#My sister is getting a kitten tomorrow and I am trying SO hard not to be a joy thief about it but I think it's a bad idea
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bookstantrash · 3 years
A/N: Next week uni exams start and I won’t be able to write for a while, so I did my best to finish this chapter on time before I go MIA for some time.
You can check here Pemberley’s Lake, Hooked on You and Smells like petrichor and paper, part one, two and three of my Nessian Pride and Prejudice AU.
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The sound of music
Cassian could not sleep. His mind kept coming back to the greenhouse.
To Nesta and her lavender and vanilla scent and how lovely she looked amidst the flowers.
He would not lie to himself and say he did not let his lips linger a little bit longer than necessary on her temple.
Or that he had not felt some resemblance of male pride on seeing her wearing his jacket.
That he had not imagined her wearing it after they had come back home from a ball or one of Gywn’s operas.
That he had not imagined Nesta tucked close to his side, his arms around her and a smile on his face as he heard her talk about her day.
His imagination, it seemed, was his worst enemy.
“You are delusional Cassian” he mumbled to himself “Delusional”
Sighing, he touched the pressed daisy chain again. He had taken it out of his drawer and left it in front of him as he worked on some papers regarding his properties, thinking the numbers, reports of complaints or requests would help tire him out enough to make sleep come.
Cassian had no such luck. He worked until the entire pile had been properly looked through, and even three glasses of his strongest brandy could not make his thoughts of Nesta go away.
Nesta, who was currently sleeping in one of Pemberley’s guest rooms after much freeting from Mrs.Potts and her friends about catching a cold. Cassian had made sure to have her room properly warmed and a glass of hot chocolate delivered to her first thing after they arrived from the greenhouse.
Her friends had been delighted to spend the night, and he had almost asked them to forego the inn completely and just stay at Pemberley for the rest of the month. But he did not want to mess their schedule and ruin their trip. He knew that Gwyn was on a short vacation, as were Emerie and Balthazar, and Nesta could not stay away from her younger sister, Elain, for too long, given that they had no male relative to look after their household and wellbeing in the meantime.
Maybe a trip to the kitchens would help him. A midnight snack was bound to make his sleep come soon, and he was sure he had heard one the maids saying that Chef Ramsay had baked chocolate cookies.
Safely putting the bookmark back in his drawer, Cassian only bothered to throw a robe on before quietly making his way down the hallways. He was not worried about being shirtless, given that most of the house was for certain sleeping.
Deciding to take the long way to the kitchen in hopes of tiring himself, he was surprised to pass by the library and see light coming from underneath the doors. Thinking that maybe someone had forgotten to check the place in their rounds, Cassian opened the oak doors to find the candle light. He could not risk a fire happening in the library out of all places.
He followed the faint glow until he found himself with a most surprising — but very welcome — sight.
Nesta was currently curled up on his favourite chair reading a book in nothing but a thin nightgown and he momentarily forgot to be annoyed at her for not covering herself after being caught in the rain if only because by the way she was seated he had a privileged view of her bare legs.
Cassian knew he should announce his presence, his conscience yelling at him how improper and scandalous it was to see her in such a private moment. But he let himself stare at her for another minute, commiting to mind every single detail, from the way the ribbons in her nightgown accentuated her waist — he recalled how small it had seemed when they had danced at Feyre’s ball, his hand spanning nearly halfway across — to how the white colour made her eyes look more grey than blue in the candlelight.
“Fancy seeing you here” Cassian said in greeting, clearing his throat.
Nesta nearly jumped out of her skin when she heard him, quickly scrambling to straighten herself up when she realised she was not alone.
“I am sorry, you had said I could come whenever I wanted and I—”
"Could not sleep?” he asked, and Nesta only nodded.
Oh dear Mother, she wanted to crawl into a hole on the ground and disappear. Why was it that she was always finding herself in embarrassing situations when it came to Cassian?
It was true she could not sleep, her mind replaying her evening with Cassian, from the moment she stepped on the library to when he kissed her temple in the greenhouse.
She had tossed and turned in her bed for hours, her creative mind conjuring images of a future with him.
Of long strolls in the garden and picnics by the lake.
Of hours spent reading quietly side by side in the library.
Of running her hands in his silky hair, coming up with new ways to style it.
Of Cassian’s coat around her shoulders and her head on his as they came back from a late evening of dancing or parties with their friends.
Why could she not stop thinking about him? Why had he not left her mind since they had first met each other and why did her heart skip a beat whenever he was nearby?
She looked at him, flushing all over when she noticed that he would have been completely naked from the waist up were it not for a robe, which had loosened up a bit, revealing a bit of his naked chest.
For Cauldron’ sake, did he not own a shirt?
“What are you reading?” he inquired, and she quickly averted her gaze from his chest.
Little did she know he was also trying very hard to not stare at her bare shoulders or her chest, cursing once again whoever had gifted her such nightgown.
He could bet his fortune it had been Emerie, recognizing the modice’s preference of off shoulders designs.
“Oh, it’s a romance” Nesta felt her ears getting even hotter “By Sellyn Drake. You have a rather large collection here. Some are even first editions”
“She was a dear friend of Pemberley’s previous Lady” Cassian said, motioning for her to take a seat as he told her the story “The Lord sponsored her, both because he saw how her writing brought joy to his wife and also Lady Drake’s talent.”
“She soon became extremely famous and still kept sending the previous Lord her books even after his wife passed away” Cassian smiled faintly “He sold Pemberley and moved, but I kept the library as it was, just adding my own books here. Lady Drake comes once a while to visit and get inspiration for new novels, although she says she is to retire soon.”
“Y-you know her?” Nesta’s voice had gotten an uncharacteristic high pitch “You know Sellyn Drake personally?!”
“She is a very annoying old lady” Cassian said rolling his eyes “Always asking me if I will not take a wife so she will have someone more interesting to discuss her books with whenever she visits.”
“I cannot believe you are friends with one of my favourite authors” Nesta said in disbelief.
“But I would not have pegged you for a romance reader” she added, arching an eyebrow.
“I could not very well leave those books here to gather dust, could I?” he answered, squirming on his seat.
“Tell me, did the scary General Commander of the British Armies shed a tear in any of them?” her voice had a teasing tone and Cassian was almost left speechless by that fact alone.
Nesta inclined her body in his direction, apparently having forgotten she was not wearing modest attire at all and that Cassian was desperately trying to keep his eyes on her face instead of her chest.
“I promise not to tell anyone if you did”
And then Nesta Archeron gave a little sideway smile that made Cassian lose his breath.
He did not know what he had done that made her take such liberties with him, but he for sure was not going to complain.
“I did not cry” he finally managed to answer, angling his body in her direction and smirking when he saw a faint blush adorning her cheeks “But I will not be heartless and say it did not move me a little.”
They were close once again. So close Nesta could see that his eyes had little green speckles on them and that the brown looked like molten chocolate.
They were eyes one could drown and all she wanted to do was to indeed drown on them.
“Next time Lady Drake plans on coming to Pemberley I will make sure to invite you too” Cassian said softly, straightening himself “It is quite late. I will accompany you to your room.”
As if on cue, Nesta yawned, quickly covering her mouth with her hand.
“I only have one chapter left” she tried to argue, suppressing another yawn.
“Such a headstrong lady you are” he smiled and took the candlelight “The book will still be here tomorrow.”
Nesta followed him begrudgingly, twisting her nose in annoyance even though she was yet again holding back another yawn. Cassian thought she looked like a tiny angry kitten, laughing internally.
They walked back to her room in a comfortable silence, and sooner than he would have liked they had arrived.
“Well, then, here we are. Delivered safe and sound”
“Thank you, your grace” Nesta opened the door but did not get inside, as if she too did not want to part with him.
“Have a goodnight of sleep, my lady” he said, dropping a kiss on her hand before he could dwell too long on it.
“Goodnight, your grace” she breathlessly answered, finally getting inside and leaving Cassian standing outside her door.
Needless to say, both fell asleep quickly after that.
“For Cauldron’ sake are you incapable of sending prior notice of your arrival? And it is way too early to be drinking wine Morrigan, even for you”
Cassian had arrived to have breakfast and found Rhysand’s cousin casually seated at table, twirling her glass of wine at nine in the morning.
“I came here straight from Vivian’s. It was a long journey and I needed the wine. Besides, I am family! I knew you were going to like my surprise visit” Mor blinked at him.
“Always a pleasure to see you” Cassian answered, sitting beside her and promptly dumping a large portion of bacon and eggs on his plate “I take you introduced yourself to my other guests?”
“Of course” she snorted, making Georgiana laugh “Except for Miss Carynthian and Sir Oristian, that is. It seems they went into town early to see something in relation to their business.”
As if on cue, the dining room doors were open and Balthazar and Emerie walked in.
Emerie had opted to wear trousers today — Cassian thought it was to not be belittled by some stupid mercants and show with just who they were dealing with — and a white shirt with long sleeves with a forest green vest. Her curly brown hair was down and she had a gleam in her eyes that told him her business transaction had been a success.
She really was a sight to behold but it still startled him when Mor spat out her wine.
Mor never wasted wine.
“Sorry for our late arrival, Balthazar was being a weakling” Emerie said, sitting in front of a very much flustered Morrigan.
“I was not. You are the one who never lets the other have the upper hand” Balthazar pointed out.
“Please, you know that piece of silk was not worth that much!” she spread jam in a piece of toast, waving the knife in a rather aggressive manner.
“Maybe, but if you keep that up you will gather more enemies than business partners”
“Good thing I have you as my bodyguard” she batted her eyelashes innocently, making Balthazar roll his eyes.
“You are Miss Carynthian. The Miss Carynthian?” Mor asked in awe, her coughing fit finally over.
“The one and only. I take you know my shop?” Emerie asked with a smile.
“I absolutely adore your designs!” Mor gushed, and they fell in a very excited talk about gowns and fashion trends.
“Did you have a goodnight of sleep?” Cassian whispered to Nesta, who was seated beside him.
“I did, thank you for your concern, your grace” she answered, grabbing a chocolate cookie “I hope you also had a pleasant sleep?”
“The best sleep I had in years” he winked at her, that sideway smile of hers appearing again.
“Lady Nesta, my brother has told me how brilliantly your dancing  is” Georgiana butted in, and Cassian resisted the urge to throttle her.
His younger sister was lucky there were other people present or he would do just that.
“He is too kind, my dancing is not that memorable” Nesta said, a bit embarrassed.
“But my brother never lies!” Georgiana exclaimed, receiving a glare from Cassian “He told me how the whole ballroom stopped to watch you as you danced.”
“Oh, thank you for the compliment your grace”
“It was nothing but the truth” Cassian assured her, sending daggers at Georgiana, who was sweetly seated by his other side as if she had not just told Nesta how infatuated with her he was.
“I wish I had your talent” Georgie sighed “I am really shy at balls and never really want to dance even if I am asked to. I usually throw my dancing card in the trash in fear someone will write their name there.”
“But I love to watch my brothers running from the scary mammas” she added with a devilish grin, failing in a brotherly bickering with Cassian.
Nesta felt her heart break over Georgiana’s fear of dancing. Apart from reading, dancing was one of the few things that brought Nesta joy. It made her feel alive, the music allowing her to get lost on the moment and forget the pressures high society placed upon her.
Dancing made Nesta feel empowered, in control of her own destiny.
Georgiana deserved to feel like that too.
And that is why when Emerie, Gwyn and Mor went shopping together while the gentlemen went horse riding, Nesta proposed that she teach Georgiana how to dance.
“Are you sure of it?” Georgiana asked nervously, glancing around the music room as if someone was going to appear out of nowhere and laugh at her poor performance.
“Rest assured. You will be dancing flawlessly at the end of the day” Nesta gave her a reassuring smile “I am going to take the male role, so please place your hand on my shoulder.”
Georgiana did as instructed, and soon they were dancing.
“You just need to have fun and relax” Nesta said, making Georgiana twirl “Even if you do not know the steps but act like you do nobody will blink. Dancing is not something that is supposed to be suffocating, but to free you.”
“You mean like this?” the young girl asked, and did a step completely opposite of what was expected in a waltz that made Nesta laugh and follow her.
In no time they were not dancing the waltz but just messing around, their laughs and delighted screams filling the room. They were having so much fun that they were oblivious to Cassian watching them from the door.
The gentlemen had returned to Pemberley and decided to move to the game room, their initial amiable horse riding outing transformed into a racing competition whose draw made Balthazar and Azriel — who revealed themselves to be extremely competitive — propose a rematch in a billiard game.
Cassian soon grew tired of watching them betting who would win, deciding to fetch a book to help distract himself. He was called to the music room by the sound of loud laughs, his heart threatening to burst when he saw Nesta and his sister having so much fun.
“When are we to expect a proposal, my lord?” Mrs. Potts said to him, having stopped to welcome him back when she noticed just who he was watching.
“I have no idea what you are talking about” he answered, a soft smile on his face as Nesta dipped Georgiana, making her laugh even louder.
“It is clear as day to all of us how much that lovely lady means to you” the old headmaid replied “I have never seen you happier since she arrived here.”
“I assure you, there is nothing going on between us.”
“Do not let your fears stop you from being happy” Mrs.Potts motherly said, noticing his bitter tone “You more than anyone deserve to be happy and feel loved. And I noticed how she looks at you, I do not know why you cannot see it.”
“Such busybody staff that I have” was all he said, Mrs.Potts smiling and leaving him alone to continue his watch.
But it appeared their talking had warned them of his presence.
“Brother! Were you spying on us?”
“Far from it Georgie. I thought nobody was home but your laughs made me want to investigate” he stepped inside, closing the door behind him “Balthazar and Az are so competitive they were giving me a headache”
“Nesta was teaching me how to dance” Georgiana said, a bright smile on her face.
“I saw it. She is a great teacher” Cassian said, and Nesta had to look away lest he saw how much happy his words had made her.
“I have a great idea!! Why don’t I play music in the pianoforte and you two dance? That way it would be much easier to see how to dance properly”
Nesta panicked at Georgiana’s words. Last time she had danced with Cassian it had been out of spite for his comment. She would not deny that she had found him a pleasant partner or that she had had fun dancing with him, but Nesta doubted he would want to dance with her again.
However, little did she know Cassian could not have been happier than the moment his sister suggested such a thing.
“That is a wonderful idea Georgie” he said to his sister, all the while planning to write to Rhysand concerning an increase in Georgiana’s dowry.
He had already forgiven her words earlier at breakfast.
Didn’t she say she wanted a new horse? He could arrange for one to be delivered first thing in the morning tomorrow.
Georgiana clapped her hands in excitement, leaving them standing in front of each other as she sat by the piano.
“You are not dancing!” she called out, her fingers moving expertly on the piano keys.
Cassian cleared his throat, offering his hand.
“May I have this dance?”
Nesta accepted his hand, placing her other on his shoulder.
“You may”
They fell in that pleasant and calming atmosphere as Georgiana played, Cassian leading her effortlessly, but she felt he was cautious, even a little stiff.
“I do not bite, your grace”  Nesta said, daring to tease him “You do not have to be afraid.”
“I would not mind if you did” he said back without thinking, his eyes widening as he realised he had said that out loud.
“I beg your pardon. I did not mean—” Cassian made to release her hand and step away but Nesta gripped his shoulder harder, stopping him.
“Do not tell me the great General Commander is left without a strategy when it comes to some defenceless lady” Nesta appeared to be nonchalant on the outside, but inside she was apprehensive.
What if she had gone too far? What if he did not see her as a friend? What if he was bothered by her teasing?
But to her relief he gave her that smirk of his that made her blood boil, stepping closer to her, their chests touching.
“For you, I have no strategies.”
And they really began to dance.
The music was still there. Georgiana played beautifully and on another occasion Nesta would have wanted nothing more than to just sit and listen all day to her playing.
But the music was no longer the most beautiful thing in existence.
Nesta got lost on him as they danced, the music a faraway background sound.
She got lost on his bright smile and noticed he had dimples.
She got lost on the way he moved with her, a body made for brutality which now moved with grace, keeping up with her.
She got so lost on his warm eyes — more green than brown at the moment —  that she felt herself moving even closer, her breath mingling with his.
“Cassian—” his name left her lips without her consent, and she almost froze when she noticed she had not used his title.
Cassian did not care, his smile only getting brighter.
“You may call me informally. We are friends, are we not Nesta?” he said quietly.
“Yes, we are.” she answered, her body tingling all over at the way he said her name, as if it was a prayer to the Mother.
Georgiana — having taken notice of the rather romantic mood — started a new song as soon as the other finished, neither of the pair paying her no mind.
Next morning, Cassian gave her a new horse, the fastest and most sought out in the market. No one had the barest ideia how he managed to get hold of it so fast, or why he was gifting it to Georgiana.
Neither explained the reason, just shaking on it as if it was a business transaction.
Tags: @sayosdreams​ @thewayshedreamed​ @sjm-things​ @perseusannabeth​ @arinbelle​ @caotica-e-quieta​ @vidalinav​ @swankii-art-teacher​ @ireallyshouldsleeprn​ @duskandstarlight​ @d0riansgray​ @thegoddessaltenia​ @dayanna-hatter​ @verypaleninja​ @awesomelena555​ @courtofjurdan​ @valkyriewarriors​ @moe8​ @illyrianwitchling13​ @silvernesta​ @bri-loves-sunflowers​ @queenestarcheron​ @imwritingthesewords​ @vasudharaghavan​ @rainbowcheetah512​ @darkshadowqueensrule​ @letstakethedawn​ @starlightorstarfire​ @city-of-fae​ @thalia-2-rose​ @nestaarcher0n​ @rowaelinismyotp​ @julemmaes​ @dontgetsalmonella​ @alinaleksanders​ @lysandra-tiara​ @inardour​ @hikari274​ @fatimafares123​ @angelina-figjam​ @castielspelvis​ @lanyjoy-13​ @firebirdofscythia​ @illyrianundercover​
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madisonbeersource · 3 years
ahhh angel !! i’m so sorry i haven’t replied in so long! i caught covid and i’ve been very sick and isolating ☹️
i traveled for christmas to see family and got sick when i returned on sunday and have been wiped out but still doing my job remotely. the only nice thing is i can get grocery and pharmacy deliveries to me but it has been so hard being sick and living alone.
how was your christmas? did you have a good time with your parents?
also happy christmas !! 🤍✨🥰 i hope you had a lovely holiday with your family and friends and that it was warm and safe and happy and healthy !! 🤍🤍
also i am going to buy new books on my kindle to read this weekend since i’m too sick to go out for new years. do you have any recommendations ??
i love you !! and happy almost new year !!! ✨
- ☁️ anon
OMG ARE U FEELING BETTER?? did u get vaccinated or ? i hope you're safe now angel )):
omg you're a lit warrior I am proud is it even okay qsdfgfds but I LOVE how brave you are! do u normally leave w/ somebody? if u don't like loneliness you should maybe adopt a kitten or a puppy?
my xmas was ....okay lmao my grandma is always a lil bit ....how can I say, overwhelming? she's not the nicest to hang out w/ but we have to go see her sort of soo we're out most of the time & try not to b too much w/ her cause she tends to be like a virus and spread all over u until u suffocate lmaoo my dad is having more and more difficulties coming to her lmao but thank god my parents and little sister were w me so it was bearable..i'm sad my mom has to deal w/ her (she's my mom's adoptive mother cause my mom was abandonned by her birth mother...she has a complicated story) but her adoptive mother have traits that remind me of a narcissistic perv but wbu angel was ur xmas fine aside from ur covid issue ofc ://
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO which one will u get? I just bought this book today called Serpent & Dove but idk if it's good cause right now i'm so busy giffing this korean show i LOVED haha sooo yeah i'll maybe start it tomorrow!! i'll keep u updated!
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nightowlfandom · 4 years
Bully! Boss! Min Yoongi- Blind Rage
Hi! How are you? Can I please have prompt 8 and 20 for yoongi with shitloads of angst? Bye! Have a nice day ,,,,or days...,,
Yes you can random stranger on the internet!, Yes you most certainly can! You didn’t include a lot of context to I made one up!  I hope you like it and please enjoy! I tried to make it as angsty as possible and I’m assuming from the prompts that you wanted it slightly dirty, but I only do smut unless it’s asked for so I toned it down for this one.
I’m good! Is you good? If not, I hope this makes your day!! 
Also! Just wanna say no posts for a lil bit cuz it’s my birthday on the 10th (Tomorrow as I am posting thing)  and I’m doing thangs (at home and SAFELY of course, so this is gonna be the only thing I post today)
Also I got a message from one of you saying I’m like the sister you never had...SO I’M YOUR SISTER NOW! YOU, AND YOU, AND YOU IN THE BACK...YOU ALL ARE MY BABIES!
8-Oh baby, I treat you like a maid because that’s basically all you are.
20- Don’t finish that sentence darling…it won’t end well for you. 
You mentally cursed as the ceramic plate shattered against the hard flooring. You could only glare at, Jungkook who had ‘accidentally’ pushed the plate off the table.
“Maid!” Jungkook impatiently snapped his fingers. “Clean this mess up, will you?”
Wordlessly, you got down on your hands and knees and picked up the pieces of broken marble. You used your the skirt of your uniform as a little device to hold the remnants of glass and wasted food. 
You walked away, cursing under your breath as a chorus of laughter rang around your bosses. Good for them, finding humor in your humiliation.
“Calm down Y/N, they’re just messing with you.” you tried to cheer yourself up. “You’re doing this for your family.”
You were determined to help your folks out to the best of your ability. Even if it meant torture from a bunch of rich assholes who never lifted a finger a day in their lives. When you finally had enough, you were gonna buy a huge ass house right next to this shit hole and tell your bosses to suck it.
“That’ll be the day.” you smiled thinking about how one day you would own property and get your mom, dad, sisters and brothers out of that tiny ass house. 
“Talking to yourself again, maid?” a voice cut through your inner montage of you moonwalking away from your bosses.
“No sir.” You ignored Yoongi as you threw the broken plate away. “I’ll get another serving ready.”
Luckily for you, it was only a salad and not a hot meal.
“No need, you’re dismissed for the night.” he waved you off. 
“Very well.” you seethed.
You basically flopped into bed. After a 2-hour phone call to your mom, who had managed to make you feel better. You were so done, you could fall aslee-
You will apparently forever and always stand corrected. Yoongi’s room was literally right next to yours. However while yours was practically the size of a janitors closet, he along with his friends got all the luxury. You heaved yourself out of bed and trudged to his room.
“You wanted to see me.” you announced.
“Close the door.” he ordered. “ The boys think your behavior is unacceptable.”
“I’m sorry?”
“You will be.” he stood up from his bed, arms crossed. He was only in his black pants and crisp button up shirt. The first three buttons were undone, exposing his toned collarbones. Don’t look, don’t look. “They said the way you bent down, was provocative and attention grabbing.”
“With all due respect, I was cleaning up a mess one of you made.” you were confused. “How else was I supposed to-”
“I understand how pleasure can get in the way of work, but trying to seduce us on the job is very inappropriate.”
“Excuse you?” you said flatly. “I wasn’t trying to do anything like that!”
“They don’t see it that way, L/N.”
“Well you guys are bigger morons that I thought. Not every girl wants to throw themselves at your feet!” you crossed your arms.
“Well apparently you had no problem throwing yourself at Jungkook’s now did you?”
“How dare you!” you finally snapped. “Why are you accusing me of being some temptress! I work for you, I bitch about it to my friends, I get paid. Wash rinse and repeat. Nowhere in my job description says that I’m a maid, yet you all insist of treating me like it!”
“Then why do you answer to it...Maid?” Yoongi smirked, crossing his arms.
“Because if I don’t, you people turn into conniving evil assholes, using my situation against me!” you snapped in reply. “Why are you treating me like this!?”
“Oh baby...I treat you like a maid because that’s basically all you are.” he looked you up and down.
You didn’t have any control over what happened next. Your hand had basically shot out and slap him square across the face. 
“How...dare you!” you snapped. “You know what! I don’t care if I lose my job. You sit there on your high horse acting like your above anyone when I bet you’ve never even washed your own socks!”
Yoongi was still in shock. You had never had enough guts to stand up to anyone. All sorts of thoughts raced through his head. Shock...rage...interest..
Dare he say, pleasure?
“I am the best damn think that’s happen to this house since the last maid quit and I have worked hard for EVERYTHING I have! So here’s what I have to say before I pack my shit and leave-”
“L/N...” he warned. “I wouldn’t say another word.”
“You can go-”
“Don’t finish that sentence, Darling.” Yoongi warned. “It won’t end well for you.” he glowered.
“You can go fuck yourself!” you spat anyways. “FUCK YOU, MIN!”{ you spat his name out as if it were poison. 
You had no idea how the series of events happened. Yoongi stormed up to you. You backed yourself against the door, scared out of your mind. 
“Say it again.” he breathed hoarsely. 
Wait what?
“What?” you voiced your thoughts aloud. “I’m sorry?”
“No.” he shook his head. “I’ve been waiting for this side of you for a while now.” He pinned his arms above your head. “Say it.”
“F-fuck you.” you whispered.
“That’s exactly what I’m gonna do, Miss L/N.”
You woke up the next day to find feathers all around you. Your body ached every time you moved. You had remembered the night prior. You and Yoongi...
Speaking of which, he was still sleeping. He was laying with his head resting in his hands. He laid on his back, snoring softly. You were curious as to why he didn’t tell you to leave.
You tried to sit up. You didn’t wanna wake him. You’re uniform was on the floor, so you quietly got dressed.
“Were you going to leave without a word, maid?”
You turned around as Yoongi sat up. “A bit rude don’t you think?”
“I wasn’t sure if you wanted me still in your bed when you woke up.” you answered honestly.
“Well obviously.” he scoffed. “I was pretty clear in my intentions towards you.”
“Oh...you were serious?” you were surprised. “O-okay.”
In an instant you were pulled back into bed. Yoongi tightened his arms around you.
“Y’know while I’d love to be here with you in bed...I still have a job.”
“Fuck that...from now on your job is being my woman.” he scoffed.
Damn...DAMN he was smooth. 
“With all due respect, Yoongi. I’m a firm believe in working for what you have, it makes the outcome a lot more satisfying.”
“Alright, you can keep working. However...I think it’s time I give you a promotion.” he kissed the top of your head.
“About time.” you scoffed. “I’ll have your breakfast ready in a second.”
“You seem very happy today Y/N.” Hoseok commented as you gracefully set down the food tray.
“Do I?” you replied. “Guess I had a change of heart.” you shrugged.
“Hm, what are you planning? You put laxatives in the eggrolls?” Jungkook raised an eyebrow at you.
“No...I’m not sure what’s gotten into me.” you replied.
“I might have an idea.” Yoongi walked into the room, adjusting his tie. He winked at you as he sat down in his usual spot. “Did you prepare my usual?”
“Just the way you like it, sir.” you replied nonchalantly. The other boys were concerned, you had never spoken in such a high regard before. You were always huffing and giving half-assed answers...now you were behaving like a sly kitten.
“Make sure you come to my room after breakfast, maid...we have unfinished business.” Yoongi didn’t look up from his newspaper. “I expect you in a timely manner....Miss L/N.”
For the first time since you started working there, you smiled. You grabbed the tray off the table, bending over painfully slow. He peeked up over the paper, raising an eyebrow. You could tell he was trying to hide his smile, but he managed to smirk through it.
“It would be my pleasure sir.” you replied, standing up straight. “Consider it done...Mr.Min.”  You headed to the kitchen without another word before beelining for Yoongi’s room. 
You would have a little surprise waiting for him when he got here...
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anjuschiffer · 4 years
Coming In For A Diagnosis and Leaving With A Date
HAPPY BIRTHDAY @theatreandcomicfreak!!!! Sure, we’ve only known each other for a few months, but Mina! You’re so freaking amazing and I’m so glad to have met you!
So to celebrate, I wrote this for you! Enjoy it! And hope you have a wonderful day :D
He was here to help Damian on taking down a small-time criminal, so why were they having such a hard time taking him down?
“Damian, are you sure that-” Garfield started, only to get interrupted by his friend.
“I’m going to be fine. Go and rest. I’ll be sure to update you on-” Static filled their communication, Garfield already fearing the worst. 
“Damian.” No response. “Damian!” Garfield yelled out, quickly coming to a halt, bearing the slight burn he got from the roof asphalt. Who cares if he was bleeding from his arm. Who cares if he couldn’t retain his form for any longer than five minutes. He had to go back! Damian was in danger-
“Well, look what we have here. A lost kitten.” Garfield quickly whipped his head to see Catwoman. Or Selina as Damian called her. Despite Selina and Bruce being together for several years, the two still wouldn’t get together, much to Damian’s annoyance. If you asked Garfield, Damian probably wanted her to officially be part of the family already, not that Damian already considered her as such.
“Please don’t do that.” Garfield said, letting out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. All the hairs on his body relaxed, but his heart still raced quickly against his chest. “Do you know what’s going on?” Garfield watched as Selina hummed, looking over to where Damian was last heard from.
“He’s going to be fine, kid. He can handle this. And if anything, he’s got Bat out there as well.” She assured, looking at the gash across his arm. “You, on the other hand, won’t if you don’t get that treated.”
“I’m fine.” Garfield protested, wincing when Selina placed pressure on his wound.
“I beg to differ.” Selina said, quickly taking out her phone, a corner of her lips curving as she typed something, pocketing it away once she was down. “See that apartment over there?”
“Yeah?” Garfield looked over to where she was pointing, an apartment building just a block over. If Garfield squinted just a tiny bit, he was able to see a few plants sitting by the window ledge. “What about that-”
“Go there and wait inside.” Selina instructed, ushering him to go. “Someone will be there shortly to help you treat that wound of yours.” Garfield turned to go, but remained seated where he was. “I’ll make sure to update you on Damian’s whereabouts.”
Seeing as Selina wouldn’t take ‘no’ for an answer, Garfield made his way to the open apartment, carefully stepping over the plants, finding himself stepping onto a sofa. He promptly took off his shoes, not wanting to dirty the poor furniture anymore than what he had already done.
As he chose to sit, he took note of how organized -and white- the room was, the cabinets meticulously neat and labeled, his eyes widening when he saw the names on some of the glass jars. 
Naloxone, bacitracin, lidocaine… where did this person even get the first and last one?
As he tried to distract himself, Garfield thought it would be a good idea to look at the white board hung above one of the work stations, ignoring the various mortars filled with who-knows-what. 
He began to panic when he saw Damian’s medical records there, quickly running towards it to grab it, quickly turning page after page, panicking when he saw that this person also knew that Damian was Robin. 
Lifting his gaze from the papers, his eyes landed on the wall files, his eyes landing on the name Wayne. 
He began to rummage through, finding the rest of the Batfam’s identities, also finding other rogues' names in the other compartments. 
His heart stopped when he came across his own file, his name staring back at him in pink ink. 
Just as he was about to look at how much this person knew about him, the sound of keys jingling broke his determination. 
He quickly began to put the files back, making sure to place them in their proper slots, quickly hopping back into the sofa as he heard footsteps approach the room along with muffled talking. 
As soon as he managed to sit down and attempt to look normal, the door slid open. 
“-should have said no. Maybe I really am a pushover.” The person muttered, Garfield feeling his breath hitch. She was pretty. Very pretty.
The girl looked at him, gaping at his appearance before throwing her bag to the side and rushing out the room. 
Garfield felt hurt, wondering what she had thought when she saw him, only for it to all go away when she came back, gloves on and a first aid kit in hand. 
He thought she already looked pretty with her hair down, but she looked just as stunning with her hair tied into a loose bun. 
“How long have you been like this?” She asked, snapping Garfield from his trance.
“Half an hour?” Garfield tried to provide, watching as she cut off his sleeve, quick to start cleaning the outer rims of his wounds. 
“I’m guessing you were like this for a while before Miss Ky-Ca-” she started to fumble. 
“I know Miss Kyle is Catwoman. Don’t gotta worry about the whole ‘secret-identity’ thing with me.” Garfield said, watching the girl visibly relax, the girl going back to focusing on clearing the dry blood with a pair of tweezers and cotton swabs.
The two remained quiet, Garfield watching as she kept cleaning his wound, wincing when she started to add the stitches to his wound.
“You’re just doing your job.” Garfield had to bite his tongue to stop from hissing from the pain. “Actually, is this your job?”
“Kind of.” She replied, adding one last stitch. “I have experience on patching up small injuries and I used to study medicine under a mentor, but that was a while ago...” the girl trailed, Garfield picking up on how her mood quickly shifted. 
“Wow, these are the neatest stitches I’ve ever gotten! You have to be a pretty amazing sewer if they’re this neat. I bet you’d also be a pretty good designer!” Garfield praised, noticing a faint blush dust her face as she placed some ointment over the stitches. 
“Matter of fact, I am a designer.” The girl said, a soft smile now on her lips. “Miss Kyle commissioned me to make her a dress for the upcoming charity here in Gotham. Although, I ended up getting roped in some things I shouldn’t have.” 
“Accidentally found out her identity?” He watched the girl nod. 
“Yup. Well...that's a part of it.” She said, taking out some bandage. “And along the way I found out about her family’s, as you saw the files over there.”
“I-I didn’t see any files.“ He said, averting his eyes from her, feeling her gaze on him. “Okay. I did.” He admitted. “But why do you even have all of those medical records?”
“Curious, aren’t you?” Marinette purred, something inside of Garfield stirring. “Don’t blame you. It’s not everyday you find someone like me.”
“You mean a pretty girl like you?” Garfield teased, watching her almost drop the pair of scissors in her hand. “Which reminds me, what’s your name?”
“Wh-what? No!” Marinette squeaked out, trying her hardest to not wrap the bandage too tight. “I meant someone who helps vigilantes and heroes while being a civilian.” Garfield hummed at that, watching as she finished patching him up. “And Marinette. My name’s Marinette.” Marinette said, checking over her work. “And seems like you’re good to go.”
“That’s it?” Garfield said in a panic, not wanting to leave just yet. “Wow, didn’t think it’d be this fast.”
“Like I said,” Marinette said, pulling out Garfield’s file and jotting something down. “I have my share of experience when it comes to these types of things.” 
“Well then,” Garfield got up, one minute himself and the next as a cat on her desk, nudging her hand for some scratches. “Thank you very much.” 
He watched as red dusted her face again, giving him a few scritches under his chin, giggling when he let out a few purrs.
“Remember to come back tomorrow morning for the follow up.” Marinette reminded, watching as Garfield pounced to the window ledge, morphing back into his normal form. “Need to make sure it heals properly.”
“Will do doc!” Garfield said, stepping out into the fire escape, only to find Damian there. “Holy shi-” He was fine!
“What are you doing here?” Damian asked with a growl.
“Umm...getting my injuries checked?” Garfield defended, showing Damian his wrapped arm. “What about you?”
“Same thing.” Damian said as he motioned to his bruised face, quickly jumping into the window. Garfield quickly followed suit.
“Damian! Just look at you! What in kwami’s name were you up to?” Marinette scolded when she saw Damian, quickly going through her cabinets, grabbing different jars. “Oh! Hi Gar! Thought we agreed to see each other tomorrow?”
“Tomorrow?” Damian asked, narrowing his eyes at Garfield, causing him to gulp. Why was he acting like this?
“A follow up Dami, no need to get so overprotective, geez.” Marinette clarified, making Damian face her. “If anything, I should be the overprotective one. I am older than you.” Garfield could only watch as the two bickered.
“By two years.” Damian stated, hissing when she placed an ice pack over his bruise. 
“Meaning I don’t need little brother dearest to be following me 24/7.” Marinette said with a hint of annoyance, lifting Damian’s face to get a better look at the cut under his chin. “Small scratch. Nothing too major, unlike the one on your torso.”
“Wait, brother? You guys are related?” Garfield asked, this question going ignored as the two siblings kept arguing. 
“It’s just a scratch.” 
Marinette was related to Damian… his sister...
“A scratch!? You’re still bleeding from it!”
Meaning she is a Wayne...and she had quite the overprotective family, and a large one at that… just look at Damian!
“Nothing that I can’t heal on my own.”
Just what is he getting himself into?
“That’s it.” Marinette huffed, pulling out her phone. “I’m calling Grandpere.” Garfield let out a laugh when he saw Damian stiffen.
“Mari, don’t you dare-”
“Alf? Yes, it's me. Listen, Damian doesn’t want to get himself checked, insisting that his injury-stop that!” Marinette yelled at Damian, who tried to grab the phone away from her, only for Garfield to get a hold of it.
“Hey!” “Logan, hand it over to me.” The siblings said simultaneously, only for Garfield to ignore the two.
“Hey Alfred, it’s me, Garfield. Yes, a cut on his torso that’s not too deep. Yes, I will tell him to let Mari to look at it or else there will be consequences.” He looked over at a betrayed Damian and a grinning Marinette who mouthed a thank you. “Yes, I’m fine as well Alfred. Oh! And if Miss Kyle is there, please tell her I said thank you. Right. Bye.” With that, Garfield hanged up, handing Marinette her phone back.
“I won’t forget this betrayal Logan.” Damian said, pouting as he sat back down on the sofa, Marinette already having her tool out to clean his wound.
“You’re very welcome.” Garfield said, grinning as he watched Damian fuss over his patch up.
“Thank you for having my back Garfield.” Marinette said as he followed Damian out the window.
Marinette was able to tend to Damian’s injuries with such grace that it left Garfield mesmerized, wondering how he didn’t feel the two hours pass by.
“It was nothing.” Garfield said, averting his gaze from her, scratching the back of his head as heat rose to his cheeks. That’s when he felt a peck on his cheek, turning to see Marinette smile at him.
“A token of my gratitude.” She reasoned, fiddling with her fingers as she watched Garfiled hover a hand over the place she kissed him. “Sorry if I made you uncom-”
“No, no, no!” Garfield started, finally touching the spot with his fingers. “I didn’t mind it.” He melted when she beamed, only for Damian to ruin their moment.
“Hurry up! I don’t have all night!” Damian yelled, causing Garfield to groan.
“So about tomorrow-” Mari started, only for Gar to cut her off.
“Come in the morning for the check up. Got it.” Garfield recited, lifting his right hand. “Promise to be here at 8 sharp.”
“Well, I was thinking if you’d like to join me for breakfast after the check up.” Gar broke into a smile. “Would you?”
“Definitely!” Gar said, “Consider it a date then.” Without giving her a chance to reply, he went to join Damian, looking forward to his breakfast date with Marinette.
Marinette watched as Garfield jumped away, going back to the file she had for him. Picking up her pink pen, she drew a small heart next to his name.
She can’t wait for tomorrow’s date, even if it meant that her stupid brothers might try to stop it.
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alarawriting · 4 years
52 Project #35: The Swan Wife
Surely you have once heard a story almost, but not entirely, like this one, about a man and a swan, though in this story, there is also a woman and a cat.
In a fishing village there lived a brother and sister, in the same home. Neither of them were married, so in matters of their household arrangements – though in no other regard – they lived as a husband and wife would. The sister cooked and cleaned and spun and mended, and the brother made a living as a fisherman, bringing home a catch every day to sell or to eat.
One might think such an arrangement would come about because a brother and sister loved each other too much to make a household with another, or some such, but the reality was very different. The father had actually made a will, and his wife their mother had signed it as well, that when they died and their son inherited their home, he was not permitted to put his sister out of the house until she had a husband. The brother treated his sister cruelly, hoping to drive her to leave their home herself, but there was nowhere else she could go, so she stayed.
Neither of them could find anyone to marry. People in the village talked about them and the strangeness of their arrangement. Women shunned the brother, wondering how it would be possible to live as a wife to a man whose sister already played that role. Men shunned the sister, thinking perhaps her relationship with her brother was less chaste than it was… and in truth the sister didn’t try very hard to convince any man otherwise. So they continued to live together, though they no longer liked each other. While the brother never struck the sister, his stream of insults and demands only let up when he was sleeping or fishing.
The sister had a little cat, a pretty little tabby queen, who was clever at catching mice and rats, and the little cat produced litters of kittens from time to time, as queen cats do. When the brother was displeased with the sister, he would threaten the cat and her kittens. The sister had to behave toward her brother as if she were a servant, to keep her little cat and her cat’s kittens safe. So she endured the insults, and the demands, cruel and unreasonable as they were.
One day, the brother was out fishing on the lake, with his boat in the reeds and lily pads, hidden away. He did this because the fish had learned to fear the shadow of a boat, but where there were so many plants disrupting the light that hit the water, the fish could not tell the difference, and had no fear. It also hid him away, and occasionally, that enabled him to spy on young women as they came to the lake to bathe.
He saw six beautiful swans gliding past. As he watched, they glided into another patch of reeds and lilies, hidden from the rest of the shore by a large rock jutting from the ground, and a tree… but from where he was, he could see them clearly. And so he saw each of them remove her feathers, and drape them as a cloak on the large rock. Underneath the cloaks, they proved to be beautiful maidens. Each was tall and strong, with skin that rarely saw sunlight, as white as a swan’s feathers, and dark hair like the dark patch of feathers around a swan’s beak.
As the fisherman watched, he saw one of them climb the tree, and toss down bundles to her sisters. Another climbed to the top of the rock, and handed the six swan-feather cloaks up to the one in the tree, who hid them away among the branches. Each of the swan-women dressed in women’s clothing, and they went around the tree and headed off on the path to town.
Quickly, the fisherman poled his boat over to that shore. He had watched carefully where each woman placed her cloak, and then had watched as the one on the rock and the one in the tree worked to stash away the cloaks, so he knew which cloak belonged to the youngest-looking of the sisters. All of the swan-women were tall and strong, but one was shorter than the others, more delicate of face and more slender of build. She was the only of the swan-women who was shorter than he was, and he thought her to be the most beautiful of them.
The fisherman climbed the tree, with difficulty, because he was not as strong and flexible and hale as the swan-woman who’d done it earlier, and he took the cloak of the youngest of the swan-sisters. He carried it away in his boat, to the secret hut where he hid the treasures he didn’t want his sister to know he had – money he had earned that he’d never told her of, things he had purchased for himself and himself alone that he didn’t wish to share, things he had stolen from their joint inheritance and then claimed he didn’t know the whereabouts of. And in that secret hut, he laid the swan cloak in a chest, and then placed his mother’s heirloom quilt, which had been intended for his sister, on top of the cloak. And then he returned to his spot on the lake, to fish and to wait.
Six fair young women returned by the path, laughing and chattering amongst themselves, and one of them climbed into the tree as the others disrobed. The one in the tree tossed down five cloaks, but then said, “Slow Paddle’s cloak isn’t here!”
“What happened to it?” the youngest-looking woman, barely more than a girl, called up. “Didn’t you put it in the tree for safekeeping?”
“I did! An animal must have taken it!”
“Well, what am I to do?” Slow Paddle cried out. “I can’t return home without it!”
“You’ll have to search for it,” one of the others said, the one that appeared to be the eldest.
“I’m going to have to search for it? It was Swift Wings who put it in the tree! She must not have secured it properly! She should help me!”
Swift Wings had climbed down out of the tree and was disrobing, as the other swan women were putting on their feathered cloaks and turning into swans. “It’ll be dark soon. Who can find anything that way? We can help you tomorrow.”
“Well, what am I to do tonight?”
Two of the sisters, who were now swans, honked at her. Swift Wings, the only other swan-woman who was still in her woman-form, shrugged. “I don’t know. What do humans do at night? Find someplace to sleep, and come back to the bank in the morning, and look for your cloak then.” She shrugged her cloak on. “Maybe go back to the pub, get some meat and some ale, and honk honk”. Now she was a swan. She honked a few more times, the “unh-UNH” double call of a swan, before swimming away.
The brother poled his boat to shore. “Young lady. I hear you’re having difficulty finding a missing cloak?” He smirked at her.
“Yes! Oh, have you seen it? It’s a cloak of swan feathers!”
“Seen it? My lady, I have it, in my possession.” His grin grew bigger.
The girl did not seem to realize her situation. “You do? Oh, wonderful! Please, give it to me!”
“No.” Now his grin nearly split his face.
The swan-girl’s own face fell. “No?... but why not?”
“Because I will have you for a wife, and you will cook and clean for me and bear my children, and in four-and-twenty years I will give you back the cloak and let you return to your sisters.”
“What? No! I won’t do that, why would I marry you? You’re not even a swan!”
“Right now, neither are you,” the fisherman said.
“Give me my cloak!”
The girl lunged at the man, and she was large, and strong, but he was larger and stronger. Had he been beset by all six of the swan-women, or perhaps even just two of them, the outcome would have been different, but as it was, he was more adept with fighting in a human body, and bigger, and so he pinned her without great difficulty. “I will not give you your cloak unless you marry me,” he said.
“I don’t want to marry you.”
“Then I’ll leave here, and destroy the cloak.”
“No! You can’t do that!”
“Then marry me,” he said.
“I’ll follow you! I’ll find where you put my cloak—”
“You’ll do no such thing,” he said. “You’re alone, my dear girl. Your sisters have left you. If you were to follow me, to try to find the cloak, without agreeing to be my wife, I would beat you and leave you bloody on the road. The only way you will ever see your cloak again is if you agree to be my wife.”
Defeated, the swan girl finally agreed to marry the fisherman. He forced a kiss on her when finally she said yes, and then helped her to her feet and led her to his home.
“Sister!” he called. “This woman is my betrothed, and tomorrow I will take her to the church and marry her!”
“A woman was finally willing to have you? What a wonderful day,” the fisherman’s sister said sarcastically. “Let me see her… oh, she’s very beautiful, brother. Far more beautiful than you could have won fairly.”
“Shut up,” the fisherman snapped. “Your cat is about this house someplace, I’m sure.”
“Chasing mice that eat our grain, and earning her keep,” the sister snapped, but she said nothing more about her brother’s new bride. Instead, she made up a bed for the beautiful young woman, and shared with her some of the porridge of the night’s dinner.
After the fisherman and the swan-woman were wed, the fisherman’s cruelty to his sister grew even greater.
Nothing she cooked was good enough for his new bride. The thread she spun was too rough. The cottage wasn’t clean enough. When she objected, he threatened her cat again.
But he didn’t seem to treat his bride well, either. When she spoke out of turn, he glared at her, and said, “Remember what I’ve promised,” and she fell quiet. And at night, the fisherman’s sister could hear the young woman sobbing.
She knew nothing of the work of women, it seemed. She didn’t know how to cook, or how to spin, or how to clean. She could count money, and do figures with it, but that seemed to be all. The fisherman’s sister tried to teach her, but the fisherman’s wife sighed, and paid little attention, and said things such as “You’re so much better than me, how would I ever begin to compete?”, which seemed to the sister to be a polite way of saying “You do it.”
One day as the fisherman was out at his work, the new wife walked to the lake, moping all the way. From the house, the sister could see her outline sitting on the rock, head hung low. “Why must she mope so?” she said to herself.
Her little cat answered her. “Because she is a swan. Your brother stole her feathered cloak, and threatened to destroy it if she would not marry him.”
The sister stared at the cat. “How long have you been able to talk?” she asked, bewildered.
The cat washed her paw. “How long have you?”
“My whole life! Humans begin to talk when we’re infants! But you’re a cat!”
“I am glad you noticed I am a cat,” the cat said. “You are my beloved friend, and I’d hate to think you were too stupid to realize that I am a cat.”
“But how can you talk?”
“How can a girl become a swan by putting on a cloak?” the cat said rhetorically. “The world is larger and stranger than you know, dear friend.”
The sister sat down at the table, staring at the cat. “All right. But then why have you chosen to speak to me now?”
“Because I am afraid,” the cat said. “Now that he has a wife, your brother has no use for you. The law says he must give you shelter so long as you are not married, for that was your father’s wish. But if he were to lie about you—accuse you of being unchaste, or calling you a witch, or some other terrible lie—he could have you locked away in prison, or stoned to death, or hung, and then he would never have to worry about you learning how he has stolen from you. You are my dear friend who’s protected me and my kittens from that man. I must protect you in turn.”
“Wait, my brother has stolen from me?”
“Oh, he has blackmailed a swan into becoming his wife and he may betray you with lies to be jailed or executed, and it’s the stealing that bothers you?”
“What has he stolen?” the sister demanded.
“Many things. How should I know exactly? I’m a cat, these human possessions are of no import to me. There was a nice blanket once; I remember it was on your bed when I was a kitten, but I saw him carry it away while you were at the market, once, and never did it return.”
“My mother’s quilt. He said he thought that had been stolen while we were both away from the house. He accused me of leaving it out to dry where some ne’er-do-well could take it. I never did any such thing!”
“Of course you didn’t. A liar and criminal will always accuse you of the crimes they themselves have committed.”
“Do you know where it is?”
“I don’t,” the cat said, “because my territory is small. There is a fierce queen-cat who patrols her territory all around mine, and she has tomcat sons who serve her, and chase away cats like me, for I am a very little cat. But if you bring me a fish from your brother’s catch, and a bowl of cream, I will have the strength to outrun her and her sons, and I will follow your brother and see if I can find where he has hidden the things he stole.”
“Why do the tomcats chase you away? You’re a beautiful little queen-cat; don’t they want to take you as mate?”
“Only when I’m in heat,” the cat said, her tail swishing. “And when I’m in heat, I don’t think about such things as the antics of human men. I am sorry for my coarseness, but if you are not a tomcat with a fine strong body and the stamina to mate until I’m satisfied, then when I’m in heat I’m really unconcerned with you.”
“That’s rude,” the sister said, “although I suppose it is true, given how I’ve seen you behave.” She sighed. “Well. It’s dangerous to steal a fish from my brother’s catch. If he learns I’ve taken one for you, he will probably try to beat you, perhaps even kill you. And I can’t steal enough cream for a whole bowl without him catching me.”
“Why not ask his bride to catch the fish for you, then?” the cat said. “She is a swan. She must know how to catch fish.”
The sister was unsure that her brother’s bride knew much of anything. All she ever did was mope about, stare out the window, or go down to the lake, where she moped and stared. Perhaps the little cat was right, and her brother’s wife was a swan; it would explain how she managed to be so useless.
She went out to the lake to speak to her brother’s wife. “You should come back to the house,” she said.
The wife sighed. “Do you have more things you want me to learn?”
“We have something important to talk about,” the sister said.
When they were in the house, where the fisherman out on the lake in his boat couldn’t overhear, the sister said, “I know what you are.”
“So does your brother,” the wife said, rolling her eyes. “It’s hardly a great secret, if you were planning to blackmail me with it.”
“I’m not my brother,” the sister said. “He treats you terribly. If you had your cloak, you would be able to fly away from here, wouldn’t you?”
“Do you know where my cloak is?!” the wife demanded urgently.
“No, but I have a friend who says she can help me find it. All I need is a fish and some cream, and I can borrow cream from the neighbor. You’re a swan, do you know how to fish?”
“Not without a beak!” the swan-woman exclaimed. “You humans and your hands, your fingers are clever little things but a fish slips right through them! Your brother is a fisherman, you should be able to get a fish without my help.”
“If he catches me taking a fish, he might try to kill my cat.”
The swan-woman tilted her head and raised an eyebrow. “Kill your cat?”
“He threatens you that you will never have your cloak again. He threatens me that he will kill my little cat. If he beats us, we can go to the magistrate and demand he be thrown in jail, but if he kills a cat or destroys a cloak, that’s not a crime anyone will take seriously.”
“Well, your laws say that what a man owns, his wife owns also. I will just take a fish from his catch for your friend. And another one for myself. He doesn’t let me eat nearly as much of the fish as he should.”
And so when the fisherman returned to the dock, his wife was there waiting for him, near the carts the fishmongers would use to carry his catch out to the market. Before he could hand the catch over to the fishmongers, his wife grabbed two large fish out of the catch.
“What are you doing?” he shouted.
“What’s mine is yours and yours is mine, isn’t that the rule of marriage?” she said. “I’m craving fish. I will take these two.”
“I won’t allow you to just take any fish you like!” he yelled after her, but she was already walking away.
Other fishermen joked with him. “She’s a feisty one you’ve caught!”
“Let her have the fish, man, she’ll reward you well enough at night!”
“Never argue with your wife. That’s the lesson I’ve learned after thirty years of marriage.”
“Cravings might mean pregnancy! If she wants raw fish, could be she’s got your son in her belly!”
The fisherman scowled, but did nothing further to try to stop his wife from walking away with her fish.
The swan-woman returned to the house with one fish, having eaten the other raw. “Here is the fish for your friend,” she said, and gave it to the sister.
Then the sister went to her neighbor, and traded some precious honeycomb that she’d bought with the funds from her brother’s fish sales for a bit of cream. Her brother kept track of the cream, because it was a treat for cats and he resented anything his sister gave to her cat, but cats do not like honey, so he paid little attention to that.
Out behind the trees around the house, in the small garden the sister kept so she would have something to trade for material to spin and sewing needles, the sister put down the cream and the fish for the little cat. The cat rested beside the bowl and the fish all night, occasionally nibbling or lapping, until in the early morning, before the sun had risen, the fisherman prepared to leave. Then the cat ate all of the fish she had remaining and drank all of the rest of the cream.
She followed after the fisherman, padding silently as cats do. When he turned for any reason, she hid in the shadows. But as she drew close to the lake, she was best by her rival’s two tomcat-sons. They were large, black cats, one with a white bib and one with a white spot in the middle of his tail.
“You are in our mother’s territory,” they said. “Leave, before we tear your ears off!”
The little cat huffed. “You had no problem with my visiting your mother’s territory when you wanted to mate with me,” she said. “And you, Spot-on-tail! I bore you four fine kittens! You should let me pass!”
The tomcat with the white spot on his tail raised it with irritation. “I’m a tomcat. I have no concern for the kittens I father; I’ve been with a dozen queen-cats and had a dozen litters of kittens carrying my bloodline. You aren’t special.”
“I am special,” the queen-cat said. “Because I have a friend I hold dear, who I am fighting for, and when I fight for my friend I can be as ferocious as any dog.”
The tomcats laughed at her, but they didn’t laugh long. With the strength and speed that the fish and the cream gave her, the little cat leapt onto White-bib and tore at his ear, snarling in fury. White-bib hissed and yowled and tried to dislodge her, but the little cat had hooked her claws into his skin and he could not remove her without drawing his own blood. He tried to twist his head to bite her, but that resulted in his ear being torn.
“Say you will give me free passage into your mother’s territory. Say it, or I will rip both your ears off!”
“All right! All right! You can have free passage into our mother’s territory!”
She jumped off, only to be beset by Spot-on-tail. “I promised you nothing!” he said. “You may have bested my brother, but you won’t defeat me!”
The little cat raced halfway up a nearby tree – and then, as Spot-on-tail sat at the base yowling at her, she leapt down from the tree, directly onto him, and bit and scratched him all about his tail. When he twisted his head to try to bite at her, she kicked him in the face with her clawed hind leg. Soon she had extracted from him a promise that he would give her passage as well.
And so the little cat continued on to the lake. The fisherman was already out on the lake with his boat, but the cat had spied on him before and knew the trick he liked, so she went up into a tree near where he liked to hide in the reeds.
When he poled his boat over there to rest in the shade and catch frogs in traps, she called out to him. “Fisherman! Fisherman, beware! Be wary!”
“What? Who is speaking to me?”
“I am the spirit of this lake,” the cat said, “and you are my beloved friend! I give you fish and frogs and ducks to sell at market, and I gave to you a wife. But your wife has sisters, and they threaten your happiness!”
“I took my wife for myself! No one helped me!”
“Oh, no? Who do you think grew a perfect spot for you to rest and hide, where you could see the swan women but they could not see you?”
The fisherman acknowledged that indeed, the lake had done that. “But what are you warning me of?”
“Your wife’s sisters are even now searching for their sister’s cloak! You must go back to the place you have hidden her cloak, before they find it, and make sure it is securely locked and sealed!”
“But it is definitely securely locked and sealed. I know, I sealed it myself.”
“But you must check to be sure! Otherwise your wife’s sisters may take back her cloak and bring it to her, and you will lose her!”
Swearing, the fisherman tied up his boat on the shore and got out, wading a short distance through the muck from the boat to the bank of the lake. He began running to his secret hiding place, and the little cat followed silently. She did not make the mistake of running to catch up with him, else he might hear her coming; instead she followed the muddy tracks his boots made in the dirt and grass as he ran.
When he reached his hiding place, he unlocked it with his key, which lived on his belt at all times. “Oh! Very good; no one has touched the secret chest where my wife’s feathered cloak is hidden!” he exclaimed. “No one has disturbed my sister’s fine quilt, lying on top of the cloak and keeping it from anyone’s eyes! The chest is still locked, and so was the door to my little shed!” He locked the shed back up. “There! No swan will get through this door; only someone with the key or with a stout axe could get through this strong wooden door, and swans cannot carry keys or axes!”
He returned to the lake, feeling safe. The little cat headed back for her house, following an old path she remembered from kittenhood, before her rival queen-cat had taken the territory around her home.
In the house, she told her friend, the fisherman’s sister, of what she had seen and heard. “I can guide you to that shed by the light of the moon, tonight,” she said.
“Should we try to steal my brother’s key?” the sister asked, worriedly. “Even in his cups, he is always careful to guard his keys. He even sleeps with them.”
The swan-woman waved a hand dismissively. “All we need is his axe. I have the strength to swing it if you do not.” She turned to the cat. “I am surprised. I thought you cats were selfish and fickle. Why are you helping me?”
“I’m not,” the cat said. “I don’t care about you, but I care about my dear friend. You think cats are selfish, but that is only because we only take on obligations out of love, not gratitude. Feed me every day but treat me cruelly, and I owe you nothing, and will do nothing for you. Feed me every day but never pet me, and chase me from your bed at night, and I owe you nothing and will do nothing for you. But feed me every day, and protect me and my kittens from harm, and let me sleep on your bed, and pet me, and brush burrs out of my coat when I’ve walked in sharp places, and then you will earn my love… and for who I love, I will do anything.”
“Then why do you care?” the swan woman said. “Why set your friend the cat to finding my cloak for me?”
The sister could have said, Because my brother has been stealing from me, and in the place he hides your cloak, he has also hid much of my inheritance. She could have said, Because my cat friend fears that now that my brother has you, as soon as you have learned to cook and clean, he will find a way to dispose of me. Instead she found herself saying, “Because you are too beautiful to be trapped in this life, with this man. You have done nothing to earn the cruel fate of being bound to him.”
“And you have?” the swan-woman asked.
The sister bowed her head. “No, but nonetheless, it is my fate. He is my brother, and my parents bound us to share our inheritance. I do not have a feathered cloak, to change into a swan and fly away. Humans must live with other humans; we cannot forage for all our food as wild animals like swans can.”
“Is he the only human who you can live with, then?”
“If I were to marry, I could leave this place and live with my husband.”
“Why don’t you, then?” asked the swan-woman.
The sister had never said this to anyone, for fear of being judged. But she knew the swan-woman wouldn’t judge her. “When I think of lying in bed with a man, even one who is handsome and kind, the thought brings me to despair – more despair than living with a man who is cruel, but never touches me. I have never once wanted the touch of a man, ever.” She sighed. “But I fear for you! Swans mate for life, don’t they? Will you be cast aside, unable to take a male swan as your husband, because you have first been with my human brother?”
The swan-woman laughed. “Swans mate for life, when we choose our mates. Your brother blackmailed me; he is no chosen mate of mine. As for a swan to mate with, I have never before danced in courtship for another swan, or been danced for, but when I do, it will be with a female swan, not a male one.”
“How can that be?” the sister asked. “You are a female swan, aren’t you?”
“I am a female swan, but sometimes a female swan wishes only to mate with another female swan, and sometimes the same is true for a female human, isn’t that true?”
“I don’t understand.”
“Is the thing that gives you despair to think of simply the touch of a man or the touch of any human?”
“What do you mean?”
And then the swan-woman bent down and kissed her husband’s sister on the lips, and it made the sister’s heart leap, the way her friends of girlhood told her it felt to kiss a boy they loved, the way no boy had made her feel in her life. But still she was confused, and when the swan-woman broke the kiss, she said again, “I don’t understand.”
“There’s nothing to understand. Either it makes you feel good to kiss me, or it doesn’t. Does it?”
“It – it does, but…”
“But nothing. Then you are a woman who loves women, and I am a pen who loves pens.”
“That is the word for a female swan. A male is a cob. I have cobs for friends, but when any of them have tried to dance the mating dance with me, I swam away. I only want to dance with pens. The kiss, there, that is how humans dance the mating dance, right?”
“…yes… I think so…”
The cat cleared her throat. “The fisherman will be back soon. He probably should not see his sister and his wife kissing, don’t you agree?”
“Oh – yes! Yes, he definitely should not,” the sister said, stepping back in a flurry of embarrassment and, still, confusion. “I have to cook a meal, still, or he’ll be angry when he returns!”
“How will we make sure he sleeps, when we go to retrieve my cloak?” the swan-wife asked.
“When I give him his wine with his dinner, I won’t water it. He will sleep quicker and more deeply, that way.”
As the fisherman slept deeply that night, his sister, his wife and the little cat journeyed forward with the axe, through the darkness. There was a half moon, and it was clouded, so the sister had difficulty, but the cat and the swan-woman seemed to be able to see well enough.
The little cat had paid no attention to whether humans could make their way through the path she had found, so many times, the women needed to push their way through a bush or make their way around a bramble, where the cat could just go under. They came to a fence and needed to go all the way around to find the path again, where the cat was waiting for them, having jumped the fence and run through the yard.
And then, a short distance from the fence, the little cat was attacked by a large tortoiseshell queen. The women heard nothing but spitting, hissing and yowling, but the little cat heard the queen say, “How dare you intrude in my territory? How dare you frighten my sons so they won’t defend my territory from you? I’ll kill you! I’ll tear your eyes out and your ears off!”
The little cat said, “Your sons need to leave your territory and go out into the world! Kittens aren’t supposed to live with their mothers forever! Let them have a life away from you!”
This was just bravado. The little cat was very scared, because she was only a little cat, and the tortoiseshell queen was large and strong. But the swan-woman, showing no fear of being bitten or scratched, waded into the cat-fight. She lifted the tortoiseshell, who yowled and tried to scratch her, but she held the tortoiseshell far from her body, walked to the fence, and dropped the angry cat on the other side. “Let’s go, little cat,” the swan-woman said. “That fence won’t keep her, but the humiliation might, at least for a bit.”
Finally they came to the shed. The little cat showed them the stout wooden door and the iron lock on it. But the sister gave the wife the axe she had carried, and the swan-wife was strong enough to make short work of the door.
Inside, the little cat showed them the chest, and the swan-wife chopped through that as well.
“My quilt!” the sister exclaimed, and took it from the chest. Beneath it was the swan cloak. The sister lifted the swan cloak and handed it to the swan-wife. “And this is yours.”
The swan-woman took it from her reverently. “My cloak,” she whispered.
The sister looked all around the room. “So many of my mother’s things,” she said softly, but with great anger. “I would understand if he took these things to sell them – never forgive, but I would understand. But what did he gain by taking what should have been mine and hiding it away from me?”
“I don’t know,” the swan-woman said, leaving the small shed. “Some men are that way. Some women, too, I imagine. Swans aren’t like that. Though I know of a goose who steals things the way a crow does, because they’re shiny and pretty. Perhaps he hid them away because he wanted to give them to a wife, but he needed you gone first.”
“Or perhaps he’s just cruel,” the sister said bitterly.
“That seems likely.” The swan-wife dropped her dress to the ground, and began to put on the feather-cloak, but hesitated. She looked at the sister. “I wish…”
“What do you wish?”
“Never mind,” the swan-wife said. “Perhaps the next time I’m human, I’ll come to visit you. But that may not be for a long time.”
“I understand. Godspeed, my friend, and god be with you.”
The woman finished shrugging into her cloak, and she was a swan, long-necked and beautiful. She called out, a sound almost like a duck quacking, and then she took wing and was gone.
The sister watched as the swan flew away. Then she turned to the little cat. “He’ll be angry when he sees her gone. You should hide for a few days.”
“I understand,” the little cat said, and ran off, her tail waving high in the air. She stopped a short distance away, and turned back. “I’ll be back as soon as I can.”
When the fisherman returned, he stomped into the house, calling “Wife! Wife! Where are you?”
His sister was at the stove, kneading bread to bake with the stew she was making. She smiled maliciously at him. “Oh, she might be lying down to rest in my room.”
“In your room? Why wouldn’t she be in my room?” The fisherman went to his sister’s room, opened the door… and saw the quilt their mother had made for her. The one he had hidden away, and put his wife’s swan cloak under.
He ran back into the kitchen. “Where is my wife?” he demanded.
“She found an unusual feathered cloak in a shed, hidden in a chest,” the sister said. “And what do you know? All the things we’ve lost since mother and father died were there as well!” She finished kneading the dough and began shaping a loaf. “In any case, the strangest thing happened! She put on the cloak, and transformed into a swan, and then she flew away!”
The brother was enraged, but there was nothing he could do. His wife was gone, and the swan sisters had been careful about where they hid their cloaks now; he had thought perhaps he could steal another cloak, and sell it to another man in town who wasn’t married yet, but he hadn’t found where they were putting their cloaks now.
But if he couldn’t get his wife back, at least he could get rid of his sister.
In the town, he told the magistrate that his sister had turned his wife to a swan, and that she was a witch. She had a cat as a familiar, and uncanny powers to find things that had been hidden.
No one in the town truly knew the sister. She kept to herself. Her friends from girlhood had moved away, finding husbands and leaving the village to be with them, and all that the men and women of the town knew was that she rarely talked to anyone, and she lived alone with her brother. The idea that she might be a witch was very, very plausible.
And so the magistrates arrested her, and there was a very quick trial, in which fishermen who owed her brother favors lied and claimed they’d seen her turn herself into a bat, and they’d seen her turn her brother’s wife into a swan, and that she danced in dark revels with the devil at night. The sister tried to defend herself, but how do you defend yourself against utter absurdity that so many people believe without evidence?
Her little cat came back home, to find that she wasn’t there. The cat explored the town, carefully, because humans were always a potential danger if she didn’t know them… and she happened upon her friend, looking out the window of her jail cell.
“Little cat!” her friend called. “They’ve accused me of being a witch, and they’re going to burn me tomorrow!”
The cat stopped dead, tail switching. “I was afraid of this,” she said.
“I’m so sorry. You’ll have to find a new home; it won’t be safe at home, when I’m gone. My brother will kill you if he can catch you.”
“I won’t allow this to happen,” the cat said, and ran away.
The sister was relieved to hear that the cat would be safe. But the cat didn’t mean she would stay safe.
She ran out toward the lake. This time, the tortoiseshell queen and her two black tom sons waited for her between the village and the lake. “You don’t have your human to help you this time, do you?”
“No, I don’t,” the little cat said. “My human is in the jail, accused of witchcraft. Don’t you know what happens when humans think one of theirs is a witch?”
The cats looked at each other. The two toms were black cats. They knew well the danger when humans were swept up in fear of witches.
“What do you think you can do about that?” the tortoiseshell snarled.
“Follow me and watch,” the little tabby said.
With the other three cats following her, the little cat went to the lake, and climbed up on the rock. She called out. “Swan sisters! Swan sisters! Heed me!”
The swans on the lake came closer. “My friend, the fisherman’s sister, is accused of witchcraft, because she helped your youngest sister get free of her brother, who stole her cloak. Now they’ve accused her of turning your youngest sister into a swan, and they’ll burn her at the stake tomorrow!”
The swans honked frantically and angrily.  The little cat meowed. And then all the swans took to the air and flew away.
At dawn, the magistrates took the sister out to the center of the town, where a stake had been prepared, and began binding her to it.
And then six swans came down from the sky, and five set upon the magistrates, the executioner standing by with his torch, the brother waiting eagerly with the crowd of observers, and the rest of the crowd, honking and hissing, pecking and biting, flapping their wings and driving everyone away. The last swan landed with a cloak of feathers in her beak. She dropped it and bit away at the ropes holding the sister to the stake. As the sister pulled herself free, the swan partially removed her own feathered cloak, taking the form of a woman wearing a cloak half-on rather than a swan anymore.
She bent down to where she had dropped the feather cloak, and handed it to the sister. “This is for you, if you want it.”
“For me?” The sister took the cloak. “I thought you were magic. I thought you had to be born the way you are. Will this even work for me?”
“It will,” Slow Paddle, the fisherman’s wife, said. All around the two of them there were screams and shouts and bird cries, as Slow Paddle’s five sisters fought an entire crowd of humans, driving them from the town square. “I have been making it for you since you freed me. I don’t know if you want it; I don’t know if you would want to be a swan, with my sisters and me. But I know that I would love nothing more than for you to join us, if you would wish it so.”
The sister finally understood, and smiled. “Surely there are other pens you could court?”
“Surely there are… but I am already in love. If you turn me away, I will find an opportunity to love again, someday, but when swans love we are slow to turn our hearts in another direction.”
“I will be happy to join you,” the sister said, “but what will become of my little cat?”
“We live on the lake,” the swan-woman said, “but when it is freezing cold or the rains are fierce, we have a hut we fly to, and a fire we keep. Your cat can live there, and come out to the lake with us when we are swans, and you can catch fish for her with your beak.”
“Then I will do it. How do I use this?”
The swan-woman showed the sister how to put on the cloak… and kissed her quickly as she did, while they both still had lips and not beaks. And then they were both swans, and they spiraled up into the air, joined quickly by five more swans, who’d successfully driven most of the humans from the town square.
The little cat lived in the hut with the swan-women, hunting outdoors as she pleased. She attempted to fish in the lake, but after falling in twice and needing to be rescued by her swan friend, she was content to sit on the bank and watch the water. She had many more litters of kittens, and all grew to be as fierce in the hunt and as loving in their friendships as she was.
The town was gripped by the fear of witches for a while, and so many cats were forced to hide out in the wilderness. The queen tortoiseshell was forced to yield her territory, with so many other cats moving into it. Eventually, though, the fever passed, and cats could live with their favorite humans in safety again.
The brother was never again able to fish. When he would go out on his boat, seven swans would attack him, and he had no luck in fighting them off even when he used his pole for a weapon. All of his secret stash of funds and hidden objects disappeared the night his sister became a swan, so he had nothing left to fall back on. He eventually ended his days as a drunken beggar, living in the streets of the town, holding out his cup to anyone who would drop a coin in it. In the meantime, the swans’ hut was well-furnished, with a soft quilt and beautiful decorations, and when they flew to a town to become humans and spend some time eating, drinking and shopping as humans, the swan-women had plenty of money to buy what they wished.
Humans cannot tell the difference between pens and cobs at a distance, and Slow Paddle was larger than her new love, her ex-husband’s sister, so humans pointed the two of them out for years as an example of the true love of swans, without ever realizing they were both pens. They didn’t care. Swans have no concern with what humans think of who they love. They never raised a clutch of cygnets of their own together, but they were loving and caring aunts to the cygnets the other swan-women and their cob husbands had.
And so the cat and the swans lived, as close to happily ever after as anyone, swan, human, or cat, can ever achieve.
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btsslowburnfic · 4 years
BTS Meeting your pets (Hyung line)
Happy Fluffy Friday! I wanted to do all members (and will) but my job had other plans for me today and this evening. Ask box is open ^_^ Enjoy 
BTS reacts: Meeting your Pet(s) Hyung line
Jin:  You and Jin had been dating for almost a year when you asked him to come over to your house since you still lived with your parents. You had been pretty lowkey with them about what your boyfriend did for a living because you didn’t want them to make a big deal about it and you had been putting it off as well because your mom freaked out when she saw a picture of how handsome he was and started shouting about how beautiful her grandchildren were going to be. Yeah. So you hadn’t exactly been in a hurry to bring Jin over.But he had asked and so now the two of you were walking into your parent’s apartment complex.
“Stop being so nervous Jagiya, I’m sure everything will go great,” he gently rubbed your back.
“I have already warned you. My mom is crazy. My dad is fine. And Pete is a loud pervert.”
“Excuse me?” He raised his eyebrows at you.
You took a deep breath. “You’ll see.” 
Jin was suddenly the nervous one. The two of you entered your parent’s house. “Mom, Dad, we’re here!” you yell as you enter the family foyer. 
“Hello!!!” you hear your mom yell as she comes over to greet the two of you. “Oh my goodness, you are even more handsome in person!” She says as she fawns over Jin.
His face turns red, “Oh thank you. Here, we brought you these,” he hands over a box of cookies the two of you had made earlier.
“Thank you so much, come on in.” Your mother takes the baked goods and leads the way into the living room.
“Where’s dad?” you ask as you see him coming out of their bedroom.
Your dad gives you an awkward thumbs up, “you must be SeokJin.” your dad bows.
“Just Jin is fine,” he shakes his hand.
“Thank you for taking such good care of my daughter.”
“Of course. Of course. Thank you for having me over.” 
“KISS THOSE LIPS” a loud voice peels through the air. Your eyes go wide as you stare at your dad.
The four of you awkwardly stand in silence for a moment and then Jin starts to awkwardly laugh, resulting in a mocking laugh sound coming from the bedroom. “KEKEKEKEKEKE”
“Daaaaaadddddd…..” you moan.
It’s your dad’s turn to blush. “I apologize. Petey is our parrot. I moved his cage this afternoon but you know. He’s just loud.” your dad runs his hand through his hair and gestures apologetically.
“I uh…” Your dad tries again to apologize for the parrot.
At this point you and Jin are cackling with laughter and your poor Dad is heading back to the bedroom to see the bird.
Your mom rolls her eyes. “He and his work friends used to think it was funny to teach him to say all sorts of things. Of course that was decades go before we had [y/n] here. These parrots do live a long time. I apologize.” She sighs and goes to the kitchen.
“Is this why you didn’t want me to come over?” Jin dries his eyes, crying from laughter.
“Yessss…” you admit. 
“I think talking birds are really interesting. Bring that bird out here. I’ll show him these lips.” he jokes as he kisses your forehead. 
Suga/Yoongi: “No. No pets.” Yoongi puts his foot down. Or at least tries to. It’s very hard with you snuggling the adorable fluffy kittens that have been dumped behind your apartment. You and your husband had just returned from walking to the convenience store when you heard the tiniest mewing from the dumpsters. Of course you just had to investigate.
“But these babies don’t have a home. They are literally homeless living in the streets.” you say, feeling the tears well up in our eyes. “If we don’t take them they could die.”
“It’s a busy street, I’m sure someone else will come along and take them,” he tries to get you to quickly move along but now you are holding the little gray and white one.  
“It IS a busy street. They could get hit by a car. Please? I won’t be able to sleep knowing that they’re out here. Please?” you pout, while holding the little kitten to your chest. 
“Aish. We’re never home, we can’t take care of pets,” he refuses to pick up the little black kitten pawing at his shoe laces.
“You’re never home!” you counter, “ I’m home all the time. I work from home, remember? And my sister or parents can watch them when we both travel. Pleeeeeeeeeeaaaaaassssseeeee.”
Yoongi walks over and strokes your face. “Is this really that big of a deal to you?”
 “ Yes. Please. Just for tonight and then we can take them to a shelter or something tomorrow.” You wrangle the other kitten and look at him, pleading.
“Aish. Fine. Fine. But tomorrow, straight to the shelter.” he sighs as he starts to walk towards the apartment building.
“Hey!” you yell as  one of the kittens tries to get out of your grip. Yoongi walks over and takes it, the little black one and snuggles it to his chest.
“Hey. Don’t be so rude to her. She’s the reason you’re getting off the streets, yeah?” He pets the kitten’s head.
You lock the kittens in the bathroom with some water while the two of you go to buy a litter box and some cat food and you are amazed at the amount of time and thought that he is putting into buying these purchases for your 12 hour pets. When you meet back up at the checkout counter he has toys, a bed, and treats in the cart in addition to the food and litter you came here to buy. You eye him suspiciously. 
“What?” he says, noticing your stare.
“It uh, just seems like a lot for two little babies who we will be abandoning tomorrow is all.”
“Uh-huh,” he cocks his head to the side and flicks his tongue. “Well, I had a little talk with Belbes on the way up to the apartment and we decided on a trial run.”
“Belbes? You named one of them?” You say incredulously as you wait in line to pay.
“Yes, he’s the black one. You can name the other one.” he turns around and you just smile and shake your head.
---------- 2 years later Yoongi still liked to tease that Belbes and Gongdan were on a trial run whenever they would knock over water glasses or scratch on the doorframes, but the four of you all knew they weren’t going anywhere. 
JHope/Hobi: It wasn’t your fault that Hobi hadn’t asked you about pets on the first or second or twentieth date. Or that the two of you didn’t discuss things that each of you were afraid of until today. He had wanted to go to the Gondola ride up the mountain and you had refused. You were terrified of heights. You were fine with hiking up the mountain and back down. In fact you would rather walk the 8 kilometers than every set foot in one of those cable cars. But you felt bad because he had planned this date. “I just hate heights. I know statistically it’s safe and that driving is much more dangerous but it just scares me.” you say, hugging yourself with your arms and feeling awful for ruining things. 
“No baby it’s fine, I didn’t know.” he wraps his arms around you, hugging you close to his body “I wouldn’t make you do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable. Let me change shoes and we can walk up the mountain instead. “Ok?” You nod our head as the two of you walk back to the car. “I totally understand. I hate snakes. Am terrified of them and they brought one out for the show and I had to sit there. It was awful and I wanted to cry but I didn’t because we were filming. But I went home and scrubbed my body and threw those clothes away.” 
His story is meant to be comforting, but it is not at all to you because now all you can envision is him breaking up with you because you have a pet snake. You feel like there is ice in your veins and you stand there for a minute trying to think of how to proceed. 
“Wow. that’s awful that they did that.” you respond.
“Yeah, I think they thought I was a little afraid so it would be funny but it wasn’t. Oh well. Now I never have to see or touch a snake again so it’s all good.” he smiles at you as he stands up from changing shoes. “What’s wrong?”
You blink a few times. “Uhhh…”
“I told you, don’t worry about the Gondola. I’m just happy to spend time with you, ok?” he takes your hand and walks the two of you over to the trail.
You spend the whole hike agonizing about what to do. You’ve had your snake for 3 years. You can’t just abandon him. Maybe the two of you can just never go to your apartment. But then snake would be lonely. Maybe he could go live with your brother? His kids might like a snake. No. They might hurt the snake. You sigh. 
“[Y/N]? I feel like you’re somewhere else. If you don’t want to be here we can go do something else,” he says looking at you concerned.
“No. It’s not that. I would feel this way right now no matter where I am. I uh...I guess I have something to tell you. And if you want to break up with me because of it, then I understand completely. I really do.” you breath out, twilling the tears to not fall.
“Oh god. What? What happened?” he says, his mind immediately going to the worst. You cheated on him, you were tired of him always being away on work, you didn’t love him anymore. He felt like the air was leaving his lungs and he sat down on a rock.
You are trying to not cry as you prepare to get dumped and work on forming the words, “I..have...a….pet….snake.” you sob.
To your shock and slight annoyance he starts laughing.  “Why are you laughing at me?!” you cry, wiping snot on your shirt like a little kid.
“I thought you were breaking up with me.” he smiles at you and stands up.
“Well I can’t get rid of my pet so I’m pretty sure you’re going to break up with me.” your body shakes with each sob. “Go on. Get it over with.” 
He takes your hands in his, “It’s 1 snake? Right? And it lives in a terrarium right?”
You nod your head.”And Noodle is a good snake. He can’t even bite. He just wants to hang out on his rock in the sunshine.”
“His name is Noodle?” Hobi asks, trying to get you to stop crying.
“Yessss” you are still crying.
“Well how about I go and meet Noodle right now. Will that make you feel better? As long as he stays in the cage when I’m there it will be ok.”
“Are you sure?” you ask, your eyes starting to dry.
“Yes, I love you more than I’m afraid of a small snake.”
You smile, “What about more than a big snake?” you tease.
“Don’t push your luck,” he kisses you.
Rm/Namjoon: It was an overcast day in Seoul and Namjoon had decided to come read at the park. It was mostly not busy since it was the middle of the day and he found his favorite bench, under a tree. Things were going quite nice and normal until he suddenly felt something hit his book. He lowered the book from his field of vision and found himself facing a large yellow dog, holding a Neon green Frisbee. “Oh. Hey there is this yours?” he asks the dog, taking the Frisbee from its mouth. He then notices the dog is dragging a leash behind him. “Huh. I feel like you’re not supposed to be here.” He marks the page and closes the book, sticking it in his satchel. “Let’s see,” he grabs the dog’s lead and searches the collar for a tag. “Halabeoji. Grandpa??? Who names their dog that?” he sees a number on the back of the collar. [Y/N] [Y##] he texts the number.
[NJ]: Hello. I found your dog. I’m at a bench south of the hill in the park.
He pets the dog while he stares at his phone and waits.
[Y/N]: Oh thank you thank you I will be right there!!!!
He doesn’t have to wait long as he hears a voice frantically yelling out “HALABEOJI!?! Where are you!?!?” 
“Hey!” he yells and waves.
“Oh thank God” you mutter, ”Thank You!!!!”  you yell as you jog over to your dog and to the man holding your pet’s leash. “Thank you so much. I am so sorry. He’s never done this before. Some kids threw a frisbee and he lost his mind.” You are now standing in front of Namjoon who is still holding the leash.
“It’s no trouble. He just got here.” he hands the leash over to you and you crouch down next to your dog’s face, “You are so bad. Such a naughty dog. It’s a good thing I love you” You say these words with the sweetest voice ever while rubbing your dog’s ears.  You stand up. 
“Thank you so much for grabbing him, I don’t know what I would have done if he wasn’t on the other side of this hill. We usually don’t come to this park.”
“Yeah, the kids hang out on that side of the hill because it’s where the playground and basketball courts are. This is the good side of the park. It’s nice and quiet over here.” he smiles as he sits back down on the bench.
“Good to know.” you reply as Halabeoji walks up and nudges Namjoon’s legs asking for pets. “Sorry,” you start to call him back towards you.
“No it’s fine. I love dogs. My dog lives with my parents because I travel too much but I do really like them.” he pets your dog who has now progressed into asking for belly rubs. He moves fast.
“Oh cool. What kind of dog do you have?” You walk over and have a seat on the bench next to him.
He takes out his phone and shows a picture of his white fluffy dog. 
“So cute! So fluffy!!!!!” You squeal.
“Yeah he’s pretty awesome.” Namjoon smiles. 
You look at your watch. “Ughhh. I have to go, we just came here on my lunch break and have a zoom meeting in half an hour. You totally saved my day. Thanks so much!” You stand up and wrap the leash around your hand.  
“It’s no trouble.” he responds. He pauses for a few seconds and then adds “Ummm...I’ll be here again tomorrow if you want to tell me why your dog is named grandpa.” he flashes his trademark dimples at you.
You laugh, “Ok, it’s a deal. I’ll see you tomorrow.” you smile and start walking back to your home office; did your dog just get you a date? 
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peachyunjinnie · 4 years
❝homecoming❞ hyj ― m.
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― summary:
hyunjin was gone for the unveil tour and finally comes to your apartment, a day earlier than you expected. he finds you trying on some of the new lingerie you have gotten from your sister.
idol!hyunjin/girlfriend!reader | smut | 1.4k ↬ content warnings: dom!hyunjin, daddy kink, riding, unprotected sex.
a/n: another request from anon, i hope you enjoy it! <3
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“I don’t know about this, maybe this is too much?” I asked my sister not so sure about this surprise she said would be a good idea,
“Come on, he will love this a lot.” Our look on the mirror in front, reflecting this more than revealing lingerie set she has bought me for a little ‘surprise’ for Hyunjin once he comes home.  
“Thank you a lot for giving me this but I don’t know if this will be good...” I let my head hang down as she was smiling at me and had a reassuring look in her eyes.
“You look absolutely beautiful and I mean, if Hyunjin won’t be all over you then I don’t know what will.” She gave me a small hug. I don’t think I can say anything against that statement.
“Okay, I will get out of here before it gets too late.” She said while she was packing her stuff into her big bag, all of the products she had used on me that made me look like a model. She needed someone to test her makeup and her hair skills on and who could be a better victim than her sister.
“Thank you again, I look a little less depressed now.” I joked with her. She gave me another big hug before she has gotten out of the door and drove off.
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In front of the mirror I admired the talent she had. My hair that she gave beachy waves, the makeup that she has painted on my face. It was mind blowing how she could create this on my face. The lingerie she ordered for me, to prevent me from going completely crazy, missing Hyunjin more than ever.
I just stood there with a hand on my face just admiring her work. I touched the white lace on my skin, the bra of the set complementing the curves of my breasts and the string only covering the most important parts that should be teasingly hidden with the cloth.
I jumped as I heard my phone ring on my bed, giving off a loud sound. This one ringtone I had decided to choose for Hyunjin rumbled across the room, giving me chills and shivers. I quickly jumped up and ran to the bed. My heart beating rapidly.
“Hyunjin?!” I said.
“Hi baby, how are you?” He asked with a deeper voice.
“I am good, I miss you.” My pout could be heard through the phone.
“You miss me?” He asked with an audible smirk.
“Yes, you will come tomorrow. Right?” My voice changed tune while I terribly tried to hide my desperation and cravings for Hyunjin. I needed him more than ever, now that I was able to clearly hear his voice gave me a rush of excitement.
“No...I’m sorry. I had some changes in the schedule, Kitten.” The rush of excitement quickly turned into a dull feeling of disappointment. He promised me that tomorrow they would be done.
“Ah...No, it’s okay! It’s fine..” I was trying hard to not sound as sad as I actually was. A sad smile on my lips and liquid in my eyes.
“It’s not fine, I really am so sorry.” He said and sounded as sad as I was or maybe even more depressed. Silence filled the room after he suddenly ended the call, maybe he had some tour stuff to do or maybe Chan said it’s time to go to bed. Insomniacs telling each other to go to sleep, funny.
As I was sitting on the bed, the lingerie was starting to feel like a burden and I was on my way to take everything off but got stopped by a door creaking open and a figure stepping inside. The one and only Hwang Hyunjin stepped in, with his smile beaming me away to cloud nine.
“Woah, you look...” He said and looked up and down my body. My hair, in waves and falling down my back. My makeup that was in a smokey look, helping to give a good contrast on the white lingerie. The exposed and soft skin that was showing the perfectly natural curves. Plus my position that I was sitting in right now, gave him a complete view on my body.
“Hyunjin!!” I jumped up and ran to him to give him the biggest hug on this earth. Throwing my arms around his neck and pushing him down to my height. His very cold hands on my bare and open back, giving my skin a decoration of goosebumps.
“Did someone miss me? Little princess.” His whisper right next to my ear, deep and soft at the same time. I couldn’t believe that I got what I craved for days and weeks.
“I missed you so much!...” I broke the hug to look at him. As we were getting a deep glare from the other , we have gotten closer and closer. Noses touching, eyes closing and lips craving for the softness and the pressure against them.
Finally, this ‘innocent’ kiss started to get intense and deep. His low and deep groans ringing in my ears. He pushed my ass with his hand to jump and hug his waist with my legs. He walked to the bed and sat down with me on his lap. Me sitting on top of him and straddling him with my slightly covered core, pushing against his obvious bulge. His groans telling me to continue my actions and his hard and rough grip on my waist guiding me.
“Needy, are we?” He asked against my lips and smiled into the kiss. I groaned in response to his question, earning a smirk from him. I stood up from his grip and opened his belt. He looked down at my small hands doing their job so effortlessly. A rock-hard Hyunjin bounced up, with his tip directly pointing at my lips. I wanted to put him in my mouth but got stopped by an eager Hyunjin. He grabbed my hand and stopped me from touching his dick at all, leaving me confused. I looked at his shining eyes and the darkness reflected his feelings and his lustful and dirty imagination. 
“Ride me.” He whispered and I smirked at his demand. The dominant voice of his getting my panties to get damp. I climed on top of him and straddled him again, getting on his lap and trying my very hardest to get myself ready for his big and needy size.
He ripped off the brand new panties and pushed me down his dick. My mouth opening wide and letting out a loud and high squeak, being filled up so sweetly. His face lighting up at my painful expression.
“A-Ah-Fuck I- H-Hyun-Hyunjin Yo-You’re so big!-“ I let every single sound out and twitched hardly. My hands on his chest, trying to get away from him a little. Trying to espace this fulfillment. He started to guide me through and helped me to roll my hips. I couldn’t move properly, my head being up with the stars.
He thrusted upwards to my dripping core, drenching his loneliness in this lustful movement. He moaned out loud as he slapped my ass, leaving a big and red handprint on my throbbing cheek. I slapped my hand over my mouth and tried to not be too noisy. My heart beating out of my chest from his tip hitting the best spots possible.
“Don’t cover your mouth, I want to hear you.” Hyunjin groaned in my ear. Softly and deeply. I couldn't stand being so full of him anymore. He grabbed my hip and led me to ride him. My body full of spots and bruises, this world tour had made him extremely needy. He slapped my ass and grabbed my neck with his big hands.
“Who’s your daddy?” He asked with his voice still ringing in my ears. 
“You, H-Hyunjin-” I said with every single thrust he has made underneath me. His hands on my hips and pushing me down, filling me up completely.
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Weeping Statue | Feeding Habits Update #6 & let’s chat about quitting writing
Hello! Are we back for another Feeding Habits update (finally)?? Let’s chat chapter 7, Weeping Statue.
Just a reminder: This is my original work and plagiarism of any form will not be tolerated.
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Can we talk about struggle? Because this chapter was IT. I believe I started it in late July and finished it earlier this month. I’ve taken my time with chapters before, but this was next level--the amounts of changes I went through in one chapter was astronomical, and reminded me of drafting chapter three earlier in the summer. I went through so many stages writing this chapter: from enjoying it, to feeling no joy from writing at all, to nearly quitting this book altogether!
Scene A:
Harrison and his mother Suzanna simultaneously avoid each other over breakfast after he failed to return home the night previous
She lowkey calls him out (calling out his denial of missing Lonan)
Scene B:
Harrison goes to a farmhouse owned by Theodore Harvey, a friend of his mother’s, to drop off the rescued litter of kittens from chapter 6. He realizes he is missing one kitten and concludes Reeve has stolen one after dinner the night previous.
Scene C:
Harvey invites Harrison inside for coffee where he admits his coffee machine is broken.
Harrison fixes the coffee machine, and is hired by Harvey to flip the rest of the farmhouse as he and his wife are moving.
Scene D:
On his way home, Harrison stops at a gas station where he buys a bouquet of tulips for his mother, a dog collar for the puppy he found in the kitten litter, a pack of gum, pastries, and sunscreen before heading to a beach.
At the onset of a lightning storm, Harrison swims in the ocean and has an epiphany--he decides to accept his miserable life (a development!)
Scene E:
After the beach ordeal, Harrison returns to his apartment ready to accept the plainness of his daily life when an old ghost from his past (his! ex!) Lonan appears to be having dinner with Suzanna
This chapter brought so many things. A) many... breakdowns lol (I cried a lot!), B) many false epiphanies that wound me back into ruts, C) a desire to quit this series that was just as terrifying as it sounds and D) an ideology I never would’ve gotten on my own. Just have to thank my sister Sarah for telling me a few weeks ago after I insisted that I knew what needed to logically happen but couldn’t write it no matter how hard I tried. She said: “It’s not about what works, it’s about what you want” << literally changed my philosophy on writing, even as someone who tries their best to advocate for care and enjoyment in writing. Not sure if it’s because of the timing when she said this, but I’d probably never had made it out of the rut without having this said to me.
I was *not* planning at all to have my boys reunite so soon in the book. Technically, it is not very soon and we are almost done the book, but for some reason, I really didn’t think it would work so early because I felt Harrison’s POV was so undeveloped already (I still think it is). HOWEVER, the fact of the matter is: it was not working at all. I knew exactly what I needed to do to get to point A to Z but the thing about writing is, it is not formulaic! I tried to make fit what I thought worked, but as time progressed and I immensely struggled, less and less did I want what worked. Writing was miserable and that’s not what I want writing to be for me. So I took Sarah’s advice, and I did what would make me happy, and that was, and has always been, seeing my boys interact.
Now that I’ve finished this chapter, I’m not sure if I made the right decision! I have yet to write the boys interacting so I don’t know if it will work, but what I liked about this method is that it freed me from this constriction I’d written myself into and opened a new avenue to do something that DOESN’T “work” for the story but that does work for me. To me, this project, this series, is more important to me than making something “work”. Sustaining my health and happiness (which were declining on the path I was on) is critical for me and my writing journey.
EDIT: by the time I’m editing this post, I have written the boys interacting and haha yep this was the right decision! Was doubting myself for a sec, added in a lil robbery, and now it’s all good (oops)
I don’t have too many for you because this chapter does need an edit to “set” it in place (right now it feels like liquid Jello that has been in the fridge but is yet to set up). I know it needs one more scene but I cannot :) write :) what :) it :) needs :) no matter how hard I have tried, and so I am giving that section of the story a break instead of over-kneading it and toughening up the dough unnecessarily.
Here is part of the opening scene! There are things I don’t like about this but I am trying not to self-hate, so !!!
The next morning, Harrison gets up at dawn to drop the kittens off at the farm, and Suzanna makes coffee for one. This is unusual for both—Harrison rarely leaves the apartment, and Suzanna always makes coffee for two. In his room, Harrison combs his hair and twists his earring, its blue gem pearling in dribbles of sunlight. In the kitchen, Suzanna stirs coffee like it’s wronged her. Harrison dabs cologne onto his throat and blinks off his hangover. Suzanna flecks her spoon onto the tabletop so it leaves an egg of amber on the surface.
When he approaches the kitchen, Harrison pretends he does not see his mother and his mother pretends she does not see him. They move like this, repelled, one moving left, the other moving right, one opening the top cupboard, the other opening the bottom.
Harrison stops at a convenience store and buys a hodge-podge of things (also the beach scene which yes mirrors the last scene in Lonan’s POV hehe I indulge myself):
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He picks up the best bouquet of fuchsia tulips, a collar for the dog he left in his bedroom even though it’ll be weeks until she’s big enough to fit in it, a pack of spearmint gum he doesn’t need, a package of pastries, and a tube of sunscreen—SPF 30. He almost drops every item at least once on his way up to the register, and definitely drops them when his receipt is spitting from the machine and the store clerk says she likes his earring—is it vintage—and he nearly vomits in the parking lot, trained against the hood of the taxi—is it even his taxi—the plastic bag teetering from his wrist, rain coiling against his cheek, the air so humid, his clothes so heavy, it is no wonder the next place he ends up is the beach.
It is never smart to swim during a storm. If he thinks hard enough, his mother’s voice warns him to keep from the shore, stand behind the yellow line, stay safe, stay where you are, don’t run under a tree, and even more, don’t run into the water. He does everything wrong in an even worse order—dollops sunscreen into his palm before opening the pastry so his teeth freckles with zinc, chews the gum and the pastry at the same time so his tongue becomes a slime of crumbs, rests the tulips too close to the shoreline so they wilt under a wave, misplaces the dog collar in his own left hand, and dives into the water fully-clothed.
Harrison getting very angsty about Lonan’s future (which he’s predicted completely wrong haha):
He will die alone. Reeve will not think of him again and he will deserve that. Somewhere in the city with the missing kitten, drinking bottles of holy water because there is no drink more fitting for a woman so sacred. His mother will miss him only briefly, and then return to her daily life of no longer needing to clean up after him. Maybe she’ll find the tulips. Put them on display until they wither, then use their carcasses as fertilizer. Save electricity. Use the coffee machine less. Downsize to a smaller, cheaper, prettier apartment with arched walkways and stained-glass windows. Harvey will think he is a fluke who missed his first day of work and will never think of him again. The dog isn’t old enough to recognize him. Suzanna will give her the collar. And Lonan will continue his life in Las Vegas, tottering after Eliza, refilling her wine, getting neon at house parties, watching French silent films without captions because he’s probably learned another language, cut his hair, gotten a tattoo, learned how to cross-stitch, bought life insurance, a yacht, a coastal summer home, learned how to play the mandolin, perfected his lamb sous vide. He’s probably married. Him and Eliza family-planning. He’ll expand a future, and Harrison will do the opposite. There is something freeing in being unmissed.
Lightning snaps across the sky like a wishbone, sounds like the prick of tambourines from under the water. Everything turns violet—the clouds, his skin, the waves. Tomorrow will be a better day, as he sinks lower into the current, tomorrow will be a better day, as the light fades and dissolves into blackness, tomorrow will be a better day, as seaweed wraps his throat, as the freezing water impales his ribs, as he burrows under and simultaneously, rises up.
This next part comes right after!
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In the stomach of a tidal wave, the sky is so much bluer. An unrolling of cyan like fractals of a baked marble. There is so little to remember. No grocery lists, no fresh turmeric, no shift of portabella mushrooms. No outstanding to-dos—no kibble to by, no resume to update. Harrison folds in blue and lets it gorge his eardrums. He gives his body to that wide chasm of water and breaststrokes not into a second life, but a third.
Here is the last bit:
He buzzes back into the apartment at 3:00AM, tracking in saltwater and SPF, puff-pastry gummed to his palm, a dog collar wound around his ring finger, a sheath of tulips shedding into the elevator behind him.
He hits every floor button twice and is undisturbed when the elevator lurches and reopens in sixty-second intervals. A man rotating a jade cuff on his wrist gets on at the fourth stop and gets off at the sixth. A woman wearing a lynx cape gets on at the eighth stop, breaks up with two girlfriends, and gets off at the eleventh. Two children in coveralls tail in after she leaves and throw jacks at each other’s eyes until one of them bleeds, and by then, they are on the fifteenth floor and the children are leaving like they have not left behind accidental shell casings. On the sixteenth floor, a deer head chihuahua patters in with no owner and barks at the door chime the moment it releases and lets him out. A mother and daughter shell pistachios on the twentieth, a maintenance man introduces himself as David though his nametag says Maxwell on the twenty-second, a flock of teenage girls in whirl about a new way to blend oil pastel on the twenty-third. So it is no wonder by the twenty-fifth floor, Harrison misses his stop and becomes one of these people too—the man with zinc down his eyes like a weeping statue, juggling pastry and a dog collar and a seedy bouquet of tulips.
He tracks seawater in that hallway, parts of him scattering with the zinc, the petals, the crumbs. Like a way to get back home even though he hasn’t started at his destination, he moves through the labyrinth of halls, both starving and nauseated. Tomorrow he will rise at dawn and taxi to Brooklyn and hammer four nails into two pieces of plywood and repeat. He will feed his dog. Learn how to cook something that will impress his mother, something French that he can’t pronounce like brasillé or oeufs cocotte. Find liberation in the constrict of routine or at least pretend to. It will be good for him, the rising, the taxis, the hammers, the nails, the dog food, the cooking—it will all be good.
By the time he gets to their door, his fingers are oiled and dripping with sunscreen. Rising, taxis, hammers, nails, dog food, cooking. He nearly drops the house keys. Rising, taxis, hammers, nails, dog food, cooking. Tomorrow will be his arrival. Rising, taxis, hammers, nails, dog food, cooking. His beginning swelling as he turns the lock. Rising, taxis, hammers, nails, dog food, cooking. There is no other way out.
The apartment is dark when he tracks in. The scent of cinnamon steeping the air like Suzanna’s pulled a saucepan of papas off the stove. At first he doesn’t hear it, but he should, the voices leafing the kitchen like a flit of moths. He steps out of his shoes but never sets anything down, even after he passes the coffee table. Two plates ringing the centre, streaked with and caldeirada and bayleaf. A pitcher of lemonade sweating onto the glass. It is almost like he never left, like he and his mother shared dinner, sipped from each other’s cups, cleaned the tines of each other’s fishbones. And he almost believes it. He never went to the farm. The kittens are where he left them, just a few feet away, not in Brooklyn. He doesn’t have a job to tend to. He never fixed the coffee machine. He didn’t go to the convenience store. He is not slathered in sunscreen, not holding a dog collar or pastries or a bouquet of tulips. He never dove into the ocean like it was some port to asylum and didn’t emerge soaked and walking half-dead to his apartment because he never left. This reality is so easy to believe, he is unfazed by the voices and how they get louder when he reaches the kitchen, when one says “Were you shopping for the apocalypse?” and the other one chokes on its drink and apologizes for its rudeness and stares at him in daydream, those eyes like forget-me-nots, gas fires, seafoam, the wing of a starling, his drop earring.
Harrison is grateful he is soaking wet when he enters that kitchen and Suzanna and Lonan sit at the table sharing a box of petit fours. At least he has an excuse when he drops everything.
That’s it for this update! The tea starts HERE!
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heliosthegriffin · 4 years
Gamer AU
Author’s Note: I really badly want to write a gamer!Jaune Fanfic, but getting a system to work that makes sense to me has been a bitch to deal with, and no, I don’t want to use the system from the Gamer, it’s over used. So I’ve been making my own system from the ground up. Any the story’s nowhere near ready for day light. Also, the main focus would be on Jaune and his immediate family and that drama, so pretty OC heavy. It’d also start pretty early in his life around ten or so, he also isn’t very interested in being a hunter, just making sure his family is happy and alive.
Any-who: Here’s a scene clip from my head, that’ll be better fleshed out later.
Scene: The Waterfront Cafe
Jaune hurriedly walks back and forth through the cafe, makings sure the dozen or so customers were being well cared for, while he cooks their food.
It was only midday, but he had already make a decent profit, meaning he didn’t have to work into the evening and keep the cafe open. A couple more weeks and he might have enough to permanently hired a waiter; For now though, he was soloing his way through running his sisters-... his cafe.
He shook his head and focused on the positive today. Like how he was fifteen years old and a successful business owner, well several businesses... and other things that were definitively illegal. but like Roman says “Legal is for people who don’t want to get rich.”
The thought of his friend, even if Roman would never admit it, brought a genuine smile to his face. He hoped Roman his enforcer came to visit soon. They made for good conversation, and were good tippers, even if the other one got a little grabby. Still, Roman had yet to send him a time to keep the Waterfront open for him to visit, so he’d have to keep a look out for one of his runners.
Only Jaune Arc would think so casually about having a powerful crime boss as a friend and customer, and his stab-happy murder goblin enforcer.
Also only Jaune Arc would fail to notice despite his Perception well over 70 that his genuine smile cause all who saw it to melt and turn their legs into jelly.
“First time?” “What? What do you mean? And what the hell was that!?” A customer whisper yelled.
“The Jaune Arc Smile, it has an effect on people. Beside the divine cooking, it’s one of the reason people come here.”
“... That's insane.”
“Oh, definitely. But, is that going to stop you from coming back?”
“I said that this was insane, but I didn’t say I was stupid. I haven’t felt so content in years.”
The two customers drifted off into conversation.
Jaune still failing to notice, having a professional standard of not ease-dropping on his customers.
Of course with that being the case Jaune failed to notice the two loud-mouth women who walked in and sat down at a table like they owned the place.
Neither woman was particularly attractive, or in shape, in-fact the only interesting thing about either was the fact that they both had dyed grey hair with grey contacts. With the only thing differing about the two, was the taller one was fat, and the shorter one thin.
“So, I said “what are you part of the Alpha Male Huntsmen agenda? Cause if you don’t give me that purse for free I’m going to cry rape!” Then he gave it to me and ran his little ass back to home.” The taller one said
“Oh, you are such a bad bitch!.” Replys the shorter one. “Oh, don’t I know it, so why are we here?”
“Oh, you don’t know, the food here is killer! Or, so I heard.”
“Really? It just looks like a shitty little cafe, the only thing really note is the location.”
“Yeah, I saw it while looking on the Scroll. Also, the service is great, but the thing is... It’s only run by one guy! You know what that means?” Shortys says
““Free lunch!”“The a pair says together.
“When this glass of water get here!?”
“See, told you get the service was great!”
Jaune appears before the table, apron on, long golden hair in a ponytail and, notebook in hand. “Did some say service?
“Oh shit!”
“Fuck! Where did you come from?!” “Sorry Misses. I thought you two would like some service? I can give you more time if you’d like.”
The two get a full view of Jaunes features, reducing themselves into a blushing stuttering mess.
“There are you can scan the table for the menu if you like, or check the website, I’ll give you some more time.” Jaune says leaving with another pearly white smile.
Further burning out the pair’s brain cells.
A few minutes later.
“How, how can guy be so gorgeous? You said he was a guy right!?” The taller one says “Yeah, I did! All the reviews say he’s a guy!” Shortys says. “Like read this here, “The server is amazing, he always arrives on time, never pry's, but will always listen, what he cooks can only be called art and a world wonder, I am always happy to tip!”
The pair look at each other. “I thought it was reviewer bias.” “What ever, gorgeous or not, I’m getting a free meal today.” Say the fatter one.
The shorter one looks more hesitant. “I don’t know,, he looks so nice, it almost feels like a crime...”
“What do we care about crimes, when it’s the Alpha Male Huntsman Regime oppressing us!”
“... I’ll stick to paying, you do you though...” The shorter of the pair says, twirling her hair, heavily reconsidering keeping a different color.
“Whatever traitor, I’ll show you, and then you’ll see I’m right!”
“Suuure.” The shorter, and obviously smart one says disbelieving, ‘If he’s that pretty and nice, there’s no way that’s going to happen, cause either he’s way tough, or someones looking after him, otherwise this place would be out of business, with people trying to take advantage of him. ’
Half an hour later.
The larger one has several plates and cups empty before her, seemingly having everything on the menu, holding her bloated stomach in a state of ecstasy.
The shorter one only having finished a two plates, having had a club sandwich and muffin, along with the house brew, filling just the right amount of full and very content.
“Misses?” Jaune says “I hope you found everything to your liking.” His smile sweet like sugar, but warm like the spring breeze.
The shorter one blushes hard. “Uh, uh, yes” She finally squeaks out. “it was amazing...”
“’S alright, I guess” The fatter one says appearing disappointed and unimpressed.
Jaune seems a little hurt by the fatter one’s opinion, causing several other customers to look on murderously at the fat woman.
She is unfortunately oblivious to this.
Jaune lets go of the expression.” Well, my apologies miss, I’ll makes sure it’s better next time.”
‘It can get better!’ The fatty thinks.
The murderous glares grow sharper.
“I thought it was really good!” The shorter one says standing up, and then realizing how insanely tall and large Jaune is compared to her, and even her friend. His thighs being bigger than her torso, his pecs standing higher than she is and her friend. Yet he moved like the wind and with the grace of a dancer.
The large fatty snorts in disdainfully at her soon to be former friend.
“Now would you like to pay to together or separately?”
“I’m not pay-” The tall fatty begins. “Separately.” Only to be cut off by the shorter one. Who, glared at her, clearly unimpressed by her soon to be former friend.
Jaune nods and goes off to get their bills.
“The fuck was that! I was about to get us a free feel, bitch!”
“You were about to get us both kicked from the best cafe in the kingdom!”
“You, ungrateful cunt!”
“Whatever, I don’t need your approval,” She spots Jaune and walks over to take the bill, and tips him, before walking a way with an obvious skip in her step.
“Ma’am her is your bill-”
“I’m not paying.” “Come again?”
“I’m not paying you shit, you piece of garbage!” The woman says with a sneer.
Jaunes eyes narrow, he pulls up a chair and sits down staring her in the eyes.
“Why would that be ma’am, was there something not to your liking?” Jaune say his voice changing from airy, bubbly and sweet, to a deep, harsh, and cold tone. It was listening to a pop-star mixed with meowing of a kitten, and all the warmth of breezy, sunny  spring day, to a cold winter night in Mantle while listening to a murdering whisper death-core to you .
The fat grey-head shook with intense fear for all of three second before speaking again, but not without withdrawing her eyes from his own.
“I said before I’ll say it again bastard, I’m not paying you a cent, you Valiaen Huntsman supporting shitlord!”
“My father’s a huntsman, if you have a problem with them please, do keep them to yourself.”
“I’ll say whatever I want shitlord! And if you so much as touch me, I’ll scream you rape you rapist shithole!” The woman says, suddenly getting her confidence back, remembering that she’s the one with power in this situation, or so she thinks. “An if you try anything, beside letting me walk out of here without paying, I’ll make sure you never see your family again, or even better, make sure your whole Huntsman propaganda spewing familys face’s kicked from the kingdom! And guess what fuckup? I going to come back here tomorrow with my friends and your going to give us all a free-”
“Quiet.” A single word came from Jaune’s mouth, but from the way the woman closed her mouth it looked like he shut her mouth with his own two hands.
Jaune stopped holding back his overwhelming level of Personality and letting it Project forward, all 80 levels of it and his maxed out Intimidation.
The fat woman suddenly became aware of how close Jaune was to here, how big his hands are, how long and strong his arms are, he wouldn’t even need to get up to grab her neck across the table and his hands could cover her entire next with ease, it would take no effort for him to kill then and there, and that shook her.
From the corners of her eyes it was like she could she the other customer turnign way with, but not out of fear, but with intense glee! He could kill her then and there and they wouldn’t say a word, they might even help!
Jaune spoken and with it came a weight so heavy that it choked the words out of her.
“Listen here, I’m going to say this once and never again, after I finish telling you this, you will be like you never existed to me, is that clear?” Jaune said to her with a sinister, cold and happy smiles. It was like looking at an open grave with her name on it.
She nodded with all her force, and barely let out a ”Yes,” Feeling hyper-aware of Jaune and his body, easily seeing him choking her, hitting her and smashing her face in, taking a knife to her neck letting her bleed out, the phantom pain of a eye being gouged out, and near endless death Jaune could bring to her, all while listening to him.
“I was being humble earlier, but you don’t downplay my cooking, I”m the best chef without a degree in the kingdom, In a couple months I will be the best chef in the kingdom. I am the best cafe in this kingdom. I am no rapist, but even if I was why would waste my time going after, a fat, loose, stupid, boring, and painfully annoying creature as you, do you think my standard are low enough to be in the sewer, because that where I’d fine you, But, I could accept all of that abuse.” Jaune rapid-fired at her, “But,” His eyes looked at her like razors. “But, you tried to bring my family into this... And, NOBODY, AND, I MEAN NOBODY, BEING, OR, ENTITY! MESSES WITH MY FAMILY! IS THAT YELL YOU FUCKING MICROSCOPIC, WORTHLESS, VACUUM OF INTELLIGENCE, PARASITE!?” Jaune said to her calmly before yelling at her, his voice like a hurricane on steroids made of pure anger.
The woman shook before him, tearing falling freely, squeaking out in pure terror for her life. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry-” Jaune shook out another caverous roar. “BITCH! I did not ask for your worthless sorry ass to say SORRY! I ASKED IF YOU GOT IT?! WELL? DID YOU FUCKING GET IT?!”
“YES, SIR I GOT! I’M SO SORRY! PLEASE DON’T-“ The woman screamed in terror,
She ran, she ran like her life depended on it, a trail of piss following her,  ugly crying all the way home.
Jaune then turned to his customers. “I’m sorry, about that folks,” His voice once again melodic and beautiful. “But, I’m sure that will not happen for about a month or two.” “Don’t worry we didn’t see anything.” His regulars said, with smug grins and some outright laughing or recording to put on dustube.
“Well, since y’all didn’t see anything, I say free coffee and today pie on the house!”
Jaune then cleaned the table, and grabbed several glasses to refill, before returning the kitchen.
Returning to the two customers from earlier.
“What was that?”
“Oh that, don’t worry about that, it comes and goes, but we regulars call it free coffee and desert day.” “That’s insane... Who wouldn’t pay for this food?”
“You got a good head on you, kid.”
Jaune was in the kitchen cooking with one hand, and typing into his scroll behind his back with the other.
‘Junior, I got a favor to call in.’
‘The Malachite's saw everything.’
Jaune smirked evilly.
‘Good, tell them I’ll have their favorites ready when they get here... And something for you too.’
With Junior.
Junior: Happy crime boss noises.
The Next day.
The short grey hair girl arrived just as Jaune was opening.
“I am so sorry! About that I’d like to apologize for the idiots behavior.” “Oh it’s fine, I get customers like that from time to time. Now though I must say you look better without out those grey eyes. Brown suits you better.” The short hair-girl blushed heavily, having stopped using the color contacts.
“Thanks you...” “Now would like some breakfast?”
Authors note:Whew, that was exhausting, but I think it turned out ok.
By the way I came up for some names for the customers.
The first regulars name is Bronson
The new guy is Becker
The fat girl is Licorish
The shorter girl is Gracie
If your curioius why Jaune’s not in school and running a his sisters cafe, or where his sister is, that will all be touch on in the story.
Now here’s Jaunes Stats
Jaune Arc
15 and 1/4
Strength: 68 Speed: 72
- Toughness: 6 - Grace: 7
Wits: 53     Wisdom: 82
- Calculation: 5 - Mental Fortress: 8
Personality: 80 Perception: 75
- Attraction: 8  -Sensory : 7
- Anima:390 (This option is greyed out)
- Aura Level: 3900 (this option is greyed out)
Now these are still subject to change.
He’s maxed out: Cooking, Dancing, Intimation, CQC, MMA, Valerian Boxing, Valerian Fencing, Short blade, Cleaning, Stealth, Sprinting, Climbing, Voice Manipulation, Body Control, ????? That’s all I’m listing for now, but it will only grow.
Traits:???? Heheh, watch and wait.
That’s all for now fokes. Have a beautiful day.
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bi-robins-club · 4 years
jason had just settled onto his couch with a jane austen novel and his favourite peach iced tea when damian crept in through his window. he sighed internally and decided to simply ignore him. he had told damian to use the front door (nevermind the fact that jason rarely used the door) and more importantly? he was freaking comfortable. after a few minutes as jason flipped idly through the book, damian cleared his throat. jason sighed again, outwardly this time and reluctantly dragged his eyes up to his youngest brother. baby bat was shivering slightly from the rain outside and jason simply rasied an eyebrow as he sipped at his tea. scowling, dami stomped over to jasons bathroom to dry off. he rolled his eyes. how dramatic. damian was acting like he sentenced titus and alfred the cat to their deaths instead of how he was actually saving jason from deep cleaning his rain soaked carpet. (he was still going to deep clean the carpet the next time he tidied up but still)
when damian stalked back into the room, looking less like a wet, angry kitten and more like a dry, angry kitten, jason titled his head back and established eye contact.
"so what brings you over to my neck of the woods, demon spawn?"
instead of snapping back like jason expected, damian simply stood there looking extremely uncomfortable. he shuffled his feet, opened his mouth then closed it and sat next to jason on the couch he splurged way too much on.
"i don't know how to tell you this" dami began, hesitant "but i believe harper is experiencing thoughts of suicide"
jason jerked up, almost knocking over his tea (and what a damn waste that would be) before fixing damian with a look. he hadnt noticed anything different in roy lately but he knew more than anyone that depression acted strangely and was hard to pinpoint. his mind raced with thoughts of why roy might be suddenly suicidal, from a sudden relapse to not getting a happy meal toy included in his 3.99 box of clogged arteries. "why do you say that, damian?"
"i have been keeping an eye on his health since he became a close confidant to you and last night he said something worrying that i am still not able to parse the meaning of" jason smiled lightly at that, in damian speak he was basically declaring that he cared for roy- if for nothing else than for how happy he made jason. still he shook it off and asked what roy had said that was worrying dami.
"he was patrolling last night" jason knew that. roy had been picking up his patrols since jason had a nasty leg wound. it was the reason he wasn't out tonight. "and he was on the phone with an unknown person, though i am inclined to believe it was either Starfire or Canary" okay, still not surprising "and then he said that the only place he could die happy was between your thighs" oh hello blue screen. yes jasons mind was in the middle of rebooting but could you hurry it along? he almost missed what damian said next. "not only does he wish for death upon himself, he wishes for you to give it to him!"
"damian" jason managed, frantically trying to figure out a way to explain to his baby brother without including his sex life. "uhh its just an expression"
damians face brightened up slightly. "really? he does not wish to smother himself between your thighs?"
"yeah, its like...like just a way to say... mind your business? mmhmm" he struggled to get out, pulling an explanation out of his ass.
"you have told father to mind his business a thousand times but i dont recal you ever using that one. is it new?"
oh god. jason would rather die again than continue this conversation.
"uhh its only used if you're close to someone" jason didnt know what he didnt wrong but dami's eyes widened in clear worry. "i thought you and father were reconnecting? has something happened? are you fighting again?"
well shit. jason had not thought this one through. fuck roy and fuck his mile wide kink that centered around jasons thighs. he was going to kill him. and he wouldnt even use his thighs. "oh nonono dami we're fine, just not as close as me and roy" he hedged, pleading to gods he didnt believe in to stop this conversation with whatever means necessary. strike him dead if need be but *please*. damians eyes narrowed "and exactly how close are you with harper, jason?" jason stared in disbelief. how had his nice relaxing evening turned into such a shitshow? damian was fine with roy when he and jason were just friends but now that he was (correctly) assuming a relationship, his over protective instincts were kicking in? christ. he remembered how when dick and babs finally started dating (again), damian seemingly lost all respect for her and called her an evil harlot more than once.
thankfully he was saved by answering in the form of the best person jason had ever met aka duke thomas. he announced his presence by awkwardly coughing. jason met his dark eyes and mouthed 'help me' over damians head. duke smiled as if it was getting pulled out of him by torture but nodded.
"hey dames, dick wanted you to join him by the docks when you finished up here" damian scowled "cant you see i am clearly not finished yet"
"hah, well dick was facing up against scarecrow and i think he needed some back up but you know him"
"yes, he wont admit he needs help when he very clearly does" damian sighed "very well, ill go check on dick. you stay and question jason. " and with that damian clambered out the window and after he disappeared from sight, jason threw his head back to stare at his ceiling and groaned. duke laughed at him.
"hey daisy duke?" duke grumbled at the nickname and jason cracked a smile "how did you know i needed back up?" duke winced and ran a hand over his dreads. he made a face and jasons soul was slowly draining out of his body. "oh haha funny story" duke rocked back on his feet and faked laughed "damians com was still connected to the channel" jason froze.
"who was on the channel oh my god" duke smiled thinly and his hand paused on his head. "other than me? everyone." jason buried his head in his hands and let out a high pitched whine. duke consolingly rubbed his shoulder. this is why jason loved him. he hadn't even laughed at jason like tim, dick or steph would or started plotting death like damian started to. he and cass would just offer support. jasons favorite brother and sister right here folks. duke sat down beside him
"listen. i know what it's like to be outed when youre not ready and when i heard damian grilling you about roy, i thought i would help" jason turned and stared at his brother. duke was staring at his hands and avoiding eye contact. "i got caught with a boy when i was 15 in high school. its pretty shitty to be gay and poor in a homophobic neighbourhood but its worse to be gay, poor and black." jason knocked shoulders with him. "if you tell me the name of whatever asshat outed you, I'll shoot him for you." duke let out a waterly laugh. "they kept bullying me for being gay but if they even listened, they would have realised that im pan" he joked "its a completely different thing after all". jason snorted
"that was horrible"
duke winced "yeah, it was wasnt it. im bad at this" it was jasons turn to avoid eye contact now.
"talia once caught me with a league operative. a male operative. i was so paranoid for days until i caught shiva leaving her rooms. i got the courage to tell her i was bi and she just patted my cheek and asked how my training was going."
duke huffed out a laugh. "bruce gives you shit but i for one think your lesbians moms are cool"
jason laughed with him "just wait until you meet Ducra. shes a badass"
"ducra?" he questioned with a weird look. "how many moms do you actually have? i knew about diana and your assassin moms but thats a new name" jason burst into laughter at the expression on dukes face. "its not fair man. steph is the only other one with a mom and you have four! you need to share" jason choked on his laughter and shoved duke.
"first of all, its only *three*. ducra is like my badass abuela"
"dont you already have a badass grandma? have you forgotten about Ma Gunn? she threatened to shoot bruce in the dick last week!"
"yes well excuse you i need strong female role models in my life, fuck you" the two of them continued to joke around for a little while longer before jason caught a flash of black kelvar outside his window and sighed. duke followed his eyes and smiled before patting jasons shoulder and pushing off. "have fun with the one strong male role model in your life. im going to see if cass needs help" both of them knew that cass wouldn't need help but jason accepted the excuse for what it was. "me and steph are still coming over to study tomorrow. college is kicking my ass and i need you to explain this English assignment to me"
jason scoffed "im not writing your essay for you"
"eh worth a try. bye jace" duke gave a two fingered salute and slipped out the window. jason took the brief reprieve to sip his tea and mourned when he discovered the ice had melted and watered down the peach taste. for the third time that night, someone crept into his window. oh well. third times the charm right? jason wasn't going to acknowledge bruce until he said something himself. it was a repeat of damian. jasom read his book as it got increasingly uncomfortable.
"bruce" jason drawled, not lifting his eyes from his book. bruce grunted like the neanderthal he was and jason finally huffed out a heaving breath before marking his page and looking up. bruce looked supremely uncomfortable. actually his face looked exceedingly neutral but jason knew how to read bruce and that was the brow furrow of how do i deal with jason without fucking it up? jason was well famailairsed with that one.
"you know i love you" jasons own eyebrows rose. bruce only said 'i love you' like four times a year tops. and he usually never wasted it on jason. bruce deflated at whatever face jason must have made. goddamn it. this was why jason always fought with bruce with his helmet on, he couldnt control his facial expressions for shit. "no you dont know that." bruce smiled thinly and to jasons suprise, quickly crossed the room and knelt, placing his hands on jasons shoulders.
"even if you dont believe it, and its my own fault that you do and i hate that i ever caused you to even doubt my love for you, i swear that i do, jay lad" jason was completely frozen. he had expected bruce to yell at him for letting roy go unchecked on patrol last night and how irresponsible he was yada yada, not this declaration of feelings that he had no clue how to deal with. he couldnt remember the last time bruce called him that. it had to have been when he was still in those scaly green panties and pixie boots. and not the adult verison that jason picked up from a halloween store on a whim just to see roys eyes.
bruce sighed and drew jason into a hug. when bruces shoulder started getting wet, jason was horrified to realise he was crying. "i wanted you to know that i wouldnt love you any less for loving a man. but you have to know that i love you in the first place for that to happen" bruce said self deprecating.
"shut the fuck up" jason said sniffling and gripping his dads back. "i hate you"
bruce laughed softly at him before pressing a kiss to the side of jasons head. "i want you to know that i expect roy-and you- over at dinner on sunday. i need to meet the man that stole my babys heart" he murmured. jason laughed wetly "youve already met roy, you just want to con me into actually coming to family dinner"
bruce smiled "that was before i knew you two were dating. roy needs to know what hes getting into" jason leaned back enough to stare into bruces eyes and weakly punched him in the chest "dont threaten my boyfriend. he refused to look at me for two weeks after t was done with him" bruce sighed longingly "its times like this when i remember what caused me to love talia in the first place."
"bruce!" the aforementioned man laughed and hugged jason tightly before stepping back a few steps. "Sunday dinner. you and roy. 8 pm." on a whim jason reached out and snagged bruces hand. "hey" he started, swallowing "you wanna stay for a while? we could watch a movie or something" bruces eyes softened and he nodded. "let me change out of the suit."
and if roy had crept in after patrol only to see jason napping on his dads chest to a shitty action movie playing in the background and took several pictures, well that bruces fault for not waking up when roy stumbled it. (nevermind the fact that bruce had every single one of those pictures saved on his phone) (nevermind the fact that after roy put his phone away, he was greeted to the sight of batman glaring at him as he twisted a batarang around his fingers. it was sorta ruined by the fact that jasons curls was hiding the lower half of his face but roy was still adequately terrified)
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elsanna-shenanigans · 3 years
June Contest Submission #20: Rain On Me
Words: ca. 1,900 Setting: Modern AU Lemon: No CW: N/A
“Did you want to go to Pride this year?” Elsa asked her sister as they were cuddling on the couch.
“Are you sure? Aren’t there people you know there?” Anna questioned back.
“Yes, there is but I know you’ve been wanting to go for a while so I figured we should.”
Anna sat up and looked at Elsa. “Elsa, are you sure? I want to you to be absolutely one-hundred percent positive that you want to go and not just saying you want to go for me.”
Elsa answered while laughing “Yes Anna, I want to go to Pride with you this year.”
Anna got up from the couch so fast to celebrate, she almost tripped over their shared blanket. Once she was free of the blanket, Anna ran into her and Elsa’s room to get her laptop. When Anna returned, she went right to the Pride website and looked at everything that they would have going on at the event. Elsa was happy to see Anna happy about going. Since the sisters had become a couple, Anna had always wanted to go to Pride. Elsa was a little more reserved due to her co-workers working the event every year. This year though, Elsa didn’t want to be selfish and keep Anna away from the one event they both can feel safe at. So, she would just either confront her co-workers about being there to support Anna, or just avoid them completely. The latter seemed most likely of what Elsa would do. Elsa was lost in thought and didn’t even realize Anna was talking to her, rambling off the event time slots for everything. Elsa focused back in on what Anna was saying.
“…and it’s all outside too! So, yea it’s gonna be hot but we’ll just bring water so it’s fine.”
Elsa giggled at Anna’s actions.
“Am I going overboard? I’m going a bit overboard. I’m sorry, I’m just so excited.”
“Anna sweetie, there’s no need to be sorry. I find it cute you’re this excited for Pride.” Elsa kissed Anna’s cheek and put her head on Anna’s shoulder. “When is Pride by the way?”
“This weekend. So, in about a day.” Anna answered.
“Oh wow. That’s sooner than I realized. Do we need anything?”
“I don’t think so. I know it’s free to get in and it has just random entertainment times like the dj and drag show.”
“There’s a drag show?” Elsa asked confused.
“Yes there is! Hopefully they do a song or two that we know.”
“I’m sure they will.” Elsa nudged Anna playfully with her knee. “Right now, though, I’m going to get some sleep and we’ll talk about a game plan tomorrow, okay?”
“Sounds good to me.” Anna answered as she hugged and kissed Elsa goodnight.
The day had come. The day Anna had been waiting for a long while. The day that she and Elsa go to a Pride event as a couple. Not just sisters supporting the other one. But an actual couple that could kiss and hold hands. Elsa and her had spent the majority of the previous day making plans on what to do and what booths to go to first. They went to the face painting booth first and got matching lesbian flags on one cheek and rainbow flags on the other. Anna saw that Elsa was a little tense so she decided to go to a booth that she knew would calm Elsa down.
“Kris? Kristoff you here?” Anna asked as she dragged Elsa towards an ice cream booth.
“Anna what are we doing here? Kristoff is basically family! He’s going to tell everyone!”
“Calm down Elsa. He knows and he hasn’t told anyone. You know he wouldn’t do that to us.” Anna tried to ease Elsa’s mind.
“Anna’s right. I wouldn’t do that to you guys.” Kristoff stands up from getting the ice cream that fell on the floor. “I’ve known about you two since the start actually. Anna needed someone to confide in and I needed the same thing. We had each other and now we’re both out and proud!” Kristoff smiles. He then takes a scoop of mint chocolate chip ice cream and a scoop of rainbow sherbet ice cream and puts them into two bowls. He gives Anna the rainbow sherbet and Elsa the mint chocolate chip. “I’m glad you decided to come this year, Elsa. You two are good for each other.”
Elsa blushes but thanks Kristoff and her and Anna turn to go. Anna goes back to Kristoff and kisses his cheek. “Thank you.”
“Not a problem my lady.” Kristoff teases and watches as the sisters leave his booth.
“Thank you, Anna, that was lovely. I’m better now.” Elsa said as she hugged Anna from the side as they were walking.
“Only the best for you, my love. I knew that would calm you down a little bit. People are accepting of us. You just gotta give ‘em time babe.”
“I know I know.”
“ELSA LOOK THEY HAVE KITTENS!!!” Anna ran as fast as she could to the booth. Elsa was not far behind her because Anna with kittens was like a toddler with candy. She wanted every single one. Elsa finally caught up with Anna and had to catch her breath. Anna was already in love with all of the kittens. “Elsa look! This one is so cute! And that one! That one too!”
Elsa chuckled a little. “Baby you think they’re all cute.”
“Because they are! Look at this one, tell me you don’t think it’s cute.” Anna pointed to a kitten laying on its back while another kitten was laying across it on its stomach.
“Anna sweetie, we already have 2 cats remember? Olaf and Marshmallow?”
“I know but they’re so cute and I want them all.” Anna sulked and stared at all the kittens in the crates. Elsa wrapped an arm around Anna and led them to a bench. Elsa took hers and Anna’s ice cream and sat it down next to them on the bench. “I’m okay, I just have a big heart when it comes to animals.” Anna said as she hugged Elsa.
“I know babygirl I know.”
After a few moments, Anna lets go of Elsa and they pick up the now melted ice cream and finish eating them. Once they discard their trash, they hear a noise that Elsa was afraid to hear on this particular day. It was thunder. And the sky was getting dark fast. Elsa looked over at Anna and was surprised to see her smiling.
“Why are you smiling? It’s going to rain. We’re going to have to leave early.”
Anna shook her head. “Nope. No leaving Pride early. I knew the possibility of it raining and I wasn’t going to miss this.”
“Aren’t the people in the booths going to get their merchandise wet? Do people not care about getting wet from the rain?” Elsa was genuinely concerned for these people. People who put hard work into what they were selling/doing.
“Babe, it’s fine. They have a little time before the rain gets here to pack up and leave early if they like.”
Just then the rain started to pour. Hard. Both Anna and Elsa were soaked from head to toe by the time they got to the pavilion. People were screaming and running trying to stay dry but there was too much rain and it was falling too hard that everyone was soaked. Anna took off into the rain towards the booth with the kittens again. Elsa knew exactly what she was doing and ran after her to help. Once they got to the booth, they asked the people working if they needed help loading the kittens in the vehicle. They very much appreciated Elsa and Anna’s help loading the crates in the vehicle. Now that the kittens were all safe and somewhat dry, Anna and Elsa ran back towards the pavilion.
“Anna you so lucky I love you or else I would be angry with you right now.” Elsa said as she tried to dry her hair but was failing.
“Oh, don’t be like that Elsa, you had fun today. I know you did.” Anna fired back as she was wringing out her shirt.
“Fine. I did have fun. Except the part of getting rained on.”
“Fair enough.” Anna laughed.
A loud voice came over the intercom. “Thank you all for coming today! I’m sorry the rain decided that we were having too much fun! Stay as long as you like, we are not going anywhere! Happy Pride everyone!!” There were cheers after that and the music started back up again.
“I guess people are staying then.” Elsa stated. The dj started to play a song and Anna jumped up immediately.
“I love this song!!! Elsa come on dance with me!”
“In the rain? No thank you.”
“Oh, Elsa don’t be such a spoil sport” Kristoff said from behind her and pushed her into Anna’s arms.
Anna yelled a thanks at Kristoff and started to spin Elsa. Elsa was getting into it and was smiling, laughing and even signing the chorus. Then Anna brought Elsa in for a kiss. Elsa heard cheers from other people but at that point she didn’t care. Elsa was at Pride with her sister, best friend, and girlfriend all in one and she wouldn’t have it any other way. After the kiss both sisters went back under the pavilion. They were trying to dry off when a familiar voice was heard. Elsa froze. It was her co-workers. She definitely didn’t plan on running into them but now that there was limited space because of rain, Elsa didn’t know what to do.
“Elsa? Is that you?” One co-worker asked.
Elsa put on her bravest face and answered. “Hey Maddie, yes it’s me.” Anna had seen the whole thing from Elsa freezing up to the greeting and she was on protective mode. Elsa would tell her stories of Maddie and the others but one name definitely stood out and it was Maddie’s. Anna stepped in.
“Hi I’m Anna, nice to meet you.” Anna put on her fakest smile.
“Yes, I know who you are. Elsa speaks quite fondly of you.” Maddie smiled.
“Elsa that’s so sweet!” Anna smiled for real this time at Elsa.
“Well, I better be going. Gotta get my stuff and go. Nice to see you, Elsa. Nice to finally meet you, Anna. Oh, and Elsa, don’t ever be afraid to be yourself.”
“Well, that was terrifying and definitely didn’t almost give me a heart attack.” Anna let out a sigh.
“You?! I work with her!” Elsa yelled in a hushed tone.
“Yea but like, you know her. I don’t. I was being protective.”
“I know, and I love you.” Elsa kissed Anna’s cheek.
“Awe! I love you too!” Anna hugged Elsa tight.
“Can we go home?” Elsa asked. They both were soaked and in desperate need of a proper shower.
“Yea we can go home. They did cancel the drag show because of the rain so we can go.” Anna answered as she reached for Elsa’s hand and intertwined their fingers. “So, first Pride. Good or bad? Besides the rain because I know you’re a smartass.”
Elsa laughed. “Good. Great actually. I had a really nice time today.”
“I’m so happy to hear that!” Anna squealed. “I have all these plans for next year. Matching shirts, rainbow of course, and then we can do our hair and nails and make up. Oh my god I’m so excited!”
Elsa chuckled to herself and let Anna ramble on about the plans for next year. What have I got myself into?
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alexhogh7137 · 4 years
The Battle Between Love and Fire-
Ivar the Boneless × Reader
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four: The Final Warning
Word Count 4.5k
Warnings: some smut, slight angst, mentions of brutality, fluff in between
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When you locked eyes with the love of your life for the first time in weeks, you felt whole again. It was like a huge piece of you has been missing these past weeks and now that you are whole again, you feel the power rush through your veins. 
Daario "Wait..so this is your husband?" He looks at you, pointing to Ivar. 
Ivar "And is that a problem?" He says, walking closer to Daario. 
Daario "No, of course not-"
"Yes, Naharis..this is my husband, Ivar Lothbrok." Ivar looks at you, almost surprised that he did not hear Ivar the Boneless come from your mouth. But then again, he isn't surprised at all. He knows that you respect and love him more than anyone ever has. 
Daario "Lothbrok..Hvitserk's brother-"
Ivar "I am me, myself and I..this is who I am." He says with open arms. Daario, does not know what to say. So you take it upon yourself and walk up to your love and lean into him for warmth. 
"My love, can we go inside, it is getting cold?"
Ivar leans down and kisses your forehead softly, "Of course, my love. Come on, let's go." He takes one look at Daario before leading you into the palace. Hvitserk stays outside with Daario to make sure that the young girl stays away from you. 
Daario "How the hell did he get here?"
Hvitserk "What? Are you stupid?" Daario does not respond, "His horse!" He points at Ivar's horse and carriage. 
Daario "He said "thank gods..I made it" what does he mean by that?"
Hvitserk "Us vikings have these visions that we get pretty frequently. They foretell our futures. Whether it be near or far into the future, we can see it. Good and the bad."
Daario "So you are telling me that Ivar had a vision of the young girl, killing Y/n?" 
Ubbe "On the contrary," he says, coming up from behind his brother, "I had the vision."
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Daario "huh..and you are?"
Ubbe "Ubbe Lothbrok, and you are?"
Daario "Daario Naharis, the leader here."
Hvitserk snickers, "Barely a leader Naharis." He let his head fall but he did not let his smirk fade. 
Ubbe "I see. So you will be watching over this place when the queen is gone aye?"
Daario "That is right."
Ubbe "Mm, good. Then I am glad that I could come and meet you in person before Y/n returned home to us." He says as he gets into Daario's face, "I will say this once, if you do anything to cause destruction or chaos to this kingdom, I will make sure that you pay for ruining the kingdom that my sister is trying so hard to repair. And secondly, if you ever do anything to harm or cause my sister any ill will, I will make sure that whatever you did to her, I will do the same to you but you won't make it out alive, are we clear?" Daario simply nods, "Good." He sniffles and pats his brother on the shoulder before leaving the two men outside.
Daario looks at a smiling Hvitserk, "Are all of you this friendly?"
Hvitserk "Oh, poor Naharis.." he walks closer to him so that he can whisper in his ear, "you just met the nicest one out of all of us." He pats Daario on the back before leaving him outside with his thoughts. And those thoughts, well, let's just say that he is more scared tonight than he has been in his entire life. He takes a look around him and sees Wessex flooding with Viking warriors. He gulps and rushes inside the palace, locking his chamber door behind him.
When you were finally alone with Ivar, you practically collapsed in his arms. He did the same, you both just fell to the floor and held each other so hard that you could hear Ivar's armor start to bend. 
Ivar "Oh, my heart-"
"I have missed you so much." You look into his eyes and they were the bluest of blues. 
Ivar "I have missed you more-"
"I did not know that I was so weak without you until I saw you.." his eyes sparkled, "When I saw you, it was like my life source just fled back into my body!" You force a giggle to lighten up the conversation. "You are my everything Ivar, you know that..yes?"
Ivar "Yes, my love. How could I forget your love for me? Y/n, when you were gone, I was nothing but a crippled man sitting on his throne." Your smile fades, "I need you just as much as you need me, my sweet. We are nothing without each other..I think that time has proven that, no?"
"No, you are right Ivar. I should not have stayed here this long, I'm sor-"
Ivar "No no no, do not apologize for being in your own kingdom Y/n. This is your kingdom, your first home. I expected you to stay as long as you did. But I am just glad that I have you back in my arms."
"You are my home Ivar. I am home when I am in your arms." He holds back tears and kisses you over and over again. Once his lips are on your own, the spark in your soul reignited. When your lips part, he smiles and rubs small circles on your cheeks, making you blush from the affection. 
"I should say good night to my people, would you like to join me?"
Ivar "Of course, my queen." You both help each other up off of the floor and make your way down stairs, where you find Hvitserk and the rest of your people. You smile when your eyes lock to Hvitserk's, and once he had your attention, he silenced everyone. 
"Today was eventful to say the least. But tonight was a surprise! For one, I almost died..again." you let your head fall but for only a second, "But thankfully, I am still here because of the Gods and because of Daario." He smiles and nods, "Thank you for saving my life tonight." 
Daario "Always." He shouted just loud enough. Ivar did not like that, no. Nor does he like the way he stares at you from head to toe. That will be discussed tomorrow. 
"And another surprise happened on this night, my beloved husband and king of Kattegat, has arrived!" Your people started to clap, making Ivar smile and bow a tad. "With that being said, I will be leaving Wessex in two days time. I belong with my husband, where he goes, I go. He is my true home." He takes your hand in his own when he hears you say those words to your people. His heart practically explodes in his chest. Hvitserk too, smiles as he saw his brother smile be so genuine. 
"However, if any of you wish to speak to me, one on one, before I leave for Kattegat, please let me know. I will gladly talk to any of you. Good night everyone." They all shout their good night's and watch you and Ivar walk back to your chambers. Hvitserk walks up and makes his way to your chambers as well, waiting for his hug. 
Hvitserk "Can't go to bed without my hug." He says with his long arms out for you to wrap your arms around his waist. Ivar smiles as he takes off his armor and made his way to the bed.
"Love you so much Hvitserk, thank you for protecting me tonight. I swear, I say that everyday, for that I apologize."
Hvitserk chuckles, "Do you ever not apologize, kitten?"
"Mmm, habit I suppose." You say as you look up at him. 
Hvitserk kisses your head, "Bad habit to have love. I am glad that I am able to protect someone that I love. Now get some sleep, both of you."
Ivar "Good night, my brother."
Hvitserk "Good night."
"Sweet dreams." He smiles and walks out of the door and you shut it behind him. Ivar is in bed now, just waiting for you to be in his chest. He watches and admires your figure as you undress yourself. You know that he is watching because you can feel his eyes on your skin. 
"Like what you see, do you?" 
Ivar chuckles, "Like is not the word."
"Then what word would you use?"
Ivar thinks for a moment, "You are my weakness, my love. As soon as I see you, my desire for you is instant." You can feel your body temperature rise and the lust you crave is getting unbearable. 
"So you desire me right now, hmm?" You say as you climb in bed, inches away from his face. "Even though I am as big as a whale?" He does not laugh like you do, he just grabs your face and holds you in the palm of his hands. 
Ivar "You are carrying a beautiful human being in your core, Y/n. This is a miracle of life. A life that was expecting to not make it after all that you have gone through during this pregnancy. So do not call yourself a whale, you are the most beautiful woman that I have ever laid my eyes on...with child and without child. You are my wife, my queen, my every-" you crash your lips onto his before he could finish his sentence. He breathes in deeply with hunger, waiting for your lips to part so that his tongue can make its entrance. He gently rolls you onto your back so that he can be the dominant one. 
Ivar "Now let me show you, just how much I have missed my queen." You breathe heavily with the anticipation. You watch him lower his body down to your core and your eyes roll back at first contact. Your fingers intertwine with his unbraided hair as he devours you. Once you reach your climax, your energy is completely spent. Ivar knew that your climax hit you hard, maybe too hard. So once he rises from his position, he rushes to your side before your head hits the pillow. He held you close and watched you fall asleep in his arms. 
Ivar "Sleep well, my love. Tomorrow will be a good day." He whispers to you as he rubs your head, easing you into a soft and deep slumber.
The next morning, Ivar awoken with you in his arms. He does not know why, but when he awoke, he feared that you would not be there. He has realized that he has always had that fear ever since you were taken. But to his much relief, you are fast asleep in his arms. He kisses your skin, waking you in the kindest and most romantic way possible. 
"Mmm." You hum, half asleep. 
Ivar "Good morning, my sweetheart."
"It wasn't a dream after all.."
Ivar "It was real. I am here." Your eyes open then, looking at your handsome husband. 
"I am so glad." He reaches down to kiss your lips before crawling his way out of bed. "It is early, stay in bed."
Ivar "Mmm, no can do."
Ivar "I have some business to take care of."
"This is Wessex, Ivar. Not Kattegat."
Ivar "Oh I am aware.."
"Then what business?" Ivar looks at you and you knew instantly by his facial expressions. His face can tell you stories that words do not necessarily have to be said. "This early Ivar?"
Ivar "Earlier the better, my love."
Ivar "Hey," he struggles his way to you, "I am doing what any husband should do. I am sure that Hvitserk already had a talk to him, huh?"
"Of course he did...multiple times."
Ivar "My point has been made then. I will find you when I am done, I promise." 
"Love you." You say as you watch him walk towards the door.
Ivar "So much." He said, then closed the door. You sink your body back down into the mattress for a minute or two before forcing yourself to get out of the warmth. You decide to leave your hair down today, with very little braids. Your dress of choice is a no sleeve one with dragon scales on the breasts. It is a very beautiful one at that. But the last time you wore this dress, you were not with child, still you wear it. It is tight but it is durable. You look down at your belly and hold yourself and sway your legs from side to side, while humming a lullaby. You can't stop thinking about the day that you will get to welcome your's and Hvitserk's daughter into this world. How beautiful she will be and how strong of a woman that she will become. She will make you proud, you just know it. And one day, you will find her dragon eggs so that she can have her own magical creatures. You have to do that task for your daughter, she deserves this wonderful gift, the only gift that your father gave you that gave your life new meaning. Then, when she is old enough, you and Hvitserk will give them to her as a birthday gift. Just as your father did for you, but you will do it with love, not as a strategy. 
"You will live a long and happy life, my child. I promise." Just then, there was a knock on the door. "Come in!" You shouted. You watch the door open and a familiar figure appears in the doorway. 
Hvitserk "Good morn- oh my.." he says once he took in your appearance. 
"What is it?"
Hvitserk "Sorry I wasn't expecting you to be up this early..you just look so beautiful." You let your head fall to hide your blush. 
"Thank you, Hvit."
Hvitserk "Of course, Kitten. How did you sleep hmm?" He said whilst pulling you into his chest. 
"Very well, and you?"
Hvitserk "Probably not as good as you but it was not the worst sleep I've had."
"You did not sleep well?"
Hvitserk "Well not extremely well. I didn't have you in my arms for the first time in weeks, that's hard to readjust to." You nod because you understand completely. But instead of responding, you just look back down to your belly. Hvitserk gently grabs your growing belly and leans down to give it a bunch of kisses. You giggle at how much his scruffies tickle. 
Hvitserk "How is our little princess, hmm?"
"She is well. I was singing to her a moment a-" you pause when she kicks inside of you, taking your breath away from how strong the kick was. Hvitserk had his hand right where she kicked, and felt the brute force with his own hands. 
Hvitserk "Gods...are you alright?!"
"Uhm, fine. Just fine..wasn't expecting that is all."
Hvitserk "That was the biggest kick I have ever felt!"
"Me as well. She must be getting antsy..she must want out just as much as we do." He forces a chuckle and kisses where she kicked. 
Hvitserk "Hey little one," he whispers to her, "Don't kick momma so hard, aye? She is fragile-"
Hvitserk laughs, "okay, she is not fragile but she is special and you need to take it easy on her alright?" He pauses to kiss it again, "Everyone is excited to meet you, little one. Your mother and I especially. We love you so so much." He rests his head on you for a second, just in case she kicked again or to hear her heartbeat for a little while. Your eyelids get heavier as Hvitserk rests on you, and you hold his head on your belly. This is one of Hvitserk's favorite things to do, ever since you started growing, he would rest his head on you and awaits to hear the heart or wait for a kick. You remember his reaction when he felt the first kick. His eyes got big and his smile formed from ear to ear. Once it sunk in, he cried tears of joy, just as you did. 
Hvitserk "You here?"
"Mm, yes of course. Just adoring this moment, aren't you?"
Hvitserk "Every moment with you, I adore. But I must say, I am going to miss these moments with you when our little one is born."
"I will miss this too. But when she is here, we can hold her together, play with her, teach her together. Isn't that exciting?!"
Hvitserk "Very exciting, love-"
"My queen, what would you like for breakfast?" A maiden asked. 
"Oh sweet, it does not matter to me. Whatever you feel like cooking, I am sure that it will be delicious like always." She smiles and nods before leaving the room once again. 
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You sigh, catching Hvitserk's attention. 
Hvitserk "What is it?"
"Ivar..he is going to talk to Daario."
Hvitserk "Is that where he has gone?"
Hvitserk "Should we go find them, or wait it out?"
"If we hear screaming, we go towards the scream.." he smirks, "but until then, let's just go eat hmm?"
Hvitserk "Sounds good to me kit." You smile and lead the way to the dining hall.
Ivar asks your people to find Daario for him, to make it easier on himself. So while he waited, he was thinking of how he would talk to this man. Will he be kind, will he be harsh? We shall all find out together. 
"King Ivar.." he got up from his seat and started walking towards the maiden when he saw a man in the doorway, "Leader Daario is here."
Ivar "Uh huhh.." he says as he pauses right before him. 
Daario nods, "You wished to see me, Ivar?"
Ivar "Yes, please..would you join me?" He nods and walks where Ivar pointed. He waits for Ivar to stand in front of him to speak. 
Daario "So what is it that you wanted to speak about?"
Ivar chuckles, "My wife, of course!" He said in a high pitched voice to be dramatic. "You see, I have only been here since last night and I can already hear your thoughts, Naharis." Daario's mouth opens and he is stunned by what he is hearing. 'How can he know my thoughts' he asked himself. 
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Ivar "I am aware that my brother Hvitserk has already spoken to you, yes?"
Daario "Yes-" he clears his throat and tries again, "Yes. He has, on a few occasions."
Ivar "Mm. That is good, hmm?" Daario does not answer, "I suppose that my brother made it very clear that if you ever did any harm to her or this kingdom, well..you know you would not survive..don't you, Naharis?"
Daario gulps, "I bet that I would not-"
Ivar "Even if you ran, we would hunt you down until we found you in a ditch somewhere. Starving, dehydrated, clinging to life..but then that is when you would really suffer-"
Daario "I get it, Ivar. I have told your brother's that that is never my intent to harm y/n or this kingdom. I am simply here to guide, nothing else." Ivar's nose rises in a cocky way. 
Ivar "Hmm. But that is not completely true, is it?" He does not answer, "Everyone who can see, can see your fantasies about my wife."
Daario "I will admit to you, I have had thoughts but that was before my life got threatened every day.."
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Ivar "I see," he said with a smirk, "but you have to take things from our perspective, aye? Picture this Naharis, you are married to Y/n and she goes back to her home and leaves you to stay in your own kingdom, and she writes letters to you stating, your brother is very weary of the man that is supposed to lead her people. Lastly, your other brother tells you of his vision where you lose everything that you have ever loved. And once you get here, you see your wife but then you see the man behind her, staring her down like she is a fresh meal." He said with anger and hatred in his voice. Daario knows that he is not wrong. He has very strong feelings for you, to which he can never act upon because that would be a death wish. 
Daario sighs, "I see your point, and my sincere apologies." Ivar nods, "You know..you're not as evil as people think you are, Ivar."
Ivar snickers evily, "No, I'm much worse." He said and then started to walk towards him even closer. "If you find me kind, think twice Naharis. This is your warning from me, you have been warned by my brothers, so this was my own warning. My wife is a kind and gentle soul who is the most powerful queen that you will ever bare witness to. She is a mother of dragons, carrying my child. Shall I go on..?"
Daario "No-"
Ivar "Shh…" he puts his hand in the air for Daario to silence himself, "Someone is watching us." He turns around and find you coming into the room with Hvitserk and two guards close behind.
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"Hello, beloved. How has you two's talk been going?"
Ivar "Ahh my sweet, very well I think." You smile and then look at up at Daario who looks like he is about to projectile vomit.
Daario "Yes, very well, my queen."
"Good, that is good to hear. Now since my boys have talked to you, I figured that it would be my place to do the same-"
Daario "Are you serious-?!"
Hvitserk "Let your queen speak Naharis!" He shouted. 
"Look, I mean no ill will towards you. Men like you are all the same: eager for power, perverted in the eyes of women, and puts himself before others..but that last one is not quite true for you, Daario. You treat my people very well, and I appreciate that very much, I do. But I see your eyes linger from woman to woman in this kingdom, one being myself and for that, I cannot allow. Sadly, I cannot be two places at once so here is my warnings: if you ever harm anyone in this kingdom, whether that being violently or sexually, I will have you skinned alive. If you ever endanger my people, I will throw you in the darkest, most horrid kingdom to my knowledge. I may be kind to those I love, but if you cross me, I will make my father's legacy look like child's play." Ivar looks at his brother like 'Holy Shit!' making Hvitserk chuckle a bit. 
"Now I like you Daario, or else I would have not chosen you to lead my people when need be. But as a queen, I need to set rules and boundaries. You understand?"
Daario breathes out, "Yes, of course."
"Good. I hope that things have been cleared and the air can be lighter between all of us here. I only want happiness in my kingdom, no hatred."
Daario "No hard feelings, my queen. But can I speak now?"
"You can." Ivar tenses up and gets closer to you. 
Daario "I accept every word that you all have said to me. I cannot say that any of you are wrong." He forces a defensive laugh, "I can speak for any man or woman that you carry a beauty that is unique. When I first saw you, I have to admit, I had thoughts. But I promise you that that will never happen again. I care for you, my queen. You carry a special presence within you that is hard to find. And for that, I would never disobey you or cause you nor your people any harm whatsoever. You put your trust in me Y/n, I won't let you down."
"I believe you." Hvitserk calms down and lets his hand fall from his sword. 
Ivar "I do not. Until you prove yourself a loyal and noble man." 
Daario "I accept that. You are her husband, I respect you." Ivar nods. "And for you Hvitserk?"
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Hvitserk "I just want the best for Y/n and her people. The thought of someone ruining it after everything she has done to try to save it, infuriates me. I try not to hate you, Naharis. But you are foreign to us. We know your past and your intentions but only the gods know what your true intentions are."
Daario "I can't prove myself any more than I already have. I saved her life-!"
"You did. And for that, I now trust you more than I did when I arrived." He smiles and nods. 
Daario "And I would do it again."
Hvitserk "As for my opinion on you, I think that you are genuine, but you are perverted." Daario shakes his head and chuckles.
Daario "Okay, fine. Call me whatever you'd like, anyone who knows Y/n can tell you the same thing that I told you here today. She is very beautiful-"
Ivar "She is indeed. But that does not allow you to act out on your fantasies."
Daario "I told you that I would not."
Ivar "Then we can move forward, yes!?" 
"Yes, my love..breakfast is ready. Come join me and Hvitserk!"
Ivar "I'd love too."
"Daario, you are welcome to join us at the table."
Daario "Thank you, my queen." You nod and take Ivar's hand as you walk out the door. Daario swallows deeply, trying to hide his fear as he sits down at the table filled with Viking warriors. 
The meal went well, no one went back and forth over today's discussion which pleased you. You finally feel lighter and that the matter at hand has been taken care of. Now, you can go home tomorrow with a clear state of mind. 
Ivar "You are looking forward to coming home to Kattegat?"
"Mmm, more than you can know."
Ivar "Really?" You nod, "But why? This palace is luxurious, spotless even. More than I can offer you at home."
"Have you forgotten that I ran away from this place and came to you for sanctuary?"
Ivar smiles, "No."
"Kattegat is my home. It has been for over a year since I came to you Ivar. We've been through a lot together haven't we?"
Ivar "A little too much."
You giggle, "But it all made us stronger my love. We made it through it all and here we are..I'm home and you're with me! My daughter will be born any day now and that day will bring us all so much joy!"
Ivar "Oh so joyus!"
"I love you Ivar. You are my home and tomorrow we will go home to Kattegat!"
Ivar "I love you, my sweetheart."
"And I you." Daario smiles as he overhears yours and Ivar's conversation, to which Uvar notices. Ivar notices everything. 
Ivar "What is it?"
Daario "Nothing, its just..you look good together. Odd. But good." You look at Ivar and he simply smiles.
You both, "Odd is perfect."
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hhgossip · 4 years
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if asking on anon make sure you note what character is sending the ask
add sent, unsent, drunk text, sober text
credits to this ask meme here
[text] Are you lost?
[text] NO! That was a typo
[text] Did you buy it?
[text] I think I’m a mermaid
[text] I know it’s 3am, but come over and cook for me.
[text] Too lazy to booty call, so have this text instead
[text] Need to bury a body, it’s urgent.
[text] Are you sure there’s no monsters?
[text] It was an accident.
[text] lol fuk da police
[text] send me a picture and i’ll be home quicker ;)
[text] Well maybe I broke my tongue!
[text] Please tell me you’re free today! I’ve got some big news today.
[text] Got a spare ticket, do you want to come?
[text] Do you have a spare mankini I can borrow?
[text] Is fancy dress allowed at the wedding?
[text] I was using my old baby blanket as a makeshift skirt because no pants
[text] We were banging then all I remember is coming down hard and smashing my top teeth off his forehead… I just rolled off and tapped out.
[text] Like alphabetically, I’d say a t?
[text] I’m sorry if throwing up in the back of your dad’s car ruined our friendship :(
[text] there is absolutely nothing wrong with two grown men staying up all night singing karaoke and drink out of juice cartons. don’t judge me.
[text] I found a door knob in my purse this morning, I hope whoever it belonged to doesn’t need it today.
[text] Do you know where I am?
[text] My wedding is in 5 hours and I have no idea where I am. Help!
[text] We played Rock Paper Scissors to see who would get a piggy back ride home. I’ve never been so broken.
[text] Is “head down ass up” an appropriate way to say good morning?
[text] That is definitely not healthy, in fact I’m not sure it’s legal to send that sort of picture?
[text] There isn’t enough cookie dough ice cream at home, so I’ll be heartbroken tomorrow instead.
[text] Not sure if I took a nap or went to another dimension
[text] No no don’t leave me, who’s going to walk me home
[text] She wheeled me home in a trolley and sad she loved me, I think I win.
[text] My dick just got serenaded.
[text] I ate the whole wheel of cheese. Help.
[text] I’ve been hiding under the bed for the past 20 minutes, and now they’re getting into it and it’s a little too late for me to jump out and surprise them. So expect a live sex updates
[text] The fridge is fully stocked. I’m either hallucinating or this is a miracle
[text] I need you to help me clean the house because I have visitors in less than an hour???
[text] Your brother is at the front door- WHAT DO I SAY?!
[text] It’s all fun and games till someone says you’re so pretty they could punch you and they, you know, punch you
[text] I’m in A&E but I don’t really know why
[text] Went to bed with a 10, just about woke up with a 2 and a half
[text] I think I’m officially a homewrecker because his wife just walked in screaming and he said it’s not what it looks like. I mean what else could it look like? I wasn’t trimming his hairs with my mouth?!
[text] My night ended with me crying in a gutter, I hate you.
[text] He’s decorated the toilet with his urine. I never want to see him ever again, tell him he has 2 minutes to get out of our house.
[text] Don’t talk to me! You tried to trade me for a glass of wine and a cigarette!
[text] I promise I’ll get everyone to jelly wrestle with us xox
[text] I am armed with a crown, a sash and a bouquet of flowers. Don’t test me.
[text] I think I got married last night?
[text] I think I got married on impulse last night… and after looking a second time, I don’t think i’ve made any mistakes.
[text] My mouth tastes like poor choices
[text] I didn’t let go of the mechanical bull, but they had to pull me off because… it was rough just the way I like it and I think that showed?
[text] If I say it was accidental you’ll just say I’m lying
[text] There is an alarming amount of glitter in my… everywhere
[text] You’re my hero
[text] You’re the worst thing to ever happen to me, thank you
[text] Have you ever had a good idea in your life?
[text] Are we going to end up in the hospital again?
[text] It’s not a good night if I don’t end up crying into your mother’s lap.
[text] Mark my words, your dad will be my sugar daddy, he’ll marry me and you’ll have to call me momma bear and I will interrupt your sex life with condoms and condiments.
[text] I’m may be allergic to nuts, but not his.
[text] She high fived me out of pity
[text] You walked in wearing nothing but a beekeeper mask
[text] You just walked in, rated their performance, dragged in three other people to clap for them, then walked back out.
[text] You kept calling me baby Jesus and trying to see what wise men had to say about my hair…
[text] I am a responsible adult. I tied up my hair before I puked
[text] I am a responsible adult, I brought home a lost kitten and let it shit in your room
[text] I accidentally talked myself into a threesome, when did I become so smooth?
[text] It may or may not have been your sister…
[text] It may or may not have been your brother…
[text] If you’re not coming over with food, don’t come over at all
[text] Call me and get me out of this conversation NOW. My co-worker is talking to me about her birds having sex again…
[text] Buy me a helicopter, I will give you the last slice of pizza. pls. this is important. okay maybe the crust?
[text] Let’s never forget the time I met you while you were running down the street naked and in handcuffs.
[text] I tried to put lipstick on my eyeballs, help.
[text] I told her my cum counts as protein shake and she sent a text to my gran saying I ate her cat.
[text] If you don’t fuck me hard, rough, and senseless the minute we’re alone in your room, I’m returning you to the boyfriend store
[text] I accidentally sexted your mum, I’m sorry xox
[text] There can only be one screw up per family and I was here first. Get your shit together bro
[text] I feel like you’re pretending I didn’t bail you out of jail last night for trying to staple a cushion to the top of their car so you had a “comfy place to sit”
[text] You climbed the fence and then started crying because you were scared of hamsters, I really don’t know what you took, but you need a babysitter.
[text]  I wish we could all take a bath together. Not in a “let’s fuck” way. But in a relaxing drunk in the tub sort of “let me wash your hair” way.
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heresathreebee · 4 years
Garrote part 9
[Starz Power Diego Jimenez x Jazmine Mann (Black!OC)]
Word count: 3k words
Warning(s): Explicit (+18) | sibling angst, mention of past drug use, roleplay sex!, UNPROTECTED sex (wrap your willy before you get silly), clothed sex, dirty talk, oh uh minor voyeurism. Previous Masterlist Next
AN: No beta, all mistakes are my own. Why is it so goddamn difficult to apply gifs to a post. I promise I’ll sort the masterlist tonight! Also tags will be moved to the bottom under the cut. Let me know if you’d like to be added
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Gif creator @padfootwantsatummyrub​ thank you!
Alicia agreed to meet him that same night, and he tried to be presentable, and though he couldn't hide the alcohol on his breath, he was miraculously clean. That was thanks to the girls, of course, he hadn't had a second to snort coke with all their attention and literal begging. His sister was out on a job– Healy had given them the name of the low level thug who stole Porsche. Kennedy belonged to Jason Micic's organization, but Alicia discovered the boy usually did his own jobs. Diego met her just a few miles from his place and watched her work. His presence seemed to make Jason's Right Hand man nervous. 
"Look miss," he had been calling her 'lady' sarcastically before he noticed Diego lurking around in the shadows, "I hear what you're saying and I promise we're gonna fix it. By this time tomorrow, nobody's ever gonna know that kid's name." 
"Good." Alicia took a drag from her cigarette and held out a hand. The man reached out to shake it, but she snatched his wrist and put the cherry out on his forearm. He screamed, lurching his arm out of her grasp and gaining a few claw marks in the process. "Make sure it never happens again, claro?" 
They left him cradling his arm and stalked over to the alleyway of a greasy midnight diner. Diego held the door open for her, instructing her guard with a look to wait outside (his guard did the same). Alicia picked a booth in the back and ordered whiskey and fries– the very mention of which made Diego's stomach growl. 
"What do you want, Diego?" Alicia was stoic, already a note of disappointment fell from her voice as if she expected something childish. 
He took a deep breath to collect himself. 
"I'm sorry, sister," he said. She raised an eyebrow, but he continued, "I've been reckless and stupid and I almost got us caught because of it. You said those fucking pigs wouldn't have had anything on us except for my gun, and I can't let that happen again. So until we cross the border… no more coke." 
Alicia was, understandably, surprised. "No more coke? You think you can handle that, Diego?" 
His eyes were hard as stone– determined. "For us? Yes." 
His sister relaxed into the red cushions of the booth. Her eyes searched his– for mockery, for tricks, for falsehoods– until her jaw tightened and some raw expression flashed that Diego didn't know how to read. 
"On our mother's grave," he vowed. The trust Alicia was giving him now could not be squandered. It filled him with determination and a desire to be redeemed in her head. On our mother's grave. 
She hugged him. After sitting in perfect, tense silence while he ate all the fries and took a sip of her whiskey, as they were walking back out the door, she hugged him. He felt like a kid again. He felt like he had when their mother had passed away. Those were the only times she had hugged her brother, and it left him feeling raw and exposed like a nerve ending. His head drifted as he drove home and he swiped a tear from his cheek. 
I can do this, he decided. For us. 
It was nearly dawn by the time he got back to the penthouse. The cityscape was always bright at night, but there were a few precious hours in the evening and the morning when enough lights went out that made the city feel truly peaceful. Diego slipped into bed, barely managing to kick off his shoes before falling asleep watching the flurries of driven snow fly past his window. 
Someone was jiggling the doorknob. Diego had just enough strength to turn his head and look at the clock to read the time was 5:40 AM. The door to his bedroom opened violently as someone fell in. He lifted his head groggily and recognized the pretty kitten heels hanging from the brown arm with a death grip on the door knob. Jazmine pulled herself up with great difficulty, swaying on her feet like a drunk and slowly maneuvering the door to close behind her. Her half lidded eyes landed on Diego and she smiled. 
"Hey." She sounded hoarse and slurred. "I didn't think you'd actually be here…" 
Diego groaned and rubbed the sleep from his eyes, trying to sit up just a bit. "You asked me to be here. What do you want?" 
Something like sickness flashed over her face but only for a second. Her brow smoothed with determination and she sauntered with purpose to the side of his bed. Jazmine pulled his hair lightly and elicited a grunt from him. 
"I saw Haagen last night," she sighed. "When I left, I got a cab and got drunk and… well, here I am." 
Diego had a hard time focusing on her words, what with the gentle petting of his hair causing distraction, but he understood the unspoken story hidden between the lines. He rested a hand on top of her thigh and felt her twitch under his touch but not away from it. 
"If you're not too tired…" Her soft hand slid down, down, down. Stroking over the side of his neck and the open collar of his shirt, caressing his chest and pressing into the plain of his stomach until it mirrored his own touch on her thigh. She even gave him a squeeze which caused him to twitch as she had. "I could use a nice massage." 
Diego felt himself smirk involuntarily. She had his blood pumping now and pushing out the grogginess of a near sleepless night. He squeezed her back in answer but made no move to sit up or do anything else. 
On Jazmine's part, she couldn't take her eyes off of the man. There was something about the calmness and the plain white shirt that made him seem altogether a different man. He didn't look like a drug lord right now– he looked like somebody's husband. Maybe even somebody's dad. She could put that thought to good use…
"You like roleplaying, Diego?" His eyes had drifted shut but one opened curiously. "I can start." 
"Every girl likes doctor and nurse," he mumbled almost to himself. 
Jazmine shook her head. "I've got something else in mind." 
She stood up and tossed her shoes to the side. Only as she was taking it off did Diego notice she was wearing a t-shirt over her dress (in his defense, they were the same color). What she wore beneath was modest, something she could pass off in a church, which was a far cry from the little number she had worn to the club. Jazmine started her story by removing his belt with an agonizingly slow pace. 
"You," she said, tapping the buckle, "are a 9 to 5 office jockey who loves his parents and makes a decent living wage." 
"So sexy," he drawled sarcastically. 
"And I–" she ripped the belt from the loops of his pants eagerly and in one motion, "– am your wife." 
Diego's voice dropped. "Keep going." 
"I take care of the kids and our three story suburban house." She unbuttoned his pants with one hand, struggling and constantly bumping into his junk just to drive him crazy. "And we're so busy with everything we haven't had time to ourselves since our second kid. But guess what?" 
The button finally popping forced air out of Diego's lung, and he pulled his pants down himself as he became impatient. Jazmine was intent on keeping control and straddled his hips with force. His hands found their way up her skirt with ease and he fingered the strap of her panties as he waited for the other shoe to drop. "It's their first day of kindergarten." 
Diego's lust addled brain took a second to catch up. It was harder to do with her warm core putting pressure on his hardening cock, but he managed, and when he did he cocked an eyebrow at her. "Are you saying we haven't had sex in five years?" 
Jazmine hummed. She ground down on his hips, and he couldn't help but buck into her, feeling rock hard and ready. The woman slipped into her role like she was born to it, donning a face of longing with just a pouting lip. 
"I've missed you so much, baby..." 
God, he could not wait to get naked– this would just have to do. Diego sat up until he was chest to chest with 'his wife' and slipped his hands into his boxers to free his cock from its confines. Jazmine wrapped her arms around his shoulders and held onto him for dear life as he pushed her panties to the side and slipped a finger in. 
"So wet, baby," he groaned, "estas listo?" 
American girls loved hearing his Spanish and Jazmine was no different judging by the way she shuddered. He had to do everything by feeling since she refused to let go of him. She slid onto his cock like she belonged there, and although it was truthfully the first time, it felt like the first in a long time. 
Jazmine gasped when he finally bottomed out. Without a condom, she could feel every single vein and ridge of his thick length wedged into her pussy, and just the slightest movement caused the greatest sensations. Diego's warm breath fanned over her chest and she wished she could reach the zipper on the back of the dress to offer her nipples to him. He was content, it seemed, to try and taste them from the outside, and she squeezed his cock as a reward. 
"Oh fuck me." 
It wasn't meant as a request but Diego obliged her nonetheless. He gripped the soft curves between her hips and her waist and used them to bounce her in his lap, not too fast and not too deep, limited by the position but also like he wanted to keep her close to him. His watering mouth soaked through her dress and her lacy bra and when he pulled away to attack the other it left the last cold. 
The sweet burn of Diego's ministrations allowed Haagen's to wash away like footprints on a sandy beach. All that mattered now was Diego, and the unexpectedly tender way he fucked her like she really was the mother of his children. It made her ache where it shouldn't have, deep in her chest, but she didn't fight it and soon the tightening coil in her core won over her attention. 
Diego moaned with his mouth still on her and Jazmine keened in response, wrapping her fingers in his hair and dragging his head up to look at her. His pupils were blown wide but the light from the window still illuminated the deep brown ring of his eyes in a way that was so hypnotic she couldn't look away. 
His lip curled (of course) and the unhinged mischief of his former self shone through. "Want another..." 
She couldn't tell if it was a question for her or a statement from him. He kept her bouncing on his cock as his eyes drifted down to her mouth and back up again. Every time she came down it was harder and deeper than before as she let her whole weight crash into him. "Put another baby in you, huh, muñeca? Make it three…" 
That should not have been as hot as it was. Jazmine whined involuntarily and put both of her hands on his chest to push him onto his back, stalling their impeccable rhythm for a second as she basked in how deep his dick really went. 
He could do it. For real– his cock was naked in her pussy and he had the length to do it better than most. Oh fuck, it's curved, she thought, wishing she was fucking him the other way around. Can't stop now. Can't wait. 
Jazmine began to ride Diego and listened to all the filthy things that fell from his lips. No wonder I married you. 
"Yeah, querida? You like this dick? Want me to cum inside and paint a pretty picture?" 
"Yesss," she hissed. "Oh god. Fuck…" 
"That's it, mama, keep fucking yourself. Don't need my help, do you? Got it all figured out. Put a baby in you and watch you grow again…" 
Jazmine gasped, she was so close, hanging right on the edge. "Fuck, daddy…" 
She didn't even know she'd said the magic word, but the pair came together, and hard. Diego's grip on her waist was bruising and merciless, he filled her up with all he had and then some, and just to make it extraordinary, he made her hips grind into him for good measure. Jazmine's mouth dropped low and saliva dribbled out and dripped into his shirt, her hands tearing a button off as her pussy clenched down on his pulsating cock for a true flood. She was seeing stars when the torrent of endorphins finally drew back, and she collapsed onto his chest, boneless and gasping for air. 
When their breathing had finally slowed down, Jazmine moved just enough of her weight to make them both comfortable without adding distance– for her sake as much as his. There was sweat cooling in the small of her back, Diego’s chest rose and fell beneath her head, and the memory of Haagen faded away like static on a television set. 
“So,” Diego hummed, “I take it that was a bit of a fantasy of yours, eh?” 
Jazmine’s brow furrowed. “What do you mean? Three kids, a house, and a spouse?” She thought about it for a moment and shrugged, “doesn’t everyone, in their own way?” 
“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” 
"I will admit it was probably most definitely brought on by this," she plucked at his white shirt, smirking with pride at the missing button and pocketing it in her drenched bra. "You look like… well I don't know exactly but this shirt screams normal and I figured you couldn't possibly own something like that." 
Diego hummed but offered no explanation for the unusual attire. He could probably go incognito through a crowd and never be seen with that thing. Now uncomfortable, Jazmine sat up and flung off her dress, admiring the red handprints on her sides. She lay back down into his embrace and chuckled. 
She started drawing circles on his chest with a finger. “I wasn’t sure you could get off without, you know, an audience.” 
Diego shrugged his shoulders (jostling her head in the process) and she could hear the smile in his voice when he said, “of course I can come without an audience. It’s a preference, not a medical condition.” 
“Oh right, sure. Sure.” The warm hand on her back began to slide, tracing up her sides and just short of cupping her face, she felt his fingers graze her earlobe. A groan of irritation ripped through her throat. “I guess you did get an audience after all.” 
“What’s that supposed to mean exactly?” 
Jazmine took her sweet time answering him as she rolled up and over top of him to get to the other side of the bed and to touch the room light remote on the nightstand. Now brighter in the slick black design of Diego’s bedroom, she leaned over him on her elbow and pointed. 
Directly at her fake hearing aid. 
Diego stared for a moment before his cheeks puffed and he blew a raspberry trying to hold his laugh. It exploded from his chest like a bark and his entire body curled into it, which in turn warmed Jazmine to join in. For as cool and unbothered as Agent Healy portrayed himself, there was no way he could have been able to ignore the sounds on the other end of the listening device by the sheer volume of the activities on the receiver. 
Ever the exhibitionist, Jazmine was not surprised to find Diego’s hand pressing into the back of her neck to draw her closer. She rolled her eyes when he leaned forward to speak directly into the microphone, “like what you heard, Healy?” 
The answer came in an instant. Just as Jazmine was debating whether to settle back into the bed or to get up, Diego’s phone rang. The man was having far too much fun as he pushed her under him and reached for the nightstand even though she was closer. His knee fell between her sensitive thighs as he checked the screen. Despite everything, he still looks at her with disbelief as Healy’s contact glares back at him. 
Healy’s voice sounded somehow right coming from a speaker. It matched the sometimes robotic way he delivered them lines about his purpose or his plan. “Yes, Mr. Jimenez, I am always on the edge of my seat when you make a pass at my informant.” 
The expression only flashes for a second across his face, but for a moment Diego looked as uncomfortable as Jazmine felt. It was strange, knowing the name and the face of the person who was surveilling you. Knowing they hear everything all of the time and forgetting, only to remember and wonder if you’ve done something to warrant the shame and embarrassment that floods through you upon recollection. Jazmine was more often than not completely unaware of the thing until it beeped its death notes. She would have to remember to set a schedule for charging it every night, as Healy had suggested before. 
“It’s fascinating the things people get up to when they think they’re alone,” Healy continued, “but if it is any consolation to you, Miss. Mann, I am accustomed to turning a blind eye– or ear, I suppose– to your nonessential activities.” 
Well at least that was something. Diego hung up (or Healy did, she wasn’t paying attention), then turned to look her in the eye with a mischievous glint. 
“Jazz Mann.” 
“Shut the– I’m going to fucking strangle you.”
Alrighty, I think this was pretty successful! But know that it’s all downhill from here (OK, mostly downhill from here). 
@1zashreena1​ @kid-from-new-zealand​ @nicke0115​ @girlpornparadise​ @mental-bycatch​ 
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starshineandbooks · 4 years
It’s not much, but it’s a start - Chapter one
summary- The third instalattion in many more of the Sanders sides soulmate AU I have made, This is my house in projectingville,I invite you all over.Virgil has a bad discussion with his just made ex, and his siblings get him out, Logan taking his triplet to a flower shop their sister said to go to.It ends much better than it starts!
Pairings- Romantic Moxiety, Mentioned Logince and Demus
Warnings - implied/refrenced abuse (It’s not there much but it’s there a little), Screaming, think that’s it
Virgil has had more than enough, eyes wide as his beloved boyfriend- ex his mind supplies, screams at him.
“You’re crazy! Why would I stay with you?! You make everything harder, and you stifle me! You aren’t even my soulmate! I wasted years on you!” Micheal growls.
“Are you raising your voice to my brother?” A woman asks, stepping between Virgil and Micheal, the former barely recognizing her before Logan is gently leading Virgil away from the situation.
“Excuse you? Which freak are-”
“Shut your mouth now, sugar, wouldn’t  want you to lose any more knowledge with that flappin’ hole of yours.”
“Why you little-”
Virgil is out of earshot, and Logan is guiding him into a car, Logan’s car maybe? No, Roman’s then. 
“It’s fine.”
“No, it isn’t. What happened?”
“I- I don’t know.”
“Okay. Okay, come on, We’ll take you to a safe place, come on.”
“Bia’s always praising this place, come on now.”
Virgil stays quiet while Logan starts the car, leaving the parking lot of the restaurant quickly, long-distance might have been a mistake. But he’s here now. Oh who’s he kidding, he deserved this-
Virgil is suddenly walking into the door of a shop, the setting looks familiar, but where is he?
“I’m sorry kiddos, but we’re closed.” A voice calls from somewhere.
“I’m sorry, my sister Bia said if something happened tonight-”
“Hold up, Bia?” A laugh and a small man with wild curls appear from behind a floral display, “Why didn’t you say so? Oh, She’s so sweet, she’s all the time drawing me pretty flowers!”
“She’s what?”
“Yeah, she stacked courses, graduated, changed courses, she’s the lady who runs that tattoo parlor down the street, isn’t she? Bia Storm-Blacke?”
Logan nods, “Yes, you must be Patton then?”
“You look just like her. Or she looks just like- Sorry. Oh- honey,” Patton says gently and Virgil chokes a little, it’s too similar to his sister and mom, comforting and gentle, soothing like aloe on a burn, “Are you okay?”
Virgil, shaking and realizing he’s crying, shakes his head, no use lying. He’s always hated it anyway.
“Oh- C’mere,- Can I hug you?”
Virgil suspects that this Patton gives very nice hugs, and if his sister really did say to come here Patton can’t mean harm.
So, Virgil nods slowly, holding his arms out slightly, only to be pulled into a tight, oddly comforting hug despite not really knowing Patton.
Logan watches, hands clapped just so, barely fiddling with Roman’s class ring that’s a little too big but sits on Logan’s thumb.
Virgil’s skin tingles where Patton touches him through his clothes, and he jerks away as soon as it registers, eyes wide. 
He did not just lose Micheal to find his soulmate, that can’t be. Virgil loved Micheal, maybe Micheal yelled a lot, and maybe it was a work in progress, And maybe Virgil had or hadn’t deserved it, but he loved Micheal. With everything he’d had. Right?
Except, his mom hadn’t deserved his biological dad. Virgil has some thinking to do, but he can’t have met his soulmate so suddenly.
Patton stares wide-eyed at his arms, the tips of his fingers halfway up his upper arms is splattered like ink stains with purple and sky blue and a gentle gold with bright silver. A mess of colors and Virgil can’t help but know that it’s the right balance of each, can’t help the slight buzz in his mind at the mark claiming this undeniably pretty flower shop worker as his soulmate.
“Oh my goodness,” Patton breathes softly, eyes seeming to well with tears, or maybe that’s Virgil again.
“Fuck me,” Virgil grits, wrapping his arms around himself.
“Oh- I’m sorry,” Patton whispers. 
“What- it’s not your fault you dense bitch.” Virgil rolls his eyes, but flinches at the crumpling of Patton’s face, the face of a stranger that he is supposedly made for.
“I uh- I’d like to get to know you more if you want. But- I can’t offer you a relationship right now... But, I’d like friends, more later if we want it, but I think- friends maybe?”
Logan has his head tilted, one hand on Virgil’s shoulder.
Virgil swallows, at least Patton doesn't seem to want a romantic relationship right now, that’s nice. “I- uh- I’m in town for a bit, visitn’ my sister, wanna grab coffee tomorrow?”
“I know a nice place, it’s just down the road, the owner’s a little- silly, but it’s a good place,” Patton says gently.
“I’d like that,” Virgil says softly.
“I’m glad. Uh- I can open shop later, how eight-thirty tomorrow morning work for you? You can totally bring someone else too! I know- I’ve been told I can be a lot. And-”
“I might bring one of my siblings.” Virgil says then, “But- If Bia trusts you, you’re probably not horrible. Probably.”
“Uhm- You Okay Patton?”
“Oh- yeah! I’m okay.”
“Okay,” Virgil says, not believing it, but not pushing. He doesn't have that right yet anyhow.
“Well, congratulations to you two.” Logan says simply, “I wish you both luck.”
“I- thank you?” Patton blinks, looking to Logan as if surprised Logan is there at all.
“You are welcome. Now, I’ve been told if I come, to ask you for roses, lavender, and chamomile?”
“Oh, Bia’s usual order, uh sure. And- It looks like you two have had a rough night, Pick out any dozen flowers you like, for each of you, the order and the dozen flower sets will be on the house tonight.”
“Oh- Thank you.”
“It’s nothing,” Patton says softly, “Now, get a wiggle on kiddo, if someone made you cry like that I imagine your sister will be here any minute to coddle you.”
Virgil laughs softly, “You know here pretty well huh?”
“Oh yeah, she talks about you guys a lot actually.”
“Says she misses you guys.” Patton shrugs, “And that you had decent music taste.”
Vigil laughs softly, a little shaky, but it makes Logan's lips quark, glad to see his triplet happy.
Patton hums, “You’re cuter than she said y’know?”
“What?” Virgil gapes, eyes wide.
“Bia, she tells everyone who’ll listen how cute you are, says you’re like a black kitten trying to scare others.” Patton’s voice is bubbly, and Virgil can’t help the indignant hitch his shoulders take.
“She what?!”
“She has a duo of friends that live up here with her, Jan’s backed her up, and Remus is usually- making food of some kind or other.” Patton shrugs, “I’m not really sure how they could be so vehement you’re adorable, and so under informing me of it too.”
Virgil scoffs, “I’m not cute!”
“You are, Virge,” Logan’s voice is seemingly cold, as usual, but Virgil recognizes the slight teasing lilt to it.
“I am not!”
“Yeah! What he said, probably!” A woman cheer as the door jingles happily, “Hey Patt, I see you’ve met my brothers?”
“Oh, hey B!” Patton calls, “I have, they’re very sweet.”
“Take it back,” Virgil hisses.
“Oh, they’re somethin’ alright,” Bia laughs, walking around the corner and Virgil sobers immediately.
“So, how are you today Patt?”
“Better than whoever got a hold of you three I’d imagine,” Patton goggles, “You want an Ice pack?”
“Nah, Remus and Jan can play patch up, I gotta get these two back to my place so they can sleep.”
Virgil stares at his sister, a bruising cheek and jaw, bloodied nose, a slight limp, another fight. This time with Micheal.
“He- did that?”
Bia turns, then shakes her head, “No, he yelled. His brother showed up and started fighting me because of some stupid, bigot reason or other. Now, you two are doing any better?”
“Oh, yes. Virgil found his soulmate!” Logan chirps, “Isn’t that great?”
Virgil glowers at the ground.
Bia looks between the brothers, then to a wilting Patton, “Lo, I don’t know. They’ve both had a really hard week, just- not every soulmate is romantic, lots are, some aren’t.”
Logan shrinks to himself slightly, “O-oh.”
“Hey, you didn’t do anythin’ wrong baby, come on, chin up or I’ll summon a Roman.”
Logan snorts, “Oh, yes.”
“She’ll do it,” Virgil says simply.
“I might get a duke, but it’s the thought that counts.” Bia nods sagely, turning to Patton, “And if you need me to go fight that- interestin’ lady I’ll do it. I’ll do it in a heartbeat.”
Patton shakes his head, “No, I’m okay. It just- I just need time.”
Bia nods, “Well, we should be gettin’ outta your hair, see you later Patty.”
“Bye hon.” Patton waves, watching as Bia leads her siblings out of the shop with gentle hands and biting remarks of taunting between triplets. 
Bia hums, “So, Patton huh?”
Virgil rolls his eyes, “Is apparently the soulmate that Micheal broke up with me over.”
“I’m sorry honey.”
“It’s-” Virgil sighs, “I don’t wanna talk about it, can we just go?”
“Sure, Ree and Jay will be thrilled to see you. You guys aren’t still fightin’ are ya?” Bia asks.
Virgil grumbles, “Noo… We don’t talk much but- we’re- we made up, we’re friends again.”
“That’s great, now, up the apartment stairs you go!”
“What- where do you- this is your place?!”
Bia nods, stopping in front of the doors to a brick apartment building, “Yep!”
“How? Isn’t it rough, it’s downtown?”
“Not as bad as you'd think, especially livin’ with Jan and Ree.” Bia shrugs.
“Oh god.” Virgil groans, getting into the elevator, “How are you still sane?”
“Bold of you to assume I ever was. Now, showers and to bed.” Bia says simply.
------- Next chapter
Okay, this is a little update/ author’s note feel free to skip!
I am writing the remile wedding fic
I’m editing the demus fic as well
Bia is a recurring character, if you want a fic focused on her, or any other ocs later, let me know, they like attention and keep trying to take over scenes.
I have sevral ideas, but Tumblr is a hell site and school is hitting full force, so I have less time to write.
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