Wonwoo, grabbing his attention.
“Not royal, but bourbon please.”
Ever since he ran away from his Royal duties and somehow ended up in a tavern that existed harmoniously to bring two worlds together. Wonwoo had seen and witnessed things he had only grown up hearing during his mother’s bedtime stories. A secret language they shared when hidden behind the comfort of his bedroom. Away from the torturous hands of the King.
“As you wish your majesty.” Mingyu’s sarcastic drawl took him out of the spiral inside his head. He rolled his eyes obnoxiously as he watched Mingyu throw his head back in laughter, his fangs catching in the reflection of the dim light causing a chill to roll up his spine. “You’re so uptight tonight, relax a little Prince Charming.” He winked at Wonwoo before turning around and walking away from him.
No matter how hard he tried to leave the life he had behind, everyone here in this tavern that belonged neither here nor there, loved to remind him that he still had the king’s royal blood coursing through his veins. Usually, he didn’t mind, sometimes he would play into the character when he was drunk enough to earn a few laughs. But tonight on the final night of October, he didn’t want to be reminded of his true identity.
On Hallows Eve, three years ago his life had gone south. He was set to marry a princess from a neighboring kingdom and he couldn’t wait to meet her during the annual ball. He had woken up that morning with a jolt and skipped a step as he made his way to his mother and father’s private chamber. When he arrived, his heart, in his throat. He found his father the charming King beloved by his people with his hands around his mother’s throat and a murderous glimmer behind his soft eyes while she slowly turned a rough shade of blue.
Wonwoo felt his world crash onto the ground. his father didn’t stop no matter how hard he pleaded for him too. His tears fell onto the palace grounds creating tsunami’s as he witnessed his mother take her last breath.
He ran, ran to where his feet could carry him. Packed up anything that could fit in the tiny knapsack he used whenever he went to explore the forest behind the palace. And left, leaving behind the life he had only ever known.
He traveled for three days on foot without food nor rest, before he came across the tavern that smelled more like rotten feet than whiskey. He met Mingyu, who had recognized him right away and gave him the tavern’s royal treatment. Food, water and the rickety old room just above the tavern.
“It’s not satin or velvet or whatever you guys use over there, but it’s enough for you to sleep. Just pay me back by working here every odd day of the week.” Mingyu said, clapping his shoulder and leaving him behind to deal with his new reality.
That night was the night he was able to mourn his mother’s death and his own one as well. The king had come out publicly with fake tears in his eyes to say that his wife and his second born son had fallen ill to an illness and that when the royal physicians realized it, it had been too late. Though, everyone in the tavern knew the truth and he found comfort knowing that they hated the king just as much as he did.
“Penny for your thoughts my prince.” The angelic voice he had grown to love so much took him out of his thoughts. He lived in his head too much and he was thankful he had you —a witch he had met during one of his shifts over a year ago, to ground him back down onto Earth.
“Don’t call me that.” He smiled and grabbed hold of your hand and brought it up to his lips. He kissed it lightly keeping his eyes on yours as they burned holes of fire into them. You tensed up feeling the heat run up your body. It was laughable. You, a witch who could make anyone succumb and fall at her feet, was letting a runway prince pursue her and turn her into mush at his feet.
“You liked it when I said in bed once.”
“That was one time, princess.” He winked, enjoying the way your cheeks flushed. Your body reacted amorously to him and each time it bubbled an emotion deep inside of him that he wasn’t sure what it was. It scared him and excited him all at the same time.
Wonwoo stopped believing in love three years ago but every time you were nearby. He believed that he could again.
“One to many times Wonwoo.” You toyed as you took the empty seat next to him. Your hand still entrapped in his and you weren’t planning on letting go any time soon.
Mingyu rolled his eyes and placed Wonwoo’s drink in front of him, “Wonwoo has a prince kink?.” He mumbled his voice laced with disgust. “I should’ve known.” and leaned against the wooden table, shooting daggers at Wonwoo.
“Not a kink if that’s what he is Gyu.”
Wonwoo didn’t care that he still had royal blood in him, because whenever he found himself laughing at Mingyu’s poor attempts to flirt with nymphs. Or your presence next to him he forgot that he did. He wondered if his mother had led him here to this repulsive tavern in order to meet the two of you.
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Although Wonwoo knew you were perfectly capable at defending yourself. He loved walking you home.
The two of you trailed down the dirt path hand in hand; chasing the blue light of the moon. Comfortable silence erupting between your bodies. Wonwoo never felt more at home then now.
“So what’s a witch like you doing with a commoner like me on Hallow’s Eve.” Wonwoo glanced at you his eyes sparkling like they held a million galaxies and you found yourself wanting to get lost in them. “Don’t you have rituals or cards to read, aren’t you the most powerful underneath a blue moon.” He edged on making you smile.
“Are you saying you want your cards read again?” You bumped your shoulder against his. His grip on your hand falters making you giggle.
Wonwoo’s eyes grew wider than the moon as he remembered the night you read his cards to him for the first time a few weeks ago and he blushed. “Last time you read my cards I ended tied up.”
“Well that’s cause you picked my sex deck Wonwoo, we’ve been over this.” You stopped walking and leaned up to kiss his cheek, leaving a plum lipstick mark behind. “Don’t act like you didn’t like it.” You whispered in his ear.
Wonwoo swallowed hard at your taunting tone. He knew you were right and he hated it. If you had asked him with that infamous bat of your eyelashes he would’ve done it again. “For once angel I want to see you tied up.” He blurted out, his cheeks turning a rough shade of red as he processed what he had said after he had said.
“Okay, but you’re going to have to catch me first.”
“Catch you, what a—.”
Before Wonwoo could finish his sentence you took off running. Wonwoo threw his head back in disbelief, his body coursing with exhaustion for a brief second before he took off as well. This is what he loved most, the adrenaline rush you brought to him. Although sometimes he thought you were too much he wouldn’t trade the moments he spent with you for anything in the world. Not even for his mother’s life and you had offered a few times, but he refused because with you he felt complete.
Your laughter rang through the howling branches of the trees surrounding the two of you. Wonwoo’s body felt like it was floating as he chased after you, the cool night air hitting his face as he ran with everything in him. It reminded him of the times he spent at the palace gardens chasing after his older brother, his mother’s voice ringing in his ears as she joined in halfway. It was these moments where he was the most carefree, that reminded him of his mother. That made him miss her with everything in his being. It was moments like these where the anger and resentment towards his father would surface and he wished he hadn’t had run away that day. But this was different because for the first time in his life he was running towards someone, a goal.
“Maybe you don’t want it enough Wonwoo. Are you even trying?” You teased, he could tell he was close from how loud your voice sounded. It only gave him motivation to run faster, so he did.
You faded into view, it felt like he was seeing you for the first time in his life. You were leaning against a tree, arms cockily crossed in front of you, waiting. He let his feet carry him like the wind around him and soon he was crashing into you like an ocean wave. You laughed silently. The impact, knocking the air out of your lungs making you feel lighter than a cloud.
Almost as if by instinct Wonwoo’s arms found their way around your body, his face morphing into one of concern. He didn’t mean to crash into you as hard as he did or at all, but sometimes when he was with you his body acted as if it were unattached to his brain. “I’m sorry are you okay?” He placed his fingers underneath your chin lifting your head up so your watery eyes locked with his.
You planted your hands on his chest, balling your fist wrinkling his starch white button down and nodded. “With-- y-you I’m always okay.” You gasped and closed the distance. Your lips were on his faster than he could blink and he felt himself melt.
In fairytales silver and water were a witches ' kryptonite. In this life you were Wonwoo’s.
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Wonwoo didn’t win but he should’ve known you were going to give in to his desires. Despite your sneaky ways he knew he could always trust you but still it had caught him off guard when you had given him the onyx ropes upon entering your small cottage.
“You wanted to tie me up right? Now’s your chance.” The amount of trust that laid behind your eyes was overwhelming. And no one, not even his mother, had trusted him like you did.
He placed the ropes down on your old wooden bed and kissed you with everything in him.
When his mother would tell him the damsel in distress stories during bed time. She always described the ending kiss as if it were the most magical thing in the universe, with fireworks exploding and butterflies running mayhem in pits of stomachs. But you weren’t a damsel in distress and his mother’s description of a true love’s kiss didn’t do this kiss justice.
Wonwoo very much felt like he was thrown in the middle of space and was now dumbly floating around. His body felt lighter than air, but heavy at the same time. He didn’t feel fireworks nor the butterflies but he did feel the adrenaline dip in the mouth of his stomach and the strikes of lightning that raced through his veins. He felt brand new, and he was ready to give himself to you, just like he had many nights before but this time it felt different, important and special.
Maybe Wonwoo was finally releasing the lock he had around his heart, but if he didn’t know any better--and he didn’t. He was positive that what he was feeling for you in this moment of vulnerability was love.
“I want to take my time.” He whispered against your lips as your fingers toyed with the buttons of his shirt. “I want to be with you forever but I don’t know how.” He crushed the hem of your silk black shirt between his fingers. Your hands stopped their movements and you pulled away. They wandered up to his cheek, your index finger playing with the tiny sunspots that only you were able to see. He looked so small and scared and you were sure you mirrored his same expression because the grip he had on your shirt got tighter.
You had been in love once. Many lifetimes ago and they had been taken from you because of what you were. You promised yourself you would never love again and you spent years alone, until you found yourself in the odd old tavern.
For as long as you lived in the old supernatural town, you never once paid attention to that old tavern. Until one night during blue moon much like the one tonight, a little over a year ago you found yourself drawn to it. Your feet carried you there by themselves, your mind on autopilot and before you knew you were sitting in front of the bar, looking at a curious boy that resembled the prince you grew up hating, but that was impossible because he had been dead for years.
To your surprise he was the prince and he had spilled two strawberry margaritas on you ruining your new favorite shirt. You cursed him out, wondering why he wasn’t deader than dead as he apologized. He dropped everything before taking your hand in his and leading you up the rickety old stairs that led to the room above. Without a word he tore his poor excuse of a room apart until he found you a clean shirt and you put it on not after pushing him out of the room for some privacy.
If you had known that you would still keep that same shirt hidden deep in your closet you would’ve laughed because that was the first night you started to fall for him and every passing moment you were with him felt like you were being reborn again. Like a part of you didn’t die behind the flames of the burning fire as you watched your lover yell out for his life. That memory was buried deep in your mind and you had never told Wonwoo in fear that he would look at you differently. Like you weren’t his lifeline anymore, so, you kept it locked away inside of your heart just like the love you felt for him. One day you would tell him just not tonight. Tonight you wanted to keep your secret and instead be with him in every way possible.
“Take your time but tonight make me yours please.”
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Wonwoo didn’t tie the ropes hard enough and it made you laugh at his shaking hands as they traveled down your flushed out body. You had assured him that you had suffered through worse than the burning of ropes against your skin. But he paid no attention to your statement as he finished his second and final loop on your bedpost.
He kissed his way down your body slowly, giving extra love the parts he knew would have you unraveling in no time.
This was one of the things you loved most about him, instead of getting what he wanted and leaving. He took his time getting to know your wants and needs. You’ve had many lovers in the past and none of them had felt nor treated you the way Wonwoo did.
With love.
“You feel so warm already.” He whispered against the skin of your stomach, slowly getting closer to where you wanted him most. His hands squeezed your thigh and prided them open as he kissed his way further down, hovering his mouth against your clothed core.
You whimpered, tugging at his roots in attempts to bring him closer, “Please Wonwoo please.” You let out an exasperated breath. “I need you close.”
Wonwoo smirked leaving an open mouthed kiss against your core, savoring your honeyduke sweetness that seeped through your panties. Your grip on his hair got tighter as he continued to tease you. Kissing you and humming like he was tasting his last meal. He lapped up once more groaning before hooking his thumbs against the waistband of your panties and pulled them down, sitting down on his knees and throwing them somewhere in your room, joining your already discarded clothes.
The coolness of the wind coming in from your open window made the goosebumps rise against your soft skin. Wonwoo sucked in a breath as he took in how wet you were and for him.
No matter how many times he found himself in this position, your body's reaction to him always left him floored. “Take a picture, it will last longer.” You joked, placing your leg against his shoulder and pulling him down towards you again. Catching him off guard, just like you always did.
“One day I will and then I won’t stop and by the end of it all, I’ll have my own private collection.” He winked laying down in between your legs again. He kissed up your thighs alternating between the two, taking his sweet time like he always did.
“I bet you’d like that...f-fuck.” Wonwoo lapped up your entrance and wrapped his perfect lips around your clit. He closed his eyes savoring your taste, his blunt nails digging into the skin of your thighs.
“Y-Your mouth was—ahh, your mouth was made from the h-heavens.” You arched your back, pushing his head closer with your legs entrapping him. Your hands grabbing on the ropes as you felt your orgasm approach.
A throaty groan fell out of his mouth, sending the vibration up your clit and through your body. The knot in your stomach starting to get tighter. Wonwoo’s index and middle finger swirls around in your pussy. Bathing in the wetness before he slowly inserts them. He always knew you were warm inside but today it felt like you were on fire and he couldn’t wait to devour you further.
He hums happily pulling away and sits up, your leg falling from his shoulder making you whine at the loss of his mouth. “Patience baby I’ll give you everything you want tonight.” He assures before pushing his fingers in even further, your heat entrapping him.
“Ah, f-fuck this feels better than my charms.
“You have sex charms?” He poses curiously. You were a book full of fairytales and he couldn’t wait to read you front in back until the last day of his life.
“I have charms for a lot of things.” You throw your head back in pleasure as he lets his fingers take control. “I-I can show them to you one day.” You let out a breath as you felt your orgasm nearing.
“Why not now?” He brought his thumb onto your clit and started rubbing figure eights circumoniously, while his fingers pistoned into you. If anyone were to ask him what his favorite pastime was he would cheekily answer that it was you falling apart because of him.
“Don’t need them...you make me cum.” You arched your back and pulled on your ropes as your orgasm flooded over you. You moaned Wonwoo’s name like an old incantation in your book of spells as he continued to help you ride out your orgasm.
You always looked beautiful to Wonwoo, like a goddess or an angel sent from above. But the way you looked when you fell apart underneath him, was breathtaking and he wanted to remember it forever.
“Did that feel good?” He takes his fingers out, his palm rubbing soothing circles against your thigh as he brings them up to his lips. Your spent pussy clenched over nothing as you watched him, eyes locked with yours savoring you.
You nod, “It was orgasmic.” You joked. Your weak attempt of a pun makes him laugh. You freed yourself from his poor attempt at binding you to the bed and sat up. Wonwoo watched you dreamily as you wrapped your arms around his neck planting a soft kiss to his wet lips.
“Make me cum again my prince.”
“I’ll make you cum until first light.”
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Wonwoo kept true to his word, pulling four more orgasms from you. Each one more intense than the other and you found yourself craving for more, but he had stopped sensing your exhaustion.
He had been right earlier that night in the forest. You were strongest on Hallows Eve and underneath a blue moon, but when it came to Wonwoo you were weak. You didn’t mind it because it was to someone who would without a doubt catch you if you fell hard.
You had read it in his cards the first and only time you drew them for him. You didn’t voice it because his face when you had exposed his kinks was priceless. And because you feared that if you did you would lose him before you could tell him how you felt about him. You weren’t sure when you would but if he kept looking at you and holding you like you were his entire universe. You would without a doubt forget your fears and confess.
“I love you.” Wonwoo’s eyes got wide as he brought his hands up to his mouth covering it. “Sorry I—I fuck I-“
“I love you.” You copied his actions. The two of you letting the silence overcome your ragged breaths. Until he laughed, making you laugh as well. You grabbed his hand and brought it close to your body.
It was unbelievable how afraid the two of you had been when the two of you had unknowingly fallen for each other long ago. Wonwoo sat up on his elbows and moved so he was hovering over you again. “I’ve never once loved, and I’m sure I love you more than anything in this world.” He pecked your lips repeatedly before laying half of his body on yours carefully and putting his head against your chest humming happily.
“I once loved but I didn’t love them the way I love you Wonwoo.”
“That must mean I’m special princess.”
You rolled your eyes, your hands coming up to his shoulders and kneading out the tension that had formed over years of unnecessary stress. “Not a princess...but you’re more than special.”
“In my eyes you’ll always be my princess.” He left a chaste kiss against your collar bone. “But you’re more than special to me too baby, and since we’ve established that can you tell me what’s been bothering you all night.”
“Nothing’s bothering me, why are you asking?”
“You didn’t drink tonight and back when we were walking home you were spaced out half of the time.” He traced a finger up your side teasingly.
You sighed and stopped massaging his shoulders. He was right you had been distracted for half the night wondering how you should tell him the last secret you had. This one you couldn’t keep hidden away because it involved him and his biggest heartbreak.
“I drew a card from my deck this morning.”
He hummed and lifted his head, his eyebrows knitting together, “What was it, anything bad?”
You bit your lip, knitting your fingers into his hair. “The Empress, sometimes I read her as a fertility card an-“
“You’re pregnant?” Wonwoo sat up, your hand falling onto his chest. You giggled, shaking your head profusely. Your contraception charms were safer than any kind of contraception out there.
“God no Wonwoo, not now, but you told me your mom loved peonies right?”
“Yeah, the palace was always filled with them.”
“Okay well for days I’ve been seeing peonies pop up randomly around this place and I just thought it was a coincidence. When I drew my card this morning, The Empress was surrounded by peonies, but I really didn’t think anything of it. When I entered the tavern last night there were peonies in the flowerbed growing. And now that I think about it they were there too the night I met you.”
“What are you saying, that my mom is here somehow?” His voice was filled with hope and you tried hard not to cringe at the sound. The thought had crossed your mind a few times but you always had to remember that even though the supernatural existed peacefully in this world. That rule didn’t apply to the dead, they had strict rules on their side of the realm. If his mom was making an attempt to contact him he was sacrificing her chances at reincarnation.
“I’m saying that maybe your mom didn’t tell you who she really was.”
“Are you saying she was a witch like you?”
As soon as the words left his mouth, he felt comfort. Everything about his childhood made sense. The random peonies that would appear in the garden during the mid of winter. The stories that didn’t feel like stories but more like memories. And her sudden death. He wasn’t sure if his father had known or if he had found out that morning, but whatever the case was he was positive that she had sent you to him. His greatest and last gift to him from her and had never felt more at peace.
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omgrachwrites · 3 years
I Missed You - Remus Lupin
Pairing: Remus Lupin x Reader
Request: ‘Hello!!❤ can I request a Remus x fem!reader where Rem and reader haven't got like proper quality time together because of exams. He is like extremely desperate because full moon is close and he just need some cuddles and cute words from his beloved gf.. He gets the risky idea of having a bath with her (just intimate cute moment nothing sexual) in the prefects bathroom at midnight. So he borrows James' invisibility cloak, hide his gf so she won't have problems with the curfew and have the bath of his life?’ - anon
Warnings: fluff, fluff and more fluff!
Words: 1472
A/N: Thank you for this adorable request anon! Hope everyone enjoys it and please let me know what you think! Also, I’m again using Tom Webb as my Remus, I love you all! xxx
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NEWT exams were hard, much harder than you had anticipated – and you thought OWLS had been bad – so much so that you hardly had any time to do anything but study for your exams. Your ambition after Hogwarts was to be a Healer, you wanted to help people get better but at this moment you were seriously regretting your decision. What was worse was the fact that you hadn’t been able to spend some quality time with your beautiful boyfriend, Remus.
You were sat on the plush burgundy carpet of the Gryffindor Common Room, getting warm by the glowing fire that was crackling and spitting. Remus wrapped his arms around you from behind and pulled you into his chest; you smiled and turned to kiss his lips lightly, tasting the chocolate and cinnamon notes that lingered on his lips.
As you went back to reading your book, Remus rested his head on your shoulder, pressing tiny little kisses against your warm skin. The feeling of his slightly chapped lips against your skin was heavenly but very distracting. In the space of about five minutes you had read the same paragraph multiple times.
Sighing, you bit your lip and turned your head to look at Remus, entranced by the golden flecks in his hazel eyes, “I have to study, love and it’s pretty distracting with those gorgeous lips against me,” you giggled, pulling on his bottom lip slightly with your thumb. You pressed a soft kiss against his lips to soften the blow.
Remus pouted, “can’t you take a break, baby?” he whined, running a hand through his tousled hair, “please, angel?”
His sullen tone tugged at your heart strings but there was no way that you could fail your upcoming exam, “I’m sorry, Rem, I can’t fail this Herbology exam.”
Remus sighed in disappointment as he leaned away from you and you instantly missed the warmth of his chest against your back, “yeah,” he huffed.
“I really am sorry,” you turned round to look at him properly and for the first time you noticed how tired he looked, the NEWT exams weren’t only taking a toll in you.
Remus offered you a weak, sad smile as he shook his head, and pressed his lips against your forehead, “don’t be beautiful. But, please don’t work yourself into the ground, Y/N,” he bit his lip as he wandered over to join James ad Sirius, leaving you to stare after him.
You knew why Remus was acting like this, he craved your touch even more than usual, because now you hardly spent any time together and the full moon was looming. Every month, the full moon affected Remus differently and you couldn’t imagine how stressed out he must be feeling. Your heart ached for him and you wished that there was something you could do but in the middle of the exam season, your hands were tied.
Over the next couple of days, things didn’t really get any better; you were completely up to your eyeballs in work.  The cosy night of lounging around in the common room was a lovely memory of the past. Nowadays, you could hardly see the floor for various textbooks and sheaf’s of parchment that were littered upon it.
Remus got sulkier and sullen as those couple of days passed until he finally got to the end of his tether. When you stepped through the portrait hole one night after study group had run extremely late, you noticed your boyfriend was sitting on the plush couch, watching the dying embers of the fire.
“Remus?” you called out and he turned to look at you, a small smile playing around the edge of his lips, “what’s going on?” you asked as you stood between his legs, raking your fingers through his hair.
Remus hummed as he closed his eyes in bliss, “it’s an intervention,” he laughed, opening his eyes to look at you, “you are going to take a break and we’re going to relax together. Your studying will still be there tomorrow. I miss you, don’t you miss me?” he asked, wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you closer, “I just want to hold you.”
You traced your fingers against his cheek as you gazed at the beautiful boy. Leaning down, you pressed a deep kiss against his lips, giggling when his tongue brushed against yours. As you pulled away, you smiled as you pressed your forehead against his, “of course I miss you, baby. What did you have in mind?” you supposed that you could take a night off.
Remus beamed at you and stood up, linking his fingers through yours, “come with me,” he kissed your cheek and led you out of the portrait hole.
Once you were at the top of the staircase, Remus plucked a cloak from his pocket that rippled and shimmered like water. As Remus unfolded it, you recognised it straight away and raised an eyebrow, making Remus laugh, “I borrowed it from James.”
“And, everyone thinks you’re the sensible one,” you giggled as Remus threw James’ Invisibility Cloak over the both of you.
“For you, I’ll make an exception,” he chuckled.
The both of you crept through the dark castle, avoiding Mrs Norris and Peeves as you went. Finally, around midnight, you came to a wooden door which Remus promptly unlocked. When you were inside of the room, Remus flung the cloak off you and you took a good look at the beautiful room. There was a bath the size of a swimming pool and there was a stained glass window of a mermaid who was asleep on her rock.
Remus took your hand and kissed over your knuckles, making you smile, “I thought that we could have a bath together,” Remus’ eyes were soft as he flushed, he really was adorable.
You cupped his cheeks, “that sounds heavenly,” you kissed his nose, making him scrunch it up in response, “why don’t you start the water while I put in the scented bubbles?” you gasped excitedly as you ran over to the different taps. Remus chuckled as he looked after you fondly.
You had too much fun putting all the bubbles in; your favourite bubbles were the bright yellow ones that smelt of lemons. It was very satisfying to watch them gush out of the taps. When the bath was full, you blushed as you glanced at Remus.
“Will you turn around while I get undressed?”
Remus smiled as he turned around, “anything for you, angel.”
Quickly, you discarded your clothes and got into the hot bath, deciding to swim a couple of laps while Remus got undressed, “come here, my little mermaid,” he chuckled as he made grabby hands at you.
Giggling, you swam up to him and kissed him before turning around in his arms, pressing your hands over his as he wrapped his arms around you. For the first time in weeks, you felt completely and utterly relaxed as you vaguely wondered why you hadn’t done this sooner.
“How are you feeling baby?” you asked as you rubbed your hands along Remus’ biceps before turning your head to look at him.
Remus gave you a lazy lopsided grin that made your heart flutter as he combed gentle fingers through your hair, “like this is the best bath that I’ve ever had, I’ve never felt so relaxed.”
You smiled, you were glad that he was no longer feeling stressed, you only ever wanted your boyfriend to be completely at ease. But, now you also felt guilty, “I’m sorry Remus, for not doing this sooner, for blowing you off because I was stressed,” you turned your whole body so you were facing him, lifting your wet hand to run through his hair.
Remus gave you a warm smile, his eyes almost glowing in the candlelit bathroom. In your opinion, he’d never looked more beautiful than he did right now with wet hair and a blissed out look on his face, “don’t apologise for that, Y/N,” he whispered as he cupped your chin and gave you a sweet kiss, “it doesn’t even matter.”
You grinned as you trailed your fingers over the scars on his face as an overwhelming wave of love for him washed over you, “I love you, Remus. So much.”
Remus grinned as he pressed his forehead against yours, “I love you too, Y/N. This is forever you know, I missed you so much.”
You flushed as you nodded in agreement, “forever, I missed you too.”
You and Remus lay around in the bath, wrapped up in each other’s arms until your skin began to get pruny. As you dressed, the both of you laughed as you stole sweet little kisses and you knew Remus was the person you were going to love for the rest of your life.
@smiithys​ @elayneblack​ @amelie-black​ @fandomxreaders​
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stargaze-issei · 4 years
— "𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮" (𝐭. 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐨 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)
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𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭; after losing you, todoroki moves on with his life. you know you never stopped loving him, and he's desperately wants you back. but life has a funny way to do things.
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞; angst.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬; none.
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭; 1.8k
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞; this is a continuation from this ficlet, so probably there are a few things you won't understand if you haven't read it. anyways, enjoy.
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you had moved on, and to say it had been hard was an understatement. you absolutely believed todoroki was your soulmate, but when you found out what he did, it simply devastated you. even thinking of him made your heart ache. you knew you made the right choice, getting out of every shared space you two had, distancing from everything that reminded you of him. transferring to shiketsu was by far the best way. of course, you had to leave all your friends, but they would always be one call away.
for todoroki it was the other way around. no matter how hard he tried, everything had a piece of you in it. his room was full of memories with you, all the times you fell asleep on his bed, your study sessions that always ended up in something more, you dancing and singing to mamma mia's soundtrack. he ended up staying at midoriya's most days, but even then, he would think about you. it was his default mode, somehow, his mind always went back to you.
he shut down completely after seeing you with yoarashi, no one could make him talk about his beloved or his feelings. he started to go to the gym more often, train alone in the woods at night. he barely slept, and as soon as he woke up, he'd start exercising. he was so tired that he didn't think of you. that was his way of moving on, though in every sense of the word, he never actually did.
focusing all his life in becoming a hero, he came first of the class with a big gap. at his twenties, he opened his own hero agency. since your break up, he never had another partner, too afraid that no one could be like you, make him feel what you did.
in your case, after graduating you went to work with mirko. everyone knew you being her sidekick. it wasn't weird to hear about your ex boyfriend on the news, he had achieve all his goals in life, and that made you happy. you no longer held any remorse against him. he was a good person who made a mistake, of course you had forgiven him.
"so, [hero name], you've been going up in the charts like a rocket, could you be thinking about starting your own agency? some heroes, like shoto, are already making their way through the industry" the interviewer asked you. for the first time since highschool, someone asked you about todoroki as a hero.
"i love working with mirko, she's amazing and i think i still have a lot to learn from her. i do admire heroes like shoto, he's undeniably good at what he does, but i think is still too soon for me" you smiled when you mentioned him. even after all those years, when todoroki watched that interview, he caught on those little details. it felt good hear you saying his name again.
it's confirmed! pro hero y/n and yoarashi inasa are getting married! the rumors were confirmed by a picture posted on their social media accounts showing their engagement rings and captioning "she said yes/he finally asked". we are w–.
to todoroki, it was extra hard that you were marrying you highscool boyfriend. he couldn't stop thinking, if he hadn't messed up, you would be marrying him. an hour later, midoriya called.
"how are you?" even though izuku was trying to not be obvious, shoto knew what he meant.
"in another timeline, y/n and i would be getting married".
todoroki finally met someone, you heard on the gossip chanel. great, that was great, he deserved to feel the happiness you felt with inasa, right? of course he did. he was an amazing boyfriend, any person would be lucky to have him, you were happy for him. that was what that knot in your throat was, that sudden urge to cry. come on, you couldn't be so selfish, you were getting married with another man, you broke up five years ago, why were you so upset?. it's not that you dreamed about him at least twice a week, or that you heard his voice clear as water even when you hadn't spoke in so long. you love inasa, stop having those thoughts. you decided with whom you'd be spending your life with years ago, it was about time todoroki moved on too.
"...and i didn't know what to say, but he was so persistent. anyways, i told him we were going to discuss it, what do you think?" your fiance's hand was moving in front of your eyes, trying to catch your attention back.
"can you repeat it, please? i-i got distracted" he smiled at you, kindly. he always did that. no matter what you did, inasa was the kindest person to you, because he genuinely loved you.
"one of my advisors gave me a list with all the pro heros we had to invite to the wedding, i told him we'll talk about it" he pulled out a paper from his briefcase with a lot of names printed on it "give it a look while i take a shower" he got up, kissing your head on his way to the bathroom. most of the names were your old classmates from u.a. and shiketsu, some of your teachers and heroes of the moment.
ground zero, red riot, creati, charge bolt, shoto, cellophane, deku, froppy[...].
you stared at his name for longer than you thought, because inasa came out of the bathroom only with a towel, asking your opinion on the matter. he knew you dated todoroki back in highschool, but obviously didn't think you had feelings for him now. because you didn't. you didn't, you couldn't.
"yeah, okay, let's invite them".
todoroki's jaw almost hit the floor when the invitation arrived at his mailbox. his girlfriend, a model he met at an event, laughed at his reaction. were you actually asking him to go to your wedding? it seemed like a cruel joke to him. the cruelest of jokes.
"isn't she one of your classmates from u.a., baby?" his girlfriend asked, taking the paper out of his hands. he never talked about you, with anyone, not even with midoriya. your chapter had been closed by force, locking all your memories away. but that lock was always on the verge of breaking, something as small as saying your name could unleash his buried feelings.
he was so confused. his irrational side was screaming to accept the invitation, eager to face you again. but he knew it would hurt him. he knew it, if he thought about it enough, he still remembered how his heart break years ago. his mind kept wondering back to you, how beautiful you would look in your white dress, your eyes filled with excitement. it was too much for him to handle.
"yes, i will let them know we're going".
somewhere in yourself, you wished todoroki hadn't replied. in that same place, it hurt to see the "plus one" option marked. right, he had a girlfriend. a girlfriend he most likely cherished, in some level at least. it was okay, you had a boyfriend, a boyfriend you were going to marry in two months. both of you had moved on. maybe repeating that to yourself would convince you.
he got up that morning and went for a jog, like when he was a teenager trying to get off his mind the girl who broke his heart. we could say he was trying to do the same thing.
the only reason you got up in time was because uraraka knocked on your door. inasa had gone to a friend's house at night, arguing he wasn't going to see the bride before the wedding. if it was supposed to be the happiest day of your life, then what is that pain in your chest?.
"you have to hurry, the ceremony starts at four,  we're meeting midoriya at three and you haven't even showered!" todoroki practically was forced into the shower by the girl, he had no will to get himself ready. what was he thinking? he clearly loved you, as much as always, why did he agree to see you marrying someone else?.
everything was ready, just as planned. like in the movies, you were expecting some sort of crisis to happen and could cancel the wedding with an excuse, but it wasn't the case. things were perfect. your hair, your dress, your make up, even the guests arrived just on time. you felt like puking.
not a single thing was out of place, that was certainly planned by you. he could see your unique touch in decorations, colors, even how tables were distributed. and he could point at everything yoarashi had done, because it didn't match at all. it was like a stain in your perfect design, a stain he couldn't remove or avoid anywhere he looked.
uraraka had to grab your arm when the music started to play, and push you out to the aisle. inasa was waiting on the other side. he looked so beautiful and happy, his eyes overflowed with love. but your eyes got lost in the crowd, searching for a certain pair of heterochromatic eyes.
you were like an angel fell from heaven. todoroki expected you to look pretty, but it was mind blowing. he was standing next to a pillar in order to get a perfect view from you. he felt his legs weakened when your eyes connected.
"do you, yoarashi inasa, take this woman to be your wife, to have and to hold[...]?" you couldn't see todoroki from the altar, and it was unbearable. all you wanted was to look back into his eyes again.
"yes, i do" inasa's voice was so determined, that you realized what was happening. before you knew, the priest was saying your vows.
he couldn't watch. he tried, but just couldn't. when he said the priest saying your name, he had to turned around.
you were sure that with one look, you'd knew if shoto still loved you. that was all you needed to go back to him, to see his eyes.
"[...] till death do you apart?" it was now or never. you turned your head, heart beating like a drum. please, please, love me.
oh how much he loved you. as you once said, his undying love for you was so big, that's tearing him apart. a single tear left his eye.
he wasn't even looking. he didn't love you anymore. a lonely tear ran down your cheek. you were too late, you had lost him. "yes, i do".
he had lost you, again. 
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mummybear · 4 years
Demon From My Nightmares
This is Day 23 Of RolePlay May
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(Part Two Here)
Words: 4307
Warnings: Smut, Rough Sex, Possessive Demon Dean, Swearing, Dirty Talk, Dub Con With Non Con Elements, Rough Oral Sex, Face Fucking, Choking, Throat Holding, Thigh Riding, Name Calling. Think That’s it.
Characters: Demon Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Cas, Reader
Pairing: Demon Dean x Reader
Summary: When your dreams of your mysterious green eyed man prove not only to be your thoughts what will you discover?
A/N: Another Big thank you to my Beta, Bee @negans-lucille-tblr and thank you for all your help my love! This is my first Demon Dean fic so I hope you guys enjoy! Let me know! :D
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 You wake with a start. He was back in your dreams again; the handsome green-eyed stranger, with a face so familiar it's like you know exactly who the man is when in actual fact you're almost certain you've never met him before in your life. There's something niggling at the back of your mind that tells you he's dangerous, beyond anything that you've ever experienced before. Yet, you can't be sure that he's even real. 
This dream had been no different from the last dozen or so. The way he looks at you, it sends a different kind of energy coursing through your veins. Something so powerful and incredibly intoxicating that your head feels like it's spinning. His name sits on the tip of your tongue and yet, you don't know it, or at least you don't remember it. That damn smirk of his is downright sinful, his hair is a mess that you wish you could sink your hands into. But it's those eyes that make your heart beat faster and causes the sound of your blood rushing to fill your ears. Then his eyes flash to black and you wake up. Every single time.
It's part of your routine now, so you head down to the kitchen and get yourself a glass of water. Except this time, something is different, there's a smell you somehow recognise but it doesn't belong in your house. It's amazing, like everything you're sure the man in your dreams smells like. Although it's not possible that you would know something like that, right?
Pulling yourself from your mindless thoughts, you place your glass back on the counter-top. Other than the smell, there's something else that's off, you're starting to feel like someone is watching you. 
Swallowing hard your eyes scan the dark space surrounding you, the small light in the living room taunting you from the kitchen because you know that you turned that light off before you’d gone to bed. If nothing else you know you should turn the light off before heading back upstairs. So, summoning your courage,  you grab the first available weapon in the kitchen, which just so happens to be a knife. Your hands are clammy as they wrap around the handle and you slowly tiptoe your way into the low lit room.
You don’t know why you’re surprised but when you walk into the room it’s empty, yet there are goosebumps that are rising steadily across your skin. Your eyes flick around the room until you're at least slightly satisfied you’re alone and with a shaking hand you turn off the light. You keep the knife in your hand as you walk back upstairs to bed.
Leaving the knife on your bedside table you climb beneath your duvet and force yourself to close your eyes. Then you hear it; the deep raspy chuckle at the end of your bed and you freeze. It’s familiar and yet you have no idea why. Your eyes snap open and quickly fall on the tall dark shadow of a figure at the bottom of your bed.
You’re too scared to move, completely frozen in place with only your wildly beating heart and your heavy breathing to distract you. Of course they are failing miserably. You shudder hearing the deep rumbling chuckle fill the room once more. 
“Oh come on baby girl, you really think I’m gonna fall for this. I know you’re awake. Surely you haven’t forgotten about me already sweetheart?”
He’s right, you have no idea how but you know his voice. 
The thought to answer him is on the tip of your tongue but you can’t form the words, it’s like they are stuck in your throat and your fear is taking away any rational thought you have left. 
There’s a snap of fingers from somewhere in the back of your room and your bedside lamp clicks on. You can’t hold in your gasp when you see him, quickly shuffling up your bed you pull your knees up against your chest, feeling your heart rate increasing further still.
“Who are you? What are you doing in my house?” You ask nervously, arms tightening around your legs as you try and fail to hide the shake in your voice. 
You can only watch him as he pulls off his jacket and tosses it over the back of the chair in the corner of your room.
“Trust me you don’t want me to go, not that it’s an option. However, you know the answer to all of your questions if you just use your brain.” He practically purrs as he starts walking closer.
“I don’t care. Get out before I call the police,” you state suddenly feeling angry. Unfortunately, what you had hoped would be enough to scare him off only made him laugh, sharp white teeth flashing in the light.
“You’re still so fuckin’ cute. But they ain’t gonna help you now, nobody is.” The finality in his voice makes the shivers rush up your spine and it’s all you can do not to scream, but you have a feeling that won’t help you.
Before he gets too close, your body seems to react in sync with your brain this time and you quickly jump off the bed and grab the knife on your bedside table.
“Stay back! I swear to fucking God I will use this,” you warn him, your hand shaking as you point the sharp object at him.
“Oh good. I do love a little bit of foreplay.” His smirk stirs something inside you, you’re unsure what it is and that might scare you more than the man in front of you.
Before you can reply he’s on you, one big hand wrapped around your wrist as he slams you back against the wall, his other hand wraps around your throat. The knife clatters to the floor when his fingers squeeze tighter, his green eyes flashing black when he leans in close and inhales deeply. This time you can’t help but scream but it comes out as more of a loud squeak with the way he’s gripping your throat.
“You really don’t remember anything do you?” he laughs looking into your wide eyes. You shake your head quickly and he nods, licking his plump lips which are only a breath away from your own. “You’ve had an angel playing with your memories but you’ve been dreaming about me, haven’t you?” 
You swallow hard around the lump in your throat and the grip of his hand, your free hand wraps around his wrist when he squeezes harder.
“Yes. But I still don’t understand what you want with me,” you croak out.
“Sure you do. But you’re no fun, I like it when you’ve got your fight,” he practically growls roughly smashing his lips against yours, the grip you have on his wrist is useless no matter how much you fight against him. 
Then something strange happens. There's a sharp pain in your head and white blurs your vision. Memories fill your mind so fast it makes your head spin and suddenly you know who the man in front of you is; what he is.
You bring your leg up and attempt to knee him between the legs but the hand gripping your wrist drops and he catches it just in time. 
“There’s my girl.” He chuckles deeply, dropping your leg back to the floor and pushing one of his legs between yours.
“Get off of me you sick demon fuck,” you grunt under the weight of his body, which is almost completely pressed against you. The knee between your legs pushes you up the wall, until your feet are off of the floor.
“Now princess, is that any way to greet your beloved boyfriend?” 
“You’re not my boyfriend! You’re fucking deluded! Dean. Dean was my boyfriend, you’re a poor imitation of the man I love. Nothing more. You make me sick!” You spit back in disgust, trying to ignore when his free hand grips your hip and he starts rocking you along the top of the thick muscle you’re sitting upon. 
“Y’know I forgot how hot you are when you’re angry. Isn’t that sweet you still love me, I bet you still love my cock as well, don’t ya sweetheart?” 
“Fuck you!” You shout back, just about managing to slap him around the face. The sound echoes throughout the room. Before you can bring your fist back for another hit he catches both of your hands, pinning them above your head with one big hand.
“Well, that is the plan. You’re gonna be begging for it baby, just like you used to. I’ll make sure you don’t fucking forget me this time and that’s a promise, my dirty little slut.” 
You know you’re completely screwed, he’s far too strong for you to fight against, especially when you don’t have a single weapon. There’s that part of you deep inside that you’re begging to stay quiet, that desperate part of you that thinks you’re the one who can save him.
“Not a chance in hell you black-eyed son of a bitch!” 
“Doesn’t really matter if you let me, sweetheart. I’m taking what I came here for and you’re gonna love it,” he chuckles when you practically snarl at him. “Eventually.” Dean shrugs with a sinister grin that makes your insides twist painfully.
Ignoring the way his words are affecting you, you meet his eyes for what feels like the first time in ages.
“Why did Cas take my memories? Why did they leave me behind?” You ask suddenly, hoping if you drop your guard enough and do what he wants then you can get the drop on him. 
As much as you hate to admit it won’t be hard, you’re still in love with the man he used to be, God you’d missed him. Maybe you could pretend for a while. He smiles, releasing your throat, letting you gasp for air as he cups your cheek and his thumb roughly brushes across your lips.
“It’s simple really. They knew I could break you without much work, that you’d give into me. You’re weak when it comes to me sweetheart and they know it. I’m the only one who ever comes back for you baby, you need me, demon or not, and everyone knows it.” 
“You’re lying they wouldn’t do that!” You reply angrily but it comes out much quieter than you first meant it to. 
The tip of his tongue presses against the back of his teeth as he shakes his head.
“I don’t need to lie. You’re nothing to them. At least I have a few uses for you.” He moves in closer and his lips brush yours and all you can do is stare into the black of his once green eyes.
“First I’m gonna fuck this pretty little mouth and you’re gonna take me down deep, ain’t ya baby?” He all but purrs, licking at your bottom lip.
“N-No,” you reply shakily, your nails digging harshly into the palms of your hands as he flexes his fingers that are still tightly gripping your wrists. 
His free hand moves slowly down your body, making you shiver when it slips beneath your thin t-shirt and he grips your hip and starts you rocking over his thigh again.
“Oh now come on, be a good girl. Of course you are. You always did take my cock so well.” 
You can’t hold in the gasp when your clit starts nudging against the muscle in his thigh with every rock of your hips, so much so you’re now doing it without Dean’s help.
“Dean, please don’t,” you whimper pathetically.
“Don’t what? That’s all you baby, you’re gonna make yourself come in your tight little shorts while riding my thigh, sweetheart. Then I’ll fuck that pretty mouth until your throat hurts. But don’t even think that I’ll be leaving that tight little pussy out. Gotta make sure I stretch you out for next time. You been with anyone since that last night where I had you begging for more?” 
You shake your head and bite back a moan feeling your pussy starting to clench around nothing.
“No, only you,” you reply quietly, wishing that wasn’t the truth.
He laughs at that and his fingers tighten on your hip, “of course you haven’t. That’s because you’re my little slut isn’t that right, baby?” He asks, pressing his lips against your neck. You gasp when his sharp teeth pull at the sensitive skin a little harder than you’d been expecting.
“Fuck you, Dean. If I wanna fuck somebody else, I will. You don't own me.” 
Dean pulls back to look at you again, with a sinister look on his face.
“You’ve never been more wrong in your life. You’re mine and only mine. Always have been, always will be. Until I get bored of you,” he replies simply. Not giving you time to argue, he roughly presses his lips against yours and it feels like all of the air has been ripped from your lungs.
It all feels so familiar you can’t help but kiss him back. His teeth drag over your bottom lip when you moan into his mouth. Opening his eyes, they lock with yours, the black filling them as he presses down harder on your hips, helping you rock harder and the knot in your stomach snaps. You have to stop yourself from whimpering his name as your orgasm sparks through your veins slowly, sparking every nerve-ending in your body.
He releases your lip and you can feel that smirk spreading across his own.
“You’re still such a cocky son of a bitch, I’m not sure you can live up to it anymore.”  
Dropping your wrists from his grip he moves his knee from between your legs, not even giving you a chance to come down from your orgasm. In fact, your shaking legs can barely hold you up and when he presses against your shoulders you drop painfully onto your knees in front of him. 
“Open your fuckin’ mouth, slut, and we’ll see. Or I’ll just do it for you.” His threat is followed by him pulling the first blade from the back of his jeans. You clench your jaw as you look up at him. You know there’s not a lot of point denying you want this, not when he could make it more painful than it needs to be, so you may as well give in. Tossing the blade onto the bed, he cocks an eyebrow at you as he unbuckles his belt, the metal clang echoing around the room.
You can’t deny you’ve missed his cock when he finally pulls it free of his jeans and boxers, wrapping those long thick fingers around the thickness. His free hand wraps in the back of your hair and he roughly pulls your head backwards. You keep your eyes locked with his as you open your mouth, not missing the way his eyes crinkle at the corners with the wide smile that’s spreading across his plump lips. 
“Don’t forget, I bite.” 
He laughs deep in his chest as he presses the tip of his leaking cock into your mouth. “You won't, not if you know what’s good for you. But don’t forget I like the odd nibble.” His laugh paired with his words simultaneously makes your stomach swim with renewed arousal at the memories and roll with the sickness of remembering what he is now.
You try ignoring the fact that he’s a demon, but it seems like he knows what you’re thinking because a second later his eyes flash black as he starts his shallow thrusts into your mouth. You hollow your cheeks and lick at the vein throbbing along his impressive length. You moan around his length when his fingers tighten in your hair and he groans as the vibrations move along his cock. His thrusts become rougher, more insistent, until the heavy head of his cock is pressing against the back of your throat.
You can feel the tears leaking out the corners of your eyes, he’s a little rougher than your Dean but you can’t deny you love it when those dark green eyes lock with yours once more. You suck in a breath through your nose the best you can when his cock slips into your tight throat. You can feel the tickle of his fingers moving along the bulge in your throat, a satisfied humming leaving his lips. 
When he pulls himself free, you gasp for air, your hands finally gripping his thighs to give you some kind of balance. 
Dean chuckles, wiping the drool from your mouth with his thumb, “so fuckin’ pretty when you’re full of my cock.” He grins widely when you whimper and start wiggling your ass against your thighs. “You want my thick cock stretching open that tight little pussy, baby girl? You’re gonna have to ask really nice, hold the attitude and give in. You know you want it.” 
Dean knows just how to taunt you, he always had probably always would do, but no way were you giving up that easy, no matter how fucking good that sounded. 
“No way. Make me!” You shout back, standing and crossing your arms across your chest.
In a blink of an eye he’s throwing you down onto your bed, your back roughly bouncing against the mattress. His hand lands by your head and you look down, where his other hand wraps around the first blade. 
“You just love playing with fire, sweetheart, don’t ya?” He leers down at you. The blade just barely grazing your skin makes you shiver.
You swallow hard, flicking your eyes back up to his, quickly finding them black as the blade gently moves up your thigh. 
“You gonna finally kill me?” you ask, trying to sound angry but your nerves get the better of you.
He laughs, a deep rumble filling the room.  
“Now baby girl, why would I do that?” he asks, slicing the blade through your shorts and panties with one smooth tug of his wrist. As he moves to the other side your body stiffens, feeling the blade press tighter against your skin.
“I dunno why you bother denying how much you want this. How much you want me. I can see it in those eyes, just begging me to fuck you, demon or not you want it.” 
God, you would give everything to say he was wrong but when he pulls away your ruined underwear and shorts, the evidence is before his eyes. He smirks when you whimper at the cool breeze ghosting over your wet and heated pussy. The blade makes one final movement, slicing through your t-shirt. Dean groans at the sight of your hardened nipples. 
“Dean, please.” 
“Fuck, even better than I remembered sweetheart, look at you.” He groans ducking down and sucking your nipple between his lips as the blade falls to the floor, forgotten. His tongue swirls around the hardened bud repeatedly, his stubble scratching against your skin as he pulls back just slightly biting at the sensitive mounds as he presses them against his mouth. You can’t help but moan, threading your fingers through his long thick hair, so much different to the perfectly styled hair you were used to. But somehow you don’t care anymore.
“Dean, please, I need it, ” you whine pathetically, rolling your hips up into him.
“You can do a lot fuckin’ better than that,” he laughs biting roughly at the side one of your breasts, making you cry out, before he starts licking and sucking his way down your body. You’re falling apart beneath him and you just want him to take you. 
His face presses between your legs and he inhales deeply, a loud groan leaving his lips and he sinks his teeth into your inner thigh. Your hands fall to his hair once more, gripping tightly, until his tongue is moving through your slick pussy. He circles your clit and looks up meeting your eyes.  
“Please Dean, you win, I need your cock,” you beg breathlessly, crying out when he sucks your clit between those plump lips and drags his teeth over it,  pulling away with a satisfied smirk on his lips. “Fuck! Please!” 
“See, how hard was that? Now everyone gets what they want.” He winks, tugging off the red shirt and black undershirt he’s wearing, tossing them across the room somewhere. He wraps his fingers around his thick cock and pumps it slowly, enjoying the way you bite into your bottom lip as you watch him. 
“Gonna fuckin’ ruin you baby girl, break you down until there's nothing left.”
Those words both terrify you and excite you. Right now you know the only thing that will stop the ache between your legs is the demon whose cock you’d been dreaming about for months. He lines himself up with your soaked entrance when you spread your legs for him. But he doesn’t ease his thickness inside you and let you adjust the way he used to, instead, he roughly snaps his hips forward, dragging you to the edge of the bed as he fills you in one hard thrust. 
“Oh God! Fuck!” You scream as the mix of pleasure and pain shoots through your body like an electric pulse.
“No, just me” he growls deeply, eyes flashing black as he pulls his cock out all of the way and roughly pushes back inside you. “So tight baby. Look at that pussy, gonna make sure you want nobody else. You’re mine,” he snarls possessively, pushing your legs back against your chest as he thrusts again, filling you so deep that your orgasm hits you from nowhere and you come screaming his name. “There’s my dirty little slut, coming all over my demon cock, screaming my name. Not so fuckin’ high and mighty now, are you?” 
He pulls out and roughly flips you over onto your front, your thighs still shaking from your last climax and he forces you on to your hands and knees. Spreading your ass cheeks, he eases his cock back inside your dripping pussy, groaning at the way your walls clamp down around him immediately. Before your fingers can tighten in the sheets, he pulls your arms behind your back and holds onto them in a vice like grip. 
Dean picks up a rough and fast pace that has you screaming with every harsh slap of your ass against his hips. Your shoulders ache in the best way and you’re so close again already that you’re a whimpering mess beneath him.
“You’re gonna fuckin’ wait until I fill this tight little cunt with my come before you finally get yours again. Are we clear?” 
“Fuck Dean! I can’t!” You moan loudly as he drops your hands to the bed, leaning over you to wrap his hand around your throat, pulling you back against his sweaty chest. 
“Oh you can and you fuckin’ will or I’ll leave you here and go find someone else to bury my cock in. So, you think you can do as you’re told for once?” He growls and you can feel the impatience rolling off of him in waves.
“Okay. Okay, I’m sorry. I’ll be good, please!” you practically scream, hearing him laugh behind you as his thrusts pick up harder and faster, the hand around your throat tightens and his lips press against your ear.
“There she is. All. Fuckin’. Mine.” He grunts possessively, punctuating each word with a hard thrust, his free hand moving around to play with your clit. His thrusts start becoming sloppy and you know he’s close. You’re gasping for breath, feeling your orgasm at the surface but pushing it back the best you can. 
“Now. Come for me, Y/N,baby,” he moans out and you feel the dam inside you snap, your eyes rolling into the back of your head as he lets go of your throat.
You collapse against the bed, breathless and weightless as Dean pulls out with a chuckle, smacking your ass. Your thighs are shaking as you try and regain your breath and you can hear him shuffling behind you.
Gathering all of your strength, you roll onto your back and look over at him, finding him pulling up his jeans. You frown as you look at him. 
“Don’t worry, I’m not leaving that ass, I’m far from done with you. Just gettin’ a beer,” he winks before leaving the room.
Part of you is relieved that he’s staying, then there’s the part of you that isn’t. The hunter side of you which longs to kill him, or at least get the old him back. But at least this way there is a chance of you doing that.
You jump at the loud sounds coming from downstairs, jumping off the bed you grab Dean’s shirt and wrap it around your body. Quickly running down the stairs, you bump into Sam.
“What the hell!?” You ask in shock, seeing Cas holding onto Dean in your kitchen.
“I’m sorry, Y/N, it was our last resort. We didn’t have any other choice,” Sam sighs regretfully, but you don’t even look at him. Not when you hear Dean screaming your name in pure anger.
“Y/N! Get this bastard off of me!” he demands, seething with anger.
You walk in front of the man you love and cup his cheek, a tear rolls down your cheek as you shake your head, hoping that one day he will forgive you.
“No baby, I can’t. I need you back, the real you.” 
“Y/N?” Sam asks gently, grabbing your arm.
“I’ll get my bags, Sam. We can talk later.” 
The roars of Dean’s anger vanish just like the angel gripping him tightly.
Tags: @chewie-redbird @lettersofwrittencollective @stiles-o-dylan24 @mogaruke @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @dylanholyhellobrien @desireepow-1986 @emichelle @lilulo-12 @22sarah08 @deanwanddamons @simsadventures  @charmed-asylum @nicole-lynne @hazel-eye-coffee-shop-girl-blog @defenderrosetyler @emilyshurley @emoryhemsworth @foxyjwls007 @mylovelydame21 @sunshineandwings86 @akshi8278 @peaches009 @captain-shannon-becker @heimdoodle @plushpyrate @winchester-wifey @fandom-princess-forevermore @flamencodiva @hobby27 @akshi8278 @littlelonewolfgirl @ladywinchester1967 @screechingartisancashbailiff @maddiepants @spnfanfic-reblogs @holylulusworld @mrswhozeewhatsis @sonofabringmesomepie @mrsjenniferwinchester @hhiggs @pisces-cutie @trina44sb @heartsaved @matsumama @adoptdontshoppets​
Pond Tags: @aprofoundbondwithdean @manawhaat @thing-you-do-with-that-thing  @nichelle-my-belle @notnaturalanahi @deanscarlett @roxy-davenport @impala-dreamer @samsgoddess @frenchybell @scorpiongirl1  @deandoesthingstome @deansleather @curliesallovertheplace @whywhydoyouwantmetosaymyname @waywardjoy @imadeangirl-butimsamcurious @kayteonline @supernatural-jackles @wevegotworktodo @quiddy-writes @babypieandwhiskey @supermoonpanda @deanwinchesterforpromqueen @chaos-and-the-calm67-blog @memariana91 @teamfreewill-imagine @chelsea-winchester @becs-bunker @castieltrash1 @supernaturalyobessed @ruined-by-destiel @winchester-writes @evilskank-inthemegacoven @maraisabellegrey-blog @faith-in-dean @winchestersmolder @bennyyh @clueless-gold @deanwinchesterxreader @winchester-family-business @there-must-be-a-lock @just-another-winchester @cas-backwards-tie @winecatsandpizza @firefly-in-darkness
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colorseeingchick · 4 years
Oh Baby! A series (Sugawara x Fem!Reader)
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Summary: Sugawara loves to play-hide-and-seek with your nieces and nephews, almost as much as he loves them. But this usually light game has real stakes when you, your brother, and your sister-in-law decide to get involved. What does Suga win in this special game? 
Warnings: Fluffy fluff, mentions of pregnancy 
Word Count: 4k
A/N: I have severe baby fever and time is a construct. This is on the longer end but I think its worth it :) Hope y’all enjoy! <3
Tired. That was the only possible way you could describe the way your husband looked as he stepped through the door of your brother’s home. His tie loose and shirt half untucked- he radiated exhaustion. But right here and right now, there’s something important that’s about to occur. And Sugawara Koushi would be at its forefront. 
“This is for you, Koushi-ojisan.” Your eldest niece, Tsubaki, bowed as she offered a folded piece of paper to your husband, who froze in the process of sluggishly sliding on his house slippers.
Suga shot you and your sister-in-law a questioning glance as he hesitantly received the piece of paper. Your sister-in-law feigned an innocent look, and you just shrugged your shoulders, pushing yourself to hold back your mischievous smirk. 
“Ne, what is this Tsubaki-chan?” The initial tiredness that had weighed down on his face had receded, being replaced with a burning curiosity and loving smile. 
“It’s to make our game of hide-and-seek more fun. You’ll play with us today, right Ojisan?” Tsubaki shyly smiled at her uncle, a plea subtly being communicated through her gaze. 
Of course he would play with his nieces and nephews. Even if he wanted to say no (which, obviously, he would never do), how could he ever reject those eyes? 
You and Suga had been married for quite a few years now, but you had been together for a long time before that. Soon after you two started dating, Suga had become best friends with your older brother. Moreover, you were very close with your brother’s girlfriend as well. So the four of you were inseparable. 
That continued into your married lives. You and Suga would invite over your brother and his wife once a week on Friday, spending the time to go out to restaurants, do game nights, or just watch movies. However, as time went on, the family dynamic shifted as your brother had his first child. And then the next one. They were now up to 4 kids, the oldest being 7 years old, the youngest at 2. Double dates became Ghibli Studio binges and babysitting time. 
Not that either of you minded, though. Your nieces and nephews were all angels, and you and Suga both loved caring for children. You and Suga had been trying for kids of your own for a while, but for the longest time, things didn’t seem to be in your favor. Suga knew that you felt responsible and that it weighed down on you, so he always kept his spirits high for you both. But you knew your beloved husband too well- he wanted a baby as badly as you, if not more. 
“Of course I’ll play with you guys,” Suga ruffled her hair, tightly holding the paper in his other hand. 
“I’m assuming Sumire-chan, Fumio-chan, and Mizu-chan are already hiding then?” He asked, glancing around the room to see if he could see any poorly hidden heads or tiny movements. 
“Y-yes...When you find them make sure you ask them for their papers, okay?” Before Suga could answer, she quickly turned around and scurried to the kitchen and grabbed her father’s leg, tugging on the fabric. “Did I do okay Otou-san?” She whispers quietly. 
Her father gives her a big smile and nods, patting her head. A hint of a smile pulls up at your lips as well. Tsubaki was the oldest of the group, and such a good older sister to her siblings, but she was yours and Suga’s lil princess. When you asked the kids to help you out when you arrived at the house that day, she was the most enthusiastic about making her Ojisan happy. 
Suga opened the folded piece of paper in his hands, very curious as to what this was all about. On the white piece of paper, in his niece’s bubbly and straight handwriting, was written:
 “for giving us another.”
His eyebrows scrunched up in confusion, and his head instinctively tilted. That told him absolutely nothing. But he could conclude that there was some bigger message. They were all too small to come up with something like a scavenger hunt/hide-and-seek game, so he knew it was the doing of the three suspicious-looking adults watching him intently. 
What are you all planning? Suga asked with his eyes, eye contact jumping between all three of you. Hide and seek was the kids’ tradition with Suga. Without fail, they would beg him to play EVERY Friday when you guys came over. And without fail, he would always agree. It was his game with the kids. But it seems like the adults had a hand in the game this time around. It was a competition with them, too. Alright then, game on.
Now, there are some things you have to know about this household’s version of hide and seek. The kids have numbered them as rules and made a nice little poster to go along with them, that way everyone would know them. 
Rule 1! Suga Oji-san will always be the first one to seek. 
Because, for some reason, Suga Oji-san was also a master hide-and-seeker, there was an extra rule when he was seeking. 
Rule 2! When Suga Oji-san is seeking, he has to do it in 15 minutes, or else we win!!
“Tsubaki-chan!~ when does my time start?” He calls out to the little girl, but his eyes are trained on you. 
Tsubaki looks up to her father because she forgot to keep track (oops). 
“You’re down a minute, Koushi,” your brother responds, leaning against the table in the kitchen. 
“You know, if you don’t find all the kids in that time, you may not get all the pieces of paper,” your sister-in-law chimed in, teasingly, at which you chuckled. 
Suga quirked an eyebrow, his competitive spirit really getting riled up now. “Tsubaki-chan, are you gonna come help me find the others?” He put his bag down by the door itself and started to quickly move towards the stairs. 
Rule 3! Once found, you have to help the seeker find the other hiders. 
Tsubaki scurried back to her Oji-san, happily (but quietly) saying, “Let’s go find Sumire-chan and Fumio-chan,” as she pulled his hand, leading him up the stairs. 
Suga knew that he genuinely couldn’t lose this time around. Sure, he could usually find the kids easily because they rotated through the same spots, but he always made a spectacle of trying to find them, loudly expressing how lost he was. Sometimes he would even lose on purpose. But not today, knowing that the adults would hold to their word of not letting him see the last piece of paper if he wasn’t in time. Sumire, first on the list of kids to find, had also gotten better at hiding now that she was older, and Suga wouldn’t be surprised if her father helped her find a new hiding space.
“Ne, Tsubaki-chan, do you know if Sumire-chan is hiding in the spare guest bedroom?” 
“Oh uh, I-I don’t know…” she pushed up her glasses and tugged on her sweater. 
He’s taking that as a yes. “Let’s go check.” 
Usually, she hid under the bed or burrowed beneath a pile of pillows that sat by the headboard, but she was in neither location. Suga pursed his lips, hands falling to his hips. “Sumire-chan is almost always in this room! But I can’t find her anywhere. She must be a master hider, I swear,” he proclaims, leaning against the wall. The closet door that was mostly closed didn’t mask the muffled giggle that carried in the air. 
“Tsubaki-chan, is that a… monster in the closet?” He gasps dramatically, as he pushes the door open slightly, just in case Sumire was behind the door. The giggling from the closet mixed with Tsubaki’s as they found Suga Oji-chan’s commentary hilarious. 
There, hiding in the corner of the closet with spare pillows and stuffed animals covering everything but her face, Sumire was now giggling uncontrollably. 
“I’m not a monster, Oji-san~~~!” 
“You’re right,” Suga responds as he pulls the pillows and stuffed toys off her body, pulling her arms lightly to help her stand up, “you’re Sumire-chan!” he cheers, pulling her into a hug, which she joyously returns. 
“Sumire!” Tsubaki whisper shouts. “The paper!” 
“Oh! Oji-san take this~!” she pulls the piece of paper out from her overall’s front pocket and holds it up to him. 
Suga takes the paper and opens it to read- 
“Thank you” 
-written in neat cursive, resembling his sister-in-law’s writing. 
“For giving us another” and “thank you.” Yeah, I still have no idea what this means. He just has to find the other two pieces, then. No point in overthinking. 
“Tsubaki-chan, did Otou-san give you the timer to carry?” 
Yes, there is an official stopwatch they carry for this game. That’s how seriously they take hide and seek. 
“Mmhm! You have 8 minutes left, Oji-san.” 
“No time to waste, huh? Ok, let’s go find Fumio-chan then.” He slides the pieces of paper into his pocket and offered his hands for the little girls to hold, although Sumire opted to just hold his two fingers instead- it was easier for her smol hands (I love when children do that 🥺💖). 
As you put your mug into the sink while carrying out conversations with your brother, you watch Suga and the two little girls descend from the stairs, their tiny hands gently clasped in Suga’s. As they reach the bottom they dash to your brother, leaning against his legs. Suga makes eye contact with you and smirks lightly, his competitive spirit shining through. 
“Found Sumire, hmm?” You taunt, knowing that he took a little longer than usual. This game that usually had no stakes had insanely high stakes, which Suga had no cognizance of, so you try to be as unassuming as possible. 
“I did!” He taunts back, but his eyes drop to her and his voice softens. “She did a good job hiding, though.” You turn just in time to see her whole face light up. Your heart bursts at the sight. You both would die for these kids. From when Tsubaki was born to Mizu’s first steps, you and Suga had been there to see a lot of it and raise them in part.
“The next target is Fumio. But I have no idea where he is!!” Raising his voice at the last part, he looks around dramatically, eliciting a giggle from the two little girls. 
Fumio is almost always in the kitchen- during hide and seek and even outside the bounds of the game (baby loves food). Suga monologues, opening the pantry and turning on the lights. 
Would he go somewhere entirely different to throw me off? 
Well, no. The point of the game IS for Suga to win (this time around). 
So where is he? 
The girls let out another round of giggles when Suga opens the fridge to look for Fumio, and you and your brother can’t help but chuckle as well. 
“Ne, Ni-san,” Suga calls to your brother. “Can you give me a hint to where Fumio-chan might be?” 
“I don’t know,” he pulls his mug away from his face. “Do you think I should help Oji-san?” He looks down at his girls.
Little Sumire nods her head aggressively and Tsubaki quietly responds, “Yes!” 
“Koushi-kun. You remember when Fumio was like, 2 and would crawl everywhere?” your brother starts.
How could any of you forget? The kid ended up hiding unintentionally in all the worst places. Underneath desks, behind the couch, inside the dishwasher- it was endless. But there was one place above all he loved to hide…
Suga’s eyes met your brother’s, lighting up with understanding. 
“Fumio loves helping put away the dishes, right Tsubaki-chan?” Suga walks around to the other side of the kitchen, where you were now standing next to all the cupboards filled with cooking pots. 
“But sometimes he puts himself away, with the pots, too.” He was right. Fumio would put a pot away and push it all the way to the back of the cabinet, only to crawl in after it. How he found the spot comfy, none of you understood. But it made for some very cute photos. 
“Fumio thinks he’s a pot!” Sumire chimes in. 
“So I should check where all the pots are, shouldn’t I?” With that, Suga opens the (already slightly open) cabinet, to reveal a little boy with his hands over his mouth (concealing giggles) and a pot on his head. Suga smiles and lifts the 3-year-old out of the cabinet, pot sliding down and covering the child’s eyes. 
“Look! Fumio-chan is a pothead!!” Sumire cries out. 
All three of you burst out laughing, your brother almost spitting out his hot chocolate. 
“Su-Sumire-chan don’t say that okay? It means something different,” you try and talk without dissolving into giggles again.
“Hmm? But he has a pot on his head. What else could it mean?” She looked extremely confused and you couldn’t even fault her for it. 
“You’ll find out when you’re older,” your brother’s classic way of shutting down unwanted topics (for now). 
Fumio, on the other hand, was just glad to be in his uncle’s arms, surrounded by his favorite pots. 
“Oji-san, here!” Fumio giggled as he held the piece of paper up above his head with both hands. Suga pulled the boy against his body, opting to hold him with his left arm, while receiving and reading the piece of paper with his right. 
“To play with”
-was all that was written on the small piece, this time clearly in your brother’s handwriting. 
“Thank you for giving us another… to play with.” Suga’s hand goes slack as his eyebrows furrow in thought. What did I give them to play with? Did I buy them a toy recently? Was I supposed to buy them something!? 
The little boy in Suga’s hand notes the pensive look his Oji-san had-- leading to the boy’s decision to poke his Oji-san’s face, right on his beauty mark. “You have to find Mizu-chan!!” He cries, his smol finger gently pressing into Suga’s cheek. 
Your brother gently tilts the watch in Tsubaki’s hands. “2 minutes, Koushi.” 
“2 minutes!” A lot more time actually elapsed than he expected. “Let’s go find Mizu-chan then! Come on, Tsubaki-chan, Sumire-chan!” 
Suga hands Fumio over to you, taking the pot off his head and placing it on the table. He reaches his hands out to the girls again, both of whom accept gladly. And with that, he bounds back into the living room where your sister-in-law still waits. 
“One minute, Oji-san!” Sumire calls out this time, genuinely concerned her uncle won’t make it in time. 
But there’s another unspoken rule that’s been accepted by all the participants that ensures Suga’s success. 
Rule 4! The baby gets to be found last. 
Mizu was just 2 years old. He didn’t understand the concept of winning or losing. He just liked it when other people played with him. But the older kids did understand winning. And just like Suga, they were quite competitive. This rule was made to teach them that being nice to those who can’t play as much (like a baby) is more important than winning. 
With this stipulation, Mizu consistently hid in the same spot for every single game. Without fail, in the small woven basket used to house all the family blankets, the baby boy would sit in silence, his mom right next to him on the couch it lays adjacent to. 
Suga was gonna draw it out, though. If it's not a show for the kids, then was there really a point? 
You and your brother (who now had his turn at holding Fumio) watched as Suga ran behind the TV, searched beneath the table, and moved pillows on the couch searching for the baby of the family. 
“30 seconds!” 
“I have no idea where Mizu is! What should I do?” 
Sumire’s face is flushed with worry and excitement as she runs up to him and grabs his hand with both of her own, pulling him towards the blankie basket. “Oji-san! He hides here usually! Hurry before time runs out!” 
You sit down onto the arm of the couch as Suga stares at the woven basket. 
“10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2…” 
“Found you!!!” Suga pulls the cover of the basket away, triggering an endless stream of baby giggles from little 2-year-old Mizu. Suga picks up Mizu and his stuffed bear that he had been clinging onto. 
“Oji-san wins!!” Sumire jumps up and down, hopping onto her mother’s lap. Tsubaki opts to sit on the floor, ready to watch what was to come. At this point, you and your brother are also sitting on the couch, your anxiousness raising in your belly. 
“So where’s that last piece of paper….” Suga scans the baby for any pockets when he realizes it's tucked into the ribbon around the neck of the bear in his hands. 
“I’ll take him,” your sister in law says as she gently puts Sumire on the side, grabbing Mizu from Suga before sitting down again. 
Suga slides the slip of paper out from the bear’s ribbon and sits onto his knees, retrieving the other pieces of paper from his pockets. 
“Ready for the big reveal?” He asked the kids in tone of voice, but the adults through eye contact. Although he had no doubts all the adults already knew the message. 
Tsubaki nodded in agreement while Fumio’s eyes were trained on his Oji-san. Sumire was fidgety. 
“Alright! So it says, ‘Thank you...’ ‘for giving us…’” he places the little slips onto the floor, leaving a gap for the 3rd piece. “...Something ‘to play with.’ Let’s see what I gave you guys to play with.” The final piece was now being flipped over in his fingers. He was killing himself with the suspense. “Thank you for giving us another-” he drops the last piece into line with the others, “-FRIEND… to play with…”  
Though the words came out of Suga’s mouth, he didn’t process what they had meant right away. For once, the fun and playful Koushi oji-san had dropped his usual playful demeanor for one of complete shock. 
A...a friend? 
Your nerves were now skyrocketing as you felt your brother squeeze your arm in a calm and reassuring manner. You get up, arms hugging yourself as you slowly approach Suga, who was dumb struck on the floor. 
But before you could speak, Tsubaki spoke up, scooching towards Suga, tugging on his arm sleeve.
“Oji-san, remember when I asked you if you and Y/N Oba-san had any babies I could be friends with, and you told me we would have to wait a while?” Suga’s eyes moved to the little girl, wide in surprise. In honesty, her words caught you and your brother off guard as well. 
She remembered that? It was a conversation from around when Fumio was a few months old, and you and Suga had been trying so hard for a child then. She asked Suga if she could play with your kids, somehow convinced that you guys were hiding your own children from meeting her. It crushed you both internally, but you had smiled as Suga told her “Oba-san and I don’t have any friends for you now. But I promise we will give you another friend to play with as soon as we can! You might have to wait for a while though.” He had ruffled her hair and smiled, but it was pained. Though she was young and didn’t understand why, she knew that what she had said had hurt Koushi oji-san, one of her favorite people. You assumed your sister-in-law had told her to just not ask you or Suga about it again, but you never assumed she actually held onto the memory. 
Suga just looked at Tsubaki, waiting for her to continue. 
“... well… Oba-san said that she has a baby in her tummy… and that when it comes out we can be friends… so we wanted to say thank you for keeping your promise, Oji-san.” 
Everything goes still. Even the small children sitting in the room, Mizu now sleeping on his mother’s shoulder while Fumio and Sumire hugged each other, aware of the frozen air... 
...until Suga lets out a shuttered breath. You look at him, watching tears stream down his eyes, and you exhale a breath you didn’t know you had been holding. 
“Yes, Tsubaki-chan, I told you we would keep our promise,” he jumps up, pulling her into a hug and spinning her around. She starts laughing and he laughs too. Before you know it your body starts shaking from giggles and tears that can’t help but escape you. You can hear your sister-in-law crying as well, and feel your brother’s arm pull you into a hug, a bright smile plastered across his face. 
Your sister-in-law had come with you to your doctor’s appointment 3 weeks prior to confirm the pregnancy. However, you wanted to hold off on telling Suga just to increase the chances of the pregnancy carrying through. You couldn’t bear the thought of telling him only to lose the baby mid pregnancy- that would absolutely crush him. So while waiting, you decided to come up with a fun way to tell him, getting your nieces and nephews in on the plan in the process. Although your brother and sister had known, neither had really processed the information. And neither had you. Not until this moment. 
Suga put Tsubaki down and approached you, face completely tear-stained and smile bright as the sun. You always somehow got lost in his beautiful features, and now you felt lost in the happiness radiating off of him. You let him engulf you in his arms, kissing your forehead while his tears rolled onto your face. 
“We finally did it, love.” He whispers. 
You push your face into his button-up shirt, inhaling his cologne and the reminiscent smell of detergent.
“We did,” you murmur against him. 
“Wait, Oji-san and Oba-san are gonna have a baby?!” You hear a surprised Sumire ask loudly. Evidently, she had been a bit out of the loop and Tsubaki one-san had to fill her in a bit. 
“Yes, Sumi, we are having a baby,” you respond, turning your head to look at her but not letting go of Suga. 
You watch the realization dawn on her, turning to Fumio. “Fumio there’s another baby coming!” She jumps up and down once more, spreading her excitement to the little boy who starts clapping and jumping with her. 
“Ba-by! Ba-by! Ba-by!” the two cheer while Tsubaki tries to shush them, Mizu still fast asleep. 
“Alright you two, shhh! Time for dinner. You can cheer more after dinner,” your sister-in-law chides as she heads to the kitchen. 
“Who’s ready for some ramen?” 
“Ra-men! Ra-men!”
Once dinner was over, a movie was watched, the children were put to bed, and dishes put away, you and Suga say bye to your brother and sister-in-law. 
“Goodnight Ni-chan!” you say as you watch him close the door. 
“Night Y/N-chan, Koushi-kun.” He waves a final goodbye. 
As you approach the passenger side of the car, you feel a hand lightly tug your wrist. You turn around to have Suga wrap his one arm around you while guiding your face to his as he gives you a slow and loving kiss. As you pull away, Suga buries his face into the crook of your neck, his smile pressed against your skin. 
“We’ve waited for so long, Y/N… and now it’s finally happened.” 
You pet his hair and snuggle against his head. “I know, Koushi. And it will be wonderful. You’re going to be the best dad out there.” 
“And you’re gonna be a wonderful mom.”
You both stand there for a minute, bodies warm in each other’s embrace and hearts warm in the realization of your shared dream. 
“But you know, our baby’s gonna be really lucky,” you giggle. 
Suga pulls away to look at your face. “Why is that?” 
You put a hand on your stomach.
 “Baby is going to have a lot of wonderful friends to play with, always.”
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Chapter Twenty: Homesick
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Rated: PG-13 for a severe panic attack.
Author's Note: This chapter is literally designed to make readers anxious. As a claustrophobic person, I gave myself a panic attack when I wrote this chapter. If you have problems with anxiety, please don't feel pressured to read!
~I'm in another city I got nobody with me And it just really hit me
That I quite miss home And I miss you telling me To leave my shoes at the door 'Cause you just swept the floor And the dirt drives you crazy Yeah, I quite miss home 'Cause it feels like poetry When the rain falls down on the window While you're in my arms And we're watching the TV Yeah, I quite miss home Yeah, I quite miss home~
Jack decided he did not like New-York.
At first, he had been enthralled. When they finally entered the city, Jack was in a marveling sort of mood and he was sure that nothing in the world could dampen it.
The young Nephilim was bedazzled and amazed as he stared up at the enormous buildings and the way they towered majestically over everything as the sun gleamed off their steel and glass construction. They were so big, he wondered what it might be like to stand at the top and look down over the world. Dean wove the Impala through the teeming city streets at a pace even a snail would find laughable; he and Sam were arguing about something to do with parking the car but Jack didn't really care. The celestial being in the back seat kept his face practically laminated to the window. Jack had never known so many taxis even existed; he hadn't thought it possible! How could there be enough people for them all?
This place had to be the polar opposite of Copper Harbor. Copper Harbor had been dead and frozen; meanwhile, this city was so full of life, it couldn't stop even if the whole world decided to. Jack shook his head in bewilderment at it all as the Impala rounded a corner and drove up a large ramp into a nondescript grey building. He recognized the building as a parking garage, he had seen a few but had never been inside one. Dean hated them; he said he couldn't sleep as long as his baby was parked in, what he referred to as 'the car equivalent of a take n' bake'... whatever that was supposed to mean.
Dean was grumbling about it even as he drove the Impala up the spiraling ramp to one of the higher floors. The twisting ramp spiraled up and up and up, around and around and around, again and again, and again. Jack pressed his lips together in a tight frown, his stomach was twisting with the motion of the car and that was not an experience he wanted to remember. Dean parked Baby behind a pole in what he hoped was the least noticeable spot of the parking garage, still complaining about his beloved car being at risk. So naturally, Jack was confused as to why they were there. This didn't seem like the sort of place they would be able to find the witch. It was too dark, too quiet, too empty.
"Is this where we're meeting Rowena?" He asked doubtfully, climbing out of the back seat.
The two hunters and their angel companion did the same, their respective doors slamming shut in unison with a raucous bang that resounded in Jack's ears, its offensive volume seemingly doubled by the stark cavernous space. It was too loud. It made Jack flinch and he made sure to shut his door much quieter than the others had. Castiel noticed, frowning, but he didn't mention it.
"No, Jack," The Seraph answered, "Rowena requested to meet us in Times Square."
"Oh, okay." Jack nodded his understanding, but it didn't take long for the follow-up question to come to his mind and form the characteristic crease between his eyebrows. "Then what are we doing here?"
"Cars aren't the most convenient way of traveling in New-York, Jack. We're gonna have to walk to Times Square," Sam explained, giving the Nephilim a small smile as he pressed the call button for the elevator.
"Alright," Jack said, wandering curiously to the edge of their floor in the parking garage.
Approaching it, Jack could feel the force wind against his face as it attacked the side of the building. They must have been quite high up. Jack hadn't ever been very high before unless that time with the cocaine counted. What would the world look like from up where he was now? He looked over the edge of the concrete lip, observing the streets below.
The streets were far, far, far below.
Jack gasped. His hands latched onto the metal railing, clenching so hard his knuckles turned white. He wanted to look out at the city, but he just couldn't take his eyes off the ground. The distance between him and the ground seemed to stretch and Jack felt the concrete sway beneath his feet. He felt certain he was going to fall. He wanted to move but he couldn't, he was frozen, rooted to the spot. He gasped for air, trying to calm himself, but the air felt too thin all the way up there. Jack had never been so high before, he didn't think he wanted to go any higher.
Some part of his mind registered the dinging elevator, but his body didn't want to move. He felt like if he moved even one inch he would tumble to the tarmac.
One inch and kersplat!
Bye-bye Jack Kline.
Becoming a pavement pancake was definitely one thing he did not want to experience. He was okay with dying, just not like that.
"Jack! You comin'?" Dean's voice snapped the boy from his daze. The world stopped swaying like a rocking horse and Jack managed to look away from the tarmac and cast his gaze over his shoulder. Dean was holding the elevator door open for him with an expectant look.
"Um, yes!" The Nephilim detached his grip from the steel railing and shuffled over to the elevator. Later that day, an elderly businessman would look at the railing and notice two deformations in the shape of a young man's hands. This elderly man would scoff to himself and mutter something unintelligible about kids these days and their modern art.
Jack hadn't been in very many elevators and the ones he had been in had never really bothered him. Though now that had seen firsthand just how high from the ground, he and his four companions really were, Jack was sure to grip his phone tight in his pocket and step carefully over the gap between the floor of the elevator and the concrete. He had seen one too many movies where people lose their phones to the depths of elevators; he didn't want that to happen to him.
Dean cast one last pained glance at his baby before letting the stainless-steel doors slide shut. He opened his mouth to say something, but Sam glared at him, holding up a finger.
"One more word about your car, Dean and I swear I'll take a sledgehammer to it myself," He threatened. Sam looked very serious. Dean shook his head, fearfully.
"No. You wouldn't hurt her, Sammy. You wouldn't dare!"
"Try me," Sam whispered, dangerously, staring Dean down.
The younger brother won the staring contest and Dean shut up about the car. Jack chuckled at their antics but stopped as soon as the elevator shuddered and started moving. The boy's breath caught in his throat; the machine's movement pulled unnaturally at his stomach making him want to groan in discomfort but he kept his mouth shut; he wouldn't want to worry anyone. Unfortunately, his tight frown caught Castiel's attention.
"Are you alright, Jack?" He asked worriedly. The angel didn't like the pale color overtaking the boy's face or the thin sheen of sweat covering his forehead.
"I'm fine," Jack said, a little too quickly.
"You sure?" Dean pushed, "You look a little pale, kid."
"I said I'm fine!" The boy snapped.
The others in the elevator glanced at one another with concern; it wasn't like Jack to lash out.
"Uh, Jack? I-" Sam started. Jack sighed. He hadn't meant to snap at them.
"Sorry. I'm okay, really." He reassured. Then he frowned, looking down at his feet. "I think I'm afraid of heights."
"That's okay, Jack. Everybody's afraid of something," Dean said, clapping the boy on the back.
"Cough- Airplanes! -Cough!" Sam said, clearing his throat. Dean glared at him.
"Should I mention the clowns, Sammy?" Sam didn't find that very funny. "That's what I thought," Dean said as the elevator doors opened.
Nobody noticed the four hunters as they walked out of the parking garage and out onto the street. They weren't special; they were just four more people in a really big city. The street was tight, and the buildings were a mess. It seemed there was no order to anything; brick buildings short and old stood squished between enormous modern concrete constructions. The cars crawled along the street and there was a lot of honking and cursing.
'I can handle this.' Jack told himself. 'I'll be fine.'
"Stay close to me, Jack. It is extremely easy to get lost in this city and if you lose sight of us, even for a second, you may not be able to find us again," Castiel warned the Nephilim, feeling like the father he had never really had the chance to be. Jack smiled. After all, how hard could it be? He had been in large cities before, though none quite so big as New-York.
"I'll be careful. And if I do get lost, I'll just search for Sam's head and I'm sure I'll be able to find you," Jack said, grinning up at his father figure. Jack had always thought the world of Castiel. Cas chuckled.
"Well, if that strategy doesn't work then just head back to the Impala, alright?"
"Sure." Jack nodded. Everything would be fine. Cas smiled tightly; he was worried.
"Jack, are you sure you want to do this?" He asked. Jack frowned, slightly offended.
"Of course, I do. Why wouldn't I?" He replied, skeptically. His brows pushing together. The Seraph sighed, trying to find the right words.
"Times Square- well, it's a lot. It could be... overwhelming and I-" Jack cut him off.
"You don't think I can handle it?" Jack's tone darkened. He had meant it as a question, but it had ended up sounding more like a statement. Jack couldn't help himself; he was offended. Besides, the headache growing at the back of his skull didn't exactly help.
"No," Castiel defended, "I'm just worried that-"
"What? That I'll lose it? That I'll hurt someone?!" Jack glared at the man in the trench-coat. He had thought Castiel had more faith in him.
"Jack, I didn't mean it like that," Cas sighed, patiently. He knew Jack could sense the emotions and thoughts of the people around him and even if the boy himself didn't realize it, he was letting those thoughts and emotions get to him.
"You said you believed in me," Jack accused him.
"I do! I just think that you should-"
"I'm not a child!" Jack insisted, raising his voice.
"I know that, but I-"
"I made it in the apocalypse world just fine without you! I think I can make it in New-York without you too!" Jack wasn't sure where this anger was coming from. It must have been the headache; it was pounding and spreading further in his head. He blinked a few times, but the pain wouldn't go away. So, Jack chose not to focus on it, instead, he chose to focus on the street ahead of him. He had to prove that he was ready for things like this. He had to prove he wasn't weak.
The streets twisted and turned and doubled back on themselves; after only a few minutes, Jack had no idea which way the four of them had come from. Every way looked just the same as the last yet completely different at the same time. How was that even possible? Jack was so lost; he didn't even know north from south or east from west and everything was so close yet so far away. Where were they going? Did Sam and Dean know where they were going? How far were they going to have to walk?
The buildings towered over him; they were so high. How were they not crashing down? Jack had seen what would happen if a plane crashed into a building like that. What if a plane crashed into one of them right now? Would it fall on him?
None of these buildings matched. Why didn't they match? Who had allowed this? They looked like they had been thrown into a box, shaken up, and then smashed all together on a bookshelf. All these buildings were just too close together. It wasn't right. There needed to be space. He needed space. But there was no space. There were just shops on top of shops next to businesses on top of businesses and anything else was residential.
When did it end? Would it ever end?
The tight street was closing in on him. This city was trying to swallow him. It was a trap. It had to be a trap! Everywhere Jack looked there was just another dead end; there was just more steel and glass and brick and concrete. There wasn't even any air between the buildings. There needed to be air. He needed air. He needed to breathe. He needed space, he needed air, he needed to breathe.
He needed it right now.
Jack rounded a corner and for a split second, he thought the city had opened up, that it was letting him go. But he was wrong. He was oh so wrong.
So, this was Times Square.
Jack blinked rapidly against the onslaught of sunlight that now scorched his eyes. There was a lot more steel and glass here and the sunlight reflected off of every surface a hundred times. Everywhere he looked huge billboards with flashing lights and offensive, obnoxious colors demanded his attention. Soaring skyscrapers stood above it all, dark and imposing; they glared down at Jack like sentinels stationed to make sure he didn't run.
He wanted to run.
The competing smells of dozens of restaurants mixed together, assaulting his nose. Somewhere off to his left, a tall pipe jutted from the middle of the street, coughing and spewing noxious fumes over the heads of all. With a change of the wind, the smog was blown into his face, choking him for a moment before deciding to move on and torture another poor unsuspecting soul. Overshadowing the other smells was the omnipresent stench of burning gasoline from well over a thousand different cars. People kept getting out of them. People needed to stop getting out of them.
There were too many people in the already overcrowded space. The bodies were packed along the walkways like sardines in a can. There were so many of them. They were hardly people at all, they were all bundled up in hats and coats and scarves and Jack couldn't see their faces. He could only see their eyes, glaring, staring, and angry. Why did they all hate him? Had he done something wrong?
Sam, Dean, and Cas moved swiftly through the crowd, dodging oncoming pedestrians with little effort. Jack couldn't keep up with them. Pools of frozen water and various other liquids were spilled haphazardly across the pavement; they sent him slipping and sliding off balance. Bodies, indistinguishable from one to the next, slammed into him, pushing and shoving and sending him stumbling back. Jack was being forced further and further away from his companions. Every person looked just the same. Dean and Cas had completely disappeared and even Sam's head was beginning to blend into the mob. Jack tried to jump and peer over the heads of strangers, but it seemed like everyone was so much taller than him. Even the ones who he could tell were women, wore heels long enough to stand taller than him. The bodies clustered around Jack, pressing in on him, caging him, trapping him.
He wanted out.
But they wouldn't let him out.
He couldn't get out!
He wanted to run.
"Sam! Dean! Wait up!" He tried to call out, but his voice drowned in all the noise.
Jack was drowning in all the noise. Voices screamed at him to be more careful, to watch where he was going, to get out of the way but Jack didn't even know what direction to apologize to; the harsh shouts seemed to come from all around him. They were so loud, so angry. Why were they so angry at him? What had he done wrong?
All the noise bombarded his sensitive ears. There was so much. It was so loud. Cars were honking, music was blaring, advertisements were babbling, people were talking, people were shouting, feet kept drumming, sirens kept wailing. There was a child somewhere crying for his mother.
Jack couldn't take it. He needed to find Sam or Dean or Cas. He needed to find them now!
He desperately searched the mob for signs of familiarity. Up ahead of him, he could see the top of Sam's brown hair. Jack fought his way through the surging, endless bodies. He reached out grabbing onto Sam's arm. The man whirled around, his fist snapping out and catching Jack in the chest, sending him crashing to the freezing pavement. Jack looked up in a daze.
"You're not Sam," He choked out, brokenly. He had lost them. He had lost his family.
"Hell no! Did somebody lose their mommy?" The man mocked, before turning and disappearing into the crowd.
No. This couldn't happen.
He couldn't be lost.
Not again.
Jack struggled to his feet, spinning wildly in a circle. Everything was a blur.
It was too bright.
It was too loud.
It was too much!
"Get out of the way!"
"Watch it, kid!"
"Guys I really don't have time for this!"
"Hey, I'm walkin' here!"
"Can you please just-"
"I thought I told you to-"
"Never mind I'll just-"
"-an I never even-"
"-bout it!"
All these voices, they kept on talking. They needed to stop talking.
Why wouldn't anyone stop talking?!
It was all too bright, too loud, too close. He needed to breathe. He couldn't breathe!
"Go away!" Jack whimpered, trying to make it so.
Jack fell to his knees, clamping his hands down over his ears. But the noise still did not end. He could hear the thoughts of everyone around him. Every thought was banging and echoing around inside his head. It hurt! The pain boiled from the base of his skull and encased his mind. It needed to stop. Why couldn't it stop? He just wanted it to stop!
He couldn't do this. This wasn't like the apocalypse world. There was nothing quiet here. He needed help. He needed someone to help him. He needed someone to tell him what to do.
He wanted to go home where it was calm and quiet. Jack's longing to go back to the bunker stemmed from the acute sense of wrongness coming off everything around him. The wrongness sunk into his bones and pained every part of him. He missed home. He just wanted to go home.
But Jack couldn't focus. He couldn't think. He couldn't go home. He was stuck here. He was trapped here.
"Just go away!" He moaned. It wasn't working. Something was broken. Was it him?
The swarm kept coming, bearing down on him, attacking him.
Why were they attacking him?
'They all hate you.'
Why did they hate him?
'They know what you did.'
Why did they want to hurt him?
'Because you hurt people.'
He didn't understand.
He couldn't do this.
He needed out.
'I can't do this. I can't do this!'
'Ican'tdothis! Ican'tdothisican'tdothis!'
'I can't- I can't- I can't -'
"Please stop!" He groaned.
Nothing stopped. It just kept going, kept growing. Getting louder, getting closer. More and more and more.
Everything was crowding around him. Nothing would leave him alone. Nothing would go away. He just wanted to be left alone. Why couldn't it all go away?
The bodies, there were too many of them. They were too close to him. He couldn't get away. They needed to get away.
'It's too loud! Let me go! It's too much! Let me go home! Please! I wanna go home!'
He needed home.
'Lost... Trapped... Forever...'
But where was home?
'I don't know!'
'I can't see!'
'It's too loud!'
'Let me go!'
'Castiel, where is he?'
'He's gone... He's lost... I'm lost... I lost him...'
'Always lost... Always messing up... Always my fault... All my fault...'
'I'm lost... I can't get home... I can't go home...'
'I can't... I can't... I can't'
Too much.
Too close.
Too loud.
It all needed to go away.
"GET AWAY FROM ME!" The angel boy screamed.
Just like that, everything did.
A blast of all that untamed energy detonated outward from him. All that strength, all that power exploded in a pressure wave that slammed into anyone in a ten-foot radius of the boy, tossing them away as if they were nothing more than leaves in a summer storm.
Glass shattered.
People screamed.
And Jack Kline could smell the blood.
~I'm in another city
I got nobody with me
And it just really hit me
That I quite miss home
And I miss you telling me
To leave my shoes at the door
'Cause you just swept the floor
And the dirt drives you crazy
Yeah, I quite miss home
'Cause it feels like poetry
When the rain falls down on the window~
While you're in my arms
And we're watching the TV
Yeah, I quite miss home~
Lyrics from: Quite Miss Home by James Arthur
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shirebarbie · 3 years
Okay not to be okay (Maxwell Beaumont x Riley)
Author’s note: a random little fanfic about my favorite LI from the Royal Romance series on choices. please be kind :’)
Summary: hurt & comfort, Maxwell’s reaction to his father’s plan to take the crown princess away and Riley’s attempts to make him feel better.
After the horrible and shocking meeting, everyone from the friend group slowly started leaving the room, their faces confused and spirits low. The ones who voted in favor of the princess being taken away left quickly, probably in order to avoid more conflict with the ones who opposed the idea. Hana was one of the last people to walk through the door as she cast a sad glance in the direction of the princess Annabelle. Duchess Riley followed everyone out with her dark eyes, but she couldn't oversee the fact that her husband barely moved at all. Maxwell stood up from his chair for a moment, took a few steps, and then sat down heavily again with hanging shoulders on another chair. Olivia was sitting in that one, Riley thought, the only representative of the Great Houses that voted against Barthelemy's horrendous scheme.
Annabelle was sound asleep in her pram, her little face angelic and perfectly calm – she was lucky to be unaware of the recent events and their possible effects on both her childhood and her future. Riley cast a sad but loving look on her daughter as she slowly turned to face Maxwell who was staring blankly ahead with his usually smiling lips in a straight line, and his ocean eyes no longer friendly and mischievous. Riley crouched down so she could meet his face and she raised a hand to gently place on her lover’s shoulder.
“Max, are you alright?” she inquired carefully, although the answer was clearly written on his face. However, in his typical fashion, he quickly put on a braver façade and attempted something similar to a smile.
“Let’s not talk about me right now, we have things to handle and we need to come up with a strategy to get our baby out of this horrible- “
“Darling.” Maxwell’s ramblings were quickly cut off by his wife who knew him well enough to know he would put everyone else’s needs before his own, even when his little family was directly threatened by his own father. That was just the way he was, but Riley didn’t think that was the time to brush off something so serious.
“It’s completely okay to feel betrayed, hurt, or anything else you may be feeling now. He’s your dad, Maxwell, nobody could ever judge you for being upset with this situation.”
Before she even completed what she was saying, Riley saw Maxwell’s eyes fill with tears and his ruse was no longer. He was properly devastated, and he had no clue what to say at all. He knew Riley and Annabelle would support him and love him through everything, as they proved day after day, but he felt like he was failing them and like he could do nothing right, even though he knew nothing about his father’s malicious scheme beforehand. Through his flurry of thoughts Maxwell felt his wife’s warm hand squeeze his own, the wedding band secure on her ring finger, and her other hand reached up to stroke his cheek.
As she was looking at Maxwell, Riley’s heart broke just a little bit. She brushed away a stray tear from his right cheek while he was still staring into space, breathing becoming heavier.
“My darling angel,” she began, her soft voice dripping with love and worry, and she knew he would feel it too, “none of this is your fault to any extent. You have never done anything to endanger our family – quite the contrary – and I could never put any blame on you. For any of this,” she gestured vaguely and shook her head. “I love you and Annabelle loves you and we know you love us, which you continue to prove every single day. For goodness’ sake, you literally saved our lives once already, darling. I think that’s all the proof we could ever need about your feelings and intentions towards us.” Riley shuddered at the thought of that overwhelming night when their daughter came into the world, knowing that it wasn’t something any of them would get over anytime soon.
That one tear on Maxwell’s cheek was soon followed by many more, and quiet sobs started to ripple through his body. Riley reacted immediately and pulled him into herself, allowing one of her hands to slide into his soft hair. It was always incredibly hard to see him crying, because he was usually the happy one who saw the good in everything, but even people like that have their breaking points. Considering the overall situation, it was more than understandable that Maxwell happened to face his breaking point at that moment. Initially, when Riley hugged him close he left his arms down, but hesitantly he encircled his wife’s shoulders and waist.
“I’m a-“ he started, but the duchess knew in which direction his thoughts were flowing. “If you dare to say that you’re a royal screw-up, I’m banishing music on our next ball completely!” This made Maxwell stop talking immediately, and Riley thought she heard a faint chuckle cut through the quiet sobs and sniffs. “Good,” she smiled, but the man in her arms still didn’t seem to be doing better. With every little sob of his, her soul began to hurt a little more. Unsure of what to say next to alleviate some of the pain, the duchess settled on a gentle chorus of “it’s alright” and “we’ll be fine”, even though she herself wasn’t sure if she truly believed those words.
Maxwell was simultaneously feeling safe and scared, and after everything he had gone through with his father (and very much his absence, too) he certainly deserved to look after himself a bit, and focus on arranging his own feelings and thoughts first. Riley firmly believed that, but she knew that, no matter how tough the situation was, Maxwell would always put her and Annabelle first. She was extremely grateful for that the whole time, and she made her appreciation clear. However, it was high time for her to give better than her best for her husband now, in spite of the fear that was bubbling up in her heart.
“My sweet, sweet boy,” Riley eventually whispered as she rubbed Maxwell’s back, “if anyone in the world is trying their best for their loved ones, it is you, Max. Our friends would agree too, I’m sure of that. But it’s perfectly normal to take it easy every now and then, and look after yourself, baby. You need it.” Maxwell’s crying died down at least a little by that point, and he pulled away from his wife’s arms just a bit (he still adored her hugs and affection, and was always ready to soak all of it up, any given chance), so he finally attempted looking her in the eyes. The warmth and care that were so blatantly obvious on her lovely features almost made his heart stop for a moment. Even when he was a crying mess, she still looked at him as if he was the most perfect and precious human being in the whole universe. And he was exactly that to her.
Maxwell let out a slow, shaky breath, and he looked away again “I can’t… believe he would do something like that. To his son’s own family.”
“I know, my love, I know.” Riley bit her lip worriedly and rubbed her hands up and down Maxwell’s arms. “And I can’t even imagine how you must be feeling right now. But I do think you’re incredibly brave, unbelievably strong, smart, and loving, and I don’t have a sliver of doubt in my mind that we will manage to figure something out together.”
“You think so?” Her husband wondered out loud, his eyes regaining a slightly more hopeful and joyful look, which Riley grew to love very quickly into their friendship. He always saw so much good, and sometimes she couldn’t even fathom how and where. But that was just Maxwell.
“I know we will, Max. Just look at everything we have managed to accomplish so far, sunshine! What’s another epic fight for our amazing team, huh?” The duchess tried to offer her brightest smile, her hands still on her lover. “It has been scientifically proven that we can do anything.”
Finally, Maxwell cracked a little smile and squeezed his wife’s hands. “We are the world’s greatest superhero team,” he croaked out with a little sniff, and Riley almost melted right then and there. In her eyes, his smile was unmatched, and she wanted to be the reason behind it as much as she could. She was not sure whether she was right about any of the things she said, whether everything will really go the right way or completely awfully, and she didn’t know whether Maxwell believed her encouragements either, but at that moment what mattered was the fact that he seemed to be feeling better, at least momentarily, and that was a small victory she was willing to take.
“Maybe we should take our little sleeping princess to her royal bed,” Maxwell said in a voice that was barely above a whisper, nodding his head in the direction of his beloved daughter.
“Good thinking,” Riley nodded and finally got up from her uncomfortable position on the floor, and she extended a hand towards Maxwell. The second they were both standing up, he pulled her into the tightest hug possible and inhaled her comforting scent. “I love you,” Maxwell exhaled, some of the tension leaving his body, “and I love our little ray of sunshine too.” In return, Riley pressed a loving kiss on his lips which communicated all the love she had for him without having to say a word. They just knew.
Maxwell picked up Annabelle from her pram gently, but securely, and held her little sleeping form close to his body as the family of three exited the meeting room. More than once, as they walked to their private quarters, Riley noticed an unreadable expression on her husband’s face, but every time he glanced at their baby or she fidgeted a little, he seemed to brighten up too. It was normal – one can’t let go so quickly of something so painful and confusing. Maxwell needed time, hell, they both needed time, patience and strength to tackle the newest threat in the kingdom. Riley’s brow furrowed when she started putting the pieces together: after a mysterious coma that lasted for almost two decades, Barthelemy was suddenly perfectly well and had a very elaborate plan put together and already set in motion. Something didn’t seem completely right, but that was a conversation for another day – she couldn’t bear the thought of possibly causing Maxwell more pain and sadness than what he already had to put up with.
While Maxwell put Annabelle to bed, Riley went to change into something less formal and get something from the kitchen. In one of the halls she ran into her friend Drake, who seemed to be in an equally bad mood (to be fair, he often was, but not with that intensity). He looked at her with so much sadness that she felt like someone knocked air out of her lungs when their eyes met. When he spoke up, it was barely audible, as if he was scared of talking about the imminent threat too loudly – maybe it would make everything go down sooner.
“I’m really sorry you’re going through this,” he said. “Both you and Maxwell are really good people, and it’s high time you both got some rest and just, you know, enjoy life.” Drake chuckled humorlessly.
“Oh well, it seems like I am destined for drama. Me, and everyone around me too,” Riley shrugged, trying to stretch her lips out into a smile, at least a small one. “For now, Maxwell seems to be taking it much worse, which makes a lot of sense.”
Drake almost shivered at the mere thought of what his friend must be feeling at the time. “Hell, imagine getting such a horrible surprise from your own, supposedly dead, father.”
Riley just looked down in silence: it was extremely hard to find any appropriate words. Sensing the shift in her mood, Drake just awkwardly squeezed her shoulder as he started to leave.
“I really hope you guys get through this, and we will all help as much as we can. I know I will,” he said in a quiet voice, laden with emotion. Riley offered him a thankful smile and a curt nod before going to her daughter’s nursery. To her surprise, Maxwell was dozing off in the armchair next to Annabelle’s crib. He usually wasn’t the type to take naps – quite the contrary, he was unbelievably energetic half the time, but Riley let him be. There was enough on his plate, and rest was absolutely necessary. The duchess carefully covered him with a blanket that was thrown over the armrest, and after pressing a soft kiss to her husband’s forehead, she quietly exited the room.
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